Natural Habitat Podcast

#741 - Rizzler Me This

Mikey Boohyah and 2024 presidential candidate Awesome Ty discuss Ty’s unconventional presidential campaign strategies, including their mission to recruit social media star “The Rizzler.” The conversation also covers dark web conspiracies, astronauts stuck in space, and a rant about the ongoing media obsession with reality TV star Mama June. Plus, enjoy some hilarious technical mishaps, interactions with their AI co-host, a call to Zoomies and a series of newly injected ad reads.

Broadcast on:
05 Sep 2024
Audio Format:

Is your preamp on is my preamp on let me see Yeah, hell yeah, brother. Hell. Yeah, man. We're preamp now. I'm pretty amped. I'm computer stop computer stop Are you pre-amped are you amped before the show preempt you I'm always amped to To do some podden hell. Yeah, I do have a podden some podden and some and what let's try to think of like a Furbed that rhymes with potting like rocking and rolling podden and not in podden and not in okay? I do like that We so we were about to start and then I realized that one of the lights weren't on So I turn that light on are all of the rest of the lights on Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, okay cool. Then we're ready Given the fact that we have some daylight in here Is that gonna overexpose us now? How did it look last week? I can't remember I? Don't think that that is gonna be a problem because we have the red wash Hell yeah on it so the red washer is gonna be good plus we have the preamp which will help with exposure I don't know how I can't explain it, but the preamp somehow helps with the video quality as well Okay All the lights are on we're ready to go. Let's go ready to rock and roll Yo, thank you for tuning into the natural habitat podcast my name is Mikey Boo. Yeah, hi I'm 2024 presidential candidate at awesome time as cosney Computer is here the one and only artificially intelligent podcast co-host say hello computer God damn it computer say hello This is hello computer a series of interviews carried out in 2023 at a time when artificial intelligence appears to be going everywhere All at once would you like to hear a computer joke? Yes. Yes. I Can't tell you a joke about Python if there's no pun indented What I can't tell you a joke about Python Python if there's no pun indented Dented so that must be a real deep cut computer joke that we don't know computer you leave the joke into us, okay? Computer you leave the joke into us, okay? I'm having trouble hearing and you say that again Don't worry about it. All right Satchmo is also here He's a hand puppet that was crudely involved in some sort of what was his backstory? Before the trump thing Louie Armstrong genre is include jazz swing and Dixie land. Oh boy Satchmo was part of some weird underground hand puppet thing did we come up with a backstory of him no I think I'm trying to lay down some canon right now. Okay. I think just cuz I don't know I don't know if we talked about it But I know that we did talk about it when he showed up that Satchmo was brought on via like a government program where people that are in, you know horrible situations in life whether they're raised in a basement and never allowed to see the day and Think that the whole world is this basement or maybe they work in a sweatshop From a very young age into their young adulthood and then get thrown out because they're useless now What they're a carpal tunnel and stuff. Yeah, so these people Get put in this government program where they help Give them employment and They'll pay for a year's worth of employment for a company to bring them on higher than give them also We're actually are we being paid for Satchmo to be here by the Satchmo is his government getting paid to be here By the government see that's the kind of um pork and barrel spending that when I'm elected president I'm gonna have to cut. That's that that's a completely unnecessary program that the taxpayers are funding you and I it's coming out of our pocket for a Satchmo to Is he being paid or we being paid it doesn't matter someone's being paid for Satchmo to be here Just sitting there looking I mean he doesn't even look that cool and you guys are doing he does very little and around about attributes almost nothing to the show and and this is coming out of the the United States taxpayers pockets And that's just you know, and that's just one of countless countless programs that that we need to eliminate So that okay, let me let me take the burden off of the taxpayer Let me stop you real quick I do agree with that and Ty is running for president 2024 of the United States president of the USA But I think that we've been very politic heavy recently and I was thinking this week that we do like a little light on the politics a Little more on the you know goofy pop culture comedy podcast. Maybe not be a like a politics I mean, I don't know politics light episode have you checked the polls recently? We're not fairing well Are you sure that that maybe it's a good time for that? We kind of have to I mean, you know Keep our eyes on the prize, and that's getting me elected president So you're right you're right, and that's why you know, we should talk about it We should bring it up. We should do the do the things. I mean today. We are Desperately trying to get in contact and team up with the Rizzler the Rizzler social media superstar We brought him up, you know on a on a recent episode that we're gonna try to get him on board to get in the younger generation Yeah, maybe not quite the voting age, but I mean you imagine I'm gonna need some some kids to reelect me in four years Yeah, and what it is is the kids will influence the parents. Yeah, the kids talk about the thing the parents go Well, the kids know what's cool the children are our future and getting the children, you know Involved now is gonna prevent them from from you know doing crazy things in the future Yeah, cuz if you're not getting them on board when they're eight nine ten Someone else is gonna you got it indoctrinate. Yeah, someone else is gonna get them on board. Yeah So so it's like if you don't do it someone's gonna do it. Yeah, so we need to lean into the politics, then yeah Well, not next week we could do a heavy politics and this week We're also gonna do the Rizzler thing, which is gonna be a political segment But we should also just kind of put in other things I was saying that actually reminds me this episode is brought to you by one of our brand-new sponsors which is Express VPN express VPN you don't want the government to know what you're what you're searching for no no No, I don't want the big tech to to have all your data and know what's going on in your sick mind Yeah, so by using a VPN express VPN specifically you're protecting your your internet search history and all the data and shit on your computer from from being infiltrated by these these The government yeah and say say you want to watch Harry Potter in the source or stone It's not available in your country on Netflix. No, but you pop in that VPN You say that you're from Canada and all of a sudden you're getting access to the full Canadian Netflix library They got all kinds of stuff that we're not able to watch So sign up to Express VPN you could also visit the Silk Road, which is like a dark web. Yeah go on the dark Right, that's all we're done. I don't think the Silk Road We're done. We only Contractually are obligated to do that 58 seconds so We can go on about the Silk Road, but we can't bring up the sponsor anymore Because they don't want to be affiliated with us whatsoever and parody law only covers Right under a minute. So 58 seconds. Okay But yeah, the Silk Road how what's something that you're gonna do about the Silk Road when you become president? I'm gonna make it more easily accessible. You're not gonna have to go You're not gonna have to jump through a bunch of hoops and use five different things to access the dark web You're gonna be able it's gonna be as easy as as pie or we're gonna make it Just stuck a one and done type browser that you can just pop on and it's easy It's easy to access the dark web as it is to you know, like Google search something Okay, I remember I went on the dark web one time and I had to download multiple things I had to have a VPN not not Express VPN. Okay, just make that clear I wasn't using Express VPN I had to download the onion browser which is like some sort of dark road or Dark web browser that you need and then I also had to do like three or four other things and it was just I mean It was a hassle. It took me like 15 minutes. I had to research how to do it. It's just Time for all that I heard that it came out that the onion browser and a lot of other of those VPN middleman things were Created and operated by the FBI. Oh, really? Yeah So my theory because I never went on the on the the dark web and got a VPN back when it was like pretty much only CD stuff that was going on on there. Yeah, and It was like intriguing to go on there and to check it out and go see all the like hitman for hire Yeah, and all that's what I did I went on to like like one of the marketplaces that where you could you know, look at all that stuff I didn't order anything, but yeah now I heard actually recently about a new one that I think it's still currently active It's called incognito, and that's essentially like what's popping right now or or maybe it recently got shut down I'm not sure but like that was the the latest one. It's not about incognito mode in your browser It's based on that like that's that's why they named it that. Okay, but like no It's like and it's like a real incognito. They say yeah It's like the so it's like a marketplace for my drugs and all that shit on the dark web. So um I Always assumed that when you got a VPN that it just put you on a special list to be monitored extra hard I mean we who who knows just I mean we don't really have the the data on that Maybe we are maybe maybe if you do use a VPN the government's watching and they just tell you you're not yeah, maybe So the Rizzler the Rizzler here popular internet person. Yeah, he's like a he's like a tween He does the thing. He's he's he's got some rizz. He's charismatic Mm-hmm. He's got You know really he's really big into Costco chicken bakes and some of the the food from the Costco food court Now a lot of visit video touch something that I want to lay out right away There's the Rizzler popular fat kid with the thing. Yeah. Yeah, he's then there's emples and the Costco boys Yeah, which is his brother and his dad. I think it's his cousin his cousin and his dad We are not interested in teaming up with the Costco No, we don't want the whole family the whole family is just kind of clout chasing and riding the Rizzlers coattails And we just very disrespectful. I mean ideally we want to get the Rizzler in a room without without his his family And I'm not saying we're gonna like brainwash him or turn him on his family That does sound a little predatory we we definitely don't know nothing like that nothing nothing We don't want to get him alone away from his family for any sort of nefarious reason Oh, we just want to have a chat with them and explain to him like You know if you can get on a rocket to the moon There's not always gonna be three or four other seats for your family to come along and you know That doesn't make you a bad a bad family member for for leaving your family behind in no your quest for glory like yeah I've had to do it. I've had to do it Do you think that I'm gonna bring my cousin and my dad and all that with me to the White House? No, there's no room for them there. No, absolutely not so The Rizzler this is something that is just for you and you know if your dad is like your acting manager or whatever What I'm sure he probably is. He's probably some sort of legal guardian if nothing else So your dad obviously can come he can be involved with this whole thing nothing On camera. He's all behind the camera. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, he can come in. I can sit in the green room with Jerry Well, I mean, that's perfectly fine. Well, yeah, 100% we're not gonna like We're not gonna be mean to him. They can do the thing Jerry can take care of him while we're doing I actually think the Rizzlers dad and Jerry would would hit it off and actually become like, you know real-life friends Yeah, they are kind of the same type of guy. Yeah, and it's kind of like, you know Jerry lacks Rizz the Rizzler has it in spades the Rizzlers dad lacks Rizz We have it in Spino what I mean like it's yeah, it's a good match Yeah, then go bowling and then we'll do we can go to Costco and get a chicken bake. Yeah, do their whole thing fine We have a Costco So What we are trying to do from now on is getting contacts with the Rizzler obviously we can't just message his social medias For one. He's a child. So that's kind of weird for I mean we can slide in his DMs, but you gotta see him Yeah, he's getting countless messages from all sorts of people wanting them him to endorse this and that and I mean We're gonna probably slip through the cracks. Unfortunately, that's just the yeah way it is But so we did message him, you know, and obviously it's not seen it's not replied to you and that's just kind of a shot in the dark Other people feel free to message him. Maybe if he gets enough messages Yeah, constantly tag him in all of his posts just tag us tag him let let him know what's going on here And he's got a real opportunity To move on up Just like we all do, you know, but that's only gonna work if we all come together as a unit. Yeah, so We're gonna be trying to contact him from now on and we're gonna not stop until we do have you seen the girl that's a free styling Every day until Drake notices her No, no sound from it. No, so it's this girl this white girl looks like a like Matt's sister kind of like that type of yeah, yeah, and She has been freestyling every day. Is it a good freestyle or is she like a bad rapper? I feel like she's getting better It started off really bad. And then she kind of like got into her her sound and her thing and How many days in is she? We're talking 80 80 something days How many days do you think you know cuz like Drake's eventually gonna it's gonna work. He's seen it He's seen it already. Oh, you already saw it. I'm sure but he hasn't responded So there's no acknowledgement that she got his attention I feel like right now is the best time to do something because Drake's stock is at an all-time low So if you're gonna if you're gonna shoot your shot and try to get Drake's attention Like now is probably the time when his ego needs, you know healing and he's a band-aid But it's also probably the worst time for Drake to respond to a young girl 20s but it also could be borderline, but still right you shouldn't assume anyone's age. Yeah, and So she's been making these daily wraps and that is very similar to What what were we talking about before that the Risler and his dad and then Costco and then right after that I Don't remember okay Well, that's all right. We're gonna get rid of oh, yeah, I Said We're gonna start our journey of trying to contact the Risler and get them on the team and we're not oh, yeah We're gonna blow up the Risler. Okay. We're gonna be just like the girl. That's freestyling for Chris. Yeah, it's gonna be that So I hope you guys are excited for that. Hopefully it won't be as long as her journey because we don't have that much time Yeah, but you know the Rislers also nowhere near the celebrity that Drake is I feel like the Rislers, you know He's like a mid-tier social media influencer whereas Drake's like an international music superstar So I mean we're you know like it's not like we're asking the world Risler Maybe you need to check your ego a little bit Risler and realize that you're just like a little boy who's famous on tiktok Yeah, and you have no business to Turn your nose up at us like we're some sort of Nobody's we've been doing this a long time Risler and we know a thing or two about a thing or two Mm-hmm, and maybe you need to acknowledge That this is a great platform for you. Yeah So once he gets on here, I think that's gonna seal the deal. That's gonna shoot us up Yeah, that's kind of our ace and the ace and the whole that we need so Anybody that is down with us now and supporting us now you can say I was their day one before the Risler got involved before they blast it off and That could be right now. That could be today because I got a lead on Someone who was in a video with the Risler And I'm gonna give them a call This could be the break that we've been desperately needing now. There's no promises, okay? But I feel like this could be Getting us one step closer Oh Hey, this is Mikey Booyah from the natural habitat podcast and I'm calling because Internet personality the Risler. Are you familiar with the Risler? So That's weird they hung up right when I mentioned the Risler Who did you call? So I called Zoomies are you familiar with the store zoomies a store. Yeah, it's the store zoomies. What kind of store? It's a Apparel pop culture and apparel store That's who you called they sell a Risler. They sell Jansport backpacks and all different They have a big wall full of Jansport backpacks and different colors and styles and then they have Shoes so it wasn't someone that's affiliated with the Risler. Well, no, this is The Risler recently was in this zoomies And he was shaking hands. He was hey, what's up? He was signing Autographs for the employees. Yeah, he was probably talking. Yeah, he was talking about every camera and a selfie stim or whatever Yeah, he's on tik-tok. He's chumming it up with the zoomies employees And I know that all of them are friends with the Risler now All of them had this very recent interaction and they just hang up on you and I'm thinking that one of them can be our in To the Rislers camp. I mean, that's that's a logical assumption, but they just hung up on you They just hung up on me. What do you think that was about? That's weird. Yeah So I guess We probably just have to wait until we get someone that'll talk Yeah, someone that will spill the beans someone that we can maybe we could brainstorm our approach Think when I said that we were from the podcast then it was like he he was like oh the Risler the podcast Yeah, he just he just got in the races of the Risler. He doesn't want to risk that by by talking to anybody You know without clearing that statement. Yeah, yeah So we have to find someone that we can trick into the drawing board telling us about the Risler I say we just on the next episode we call that same zoomies and Maybe get a different employee. Yeah, they probably don't I mean zoomies. It's a bunch of like idiots that work there and I feel like their schedule is not very well done It's like sporadic every week. It's different. They don't have a set schedule for everyone. They come and go as they please Yeah, they're all kids. They're all you know going to school Colon and sick and trading shifts and that sort of thing just a real mess over there getting transferred to other zoomies You know getting jobs at the other place. It's a fucking free for all in the zoomies. Yeah, it's crazy So we can get someone to spill there. Yeah It's gonna be lit. Yeah, it's it's inevitable. What's gonna happen? Um? So another thing I wanted to talk about Was these astronauts that are trapped in space? Yeah, you mentioned that but I don't really have the whole scoop on that So what exactly happened and how did it happen and okay, so two astronauts? Blasted off of the plane right they're up in space. They're there. Are they lost in space? No They're not lost in space. They're I'm almost 100% sure 99% sure That they're on the space station the international space station Which is a crazy thing like if you think about it it's like this little like house in space That all these countries make rockets and then attach their own little thing to see that's another thing that we're gonna have to take a Look in and go crunch some numbers when I'm elected president because it seems like for an international space station Why is America having to pay for that? I'm assuming that cost is something on a yearly basis and it's like Well, why said we foot the bill for all these other countries to go up there? We're probably paying far less to access the space station. I mean, I'm I haven't looked at the info or anything But presumably America built the international space station sent it up there and and basically You know, it's basically American soil up there, but we're letting I mean all these other other countries with with Space programs access it like how is that fair? So I think we're gonna have to slash the the funding for the space station Privatize privatize space travel we give exclusively, you know, we give the musk the the contract exclusively all of a sudden space X is the only ones, you know Okay, I think that's not a bad idea because these These astronauts went up there Blasted off went to the space station then they had a Boeing Spacecraft a star liner that was headed up there to go get them and bring them back something malfunctioned on it Boeing notoriously As problems left and right with their jets and their spacecrafts and I mean screws falling off and things falling apart and breaking down And that's what happened. They shot it off of the planet up to this wall up in the orbit and Then it had some sort of malfunction. It was goofy It the craft got goofy and once you have a goofy craft you can't un-goofy the craft. No, you can't just un-goof it No, it's goofed for good so They were like are we gonna put the astronauts in the goofy goose or are we gonna send up another craft? So they decided not to take that craft then There was no other crafts available they have like, you know, one is getting ready to do this mission another one. They're using for the inner stellar - that they're filming and Crafts just aren't free to go get these people so Now space X is the one that stepped up and said we're gonna build a craft to go get them and bring them back But it won't be ready until February see that's a funny tip That's a problem because how are these astronauts gonna vote? Yeah, that is a problem. I Imagine they could probably vote From space. I mean, can we like send up a ballot? Mm-hmm little rocket. I just a little little ballot sized rocket I assume we're sending them supplies and like food and dehydrated ice cream stuff like that Yeah, so within that supply drop we can give them the ballot They fill it out send it back with their waste Are they sending their waste back down? So that how it works? I think they just like like dump it into space and then it freezes into like a like a hard, you know And then you know it eventually it'll it'll land somewhere, but it's not really our problem Yeah, true because I mean, what's the percentage that it's gonna land in the continental United States? Exactly so We can send them the ballot or I know a lot of people just have other people fill out their ballot like it'll get mailed back to Kansas where their parents live and their parents will just fill it out and then put it in the mail See that that feels a lot like voter for me that does sound like voter fraud, right? Is that exactly what that is? I don't know exactly But I know voter frauds, you know allegedly a big problem for both sides and Presumably for me too that you know, I should be concerned Especially I'm the the third party candidate who's already at a disadvantage So now all of a sudden I have to deal with this voter fraud from the left and the right and potentially space So left right and up left right now. It's just yeah and down cuz of how space works. I mean, I Look, I'm probably gonna be elected president But if if for some reason I'm not I mean, you know why obviously like the the reasons are just mounting up As to why I'm gonna get screwed out of this thing in November and I mean, I think voter fraud is at the top of that list Computers like he's something's happening with him. You see that Computers been a little off to his on edge. He's he's a little off to do you don't suppose that computer is like working as a double agent And is giving information to my political rivals. Do you? I? Mean computer and I we haven't always seen I die. We've you know our relationships been a little rocky at times historically Computer now can I trust you? Silence says it all geeks So Those astronauts in space that's just That's um, there was a point I was gonna make about the astronauts in space. Oh, that sucks I know I totally forgot what it sucks. Imagine being stuck in space. And then what were we talking about after that? Shit, we're just talking about before it. No after that Costco. No After that after the space thing after the zoomies Well, that's okay Space X is gonna be the only company that would be allowed in space It's fine if it's saving the the US taxpayer a few bucks like I'm good with that Let Musk run that shit. Let him fucking dump his money in there What oh Jerry said that he notified us that free candy is here free candy was late Today, I guess he just showed up. Oh is he here in America now? No, our American Correspondent abroad not well, I guess not abroad but up in Canada the Great White North free candy is here candy Can you hear me bud? Free candy I asked you a couple weeks ago to to make yourself available here State side and you get to do so is there is there an issue with his travel or he did call and you weren't here and he said that he thinks that it would be a better idea for him to stay in Canada find other Americans that are You know across the border in free candy free candy convince them to vote to mail in their ballot don't get me wrong Free candy. I appreciate you thinking bud, but is that really what we're paying you to do or are we paying you to to? What are we paying for? This is job again. We're not paying. I'm actually he's a unpaid intern and He's uh, yeah, what is his job? He's a digital field field manager. Yeah field director He's a renter. Yeah, we told you. We need you in Kentucky wrong field We need you in the south free candy We need you talking to these rednecks and trying to meet you to not vote for Trump. Yeah, so we'll talk a big job free candy We'll talk about it for it then we'll talk about it later after the show's done We'll have a we'll have a meeting about it But um, oh, are you are you what is what's going on here? I'm smoking some some Is that a? to win over like So that way the voters know you're cool Cuz I don't think any other candidate has done this on a podcast no candidate has done this I didn't inhale He did Well, maybe not let the record show that he stated that he did not inhale Um, I found this weed in my garage from like two or three years ago. Oh shit. Yeah, this is the this is the Etcetera expired in 2023 January. Yeah, I was harvested or packaged in January 2022 Expired in January 2023 and here we are nearing 2025. Oh, yeah um, oh fuck This episode in the natural habitat podcast is brought to you by Clorox wipes Clorox wipes they kill 99.9991 percent. Yeah, I know you may have had trouble finding Clorox wipes in the past in the year 2020 if you're looking for I'm here for I'm here to tell you the They've restocked. Uh-huh the supply chain is back chugging along and you can get your Clorox wipes today And any any store really yet Clorox wipes they're wet They're antibacterial and you could use them to clean up spills you can clean up messes you can clean up bugs You can clean up shit with the coming a variety of scents. You got a fresh scent. You got a lemon citrusy scent Those are the only two. No, there's only two. There's no lavender. No, that's that's my song Well, you could use them to clean up anything any mess around the house and Use the code NHP at your local store and save two dollars. Yeah. Yeah, you made us have to shout Okay, cool Chaching dude every time we do that Ching and everything dollars. Yeah every time someone watches it chaching it keeps going campaign money We're getting those funds. You can donate At the link in all of our bios on our social medias follow that link scroll down to the bottom donate to the campaign Where did I say campaign campaign time don't hate you So There was another thing that I was gonna bring up today Show notes. I think we had something There's something about momma June in here. Oh, yeah, yeah Enough mama June, you know, you know who mama June is right? It's the fat kids mom Yeah from here comes honey boo boo Which is like a show probably like a decade ago or so about I mean it was gross then it's about this Morbidly obese woman and her, you know, very obese at the time at least young daughter honey boo boo who was cute cute kid You know like much like the Rizzler like she may have been a little but she had a raise honey boo boo had mad Rizz she was a lot like the Rizzler and and mama June is a lot like the Rizzler's dad The only thing is mama June keeps getting like TV shows You know like being the star of these these spin-offs to honey boo boo Yeah, mama June doing this mama June doing that at one point I think mama June lost a bunch of weight and there was a show about that like oh look She's you know, she's gonna paint the town red now that she's lost a few pounds And I think mama June put the weight back on and there's a show now about that and yeah It's just like I enough mama June. It's gross We're just like gawking at this this woman who's you know like doesn't have much of an education and is you know Morbidly obese and just I mean just kind of like a a real sideshow attraction They keep making shows about her and putting them on like it sounded like the discovery channel or channels that used to be Somewhat educational or now just fucking hot garbage. Yeah, so enough mama June I didn't even know that mama June was still a thing because yeah I was aware of her back when the honey boo boo craze happened ten years ago But I didn't know that this was an ongoing thing and then just recently I saw It was just like yesterday. I saw a real And it was a clip from mama June on some new show with her nasty toenails It's too much mama June and I think they like then you mention it so now I'm convinced that mama June is everywhere I mean, I'm gonna be making a lot of executive orders once I'm I'm elected president to get this country back on track and one of those may be that we're gonna have like I'm not saying Deport mama June. I mean that seems a little bit extreme. Yeah, but maybe we We contain mama June and like a facility and obviously she's no longer gonna be you know Recorded or anything. Yeah, no more no more TV shows But maybe we even just like or we put her in like a witness protection program where were they you know change your name? Yeah change your appearance. I mean maybe you get her on some oz epic and get her looking a little different and Just mama June all of a sudden disappears from the American lexicon and we're no longer having to Be overexposed to mama June because it's a real problem And it's not a good influence on our children not a good influence on any American And it's just something that I think we as a country can do without we can do without another mama June spinoff Yeah, I agree So I hope that You know with you talking about it and with me watching that video and then with us talking about it right now that it doesn't just fill my Film my algorithm. Oh, yeah, June stuff. Can we get some Jerry? Can we get some toothpick can we get a box of toothpicks next week? Oh, yeah box of toothpicks in a box of toothpicks next week and I'll explain why then okay, all right That's exciting. That's a that's a good reason to tune in next week So I think that this wait we should probably do This episode is brought to you by Yamaha Yamaha creator of fine musical instruments. They make so much stuff. They make dirt bikes They make boat motors boat motors saxophones guitar saxophones. Yeah, there's there's very few products that Yamaha does not produce and produce them Well, they make some of the Yamaha was like, you know We're gonna open all these factories and all all over the world And we're gonna make all these different things everything and we're gonna become top tier in everything that we do We're not just gonna do one thing good and the rest of them are mediocre. They're all Black out. Yamaha is Great American Japanese sounds like Japanese that you know, yeah Great company nonetheless no matter where it's from and they support us we support them So whenever you buy anything that's Yamaha related use the code NHP Perfect. Yeah, um All gas no brakes formerly known Currently known as channel 5 channel 5 that friend of the show Andrew Callahan He's been on have we ever had him own? No, we've tried a couple times, but I don't think we I don't think Jerry's been able to pull that off No, but um, you know friend of the show nonetheless he's recently is maybe two or three most current videos been putting in like an excessive amount of advertisements and One of them was for something that was like a cool thing where you can Type in a topic and it would give you a little chart that shows you all the different News publications and then whether they're on the left right or center shows you how biased they are basically And you could see what the left is saying and what the right is saying and then make your own opinion That's pretty sick. Yeah, so I thought that that was Relevant to channel 5 and what they do So I gave them the first one. I was like, okay. Well, that's actually pretty cool. Use a code you get a discount and then Within that same, you know 25 minute video. I got another ad for Nord VPN And then the next video same thing bunch of ads bunch of just goofy companies that he's obviously using some sort of advertising partner company That gives you all the regular ones Factor meals shit like that, you know so um we decided that if he You know doesn't have the journalistic integrity to To Do a show without all of these crazy sponsors mixed in throughout No, do it out at the end do one at at the beginning, you know, whatever but If you can do that and it's no big deal, then we decided that we could also try it out try to get paid out from these companies And we decided to go big because they pay the highest CPM cost per Million or whatever Per million clicks you get a 38 cents or something like that Sorry, this is business talk. This is back Back door backstage backstage behind the curtain behind the car. Yeah. Yeah. Don't worry about that You just keep my own business. Just keep donating, okay? So do you have anything else that you want the people to know? Yeah, I want you to know that Not all of us have time to cook a meal every night, but you don't want to eat fast food all the time and get all fat You know that's bad. So you're trying to you're trying to eat healthy, but you don't have time What you can do is you can Join cook unity cook unity is gonna send you home cooked meals from these various chefs You got all different styles of food you've got they can accommodate all your dietary restrictions you eat keto no big deal They got keto. Yeah, you even know like gluten-free. They got gluten-free with cooking unity You put in your preferences on the website. You say hey, I like this I like that you pick your favorite proteins what vegetables you do and don't like and just like that you with a click of a Button you got you got chef prepared meals on you know being dropped off to you at your home Yep, and they're rated just for you, and these are tasty. Let me tell you I've tried them myself My I'm a big fan of the grill pork chop. That's my favorite. I had a pork chop and it came Okay So these These people all potential voters. Yeah, I'm gonna give you 15 American seconds To give them a speech that will convince them that you are the candidate to vote for okay So we'll do a countdown 5 4 3 Hey you got some problems we all got problems. It's all right. I Can make your problems go away It doesn't matter if it's a someone a something a somewhere Whatever it may be you got problems. I'm gonna make them go away. We don't have to you know You don't got to ask any questions. We don't got to talk about where the problems went Just know that I got you you vote for me. Once I'm elected president, I'm gonna make your problems go Beautiful beautiful We love you guys. We'll see you next week Not your habits at recruiting You [BLANK_AUDIO]