Triggered With Don Jr.

The Roadmap to a MAGA Victory, Interviews with Sean Davis & Tim Murtaugh | TRIGGERED Ep.169

The Roadmap to a MAGA Victory, Interviews with Sean Davis & Tim Murtaugh | TRIGGERED Ep.169 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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30 Aug 2024
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The Roadmap to a MAGA Victory, Interviews with Sean Davis & Tim Murtaugh | TRIGGERED Ep.169

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Guys welcome to another huge episode of trigger today's gonna be a fun one first up We have Sean Davis back from the federalist who's been doing some big investigations into the secret service scandal how the media and Democrats organized a coup against their sitting president and Just exactly what is so weird about Tim Waltz Then we'll be joined by Tim Murtaugh who's back with the Trump campaign after serving as a comms director in 2020 He'll give us the inside scoop on where things stand what's going on Not to believe everything that you read people are definitely trying to sow chaos and discord And I think it's gonna be a big one because we just have a couple of months left until the November election And actually we're only weeks away from the start of early voting in Pennsylvania on September 16th To learn more you can go to skip the lines PA dot vote. That's skip the lines PA dot vote to learn more if you're in Pennsylvania and you make your plan to vote Do so utilize every methodology guys we cannot rely on The hope of good weather on a certain day or that something happens each and every vote is going to matter Right, they don't have covet this time, but I don't think anyone genuinely believes that they're not gonna play their games So vote however you can check that place out Figure out what's best for you your friends your families talk to them register other people but get after it because Election season is almost underway. It's basically two weeks out with that one. So with that guys Remember also to like share and subscribe so that we can keep getting the message out here You guys make that possible remember you can go and Spotify and Apple podcast if you miss the show here in rumble We'll make sure that it's up there for all of you guys to check it out And for all of the top headlines that we spotlight right here on the show go over check out my news app MXM news like minute-by-minute MXM Where you can get the mainstream news without the mainstream bias. That's the platform that's been debanked because I guess they're sharing the truth and Corporate banks don't like that very much and that's what we're up against. So any support you guys can give them I think it matters. 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D-O-N-J-R and With that we'll go to some of our guests guys joining me now the federalist founder and CEO Sean Davis Sean great to have you back first and foremost a lot going on in the last couple of weeks sort of I think we're seeing some some True insanity, but it almost doesn't seem to matter Do you but you know in your heart of hearts? Do you think America would actually elect someone as extreme as Kamala Harris are Americans? I don't want to say, you know I guess they're numb perhaps are they numb to it at this point or are they just being? Lie to and they're still falling for it despite sort of years of chaos, you know, how many legitimate Undecided voters could there possibly even be at this point? Yeah, if you ask me the American people given full Fair accurate information whether they would vote for this insanity Absolutely not there's no chance, but the problem is we have such a corrupt media complex in this country We have such a corrupt big tech complex. I call it the since censorship industrial complex That they exist to lie to people and to get people to do what they want by hook or crook no matter what it takes and So I think the question is are there enough people still believing in the lives of the media? I'll tell you I think it's a whole lot fewer people now than four years ago or eight years ago or 20 years ago I feel like everybody's kind of onto them at this point thankfully But does it feel like they're doubling down because of that? It's like they just they you know again It was it's sort of funny, you know when in the weeks leading up to Joe Biden sort of dropping out It was like wow. They were actually being honest about Joe Biden. They were actually acknowledging his incompetence Ironically in the weeks prior to that they were talking about how bad Kamala Harris was Then the second they got what they wanted which is someone who may be able to win because they knew he couldn't all of a sudden Kamala Harris is a moderate She was never the borders are she's a wonderful orator and a great speaker and they're not word salads and how dare you that's racist I've never seen You know they were never actually being honest about Joe Biden They were just doing it for for a purpose to win as their as their job as the spokesperson for the DNC But it's it's it's crazy to see it and the doubling down the tripling down the quadrupling down Is unlike anything I've seen and I think I've seen a lot at this point. I Totally agree. I mean I was kind of blown away just by how Dishonist they were by the level of gaslighting I'm generally pretty cynical and skeptical of stuff And so I thought I was prepared for what they were gonna do when they went from saying go by can they get the answer is Whatever you thought it's gonna be worse. Yeah, I know I honestly I Decry my own lack of imagination at being able to fully understand the depths of their depravity But I mean they went from saying Joe Biden was totally fine like overnight - he's in such bad shape We're just gonna do a coup against him and we're gonna put in someone new and I think my favorite part about the whole Kamala campaign is this Attempt to pretend that she has not been in office in the White House for four years that she wasn't in the Senate in the Senate It's like they they just want to tell us that she has descended from on high and just been handed to us and there She has no policies that are bad. She has no opinions It's all vibes and feeling good and this you know super communist joy campaign They're running but but the willingness to just pretend she's not been in office for four years that she didn't vote for the biggest inflation Increasing law in history Genuinely blows my mind to watch them do it. I didn't know they would be that shameless. It's absolutely shocking I mean it really like she's gonna lower inflation. I was like well. Why didn't you do it? She's gonna hire all these border patrol people. Oh, why didn't you do it? It was literally your job That's what you were assigned to do and you didn't do it like you know xyz I mean it's like a cross between like communism and Maga like they go communist where they can buy the vote and Maga Where it's a popular thing with the people and it's it's the craziest Concept, I mean I still don't know that the platform is fully vetted post DNC even you know I know they posted the original platform hasn't haven't changed it at all Karine Jean-Pierre was out there two weeks ago saying there is no light between Harris's policy and the Biden administration's policies So yeah, that's the question. Why didn't they do it? But more importantly why? Doesn't the media ask her that same question? It seems so obvious. She's gonna do xyz Well, why didn't she do it? She's had four years to do it. No one believes that Joe Biden's actually in charge So he she's probably the most powerful vice president And at least in recent times may be ever because you know the person in charge is clearly inept Yeah, it's been it's been just so interesting to watch and I think the reason the media won't ask for any questions about policy Is that any discussion of policy is a loser for her because if you're gonna talk policy you have to talk about inflation You have to talk about our national debt soaring you have to talk about the currency being increasingly worthless you have to talk about the skyrocketing cost of groceries of gas of school of college of Healthcare any discussion of policy is gonna end up making her look bad because it's been the Democrat policies of Kamala Harris and Joe Biden That have gotten us to this place. So I think media have all decided among themselves We're not asking her anything about it And if we do it's gonna be in the most vague defensive possible way that we will make sure whatever clip She has you know doing her typical word salad won't look too bad And that's why they're doing this stupid vibes campaign with like going and buying Doritos and And talking about joy. I'm doing and getting caught doing multiple takes because yeah, you know I mean I don't know. I don't need a lot of junk food I try to avoid it my you know as I get older my metabolism slowed down a little bit But like it doesn't take two takes to buy Doritos like if you've actually done these things before and you're not you know a robot which she is It shouldn't be that hard Yeah, it really shouldn't and it's just it's so strange to see like the things that they somehow Assume people want to hear I don't care what types of chips my president eats Yeah, I really don't I do care how much stuff costs that I'm gonna eat I care that it you know cost me a we're not hundred bucks to fill up my truck because gas is like 350 a gallon I care about that stuff, but whether like the president's drink and diet coke or eating Doritos I don't even care if the president is like me. I don't think I care if the president likes me I kind of just want the president there to do the job and make life affordable and make America safe again And yet Harris and Biden have zero interest in that they just want to be in charge Yeah, I mean let's talk a little bit about you know the vice presidential candidate on her side waltz I mean it feels like Literally like they've picked him because he's like the arcade male archetype of every like sitcom dad like Bumbly incompetent. It's like I guess there's sort of a felt like there was always an affront on fatherhood And the traditional like you know family from the left and you can see that in Hollywood But there really is like the male archetype, you know Tim waltz is the bumbling Hollywood dad like you can't get anything right. He's not particularly masculine He's sort of you know Subservient to you know boss woman wife. I mean, what does that say and what does it you know represent about sort of the left's agenda today? Well, it's it's such a good question You look at someone like walls and you look at Harris and something I've seen a lot of in politics is that Politicians who are who are weak and insecure They don't want alphas around them They don't want to be around strong people because they're worried that being around strong alpha, you know truly masculine people Makes them look bad. Like where's when you're secure around yourself? You just want good people around you Yeah, and it's almost like she she went out looking for the weakest person she could possibly find So she didn't want to pick Shfiro because he was Jewish and she goes and finds this nobody of a seems kind of like an actual Communist in Minnesota who lied about being Trips to the you know the CCP or China, you know, they China and and not get worked by their you know their Intel agencies or you know just be naturally sort of Believing of those values. I mean, it's it's actually scary. I mean the ties there It was almost worse. It's almost worse than Biden in that it's not financial the guy just genuinely espouses those beliefs It seems it doesn't seem like he was actually on their payroll. He's probably working for him Just because that's how they groom, you know, their future operatives But it does not seem like he took a lot of money if he took any Unlike the Bidens where at least you say okay, well, they're just scumbags, you know profiteering from their office But they may not actually believe the Communist agenda Yeah, that's that's totally true like if I had to pick the worst of all worlds It's not the guy who's corrupt and gets bought off Although that's obviously bad and the Bidens were doing that for years if not decades I think it's way worse to have the true communist believer in there Which is what Tim Walz is. I mean he and his wife got married on According to his wife the fifth anniversary of the Tiananmen square massacre because she wanted to be sure that she could remember the date And I'll tell you I don't think she looks back on that date with regret I don't think she picked it cuz oh, that's a sad day I think she picked it cuz they're kind of into what happened there Yeah, like if you're siding with that regime with tanks rolling over, you know, peaceful protesters You're probably not on like the side of the good guys and yet they don't see it that way No, and I mean he's went there like 30 times I was talking to one of my colleagues the other day and I said, you know, I don't think I have gone to visit family like 30 times In the last 20 years. That's a lot of travel let alone do a foreign country let alone to a communist foreign country It's some point you got to start asking Does the guy really believe this or do they control him somehow cuz it looks like we have something of a Manchurian communist Chinese asset buying for the White House here Yeah, well, listen Sean you run a conservative news outlet What have you seen these days as far as censorship in the analytics of what's going on? You know, whether it's polling or otherwise Relative to past election cycles cuz I'm seeing some wild stuff I mean, you know, you know, suppose if you know reputable polling places They're releasing polls that are three weeks old to try to create bumps and you know, it's like it. It's You know, I guess we shouldn't be surprised. We shouldn't look at them any differently You know, then the media, but it seems like there's a lot of shenanigans at play Yeah, so much seems fake. I mean, we know the news is fake a bunch of the polls are fake Yeah, I think back to 2020 where there was it was either a CNN or a Washington Post poll It's like trying to differentiate between dog turds in the backyard. Sometimes you don't know which dog did which one And I remember in 2020 they had a poll showing by who's gonna be from by 17 points in Wisconsin like 17 points it was insane and Biden ended up having the tally of a, you know, a couple thousand more Maybe a percent more. And so you see what was happening now Kamala Harris is one of the most Unpopular vice president in history. No one liked her She was so bad at politics that when she ran for president the first time she had to drop out before a single vote was cast And we're magically supposed to believe that within minutes of them doing a coup on Joe Biden That suddenly she's the most inspiring Most beautiful brave courageous woman in the most popular vice president in history I just don't buy it. And so I kind of just assume along with the news that all the polls are fake, too They almost have to be right but but again, I think they're also by design right there in some places They're designed to make you overconfident in some places. They're designed to make you sit at home It really feels like the amount of information that's thrown out there the amount of You know things that are so similar and yet with such divergent outcomes Makes you wonder what more is at stake in there Yeah, it feels like they're doing a d morally moralization campaign on the right. You know, trump was was writing high His poll numbers are doing great. He was raising money Um, then someone tries to kill him people like him even more after that because of his amazing response to it And then they decide to swap out kamala And that was supposed to demoralize the right and then oh no the polls are showing she's ahead and she's up in the popular vote She's up in these states. I think it's meant to do two things Booly the bottom that was going to fall out of the democrat vote share because that was happening And then demoralize the right by a couple of points and hope that that's enough to make a difference And my advice to be able to be ignore it all and vote like the existence of your country is at stake Because it is Uh, what's interesting is i've actually seen even some of that kind of Uh, you know, um, let's call it malarkey Uh in some of the betting markets and it's like wow that looks weird How can it be that she's all of a sudden she's up that much and then you look and there's like one outlier bet It's it feels like it's like one democrat putting like a million dollars Uh, you know against this which sort of crushes that Uh, you know the way those things line up and it's the same thing It's designed to make people feel like you're like they're not going to win Uh, and they they're almost willing to lose that kind of money or create the effect it's intended to have Um, and you know, it wouldn't surprise me that these things would be very well-funded operations by the dnc They just they they do that stuff well and there's probably some independent democrats that are actually out there doing that stuff on their own But uh when they're sort of feels like they're almost manipulating the betting betting markets with some of these crazy outliers That really does sway Uh, the way people view elections even in the betting markets and that's sort of amazing and that's like next level gamesmanship Yeah, and we know they manipulate everything they they manipulate the news they manipulate the fbi They have their own little shock troops that they manipulate to go and and wage violent riots when they feel like it Everything they they do is manipulated and I was talking with friends the other day Um, I remember growing up if you were in an argument with a friend somebody would say shut up and you'd say no whatever It's free country. I can say what I want. I was like a super common retort on the playground I really don't feel like we have a free country anymore given how much of our government seems to exist to control us Sigh off us to manipulate us It's it's crazy for me to think about because I didn't think that 10 years ago Certainly not 20 years ago And yet I see what democrats are willing to do and how they're willing to lie to get power and I just have to say to myself I don't think they'll stop at anything I think they will do anything that pops into their heads if they think it will allow them to maintain or gain power Yeah, I mean, well They also are doing that. I mean when you look at the other places you saw, you know Sort of thought us bashets of freedoms, you know, Canada, New Zealand, Australia, UK, Ireland I mean, the UK you had a couple weeks ago You had, you know, they're police chief and one of them We're going to come in extradite americans who, you know, break our I mean They don't even have like remotely free speech. There's people being thrown in jail for misgendering people There's people calling out some of the hate-filled, you know let's you know call them what they are sort of migrant bans of roving, you know Attackers, you know saying I don't really like those people you said those people Jail, it's insane But you know, if you look at those places that you know prior to covid, we probably thought hey We're pretty similar. We're pretty aligned. It's like that's where we're headed if we don't wake up soon and it's like It's shocking to me every day I mean people calling out like some of these guys they're calling out like rapists and literally people who are beating up people in the streets And they're the ones getting thrown in jail for saying with we don't want this kind of immigration It doesn't seem like it's a crazy thought but they're getting thrown in jail for that And if we call them out in america, this guy's going to try to extradite us a police office I mean, I'd like to see him try I would like to see him try. I saw that guy on video. I'm like, I don't know man That guy's not kicking anyone's ass. He's certainly not extraditing any american. I know but uh But it's it's crazy that they feel like they have The power to actually say that with a straight face and I guess they've been given that power by some of these lunatic governments Yeah, it's it's actually really depressing to see It's it's a warning because when you lose control of your borders when you decide that you're no longer a nation You're just in economic zone with some lines written around it You'll just let anyone in because anyone who comes in is somebody who's going to buy stuff who's going to you know, I guess pour money into the economy and It's it's a warning sign to america that we are not an idea america is not an idea It is a distinct nation with distinct laws and distinct borders and a very distinct culture And the thing about culture is it it takes a very very long time to build up You know this haven't built companies your dad certainly knows that Culture does not get built overnight, but it can be nearly destroyed overnight And once it's gone, it's gone What we're seeing the bastion of western civilization of modern western civilization in europe in britain It's gone that that's not coming back and if we don't do something here pretty soon if we don't start Moderning and policing our own borders and actually caring about our own culture because it's something that's deliberately created and protected We're going to lose it and when when we lose it we lose everything because it's the foundation for our entire country Yeah, I mean, I know you guys have also been doing at the federalist some deep dives into some of the You know secret service things and they just but to me it seems like clear gross negligence and non-stop failures You know, what are the some of the new things that you guys have found that people may not have realized it feels like every day i wake up to a new story of like How on earth did that happen like a toddler would understand that like that's not how you would protect you know the the presumptive nominee of a political party at the time or or Anyone it just seems as tonight, but I know you guys have gone even further and you know Maybe our guys will be even further surprised that this does not it doesn't strike me as a coincidence anymore There's it's almost impossible to have this many failures Uh, and not let's say call it get conspiratorial I'm not sure I will ever get over the the picture of the security perimeter at the butler rally where it looked like pac-man Because a little pizza slice that i'll never be Shoot me now here that if you want if you want to get him here's the way to do it Just just follow the follow the crumbs Uh, it's it's lunacy. It is so so we had we had that whole thing. We had them um Within a day or two washing everything off the roof Um, normally that stuff you would preserve for a crime scene. They washed it off I think a member of congress recently learned that the body was cremated Almost immediately from like the very second. I think they had 10 days fbi said yeah Yeah, you can go ahead and cremate it. I that strikes me as crazy We had secret service agents and I believe in massachusetts Uh, you know the same agency that refused to protect the former and hopefully future president Uh, they broke into a salon in massachusetts because some secret service agents needed a potty stop and then they went and got tape and started taping up the cameras in there What on earth is happening at that agency? They have one job Their one job is to protect the people that they're protecting They're they're protecting to prevent them from getting shot or harmed or killed and it doesn't seem they're all that interested in doing that So I have to ask what exactly are they interested in doing? What is their job? Yeah, I mean I saw that body cam footage. I guess it was last week Uh, you know that came out and it's like literally like the local cops and again It's not their job to protect high value targets. It's not what they do They're not used to setting up those kind of perimeters and like they're literally this body cam footage Or them yelling at the secret service like hey like this seems like a glaring jab Like are you trying to get like they're screaming at the guys who do this day in and day out whose only job it is to do That stuff and they're calling out what are obvious, you know, I guess loopholes or uh, you know gaps Uh, you know in the wall of security and it's like well if the guy that doesn't do this for a living It was just you know a good hard-working law enforcement guy is yelling at the people who are the professionals Like wouldn't it be their job to like fix those things immediately on on the fly? Maybe there was an oversight, but if they don't do anything about it then and they leave like rooftop open inside 150 yards I mean, you know, uh, you know, my dad was asking me what kind of shot that's like. I'm like, that's like missing a two-inch putt You know what I mean? Like that's to miss it 130 yards like I unheard of like, you know, if you know what you're doing I guess it's crazy Yeah, it's a gimme and you're a hunter. I'm a hunter. I know we're not professional security guys But when you're a hunter, but you don't have to be shown you don't you don't have to be a professional security guard to be like How does this happen like you have to understand like very basic tactics like secure the high ground? I don't know. I think I learned that in my first history class ever like you know learning about wars Maybe the civil war at the time, you know, this is not rocket science. It's like wuhan lab league theory like You know, you don't have to be a virologist to be like of course It came from the lab that studies the virus at ground zero like like where else when it come from like what what are you talking about? You don't have to be an expert like it's not one of these things where it's like you have, you know Morons on the internet arguing about, you know subtle details of constitutional law and their scholars like this is just Really basic common sense type of stuff. Yeah, maybe just don't give a line of sight hundred yard chip shot to a crazy person Maybe don't let a guy roam around with an AR and a racefinder Like I don't maybe when people tell you there's a cure on the roof. Maybe it's just me. It just feels like Adam in there. I would have thought of those things Yeah, and then it was I was the case that it was all incompetence and negligence I was open to and then I saw the Cheetah the secret service detector Director test phi and then I saw her replacement testify and I started thinking you know what I don't think these people are just incompetent They are incompetent, but I think this goes a lot further because the arrogance they had Their aggressiveness in defending them failing at their one job. Something else is going on there. I would love to know what it is Is it something that we ever get an answer to or is it sort of election dependent? It's a hundred percent election dependent and even then do we get answers? I mean, it's been what 60 plus years since they killed kennedy and they're still keeping that stuff sealed when literally every person involved is dead Um, so I mean at at best we might get answers based on the election At worst we might not get answers ever. Yeah, I mean it doesn't seem like that matters I mean I guess they only recently discovered what the biden family took 27 million dollars from you know Foreign governments and all these things for all the hard work that they're doing and you know We've been on to the stuff for three years and congress has done almost nothing So I guess it doesn't matter you're right if they they want to get stonewalled by the government where Until we're willing to fight hard enough to actually make something happen. It won't matter. They'll just stonewall us and You know till till people forget. I mean we had an assassination attempt You know a month and a half ago and you know, that's basically like it never even happened Yeah, I think the most iconic photo in modern american history by far And they were already trying to erase it off the internet within like two weeks And and I think it's because they actually know how powerful that was Everyone when they saw that had a visceral reaction to it And I think we all tried to put ourselves in in trumps Shoes there and say well, how would I react? I mean People wouldn't and that's the argument. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah trumps fake tough guy fake Oh, yeah, he always like no, no, no Actually under fire like takes a bullet to the face gets up and stands to fire like, you know what say what you want That's uh, you know One in a thousand maybe one in a hundred, you know, people have the balls to actually do that rather than you know, just curl up in a ball Uh, and I think that's the difference. That's what helps us on a world stage Uh, it's that reaction other world leaders. They feel that vibe and they react accordingly It's why we had peace. It's why we got peace deals done and you know Every other country wasn't invading their neighbor. Uh, when you see an exude weakness Uh Of course what's going on in the world's gonna happen Yeah, and to me it wasn't just balls. Obviously it took that. It was this presence of mine Understanding the moment Understanding what people in that crowd were doing and knowing like I got to get up and tell them I'm okay because I need to assure them. Yeah, like that is actual leadership there That's literal leadership under fire and we all knew it and it's why everyone reacted We did the way we did when we saw it it created an emotional bond there And that's why they've tried to erase it. They don't want to talk about it ever again All they want to talk about is Kamala chompin on Doritos And and getting happy on box one. We don't want to talk about the guy who took a bullet for america Yeah, two separate people in that actually came up to me And they came up to me at the rnc. I think I've probably said it on the show But just as you know, anecdotally Uh two separate people one was in one of the media grandstands the other was in one of the big grandstands of people and he goes You know when your father did that he saved a lot of lives like what he said he saved a lot of lives What do you mean? He goes it was about to be pandemonium like people were panicking They were freaking out. It was you know five ten seconds after whatever it was There was about to be like stampede's people falling off of these things when he stood up Everyone just froze they just stopped Uh and he goes it just the entire it was a just a dynamic shift in the moment And uh, you know, I'm not even sure you're tactically It's the smart thing to get up on their shot You maybe you heard return fire, but who knows if the guys actually hid who knows if there's a second shooter So I don't know if tactically it was smart, but it definitely calmed everyone down According to at least these two people that literally came up to me were like that was amazing And I was like, yeah, it was really gutsy because they go no no no much more than that You didn't you know, we were there we saw it It was it everyone calmed down and it probably saved a lot of lives or injury at least Yeah, I mean it was it was instinctive leadership and you'd never appreciate leadership so much As when there's a vacuum for it. I mean Joe Biden can't I was about to say when he was president. Was he ever really Who knows? Who knows, but like a proctor he'd roam around I think shane Gillis calls him a human room But after he finishes his speech and then you had a guy who got shot in the head and stood up and calms the world I don't think i've ever seen anything like it. Honestly, I hope I don't see anything like it ever again Because of how how close we came to disaster Um, they want to erase that and they want people to forget about it because it showed america what actual leadership looks like Yeah, they show and talk a little bit more about just sort of the media landscape I mean, you know, obviously, you know, you run the federalist, uh, you know conservative, but compare 2016 Uh or even 2020 to what we're experiencing now one thing I get asked all the time is, you know, you know What's happening at places like, you know, drudge report places that were at least You know, maybe even right leaning but at least like sort of called it how it was Uh, you know how well positioned our websites like the federalists to fill some of the void that's been left By by places like drudge that just went full full communist I'll be honest. I actually haven't read drudge in like a decade I haven't I it's been at least, you know, yeah, it's been seven eight years for me too because because of that It's like if I want that I can read CNN. I don't know what it offers me anymore Exactly, and I don't I don't know who runs it anymore, but I don't find any value in it I will say 10 years ago there weren't that many publications on the right willing to do the things we're doing and willing to say the things we say And so it can be really discouraging to look at wash and post seeing in New York times And just see how dishonest and deliberately deceitful they are how corrupt and depraved they are But at the same time, I actually think we're seeing a Resurgence of media on the right it there's there's so many sites out there now You look at it x how people act on there I'm actually really really encouraged by the media environment on the right because so many people now are getting the courage To come out and say the things that need to be said to say true things that men or men and women or women Um that america is a nation with laws and borders 10 years ago, there was like one of us. So, um, there's rumble now there's x we've got elon We've got the federalist so yes, the left wing media the corrupt legacy media is just the absolute worst But we have so much more options now even in the face of this big tech censorship that i'm actually really encouraged Well, shawn, I really I appreciate that. Let make sure just let everyone know where they can find you Uh, you know the federalist, etc. So that they can they can be looking out and watching as well Well, thank you. Yeah, you can find all our journalism at the subscribe donate you can find me on x shawn m D av where I uh own the libs daily and drive them insane just like you do Yeah, well, yeah, I mean i'll say you do have one of the better, uh, you know, good conservative, uh, you know twitter handles I love I love seeing your stuff out there. So appreciate it I know we also put you up a lot on mxm news post a lot of federal uh federalist articles up there So, uh, yeah, definitely guys check it out shawn great having you as always. I'm sure we'll talk a lot more between Uh now and november 5th. So, uh, have a good one man. Always a pleasure. Thank you, sir Okay guys and before we get to tim merta Remember to make the parallel economy part of every purchase with public square With public square you can buy with your beliefs you can let your dollars reflect your values Don't give your money to companies who hate you give it to freedom love and in companies who actually support you Okay, if you're a business there are millions of consumers like me and probably many of you looking to find you Okay, list your business on public square and move our country one step closer to defeating woke capital Download the public square app today or go to public and together We will build the patriot economy and save our country if we starve woke capital if we force them to know That there are alternatives and if we support those alternatives guys, not only are we helping small businesses But we're sending a major shot across the bow to what's happened to corporate america The major corporate juggernaut's out there. It's a big deal. Check them out public or download the app Well guys with that joining me now trump campaign senior advisor Someone who's been there in 20 and around for a long time the author of swing hard In case you hit it tim merta Tim good to have you back man. How you doing? Doing well done great to see you again glad to be with you. Okay, so you're back on the 2024 trump campaign What are you hoping to accomplish in this final stretch? I mean you got sort of a a rapid, you know 75 days To to get it done to get that message against a A media that has gone so far in for Kamala Harris You know they're going back and changing google headlines. They're going back and re-editing articles to try to create a false narrative and a false historic timeline of her Accomplishments or really the lack thereof, you know, talk about what's going on and what you hope to do to counter some of that insanity Well, I mean the first the first goal here is of course we've got to win It's a very much of a compressed timeline as as you just alluded to And I think the most important thing we've got to do is educate people as to just exactly who Kamala Harris is because God knows the national news media is not going to do it I mean people talk about getting a honeymoon sometimes when you're a new candidate or if you've just announced And you've been watching politics for a long time Don I I have never seen a so-called honeymoon like this Like the way that uh Harris is getting from from the national news media They are willfully just exactly the same way they willfully ignored everything that was wrong with Joe Biden and his infirmity And his decrepitude they ignored that They are now also ignoring everything that they know about Kamala Harris They're actually letting her get away with hiding from them For the first time in history the national press corps doesn't care if a candidate for president takes questions or not They don't care. They just love her so much because they are relieved to be unburdened Of Joe Biden, I think by what has been him around You know what will say that again? They they're unburdened by what has been Unburton unburdened by what has been and the Joe Biden is now out of the way They can't believe it and there's just this ongoing I guess I could use that I'll use this word on on your show Just ongoing Journal gasm that we have seen from coast to coast and they just can't get enough Of saying wonderful things about Kamala Harris because she doesn't talk to them So they just say things on her behalf and we have we have to pierce that We have to educate people as to what she's all about and educate them as to Remind them how great it was during the trump years And if we do that then Donald trump should win this thing going away Yes, how do you go about doing that right? Obviously, you know, she says she's going to do all these things I think the obvious answer and we've sealed a little bit But I don't think the average american necessary as why haven't you done it yet? You've been in power you were in charge of the border But now you're going to fix it. You were in charge of inflation You're now you're going to fix it. You had the ability to do all of these things You did the opposite you cast the tie-breaking vote against all of the things you're going to do Supposedly now, I mean, why would anyone actually believe she's going to do anything that goes against a the democrat party and everything They've done stood for voted for You know in lockstep with the rest of the members of the party Why would americans actually believe that? I mean, it's it's a powerful machine But how do you get that message out there? And how do you get it across? Well, we just have to just hammer it non-stop and the national news media is not going to help But in fact, they're going to be a barrier and your father and jd events are going to have to carry the message He's out every single day that the democrats will be in in chicago at their convention Our candidate your dad the president of the united states number 45 will be out there on the campaign trail talking to everyone talking to real voters Making sure everyone knows exactly what the truth is jd Events will be doing the same thing carrying the same message here at the campaign We're going to be hammering and hammering and hammering because the national news media won't do it So we're going to have to force people to recognize that when kamala harris says that she wants to expand the child tax credit She voted against doing that very thing when it was within the trump tax cut package in 2017 So when she goes out there and she lies about what she's going to support and lies about what she always has been We have to point out the facts and you know There are some people in the news media who are a little bit fed up with about this We have to identify who those people are go after them And a lot of this is going to have to be paid messaging as well Just getting the facts out there because we will not be able to rely on the national news media as you and I both know Yeah, that she voted against the child tax credit that she now espouses is a big deal That she said she's going to fix the border that she was in charge of But did nothing for you know left it abjectly open Is a big deal that they take some of the trump policies and the next day They you know they add a couple dollars and then pretend like it's their own Uh, you know no tax on tips It's sort of shocking, but for first-time voters or perhaps you know apathetic voters You know, what what are the other things that americans need to know about this democrat party You know, what's the contrast that we need to draw to you know affect voters who who don't follow the stuff day-to-day I mean, that's the problem, right? If you're if you're an apathetic voter or you know, you're sitting back. I'm not really sure I guess maybe I'll vote but you're listening to CNN in the background Uh, you'd believe that Kamala Harris is the greatest gift to you know, you know modern-day politics that you know that ever existed She's you know, basically, uh, you know a liberal mark rate Thatcher and yet It's the people that are writing those same articles today 18 months ago. We're talking about her incompetence Yeah, and that's and that's the problem if people are getting their information from cnn and pretty much cnn only I don't know that we are going to be able to reach people like that If that's where they're getting all their information But I think I'll tell you what is a is a benefit for us is because the democrats the democrat party especially with Kamala Harris But they were doing it with joe biden as well The only choice they have is to try to lie to people and convince people not to believe their own personal experiences Right in this case if you're an apathetic voter or even if you are a first time voter you just turned 18 You still have lived through both presidencies You've lived through the trump presidency and you have lived through the biden harris presidency People have experienced the way the country was when donald trump was president and they have experienced it when biden is president and harris is vice president in the biden harris regime People know the difference in the policies all you have to do I think is appeal to people's memories because they have lived through this They know that we were prosperous that our economy was good that inflation was low that good jobs were plentiful that our border was secure That the world was not on fire that the world would was largely at peace when donald j trump was the 45th president when he was When in office when biden and harris were at the control the economy is in shambles inflation comes out of nowhere and is suddenly sky high and ongoing The border that she's the this is the first administration in history that Unsecured our border and then of course we know now that the world is on fire because of joe biden and kamala harris feckless leadership That's the way you appeal to people say look we don't have to tell you anything just remember what you've lived through And that should be a strong enough argument and I think that's the case we're going to be making So tim uh early voting starts in pennsylvania on september 16th It's not election day anymore. It's literally election like season election quarter Uh, what does that mean for you know the campaign operations for the for the ground team? I mean, you know mid september I mean it feels like, you know, that's not even in time there for like the october surprises Uh, you know people are going to be casting ballots and I think they should vote early, especially if you're voting for trump But but how does that change the game? That sort of feels like, you know, some votes will be cast before Before they maybe even hear the full message Yeah, and it look it is a really good idea and it's a good strategy to try to bank as many votes as you possibly can in the Early going as soon as like you're saying as soon as election season opens up That side is going to be doing it. We know the democrats are going to be doing it I think we got to fight fire with fire and do all the things in all of the states the way that the law allows us to do But that said that you're right with that that just moves the whole calendar up so early It sort of front loads everything and we went through this whole argument and talked about the debate schedule back in 2020 Of course covid wrecked the whole thing But when you have people beginning to vote in mid september in some states, you know, heck by the time october even rolls around You'll have tens of millions of people across the country who will already have had the opportunity to be voting for weeks And so you absolutely have to get to these voters as they're in the early voting period And make sure these messages that we're talking about here you and I the contrast between president trump's positive vision is positive Accomplishments is positive record and just the disaster of of harris and biden We have to make sure that people know that stuff now Because if they're if they're going to be voting at their kitchen table in just a couple of weeks in Pennsylvania and other places We need for people to know the stuff that they need to get they need to be equipped with like in pennsylvania She doesn't support natural gas. She doesn't support the 100 000 jobs where people work in the fracking industry in pennsylvania She says she doesn't oppose it now because she knows it's a huge liability for her But they did the same thing tim in 2020 you were there, you know, they all opposed it on the debate stage the media then asked about it Oh, we were just kidding. We're we're not going to do it and then on day one day one Like one of the first executive orders. We're gonna ban the keystone pipeline. I mean So, you know, she knows she doesn't oppose it, but why would why would we believe her? She should she didn't oppose it last time and they did everything they could to shut it down Not just the national security that comes with that not just the lower energy pricing that comes with that not just the great job Uh, job creation vehicle that that would have been tens of thousands of like good paying hardworking blue-collar jobs for americans And yet it was like the media was like, oh, yeah, of course she's not gonna But like but I saw the democrat debates like she ran of course they were gonna block it They would buy it and her said they were gonna stop it Then when it when it mattered in pennsylvania and at other places they pretended they didn't have to the media pretended That would be the gospel and then they did what they wanted to in the end. Anyway You're right. I mean, you're exactly right. They are going to do what they want to do The media is going to try to grant her these brand new positions that she's just invented for herself like fracking is the one She says hey I no longer support a ban on fracking and like you're saying the media is going to let her get away with it The key is and again this goes back to how the fact the fact that everybody who votes in this election Has lived through both of the previous presidencies People know that the biden campaign said the same thing less than four years ago He said oh, look I i'm not going to be a threat to fracking I'm not going to be a threat to our natural Or to our fossil fuel industry and i'm not going to be a threat to the idea that we can produce our own energy here at home To become domestically energy independent again. He lied that was all alive by joe biden back then Just as it is a lie for kamala harris to be saying the same things now People have lived through this again again And it's going to be on the campaign because the media is not going to help us in this A lot of it is going to have to be paid efforts and just working the grassroots and through our volunteers that are going to be in every single state Reminds people you've been through this before you remember when trump was president You remember what biden told you he lied harris is telling the same lives So in a way we have as joe biden is an ally of ours because we can point to him and say look Remember what he told you and remember what he did We have to use him as exhibit a and say this lady Kamala harris She is exactly the same as him as in fact and in fact she helped tell a lot of the same lives Well, and they said that I mean the press secretary said there's no light between what kamala harris is doing in the and the biden administration It's the same thing. So why yeah, why why should we believe it's different? I think it was one of one of uh biden's original chiefs of staff said It was talking about her incompetence and yet now the media makes her out to be again The greatest, you know political orator in modern history So we have to we have to deal with that, but we also have to make sure we get that message out I guess it's why I ask people like share subscribe make sure that people actually see this because honestly, you know CNN msd and see They're never going to talk about the hypocrisy of these things. They're never going to call that out They're just they're literally just paid spokespeople for the democrat national, you know committee Uh, and I guess we should be used to that right now, but I don't know that everyone's still quite quite onto it yet No, and you're right and it is places like this. It's your show. It's guys like dan bongino It's it's the it's outside of the mainstream media. You're you're not going to get we everybody knows this You're not going to get a fair shake from cnn and heck they're not even going to tell you They if you watch cnn, you might just suddenly you watch the story and you might think oh here's kamala harris She's fine. She tolerates. She thinks she's okay. She's a supporter of fracking natural gas in pennsylvania Pennsylvania is so pivotal pivotal CNN and the mainstream media they know That they can't have kamala harris running out running around up there telling the truth About her opposition to natural gas in pennsylvania. So they help her cup. They become press agents for her They're not going to tell people by the way. She just reversed this position that she's always had for decades This is a brand new position. They'll just say oh she supports natural gas even though that's a flat-out lot So what you do what kimberly does what the what all the conservative people do on rumble all the stuff that goes on People really need to pay attention and not listen to jim mccosta and jake tapper and the others because they are not Going to tell you what's actually happening and how we got to this point how we got to this point is almost as important as everything It's going on today. So yeah, she's a big reason of why we are here today I you know you're right, but yeah, it's not just watching us You got it you got to share it so that people see it right there You know the people that are going to be watching my show and even watching banjino and others You know oftentimes it's going to be a little bit more of that conservative echo chamber And so we got to make sure that independence we got to make sure that even some liberals see it because That that's how we make a difference and really move that margin I have a feeling most of the people other than the trolls watching this Voting for trump, but I I think there's plenty of independence that if they actually heard the truth It would sway that and and the media is going to do whatever they can to make sure they never hear that truth So that's important It absolutely is and I think that there are some people that once once something becomes and reaches critical mass on the conservative side of the Fence in the conservative meter thing Sometimes they reach a boiling point and things can spill over There are things that she's going to have to be forced to address for example This idea, you know, I never would have expected that the editorial page of the washington post or some of their prominent column This on the pages of the washington post would ever dare come out and call into question Any of the economic proposals that kamala harris has made But because there was uproar on the right I think they took a second look at it and now all the stuff that she's putting out there about price controls She's actually getting blowback from the left because they are so ridiculously bad The ideas are so bad that it's not just the conservative media people like you making enough noise It's it's others notice it and go, you know, gosh, this one I hate to say that we have to defend they they actually chose country over party for once And kamala harris is that bad That the editorial page of the washington post says that her economic plans will be a disaster and that's really something That's really something. Tim you wrote a great book about your journey from addiction to the trump campaign. I mean, that's uh you know That's probably not a great place to go if you're gonna get it over I mean the head. I'm just saying Uh, but you did it and uh Seems to be working great. So can you talk a little bit about that? You know, what message do you have uh for anyone? Watching that struggle because you know, your story is an interesting one and you put yourself in a You know in a pressure cooker with all of that and made it through I mean, I'm sure as a lot of people deal with these issues as we see it Uh, you know more and more across the country, uh, these days. I think that'd be helpful to a lot of people Well, I appreciate the opportunity to talk about it. Thank you. Don yeah, here it is It's a book that I wrote. It's called swing hard in case you hit it My escape from addiction and shot at redemption on the trump campaign and and you're right I was on the Was communications director on the trump 2020 campaign now back helping again in 2024 But uh in 2015 I took my last drink of alcohol and i'm nine over nine years sober now And my story this book swing hard in case you hit it It traces my story that takes me from waking up in jail one day in fairfax county, virginia To flying on air force one with your dad less than four years later, and it's how I made it from there It's how I beat the problem that I had with alcohol And it's also it really is story about my two lives one the political side Which is mostly the 2020 campaign and working for your father Uh, and then the other half of the story is the way I was able to beat alcohol And I think there's a lot of stories in there if you have a problem or you know somebody who's had a problem with substance abuse Maybe this will help you If you just like politics and want some behind-the-scenes story from the 2020 trump campaign then this is a book that I think you'll also You'll also like but I wanted to write a book that would help people the way that the books like this helped me when I was in rehab And so I appreciate the opportunity to talk about it It's called swing hard in case you hit it by me tim merts all available on amazon right now Well, tim, thank you very much for everything. I'll let you get back to work Is what we needed to get that messaging out there for the king of pain But uh, really appreciate you being here guys check out the book as well Especially if you know people struggling or again if you're sort of like me in a little bit of a political junkie It'll be it's great. So tim, thank you very much. Look forward to seeing you in the office as soon All right, great. John. Don. Thank you very much, and I appreciate being back on the team. Be well Guys, thank you so much for tuning in I remember it to like share subscribe Make sure we can get the word out Download the rumble app so you can get notifications when I go on so that you see me because i'm not on You know on a regular schedule five days a week. I'm only doing two So check that out. You can also download the rumble app on your smart tv Uh, it's right there. 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So don't forget public square Check it out public square dot com download the app Let's push back and end the nonsense once and for all and with that guys. Thank you. I will talk to you again soon [BLANK_AUDIO]