Mighty Wind TV Podcast (audio)

Still In The Fight And Still Winning

Still In The Fight And Still Winning

Your enemies will not triumph over you, for as God sent His angel to shut the mouths of the lions, He will do so for you!

2 Samuel 3:1 tells us there was a long war between Saul and David, but Saul kept getting weaker and David kept getting stronger and stronger!

The Lord is with you, the Mighty Warrior who saves! Zephaniah 3:17

In a world where mega church leaders are falling quickly, where people value gifting above character, God has not changed. He will not be mocked.

Stand for holiness. Stand your ground against the wiles of the devil. Trust in the faithfulness of God. Be holy as He is holy. You will see that He who did not spare His own Son, but delivered Him up for us, how shall He not also freely give us all things. Romans 8:32

For more information on Apostle Cathy Coppola Ministries and House of Glory visit our websites at: and

Our annuel Fired Up Conference is September 27th, 2024 Sign up now at

To watch Women In Ministries Series go to: Jesus and Paul Affirmed Women In Leadership

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Stand with us as we bring the gospel to every tongue, tribe and nation. Thank you for praying and giving as the Lord directs.

With all the corruption in the churches today, here is a powerful ministry I came across. Visit his YouTube channel as he has lots of great teachings. @

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Date of service 8/31/24

Broadcast on:
03 Sep 2024
Audio Format:

Still In The Fight And Still Winning Your enemies will not triumph over you, for as God sent His angel to shut the mouths of the lions, He will do so for you! 2 Samuel 3:1 tells us there was a long war between Saul and David, but Saul kept getting weaker and David kept getting stronger and stronger! The Lord is with you, the Mighty Warrior who saves! Zephaniah 3:17 In a world where mega church leaders are falling quickly, where people value gifting above character, God has not changed. He will not be mocked. Stand for holiness. Stand your ground against the wiles of the devil. Trust in the faithfulness of God. Be holy as He is holy. You will see that He who did not spare His own Son, but delivered Him up for us, how shall He not also freely give us all things. Romans 8:32 For more information on Apostle Cathy Coppola Ministries and House of Glory visit our websites at: and Our annuel Fired Up Conference is September 27th, 2024 Sign up now at To watch Women In Ministries Series go to: Jesus and Paul Affirmed Women In Leadership Now you can watch Mighty Wind Broadcasting Network TV on our scheduled programing channel! Stand with us as we bring the gospel to every tongue, tribe and nation. Thank you for praying and giving as the Lord directs. With all the corruption in the churches today, here is a powerful ministry I came across. Visit his YouTube channel as he has lots of great teachings. @ #standinthefight #churchesfalling #megachurch #deception #spiritualwarfare #godlycharacter #music #faith #Jesussaves #wakeup #standfortruth #mightywindbroadcastingnetworktv #mightywindtv #apostlecathycoppola #firedupconference #christianity #jesus #christian #bible #god #faith #jesuschrist #church #christ #love #prayer #gospel #bibleverse #holyspirit #godisgood #pray #truth #hope #scripture #blessed #worship #biblestudy #grace #amen Date of service 8/31/24
We are still in the fight and we're still winning Okay, number one. I want to say church. We're still in the fight and we're still winning I want you to turn to your neighbor and tell them you're still in the fight And you're still winning Okay, your fight may be long and it may have been a long time, but you're still winning Your enemies will not triumph over you Hallelujah for God sent the angel to shut the mouths of the lions. Yes He did he is still shutting the mouths of the lions today He is still shutting the mouths of the lions today Some of you need some lions mouths shut And he's still shutting the mouths of the lions today So it's time church to mount up on wings like the Eagles and to have victory over your enemy And the enemy is defeated by your praise the enemy is defeated by your declaration of faith The enemy is defeated when you stand and you said, oh no, you don't I'm standing by this word And I am still in the fight and I'm still winning The David's will defeat the Psalms The fight is not over, but you're still standing that means you're still winning There was a long war between one house and another house But at the same time Somebody's house is getting stronger and somebody's house is getting weaker which house are you? But the David's need to know the souls in their lives And I'm not talking about the actual person. I'm talking about someone that would represent that same spirit Someone that would represent that spirit of revenge of spite of hatred And they want to make your life difficult and you're just saying I want to serve you Lord And I want to do what is right Stand still and see the salvation of the Lord. It is the Lord that is your deliver And he says which he will accomplish for you today. He's gonna accomplish this today This today might be tomorrow, but it's still today when it happens In other words faith knows that it's done Your faith in the word of God knows it's done turn your Bibles to 2 Samuel 3 1 2 Samuel 3 1 Come on there may have been a long war between Saul who was full of jealousy Yep, he was full of jealousy. He was full of anger. He was full of pride. He was full of spite He was full of revenge. There was a long war between Saul who was full of the enemy and David who was the beloved Son of God the one who had favor with God Let's look at let's look at 2 Samuel 3 1 Says now there was a long war between the house of Saul and the house of David. There was a long war Some of you have been in a long battle Long war there was a long war between the house of Saul and the house of David, but David grew Stronger say stronger Thank you, Lord, but David grew stronger and stronger because once wasn't enough Once wasn't enough so David grew stronger and stronger and the house of Saul grew weaker and weaker What house are you in? Come on the house. It says here David grew stronger and stronger You're growing stronger and stronger and Saul grew weaker and weaker in other words your enemy is being defeated He is growing weaker and weaker and you're growing stronger and stronger. You're still standing You're still in the war. You're still winning. The fight is not over, but you're still standing that means you're still winning You're still standing that means you're still winning Hallelujah When I read that part portion of scripture right there just that one sentence But David grew stronger and stronger and I said oh Lord you're speaking It's exactly what I just told the kids. Oh Lord. You're you are speaking. You are speaking David grew stronger and stronger We are in the house of the Lord. We are of the house of the Lord We belong to the Lord and we are growing stronger and stronger and I don't care If that war has been a long long time a long long time in coming and a long time in lasting now there was a long war It wasn't a short war was it? There was a long war between one house and another house But at the same time Somebody's house is getting stronger and somebody's house is getting weaker. Which house are you? Your house you're getting stronger. You are The temple of the Holy Spirit your house You are a house where the Holy Spirit dwells your house is getting stronger say my house is getting stronger I don't care what attacks come my way. My house is getting stronger. I am getting stronger Stronger and stronger that is Now I want you to turn to first Samuel and 16 First Samuel 16 Because David was shown favor because of his service to this man that was so full of evil Saul David was shown favor in verse 21 16 and 21 it says this so David came to Saul and stood before him Okay, Saul was full of anger jealousy rage competition strife Jealousy goes on and on and on Saul was filled filled with himself to be honest with you and David came to Saul and stood before him Don't ever be afraid of your enemy Don't ever feel like you can't stand Wherever God tells you to stand? Because you are filled with the Holy Ghost and with the favor of God David came to Saul and stood before him Hi all in verse 21 and he loved him greatly and became His armor bear right-hand man David was shown favor because of his service to this man that was getting more and more jealous as the days went on by and And so and it's all sent to Jesse which is David's dad saying please let David stand before me for he Has found a favor in my sight Saul sent to Jesse Saul sent for David and he said I need that man to stand right by my side I want David to stand right by me We know those of you know the story that that Saul you know Just continued to grow jealous of this man that he had first called and so it was In verse 22. It says for he has found favor in my sight say nothing changes everything is the same Oh father give us the revelation because of a man's ways, please the Lord Are your ways pleasing the Lord if a man's ways please the Lord then he will make even his enemies to be at peace with you These two were gonna Saul was gonna eventually just Hate David so so much is trying to kill him over and over and over and we see here in verse 23 So it was whenever the spirit from God was upon Saul that David would take a harp and play it with his hand Why because he had the spirit of God on him you have the spirit of God on you He is standing right in the presence of the man that was gonna eventually try to steal a kill he'll take his life Growing so better so full of rage But here whenever the spirit of this is from God was upon Saul that David would take a harp and play it with his hand What am I saying? You have everything you need Right now presently in yours in you in yourself because of Christ in you to literally subdue Every attack that tries to come your way God is preparing you God prepared David He prepared David at this point in time. There wasn't all this animosity, but it was coming but God prepared him And it says Saul would become let me start this verse over 23 And so it was whenever the spirit from God was upon saw David would take a harp and play it with his hand Then Saul would become refreshed and well and it says and the distressing spirit would depart from him there was a distressing spirit, but it would depart why because if a man's ways are pleasing to the Lord even your enemies would become at peace with you Right and so he found favor David did found favor in the eyes of Saul And that favor that he found we know the word of God says lasts a lifetime we have favor with God which will last a lifetime this was positioning David into a position where He is still standing and he is still fighting and he is still winning and So you need to know the souls in your lives. You need to know David's need to know the souls And I think most of you are following along and knowing exactly what I'm talking about But the David's need to know the souls in their lives And I'm not talking about the actual person. I'm talking about someone that would represent that same spirit Someone that would represent that spirit of revenge of spite of hatred And they want to make your life difficult and you're just saying I want to serve you Lord I don't want to do what is right Right, but we know that God always has the last word and now I want you to turn to Exodus 14 And God is faithful to his own and you do belong to him you are his own so in Exodus 14 and verse 13 13 13 through 16 This is and Moses said to the people do not be afraid Just like God was with David God was with Moses and Moses said to the people do not be afraid He says stand still and see the salvation of the Lord Which he will accomplish for you today. It is the Lord that is going to accomplish that salvation in salvation meaning complete freedom In every way freedom deliverance healing in every way Do not be afraid stand still say I'm gonna stand still Even in the midst of trials Stand still and see the salvation of the Lord. It is the Lord. That is your deliveror and He it says which he will accomplish for you today. He's gonna accomplish this today this today might be tomorrow But it's still today when it happens It happens. It's today. It happens in three weeks. It's still today. It happens. It just happened today In other words faith knows that it's done Your faith in the word of God knows it's done. It's accomplished. It's already accomplished So that's why we can confidently say today Because today is the day of salvation. So do not be afraid Whatever is coming your way stand still say I'm gonna stand still Because this word in me is keeping me still So amen so do not be afraid stand still see the salvation of the Lord which he will accomplish for you today for the Egyptians You see today you shall see again. No more forever for the Lord will fight for you and you shall hold your Peace somebody say I'm holding my peace The Lord will fight for me Alleluia think about that for a moment you have the creator fighting for you I mean if you if only we would get a revelation of just that portion of that scripture right there The Lord is fighting for you. You shall only hold your peace The Lord will fight for you. He is the creator of heaven and earth He made everything that we see and even what we don't he created it all and yet. He's fighting for us Yes, he is fighting for us and he says I want you to hold your peace Know that the Lord is for you know that the Lord is good Portion here, so the Lord will fight for you and you shall hold your peace and the Lord said to Moses Why do you why do you cry to me tell the children of Israel to go forward look at verse 16? But lift up your rod and stretch out your hand over the sea Lift up your rod and stretch out your hand over the sea and divide it. That's our job There's something we are to do lift up your rod. What do you have in your hands? We have the sword of the Lord We have the word of God. We have the sword of the Lord. He says lift up your rod To Moses and he's saying the same to us. He says I'm going to fight for you He's going to fight for you. You only need to hold your peace, but then he says lift up Lift up that rod lift up that hand know that it is the hand of God that is moving through you Because it's the spirit of God moving through you I'm talking about the authority that God has already placed on the inside of you to rise up and to be who God's called you to be Knowing that God's fighting, but you have a part in this we have a part in this. This is making sense We have a part in this so it says here verse 16 lift up your rod and stretch out your hand There is something he's asking you to do lift up your rod and stretch out your hand over the sea and divide it There are some things that need to be divided. There are some things that need to be removed some things that need to be separated There are some lines that need to be drawn. There are some decisions that need to be made We have to walk fully wholeheartedly with the Lord knowing yes He's fighting for me, but he is telling me there are some things I need to do to know that I'm walking fully committed without mixture in the presence of God And then he's gonna fight for me and then I win you win We win we're still in the fight, but we're still winning because we're still standing And the rest of that verse verse 16 But lift up your rod stretch out your hand over the sea and divide it and the children of Israel shall go out on dry ground You're going out on dry ground through the midst of the sea In other words, God is gonna make that which seems to be impossible possible in your life He is gonna do the miraculous in your life. He is gonna cause things to turn all round Do you hear what I'm saying? I want you to turn to your neighbor right now and say things are gonna be turning around for you Turn to somebody else and say things are gonna be turning around for you But we have to be serious about our walk We need to be serious about our walk. There are still gonna be souls in your life. We will still have those souls We will still have those that are agitated frustrated. They're just they're just revengeful. They're spiteful They want to outdo and they want to they want to counter everything you're doing for the Lord They don't like that you serve God. They can't stand that you're praying in tongues They can't stand that you're filled with the Holy Ghost. They hate that you're so you're so Pentecostal and filled with the fire of God They just wish you would stop Well it's not gonna happen I can tell you that much Lord give my revelation I don't know what to tell you, but it's not gonna stop what we're doing Why because we're pressing in we're pressing on towards the mark of a high calling and we are not ashamed And we will not stop or quench the spirit of God. We know something. We're still standing We're still winning Because we have faith in Christ because we have our faith in who he said he is Our faith is not of the world Faith it's the substance of things hoped for what do you hope and for our faith is the substance It's what makes us up. It's the substance. It's the material It's the substance of things hoped for and it is the evidence of things not seen That faith is in Christ that faith is in the solid rock We built our house on the solid rock. We know that there are saws all around us. This is not new news We know that Saul couldn't stand David and wanted to kill him He was filled with jealousy filled with envy filled with a murderous Revengeable spirit and if you don't put you know two and two together and get four if you're not putting if you're not understanding What I'm saying and getting to the conclusion for your own life Then Lord help them because I am telling you every single one of you will have and already do have and will continue to have souls So like spirits in your lives, but you can't be afraid of them David went right up to him Stood right next to him the enemy even blessed him and said oh Called his dad and said I want him to come and and and and minister right here in my house favor Favor means you have favor even in the midst of of your enemies They won't even and he's like you're you're speaking certain things and they're hearing it in a different way The Lord will scramble, but it needs to scramble and straighten out what it needs to straighten out So that you will walk in favor no matter who's against you. I hope you're hearing me because you're not defeated You're not defeated. I don't care how scary how big that trial how how threatening it whatever it might seem It doesn't really matter because God is fighting that battle for you. He said only be still and know that I am your God I'm fighting this battle be still in my presence says the Lord He is going down. He's going down. He has no chance. No chance at all. So I'm 32 7 says you are my hiding place Where do we hide ourselves? But in the place of the Lord? You are my hiding place the Lord is my hiding place when we come here and we we gather we sing we worship We are literally in the hiding place of the Lord. He is covering us with his feathers with his wings We worship him and you know what? It's not even long enough for some of you that go. Oh, it's so long It's not even long enough. I'm sorry. You're wrong. It's just not long enough It's too short I'm totally preaching to the choir. Now. I know it. That's good. That's is wonderful. We gotta go land. Sometimes we do and yeah Forget it. You will never go home. Yeah You are my hiding place. You shall preserve me from trouble Well, there's something to be said about gathering together and worshiping and pray why our faith is built strength is built Do you feel do you feel your strongest when you're gathered with your the saints of God that have the same belief? That are just so on fire and charge, you know, just like charging the enemies and get behind me saying I'm going forward I don't care. You don't even see the Giants anymore. You're just seeing the victory and What happens when we gather together the army of God is what happens? We're just charging the devil, but we just keep our eyes on Jesus You are my hiding place on 32 seven still trying to get the scripture out. You are my hiding place Oh, he's our hiding place when we're afraid. He's our hiding place When we're distraught, he's our hiding place when we're sad when we're angry when we he's our hiding place When we're happy when we're we're just in this place of bliss. He's our hiding place He hides us under the shelter of his wings. He's our hiding place Mama, he's your hiding place. You get to rest in his presence. He's your hiding place So he says you shall preserve me from trouble He's keeping you safe even in the midst of trouble. He's preserving you from trouble You shall surround me with songs of deliverance. It's like everyone else sees the fire and you're just seeing the deliverance You're going. Oh, it's just all turning around. It's all working for good and everybody else just sees the Giants They're like, don't you see what I see? You're like, yes, I see what you see, but God is turning this all around He is singing songs of deliverance over me. He is my hiding place It doesn't matter what the world tries to say. I'm seeing Jesus. Don't you see him? I'm seeing Jesus Don't you hear him. I'm seeing Jesus. Don't you feel him? So it happens you're getting stronger and stronger. We're still standing say I'm still standing and I'm not about ready to sit down We're standing for Jesus We're standing for Jesus surrounds us with songs of deliverance Yeah, praise God praise you Jesus Zephaniah 3 17. Oh, we love this Let's get there. Let's get to Zephaniah 3 17 I saw something today that I had not seen before in the scripture because I love Zephaniah 3 17 But I always I always go to that Not that I don't read it, but you know like you'll read it and then you just go to your favorite parts Okay, so I always go to the he will rejoice over you with gladness and he will quiet you with his love and he will rejoice over you Singing praise the Lord. That's awesome But you know what there's a verse before that it's still in verse 17 It's that actually the very first verse. Are we all there? Well, it jumped out at me today like it never has before the Lord your God in your midst the mighty one Will save you it is the Lord your God who is with you it is the mighty warrior who saves It is the Lord your God who is with me, and he is the mighty warrior that is saving me I don't know I got excited about that I'm going to try this side of the room because I got excited when I was reading it is the mighty warrior The Lord is the mighty warrior, and he will save you. I'm gonna try this side of the room. He is the mighty warrior Oh, yeah, I'm staying here. I'm staying right here. I'm not going over there anymore. Sorry, but Seriously a mighty warrior. Do we put that up there? The Lord your God is in your midst the mighty one That means a mighty warrior the Lord your God is in your midst the mighty one. What is it gonna do? He's gonna save He's gonna save We just gonna stay right there in the first part of that sentence instead of going to the rest Which is great, and we love it. Oh, he's gonna rejoice, and he's gonna quiet you he's gonna sing over you I love that part don't get me wrong, but today when I saw what do we wait? I miss the mighty one the mighty warrior is saving me The mighty warrior is saving me It's like we're fighting and then all the sudden that he's fighting for us, and then all the sons He's just sings over us praise God All right, we're gonna give you another chance the Lord your God is the mighty warrior who is saving you Oh, we we got some competition. Yeah He does so good praise God, you know we I'm glad you said to do that though It's so awesome, but yes the Lord your God is in your midst. He is the mighty one the mighty warrior He's the mighty warrior he calls us to be warriors, but he himself is the mighty warrior, and he's gonna save he is saving us Thank you Lord. He's gonna save us. You're gonna save us. Thank you Jesus. Oh My any you know, he saved us already just from sin, but he's saving us from circumstances Some circumstances that we don't even know about We don't even know about him, and he's still saving us, and you know what one of my favorite scriptures is is Isaiah 40 Isaiah 40 And verse 28, but I'm gonna I'm gonna first is as he gives strength to the weary He gives strength to the weary sometimes you feel so weary, but he gives strength to the weary and he increases power to the weak He gives strength to the weary say, but he's also increasing power to the weak Hallelujah, so let me start in verse 28 Verse 28 and we're gonna go to 31 is everyone at Isaiah 40. This is have you not known? Have you not heard? The everlasting God the Lord the creator of the ends of the earth neither feints nor is weary He and his understanding is Unsearchable can't even search it you can't even search it out in other words It's beyond your ability to figure it out into he's he's he's bigger. He's just more He gives power to the weak and to those who have no might he increases strength to those who have no might Not a little bit of might to those who have no might he gives strength He increases strength So with that scripture here he gives power to the weak sometimes we feel weak sometimes It's like you the best you can do is just like you just look up you're going. Oh my goodness seriously You feel weak. Am I the only one that ever feels weak? But I love that he says he gives he gives power to the weak When you're weak remember Lord you give power to the weak And to those who have no might means no power No strength at the moment he increases strength and even the youth shall faint and be weary and the young men She'll utterly fall, but those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength Well as we wait we become renewed as we wait in his presence. We become renewed in the Lord It says those who wait upon the Lord shall renew their Strength right they shall mount upon wings like the eagles you shall run and not be weary you shall walk and not faint We're mounting up. We're walking. We're not fainting. We're running. We're not fainting because God is for us He is that mighty fortress, and he is not gonna allow us to fall He's not gonna allow you to fall When you cling to him the solid rock when you cling to him when you when you when you adhere to his word you will not You will not fall. It's his promise to us So I speak to every Salt-like spirit that is in opposition to the spirit of the Lord in us I speak to every salt-like spirit that is in opposition to the spirit of the Lord in us Every salt-like spirit that is in opposition to the will and the work of God in us We speak to that spirit right now. We address that spirit right now May the Lord turn the council of the wicked into foolishness The council of the wicked into foolishness It is the spirit of God that is going forth and is going to destroy The agenda of the enemy and confuse and confound the enemy's plans I speak that over all of you right now every place where the enemy has plans against you against your children against your spouse against Against your finances your health your parents whomever it might be I Decree right now that it is the council the Lord will turn the council of the wicked into foolishness You do not need to be afraid of the agenda of the enemy You do not need to be afraid may they fall like lightning from the sky even as the enemy Literally fell like lightning from the sky that same spirit that is trying to destroy you May it may it come down and fall to the ground may it be destroyed and may the gallows That were built against you be destroyed right now by the hand of the Lord You will not suffer. You will not walk in lack. You will not be destroyed by the fire The lions will not open their mouths and devour you You will not be afraid of the wicked agendas and the evil schemes that are being sent your way You will not be left unaware and and without hope you will not be left to yourselves You are filled with the spirit of the Lord and every soul like spirit That is trying to come against the will of God in your lives I decree is bound and it is under our feet today in the mighty name of Jesus and I thank you father God that we have the spirit of the living God And you said you freely give us all things up and so I decree right now We freely walk in all things up I decree right now that we are filled with the uttermost Lord of the spirit of the living God the wisdom of God I thank you Lord God for mindsets that are shifting even now I thank you that family members extended family members even right now are turning to the Lord There's a hunger and a fire and a tenacity that is being stirred up on the inside of them Because we just will not quit. We are still standing. We are still winning We are still fighting and we will not quit and we will not lose so father I thank you that as you've given us this strength and this tenacity to charge and to go after those that need to know you Lord I thank you that it is a fire of God on the inside of us. That's also on the inside of them We claim them for the kingdom. We claim them for the kingdom right now Children and grandchildren we claim them for the kingdom right now. We claim spouses and parents We claim them for the kingdom right now We decree that every stronghold has to fall to the ground and bear no fruit Father we claim them for the kingdom right now We thank you for the fire of God the tenacity of God within us Lord that you're stirring us up on the inside I thank you Lord God he who did not spear his own son, but delivered him for us How shall he also not freely give us all things in Romans 8 32? How shall you not freely give us all things? Lord I decree right now that if it is good It is ours if it is good. It's ours in the mighty name of Jesus. Thank you father God Oh my says you start praying the spirit just praying the spirit for a moment if it is good It is ours. Thank you Lord Jesus. Yes, Lord God the David's are defeating the souls Let the David like spirit right now within you defeat the souls the king souls The the souls that are defiant and rebellious and disorderly and and so full of contention Let them be defeated right now at the sound of your voices Lord I thank you for going forth and cleaning up house cleaning house Lord clean house wherever house is deemed to be cleaned up clean up House's father God. Thank you father. Oh under the aroma secon there am a son. They'll both say everyone every single one Thank you Lord Jesus that there be an awakening that there be in a renewal right now Let there be a let there be a decision Let this be a moment of decision Lord for those that are that are bent on going their own way Lord even for some of them that are out and about and they're doing horrific things Lord even right now as we pray Lord we do not become encumbered by that because we know that we know that we know we're still standing We're still in the fight. We're still winning Thank you Lord that the death the David's are defeating the soul like spirit I thank you Lord Jesus. You've given us that warrior spirit and we will not lose So therefore we call our families saved yield and delivered therefore we call we call ourselves Strengthened therefore wherever there is a spirit of confusion. We decree it has to fall right now off Go by the wayside it bears no fruit therefore wherever there is a spirit of rebellion and idolatry We say it goes down to the to the floor it bears no fruit. We rebuke it and cast it out in the name of Jesus Therefore wherever there are mixed loyalties divided loyalties We command that to be broken off in the name of Jesus. No divided loyalties break it off Break it off yourselves break it off your families right now Divided loyalties break it off right now. So I break it off in the name I break off divided loyalties in the name of Jesus. You shall not go any further in the name of Jesus Somebody shouting man You You You you you you you you you you you you You You