What We Watched

Movie Club #53 - The Time Machine

1h 21m
Broadcast on:
01 Sep 2024
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This podcast does contain spoilers, so if you're okay with that, listen on, if not, pause the podcast, go watch the movie we're about to talk about and come on back. All right, sweet. Excuse me, Brad. Brad, over here. Hey, pardon me, pardon me. Why don't you have the popcorn? It's starting! Woo! Hey! Hey! Hey! Shut up! Shut up and listen to the podcast! Hey! ♪♪ There's a lot out there to see. This is what we watched. Will you continue to believe in God? I don't know about the account, but at the combine, they ask, supposedly, they've asked some weird-ask questions, because they get to interview a certain amount of players. They get, like, real personal about, like, you know, why'd your dad leave shit like that? Dude, they get- yeah, I'll have to pull up some time. The weirdest questions that people have been asked that- because somebody somewhere was like, "This will tell us about their deep personality instead of..." Hey, you know how to make football? But hey, this is not a football podcast. This is a new month of movie club. We might not feel it like everybody for everybody else, but it has been a long-ass time for us. It has been a long time for us. We've had some fun things going on, some time apart, so we needed that time to catch up. You know, and contrary to popular belief, you're right, this is not a football podcast. This is a movie review podcast. Movie lovers. It's for TV lovers. And it's for those who like, mix in genres, because the movie we're talking about today is definitely not just a rom-com. It is also an action movie. It's also exciting. According to IMDB, it's also a time machine- or a time machine. It's a time- a time travel genre. It's not very the lead, but I spoiled it. Shit. God damn it. And it's not a travel movie. So it's also not time travel month, but Jeff did a little bit of double dipping. I know. It's fine. It's fine. Last month was time travel. Jeff said, "Fuck you. I'm gonna listen to the music." Every month is time travel. Because we're always traveling forwards. Yes. Exactly. We're always time traveling. So this month is nostalgia. Jeff picked the time machine, which is a movie we're talking about today. That you picked a night's tale. Yes, sir. And I've been struggling pulling my hair out, trying to figure out because I have a list of a lot of things I want to make these guys watch. So I'm going to start until Brandon figured that out. I'm going with the producers. That's what I'm going with. Ooh, I have not heard of it. The 2005 Mel Brooks remake of the Mel Brooks producers. This is gonna be a fun nostalgia for a movie I've never seen. Jeff, have you seen it at least? I've not even heard of it. Oh, well, maybe I should pick this one. I have no idea. All right. Well, hey, it's my pick. Fuck it. That's the right mindset to go into. This one's for me, damn it. Hey, and it goes with your musical kind of. I might be doing a little bit double dipping, teasing for next month. We might be doing musicals. Because when Jeff does it, he's a jackass. When Brandon does it. Then it's strategic. I'm strategic. Matt, before we go any further, you are known as the audio guy on this podcast. Why does your mic sound a little different today? Hey, nobody can hear it other than you guys. They will not hear it. I think people would notice. I still going into the mixer. You went from having a top end mic to having the lowest end mic now. Jeff, you guys get to hear this because it's coming through my headphones. But this is still recording. Oh. Oh. Wow. I just can't get my computer. Well, now I'm just insulted. My computer won't recognize the input. I'll have to deal with it later. So they will know you get some crazy person now. But unless you know, you should have just gaslit you. Damn it. Too late. Come on, man. All right, Jeff, kick us off. Just all just part three. Yeah. Why'd you pick the time machine? Yeah. I picked time machine. The 2002 version because I think there's an original version that's even earlier. 1960, I believe. Yeah, I think so. But yeah, I know. I chose this one because, man, this one hits all the nostalgia factors for me. Like all the little lines and like the music and like the warlocks and the looks and everything. It's just like, I watched this over. It's one of those movies I just watched over and over and over as a kid. And my parents liked it so much too that I asked them if they still had the DVD so I wouldn't have to rent it. And I was able to borrow their DVD and watch it. So, yeah, this one's just great for so many nostalgic reasons. I do agree with you. It was a hit the nostalgia button for me as well because I definitely watched this one as a kid, which I will say probably helped me with the quality of the movie. Yes, I think so. That's usually how it happens. Yeah, I have not seen this. This is the first time I watched it so there. See, you're watching something for the first time for my nostalgia. Actually, I don't think I've seen Night's Tale either. Anyway, Luke actually was the one. I was talking to him about recording today and we're doing the time. She's like, "Oh, I love that one as a kid. I watched it all the time." So apparently I'm the only one on Planet Earth who didn't see this when I was a kid. Yeah. I mean, there's a few that you haven't seen that's surprising. Like Lord of the Rings, I think, right? Yeah, true. That's also nostalgic. Oh, we could have done that. All of us could have done one Lord of the Rings movie. Anyway, you have to watch this first, then pick it, then watch it a second time. Hey, he's earning for places he's never been. Yeah. I'm nostalgic for movies I've never seen. Yes. It's two boxes. Yeah. Yeah. Watching it as a kid, I never really knew about the crews or anyone that was involved or anything like that because I just wasn't paying attention to that stuff when I was that young. The director, Simon Wells, me and Brandon were discussing briefly earlier when you were having some audio issues, Matt. I already knew it. But he also directed Balto and the Prince of Egypt, which is interesting. Those are the few notable ones. He hasn't directed a ton. That's what I thought you were going to say. Yeah. He's also H.G. Wells' grandkid. Grandkid. Oh, is that actually? Okay. I was curious about that. Well, that's one of the trivia. That's what I thought you were going to say. No, no, no. That's cool. I'm with you on Balto. You didn't like Prince of Egypt? I've been considering Balto for my nostalgia pick for the last three times we've done this. That's probably not my number two for this one. And it was very, very close to me, number one, because of this fact that Jeff just brought up. Yeah. Balto's school, man. Balto was good. Sorry, I got to, I got to strike because I was looking at the original time machine. And one of the, one of the women in there sounded really familiar and I couldn't figure out, I thought I knew her from somewhere, but I didn't. All right. So time machine. Yeah, go ahead. Yes. Time to bring up was while I was watching this movie, it did it. It had like a quite a few like planted the apes vibes to me. Yes. Absolutely. Very much. So what it felt like all over the place. It felt like it was, it was Sherlock in Holmes. Yes. And then they, yes, and then they rolled into Planet of the Apes. That's what it felt like. They started up in Sherlock and they rolled into Planet of the Apes. Yeah. Definitely. They're very upset by the lack of apes or references to apes, but they ran like apes at a certain point. Like the world. I was going to say, you didn't think those creatures were. And then they like were rounding up humans in the forest. Dude, right. Dude, it was absolutely the capture scene. Yeah. Yes. Yeah. And absolutely 100% was just with, with, with less nets. Correct. Little to none. No nets. I don't know if there was any nets in there. I would have known. I don't remember seeing any. But yeah, this was written a very long, very long time ago, like, so around the times of Sherlock, I don't know if actually when Planet of the Apes was like, story was created. I don't think, I don't remember, I'm trying to remember back to our fantastic franchise. I don't think the original was based on previous work. I think it was an original idea, I think. Hmm. Yeah, but if it was, then it's way after. So, Planet of the Apes still definitely could have stolen from a time machine. But then the Sherlock vibe, I haven't read the original book or consumed the original book. So, I don't know how, like, true they stuck with it or if the director just wanted the Sherlock Holmes vibe to, to, but yeah, I mean, this is what happens when you, you have a story that is a fundamental hundred year old story that, yeah, it influences a lot of pop culture. Yeah. And so it's, it's really hard to. Well, I think this movie also influenced a shit ton of pop culture as well. Like, I saw references, let's see if I can get through my notes quickly enough. Like, there's, there's something that, that I think South Park took from. I think even Avatar, I feel like, was partially inspired by this, like the, the tribe felt very Pandora-esque. Even the score felt very, um, Avatar level, um, Futurama back to the future to me personally. Okay. Okay. Interesting. I think that Futurama definitely stole, um, or borrowed, like eight time travel episode based on this. Yeah. Pretty sure. That's also, um, Simpsons and Futurama, they, they take ideas from everywhere. So. Oh, are you sure? Sure. I mean, it's like directly, it feels like directly from this episode. Oh, my gosh. Gotcha. Gotcha. It's a word for steel around here. Okay. Uh, Moonfall absolutely plagiarized this movie. Uh, the moon. The moon. Yeah. The moon falling. Yeah. The moon didn't break up and Moonfall. I thought it just fell. No, it definitely broke up when it like, uh, okay, oh, because the gravity shifts and all that stuff. Right? That's what I thought. I mean, I thought they like got like the whole moon was getting closer to it. Anyways. Yeah. Yeah. And then the earth was getting destroyed. Yeah. Go ahead. But yeah. So this, this definitely influenced a lot of, of current pop culture. You must really like Moonfall to use it as a reference. I mean, this is the highest rated movie I think. I will eject you from this, from my life. How dare you. Ooh, jealous. Wow. One thing that I, that I just found pretty interesting when I pulled up IMDB is that the original time machine won best, uh, special effects at the 1961 Academy Awards. And the 2002 one was nominated for, for an Oscar for best makeup. Nice. So you clearly chose the sub par one, Jeff. Way to go. Apparently. You chose the nominee. I unfortunately wasn't born around the sixties, but I will say, yeah, I like the makeup. I liked the all the legit stuff. Yeah. Yeah, those were horrifying nightmare inducing and they were like, they literally were people like, I saw in the credits, there were people credited for like, you know, manning the suits of the warlocks, the different types of warlocks. So they're, you know, there were people moving around in there and stuff. I do wonder what the blinking, I think wonder if the, they could even see really, because the blinking of the eyes and the eyes looked a little fake, like what fake, not CG, but like fake, like not their eyes, human eyes. Sure. It makes sense. Sure. Like, like, uh, motorized. Yeah. Something like that. Yeah. So I'd be curious how they were moving around the remote controlled or something. I don't know. I feel like I remember, I thought I saw a photo on IMDB of BTS and like having a human head at the same level as their human head. So yeah, I don't know, I'm not really positive. Like I wonder if they like made the fake eyes in front of their eyes and they could see through the eyes still, but then they were like operating the eyes to blink and do things. Or is it like, uh, like a mascot where you have like the, the faces, you know, in the neck area. Hmm. I don't know. Searching for this BTS photo that, that Matt was talking about, but I'm just seeing a whole lot of, uh, red carpet pictures, ooh, but also speaking on like, uh, like makeup and like the prosthetics and effects and stuff. Um, Jeremy Irons, his character as like, I think it was credited as uber warlock, uber warlock. Yeah. Yeah. It looked fucking good. Like I, like he turned his back and I always remembered as a kid that big brain going down his spine. Mm hmm. And it looked so good. And I think it was moving too a bit when like he like, like they had it something like to make the brain move as he was walking around and stuff and I was like, ooh, that looks so crazy. No. Yeah. I thought that was sick. It was sick, sick, as in like disgusting. Oh, shit. There you go. Oh, let me zoom in on this guy. No, no, no, you can not. You can zoom out. All right. Well, that's fun. Interesting. Welcome. You're welcome. I wonder what that was. There it is. There, there is another photo though, let me pull up really quick that it looks like they're making a robot like head. Yeah. And so I think because it was so angled, I think they put a, it looks like they put something on top of their face, which would check out this one. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. The sculpting and the artistry that goes into these costumes. Oh, cool. Oh, there's a robot head. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Sick. Yeah. Pop it on like in his face is kind of here. Yeah. And that would make sense why it was like, that like it was down and angled out so far. Yeah. So that would, that would check out. Yeah. But I thought that, I thought they did a fantastic job with the creatures. They'd say they went with like a cow noise it sounded like. Oh, a bull. It was definitely a bull. Was it a bull? Yeah. For sure. That's cute because you've been around Texas and my tanner is the animal. Yeah. I was like, you tell me. Yeah. But I thought they did. It was a good job. Very felt very, you know, animal instinct. It felt very, you know, generally scary. And it was one of the things when we were kids that was scariest fuck, dude. I was so scary. Yeah. I believe you. I'm glad I didn't see this. I would be, feel like I'd be scarred for my entire fucking life after seeing as it was awesome. As a child. It was awesome. Hey, it's awesome, man. It's totally worth it. It's the only reason I am who I am today. All that trauma. I thought those were pretty good. The only other thing I said before when you were talking about picking a time machine, we talked some other time, that the only time is I remember him reaching out of the bubble. And what I thought it was like a watch, but it was his, but it was the lock it. Yeah. And I also, I thought that would happen way later than the second time you went. Um, but yeah, those, those are my two iconic things that I remember from. Yeah. Why, why wouldn't you go back and grab the lock it? Why won't you stop the machine, go back, grab the lock it, and then go back forward? Why can't you can't tell from the rest of the movie? He, he said, fuck off and I don't give a shit about this woman anymore. That was like my entire life. And I invented time travel to go back and save her. And then when I went to the future, I saw that hot ass, uh, other woman. And I was like, who gives a shit about this? I did it. Are you telling me I had a girlfriend or wife at some point that I could go back to a fiance? Briefly. Yeah. This, this, uh, I will say I did like their, I never caught it when I was younger and watched this, but I, I did like their explanation of why he could not save Emma, um, going back in time, like Jeremy Irons, his character says something along the lines of like, the only reason you have the time machine is because she died. So therefore you wouldn't be able to go back in time if she didn't die. So you're just going to run into a time loop. And I was like, Oh, I actually picked that up this time. That's actually a pretty good brief, I mean, I think, I think it's good enough to get us through the scene. Like it's enough of a paradox to kind of, you know, explain that and move on, but like, I feel like if you went back and saved her, you only needed to do it once. Right? Cause then, cause then she's saved and then you just move forward and she doesn't die. No, that's the whole, you can't, if you saved her, then the time machine would never be invented because the, that act is the thing that triggered him to invent it. Yes. That's the paradox. He can't stop it because then that he races the whole way he was even able to get there. You know, if you kill, you know, my grandmother, go back and kill your grandmother, you're never going to get born. Can you technically do that then? Cause you wouldn't exist to be able to go back and do that and then change the rest. That's what they're saying. It's like, if you would save to her, the, the time machine wouldn't exist. So then, you know, fate or whatever under script, nobody said it will not, will not allow that to happen. You have to, because you've traveled and you interacted with it, she's going to die period. Yeah. It's just, you know, it's not like he, he forgot how to, how to make it or it's not like, he wouldn't be able to recreate it again. I don't, I feel like I feel like that. Yeah. But he wouldn't even try. Yeah. Would he? What's that? He went, he wasn't going to try to do it. Oh, you think that was what it was? Is that he'd be content and he would never try? Oh, yeah. I mean, of course not. Yeah. He spent four years being like, God, I miss her so much, I need to figure out how I can go back and go or, you know, but even, yeah, and it took four years of intense isolation to figure this out, which never would happen. Even if before she died, he was thinking about it or kind of working on it. And it took four years of, it's like intense isolation to make this happen, which would never happen. Right. Twenty hours a day, seven days a week. Yeah. Trying to figure that out. I got you happy. I mean, like I said, it's, it's enough to get us through. I, I feel like that isn't enough of a paradox to sustain, but I love the line. I love the line. You are the inescapable result of your tragedy. That is a fantastic fucking line. Mm hmm. Yeah. I love that. Agreed. He built paradox. Like I said, cause, cause he figured out how to invent time travel. So I feel like he could still do it and I don't know that what it wouldn't be enough to say, oh no, you can't go back and save her at least once. I understand it and I, and I am just happy to move fighting the paradox. I will say on the time travel subject though, one of the things that I thought was interesting about this movie is that they got to like, tell me if I'm wrong when you guys watched it, but I think they got away with not explaining a good amount of stuff. We never saw how he actually invented time, the time machine and how it works and everything. Exactly. This was the selection. So I like, they got away. I realized that while watching, I was like, they didn't explain shit. Like most movies do these days, but for some reason it's feeling okay. Like I might be in the nostalgia for using, but if they tried to explain it, like where's this light coming through with this like steampunk design? I love that he built the dial to go 800,000 years in the future. He had the wherewithal to go, I'm going to go this far ahead, just in case, let's just make it up. Just in case you get knocked out and accidentally push the lever forward, I need to know how far I went. Right. Exactly. So that was pretty funny. I also loved when they got to 2030. I thought that was interesting. Yes. Even in 2002, like again, I realized the book was written by H.E. Wells in 1895, but like even 2002, like you couldn't have flubbed that a little bit and gotten a little further. You really thought in 28 years we'd have flying cars. Did they have flying cars in 23? I saw that. I remember the chick with the bike and she was unlocking it with like a card. And they did get that perfect, right? I thought so too. But they definitely called that. The only thing I said was only difference being instead of a card, it's a phone. We use our apps for the show. Fair. But that's very fair. I thought that was interesting. And her just talking to a stranger on the street. Well, I also like that she said he never happened to when I, she's like, "Ooh, nice clothes, retro." And I was like, "Yeah, the kids are definitely still saying that these days." That's true. Yeah. But yes. So she's just randomly talking to this dude. Right. Yeah. Which I'm glad you brought that up because I had no way to bring it back up. But it kind of goes back to what Matt, you were saying is, is, so he travels in the future and then I am automatically just goes, "Oh, fuck it, I don't have, you didn't have a fiance anymore. I'd never cared about her. I want to move on." Is this a cloud atlas? Is this where like the chick who was grabbing the bike and then talked to him, was that his fiance from the future and is the new chick from the, from 800,000, whatever, is she supposed to be his fiance reincarnated? Like, is this supposed to be the same person through different time periods? And I ask that because of the line, right? He realizes, "Hey, I can't save her." But he says, "I can't save her, not now." So I, so when that was happening, I literally wrote down, I was like, "Oh, is he going to go to the future and try and find her reincarnation and try and be with her in another time?" And I think that the line of him saying, "Oh, I can't save her, I can't now," is to keep moving forward until somebody else is figured out, yeah, until somebody else has the knowledge that is needed for me to solve this problem. That's how I took it. I can understand what you're saying with, you know, it's been way too long since I've seen cloud atlas, so I'm not even going to like compare it necessarily. But like reincarnating and like her supposed to represent, though, oh, that was a quick show by a Cami, and she's out. Real cat on the head. It seen that, but if the original chick was like a teacher and then we got to the end and she was also a teacher and stuff, like I think that'd be a little bit stronger. It is kind of guesswork, but I can see we were coming from and that would be interesting if they had explored it. But like, you know, it's one of the things where the story structure, it felt like the beginning part was supposed to be, I initially thought the beginning of her dying was going to be, you know, the catalyst and part of the story. Instead, it felt much more like this is backstory that you don't really, you know, you need a little bit, but basically this is how this is why he's in the future, and this is all we really care about because they didn't feel like he just kind of gave up and it was like the rest of it disappeared until the very end scene where they went back to, which I did like that split that split screen. I actually really liked it. Yeah. That was incredible. It was on point for sure. That was one of the best scenes in the entire thing I honestly think is that that matching scene where, yeah, they're all walking through the lab and where the lab used to be and absolutely perfect execution on that loved it. Mm-hmm. Yeah. There's definitely some stuff like I liked also we got when he, when Guy Pierce was talking to the dude from the replacements as a hologram, and then we kept getting shots of like from the backside and basically him talking to himself. Like I kind of liked those shots. When the hologram was like reaching out to the skeleton, like through the glass, I thought that was cool and stuff. Yeah. That was awesome. Even good shots here and there, you know, not a bunch. Yeah. But even some of the CG though, like when they were in the canyon with like seeing the entire town and like those, I don't even know what to call them, the shelves that they were all living in on the sides of the canyon. Mm-hmm. Another thing that's fun and awesome. Like looking into the wide shot, it all looked pretty good still. Yeah. I agree with you. I was like, there's no way they built these, but I don't, I can't, like the CG doesn't look bad. Yeah. Yeah. And to think about, like we just have so many, I don't want to say so many things, but there are still a good amount of things that today that the CG is just like, this looks, you might as well have just gone like animated or something. Right. Right. It was very retro CG. Yeah. We call it shitty, but you know, I liked the, I didn't love the CG, but I did like, you know, the interpretation of, all right, what do we think this landscape is going to look like in half a million years, you know, what, what, how is it going to change and what's going to happen? So I always enjoy those renderings and those attempts at, again, just kind of exploring what nature will do to a, to a place throughout time. I will say on that subject, they did mess up some of the time lapse durations because they had a canyon being built by a river at the same pace that a tree was growing and that is not accurate. Very, very slow tree. Yeah. It's a slow tree, man. Very slow. By the time it's 10 feet tall, it's already a thousand years old. Well, I thought that was interesting, but that was just me being nerdy about it. That's like, that's going to be one of the trees that, that big tree in Game of Thrones. Tree hasn't been invented yet, Jeff, it's a future tree, fast trees, and then the future trees grow slower. Yeah. That's what you just don't understand. I see. Exactly. But I did really liked, I love the chill out computer. I want to aim shit. Bye Matt. Oh, hi Matt. I'm still here. I really did like the, the design of those pods or whatever the hell they do. Yeah. I call them shells. Really cool. What'd you call them? I called them shells earlier. Yeah. I do it. I was trying to tell. I was like, I really like the, I don't know what the fuck they call them. Pods. I think it is. That's good. I like that. I think that's, that's the most accurate thing to, to use pod. The pod shells, the shell pods, Michelle pods. What did, uh, how do we think about the acting, uh, acting was good. Guy Pierce is good. Um, I liked, I liked second half guy Pierce. His early stuff just felt like he was doing, um, it's the guy from a wonderful life or whatever. Yeah. No, I know what you're saying. It almost felt like a little school or like theatrical maybe. I don't even know. Phil. Oh, I love you, honey. You know, like, you know, maybe, maybe I am ill because, you know, I haven't been sleeping. I haven't been eat. Yeah. That whole, that whole speech. I, I personally did not love that and, and you know, maybe is the character or whatever. Like he was, it was weird. Cain and stuff. I like the rest of it. Yeah. I thought he did a great job. Obviously Watson, you know, he's great in everything he does. Mm hmm. Yeah. Jeremy Irons, I thought was really good too. Like I did not know that was Jeremy Irons until this viewing because it's been so long since I've seen this. But that is true. Great. Same. Um, who was your least favorite, uh, acting? I have. I know who it is. Uh, it takes, takes a cake for me. The most nonchalant property of all time. I just might cry. Yeah. I don't know if it acting wise, but that was the weirdest. It absolutely was so chill. I'm just going to walk up and just hang, and then, and then, and then, I'll be needing your wallet now. I'll answer, I'll answer the acting thing in a second, but that motherfucker, also after he shot the chick was like, why'd you do that? Like, yeah. Like it was his fault. He's like the most hated thief in my mind because he was just like all over the place. And I'm just like, God, you're not even a good thief. Dude, it was ridiculous. It was so funny. Yeah. All right. What about you though, Matt? Who, who was your least favorite? Uh, the kid was pretty horrible. That's who is mine. For sure. The kid wasn't great. The kid was pretty horrible. Um, outside of the kid, I would say maybe the, the, the tribe, like, dude. But he had, like, no lines, so it was hard for me to judge. Or he, the one who's like, oh, those who, who fight get taken first. Yeah, though. Yeah. I like how he spoke no English at first when we first came, and then all of a sudden he's just like, well, since Maras and I hear, I'll, I'll throw out the half of the English. I know. I know. All these people suddenly remember English. Uh, I was so literally, I went, thank God. Oh, it was awesome that they, uh, that they didn't do English and, and like, it's a new language and they invented their own thing. Enough. Fuck. We have to communicate with them. I did, I did chuckle a bit when, uh, then when they were all talking to him in, like, a first, first meeting, talking to him in whatever their stone language and then Mara comes up. Do you understand my words? I know. Dude. I didn't know. Perfect. Oh, I'm sure this is fine. I'm sure it's this one. And she's like the only one. She knows English so well. I know. And although I wrote down, um, she's like, oh, everybody's taught. It's like part of part of the, uh, our culture, whatever, but nobody remembers. You're a shitty teacher, lady, like, I've taught all these people, but nobody remembers. Right. Right. I mean, I equate it to Latin. Like if we tried to speak Latin to someone who actually spoke Latin, it wouldn't sound anything like what they were used to, like, at all, but it did sound like, it sounded normal once they started, once that one chick started, and then the kid was good to it's just God. Yeah. The, the, my big, my big problem was the, the story. God, it was like an hour and a half. It was so short. It could have just. Wow. Yeah, dude. It was an hour and a half. They could have picked one of like the things to, I don't know, either post time travel or pre time travel, one of them should have been more fleshed out. I feel like. Yeah. I liked the pacing. I think that that we got all the information that we needed. We definitely could have stayed in, um, pre time travel a little longer, or even just like 20, 30, a little longer, um, or hell seeing the moon destruction, that would have been pretty cool to see as well. Yeah. I mean, they could have extended that. We did. We watched. Moonfall. That's right. Same universe. Um, we, I feel like they, yeah, they could have stayed in like the, uh, the, the moonfall era, like where he was, cause he was about to get arrested and taken somewhere. And then he just like slunk out of it and then got back in the time machine. It was so brave. Um, yeah. I don't know. Yeah. They could have stayed in other places longer, which would have been fun. Yeah. I don't know. I felt like none of the things were really fleshed out and it was just very, felt very rushed to me, um, in terms of like storytelling, um, but at the same time they gave, like, I think what Brandon was saying, um, was if they gave enough information that I was able to keep up, even though it was quicker paced, if that makes sense, like they gave enough stuff that I was just like able to catch on pretty quickly. Yeah. No, I wasn't lost, but they, but it just felt less of like a complete world to me and more of just all right, you know, pay attention and we're just, we're moving along quickly. And it was just a, a, clearly a story and less of like a world that, you know, he kind of popped up into or like a lived world. It just felt like, you know, he immediately got there, then immediately was captured, then immediately, um, made it all the way to the, the, the guy and then was one scene to defeat it. It was like 40 minutes, it half the movie and I don't know. Things happened way really quickly with no real struggles, with no real like, got one struggle of him trying to save her once. And then also when he was sitting there after she got killed, was that he was like, I couldn't save her if I tried a thousand times. Is that him saying, I've done this a thousand times and, and I've yet to be able to save her? Or is this him just assuming out on that? Yeah. Yeah. But he did it fucking once, dude. Yeah. And then he was like, you know, I'll never try this again. There's no way. That's the impression that I got, but it, they left it so open that you could probably maybe argue that he's tried more times that we just didn't see because we literally skipped a four year gap of his life after like, uh, Emma died. Yeah, but he could have done that. He was inventing it. He was inventing that stuff. But yeah, I agree with, I would have just liked to seen a little bit more like that. To me, that flushes out the, the, the story and makes more sense to me rather than, yeah, he just goes, oh, couldn't save her that one time. Fuck it. Let me go into the future. Yeah. God knows. I'll never be able to save her. I appreciate it out of what we did with the time travel last month with a edge of tomorrow. It took him, uh, Tom Cruise, his character, the first time he was confused as shit. Second time he started trying some things. Third time he understood what he needed to do. Like he followed that process as like he tried each time. Right. And he was in, in, in, uh, edge tomorrow he was intuitive enough, um, to be able to, to kind of understand what, what he needed to do and didn't waste time, you know, with the, oh my God, is this actually happening, this can't be happening. What's, you know, what's going on? He, he just kind of snapped into action. And so that's kind of what I got from, from Guy Pierce's character from, from, I guess, the time traveler Alexander, I don't know, I think he's credited as the time traveler. Uh, his name was Alexander. They, they referred to him as Alex and I know, but I think he's credited as the time traveler. I'm curious now. Pretty sure in the credits, like when they were rolling, it said the time traveler. Well, and IMDB, it says Alexander Hartigan. Okay. Cool. Um, I think that Alexander was, was in the same vein, like smart enough to, um, understand his situation and understand and go, all right, I have invented this and it's not working. So I need to find someone who clearly, you know, now that I've invented it, other people are going to, are going to catch on and going to either find my notes or going to build their own machines. So I need to go and talk to them because they're going to understand it better than me instead of doing the, um, thousand times instead of trying a thousand times over and wasting my time and wasting all of his effort, I'm just going to go and, um, and take the easy way out. Yeah. But on the, along those same lines, wouldn't it make sense that if he, you know, he had his notes left behind, that if he went into the future of people, if people did find his notes on time travel, wouldn't they have, you know, wouldn't he have found more people that understand time travel, but apparently they didn't, apparently they didn't actually read his notes or anything like that. There was one, and I wonder if it was a continuity error. There was one when he went, um, and he's like, oh, we won't have another great line was, oh, by, by this time next week, we won't have ever had this conversation. Love that line. Yeah. Um, he goes to travel back in time for the first time and all of his chalkboards are wiped clean. And so I wonder if that was intentional so that nobody else could steal his invention or if that was a continuity thing where they just forgot to put a bunch of scribbles on the chalkboard. Hmm. I could, I don't know. That's interesting to think about. I wonder about these things. I didn't catch the whiteboards for this round. Chalkboard. Yeah. But, um, yeah, but the other thing is, um, I, I, the other thing is Alexander also as a time travel, I'm wondering if it's because he literally, he went back in time, tried to change it and then again came to that realization and then decided to go to the future. He did accept things really fucking quickly. Even though, like I said, he was the one who was traveling through time and not like everyone else was traveling with him or something else. He just went, Oh, cool. This is, this is the future and this is how everything works. And I don't have to have it. I don't have any questions. I guess maybe because the, the time where we spent the most, are you talking about when he gets to like the warlock era? I guess. Yeah. I have regressed past the point of like what his culture had already been used to. I, I understand. This is one of my impression of what that character went through. He had his goal of searching for that question and he landed in 2030, didn't really come up with any results. And then the moon falls and like he, you know, he goes through this whole thing, gets knocked out, goes into the future. And you know, next thing you know, he wakes up in this other, this tribes like place getting healed up and whatnot. Right. He took it as his inventor intrigue or scientist intrigue, all of a sudden took over because then he was in this like new, he didn't know what year he was in at this point either right away. And he just like was like, who and what and where are we and like, he just started rolling into that. That was where I like, I feel like his character kind of just like forgot about the original intensive. He just like, yeah, science mode took over and he's just like, this is very interesting. It's like, yeah, language is this. Who are you people? Yeah. And then, you know, he's asking questions that are actually relevant to you. He's like, where are all the old people and stuff like that, which we never got really an answer to either. Hey, don't ask. You're not supposed to talk about it. Yeah. It definitely felt like, you know, the motivation kind of feel like it just shifted when he laid eyes on your face. Yeah. Yeah. So that, so that definitely was a little bit, a little bit irritating in, in that aspect. And that for that, the plot feels a little bit weaker. Maybe why the pacing feels to matter like a little bit faster is because we don't. We just don't spend time answering a lot of questions. We spend a lot of time proposing questions and, you know, getting some some great tidbits. We don't really kind of live in any moment. Yeah, yeah, which is slightly disappointing, but yeah, just a lot to cover. But like you guys were saying, if it was only an hour and a half, they could have, I mean, there are some movies that are easily two, two and a half hours, they could have expanded on it. One thing that storytelling wise that I loved was the first time we see the time machine, it's bright, it's, you know, fresh, there's, you know, basically, it's glowing basically with hope and, and, you know, potential. It's fueled by hope. It's fueled by hope. That's where the light comes from. The airbears, but then the next time, right, the next time we see it, it's, it's muted. It's in these cool blues and grays, like it's a really somber tone and it's full of just, it's almost depressing to look at it. And it, because, you know, his, his mission didn't work the first time. And so I love those tidbits. And then at the very end, when the Uber Murlock gives him that chance, it's like, all right, you have your answer now, go, it's back to that bright and that hopeful, you know, kind of, kind of tone. And I really, and so then we get to see him make that choice and say, all right, well, I am going to go back and be selfish and figure out my own life, or I'm going to stay here and help these, these random people that I just met. Do they, what are the else do they use that elevator for in the guy's room? Because there's stairs, you, they entered through stairs and then then this elevator came through and it was like lower than the floor also, which I thought was odd. Anyway. Sorry. Good point, Brandon. Thank you. Thank you. Also, Uber Murlock was an idiot because he literally was like, I wouldn't exist without you. Why would he offer Alexander the choice to leave and go back and change the past? Like that sounds idiotic. I don't know. Did he? He said, what was the line specifically? I don't know if he said, to me it meant that he wouldn't be in existence without him because in my head with this timeline that's going on, it's like, that was the inevitable end of it. Like the moon falling apart is what caused the more locks and everything just to happen. I don't think it was a direct result of him time traveling, that's why Uber Murlock was in existence. But I do, I know what line you're talking about. I can't remember what he said. It was like, it didn't come back from the moon, it did come from the moon, I guess, not necessarily. Yeah. Because they were humans. They were humans evolved underground. It sounded to God. Again, I only watched this once a couple days ago, so I think my rental expired, so I can't look it up right now. But it was after the inescapable result of your tragedy and then as I said, I believe he says, I am the inescapable result of you. Yes, I heard that and I kept thinking about that. I was like, I don't really know what that he's really intending by meaning. Yeah. I'm not sure if he was, you know, more referencing that towards like, you know, he was inevitably like, Guy Pierce in relation to Guy Pierce's life as in like, he keeps searching and searching for an answer and what he's inevitably going to come to is somebody like me, why I'm like, you know, I'm your dead end kind of. So I agree that I remember that him saying that, but I don't see why, like how it could be result of guy. Right. Right. Like in what? Because it did come from the moon, which unless they're blaming the moon stuff on him. Yeah, which is not, I mean, that's just like, you know, we're currently planning and thinking of things with the moon. So it's like, it's definitely just humanity. And also the thing that also he had fucking superpowers, he was way better than the service humans. Service humans suck. This dude could like read minds and he had telepathic powers and shit and oh my God, they're way better. Well, with that, I find issue with the fact that when Guy Pierce tricks him, he's just like, he's you're forgetting one thing and he's just like, huh, what? And he's just like, what if that he pulls them in and stuff, I'm just like, could you not have just read his mind rather than just be like, let me let this human explain to me what I'm forgetting. Another massive superpowers that nobody's explaining. Don't worry about it. We got all this stuff to do. Don't worry about it. He needs to sacrifice himself. We got to get there really quick. Yeah. One thing, other thing I wanted to bring up again, we talked a bit about production design, but some of the things I wanted to talk like, I mean, the production design was awesome. Like the time machine alone fucking gorgeous. Dude. One of the Hall of Fame problems. That is the prop I want from this movie. Absolutely. Absolutely. But even outside of the time machine, like once you enter his house, there's just clocks lined all up the wall going up the stairs and his like lab and everything like that. And then one thing I noticed this time around in particular was the first like steam powered car that he runs into that guy on the road has that lever that he pulls and that pulls the brake or whatever. It's that same mechanism on his time machine that like he enables. And then he starts to, you know, go through time and turn it on and everything. Yeah. Same lever. So I thought that was an interesting. That's really cool. And I also love the love the line. Get a horse. Yeah. I wrote that down to areas. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Well, well, it's a weird word. He said, pomporamus what we were always here, preposterating or some shit like that. Oh, I don't know. Like who talks like this? It's two thousand eloquent motherfuckers. That's who eloquent motherfuckers. It sounded like Brandon. Hey, thank you. We postulate here most nights and be walking around me like, I'm never talking to you again, Oh, that's why. Oh, no. I also got mummy vibes from this movie because of the sand pits that they had the more locks coming out of the ground at first with our hands and then coming up and then the way they like disappeared into the sand definitely felt tremors. Ask as well. Like, fuck, they're underground. I grew less of that, but I understand that there's ground and sand ground and they were in it. It's so funny that recently before we even watched this movie, I've been seeing a BTS of, I want to say it's time bandits. It's like a newer show that I think is out, but they were showing how they were like falling into the sand. Yeah. I think I saw that. Yeah. And then they're like falling through the little trap door almost like the theatrical thing. I'm really close to what they did just in this one. Like I was watching it going. That's not. I see that clip from Time Machine. There's no way. Yeah. It was cool. And it was neat to see like the extra like particularly the crew that they had out there because they had like one or two guys ready there to like grab the person and help pull them out of the sand because it was not just constantly sand on it. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. That'd be fun to play with one like someday. Yeah. Yeah. That's a weird note that I put down is I really I kind of liked when they were trying to escape from underground and all the warlocks or whatever they are, warlocks, we're chasing them. He takes off his jacket and throws it and I'm like, that's so fucking stupid. That's going to work. And it didn't work at all. And I just liked that they included it. It worked for a split second like a split second that did not realistically did nothing. It was just so funny that they put it in there that it was he had just enough to that split second enough time to get over the ledge and they were not on his ass. Yeah. Right. Right. I or when he's getting in and he has the rope which came out of nowhere, he has a rope around his shoulder slips and then there goes the rope so much for bringing that. I do like his comment though. He's just like stupid like it's like, yeah, yeah, yeah, you get it. Idiot. Also, like what exactly was it that killed the the more locks and not every human around? Like, I don't understand. Oh, the time bomb? Yeah. The time bomb. What the fuck happened? You know, when time, so each glass lipsoidal was the future and that's the past and when they collide it, no, I don't know, I'm just bullsh*t. We were going then. I was going to see how far this was going to happen. Oh, I was so invested. Yeah, no, I don't know. I just, yeah, it's time bomb because they like disintegrated into skeletons as the light hit them. So. Interesting. Well, it would go, it might hypothetically go with the sense of, no, because then the thought would be if he destroyed, he was going to leave this time and go do something that causes them to exist. So then if they destroy the time machine machine and he can't go travel and do the this thing that he was gonna do that caused them to exist, then they would no longer exist. - Okay, I don't think the time machine blowing up was an end all to that nature that he saw. 'Cause like the, 'cause Jeremy Irons, the Uber Moorlach, said that there's others of him out there too. So it's like, he saved that village by the end. That's the way I see it. - Well, that's what time machine two would be. He'd be like basically, Don of the- - The predator. - Don of the predator. - Don of the stoner locks. - The people, I don't even know. - That's awesome. That's great. I don't know, I can totally see the pitch meeting for this. You guys are familiar with that YouTube series where he basically just tells the plot of a movie to an executive. And so I can totally see this because it's like, oh no, he stole the woman he's now falling in love with and they're underground and there's no way to get to them. How is he gonna do this? It must be super difficult. I just hear that can be super easy, barely and inconvenient. Like just a hundred percent that like, it just happens because it has to happen. And then he's right, like Matt, you said like one scene and he's there and he's fighting the dude and then he wins. And it's like- - It's so easy. It's so easy. Also, when they both were on the time machine and they traveled forwards, okay? How does he know the exact time to go back to? To be back in that room at the same point? - At the same point, after they... - Yeah, like 'cause he only has years there. - He could have been anywhere in that certain year. - That is very true also. - That's what I think of at least. - He hit the-- - Don't worry about it, Jeff. - He hit the undo button, he hit the undo. (laughing) - Control Z was back up there. That was embarrassing. - It's up to us. - It puts him back. - Yeah, no, I agree. - What? (laughing) - It's a machine, it knows what it's doing. - Yeah, totally. - It's AI. - Yeah. - I wonder what I wrote down. This shit is still working. Question mark, question mark. - Shit is still working. - I don't wonder what that was for. (laughing) - Probably, it's just the machine itself. - Was it the box AI thing? - Or the AI? - Yeah. - Oh yes, that's what it was. That's what it was, it was 100% that. - Scary AI. - 'Cause I'm like, what the hell are you getting this bullshit? - Yeah, it's like where's this power coming from? - No confusion. - And the kit kinda knew where that was, right? And then you're telling me that they don't just constantly talk to that thing and get as much information as physically possible? - I think she just said that that's where the ghosts are or something like that, so there might've been rumors that they heard voices down there but no one was too scared to go or something. - Oh yeah, maybe. - I don't know, that's my suspended disbelief of that situation. (laughing) Don't worry about it, Matt, don't worry about it. Barely and inconvenience. (laughing) No, I did, I love that. I love those scenes with the AI, big bad scary AI. - Speaking of which, he's such a fucking sassy machine. He had like eye rolls and he's just like, he's like, oh, I'm gonna walk away from you now. And then later he's like, can I help you with anything else though? If you're leaving, I don't know, he was such a sassy machine. - Very much so. But I did love the meta moment where he's like, oh, the time machine, you mean the H.U. Wells thing? This, this, this, the movie. - Oh, shit. - Is that a title drop? Brandon, is that a title drop? - Definitely a title drop. - Definitely a title drop. - And it seems like you enjoyed that. I was gonna ask how you felt about that. - Loved it. - Kind of a half-assed title drop. But also, yeah, it was interesting that they, that they put the own, their own movie in this. It was very, it was very meta, that was very meta. - Very meta, the first meta. (laughing) - Original meta. (laughing) - Yeah, no, but it was entertaining. It was a good movie overall, for sure. - Yeah, it definitely, I think this is one of the, as far, I don't know, like 'cause when I think of cinematography for this movie, so like the cinematographer was a Donald McAlphine, Alpin, Alpin, yeah. Anyways, I'll tell you what he's, other things that he's shot. He did Moulin Rouge, he did X-Men Origins Wolverine, and he did Chronicles of Narnia. So he's definitely dabbled in a range of shit, right? But he definitely, in watching this movie, it still, even though it had, it wasn't older 70s movies, but it wasn't newer like what we have now. It was somewhere in between, but there was still a lot of older aesthetics and movements of like, camera movements and dolly moves and stuff that gave it a little more of just an older feel, I guess. - The, which was interesting. - Yup. - Sorry, I didn't mean that. - No, the freaking, this is just perfect. The guy that did the music, no. Klaus. - Klaus Bedelt? - Bedelt? - Yes. He also was a composer on-- - X-Men. - Pirates of the Caribbean. - Oh yes, well he has the, so Hans Zimmer definitely scored that, but I wondered what effect that he was. - I know, yeah, he's gotta know what I mean. - He also has a credit on Gladiator. - Gladiator, he's just in the music department. Additional music. - He must be like a friend of Hans Zimmer's, 'cause Hans Zimmer scored Gladiator as well. - Instead, I'm wondering if he just works with him. - Mm-hmm. - Couldn't have got any help with a time machine? - Hans Zimmer's whimsical enough. - Hans Zimmer's like, bro, I'm working on Pirates of the Caribbean right now. Honestly though, Pirates of the Caribbean too, maybe, I don't know. - That is weird to think, right? That the curse of the black burl came out a year after this. - Oh, it was a year after, okay. - Let's do that, curse of the black pearl was 2003. - Okay. - I think that was, is that the first one? - Yes, yeah. - I was in Dead Man's chest and then at World's End. - That's bonkers to me that that came out one year after this. - Yeah. - Spina, which why haven't we done Pirates of the Caribbean for nostalgia yet? - Jesus. - I don't know, Jeff, why didn't we? - You people in Jeff, Jesus. - All right, I'll choose next week's. (laughing) - See Adventure. That was one. (laughing) - The, sorry. I am going to be at some point, like, went crazy with their like genres. - The genres? - Yeah, dude. I don't understand when this happened. - Ooh, the time machine literally has a genre called Steampunk as well. - Brother, the Pirates of the Caribbean, these are the genre tags or whatever. They have Sea Adventure, Supernatural Fantasy, Swashbuckler, Sword and Scandal. (laughing) Action Adventure Fantasy. - So-- - Wow. - Wow. Swashbuckler. - Wow, what happened? They were just like, these genres aren't enough. We need to go over there. (laughing) - Oh, and if they just opened it to anybody can do whatever they want. - She's a Swashbuckler. - Yeah. - Oh my God, I love that. I need to look at that. (laughing) - I need to see it from myself. - Oh my God, can I see other ones that are tagged with it? - Swashbucklers, there it is. - Okay, okay. We also have, here are some other ones that are under the category. Countamante Christo, two of them, are both Swashbucklers. Pushing boots, the last wish. Shrek, princess bride. - Yeah. - Yeah, Shrek is a stretch. - It says, the Swashbucklers subgenre, the term referring to a flamboyant and daring swordsman features narrative center around heroic and dashing characters known for their skill in swords play and their chivalrous actions. - Stardust, that's in it. - Hook. - Okay. - Oh, so maybe the next missed genre will be giving a genre and you figure out which movie's not part of it. (laughing) - Oh, okay. - Swashbuckler. - Mascazuro. - Oh yeah. - Pan, a lot of musketeers, a lot of Peter Pan and stuff. Ooh, ventures of Tintin. Pushing boots in 3D. - Gangster. - Prince of Persia. All right, and we're back. (laughing) - We're back. - I can't just check it. - Swashbucklers. - Yeah, you did. - I love it. - I love it. - See, adventure. - Adventure. - While. - I'm going to throw away. - As far as what I have for notes, I think we covered most of everything. Yeah, we covered a lot of stuff. - I have a weird, weird one that I'll probably cut, but when he went into the underground and all, it looked like all of like the clothes and stuff were sitting there, right? Is that what that pile was? - Yeah. Was it not weird that he found her necklace and then that was the only thing they took off of her before they took her to that cage? There's like, no, no necklaces. (laughing) - The necklace had special powers. - That was weird. If someone comes looking for you, how are they going to know where to find you? Leave that there. (laughing) - The necklace was the old locket that he lost a long time ago that turned into. - I turned into that one. - I'd be okay with that. There's still a little bit. - I was a little bit. - I was a little bit sad that the old lady that he was living with didn't find the locket and that's where it went, and she has it for some reason. I don't know why I just wanted that. - I guess it depends on what year he had dropped it. She was kind of old. - Yeah, that's also true, that is major. - Also, thank God that nobody ever built anything in the place that his time machine was. Thank God. - I know, right? Or that the elevators have changed ever. - Yeah. - Yeah, definitely. Also, the thing didn't have wheels or anything. It didn't look like it was easy to carry, so those freaking gremlins really worked out to carry it somehow, very nicely, didn't break anything. Everything's still functional, we placed it down in the spot. - Well, that's where the elevator goes. It goes up to ground level, and then they just said it there, and it goes down when we tell some just lower ends. - It's like, it's a prequel to that fucking prison movie where they have just a platform or whatever I think it's called, where they have-- - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - Food just goes down to each level. - Yeah. (laughs) - It was just a weird prequel to that. (laughs) - That's where it started. - We're not the kinks of the platform. (laughs) - Yes, absolutely. - Does it make you guys feel any better? I have a note, actually, about when he first gets to the new world in the future, and then he goes and sits with Amara up on the little shell rooftop with the fire or whatever, like that. She points out and mentions the flowers or something. Does it bug you or bother you that fact, 'cause that's a little bit of a tie to the whole flowers thing with Emma. I feel like-- - Only if she is supposed to be his fiance, if she's supposed to be the reincarnation, I get it and I like it. If not, it feels weird. - I agree. - Yeah, goes along with, I want more fleshed out things. You could have done that storyline and been like, you know, he finds her in each whatever time, but gave no indication of that. Like, the flower thing maybe was the closest indication. And so it was just very, so, you know-- - Oh, you like flowers, too. - Yeah, I know, right. (laughs) - Yeah, she's a woman. - Every woman likes flowers, obviously. - I like flowers. - Dude, that's sexist. - I like, don't know. - I like flowers. - Okay, same. - Yeah, yeah. - Yeah, it definitely needed a little bit more character development, for sure, to be a little bit more solid of a story and a little bit more solid of a movie in general. And I wonder if the book has anything more fleshed out. I wonder, or even if the 1960s one has a different type of story. - I would assume the book is more fleshed out. - Well, possibly, unless it's like a short story. I don't know, I'm not sure which story this is based off of. - I'm really-- - I'm really in the book, the works of H.G. Wells. - I mean, I don't think it's a short. We'll see if I can figure it out. How long is my machine? - But anyways, yeah, I do agree with you. Obviously, the fleshed out. I'm not sure if there are answers or aren't answers, but even if there aren't answers, I personally, in the book, I personally still think they would have should have made one, like, made answers. - I agree. - And they should have, I think, they should have chosen between the two different, what felt like the two different storylines, basically, of like, before was about him going back into the past and, like, really trying to figure out how to save somebody and his, you know, love for her and how he could do this, blah, blah, blah. And then it jumped and kind of felt like a complete different thing when it got up to the future. It felt the farthest future, the Planet of the Apes. It felt much less about going back and trying to save this woman. It's much more of like, let's explore this planet and save the people that are right here, which is like, you know, it was a good storyline, but again, it just felt like, to me, you know, half and a half-ish. - Sure, sure, and there wasn't enough of a character change to, I guess, go along with that journey and go along with, okay, this is why he's picking these people instead of, you know, himself or instead of his own time. Like, I would have liked to have seen that shift as well. - It's a 180-page it. - So yeah, that is pretty short. I mean, not as short, though, but I hear you know. You're right, yeah, not a short story, but definitely not a 600-page novella. - You're correct, it is less pages than 600. - Yes. - No Harry Potter. - It's no Harry Potter. This is a bit of a sidestep, but I was looking at more of the stuff that Guy Pierce is in, just as a refresher. Is it weird, you guys, out that Memento came out before this movie? - See, like, when we watch these, when we watch this and I'm like, you know, it looks okay, it didn't come out 22 years ago, give it some leeway, and then Memento came out before, and Pirates of being came out one year after, and I'm like, am I going to give it leeway? When I think these other things look, I think better. - Much better. - Memento. - Memento's got, like, an indie feel to it, but that puts into perspective for me how long Chris for Nolan's been making good shit. - Yes. - Like, my holy shit, dude. - I was, like, I was not on my radar when I was-- - You didn't go to 8 for that? (laughing) - You're telling me, you didn't see Memento in theaters? Wow, Jesus, what kind of a fan are you? - I saw Matrix Reloaded. - Do you even like movies, God. - Do you even like movies? - Yeah, and this has an $80 million budget, so like, where exactly did it go? - Props? - Yeah. - The production design and the-- - Probabilistic. - Probabilistic, yeah. - And mostly the Guy Pierce, probably. This guy. - That dude. - How big, was he that big at that time? And also, I don't mean how much those guys got paid. I mean, 'cause can you imagine if Guy, you know, I don't know, not a lot of main actors I feel like get paid, like, even 20 million right now? That's kind of rare. So then it's like, go back 20 years. I wonder if they're topping out at like five. - Right. - Oh my God, I can't believe someone got paid multiple millions of dollars to be in this. But I honestly do not know what the salaries were back then at that era. - Yeah, I couldn't tell you, couldn't tell you. 'Cause that was two years before. I just watched him in Prometheus, and then he was also in the guy's team. - I was gonna say he's, I remember he's-- - He's the only-- - Wayland dude, or whatever. - Yep, we're doing a little Guy Pierce trip then. - Very nice. - It ends up all of them end up being fucking connected. There's people in everything. (laughing) Just wait until the next one. There is a, there may be a similar actor which-- - I already know who it is. - Yeah, when I saw him, I was like, "Well, I guess I gotta do a night's tale." Okay. (laughing) Don't say anything, Jeff. - Okay. - I was doing some splinting and I just came across it and I was like-- - Oh, that's why you knew? Okay, it hurt. - Yeah. - Yeah, I saw him in a night's tale, I don't think. - I was like, "Oh, I love him." (laughing) - I look forward to the reveal. - He has a bigger part in the next one. - All right, cool. - Even Sienna Gilore, who was Emma, she was in Resident Evil Apocalypse, she was Jill Valentine. That's why I remember how hot she was. (laughing) - She was very, she was so chill with. Oh my God, you're on time. - I know. (laughing) - That's my first-- - That's my first. - She was so charming. I actually really liked her acting in her character. Like she was such a charming character. - That's why I was tragic when she did it. - I know, it made it so much sadder that she just could not live. - Dude, I thought the horse hit in the background was actually pretty damn good. Like I like the shot, I like the composition, I thought they hit it well, you know? - It looked real to me. - Yeah, yeah, I agreed, I agreed. Like it still holds up. - Yes. - I think so. - All right, what do you think? Should we rate this thing? - Uh, yeah, let's do it. (laughing) - Ray, all this live off of brains, schedule, whatever. (laughing) - Greetings, good, good, great, great, great, great, yay. So let me pull up my other ratings. I have to pull up the other shit to compare this to. Nostalgia is always the fucking, one of the hardest ones to rate, 'cause it almost inevitably gets extra points from my end. It's just hard. (laughing) - I'm sorry, my whole computer blinked. - Whoa, oh, that's not good. - That was, hands up, not touching anything, please come back. (laughing) - Oh shit, it's okay, we would have just put a nine down for you. (laughing) Thank God, you guys predicted what I was gonna go for? - That's impressive. - And we nailed it too. - Okay, all right, so I think I know where I'm gonna put this, I have to, as per law, a per movie club law, I have to go first, since I chose this movie. - Jeff law. (laughing) - No, it is written in the communal law, her declaration of-- - Her declaration of bylaws. - Yeah, in the bylaws, it's referred to as the Jeff law. - The Jeff law. (laughing) - So yeah, again, and this being nostalgia, I enjoyed this movie, I think it's a fun ride. Like we were saying, there are some things that look still pretty good, as far as some of the shots, the production design, the makeup and visual effects, there's still a lot of good things that held up, what, they had 20, 20, so years later. Some things didn't, but that's anything we look at even within the last five years, some things just don't look that great. - That's not true. - But yeah, I think I'd have to, yeah, like the acting I thought was fine. Yeah, it's just classic nostalgia, I just enjoyed it. I'm gonna have to put it along the same lines as what I have something similar to is the sixth day in another nostalgic movie. I have it as seven, I think I'm gonna have to put it at a seven. It's like, I still pretty enjoyed this movie. - It came out. - It was fun watching it. - Seven, flat for Jeffrey, yes, I messed it up. 'Cause I'm realizing I didn't type anything in. - Yeah. - Sweet, yeah, I mean, that seems reasonable to me. I think Brandon, you go next while I'm typing stuff. Boo. Sorry, I can go here, okay, so for me, I know this might shock everybody, but I think I'm in the same similar realm as Jeffrey on board. - Yes, that's how that never happens. - I know, I need to, but my problem is, I do think seven, for me, I have seven as like challengers, flaming hot, twisters, smile. It gets a little bit of the nostalgia boost in terms of, you were right, like things do hold up. I thought the creatures look good. I thought it was like, they successfully scared me with the creatures, you know? Guy Pierce acting was great, I thought, except for the early stuff, you know? They definitely had, I hated, not hated, but like the story I thought needed a lot of work, just as a basic explaining shit and keeping up and could have made it so much better, short, but the production design was great, you know? I do have the nostalgia. It is hard for me to see where I wanna slot it in because seven-ish does feel, honestly I think a little under seven, if I were to watch this objectively, would be the level-ish, but with my nostalgia, I'm actually gonna go, I think I'm gonna go 7.25 instead. - Do you like to have more than smile and stuff? - Nostalgia-wise, I think it really got it up there. Now it's not a perfect example of like, getting beaten out, supermarket, brothers and stuff, but because I think if I did it on the same level, I think it'd be 6.75 realistically, but because of my nostalgia- - It's hard, it's hard. - Yes, and I thought, and you are, we were right, things still hold up, so I'm gonna go 7.25, because, you know, I like to like movies. What do you want from me? - I thought that was my mantra. - No, that's Brandon's. - No, he likes to like the movies that he likes. - Yeah, well, that's my motto for him, but his motto is he likes to like movies when we talk about him having a high grade. There's no reference when he has a low grade. - Correct. - He still likes more than all of that. - He still likes "Moonfall" enough to bring it up as a reference point. - Yeah, it's not a repressed memory yet for him. - Tip of his tongue, tip of his tongue. He's thinking about "Moonfall" all the time. - I'm still trying to figure out ways to thread the "Moonfall" DVD in some way. - I just typed in "Moonfall" in this place, somewhere in this collection. - No, so no, what we need to do is we need to steal the DVD, and then replace it. - For all the nine's that he has, the nine's up, replace the movie with "Moonfall." - Right, and then we'll print off what it's supposed to be, like the fake movie. - You know, it's about time or whatever, cover, except for it's actually "Moonfall." - So that gets him to actually put the disc in. - Yep, yep. - He has to see the beginning of "Moonfall" a thousand times. - Oh my God, can you imagine if he like, for some reason, decided to sell his collection and someone just gets a bunch of "Moonfalls"? - I would love that. I would love that. - Oh my, this is all hilarious. - Also, how great would it be? Would it not be the best moment of his life? He's like, I'm really in financial trouble, so I'm just selling all my DVDs. Even if I get a dollar for each one, you know, that's a couple thousand dollars. And then he sells all of them, and then I show up with all the real DVDs, and then I hit it to him, and he's like, all my great ones came back to me, and I still made the money. - You just sold a bunch of "Moonfalls," it's okay. (laughing) - Sold them from way more than they're worth, too, so I made a giant profit off of that. This is such an elaborate prank, like I can't even be mad about it. Like, this is hell yeah. - Watch when there's redo this. - Watch when there's retaliation and like "Moonfall" discs to start getting thrown at his house. (laughing) - This is a "Moonfall" that's like dug into the front door. (laughing) - Oh Lord. - All right, we're done. - All right, well, I think that was it, right? I don't have to, no. This was a wild ride. This was, I absolutely could not have predicted it if I tried. It's like I got what he was going for up until the, like, I can't save her, and you know, not now. It's like, oh, he's gonna go to the future, cool. From that moment, it was just a, I sat back and just went, what the fuck is this move? But not in the, what the fuck is, like, I hate this, but like, I can't, I don't expect anything to happen. So like, anything could happen. I was like, I was all for it. Kinda like you guys, like, some of the stuff was, it didn't hold up from 20 years ago. I didn't see it, but I could tell, you know, just it's just cheap graphics. And, but the prosthetics were horrifying and those were really good. The production design around it, like the sets and everything was actually stellar, especially for making it many different time periods. That was really good. The, the acting was okay. It wasn't great, in my opinion. But I don't think this movie required anything, you know, to be, you know, Oscar worthy or, you know, Tony, Tony worthy. This just was kind of a fun, whimsical. - Tony, Tony working? - Yeah, acting, 'cause it's amazing. Acting. - Tony's are like theaters. But yeah, it definitely entertained me throughout. I can forgive a lot of the, of the plot holes and I can forgive a lot of the mishaps and the things that weren't explained. A lot of the questions that were proposed, but not answered. 'Cause it did. It had a lot of good nuggets, a lot of great lines. It had a lot of humor infused throughout. So I definitely would watch this again. I definitely recommend it. It's, it's a fun one. I, I give it an A for attempt for sure. - Think I'm going to go letters at the beginning of attempt. (laughing) - Yes, it is, yes it is. Plus, like I said, it, I feel like it, it helped kind of do a lot of pop culture, future references. It helped inspire a lot of future pop culture moments that I was able to pick out. So I think I'm on in the same vein as you guys. I think I'm going to also put this at a seven solid. Like, this was really entertaining. It wasn't my favorite by any means, but I wouldn't shy away from it. - I was closer. - I think we were the same distance, weren't we? 0.75 off. - I said 7.75. - Oh, yeah. - And you said 6.25. - Wait, I'm not closer. Who wrote, who wrote 7.75? - Oh, that was my, that was my jokey. Sorry, second one. - Oh, okay. - That's where I got confused with a third person. I was like, oh shit, did Brandon type in the 6.5. - Brandon's guessing his own. No, I don't know. I had a real feeling. - So do that to throw you guys off. - I had a real feeling that Brandon was just going to be like coming here and be like, I don't know why it just tapped into my soul and you guys are crazy. It was so good and the story was fine. I thought he was going to pop up and, which I mean, seven, we both gave it an nostalgia boost. Yeah, and he doesn't have the nostalgia for us. So definitely he is above. - Interesting. I just fascinating to think about. Also, it would be fascinating to see what his rating would have been before. We talked about Brandon like in movies. (laughing) - Brandon, we matched again. We don't match that often. I don't know. - It happens all the time, guys. - With me and Brandon. - He doesn't. - Get over it. - It's special when it happens. - It's a moment. - It's a moment. - It's only special when we do it. - I see. Despite the fact that you try to make me go first every time so you don't match. - I don't know what you're talking about. - You had to legally go first. - I hope for the joke about people. - Jeff Law. - Jeff Naw! - Jeff Naw! - Jeff Naw! - The Half-Blood Blood Prince. - Oh, you're mad. - Last of us, season one as a whole, Twisters. - Okay. - Wait, we tied on Twisters? - We tied on Twisters. - Oh, interesting. I thought for some reason I liked it more than you guys in my head. - Well, you definitely liked it more from the second time that I watched it. - When I do my end of year ratings, I'm probably gonna knock that one down. - Teenage we've gotten in in journals with you. - Mayhem. There's not that many that we match on. - It's like a handful. We haven't hit double digits yet, I don't think. - And that's it. - Yeah, that's it. So, it's special. Matt, leave us alone. - Sorry, I apologize. I didn't mean to get in between you guys' love. - Thank you. - Boy love. - All right, sweet. - Well, that was the time machine. - Time machine. It wasn't you guys enjoyed that wild ride. Down nostalgia lane, nostalgia lane. - Good lane. Next up, Night's Tale. We're gonna keep the connections rolling. It was time travel to a different version of time travel. This one will have a connecting actor, not character. And then the last one will be whatever connection will feel down. - There's producers in these other movies. - Yes, yes, yes. - Movies have producers, they are producers. And we assume some of them suck also. 'Cause right, the producers is like, they're trying to make the movie fail. - Yeah. - No. Yeah, that's what it is. - Oh, it's a musical, right? - Play, but yeah. - Stage play, no, no, no. - But yeah, the connection is it's a double dip into potentially musical month in October. - Oh, your future dipping. - That's what the connection is. - Future dipping. So you won't get credit for that until the, if we do musical, which now I'm kind of feeling like we shouldn't. (laughing) - Anyway, next up, Night's Tale in one week, Night's Tale. Last week was the Johnny Dept draft. The results, we'll find out the results probably at the end of the nostalgia month. So at the end of this month, we'll do another, some games or draft. And at that time, we'll reveal the results and the winner from the Johnny Dept draft. - Yes, so don't forget to go and vote for your favorite Johnny Dept movies. And you can vote for as many as you want to. But yeah, if you choose my movies, you're the coolest. - Yeah, you need as much help as you can get. I agree. - Of course. - Yeah, it's fine. - More help, I'll just sit back and see what happens. - See, now if you win, there'll be a shallow victory because hollow victory. - Victory is a victory and that's what matters. - Whatever helps to sleep at night, bud. - Yeah, it will help me sleep at night. So if you guys want to help me sleep at night, vote for my movies. - Vote now to help Brandon sleep. (laughing) - I like that tag, I like that tag a lot. You can vote, we have the link on our Instagram page, our Twitter page, Facebook, all that. We're all over socials, so don't forget to come say hi. Like and subscribe, do all the cool things, be a cool person. Let us know what you thought of the time machine. And what some of your favorite nostalgia movies are, 'cause we're doing a nostalgia month again. Yay, nostalgia, nostalgia. - There's a lot of 'em guys, there's a lot of 'em. - Yup. - All right, enjoy the movies and we'll talk to you guys later. - Bye. - Bye. - Peace. (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music)