Mighty Wind TV Podcast (audio)

Jesus Is Our Portion

Jesus Is Our Portion

Date of service 8/29/24

Broadcast on:
31 Aug 2024
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Jesus Is Our Portion Date of service 8/29/24
"Because I have set the Lord before me, He's at my right hand. I shall not be moved." What do you mean you have set the Lord all before? Because my mind is set on His Word. So even in our difficult times when we feel the heaviness of things burdens, that are real, not minimizing them. But yet even in those real burdens, we have to remember Christ is our burden bearer. He's going to bear those burdens. He already nailed them on the cross. They're already nailed. He already took them off of us. And it's our job to say, "Lord," and forgive me for taking it back. I put it back where it belongs at your feet. So there is nothing at all that's going to be able to succeed against the Lord. But if I'm standing with the Lord, there is nothing at all that's going to be able to succeed against me. So no matter what, I know that my strength doesn't come from my physical being. It comes from the one that is giving me strength. It comes from the one that I literally adhere to and drink from. If you're drinking from the long cup, you will be weak. But if you're drinking from his cup, you will be strong. This is what the Word of the Lord says in Romans 8, 38, and 39. It says, "For I am persuaded that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor height, nor depth, nor any other created things shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord. We are persuaded. We are fully persuaded. We believe. We are convinced. We are so convinced that we are confident. God wants a confident people knowing that it is the love of God, of what he has done and his poured out upon us and within each and every one of us because of what he did at the cross. The love of God was poured out in the blood of Jesus. That was his love. What he did was poured out his blood, but that was a picture of the love of God for us. So we literally let his blood be shed, which is a literal picture of the love of God oozing forth down his body, but in and to each and every one of us, even though we were not yet there. We were all obviously God knew us and for knew us even before we were in our mother's womb, but we were not yet walking on the face of this earth. But that love of God via the blood of Jesus was that love for you. For when that day would come that you would be born, that was already purchased for you. He is saying, "Do not forget, as a matter of fact, be confident in it. Be confident in what? In his love for you. Be confident. Be persuaded in that beautiful, perfect love of God for us." And I love this because it goes on in these two verses and it talks about it says, "For I am persuaded." That's what we need to be each and every one of us. Persuaded, we are believing and we are confident. Say, "I am persuaded." I believe and I'm confident in the love of God for me. So it says, "For I am persuaded that nothing shall be able to separate me from the love of God." It says, "Neither death nor life." So death, as much as some people fear death, death can't separate you from the love of God. Life can't even separate you from the love of God. Now that's saying a whole lot because life, life every day, life could be easy. Sometimes life can be difficult, but even life can't separate you from the love of God. Now it tries and it tries to tell you that it is and it tries to lie to you, but actually it cannot separate you from the love of God because we believe the word of God. We believe the word of God to be true. So if you believe the word of God to be true, that even on your worst day you cannot be separated from the love of God and even on your best day you can't be separated from the love of God. Amen? So it says, "Nor angels nor principalities, nor powers, no principality." I don't care how bad, how wicked, you know how how big it may try to make itself out to be, but we're persuaded we are convinced that no matter how horrible it might be, it cannot, it cannot separate us from the love of God. It says, "Nor nor angels nor principalities, no power, nothing present, nothing to come." I mean think about the security of walking in His love, nothing to come. Yeah, even the things you don't know about, even the things you do not know because you have not yet experienced them because they're not here yet. Even those things, they cannot separate you from the love of God. And when you walk in the love of God, you walk in the fullness of who He is. In the love of God, there's no striving. When you walk in the love of God, you walk in the full picture of who God is within you. Therefore, that's why you can say, "What and whom can separate me from the love of God?" Nothing at all, because I've received that love. When we receive that love, and I believe it's a continual thing, just continually pouring out, like you get more and more revelation of what He has done for you, and it becomes tangible. But it becomes something that you do walk out, you feel it, you know it, you know it in your mind, but you also feel it in your emotions. You do know it. God wants you to feel this. It's not just something that you should just understand. It's both. It's both. And you know, you gave that example, Barbara, today, of how that pressure, there was so much pressure, so much so that it was physical. That which was, you know, something that you can't really pinpoint because it's spiritual, became physical because the pressure was so much. But today, God lifted it off of her, literally felt in ease physically from what was spiritual. Right? Because the love of God fills us and filled her. And when the love of God starts to fill you, even those diabolical assignments of the enemy that try to plague you so much to where it's a physical manifestation now, not just spiritual, right? Even that has to go. Even that has no power. Even that loses its power. And what's the common agenda here? It's the love of God. It is the love of God. You're receiving the love of God. Nothing's going to separate you from that love of God. Jesus went to the cross. His blood was shed for our forgiveness. But why? Because He loves us. And then it goes on here because it says, nor height, nor depth, nor anything created, she'll be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus. So are we in Christ Jesus? We're in Christ Jesus. And so then therefore, we're filled with His love. And that love is something that our understanding of it continues to grow. And so there's more peace and there's more victory in that place. Amen? Thank you, Father God, you are my portion. You are our portion. Turn your Bible to Psalm 16 and verse 1. This is, preserve me, oh God, for in you I put my trust. Number one, we put our trust in the one who is trustworthy. We don't put our trust in men. We don't put our trust in horses. We don't put our trust in riches. We put our trust in the one who is trustworthy, which is Christ Almighty. The Lord Jesus Christ, preserve me, oh God, for in you I put my trust. Oh my soul, you have said to the Lord, you are my Lord. That's us. That's our soul saying, you are my Lord, praying this, speaking this. My goodness is nothing apart from you. In other words, anything that we have, that's good, it came from Him. Anything that we have, my goodness, it's nothing apart from you. In other words, you gave it to me. Any gifting, any calling, anything you might see, it's whatever is good, it came from Him. And we all would do good to acknowledge that and to give God His rightful praise, right? Because people do try to steal the glory. God's not pleased with that. My goodness is nothing apart from you. In other words, everything that I have that is good is comes from you. It says, "For the saints who are on the earth, they are the excellent ones in whom is all my delight. Their sorrows shall be multiplied who hasten after another God." That's why people sorrows are multiplied. But let me tell you, they're hastening after another God. They're following a false God in idle, if you will. Multiplied sorrow? Multiplied sorrow? People go, "I have that and I'm following God." No, you don't. No, you really actually do not. You may feel sorrow, you may feel pain, but it's nothing compared to what you really would feel had you not had Jesus. You don't even know how horrific life would be without Christ. You might say, "Oh, but I have so many sorrows, so many pains, but you have Christ." And so you actually have the one that's turning it all around for you, but they're hopeless. Those that don't have Christ, they're hopeless, there's no hope outside of the Lord, not true hope, not lasting hope. So even in our difficult times when we feel the heaviness of things burdens that are real, not minimizing them, but yet even in those real burdens, we have to remember Christ is our burden bear. He's going to bear those burdens. He already nailed them on the cross. They're already nailed. They already took them off of us. And it's our job to say, "Lord, forgive me for taking it back. I put it back where it belongs, at your feet, at your feet." And so sometimes you just have to be reminded, right? And then we continue to pray in faith for whatever it is we're praying for, but our hearts should delight in the Lord. Did you read that? What I just got done reading here, did you, did you, is it verse four? Psalm 16 verse four says, "There sorrows shall be multiplied who hasten after another God." That's not you. That's not us. There are sorrows shall be multiplied who hasten after another God. "Their drink offerings of blood I will not offer nor take up their names on my lips." That's harsh. That's stern. But that's how serious it is to follow after another God. But then verse five it says, "O Lord," and here we see David praying this, Psalm, and I love this. This is, "O Lord, you are the portion of my inheritance." And my cup, he shifts it. He turns it around. He says, "You are my inheritance. You are the portion of my inheritance. You are my cup." In other words, I drink from you. I'm not drinking from that other vine. I'm not drinking from that other cup. I'm not drinking from what the world wants me to drink from. You are my portion. You are my cup. I drink from you. I drink from your word. I drink from your vine. I drink from your goodness. I'm drinking from you. So it's a choice. David just got done explaining those that are not serving God. Those that are sorrows are being multiplied. But then immediately he shifts it and he says, "Oh, but my inheritance, it comes from you." I'm drinking from your cup, Lord. Thank you, Lord. And then he says, "You maintain my lot. He is maintaining whatever needs to be maintained in your life. Your lot, your land, your provision, your inheritance. It's being maintained by the Lord. You don't have to strive. You don't have to try to make something happen. You just need to know that God is maintaining your lot. He is taking care of what concerns you today. He is taking care of your family, taking care of your children, your spouses. He's taking care of your health. He is taking care of your future. Your future belongs to the Lord and it's in the hands of the Lord. Amen? That's good. He's maintaining your lot. It's good to know that we're in the arms of our Father and He's a good, good Father. Amen. Nothing. Nothing at all. You maintain my lot. The lines, verse 6, the lines have fallen to me in pleasant places. Why? Because he's our prize, you guys. Our focus should be that, yes, he's our inheritance. Yes, he's our lot. He's our prize. We have the most richest inheritance and that is in Christ Jesus, the Son, the Holy One. He's our prize. Beautiful. Yes, I have a good inheritance. I will bless the Lord who has given me counsel. And I love this. I will bless the Lord who has given me counsel. And I root down here in my Bible, Proverbs 21.30. One of my favorite verses. I love this. I think it's just because it just reminds me that I can put all my confidence in a model, my trust in Him. And this is what the word says. There is no wisdom. There is no wisdom. There is no insight. There is no plan that can succeed against the Lord. None whatsoever. In Proverbs 21.30, there is no wisdom. There is no insight. There is no plan that can succeed or that can stand against the Lord. None whatsoever. So in other words, there's no wisdom that even could, is even a match for the plan of the Lord and the wisdom of God. Like there is earthly wisdom, there's worldly wisdom. That wisdom doesn't even come close. It doesn't even, it doesn't even stand a chance against the plan of God. And the plan of God in my life is what I'm standing for and believing God for. Right? And so there is nothing at all that's going to be able to succeed against the Lord. But if I'm standing with the Lord, there is nothing at all that's going to be able to succeed against me. Yeah, scripture that says that the wicked, they melt like wax in the presence of the Lord. But the presence of the Lord is within us. So the wicked melt like wax in our presence. Because the presence of the Lord is within us. The wicked melt like wax in the presence of the Lord. But they melt like wax in our presence because of the presence of the Lord within us. We got to know this. Revelation is when you read the word and you put yourself in that word and you go, my God, I missed it all these years. This is what you're trying to tell me. Wow. My inheritance is in you. Like today, not one day when I die, but today I have this inheritance, this treasure in earth and vessels. He's my prize. I love that because he's our prize. So I will bless the Lord. Verse seven, Psalm 16 seven, I will bless the Lord who has given me counsel. Remember no other counsel is going to be able to stand against the counsel of the Lord, right? I will bless the Lord who has given me counsel. My heart also instructs me in the night seasons. That means when you're sleeping, if you're yielded to the Lord, he will instruct you even in your sleep, even in your dreams. Even in your dreams he'll speak to you. He'll give you warning dreams. He'll give you revelatory dreams. He'll start to speak to you in ways that, you know, and ways that you didn't even believe or didn't know possible, but he will tell you things to come in the night seasons. These are the things that God is saying to us that we need to hang on to and say, yes, Lord, even at night when I lay my head on the pillow, I'm asking you to dream through me. I want you to speak to me at night while I'm sleeping. I mean, this is, I just read it. He says he's going to do it. So then, therefore, we can ask him for it, right? Because you might say, I'm not getting into that. Well, you can ask him. My heart also instructs me in the night seasons. Lord, thank you for speaking to me in my dreams. And it says, I have set the Lord always before me. You know, that's a mindset. I have set the Lord always before me. I mean, David wasn't trying to be prideful. He's saying his mind is set on the Lord. I have purposely decided that my mind is set on Christ. It's a mindset that David is talking about here. I have set the Lord always before me. He's at my right hand. He's at my right hand. I shall not be moved because I've set the Lord, because I have set the Lord before me. He's at my right hand. I shall not be moved. What do you mean you have set the Lord all before? Because my mind is set on his word. I will be very militant and diligent to set my mind on the word of God. And because of that, I know his word says, I will not be moved. I will not be shaken. Whose job is it to set their minds on the Lord but ours, right? Hours, right? So it says, I have set the Lord always before me. I think about him. And if I'm not thinking about him, I literally, and I've done this many, many times. I'm sure you have to, Lord, what should I be thinking about? Lord, what aspect or nature, character and nature of yours, should I be thinking about right now? What nature of Christ, what character, what attribute should I be thinking about right now of Christ? And if you don't do that, you should start. Sometimes you ever think and go, gosh, I'm not thinking about anything at all. Well, that's a great time to go, oh Lord, what do you want to fill my mind with? I have set the Lord always, always before me. We're going to, we're going to set the Lord, and that's a choice. That's a, that's an action. I have set. If you're going to set, that's an action verb. It's something that we need to do, right? There's a choice, there's a, there's a decision, right? And then, and then of course, because he's at my right side. In other words, I know I will not be shaken. I will not be moved. The Lord is my portion. The Lord is your portion. Therefore, my heart is glad and my, and my glory rejoices. My flesh will also rest in hope. See, notice here he's talking about his heart, he's talking about his flesh, and he makes this distinction between the two. Verse nine, therefore my heart is glad. Situation may have not changed, but my heart is glad because my mind is set on the Lord. My heart is glad, therefore my heart is glad and, and it says, and my glory rejoices, my flesh will also rest in hope. We rest in hope. We get to rest in hope. We're not just resting. We should be resting in the hope of God continually filling our thoughts and our minds on this hope that he has promised us, and that hope does not perish. Amen? Thank you, Lord, for your hope that does not perish. You will not leave my soul in shield. He's not leaving your soul in the place of the dead, nor will you allow your holy one to see corruption. You will show me the path of life. Thank you, Lord, for showing us the path of life. Thank you, Lord God, that every step is ordained by the Lord. You gotta, you gotta speak to yourself and tell yourself that thank you, Lord, that you will show me the path of life. Thank you, that every step, every step that I take is ordained of God. We are to be people that have confidence in who Christ is in us, that he is ordaining the steps of a righteous man. He is ordaining our steps because you're yielded to him, and it's important that we remind ourselves, you will show me the path of life, and it is in your presence, that is the fullness of joy, the fullness of joy, God's supernatural, abundant joy, the joy that the world seeks to have and doesn't quite understand how to get it, because for them it's temporal. For them it's situational. For us it is not. For us even in the worst of times we find our joy in Christ, the one that has never left us and the one that never will, the one that will never forsake us, the one that thinks about us all the time. When you remind yourself of how much God thinks about you and how much God loves you, it changes your perspective, it really does, it changes everything. So in your presence is the fullness of joy, and at your right hand are pleasures forever more. He didn't say at your right hand are pleasures just somewhat, but forever more, that means forever. Forever. So we read here that the Lord is my, he's my portion. Oh Lord verse five, you are the portion of my inheritance and my cup. I'm going to give you a few other scriptures right now that talk about the Lord being your portion. You can write these down, but lamentations and 324, the Lord is my portion, says my soul, therefore I hope in him. Because the Lord is your portion, you're going to hope in him. Your hope is in the Lord, because he is your portion. He's your inheritance, he's your prize, right? Psalm 73 and 26, my heart and my flesh and my heart fail, but God is my strength. Sometimes you feel in your flesh, man, I feel so weak, so tired, right? Your flesh and your heart may fail, but say but, but in God is my strength. So it says, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever. God is my strength. He is my portion forever. So no matter what, I know that my strength doesn't come from my physical being. It comes from the one that has given me strength. It comes from the one that I literally adhere to and drink from. Because if you're drinking from the wrong cup, you will be weak. But if you're drinking from his cup, you will be strong, right? Psalm 145 and verse 5, I will meditate on the glorious splendor of your majesty and on your wondrous works. And when we do this, when we meditate on 145, I will meditate on the glorious splendor of your majesty and on your wondrous works. And second Corinthians, this is the last scripture. I have a second Corinthians 12, 9. He said to me, my grace is sufficient for you. I want you to all say that with me. My grace is sufficient for you. Let's say it again, my grace is sufficient for you. For my strength is made perfect in weakness. My strength is made perfect in weakness. So when I'm weak, I'm strong in Christ. If I, if I, adhere to what's available, his grace is always available, right? Therefore most gladly, I will rather boast in my infirmities that the power of Christ may rest upon me. I'm going to boast in the fact that in this flesh lies no good thing, except for Christ in me. And therefore, because of Christ in me, I am resting in the power of God in me. He is my portion. He is my strength. If he is your portion and if you're drinking from his cup, then you know that you will rest in his unending grace in your life. His unending mercy in your life. He is incredibly good, incredibly kind and incredibly present for us at all times. And so no matter how hard something might be in your life, you know that it just takes one decision, set your gaze upon the Lord, set your focus upon him. Make sure that you are setting your mind upon him, his word, his word, because he is satisfying you. He is saturating you as he just did here today. I mean, we've been drinking, have we not? We've been drinking. We've been drinking. We've been saturated in his presence. We've been, we've been partaking of his goodness. And it doesn't stop just because, you know, service is just about over. We continue. We get to continue to do this church. And the more that we do, the more on fire we become, the more that you come in and you're like oozing the what's coming forth and out of you. But it's the glory of God because you live this way. God wants us to live this way. He wants us to live in this way that is so incredibly abundant with him, abundant in his goodness, his glory, abundant with his treasures on the inside of us, abundant. We have the Holy Spirit. So we have the answers to everything that we may need. We have the answers because we have the Spirit of God. He is the answer to everything. You know, it's like when your kids are little and your and every answer was Jesus. Like they asked a question and it was always, it always ended up being a Bible story. It always ended up being, you know, some, some, a scripture or it would always end up being Jesus, you know. It's always brought it back to the Bible, right? But you know what? That's how we're supposed to be. They didn't quite like it at the time. They're like, why does everything have to be about the Lord? But it is, isn't it? It should be anyways, right? And so, so, but like we're older now, we're fast forward, right? It's like, guys, don't forget that everything actually is about him. Let's not forget that everything should be about him. And it always should bring us right back to Christ. What does the Lord say? What does Lord think about this? What does his words say? Always bring us back to Christ because he is the answer. There is no other answer in our lives other than Christ is the answer. So his word is full of every specific answer you might need, but Christ is the answer. He is our portion for everything. He is our lot. He is our inheritance, and he is the cup that we drink from. And we're satisfied, and we're literally strengthened every single moment of every single day if we just rest in him. [BLANK_AUDIO] [BLANK_AUDIO] You