Shawnee's Prayer

Hold On & Wait On God

Broadcast on:
29 Aug 2024
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Praise the Lord. Praise the Lord. Welcome to Shawnee's prayer podcast, season two, episode 19. You can find this podcast on various platforms, including YouTube. Please download, subscribe, like, comment, and share it with someone else. And as always, I start to my prayer of every blood scripture coming from Romans chapter five verse nine, much more than being now justified by his blood. We shall be saved from wrath. Do him. Let's go to the throne of grace. Father God. In the name of Jesus, you told us in your world to come boldly today, throwing a grace with me, obtained mercy and find grace to help in the time of need. Father God, in the name of Jesus, Lord God, I come to you on today, Father God, intercedent on behalf of each and every person, Father God, who's and lack on today, each and every person, Father God, who's crying out to you, Father God, Father God, someone is in dire distress, Father God, someone cannot sleep at night, Father God, because they are so stressed out over there. Builds, Father God, someone, Father God, toss and turn all night long, Father God, because they don't know how they're going to pay their student loan, Father God. They don't know how they're going to pay their rent, or their mortgage, Father God. They don't know how they're going to pay their daycare, Father God. They don't know how they're going to provide food for their children, Father God. Lord God, in the name of Jesus, Father God, you're a God that cannot lie. So Father God, if you told us in your world that you was apply our every need according to your riches and glory in Christ Jesus, Father God, I'm going to take you at your world, that you're going to supply the need of your people, Father God, but we were all created in your image, Father God, in the name of Jesus, O God. So if we were created in your image, that means we belong to you, Father God. Father God, I pray in the name of Jesus, Lord God, that you will make ways out of no way, Father God, in the name of Jesus, Lord God. Someone pressure is high, Father God, because they are stressing out, Father God. Someone is nervous in their body because they are dealing with anxiety over their situation, Father God. Someone has tried everything that they could possibly try, Father God, and nothing seems to be working for the Father God. Nothing is working out, Father God. It doesn't matter where they go, Father God. They just can't seem to find the help, Father God. They've been to social security. They've been to social services, Father God, and they can't get help, Father God. Maybe they make a dollar too much to get on Medicare, Father God. Maybe they make a dollar too much to get on Medicaid, Father God. In the name of Jesus, maybe they make a dollar too much, Father God, to be eligible for food stamps, Father God. In the name of Jesus, O God. So Lord God, in the name of Jesus, whatever the need is, Father God. Whether someone needs health insurance, Father God. Whether someone needs life insurance, Father God. Whether someone needs food in their home, O God, in the name of Jesus. Whether someone needs a home, Father God, whether that's our department or actual house, Father God. Lord God, you know what our needs are, Father God. And you know how to step in. You know how to make a way. You know how to open door. You know how to set free, deliver, Father God. You know how to show up, Father God. In the name of Jesus, O God, you can show up better for us than we can for our own selves, Father God. In the name of Jesus, because you know our beginnings all the way to our ending, Father God. We only know our right now, Father God. We don't know what the next second holds, Father God. But we know who holds the next second, Father God. In the name of Jesus, Lord God. And as long as we know, Father God, that we are in your capable hands, Father God, where no man can pluck this out, Father God. As long as we know that you are still on the throne, Father God. And as long as you are on the throne, Father God, we know that you are in control of our destiny, Lord God. We know that you are in control of every second, every minute, every hour of each day, Father God. In the name of Jesus, Lord God. We also know what your world says, Father God. Let one day with the Lord is like a thousand years. And a thousand years is like one day. Father God, your timing and our timing are two different timings, Father God. The way we see timing is not the way you view it, Father God. Sometimes we are pressed, Father God. Sometimes Father God is like God. If you don't show up at this right moment, Father God, I don't know what I'm going to do. And sometimes you don't show up at that moment, Father God. And guess what? We survive the situation, Father God. It may not be easy. It may not be painless, Father God. We may have to go through some things, Father God. We may have to grow through some things, Father God. We may have to experience some things, Father God, until you decide to show up for us, Father God. But the one thing I do know, Father God, is that you always show up, Lord God. And the name of Jesus, O God, you never just leave us hanging, Father God. In the name of Jesus, O God. Sometimes it feels like you ghost us, Father God, that you play, that you do our Houdini, Father God, and you just disappear, Father God. Sometimes we can't hear your voice. Sometimes we can't feel your spirit, Father God. And we feel like you just ghosted us and you left us all alone. But your world tells us that you will never leave us nor forsake us. And because your world says it, Father God, you have to be held accountable to your world. So I know, Father God, that even when I'm not hearing your voice, even when I can't feel your presence, Lord God, I know that you are still fair. You are still looking over me, O God. In the name of Jesus, you are still watching out over me. You still have my back, Father God. In the name of Jesus, you're not just my back, Father God. You still have all my backs, Father God, even those who don't believe in you, Father God, even those who say that you are a myth, Lord God, even those who say that you are a legend, Father God. In the name of Jesus, even those who may say that you're the right man's God, Father God. In the name of Jesus, O God, Father God, we know that Jesus Christ did not die on the cross just for one race, Father God, but he died on the cross for all mankind, Father God, so that we don't have to be lost by the God, so that we can have redemption for the God, so that we can come boldly to thy throne of grace, so that we can come to your Father God and tell you about our issues and tell you about our problems and tell you about our troubles and tell you about what we're dealing with and what we're going through, even though you already know it, Father God, we are able to do that, Father God, because of what Jesus Christ did, Father God, and we have assurance, Father God, because of what Jesus Christ did, that you're going to come through for us, Father God, that you're going to make ways for us, Father God. Father God is not always easy when we have to grow in you, Father God, it's not always easy when you're causing us, Father God, to mature in the face, Father God, it's not always easy, Father God, when we have to wait on you, Father God, it's not always easy, Father God, when you're perfecting patience in us, O God, it's not always easy, Father God, Father God, the one thing I do know, Father God, that you will strengthen us through every stage, Father God, you will strengthen us in every storm, Father God, you will strengthen us through every test, every trial, all through every tribulation, Father God, in the name of Jesus, Lord God, we're not in it alone, Father God, we're not in it by ourselves, Father God, but we have a big brother, Father God, that's sitting on the right hand, Father God, that's making intercessions for us, Father God, in the name of Jesus, O God, because even when we pray for the God, we don't pray as we ought to, Father God, even when we pray for the God, sometimes we're not praying the right to pray as Father God, and the name of Jesus, O God, so I come and ask, Father God, that you give us strength, Father God, as we wait on you to show up, that you give us strength for the God, as we wait on you to make a way, as we wait on you to open the doors, Father God, as we wait on you to heal our bodies, Father God, as we wait on you to heal our minds for the God, as you, as we wait on you to deliver us for the God, and the name of Jesus, O God, as we wait on you, Father God, to save our children and grandchildren, Father God, and the name of Jesus, as we wait on you, Father God, to save our lovers and our friends, Father God, and their lovers, O God, and the name of Jesus, O God, Lord God, in the name of Jesus, even when we feel fragile, even when we feel like we're broken in a million pieces, Father God, Father God, glues back together, Father God, still is back together, Father God, give us the strength that we need to keep on keeping on, give us the strength that we need to keep moving, Father God, don't allow us to stay stuck, Father God, don't allow us to go backwards, Father God, and the name of Jesus, help us not to throw in the tower, help us not to just give up, Father God, but help us, Father God, to hold on to you more and more, Father God, help us to hold on to the arms, Father God, help us to hold on to the throne of grace, O God, and the name of Jesus, O God, help us to hold on to the hem of Jesus, government, O God, and the name of Jesus, O God, no matter what we are going through, Father God, help us to hold on, Father God, and the name of Jesus, O God, allow us to note that it will be okay, Father God, by and by, Father God, and the name of Jesus, and we just keep holding on, Father God, and we just keep waiting on you, Father God, and we just keep believing in you, O God, and the name of Jesus, O God, and help us to lift up your holy name, Father God, and the name of Jesus, O God, help us to draw closer to the, O God, and the name of Jesus, O God, help us to draw Father God, deeper in you, Father God, help us to be truly connected to you, Lord God, help us to truly be connected to the mind, Father God, help us to truly be connected to the root, O God, and the name of Jesus, O God, don't allow us to win the Father God, and the name of Jesus, O God, but, Lord God, continue to give us grace, Father God, continue to show us mercy, Father God, continue to give us strength, Father God, and the name of Jesus, O God, and allow us to hold on, Father God, while we wait for you to show up, O God, while we wait for the God for you, O God, help us to hold on, Lord God, help us to hold on, Lord God, help us to hold on, Lord God, and the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, I pray you, amen, and amen, God bless you, God bless you, may heaven continue to smile down upon you and your family is my prayer, God bless you.