Mighty Wind TV Podcast (audio)

Power Through Purity - The Sound of Freedom

Power Through Purity - The Sound of Freedom

The power produced from purity is often overlooked yet it holds such great strength! Walking in a way that pleases the Lord is of the utmost importance. Join us as we bring forth this timely word.

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Stand with us as we bring the gospel to every tongue, tribe and nation. Thank you for praying and giving as the Lord directs.

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Date of service 9/5/24

1h 2m
Broadcast on:
08 Sep 2024
Audio Format:

Power Through Purity - The Sound of Freedom The power produced from purity is often overlooked yet it holds such great strength! Walking in a way that pleases the Lord is of the utmost importance. Join us as we bring forth this timely word. For more information on Apostle Cathy Coppola Ministries and House of Glory visit our websites at: and Our annuel Fired Up Conference is September 27th, 2024 Sign up now at To watch Women In Ministries Series go to: Jesus and Paul Affirmed Women In Leadership Now you can watch Mighty Wind Broadcasting Network TV on our scheduled programing channel! Stand with us as we bring the gospel to every tongue, tribe and nation. Thank you for praying and giving as the Lord directs. #standinthefight #churchesfalling #megachurch #deception #spiritualwarfare #godlycharacter #music #faith #Jesussaves #wakeup #standfortruth #mightywindbroadcastingnetworktv #mightywindtv #apostlecathycoppola #firedupconference #christianity #jesus #christian #bible #god #faith #jesuschrist #church #christ #love #prayer #gospel #bibleverse #holyspirit #godisgood #pray #truth #hope #scripture #blessed #worship #biblestudy #grace #amen Date of service 9/5/24
And as I was preparing for this day, the Lord said something to me. And it's a word for some of you that some have a very heavy heart right now and they're burdened. The word was burdened. But you're burdened by someone else's things. You're burdened because of someone else's behavior or just their stuff, you're burdened. There's a weight of worry. There's a weight, there's an oppressed, there's like an oppression, like a discouragement that's just settled and it's been settling and it's settled upon you. There's a weight, a burden of discouragement and most of it isn't even yours, but it's how you feel. And it's something that belongs to someone else's behavior and choices that is causing a weight upon you. It's causing a burden upon you. And as I heard this word from the Lord, and I heard this word this morning, the Lord totally changed the message. I heard this word this morning and I knew that we were gonna shift gears because I know that there is, even as I look out, I can discern there's more than just one person, there's quite a few of you. There's a burden that's been placed upon you. It's not of God. And today is a choice of course, every day is a choice. And today God wants to rip that burden off of you. He wants to rid you of that burden, but you're gonna have to let him in. You're gonna have to, you're gonna have to lay the burden down. You're gonna have to literally cast your cares upon him because he does care for you. As I look around I see how spot on this word from the Lord is. I can't make you do this. You're gonna have to make a choice to do this. But it's the right choice, it's the why it's choice. And as we were aware shipping, the Lord showed me 'cause I felt it. In my right ear, so it's a word of knowledge. It like a drilling, it's painful, a drilling. Now I just prayed over somebody this week for the same similar thing, I'm putting left. But I got that again as we were aware shipping. Spiritual, yes, definitely it's spiritual for sure. Isn't it, it's an attack against some of you? Don't let it happen, you have the spirit of God. We're gonna pray over it right now. But I heard not only just that drilling that I felt, right? But I heard as I felt that I heard the Lord say, some of you are listening to the wrong spirit and it's actual voices that are causing this spiritual effect. It's not of God, it's why I say spiritual, I don't mean the Lord, everything is in the spiritual realm. We have the Lord, we have the demonic realm too. And so there are some things that you're hearing and allowing yourself to hear and it's causing, you may think it's nothing, but it's actually going deeper than you think because I felt it, it's going deeper than you think. And it goes hand in hand with the word that I got this morning before I got here. Some are heavy-hearted, burdened by someone else's ways. But today's a good day to get rid of that, isn't it? So for some, that's not, I'm not done. I'm gonna continue to minister in the word before I minister to you by the laying on of hands. For some, this weight on you is bringing sickness. (gentle music) For some, it is, it's bringing sickness. For some, you know, you go, yeah, I know I've experienced it. For some, it might be at the very beginning stages. Some of you may not even feel it yet at all. Don't wait till you do. For some, this weight, this heavy, this oppression is bringing a sickness upon you because it's an open door of the enemy that you're tolerating. You cannot tolerate it. You cannot tolerate the assignments of the enemy. In Proverbs 20, I'm sorry, Proverbs 12, 25. As a Lord gave me this word this morning, I asked him for the scriptures. He said Proverbs 12, 25. And that scripture tells us that anxiety causes depression. Anxiety causes depression. I'm gonna read the whole scripture for you though. 'Cause I want you to see how what I'm saying here is actually very, very biblical. Anxiety is fear. It's the weight, it's heaviness, right? So Proverbs 12, and 25. Yeah, anxiety in the heart of a man causes depression. But a good word makes it glad. Look at the power of the words. Our words, other people's words, the power in words. Anxiety, what is anxiety? It's fear. It's just, it's fear. That oppression that sometimes you feel, you know why you're feeling oppression? 'Cause you have fear that that thing is gonna come about. When you have fear, when you have anxiety, it's because you're fearing something that isn't here, but you're assuming or you're hoping it won't come, or you're afraid that it might, it's fear. Anxiety is just fear. And it's fear of something that isn't even yet present, but it has the potential to be. So it's causing you to walk in something that isn't even here, but because you've opened the door to the fear, 'cause you'll let that fear be there, you're both in the door, then what happens is you receive that very thing that you were fearful of in the first place. Do you see what I'm saying? So we cannot allow that anxiety, that fear, that heaviness that sometimes you may describe it differently. You may describe it like a weight, a heaviness, a weight. Well, that doesn't come from God. That is not coming from our Lord. We need to get rid of that. We need to let that thing go. We need to cast that thing off. So anxiety causes depression. When you go over to, and of course, the good word makes one glad, which is such a great scripture. But anxiety causes depression. And then I wanna also, I wanna link this other scripture, which is Proverbs 17 and 22. So if anxiety causes depression, fear causes you to get depressed. Depresses that heavy, heavy spirit, no joy there, which complete access, an open, open access to the enemy to work. Proverbs 17, 22 says, a merry heart do with good like medicine, but it says, but a broken spirit dries up the bones. So anxiety causes depression, and a broken spirit dries up the bones. When your bones are dried up, can you see how that's gonna lead to health problems? A broken spirit dries up the bones. If you remain in that way, a broken spirit leads to even more health issues. But a joyful heart is like medicine. And a good word makes you glad. So God has not left us without anything that we can do. No, we're not left helpless or right, we're hopeful. So let's go to Proverbs 4. Let's go to Proverbs 4. (gentle music) And I'm gonna first read 23, but then I'm gonna back up. So verse 23, it tells us what to do with our heart, and it says to keep your heart, keep your heart, it says with all diligence, some versions tell you to guard your heart. You have to guard our hearts, church. We must guard our hearts. Why, everything flows from that place. So verse 23 says, keep your heart with all diligence for out of it, spring the issues of life. All issues of life, springing forth from your heart. Diligence means carefully, being persistent, in guarding what God has said to guard, which is your heart. Let's jump up to verse 20. It says, my son, give attention to my words, incline your ear to my sayings. Do not let them depart from your eyes. Do not let them depart from your eyes. Encline your ears to my sayings, not someone else's sayings. Encline your ear, listen, press in to what God is saying. Some of you need to shut the chatter. Some of you just need to stop the chatter from happening. My son, give attention to my words. I'm telling you right now, it's witchcraft. And witchcraft is trying to rob from you and destroy you. My son, give attention to my words. We're gonna pay attention to the words of God, his words. His words are the right words. Encline your ears to my sayings. Do not let them depart from your eyes. This is a command, isn't it? We're to keep our eyes on the word of God. Keep them in your midst. Just keep them in the midst of your heart. For they are life. They are life, but only life to those who find them. The words of God, his word, his holy word is life, but only life to those who find them. We have found your word. Oh God, we have eaten your word. Lord, your word is life to us, but nevertheless, the enemy brings a weight and he's crafty. Oh, he's crafty. In 1 Peter 5, 8, 9, it says be sober and be vigilant because you're adversary of the devil. He walks around roaming, roaming like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour. But we're called in the word of God to resist him and to be steadfast in the faith. He may be walking around. He may be like a lion just roaring, seeking whom he can devour. But I'm telling you right now, he's not gonna devour you. He's not gonna devour you. He's not gonna devour you. We are filled with the spirit of the living God. The incredible, beautiful, holy presence of God in this room is something that we have tasted and we have seen how good God is. We cannot deny the goodness of the Lord. At the same time, you have to have the wisdom of God to know that the enemy is threatened by what happens here at these places. In this church, he's threatened. He's threatened by the praise. He's threatened by the worship. He's threatened by the word. He is threatened by the ministry that happens in this place. He is threatened. He is absolutely 100% threatened, which is right, he tries to roam around. And if you think that, oh, he can never touch you, then you don't understand spiritual warfare. And it starts so subtle. And that voice that shouldn't be consistently speaking in your ear. And I cannot deny what I felt during worship today. And I knew as a word for somebody that there are people that you're allowing to listen to, then it's literally causing a drill effect going in your ear. It was painful. Like I said, I prayed for somebody this week that had the very same thing in the physical realm. And of course, it was backed with a spiritual thing too. But I kicked that thing out and she was totally fine in both ways. She was totally fine and set free day and night. Like, you know, just completely different. But then today I got it again. And I knew, okay, okay, well, we need to do a little bit of ministry here. We need to do a little bit of cleaning up, right? Oh, but while I said in the beginning, you're gonna have to let this thing go. You have to let it go. When I said you have to cast that thing off, you're gonna have to cast that thing off. Don't soak in your misery. Some of you wait for somebody else to do it. Don't soak, don't sit there. Don't sit there in your misery. Cast it out. Cast it off. (gentle music) I rebuke that devil right now. I rebuke that devil right now. 'Cause I'm feeling it again. So I'm gonna have you lift your hands up right now and I need the intercessors to stand up and to really intercede right now. You consider yourself in this church, in intercessor. I need you to be standing. I need you to be interceding. 'Cause there's an attack, all right? And it's not gonna land. It's not gonna land on you. It's not gonna last. I cast out that spirit right now. I rebuke that spirit. I command that spirit to get off of them in the name of Jesus. That spirit of witchcraft, I rebuke it right now. And I say it goes off of them in the name of Jesus. In the name of Jesus. (speaking in foreign language) For all this rocker, Jesus said on this rocker, He will build His church. He's built His church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against us. The gates of hell will not prevail against you, church. No matter of gossip, jealousy, strife, no matter of witchcraft, will be able to prevail against you. We are strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. We are notorious. So right now we shut the mouths of the lions. We shut the mouths right now of the deceiver. We shut the mouths right now of the accuser of the brethren. He's just an accuser. That's all He is. He just accuses day and night, night, day. But He has no solid footing. He has no solid ground. And the deceiver's going down. The deceiver's going down. In the name of Jesus, the deceiver's going down. You will not be deceived. You will not be deceived by any stretch. Behold, I give you authority to trample. We will trample. We will trample on serpents. We will trample on scorpions. Behold, I give you authority over all the power of the enemy. And nothing, nothing, no nothing, no nothing. Shall by any means harm you? No, nothing, no nothing. I decree over you right now, nothing shall harm you. I decree right now that spirit of witchcraft come off of you. I decree right now that spirit of deception and discouragement to come off of you right now. I command it to go in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. I thank you, Father God, O God, O God, O Robleson. I am the name of us, O God, O Robleson. Matthew 4, Jesus said, away with you. Satan, away with you. And we decree it as well. Away with you, devil. Away with you. Leave, leave them. Leave those people now. Leave these people right now. Go. In the name of Jesus, wherever there is a harassing spirit, a spirit of heaviness, leave them right now. Wherever there is a spirit that wants to drill in your ear, cause you to be weighted down, weighted down with discouragement, trying to divide because of their stuff. No way, no how. Not on my watch, devil. You're defeated. You're defeated. Jesus said, away with you, Satan, for it is written. For it is written, you shall worship the Lord your God. And him only you shall serve. And then the devil left him. And the angels came and they ministered to him. [NON-ENGLISH SPEECH] [NON-ENGLISH SPEECH] [NON-ENGLISH SPEECH] Thank you, Father. Hallelujah. The word says, for though we walk in the flesh, we walk in these bodies. We do not war according to the flesh. When you do warfare, you're not warring according to your flesh. When you do warfare, you are warring according to the spirit of God. When you do warfare, you are warring in the position of God has put you in a place of authority and responsibility so you don't war from emotions that are angry or frustrated. Do you see what I'm saying? You war from a position of authority and in purity. If you don't have purity, you have nothing. If you don't have humility, you have nothing because God resists the proud. But he gives grace to the humble. Some of you are catching what I'm saying. And I already sense a level of breakthrough, but some of you are not. We need to go a little deeper, because some of you are not. People want to cast out devils. People want to do all this kind of stuff. And we're called to do it. Of course, we should, what's what we're called to do. But if you're walking and you've got anger and frustration and unforgiveness and you think you're going to be able to cast out a devil, you're not casting anything out. You're just walking in the flesh. You're actually partnering with a devil and you're making yourself sick. You need to walk in purity. God's not fooled, he won't be mocked. He will not be mocked. You are to walk in a higher level of authority. You cast out devils. You need to cast the devils out in the name of Jesus, put in a spirit of purity. Holiness and humility, because God resists the proud. And if you think you're going to have all these excuses as to why you can walk in a spirit of anger and think you can walk in authority, you cannot. You will always find yourself spiraling downward. You know one of the best ways of walking an authority? You want to know one of the best ways of being able to get rid of demons and to walk freely? I'll tell you what it is right now. Church of God, turn to the person that you have offended or hurt and apologize. Some people, especially in the charismatic circles and the Pentecostal circles, will think you can just cast everything and anything out and they forget. Some of those things are not demons, it's your own bad character. And you can't cast out bad character, you can't cast out the flesh. It's to kill the flesh, you're supposed to die. So that's why you want to know why there's such a struggle sometimes, you want to know why there's such a struggle so you keep on doing the same thing and nothing seems to happen, well guess what? Maybe you want to go and apologize. Maybe you want to humble yourself and apologize and say you're sorry. You will see how far you will go when you humble yourself before the Lord. Humble yourself before a mighty God. Only the pure in heart will see him. Don't be fooled, God is not mocked, never will he be. Let he who has an ear hear. This is a word from the Lord that he spoke to me this morning because he changed everything up. So there are people that need to hear this word. And as you hear, well number one, I said there was a heaviness. And that might be you, filling the effects of someone else's junk. Number two, I said that the greatest way of walking in spiritual warfare, instead of always casting everything out, maybe you're casting something out but isn't to be cast, maybe you're supposed to just apologize. So you got two sides, which side are you on? You don't have to answer that question, but you do need to ask the Lord. Because some of you are being affected and wounded by those that will not apologize, but instead they just think it's a devil and they're just trying to cast it out instead of being genuine and walking in humility and saying, wow, I need to learn how to live correctly and stop blaming everything on a demon or on a spirit. It's time for the church to grow up and know the difference. If you feel the heaviness and you know you're walking in humility, you know that you're like, God, I search, I'm asking you to, oh, every day, moment by moment, search my heart. And if I've offended someone, I go, not only do I make it right with God, but I go to make it right with a person. You got to make it right with a person. Hey, it's easy to make it right with God sometimes. Sometimes it's harder to make it right with a person. So for some of you, your persistence in wanting to show a certain facade and not be humble is actually, is actually your downfall. It's actually the reason that you're stuck. It's simple, humility. For some of you, you're just feeling the effects of all that garbage, all that flesh. And of course, it's mixed with demons. You let the flesh live long enough. It's an open door pretty soon, sure enough. It's a bad character, yes, but pretty soon. Those demonic spirits are more than happy to come and to join you, but it doesn't happen right away. God gives you a chance. And of course, even when it does happen, you still have a way to get free, but this is the path I'm telling you. Repent, humble yourself before the Lord, apologize. And that was the key word, an apology, humble and genuine. So I'm gonna go back to those that felt heavy and down in this oppression. 'Cause I believe that's probably most of you here. So Lord, right now I'm gonna ask you to lift your hands right now, and if that's where you are, and where you are right now, that heaviness, it's not from God, and it's not, I'm telling you right now, it is not something you're gonna walk out with unless, like I said, unless you let it. Let every place, no distractions right now in the name of Jesus, no distractions. Thank you, Father. I command that spirit of oppression to come off of them right now in the name of Jesus. I rebuke that devil right now that's trying to bring a heaviness because of jealousy. You guys, it's jealousy. A lot of it is jealousy. In the name of Jesus, we cancel right now all effects. All heaviness, all jealousy, all witchcraft, all opposition, all fear, all lying spirits, all spirits of division. We cast out these spirits and all of their cohorts, all their friends. We cast out every familiar spirit, every arrogant, prideful spirit that would wanna come on you and make you feel down, and make you feel stuck and make you feel heavy. I command it to come off of you right now, to the ear, symbolically, that which was like a drill going down into your, into like your eardrum. I command right now that thing to reverse and to be pulled out. It's going out today, it's leaving today. Word curses being spoken, angry words being spoken, it has a lot to do with anger, has a lot to do with revenge, which of course results in fear, the fear that you're feeling, the oppression, the anxiety, the heaviness, back to that. So all of that has to go right now. I command the reversal of this thing right now in the name of Jesus. All of it has to go thank you father. Yep, just lift off. These things are lifting off of you right now. The weight is coming, I see it coming off of many of you right now. Don't worry, I'm not calling anybody up. I'm not trying to embarrass anybody. I'm not pointing any attention to any specific person. I see it on a lot of you actually. So right now, just let God do it. Just let God relax and let God do it. Thank you father, the purpose of the Son of God was manifested that we, that he might destroy the works of the devil. And so right now the works of the devil are being destroyed. The works of the devil are being destroyed. There were works of the devil trying to take action and trying to sink in you, trying to basically just sink. You know what I'm saying, like just get as talons, talons on you where you feel stuck. You walk and you can't shake this thing off. You go this way and you can't shake it off. You go that way and you can't, you just don't seem to shake it off. It's like stuck. Uh-uh, no way, no how. No way, no how. I rebuke that thing right now and I cast it out in the name of Jesus. I command it to come off right now. Thank you father. Lord, I thank you that we are such a threat to the enemy, that he would feel that he has that kind of, he has to do this, he would have to even try. But we know all of his efforts fall to the ground and they bear no fruit, none whatsoever. Father, we bless those that are acting as our enemies. We bless them right now. I want you to forgive whoever it is you need to forgive. Just you and the Lord just do business with God. If some of you are waiting for the message to start, you missed it because this is the message today. So just ask the Lord to forgive. Some people need to, you need to forgive some of these people. And you might say, yeah, but what they're doing is not right. It doesn't matter, you're not the judge, God is. Leave it to the Lord. Leave it to the Lord, you forgive him anyway. Forgive him anyway. See, I have no fear of anybody doing such a thing towards me or on me or about, you know, I just don't, I don't, you know why? Because I know when we walk holy before God, that means we don't hold offenses. That means there's nothing, there's no ill will towards any one. Even those that, you know, the world would say, well, you should have it, look what they're doing. Uh-uh, no, we don't walk by the world's standards. We walk by the Lord's standards, we forgive and let it go. And love, right? So I don't fear when someone would try to do something like this because I know that I walk holy before God. And I know that I'm protected. But I felt so strongly that many of you were having this, and you know, in its settle, sometimes you don't see it coming on. It's not that you hell were holding on forgiveness for some of you, for some of you, you just didn't see it coming on. Because the enemy is very crafty, very crafty. And the Lord's given me a lot of dreams lately and these dreams are definitely in alignment with what we're talking about here today. Different kinds of warfare, but I'll tell you, even in my dreams, even in my dreams, I just cast that thing out, I just rebuke it and tell it to go, even in my dreams. It's fine, I wake up, I'm totally happy, I'm on my way, it doesn't, I don't miss a step. And we shouldn't, but God is warning. He is showing us, he's saying, hey, I'm moving you into this realm of glory. But there are setups, there are assignments and they're all around, they're planned and they're scheduled all around. And so we need to be wise, right? Wise as serpents, innocent as dubs and bold as a lion. Come on, pastor Ruben over there, he's like, yeah, he's doing punches over there, come on. Yeah, because I think that he's, this is bearing, it's witnessing, it's witnessing to him. Oh, thank you Lord. I just say, I hope that you're doing business with the Lord right now because, and also taking authority where that's needed. This is the other, this is the other thing the Lord had me wanted me to go to. And I'm gonna read it, which is first Corinthians 13. It's the chapter that talks all about love. Starts in the last verse of 12 in 31. So 1231 and I'm gonna go through 13. This is but earnestly desire the best gifts. And yet I show you a more excellent way. So God's excellent, more excellent way. Which is the love of God in us church? See, when you have the love of God, you can love your enemies and not count them as enemies. In other words, you see, you know, you're not ignorant of their ways, but their effects have no effect on you. Though I speak with the tongues of men and angels, but have not love, I have become sounding, like a sounding brass or a clinging symbol. So you can sit there and you can cast out all kinds of devils if you want. But you don't have any love. The Bible says that you're like a sounding brass or a clinging symbol. In other words, it sounds terrible. It is terrible. It's like if Pastor James would all of a sudden start hitting all these wrong notes and singing a different tune. And we're just like, you know, and nobody, it does not sound good. It is disturbing. It's so disturbing. It's like, you know, you can only handle that for so long, right? And it keeps on going on. It keeps on going on. It keeps on going on. You don't have any love and you think that you're gonna act like this spiritual giant, but there's no love. What is the Lord saying? Hey, these are not my words. So if it's offending somebody, well, then you need to take this up with the Lord because you should be thanking me 'cause I'm telling you the truth. And so yeah, it says, and though I have the gift of prophecy and I understand all mysteries and all knowledge and though I have faith so that I could remove mountains but I don't have love, I am nothing. I am nothing. That's pretty strong, isn't it? And then it says, and though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor and though I give my body to be burned but have not love, it profits me nothing. You can do all these works. You know, all these good works, but it's not gonna profit you anything. And then he tells us what love is. He says, love is, it's patient. This version says love suffers long, which just means it's patient. If you don't have patience, then I'm gonna ask you, do you have the Holy Spirit, are you saved? Are you saved? Because the fruit of the Spirit, one of the fruits of the Spirit is patience. So love suffers long, love is patient. And it is kind. Where did we get away from kindness? Why do you think you can just treat somebody and however, whatever way you want to treat them because that's what you're used to? And think that God is not displeased. He's displeased. And if you didn't have discernment to hear that, then let me hear, let me tell you and you can hear it from me. He's displeased. Love is kind. Love does not envy. So it's not jealous of one another. Love does not parade itself. That puffed up, look at me. It's not puffed up. It does not behave rudely. Oh, we can stop right there for a moment, can't we? Hear people and you. They're just so flat out rude and they think that it's okay because well, they're just gonna cast out that demon anyway. You're not casting anything out. You're wasting your breath. Get with it, you're not doing anything. Not anything good anyway. Oh, how come people don't teach this when you, you know, this is what we need to hear. We need to hear this. You're gonna behave this way rudely. Not kind at all. And you think that you're gonna be able to just go and walk in spiritual warfare? No, the only warfare is you being attacked because you're allowing it. God isn't gonna, he's not gonna do something contrary to his word. This is what he says in his word. So mature believers are gonna live by his word. So some need to just die to self and live for Christ. The way he says where to live. And it goes on after not behaving rudely, it says love does not seek its own. Again, self-centeredness, it is not provoked. What does that mean? It means it's not easily angered, not easily angered. And here you got some people forget about not being easily angered. They're walking in fits of rage. And you tell me you think God's okay with that? He's not, what should you do? Repent, get on your face before the Lord. Let God minister to you, let him heal you, let him forgive you, let him tell you what are the next steps. 'Cause sometimes I think that for some, people have just walked away from basic Christianity. And you know it's true because you see it in the world, you see it in the church, churches. You see leadership falling left and right. You see church congregants in the church just following after their leader's sin left and right. Why? Because they're not walking in true love, they're not walking in the love of God, they're walking in the flesh. And a lot of these are charismatic churches that understand and believe the move of the spirit. And they're a mess, a diabolical mess, horrific. So love is not provoked, it's not easily angered. It thinks no evil instead of being so accusatory towards everybody that moves. The word says that love thinks no evil. You're not dishonoring one another. Love does not rejoice in iniquity. You see someone not doing well, they fall. You're not rejoicing in that. You're praying for them. You should be praying for them. How do you pray for them? However is necessary. Maybe they need to have, maybe you need to pray that the spirit of conviction falls upon them. I'm gonna go back to what I said before. Some people think, oh gosh, I'm just gonna pray that those demons leave that person. But if that person is giving access to demons, why are you wasting your breath? You'd be better off asking the Lord to bring a spirit of conviction upon that person before you're sitting or trying to cast something out. They've welcomed it, they're holding on to it. We do pry it out of their hands. Repentance. Devils don't have power over you when you walk in purity. They don't. They don't have power over you when you walk in purity and you walk in discernment. I'm saying a lot here, read between the lines, discern, learn. Everybody's at a different place, but I know that everybody will receive what they need today because God is speaking. So love does not rejoice in inequity, but it rejoices in the truth. And this is the truth, guys, I'm telling you the truth right now. We've seen so many miracles. We've seen so many incredible, beautiful moves of God and we're just beginning. I know God's got so much for us, but we have to all, my heart is that every single one of us moves forward together and that there are no casualties of war that we don't lose someone simply because they were deceived, they were not discerning what was going on and they got picked off. That is not my heart to see that to let that happen. My heart is to not let that happen, which is why I'm saying what I'm saying. Because if you think with all the realm of God's glory and we're expecting, I could focus on that. I wanna focus on that, but I know that there are a few, that there's some things happening and you need to be aware so that you don't become a casualty of war. You're following, right? So love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never fails. The love of God never fails. His love will never fail. Thank you, Father, that your love is with us. Your love keeps us, your love holds us, you are love and you said love never fails, which means Christ never fails, Jesus never fails. Pray for a spirit of repentance to fall on those individuals. Pray for a spirit of conviction to fall on them. And of course, we always start with ourselves. And you might be going, well, I'm not sure. Is it, maybe it's me. Ask God, Lord, search my heart. He will tell you, He's not trying to withhold truth from you. He wants you to walk purely. And so, Lord, am I hard in an area? Is my heart hard? Have I been deceived in an area? Lord, search my heart. Search my heart, I wanna please you, God. I wanna worship you, I wanna please you with everything within me, God. I'm not talking about the pointing of the finger. When you're pointing a finger, you've got how many pointing back at you, right? And so, we're not talking about that kind of an attitude. I'm not talking about that at all. But I can't overlook what I see and what I heard this morning and what I felt this morning. So I know that as God changed the message up this morning, because there are people that need to hear this, but the, so Lord, repentance, yes, God, I choose to repent. I've told you this a thousand, I had so many times, that every single day, you should be repenting. Every day, God, search my heart. If there's anything I've done, Lord, I repent. Every day, keep your walk right, keep your heart clean. Every day, let me tell you something right now for those that are married. How you treat your spouse will determine your level, your authority will determine your life and how your life is. 'Cause what you do behind closed doors, God sees. And if you think that you can act like you're such, you know, everything is great, but then behind closed doors for those that are married and you start just bullying and yelling and name calling and all these kind of, you're deceiving yourself. And there are consequences that follow. (gentle music) You're dividing your own house. And a house that is divided will not stand, it will fall. So you can be mad if you want, but one day if you he, you'll come back and say, I'm so glad, you spoke truth. - That's right. - And it takes humility to say, you know what? I sinned against you in this area, forgive me, to your spouse, but God calls us to walk humbly before him and before one another. 'Cause we're not fooling him, we will not fool him. It will be evident what you do in secret will eventually be done, will be done outwardly, openly. So you pray to your father, you pray, but if you refuse to let him humble you and apologize, eventually what was secret will become open and you're seeing it all across the news, you're seeing it in churches that we would be considered in the same vein with how we move, apostolicly, you know, gifts, signs and winners, we would be considered in the same vein. If somebody that didn't know us and just looked in and listened to a message or watched a live service, they would say, well, there are one of them. No, we're not. We are not not by any stretch of the imagination. No, we're not. Because I believe that if we do not walk in Godly character, don't tell me about your gift, I don't wanna hear it. (gentle music) If you can't walk kindly, if you can't walk in love, don't prophesy, don't give me anything. I don't wanna hear it. Yes, I am coming on strong because my heart has been grieved for a long, long time and you know I've mentioned this. And it's been grieved because of what I've seen publicly and things are coming up publicly. I don't come up and tell you all these things every single week. Why? 'Cause I don't wanna focus on that. I wanna encourage you. I wanna edify you. I wanna help move this church where God is moving this church. So the focus is on what God is doing. But that does not mean that my heart has not been grieved by the horrendous things that I see. Why? Because people are not walking in Godly Christian values and they have got everything backwards. There's no fear of God, but it starts in your own home. These people have homes, they have lives, they have family members, and it starts in their own home. And so again, back to those that are married. Cherish, honor, value, your spouse. Put them first. Obviously God is first, but put them first. Spend time, take care of that individual. Foster that marriage. And you might say, "My husband's not even a Christian "or doesn't act like a Christian." That has nothing to do with what I'm saying. Let your life win that person back. Let your example win them back. You know what I'm saying? It's not your job. Just be who you are called to be, a godly, fearing man or woman, right? Amen. So if people would practice this in their marriage and then they would practice this at church, they would practice this with one another, we wouldn't see half of the things that are so horrendous at the world points at the church and laughs, mocks and ridicules, and honestly they have every right to do. But God's not, he's not gonna be mocked. (gentle music) So when I heard this morning, this heaviness, this oppression, you might be saying, how did she go from heaviness and oppression to that because the enemy is very subtle? It happens very slowly, little things. One thing upon the next, upon the next, upon the next pretty soon, you're buried. You're so buried and you're so lost and confused and you don't know which way is up and you leave the place God told you to be at and then the enemy picks you off and then anything goes, anything can go. There's a progression. And so we really do need to pray. We need to pray every Tuesday, by the way. Every Tuesday in our Zoom prayer, we pray. We pray for this church, we pray for the church at large. And we need to pray for one another and I feel like today that is what God is doing for sure. And I'm gonna ask you all to stand right now and I want you to grab hold of the hand of the person next to you. You don't know what they're going through, but God does. And we are a family and you might be, well, I'm totally fine. This message doesn't hit home for me. Well, you know what, it should hit home because you know what, it's not all about you. How about you coming to church to serve? How about you coming to church to be something for somebody else? Therefore, it is hitting home if you would have eyes that are not just so centered in. So we should actually minister to every single one of you where it guard us of where you are at personally in life. So Father, right now we lived up, well, we lived up Lord even ourselves and then we lived up one another. We lived up this church, we lived up our family members. Lord, I thank you that our walk is because of the work that Christ did on the cross. Well, we can cast out demons, but if we have no love, we're gonna be just this sounding gong, this clanging symbol, and that's not what we want Lord. And we wanna always remember Jesus, you paid the price. We're Christians, we bear your name. We get to bear your name. Let us not be ashamed that we say we're Christians, but yet no one would ever know if we're at the grocery store. We don't wanna be ashamed. We wanna have the fear of God. We're Christians all the time. Not just when we're at church and not just when we're praying, someone calls you on the phone to pray. We're Christians all the time. And so Father, right now I'm praying that wherever conviction needs to fall, that it falls, wherever repentance needs to fall, it falls because I know that as we heed to that, only good things come. You wanna lift us up and you wanna bring us out of that myri clay and you wanna set our feet on that solid rock and you want us to shout the victories of the Lord, but there's a progression that sometimes has to take place. So I bless them and I thank you Lord God for opening up eyes right now and Lord just giving them this renewed vision in you. Give us renewed vision God. Let us see what you want us to see. We repent, Lord, we repent of our own doing. We repent Lord of ways that don't please you, we repent. Father, we repent even on behalf of our family members. Lord God, we stand in the gap. For some of you us just need to stand in the gap for some people. Just stand in the gap and say God forgive them. Oh Lord, open their eyes, forgive them. I don't wanna hear just this sounding gong, this trash. I don't wanna hear that stuff from them and then be affected by it. No, no, I wanna lift them up in prayer. I wanna pray for them. So Lord, we pray for them right now. Lord, we pray for them right now. Lord, we decree right now that your goodness, it is your love, oh God, I thank you that Father God, you're bringing them to a place of repentance, Father God, that you just show them who they truly are in Christ and their true identity, Lord God, that they wouldn't act like these poppers, they wouldn't act like these people walking around, no true identity, not knowing who they are. Lord Jesus, we belong to you. We've been bought with a prize. They've been bought with a prize. Let them never forget, let us never forget. Let us never forget the price, the cost of salvation, how precious it is, God. It was a free gift, but that doesn't mean it had no value. It had all the value, it was so much value. We can't even put a price tag on it, but let us never let the weight of that, let the weight of that never escape us. We have been purchased, we have been bought with the price that only you Jesus could pay. So because we have been bought, we have been purchased, we've been redeemed, we can stand and we can pray when we see someone that has been redeemed, but acting as if they haven't been, 'cause they've lost sight of who they are and they've gotten things backwards. Things are all, it's all convoluted and they're walking in their own flesh, thinking it's God, thinking it's the Lord, self-righteous and high and almighty. No, it is not God, repent. Lord, I thank you for a spirit of repentance and conviction. Lord, I thank you Father God for that sweet intimacy right now. I think of that as true repentance, as true conviction falls upon them Lord God, that there's true genuine tears, a life that changes, lives that are undone for you genuinely, not just because we're in worship and because we feel the spirit of God, but all the time, day and night, night and day. Lord God, when we're standing against and in front of that individual that just doesn't seem to want to quit, but we don't respond in the flesh. We respond in the spirit because we have the spirit of self-control and we don't make excuses for bad behavior. We say, Lord, correct me when I need to be corrected and I will heed your ways. Open my eyes, God, for the ways that maybe I've gotten off, maybe the fear of the Lord is not where it used to be. Lord, I repent, I wanna walk in the fear of the Lord. Demons fall by the wayside when you start praying like this. They lose their access when you start to pray like this. Then it's just a simple get behind me Satan and it's done. It's a simple command and it's over. Stop wasting your breath in casting out demons over and over and over to no avail because you refused to look at your own sin. (gentle music) Yes, Lord, teach us your ways. Thank you, Allah. Then I'm just wash over you right now. The truth, his truth is flow. Thank you, Father. We come to church and we're never convicted then we're just going to some kind of a club. But all sweet conviction, how good it is. You wash us new and marked out. That's where true power is, purity. True Christian power is wrapped up in purity. Walking humbly means purity, walking purely before God. Nothing will move you when you walk purely before him. Nothing will shake you, doesn't mean you never feel the effects but it doesn't get to move you, it doesn't get to destroy you. Nothing will when you walk purely before God. Thank you, Lord, for your purity that you give us. I bless them, Father. I thank you, Father, for the beautiful anointing in this room. Thank you, Lord Jesus. They're doing business with you. Father, as so many are, I thank you. I thank you, Lord, God, that we are refreshed. We're renewed, Father, God, in your presence. Hallelujah. See, there's perfect purity and there's perfect power in purity. There's power in purity, you guys. The power of the Lord that wants to surge through your body right now is the purity that you have allowed God to do. It's the purity, it's the cleansing. I'm speaking to all of us right now. I'm praying for our sweet, beautiful woman of God here but I'm speaking to all of us. The power comes through purity. I feel like the Lord is so pleased with what took place here today. Beautiful indeed, God's move, so beautiful. And it's like the lines, I'm seeing this right now, right back. You say right there, it's like the lines God is like condensing. I see a condensing. In other words, not in a negative way. There was too many gaps in between. There were gaps. Just follow what I'm saying. I'm seeing that there is, and it has everything to do with God circling in and protecting and surrounding those borders. But the way I saw it was a line and God just kind of bringing it all together. So in other words, He was strengthening the core, securing the core, if you will. If that makes sense. And so it's beautiful because what the enemy was trying to do in lengthening, where there's all these gaps where the enemy can easily come in. God was like, nope, I'm actually bringing such a unity, such a strength. And there's a closure, it's a good thing. And I just saw that. And that's part of what just took place here today. See where there's these gaps, the enemy has access. He's got access. He's allowed. But when that's condensed, in other words, the door is closed. But this is what I saw, right? Then He doesn't have that access in your life. So it's a beautiful picture of what I just saw. We stand in awe of you, Lord. We stand at attention of what God's doing. But we stand in awe of Him. We're in awe. Of you, Lord, which you've done here today. Let me tell you, times of refreshing, they've come. Because repentance has come. Thank you, Father. Now, I just want to end, you already have the message. That was the message, guys. We have to be people that are open to changing it up, and we need to change it up. When God says to change it up, that is, right? Amen. Okay, the kids just recited this portion of Scripture by memory. I'm going to read it over you all. Because we need to hear and remind ourselves of this in Ephesians 6-10. Ephesians 6-10. Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord. What are we going to be but strong in the Lord? And in the power of His might, we have the power of His might. We're going to be strong in the Lord, and in His powerful, mighty, strong right hand. Put on the whole armor of God, which you know what? We did that today. Believe it or not, that is what we did. Put on the whole armor of God that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. You'll be able to stand against all schemes, all access points of the devil when you put on the whole armor of God, and we just did that. We modeled, God modeled it for us, right? For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood. Stop fighting against each other. We don't wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places, realms of the devil, right? Therefore, we take up the whole armor of God. Honestly, I can't even say that without saying it the way Pastor Melissa says it now. Therefore, take up the whole armor of God. That's how I heard it. I had to tell you what I hear, you know? Therefore, take up the whole armor of God that you may be able to withstand in the evil day and having done all to stand. Yes, I remember that part. Stand. Stand, therefore, having girded your waste with truth, having put on the breastplate of righteousness, having shawd your feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace. And what do we feel? The peace of God. We feel the peace of God, because He's filled us with His incredible, beautiful peace. Above all, taking the shield of faith, with which you will be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one. We quenched those fiery darts today. We did. We quenched the fiery darts, because we heard the word of God and we responded to His word, and take the helmet of salvation and the sort of the spirit, which is the word of God, praying always with all prayer and supplication in the spirit, being watchful to this end, and with all perseverance and supplication for all the saints. So pray for one another. That's what it's saying. Prayer, be watchful, praying with all prayer and supplication for all the saints. Pray for one another. Pray for this church. Pray for the churches at large, but pray, pray, pray. Because we are strong in the Lord. We are unified through the precious blood of Jesus Christ. And we will not be scattered. We will not be moved. We cannot be removed, because we have literally positioned ourselves in Him, because of the blood He purchased for us, right? His blood was the purchase. He paid the price. So I thank you, Father, for what you did. We thank you for Jesus. We thank you for this church. We thank you for the unity. We thank you for the blessing that you pour out upon this church and upon their families. We thank you, Lord God, for your incredible, fresh, anointing, Lord God. I am telling you, there was such a beautiful move of God in this place. We all felt that. And we all know that God just went deeper in all of us. And in going deep, He also shot us up. In other words, there was a depth that He did inside of us. But I'm also seeing Him. He catapulted us higher than before. So there was an increase in that direction as well. Amen. [BLANK_AUDIO] [BLANK_AUDIO] [BLANK_AUDIO]