Triggered With Don Jr.

In 2024, Pennsylvania Really is the Keystone State, Interview with Scott Presler | TRIGGERED Ep.171

In 2024, Pennsylvania Really is the Keystone State, Interview with Scott Presler | TRIGGERED Ep.171 Live from Rumble Studio Tax Network USA is America's #1 choice for Tax Resolution. Call 1-800-245-6000 for a free consultation or visitĀ

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1h 2m
Broadcast on:
07 Sep 2024
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In 2024, Pennsylvania Really is the Keystone State, Interview with Scott Presler | TRIGGERED Ep.171

Live from Rumble Studio

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Protect against inflation with the Birch Gold Group. Text DonJR to 989898 to get your free infokit on gold.

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Hey guys, welcome to another huge episode of Triggered. Tonight's going to be a really important one, guys, because like I've been telling you, early voting in Pennsylvania starts September 16th. That's less than two weeks from now. All their states are starting shortly thereafter. So much information is out there, and tonight we have Scott Pressler back on the program. Scott is on the ground in Pennsylvania day in and day out. One of the true organic movements in our machine. And he's the founder of early vote action. I think it's also safe to say that Scott has probably registered more new Republican voters than any person in history. He's out there. He knows what to do. He'll talk a lot about Pennsylvania, but you'll also figure out the other critical things that you need to be thinking about and doing if you're in another swing state, or if you're in a state that's even close to get involved and beat the Democrat machine and everything they're going to throw at us. So we're going to get into all of that and make sure we turn out the most voters we can possibly deliver so we get a major victory in November. If you're wondering why it's so important, it's because literally the Republic is at stake. You see what Elon says, like we're at the tipping point where we're going down the path towards communism. And lunatic like Kamala Harris and Tim Walz can take power despite having no democratic process, despite getting no votes. We understand where we are as America and the picture isn't pretty. It's not rosy. It's nothing we could have ever even imagined. That's what's at stake guys. So make sure to watch, check it out. Make sure you're talking to your friends in the swing states for all you frat boys that like the show. A lot of information about that. If you're in Pennsylvania or one of the other swing states, but you're from another state, how to go about registering in that state where you can make sure your vote matters. So guys, this is important information. We need to get it out there. So make sure you're liking, you're sharing, you're subscribing, you're sending it to your friends. It's a big deal. People have to see this. This is the stuff that no one's going to tell you. The mainstream media, even conservative mainstream media won't cover most of it. Like we got to beat the machine across the board. The rest of big tech is stacked against us. We have to work harder and we have to work smarter to make sure that we break through all of the noise and actually grow this movement. Guys remember, if you can't get your podcast here on Rumble triggered, my show is on Spotify. It's on Apple podcasts. If you have friends that get their podcast that way, let them know about it, send it to them, be all over it. So again, we can guess the message out. And for all of the top headlines that will spotlight right here on the show, go over to my News app, MXM News, where you can get the mainstream news without the mainstream bias. We've been debunked. They've tried to cancel us because we'll actually show you both sides of the story and allow you to make an informed decision for yourself. People always say, "Oh, if you don't like what's out there, build your own." Well, guys like me actually do that. We find investors, we put in blood, sweat, and tears. We actually do these things. So your support would be awesome and greatly appreciated. Again, that's MXM News like minute by minute. You can download it on Apple, on Google, it's an app. You can curate it to what you want, what you're interested in, whether it's sports, local, politics, whatever it may be. I think we did a great job with that and we'll make sure you see everything so you can again make an informed decision. So, okay guys. And don't forget about our incredible sponsors including the Birch Gold Group where you can protect yourself against Harris-Biden inflation by just texting Don Jr. D-O-N-J-R to the number 98-98-98. And with us from the Birch Gold Group, we have Philip Patrick joining us now to explain more about what you can do to protect yourself against economic disaster. Good to have you, Philip. How's everything? Doing well. Thanks for having me. Okay, so recently the Fed chairman Jerome Powell declared victory over inflation. I don't see it myself, but perhaps I'm wrong. Do you think that assessment is accurate? Is there a lot more to this story as usual? I think as usual there's a lot more to the story. It was this strange speech he gave. On the one hand he said the Fed had no hand in sort of creating inflation but then took credit for ending the inflationary surge, which I thought was puzzling. I don't know how you print indefinite amounts of money and just keep doing it and keep doing it and then be like we had nothing to do with inflation. It's like O.J. looking for the murderer, just walking around in a circle, you know? It's exactly right. It's exactly right. It was bonkers. But look, one thing that was clear from the meeting is that the Fed is pivoting. He said that the situation has changed that the upside risk to inflation diminished and the downside risks to employment have increased. I think he's using employment numbers. They say catalysts to lower interest rates, but as you point out, I think it's a dangerous move. Let's not forget inflation is still 50% above the target to say the job is done is just out of whack with reality. Yeah. There's been this news that the Bureau of Labor Statistics inflated Biden's job creation figures by close to a million jobs. That's a pretty significant error. They do this. They report a great jobs report. They revise it the following month. No one sees the revision. It's like the correction in the paper on the back page. You know, obviously they're trying to boost, you know, his job creation, you know, bona fides, which are a disaster. But how significant of an error is this? Because this doesn't seem like, you know, this isn't basis points. This is a million jobs almost. Yeah. It's huge. It's a very big deal. And for the one thing, it goes somewhere thinking explaining the disconnect between the White House and the American people. But the magnitude of this mistake is just too big. It's one of the biggest downward employment revisions ever in US history. But what really worries me is we keep hearing from the Federal Reserve and Powell that their data dependent. And that's fine. They should be, right? But the downside is their decisions are only as good as their data. And with numbers coming out like this, it makes it very difficult for state and local governments, even people like Chairman Powell, to plan and make decisions based on very flawed data. And of course, we've been had the Biden administration ramming this down our throat as a victory when the reality was very different. Yeah. Well, a few weeks ago, a major milestone was reached with the price of gold bar surpassing a million dollars for the first time ever. Even the ongoing record-breaking gold prices that we see out there, is this an opportune moment to invest in gold? I mean, it really is given what's in front of us. I'd say the best time to buy gold, obviously, was in 1929. The second best time, I think, is today. But just to touch on a quick point here, when we talk about the price of gold, what we're really talking about is the nominal price, right? If we adjust for inflation, though, gold is still a long ways off its all-time highs, which were hit, really in January of 1980, gold hit $850 an ounce. If we adjusted that for inflation, that would be $3,300 today. We have a better climate in front of us for precious metals. What we were dealing with in the '70s was a climate of stagflation, very similar to the one we have today. But some big differences today. We have a world de-dollarizing. We have $35 trillion of debt, both of those strengthening the prospects for gold. So we've got a good climate in front of us. Most predictions next year in the $35 to $4,500 range, which gives us a lot of growth from where we set currently. Well, it does certainly seem like a great hedge against this. And if you guys just want to learn more, educate yourselves because that's what it's about. Educate yourselves, learn what's going on, understand the details. Just text Don Jr. My name, D-O-N-J-R, to the number 98, 98, 98, Birch Gold. We'll get you a no obligations information kit on gold, how you can convert an existing 401(k) or IRA into an IRA in gold. You can do that tax and penalty free. That's a big one because that's an environment we're playing where they're trying to tax us to death across the board and now with unrealized capital gains and all the insanity. Just a lot going on. So educate yourselves, text Don Jr. to 98, 98, 98, learn. There's no obligation, but you can educate yourself and inform yourself because we all want to make great and informed decisions. So Philip, thank you so much. We really appreciate it and look forward to talking to you again soon as we continue to follow all of this. Thank you. Thanks a lot, man. Guys, before we get this got, let's do a quick rundown of some of the top headlines. Last night, my father sat down for a huge town hall in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania and this wasn't a little hundred person town hall. My father filled up an arena and he's been doing interview after interview, after interview. My father warned about the dire implications if Kamala Harris were to have four more years in Washington, especially on the issue of fracking because remember, guys, you know, it's been the Harris Biden administration. Joe Biden has been on vacation for over 40% of his entire presidency. Kamala Harris has probably been the most powerful VP in history by default because the president either has dementia or is on vacation or both, okay? Something that she's promised she could have done on the issue of fracking. It's another big one. Remember, they all voted against it in the Democrat primary in 2020. They lied and said they weren't going to be against it. They were there. They were against it. Okay. And then during the debate with my father, Joe Biden said that's not true. He was never against it. And then on day one, they ended the Keystone pipeline. Don't fall for their lives. The Democrats will tell you whatever you need to hear to win in November and then they will do whatever their radical policy people tell them to do. Check this out from my father. In that, I thought it was a horrible interview and a missed opportunity. You know, for 16 minutes, she spoke for 16 minutes and 29 seconds in that whole interview, the only interview you and JD Vance have done. This is your 36th interview or press conference between the two of you and we don't know if she supports the Green New Deal. She co-sponsored with Bernie Sanders that would cost 93 trillion. We don't know if she stands by that. We don't know if she supports Medicare for all that would eliminate all private health insurance. We don't know if she would really ban fracking. Now in the CNN interview, she said, well, I said in 2020 that, oh, I would not ban fracking. CNN had to fact check her and say, no, she never said it. This is what she really said. Will you commit to implementing a federal ban on fracking your first day in office, adding the United States to the list of countries who have banned this devastating practice? There's no question I'm in favor of banning fracking. So, yeah. So would you ban offshore drilling? Yes. And I've, again, worked on that. Now, correct me if I'm wrong, you're a better businessman than I am. Isn't energy, fracking, oil, the lifeblood of the world's economy? So, the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania cannot even take a chance because that's the real opinion from her. Now the whole country would go down the tubes if you didn't do the fossil fuel thing, it just would go. And you can do all sorts of other things, but, you know, Germany tried it and it lasted for about nine months and they were going to go down the tubes entirely and somebody else came in and I hate to say they're building a coal plant every single week. Every week and they're building nuclear and they're doing a lot of things. It's never worked. It never will work. But Pennsylvania can't take a chance that that answer is true. But she's been there for 20 years. That's what she's been saying for a long time. And she will do that. There's no chance that she's going to allow it. The election will take place. If she won, you're not going to have any fracking in Pennsylvania. You have 500,000 jobs. Think of that. It's your biggest business. And you get a big majority of your income from fracking and you have somebody that's not going to allow fracking. She's not going to allow it. You can't take the chance. You have no choice. You've got to vote for me. You've got to vote for me. You've got to. Even if you don't like me, you know? No, but even if you don't like me, you can sit there because I can't stand that guy. But there's no way I'm going to vote for her. No, you have to have fracking. Guys, he also made a really important point that I think we need to be making more of. With mass unchecked illegal immigration, the costs will overwhelm the system, threatening the very survival of programs like Social Security, Medicaid, basic insurance, our own infrastructure, et cetera. Check this out because you add 20 million people to a system who contribute nothing. It's a serious, serious problem. If they won, you'd have not 20 million. You have 100 million people. You won't have Social Security. You won't have Medicare. You won't have anything already. If you take a look at the numbers, they're filling up and loading up Social Security, Medicare, with illegal immigrants that have come into our country. Many of them from jails and many of them from very bad places. And we're not going to destroy our country, Sean. Well, let me, I'm going to play Pennsylvania and every other state can't take a chance on Kamala Harris if the costs keep going up, if illegal immigration keeps going up, quality of life for common sense Americans will keep going down. That's how it works, folks. This is not rocket science. It's very basic and we've witnessed it over the last four years. Ask yourself, when were you better off under Trump or today? When were things reasonably priced? When were grocery store prices cheap? When was gas cheap? When were there no wars? When were interest rates low? When was inflation not through the roof? The answer is during Trump. Now, we have the opposite. You think they're going to fix it? Again, they could have been fixing it for four years. They just chose not to because they have no interest in fixing it. They just have an interest in power and winning and they'll do whatever it takes and tell you whatever you need to hear to get your vote. Guys just ask yourself, what types of people are actually out there endorsing Kamala Harris? Because it's not those who want to put Americans first, it's just the opposite. Just yesterday, Kamala secured the highly coveted Liz Cheney endorsement, which is basically the best news possible if you're the Trump campaign. Here's J.D. Vance with one of the best explanations for why the warmongers like the Chinese, obviously, right? Halliburton money, never-ending wars, Cheney's, why the warmongers are all in on Harris and the Democrats and America gets weaker while they get richer. Big endorsement, Liz Cheney endorsed Kamala Harris. Oh, no. It's so interesting, isn't it, that every failed warmonger in the established D.C. Let's just say, machine is behind Kamala Harris, that the peacemakers are behind Trump and Vance. Blessed are the peacemakers, what the scriptures say. Your thoughts, J.D., well, maybe the best thing, not the very best thing, but a very good thing that I could say about the next presidency of Donald J. Trump is that he's going to make sure that people like Liz Cheney are laughed out of the Oval Office instead of rewarded, because this is a person whose entire career has been about sending other people's children off to fight and die for her military conflicts and her ridiculous ideas that somehow we were going to turn Afghanistan, a country that doesn't even have running water in a lot of places into a thriving liberal democracy, and for that, Liz Cheney was willing to kill thousands of your children. You are right. Blessed are the peacemakers. Kamala Harris and Liz Cheney make very, very interesting partners. They get rich when America's sons and daughters go off to die. They get rich when America loses wars instead of winning wars, and they get rich when America gets weaker in the world. We want American strength, American security, and most importantly, peace. Let's bring peace back to the world, and Donald Trump is the candidate to do it. I also want to touch on a big story from last week when Kamala Harris tried to take a cheap shot at my father for visiting Arlington Cemetery with the Gold Star families of the fallen heroes at Abigit. These Gold Star families invited my father because he had been there for them. He talked about them. He knows their names. He'd spoken to him. He didn't ignore them like the Biden-Harris regime. They actually called her too. She just chose not to take their calls. He actually picks up the phone and calls them. Kamala Harris won't even answer the phone. These brave families are fed up being disrespected by Harris and Biden, and they went public with a powerful series of videos about Kamala's lack of compassion and my father's eagerness to stand with them. It's a big deal because the press tried to ridicule and criticize and kill my father. Kamala Harris and her campaign basically went after these Gold Star families using their lackeys in the media to try to shame them and hurt them because that's who Democrats are. Watch this video from the families. Understand the truth. Understand that if this was reversed, it'd be the biggest story in the world. But again, the media is going to do whatever they can to cover for the garbage that is the Kamala Harris Biden administration, and guys, it only gets worse when you add Tim Walson to this mix with Kamala Harris in charge. Remember that in November. Watch this video. See for yourself what they actually think, and then ask yourself why you haven't heard about it, why you only heard criticism of Trump, but not the truth from the people impacted the most, check it out. Vice President Harris, Vice President Harris, Vice President Harris, my name is Steve Nkui. I'm the father of Lance Corporal Kareem M. Nkui. My name is Jim McCollum. I am the Gold Star Father of the United States Marine Corps Lance Corporal Riley McCollum. This is Mark Schmutz, Gold Star Father of the Marine Lance Corporal Jared Schmutz. My name is Darren Hoover, and I'm the Gold Star Father of the United States Marine Corps Staff Sergeant Taylor Hoover. My daughter-in-law, Sergeant Nicole Leanne Gee, was killed in the Afghanistan exit at Abbe Gate. Our kids were murdered because of your administration. You were not at Dover for the dignified transfer, and no time have you reached out to me to offer your condolences, to offer thank you for Kareem's sacrifice and service. You have 13 families. We've been waiting over three years to so much as get a phone call, to so much as hear our kids' names, settle out. You've failed for three years and eight months to acknowledge our kids. Where were you, and Joe Biden, on August 26, 2024, nowhere near Arlington Cemetery? You couldn't be bothered to be with us or even say our kids' names, just as you had done for the last three years. As President Harris, I ask you, "Why won't you return a call and explain to us how you call my daughter-in-law's death a success?" President Trump has called, President Trump shows up, and President Trump takes the time to hear our loved one's stories. We invite it and to be there. These are the only memories we get to make with our son, and it is you who is playing politics and trying to detract from our memories made that day. President Trump has been there for us, he's been a rock for us, he's showed compassion for us, and he showed he truly cares for the families that truly do know what the ultimate sacrifice really is. This is what this is, elections about, folks, standing with brave American families versus not even taking their calls. Who would you rather have leading this country? Ask yourself that. You know it's not Biden, he's not there at 2 o'clock in the morning. You think Kamala Harris cares anything about these things other than power? Not even a little bit. Well, guys, lastly, jury selection was set to begin today in Los Angeles in Hunter Biden's tax trial. Hunter was indicted back in December on three felony and six misdemeanor counts alleging that he failed to pay his taxes. That's for all the corrupt foreign money that he was getting. There's a lot more violations in there, they just let the stature of limitations expire on that because Biden DOJ is protecting Biden's son. We all understand this, it would be much worse if this was Donald Trump Jr. Let's just say it would be different, but according to the indictment, the money was spent on drugs, escorts and girlfriends, luxury hotels, rental properties, exotic cars, clothing and other items of a personal nature. In short, Hunter spent money on everything but his taxes. Sounds like Democrat policy. Take everyone else's money, spend it as though it's yours and you know, never get in trouble. But just before the proceedings were set to begin, apparently Hunter Biden entered a plea to resolve his federal tax evasion case with a plea where he maintains his innocent but will accept punishment. Interesting, interesting. You maintain your innocence but you're going to get punished. I don't know, when they tried going after me, I just fought because I didn't do anything wrong and I knew it. This type of arrangement is called an Alfred plea, okay? Would see Hunter acknowledge that special accounts of David Weiss has enough evidence to convict him and then he would accept whatever the sentence the judge eventually hands down. So Hunter may finally face some real accountability, but it doesn't really sound like it, guys. We know nothing's actually going to happen, they'll wait until after the election, they'll go on the slap on the wrist, worst case scenario, Joe Biden will pardon him, he will have made millions off of the backs of his father's public service and nothing will have happened to him. Well, guys, lot to talk about tonight, we'll get to Scott Pressler in just a few moments, but speaking of taxes, it's a big one because you won't get the Hunter Biden treatment if you do it wrong. The IRS will not treat you like Hunter Biden, the DOJ will not go after you the same way, they will go after you like they would be far more aggressively with the 86,000 new armed agents that they brought on, again, not going after billionaires, folks. We all know that there's not that many billionaires on the planet, let alone in the United States. Don't forget about great sponsors of this show like Tax Network USA. So let me ask you, are you receiving letters from the IRS claiming you owe back taxes or do you want to protect yourself in case you do? Because every day the IRS is sending out thousands of lean notices to hardworking Americans like yourself. As penalties and interest fees pile up, the IRS gives you no clear path to resolution. Do not speak to them on your own. They are not your friends. To reach a team of licensed tax professionals that can help you reduce, settle, and resolve your tax matters, go to, d-o-n-j-r, tn like Tax Network USA, Again,, check them out, support them. It's really important, don't do it on your own. Okay, guys, joining me now, founder and executive director of Early Vote Action. Scott Pressler. Scott is one of those guys. He shows up in the comments a lot. People follow him. They see what he is doing on the grassroots. So it's great to have you back here with us, Scott. I saw you, you're combing your hair, got it perfect right before the show. As a Trump, I understand what perfect hair is all about or it's a disaster. One or the other, depending, I think yours is much better than perhaps other members of my family. So I'm glad you're looking good, man. Hey, babe. Well, listen, now that the co-chair is Laura Trump, I got stiff competition. It's a little different than Ryan Sprevis, right? You're not really competing for the hair, the hair competition is a little different now. That's right. Very nice. Well, Scott, as I told all you guys last time, you're someone who doesn't just talk on social media. There's so many people. You must do this. You must do that. But you're actually out there on the ground day after day registering new voters. We're like 62 days out, 61 days out, basically two months. Give us a rundown of the state of the race in Pennsylvania. I know that's a big focus of yours as it should be as well as some of the other battlegrounds. Where are we making the most gains? Where is there work to be done? What are we doing? What are we not doing? And how do we fill in those blanks? Well, thank you. A lot has changed since you and I last spoke. And so let's give a rundown of why I'm focused on TA and where the other states kind of stand. So in Nevada, we've closed the gap a lot. We're 50,000 voters away from having a plurality of registered Republicans in Nevada. That's historic. And in North Carolina, two years ago, the Democrats had an advantage of over 300,000 more Ds than ours. Now today, that's under 150. I mean, close the gap by one half in just a couple of years. So North Carolina is trending to the right. And so with the work that starting point USA, Charlie and Tyler are doing in Arizona and are doing in Wisconsin, I'm going, okay, there's a void in Pennsylvania. So that's why after this last trip in Minnesota this weekend, all my time, all my energy is going to PA. So what is the state of the race in the Commonwealth? Well, in 2016, there were 950,000 more Ds than ours. In 2020, that number was down to 600,000. And today, Don, that number is down to 350. And if you remove inactive voters and just have active Democrats to active Republicans, that number is down to 170,000. So to anyone out there who's saying that we cannot win or that it is going to be rigged, I'm telling you right now, Pennsylvania is in play and we win the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. We will send Donald Trump back to the White House. Yeah, Pennsylvania is critical. I'm glad you mentioned those some of those other states, because I know a lot in the comments I get, you know, I'm not seeing the RNC do X, I'm not seeing them do Y, they're not in this state, but, you know, you talked about Arizona, specifically, you know, Tyler and Charlie Kirk, obviously, you know, turning point USA, you know, with the new rules this year, we're able to actually empower those kinds of organizations to do the things that they do well, you know, you're going to handle that state. You're sort of focused on, you know, Arizona, Wisconsin. You're doing a great job in Pennsylvania, but they may not see the traditional campaign. Can you explain how those sort of inner workings are? Because there are those people that are doing the, well, no one's doing anything, so I'm going to sit at home. I mean, I almost feel like they're Democrat trolls sometimes when they're like, I'm just dejected, so I'm not going to vote. I'm like, you're going to let your country turn into a communist shithole, because you feel a little dejected because your butt hurt, like, you know, I don't know, not the attitude of any Republican I know, but certainly not you. Talk a little bit about that, because I think that is important for people to understand that you may not be seeing it from the conventional routes, but, you know, we're starting to play a little bit more like the Democrats, doing things in a different way, working with guys who truly understand it. A guy in DC working at the RNC may not know Arizona as well as a guy like Charlie Kirk, who's, you know, founded, you know, his entire, you know, platform at turning point and his domiciled there and knows every voter and knows how to get to each one of them, et cetera. Talk a little bit about that. Yes. Well, first, you know, look at my story. I didn't wait for the RNC to talk to me before doing something. I went out there and did it. And so if any of you are seeing a void in your states, maybe you're not getting the attention in Minnesota or another state like Oregon, be the change you want to see, take positive action to save our country, but I will say I know Pennsylvania like the back of my hand. So let me talk about why there's more synergy this year than ever in my opinion. So at the very top, you have the PAGOP, the Republican Party of Pennsylvania, which is basically coinciding with the RNC. You have that layer. They have their own staff across the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and then about turning point action. And they have the great Noah for Micah, Noah and I work hand in glove. He does all the voter registration with me. What a wonderful human being. And then you have my organization, which is early vote action. And since you and I last spoke, we now have a state director, Mayor John David Longo of Slippery Rock, Pennsylvania. And we have nearly 30 staff now across Pennsylvania. I mean, we are changing the game in terms of another auxiliary organization coming in to PA. And we've got staffers literally all over the Commonwealth. My goal is to have 67 one per each county by the end of the election. Then you're going to have Cliff Maloney's PA chase. So all the work that we're doing, getting these mail-in ballots, getting people registered to vote is going to feed into the work that Cliff and PA chase are doing. The voters we register are going to be the people that they knock on and they chase to vote. And then on top of that, you have Patriot grassroots and you have other organizations. And you have Dave McCormick, our United States Senate candidate. There are so many layers of actors in this election that I'm confident this is the most money and most activism we've ever seen, for example, in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and the presidential election. Yeah, I know Sean Parnell, great American war hero. I know he's doing a bunch of stuff in the western side of the state as well. Some of that also focused on integrity and whatever so that there's a lot going on that I think people may not necessarily see. What can your organization do once? Obviously, you're going full speed on this till November 5th, but on November 5th, can any of those people be pushed into sort of the election integrity side of things? Because I think that's something that people definitely worry about, especially in these places where it's close. It feels like when it's close, we don't often get the break. The other side always seems to get the break. There's magically more people voting in counties than are registered to vote in those counties and apparently that is the freest and fairest and most true form of election hearing possible. At least that's where we're told by the Democrats and the media. What do you see there on the integrity component of this? Well, in terms of my staff, I mean, I want them out in the field with all due respect. I do encourage people to become an election day worker, not a poll watcher, become an election day worker that you are paid by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and they cannot kick your behind out because that's what happened to us in 2020 in Philadelphia. We were poll watchers, not poll workers. Now, I will tell you, I've been contacting the Pennsylvania Department of State every day asking them, "Can you with certainty tell us that not a single illegal alien is registered to vote?" They will not respond to me, so I have been visiting Bureau of Elections county by county, having them in ultimatum within seven business days and I have heard from Pike and Wayne and Lackawanna and I really need to hear from Lucerne because they're the one that ran out of paper ballots on election day in November of 2022 and so I encourage everybody watching, put your BOE, your Bureau of Elections on notice peacefully that you want to make sure no illegal aliens are on the voter rolls, what is their plan to make sure that they don't run out of paper ballots on election day, what is their plan to make sure that if there's a power outage like they had after Milwaukee or like a water break, a water main leak, yeah. Water main like, you know, whatever, that there is always a plan C, plan C, ID and then also to make sure that the machines are not connected to the internet. This is something all of you can do, but this is a multi-pronged approach. We must do voter registration, we must have the mail-in ballots, we must become election day workers, we must put our BOE peacefully on notice and I will give one piece of good news that as of today and Cliff Maloney shared this information that the Democrats are not in the same numbers that they had in mail-in ballots four years ago, they're actually down 30% in Allegheny County, Pittsburgh, they're down 30% in Philadelphia County and I think ultimately they're down like 130,000 statewide and an election in the state that was decided by 80,000 votes. So all of these things tell me that we have the capability to win this November. So you know, specifically, you know, is it as simple as just calling the BOE, the Bureau of Elections in your county, asking them those questions, what's the process that someone does? Because you know, that feels like that's an easy five minute conversation for people to do, you know, one or two people call, it's not going to get much notice, hundreds of people call, all of a sudden people are going to be thinking, hey, they're actually watching us, we can't play the same games, we'd otherwise be playing. What's the exact process of that for those who are, you know, motivated enough to actually do that and I encourage everyone to do it? Thank you. Well, I have a letter that I've been delivering and you are welcome at home to copy this letter. Just make sure you're putting the respective county that it doesn't say pike when you're bringing it to Erie, et cetera. But I will repost that today. So when this is released, everybody can replicate it, you can either turn it in in person on my behalf on behalf of early vote action, like Charles so well, he did that for me in Cumberland County and Dauphin County because I can't be in all 67 counties. And you can also email them, I've heard from some of our volunteers, they've been emailing them to put them on notice as well because listen, ballots go out in 10 days or at least at least the early voting period, 50 days prior to election day is starting imminently. So we need to make sure that no illegal aliens or non-citizens are able to get mail-in ballots fraudulently. Yeah. Where are you going to post that so everyone can find it? It's going to be on my ex account @scottcrustler, S-C-O-T-T-P-R-E-S-1-S-L-E-R and amongst all my other social media. Okay. Well, when you put up that post and everything like that, let me know. I'd love to, you know, sort of, you know, push it and retweet it because I think this is an easy thing. This is literally, especially if you're doing the email route, it's something that you can do and edit in about three seconds and, you know, again, you know, if people do it, I think even the places that don't want to listen to us and want to ignore us, they won't have a choice. So I think that's great. So just remind me, Scott, text me later on, whatever it is, I'll get it out there because I think that's super important. But you mentioned, you know, essentially early voting starts in less than two weeks, you know, talk about the plan. I know specifically you're focused on, you know, gun owners, on hunters, as a hunter myself, and sort of shocking, you know, the number of hunters that aren't out there voting, that aren't even registered to vote, I know, you know, I work nationally with a group called Hunter Nation, where they're actually out there trying to mobilize, you know, those guys and get them to turn up, but you're also focused on truckers, even the Amish, as voting blocks. And given what they've done to the Amish in terms of arresting them for selling unpasteurized milk and the threats of religious liberty, you know, I think it's definitely time for them to get involved. But where can Republicans make big gains? You know, where are the places that sort of, you'd think would be natural, but like, it's just a missing block. I think hunters is definitely one of them, especially with Pennsylvania. I think if you took all the hunting license in Pennsylvania, it's like one of the largest standing armies in the world, and yet like some crazy number, like 60%, don't even vote. Talk about the success you're seeing and the process of registering those guys, and what are those gaps? Let me give easy action items that we already have proof of concept that every single one of you can do. So let's break it down. There are 930,000 hunters in Pennsylvania. 30% of Pennsylvania's 930,000 hunters are not registered to vote. So at early vote action, we are advertising to 16,000 Midwestern FFLs, Federal Firearm License Organizations companies, to ask them, will you put out voter registration forms at your businesses? Will you allow your customers the opportunity to register to vote? You at home, if you're in Maryland, Ohio, West Virginia, New York, or in Pennsylvania, find your nearest gun store, and I want you to print out voter registration forms, which is legal for all of those states that I just mentioned, bring the voter registration forms to the store, and ask the owner, may I have permission to leave these out, 30% of Pennsylvania hunters are not registered to vote. If every gun owner actually voiced their opinion, we would protect Second Amendment rights. One of our staffers, Ellis Dupart, did this to 13 businesses in two days, 13 out of 13 said, yes, you have permission to do this. And some of them had never been approached before, number two, stolen valor, Tim Walls, and the disgusting attacks that Kamala Harris did after your father went to the Arlington Cemetery to celebrate the lives of 13 that were lost because of Kamala and Biden and debacle pulling out of Afghanistan, there are 800,000 veterans in Pennsylvania. This is the fourth largest home to veterans in the entire country. Veterans issues are so critical, and so you at home, please visit your VFW, visit your American Legion, bring voter registration forms with you, port the veteran vote. We win those 800,000 votes, Donald Trump will win Pennsylvania, he wins the White House, and last, we love our fraternity brothers, we love our UNC Chapel Hill, we love what they did, protecting the flag and honoring her. And so Ellis and some of our other staffers have literally just been knocking on fraternity house doors, bringing voter registration forms with them, bringing Trump gear, Trump hats, I mean, gosh, we need lives to get out to frats. And one thing that's very important is that a student is going to Penn State University and he or she is from New York or Connecticut or Delaware, you can legally and lawfully register to vote where you are staying at your dorm or whatever housing you're at at Penn State, that is legal, your vote counts more. I need you, our Penn State University, our Slippery Rock, our pit, our Temple Hill, I need you to register to vote in Pennsylvania, your vote will count more. I'm happy to even send my team, slide into my DMs in the most wholesome of Banner at Scott Press there on X. We will come over and register all the sorority sisters, all the fraternity brothers, but from the gun stores to the VFW's American Lesions to the fraternity houses, that could very well be the difference maker by you visiting those places with voter registration forms. Yeah, after, after frat boy summer, you know, I never would have thought that, you know, and I was a frat boy myself, I was Fiji at Penn and so, you know, I never thought that we'd be the ones possibly saving the Republic. I figured it was just like a lot of drinking probably far too many nights a week, but yeah, you guys actually have a chance to make a real difference. Scott, what are the deadlines on in Pennsylvania? Because I don't actually know for, you know, a voter registration switch. I know a lot of these schools, you know, yeah, people are escaping the state of New York, they go to school in Pennsylvania, they're like, I'm voting in New York, but no, if you're in Pennsylvania, you're residing there, is there a deadline to change your registration just so people can be aware of that so we can get all over that? And I do like the idea of them slipping in your DNS guy just wholesomely, of course, yeah. There are two deadlines that people need to be aware of. Number one is October 21st. That is the last day to register to vote in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Now, a couple things, this is very important. A, if you don't have a driver's license, you can't register to vote online. So you need to do a paper version. You can download the PDF. It's p a voter services dot p a dot gov. There's an English PDF, print it out, fill it out, sign it, uh, date it, and you can mail it to your local Bureau of Elections based on your respective county or just go in person. You have until October 21st. And again, if you don't have a driver's license, you can't register to vote online. So you have to use your last four of your social on the paper. Now, if you are turning 18 on November 4th and you wait to register to vote, then you will be disenfranchised. You will not be able to vote. Anyone that is 17 that is turning 18 by November 5th can register to vote right now at this very second. I went into the Wayne County Correctional Facility. I'm courting the inmate vote. And one of the inmates that likes Donald Trump and is going to vote for him, he gets out on November 5th. And then Pennsylvania, he can vote on day number, number one. And so me knowing that the deadline is on the 21st, I'm getting his behind registered to vote. So when he is released from prison, we are going to get him from the prison to the polls to vote for President Donald Trump. And also last thing, October 29th is the last day to request a mail-in ballot in Pennsylvania. Do not wait. If you're behind this in Pennsylvania, but you're a snowbird and you've gone down to Florida and you have your mail-in ballot come to your house on November 2nd or November 3rd in Florida to mail it back to Pennsylvania, you may not have it come at 8 p.m. on November 5th. You need to have your mail-in ballot processed as soon as possible. Again,, type into the internet, Pennsylvania request mail-in ballot in Donald Trump Jr. One last thing that's very critical. I just spoke to a woman. She's been registered to vote since 1967. When I told people to check their status, she laughed, not like at me, but in the comical way. She checked her status. Her information was wrong. If you take away anything important from our conversation today to every listener, please, I beg you. If you want Donald Trump to win, please, after you're done listening to Triggered with Donald Trump Jr., you check your voter status. Type into the internet, Nevada check voter status, Pennsylvania check voter status. Make sure you're an active voter. Register to vote at your current address with, if you would like, at your preferred party. But it is critical because a lot of people, if you haven't voted in a while, you may have been inadvertently taken off the voter rolls. And if you pass the deadline on October 21st, it's too late. You can't vote for Trump. And we lose to vote in Pennsylvania, so please check your voter status. All right, so those are a couple big ones. The October 21st, you know, guys, do this now. Do this tonight. If you're Pennsylvania, call your friends over the next couple of days. You know, you have a little over a month to do that. But don't wait until the last second, because if there is a problem, you don't want to have to, you know, try to fix it and be too late. You can go do those things in person. If you don't have a driver's license from those states, you know, for the students, for the frat boys, all you chads out there that are obviously voting for Trump, because you don't want to grow up in a communist shithole or try to find a job after the disastrous job that the high-risk Biden administration has done, these are all big things. You can do that. You can do that now. Even if you're from a different state, if you're living in those areas, you can change your voter restoration. If you're in Pennsylvania, if you're in Nevada, if you're in Wisconsin, but you're from a really deep blue state or a really red state where your vote doesn't matter as much, switch it now. Get after it, you know, Georgia, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, Nevada. I mean, those are the big ones. But I'm sure there's one or two others, but those are the big ones. Get there, do that, encourage your friends. This is how we beat the machine. The other side's machine is incredibly well-funded, much more so than us. They have an incredible amount of people that are willing to volunteer that are absolutely insane and want to impose a way of lifestyle that you definitely don't want. So, you know, get after it. But Scott, like you've been saying, you're also stressing early voting for Republicans. And you're the founder of a group clearly called early vote action. Why is it so important to vote early this election? Because in the comments, you know, I talked about this a little bit on the show on Monday, or I guess Tuesday night, because I was off week because of the holiday weekend, be like, no, no, I only vote day off. I only vote, you know, you're a guy that's on the ground. You understand, you know, the issues. There's still so much skepticism about, you know, early voting. How do you put those people's minds at rest? Because I get it, you know, they want it there. They think there's going to be gamesmanship. But, you know, but then it snows in, you know, Elko County, Nevada, and that cost us a governor, you know, a Republican governor because, you know, a super conservative part of the state, 8,000 people sat out and we lose an election. Exactly. So I'm going to do this really quickly. Nevada, you just hit the nail on the head, Adam Lacksault lost by 8,000 votes. It's snowed on election day and Washoe County and Reno, 150,000 registered Nevada Republicans sat home. We weren't ballot harvesting. We weren't knocking on doors doing early voting. But the Democrats were, the Democrats won that election. Loserne County, Pennsylvania, I hear all the time, they say, Scott, I want paper ballots. Loserne County ran out of paper ballots on election day. I fear on November 5th that that could happen. And that could happen nationwide. What if there's a DDOS attack like when your father was going on with Elon Musk? That is a very real possibility. What if there's an electrical grid attack and everything goes down? Oh, the Democrats are really voted. The Democrats are really ballot harvested. The Democrats are already locked in their votes. But Republicans, no, we wait to vote 12 hours while the Democrats vote for 50, five, zero days. And so my argument is, look, here's the biggest reason why I want you to consider early voting. Think about this. Early in-person voting is going to begin probably around October 15th in Pennsylvania. Remember how I told you that the deadline is the 21st? What if somebody goes to vote early in Pennsylvania on October 15th? And they're told, Donald Trump Jr, I'm so sorry, but you're not registered to vote. But because you went to vote early, that was prior to the deadline on the 21st. You have time to rectify the issue. You have time to provide a remedy for the problem. Whereas, let's say you waited to vote on November 5th, Donald Trump Jr. I'm so sorry, you're not in the system. You're not a registered voter. You didn't take the time to go early to make sure there were no problems to lock in the most important vote of your life. So please, don't let 2024 be another 2022, another 2020. Let's do it right this time. Please take the opportunity if you're a pilot, if you're a trucker, if you are in the service industry that you're working a 12-hour shift. If you're in the Poconos, if you live in the Poconos, but you work in Manhattan, it is very likely you're going to be stuck in traffic going from Manhattan back to Pennsylvania. Please, if you are a commuter, please vote early. Please vote by mail. Lock in your vote. We win Pennsylvania. We win the White House. I think it's an incredible message. I understand that old habits die hard, but if you look at the results over the last couple of years, it's sort of a no-brainer. We have no choice. I'd love to fix election integrity. That would be a priority for us, but we got to do that by winning the states. We got to do that by winning the down-ballot thing. These are state issues, not federal issues. We got to win state legislators. We got to put people who are actually tough in there, not weakling Republicans who roll over to the Democrats, but we can't win those things and actually effectuate change without winning. We need to win first, and right now, the other side, they're the ones that set the game, they set the chess board. We got to play by their rules right now. We got to win by their rules, otherwise, it doesn't matter. I get it. You may not love it. Hopefully, one day, we get to same-day voting with paper ballots and voter ID and all the common sense stuff that we see all over the world, but until then, we got to play the hand that we're dealt, and we got to win with that. I agree with you 100% Scott for all those who are skeptical. Just do it. Get after it. That seems like a no-brainer. Yes, and I want people to know, listen, this is top to bottom. This is Trump. This is Dave McCormick. This is voting for your congressional candidate. We have the opportunity to defeat Susan Wild, defeat Matt Cartwright, electing Rob Rose Mahan in Northeast Pennsylvania, but this is also about State House and State Senate. Listen, we vote from top to bottom. You guys can take that control of the State House in Pennsylvania. Democrat Governor Shapiro won't have the House. He won't have the Senate, and I promise you, my organization,, we hope that after we win this November and deliver Pennsylvania for Donald Trump, we're going to continue this organization because the governorship in Pennsylvania is in 2026. Let's take the House, let's take the Senate, and then in 2026, let's take the governorship, and then let's legislate election integrity, but it starts on Tuesday, November 5th. It starts by winning these elections this November, and I promise you, our work at early vote action while it begins with the elected Donald Trump in Pennsylvania, we want to move forward with the work that we're doing. Yeah, 100%. I mean, the big one for me is always the school boards, right? We can stop the indoctrination of our children. We can stop teaching them communism and socialism, you know, crazy gender ideology for toddlers, you know, all of these things matter, all the way down to dogcatcher. So it's not just about Trump, it's not just about, you know, your congressman or your senator, it's all the way down. I, frankly, I've told people this, they're like, wait, how can you say this? Like, I don't know that I want to win the presidency, if we lose the House and we lose the Senate, because, you know, people didn't get involved in those things, because it'll be, you know, four more years of Russia, Russia, Russia, fake impeachment hoax after another, I'll get to do another thousand hours of congressional testimony for my life. Like, I don't need the headache. Let's win everything across the board. So, you know, I'm glad you're making that point. It's not just about Trump, it's across the board. We can actually change what happens in these states, you know, by getting involved across the board. But Scott, what do you hear, you know, from new voters or, you know, voters that are registering for the first time? What issues are mattering to them the most? So when you're talking to people, when you're trying to mobilize others, you know, is there anything that surprised you when you're registering these new voters? You know, what are those conversations like? Two main things. Well, three, the first one is this is an economic election. You know, I'm very proud that at early vote action, the majority of our staff are actually moms. In one of our moms, Nicole Freech, she's got 15 kids. God bless her because that's not the Republicans coming our way. And I hear from moms all the time they say, "Scott, I can't afford to feed my family. My boys are eating the house and home." Scott, our mortgage. Scott, the economy is so bad under this Kamala Harris Biden administration and it was so good under President Trump. And so a lot of people, one woman in particular, she hasn't ever voted. She was born in 1965. I'm voting because I want to be able to afford things again. And I'm always shocked by the amount of young people that come up to me and they go, "Scott, what you said about a Kamala Harris Biden administration bringing us into potentially World War III, bringing us into nuclear war, sending a generation of young men overseas to fight wars that we didn't have under President Trump." That is a very real issue for especially young men. And we're finding like, did you know that Center County is below 1000 voters away from flipping to a plurality of Republicans? That's Penn State University. That's me. That young people are swinging to the right. They want to be able to afford things. They're tired of losing their friends to the fentanyl epidemic. They want to be able to afford a house and family and car. And they want peace, not war. And for all those reasons, this electorate is actually growing. I heard from so many people, they said that, "Oh, Donald Trump has hit the ceiling. No, I think that we're going to have unprecedented Republican turnout this November." I think that's right. And you know, I think Clinton said it's the economy stupid. Like, when were you better off today or four years ago? Like, it's a no-brainer. It's a no-brainer. And yet, you know, when you're combating the media machine, the big tech machine, when you're combating all the censorship against our side, you know, a lot of people still don't get it. So you have to break it down to them simply. Talk about that. Talk about the cost of living. Talk about the cost of a mortgage. Talk about future job growth over the lack of job growth under Kamala Harris and Biden. And if she's going to fix all these things, why didn't she start fixing them for the last four years? She's going to magically wait until January 20th to start fixing things that she literally is empowered to do right now. It doesn't make any sense, but we have a lot to break through. So, you know, Scott, before we go, just give us a breakdown again of the key dates. You know, check your own states if you're not in Pennsylvania, but make sure if you are in Pennsylvania or if you have friends there that you're calling them. But give us a breakdown of the key dates again, because PA is such a critical. It's literally the keystone state, but it actually could be the keystone in this election. You know, if you don't get some of the other ones, it could be everything. So, give us the breakdown again. You know, as I understand it, the first mail-in, absentee balance in Pennsylvania could be filled out on September 16th. What are the other key dates for early voting again? Just so everyone's aware that they can get ahead of it, and that we don't get left by the wayside. Well, two last brief points, and I'll get right into it. I want to say to every Robert Kennedy Jr. supporter out there, I want you to know, we promise you we'll have a seat at the table. We promise to both make America great again and make America healthy again. And any of you that are in Pennsylvania, I humbly ask for your support. I ask for your vote for Donald Trump. Join hands with us. I'm actually speaking to your state director this week for the R.K. Jr. campaign and shout out to Stephanie Rouse. And then one last thing. Yeah, by the way, just so you know, I helped sort of arrange that. I've been back channeling, you know, RFK and Bobby through, you know, as we're out for, you know, a couple months now, one of my best friends is one of his son's best friends, and we sort of link that back up. Like, I literally had a conversation with him at 1030 last night. You know, so we are very much working together. It's not a, you know, it's not a fake endorsement or a but like everyone's on the same page. Everyone understands the threat of this administration. I'd love to see him in some of these agencies, whether it's health related or frankly, whether it's like the CIA, you know, taking care of business, doing what he does well. So, you know, we mean that that's, it's not like some sort of okay endorsement. This is a guy that wants to be out there. He's actively fighting for us for this agenda. It's not a, well, you know, I lost. So I guess I'll pick aside, like, he wants to be actively involved. I'm going to make sure of that because I'm the guy that, you know, like I said, helped sort of put all of this together behind the scenes. There's a reason you didn't hear about it months ago. It's because, you know, I kept it tight. Me, my friend, my father, him, you know, Susie Wiles, and, you know, his daughter-in-law is his campaign manager. Like, we, we kept it tight. It didn't get out there because we actually believe in this thing. We're organizing all these sorts of events with him. That is very real. He's going to have a seat at the table. It's incredibly important to us. And I want those people to actually know that and understand that, that it's real. There's, it's not, you know, it's not a political like convenience contrived thing. It just makes a lot of sense. We understand the bigger picture. We understand what we're up against. And we're going to do whatever we can to prevent that insanity from actually happening and hurting America further. Yes, sir. And last thing, to our beautiful Puerto Ricans and Dominicans out there, yes, we are courting your vote in the Latino belt, in Berks County, Pennsylvania, in Reading. And I just want you to know, we are going to fight for the same shared values, Republican values, our Hispanic values, which are faith, family, finance, freedom. Now those dates again, Donald Trump Jr. are October 21st, is the last day to register to vote in Pennsylvania. Please check your voter status right now. Pennsylvania, check voter status. If you're an inactive voter, you re register to vote at your current address, pa voter The last day to request a mail-in ballot in Pennsylvania is October 29th. Do not wait until October 29th. Your application will be processed in the order that is received. If Democrats all order theirs first and Republicans order them last, Republican ballots will be shipped out last. Don't delay. Type into the internet. Pennsylvania request mail-in ballot, October 21st to October 29th. Well, Scott, thank you so much. Yeah, if you're in Pennsylvania, 100% do that. If you're in a different state, figure out your deadlines. It can all be done in a quick and easy search. Get after it now. Don't delay. Don't wait. I actually want to, I'm going to take them and, Drew, I want you guys to clip this. Let's just put it up on social so that everyone understands these things. It's so critical. So, Scott, thank you so much for the incredible work that you're doing. Everyone, check out Scott on X. Follow his organization. I love that this is just a grassroots movement of people. They're not part of a bureaucracy. They're doing this stuff on their own. They're taking action because they're sick and tired of the usual nonsense. Scott, keep up the good work, man. I'm really proud of you. It's amazing. Thank you. Thank you very much. Great to see you. And I'm sure we'll talk again before the election, but everything's coming up, especially in Pennsylvania. So, guys, get after it tonight. Guys, thank you very much. Learn it. Live it. Love it. Follow what Scott has to say if you're in Pennsylvania, especially, but if you're in Wisconsin, if you're in Nevada, if you're in Michigan, any of the other, Georgia, any of the other critical states, especially, or if you have friends there, make sure they're aware of it. Make sure they're watching the same questions. The dates may vary a little bit, but the same things will apply in a lot of these states. It's so easy to figure it out. Learn it. Go after it. Do it right. Also, guys, make sure to check out our great sponsors to reach a team of licensed tax professionals that can help you reduce, settle, and resolve your tax matters. You won't get the Hunter Biden treatment. You won't get the Don Jr treatment. I'll probably get it worse than you guys, but make sure you go to Jr. Like Jr. Jr. Speak to a professional. Don't trust the IRS. They are not your friends. You will not get the Hunter Biden treatment. You'll get thrown in jail. You'll get taxes and penalties thrown out the wazoo at you. Make sure to protect yourself and also protect yourself against Harris, Biden, inflation by texting Don Jr. Do NJR to the number 98, 98, 98 to get your free, no obligation, info kit on gold, how to hedge against the insanity, how to turn an existing 401k or IRA into an IRA in gold. It makes sense to educate yourself and learn. Check them out. No obligation. Text Don Jr. to the number 98, 98, 98. The guys at Birch Gold will get you that free no obligation, info kit, and you can learn how to protect your families. Guys, thank you, and we will talk to you again on Monday. Have a great evening.