John 15:5

My God

Broadcast on:
28 Aug 2024
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Very familiar there where we'll be reading. I know I preached from him here and and I know probably read and studied and Be honest with you and Lord started dealing with us a little bit about this. This is the in the fourth chapter of our Philippians Come at the Lord when I read over the scripture I was flipping through my Bible and I come across that that bookmark that that Dana had made for Bible school and And I already give it to me not too awful long ago I come across it and I was reading it. It's like the Lord just started really speaking to me on that scripture and Like I say, I want to write maybe read this this whole chapter but but but maybe just a couple of couple of thoughts that we've got in this right here and But but the fourth chapter of the book of Philippians There it says therefore my brethren dearly beloved and longed for my joy and crown So stand fast in the Lord my dearly beloved I beseech And if I I'll try my best on these names some of these here. I don't really do real well that I beseech Theodious and beseech Sin sin tet Sin tetche That they be of the same mind in the Lord and I am free to be also through your fellow Help those women which labored with me in the gospel which Clement also and with other my fellow laborers whose Names are in the book of life Rejoice in the Lord always and again. I say rejoice literal moderation be known as the all men the Lord is at hand Be careful for nothing but in everything by prayer and supplication With thanksgiving let your request be made known unto God and The peace of God which passes all understanding Shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus Finally brethren whatsoever things are true whatsoever things are honest whatsoever things are just Whatsoever things are pure whatsoever things are lovely Whatsoever things are of good report if there be any virtue and if there be any praise Think on these things Those things which you have both heard learned and received and heard and seen in me do And the God of peace shall be with you But I rejoice in the Lord greatly that now at the last at the last your care of me has flourished again whether you were also Careful, but you lacked opportunity Not that I speak in respect of want For I have learned in whatsoever state. I am there with to be content. I Know both how to be abased and I know how to abound Everywhere in and in all things I am instructed both to be full and to be hungry Both to abound and to suffer need I Can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me not withstanding you have well done that you did Communicate with my affliction Now you Philippians know also that in the beginning of the gospel when I departed from Macedonia No church communicated with me as concerning giving and receiving but ye only For even in Thessalonica you sent once and again unto my necessity Not because I desire a gift, but I desire fruit that that may abound to your account But I have all and but I have all and abounded I am full having received of a Papro-titus the things which were sent from you an Odor of sweet smell a sacrifice acceptable well pleasing to God But my God shall supply all your needs according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus now unto God and our father be glory forever and ever a man salute every saint in Christ Jesus the brethren which are with me greet you all the saints salute you cheaply they that are of Caesar's household the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all a man I'll read that it it was written to fill up the Philippians from Rome by If it ever corrode by it, just if I don't say that right, I'm sorry, but this scripture Like I say the Lord seemed like it really just stood out to a Cyrus We as we was reading some other things and and I got to think and on some very familiar things and it's the things I believe we should should should probably remind ourselves a whole lot of times here is Paul was a right into these Philippians and and he was a right into him and he was an Encouraging them in the way they had been an encouragement under him and telling them how they had blessed his life But they're given and by their concern and by given to his necessity But but as you read this and he encouraged them there about that second verse as he told them he said and the obvious and and I beseech sin sin teach that they be of the same mind in the Lord and he was a speaking a whole lot there seemed like to me about the state of mind that those people were in and Encouraging them in what they may be facing and everything they go through To be in the same mind one of another and he was telling them to to to to watch his life And the way that he had served God and he was encouraging them to do the same But as he got on down in that he was he was a telling them there and all those good things to always go back to that And he said that the God of peace shall be with you and then and then he gets on down He said but I rejoice in the Lord greatly that now at the last that your care of me had flourished again Where in you were also careful, but you lacked opportunity Now listen, I know this is familiar, but I want us to think on this scripture not that I speak in respective ones For I have learned in whatsoever state. I am there with to be continued and You go on over into that 19th verse and it goes back to what our Bible school was was a whole lot about and it says in the 19th verse, but my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus, and I thought it's as Paul wrote to him there And he was speaking to him about about he's learned that whatsoever state He was in to be content in other words whatever condition whatever was going on Larry He's learned to be content there to be satisfied in his mind And that's what he was talking under them about and he told them there told them that those two that he spoke of that They would be of the same mind And if you if you study that out to be content is to be of a satisfied mind In other words not worrying about what's going on around you But understanding that everything's going to be all right and and Paul has learned through everything. He was suffering Yeah, it went to learn how to be a base In other words how to be brought low to know how to to handle things when it was going good And I think a lot of times and I know that's a place that we've heard preached a lot It's a place that I've thought on a lot, but it's still something every day I have to remind myself of no matter what I'm going through no matter what we're facing To be content though to be satisfied and and how do we do that a lot of times? When you're going through a lot of your problems the only satisfaction you can find Bobbie is realizing I'm going to get through Realizing that we're going to get over it that things are going to be bad And by doing that it takes us putting our faith in God and trust in him And and and that's what that's what Paul's encouraging them in and when he went on over into that 19th verse one of the Big the big flames that stood out to me is when he said, but my God shall supply all your need According to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus And and I thought the way that he spoke in that moment But by my God and you look at where's my up and it'll refer you over to the word mine And that's a possessive word that's something when you say my that's what you've got That's yours, and you understand that and the way that he could encourage Only through what he had faced and only through what he had went through and and that's the only way we can encourage one another today and everything We're facing people's got to see that that that by our daughter By every substance that I go through that God I can be content in that because I know God's gonna bring me through it And and and as I got the thinking about it Lord took me over and and and I don't read it So I don't say nothing broke hope nothing wrong in it But I know we all were familiar with the twenty-third song My God, and I thought about how David wrote over there in the twenty-third song He said the Lord is my shepherd. I shall not want and you realize in that again How David wrote it and other words he was a speaking that's my God And I think today if we as Christians would get back to that state of remembering who our God is I know a lot of times I get I get just like everybody else But but I have to remind myself who I'm sorry I could have a way to overcome it and that was the mind of Paul's he was speaking David as he wrote down the Lord is my shepherd I shall not want He make it me to lie down in green pastures. He leadeth me beside the still waters He restored my soul He leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake Yeah, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I will feel fear no evil for thou art with me Thy rod and thy staff comfort me Thou preparedst the table before me in the presence of my enemy Thou an onus my head with oil my cup run up over Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever And in that as Paul was being a help under the love that he was writing unto The only way he gave out a help was tell what he went through and speak about his God My God and the sufferings that he has went through the only way he can give them help Jay was to tell them about how God brought him through his problems and as David spoke in this right here It's the same thing and that's the only way we're going to be a help under this world A help under our dream, a help under our love is to speak in that possessive manner Because we have tried this God We've been down this way with our God and we know he will deliver that even through some of the Darkest moments of our life. They could drop right down in this and through everything he had ever faced He can say the Lord is my Jeffrey. He's been through the times of hunger He's been through the times of hardship He's been through all them things and and he realized through everything he ever went through That the Lord would leave him behind the still walls That the Lord would prepare a place for him in the presence of his enemies And the only way that we're going to ever be able and then I think a lot of times that's the reason sometimes we can't Help our people is because we're not we want to give the God to pray for everything we ever got through And we never really realized that we didn't get through it on our own God's the one that brought us through that Joshua over there you'll read to where he he presented everything before the people over there And he told them he said you can do what you want with it, but he said as for me and my house We will serve the Lord My family my life my job my friends my lost people As for me and my house as for me and everything I do I'm gonna serve the Lord I get my eyes on everything else then I can get pulled down with everything for the round But if I keep my eyes on my God the only thing that throws above ever problem that's ever come up in man's life That's how that's how follows to give him that strength and that's how he could speak That whatever state that he was in he could be continued Then he could realize he was going to get through it Eight times I don't hear who you are and every family in here is going through your own state right now You're on your own trial your own Whatever it is that you're going through health issues. It could be could be personal those children wise Husbands if they ain't got the problems you've got we're always making a different state When he wanted to say well We could be satisfied in order that God is a And by by my God As he wrote over there, he said but my God Shall supply all your need According to his riches in glory by Jesus Christ by Christ Jesus He said I know my God And I understand that today whatever we might be going through Julian But my God can supply all your needs Just like he supplies mine. Just like he gets me through my trial. Just he gets you through yours They can get you through yours But my God don't it feel good to say that when people's are going through their trials Just pray But my God can help you No matter what you were facing my God can do it You know when you're just a little kid calmly and you still do it. That's all right. It's a good thing You talk about what a strong thing with any of us You talk about health the funny thing to do and that's the way we are as children We look up to our hands a lot of times is the strong part of our family And we're brave about what one of my dad can do this my dad can do that or even about our mother my mom is It's the best this my mom is the best that we've got people through life And I hope you had good parents you could put that kind of confidence in But we will talk about those people and we live the month because we love them and the cause through our life They prove themselves don't do us That they can do what they said but they have little patience Have just as it feel though to be able to say but my God Can supply all your needs Through his riches There's not an issue. There's not a problem. There's not one thing that's too big for him to solve And he's my God He's not just somebody else's that I've heard about That's where it gets them it has to be so personal He's revealed himself under every individual And he says for us to work out our own salvation with fear and dream We are one body in Christ. We are a family of God, but I want to take how we serve individual We have to we have to you said it calling Don't really know exactly what judgments going to feel like exactly what it's going to be like But you know how we'll stand there By ourselves You know how we'll face God? by ourselves I'm thankful the Lord will be with the children of God. I'm thankful. I've got one will stand with you there They won't be another human being saying it with you That's where it has to come down. The Lord is my He's mine This individual person has to see God for who it is and when I see him for me Then I can help you Because I can have a testimony But my God No matter what you struggle is my God And I can go back through time and I can show you where I have me and he pays me I Can show you where I was weak and he said in that right there, I can do all things Through who that's treated me through Christ He was telling them about his God He he's speaking go through the things I face through the imprisonment through the hunger through the time to being brought low I didn't get through it on my own. I was not strong enough to do that But I can do all the things through Christ with strength and pleasure That's only help we can leave one to another and speak about what I'll improve. I Can show us about everybody else the same place that it may it may test your life It might help you in certain ways, but you know what has more impact than anything speaking from a personal experience No, it is you actually place that you actually went through those people That's had certain addictions and certain things in their lives and they'll listen that the people that's been brought out of that When somebody that's been where you are somebody that suffered what you have can look at you It says my God brought me out of the same thing that you're in My God is able to help you when you go through that That's what he is right. None of them. If you go through the same thing I have my God will deliver you the same way he did me Our children that comes on after us if they stand firm on this word of God God will deliver them the same way he did us That's what we've got to keep preaching Let's know that you got something on you way of doing this We've got to stay in the same book preaching the same scriptures not try to come out with more interested way You know, it's preaching under the science spirit And tell our experience is calling them through time That's why they're used to making something I've been wanting to bring in some of these older groups or some time Because I want them to be able to stand up in front of our young people and play but my dog Hit the fly in your knees My dog Because through their life, they speak just like he did unto him right there. Did I learn? Listen to that But not that I speak in respective want for I have learned in whatsoever state I am there with to be content He didn't start off knowing He didn't start off. It was being just well instructed in and being content what he was going through That tells me that those two times in his life, maybe He was in his Christian walk with God when he first started out. He wasn't so confused He wasn't so satisfied I don't want through his issues, but he learned some things Like some of us won't be in this way for a while doing it. We walk through some old places We've been through the valleys. We've been through the good times We've been through the bad times and we realized to be his tent with whatever state we think How can we get there we learn by experience and Just like Paul we need to be passionate on it and we need to be led this year of regeneration to know We need to be led to some of these new Christians whether they're young or old I can say you're gonna go through slow. Won't you go through some trouble? You're gonna be brought down You're gonna be lifted up from whatever state you're in through whatever you're going through You believe you can't though. If we say it's fine in knowing They're going to get you through whatever you're in And we can speak We can speak of our own in a possessed man He's mine. I'm his that don't mean I rule him. I run him, but he's my god He believed me as David wrote he believed me in the past of righteousness for his name's sake Those pants don't always don't always seem like an easy place to walk Don't always they're not always just it just a bed of roses There's times when they stop me was falling in the water that they got to sit down it's beautiful places This time when they got to walk with and just lay their head on these bosom, Jay This times when they when they just got the enjoy sitting down and breaking bread with you I just sat in there in communion with the Lord Then it was times when they were stolen These times went when when everything around them was falling apart and their fate was getting weak and they were back But they could learn in whatever state they was in they could be content That he was the god that could speak to the waters He was the god that could calm the storms. He was the god that could feed them When they're what nothing else did he is the god that could take very little to feed them all. Jeez He was the god that when there wasn't anything any fish in your neck they could log it down and look back broke the net I'm still learning I'm still learning I can't say is I've got the gut right where where Paul was right there that I can always just say I'm content right there because there's a whole lot of times. I still get scared in the storms Now I still get worried, but I have learned that but even though it's scary as I get and as fearful as it makes me That I do need to stay with you I need to stay right where God put me at that moment and let's see if he don't say move don't move Just stay stay and steal when the Lord's put you Because he's my god, and I can speak from experience He's never left me He's never pursued me and I can do all things Through him that strengthened me and you know what I can't do Nothing within myself Without him. He said it weren't John. It's no it's my favorite scripture without me. You can do nothing But through him all things are possible. I Think the Lord in that that's what God laid on my heart. I hope it's an Encouragement they should be to us. He's our god. He'll lead us through The battle if you lead us in the path of righteousness for his name sake But everything they had said though my mine me That is God that's his shepherds He knows he can trust him and there had to be a point in his life There had to be a point in his life just like Joshua did where he said ask for me and my house We're serving There's got to be that point in your life before you'll ever go through and be able to save my thought But my God can supply all your needs before we can help others We've got to have him and accepted him as ours That's the only way we'll ever help others, but Maybe it's just a lesson the niner how you want to take it, but that's all I thought God give us