U.S. Immigration Q&A Podcast with JQK Law: Visa, Green Card, Citizenship & More!

U.S. Immigration Questions Answered LIVE (Sept. 3, 2024) UNEDITED!

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05 Sep 2024
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U.S. Immigration Questions Answered LIVE (Sept. 3, 2024) UNEDITED!

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>> Hi, I'm immigration lawyer John Cusabi. Welcome to our regular live session that we have every Tuesday at 4 p.m. Pacific, 7 p.m. Eastern. Where we take your questions live about US immigration on Facebook, not on Facebook, I'm sorry for some reason we don't do any more, but YouTube, LinkedIn, Instagram, and TikTok. I think maybe one more in there is YouTube, LinkedIn, Instagram, TikTok. I think it's those, no excite there because they have some sort of system we got to do. We take your questions live, that intended for individual the old guidance. There's general information about what's going on in the process. We avoid answering questions about timeline as regular as no, just who knows we have timeline. The government's not reliable, and so I don't want to give unreliable information. But we're here live taking your questions again. If you're interested in marriage green card case, download our guide, the ultimate marriage green card guide at You're going to find some good info there, 70 plus pages, and people leave reviews all time for us saying how we should help them and all that kind of stuff. So we're happy to support you in that way, and if you want to schedule private consultation, go to I'm here, it says hi, hi to you too. And when you go to contact, fill it in really quick, what's going on there, and then we could jump and give you information on what the next steps are, probably schedule consultation, or if it's a kind of case that we don't do, we just say we don't do that kind of case, we can help you out. But I'm talking to head here to take questions. As Amir asked, my question, if someone applies for asylum, can they also apply for labor? Well, the major issue with that is you're probably not going to maintain your status, the green card or visa status, until the EB2 or EB3 perm case or the employment-based case becomes current. And there's arguments to say when you have an asylum case pending that keeps you in status in some foreign fashion, especially if you fall for asylum within the validity period in previous visas that you had. But most USCIS officers deny it, some randomly approve it. We argue it usually doesn't work, but sometimes it does. So it's an inconsistency that I mentioned, there's going to be a lawsuit on this going to go to the Supreme Court, but people aren't really suing on it. So right now it's just no man's land, essentially. Sheria, if USCIS rejects your expert request, you request on the same case you check, or luck again, yeah, you could leave a shot. I've done that before. I mean, if you reject it once, the second time around, go contact the senator or something like that. I get some other secondary way to do it. Asa says, my wife is in the process in USCIS eight months for a point at the embassy. What do you recommend to do to speed the process? We have a daughter. Honestly, I don't have recommendations and expedites. Everyone wants an expedite, and very few people are getting in, especially the embassy. It's very hard. I'm guessing your Pakistan, that's a terrible one over there. Unless there's a real big emergency that's life-threatening, most likely, it's just not going to happen. Pessent says, "Hi, please have received my approval from MVC, but I remember four months, no reply, interview day, how long shall I wait?" There's no wait line. That's the big issue. We're coming up with questions about timelines popping again, different versions of asking, but we got no control over that. What's the process of returning after deportation? Well, you got to see it when you have a case or something like that. I don't know. It depends on your background, if you have some sort of exception. Alone, beauty asks, if I apply for a B1B2 visa for medical treatment, and there's no other question, so you have the finish of the question, he says, "I understand. Thank you for telling. You're welcome, Isa and Janoi sucks?" The answer I said just sucks, but that's just what we're seeing. It's just very hard to get anything moving. Tika says, "How long does it take for a permanent visa for adopted baby from Nigerian to USA?" I don't know about the adoption, but when I do adoption, getting interviewed in Nigeria is very hard in time consuming. Maybe they'll make an exception for the baby. I haven't done that case, so I can't say for sure. Honey Drop says, "I went for my citizenship interview since last year, August. I'm still waiting. What do I do?" I got to see what the issue is. It might be severe issues where it's like you're out of luck. Potentially, you contact USAIS, get a congressional conference person involved. Maybe you're following a lawsuit. Alone, beauty follows up, "Is it okay if B1B2 visa for treatment for medical?" There's a specific B1B2 visa that's intended for medical, but is it okay? I'm not sure which means is it okay. You apply for medical B1B2, or if you're here in the medical treatments, you got to make sure you pay for them at the border they may have, so if you think you're not, you lied or something like that. Your question is kind of vaguely questioned, and I need more direct kind of stuff, but it's up to the government where they're okay at the end of the day. I don't have control over that. Hina says, "It's been eight months since my husband didn't get his work permit." Sorry, I should contact the USAIS, see what's going on, but timelines are inconsistent. "How much money do I need to invest and move to U.S?" Depends what country you're funding. You do a small investment, E2, and get a visa to run your business, or you do a larger investment, $850,000 and a million dollars, and potentially get a green card." That's that. "Macko says, "A proof for asylum year ago should I submit green card medical exam or an idea? I've spent a year suggesting asylum. Why not? If your case is good." Marl says, "Any news on movements for October visa bulletin?" I mean, you'll know the news right when I do you wait for the visa bulletin to come out in the next couple of days. "Sam says, "How long does it take for I-1-3 petition for parents?" Probably 12 months. "You're welcome, Hina." Haji says, "How long does it take to receive receipt notice?" A week. A lot of these questions. Don't ask questions, please, about how long this or that, because it's so different every time, and it doesn't really help people in a substantial way, because it doesn't really make difference what I say how long it takes. "That's the gift and answer." I was told to wait on I-360 to be approved before I find I-485. Is that a good recommendation? I don't know your individual case to say if it's good or not. It might have a week I-360 case so if I'm adjusted, it might be a waste of money. I don't know, so I guess see what's going on. Can you travel on advanced parole? Well, it's intended for advanced parole. You can travel on it, but whether you'll be able to return, that depends on your case and your background. A lone beauty rights DS-160. She writes B1B2. Actually, she's coming to do a treatment here in the US. It just depends, a lone beauty. You got to see what's going on with the ask at the interview and what kind of treatment it is. That's very individual case specific, for the reason what's going on there. A-B-C said E2 investment amount required. Actually, your question means there's an investment that's required. The amount, it depends on what the business is and how much investment that it needs. Patrick says, "I sent my marriage risk green card package a month ago and still no receipts. Is that normal?" There's no normal when immigration. Maybe it is normal. Maybe they messed up and lost it. You should have been done by now. I've had cases to take a month and then have to get received. I haven't submitted your case. I don't know if you sent the right place or not. I can't really say it was normal, not because I haven't submitted the case. Superfriendly says, "Special process for US military veterans marrying foreign nationals in the US seeking asylum." US military veterans marrying foreign nationals in the US seeking asylum. I'm not sure this special process, but if they're in the United States already, if they didn't enter with permission, you apply for parole in place, military parole in place, and then to do a justice for status properly. But super friendly nerd, if you are active duty military service, email me with proof and we give free consultations with active duty military members. So just send me that. A long beauty out. The last one, the question I could take on this, but she doesn't want to, doesn't, but she don't write the form because she's like, "Is that make effect?" I don't know. That goes into giving individual legal answers that I said. This is something you should schedule a private consultation with and then we can take from there. I'm not sure if she filed or did not file why she's hiding the information, what kind of thing she's doing. We can't hide information for the government. We can't lie. So I want to avoid giving impression that that's possible. But if it's just coming here to see people and maybe get some like, what is this called? Get these lines out of the way. That's not here. Nothing to hear it there. But if it's like a hardcore medical and then they're not going to pay for it, that could be a problem. Or if they ask, "Are you pregnant?" And she said, "No, she was pregnant. I can miss her at this representation." So it depends. Senga's fiance visa or marriage, which one is best? Well, it depends on which one is best for you. I'll give you an answer, but it's not appropriate for you. But almost every time marriage, green cards are better than fiance visas, but there are rare exceptions with fiance visas better. There's children, minor children involved. They're 18 or 19, for example. Maybe you can't get married for some reason or you like to have a wedding in the US. We just met each other yesterday and so it's like, "I may do fiance visas. I may be rare instances, but almost always marriage is better. But download our guide," Sir, how long does it take to be? I give a decision. It just depends on how long it takes to get to it. And unfortunately, much of the inappropriate thing by asking a question a gazillion times, so I'm going to have to mute you so you don't fill up our questions anymore. Please don't ask the same question 10 times. It says you back to back. It's kind of like a rude procedure when you use a lot. It's hard to keep track. Okay, one process fast. No, no, nothing's fast in immigration. Patrick says, "I sent my marriage answer to that question already." Mallory says, "I applied for citizenship two weeks ago. Now, will I get a notice soon?" You should. "Unfortunately, once I went 30, maybe." Unfortunately, I asked questions 50 times. "I went 30 is not something you changed to. It's I-485." So, a fortunate scheduled private consultation. Fella says, "Can A2 visa holder get married just that?" Yes, you'll need to find some extra paperwork to remove your diplomatic community, but that's doable. Please schedule a consultation. would do these cases. legal group says under a bona fide marriage, is it appropriate to move forward with a green card away? I don't know if you have a good case. You move forward. I'm not sure what's inappropriate about it. So, it's just more needs to be done. Schedule a private consultation, Simpa says, "I have visit in Iran. No stamp on password. Can I still trial the US on Esta?" No, if you visit in Iran, you can't defraud the US government line, not say it. So, you might as we'll get it to Earth's visa. Now, apply it for it, at least. "Hey, so, how long does it take to get to work for me?" If you file for VAWA, six months, 18 months. Process J1, I-130. J1 is a status. I-130 is a petition. So, there's no J1 to I-130. It's J1 to I-485, and I don't know if I'm sure if you have an appropriate adjustment of status claim or not. If you maintain status, if you're subject to a two-year home residence requirement, if you meet any of the other criteria. So, the process, it just depends on what's going on in your life. Sanga collects this. "Thanks, you're welcome. Is Fianna to be the single entry?" Yes, it is. Simpa says, "I have to visit Iran. Okay, answer that question already. How difficult is it to get more than 90 days on I-94?" It depends on what you're doing. If you're a visa waiver program, it's impossible. You get additional 30 days on extreme circumstances. On tourist fees, you usually get 180. Depends on what kind of status you have in some of the CBP. So, the question way it's framed, how difficult it doesn't really make sense in this context. Okay, so, "Cravings asked, "I was on deportation. Can I apply for the keeping of family Seattle program? I won 31." It depends on your background. I haven't read the rules on people who are deportation in a parole place, so I can't say it that time. "How much is consultation? I'm seeing $1,000." No, consultation is not $1,000. Although, why he says, "If your husband passed away, can you get married or get divorced?" That's a family law question, but if you're passed away, it doesn't make sense. Like, "Okay, how does it pass away? Can you get married?" I'm not sure why you'd ask that question. It's kind of off, so schedule consultation when you need to know more. Okay, let's see. Al Prent says, "I came two years ago. Can I start asylum?" Usually, you want to do your sound case within one year. If it's more, you have to have a reason why you waited that long, but we don't do asylum, so I can't comment on that. "Man, your high attorney, how long does it take to just that? I have 360-vowel approved. It takes a while. I don't do vowel myself and other training firm does, so I'll keep track of the timing." Passive is, "What's your prediction for coming visa bulletin? What do you think? I don't give predictions. I hear to talk facts." And if I can't predict, or that's why I could ask timely questions, if I can't answer something that's hypothetical, I'm not going to answer it here. We're here about the facts. Okay, let's see what the questions are popping up. Stephen says, "Do you have any videos about all pairs getting tourist visas after pouring going through it right now?" Now, videos, they just apply for tourist visas. That's about it. I mean, and then just this typical situation is for QF-I for tourist visas. Sam says, "I want 30 needed for K1. No, I want 29F is used. If the fiance enters the US and you do not get married within 90 days of the fiance's entry, then they're going to have thought, "I want 30." "How long does it take to eat once you send your application your receipt notice?" You're usually a few days a week, but sometimes takes four weeks to six weeks. Nicole, "How long is approved for I-130 taking these days?" Depends on what kind of I-130 you're submitting. M says, "At what point can CB offers those cause issues for LPR staying overseas over six months because of education?" They could pre-prolise whatever they want. Even if you're out for one day, CV has authority to do whatever it wants to do essentially. But typically, they don't have two or six months. They may talk with you, but it's the discretion, they have discretion. User 9 says, "Any updates on the i7-5 when I supply it for my extension? No updates, it just takes forever. That's really it." Common reasons for I-485 to now, okay, I-864 issues, marriage and divorce error records, civil document errors, birth certificate having problem, lack of bona fives, or they mistrust your relationship. Those are the big ones. Stephen, "What is the waiting period for tourist fees if you are in the US? Any difference?" There's no waiting period for tourist fees if you're already in the US. That's not clear what your question is asking. If you're already here, then you use a tourist fees. So, your question needs to be more clear than that. Raj says, "My fiance wants me to stay here, but I'm on tourist fees of a US citizen. Once your advice attorney, I can't give you an individual legal guidance. Generally, someone can stay and get married and fall for adjustment of status. If you plan on getting married, download our guide, Schedule a consult, the best thing to do to talk about it, On that way, I can advise you individually, but I can't just in public arena where I don't know what you're about to tell you what to do. But those kind of facts, we do that stuff all the time. I just got to make sure your case is appropriate. Nevas, hey, John, with over, how are you making sure you're being noticed in capture strategy? Neva, this isn't really the place to ask a sales kind of language. It's kind of inappropriate. Okay. So, Ana says, "How much evidence do you normally need to provide? I want 30 to approve the marriage is real. We use two lease agreements and marriage certificate, but some people seem to add categories, but we do 10 times that. Why risk it and not give more, but you give what you can and see what happens." Neva says, "If you did interview an evidence that was requested, how long to approve our response? There's no timeline for getting a response for request for evidence." Do you do refugee family petition? Yeah, the I-730, we do those. Zalon says, "Which evidence you need for I-130 responses overseas? Just whatever you can get. Pictures together, travel records, see each other, communication records, letters from family and friends, wedding information, wedding evidence, like cards and stuff like that. You might have joined financial accounts. We just got to dig into your life and see what you got together." Elizabeth said, "Do you need your country's passport to apply for the I-751? If so, do you have to renew it if the password expired?" The I-751 doesn't need a passport, but it's always best to have a valid passport. It's just a wise thing to do." Raj Cruz, very answered. Please schedule a consultation. It's doable, but we got to see your case appropriate at Pass if it says, "It's possible to get a tourist visa while I went through it. It's pending at embassy." It's possible, but it's up to this question. Sam, thank you for the excellent live. Thank you, Sam. Nicole, I-130 for spouse in another country. Those are taking around. If you're US citizen around 12 months, if you're a green car holder, 24 months. Common reason for I-45,000. We went through that. Raj asked her question a bunch again. I answered that. "Allebar, can I get married again if my spouse passed away?" Generally, yes, depends on the country you're living in and what their rules are, but if your spouse passed away, then you're single, you get married. Mason says, "How long does it take you to get married spouse where you are when you are?" Mason said, "Any more information that?" Steven says, "Already in the US is an all pair. I want to change the tourist visa. What is the waiting period?" One month to 20 months. It's crazy when you wanted to change the status. PIP is a joke. Save your money. That's a okay. Why? I mean, Jibot says, "When do you renew your work authorization? You have 108 days for expiration most of the time to do it." And it says, "Does adding unsolicited evidence after I went 30 files affect the application negatively?" Not necessarily. We've got to see what you're adding. I can't say yes or no in a blanket statement because I don't know what evidence you're submitting. I haven't read it. I can't say this is good or bad because you might be doing something that's terrible to guide a document and I'll say, "Yeah, go ahead. That's the reason why I can't give advice individually here." But thanks for your quick asking. I want 30 I-45. I said it's a success rate. We never had a denial, but a success rate really depends on your case. People a lot of times get analyzed. Oh, this percentage of cases are approved. Immigration doesn't necessarily work that way. Immigration is always based on your individual case. If you have good facts and good paid work, then chance of approval is high. If you have bad stuff, then it's bad. That's why you got to analyze the first. It was a good case or not. Then take from there. Then you have high approval. I do. Watch says, "I'm also 36 weeks pregnant attorney, so how many days should we wait until we get married?" Roch, schedule a private consultation. Congrats on the pregnancy. Let's have a talk about it. At the very least down with our guide, I have just the album that says J-1 waiver opinion. I don't know what the question is. I'm so yeah, that's a full question. M.A. says, "I had an interview with the police tomorrow regarding simple assault. I was not arrested, had no charges filed. Is that interview considered foreign detention? Should I report in 400? I got to see what they detain you or not. Were you free to go or not?" That's really a tough view. Did you have to stay where you were able to leave? We got to see what's going on there. Maybe get contacted police departments to confirm. M.A says, "If I submit an I-1/30, my spouse oversees. If he comes here on H-1B, can we notify USC? Is the process the USA and not the wrong?" Yeah, that's doable. I don't typically like to notify the MBC until after the green card is issued, because MBC could incorrectly delete your term nature case by accident. I've seen that happen before. We usually, in these cases where H-1B and you come and you file for the green card adjustment status, we have for this to be approved, then notify the MBC. Judith says, "How long does it take to prove the I-360? I don't have comment on that. How to withdraw an I-5/89? You read a letter to the agency. Blackmo said, "If you're engaged, can you do tourist visit a bit to come to the USA? Yeah, you can visit. It's out to the Customs and Border Protection, the airport officers, whether they'll let you in, but it's possible." Heck, he says, "Can you get advanced parole with misdemeanor arrest for fighting at 19? I wouldn't recommend traveling on advanced parole if you have any arrest history." Parle says, "Is M-400 application processing faster right now?" Yes, during election year citizenship, usually M-400 is faster. We're getting interviews after two or three months, and then it slows down again after the election year. Obvi, can someone file for asylum? If a sound case already dismissed two years ago, it depends on your background what the sound issue is. If it was affirmative dismissal, but not defensive in court, so it's not as open to shut that. J-2B required a waiver success rate. I don't keep track of people's success. The government doesn't keep track of this stuff, but if you have a good case, it's a good case. Don't think about success rates. Is this a good case or not, and then make the decision move forward? Destiny says, "Mr. K-O-ball, as well. No questions today. I think just listening. Ty Destiny, thank you so much. God bless you. Thanks for coming on, the kind of words. How much will it cost overall if you're processing? The government fee is $2,000 or $3,000, you do a medical as $5,000 to $1,000, $500,000. Attorney fees vary depending on what the situation is. That's why I brought you individual consultations needed to see what's going on. We don't go into fees here. Attorney, my vow was approved in five months. Congrats. That's good. Jax is how long OPLO responded for submitting PD in the NYC? I don't know. Actually, it says, "My husband overstated Zesta for us to marry. It's been three and a half years. We have not adjusted. Did you file a case actually or just that you haven't decided to move forward yet?" I want to bring someone for construction labor. What visa should I apply for other than H1B, HB1, you say? I don't know. We've got to see if there's a need for H2B or something. We don't handle those cases, though. Actually, it says, "Well, make it difficult likely tonight. Also, how much income does any sponsor him?" Actually, I think you're saying the fact that you haven't filed yet itself, it doesn't matter. No, it's not difficult. How much sponsors need it depends on your family size and how much income you're making this and that. Let's say you and your spouse, probably, there's a four. There's a GoToI 864P. That's the website for the government. Look at the family size for two, depending on what state you're in and if you're in active military or not. I think it's like 27,000 right now, but if you don't have that, there's assets, but essentially, that's that. Typically, if people haven't filed a case yet, there's some issues going on that you haven't. It's not the red flag, but it's like people who have a good case just filed a case. If they don't, there's something going on. When we dig deep, there's always something there. Hopefully, that's not the case, but schedule consultation,, we talked about it. Aslam says, "I have four-year experiences as a plumber, but I have a national logistics cell diploma. I don't know if you can do anything with that." Mr. Cahillball as well. How long does E360 signature petitions take? It's I360. I don't do those SIDGIS cases, S-I-J-S, not GS. I don't do those cases, so I don't know. What would be the lawyer fee petition for spouse overseas? I don't talk about fees here because it varies. I don't want to see one fee, and then you come to us and say a different fee, and it looks bad. We don't like lying or something like that. Schedule consultation, Burrito says, "Why didn't you answer my question? I haven't seen any questions for you, Burrito. You probably didn't press send or something." Sanders says, "I'm the U.S. citizen. Can I travel to Ohio? I don't know. What do you think?" Sampa says, "Would you recommend hiring a lawyer for visit or visa? Ms. Sweden, not Elijah Feesta. If you're not eligible for S, then yes, because that's not usually the case. There must be something going on that should not eligible for S. You don't want to say you need a hiring lawyer for the case, but you should consult with a lawyer. Actually, those financials are the issue. You need alphabet support potentially, but yeah. They're always more to kill his lives. We got to get into it, but the basics of the case are there. If you get married to a U.S. citizen, Kelive says this, "Wow, and then J-1, can you leave J-1 visa?" Yes, but you got to be careful. If you're subject to a two-year home residency requirement, it's an issue, but we do with J-1 marriage adjustment case all the time. We just submitted one like last month. It was actually subject to a two-year home residency requirement. We got the waiver approved by Department of State, and as soon as we got that email, we filed the adjustment status case. Rebecca says, "If possible, you use PWD of my company, which is being acquired by B2G. Probably, but I don't do perm cases, so I don't want to advise on that." Kabu says, "I submitted document and NBC one month ago for my spouse, so I've got any response to NBC." You know, there's typically responding within a few weeks, not sure why it's taking so long. How many says, "Can I travel advanced programming when I cross?" Even if I cross the border, yeah, advanced parole is intended to cross-board, come in. You can try. I don't know. Rhea says, "Where are you from, John? Born in here, I see you're my family's from Iran." E3, "Skilled work across, maybe three-skilled." I talk about timelines. User 8 says, "Can I F1 visa, marry U.S. citizen, file the case?" We do that all the time, student visa holders. That's our primary case type. As student visa holders are J1s, the primary students who marry U.S. citizen, file for green card. We do those cases every day, but we've got to make sure your case is good. So schedule consultation to go. We're also down the ultimate marriage green card guide at Let's see. Babylon, baby. Ronald says, "Hello, John. A spouse of a green card holder is here in the U.S. on a tourist visa and has a pending I-130. Can he adjust that over nine days? He's not a status yet. If your case is current, and it doesn't look like you did immigrant intent fraud or something like that, it'd be as possible, but I need to review your case individually with you. But it's most likely possible." That means it says, "Can I travel advanced pro? I answered that." High Afghan boy says, "I came through parole two months ago. When can I apply for Psalm? You apply for Psalm any time you like in within a year of coming." As he said, joint bank account or joint taxifying, which one is stronger evidence? They're more the better. It just depends on the total facts of your case, but the whole picture looks like. Sandy, what valid reasons would I need to have to leave the U.S.? Not to leave the U.S. Not to not have to leave the U.S. There's not valid reasons. You just got to fit within a program, really. Thank you, Sandy, for the gifts and the rose. I appreciate that. Okay, so what's going on? Some other questions. Wow, that was a run. That was going fast on these questions. Thank you so much. Hopefully we got the answers. We're not getting repeat questions. We do have faster. People post their question, get the answer faster. It's a good situation. I know I talk really fast. People have complained about that. I got an email the other day saying I talk way too fast. Maybe you find, watch the recording of this and slow it down. I'm excited. I love talking about immigration law. I'm just a fast talker because I want to get all of the information not to help as many people as I can. If you're doing a marriage case, best thing to do is to download our ultimate marriage green card guide first at It's marriage That way you could get really good information before you schedule a consultation. We have like hardcore questions, not the basics, level one, level two, three, four questions because you already know the basics. The guide helps you travel through it to figure out what's going on and really guide you. Peruvian food guy says, "People protected by child status protection. I need a waiver if they have to do constant processing." The waiver is separate. Waiver is like, if you have other issues, but if you've properly complete the child status protection act, I'm going to do a video on that next week, a long video on YouTube. Then just doing it is that a waiver is needed if you have inadmissibility issues. Kiki says, "As a married US citizen here in USA, I'm a 30 approved two months ago. If I still pending is that normal?" Yeah, that happens. M says, "Initially file for Iowa 31st spouse overseas. Will USC as recall the case for NBC if I submit I have a 45?" No, they don't. It probably will eternally do it. They don't notify you, but we just file for justice and status in those cases. Anyways, then notify the NBC. Usually after green cards approved. We want to keep the NBC case alive by contacting once a year to invite them to terminate the case by accident. "John, is it bad if my girlfriend visits me in the US while I came in the process, she lives in Spain?" It's not bad. They could have some of the airport and accuse them of immigrant intent. It doesn't usually have him, but that's a, that's a valid fear. Joy says, "Came through tourist fees are overstayed. Married US citizen can adjust your green card. I can't say Shelley individually, you can't exactly know more about your background, but that's the fact pattern generally. Sometimes you enter lawfully married US citizen, does allow you to adjust status, but you got to, you got to, there's other criteria that to be satisfied. Check out our guide, the ultimate marriage green card guide at We handle your case, a primary case are people like yourself who will marry US citizens. That's what 90% of what we do nowadays. They'll love to help. So, me says, "Any updates for Islam at embassy, spouse, you're respecting me?" See, yeah, it's terrible. No updates, just bad as always for getting interview at Islam. Skill worker visa, H1B or HV2. We don't do skilled worker visas anyway, so I don't really want to talk about that. Hi, I'm from Germany, priority date. You got to check the visa bulletin to see what's going on. Then it's up to the embassy, what they want to do in your case. So, when it comes to visa bulletin timelines, that's up to the embassy, I'm up to the part of the state, so I can't really guide on that. M says, "Thank you. You're welcome. You're welcome." Great question. It's a lot of our marriage green card case questions. I guess I'm doing more videos on marriage green cards people are coming and finding us through that, but yeah, that we love helping couples marry US citizens, green card holders. You hear on student visas, F1, J1, adjusting status, getting J1 waivers, or doing concert processing, dealing with the embassy, the national visa center. This is stuff we do all day from all countries, Iran, Pakistan, India, Egypt, Mexico, Brazil, China, Russia. We got clients all over the place, Australia, Canada, all over the place. We love helping them. It's really good. As in good to see, I've seen in a long time. Drip says, "I filed my immigration paperwork after I got married to US citizen. Can I leave my J1 visa because I filed my paperwork?" So after you file your paperwork, get it all along and need to maintain status per say. Just got to make sure you're not subject to a J1 home residency requirement. That can be a big mess for you. But generally, you don't need to maintain status. It's better to do it to have some backup, but just in case your case falls apart, you have some backup to fall on. How long are I-1 visas taken to Islamabad forever? Probably a year or two to get an interview, and after the interview, they might get stuck in administrative processing, which will be even longer. So we got about a minute time left. If you have some final questions, please let me know. I do recommend down at our guide,, where we go into the Ultimaragement Card Guide, and then better yet, schedule a private consultation with me, For marriage cases, we do discount my consultation fee because we love doing marriage cases. It's a chunk off. I think it's how much is that? It's like 33% off for marriage cases. Shifo says, "I had an interview at the MSC. I need an I-61 waiver. I started hearing that, but the officer never asked for it. Can I still file it?" It depends on what the reason for the I-61 is. Sometimes you need a paper from the officer to get information. Do it. Sometimes you don't. We got to see what's going on there. You're welcome, UK. Precons and husbands, a friend of resident married to me, US citizen. He was arrested 20 years ago and not found guilty. That's too deep. We got to see what's going on in that case. And one to two last questions. Aash says, "I got it. We have taken action for your case. Email, but don't update what could it be. Go to See what's there. I don't know. You'll probably get a letter to the mail. Government's really unreliable." Shelley came through the border, applied to asylum, husbands in the military. How can I get a green card? If you don't have other bans, you do parole in place. If you haven't been admitted as arriving alien and you do adjustment status, Shelley, schedule a consultation. If your husband is active duty military, we do free consult. Just in evidence that he's active duty and we'll have a group discussion filling right there. We do free consultations for military members. That's our giving back to it. The engineer says, "What do they check on a green card application background? It's having traffic that is an issue. Typically, traffic tickets are not an issue for a green card case, but if you have like 10 of them and you're like a crazy driver, just like you want to stuff, then that could be problematic on discretion. But typically we do admit to traffic tickets, but this usually not a problem. Again, it depends. I had one guy have like 15 tickets and I'm like, you might have problems and you got angry at me. He's like, "No, it's just tickets. I'm from Canada. I'm like, what does that do anything?" And so we didn't work with them, but I know that's that. Now, I have says, "Got a K1 visa denied for my 10-year domestic assault. We have a better chance of spousa visa. I got to talk with you in private. K1s are more sensitive about these kind of rest stuff than the marriage cases are. That's why, again, another reason why if you had consulted me, I would have told you, "Hey, don't bother the K1 to waste the time and money on that," because that's another reason why K1s are not good. Gabby says, "If I witness a crime, most call to court will look out of my case. Depends on, you're just a witness. It doesn't matter, but it depends on what's actually happening. We got to get more information." Okay, with class two question, Imran, "Is there any way I can get my family visa if my wife doesn't have a job in the US, but she is a citizen? You need a joint sponsor?" That's probably what's going to happen. "Anger, my husband had 13 tickets that I got my green card, so it doesn't matter if your husband has him, the US citizen. It's a foreign national. That's an issue." Myra says, "A friend from Ethiopia, August 10, is he called for a TPS? I'm not tracking TPS right now, so I'm not sure if they've announced Ethiopia or not have any Ethiopian clients. I'm not tracking TPS on that." "Can removal proceeding be removed?" I don't know what that means. "MH, regarding the simple saw case that I was not handcuffed, I was free to leave. I was voluntary spoke. If you think that there's voluntary talking with them, that's that." Asra says, "I got approved. I too for August 14th, still need a welcome letter, so I've called them. We're having issues with the USCIs not sending cases over to the National Visa Center, so that's annoying part. MH says, "But during the interview, I've said, 'Are you with or have no arrest? I can't give you individual guidance." MH on what you should do on your application. I'm not your lawyer. It's just a general forum to talk about stuff, so that's as much as I can say here. One more question, thanks, JQ. You're welcome. I'm losing my voice. Perfect timing to end the show. I guess we'll leave it as that. Sorry. "Can't expedite removal be removed, sir?" It's very hard to have that. Mari says, "Please tell us more about the K-1 Visa. I just did a video about that, Mari. If you go to my TikTok, the most recent one, I have a three-minute video about the K-1 Visa breaking it down for you right there. It's the most recent video I did on my TikTok account, Mari. It's just go to my personal page. You'll see it. All right, everyone. God, let's be safe. I'll see you all next Tuesday, 4 p.m. Pacific time, and I appreciate everybody.,, the schedule console. Bye-bye.