Coffee Beanery | Sip & Share

Surviving Storms, Coffee Tastings, and Funny Mishaps | Coffee Beanery Sip & Share

Broadcast on:
04 Sep 2024
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good morning morning welcome to coffee beanery sip and share i'm lori i'm patty i'm britain and we are testing coffee today i think some rnd coffee so it's a surprise to us yeah i like surprising you guys and i like that i can get this done during our lives because you know that makes you do it when we rnd do it well so right now my coffee or my coffee my office is so full of coffee that people keep coming on and there's all these conflicting smells i'm like why it's so strong it smells so strong in here and i'm like yeah but there's one flavor we're going to try today that's so strong that i just had to get out of my office oh no but when i brewed it i'm like this smells amazing yeah this smells amazing yeah that's a great one we're and if we look a little tired today we just are if you're from michigan the storms last night we're crazy well it was the storm at dinner time that started the chaos oh yeah do you want to tell us what happened well you can just start with my whole day yesterday yeah because yeah on my we had a golf scramble for work and on my way there i got caught in this crazy storm couldn't see the lines on the road it started to yeah i had to put like my car and all-wheel drive and i'm just like hoping and praying kind of like we're still on the road so that was really fun that was luckily it was when i was 30 minutes you know when i got out of this one yeah and then on our way home um and it was beautiful it was beautiful all day yeah we get in the car from and you guys won oh yeah we did we won yeah um we all played really well but that's a huge incentive but we bought the cheap pack um whichever team could buy but i think we used it really strategically what do you mean the cheap pack like um everybody gets a mulligan which actually those weren't that helpful okay um everybody got a grenade which is like you can pick the ball then throw it oh and then we had a 10 foot string oh okay and and we use the string on our father's day one so we're very strategic about the string yeah and we use grenades too but i mean the rules are kind of clear as mud so we tried to verify with somebody beforehand so we hope we did it right but it was kind of hard to figure out because we didn't take a stroke for a grenade okay but it's like what would be the point of it if you had to take a stroke for it you know right so i don't know yeah because you could hit it more than you could throw it yeah and if you guys are from michigan we played the dream which is just like a fabulous golf course because it's the dream and the nightmare right yeah we played a couple years ago i played the nightmare at the same tournament um it's not actually a nightmare they're both great courses i wonder why they call it that i mean it's just like the dream of the nightmare i don't i didn't really know just to make it yeah fun yeah yeah it is it's just fun though yeah fun but i if i ran the courses i would theme them a lot more like their club houses are a shack um it's called a shack no it's literally a shack like a barely bigger than like a mobile home trailer oh wow which for i think it's 165 dollars around for a very expensive golf course yeah if i were them on the dream side i would build a spot in a hotel and then the boys could go play golf while the women go to the spa and make a whole weekend of it because they are really hard courses i mean to play both of them one day would just be absolutely clear like that's the only thing i want to do it a golf course is the spa yeah and most yeah well then i don't want to go before the guys went golfing then the girls went to the spa and there's not there's not like a lot around so i mean if they had a hotel made it a whole experience and then like the nightmare i would be maybe like spookiest or have cool flags or tea markers or something yeah something yeah and it's BYOB oh really yeah why don't you have like a cart girl already they do have well they have a cart it came around a couple times but also because we were in a scramble they had stuff set up okay um it just wild to me that the course is so beautiful and they could capitalize on that and so expensive and then that is crazy yeah okay so on the way so on my way home i'm maybe 10 15 minutes onto the highway this is an hour and 40 minute drive and i get a tornado warning start coming through on my phone and i'm looking at the clouds and like yeah that tracks and uh so i call brands and my brother who's like two miles three miles behind me and i'm like hey there's a tornado warning just keep your eyes peeled and he's like yeah pretty sure i see it and so the wind's just going crazy i'm speeding up at this point i'm going almost 90 because i'm like i can see the end of this if i can just get in front of this you cannot run a tornado i'm just saying the people that slow down oh people don't do it people are pulling on the side of the road you cannot run a tornado i'm like okay you can see this weather coming and we can see the edge of the thing yeah just keep in front of us if i can get in front of this do you see the new twister movie no i didn't but a boy is good looking it was pretty it was pretty scary the wind was crazy i eventually after like 40 minutes probably 40 minutes a mat i got in front of the whole like storm line that was coming yeah i stayed in front of the whole storm line until i got home i got my house 10 minutes later the storms ripped and you called me and i'm like the sky was so nice and you're like no it's coming it just i was i'm like no this is serious like we i drove through this already it's not a joke and i called my husband on the golf course and i'm like hey are you guys golf he's like yeah we're on the golf course oh it just got really windy trees are falling down yeah i just get off the golf course yeah i was like over 70 mile an hour wind so i get in my house within 10 minutes the winds come in the power goes out it's you know it's storming it's crazy and then it kind of finally like lightens up and so we're trying to get the generator started you know starter fluid whatever so you cut your finger i hear it all about i did i caught my finger trying to get batteries in a flashlight i got so much oh my gosh gave me so much details it was just crazy but there was these like lines down across our driveway and we assumed a tree fell on a black line and there was these silver lines wrapped around it and i thought they were to hold the black line up um no they were the power lines so jason and i actually both drove under them twice leaving and coming back after i drove through the second time maybe 20 minutes later um it started sparking and shooting fire all over our woods and then our woods were like flaming that's terrifying yeah so i called the fire department and consumer's energy and your mom and my mom come get the kids and the dogs well yeah because we couldn't get out of the driveway anymore and i'm like i can't tell if this is spreading because we couldn't get close enough to see like all we could see was flames and smoke and like the it you know it's kind of crazy so we ended up walking through our neighbors woods and getting the kids to you you took the kids to the night for the night thank goodness because i'm like if the fire does come in at least i won't have to have them get out like yeah you know um and i knew but from the kids perspective it was so interesting because they were like they're in bad yeah they were in bed yeah they were in bed get your hands on get pants on we got to go and Stella's like i was so scared and i couldn't find my snorphy and my oh my gosh so but i yeah house is like i was really brave she was full of things out yeah i was like Stella dales you guys gotta get up i need you to get pants and shoes on i'm because we didn't know what's going on yeah really but i'm like we just need to be prepared to get out of the house um and we had a lot of fire safety talks like if it were really a fire in your house you wouldn't grab your baby like yeah it's unless she's right in your arms we had a very detailed about this yes and then dales was good he's like oh and if it's you've got to get on the floor if it's high up and i'm like don't hide why well then i know like i imagine it traveling like down our power line and blowing the transformer which is right next to our house or something crazy so i'm like i just wanted them ready yeah and out um made sense and then they sent this guy and they're like mimi you went so fast to get us yeah you were if you're far away but they didn't know it's like halfway already because i mean they're like you must have gone so fast because you love us so much and you're like yes i guess that's exactly i went through a fire and a tornado for you yeah so then we can only see the fire from our house and our driveways a tenth of a mile it's pretty long and it's all wooded and so i had to walk through the woods through my neighbor's yard to try to get to the front to see how big the fire was because we couldn't tell we couldn't get close enough even from the front i couldn't get close enough because the white i just wasn't sure what it was gonna do they sent a guy to babysit it because the fire department was so busy that his job was literally to park in front of our driveway and babysit the wire and make sure it didn't make sure it didn't spread in the woods more until the firefighter got there and the fire truck was only there for 15 minutes they everything was so wet that they're like this is gonna stay here it's not gonna spread and then that other little truck he stayed until like 11 p.m. watching it and then it was just smoldering at that point they didn't even get the hose out no no they're like it's not gonna spread they had so many other emergencies and power lines doing this that that's kind of so that's a little i got my house in my bed and it's really bad last night and then um all of a sudden i don't know at one o'clock or whatever so all they snore so i put my little ear plugs in and then all sudden i didn't tell us like his head went over the side and then he flipped over backed over the lamp he's like laying on the ground half asleep i'm like hey you're okay useless they put him back in bed and then i thought i i hope he's okay so then i have to get up i'm like hey are you really okay he's just staring like like yeah i'm just like yeah did you have a head in her okay i should have told you not like his bed like basically on the floor he falls out about it all the time even we stayed out at Airbnb and i had to put pillows so i did i put pillows all there um but i see like a like a movement sleeper well and then they were fighting over yeah he was he's a crazy sleeper and then alla was truss i had to get rid of her but um and then they were fighting over pillows because i had three pillows and then he was on the edge of her pillow and she didn't like it and yeah and then they're like it's a time to get up i'm like no no like it's like no go back to stay get up so early and then i'm like you guys can go watch tv yeah their line is off at six twenty yeah they got up at six thirty yeah well they got up several times but because at three eleven we had to have a very lengthy conversation about three a.m. yes because there was more lightning there's a key lightning but it wasn't there's no such thing as lightning it wasn't boomy so but then they were scared and but then that storm did come through that was really loud so at least by us i don't know i like my calming my calming my calming sleep through the night so i thought yeah we were we were dealing with all the stuff until six ten this morning that's wild that's crazy yeah well i'm glad that your house did but now we have power and now they're like oh we get to come back to your house tomorrow that's funny we'll see so did they come in if it's your power line yeah they had to yeah i mean they did it like through the night yeah wow i they got there well like right before this huge storm started so i'm not sure if they work through storms i wondered about that too with all that lightning i'm like i don't know how you can yeah and one of the lightning strikes hit something pretty close to us you know when it's like really loud you're like oh that hit something yeah so i'm not sure yeah i think they may have stopped during the really bad part and then once it calmed down but it was lightning like all night yeah we have one tree that's definitely gonna fall but we luckily last week we just got five trees of our neighbors cut down because they literally we're gonna have one tree already saw one hit our house another one didn't hit the house but this big huge one and it would have gone right in my closet which i would not have been worried about right thanks that we're happy too though it was just when it is now it yeah i think it would have fallen during the storm yeah it was really windy i just grabbed our dog Ella and ran down to the bottom of the stairs and she was actually so much happier like being in the basement yeah it's cool down there too well it's quieter yeah i just think she couldn't feel you know she just felt safe once i was holding her yeah so what are we trying oh okay well we can get those going if you guys want so these are flavors that may or may not make it into a future copy of the box am i gonna need a waste basket uh no these ones should be pretty tamed okay these should be pretty tamed because i will spit it out we are now because you know i always have so much coffee left over after we taste them that uh now we have a partnership with a local food bank and i did promise them i wasn't gonna send them any weird flavors like tickle and they said thank you so much okay well we talked about sending it to people online too yeah yeah and so okay this one actually this one's for devra um devra has been asking us to do a toasty marshmallow flavor i guess i should have let you try it first that to see it tracks okay but this is so good so we have a chocolate marshmallow flavor as you guys know right so you know think s'mores but she want to just toast and marshmallow nothing else that is so weird how you get that it is like and it's like the perfect not to burn but a little brown it's almost like it's got that nice front and then it's got the really marshmallow like you know when you get to the gooey center at the end oh that is really good now we have had you said this was devra yeah devra devra has been messaging me asking for this flavor i promised her i was going to get a sample of it you should probably send her a sample yeah i will i'll send you some devra um but yeah so she's been saying no get this get this i'm like okay okay we'll try it yeah it is crazy how different it is then the the chocolate marshmallow or the small ice or anything yeah but i kind of do want to like follow it with a graham cracker this would be delicious in a drink in our store with like a graham cracker yeah the chocolate like dipped in well remember i was trying to do a marshmallow flavor not that long ago yeah but the marshmallow um especially if you use espresso it really like combats each other and the the marshmallow doesn't really come through it kind of came through more than a hundred dollars if we did this more like a cafe caramel with chocolate though and cream yes and then you want to have the weird and then you could do with cream with just graham cracker sprinkled on top yeah so i didn't do it with caramel when i did it the first time i did it with chocolate i thought i would do chocolate well i did um but the chocolate because we use that rich gear deli chocolate but this brewed i not with this one but with the our other one so i'll try it with this yeah i'll do it like a cafe yeah and me and you're not going to need a lot of chocolate i don't think you almost might be able to talk about it like you did it yeah i think i used um the monan chocolate fudge syrup when i did it the first time oh and then i also had some monan sauce that i used so i tried it both ways and to me it just like wasn't enough marshmallow flavor so maybe this one will do the trick you know yeah super good i like that i like that yes well no no i have never said she's so glad we like it yes yes so yeah this might might find this way into a future box Deborah you never know i was interested though when you said toast to marshall mellow how you would get the toasted part of it but you totally can it's like the caramelized kumbra leg breast almost or how it would be um enough flavor yeah i don't want any more yeah it is it's very good yeah it's milder but it's good it's there you know so you never know what you're gonna get when you start trying things i know when Deborah asked me about it i was like well we have a chocolate marshmallow but hey you know what this flavor is available let's try it and see how it's different sometimes the flavors are so similar that they just don't right track but that one's pretty good i like it yeah okay that is so that's the right three votes for yes and if you haven't already our birthday sale is wrapping up oh right 25% until the end of august yeah our birthday's almost over it's almost over um it's been a busy month though and there is still some scratch cards so as long as you order probably within the next day or so you should still get a scratch card for September yeah two people know we're putting the foodie stuff in um well those are almost gone they're also yeah we had just had some birthday freebies that we had made up for the mugs and we didn't go through them all so some people got some bonuses in their orders nice nice this week okay this one i won't tell you what the flavor is before a hand it smells familiar but i can't yeah you know what it kind of smells like is those like chocolate nesco's or something nesco like uh no it's a little like nesco wafers oh or the neffa yes are they neko i call them neko neko i don't know if that's the right way to say or no yeah that might be right you're right they do smell like that i only know that because they've had them yesterday i love those like the strawberry the pink the yellow and the brown ones they're like that that like two but all those like different wafers they're like this big oh they've got like a white powder on them i don't know if i've had that did you try it yeah i did try it i'm trying to figure out what that other taste is like i get the primary taste but what's the backup taste i don't know how i feel about that it's very nutty or something you should love it laurie because it is like you're one of your favorite donuts a Boston cream exactly that's not what i got i get cream on the end of it for sure i feel like i get a lot of nut i get um it does taste nutty i will give you that for sure when it tastes a little bit plasticky mmm that's why we why it smells like those little wafers yeah that's right because i was thinking some are something artificially with that and i don't know those waffle tastes that yeah not waffle but like the crackers these those are the first oh yeah i don't know if i ever had those really i'd never had i think they're not like sweet variation fashion yeah like you know candies that come right but it doesn't taste like that just smells like that yeah you can kind of only like find them in a specialty place i get too much nut in this would be awesome there's definitely like a nut taste to it but what would it be and there's almost a cherry taste in it i don't get that but i mean if you were going like almond amaretto maybe you can taste that yeah no feel if you leave it on your tongue a minute and then do it and it is almost that almond it's i think of cherry but i don't know it's not my favorite flavor yeah but i don't know it's almost has like a hazel nutty or something yeah when i smell that i thought toasted almond do they put nuts on those donuts not usually i don't i didn't think so they don't usually it is really interesting like how different flavoring companies interpret flavors too yeah when you taste it and you're just like how is that cinnamon bun you got yesterday did you eat it oh yeah i forgot to share it with you i actually just yeah we went to we went to the farmers market yesterday yeah and i got a caramel pecan cinnamon bun i just that made me think about it but the middle was like doughy it wasn't like so the outside was good but the inside was like you know like not done all the way but it was good yeah so like i've been doing this i quite somehow i'm in a cinnamon roll group on facebook and i've been making different cinnamon rolls i know um look inside it's not the chestnut is it no it's not the chestnut that maybe we'll try next time but uh yeah it was good no a chestnut taste like did well that's why um i got the flavor because it's so and i'll tell you what it doesn't smell like anything i've ever smelled and it smells good to me like we should order some chestnuts yeah so that we can try a chestnut because we tried the other thing what was marzipan marzipan yeah we've never had marzipan i had it when i was an Italy or explainer i was surprised because we were like okay what does marzipan taste like does it taste like amaretto or does it taste like toast it all in it and it tastes all the same no matter what it looks yeah which yeah that didn't make me happy filled filled with food dye no less i'd like them to be different yeah yeah i was gonna die okay i don't know i wasn't i wasn't like picked that i wouldn't choose that yeah yeah and you're right i had too much nut in it and i felt like it tastes i hate anything that tastes plasticky yeah i agree sure play doughy yeah oh oh it's not bad i haven't tasted it yet you can my nose is off oh i smelled it mm-hmm and it smells like stuffy i like what i give them something and they taste it or smell and go ooh it sounds like time or something i think it's really hard to smell that's for some reason this was the flavor that's in my office that is so strong actually logan really likes the smell of this one i add tarragon what the heck is it some kind of spice i like it it almost well it just take i feel like it's almost like a chai taste no but i like it no it is what is this taste i know this taste this is pure peppermint this is no mixed with anything else it's no can i get a bad chocolate or anything it is just pure mint so in my office it is crazy strong when i ground this morning more than mine it you're smells like peppermint more here do you want to try let me give you a new one try this one no it's okay we're actually just drink it out of here let's see what you think this is your chaser it hers is definitely more pepperminty i wonder if the cream was like sitting right on that part because that's where do the first one could be yeah could be i like it yeah i actually really like it yeah so i always thought because we do a chocolate mint right yeah oh you can't do mint without chocolate right it's actually delicious yeah i like it i mean if you like pepperminty or something it reminds me of those um like little pepper mint candies that like melt in your mouth the melt beans or whatever yeah and honestly it's interesting because it kind of is like like you just sucked on a mint right yeah but it's also with coffee yeah like you can even feel like they're refreshing almost mint in your mouth after yeah just pure peppermint i think i like it andies mint if it tastes like the andies mint that's what our chocolate peppermint is yeah i am not a fan of that at all i like it i like it too yeah yeah it's a no for lorry it's a no for lorry good but i would never drink like a peppermint tea i don't like peppermint gum i don't think no you always got a spearmint and the whatever the blue one is that like the blue oil it's supposed to help right like headaches and you know like um yeah i'm sure it's very good for you because it tastes like medicine oh it says peppermint is the oh the goat is it a goat yeah the animal is very tiny in the kind of i know i couldn't i thought he just like daring this is that's funny it's a for they get in the horse for sure peppermint that's funny okay um i liked it um yeah diversa she would like that one yeah yeah okay odd man out now it's fine i i do not with not perfect i have so much more flavoring in my office to try to i can only get three burrowed in time for today though did you guys try pickle we did try pickle we did it on a week you weren't here um you didn't like it Logan was with us and we were dying to get it out of our mouth it was bad you would have hated it it was like a salt and vinegar chip but like but i don't like those yeah i love salt and vinegar chips yeah it was but i love pickles but it did a weird thing to your tongue it like dried your tongue out and i've never had that happen with a coffee flavor before it was bizarre but it was wrong i tried pickles last night oh i love fried pickles they were really good i do have you ever heard of the Linden Brewery it's just opened oh it's like a month ago they don't have artwork on the walls so that makes sense that location has been at least 14 things in the last four years was that the coney no that's on the corner okay and nothing lasts it trivia last night i don't know they were laughing yeah i'm hoping something lasts there yeah you know there's just not a lot of parking yeah anywhere yeah when you don't have a good parking that's bad it wasn't bad yeah but sometimes it is it can be really hard to get back there too i don't know i i hope that they do well there was a sandwich shop that went in there for a while and they had fabulous sandwiches but their hours were so weird i didn't know yeah i didn't even know that it was there obvious i mean businesses have like weird hours or they don't market like i'm just not sure like you can't just open your doors and people just well even that coney on the corner they open at nine and they're open to like noon or something oh yeah how's that gonna work yeah well does the speak easy in town it was the we had the cutest speak easy it was like a little taco shop there no that burnt down i thought somebody just posted on facebook that they went there no maybe zolo but it wasn't called solo so there's a taco and then there's a Pringle thing no it's been closed for over a year so they just submitted plans instead of that little tiny building they're putting a whole multi-use building up there interesting i thought just the taco place burned down in front i don't know it's the whole place is gone okay but it was cute there was a Pringle machine and you pushed the Pringle machine and it opened up and it was like really good like cheese and wine and it was a really cute little it was like charcuterie it was a wine bar like charcuterie basically yeah they had good food though i know we got the caker chicken or something there they have like five different like things on their menu there wasn't very many tables yeah and then the taco shop in the front didn't seem like it was that busy no very often it was good though the tacos were good and then we figured out you could get the taco in the speak easy yeah they would deliver those two which everyone knows it's a peppermint and the marshmallow would be good together oh well let's start that everyone let's see i drank all my marshmallows but that's okay peppermint i tried the marshmallow and the Boston cream together that makes it better makes it creamier peppermint marshmallows not too bad anybody want to try that i'll try it i probably toned it down now it tastes like those white the other mints those pepper the fluffy ones that's what i that's what i think are like butter mints or butter mints or something yeah i love those ones i love the butter mints i would love something to taste like a butter mint you can buy those in a giant thing at gfs they're so good really yeah like it's like a five pound it's like a candy that your grandma had when you were little that you didn't like and then awesome and you're grown up you're like i like that like butterscotch candies and my grandma has those like pink round ones that kind of look like the pepto bismar tabs but they were like winter green or something i don't know okay the flavor was but when i was and she'd have like you know those crystal candy dishes and you're awesome like when i was just painting candy when you didn't know what it was so you opened it yeah i don't know some had like fruity things in the summer yeah like your jelly thing yeah i kind of like for like the strawberry ones with the green top that you had to onto us and they had like a center in them i like i like that texture when it's like grandpa used to have his werthers all the time yeah my grandpa used to have like the hard butter scotch yum and i have a sputterscotch jar um that they keep them in so i've got a sputterscotch jar when they asked i'm like no i'd like the butterscotch jar and they're like no it's broken it's like glued the lids glued back on i'm like no that's perfect i don't care i would like the butterscotch. When my dad turned us 79 earlier this year my we were at all these shopping and we found a pinata and my husband says we've got to get that for your dad for his birthday because my dad is just a kid like he is he's a big kid and so we filled it with like werthers and stuff like that and yeah he i couldn't believe it he knocked that thing open and one smack like wow beat it open and he loved it though i was like all right yeah it was like we could get him a birthday present too i said nope that's perfect this is what my dad likes i feel like we could do a pinata a pinata would be fun and yada's are fun and they were only five bucks at all when they had them so really yeah the problem is like with the grown-ups especially it is it's one good swing and it's down yeah i think like when ladies might take a minute well to be fair the little like stick that it came with i think he's spun him around five times first yeah the little stick it came with was like pretty lame and we gave him a bat called the brooklyn um smasher bacher smasher oh well yeah which was given to me um from michelle who used to work here and because my son plays baseball she's like hey do you want this bat i look it up and it's literally made for b&e like breaking and entering like like you if you watch the youtube videos and i don't know if the youtube videos are even out there i don't know if they still make this product they're literally just like breaking windows and like driving over their car to show that like it's indestructible i'm like so what purpose does this bat have is it because i can't use that for baseball well it wouldn't be so like with baseball you have to have like certain bats are allowed right and they're always like outlawing like oh you can't use this bat anymore yeah so yeah you you definitely can't use it for any design for that for any organized league you certainly couldn't use it if you wanted to go in rob your local liquor store absolutely the brooklyn bacher is the way you that's crazy well that's scary because if you hit someone with that that's so my horrible my 13 year old was swinging around the house i'm like dude seriously like stop that thing if it hits something it makes contact it is getting broken like it is a solid heavy bat where your head is getting broken yeah i think she gave us like two of them too so the lane keeps one in the front room with him when he's home by himself i'm like he would in a nice neighborhood son but okay he would never know he's my son you watch a lot of date line is all i'm gonna say never know yeah when you'll need a brooklyn bacher i guess i know somebody who keeps a kettle ball in their office because they're not allowed to have weapons i was seriously but they keep a kettle ball just in case i mean that's one good way to but i would not have someone out for sure yeah it's true or we talked about bob last week right and how you come in your office and be like are you ready you know if like somebody comes in and touches you we never did that to you but but maybe if i had a kettle ball bob might not be rude because i thought we would have a kettle ball smash yeah oh my gosh yeah i'm not the kind of person who had a kettle ball in my office it would be good you shouldn't have no let's be honest brooklyn bacher they let me out for you to car you're a little parking not for me oh i don't do it oh no hey did you see though like i think they're the new hummers um that they are they have crab walks and it will parallel it like just like the the tires turn this way and just move your cart and park your car yeah so there was a car yeah back i don't know it was like in the six seats or something it was a really long time ago and yeah it did like lift it up and the tires turned and then they went sideways to put you in a spot i wonder what happened to that car that would be so helpful especially in other countries where they park so close to each other or they rest on each other yeah if you could literally just exit no i i don't i'm pulling in in front of somebody with a lot of space and leaving a lot of space in front of me it might have been even older it was like i had some historical car it almost looked like you know like a model a or model t or something it almost was like that style it was the weirdest thing yeah i mean that it seems like switching back and forth maybe might might not be ideal well it seems like like little tires like an airplane or something that could push out of the bottom yeah and like scoot you over yeah i mean these were like the normal hummer tires and yeah and they're giant and they're giant right degrees yeah this would be way better well gm did because hummer is a gm car i think right i think it's a gm c oh i yeah i'm nice i think it is i don't want to know that because now that i just got a gm c it's that's all my ads right drop the stream phone oh okay yeah but yeah so interesting i don't know but that would be super helpful to have i know well that i could maybe do it otherwise oh my gosh i thought she had a parallel parking in arbor and there was a gentleman walking by kind of laughing with a big group and i literally thought he was going to get in your car and park i almost asked him i know he was like he's you could see him he's like and i'm like holding up all of traffic trying to like it was like eyes on my fifth time trying to do it and people are behind me getting so crazy i would have had no shame asking somebody to do yeah i almost just put in park and they asked me well it should be fair it was cash bash so like it was literally and they had like festivals everywhere we weren't going to hash we were no no we were there we were at a book convention no no we're at a book club no we're at a book club no we're at a book convention one if it would have been just us we couldn't remember they couldn't park farther away but grammy had hurt her there were kids there or something so we were trying to get handicapped close there were kids there but there shouldn't have been kids there yeah we were um yeah it was handicap we were i was trying to get my mom close so but delicious food if you're ever in michigan and an arbor they have great food yeah once you had italian place that was fabulous we had a slurping turtle the year before and that was really good that was good and then for at breakfast we went to stray hen or something like that yeah and it was so good and it was many of steria and bar yeah honey manneh yeah i don't know what it's but that was a college town i just that one's been there a long time but restaurants do not last in an arbor if they are not fabulous yeah that is true yeah an arbor has but it was hash bash so it's very busy and very smelly and everybody had a duper and everybody is hungry everybody is hungry and they had like every other road shut down too yeah and really really great book is it dawn trader or whatever is it t-r-e-a-d-r that was like dawn trader but i don't know yeah dawn something i have the there's supposed to be another really good one too my thumb it's timey crazy oh yeah dawn chatter and arbor and then there's there's another book store that people said they really like too but we never make it to that always yeah because we're always get bagged well at the one right away and expensive like really great little yeah i was able to get a style like almost all the series of unfortunate events and the wimpy kidd books yeah just kind of figure out which ones we don't have now because she's on a mission to finish them but which ones diary of a wimpy kiddo okay it's gonna i don't have all the series of unfortunate events either did i oh no i had i just had one or two i didn't have yeah i think you might have given her the ones that she had but they they're still coming out with new ones and then they have a new series dork diaries which is the girl version of it i didn't know that but her teacher she was still from out her book she has like all the dork diaries and all so she's so excited to read books good i love that she loves to read morning charles um our book club book the house made um bell if you need a book it is crazy okay i've got to start reading it and it's good like it's twisty and then because i just read the boringess book and i even tried this i get one in the series and it was awful how far are you getting to a book before you decide that you're not going to do it you turn it i said i'm sorry i'm gonna write a better book it's that boring well the first time we went to our book convention and you were reading some of the authors and one you felt like i don't know that english is her first language because it was just like oh it's painful yeah this painful to get through it or like yeah i just i'm reading a series right now and i think i'm on the fifth book and the first four books were done by a different narrator really and now the fifth book is a different like they switched narrating audio books but she's pronouncing things differently than they did in the first four like they called these things like ley lines and now she's saying lee lines and like it's driving me oh that driving crazy i know it's like just go back and hear the pronunciations yeah and then even if it's wrong make it the same because it's really confusing yeah i'd be like you need to record that then a bridge to an unabridged can be different authors too yeah well so i was um like a year or two ago looking at like odd jobs you can do at night or whatever yeah and being a narrator for all these audiobooks is like something that you can pick up but yeah it is crazy because they just sent something over and you do it at home and then you like send it back so there's there is no so like that couple that we listened to you might not even know zodiac or how do you book some jake and bridge it bordeaux they did a tiktok about how they got started yeah and they actually have a theater background because they do all the crazy voices yeah and it was really interesting to hear like somebody sent her like oh do the shik i don't want to do this i want to you know do this instead and she recorded it and she gets like major bang for each book so but so it takes a long time especially because yeah then you're you're the voice but they have that book and people don't like they might not know there are previous books too that because they don't always know what they're reading because it can be before it's published yeah you know what i mean yeah and then if you change publishing companies they might have different readers i saw someone trying out to be someone and she was so theatrical i don't like that and i don't like i like that no yeah i don't mind some of the different characters having different voices but also if you can't do a man voice i'd rather you just not yeah just have a man read i don't think i could read a man voice you know i love the voice i like a man and a woman too i prefer that when they have two people yeah voice i'm like okay here's my favorite thing that we realized when we talk about like our husbands and we do them oh yeah we have a voice for them right like if i talk about my husband i'm like and you said you know yeah you know and then my mother-in-law and i realized it one day that we were doing the same voice for my husband and we just died we're like oh my god like and it doesn't it's not what he sounds like no but it's just like a sort of interpretation of it oh that's pretty fun that is from myself you know so you guys have a voice you guys have a voice you have lots of other people you know i don't know what i mean you do that do your voice i don't know i didn't do that i think everybody goes with it uh you know i don't know why we do that though either i'm sure they do it well they probably don't do it for us though because my mother what did um bobby say when he was doing yeah i see when he was bobby when he was saying what our voice was like he he said that sometimes like he'll catch our lives or whatever and hall i can't even remember what he said now but it was so funny we're gonna today talk about nothing oh yeah oh i'm in the are we live i realized i at golf i gave him i i said i heard you were talking about us and i'm like hey well we don't know what we're talking about today so you don't need to mock us we mock ourselves oh he's so funny so i was so cute so it's funny he's like he's so sweet i'm here really you listen to us so yeah if you'd like to listen to us ramble 430 to 50 minutes i was thinking about though love with the boys should probably do another take over oh yeah they 100% said what should we make them do i don't know should we make them do the next r&d session and not tell them what the copy is these should you know i mean they don't like they were coffee though so that's kind of uh but it's we'll have a look at my subject that they have to do or maybe they should do one of the baking segments they should do the baking segment i think and we can each go we can judge them and we can judge the baking we can do a full judging of their baking yes and we can um we'll like Logan came and filmed me so we can go film or better or we could do the baking and they have to do the judging and the tasting oh yeah maybe that worked better no i like them baking because i mean i like next month as a baking one and the one that you chose is so hard but then they wouldn't really be on camera if we had brianson do but he just won't do it no he will he won't i think he will he'll just go buy it from some 100% no no we have to bail on doing it you know and we could do it at your house during the day just go there and film it i mean i think it's a great idea guys i i think i don't know let us know what you guys think we don't have the boys today put it on the boys today bake or judge yeah i think judging would probably be funnier oh because they would not hold back no not even a little bit you know and we don't we can't tell who's his who's yeah they're gonna know maybe they won't i mean we can just put maybe i will be beautiful we can probably not i am the reigning champion do not forget this you're the running champion because we haven't done it in like a year i know well this might be too much work but if we did take a day in the kitchen yes we could bake one of each of the four things yes and then they could literally pit them against each other we could do that so too them all because some of the skill level is very the skill level is especially the one that you chose and i know we're being perfect and then blind taste it so i'm with elo and i think brianson trying to bake is i think judging would be better yeah yeah okay so we should make all of the things you're saying and then we're gonna have to like really take the day at home probably to do it in film okay um and because then that's kind of good because you buy so many materials for it and then we can split it amongst us yes they were pretty funny last time i think so forward we'll have to bleep them yeah oh my gosh i was glad my mother-in-law was laughing so hard she didn't hear that one yeah we watched it together when we were in Arizona and we were pretty dying especially since two of them had never seen it before yeah yeah so they didn't even know but i'm so glad that we talked to them the night before from the spa oh you always used and thought that we were being beat with sticks you know at the spa that we were had i just loved that grandma was like oh yeah i've been to a spa like that yeah like that's not a spa and then we were like did it hurt you like yeah and they sat on like mud or something and they took like big banana leaves things and like smashed them maybe that's what she told them on the phone i didn't get the conversation no she didn't have a conversation with them at all it was after watching the live yeah because remember we talked to them that night um we faced time with Houston they mostly talked to London you were beaten with sticks though no we were we really didn't we really didn't uh rocks maybe yeah but not beaten with them i guess you can say what happens at Miraval stays at Miraval though i don't know we rang a lot of bells we rang a lot of bells there was a gong yeah we sat there was a yeah what was it was an intense encircle what was it called and we had sleeping bags for our phones oh that we had to put them in yeah yep which came to work with me about that what i heard low yes this is a great idea for what what absolutely did happen though was that i have two desserts every night absolutely yeah was it organic and didn't count absolutely did we each get a dessert and then we had table desserts absolutely did we have snacks back at our room so we didn't order them they were table they were for the table oh good i love a creme brulee and a chocolate cake for the table they didn't care at all no not you could order as much food as the last day it was the guys last day there oh yeah i think you could have like yeah like kitchen out we'd order a cheese plate and then like two appetizers two desserts two entrees there's just like it was so good it was very relaxing but do you want to catch our birthday sale through the end of the week yeah and happy labor day oh yeah yeah so if you place order over the weekend it won't ship until Tuesday yeah we won't be here one a day we'll be closed after labor day i know we need to close our pool too okay so i have a wonderful week and i hope you guys have beautiful sunshine yeah so no storms yeah bye i've got to end both