Triggered With Don Jr.

The Accents are Fake but Kamala’s Radicalism is Real, Plus Live Q&A! | TRIGGERED Ep.170

The Accents are Fake but Kamala’s Radicalism is Real, Plus Live Q&A! | TRIGGERED Ep.170 Live from Rumble Studio

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1h 16m
Broadcast on:
04 Sep 2024
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The Accents are Fake but Kamala’s Radicalism is Real, Plus Live Q&A! | TRIGGERED Ep.170

Live from Rumble Studio

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Hey guys welcome to another huge episode of triggered. I hope you all had a great Labor Day weekend I hope you got to enjoy it with your family. I hope you're not wearing white pants because apparently that's no longer in you Can't do that anymore now that it's over We're just 63 days away from election day with early voting starting in less than two weeks in Pennsylvania sort of crazy because I Mean the debate will have barely been done the other debates will not have yet been done So let's make sure we're making as many strides as we can before people bank their votes based on media lies The insanity that we see each and every day guys There are several states where the first mail-in balance will be sent out in literally just a few days So regardless of what state you're in election season is officially here So we are here to do the work that the regime media will definitely not do and actually tell you the real Record of Kamala Harris and Tim walls and to cover the stories that the media will not cover So that you know and that you can make an informed decision. So coming up I'll also be taking all of your questions live so get those ready in the feed if you have good ones Don't waste them now. I'm gonna go through the news for the next 20 minutes or so talk about all the things that are going on Let people build up so save your good questions for a few minutes. It'll be very clear, but if you do it now I'll probably miss it DJ to to get a bull moose now. I'm not gonna get a chance to To get up to the Yukon this year for that one So a little bit too busy trying to save the Republic, but that said guys make sure you're liking sharing Subscribing the rest of big tech is stacked against us So we have to work harder We have to work smarter to make sure that we break through all of the noise and actually grow this movement Remember you can also get triggered this very podcast on Spotify You can get it on an Apple podcast So if you miss the show here in rumble if you have friends They get their podcasts that way make sure to check it out over there perhaps if you do to subscribe anyway Let's get ahead of the algorithm. Let's beat that so other people again can get what's really going on for all of the top headlines Here that we spotlight on the show go over and check out my news app MXM news like minute-by-minute MXM where you can get the mainstream news without the mainstream bias We get all the stories here. You can curate it to your liking. You'll see both sides We've been de-banked so you know We'll show you the stuff that you're not gonna get from regular mainstream media That's how it works. They don't like what you're saying if they don't like the truth They just try to shut you down. So guys like me we go out there and build these things It'd be awesome if you guys could check it out and support them. Also, don't forget about our incredibly brave Sponsors to have the guts to support programming that like this sponsors like tax network USA So guys, let me ask you are you receiving letters from the IRS claiming you owe back taxes Or do you want to protect yourself in case you do because every day the IRS is sending out tens of thousands of lean notices to hard-working Americans like yourself as Penalties and interest fees pile up the IRS gives you no clear path to resolution Don't speak to them on your own. They are not your friends. Just like all the other three letter agencies in government, okay? To reach a team of licensed tax professionals that can help you reduce settle and resolve your tax matters Go to TN USA dot com slash Don Jr. Again, that's TN like tax network TN USA Dot com slash Don Jr. And check them out. So guys with that Let's get to the top headlines of the days. I Want to start off tonight talking about Aurora, Colorado Aurora is a suburb of Denver that has been overrun by illegal immigrants Tens of thousands of illegal immigrants from Venezuela have poured into Aurora, Colorado under borders are Kamala Harris As my father once said they aren't sending their best folks a Venezuelan gang Like like MS 13 type gang is now operating in Aurora and as many of you have recently seen They even started to take over entire apartment buildings seriously Venezuela and street gangs are taking over apartment buildings in American cities as we speak. Here's the video in case you didn't catch it we Are getting a terrifying new video out of Aurora, Colorado This shocking doorbell footage you're seeing now shows a group of armed men forcing their way into an apartment complex Residents are claiming that gang members have taken over the building pushing them to leave their homes out of fear for their safety One Aurora City Council member says this video is evidence of a Venezuelan gang operating within the community Guys this gang is vicious they're being called MS 13 on steroids if you can actually believe that and even CNN even CNN earlier this year Reported that under Kamala Harris. They're infiltrating the US Lake and Riley's killer for example is a member of this very gang The apartment takeovers apparently aren't isolated just to Colorado. It's spreading to Chicago Listen to this 9-1-1 dispatch call from yesterday a gang of All right, a gang of 32 Venezuelan's took over an apartment building there Building showing guns in the courtyard and they have motorcycles in the coriators Well, they're well, they're filled nothing further. Don't clear Guys, this is Kamala Harris's America She opened the gates for this to happen in the United States Your kids are less safe. Your homes are less safe. Your loved ones are less safe America is less safe in New York the New York Post reported this morning that 75% 75% of arrests in Midtown Manhattan in recent months for crimes like assault and robbery are all illegal immigrants 75% as if New York under Democrat rule for the last couple years hasn't been bad enough now 75% of the crime is made up of illegal immigrants You think maybe people in New York will wake up Do you think they'll understand that this is Democrat policy that has allowed this to happen to these once-great cities and our once-great country? Four more years of Kamala Harris will mean that this sort of illegal immigrant crime will be in every Single town and city in America because they're gonna keep flooding in. Why wouldn't they? There's no fear of deportation you get free housing you get free of health care you get free education you get work They give you debit cards. They've rolled out the red carpet for the worst of the world Americans can't afford the costs of Harris's agenda and I mean that quite literally guys Yesterday was Labor Day and under Kamala Harris. It's become foreign Labor Day an Economist EJ and Tony found that over the last year Native-borns Americans have lost 1.2 million jobs While foreign-born employment has increased by 1.3 million. We're just swamping out American workers at this point We're not growing the pie for everyone. We're crushing Americans. We're exporting your American dream Kamala Harris didn't talk about this yesterday now and now she used fake accents because she thinks voters are stupid Catch if you could spot the difference between the way she talked in Detroit and the way she talked in Pittsburgh To the next 64 days So friends 64 days Until the most election of our lives How phony is this person? I mean, it's literally laughable the media of course isn't gonna say anything about it They'll let her pander however. They see fit. They're doing her bidding. They're the lap dogs of the Democrat Party We understand that but I've never seen anything like this remember. She grew up in Montreal Okay Doesn't have a southern accent. I never hear her talk about that though. It's sort of interesting Here's another example of her delivering the same line, but with two completely different accents You better thank a union member for sick leave. You better thank a union member for paid leave You better thank a union member for vacation time Thank unions for sick leave Thank unions for pay family leave Thank unions for your vacation time I Mean she must think we're stupid right? I mean, there's almost no other alternative does Kamala not realize that her speeches are on camera She's just blatantly making up new accents each and every day to try to appeal to voters She's the most phony person in American politics. Remember. I said it was if Kamala was cutting Trump campaign ad when she spoke about rising food costs the other day. Remember that one? It turns out. I might know a little something this ad played all weekend during college football games It tells the story of this race perfectly This message Everyday prices are too high food rent gas back to school clothes that is called Monomics a low-bred cost 50% more today ground beef is up almost 50% There is not much left at the end of the month Monomics is working the price of housing has gone up. It feels so hard to just be able to get ahead and we are very proud about economics well guys Just the other week I spoke about Kamala's plan to tax unrealized gains You know unrealized capital gains like if you buy a house and it appreciates in value But you don't sell it. They want to tax you on the difference how much it went up If you buy a house for half a million dollars and you sit there for 30 years, it's worth a million dollars They want to tax you on the 500,000. Well, Kamala's shills are Defending it saying now now the plan is only for people with hundred million dollars in assets But guys haven't we seen this bait and switch before? For example when the income tax was first introduced It was just to target the wealthiest people in America But once they got their foot into the door they expanded it to target every single person There's no doubt that Kamala Harris and the Democrats will expand his plan to tax unrealized gains to eventually reached into your 401k plans How else is she gonna pay for the endless spending that she supports? How else is she gonna cover the ebt cards and the debit cards for 20 million plus illegal immigrants that are already here Plus the new ones that she'll bring in in the next four years if she were to take office And when Kamala Harris isn't busy taking your money. She's working to help criminals that punch cops It didn't get hardly enough attention shockingly I'm totally shocked to hear this but this week the New York Post reported that as district attorney Kamala Harris allowed criminals That punched cops and spit on cops to avoid any jail time This lady is insane guys to sum it up Kamala's agenda is She wants to free criminals defund the police take your guns and guys that sounds like a nightmare But it would be reality if she wins in November the accents are fake But the radicalism and communism is very very real This is why she isn't doing any interviews other than that softball with CNN and Tim Waltz Remember you're not allowed to say this folks But Kamala is a tough independent woman that apparently needs a man next to her to be able to do in interview She hasn't done any others. She's been the nominee Essentially and the presumptive nominee combined for over a month How do they let her hide like this we all know the answer and it's not going to change She wants to hide her actual views and her record from the public She's trying to run out the clock my dad on the other hand is out there Campaigning non-stop doing interview after interview podcast after podcast He just had a great one with likes Friedman in which he promised by the way to release the Epstein files This is a good one because it's important A lot of big people went to that island But fortunately, I was not one of them. It's just very strange for a lot of people that The list of clients that went to the island has not been made public Yeah, it's very interesting isn't it? Probably well be so if you were able to you'll be yeah, it's certainly take a look at it Now Kennedy's interesting because it's so many years ago You know, they do that for danger too because you know in dangers certain people, etc. Etc. So Kennedy Is very different from the Epstein thing, but you had been trying to do the Epstein I'd have no problem with it and furthermore One thing that doesn't get hardly enough attention is how pro censorship Kamala Harris and Tim Walzar Back when Kamala Harris was a senator she called for my father to get off Twitter In the in the in the threat to safety of human beings who are participating with a process of justice There is not a part of you civically constitutionally That is concerned about the precedent or private company taking the platform away from the president of the United States or some other elected official Free speech does not come down or or or protect threats to the safety of other human beings and So that is what we are talking about like let's be really clear about what we're talking Hey guys When even Chris Hayes thinks you're too far left, then you know you've really crossed the Rubicon Tim Walz doesn't even believe in free speech. I think we need to push back on this There's there's no guarantee to free speech on misinformation or or hate speech and especially around our democracy Let me guess Tim Walz and the Democrats. They're going to be the arbiters of truth Regarding misinformation. Well, we've seen that happening over the last eight years when Democrat party shills big tech Mainstream media are doing the censoring. It's a problem. It is a real threat to American democracy It's a threat to our Constitution and it's a threat to everything we stand for It's worth thinking about these comments as we watch what's going on in Brazil right now Brazil has a Twitter ban and they threaten to imprison anyone that tries to use Twitter there What does Tim Walz's attorney general Keith Ellison think about that? Well, today Ellison tweeted "Obrigado Brazil" which means thank you Brazil in Portuguese These people want to end free speech. They're not pretending It's not like a little bit of a joke or a quip. They're actually out there Cheering this on and speaking of censorship folks remember the trans school shooter in Nashville back in march of 2023 Who targeted Christian children school and killed three nine-year-old children three adult staff members As we told you there was a manifesto that authorities were refusing to release to the public well We finally know more about what they were hiding because today finally Finally the Tennessee star reported that they lawfully obtained the manifesto and then published the actual document and guys Not shockingly it confirms what we have been telling you for months and months That the shooter ought to inhale identified as a trans man and repeatedly wrote about her gender and plans for violence The journal says things like a terrible feeling to know I am nothing of the gender I was born of I am the most unhappy boy alive. I will be of no use For to live for of any girl if I don't get what they need a boy's body Sorry, I'm even having a hard time reading that stuff because it's so ridiculous And as the Tennessee star reported a doctor at Vanderbilt was treating the shooter for 22 years Since he was six years old Hmm. I wonder what these drugs could possibly do to someone for 22 long years No real science behind it other than woke gender ideology, but Apparently this teacher and this doctor never reported any of the obvious violent red flags and warning signs to law enforcement The manifesto also talks about the school including a map of the building and details on how she would enter and carry out the murders So guys, this was premeditated Obviously, we've known this all along, but they wouldn't tell us that we can't quite tell what it is You know, we have no idea what the motive could possibly have been It definitely isn't trans violence, right? Can't be the drugs they pumped her up on for 22 years. That can't be it That would flail in the face of woke insanity But where's the rest of the media on this massive story? They're gonna ignore it because it doesn't fit their narrative if we look at the violence perpetrated by the radicals in the trans community and compare it to probably other any demographic per capita across the world It's probably the most violent and yet you're not even allowed to say that It's ridiculous But it's why we're here to tell you the real story and to make sure that we get out the truth And with that folks, I'm going to go live. I'm going to go to the chat I'm going to get your reactions to all of this. So I look forward to that. But first But first don't forget to protect yourself from the economic insanity We see going on each and every day with the birch gold group. Look, you guys see the markets You see the volatility. We know that the Fed is just printing more and more money That means your costs go up and your quality of life goes down As I always say, I just want you to be prepared So for over 20 years birch gold group has helped thousands of americans protecting their savings by converting an ira Or 401k into an ira in physical gold. You can do that tax and penalty free That's a big deal to learn more to educate yourself just text Text don jr d o n j r to the number 9 8 9 8 9 8 9 8 really simple right at the top of your phone open up a text type in 9 8 9 8 9 8 In the text type in don jr d o n j r and claim your free no obligation Info kit on gold again text don jr to the number 98 98 98 today Educate yourself inform yourself and with that we're going to go to the q&a. Let's see what we got here folks Let's see what we got here Well, lorosi, I want to kiss your face DJ that thank you. I appreciate that crystal. That's very nice of you Let's skywalker Epstein island list is coming 100 percent Yeah, like if there's one thing I push for my father wins is release that We all know he's not on the list because it would have actually leaked by now Or at least it would have been entirely redacted other than his name And it would have leaked So, uh, it's time to make sure that those scumbags, uh, get what they have coming to him The problem is this we know so many of them that have been there You know whether it's I guess gates and bill clinton and all these people and Everyone knows and everyone knows exactly what happened there and honestly there hasn't even been like a social consequence to those guys Nothing has changed You know bill makes his millions per speech and bill gates has his billions and buys up all the farmland because he doesn't want farting cows and makes you eat wants you to eat Worms or whatever the hell else insects, you know, no consequence. No pressure It's just different. It's good to be a democrat man. You can get away with Well, you know something honestly to me almost as bad as murder, which is taking advantage of a child that way Uh, maybe worse than murder in some cases Um, but yeah, let's make sure we get that one out there Um and go from there, but I think that'd be a big one question for down jr What's your favorite dad vacation story? Yeah, my dad wasn't much of a vacation kind of guy I mean if he went on vacation, he'd usually be miserable and complaining about not being able to get back to work So, you know when we were young and it was sort of before like the cell phone days where you couldn't just have like You know access to the library of congress at your fingertips Uh, it was a little different. So I'm not sure I had a favorite dad, uh vacation story, um Yeah Probably good for a for a few moments on then but when we were growing up he was just, you know, busy building a business Vacation really really wasn't his thing. He's a lot better probably at that relaxing right now. So I think Uh, you know, my kids his grandkids probably get to experience a lot more of uh, relaxed Uh relaxed trump, uh, then we we ever got to, uh as kids Let's see Your dad should go on d-day cobra cast. He's a big trump supporter. I don't know who that is, but i'll i'll check it out uh That could Listen, I think he's done a lot. I mean obviously what what he did. Sean ryan. He did lex freeman Uh, obviously he was doing nelk and a bunch of those guys. So I mean he's certainly out there Uh doing a bunch of those things um Fair we king. All right. You mean the woke mind virus caused someone to go insane. Yes shockingly Uh shockingly 22 years of woke medicine with no basis in science Uh made someone go nuts Was she not 22? I don't know. I it said it'd been treating it for 22 years. Maybe She was okay. So she was 28. Uh team say she's 28. She started the meds at six For you know gender dysphoria or whatever the hell they call it. Uh, so yes 22 years, uh of medication, uh With you know, I mean this stuff's become a little bit more mainstream in the last few years I still think they have no idea what they're talking about but 22 years ago I imagine they knew significantly less Uh, and that still didn't matter because as long as you're I guess Newtering children, you know, the feminizing men, whatever it may be, it's totally fine um The science is the deep depression and suicide rates Patriot dan, uh, yeah, no, by the way, like the recidivism rate on all of this stuff on the people who do the transition It's like 93 percent regret it like it's it's an incredibly high number Uh wasn't it something the the ada even put out like something a couple weeks ago or whatever it was I was like, well, there's really it doesn't actually solve anything It doesn't it hasn't actually solved any of the depression or any of the things that people face frankly, I guess in many cases It makes the suicide worse, but it's not going to stop them from doing it because These people are honestly they're fucking insane Uh the the people especially honestly, it's the people doing it the the doctors allowing this to happen the people in the media pushing it The parents that don't say enough is enough Uh at their schools when you know men are destroying their girls and sports and stuff like that. I mean, it's it's truly sick Let's see Trevor wins dt. It's almost like they're blueprinting future tyranny to export around the globe aka the New Zealand Aussie land model. Yeah. No, I mean, of course, that's what they're doing Uh, they're not pretending about that. They're doing it with impunity Everywhere they're literally, you know, they left as much as they scream about fascism and all this stuff I mean, they're acting awfully a lot like fascists. They're trying to jail their political opponents uh You know, they have no issue, uh with any of that Um, and so that's you know, that's a problem, but that's what's at stake guys in november So again, make sure you guys are getting your friends registered Make sure they understand what's going on. Make sure they call all over their friends I say, you know, they always say get 10 people to go. I say make it 100 like shoot big like uh, look at what's at stake you two Uh Can be in tyrannical rule. I like every week just more and more stories about people getting rest. So what's this? You saw like the irish pastor yesterday or something that he got arrested for not just going along with, you know Uh gender theory. I mean, it's an irish minister that they don't care about religious liberty. They don't care about free speech You must just go along with something even if you don't believe it even if there's no real scientific proof Even if the scientific proof seems to be incredibly flawed and or in many cases I honestly like If we had real scientists, we'd say it's failed Um, but if you don't go along with that apparently in ireland, they'll now arrest you even if you're a minister Who has a you know, which would theoretically have some sort of at least religious exemption against this insanity Nope You have to buy into it at all cost I Calm down crystal jesus I'm not sure what that means, but I think i'm being relatively confident. I'm exhausted. I'm like super jet-like I was Uh very far away 12 hour time zones, uh, away So I like passed out at three o'clock for half an hour and i'm lucky i woke up for the show So I think i'm being reasonably calm Let's see DJT mike Pompeo, uh thoughts Uh, you know, I I like him individually. I don't know that i'd want Him in a in a trump administration now, but you know, I think there's probably other people that could do that job without sort of the You know the the ties to the government my whole thing is just finding people that no establishment ties Don't believe in that nonsense do what's red for america Uh, you know don't have to you know, please other people that you want their affirmation because they've they've been there for a long time Or you know, you you end up in those circles or you know that so I don't know there's a lot of people Uh, I rather just probably start fresh in a lot of times, but again as a guy he was always very nice to me So I like him but a little different um Linwood said he didn't turn on trump when he turned states witnessed for the fanny willis georgia Rico trial people need to wake up to linwood Yeah, I don't know what he did or didn't do frankly. I don't know that any of it's been Disclosed. I mean, I know a lot of people Um, it didn't have anything Basically played guilty and then it found out that they probably wouldn't have had to because it all corrupt And they just sort of folded very easily and you know, I understand the pressure that these guys will put on it No one no one probably understands that better than me Uh, maybe my father understands a little bit better than me, but after that uh I imagine I am up there given what they tried to do to me and you know, I understand it's not easy uh you know the Legal stuff's brutal. It's expensive. They try to break you and you know, it it takes it takes some balls to actually, you know Push back against that stuff, but um, that's brom Down jr. What are your thoughts on the alexa prop again that well, it's amazon, right? Like is anyone shocked like, you know, jeff bezos who owns amazon who owns the washington post like Is anyone shocked that alexa would be biased? I guess it was like, you know, you know Hey alexa, give me a reason to vote for Kamala Harris or give me a reason to vote for trump And that trump was all, you know, duconian that you really shouldn't and would you know, kamala harris is a great order I mean everyone said she was a moron six months ago, but now now she's wonderful She they can't believe she She got that she remember kamala harris couldn't get one percent of the democrat primary in 2020 She dropped out before iowa even right she didn't even make it iowa um She dropped out in december two months before iowa basically, um you know, but Democracy folks remember democracy. She's got exactly zero primary votes Uh, this is democracy in action according to the democrats So yeah, when they scream about democracy when they scream about fascism, uh, we we should all uh We should all uh laugh How about tucker having a camera crew back uh stage at butler during this assassination attempt Can't wait for that to be released. Yeah, you know, it's interesting. I mean i've spoken to him about it You know since then obviously we've hung out a few times. I don't know what they have in terms of that I know at the end of this month Uh, I think i'm gonna be in jacksonville with him on a you know He's doing like a sort of a cross-country tour and uh with different guests in every place And I think i'm doing uh one i think it was a 28th somebody of 28th and jacksonville Uh, so if you're up there or nearby. I guess jacksonville's pretty close to south georgia. So, uh, you know check that out But yeah, it'll be interesting. I know they've been having a crew follow around for the whole thing so Um, that that could be interesting. You know, I imagine if there was anything really big We probably would have seen it or at least the authorities would have seen it um But you know, I imagine it'll it'll shed some light into the Uh thing. I can't wait to see you in jacksonville with tucker perfect. Um Let's see What's going on with this co gop? I some colorado gop. I'm actually not sure is there a problem there. I mean, I know I was out there um Was out there. I guess a couple months ago for lower in bobert. Um, you know, she seems to be doing good Uh in all of her stuff down there, but I don't know I don't know if there's a broader problem with the colorado gop. I know, you know, generally speaking a lot of the state gop is when some of them are great and some of the people really mean well, but they just oftentimes don't uh, you know fight quite the same way, uh, the democrats certainly would but um You know, I don't know if there's a specific problem there if there is just try to, you know, highlight that again and let let me know, uh, you know, what you think but um We can go through that Let's see Will trump have a position for rfk, uh, to expose big pharma the fda corruption and advocate for food freedom? Yeah, I was actually just on a call, uh, with rfk jr. Uh at what was it like four o'clock? Uh some of his team talking about maha events like make america healthy again Uh, you know, maga events as well, uh, you know getting out there and talking about that so I think that's that's certainly Uh, you know, the idea get him involved in a lot of those things to help make America healthy again, uh, that is that's a big deal. I think he gets it. He understands that he's a smart guy You know, those are the subjects. I love him to talk about whether it's the corruption whether it's you know, the the actual science What's just destroying our kids what's creating? Um, you know so much of the illness that we see out there whether whether mental or physical Uh, so yeah, I think he'll definitely have a role in that. He'll be involved in some of the transition committee stuff Uh to help, uh, you know find the right people to put in those positions that would be taking over Uh, you know, whether it's an fda or an hhs Something like that. So yes, there's definitely Uh, there's definitely um a role Uh for him in there and I think honestly, there's probably no better person for that just like, you know Uh, tell us he's gonna have a role and be involved in that and no better person But what I really love is the unity of people who don't necessarily agree on everything Actually getting out there getting together Uh and talking about the greater problem Uh, you know that we see out there and pushing back on all of that. So let's see Um What's your thoughts in the cr and if they will attach the save act to the bill for sure Yeah, I you know, I love the save act. I think it's important. I don't think it gets through You know, it probably doesn't get through, uh The house, but if it does it's never going anywhere in the senate and joe biden will veto it in two seconds because you know You can't have Free and fair elections by having actual free and fair elections. They got to have all that ambiguity They don't want people to get in trouble for voting illegally You know, that's how they encourage people to actually do those things. So I love the idea of it I think it's obviously a no-brainer. Uh, I don't think it's going anywhere Um because you know, unfortunately, that's the reality Junior don't let your dad be goaded into the debate with live mics Don't give kamala a chance to say excuse me. I'm speaking well. She'll do that anyway But you know, she doesn't have much else, but yeah, no, I mean, you know, they're they're gonna try to do anything to say You know, she can lie. She'll try to do whatever and then if he says anything Uh, even slightly mean, although true, they'll say he's a man, you know, a chauvinist and he's being, you know You know, you know, what's gonna happen. It's it's sort of it's sort of crazy um It's a problem even when she does the word salad thing people like oh, she seems so nice. It it you know, the media um It's disgusting what's going on, but we have to we actually have to just make sure we get more people out there That's why I will tell you guys like share subscribe Make sure we get this stuff out there so that people see it that they get it that we can push back um Let's see Can you please help me pay for college tuition? I tend st. Louis university. Sorry, bud You're on your own, uh, but you know It is a problem because the tuition's going insane Uh, you know, Kamala Harris that you know and the Biden is he tried to bribe people by saying hey We'll just pay off your debts and you know, if you vote for us and of course the supreme court ruled that unconstitutional And they'll sell they'll keep doing it as long as you vote for them and then it'll never happen Uh, but you know the the real problem is that there's no check and balance keeping these things uh actually In check from going insane and so we got a We got to check that out and you know, just we got to reign in those things because it's like the Most declining value proposition and the history of uh modern investments So, you know for a lot of people they should just not even be looking at college that you know vocational schools and so many other options Um, you know, I get it if you're gonna be a doctor. It's it's a little different if that's what you want to do for other things You know, you don't need a four-year degree and underwater basket weaving Uh to go do that and the people who get those degrees they're always shocked that they have no way to actually pay back their college loans It's sort of Sort of amazing to me. I feel bad for them that they don't get that that you know the you know, gender studies doesn't actually Really offer too many paying jobs afterwards and and all of that so you know, it's it's nuts, but Let's see. What do we got here? Okay Radicals have moved morality from rational thought if it feels good, it'll lead to destruction. Yeah, I mean, I think Uh, rational thought is missing from uh, just about everything Uh, the democrats do today By the way, do you guys have a good holiday weekend? I apologize I see the numbers a little light tonight because we're never we're never up on Tuesday. So I don't know if people were looking for it last night But I figured if people um And uh if people are looking For it, maybe they they missed it, but I figured, you know, people probably rather hang out with their family to close out the summer and and all of that so Maybe breaking breaking the norms. Um, wasn't a great idea, but um, it's okay. Good to be here on Tuesday. Anyway Tell your dad to come to Colorado. You think Trump will go to Chicago Hmm, it's interesting. I mean honestly it feels like there's probably an opportunity there. I don't think you win Chicago I don't think you do that, but I think there's probably congressional seats and whatever it may be You know on the fringes of that that Uh, can be influenced. I think you see a lot of people sort of fed up because they start realizing that their government's failing It's just taking a lot longer than it should. I mean, it's it's so obvious what's going on across the country Um, but it's not it's not the easiest thing for people to pick up when they've gotten so used to um Just doing things a different way Let's see Okay, a couple people say they'll be there for uh, I assume that means the the Tucker thing um In Jacksonville. Okay. Yeah, that's the 28th. So yeah me and Tucker Carlson Jacksonville That'll be a fun one. Um Kamala Harris's campaign employs over 175 staffers dedicated to floating social media with pro Harris anti-Trump Content thoughts. I'm actually surprised. It's that little Uh, you know, that's the reality. I mean the the spend that they have you look at You know the spend that they have for tv They just have You know a lot more big donors that are willing to spend a lot more insane money to push the radical agenda I literature legitimately can't tell you what it what good it could possibly do them, but they're just true radicals and so Uh, it doesn't surprise me even a little bit that it's 175. I figured the number would actually be a lot higher because you see it You know in there. They're just you know, basically like bot accounts, you know, maybe humanized bot accounts Pushing the nonsense, but you know all the things Kamala Harris is gonna fix Well, she could have started fixing some of these things for the last three and a half four years She hasn't done any of that. So I don't think anyone should be dumb enough to uh, think that something's gonna change, but they will be Um, and you know, it's gonna be a problem Let's see Ask your father if he can adopt me. Well, thank He's good enough kids guys relax um Tim waltz big brother is a hundred percent opposed to Tim's policies Anytime a second or third cousin has something to negative to say about donald trump the media makes it a headline But it's crickets on this that's a really good point So, you know the media for the last you know eight years has been talking about mary trump and all the things she had to say about me and my father and my just so we're clear like I think i'd seen mary trump once before we like ran in like the last 20 years like You know, but she was an expert on all things trump. She knew the intimate details of the family somehow We hadn't seen her in 20 years. I think she came to one event because it was my aunt's birthday. They did like a birthday party for my Uh, my aunt mary aunt who passed away, uh, you know last year Um, and they did a birthday party for at the white house. I think she showed up to that I think it was the first time I seen her in like 20 25 years something like that So like it was you know two maybe three hour event Uh, I guess she was there in the periphery. That is the extent I had seen her since I was like literally early teens, but she Uh, that is the gospel of all things trump Um, you know, it's amazing, but when Tim waltz's brother comes out and says he's dangerous. He's a lunatic I wouldn't want him making decisions for anyone in america. Let let alone, uh, me Yada, yada, yada Um, the media just blacks it out entirely. So I I think that's important to understand It's just it's just different again. It's why you guys getting involved, you know liking and sharing this kind of stuff Why you know Not just following the you know blindly the mainstream media talking to your friends who may still be in a little bit of that bubble Uh, it's a really big deal because it is ridiculous Uh, that that can happen. You know, if that was trump, that'd be a big story, you know, and obama's brother came out against them They tried to hide them that guy's crazy. Everyone's crazy that you know, if you're against obama if you're against trump You could actually be crazy. It doesn't matter. You're as far as they're concerned Uh, you know, you're the lord almighty Um, and so it's um It's just different. Are you worried about your dad's safety now that he said he's going to release the Epstein files? That's a really good question. Um Um You know, i'm worried about his safety. Anyway, I mean, I I don't you know, I don't think I could have looked at Uh, you know j13 Uh, you know, any other way than cynically. I like I don't think that was just an error right that was 40 errors in agencies that are trained specifically not to make those errors by people who have The utmost training being warned by locals being warned by local cops Totally ignoring it allowing a shooter to be there for 20 minutes. Like I don't think that happened like organically I don't think that was oh, we didn't know it was a mistake It's not like, you know, someone got through the magninometer with a gun and like like the guy They they knew about the guy for 10 minutes before and they still have my father get on the stage They knew about him for 20 minutes when he's out there and he gets off a shot like it's a couple shots Uh, so i'm worried about his safety. Anyway, uh, I imagine there are Significantly and we know some of the rich ones we've mentioned them already on this show Uh, you know who've been to Epstein island, but how many more people in media have been in there How many of the you know some of these big anchors and all these things that went like yeah, they all they went there for fun It was a great conversation. I'm sure that's what it was um so, you know, uh I guess i'm just worried in general because I don't think there's anything that these people would Not do at this point to try to stop my father I think that probably uh certainly adds some fuel onto their fire because you know, they're self-interested. Although again, it it almost doesn't seem like They even care because like no one you know, there's been no social consequence to anyone on that list You know, even the ones that are out there and vocal and we know about so it's uh It's an interesting thing, you know, again if it was trump, there'd be outrage that he was on that list You know, he's not otherwise it would have leaked but um, it's sort of crazy Um that it happens SFS lady one question. Can we get mike flinn back into his form but position? Um, listen, I I think he could be he could be great at that I mean, I think you know, he was right all along I think, you know, obama told my father back in the days like that's the guy you got to watch out for and it turns out It was just because he knew what was actually going on and he wasn't just going to go along with it And so you know, it seems, you know, they tried to set him up and tried to destroy his life and ruin his life So, uh, that could be an interesting one Uh to bring back in and just really piss off the people in dc so that that'd always be nice While having you brought up how food and water being poisoned before Um, I'm sure you don't have to eat this should be addressed long ago. It's killing us I mean, I definitely talked about this. I mean, we talked about, you know, you know, when I started the pug It comes up every once in a while. It's it's just not you know in the grand scheme of all the issues out there It's not my biggest issue. I mean, it is rfks when I think he's great at it That's why he just knows much more about it. I was talking to him about it literally earlier today Uh, it's a real thing as I get more informed on it. It's a big deal I, you know, clearly You know, do what I can with my kids to stop the pesticides and the this and try to you know Not go with too much of the process crap, but like, you know, it's not I don't I don't need particularly all that well for myself So it uh It I get it's a major issue. You you try to be as good as you can about it. It's it clearly worse Uh, then I've ever known and as I followed him as I start seeing that I you know You realize how much worse it actually is and you look at us compared to other countries and then you Uh, look at our autism rates versus other countries or you look at your Amish community autism rates versus You know americans in the same state Uh that you know, aren't from the Amish community there and you're like, huh Why is it that there's zero Amish suffering any of these things and yet everyone else in the area is it? It's not just that ain't genetics folks. That's just not statistic don't work that way Uh, you know, there there are other things at hand and so I think you know, the big thing is now I'm trying to educate myself along the way. I know there's things that aren't great I can't imagine all the crap we spew into the air and into the water Uh, is great for you. It just hasn't been in the grand scheme of all the issues that are out there It hasn't been one of my top ones Uh, as I'm learning more about it, it it's certainly becoming interesting But that's why, you know, I'll defer to the people that actually have studied these things for years like rfk So, uh, you know, as we said, we're talking about doing, you know, make america healthy, uh, events Around the country. We got a bunch of really cool, uh, events where he you know, he's gonna have the platform to talk about that Obviously, you know, uh, you know, I know a lot of people concerned about that clearly for their kids I know I am, you know mothers, uh, out there and I think, you know, we could do something on a pretty big national level on on the issue But I'm gonna let the experts actually lead on it and not me and I don't mean experts like You know governmental experts. I want, you know, like an rfk who's actually studied it and isn't you know bought off by You know, uh, big food and whatever it may be, you know, uh, big pharma, big food You know, the combination thereof, I mean, you see the stories, you know, the tobacco companies bought all the junk food companies And they're doing this and it's the same stuff that they got you hooked on cigarettes with and i mean, it's It's mind-blowing, uh, that you know That it happened, but I guess when we look at things in the grand scheme of everything we know now, it probably shouldn't shock anyone 48% of hispanic voters support trump versus 36 and 2020. What do you attribute the jump to? They get it guys like, you know, they're they're smart enough to not believe Uh, or to believe, you know, they're not believe they're lying eyes Uh, you know, it's interesting with the hispanic voting block. I mean, I've always sort of said Um They're always conservative sort of trapped in democrat sort of like a stronghold is because of history or whatever it may be but like You know, they're about god. They're about family. There's a work ethic there. There's uh, you know, there's just like I was like They're basically conservatives, uh, that have been trapped. I think you know, it the number frankly should be much higher The problem is, you know, telemundo, univision, uh, the big hispanic networks are like I mean, some of them make CNN seem like reasonable, uh, and like like right alt right Uh, and so, you know, there's a lot of influence in there just fear-mongering, you know, you've been here for 40 years Trump's gonna deport your grandmother if you don't vote for democrat I mean, it's it's actually insane. I did a couple interesting interviews Uh about 10 days ago with a couple, uh, you know, hispanic networks and some of the you know Buenveninos and like a couple of the other guys and it's like you hear them like with the stuff that they say It's like, oh my god, that stuff's actually being put out there So frankly, I think the number would be, uh, much higher than 48 percent based on logic Reason facts, but I honestly if you look at those communities, they're the ones that are the the ones who did immigration legally Uh, they're the ones that are your super anti just these rat is open borders Uh, you know, some of the most patriotic americans I know are the ones that did it the right way that are, you know immigrants that, you know Uh, you did it correctly those people, you know, they're vested they have something to think and they're not just there I hear like give me my, uh, ebd card and you know, we'll go from there. So, um, it's it's really interesting Uh, but yeah, so I'm glad that number is there it should be higher Uh, I imagine that keeps growing towards the republican side as the democrats keep pushing, you know, again transgender, you know Ideology is their number one, um, you know, these are the stories that matter to them I don't think that translates all that well over to there and probably not too many other communities other than like You know, suburban, you know white women probably or like the people who You know, their entire like life currency is in virtue signaling Um, so, you know, let's see what happens, but Um, it's a big one Uh, I heard your dad say used to hunt and check us. Locky. I went there for summer orga's professor. Oh, it's a beautiful country Yeah, I didn't get to really hunt there much I there's there's good hunting there now, but when when I went there as a kid Uh, I went with my grandfather. He was a blue collar electrician and it was like there's the woods I'll see you at dark. I got into woodsmanship and like time around a campfire and that kind of stuff You know, he was a regular guy. This is, you know, blue collar electrician He wasn't you know communist party elite so there wasn't really hunting there, but I sort of got it You know for at least not available for us Uh, but I got into sort of the woodsmanship there and that's what started sort of my my journey into the outdoors Uh, so so that stuff was Uh, you know, really fun and you know, also probably the beginning of my political leanings Uh, in the sense that you know, I experienced communism. I've waited in those bread lines It's not nearly as glamorous as bernie sanders would have you believe in real life Uh, and there's a reason that people who actually lived in those places never really come here and advocate for them There's always the staunchest people against it But it doesn't matter some academic who went there on their honeymoon or a person like tim waltz who did just that You know, we'll advocate for, you know, communism and Totalitarianism even though they took advantage of everything america had to offer, you know, the other systems are definitely better guys Even we haven't actually lived under them. We vacationed there a little bit, but uh, it's crazy Veteran here done could you ask your dad to look at the post 9/11 gi bill benefits expiration for veterans who exited before January 2013 Yes, I don't know what the issue is there Um or how it changed, but you know, obviously he cares a lot about the veterans Obviously he cares a lot about you know, the crap they tried to do them, you know throwing the guys out for not You know taking the jab and all of that stuff. So there's a lot of you know wrongs that he wants to write Uh, if he gets back in there for veterans, so i'll i'll make a note of that and you know Uh and talk about it because I don't know what the change was, but I imagine it's a big one if you're bringing it up Trump jr. 2028. Thank you. Mink champ. Um Oh boy, let's let's let's let's worry about 2024 first guys so um How many of you guys show a hand so they just like a one for a yes or two for a no how many of you guys Yes have reached out to other people tried to get them registered tried to get them to vote Give me one or two if you're a lazy bastard that hasn't done any of that yet Uh, let's see and I want to see if people are you know getting involved right now because I think that's really Important so one if you've gotten involved two if you haven't and uh, if you haven't Why not uh give me the reason because we got to get after this guys. This is uh, there's a lot going on here and there's a lot at stake Please watch this campaign ed my fancy made for you. I've been praying for it every day Okay, i'll try to pull that up later Toilet d32, uh, I'll have the team check it out and and see if there's anything good in there. Okay, um Let's see I gotta catch up to the feed it's a little Word on the street is i'm the man behind the rfk trump endorsement. Tell us more Well, you know, I I may have I may have had a little something to do with that Uh, listen, I just I understand the reality. I understand there's probably a lot of there's a lot of things You know, we agree on I love what you know this tans is he was taking on a lot of things Uh, my good friend. Oh, mead mallek is really good friends with rfk jr. Son Uh, did a lot with him. He's for like a a dual donor donated to both campaigns like what a lot of them are doing and You know him and I started talking and we're like we just got to uh, you know Get these guys together or arranged a couple meetings did a lot of the back work for a couple months Just basically kept everyone else out of it. That's why it didn't really leak before it was um, you know, basically happening Uh, and so, you know had some fun with that one, but you know, that's some of the stuff you do Uh, just guess I think it's the right thing for america. I think that kind of unity is so important I think again. I think he'd be awesome in some of those agencies or Or give him one of you know, let him go fix the corruption in the cia Uh, you know, whatever it may be. I think there'd be a you know a great role for him And again, we don't have to agree on everything in politics to understand that he could still be really good at some things Uh, and so I thought it'd be important to actually do that. And so me and a buddy sort of just you know back channeled uh, directly Uh, just kept, you know, everyone out the usual, you know leakers and otherwise We're never really brought into the loop until it was done And that way it didn't get out and the media didn't try to break it up or destroy it because Uh, we just kept them out of it. So it was the it was a fun little, you know project and you know, I love it I love the attention. It's getting. I love the The unity that it's bringing. I love the people that are, you know, getting it And uh, we will go from there Don, do you use hairspray or do you use gel? I use Tucson man, uh I use like this it's almost like a clay type of thing It's really Think if you if you didn't if I didn't have the stuff that I use in my hair like I look like ronald mcdonald Uh, it's like a chia pet Uh, so, uh, yeah, you got a I got to use some really strong stuff my hair if if i'm not in there Uh, with that like it just goes just full, you know, basically fro I think i'm allowed to say that I don't know that that's I hope i'm not, uh You know culturally appropriating Uh, a hairstyle, but that's basically what happens to my uh hair if I don't put it in so it's neither hairspray or gel It's like a it's almost like a heavy clay paste kind of thing Uh, and that's what I need otherwise it looks pretty ridiculous those who've seen it Understand, uh And most of you will never see it because it'll become a meme that I won't ever outlive Let's see There's a point in court decision today. I wondered what no petition on basis trump was in Fed building in dc for key next approving repay loans, you know what I actually haven't even had a chance to check out um The the decision today, so I assume that's go to this decision Yeah, i'm trying we're trying to Figure out what you're referring to that's al vdo vw Maybe give us a little bit of details. I don't know which decision you're talking about. I'm not familiar with it Uh, I've been away for a couple days. So I haven't caught up fully yet, uh Roxie and do you avoid alcohol? Yeah, I try my best to avoid it because I I don't do well in moderation. I I'm You know, uh, if you have sort of an addictive personality, it's great for certain things Uh, it's you know, you know, it's good for things that are good And it's really bad for things that are bad. And so I I'm really like an all or nothing person. And so Uh, me and alcohol usually doesn't work all that well Um, so try to avoid it as best I can Let's see. All right a lot of Okay, there's some no yeah a lot of ones Some twos Okay, if you're a two on this list and you haven't gotten anyone to Register vote get to work Uh Apache beast you've made mailed 50 postcards for scott pressler's organization. That's great Scott does a great job with that stuff. That's awesome Yeah, 50 is a good number make it another 50 this month and another 50 next month, you know Get it out there Uh, get everyone uh to do that. That's a really really important thing Okay, good. So a lot of people have motivated. Okay. I see a lot more ones then twos Two because nicks said so I don't know even know who nick is but okay Who knows what that is but um, let's see Okay Way to go 1776 to because you're demoralized That's like honestly that's like the stupidest fucking answer like in the world like You're you're you're not gonna vote. We're not gonna call anyone because we're demoralized By the way, you're probably you gotta be a democrat Uh and just doing that because that's exactly what the democrats want They want you to be demoralized. They want you to take your ball and go hide They want you to think there's no chance. They want you to sit at home and that's how they win So you're either a democrat troll or I apologize I don't mean to call you stupid, but like honestly, there's there's almost no other You know, we we got to stay involved. We got to stay in the game Uh, there is uh, there's no You know, there's no choice. You know, they they would love us to be demoralized Dissident at home let kamala harris destroy the country the constitution freedom of speech Uh Anything like that, you know That that's exactly what they want So I, you know, I hope you're almost kidding because it's like it's hard to believe that we could have that mentality anymore This is an interesting one. This is gonna go over the head of most people so Uh a tech r 5 to 25 a tech r 7 to 35 or nx 8 4 to 32 Going in your christians and arms 300 win mag Saved enough to buy the nx 8 is it worth saving for the a tech r? This is my all-round hunting and elr rifle. I want to buy once Okay, so I have a christians and arms titanium uh, you know summit 300 win mag uh and You know on that so it listen the problem is you know an elr rig and a hunting rig, you know I have hunting rigs that are elr rigs, but they're not necessarily like a sheep hunting rig, right? So it's a little different um I love the a tech r for a hunting gun You you probably generally don't need more than the 5 to 25 for the elr I love the 7 to 35 because you're just you know, if you're shooting You know elr you're you know out way past a thousand yards like there's no reason for that lower The lower end doesn't mean all that much the nx 8 is a is a great scope though So there's nothing there's nothing wrong with that for whatever you want to do I probably like the a tech r, but it's heavy on the hunting gun. It's perfect on the elr rig So, uh, I don't think you could go wrong with uh any one of those actually, but you know the a tech r It's are going to run you uh quite a bit more than the nx 8 Uh, but I have all three of those scopes. They're they're all great The a tech r's tend to go on my heavier sort of like prs type rigs, uh, you know when i'm shooting a night force or uh Whatever it is. I actually I think on my christian, then 300 win mag. I think I have a loophole mark five Um, you know on that one it sort of you know, it balances well, but that's you know, it's a hunting gun It's a long range hunting gun, but it's it's not necessarily an elr rig Uh, so, you know, but I don't I don't think you could go wrong with any of those things Let's see when I was in Czechoslovakia, we stayed in an old dorm built under a communist regime You're right everyone there hated communism I know it's not even like it's a no brain like you ask those people like what do you think about communism coming to america? It's like they're like it's insane My kid is listening with me and now he's saying the f-word thanks Sorry, Priscilla that my bad Okay, listen doesn't happen often Uh, if you're Priscilla's kid don't use that word. Okay. Don't use that word sometimes, you know, I use it You know, it's it's like excessive punctuation Uh, sometimes it needs to be said but for the most part uh not Uh, what are your thoughts on watching the republican party become the welcome and refuge for all these different disenfranchised democrats and others that are all Loving liberals kicked out. I think it's great. I mean, I think that's what we've always said the republican party was I mean people didn't believe it not because it wasn't actually real that we're this sort of big tent But because the media said, you know your race that you show over this you're this than the other like Um, I think it's uh, it's super important that people are actually seeing that that we are bringing unity I think it changes the face of the party hopefully forever and I think everyone understands that like You know, I'm a conservative. I'm not necessarily, you know, you know A party style republican guy. I'm probably frankly, you know, I'm quite libertarian Not on everything but you know, I probably you know libertarian leaning more than anything So I think there's idea of you know, whether it's libertarian some democrats who you know are not insane Uh, you know, just common sense uh people from all parties coming over Uh, you know to the republican party, uh, at least you know, sort of let's call it a make america Great again or america first republican party not necessarily an establishment republican party Uh, I think it's amazing. I think it's what we've been saying for a long time I think we've been trying to create that that welcoming that and now You know, people have finally seen the gem the democrats finally started, uh, you know, they jumped the shark so much on the insanity that Uh, you know, people are getting it more and more, uh, and they're coming over. So I I think it's actually super powerful I think it's super important Um for the party. I think it's super important for the country. Uh, it's amazing Scott pressler is registering most of pa. He's amazing. I agree. He's been on the show. He's it's it's amazing. What he's doing I like, uh, you know, the amount of time he puts into that is is spectacular But we need we need like 10,000 scott presslers, uh, to counteract, you know, the billions that the democrats have but you know, I'm glad we have one He's he's great Did you talk to your father after being arrested in new york on september 8th? Did you talk to your father about? Uh, now I haven't spoken to about it yet. Um, uh, I think I, you know, I blocked it off my calendar and I think we could go up there. Um Yeah, I mean it wouldn't surprise me if they just try to, you know, throw them in jail for that I don't know if it's like one of those that they see that it could backfire I I'm sure As we've seen with the rest of the case, it has nothing to do with law. It has nothing to do with rules. It's all bull Uh, okay. I remembered kid watching, uh, it's all nonsense Um, but it doesn't mean they won't try to do it I mean, I think that's sort of their ultimate plan, right? If they if they couldn't beat them this way, they'll try to beat them now if they can't bankrupt them. They'll jail them if they can't jail them They'll shoot at them. It's like, you know, nothing's ever gonna stop. So, uh, you know, I haven't spoken to them about it But yeah, that's scheduled to be sentenced on september 16th up in new york Uh, you know, so here you're worried about the fallout, uh, if you sent this to jail I am too, you know, I mean people and around the country I mean, you know, I know a lot of very reasonable people people You know, not not people that are out there not people that are far right Some of these are, you know, former democrats that come over there are I mean, these people are talking about sort of, you know Some of the stuff going on right now in in scary terms You start you combine that you you add in the american redneck and it's it's kind of scary Uh, if people are having these conversations because they're scared about what's going on in their country Obviously, I mean, not encouraging anyone to do anything like that We just got a but we also can't have the apathy and not vote because we're dejected We're demoralized like let's not be So many words I want to use that now that I know there's a kid watching I got to be Can your kids spell because I could spell it out B-I-T-C-H-E-S, but let's not be that Uh, so we got to do it, but um, you know, again, there's there's nothing they won't do So, uh, I haven't even spoken to him about it. He's sort of, you know Uh, fairly nonchalant about it because you just you can't worry about it Um, but you just got to keep fighting Everyone keeps saying pomade. No, I I use the stuff I have is like literally it's like It's like I think it's called molding clay. It's literally like Uh, clay pomade does like nothing for it. The pomade just makes my hair shiny as I have a fro Um, so Um Yeah, so now it's definitely like a clay Let's see Okay, so saving america 2024 urgent major problems and with the gop and maricopa county, Arizona No one is holding the legislature to the law. We need a fixed Before election right now. How can I send any info they expelled only The only black committeeman Um, I don't know, uh, what I what I will do. I know charlie kirk is sort of Uh, at turning point is dealing a lot with arizona He's doing a lot sort of like when people like well, I don't see the campaign presence there It's like because other groups are doing that. Uh, we're working You know collectively as the law allows to do those things. So I'll I'll find out what's going on over there um Uh, as it relates to the legislature saving america. So I'll I'll check that out Uh, and see uh, what's going on and hopefully can check back in with you guys. Uh, Next time I do kind of a q&a on that one Um What's your dad going to do about the minion and smartmatic voting machines again? You know again that it's sort of at the state level and so, you know, the rnc's out there, you know, pole watchers These kinds of things we got to watch it. I you know, I don't know the whole thing's ludicrous to me But the reality is you have to win under the you know, they these guys are able to set Uh, the rules, uh, you know the the socialist in europe think that we should be Uh doing same day voting with paper ballots and ideas like every other sane country even the radical left In europe does that and you know, we don't need idea and we don't need same day ballots And we can just mail them to random addresses and everything will be fine And it's the fairest and safest election in the history of the world um you know, that's uh That's a big deal. Um and so By the way, let's speak about speaking of voting. Let's give me a one if you're voting early Uh, two if you're a day of voter or three if you're a male in voter Okay, so just in the feed One if you're voting early two if you're day of three if you're male in i'm kind of curious to see where all of this is Uh going right now because uh, you know, I think we got it. I'm getting worried about just the male end, you know day um The day of stuff so let's see Um, you know, we've seen too many times we've lost or erased by, you know 500 votes because one county had a bed snowstorm and that was the conservative county They didn't turn up on election day, you know, and the democrats had six weeks of you know collecting mail and ballots. So Let's see. Well, sorry. I'm way behind in the feed. So let's see All right, so one if you're voting early two if you're male in or sorry two if you're day of three if you're mailing in Let's see. Okay, a lot of ones and twos Ones and two so not a lot of people doing the male in interesting If you're not doing male in or any of you guys feel strongly about it I mean like I said, I you know, we can't let them have If male is the only option for early, I think we got to do it because we can't give them, you know We can't let them have a three month long election day Uh while we hope that the weather's nice on the day we show up but uh Uh, you know, that's important So yeah, not a lot of mail in but okay Listen as long as you're voting early, that's a big one. I guess too because you got you got time to do that in a lot of the states Let's see and who okay anyone in pennsylvania your early voting starts literally in less than two weeks So are you guys and pa people just say, you know, if you're just say early pa if you're voting early in pennsylvania All right, well while this popular is when we do the do we have one more ad raid Let's do that. Well, I'm kind of safe curious to see where everyone else goes with this But guys one more thing don't forget about a brand new sponsor right here from rumble It's called 5g free. It's all about preparing yourself for a time of crisis. Why do you need 5g free? Well, believe it or not your everyday Devices could be making you sick from smartphones to Wi-Fi routers the radiation admitted by these technologies is an invisible threat That could have significant health implications and we're tired of seeing big tech control your life without regard to the consequences So at 5g free the radiation kits are designed using the latest scientific research to offer you effective defense against exposure Elevate your peace of mind with 5g free knowing that your choice supports a healthier lifestyle in a high tech world Go to 5g free Dot com slash triggered or use code triggered at checkout to save 15 off your order and remember every purchase supports rumble and the fight for free speech So don't forget to check that out guys. Let's see Okay, pa and you're voting early Day of pa Just make sure you guys do it if you guys are day of people make sure you like nothing comes up that day Just I don't care what happens. You got to show up. I mean pencil mania You know that's gonna be such a critical place. Obviously the democrats are gonna spend billions there probably and uh be out there You gotta get after it Uh, you know if you're gonna vote that day Make sure it's the only thing you care about that day Let's see Well, can your father and the administration do to help solve the bad job market in california specifically southern california in san diego You know, I mean that's really more of a state problem guys. You know You got to start electing, uh, you know better officials who care about those things, but the reality is a rising tide lifts all ships, right? So I think you start creating economic outputs you start making better trade deals you start doing those things and that prosperity translates You know across the board. So the administration can do a lot of things generally on that But to specifically help target southern california, you know, that's going to be a much bigger Uh, that's going to be a much bigger deal. Um for for the people Uh, you know locally and you got to vote in your elections and you got to say eventually, you know, you get fed up of You know the democrat strongholds. So you know eventually, you know those failures, you know, hopefully get enough people to sort of wake up But so far we have not really seen that so You know good luck with that, but you know it it sucks, but like the democrats aren't going to make that happen They're not going to do that on their own. They have no incentive to do that um It's interesting don jr. Warren buffet would drew a lot of cash from the stock market is a crash coming You know, he's probably seeing what's going on and you know probably hedging against it and and you know Uh, he's just pretty good at that stuff. So, uh, it feels like You know a lot of this stuff has sort of been artificially held up for so long to help billster the democrats all these You know regulatory agencies that are basically democrat shill. So Uh, I imagine the situation is much worse and they've been writing checks and printing money to kind of bolster this stuff But eventually you got to pay the piper. So, you know, I I could see I could see they're being, you know a pretty serious crash um across the board Um, and you know that could be a problem Let's see Don't check out the link 5g free It keeps saying it's unsafe Can we look into that guys maybe ask the rumble folks what's going on with that They're saying that when they check click on the 5g free link it keeps saying that it's unsafe That's probably like a security feature in their browser, but it's it shouldn't be so You know, I don't know if that's you know The you know what browser are using curious because I wonder you know, there's certain browsers obviously that are Working on ours, so just make sure it's the right link. I think we probably have it in the bottom frankly, you know Under the title for the episode um Yeah, just 5g free dot com slash triggered Or use you know use triggered as a promo code to close get 15 off um, but Yeah, check that out. Um Uh, let's see What? Oh Okay, yeah, now it's showing up on ours guys so um Um Try maybe try again later on, but uh, yeah, check it out. Um Yeah, now that that stuff you don't want to I honestly I'm guilty of that I'm trying to actually make a much better play to not leave my cell phone in my pocket have one of those sort of uh, whatever they I guess it's the diode whatever that you know The chips are like that to have on my phone because it's like Yeah, that when you think about it. It can't be good for you I probably had 20 years of that on my lap, but you know probably got to avoid that but um Better late than never. Um All right, let's see guys. I just realized it's 715 and I have dinner with my daughter at 730 I got the call she wanted to have dinner that doesn't happen all that often. So I'm going to probably sign out now. Um, maybe I'll take some questions on Uh, thursday, but we'll we'll be back on thursday regular scheduled and then back on monday So we'll get back to normal since it's not a holiday weekend anymore. I hope you guys are doing well. That was fun Remember guys, check out our great sponsors. Go to 5g or use code triggered at checkout to say 15 percent off your order Text don june your d o n j r to the number 98 98 98 to claim you're free No obligation info kit on gold from the birch gold group Make sure to check that out and get it's free educate yourself learn, you know, make an informed decision Uh, that's what this is all about and to reach a team of licensed tax professionals That can help you reduce settle and resolve your tax matters go to tn like tax network usa Dot com slash don jr tn usa dot com slash don jr Uh, I appreciate you guys remember pennsylvania get out there vote Make sure all your friends are voting that's starting in two weeks uh We don't Uh We don't have a choice. We got to get out there So call all of your friends like i'm calling my friends in pennsylvania and making sure they're doing it you call yours Uh, same with all the other swing states. There's so much at stake. We just can't uh We we can't sit idly by so get after it guys. You're the best and I will talk to you on thursday. Oh, good evening