John 15:5

Sought to see Jesus who he was

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01 Sep 2024
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This scripture come on hard early in the week and I've told only just a little bit of scripture that we've read from them, probably many a time we've read Luke in the 19th chapter of Luke. I know I feel like I say that a lot, I know I've preached from these scriptures, read these scriptures a whole lot, but that's alright, I'm glad they've still got as much power in them as they have the first man that ever preached them, because this is 11 words. But I've thought a lot on this scripture here about Zacchus, and like I said, the Lord kind of brought it to our heart back early in the week, and it seemed like he brought it to us this evening. I kind of thought we'd be going over in the Hebrews this season a little bit or something to see my Lord just kept bringing Zacchus back to my heart. So just want to read some of this might be just a talk or two here that God's give us, but in the 19th chapter of the book of Luke, he says, and Jesus entered and passed through Jericho, and behold there was a man named Zacchus, which was the chief among the publican, and he was rich, and he sought to see Jesus who he was, and could not for the press, because he was little of stature, and he ran before and climbed up into a sycamore tree to see him, for he was to pass that way, and when Jesus came to the place, he looked up and saw him, and said unto him, Zacchus, make haste and come down, for today I must abide at thy house, and he made haste and came down and received him joyfully. And when they saw it, they all murmured, saying that he was going to be the guest, to be guest with a man that is a sinner, and Zacchus stood and said unto the Lord, behold, the half of my goods I give to the poor, and if I have taken anything from any man by false accusation, I restore him for fold. And Jesus said unto him, this day is salvation come to this house, for as much as he also is a son of Abraham, for the son of man is come to see, and to say that which was lost. And that scripture, like I say, is very familiar, and I ain't got nothing needed to bring out of it, just the same good news. I thought about Zacchus as probably a lot of us have, and you think about him there as a man, he felt small among his peers, he thought he felt small among everybody else, but he heard the Lord was going to be a passion by him, and due to the press, and as many people as there was, he sought to see him and he wanted to see him. And when he went down to where he heard the Lord was going to be passing by, he wasn't going to miss out on his chance, he took him as he went down there, and he realized I'm not going to be able to see, I'm not going to be able to see him from where I'm at. He found him a good view for it, and I'm thankful today that when we get to seeking the Lord, that's what I got to think, and all so much is seeking there, is this little man that everybody else saw, as you see there, they said he wasn't that much better, he was just a little man, there's no doubt a lot of people that didn't think had no business, even coming and counting with Jesus, didn't think he had no part there with him, but this little feller got it in his heart, he got it in his mind, that he wanted to see him, he wanted to find out if it's worthy there, I like the way it's worded, it says, it's that he sought to see Jesus who he was, and could not for the press, because he was a little stature, I think that one of us wants to see him, we want to see Jesus in who he is, we hear about it, just like Zachius did, we hear so many things, and I'm sure he had heard about the blind receiving their sight, I'm sure he had heard about the language learning the law, I'm sure he had heard about all these things, the data being raised, and all these different factors, and here this little feller was, and he got the sinking in his life, and he saw the city Jesus for who he was, and he just imagined in his life how he was, he was a no doubt, I believe in his heart, he was tired of taking advantage of people, he was tired of doing things wrong, cause you find when salvation comes to his house, we want the first thing to do, we want to start making life, I better than anybody's role, I want to make you right, I want to get things fixed up, I believe, that in his heart, he truly wasn't happy with, by the way he's rich man, Zach, take the rich man, and one time we thank everybody in this life, all the claims of this world, if I could have this, sure, and if I could have that, I'd be a happy man, if I had this, boy, just make everything better, you realize this little feller is rich, this little feller, I think I had a whole lot of ideas in that place, but again he wasn't happy, he woke the city Jesus, he heard all these good stories, he heard all these good things, and he thought, I just gotta get down out of where he's coming by, I gotta get down out of where he's a fighting crew, cause I just want to get a clip to him, what he didn't try to do, he wasn't trying to do like that woman with the issue of money, he wasn't trying to get out of there, this, this, this, to heal his army, he wasn't trying to actually get out there to where he's been fighting, he said, he just won't be going down there and see for who he was, but I won't tell you what, when we get to see him, to see him, the next time we know we're going to think, we're going to want to touch him, let's let you know, you're going to want to go, he's going to want to go home with you. That's what happened to Zach, yes. He got down there, and he stopped to see the Lord for who he was, and you know what that downer said, he ain't got the attention of Jesus, he got the attention of him, Bible said he's a rewarder of them, the deals that they see, we get the thinking out of the Lord that comes to you, he's not hard to find, he'll come by our way, and he'll let me know, Jackson, get who he is, and we'll get to see him for who he is. It's a long time we come down to the church, Trevor, and we come down here for a reason, we come down, and some people come down, and we talk about back to the prior room, based on people that comes to see and be seen, think out of the press, that was around him, and that's what caused him to be hard, for Zach is to get out close to the Lord, we need to make sure we come down to the church, if that ain't us, that we ain't just part of the press, and also that woman with the issue of what that my people thrown in around him, that's a lot of people that hurt him, you find where them men didn't carry that feller, oh he's caught him on that tired roof off, couldn't get in the house, because it was so full, that's a lot of people that get around Jesus, they ain't really looking to see who he is, they're just lucky to be seen, and see somebody else, they're lucky to find Paul, they're lucky to find trouble a whole lot of time, but I won't tell you what, when your heart gets to walk to find him, and your heart gets to walk to see who he is, I promise you he will love with you, the love Zach is probably proud to, and he won't even let me on teach you, no worries, he's probably won't even let me see me, I'm nearing this tree, not as pretty faithful as around him, not the way he's walking down that way there, but you want to know something, the Lord don't ride for a little home, Zach is buzzer, walk right down that where he climbed up with, why did you back that buzzer? Zach is going to reward him, I don't think he was delicately safe in me almost, he will take you to the right, no way in this world, he lives 18 years ago, have preached it before he says bless today which 200 thirds after rashes, when they share with you. I woke up walking up walking around with Thomas, I've been so thirsty, and I wouldn't pick you up, it's leaking, I wouldn't make it up, if you know what, three, some other times, I wouldn't hurt him again, well that makes it up, I just think that's not going to be great. If you get hungry and you get thirsty, take water a second there, I just breathe a second there, and you don't pick it up, it's only the reason you won't go over it. Zach just made an effort, he sold this, he won't see more of him, he won't know more about him, he had a desire in his life, such so a desire that he climbed as high as he could climb. He played every effort, he could just sleep Jesus, and you know what Jesus picked on himself, we come looking forward, and I promise you, it's just like he done when he walked by his actus, he looked up by his actus, come on down from there, he says I'm going to your house today, I thought I was already going to miss this thing a little bit, it's familiar too, but over in the book Isaiah over there, in the 55th chapter, very familiar again, he said, "Hold everyone that thirsteth, come ye to the waters, and he that hath no money, come ye, buy and eat, yea he come, buy wine and milk without money and without price, wherefore do you spend money for that which is not bread, and your labor for that which satisfies not, hearken diligently unto me, e.g. that which is good, and let your soul delight itself in the factness." He said there in that, he said, "Wherefore do you spend money for that which is not bread?" And I thought about that little actus, mama said he'd rinse later, he could have had a whole lot of money to his life, which won't know something, something missing down deep in his heart. There's nothing chanting, he was alone in the fort, far beyond what his money could buy, far beyond what his riches could ever give you pleasure in, he just won't know who Jesus was, hey, and I won't tell you he's riches, he was market, he had some plenty of his money because he never bought him in his life before he'd rinse his and bladers, hey, but you want to know something in his life, hey, if you liked him, have a will in Mr. St. Jesus, and want to know who he was, that was one thing that wasn't gonna be an ideal, but if we get down to business with God, and we get hungry, and we get thirsty, he said, oh, everyone, that post is, the world would have left Zach to get out because he was a secret in their eyes, the world would have left him out of all that forehand enough to say when Jesus spoke to him, I don't care what the world thinks, but Jesus speaks to you, you listen to him, I don't care what the world tells you, you can't have this, so I won't tell you when Jesus gets mistaken, when he gets the knocking down on the inside, I don't care what the mind tells you, you can't have this, so when Jesus gets mistaken, when he walks up your tree, and he looks up at you, and he starts coming down from my heart. Don't you worry about what the world thinks, you just listen to that voice. The only thing you can get with it, get back is from getting what Jesus had for him, that thing you're going along with, which you're going to save at the tree. If you want to come down, give you that, it's the only thing that would have made you go home alone that day, that's the only thing that would have made Jesus not go to the house with anyone, if you stay in that tree, in the nine, one, five, and twenty. Listen what he said here in this end of here, and I say, "Incline your ear and come unto me, here, and your soul shall live, and I will make an everlasting covenant with you, even the sure mercies of David." Hey, go right back to what we did to preach in this morning about the truth, doesn't it, no? Hey, go right back to the spirit of truth that'll come by your way, and when he comes by that spirit, comes by that comfort that comes by, he says, "I will be with you, hey, forever, for I'll return." I'm never leaving, and I'll never forsake you. Hey, won't you just go home, but eat with you one pound, you don't want to use anything, you move in with you. What did you get at one by God, then you preach. What did you take from Zachary's? When the Lord comes, I have to say, come down, what did he have to say? He has to go back then. What did you do in climbing his ear? And all the time, her name had just listened to it. When Jesus said, "Come down, today," it took Zachus to climb his ear. It took him listening to what Jesus had to say. He said, "In climbing your ear and come unto me, here, and your soul shall live, and I will make and ever last in covenant with you, even the sure mercies of David. Behold, I have given him for a witness to the people, a leader and commander to the people. Behold, thou shalt call a nation that thou knowest not, and nations that knew not thee shall run unto thee because of the Lord thy God, and for the holy one of Israel, for he hath glorified thee." Now listen right here, this is what the Lord kept bringing to my heart as a study in the other. He said, "Seek ye, Lord, while he may be found, call ye upon him while he is near. Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts, and let him return unto the Lord, and he will have mercy upon him, and to our God, for he will abundantly pardon you see, O Zachus is up in that tree, and the Lord called his sign. He had the incline of his ear. He had to put off his thoughts, don't you think Savannah, for a minute, O Zachus wasn't up in that tree, and I bet he was to think it about every sorry thing he had ever done. I bet he was to think it about just how guilty her Jesus was, what a righteous holy man he was, all the miracles he had ever performed, and when he looked at the old Zachus, don't you think that he's old caught on mine and he didn't get to run away with him, and he's old thoughts got to say, "Now you don't deserve to get to go down there and walk with that man, you don't deserve for that man to come to your house with him." "Hey, but what, Lord, tell us we had to live, I reset for sight some things, for sight you were always, for sight you were found." He said that let the wicked man forsake his way in the unrighteous man his thoughts, and let him return unto the Lord as he will have mercy upon him, and to our God, and to our God, for he will abundantly pardon. You know what, what it took for Zachus to get from damn it, listen to God, come with me, tell him, tell him, tell him, tell him, tell him. "This is the requirement of the year, this looks like you know what, it's given up, it's out, this may show you to make your own thoughts even if they don't cut the water set down here, wouldn't it just be a show me, it's been a show me for Zachus to live back to his house with and not have the Lord of William, when the Lord came by, call his name back and forth to come, he'd just come on to William's, he said, "No, not don't you." He told Zachus, he said, "Today, today, I'll buy a future house." Today, the Lord wasn't going to be pasting down that same road during Jericho the next day, the Lord wasn't under that force. The Lord wasn't going to be an hour, a few minutes after, or an hour after, when he passed five, he passed five at the moment that he was going to pass five. Zachus had to be Zachus had to be accepting that trail looking for him and there's one more requirement. Zachus said he'd find that here. He will abundantly pardon for my thoughts or not your thoughts, neither are your ways, my ways, say, of the Lord, whereas the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts, whereas the rain cometh down in the snow from heaven, and returneth not thither, but water the earth and makeeth it bring forth in blood, and that it may give seed to the sower and bread to the eager. When that rain falls and it hits the ground, it's that time for it to soak in that piece of ground that it hits. That makes sense. When the snow falls down and hit land right there on that place where it did it land, it was time for it to hit that piece of ground where it landed. They see it a little bit about how Paul blanks Paul's waters and God gives the increase. It's time for everyone. They just see it for everybody. Next time he said when that rain would fall away, the time when he said that snow would fall, and it wasn't going to return to go back, but it was sent out to accomplish something. So it's the word of God. He didn't want to turn forward. But it's a time when you got to take the part pinnacle of you, there's a time when Kirk and Wilson was to be holding that device. That was the time for that word to get freaked that he had done the way he's hard and freaked her. That was the time when it was to hit your heart. That was the time when it was to hit my heart, and it's that moment. It was the time that God sent his word, and he wasn't needed for it to return forward. He was relieved, needed for it to hit that sea and bring forth some blood. It was a time when we were anxious. If we arrived in the very city more easily, then the time when we were anxious to reach the heights in that tree where we could just say Jesus. There was a time when Jesus was holding me past him, right there, remember, we were actually blessed. There was a time when we pasted by our way. He said, "So they could even hold it while they might lose my hand." How long while they sneered? It's not just over. He made it never a moment of the day. That you could get ahold of what God sent by the tree. I told you, you know what, that just could climb up down that tree, up down that tree, up down that tree, up down that tree every day after that. He could have walked down that same old patch of mold, that Jesus blew up, and he threw up right down there, so he did it every day, and he could look for Jesus in our family. But there was a time when time had been that true, and he wasn't supposed to. There was a time when we'd be right on the edge of that road, accomplished what it was meant to. Compliment the time when Jesus was going to be pasted by Zachus. There's a time when he's going to be looking up to where he is at, and there's a time when he's always having Zachus come down here. The only time Zachus would find him was when he saw him while he was sneered. When he saw him while he had been firing, he'd have a time like tonight. He couldn't find him. It was just something we just scooped up. Everything's got a size and everything's got a time. It's a time when the Bible says to be early in the library, right? But it's time when the Lord sends his word by, and it's to accomplish his purpose and his will. And you know what? You might not understand it. We might take this time in our life on this holiday. We might thank it, this time in our life. It won't give yourself no, this is just right. We may, this is just right at the time. But you know what he said to me, he said, "I thought it was going to stop us." Our lives are not his lives. You know what he knows? We're just talking earlier in the service. Not most of those things are serious on this. We're just talking earlier in the service. We don't know if we've gone to this day, man. You said, "I don't know if I've done this with him." You know what? We don't know that. But you know who knows? Apparently, if I know you're going to walk out that door right there and follow up there because you're tripping on something outside, I just wanted you to drive down if I love that. Does that make you sick, sick? If I had to pull it on, it's no trick. That you going to get hurt tomorrow. I've been mad to you, son. You stay in the house tomorrow. Don't you go out there until you get hurt. I think telling you it's as much as I could, and it's come confident back to that. I know that's going to happen. I'm going to tell you what the spirit of God is living in. Come by and go talk to you. Come, he knows what tomorrow holds. He knows what the next day's got. I believe I told you this morning when I got saved. I believed by the safety right then. I was out in the house, and I think God knows it. That's my my intent to divide the safety when you come by that day. He knows I'll be in hell the next day. So we passed by, because you know what I think. And you looked at where the real war was. It says you come on that way. My thoughts, my thoughts, my ways, my ways, my ways. I couldn't get a whole living a year before that. I believed I would be in that display right away. I got to seek in the Lord's family, but it's one night that I got to seek in when he was facing by. I got to where I can see him. I'm going to see who he was. See, really that wonderful savory that they're black talks about. See, really that gracious man that has mercy on all mankind from the greatest care for the least of what we call the savory. Is he good at that wonderful man, not good when he said things rest. I did. I didn't get them before. I didn't quote a bunch of scriptures. I didn't say a bunch of words. I laid my head up for all my people. And I believed in God's freedom. You know what that whole thing? That one you called me back. You know what he said in that day? He went to my house. Back day, salvation, come by my way. Why I'll teach you why, because I didn't quite hear. When he called my name, I sought him by the goodly family, because he was classified. Oh no! This is going my way. Put the rain coming down and the snow from heaven and returneth not feather, but water the earth and make it that bring forth blood that it may give seed to the sower and bread to the eater. So shall my word be that go with forth out of my mouth. It shall not return unto me, boy, but it shall accomplish that which I please. And it shall prosper in the thing where I sin it. For ye shall go out with joy and be led forth with peace. The mountains and the hills shall break forth before you into singing, and all the trees of the fields shall clap their hands. I want you just to get your mind somewhere for just a minute. Imagine that little old sinner man, that little old man that had all of his hopes and riches. Do you just imagine, he'll know when he's thinking that Jesus wouldn't ever have nothing to say with him. And when he called this name, he went down there and he got the walk to the house of Jesus. He got to set them for a little while, Jesus. Can't you just imagine how everybody broke forth and so on. Can't you just imagine how beautiful everybody got to look and say that I don't know when I say, well, I won't take you something this old boy can, but come to my house and play in there and die in my sin. And Jesus might find my way. Oh, my name, I promise you this, when he tells me that where I was changing, that I came down. And I got to walk with him for a little while. And I got the head back of my heartbeat. I have to sit and suffer a little while. I won't tell you what the mountains broke forth, but I'm sorry now. And if I look better than me, I was joy. Now in my soul, I'll last fire with happiness. Come and follow me to be friends. Read that one time. For ye shall go out with joy and be led forth with peace. The mountains in the hills shall break forth before you ensign. And all the trees of the fields shall clap their hands. Instead of the thorns shall come up the fir tree. And instead of the briars shall come up the murder tree. And it shall be to the Lord for a name, for in every lust and sign that shall not be cut off. Forty-some years later, it's still joy. I can still go back to that night and I can still remember it. I was laughing broke forth inside of my joy. I mean, in my life. If you just let's leave that little old man with stature. I like the teases with them. I love everything with them. If you see them all together straight, I'm a Jesus. When all the threats, all the crimes, we'd need to let him get down there next to where he was going to be walking by. And clap up in that tree. Just give your ears. Just see who he was. And how is that? We might become mad at the church just for who he is. Just give my advice and my you know how special you are in here today because they are the same year. Can't you name it? Give him all the way. That was a great walk inside. Give him a lead, joy. Give him a only peace. For you hold that in the spirit when I always strive with men. But you know what he will do, he will come by your way. The grace of God that brings our way, she hasn't peered into all the way. He will come by the fear of you. And a whole lot of people see you down there in that same room. You know when Zachary Scott comes out with me with you. A whole lot of them see you, but you know what they went thinking to see who he was. They just want you to see you with their eyes. Bring the heart and prove what the same room is. And if you truly get to see you, you know what you will do to see you. And you know what he will do? He will see you. You know what he will do anyway? He will say you will come on down from out. He will say, "Mommy, come on down from out." I'm going to go to your house today. Hey, if you come down, it's like a great walk. If I actually need to get a drink or a hundred, you need to get your peace of breath. But this time it's 16th while it's near. Call it if they might see you or see you while they can be found. I see everyone. Get back to this church more over and over. You've got to get one tear to mine. Come back and run. I may not be here. He was going to Jericho that day. Little woman at the white. He said, "I must need to feel very smart." Why was he going through that day? It's hard for that little woman to leave. It's a time I'm going to sleep for every day. It's a little bit smart.