Comic Book Rundown

Rundown Reviews #112 - Predator 1987

1h 9m
Broadcast on:
06 Sep 2024
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What do you get when you shove a group of roided out army jocks into a jungle, where an alien being is hunting literally everything? You get the glory that is Predator from 1987.

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Hosted by Joe Janero, Ron Hanes and Charlie Shaw

Edited by Joe Janero

Theme song provided by the other member of the Sex Turtles (Cam Malidor)

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The podcast you're about to listen to is part of the Professional Casual Network. To find more podcasts like this, please check out Uh, yeah, I'll have a large extra butter popcorn and she'll have snow caps. Really? Snow caps? They taste like cardboard. Okay. Come on, it's time for you to listen to. The interview from D.C. to M.P.E. with five more. One down the field. One down the field. One down the field. That's 'cause you're really from midwest or from the south. What is that in New York? I don't think that's the kind of twang that he meant. Oh, well. Anyway, brother, sisters, gender resistors. Why don't you tell me what we're listening to today? That's like the best Jesse, the body of introduction I've ever done. Holy shit, that was really good. That was a little better here. This is allegedly the comic book run down. That's allegedly Joe. That's allegedly Ron. And we allegedly watched the predator. Nope. Jeff Prider. Yeah. Oh, you mean like the Batman and Batman? I didn't say it's good. I don't like the fact that they just put the in front of a title. Like Suicide Squad or the Suicide Squad. Like that's the stupid. At least do something smart, like Fast and Furious. The predator is the, like, battle royale one, right? That's the Adrian Brody one in like the 2007? Oh, like, that's the one where he gets that species, that little alien thing that turns into something and then he's the predator, right? Because he ends up fucking in at the end of the movie. So I've never seen that one. Have you actually seen that movie? Splice? Yeah. Oh, no. I know. No, I meant the predator. Maybe if that's the one, Scott. Because you were actually shockingly close to guessing that that's the plot in that movie. I'll say the only, the only predator moves I've seen. I've seen, I think a little bits and pieces of the predator, little bits and pieces of this. AVP one and two and prey. Ain't no vaginal penetration, what? Yep. Archie versus pedophiles. Or, yo, we should read Archie versus predator. Where did he did? Yeah. Oh, fuck. Both of them. Yeah. They were, they were something fun. I enjoyed those. Yeah, they are fun. So we watched Predator. Seven with a absolute murder row of action actors. There's a lot, and like the shit that's behind like some of the scenes of this stuff is like really funny. Cause like, like notoriously Jesse the Ballet of Interro like wanted to make sure that he looked as good as possible in this movie. And like was trying to like, like kind of coup d'etat, some of the stuff that went on in it. It's very interesting. So I read, I got to read some of the stuff on IMDB. Once again, shit ton of, I'm sure you have for this one. I think we just heard a new count. Go ahead. Sorry. Well, you need to start a new count though. New count for what? Or, I don't know. Or like a check the box or something of. Was this movie shot on location? And if so, is there now a theme park bay like because all the shit that they used was just left there? And then the locals made a theme park out of it. That's not really one movie. This movie in Popeye. They, they're for this movie? Yeah. So the movie. But they shot on location. They left a bunch of the shit there. Like the chopper and a bunch of other stuff. Oh, I think one of the predator suits, which now it looks real like beat up. It's not good. It's not a good theme park, but like you can like go visit the stuff and it has like a predator like billboard and stuff like that. It's very interesting. Yeah. That's kind of fun. Yeah. It's one of the few movies that like left. I mean, like, so like Star Wars two, like Tatooine, they left all the stuff. Yeah. I mean, that's when they came back in for the return of the Jedi. It was just like, Oh, hey, we need that stuff again. Mm hmm. It was very interesting. And again, for Phantom Menace. Um. Yep. Yeah. No, so well, what I was going to say is the few trivia things I did see was that Jesse Ventura kind of like he from the sounds of everybody behind scenes had a really good time. Mm hmm. For the most part. Um, but like Jesse would like pick on Arnold, like allegedly he had heard from the wardrobe that he had bigger muscles and Arnold. And so he like challenged him to a, to a thing to measuring the muscles. And apparently Arnold had told the, the wardrobe to be like, Hey, just tell him that he's bigger. Yeah. Cause he knew, cause he knew Jesse would like play into it. Like they literally ripped each other like it was like an 80s pro wrestling locker room. Yeah. That was like, Oh, I said, which is like hilarious because realistically, Carl Weathers has the biggest fucking arms in this movie. Dude, his arms were human. I don't remember his arms being that big. Well, because, I mean, I don't like it's been forever since I've seen Rocky. Rocky came out in the early 80s. Um. Other Rockies in the 70s. Was it 70s? Fuck. I don't know. I can't check, but I'm for sure. Um, 78, I think. Okay. I mean, he was, I mean, he wasn't on huge, but he was still. Well, well, stacked there. Um, but then like last thing I've seen him in, you know, in Happy Gilmore, he had lost a lot of that in a Mandalorian. He was down to a normal size for a 70 year old man. I stinker at 76. Okay. Yeah. So like, like, yeah, he was, he was jacked in this movie. Yeah. He looked bigger than Arnold. Mm hmm. I wouldn't be surprised if everybody was on the gas in this movie, just to be as like peak is possible. I know that from what I read. Carl Weather said that the whole crew with the whole cast was like waking up at three o'clock in the morning to go work out before the filming. Um, allegedly Jesse and Arnold, like Jesse apparently poured water all over himself, I guess, when Arnold was coming in to make it look like he had worked out so hard. You know, Arnold started coming in a little earlier. And then Jesse started coming a little earlier than him and it got to the part where they were coming in at like three or four in the morning. Um, like an asshole. What 80 hits. But then, but then according to what other said, add an interview at a convention somewhere. Like everybody was coming in super early, but then he went in after everybody else to make it look like his was just kind of all natural. So he didn't, he didn't let them know that he was actually working out. Although that's awesome. You can't figure it out. Like. So they're like a bunch of petty bitches. They are. God. They're a bunch of fucking little high school boys like just trying to one up each other. Oh, it's so fucking good. Oh, I love this. Because of all that, you see the chemistry in this movie. It's a great movie. That is true. I did feel like there were a couple of home erotic scenes in there that. A couple. I was being generous. Okay. Yeah. Hendricks. Is that was that the one guy, the glasses. Oh, that kept rip it on his girlfriend for having a huge cooter. Yeah. Yes. Yeah. I mean, he did help make the bingo list. So that's true. Yeah. There's also something on here. Oh, I remember now. Okay. Oh, the, uh, the Mac and Blaine stuff. Uh huh. Yeah. 100%. Yeah. Because he definitely like, as soon as Blaine gets killed, he like loses there. Dude, that's because that was his lover that died. It definitely seemed that way. Although I do appreciate that scene. And they were the only ones that came out unscathed. So like, I assume that, yeah, I was, I assume that wasn't like a fight. I assume it was something else, but. No, I definitely appreciate once Blaine gets killed. Um, he, Mac comes running up and just starts. Shooting the, his gun into the trees. And then literally everybody else just comes up. Don't ask, does not ask any questions. And just unloads literally all of that. Fuck you laughed so hard at that. So I was just like, just fucking killing the shoot anywhere. Just do it. It's just like, it's like when a dog starts barking and all the rest of the dog. Yes. That's exactly what it reminded me of. Cause like Arnold just runs up there and he's like, go. Yeah. This movie, this movie is like the boys, like, like just them boys versus, uh, it's like, it's very expendable. Like it's like, it's like one. It's like better cause the expendable was fine. It's like the, it's like the middle class, like, sandlot boys versus the rich, privileged white kid who has all the cool shit, but they just want to play baseball. You know what I mean? Like that's like mighty, mighty ducks. Yeah, pretty much. Yeah, actually. Yeah. It's mighty ducks. This is, yeah, this is mighty ducks. And it all technically goes back to the mummy. I'm pretty sure we could draw it back here. Yeah. We haven't had a mummy drop in a while. That's true. Uh, but watching this, I was like, wow, the predator is kind of like the rich privilege kid in this movie. Like he has the better technology. He is definitely like hunting them for like sport and they're the poor people. You know what I mean? Which like. Hey, that's true. They weren't all poor people. One of them was a goddamn sexual Tyrannosaurus. So. It's. That is accurate. Yeah. Another one was a governor at one point. Oh, who of them? Who of them? Yeah. Yeah. Holy shit. Yo, what is this country that we put two, two guys from this movie? Really? Who was our last president? I mean, come on, dude. Yeah, it was the nineties. But right? No. I think Jesse even sure it was. Nineties. But Arnold was in the. Yeah. Yeah. But dude, I mean, come on. Like Ronald Reagan was an actor. Yeah. Donald Trump is a fucking. I know what I'm saying specifically from this movie. Oh, yeah. People into this. Like kind of. I mean, which is weird because like if it was any time, I just really like to point out quick that Jesse Ventura drops a hard F bomb, like in the beginning of the movie and calls everybody. Yes. Yeah. And I was like, wow, I was for some reason, don't remember that at all. And for whatever reason, caught me off guard. But I feel like as part of the committee, I feel like he gets away with one. He gets one. You know what I mean? Like he uses one F bars. So I should probably. We should probably mention Chuck. You've seen this. Holy shit. I've seen this. I've seen this. I mean, again, it's a low number for most people, but like for me, I think has to be 12 or 13 times. Like, I've made I've made I've made people watch this movie with me. Like, David, like I've never seen I was like, oh, so I know what we're doing. We're watching Predator. Yeah. This is this is the first viewing for me. Like first viewing start to finish. I've seen bits and pieces throughout like I've I've seen the ending hundreds of times. Right, it gets posted on social media constantly. And obviously all of the watching Hulu. Yeah. Did you also have trouble finding out? Yes. We were just talking about that before we started recording. Like I have control all the way down to the bottom. So I had to Google it to use the Hulu link to the movie because I because I couldn't scroll because I was watching it on my phone. And it just wouldn't come up. Yeah. Second time. How many times have you seen this? This would be my third time seeing it all the way through. The first time I watched it, I was a little kid like I watched it with my dad. That tracks for. Yeah. And then I watched it. I think Jess and I bought it on DVD. And we watched it then. And then this time right here. Very nice. Yeah. I feel like I've seen bits and pieces. I never count bits and pieces. Yeah. Like either because if that was the case, it'd be a lot higher. Yeah. Yeah. Cause it would be cause like they used to show it on TBS all the time. It used to be the lead in for like nitro a lot of the time. So that makes sense. Yeah. So yeah, good. Or you know, like every single time you see a meme from it. Yeah. I found at least, I found at least four memes in it. Yeah. You've got the arms. You've got the, I don't have time to bleed. Yeah, I don't have time to get it. The get to the choppa and the do it now. Yeah. Yeah. I didn't think about the bleed one. That's like the predator pushing the button for the explosions a pretty big one. Oh yeah. I forgot about that one. Yeah. That was a big meme a while back. I did. I loved the, uh, when Arnold threw the knife and, uh, or the stick around. Yeah. Apparently that was Adlet. Yeah. Really? Cause that just sounds like his shtick. It's a very, it's a very Arnold thing. I mean, are you know, one of his best, one of his best roles. Oh yeah. This was, so two things. One, uh, bearded Arnold is forever cursed. Like I, it just never looks settling to me when he has a beard. Uh, for whatever reason, it just doesn't look natural on him. It always looks, I'm sure it was. I'm sure it was his real beard. Yeah. But I'm just so used to him being clean shave and all the time. And in the beginning of this movie, he has like kind of a beard. He has like a live thought shadow. Oh, but it's like enough. It's like enough. Yeah. Like he doesn't have, he doesn't have the camouflage paint on yet to kind of like blend it in. Um, but specifically, uh, in Running Man, got the worst fucking beard you've ever seen. Uh, I don't know how to break fury. It's kind of a bad beard and that one too. Man, I have not seen Running Man in fucking decades. I don't know why you would bring that garbage up. I love that movie. No, look, there are some, there are some great parts. Do it. And there are some fantastic costumes. Okay. So hear me out. The Halloween party where everybody has to dress as one of the competitors from Running Man. Oh, yeah. I'm so here for that. Oh, I love Running Man. Um, but yeah, I just, uh, forgot where I was going with all those. Oh, so you, oh, uh, but the opening scene where the ship drops the alien off. Yeah. Apparently that's the first time I've ever seen that. Cause I was like, what the fuck is this? I'll say. Hot garbage. Yeah. It was. Oh, yeah. Fresh. Terrible with absolutely terrible. Like I'm fairly certain that like beam, whoever put that together handed their kid a crayon. And they're like, here, can you show me what a spaceship would look like if it drops somebody off into the planet? Yup. So out of curiosity, cause I'm pretty sure I heard this somewhere. I read this somewhere. I watched it in one of the later movies. Do we? So the prayer they're here gets dropped off and he's hunting people. Does it ever get revealed that like it was a, um, like a proving ground for him? Like the, like the prayer there has to come here to hunt. Being not in this movie, but it does get revealed in the movie, right? Want the movies? Um, so in a second one, I think they talk about it when he's on the ship. Okay. Yeah. Okay. The second one. I feel like I remember that in either the first family of his brother. Maybe. Maybe. Yeah. I feel like I know that they, so I know any other supporter, they, they talk about it. They're like coming to earth and getting your trophies. Cause essentially they're hunting the trophies. That's why he has, um, the skulls and, uh, is that he gently caresses and. Yeah. It's his baby. Did he like burn the brains and all the other stuff out of the skull? Cause, uh, when he rips them out of the body, I feel like the brain would still be intact in there and the eyeballs would still be intact in there. Yeah. I think it was supposed to be burnt. Okay. Uh, or when he freezes it or whatever he blows across it after he pulls out, uh, what billies I think. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I want to say maybe in two, or is it predators with an S? That's when a bunch of them show up. Okay. I don't remember. Um, I feel like I remember being somewhere. Like I heard it in probably a BP. I just didn't know where it was established, but I don't know. So what Joe, you know, Joey, I know exactly where you saw that. It was in Archie versus predator or predator versus Archie Archie because the juvenile predator says it. That's right. Okay. I feel like it's still, I feel like that is, it is. Which is a great thing. It may not be canon to the actual universe. Like his ABP is not canon to the actual predator universe. Isn't it? I don't believe so. Okay. Is it not canon to the alien universe, then? I don't believe so. I believe it's its own set like timeline or story or something. I could be wrong about that, but I believe what I was told. When we get to it, we might be able to figure it out. It was kind of like Freddie versus Jason was like a thing that happened, but it was neither canon to either of them. Technically is canon to Freddy. Or no, Jason, because the events, the events that happened in there lead to Jason X. Is Jason X actually canon? Yeah. I didn't think Jason. I fucking love that move so hard. It's so good. I love it. It's so good. I've never seen it. Oh, dude. Put it on your Halloween list. Put it on your fucking Halloween list. Jason in space and like when he gets like the metallic new suit and everything. Yeah. Nano technology. Yeah. It's so ridiculous. Has one of my favorite kill scenes in it, which is he beats somebody with another person in a sleeping bag. Yeah. Oh, it's so fucking good. It's so good. Oh, man. I love that movie. I mean, I love it. It's still. Okay. So, um, very realistically, if you mute when they are building the traps. And both scenes. And play Carol of the bells over it. It's actually a prequel to home alone. Yup. Yup. I accept that. You can't argue that. Yeah. It's actually pretty. Um, I do enjoy their wily coyote level of setting traps only. Only to then practically trip them all themselves by accident because they forgot what they were doing. And like they said so many traps and at that point, they already know that the things watching them. Yeah. Yes, but they don't realize that it's in the trees yet. It's after that point. Oh, yeah. Maybe they didn't actually realize it. Yeah. Okay. Still fucking stupid though. You big dummies. Yeah. Like, why did you think it was going to happen? Just a little of this movie. I will say I didn't realize that they had used zip ties to handcuff people at this point in time. I thought that was more of a 2000s thing. That's just my own little. No, no, that zip ties were easy for like detainees. Yeah, I'm sure it's the thing that's been going on forever. I just didn't know that. I thought it was something that happened. Right. It's just zip. It's just zip tie though. They don't have like the zip handcuffs now. Yeah. No, yeah. Um, so, uh, when, when already is getting chased down by the predator, right? And he falls off the cliff and like ends up in the water. The shot where he is like going over the edge of the cliff. Like it looks like they're straight up land like all the way across there. And then the water is like 20 feet away. But then he hits the middle of the water because they cut to a different scene where it's like him dropping. Yeah, exactly. But, but most importantly, does Arnold Schwarzenegger not know how to swim? Because when he comes out. I believe that's actually the thing. Yeah, he doesn't actually know how to swim. Okay. Okay. I was curious. If I remember right. I don't know. He drops it. I know you don't Joey. Uh, I feel like in his, in that Netflix documentary, he talks about the fact that he never learned how to swim and he never learned how to ride a bike. Something like that. Yeah. So you're telling me that I could be Arnold. Because I also don't really know how to ride a bike. I can. Just not very good. I can't turn on a bike. I'm just like, I have to really take a really wide turn to get around things. That's fair. Yeah. I can't, I can't, I don't dare turn the, I'm not worried about you guys. Listen, I don't like the country. Chuck has a, has an excuse. That's right. His dad never came back from the cigarette run. Sure. That's true. Joey, you, I don't even know. I grew up in the country with literally no flat, like concrete anywhere. What do you need concrete for? You're in a bicycle, dude. Yeah. Well, I don't, I feel like if you ride in the grass, it might fall over. It's way harder to ride in grass because my dad, did you not have a road? No. It was, it was a gravel. I've been to your dad's house. There's a road that goes to you. One out in the country. Oh. The four. Yeah. You can learn on a gravel road. Yeah. Gravel is easy, man. Yeah. That's how you get the good scars. Yeah. Exactly. Um, my dad did try to teach me how to ride a bike. One of the, because he thought it was embarrassing that I was training wheels. So you were 13. What was I? I thought it was like 10. I was like, yeah. No, he left when I was 15 months old. Okay. So, uh, but. Well, no wonder you couldn't ride the bike. It was, it was, uh, it was one of the weekends, you know, the weekends where I was being a burden on him because he couldn't go hunting. Um, I want to, I want to say, it was like nine or 10 when he was trying to teach me. And, uh, he made me like learn on grass uphill. And he also wouldn't help me keep my balance. And I fell off a lot. And he was just like, Oh, you'll never learn. It took me a very long time to learn how to ride a bike. It was better to be at the top of the hill going down. The way my dad taught me was he put me on the bike and he had a hold of the back of the seat like this. And he started pushing and he's like peddle your feet. I'm like, what? He's like peddle your feet. So I started peddling. He just pushes me and let me go. Yeah. That's how you're like, that's the best way to learn. It's like, I mean, it worked. I'll, I only erect like three or four times before I got the hang of it. So. Yeah. Anyway, Joey, you got any more notes? I do actually. Um, I was going to say like, apparently duchess body or marmal's body is a lot more dense than everybody else's because. Blaine gets shot with a laser. Yeah. Blaine gets whatever pushed right through him. Um, who was Dylan gets his arm shot off. And dude, and only, and it only bothered him for like five seconds. Well, yeah, because he gets killed like six seconds. Oh, no. Like he should, he should. He's like, ah, and he's like, oh, and he also slings the gun with his other arm. And then he, then he gets killed. You're confused. Okay. Okay. Because, um, he got orders from Darth Vader that he had to set the weapons to stun at that point. Okay. Cause they needed to bring duchess in a lie. So what he hit him with was a stun laser. That was the only stun laser because he's got a scar on his chest from it. See, I, I thought that, uh, Arnie was wearing like a, uh, his dog tags right there and the laser beam reflected off the dog tags. Maybe he has a force field like Power Rangers. Yeah. No, it's funny. Like, everybody else either lost some body. Um, it bounced off of them. Jesse fought to, uh, for his death scene. Cause he didn't want to go out like a bitch. Apparently was his like big thing. He also was supposed to be the first one to die. Um, and he was just like, oh, you can't have me die first. Um, and so he, I think he's the second one. Yes. Yeah. No. We get, uh, it kills the dude with the glasses. Yeah. It killed, uh, that musk red or whatever. And then it, or the skunk and then it kills him. And there was like an inter, uh, there was like a, I don't know if it was just rumor or window. Or what, but he like, he wanted the scene where he died, where he actually like, fist fights the predator originally. Like he wanted to actually like put up a fight to the predator. And they were just like, no, we're not filming that. Like the, the. And then they let Arnie do it later. Yeah. They let Arnie do it later. Um, but like all the parts of the predator, like in the suit. Yeah. Is all shot like, I don't know, within like four days of each other, because that suit was like a really expensive B was a pain in the dick to put on. And also like the dude died of heat stroke. Because like the suit wasn't breathable at all. Also, it was, it was hard to move. Apparently when yes, just, just for him to move, they had to have like a apparatus. Um, however, doesn't, does not help because. What kind of breaks the like magic for me is those horrible hands. The like, yeah, it looks. It's the lady at the bank that never comes to fingernails. Yes. Take the money out. Oh my God. I thought the same thing was like, holy shit, I feel like I'm standing in like the gas station live waiting for like LaToya to get the rest of the change pennies out, but she can't cause her fingernails are too long. Fuck dude. Love it. Oh my God. Yeah. I was just like, it was like kind of breaks. Like, like tries to make the, uh, the potion to like, like, yeah, it was wound up. And it's, it's, yeah, it definitely looked off a little bit. Yeah. Yeah. It looks weird. Um, alleged to get better with it. They do. Yes. Yeah. Prey, which is the most recent one. It looks amazing. Um, yeah. Yeah. Pretty good. For predator. So predator. Um, according to me, apparently this was supposed to just be Arnold versus the Prey. Like it was just going to be those two, the entire movie. She convinced the heads to be like, Hey, we need a, I think it might be better if we had like, uh, I had like a twin. We need people to kill. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Oh, wow. Yeah, that was rough. I was like, wow. Nobody noticed me. Click it back down. Yeah. It was running. Yeah. So stupid. I loved it. Okay. Also, there's some pretty bad stereotypes in this. Oh, was there? Billy, the, uh, Billy, the tracker, the tracker. Yeah. Oh, I think is Italian. If I'm not mistaken. I don't think he's indigenous. I could be wrong, but I don't think he is. I think the other guy was though, the dude, the little skinny dude, uh, that like gets hit with the, uh, uh, trap. I think he might have actually been indigenous, uh, an indigenous American. Yeah, but it wasn't convincing enough. Um, apparently it's so the guy is sunny, land him. Uh, apparently he plays a lot of Native American characters. Is he in tombstone? Uh, no, no, no, he's not in tombstone. He's in poultry guys. No warriors. Uh, apparently he's also a big piece of shit because there was a security guard with him constantly so that he would not start fights with other people. Wow. Sounds about right. Yeah. Hmm. All right. So I have a, I have a question for you guys. Uh, so the predator's blood. But I mean, obviously it's the, huh? Yeah. I thought, I thought that it was, um, glow sticks, but yeah. If his blood let off that much light and Arnie couldn't see him. Like what the fuck was he even doing? Also, why did me? That's fair. I, for some reason I also made this is again coming back from AVP. Um, I kept thinking that his blood was also like acidic. Because I recall I remember at the end of AVP, um, the predator like scratching marks into the one girl. And I thought it was his blood. It must have been the alien blood. I think it was alien blood that he used. Yeah. No, his blood is never acidic. Until they get the predator morph. Okay. Oh, you don't know about the predator morph? Again, I've only seen three predator movies. No, I know. It's in AVP. I don't remember those. I remember the pieces. Pretty sure. Pretty sure it's AVP too. Yeah. That wasn't bad. Like that. Requiem or whatever. Yeah. I remember watching like 30 minutes of that and being like, yeah, I'm done with this. I want the whole thing. They impregnate one of the predators. And then it, the chestbuster that comes out of its chest is the thing that becomes the, like, alien predator. Oh, shit. Okay. I'm like 99% sure. I could be thinking of the video game. I think there was a video game tied to it. But now that you're saying that, it sounds kind of familiar. Yeah, I think it was. We'll get through it eventually. Yeah. That was wild. Okay. Anyway. Also, my last little bit of notes here is when the predator takes off his mask and he's looking at Arnold or Dutch without the heat vision. I got, I felt like I was playing virtual boy again. Yeah, that was bad. I didn't understand that either. Like, how did they ever become the peak predator with vision like that? I mean, either of their visions were terrible. Like, yeah. His, like, his thermal looks good. He could, he could tell the heat radiance off of things, but. Yeah. So, okay, so there original time when he's in the mud that makes sense because he just fell in the water, which would have dropped his core temperature down and then crawling through the mud and then sitting where he was. Sure. But then when he's just like painting the mud on him and it's like not, you know, yeah, just making him invisible. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So were we supposed to believe that he doesn't kill him when he's literally holding his face because he thinks he's just staring at a skull again? That's a great question. I don't know. Because like, because like when he's, when you see the heat vision, you don't see the nose, the tip of the nose. It's supposed to look like a skull and he, we had seen that scene before where he was like, what was it? What did the things say? Something purring. When he's like, when he's like touching the skull and like, admiring the trophy. Yeah. The subtitle said like, like silent purring or soft purring or something like that. Yeah. Okay. But so maybe that's it. I don't know. I just thought it was weird. Yeah, no, I don't, because I was thinking he dropped him. He didn't kill him because he didn't have a weapon on him because he had said in earlier when he was talking to Anna. Right. For her to not grab the gun because he didn't go after her because she was unarmed. But then again, like he's chasing after him. Well, a little bit, but then again, he's chasing after him this entire time. So I don't think him not holding a weapon would stop him from killing him. He didn't have his knife on him at that point in time. He didn't have anything on him. But then later on, he had his knife on him again. Yeah. One of them had to scream mortal combat at some point and then they could fist fight and think it's how it works. Yeah. Okay. Not bad. Yeah. Pretty sure. Listen, it's only a matter of time before they cross. Actually, they probably did. I think they have cross-predator over in the morning. I feel like, "Predator" is in one of the games, one of the last words. I know the Xenomorph was. Yeah, I don't remember. It was one of them, or injustice, maybe one of the two. So, the scene where Dylan, like, knocks over that, or knocks the, like, log down and makes a bunch of noise while they're trying to sneak around. And fucking -- That was noise to me. And Pat comes up to him and is like, "You're ghost, that's motherfucker. I'm going to bleed you out if you ever," you know? Like, dude, that, like, the way that he says it is just, like, so, like, nonchalant. And he's, like, just as there takes it, you know? Like, "Oh, yeah. I'm in charge of this operation, but I'm sorry. I don't -- I don't mean to be bad, Daddy," you know? Yeah. But Dylan is also just a piece of garbage, like -- Yeah, the, his whole, you know, fake pretense of why of going in there, his whole, like -- Well, not just that, but like, you know, him and fucking -- Dutch. What the hell is Arnie's real name? Dutch. Everyone has the name and they can move. Yeah, I'm his friend. Like, they're supposed to be, like, really good friends, right? Well, they were. Yeah. You know? And then Arnold still became, like, the rescue guy and -- or Dutch became the rescue guy and -- and Dylan went into the CIA, became a -- became a desk man or whatever. You know, literally, became a cop. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. But yeah, like the -- once they found the bodies the first time, the ones that were hanging, and he didn't give up the fact that, oh, yeah, we kind of set those guys here. Yep. You literally set them to set these guys up to fail. But he did. He said that. He's like, you guys are -- You guys are expendable. Yeah. And then we got, like, five movies from just that one line. Uh, four, I think. Oh, are there only four? I don't know. I don't know. I stopped watching after, I think, three. I think I saw the third one. I think that's the one that's got, um -- Wesley Snipes in it and -- Jett Lee, maybe? I don't remember. Chuck Norris. All right. Yeah. Yeah. I thought Jett Lee was in the second one. I don't. It doesn't matter. They do it together. Don't want it chosen a while. They're good. So my last note on here. Uh, every time you see the predator's heat vision is the most boring part to the movie. And I was literally falling asleep every time it was on the screen. Like, there -- it was just every time it was on the screen. I was like, oh, so nothing's happening. I am surprised you were able to sleep through that with the obnoxious, like, distortion sound that he would have when you were in his, like, view. Oh, you've never lived in downtown Fort Wayne, man. That's true. That's true. I haven't. That's true. It's quiet up here. Um, so fun fact. I didn't realize this until after I was actually going through IMDb. Peter Cullen does the voice for the prior there. Peter Cullen, if you don't know, famously, Optimus Prime. Um, but he had done -- What lines? So, like, purring and the growling and the chittering. Um, you're paying that -- like, you're paying Optimus Prime money to get it. Curves and growls? So, and the laugh and the laugh. Well, no, I think it was the end. It was somebody -- I thought that was him mimicking somebody else's laugh, wasn't it? He was mimicking Billy's laugh throughout the movie. I feel like the end might have been -- like, he started out mimicking Billy and then turned into his own. I could be wrong, not sure. Um, but according to IMDb, Cullen had just got done doing voice for a King Kong movie and apparently hurt his voice. Like, it was -- like, tore up some of his vocal cords, I guess. And, um, so that's -- like, he was actually hacking up blood when he was doing some of the, like, the purring and the chittering. So, that's crazy. What King Kong movie? Uh, that's -- yeah, I'll try to find out. The '80s one or the -- It hadn't been because, uh, let's see. I remember watching that. They have, like, a gratuitous scene where they just pump King Kong full of bullets. Oh. Uh, let's see. All right, so here's the actual quote or the actual thing. "The distinctive clicking and gurgling sound the proler makes throughout the movie is thought up -- what's all that by Peter Cullen? After the producers approached him to give the proler a voice, he was taking it back because he had no idea what such a creature was supposed to sound like, not to mention what the producers were reluctant to show what the creature or the character was finally going to look like. They relented and showed him the design and Cullen, who thought the proler resembled a dying horse crab. Remember, as a kid, how it -- if he turned one over, it would gurgle. And that became the proler's sound. The character of the proler was never meant to make the distinctive clicking sounds. Peter Cullen had finished 11 reels of King Kong and was coughing up blood. He chose this vocalization because it was easy on his voice. Interesting. King Kong, 1976. Sorry, I just figured that one out. I don't. Okay. Turn one around. Interesting. So he did the voice of King Kong in there. Does Optimus Prime in the '80s, early '80s? So technically, if we didn't get -- if he didn't do King Kong and heard his voice, we never got the Optimus Prime we know and love today. Huh. Because just came out and said, "This is nine years later." Yeah. Hmm. That's wild. Yeah. Fun trivia. Our last little note is there at the end -- well, actually, second note. The invisibility of the proler had -- times it looked fine. Did it? When it wasn't moving? Yeah. The one scene when Dylan is panning around and is just standing there. You can see it if you're actually paying attention. But when he was moving, it looked bad. Yeah. When the other itself was moving. It's like, how do you do CGI claymation and do, like, see-through? It looked -- yeah, it looked bad. Yeah. They had the way they said in "9 to B." It didn't sound coherent, so I'm not even going to attempt to try and cover that one. They didn't -- well, it obviously didn't look coherent either. It did not. My last edit -- or my last note is -- like, some bad editing. There at the end when Arnold is making the fire, setting up the traps, and then calls to the proler there. The proler shows up and is jumping from tree to tree. It's night with Arnold's. The proler is jumping during the day, and then it's back to night when it makes camp. So I -- little -- I mean, it's not -- it didn't take me out of the movie. It was just like, oh, that was -- that was bad. Wrong. Yeah. That was interesting. Check, you got any more notes? No. I just love this movie. It's a good movie. I enjoyed it. I do have one thing to say. I am unsure of why they had the female character in this at all. Because they needed somebody to be pervy and disgusting for like a little bit. Gotcha. To justify their deaths, I guess. Actually, to give a little bit of backstory. Because she had mentioned that as a child, she had heard stories from, like, the elders of her village about these creatures coming. I guess that's true. Oh, yeah. She also -- she also reveals -- no, she doesn't. I checked and I didn't put it on my account. No. She -- she does something. She tells them -- because we find out she actually can speak English. Yeah. And she tells Dutch something that's like somewhat important. What was it? Joey just said. Yeah. Was it that part? Okay. Okay. Yeah, because the entire time before she starts talking, all she's saying is that the woods or the trees is coming up. Yeah. It's coming alive. I might be thinking when Carl -- or not Carl. One of them realizes that -- Carl. Pancho's not actually translating. Yeah. Correct. Yeah, Dylan. He translated it wrong. Right. Well, he didn't translate it wrong. I think he was -- like, I took that as -- he wasn't translating it wrong. He was interpreting it. And purposely telling them what they think he -- what he thinks they want to hear as justification for going in, like, killing whatever it is. Okay. Yeah. That's how I always took it. Like, I always thought he was doing it maliciously, like on purpose, translating incorrectly. Okay. And that's why he gets called out for it. Speaking of Pancho, it definitely felt bad for him getting crushed by the log and then, you know, shot in the head. That's it. The shot in the head was probably a mercy, to be honest with you. Yeah. A little bit. The other dude who, like, shaves and cuts his face or whatever, he goes like fucking crazy, right? Like, what was that? Yeah, what was happening at the end there? Like, were they, like, just doing, like, some type of satire to, like, Vietnam veterans or something? Like, what was that? I think it was because he lost Blaine and, like, we -- The lover. It was his lover. That's true. No, my question is -- Apparently, the actor, I can't duke something, whatever. He improvised, like, he had the shaving thing. So, allegedly, the crew had to scramble to try and find a razor that would squirt blood at that scene to, you know, cut when he cut himself. So, that's interesting. Which, like, what was the point of that? No, there wasn't anything. Yeah. Like, just, I guess, just to make him look cool. To show that he wasn't actually paying attention, what he was doing, and he was tense. See, then he pushed it against there until it broke. But my question is, fucking, when Billy dies, his little, like, noble stand where he, like, throws his gear and throws his gun and pulls out his fucking, like, big-ass, machete-looking motherfucking thing. And then, like, he scraped across his chest. And then, he just dies. He doesn't even -- like, there's not even, like, a -- He got any in a dune? Like, it's worth those off-screen. Yeah. He doesn't even get a righteous kill on screen. He just dies. You know why? Because he was a douchebag and had to have a bodyguard around with him to keep picking fighting. He was going to fight the director if they didn't take it off-screen. Oh, I love it. Alrighty. So, for the kill count, like I said earlier, it was really hard to count when they were killing everybody in the village. I think I got -- Oh, that's the only one kill. No. Yeah, it was one coordinated attack. No. No. I'm with Joey on this one. That takes away, like -- Okay, but you have to count however many the truck killed is one. That's true. That's the one. Yeah, I kind of does one. But the time they fired a grenade and like three people blew up, I counted as one. Okay, good. So, I also counted when they were mowing down the trees, I counted as five because each of them were shooting. So, yeah, because trees are living things. For real. You established that and -- We did not. No, we established that and aliens are terminated. A terminator and established a terminator. Anyway, what's the fucking kill count? I got 51 plus one Dillon limb. Plus one what? Dillon limb limb. Oh, okay. Because it's arm guard. Yeah. Technically, do we count skin as a limb? Oh. Because they all got skin at one point. They have their skulls taken out and like -- Does the limb removal only count if they're alive? I think we have -- I've been counting it. Well, yeah, I've been counting it as them alive. Because then they die later on, obviously. Okay. Yeah. I mean, you know, we had to do it right here if we're going to do it. You know what I'm saying? I get it. I get it. This is the stupidest fucking show. Okay. Ron, what do you got from Ringo? Government interference, betrayal by a friend, comic book logic, animal cruelty, hero kills, product placement, very specifically just the radio. Oh. You got when MTV -- MTV shirt. Oh, shit. I don't know about that. It's like a minute. Yeah. Unexplainable science, misogyny, a montage. It was not a training montage, but we thought a montage. And sexual innuendo. You also had revealed to an enemy. Isn't that on the list? Identity reveal. Yeah. It takes us a helmet off. That is true. That is true. I'll count that. Yeah. I was really proud of that guy. I was like, "Oh, I hope Ron got that on the Bingo." Should we put in the bingo, Black Eyedive First? I mean, we are deep in the weeds of Black Eyedive First. But like the last couple of movies, like Aliens and this one, the Black Eyedive First. That's true. The Black Eyedive First. Are we adding more horror comics? Because if that's the case, we're in trouble. We are. Again, look at my list. We are, sort of. Yeah. Oh, well. Things change first. We're going to be getting like some of the same things for a bit. And then rotator. Yeah. I hope I hope October will Halloween themed. That'd be insane. Well, I can tell you offline. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. All right. Man. None of this looks real great. You know what I mean? It's like rough. It looks like 19 fucking 80 and what it's not. I don't even think it probably looked good back then. Maybe it did. I don't know. But even the practical stuff. Not. I mean, the practical stuff was okay. Yes. Very okay. You know what? It was perfectly okay. You have to remember, we've had alien terminology. Yeah. Like our alien. Sorry. You know, a couple other. You know, Superman's. A couple other like movies up to this point with better special effects. That is very true. I'm going to say. Four of. Three hundred and twenty six. Bondcapes. Take it. Yeah. Because like it like the anytime he tried to move the predator. Even when he was like the electricity, like his suit wasn't working. Looked rough. Like it looked like the same thing. When like everyone stands still while they do the tracing with the lightsabers from Star Wars. It was like that same vibe. Yeah. Yeah. It's not. It's not great. But when you're not looking at the predator's hands, the suit looks fucking awesome. Like the predator itself looks dope. So. I have always been a big fan of the predator's helmet. Yeah. I don't know why it just looks kind of cool. I think it's better. Like they do different like, you know, because every predator has a different stone. Yeah. Yes. Yeah. I think. I think I like praise the most. I haven't figured that out yet. But I think I like praise the most. I mean, praise. Yeah. Pray was just a fucking awesome movie. It was a skull. It was cool. I really hope they bring I hope they run with that concept because pray did really well. Mm hmm. I would love them to do more period pieces with this series. Yeah. All right. So on to a rating. Hmm. All right. Is this a predator movie? Yes. It is the quintessential predator movie. I unapologetically love this movie for all of its faults. Like a child. You know what I mean? Like you still love your kid even though they're a horrible person. I will show this movie to people. It's like the quintessential action movie. We know my unbridled love for Arnold Schwarzenegger and John and John and John. And Jesse Ventura in this as well. Can I score it higher than like weirdly enough? Never on my top like five. I don't even know if it'd be on my top 10 weirdly enough. Like I love this movie, but it's also forgettable for me. Sure. If that makes sense. Okay. It's like an experience every time you watch it. Oh. I love Jason. But it's not a great movie. Yeah. I love watching it. It's one of the I think it makes the bottom 10. If I do my like Hall of Famed one and two, I think then it makes the list. Okay. I'm going to say kind of still love it though. I had such a good time watching it. 8.6. Damn. Yeah. It's like I'd still like it's awful and it looks terrible. I don't care. It's still fun. Like it's it's still a good time. I would definitely show this to my nephew when he's old enough. Yeah. And he's not going to love it. I know he's not, but I don't care. You know what I mean? Just joke to him before he hits 11 years old and he'll love it. That's true. Yeah. Wow. He's a big security cat. He might actually still like it. You never know. Also he watched. So you know how like we were the generation that kind of got started with YouTube? Yeah. He's the generation that is like born of YouTube. Yes. Like he still wanted that motherfucker. It was walking around me like hey guys make sure you like and subscribe. He is fine. He thinks that's how you say hello to people. Oh shit. Holy shit. I thought it was a joke and it wasn't a joke. I need you to punch your sibling right in the nose. I can't. Yeah. Wanted. Sometimes. Anyway. Ronald. What you got? Okay so the movie is not great but it's also great. Like it's terrible. I originally played with coming here just like super hardcore shitty on it because I know how much Chuck loved it. But I just couldn't bring myself to do it. But we did get some pretty dank memes out of this movie. And I mean it's it's it is exactly what you want out of an 80s action movie. Other than we didn't get to titty. Having said that I gave it a six point seven three because there were no titties. It might have gotten a seven if they were titties. Yeah. I don't know. Did it really need titties? No. No. Did anybody. Technically. Yes. With Arnold's or. Who else will make it? Billy. No see but no the only one I would accept would have been Carl Weathers because he had the biggest tips of him all in this movie. That's fucking huge. He was juicing. Yeah. He was leaking. He was like so huge. Anyways Joey why don't you give this one. I first time viewing it. I really really loved it. I guess this was a fun 80s action movie. It's like if this is up there with with alien interminator and all about. It's a great action movie. A great just you want to see a bunch of people getting killed off randomly by a monster. There you go. There are some problems. It is definitely has some very 80s feel to it. We talked about special effects not being great. Dialogue. Well. We get a fucking seriously good one liners from it. Oh yeah. But other than that a lot of the dialogue is garbage. But that's similar to what Ron said when he was fall asleep during the. The alien vision thing like I was having trouble keeping awake during the montages. And during a lot of the like a lot of the back half the movie is no dialogue. It's literally Arnold setting up traps. The prayer they're just gurgling and chittering and doing all that. Which is fine. But like yeah I was having trouble just kind of keep my eyes awake. Now yeah also I was very tired. Again this my third podcast today. The montage is literally just an excuse to get Arnold to flex on screen. All of them. Yeah like all of it like he literally is hitting flex poses. He did get Carl Weathers with his shirt off. Yeah. In the montage. Yeah that's what I said. That was the only one that counted was Carl Weathers. Because you know he had those big old daddy milkers or whatever. I thought you said the only one you would count with the Carl Weathers. Yeah I said the only one I would actually count for that would be. Huge titties. Like I said I really enjoyed this one. I've got no issue watching again whatsoever. I gave this a 7.14. Which gives us a combined score of 7.49. Which puts it at number 23. Out of a hundred and twelve. Okay. That's pretty good. That's me five. Yeah. It's just above willow at a 7.4. God damn right it is. Right. That's not even because somebody didn't dog shit on somebody else's movie for that. We show them. I was nice. And just behind Creepshow and Robocop at 7.5. Oh and Flash Gordon. Oh I like Robocop. I think I'm more than I like Predator. I like Robocop more than Predator also. Yeah that would make sense. So there we go. Sweet. Good spot. I really like that spot for that. Yeah it's good. So Chuck where can they find you at buddy? Hey. You could find me over at TikTok. TikTok Instagram. Kicked out of the hood. No. You can find my hobby page. Kicked out of the hobby. No. You can kick at time of release of this video. I will have had my game of blood and plunder. I'm very excited about it in Connecticut. Hanging out with some friends before the summer ends. And I will have had a 4th edition Aegis Sigmar spearhead army painted. So go check those out. I'm playing the Cruel Boys which are totally not or a Kai from Lord of the Rings. Even though that's what they are. They're one of them. And I will have hopefully a game of gasoline refueled. Where if you don't know what gasoline is refueled. It is essentially death race in miniature form. And you use hot wheel cars. So you like customize your hot wheel cars. And I bought some hot wheel cars. Strapped some guns to them. And I'm going to get them painted up. So go check those out. And hopefully some highlights of that game. So. Hi. Where can they find you on the Internet? You can find me on Instagram and TikTok at good at this game. You can find my art on Instagram at good art this game. And you can find me right here on this wonderful podcast. Joey, where can I find you? Joey, why don't you tell me where they can find you? Very good. You guys can find the show comic book, comic book rundown on Instagram and Twitter. Nope. Instagram and threads. Email us, combo rundown at Rate of view. So your podcast, you have a choice. If you do, we'll read an upcoming episode. We've got merch over on Redbubble and T public with new merch coming periodically. We actually are putting merch up there. So like go check it out. Yeah. Go fucking buy it. You dorks. It's good. I mean, Rob draws them. Yeah. Have you ever wanted to share a Snoopy shooting Batman's parents? It's there. It's there. It's working the other day. And a friend was like, oh, I recognize Snoopy. What else is going on? I'm like, oh, yeah, that's the Wayne's joke. Joe killed, Joe killed, killed the Wayne's. She's just like, what? Like, where do you find this? Right here on this podcast. I mean, Joe, say with my friends on a shitty podcast. Do you want to do you want Seth Rogan as job of the high? Because it's fucking up there. Yes, it is. I had to explain the. Alderaan rule for one shot, one kill. Okay. I was talking about God, I can't remember what we're talking about. I was like, oh, it's like older on you. It's only one kill. And they're like, wait, what is that? And I was trying to explain to him, like, you know, the rule for the show. And I was like, well, you really don't know how many people were on Alderaan, right? So you can't theoretically say that, you know, there were this many people on there. So it's one kill. All right. Technically, yes. There's show. Anywho. What was the show called? Oh, this is the comic book rundown. No, I thought you. Oh, I thought you said you were on a show having me. No, I was talking about the show. Oh, oh, I thought you. For some reason I thought you said you were on a show and the show was called one shot, one kill. I'm like, wait, their, their name of the show is the fucking joke. And they don't get confused. No. We only review movies where there's one kill. Yeah. So our song, I got to finish this up. Song was done by a camp. Our next movie. Dr. Cam, Dr. Father Cam. Our next movie. The toxic avenger part three, the last temptation of toxic. Oh, no. Joey, Joey, Joey, Joey. Oh, no. All right. It's on prime, I believe, is on. Looks like peacock to be. The Lego prime. Yeah, it's on a lot. Are we getting, are we getting Jordan back on for this one or? He was on second one. Oh, he doesn't want to talk about this. I don't want to talk about them, but you know, you know more about me than I do. Joey, for sure. But do you know why Amazon prime is advertising HBO Max stuff? Because there is a. Is that a bundle? I believe prime Netflix and. Max are, you can bundle them together. Oh, cable. Okay. So we're getting cable again. Or was it? No way. No, it's Max Disney and. There's three. There's three that you can now bundle together and I can't remember what they are. Okay. Because I had. Like a notification for prime. Like from prime video about the things that are coming out this week. Yes. On HBO Max. I'm like, what the fuck? So I think, I think it's that. I could be wrong, but at the same time. Max, one of the brothers is literally giving all their. Material to literally any service that will take them because they are bleeding money. So. What if they just like did better. They were doing great for a while and then they put the wrong person in charge and he's like. No, we don't want to make projects that would actually. Get people to come. Yeah, he was like, bring in Zack Snyder. Let's do more. When you set me up for it, like what am I supposed to do? Very fair. I didn't touch that one. I was like, Chuck have it. Yeah. Thank you. I would refer more to like the background movie or the. Wiley Coyote versus Acme movie that. Both were completed. Well, I would watch that. That sounds awesome. Yeah. Maybe one like that was done. War bros like, yeah, we don't want to put it anymore. They try shopping around, but my guess is the price that they wanted for it. Was not what any other service was willing to pay for it. So they just shoved it and then back or all they said it was a hot mess and it wasn't completely done. Like they still hadn't done post production, but like they were done filming and they just they shelved it and. Yeah, it's fair. Yeah, because they definitely know what the difference between a hot mess and not a hot mess is and what they shouldn't really. So. Yeah, that makes sense. Anyway, so. Yeah, that's all that. But no, I believe. Prime and Max and maybe one maybe Netflix, like you can bundle all three together now. Anyways, that's what we're going to watch it on. Okay. We're going to watch it on something. It's not one of those. It's free somewhere. So it's going to be a fucking nightmare again. Was it to be or Pluto? Pluto is the what was the garbage thing we had to watch pop by on. Pluto. Pluto had to make commercials. Yeah, to be better about it. Yeah, cool. It's got about the same. I don't know. I pay for that. But any who. So yeah, that's it for that. Thank you all for listening. Bye. Next time. Her badurb in scuba do want to tell me about scuba do. [Music] Thanks so much for listening. If you enjoyed this show, check out all the other great shows here at the Professional Casual Network. Like what, Danny? I'll tell you, on Mondays we've got the Lost Omens Podcast, our Pathfinder 2E actual play, hosted by me playing through the Extinction Curse AP. Also streaming on at 7 p.m. eastern time, you can check out, "Oh yeah, the power phase, our Marvel Crisis Protocol live battle report show." On Tuesdays, the podcast version of, "Wait, did I rule a wild? Marvel Crisis Protocol Pavlov is available." On Wednesdays, alternating releases on Patreon, we have, "Settling the Southlands, our homebrew Wolforp actual play, and the Slytherin, a Pathfinder 2nd Edition actual play." And on Thursdays, live at 7 p.m. eastern standard time on, we've got, "Wait, did I rule a wild? Our Marvel Crisis Protocol Pavlov." You can also check out back episodes of Lead 8 Showdown and the first 39 episodes of the Lost Omens Podcast, the first 24 episodes of "Settling the Southlands" and the first handful of episodes of the Slytherin on the YouTube, at