Paranormal Karen

ep. 320: Ayesha Dee

Broadcast on:
06 Sep 2024
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Today Ayesha Dee is here to talk about Defense Against the Dark Arts @oneelderspeaks (instagram and tictock)




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Produced by Mike Flinn

♪ Paranormal Karen, she's so spooky ♪ ♪ Paranormal Karen, funny too ♪ ♪ Paranormal Karen, she's so spooky ♪ ♪ Oh, and then I mentioned she's funny too ♪ ♪ Yeah, cha-cha-cha ♪ - Hey, everybody, welcome to Paranormal Karen. First of all, we're in September, I believe, September or October. I hope you've joined the email list because the psychic standup is all over the place. Join the Patreon, we're doing great things on the Patreon. So I'm flipping through TikTok, and I am all, I see this great account come up, and it's called Defense Against the Dark Arts. And of course, you know, I'm hooked already. And it's such a great account, so I email this person, and I say, "Hey, will you be on my podcast?" And the email comes back, "Karen, it's me, Aisha." I've been on your podcast. So I was like, "Well, you know, I like what I like. "Welcome back, Aisha. "I had you on the Patreon talking about Gnosticism, right?" - Yes, that's correct. - And you know, I feel like, I'm starting to feel like Gnosticism is on point, but anyways, that's not what we're talking about today. So I didn't recognize you because your TikTok is one elder speaks, correct? - Yes. - Okay, great. Really, before we even get into the dark arts, tell everybody about your backgrounds, where you came from, how did you get into this? - I think, well, let's see, I'm an October Scorpio, so obviously I was interested in diving deep into the mysteries of life from, you know, from birth. I was raised in the Bible Belt, so let's see, I probably like, I've always read about ghosts and Bigfoot and paranormal activity and, you know, psychic stuff. I've always been into that. And I ran into my first tarot deck at a garage sale in my teens and started playing around with that. And I've been a big fan ever since. And I studied astrology and psychology and, and neurology and everything I could get my hands into. So I'm not really like the expert of anything. I'm just sort of like, I play in everything. I'm a seeker for the church. - But you are, see, I don't, this is why I think I'm a decent podcast host, is because I'm not about the details. I can't grasp details, yeah. And you are, like the research that you did in that one, podcasts you did on Gnosticism was like unbelievable. So I think you retain information. So you're, I mean, I always say in the paranormal, I don't know that we have experts 'cause there's so much to know that that's, that's almost like, I don't know that that's a real thing. But I feel like you come as close to that as you can. And it just feels like I kind of love your story because sometimes people come from like the last, you know, all my family was witches or the opposite, but it's just a curiosity and just learning, right? - Absolutely, yeah. And just needing to know what is behind everything so that we can turn it into what we want as opposed to what's being done to us. - Now, I also kind of feel like there's a certain level of learning right now that isn't coming from other people that are sort of downloads or epiphanies that it's not from books or it's from, it's almost like realizations. Have you been feeling that? - Yeah, when I started working with my intuition, that was a, that was something that was coming that really opened up the whole like channeling information and getting downloads and getting, 'cause this information that I'm getting, the really important stuff is coming from, you know, from me or from God or from whatever that connection is to the universe. It's, that's where it's coming from. And that's what the important information is. And I see everybody else is doing the same thing too. And I'm so happy to see that. I think that that is our progression. - Yeah, I do too. I think books and classes and stuff, not that there's anything wrong with those. In fact, I'm always looking for a new one, but I do feel like the just the channeling is so open right now because it's new information, like the old stuff doesn't always apply anymore is what I feel like. - Oh, absolutely. And people get stuck in like they're like, oh, this is my download and this is what I know. And so this is what is right and correct for everybody. And that's actually not true. We have to be a little bit more fluid and understand that not everybody's truth is everybody else's truth. You know, you've got to walk your own path and listen to your own intuition and be connected to your own sense of universe or God. - Yeah, I think that's exactly. I also kind of feel like, you know, I watched some of these crazy accounts on TikTok where like everyone's thing is different. Like kind of there's this one guy I'm watching and he was a Satanist, okay. And he looks very smart. So he's a good, he's a good storyteller anyways, whether everything's true or not. He's a good storyteller. And he was saying how when he had some experience he saw sort of like, we can call it the next dimension, just for reference. And he was saying there's a constant battle of good and evil there. And we don't realize we're part of it. And I was like, well, that's a little big. I'm not sure that I could take on all that. It could be, but I'm not sure. But he, there was something else he said, I can't remember because as much as I like Jesus, I have a hard time believing that's the only way. Like that's the only, you know what I mean? Like he's obviously having a different experience even in his near death experience or what he's seeing. So I thought, but of course, if you were a Satanist, you would be, that would be your other dimension, that you're either fighting evil or you are evil, the hero villain type scenario that he'd be playing out. So I found that interesting. So now tell me, 'cause you had like a series of like 15 or 16 of these videos that were defense against the dark arts. What do you consider to be the dark arts? - Okay, so anything that takes us off of our path of peace. So my whole point to this lifetime is to basically alleviate myself of karma and of programs that are unhealthy and unproductive and to only go towards what is productive, what is healthy, what is nurturing. And what I find is that path is one of, that means going towards peace and going towards compassion. And those are all Christ consciousness energies. I don't necessarily attribute, I mean, Jesus is a teacher and that's great and wonderful, but he was embodying the Christ consciousness and that's what he was trying to teach. This is about you reaching your Christ consciousness. This is not about me saving you. This is about you saving yourself by becoming what you need to become to be at peace, productive, in harmony and flowing with the universe. I love that because I'm really, I just heard a very strange podcast, I'm a big fan of the higher side chats and that's I'm not gonna get too far into this, but there was some episode he had with a guy that was talking about language translation and he was saying, well, Jesus did get arrested with a little boy in the park and I was like, what? And it was, it's a really interesting episode and at first I stopped it and then I went back and finished 'cause I said, if I'm gonna be, if I'm gonna listen to everything, I'll listen to this and he had, I'll see if I can find it, but some of you may have heard it, it was really kind of weird and then he had a quote in Matthew that he was like, there it is and it was kind of, you know, my first thought was, was there fake news back then too? - Of course, because there was institutions that were invested in keeping ahold of controlled people and Jesus saying, you're in control of yourself, that's a problem. And so the Pharisees and the governmental officials are definitely gonna spread false information and false news to discredit and that has been, that's been used throughout all time. - Yeah, so what that guy was saying might actually be what was written, but I was kinda like, it's getting too dark for me and I have not to, but I do love, I do really love talking about Jesus and Christ consciousness and so I love that to begin with. So anything that takes you away from your peace and could this be people kind of throwing shade at you or even just chaos energy, like where did you start with this defense against the dark arts? - Well, I felt like I was being attacked psychically and I didn't clue into it immediately, but because of the kind of some things that happened in my life and then also some actual events that happened, I was like, somebody's throwing dark magic my way. And so I thought, okay, well, how do I defend myself against this because that was brand new, that was not something that I had dealt with before. And so I started on a journey of figuring out what was gonna work to circumvent the dark energy that was being thrown at me and to circumvent, yeah, basically to take possession of my own life back and to take my power back and to not be a victim. Yeah, and so it was all about how do I turn this into a plus, into a positive. And then I also wanna teach other people how to do this because it doesn't matter whether that energy is intentionally sent to you or not, we still all deal with dark energy. And so this knowing how to deal with this can be very, very helpful. You know, I love what you said there because this does not mean that your neighbor hates you and is sending a hex or a curse or whatever. It can mean that, like psychic attack, I feel like psychic attack can be that, but it's not always that. And in fact, it might look very different from someone that can see from other places. And also I feel like the, I do believe the universe has a trickster spirit that when you're on the right path, it goes, all right, are you sure? And it throws you a little dark energy or dark magic. Did you know where this was coming from or you were just like, hm, something's not right? I felt like I knew where it was coming from, but, you know, I've been wrong in the past. Like, I thought that people have stolen things from me and then I'd find it in my bedroom later on going, yeah, I show you paranoid, you know? So I felt like I knew. - Or maybe, you know. - Yeah, little tricksters might be moving things. You don't know, but either way, it wasn't the person that you thought. Yeah, I feel like that too. I lose something and I'm immediately like, there's elevators, they're by a parvit. "Thank God I'm not married. My husband would have to be locked up." There's nothing moving your things. You can't remember where you put it. And plus, I have to say, moving like four times in the last two years from apartment to apartment to apartment, you totally forget where you put stuff. But I think being able to admit that, like I don't know where, or oh, I thought it was someone, but it was me. But okay, so this, so you start your study to kind of relieve yourself from this dark energy. I'm gonna stop interrupting, keep going. Okay, and so I just listened to my intuition 'cause I'd already established that connection with my intuition and already established my ancestors. There was four ancestors that's basically hooked up with me during this time, and then also my spirit team, which is basically my spirit guides. And so I got that, all gathered up, and I was like, "Okay guys, what are we doing? "How do we do this?" And I would take direction from my communication with them, which could very well be my communication with myself or my communication with the universe. Doesn't really matter, because I knew the right thing to do, and I followed my integrity. - At meaning, can you expand on that a little? - Oh, sure. So I already knew that I couldn't fight fire with fire because they were throwing dark energy at me kind of like poverty and misery and depression, and I wasn't gonna throw that back at them because I'm not willing to carry that kind of karma. I'm not willing to carry that kind of energy. And so when I talked to my spirit guides into God and everything, they were like, "Love, "we gotta do this with love." And so I was like, "Oh, okay." So then I started praying and praying for God's presence, praying. And I'm, and I addressed it like this, to anybody who would diminish me, to anybody who would harm me, to anybody who would, you know, take away from me or whatever. Send them God, send them healing, send them, you know, remembrance of home, send them a remembrance of who they were to be in their highest expression in this lifetime, send, you know what I mean? Just, I just send it all. And I mean, it was, it was so amazing because what I got back from that was my own healing. When I got back from that was my own blessing, but I got back from that was my own elevation. I mean, so I sent out, I didn't others as I would have been doing to me, what I did. And I benefited. I don't really know how this has affected, you know, these people, 'cause I'm not connected in that way. - And you don't want to be because that leads to kind of the feeling of, ha ha, and that's what you want to avoid. - Yeah, yeah. And because it was all about bringing about, you know, my internal peace and also for them to learn from this experience. Because, you know, I feel like good and evil is a choice. But in all reality, we're all love at the inception of our existence, we are love. And so we are going to return back to love. We're just here to experience these dualities for a time. So there's no soul left behind. So I mean, it's all about our healing collectively. - Yeah, you know, it's very interesting what you said about starting to pray because I was watching someone that was talking about who do or I think she was talking about who do. And she said, it is very hard to try and curse or hex a practicing Muslim who is five times a day on that mat. And I thought, you know, that not only is that very interesting, but when I was in Dubai, I didn't realize that I was going to do a tarot reading for someone. And then we looked it up, the tarot's against the law there. They also don't talk about haunted places. They don't have any, none of that is really accepted. But I found that interesting. And I thought, you know, I bet that is it because when I feel like I'm just communicating, like having conversations all day with whatever, Jesus, Mary Magdalene, you know, my guides. I, that is when things really go smoothly or else they are not going smoothly and I don't notice. (laughs) - Yeah, I mean, that's when we're connected. That's how we're connected. - Yes, absolutely. And okay, oh, someone just came in and left a package. Okay. - I did just do. - But it's a good do. It's a good do. I actually love where I live. - You know, that's how I feel about, I really have a really nice apartment now. This is, I think, the third or fourth one I moved to. - I'm afraid to leave because I thought I'd come back on what the other two. But I talk to the apartment. Like I'm like, thank you when I walk in. Hold on a second. We're gonna take a break, folks. We'll be right back. - Hi, I'm Becca. I'm an energy healer. In a session, I use intuition and conversation to help people remove blocks and allow healing of all kinds to happen. I help people with things like relationships, making sense of their awakening process or beginning to heal chronic illness. My favorite thing to do is help people remember who they are. I also do intuitive nutritional counseling, which combines my experience as a nutritional therapy practitioner with my intuition to help you heal your energy related to food. I do sessions over the phone or on Zoom. If you go to my website and feel a little buzz of resonance, I know a session will be beneficial. Check it out by going to and click on the energy healing tab because I'm also a regenerative farmer. That's Remember who you are. - All right, folks, we're back. I got my packages. I got my sprouting jars. I got sick. Now I have six sprouting jars, and that's all I'm going to eat. So in the end of the world, I'm ready. My generator comes on Tuesday. Let me sit near the only one with light eating sprouts. I don't know if anyone will want to attack me for that, but I will have it all. All right, so tell everybody some more about this series. How many parts were there that I think I tuned in when there was like part 15? - Let's see, so far I've got like 18. I'm working on 19 and I'll probably go all the way up to 21 and then stop there or 22, something like that. And then I'm probably going to, I'm thinking about getting off into a different other band because I may have, you know, and that will depend upon whether I've said everything that I need to say. And if I meet up with anything else, I'll come back and do more because my thing is just to share information, like whatever's working for me. Maybe this could help you. Maybe this could work for you. And so I'm thinking about 21, 22 and then do something different. And one of the things that I wanted to kind of talk on was, I think it's important for everybody to intentionally have a healing modality of some sort that they're practicing, whether it be regular prayer, whether it's, you know, Reiki or for me, it's Ho-opanopanoe, I seriously, seriously love that modality. And for one second, I thought that, is that a prayer? Or is that, I never heard it called the modality. What is that? - Oh, you mean, just the modality itself, the definition? - Yes, 'cause I always thought it was the Ho-opo prayer. I know that, or do I have a wrong word? - Oh, no, modality is just, I mean, it's just definitions. I mean, it doesn't mean anything. It's whatever you think it means. But like for me, a healing modality would be like, you know, you could get into Reiki, you could get into prayer, you could get into Ho-opanopanoe, you can get into-- - Yeah, Ho-opanopanoe, is that saying, doing the prayer over and over, doing the, do I have the-- - Will? - That's the one, I'm sorry, I love you, thank you. No, I'm sorry, thank you. I was gonna get a tattooed on my arm. And I can't even remember it now. Is that what you mean when you call it a modality, like doing that prayer over and over? - Well, okay, so it's actually, it's not the prayer itself that's important, it's actually the feeling behind it. I went back to Dr. Lou Hens' original interview. And he was talking about how he would perform this on himself and it would affect the environment around him. And he said that it's about the feeling though, you really gotta feel the feelings. And so it's not just what you're saying. So what you're saying is, I'm sorry. And then you feel all that, you know, sorrow for what you have gone through or for what, for me, for these entities, when these entities would come in to attack me, I'd be like, I am so sorry, because they've been traumatized to become what they are. And I'm like, I'm very sorry. And then please forgive me. And then I feel all that, I feel that please forgive me because I am a micro of the macro. So I can carry that responsibility for the whole, for what's been done to them, you know, and knowing that I'm a human being, I'm capable of evil too. So please forgive me. And then I love you. And then just pour that love out. And then I thank you. And so the part, you know, the part that's important is actually feeling all those feelings. And so you leave yourself that time to feel. And after a while, I would, you know, I would start crying because it just evokes that kind of, that level. And that's where all that healing is. - Okay. - Okay, that's a great definition. Okay, go ahead. (laughing) - That's fine. - I was gonna say I'm not gonna interrupt, but I just, that's how I work. (laughing) - Well, and then I, you know, after a while of doing this and after, you know, crying and, you know, and being in those feelings, then I come out of it and I say, "Where are we at? Or do we still feel the darkness? 'Cause it's still here, and if it's still there, then I'll go back into it and do it some more. And then I'll come out of it. And then I'm like, is it still, and if it's all nice and fluffy, then I'm like, rise and sin no more. But really, it's not about sin or anything like that. That's just kind of a way of saying, okay, we're done, you're good, you know now. (laughing) And it relieves these, these particular entities are programmable. I'm not gonna say that every entity is, but I'm gonna say that these ones that I was dealing with, that's exactly what they are. And that's why they were sent, you know, 'cause they programmed them with awful things, and then they sent them over, and then I basically reset them back to zero, which is love, and doing their job, which is reflecting our reality back on us. And so with that, that alleviated them, and then they were able to be what they were supposed to be to begin with. - That's amazing, that's great. Okay, so everybody needs to start with a prayer or modality or routine. - Yeah, and the first lesson is about mental health, because I really think that's first. Your mental health has to be in a good place, you're thinking, your thoughts. And then you can kind of progress from there and really get connected to God, and your intuition, and get into your-- - What are you trying to tell me, Aisha? - What are you trying to tell me, Aisha? - What are you trying to say, Aisha? (laughing) - We're all, girlfriend, we're all on this road. Everybody. (laughing) - Therapy should be government paid for, that's all I could say. - Well, it should, yeah, and it's not because they need us to be wounded and in our trauma in order to control us. And so, I mean, the institutions, that's what I'm getting into now, is these institutions and systems are inherently toxic, and they're not good, and so we've got to figure out a different way. - Right. - Right, okay. All right, so everybody has their modality picked. Now, next step. - Practice your healing, practice your healing on yourself and on others, and just get really tight with it. Get really tight with your relationship with God, or the universe, or what, to me, my God is love. So when I say God, I'm not talking about some old, angry dude in the sky, I'm talking about love. And so, get tight with love, get tight with, Mother ayahuasca told me, we are love, all we are is love, and everything else is baggage. And that brought me back to myself in a way that nothing else had done. - Oh, go ahead, I'm sorry, go ahead. - No, no, no, go ahead. - I saw something wonderful about Buddhism, where they said some people think it's too many gods, that doesn't, how do we do that? And they were like, no, it's one God, but these are pieces or fragments of that God that fit your soul. So it is more one, but if you need the forgiveness, God, or this one, and I kind of loved that, because I thought that is always how I have felt. There is one, but there is many. I don't know if that makes any sense. - No, yeah, 'cause we're one, and we are many. I mean, we're individuals, but we're still one. What affects me affects you, and that's physics. What affects you know, one affects the whole. - Yes. - And we're connected on a spiritual level. - Yeah, that's the part where sometimes I feel like that's so clear, and then sometimes it's not. Like, did you ever see someone who is really, I put a judgment on a really horrible, or has a terrible crime or something, but you're like, hey, we are connected to that person, and you can feel it for just a second before your judgment comes in? - Like, it's interesting, because then you go, oh, where did that person come from? Not that it's making justifying what they did, but yeah, cancel the first stone, right? - Well, yeah, and to understand that, maybe in a previous lifetime, maybe I was Hitler. Maybe I was that horrible person. I can almost guarantee that in a previous lifetime, I was that horrible person, because I lacked understanding. I lacked the knowledge that everybody is loved, and that what we're really working towards is peace, and what we're working towards is learning so much that we don't have to fall back into toxic programs, and we don't have to feed toxic environments. And we're here to grow and to learn. I had to start in the back, I'm sure. - Yeah, well, I was just gonna say, I'm a terrible person in this life sometimes. (laughing) - Sure. - I'm still learning. So, okay, so then, when you talk about the systems, do you mean like the matrix, or do you mean like the government, or any definition of systems? - The systems and institutions, I feel like are inherently evil. - I agree. - By nature of setting up rules and regulations, there's always gonna be corruption from the inside that moves in and totally decimates anything good that could have come from it. So even if it's set up with the best of intentions, it's going to devolve into the worst cesspool of disgustingness completely. And I don't know if that's the nature of having a system or an institution, or whether that's some other something or other. So, I mean, that's for other people to figure out. As we set up new ways of living, I'm gonna let other people figure that one out. I'm not sure, but I do know that I'm talking about, you know, any system in any institution that's set up is just devolves into the worst, absolute worst. - I agree. Now, I will say something as for, I'm not famous, but I've had a few brushes with things where I could sort of relate to how crazy famous people get because it's a long story, but something went viral and then people started writing about it. And I didn't know what they were writing. I was just getting Google alerts. Hey, you're mentioned in this article about Blobbo and I was like, whoa, and this kind of freeze came over me where I was like, oh, I'm not in control of what is my words. Like, you know what I mean? Like somebody else is using my words. And it only lasted like for a second 'cause I'm in show business and that's what I want, but for a second, I was like, I can see how people get in the fishbowl and get crazy when, you know, if you're a Kardashian and that's your energy, I want everyone talking about me no matter what. That's very different from someone who just kind of wants to do what they want to do, whether, you know, for me, if they ever became famous, that would just be being able to choose the venues I want to play, that's the difference. It wouldn't be. - Exactly. - But I do think it's the same with like, if you become part of the government, do you favor start being done? Or is it even like, I believe people come to whoever is the president and they're like, no, no, this is how it happens or your whole family goes. Like, I think it's that bad up that way. But it's like the lure of power, does it corrupt everyone? It seems to. - Yeah, I think so. I mean, yeah, I mean, it seems, it, well, and I don't know if it corrupts everybody, but I'm sure that the people who are un-corruptible get the fuck out. - Yeah, yes, it must be hard to be around that energy all the time. Think about it, that's what Congress and the Senate is supposed to do. They're supposed to argue. I don't wanna argue. - Yeah, there should be no argument. Here's the argument, does it serve love or does it not? And if it don't, shut it out. It's not worth looking in. - Right, right, that's what we should have in Congress, but I don't know that we'll kind of get that. - No, yeah, so institutions, I wonder where we're going with that. Like, so when in your series, is it like to be watch out for that dark art? 'Cause obviously we have to somewhat be a part of it, but is that answer, be careful of that dark art? - It's about recognizing it and then transmuting it so that it's not a problem for you. So you can continue your path to peace and whatever it is that you're going towards your goals. But also to, so recognition is actually the most important part. You recognize it and then you go, oh, now I can take care of it. If I just allow it to just affect me, then I'm allowing it to write my story. And I'm saying, I'm kicking back my story. I'm gonna write the story from now on thank you very much. - I love that. So, and I feel like some people, I see this a lot. People are worried, like I work for Amazon and that's not helping anyone or I work for a prescription drug company. So I'm part of the evil machine and it's like, no, I don't think you are. I think you can bring something to that table. I mean, hopefully there's gonna be a better job or someplace where you can really be happy. But I think sometimes people actually try and punish themselves for working in that atmosphere. So what kind of, what advice would you give them? Just really what you just said? - Yeah, well, if you want to be divorced from the institutions and systems, then try to figure out what that looks like for you and try to work towards that. In the meantime, if you have to work within the system to get there, do that. But you're only doing it so that you can reach the goal that you're really after. So decide what it is that you want to manifest. Decide what it is that you want to, the life that you want to live. And then start working towards that. And eventually my thought is, we are gonna have to walk away from these systems. We're gonna have to just say, you know what, keep your fucking money, kiss my ass and walk the fuck away. And it's going to be difficult in every sense of the word. It's not gonna be convenient or comfortable or none of that. But I think it's gonna be important that we do that so that we shut this bitch down. Now, that's just me personally, don't, you know, that's just me, that's just how I feel about things. And I am slowly working towards my goals to get away from all that. So, and we'll see what happens. - You know, I thought that, especially when I was at, hopefully I will get to still live out my fantasy of being a nomad. It didn't happen because I decided to stay till November. Well, maybe it will then. But the first thought was, how do I get my, it's funny, the packages came during this podcast. It was like, oh my God, how do I get things delivered? What did we do before everything wasn't brought to your house? And I had to think about that. And I tried to make an effort and I was like, okay, I looked up my special melatonin drink and they were like, they sell it right down the street. So I was like, I'm gonna go get it. And then they didn't have it. But that you're right, they've made so many things comfortable and easy that we need to rethink. - We really do. And the earth provides us everything that we need. So we just need to learn more about the earth and about animals and about plants and insects and about, you know, that is all we ever needed for, you know, how many millions of years or thousands of years? I mean, that's all we needed. We didn't need a grocery store. It was outside of our home. We just needed to learn how to preserve things for the winter. - Yeah, or move to California, where... Yeah, you know, it's so funny now. Los Angeles is like the worst for that and then the best. I remember walking my dog and every house had a box of whatever tree. Please take these grapefruit. Please take these oranges. Please take these because so many grow that like it kills the lawn because they're everywhere. My parents could believe when I took a picture of a lemon tree in someone's backyard. And so that is really kind of almost that great example of mother nature's, don't buy it, but we've got it right here. - Right. - Perfect. Okay, yeah, go ahead. - And when you look at herbs and stuff like that, you find that there are specific herbs for specific things and like the Northeast, they may use this herb for wounds. And in the Southwest, they use this herb for wounds. They're different herbs, but they still do the same thing. So you're healing, you have it available in your locality, in your vicinity. - Oh, interesting, I didn't know that. - Mm-hmm. - Ah, wow, good to know. There's so much in herbs and in the food we eat that is, it's so much. All right, hold on folks, we're gonna take a break, we'll be right back. Discover Moon Mama Shop. An inspiring metaphysical enterprise rooted in Grand Rapids, Michigan. Founded by Kenzie, a gifted five one projector in human design, this burgeoning business is a testament to her innate ability to read people. Specializing in Reiki, Terrell, and Oracle readings, Kenzie brings profound insight and healing to her clients. Certified in Holy Fire Reiki one and two, Kenzie is on her journey towards mastering this transformative practice. Whether you're in Grand Rapids or beyond, experience the soothing energy of her home studio for in-person sessions or opt for virtual sessions for the same immersive experience from the comfort of your own home. Kenzie's approach is deeply trauma-informed, drawing from her own healing journey to create a safe space for others to release energy blockages and real line their chakras. Each session includes a personalized written report detailing her findings and intuitive messages received. For those seeking guidance through Terrell or Oracle readings, Kenzie offers convenient email consultations allowing you to revisit the messages over time. Explore her offerings and pricing at and stay connected on Instagram and TikTok at moonmamashop. - This is, we're taping right now, well, this is supposed to be my vacation and I'm already like, I'm on a schedule and I'm like that. While you took a vacation, Karen, so you would, now you're being part of the system, you're being part of the system. All right, I'm gonna let you just keep going. What's next on our defense of the dark arts? - Learning how to transmute these energies. So I don't know what you guys are gonna run into. I don't, like I have never run into a cryptoid or a Sasquatch or, you know, UFOs or anything like that. So everybody needs to kind of like let everybody else know what they're seeing, what they're running into and be open to other, to discussion, to learn. And if anything comes into your existence and it is not healthy for you, then you're gonna have to deal with that and learn how to either get around it or how to transmute it or how to, you know, whatever. And then tell us all about it 'cause we all need to know, we all need to share this information. - You know, there's a funny, I'm sorry, I'm taking an offshoot, none I'm just gonna hit. - No, go ahead. - So a lot of people cannot do what they need to do now, whether that is leave a relationship, leave a city, move out of Utica, whatever it is. But do you think that is actually part of, I wouldn't say dark magic, but I feel like there's certain clouds that we all attach to, like addicts all attach to the same cloud that is a cloud of addiction. And they're connected to it. So they have trouble with their addiction that till they break it. And they're almost as an energy of stay where you are, do not change. And I feel it so much this year. Would you call that part of this process? - Yeah, well, it's part of the healing process for everybody 'cause you know, Kat Williams said, this is the year of exposure and he is absolutely on point. This is the year when the truth is coming out. And this is why there's so much backlash from those who practice darker things is because they know that they're in a bad spot. They know that shit's gonna hit the fan and what's gonna happen is people are gonna know things. They're all invested in keeping things secret. Well, now, you don't have that now anymore. We're all gonna know, guess what? We're all gonna figure it out or we're gonna fill it intuitively and we're gonna go, you know what? I think I'm just gonna pass on you, but it's, you know, this is the year of exposure. I think we're all coming into ourselves. We're all coming into our intuition. Even those that are a little lagging behind, you're still coming in. And so we're all dealing with these, I mean, the government is getting real repressive. It's really kind of frightening. But then again, let's not be scared. Let's just do our own thing and tell them to fuck off. - Yes, yes, you know what too? This is, I think I've said this on a couple of podcasts. I know I said it on my Patreon, but the next move, this was in the beginning. Shanna predicted this and I predicted this, which was the Christianity is gonna be the new grift for the people that can't, I don't know how to put it, but, so here's the whole thing in a nutshell, but it's gonna sound crazy alone. I do think they're gonna present an alien or something to us. They're gonna say, this is what this looks like and it's not gonna be a pretty one. It's gonna be an ugly one. And then people are gonna freak out and they're gonna go, oh no, who's our hero? And then the Vatican is gonna say, we've been studying this for years come to us and they're arguing to have their celebrities in place to draw everyone back to being, you know, that, not being-- - Repressed. - Yes, yes. - Yes. - That's nice. - And that makes sense 'cause they're doing things in the Catholic Church and I'm like, why are y'all stirring up? What's going on over here? What's going on, you know? That would actually make sense to me and we just cannot fall into these traps. They just want control and that's what they're looking for. - Yes, okay, so we're, so keep going, all right, keep going. (laughs) - Oh, let's see. Okay, what else? Well, you know, you're talking about the Catholic Church and I've thought about this a lot 'cause I really, I dig history big time and so I've been aware of that church even though I wasn't a member of it. And it was interesting to me that after the Council of Nicosia, they put all these rules in place where priests can't have wives or kids, they have to be celibate and now everybody has to go to your priest and tell you all your secrets and I'm like, you know what, if you're a government and you need to know what's going on in the street, you need to have that intel, you want these priests to be telling the bishops to be telling these guys to be telling the king or whoever's running the show what's going on on the street, what's going on. And it's interesting, there was so much control of the population that was put into place at that time. So like you're no longer in charge of your own salvation, you gotta come to the church and then you gotta confess all your sins and then we'll tell you how to not, you know, how to get into heaven and it's our, it's our job, you know, that's what we do. And man, I mean, the control that you have over population when you've got them by the religious balls, wow. - And that, you know, by the way, the funny, they really, that is making such a strong comeback and I guess it's like the pendulum swinging, like spirituality is coming in. So the Catholic church or churches or the heavy judgmental Christianity is really coming in and I have to laugh 'cause there's this, you guys look it up, there's something called the stronger man conference and it's for Christian men but it's like to make them more masculine and it's hysterically gay. It is, they got the big truck with the big wheels and then they pull out a tank with a guy shooting off AK-47s and then they opened the whole thing with like a sword swallower, that was, and then he sliced down a strip of pool and it's, it's, who it's that crazy kicker that told the women they're gonna wanna just stay home and have kids and Josh, it's, it was so realistic. Yes, and it, but it was so like, if you're a man, you like the truck with the big tires and it was crazy. But I feel like, you know, and I hate to joke like that but I really think that guy that was the kicker, there was something about, he was interested in men in college, I don't know where I heard that. So we'll take it with a grain of salt. But that's what it looks like. When someone can't express themselves in their real sexuality, then their, well, women should be in the home 'cause I was told that and it just breaks my heart every time, I don't know. No, yeah, and it should because it's a way to repress women and the power that women hold is just tremendous. And that's why they wanna keep us down. That's why they need to keep a handle on our individuality and on our, you know, freedom. I mean, and that's why that's under attack. That's 'cause we really, we had that women's march and right after that, everything got real repressive again. And that's because they saw what we can do when we band together, we fuck you up. (laughing) I know, I know, Jessa said something that I love, which is she said, it's not gonna be women replacing men, it's going to be women doing it differently. And that like, I felt like that took a burden off of me because like, I don't watch movies anymore if half the cast isn't women. I don't watch if, you know, like, I just can't, I can't participate, that's my way of not participating. And, you know, 'cause entertainment's my field. But yeah, I feel like that's especially the churches. And they are scaring people. They really are scaring people. - Well, they want you, yeah. They want you to be scared and not to where you'll just go, okay, NASA, whatever you need me to do, you know? - Yes, yes, mm-hmm. - Okay. - They need us to be proud. - Yes, and by the way, everyone, next week I was stalking this girl on TikTok like I talked to. And her name is Paige Smith and she's coming on Mary Magdalen Expert. So, yay! - Cool. - Yeah, so all right. - I love that. - So you have literally, I think you said 18 to 20 to 21. First of all, I love what you're doing on TikTok, which is you're doing a series. - Yes. - Do you have any, so you have prayer, so we'll have our practice. We have our recognition of what's going on, recognizing it and then kind of not participating or transmuting. I kind of love that alchemy. Is there a trick to that? Or is it just like visualizing? Like I think everything has to be like alchemy, I'm gonna have to get some test tubes and some petri dishes and some black dye for whatever that is. How do you transmute energy, just through your mind? - Yeah, through your intention, through your intention, through your prayers, through your what you're wanting to have happened, 'cause you know, all I'm doing is open open on these entities, but it is working. And all I did with, and I've used that same prayer on people and it's a little less effective because everybody has their own road that they have to walk. And so I think it's more effective when you use that on yourself or on these programmable entities. - Yeah, 'cause the entities probably have one mission or one you switch the one where as a human being is like a complicated web of. - Of karma and dharma and all kinds of crag-pray. (laughing) - Yes, and for some reason I wanted to throw donuts in on that too, it's karma and dharma and donuts and maybe I better get a donut later. - Okay, so transmute and I don't, wait, this is a, I don't know, I mean, I'm sure this falls in there somewhere, but like I've become more and more aware. I'm so lucky to have two friends that are like nutritionists, but taking care of the temple, that must be part of it too, right? - It should be and I kind of, that's not my strong point, but I'm getting better. I've gotten better over the years and more aware. I definitely use more herbs. I've got more aware of the herbs and that are available in the uses of those 'cause I'm really not into the western medicine thing much. And so yes, that has to be a part of it and I'm still working on it. - Well, nothing should be perfect. In fact, there was that right Andrew wielder or something like that. And he was always about put in healthy things before you worry about taking out things. When you tell people they can't have that, then everything becomes wrong, but put in healthy things. And then like I, my new sprouting addiction, it's so good. Yeah. - Microgreens are the best. I've been thinking about that too. They take up the less space. Have you looked into microgreens at all? - I haven't. I bought the sprouting jars and I didn't do it. I was like, why did you get those? And I almost left them at the Salvation Army and then one day I tried them and I cannot believe two things, which is how easy they are to grow. And it's literally putting seeds in a jar and rinsing them and four days later you have sprouts, which if you're wincing like, what do you do with sprouts? I'll tell you what you do with them. You put them in with olives and garbanzo beans and you make a dressing of olive oil, garlic, mustard, little bit of vinegar and it is delicious. I could eat anything will make olives good to me. But they're supposed to be the most nutritionally packed thing. It was so good and it's such an interesting, fun thing to kind of watch. And you could do it with cheesecloth and a jar. It's a little more messy. But if anyone doesn't want to buy anything, go get a piece of cheesecloth and get some sprouts. And I just thought, you know, I don't know what this thing is that's coming. In fact, it probably already happened by the time this came out or what the big change is gonna be. But I was like, this takes nothing to grow. Except water. And it's delicious. But I really am about even the powders I take and stuff. But that's a whole nother podcast. But even, you know, taking care of the temple a little bit, whatever you do, that's something too. - And I got to tell you, some flower sprouts are delicious. Just the FYI, they're absolutely amazing. - The sprouting company, I ordered a whole bunch and I just keep trying. So I haven't figured out the difference yet. All I know is I'm a, alfalfa ones are amazing. That's all I know. - Oh yeah. Totally good for you. They have so much good stuff. - Yes, my new obsession. So all right, I'm probably the people around you, right? - Yeah, I mean, there's a lot of people that I just don't really associate with anymore. And that's kind of been, that's been hard and that's been a challenge. But I know what's healthy for me. And if somebody, you know, is not an incredibly healthy person, then I'll minimize or eliminate my time around them. That's as much as possible. - Yeah, the amount of like spiritual protection that, or two ways that we need around people right now is crazy. Or sometimes my other, my teacher would do it a different way. My tarot teacher should say, just make your frequency so high that nothing sticks and it all goes through you. - Yeah, that's, yeah. Then that's also part of that non-participation. So if somebody's trying to trigger you, you just don't even be triggered. And that's that out to me. I'm not playing your game, but thank you. (laughs) - Yeah, non-participation is a really good way to kind of just diffuse everything, I guess you could say. - And it's alchemy. Yeah, that's diffusing the situation. It's transmuting it from something that was supposed to control you into something that doesn't really touch you or make any difference in your life at all. - Yes, all right, so everyone, first of all, check out this whole series where she has more details than not me interrupting on TikTok. That's gonna be one elder speaks. That's on TikTok, I think that's Instagram. That's kind of everywhere, right? - Not everywhere, but eventually maybe it will be. I'm gonna try. I'm a little technologically challenged, but we'll get there. - We'll get there. - No, and I love watching you on TikTok 'cause I get to see your face, that's the difference. I never do a video podcast 'cause I don't wanna put on makeup, but it was so nice to see the whole thing. And you said you're doing a second series. What is the next series? - Oh, huh, I'm not really, oh, if I run into any more dark art stuff, I'm definitely gonna download that, you know, so that'll happen, but when I'm working on next, I'm gonna just keep it high shush for now until I finally get it worked on and out there. But it should be before the end of this year. - Okay, great. With the dark arts, is there any, like Renee Watts, it told me, I love this trick about putting salt in a bowl and putting an egg in that and put it under your bed for two weeks and then take it out and you get rid of it somewhere where you don't walk. Like it's the egg pulling the energy out, the negative energy out and putting it somewhere. I love little things like that. Do you do anything like that? Or you feel like that's more stuff and just energetically you do it? 'Cause you do both ways. - Okay, so like I learned a long time ago that the subconscious mind can't really tell if something's real or not. So that if you wanted to do a practice of that sort, the important part of that is the intention. And that in my brain, even if I don't have an egg or salt or a bowl, I can still run those steps through my brain and do that as a ritual and that would still set up that same intention so it would still have the same effect. So, but I have a tendency to kind of walk away from anything that requires stones, bowls, cups, water, you know, stuff like that just because I want the energy and the intention to be spiritual. And I don't want to have to have stuff to do my magic with me. - I always, I'm a little bit like that too, but every once in a while, I like a good trick. I like putting some of the name in my freezer to freeze their actions. - Yes, yes, and that's fine, that's absolutely fine. And some of those can be very interesting. Like a friend of mine did a cleanse, an egg cleanse and then read the eggs afterwards and I was like, that's interesting, that's worth looking into, yeah. - Yeah, that's like, I'm pretty sure, sometimes I do work without my tarot cards, but I really love them. So I was like, yeah, so like people that have crystals, I was always like, well, if you leave the crystal does the energy go with you or what, like I got confusing, but I'm a hypocrite because I'm like, no, I love my cards. I love my cards. I know I could do without stop telling me it's a crutch or a tool. I love my cards. You keep your crystals, I'll keep my cards. - Yeah, and they're fun. - Yes, they are, they're beautiful. You know, I hope you will come back on in 2025 and we will have that discussion of Gnosticism again 'cause I really found that so thought provoking. - Oh yeah, fantastic. I would totally be up for that. - Okay, all right. - What I did before that podcast was I actually went out and researched it again because it's been a while since I've messed with it and I'll do that again, I'll just do more research and look into it a little bit more. - Great 'cause I feel like, I kind of feel like I still have, right now I still have that connection with God or whatever's happening, but I feel like all the information that we've been told from everyone. I feel like it's in a big salad bowl being tossed around my head right now and I'm not sure about anything. But that really, there's another woman on the TikTok that is agnostic that really gives it a, like you gotta give it a thought. - Absolutely, that's pretty deep stuff. They certainly put a lot of thought into it when they first came up with it. - Yes, yes. All right, my friend, tell everyone where they can find you. - Okay, I'm on, excuse me, YouTube on TikTok and on Instagram somewhat and it's one elder speaks and I don't have a, I should have a website up fairly soon. I don't know what that's gonna look like, but we'll just go from there. - Great, okay, and people can email you if they have questions or they wanna read or something, you do readings, right? - I actually can and I haven't really done it for the pub, well, I have done it for the public, just not on this. But yeah, if you wanna reading, get in touch with me at one elder and there's no spaces in between that, it's just one word. And yeah, we'll set something up, I think that'd be great and really I need to get into that mode anyway because that's the natural progression from here. - And really folks, I can't say it enough. I love the TikTok series, so go check it out. So thank you for coming. - Thank you so much. - All right everybody, we'll see you soon, hope to see you on the Patreon, I hope to see you at a psychic standup show. All that stuff, thanks to Mike at Uno Rising Media, have a great day or evening everybody. ♪ Paranormal Karen ♪ ♪ She's a spooky kind of queen ♪ ♪ Paranormal Karen ♪ ♪ She's an angel without wings ♪ ♪ A median goes time to come just exploring ♪ ♪ She's a funny gal and a real good pal ♪ ♪ She's paranormal Karen ♪ (gentle music) [BLANK_AUDIO]