Comic Book Rundown

Rundown Reviews #111 - Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back 1980

1h 37m
Broadcast on:
30 Aug 2024
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Star Wars year continues on with Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back from 1980. Do you wanna know why Chuck hates this movie? You're fixin' to find out.

Twitter: @comicrundown

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Hosted by Joe Janero, Ron Hanes, Charlie Shaw and Jordan Zeilinger

Edited by Joe Janero

Theme song provided by the other member of the Sex Turtles (Cam Malidor)

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The podcast you're about to listen to is part of the Professional Casual Network. To find more podcasts like this, please check out Uh, yeah, I'll have a large extra butter popcorn and she'll have snow caps. Really? Snow caps? They taste like cardboard. Okay. Come on, it's time for you to listen to. To interview from D.C. to end the year with five more. On down the field. On down the field. On down the field. On down the field. To our YouTube channel to see this fucking meat, baby. It's just before windows of meat. You know, maybe we should have put that on a separate recording and made that part of our patreon. No, just, you know, patreon is just us flexing for 12 minutes. That sounds about right. Brothers sisters, gender resistors, welcome once again. So one of many podcasts on planet got to earth where we review anything and everything that's on Joey's stupid arbitrary list of comic book and today's Star Wars paraphernalia's. Real quick, if I can one. Been watching rugby all day, so I'm all horned up ready to go. Jordan watched Nightcrawler. What the fuck was that? Dude, did you like it? Dude, it was really good. Highly recommend it. I'm not going to spoil anything for anybody. Well worth the $3 $4 I spent to rent it off him. Yeah, Jake Gyllenhaal, right? Yeah. Okay. It's an amazing actor, but I argue this is his best role only because of the range and the weirdness and like it's so it's such a crazy role. It is very it is unsettling. I think is the easiest easiest way to put it. It's like the entire movie. You're just like, I don't understand why he's acting this way. There needs to be an older motive and then it just gets weirder. And then also apparently Bill Paxton, isn't it? Yes, Bill Paxton's in it. You know, for he passed away and then what's crazy too is the music in it is so a juxtaposition because you're watching something on screen that'll be kind of morbid and disturbing and weird, but it'll be this like uplifting music in the background. It just adds to the eariness of it all. It's a great, great film. It's very, very good. Highly recommend it. All everybody go watch it. It was Oscar nominated too. Yeah, I didn't hold up my end of the bargain. I still haven't watched the bear yet. So I'll get around to that. But you really do. It just got nominated for like all of the Oscars. Every single one. It has the highest number of nominations in record history. Wouldn't it be the Emmys though? Emmys not Oscar. I apologize here. Emmys. Emmys, Emmys, Emmys. That's what it was. Listen, they're all a fucking same. They are all kind of more. Yeah. I think it's going to get a Grammy too. Why not? Anyway, speaking of award winning movies. Yes. We want to handle this. Do we want to start with the old ones? Yeah. We watched Star Wars. Episode five. Empire Strikes Back. Yes. From 1980. Now I'm having an existential crisis about this movie. Okay. Because I unlocked a very core memory in my brain, which I'll get into as we go on. Okay. But it's. It's unsung. Okay. Is it Luke making out with Leia? Yeah. This isn't the hook. Yeah. Let's just get it. They fucked, right? Like by the time that they figure out that their brother and sister, they have had to. They were way too like hanging on each other. I feel like trauma bond fucking was definitely going to happen at the end of this movie. I mean, you're probably not wrong. My note for this was telling your brother isn't quite the flex you think it is. Here's the thing. Also, they didn't know at the time. Sure. Are you sure? I know it's not Alabama and that does actually count, but it doesn't. They didn't know. Are we sure they didn't know though, like deep down inside because they're both more sensitive. Like. Okay, here's the thing. Have you guys watched the documentary, um, the, the man with a thousand kids? I think it's called on Netflix. No, no. Okay. So it's about this man in, I want to say it's North Sweden, I think, or Norway. He travels across the world for the past 10 years being a sperm donor. He is birthed at least 600 children that they know of. Probably more that aren't registered and most of them are in Sweden. And the reason why this is an issue. There's like psychiatrists and stuff talking about people because all these kids are going to like gay and lesbian couples or like people who have infertility problems and he tells everyone, no, you're one of only five families I've donated to. So they're unaware that there's hundreds of his children out there in this area. And psychologists are saying children who are siblings are somewhat drawn to each other. And if they don't know their siblings, there's a huge potential they can be attracted to each other because they see something in that person that is also in them. And that's what we're all looking for. We're looking for someone who is similar enough to us that we would feel comfortable being with them. So it's very easy for these kids to end up having romantic relationships with their sibling, not knowing it all because the statistic of them being attracted to that person is higher, which means that in this movie, it's proven that there is the higher statistical possibility that Luke and Leia would be attracted to each other because they are related, but unknown to that. Second part, they didn't tongue each other. I rewash this. It was a pretty steamy kiss, but there was no tongue. There was no tongue. Luke, Luke, Luke, Luke definitely saw something that he wanted inside of Leia and it was his tongue. Anyway, I'll say this. I've got a second cousin. Oh, no. Oh, no. He told me years ago because so my mother's side is a Myers and here in the Midwest, Myers is big around here. So he would go to his dad and he would be like, all right, so I'm, I like this girl. What's the family tree? Is she related to me? Nine times out of ten, she was. So he had to like not pursue that. Well, that's what's hard about these kids now pretty much in Sweden. If you are an adopted child, you have to like go through your family trees with someone else. If they are also adopted, like that's a question you have to ask on a first date. I was like, are you also adopted? If so, let's go down. Yeah, exactly. No, no, no, Joey. You don't want to go down. That's the opposite of what you want to do if they find out they're related. I cut my sentence short. Sorry. Realistically speaking on an episode that has yet to air and who knows if they'll ever get released on a late age showdown. Tim and I have a very legitimate conversation about incest and whether like is it icky? Sure. Is it because Tim found one of his cousins hot? No. I don't even remember how it actually came up. But the argument was like, who are we to stand in the way of love if they are in agreement that they do not want to procreate? That's a fair point. I mean, it was like real hard on it too. He was like, if they want to fuck and they're related, then that's okay. And I'm just like, dude, dude, all right, I just, I don't know really what's going on here. But like, he's like, I didn't want to have kids. And what does it matter? What does it matter? My choice, right? The government be involved. And I was just like, this is insane. You're crazy. Okay. In Tim's defense on that one, though, in Tim's defense on that one, though, the biggest problem with incest is the procreation. So if they weren't planning on having, if they aren't going to have kids, then I guess he's got a point. But also like, that's your cousin and that's kind of weird. That's like a Jedi level of like being able to control your mind in the situation because all I couldn't put that past in the back and the far end, I might do anything with that. So. Oh, Joe dirt. I'm your sister. He did bring up actual like really good evidence saying that like the only reason why incest ever became actually outlawed was because of the de effects because for the longest time keeping your bloodline in the family, like pure and good and like, that was like the thing that English. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. For a very long time. They're not all. Great for them. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So anyway, we watched Star Wars. Empire Strikes Back. How? What's what's the body count here on times you've seen this movie? Oh, and having talked to it, Joey, specifically as we learned from New Hope. I don't think I've fucked to this one. Really? Because I feel like Empire Strikes Back would be a perfect doggy like, I feel like this is the best love. This is the horniest one, though. Yeah. And it's also, there's a lot of downtime in between exciting scenes. So you'd have a lot of time to kill. I forgot how long this movie goes. It's very long. Yeah. It feels longer. Yeah. It feels longer. Yeah. It feels way longer. Yeah, it feels way longer. That's also what she says. It's. Well, I'm glad she says that. It's very nice of her. Jared, I think you're fine. Yeah. I feel like the problem with this movie is that you have such exciting scenes. There's like three exciting scenes and everything in between. It's almost like when you've seen the movie, it feels longer because you're just waiting to go from hot battle between the scene to the asteroid belt to the lifesaver fight. To Dagobah to. Yeah. I don't even care about Dagobah. I used to pass forward with her Dagobah when I was a kid. Really? Yeah. I was like, whatever. I don't care about Yoda. But speaking of hot, how is it that 3PO is the only person that noticed that Luke was missing? Nobody else noticed that he was gone. Dude, you've worked at a company. Nobody. I guess that's fair. Hey, is this person coming? Nope. They haven't been here all day. Why? I'm teaching them on their hands. Also, Han is too worried about trying to stir it. I'm sorry. What did you do? What did you just say? Han. Han? It's Han. The entire movie, they call him Han Solo. Didn't they call him Han the first one though? Yeah. They do. The entire movie, they call him Han. This is my theory. It's in the last one for me. Like everybody. No. Yes. No. This is my theory. This is my theory on why I think some of the dialogue is kind of weird in this one is because I believe, was it Irving Kirschner is the one who directed this one? Yeah. Okay. I believe he was the one who decided, okay, to tell them apart, we're going to have, they're all British actors. But the Imperials are going to speak in a British accent. And the Rebels are going to speak in an American accent. And there were a bunch of British people that didn't really know how to do a good American accent trying to do it. And I think that's why a lot of the dialogue is weird on that side. Well, yeah. All of the, all of the Rebels were British actors. And that's one of not all of them because one of them was, what's his name? Harrison Ford. Mark Hamill. No, the Rattsberger. Harry Fisher. John Rattsberger. That's his name. See in this? Yes. He is one of the Rebels. Don't remember that. So he's the one, which I have actually written notes, when the one Rebel guy comes up to talk to him to say that Han and Luke haven't been seen, haven't come back yet. And he's like, he's the one that kind of stops him because Leia is right there. That's John, I think it's Rattsberger, right, that's his name. That sounds super familiar. He does ham on the tour story. He does. Okay. Yeah, he's in every picture. He's in their back. He's in dead life. Um, what I love about that scene though, is that he stops him from talking for finishing a sentence. They both look directly at Leia as they're looking at him and they both say it the line directly to her. Like, yeah, they're not here. We don't know where they're at. And she was just like, what the fuck are you two doing? Like, you don't have to know that I don't know. I don't remember that being piggy, but that's the thing. His voice got dubbed over. Oh, that's like majority of majority of the rebel voices because they were British actors try and do American accent. They all got dubbed over. Yeah, that's why I think that the dialogues weird in this movie. That's my favorite. I have, I have some, I have some problems with Hoth scenes though. First thing, it says, they said the reason that they didn't have the speeders ready yet to go out to look for Luke was because they were getting them ready for the cold, like they weren't prepared for the cold. These speeders are literally called snow speeders. Why aren't they? No, they're not actually snow speeders. That was the title that they gave them. They actually have like a code number, like imprint speeder name. So then the colloquialism is wrong. I get X-red. It looks like an X. I get a Y-red. It looks like a what. If you're going to call something a snow speeder better be ready to be in the snow. I think it was known as a speeder, an assault air speeder, yeah, that's what it is. A 47 air speeder, an AS speeder, reconnaissance patrol aerial assault. And I only know this because in the game Star Wars, it has the, like you can take one of these for the rubble side and it has like the actual name of the ship. Gotcha. Yeah, it was, it was notified by the Rebel Alliance for the Hoth basically. I'm just a peon and all I know is Rogue Squadron, which still called it a snow speeder when you select it. True. Rogue Squadron. I've got a few in this, by the way. Yes. Yes. Yeah. Rogue two. Yeah. Yeah. Rogue two is in this. Yeah. I've always known as Merc. Those two are as well. Well, a lot of them did. Talking about existential problems here, I never realized this. But, you know, when Han Solo's about to valiantly write off out to save Luke Skywalker on a Tonton, he says, then I'll see you in hell, which doesn't exist. We found out an acolyte. I was going to say, which brings up the idea that now in the Star Wars universe, there is a belief in heaven in hell when the main religious belief is about an all powerful force around you that never talks about an afterlife ever. It talks about being back one with the force. Why would anyone understand or even say the word hell that should not exist? And I know in the acolyte, she says it too, like I'll see you in hell to, like, reference. I'll see you in hell, Jack. I'll see you in hell, Jack. And people got all pissy about it. There's no hell in Star Wars. What if it's a planet? What if it's just like the worst planet that you, it's like a prison planet you get into? What if, what if that? Okay. So the system is called Hoth. The planet's not necessarily called Hoth, right? So what if that planet was called hell as in like Norse mythology, you know, frozen over dead place? So then he's literally being like, I'll see you later on that when I get back. Yeah. Yeah, because he's cocky, you know? I can dig that. I can dig that. But I mean, hell is in a lot of religions, though, like the idea of not in the religion of the force. They never talk about an afterlife. Not that we know of, but we hear them talk about it all the time, becoming one with the force. You literally become nothing. We get sucked back into the life energy of the force. So that is after that. That is force ability, people knowing that. Hoth's not force has no force sensitivity. He has no force ability, so I would argue that I would argue that everyone in this universe believes in the force because like kind of they're like, peace be with you is essentially made a force. But by this time in this universe and what's going on, the force is basically three people. So there's no, like, because you remember, Parkin, it says in a new hope that the, that the Jedi and all these force ability people are like, it's an old religion that nowhere cares about, even though he is saying it right in front of Darth Vader, it had just talked the Emperor literally earlier that day. So in the absence of the religion of the Jedi, the mass community has adopted hell and heaven essentially then. Yeah. That's how we got Christianity. Okay. Okay. It's fine. I just thought it was interesting. I just thought it was interesting. Hell. What if you're thinking about this in the wrong way and what upon is actually a transplant from our universe into their universe? Oh, he's like back to the future into the Star Wars universe kind of thing. Yeah. After his, after his last crusade, he ended up in a galaxy far, far away. Oh, this is what should have been the end of Kingdom of the Crystal School. Literally should have been him being sucked into the Star Wars universe. That would mean he was trying to do when, and Spielberg was like, no, that's too far out there. That would have been amazing. All right. There is a little comic that I think it was Tales of the Jedi where Han and Chewie go through some portal and end up in our world thousands of years ago. And at the end of the issue, Han, or there's Chewie in this temple, staying like, not, was protecting Han's bones and the temple is being raided by Indiana Jones. Okay. I can't remember what issue it is, but there actually is a comic issue with Indiana Jones and Han Solo in it. This makes me so excited because what you just told me is essentially there's a Star Wars comic that is a Star Trek episode. So yeah, that makes me so excited. Yeah. I believe I just got, I'm, I'm right now, like what I just said is right according to Joey's comic logic there. We know that Indiana Jones exists because in Solo, like the memorabilia is behind the, the one dude. Yeah. That's true. Yeah. And we see in Temple of Doom, we see a, I mean, it's, it's what the Cafe Obi-Wan or whatever, like, whatever bar it is, plus there is, um, uh, three P.O. and R2D2 hieroglyphs, uh, I think in the temple, if I remember correctly, to be fair, it is a galaxy far, far away along the way. Speaking of movie jumping, so at the beginning, when Han is first told that, uh, Luke hasn't come back yet. There's a droid that is behind him that looks like, um, Johnny five from short circuit. Yeah. Oh my gosh. You're great. Nice. Yeah. That's pretty cool. That'd be okay. That's great. I'm going to, I'm going to finish off my hot thoughts here and then I'll, I'll lead the Florida. You guys, since I've been taking it so much, uh, did anyone else think it was super gross? Even now today, when you cut open the Tonton, those, like how those intestines are nasty. Like, yeah, like still today, I'm like, ooh, that makes me a little queasy. I do not like that one. But apparently that was based off of, uh, something that the Native Americans did back in the day. Yeah. Like of horses. They would crawl inside in the winter. Yeah. Just kind of keep, keep themselves warm. So, you know, not, uh, it is gross cause they, those intestines definitely look gross. Yeah. Yeah. The fact that a Tonton, who you can assume has a thicker pelt than a human with a coat yes, size quicker than, than two people who, one who barely survived being attacked by a woman. Maybe. Okay. So maybe they're like horses and because he was running it so hard because like when horses work up a sweat, yeah, like they work up that lather. And then if they worked up that lather, then they would get cold quicker because, you know, as cold as it would be, freeze to them and he just like caused it because he was just running it. It had a heart attack. Yeah. What I just thought it would just drop dead. But the one guy even said like your Tonton freeze before you get to the first marker. Yeah. And, yeah. But he also, who are the odds of Hahn actually finding? Oh, frickin astronomical. Like, ow. No way. R2D2 said 793 to one. That's not that big. Well, not only that, but like there is literally a snowstorm happening and the snow is just shifting like any path or track marker or anything like, yeah, he would have gone lost. Like, which goes to prove that Hahn is actually force sensitive. I could believe it. Yeah, probably. I mean, everybody's. I think everybody has. Yeah. Exactly. I think everyone. Looking at the notes of the trivia on 9DB, apparently the scene where Luke is running away from a cave in the snowstorm, that was actually him running through a snowstorm during filming. And Ivan Kirschner was in the hotel filming him from like whatever room as he was running through an actual snowstorm. It was kind of like what I thought like the films that made us from Jurassic Park. They were like, oh, we got the Hawaiian and a hurricane hit and they had to like, that's how I felt about this movie. Oh, we got to go film a blizzard scene the minute they get their blizzard actually hits. I definitely think they film. They took advantage of that. They film whatever they could. Poor Mark Campbell. Yeah. I don't think he's poor actually. I'm pretty sure he's got a lot of money. Yeah, maybe back then he might have been a little bit, but he was just starting to get the money back then. By the second movie, I think he had some. He probably got like 70,000 for that movie, which would be like, you know, 190,000 this year. Yeah. But he also had a car accident. You can see it after he had to pay medical bills. The money went straight to his head all that working. See, this was before 1984, so they still had decent medical insurance. True. Hmm. I actually heard that I always was told that the Wampa attack was meant to explain why his face looks so different from the, but I guess that wasn't it. It's false. Yeah. And then 70, do eight, I believe, and all the reconstruction surgery was done like within that year. It was just, that was just always part of the script. Yeah. So interesting. Can we take a second just to just think about how awesome ship designs are in Star Wars? Because watching this, there's, they introduced a few ships, like the executor. And, you know, the snow speeders are so cool. The probe joys. I'm just like, man, we are first and first time seeing the ATATs. Yeah. The ATATs. I'm like consistent in Star Wars brings us these amazing looking vehicles. Yeah. Some of them are not great, but the majority of them are really good. And I'm a huge fan of that. I do. I remember as a kid watching this movie and seeing the, the ATATs and I'm like, these are awesome. When I was just looking at that, you know, practically, I've never thought they were a practical. Oh, they're not well, so they're, they're not big battles. No way. They're bad for this setting specifically. Okay. So there was this documentary I watched the warfare of Star Wars or something like that, which also leads into why this movie is the worst thing I've ever watched. Interesting. Battle of Hoth is my favorite scene of all time. And as they're covering of like, does this make sense for the Battle of Hoth? There's no speeders. That makes sense for the Battle of Hoth. But the ATATs actually don't make any sense because it's, it's a flat snow plane that they should have had was like dreaded tank, which we see in a couple of other like settings and situations, because the just slow moving walking like theme wouldn't actually be beneficial. But when they're on end door, the ATSTs and the ATATs make a lot of sense because they have to get overwrought, you know, rocks and trees and stuff like that. ATSTs especially because they're more for like close combat battles and like in during in the woods, it'd be perfect. Right. Yeah. Hoth, they should have done a lot more speed. Yeah. I agree. Like just a treaded tank that goes really fast across. Yeah. Well, especially when the one commander, I can't remember his name, he tells Vader's like, yeah, we're going to have the the the shields down momentarily 10 minutes later. Like, well, it not only happened like, they're supposed to be this like genius, like war for genius general, his strategy was fucking walk to him. What the fuck? General orbital strike that shit. What are you doing? That was right. When general viewers shows up, like after Vader's like sitting there, he is inside Vader's ass when Vader turns around like they are kissing close and he was he was waiting for him to go, put the fuck like this. Yeah. He's like spins around real fast. He's just like right there. They couldn't. Well, they couldn't order a little strike because the shield generator was protecting the base from any orbital strike. So that's why they had to actually go down to take the shield generator out, which I thought maybe and they didn't explain is the ATATs had a thick enough armor that they could make it through the shield to take the shield generator and other vehicles. They also might have been thick enough to withstand the cold temperatures. I do. I don't know. Yeah. But I mean, what we saw in Phantom Menace where the and even the Clone Wars, actually yeah, in the Clone Wars movie, a tank treaded or a treaded tank ship vehicle could have also gone through the barrier and done the same job. True. So that's the same in the attack Kishikwe, the snail looking thing. Yeah. Yeah. I don't think well, I mean, they're coming to the water. Isn't it? Don't they have the tank tread? Yeah. They're going to the water. Yeah. But that was also. That wasn't the Imperials though. That was the trade federation who had that. Yeah. So they wouldn't be a dog. And they shot all that stuff down. Yeah. Yeah. You're right. You have to have something. You would have adopted some of it. But yeah, they would have they would have done some design of your own for that, which yeah, I don't know. I agree with you. That's why I'm saying like the ship designs are really cool in this in these movies and in Star Wars universe, but they're not always practical. More times than not, they're actually impractical. So this form over function, whatever, that's fine. It does actually prompt a go. What the fuck happens to the separatist army like in the droids and stuff? Would the empire not all that if they couldn't or if they didn't? What doesn't in one of the Thrawn books, the like newer ones that are actually canon didn't a bunch of separatist droids. They're on that planet with the Cortosis still, even when Vanneken turns to Vader, right? Isn't there like the like a bunch of out outer rim people? It's been so long. So I read those. I don't remember. I think there's a bunch of outer rim like kind of like drug lord type people that are still using those droids. Well, and I know. Because like, oh, they got shut down, yeah, we do. They get shut down, you know, at the end of the war, the Clone Wars in the third one. And basically get put in storage, at least that's what they're supposed to do. Now I know post return of the Jedi. They are basically being sold like on the black market, if you will, people will find them and repurpose them and make them like I know in the aftermath trilogy, the character who is. Oh, what's his name in the actual sequel trilogy? Maz Kanata. No, it's Poe Dameron's friend, Greg, whatever is it from heroes, Wexler, Wrexler or something like that? No, I think it's Greg with him or Valentine, is that his name? From heroes? Yes. The dude from here is like something wexler or wexler or something like that. Whatever his name is, whatever his name is like what the the aftermath trilogy has him as a child. And he has a repurposed B1 battle droid as his companion. The funniest of all the battle droids. The greatest. Roger Roger. I realize we didn't answer your question Chuck from 20 minutes ago. How many times have we watched this? Yeah, we just went into hoth talk so I was like, oh, sorry, a lot, I've watched this a lot. I mean, I think heroes will trilogy so many times. I've probably seen it at least 10 times if not more. Yeah, I think I'm at like, whatever I think I said nine for New Hope and I definitely haven't watched this more than I've watched any of the others. So yeah, we're in an entertainment. Yeah, I think I'm probably around like the 20 to 30 mark it. I know I said for a new hope like a hundred times what next next month when we talk about return to the Jedi hundred times this one wasn't as much in the rotation. I as a child as an adult. This is obviously one of the more well written and directed of the trilogy. But it just I think that kid this was one of the ones that had the worst ending because everybody was sad. Yeah. And so I love this like I love the yeah because it makes you feel like real life. Yeah, exactly. I was thinking about that and 50 were a game. So infinity war versus end game is over that as we become adults do we find that like second movie when it when it does end with like tragedy where like the bad guy got the guys win back and all those things from the first one. Do you find that like the second ones are a lot better like a few exceptions I always think of like okay like Terminator 2 judgment day is like an objectively better than the first one. That's kind of like the one exception sequel of like a trilogy set. But like but Terminator wasn't set out to be a trilogy with the truth was I think came after like oh yeah we've got better technology now we can do a sequel. I'd argue to this Terminator also is the same thing as the alien franchise in the sense that like they both they started off as a horror film. And then the second movie you can't really compare apples and oranges because now they're action films. Yeah, I would say the first term in there was more action than horror. We just drew some of it. No, I watched that not that long ago. That's a more horror film. There's an action scene at the end, but there's action all the way throughout it. It's nothing but him shooting and the movie is essentially Halloween sci-fi edition. Are you sure you watch the same Terminator that we watched? Yeah, it's not just him stalking her the whole time and some people have sex and then the bad guy gets killed. Maybe not killed. That's Halloween. Yeah, he's not wrong. Actually, that's a really good point. It is. Why did he broken it down like that? Yeah, I've reached two here two weeks ago. That's actually a really good point. Yeah. Because we even had this discussion that they had horror. If I'd known that, I wouldn't have made you up for those. I have the Blu-rays of the Sarah Connor Chronicles because I'm even a star for that stuff. Wow. Nice. That's a deep cut. I mean, look, if you want to come back for when we do the rest of the Terminator's, you can't. You've already done one, too. What do I want to do now? We've only done one. We've only done one. I'll come back for two. I love Judgment Day. That's like maybe top 10 movies for sure. I'll get a hold of you for I'll get a hold of you with the date for that one. That's so good to see. Speaking of joy, how many times are we going to have to hear three P.O. flex about knowing over six million forms of communication? At least two more times. Actually, hold on. Definitely in return. Probably in force of making this. I think in force, I think also in rise, I'm not going to do this around a lot in less discussion. Essentially that I got a bad feeling droid version. I have a question for you guys, this movie, I don't feel like suffered as much as a new hope did with the tinkering with special effects in there. That's because Kirchner was pushing more of a character story, which meant- Well, there are still some slides, though. There are, but those- Because they changed the flight into Cloud City and- Yeah, well, because we watched this on Disney+ and I'm assuming everybody watched on Disney+ and they have these special editions on there. They don't have the original version. What I mean is there's still a lot of scenes that have the- I guess you want to say, I don't want to say "clamation," but the- Stop motion. Stop motion. Thank you. Stop motion stuff in there. I really appreciate that they didn't go back and try to pull that out and put in new scenes. Moved it up, yeah. I thought that it really gives it a good vibe. Yes. You could also say that the ATCATs in Rogue One look good. Right. In Rogue One? Yeah, why wouldn't they look good in Rogue One? That's what I'm saying. It's the same- Are you talking about- No. Which scenes are you talking about? I'm talking about- So, it seems like when the Tontons are running- Okay. I thought you were referring more to the AT, the ATATs walking, because those- You can call that AT. No. The ATATs walking also stop motion. Call that AT. We're fine. Well, I'm just glad they didn't, like, add more, add ads, and you know what I mean? Oh, yeah. Like, to bulk it out and make it look bigger and stuff like that. Well, then they would add the problem with they ran out of speeders before they got taken out. But I also feel like they added the ATSTs in here. Like, I don't remember them being in the original movie. That could be wrong. I haven't actually watched the original version in forever. I have no- I've only ever seen the special edition, and they were always there. Yeah. The only reason why I think that they were there, because they also look stop motion. But we don't see them, like, we see them in the one scene when they're all walking, and then that's it. We don't see them again. They're in the background of another scene, real quick. Are they? Okay. Okay. Hmm. That might have been, that might have been an addition, though, in the background of that scene. Yeah. There's a lot of the actual special edition added to them, although the few, like, the scene where Lando is telling all of Cloud City to evacuate, like, that was added in there. When you see- Was the stuff with Vader added in, like, when he was, like, in his dome of- Fucking solitude or whatever? That was part of the movie. Oh, it just looked way shinier than- I have a question about that, too. I am moving. I might have actually- Don't supposed to be a hyperbaric chamber, so he can take his helmet off, right? Yes. Why then that one scene where, whatever number two general who's going to die comes in? And- Yeah, whatever. I can't keep trying anymore. He's going through that, like, I go through toilet paper. So- Vader's all about moving people up the promotion line. Yeah. Yeah. I'm pretty sure he went- he promoted Captain Piot to an admiral, just like that. He jumped up, like, two spots. I feel like half of- I hate the- Half of the body counts just going to be these generals being promoted to admiral, so Oh. By the way, sorry. Didn't- he walked in and the chamber is open, and that's when we see the scene of the helmet coming down, which is a great scene, but then after they talk, then it closes. Wouldn't his helmet have been off when it's closed rather than the other way around? Yes. That's how a hyperbaric chamber, I feel, like, would work, not that I'd know much about them. Unless it was to reactlimate the suit to- I don't know. Yeah. Maybe it was actually Vader. I think you're trying to put logic into a- what they just wanted a cool fucking scene to actually show me not to learn from the last episode that this is my problem. Yeah. I- I got that. This is my toxic trait. So, okay. Go ahead, Chuck. I know you- Those are kind of problems. Okay. I just- I need to get this out because- Yeah. It's the thing that literally, immediately ruined the movie for a very long time. Did the original- it was at the VHS special release, had all the, like, documentary stuff before the movies? The 20 minutes before the movies. Yeah. No, it was the VHS. It was the VHSes. Okay. I had to pass forward with it as a kid all the time. Okay. My- not a friend, but kid I hung out with, first name, last name, Michael Cole. Fuck you, you piece of shit. Dude, Michael Cole of WWE SmackDown? I fucking- no, all the same level of- Is he- is he related to Dan Cole? No. No, actually. [LAUGHTER] That'd make a lot of sense. It would make a lot of sense. One of those weird cousins issues. Yeah, pretty much. He was, like, he was famous for, like, if we were going to hang out, it would be me watching him play video games, or we would hang out and play something and it would be reacting scene for scene like a movie, like, back to the future. He loved back to the future, and us, like, playing would be, like, reenacting scene for scene. If I got something wrong, he would stop and correct me and tell me the thing I had to say. Okay. So he's autistic. Okay. Yeah. Pretty much, like, looking back at it, like, obnoxious- not like the cool autism, but the obnoxious autism. Not like the rest of us. No, no, no. Chuck has- is actually making a very serious point. There- there is a big difference. There is a very big difference. So he would make me watch the documentary part when he would want- like, let's watch Star Wars. And we had to sit on our knees for some fucking reason, like, cross- like, cross-like backwards on our knees, and I just, like, I don't know, like, you know, when you, like, cross your knees back. Oh, wow. Oh, yeah. Oh, fucking stupid, man. Joey's thinking about doing it in a 40-year-old body, so- Yeah, dude. I tried to do it with the other little body, because my brain unlocked this, like, fucking memory. And I remember, like, I tried to do it at the gym today, and I was just like, oh, this is the worst pain I've ever been, and this is awful. It hurts your knees and your ankles. Like, this is the worst. Um, so he would make me watch it, and I didn't fucking care. I didn't care about this documentary shit. It was boring, but watching this scene, I remember that the point of this was Jorukas or somebody, whoever it was, wanted to, like, was, like, obsessed and fascinated with, like, the Mongolians and, like, the giant elephants of the Mongolians coming and trying to take the Great Wall of China, and that was what this was supposed to be. That's why the AT-ATs are in this scene, because they're supposed to be the giant elephants. I do remember the time being modeled the way they walk after elephant strides. I do this. Yes. Okay. You're on that. That'll make you so much more sense. But I hated this movie, because it would absorb all of the cool hangout time, and then all I ever would see is right up to the Battle of Hoth, and then I had to go home. So like, I never, it was, I remember watching the Battle of Hoth, because the first time I watched this was the day after I watched New Hope when I was, like, eight years old. And I knew that this was the coolest scene I had ever seen in my entire life. Like, the Battle of Hoth is the thing that fundamentally made me love Star Wars. And I never got to watch it for, like, ever after that, because he would make me fucking watch the documentary shit. And I remembered, like, I don't remember why I loved this movie for so much, because I fucking hated it. I hated this movie, because I never got to see the cool parts. If you fuck you, Michael Cole, you piece of shit. Anyway, that's all I had to say. One thing that was in the Battle of Hoth, that was actually not in the movie, there was a deleted scene, is some wampas, like breaking into the base, the rebel base. Yeah, I remember supposed to have, like, when they break, break in, and then the, um, the Empire comes in, like, we're supposed to have a scene where a wappa, like, grabs a stormtrooper and, like, pulls them into a room and, like, yeah. And I also remember them, like, opening a door and, like, a wampa being in there. Oh, yeah. There's a, if you see, when they're walking through, the Empire is walking through, there's a sign on one of the doors, and it's basically a keep-out sign, because there's a wappa in that room. Which pay off for Shadows of the Empire? Maybe. We get a payoff in the Star Wars arcade game, which was, like, the one that, like, you sit down in it, cabinet, and I had a joystick, and you would go through the Hoth, and one of the doors would open there to be a wampa there, and you had to, like, quick double fire button to kill, or it would hit you for, like, a ton of damage. It was the same thing on Shadows of the Empire, the first episode when you're in Hoth, if you went out and around the main path, you could open a door, and there would be three wampas and cages, and you could actually let them out. I, so... I think there's also... There's also multiple games. Yeah, 'cause I think it's also in the Lego Star Wars games. So... Love it. That's awesome. I don't... Again, like, I wish that scene would be in this movie, because that would have been cool. The only one that's not in is Star Wars Battlefront. They never put the wampas in Star Wars Battlefront, which was... Lames. I'm obsessed with that game. Oh, my God. In this movie, I had this thought way too many times. Do spaceships have heaters or air conditioners? Because in Hoth, I was like, "Man, you're high like, you're cold, and you get in your car and turn the heater on, or you're hot, and you get in to turn the AC on." I'm like, either on Dagobah, or in Hoth, I'm like, "I wonder if they have AC and heating, and also when you're in space, like, do you just have like..." I mean, they've got to have... They've got to have heat for space, because otherwise they'd freeze to death. And then I'm like, "Do they have seat heaters? Like, how fancy do these spaceships get?" Uh, you know that the Millennium Falcon does not have, you know, heated seats. No, because that's... We can get more than that. It's a 7 Cadillac. Yeah. The Millennium Falcon. Are we supposed to believe that the speeders are not actually built for battle? Because they had to like, do a bunch of shit to them. Like, I know they had to like, get them prepared for the cold and stuff, but like... Are we supposed to believe a harpoon gun is always attached? Like, just haphazardly, like, we're just lucky to have that? I mean, I don't think they're actually built for, like, this. They weren't built... I mean, like, we just said, they weren't built for the snow. They had to build, like, attach things to them. But I wouldn't... They have the harpoon gun on there. Well, I would definitely... It's got to be a normal thing, because they wouldn't have known the AT-ATs were coming in advance to find... I wonder if they were just... Maybe they were coming... Like, moving? Yeah, for like, yeah. The toe cable is what they refer to it as... Yeah. And this is meant for like... That's because they shot it in the AT-ATs toes. Toe, yes, AT-ATs toe. Good word. Good word. Good word. Which... AT-ATs, apparently, just like the Death Star, all you got to do is just whack it in like, it's fucking meek and then just toss a grenade. One singular grenade up into its belly and it blows the whole thing up. I mean, that's kind of the Empire's like, go to for building things. Isn't it? I would... Yeah. Make it look super menacing, but you don't have to... I would definitely say... It's cough culture. Entertainment has kind of ruined the original trilogy for me. Watching this movie, that scene in particular where Luke does that, maybe think of the Family Guy episode when Chris hops up there, slices open the underneath, looks at it and there's a baby, AT-AT, and he's just like, oh, this one's pregnant. You're doing it for the arrival of a lion, it's like, you're in the middle of a war and throws the thing in there and then when I get to Dagobah and watching Yoda, first thing I thought of, seagulls, stopping now, I'm like, and I had to stop to actually go watch the video. Okay, see, I've gotten that beat because when R2 falls in the water and that thing comes out and eats him and then spits him out, my note is literally R2 got Hawked Dude. That's not good. Is the one Luke run three years from now, people are going to be like, what are you talking about? It's not aging well now. She's already had her 15 minutes. Yeah, that's true. Is the run Luke run, run to Dagobah, run to Dagobah, is that the seagulls thing? Because that's what I always think about him. That's seagulls thing. But what is that? I do know that. I know that. I do know that. Was that by the same people who did Tequila Mockingbird video? Like, I felt like it was probably like homestar runner level, like people. I don't know. Run, run to Dagobah. Anyone under the age of 34 right now has no idea. No fucking idea what I'm talking about. Yeah. I hung out with them. They just watched the same video over and over and over again. Yarn? No, I feel like it was the younger generation that showed me that. Star Wars gangster rap. That's what it was. Holy shit. Headframe is the. Yeah. Star Wars guy. I forgot about that. Wow. That's a memory. Anyway. Yup. I fucking hate Yoda in this movie. Holy shit. I don't know how much I hate Yoda in the movie. Also, how's Luke not to realize that's Yoda? I know. Luke's stupid. We established the first movie. Luke is dumb. He's getting smarter. He's ever leading a war. Yeah. No, it's he's like he's like the 20 year old who thinks he fucking knows everything now. You know what I mean? Like he's fresh out of college. He's got piss and vinegar and he's ready to just take on the world bullshit and he's just the dumbest man ever will be horrible life decisions. A dude coming out of college who listened to NPR for three hours and now thinks he knows everything. Literally Luke Skywalker. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. He's a crypto bro. Like he's literally a crypto bro. Oh yeah. He's a crypto pro. He's like didn't you haven't you heard about the Jedi in the force? No dude. Look at that. Yoda says that when they say Jedi use the force for knowledge and defense never for attack and I'm like that's fake. There are a couple of the other guys that say otherwise. It's revisionist history. He's trying to change the past. Which I mean. Look is because he's trying to run for president. Look how old he is. That's over 900. Yeah. Yeah. That's the oldest one in there. He also says do or do not. There is no try and I'm pretty sure it was established that only sith to deal in absolutes. Yeah. Oh. Like I don't know what's going on there but. He also said that he trained Obi-Wan which maybe he had a class like one of Yoda's classes at some point. Yoda or Obi-Wan says to Luke he says Yoda the master who instructed me. Yeah. Which that's. Well he didn't really instruct him to go like fucking be a bitch all the time. That's true. Well he didn't instruct him to go kill his apprentice also I mean so. Yeah. Hey remember your old padawan why don't you go. Yeah. I actually am surprised Yoda was like instructed. I did. Listen. You never avoid. Like something stupid like that. Love ghost Obi-Wan fighting with Yoda the entire time but Luke can't see it. So it's just Yoda just screaming at nothing. Oh my god. That would never reminds me of like evil dead too. But Bruce Campbell's fighting his hand but he must be the same thing. If it was like spoilers if it was like the boys and Yoda just starts saying the seaward over and over and over again to nothing. So originally Yoda was not going to be in this. It was going to have. Nope I'm away from it apparently no. We're going to have Anken Skywalker Luke was going to find Anken a forced ghost of Anken Skywalker and he was going to train him. Allegedly I was in the first script but then they kind of tweaked it and made it so that you got Yoda and then Obi-Wan as the forced ghost speaking to him. Well would that then apply that Anken wasn't Luke's correct. Because he originally was not going to be and then they changed it obviously they changed that part up change the ending because I don't remember I always heard that and I couldn't find it here in IMDB but I always heard that the only people who knew the real line the no I am your father was James Earl Jones was Luke Skywalker was Irving Kirschner and was George Lucas. They were the only ones that knew that's what I heard to David Prowl or whoever David Prowl was the Vader body yeah he didn't know he had no idea because he found out when he saw the movie and he was pissed off at Lucas because like if I had known that I could have done a little bit better body acting for that scene. So did they do they I mean know that obviously put James Earl Jones stuff in post but like does he not know what the lines are does he not see James Earl Jones is like like he does like I again he was I think because he speak in the lines so that whoever's acting is what makes sense but he didn't know that was again that wasn't the the line that he said because that's not the line that was there the ones that were in was the original line I don't remember if I heard was I think it was like Obi-Wan was the father or something right? Or Obi-Wan killed your father. Obi-Wan never told you what happened to your father and I think he literally said like I killed him it was like a pretty like stupid line if I remember correctly I could it was Obi-Wan killed him maybe maybe it was that I don't remember but Obi-Wan was more involved Obi-Wan didn't kill him he roasted him in over a fire we know that now which like realistically speaking also kind of makes sense. I mean like I know I know Luke Skywalker like Mark Hamill knows that he's gonna that the line is I am your father it also makes sense of why he's just like Obi-Wan why why didn't you tell me why why why and the other guy not having any idea why that line would fit yeah no wait a second you know how earlier in this episode we were saying that Luke and Leia they didn't know there were siblings and maybe the writing was that way because they weren't yet sure they were gonna be siblings doesn't Yoda say there will be there's another there is a man so that is if I can find the thing it's almost like a one-off it's like I'm at the end of as he's getting ready to leave because he's not supposed to leave which I guess he's already in the ship he's already in the X-Wing leaving such an open ended statement I guess you're like throw that in there and we'll just decide who we want it to be later we don't know it almost makes you wonder if like the the theory was that like who is actually supposed to if Luke dies we got one more but I don't think it's supposed to be necessarily a Skywalker I think the theory was like maybe like we have another Jedi as powerful as Luke could potentially be right they probably did that because they probably they weren't sure yet if Harrison Ford was coming back the whole reason they put him in carbonite is because Harrison Ford was like I don't want to do this anymore just coming off so this the the safe way was okay if Harrison Ford's not coming back being just say he's in carbonite this whole time and they would have had to bring a third lead in and maybe that's why they set this then too to be like oh we can bring a third lead in as his secret Jedi and then when Harrison Ford did come back they needed to kind of regage a little bit and be like and now it's got to be one of our cast because ultimately it makes no sense that Leia is Luke's brother like it has no weight or bearing to the story a whole other than Dave known each other a little bit already yeah they have yeah but like even and like then they have to like really fucking stretch and make it make sense and make it math in nine ten and eleven which then it all doesn't need to like again that whole story kind of just lifts right up out other the other this other than like it had they have to explain why Kylo runs like a fucking Jedi because play is a Jedi well she has she's got the force you know sensitivity in her and just not like like that's where because it's genetic or whatever I guess I don't know it's dumb it's just dumb like it was a line that I didn't have to make it it almost feels like they were like okay we need to write out a reason why Leia wouldn't go with Luke the lead of the movie like that's what it almost feels like like that's how my brain is registered this is like we need a reason why Luke and Leia actually aren't gonna hook up because Han and Leia is the actual love story here instead of just being that and and like having like a oh a man and a woman can actually just be friends Luke and Leia could just be friends we don't have to have this romantic aspect to it I don't know it just it always seemed really weird and like doesn't make any sense and then they've spent years trying to like make it make sense and it still doesn't make sense and so bad like Star Wars is not ultimately not like even when you really start to like think about it Star Wars is a bad story well I mean to be fair George Lucas isn't a great storyteller he's a great world builder that's a that's right what it is and and ultimately all he's doing is just retelling the story of World War II yes and well in uh Return of Jedi it's Vietnam War right all right here we go I was thinking forever to find it but so Lee Brackett's first draft of the screenplay contained the revelation of Luke's sister her existence disclosed by the ghost of Anakin Skywalker referred to as Nelith Skywalker Anakin explains that it was he not only one who separated the twins at birth to protect them from Darth Vader and then Nelith or in that Nelith also underwent Jedi training in another part of the galaxy so she could join forces with Luke to defeat the set this concept was dropped in the second draft of the screenplay along with the appearance of Anakin Skywalker and in a place with the scene of Obi-Wan and Yoda's discussing how they would how they must find another apprentice in anticipation of Luke's failure this too changed in later drafts resulting in the more ambiguous scene in the final version where Yoda assures Obi-Wan that there is another I almost feel like retroactively I wonder if anyone's mad that they didn't do the whole force dyad thing for Luke and Leia that would have made more sense but yeah obviously that was not a option or not yeah that was even idea yeah it wasn't even a thought until recently what a dyad is yeah for the force anyway um it's princess Leia actually still a princess if her whole planet's destroyed. I mean we still call princess died princess died even though she died I mean oh that's because she died dead now she died as a princess though Leia outlived she was very good divorce she was very good but it didn't happen yet anyway I I do I see I don't really think that they call her prince in a nice way like Han is a his true Christian name Han apparently Han literally like just calls her princess to be a dick the end yeah he's antagonizing over the entire yeah he's got that he's got that playground riz like yeah until the end until the end though when he's like seriously talking to Shabbat he's like you need to look out for the princess. Well to be fair he's talking to true baka like he's an idiot most of the time that's so yeah um big enough that that scene okay so we've got I do I do like the question and I know I don't think I'll ever get an answer but how did the cuffs come off of Han when he got frozen carbonite? Yes I have that written down here too that he had cuffs on and then when he comes out he's yeah and then also that scene was the first time since revenge of the Sith that 3PO and Anakin Skywalker Vader saw each other sure and when when Han comes up as in carbonite 3PO says like oh he's frozen carbonite that's that's perfectly great like as long as he survived the the process and Vader acknowledges to Lando like well did he survive and so like he didn't at any point just turn around be like hey I know that metal gold didn't I make you yeah don't they blitz his brain though and then fuck the whole thing yeah but not Anakin's yeah yeah yeah Anakin 3PO is empty yeah that's what I'm saying Vader should have been like hey I know this oh I always thought when they were making him like when they were franken standing him back together the array a lot of his memory they only keep the ones that they have to keep apparently we've learned now with the acolyte that's like a possibility to just and met in black neuralized people well I also think I also think that because he was so like distraught after losing Padme that the emperor just kind of made suggestions if you will yeah also to be true honestly how many there's got to be a lot of that like protocol droids that look similar and sound similar there can only be so many voices right like he may not have a silver leg come on we don't know there could be and he didn't know if there was a silver leg the dudes didn't like chunks on the back of Chubaka's back like yeah but he also had to do some stuff as 3pc 3p oh literally every time he meets somebody new but maybe he didn't do it to Vader I mean obviously he didn't anyway this movie actually does expand a lot of the like I kind of forgot though like this movie does do a good like the other things that the force can do like power wise like there's telepathy kind of like they do the telepathy thing which like I remember in like the later the last three everybody was like pissing moaning because there was like all these like new powers or whatever that the Jedi could do and stuff and it's like there's a lot of stuff that they lock in this that like Luke does that they did he like force jumps yep out of the thing with some speed to it yeah uh telepathy like he said um well this which I feel like we don't see telepathy any other time like we don't see it in one two and three at all they always have a communicator on them yes you're right there although I feel like there was a moment where Anakin was and Padme had like a link I don't feel like telepathy though is something that they like necessarily can control in a sense that he was in such uh like a state of panic that he could reach out and it wasn't like he was being like hey I'm talking to you clearly like I am through a communicator it was more like he projected a feeling and it was kind of like then Leia felt that feeling she's like um I think we need to go back with him like I have a feeling but he's also like barely a Jedi right now like he's only done like more training though like yeah he didn't yeah there's training montage and that training montage I think is a bit like uh lead you in the wrong direction I think he he's been with the Yoda for a while because they make it seem like he's been training for a long time yes um also if we're going canon stuff none it's been what's the time frame between one uh four and five is it one year something like that yeah I think so remember correctly in the in the novels in the comics they've expanded on his training um because I can in one of the novels Joey I hate tell you this but if I have no book shut up it's canon though um in the novel he in one of the novels I can't remember which one heir to the Jedi I think he finds another lightsaber a yellow saber which then he like this mantles to help him build his own saber come return to Jedi which isn't yeah helps why he makes is able to do that um isn't there like a famous like uh they added in the scene of him building his lightsaber yeah at the beginning of return he's like in a cave in tattooing and he's like messing with right saber and a Sabrean one and that's like his new lightsaber yeah I have that weirdly enough I have that action figure nice yeah when they did a re-release but speaking of a lightsaber zone this one why did it look sometimes especially in that last fight did the lightsaber just look like they were six feet long they were just had seizure that I see your swatches as big as mine um and then okay don't Leia is the first one to say it's a trap so uh hey why are Han and Chewie such terrible mechanics you would think after having that ship for as long as they've had they should know why don't they have at least one droid that they can hook up to find out what the fuck's wrong with this thing and then finally it's like oh we're just hook C3PL he can speak 6,000 languages come up to the damn thing and figure it out but then they don't listen to him when they actually tell them yeah yeah or you know more watch the story field back for C3PL right he like good dude well there's like fucking Leia jinxes him she's like man I hope I'm around when you make a mistake and then you know just flying into after field yeah but the uh would you would help I got out and pushed was also pretty fucking humorous because like you wouldn't think that that's you wouldn't think that that's like a thing that they would have even as like uh uh saying because it's not like they have cars we're getting out and pushing would help well but they have speeders but speeders wouldn't it also wouldn't help they were getting out and pushing because without the that's what I'm thinking like it wouldn't be a common phrase like it is for us kind of like the hell thing that's what they're saying like they have a hell obviously because they will see them in hell so also speaking of the asteroid field when they're having their little powwow on Vatership and he's got like the two uh holograms of the guys and the one just blinks out because his fucking command deck it blasts about a huge ass asteroid that made me laugh so hard every time every time oh speaking of so they go in the asteroid field apparently as soon as they get in there uh the melolian falcon there are a couple asteroids that go from uh top left to bottom right and then there's a potato floating down from top left to bottom left uh that's a great thing that's awesome that's actually a little visual gag okay they're paired with a shoe as well in one of the uh original as an asteroid but that got digitally taken out that's so funny um so speaking of when they're in the asteroids they're inside that cave you know and they get out but they're still in an asteroid belt where they have no atmosphere like they would just walk out with like little gas masks on there yeah they literally would have just exploded or imploded like we're in the guy's belly it's a gravity well but worm and also when they fly out of there and she's like what was that how did she not know that was a fucking mouth when they flew out of it like how could she not tell oh the cave is I'm saying yeah she's the dumbest like ultimately she's the dumbest person but she doesn't know those those numbers which by the way uh if that was a Jim Henson puppet holy shit that was weird offensive with originally asked to do this but he couldn't because he was working on he did the puppet for Yoda yeah he did the puppet for Yoda he made the puppet but he didn't do the voice I was the one who did the actual use of it yeah it was supposed to be Jim Henson actually doing the voice we had the great caper who gets that because he gets credit at the credits yeah i mean it's it's his it's his work i thought i thought he was the voice of fazzy though and isn't the same voice of fazzy who does Yoda uh-huh wait let's freak out does the voice of fazzy but i don't think he does maybe he does maybe interesting does he do Java and sex Frank Oz does Kermit Frank Oz is the voice of Kermit as well i'm pretty sure probably uh like one of the best humans on the planet Frank Oz was the voice of uh fazzy in the Muppet show okay um Richard Hunt was the voice of fazzy in the original Muppet movie oh uh one more question for you fucking nerds that know everything about this the droid bounty hunter that's with uh ig88 yeah is that the same one from mandalorian no ig11 i don't know which one that was his ig11 is the one in mandalorian it's that all right different different droid yeah ig is the like dreamer class whatever yeah class thank you also how come the million falcon can't handle backshots like let's see that ass it's fucking big yeah it's huge and don't matter how big it is if it gets hit enough it's gonna go down like shout out to my ex like I'm you I'm very well all right all right all right smack that thing uh r2 getting the wrong hole when he's um trying to communicate with the uh quad city yeah uh that was that was pretty funny yeah um how am i supposed to tell the difference between a communication port and an electrical outlet like um fucking virgin yeah i also want to add so with uh admiral pia if he just take the the badge off of uh admiral ozzle i mean oh i just picked it up yeah this is my no yeah i love it uh so do they may else find it creepy how often luke moans bens name uh i mean when you're in the throes of domals then but it's it's all the time wait it's when he's in pain i guess wait a minute oh oh i didn't realize that uh the jedi were that much of a euphemism for catholicism i guess anyway also uh like father like son you know like yes the hand-mithing like that was that was nice that was nice touch i mean i think it's the whole reason they did it in in there and attacked the clones mm-hmm specifically because of that yeah gortery oh rhymes at the end of the movie when luke and layer are standing up like in front of the like old open window thing there they look like two kids playing in fucking pajamas like it looks like it just seriously just looks like two little kids yeah it was terrible yeah i got through all my notes yay um oh wait i'm sorry also luke is a whiny little bitch yeah we do it so again like father like son um well all righty then everybody got anything boss is the fucking best anyway that's it we get to see boss for like 30 seconds that was bad yep well if i didn't do shit in this movie i forgot like he's just walking around like a he's walking around like a dude who i think a couple shot that uh um han and lea or lea and uh chewy i think or maybe it's luke he takes a couple shots at i don't remember which i didn't even notice i'll be honest maybe um yeah i just i don't know i just love boss few comics i've ever read boss because like the fucking bat and he has he has a coolest ship ever it's the uh is a snare tooth or jack tooth somewhere hounds tooth that's what it is yeah i think it's fucking awesome yeah i used to play that line uh x-way it's a sweet yes sweet boss is the best anyway he's a good joey kill count one one all one all one force choke this is a terrible one force choke no there's 34 with one um so we'll we also have a couple of lost limb counts uh the wappa losing arm luke lose the hand and c3 uh c3 pio loses all of his limbs so uh yeah uh georgon we have a bad feeling uh lea has a bad feeling about ground being moist hmm that's fair uh bingo ramel all right so we have misogyny uh sexual innuendos dying mentor um wait hold on diameter yeah obi wants to there that'd be dead mentor that's fair okay uh we have the yoda is on his way out at this that's also true he would be dying he's got dead second one though or the third one um we have government interference comic book logic a training montage betrayal by a friend animal cruelty inability to control powers unexplainable science and the hero kills well hum scream you've got that one hock i did yep twice in this movie actually apparently am i supposed to put that for every star wars movie will hum scream yeah because i think it is it's a will hum scream uh like when they're torturing hanor whatever uh no that's one in the beginning on on hoth when they get blasted right one of the like the the truth wasn't the six called turret yeah thank you uh gets blasted and then the other one is when chewy goes ape shit just before they freeze han and he throws one of the uh stormtroopers oh by the way one of the best scenes in like cinematic history with one of the best ad lived lines ever not ad lived actually i forgot we should have mentioned that we're hand yes yeah he talked about it he georgia was like this the line stupid let's change um i mean i there's a whole thing on i mean to be about what it actually was uh and i don't feel like looking up because i don't or have things set up for if i remember from vh1's uh what was the series that they did where they would like pick something from paul culture like when star wars ruled the unit like ruled the world or something it would be like whatever the thing like when kiss ruled the world or or whatever and he talks about the scene where he was like he was reading the screw uh uh paris before was reading the script and he was like the original line was supposed to be i love you too and he was just like this doesn't yeah he's like that doesn't hanwin say that in this moment he's like it doesn't do well for the character so he went to george lucas and he was like let's change the line what if i just said like i know you know uh this moment and lucas like yeah i'd do whatever you want like i don't care like he was like so i could vote with like something else at the time and it becomes like the most iconic scene in the movie i think it was with both lucas and with uh kersner that yeah they both were just like uh yeah okay sounds good like realistically yeah it makes total sense exactly he's already even allegedly betrayed by his friend which by the way lando not a bad person no he did exactly what he needed to do to protect the fucking everybody else i always knew that lando was protecting his city yeah protecting his people um when i was younger i always wondered why or how the empire got to claw to the before that um yeah because they were following him well boba thought was following him um but they had no hyperdrive so they couldn't you know pop over there whereas the empire has a hyperdrive they could easily just you know yeah but how did they know that that's where they were going because isn't it actually to a certain point i'm sure that you're like close enough that you're like well there's only two places he can be going so maybe just send everyone to these two places and i think boba is just like following trajectories following paths like all right so looking at the map we're going this way i think this is it let's go there okay true also both of them might have also known of the connection between han and lando that's true absolutely what i'm wondering too but they also like to be fair my only defense in this is like lando fucking definitely baited him into it like it isn't until like the reveal if they were really friends lando should have given him a zob true but also they weren't friends yeah he stole the the falcon from him they never were really friends well but they i mean they did stuff together but that's not being a friend they sure they definitely did the buzzer were not my friends that's true that's true uh uh so also lando just ditching the droid like where is that really no um yeah i mean i guess yeah we don't see a robot in return do we i think there's stuff in books that you don't read so it doesn't matter um correct check funky uh i mean i think this holds up i i don't really notice anything that looked egregious like it didn't and new hope that's for sure um other than like a a few things here and there like i don't think it was nearly as bad i like if i remember correctly empire and return they didn't do as much like adding well when we were phrased out by return there's the whole uh dance number and job of choice but that's like one thing i think correct yeah yeah one kill no they also add the sarlach into the yeah they edited so i forgot about that and they put in a bunch of they put a bunch of stuff at the end too but very simply this one what empire this was i don't yeah i don't notice i didn't notice anything that was like bad some of the i didn't like the add-in for the uh cloud city like the longer fly-in was a little that was kind of annoying like i said earlier i must have been like looking at it because i don't remember it being bad bad but it wasn't bad but it wasn't terrible it just wasn't good either little too glossy um and then like i said the the scene where he's telling everybody to evacuate and you see it going through the city it's like that didn't really fit with the rest of the film so true although i got i got to give a shout out to the guy running through uh cloud city with the ice cream maker classic classic classic i can't remember what that's called but it's a cast classic cosplay at all the star wars celebration when i went to celebration chicago a couple years back there was like so many of those guys yeah when i went to anheim right before force wakings came out i think they had like a photo shoot where there were like 150 of them all together and like one photo is ridiculous so great anyways chucks bonkate uh i don't know 36 out of seventy one bonkabes okay so 50 percent yeah yeah i mean those numbers are pretty close so yeah if they're close they're better i guess oh no wait there's supposed to be further away shit oh yeah the further away they are because if because if spa is the control is one to one yeah it's one to one so there's nothing i love more than an arbitrary sliding scale that we don't have any idea which you're supposed to divide it and then you get your decimal and then that is supposed to divide it and then add 238 and divide it by two and then you have karen height there you know what listen it'll all it will all make sense when we get to spa and i swear god like we are we're going to raise away uh actually actually we're no whatever we're supposed to anything we are getting there uh uh Jordan out of 10 what do you give this movie uh 8.98 there you go oh wow that's a good one i think it's pretty good it's not my favorite still in the sense that like i like it more than i did when i was a kid but it's still i don't know it's not going to get above a nine for me but close that's right chuck okay is this a Star Wars movie yes i think it is the better of the Star Wars movies of the Star Wars movies that being said rewatching this i think it got knocked down a little bit now i have i you and we have talked on this show before of like goading your first two right they go into the hall of fame of your favorite movies of all time they kind of come off your list what does your list now look like if i apply that logic to this movie and then i i try to bring him back in man i don't think it's number one anymore it's slow in parts it's i know you're worried about that last week yeah i think the nostalgia of this movie really keeps my score really really high because i remember like eight year old inner like inner Charlie just losing fucking mind watching this on like a cvr like little tiny 13 inch television just coming back from us is that what is it all cvr mary it's dvr is the tv no cvr is a tv yeah crv tv is okay uh one of the square tv's that has the deeper blacks that does the the rgb that used to plug the nintendo into oh right yeah okay yeah okay sorry yeah this is a shitty little fucking thing little tiny 13 inch screen losing my mind watching the battle hall like it this is the thing that made me love star wars and you know i love you i know like that a moment where he needs to be strong for his friend and this woman that loves him and he just like oh fucking pimp is just like i know and you're gonna come fucking save my ass by and like it's frozen and like all of this shit like it's so good invader actually it's like a bad ass in this movie now just so jabroni walking around actually does stuff and kills the whole like guys for no reason um but do i like it do i like it more than rogue one i don't think i do anymore would i give rogue one nine point nine six hold on man let me get there you get rogue one nine point nine eight it's almost a perfect movie almost nine point one which no longer makes it my time i mean it's golden it's up there forever i have the battle of hawth tattooed on my arm i can't say it's not my favorite movie anymore you know like of all time like i yeah i think if you take it if you take it out yeah i don't know if it's stay i don't know if i could put it back on after i've like put it in the hall saying i don't think i get to let it come back and have a match you know what i mean like it's it's it's on the legends contract now it stays over there nice ronald ron all right um you know i like this movie it's not my favorite star wars movie but it's definitely not my least favorite star wars movie um i still enjoyed watching it it didn't seem like it was really long like it i felt like it was dragged out of it uh for like there were certain slow parts in it that probably could have been uh swapped out for some a little bit more exciting parts or made like the exciting parts longer but whatever uh i want to give it like a seven point six nine what about you joey how's low okay yeah it's a little low but arguably this is the best star wars movie of all time the story solid the fact that when this movie came out being the second star wars movie and the heroes lost like that's an amazing thing that's something that that you don't see very often and they did it wonderfully um i i really like this movie it's it is i mean i like star wars all in general and yet you haven't fucked to it probably because i'm too busy watching the movie i don't know it's too good it's too good of a movie yeah that's a whole different tier of movie oh it go longer joey you should put this on that's what it sounds like buddy sir it could have i might have to figure out luke and lea making out that will be all that to be kind of productive but here's a problem um if i put this on movie on while i'm i'm fucking Emily and i will both just stop and watch it because we both love star wars i've heard about consensual sex not consensual unsex yeah um what that's like this movie this movie is great it i i feel the time i know all through you said that you it felt long i think it felt fine but i've also seen this movie so many times like when i watched star wars i watch when when i was a kid i'd watch all three i wouldn't just watch one i would watch all three back to back and it's it's not in my top five i think i don't remember what my list is that um but it's up there like it's it's it's it's a great movie actually i think it's i think it is my number five now i think about it either way um wonderful movie i gave it an eight point two eight like it's it's i still think a new hope being the very first one you know it starts everything uh and this is the next progression and the best progression um they definitely they definitely had a budget and like spent it like the like you know when you want your sequel to be bigger and better it was bigger and better and they had a budget it showed yes when is the eth garamor but that's a whole they had a budget that george lucas completely paid for himself but it was a bigger budget well that's also because they were going over budget and he almost i think he either lost the loan or was almost gonna lose the loan from wherever he went and uh apparently he went he went to 20th century fox and asked for more money or on alone from them but they would get like so much back as long as he kept like something i can't remember what it was um which turned out to be bad for 20th century fox because of how much money this movie made and how much money this movie made should have seen the fucking this movie was printing money but well especially after the success of the first one yeah yeah and they all remember sequels were never the money makers better correct true and then this one comes out and it's like holy shit um so with our combined score we have got a total of 8.51 which puts it at our new number two wow is rogue one our number one man as well no if it's our new number two overall it's our new number one for star wars oh okay um no because why new hope is your right you hope is the number was the number one it's sitting at number three overall and then rogue one is sitting at number six overall okay run run nuke that score run made sure that one didn't yeah damn right he did what is number one dick tracy what is number one on the list number one currently is batman beyond return of the joker gotcha and our new number three is superman from 1978 so what a list we have had a lot of different people on here to help us out in the past yeah sometimes there's three scores sometimes there's two scores superman had two scores and batman beyond head three yeah yeah what are you going to do that is the only issue like if i think if we had a consistent number for each one we might be able to actually have a consistent score like outside of making chuck watch all of these movies and giving us a score we're just going to go with what we got yeah i barely have time to watch the movie a week that you make me watch and i had to watch night crawlers which was a very good movie i already go watch that i see listen i i do i do keep a promise i said i'd watch it before we finish this so okay i mean you stop like four other movies ahead time today so i was like oh fit it in okay anyway if you wanted to help us uh in any conceivable way monetarily uh for the amount of work that specifically only joe puts in to this show because ron and i don't do shit come on i've made like two shirts true you got two more they supposed to make so yeah i'm working on it well still i'm still looking for that alien union buster yeah the alien union buster i need to wait for the uh the episode to come out that that that we covered that on because i don't remember the whole uh idea today i can cut it and send it to if you want me to do that okay head over to slash professional casual uh 301 that's the tier that's the spot i'm sure there was a word that i could have used that rhyme there uh but it didn't uh anyway yeah so do that slash professional casual 301 tier at some point we'll get paid i don't know i think he's taking the raised energy business model of even though we hit our minimums uh we still don't get paid because he has no money so head out to a leader's showdown never getting paid by raised energy rEPP yeah thank fuck you do that for we're getting paid to them at all either professional casual to check out uh listen i do like their earnings but we send them an email like hey we hit our minimum we haven't gotten a check yet and they were like yeah we don't have money to pay you sorry we're like we're like going out of business if we try to actually pay our sponsor like our uh affiliate link stuff it's like wow yeah they give away a lot of fucking shit it's a matter yeah i know because kib was always talking about getting free shit from them yeah yeah well he does pay for our membership but his whole thing anyway uh joey yes oh where are we up to oh yeah hey yeah we're gonna find you yeah where can they find me uh guessing mafia on instagram hey run where can they find you that chuck chuck chuck where can they find you you find me kicked out of the hood no he ain't kicked you can find my hobby page or the hobby no he ain't kicked where uh this coming on in august yes this is coming out yeah yeah oh cool i can talk about it i will be doing a put together of fallout factions nice new cool world uh i'll be putting that all together and doing a collab with that uh but i can't talk until technically august um other than the fact that i have it in the hand but the collab part i can't actually talk about so uh very exciting stuff and uh yeah so that's why i got going on head over there kick the hobby no he ain't kicked ronald uh you can find me on tick tock and instagram i had good at this game you can find my art on instagram at good art this game and i finally linked that in my normal uh instagram to my other instagram because you know who knew right you know you can also just like get a link tree and uh put that in your instagram and i'll that's true but that i played on doing that when i get my only fantasy so like i mean i've got a link tree i think i put it on my that put my instagram yeah remember that's where my thread actually link only fans into link trees and then put it on instagram it gets flat i just say no really because i i think you can do it on twitter you can do it through twitter you you cannot link uh adult content to link tree and then put it in your instagram because instagram will search the link to see if there's any adult i know a lot of people do it because i've seen yeah i'm pretty sure that i've seen that quite a few times that yeah yeah except for if you try to open the link in the instagram app it flags it and doesn't let you look at it so that's why that's why they don't want you to do it gotcha and then that sends and then that send port and the person who has it gets it flagged so a lot of the time the link sends you to their twitter or x and then from there you go to their actual link tree only fans but they have a link tree for the link tree anyway joey we're gonna find you at tree i do have it on uh thread or instagram and threads at comic rundown comic book rundown i actually do have the link tree on comic rundown which links to this podcast to walk through the multiverse through i think also to like dc comics alliance and whatever basically all this shit i do uh email comic rundown uh write and review us on your podcasting app of choice if you do we'll read on an upcoming episode uh we've got merch over in ribo bubble and tea public with new merch coming periodically so always check that out i mean we usually say here when we have a new shirt up so uh yeah and then we our song was done by cam uh doctor father cam doctor further cam post-rate and phd yep uh our huge next movie uh we're gonna be watching preser from back oh fuck yeah oh i have never seen this movie i've watched it i've seen bits and pieces never seen it start to finish oh it's so fucking good it is something that's for certain it's so good it's a classic 80-hour movie yes it is a treasure trove of one liners and memes and oh jesse the body of intura making sure guys are we should probably do a meme count oh oh no you're a one-liner count that's not bad yeah okay we can do that uh dude i'm so horny right now that's a fucking little oh this movie is like one of my favorite movies except for unseen kind of ruins at all for me and we'll get to that next week but anywho perfect for me all right everybody thank you you're up listening and we'll catch you next time bye bye thanks so much for listening if you enjoyed this show check out all the other great shows here at the professional casual network like what danny i'll tell you on monday's we've got the lost ohman's podcast our pathfinder 2e actual play hosted by me playing through the extinction curse ap also streaming on at 7 p.m. eastern time you can check out oh yeah the power phase our marvel crisis protocol live battle report show on tuesday's the podcast version of wait did i roll a wild our marvel crisis protocol povlog is available on wednesday's alternating releases on patreon we have settling the southlands our home brew will fork actual play in the slithering a pathfinder second edition actual play and on thursday's live at 7 p.m. eastern standard time on we've got wait did i roll a wild our marvel crisis protocol povlog you can also check out back episodes of lead eight showdown and the first 39 episodes of the lost ohman's podcast the first 24 episodes of settling the southlands and the first handful of episodes of the slithering on the youtube a