The Dan Scott Show Podcast

Dan Scott Show, Radio Episode 88 - Dan Speaking At Dad's Church (9-8-24)

Two months after his dad's passing, Dan spoke at the church his father pastored for 41 years. The message? Encouragement, and reminding them that God always gets what He wants. Plus, a flashback to our conversation with astronaut Charlie Duke. Check it out!

Broadcast on:
08 Sep 2024
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Two months after his dad's passing, Dan spoke at the church his father pastored for 41 years. The message? Encouragement, and reminding them that God always gets what He wants. Plus, a flashback to our conversation with astronaut Charlie Duke. Check it out!

The following program is a presentation of grand slam ministries Hi again everybody and welcome to episode 88 of the Dan Scott show I am Dan the show as you just heard and as always presented by our 501c3 nonprofit organization Grand Slam Ministries how has your week been? I hope it's been a good one We'll try not to mess it up if it has and look forward to spending the next hour with you and Sharing a couple of different things in the show this week instead of one long interview segment we've got a pair of segments that we're going to share with you one new and One that some of you have heard before I'm guessing that many of you haven't but it was something that Was brought back to mind? This past weekend when my wife and I were on our 35th anniversary weekend anyway, we have a good show for you today as You know if you've been listening my dad passed away back in June on June the 11th 54 years a Pastor and a preacher and I know I'm biased because he's my dad, but the single greatest man That I ever knew the most humble man that I have ever met Back on August the 11th just a two or three weeks ago, I guess depending on when you're listening to this I Went back to the church. He had been pastoring up until his death the church that he had pastored in total for about 41 years and Spoke to the church on the two-month anniversary of his passing as a matter of fact and Encourage them that if God wants a church where That building is standing now There's going to be a church there and we'll talk about that more and you'll hear that conversation and then a little bit later in the show I'm gonna revisit a conversation Tom Van Hoy and I had with astronaut Charlie Duke and I'll explain why when we get there, but first let's take a break we will come back and Get into this 88th edition of the Dan Scott show right after you hear something from Grand Slam Ministries Here at Grand Slam Ministries our goal is to share the love of Jesus Christ through multiple platforms Well at the same time executing our core missions of mentorship and helping children in need the primary way We can effectively do all of those things is through the Dan Scott show our weekly Christian radio show that airs in multiple Markets around the nation and the world we are asking you to partner with us to not only sustain what we are currently doing But to grow both our on-air online presence and our ability to fund those core missions Can you spare as little as $25 per month? How about $10 per month if we can get 200 partners to join us at each of those small Sustainable levels we can begin to accomplish everything we believe God has called us to do So can you help us today with a donation of either $25 or $10 per month? Please go to www.Grand Slam for your donation to get more information or to ask questions That's Grand Slam and thank you for supporting the Dan Scott show and Grand Slam Ministries Like what you hear have a question or comment maybe a guest suggestion Drop us an email and let us know Dan at Dan Scott And now back to the Dan Scott show presented by Grand Slam Ministries It is episode 88 of the Dan Scott show because we Just getting things cranked up good to have you with us on all of our affiliates whether you're listening on Saturday or on Sunday or on the archive whenever you May choose to pick us up. We just want you to know how much we appreciate it We do not take your listenership lightly and we pray that you'll continue to do so and share Your experience with us and help us continue to grow Just remind you again as I try to do at this time in every show that Everything you need to know about us is at the website Dan Scott and if there's something That's not there that you'd like to know about or a question you have you can drop us an email Dan at Dan Scott show Dot org all of our social media is there you can interact through that as well get to the affiliates and archives page Everything that we've done plus some bonus sound cloud material is all there Dan Scott show dot org as mentioned Just less than a handful of weeks ago I went back to my home church raw free will Baptist Church just outside my hometown of Williamson, West Virginia On the two-month anniversary of my dad's passing and spoke to that small church a church that is now searching for a pastor and You will hear a little bit of history of the church and the circumstances It's in now compared to what it used to be but the main point that I wanted to get across here with the congregation and it applies to all of us as well is That if God wants something He's going to get it and we use several biblical examples in getting that point across I will say this when I talk about Philip and the Ethiopian unique in this for some reason I called him Stephen twice no idea why But you'll understand it's it's Philip. You know the Bible, right? Okay, just wanted to make sure anyway Here's my talk on August the 11th at my dad's church back in West Virginia I used to joke about I think the last time I spoke here about turning the pulpit over to somebody who talks three hours at a time So who knows I may need those You know mom's in crisis this morning and maybe for not the reason you think we always joke with her Half-joking. I think we're half serious that Josh is her favorite But we're both here today. So her loyalties are kind of split a little bit She told me it was 50/50 and I guess it depends on how long I speak if that goes up or down today, but It is it's great to be here. It really is Well, thank you And just want to thank all of you Bill everybody for your support for mom and the entire family is as We've gone through this time and continue to go through it Tell you what kind of Knucklehead I am sometimes when we were looking at the dates to do this I was just looking at my calendar and said today August the 11th is a day that that seemed to fit best not realizing that today's two months to the day that dad passed but God had a plan for it and we're gonna get through it and We're gonna pray that he blesses as we move through this service today And you can always tell whether it's a free will Baptist church or a southern Baptist church with the exception of maybe the guy Run with the camera the front pull front pews are empty so But you know the last time that I spoke here was a year and five days ago it was after the Williamson high school Hall of Fame athletic Hall of Fame induction last year and You know our family has changed dramatically in Such a short period of time in January. We lost my nine-day old grandson Grant in May we lost May Edna May and then six weeks later two months ago today dad passed and you know it'd be foolish for me to stand up here and try to tell all of you that It hasn't been hard because it has there've been moments of depression. There've been moments where I've questioned God as to why and Getting motivated to really do anything especially these last couple of months is Has been a real challenge, but I can also tell you That out of all the grief and all the sadness there have been some Romans 828 moments and For those of you who don't know that verse Romans 828 says and we know Doesn't say we think It says and we know That all things work together for good to those who love God and to those who are the called according to his purpose And I can tell you in these last seven months and particularly in the last two There've been multiple times where God has showed his love and mercy to me I know he showed it to our family and while We know that None of these things in and of themselves have been good We've seen That God has a way of bringing some good out of it and we're seeing it inside of our family I've seen it in a kind of a narrowing of my own focus so just Continue to pray for mom continue to pray for all of us and Thank you again For the way that you've wrapped your arms around her and loved on her and support her and I just pray you continue to do so But what I want to do today is Encourage you church as you look for your next pastor but I Can't help but look back for a little bit before we look ahead 1975 I was eight years old The only other one of the four children born was Steph Josh wasn't even thought about then Neither was Jesse And we had just moved back to Williamson after spending over a year I think about 14 months between White's Word Kentucky and Grundy Virginia We moved and I was in the first grade we came back when I was in the second and Dad and mom had been members of Tolor Freewell Baptist Church before the move and when they came back That's the church they went back to when we got back to Williamson But dad wasn't getting opportunities to preach that often because they had so many Preachers that told her at the time And it's hard for me to even imagine dad being 27 years old, but that's how old he was He was pretty much the low man on the totem pole when it came to Getting opportunities to preach so at the prompting of the Holy Spirit. He and mom started Praying for the Lord to lead them to a small church where he could preach more often and they started visiting some Area churches and I believe at one time Around that time Arleigh Joe Ball was the pastor here and he had been inviting dad to come and visit for a while and So finally dad and mom decided to come and check out this little small church set in the middle of this coal camp Now you got to allow your mind to go back To 1975 first of all this church was not in this building Was in the little old white building that set just outside there the one that the flood got in 77 Which precipitated the building of this one and this entire camp was full of homes and families Everywhere as matter of fact when we drove in the day. I just kind of remarked a little bit how the the road That does go all the way back there and circles back around. It's all overgrown now But this was all full of houses. It was all full of families So mom and dad decided to come but Arleigh Joe Ball was gone. He had moved on and brother Ernest Peters Was filling in as the interim pastor and I'd heard dad tell the story a lot in a couple of weeks ago I called mom so she could fill in some of the the gaps for me, but The story goes that brother Peters was standing up By the bulk the pulpit over in the old church before service started and was praying for God to send her all a pastor and He said when he finished praying he looked up and the biggest man he'd ever seen walked through the door and Of course that was dad and brother Peters knew before dad ever did because he asked dad that day about coming to pastor the church and dad told him no and He kept asking him over the next few weeks as dad would come back and visit and dad kept saying no and eventually He kind of stopped asking a little bit But then as the Lord will do he started working on dad's heart and as it turned out much to mom Shagrin at the time because she didn't want to come here at first anyway But dad said that he felt the Lord was leading him here and after brother Peters not asking him for a while He said we're gonna go and if he asked me again, I'm gonna say yes Well, guess what? they came Ernest Peters asked and the rest is history Dad took over his pastor later that year in 1975 and as I look around the congregation here, I think the only person who was here at that time Besides our family was Linda Runyon and she may have been here under protest at the time. I don't know Probably she says But dad started pastoring in in late 1975 and he held that position until he retired from the pastorship in June of January of 2012 Lived the life of an evangelist for almost the next 10 years and then of course he came back here in October of 2020 and Was the pastor until his death two months ago today? And there's a funny story. I don't remember. I shared this the last time if I did I'll share it again But in 2020 with the pandemic and everything shut down We weren't broadcasting anything and I had a van and I decided to go back out on the road doing some Some over-the-road deliveries and I was doing I think a couple of pinball machines up in this region up in Ohio Somewhere and I asked dad if he wanted to go with me and and he said yes And we were talking about a number of things and he was talking about church and and everything and I just asked him I said I said do you ever Think you'll want to pastor again and almost before the words got out of my mouth. He said no And then he said God would have to do a real work on my heart to get me to pastor again That was in August of 2020 in October of 2020. He was pasturing this church again That's how quickly the Lord got hold of him and I know he loved it. This was home So he spent roughly 41 years total as pastor at this church and his life was given to proclaiming Jesus and Loving on this church and its people and I really think it's appropriate that the last message he ever preached The Sunday before he died was entitled bringing men to Jesus Because that's what he was all about His life was one dedicated to Christ And we've laughed about this since at the Visitation on the Friday night before his funeral I have field funeral chapel I think mom went back and counted the registry after everything was said and done and there may have been close to 600 people that showed up that Friday night He would have hated that He absolutely would have hated it because he never wanted the attention to be on him He always wanted it to be on God but It was a testament to the life that he had given and serving the Lord So that's a look back that's our family history and our part of history in this church, but What about the future? What does God have in store for? Roll free will Baptist Church in the days and weeks and months and years ahead God gave me the idea For this what I'm talking about this morning out of conversation that Bill and I had at the dinner following dad's burial two months ago and Bill said they were looking for people to fill the pool pit But he didn't know what they were going to do what you were going to do as far as finding a pastor and You can ask Angela. I don't say very many things that are profound and I don't think this is either But I remember telling Bill During that conversation that if God wants a church here He's going to send somebody to lead it And that's what the Lord seemed to put on my heart when it came time to prepare this talk today Because if God wants something He's gonna get it and Look, let's be let's just be brutally honest for a moment. Okay humanly speaking Humanly speaking it doesn't make a whole lot of chant a whole lot of sense to have a church sitting right here right now humanly speaking You know the camp is empty and it has been for years the congregation is Small and none of us are getting any younger Most of you drive a pretty good distance to get here on Wednesday and Sunday and probably pass Five or six other churches along the way maybe more so looking at it from a strictly logical Human viewpoint there's really no reason why we're all free. Well Baptist Church should still be here But aren't you glad Bill that God doesn't look at things from our finite limited human standpoint Listen to me folks if God wants a church here, there's going to be a church here And as I said God always gets what he wants and there are Multiple examples the Bible is full of examples of that. Let me just start in the book of Acts The apostles may not have wanted this but God wanted the gospel spread to the Gentiles And you remember the story? Started with Peter being on the rooftop and and God bringing the vision down of all of the different animals and saying now none of this is considered unclean which was great because we Gentiles can cook, right? But at the same time he was coordinating a meeting between Peter and Cornelius and What that would lead to was Cornelius becoming the first Gentile at least on record saved After Jesus had ascended and gone back and that started the gospel spreading into the Gentile world God wanted the gospel spread to Africa So what did he do? He took Philip out of a great revival that was going on in Samaria and he sent him into the desert after one man the Ethiopian unit who was a high ranking official in the Queen of Ethiopia's cabinet and you know the story where He asked or Stephen asked him do you understand what you're reading? And he said what how can I unless somebody explained it to me? And he was reading Isaiah the prophecy of Jesus and so starting there Philip preached Jesus to him and You know the story he ended up saying what hinders me from being saved He got baptized Philip was caught up and gone and I heard Billy Graham say this years and years and years hundreds of years later when Missionaries went into Africa. They began to find little pockets of believers And it started because God wanted the gospel to go into Africa and he used Stephen in this Ethiopian to do it God wanted Paul to preach in Rome and How he was gonna get there and when he was gonna get there wasn't in Paul's plans and Paul didn't know and I can guarantee you that Had he been able to plot it out He wouldn't have chosen the way God got him there as a prisoner But then when you read his writings and if you pay close attention He starts talking about even the saints in Caesar's household Greet you in some of his epistles God wanted him to preach in Rome. He got him there to preach in Rome Go to the book of Genesis God wanted Abraham to father a nation He said Abraham get your stuff your people get up and go. He didn't tell him where didn't tell him why didn't tell him when he was Gonna arrive. He just said go Made no sense But Abraham was faithful and he went and he used him to become the father of that nation God wanted David to be king first Samuel When Eli went to anoint the next king that will replace Saul He went to all the brothers All David's brothers and none of them got God's blessing and he asked do you have any others and well There's this little little guy who's out tending the fields taking care of the sheep go bring it and he ended up getting anointed to be the next king of Israel and I said Eli it was Samuel actually anointed him because the book's written after him, but he he Annointed him and then David spent 15 years on the run Before he would become king But God wanted him to be the king and he protected him over that 15 years God wanted Peter to lead the early church Same Peter who denied Jesus three times, but read the Gospels read the book of Acts the restorative work that that Jesus did in Peter's life and The way that the Holy Spirit worked and and the church was formed and it began to grow and spread like wildfire That happened because God wanted it to happen God wanted Nineveh to be saved Jonah sure didn't And we all know the story you started learning it as a child that the big fish swallowed Jonah And he had three days to think about it and when God gave him a second chance He made three days journey in one day to get there and he didn't preach the Most eloquent message in the world when he got to Nineveh He started running through the streets and you can imagine how he looked after being in the belly of that fish for three days and probably didn't smell too good and He started basically to repent because the end's coming and what does the Bible say? It may be the greatest revival the Bible ever talks about happened in Nineveh From the King down even the animals were in sackcloth and ashes Because God wanted Nineveh to be saved And that's just a handful of examples folks Just a handful None of these things made sense from a human standpoint not one of them and Yet God wanted each one of them to happen and Because he wanted them to happen. They did So make no mistake If God wants a church here at raw There's going to be a church here at raw and he's going to send you the person who is going to lead it into the next phase wherever he wants it to go and I pray he does Because as Josh said a minute ago, this is always going to be home Now Angela and I haven't lived here since 1991 But this is always home and this church is always going to be our home church Your job is to continue to pray With the kind of undying faith that Ernest Peters had I love that man He knew that God was going to send the right person Your job is to be like Ernest Peters and pray With that kind of faith and God will answer that prayer. He will send you the right person One more thing before I close and I know if Dad was sitting on That front pew right now. He'd be waiting on this one Because this is the most important one of all God wants a relationship with you And he wants one so much that to get it He sent Jesus Christ his only son To die on the cross as that perfect sacrifice For your sins Jesus who rose from the tomb the third day conquering sin death in the grave and now sits on the right hand of the Father in heaven asking For you to come So if you're here this morning and you don't know Jesus as your Savior, I just got one question for you What are you waiting for? Because there's no guarantee that if you walk out of this church today, you're going to have another chance The Bible says now is the accepted time today is the day of salvation Don't wait because you never know when your time is going to come May was 81 Dad was 76 Grant was nine days old There's no template There's no promise of tomorrow So there's no better time than now for you to put everything else aside and commit your life to Christ and Then walk with him from today forward and You know sometimes we make it harder than it is. I know I did But I heard it might have been in Linda's class when I was a kid the first time I heard it as easy as ABC Ask believe and confess ask Jesus to come in your heart as your Savior and Lord Believe that he led the sinless life died on the cross for your sins and rose the third day Confess those sins to him and be willing to repent which means to just turn in the other direction You're going this way spiritually. You repent you're turning and you're going in the other direction It really is as easy as that And if you'll do that and you'll truly mean it in your heart Jesus will save you and eternal life will start for you right here today Thank you again for letting me come back and Spend a few minutes with you I I Love this church. I love you people and just continue to pray for us I'm going to pray and I'll turn it over to Scott or Bill or whoever for an invitation if they want to do it and then to close out the service heavily Father Thank you for the privilege of being here today. Thank you for this church Thank you for their faithfulness And I just pray that that faithfulness will be rewarded That you will send them the next shepherd who will Come in here and be your man to do your will with your church Watch over us now as we make our way through the rest of our day for Angel and mom and I as we travel to South Carolina You know all of our hearts. You know our comings and goings. We just commit it all to you in Jesus name We'll step out for a break dance got you continues in just a moment Every day there are children who leave school on Friday and eat little and sometimes nothing Until they come back to school on Monday. It happens in every community Including yours many of these children live in circumstances that deprive them of basic needs necessary for a quality life At Grand Slam Ministries, we want to change that we want to invest in our children giving them hope for the future That investment includes necessities such as food clothing school supplies and a safe environment to play To study to live Please visit our website grandslam to find out more about our ministry and how you can help We're just getting started. Will you come alongside us for the children's sake again? That's grandslam Dance got show continues episode 88 across all of our Over 40 affiliates on air and online Hope you enjoyed the Talk that I gave at my dad's church Raw freewill Baptist REWL just asked that you would continue to pray for that very small congregation as they are looking for Their next pastor just keep them in your prayers and continue to keep our family, but especially my mother in your prayers This past weekend Angel and I celebrated our 35th wedding anniversary September the 1st and We spent part of it in Oxford, Mississippi Broadcasting I was broadcasting Furman University's football game at Ole Miss a 76-nothing loss. Thank you very much, but so she went with me to that and the next day was our anniversary and we spent some time backtracking to get home and stopped in Huntsville, Alabama and Visited the U.S. Space and Rocket Center if you remember a show that we did in August of last year We had a guest named Charlie Duke who is the youngest man to ever step foot on The Moon. He's a South Carolina native. He had gone away. He was living in I believe Texas for a long time But he's back in South Carolina now and at the Greenville Drive baseball game that night It was aerospace engineering night and he threw out the first pitch And was kind enough to come and spend some time with us. He told us a story that you're going to hear in a moment About trying to see how high he could jump on the moon and losing his balance flipping backwards in and his words were something to the effect of the moon Olympics ended after that well as we are touring the U.S. Space and Rocket Center In one of the buildings that they have the history of the Apollo missions I guess it's the Saturn rocket missions that powered the Apollo missions and lo and behold there is a display for Apollo 16, which was Charlie's flight and the actual command module is there, which was really neat to see But there is a a video playing and it's Charlie telling the same story But with footage that was shot From the moon and actually shows him flipping backwards, which I thought okay This is all coming back together again. I knew we had some time to fill this week. So Why not? replay that interview with Charlie Duke and again for a lot of you life FM for instance this this aired before you joined our Network, so if you've heard it before enjoy it again if you've never heard it This is really entertaining. This takes place during an inning of a a Greenville Drive baseball game in August of 2023 Tom Van Huy my broadcast partner is with me and we are interviewing Charlie between pitches and batters and All of this points to the fact that Charlie Duke is a Christian and you're going to hear me steer the conversation to his Faith at the end and he has some pretty astounding things to say About how being in space Strengthened his faith. So here is that in-game conversation with Apollo 16 astronaut Charlie Duke To work here as we met you We are honored to have with us a gentleman who back in 1972 is a part of Apollo 16 Became the 10th man to walk on the moon and the youngest to ever do so there've only been 12 and He is a Carolina native He is Charlie Duke. It is great to see you. How are you sir? I'm fine great as a big honor thrown out the first fence That was an honor for us to have you here normally I got it I got to tell you normally Tom and I We're pretty tough on people who threw out the first pitch because if you throw it from in front of the mound instead of on the rubber We we're big believers that you throw it from back there But we're giving you a pass tonight because you're a crafty left-hander and you got it there on the fly. Right. Yeah Well, I started to do it from the Rubber about that. That's all right. Well a long time since I played baseball and Alex doesn't give you a chance to warm up either No, no, yeah, you have to throw cold. Yeah, well after I threw some it at our yard this afternoon Practice a little bit trying to make sure right. Yeah, I wanted to get it to the plate instead of bouncing it in Well, it is an absolute pleasure to have you with us here on our broadcast You're a part of a very exclusive club There's just 12 men in history who have done what you've done and you were the youngest to ever do it. That's true and There were 12 of us as you said but only four of us left alive, right. Oh, they've been eight fatality eight deaths First pitch to Carson Seamus is lined in the left field for a base hit and that's how the drive Second inning begins Charlie Duke is joining us. He threw out the first pitch today and as mentioned in 1972 became the 10th man To walk on the surface of the moon You said only four were alive Buzz Aldrin is kind of the the father of the group, right? He's a grand buh-ha And he's 93 just got married by the way Really? Yeah, and so he's still hanging in there I'm distilled a youngest that walked on the moon and then so two of us are still pretty active, but Dave Scott who was in Apollo 15 and others Buzz a basic retired. So what are you doing with yourself these days? Well, we just moved to Greville I grew up in Lancaster and I was a baseball player in my high school days and and but our son Charles lives here and they have six children and three of them are married and One is I got a great got a great granddaughter. So we decided to move back to From Texas to South Carolina. I'm glad we're be a great My wife and I found out a few years ago. There's nothing like grand babies. I'm right. Yeah, right? Yeah Tom when you go back to when you got into it the space race going on was that something that you wanted to do at that time? I aspire to yeah, I was a test pilot and I'd met some astronauts as a And they were I never met anybody was so enthusiastic about their job So I asked him how do I get that job and they said well you go to finish your degree at MIT Go to test Apollo school. You might have a chance. So I followed their advice and Wild pitch will send Carson Seamus to second base after Nick Decker struck out drive leading at two to one as we continue visiting with I'm not even gonna call you a former astronaut because you're always gonna be an astronaut right? Yeah, just retired astronauts basically, but anyway I applied in 1965 and got selected and there were about That time we had eight fatalities Hey guys got killed three in a spacecraft fire. We had four kill airplane accidents and One in the automobile accident. So we sort of bubbled up into the max and we started getting Started getting Flights the space the spacecraft fire was the one that took Gus Grissom and that crew. Yeah Tom and I were talking about this before you came up Just the the incredible courage That it has to stay it to take to in effect strap yourself to a tin can and be shot To the moon. I know there are some guys who laid the groundwork at that couldn't have made it any less Scary for you to do well one scary really no we were prepared and the Saturn had some escape Escape ways to get out off of it if it was gonna if it blew up and going into space and so we had we had an hour and It was The coffee strikes out go ahead that's all right and so I ended up But that was never any fear The only time I had fear when I did something that I wasn't supposed to do And it's something I learned and going into space. Don't do anything in orbit or on the moon that you hadn't practiced down here So I was gonna sit to hide you Down here with all my gear on our weight 365 pounds up on the moon 60 pounds So my legs were strong back in and I started bouncing and when I jumped I straightened up in my backpack weight as much as I did and it just pulled me over back Penny could do something I Was gone, so I roll right and broke my fall landed on my back and But I was okay did did your superiors have something to say to you after that was done. Oh, yeah That was the end of the moon Olympics Take care of the equipment too or whatever was well I mean the backpack sure life supports us. Yeah, if it breaks your dad like that was it like what you thought it was Gonna be the first time you said yeah, you know, we were the fifth landing, so we had a lot of experience Talking to we grained a lot of experience from talking to other crews and so it was The moon was exactly what I thought it would be But it was still exciting and an adventure and beautiful and Buzz Aldrin called it Magnificent Desolation and that's what it was and but Line drive base at the center field by Kyle Teal they're gonna wave cars and seam us around and he will score Without a throw the rookie is two for two as driven in a run and the drive reclaimed that two run lead at three to one So till now five for seven Since being promoted to the drive after only three games at the complex league. We're visiting with Charlie Duke Astronaut walked on the moon obviously that's what you're your best known for but man You've accomplished a lot in your life fighter pilot military brigadier general I mean Tom and I are up here calling balls and strikes. It kind of puts it in perspective We were supposed to come to attention. Well, it was a great A great experience my career has been very I'm still be I flunk retirement. So I'm still busy doing motivational talks all around and trying to inspire kids to get involved in technology stuff and It's so we're traveling still I'm going to Be on a podcast with Glenn Beck next week and no two weeks from now I just got back from Alabama to space of rocket Center Then to Paris for the Paris Air Show Castro is called out on strikes and the inning is over if you can hang with us just for a few moments Crowd not real happy, but Castro heading back to the dugout drive get the run and through two innings Have the three-to-one lead when it continued just for a moment with with Charlie Duke tell me about Duke ministries for Christ Well, that happened we formed that in 1978 Our marriage was in really bad trouble and we were about to get divorced my wife was almost suicidal and We went to our church out of faith alive weekend and These people came sure their faith and our Jesus and changed our life And so as a result of that she went home said God if you're real I give you my life Did you not I want to die? That was in October 1975 and I watched her change from sadness to joy We were leaving us at that point. I was going in the Air Force Reserve started a business and two years later after chasing fame and money I still had no peace and now I watched him my wife and after a Bible study and we lived in New Bromfield, Texas One weekend I was a Bible study It was April 1970 since no Yeah, 78 and And at that point I realized that you know, this is really true Jesus since the Son of God. There's a big liar I said Lord, I believe And I said that I said come into my life And I got the peace of God first time and so that changed our marriage changed our life changed our family and so we got so excited and I was inviting getting invited to speak and As a result of that We didn't need the money. I was successful financially. So we formed a Duke ministry for Christ So that money that did we did get we gave it away That's awesome given Where you had been before and and that faith experience to give you a greater appreciation for where you were when you were on the moon Yeah, the heavens declare the glory of God to Psalm says the skies proclaimed the works of his hands and as I read the scriptures God describes what I saw and in Isaiah I think it is he said God sits and thrown above the circle of the earth and in and in other places the things that I saw and the things that are true are recorded in the scriptures, so I It my faith has just renewed The wonder of God and the all of God and the orderliness of the universe It's not an accident Tom anything else before we let this gentleman go. Oh look at that catch By Carson Seamus on a line drive taking a hit away from Brendan Dixon put a star by that one One down as a former baseball guy. You got to appreciate that play. Don't you I? Played first base and Pitched a little bit in high school, but I knew when I got out of high school. That was the end of my baseball career Well as we say you went with your strength, right? That's right. Yeah, that's outstanding Charlie Duke. Thank you for spending some time with us. It was my pleasure. Thanks a lot guys. Thank you Tom Nice to meet y'all very much all the best. Okay. Thanks. So I Hope you enjoyed that After seeing that display I just had to replay that 13-minute endgame clip with Charlie Duke because a seeing what they did and how they did it the courage as much as he downplayed it the courage it takes to in effect set yourself in a tin can on top of The most highly explosive rocket whatever known to man and Shoot yourself into the sky and be able to land on the moon and then get back That's just amazing, but the fact that it also highlighted his faith It is the point that I wanted to get across on the show this week. So hope you enjoyed that with Charlie Duke We'll take a break. We'll come back and we'll get into wrap-up mode right after this Teenage boys and young men today are in crisis Statistics show that a home without a father or male role model present is the single biggest indicator of poverty behavior issues drug and alcohol abuse criminal activity and yes imprisonment a Grand Slam Ministries one of our core missions is developing a mentorship program to teach boys how to become strong Christian men and Then teach those men to be the biblical husbands fathers and church and community leaders the Bible calls us to be We need your prayers. We need your ideas and we need your support Visit our website Grand Slam Ministries dot org to find out more about our mentorship mission and Prayerfully consider how you may be able to assist us again that website is Grand Slam Ministries Follow us on social media search Grand Slam Ministries on Facebook and Grand Slam for God on Twitter and don't forget Dan's personal and public figure sites on Facebook Twitter and Instagram You're listening to the Dan Scott show presented by Grand Slam Ministries It's the final segment of this week's show episode 88 Couple of different things for you this week. Hope you've enjoyed a little variety and what we do Just a few things from a house cleaning standpoint before we wrap up the program we continue to to get some really good feedback from people and I think I may have mentioned a phone call from Linda in Omaha a couple of weeks ago followed up with an email and was really interesting to hear her story and What God has laid on her heart because she's a widow and God has laid on her heart for the church to get back to doing what it was originally designed to do if You read the New Testament and taking care of widows so Linda I have been praying about that Looking forward to hearing your progress on However, God leads you in it But it's just a reminder to me that God is always working You know you you think sometimes as I mentioned before you wonder if anybody's actually listening to the show and I know that tons of people are but sometimes you wonder and then you'll get a note like that or like some of the others that we've read on air in recent weeks and It's just a little reminder that yeah, we've got these guests that we have most weeks Where we're telling stories of God doing amazing things in people's lives And I love getting those responses. I love getting those notes as emails phone calls whatever Because it's just a further confirmation of the mission of what we're doing here You know our core missions of mentorship and helping children all wrapped up in what we're doing with the radio show Primarily telling stories of God still working in people's lives. So that's why I've encouraged you Probably more than at any other time Since we've been doing this show now 88 episodes in that we really want to hear from you you can email me Dan at Dan Scott show org or as I mentioned either last week or the week before if You want to use your phone and get a little more creative or a little more personal with it use the voice recorder and Send me something keep it to about 60 seconds and Send me a voice recording to Dan at Dan Scott show dot org and we will play it in a future show But whatever the case is we we just hope that What God is leading us to on a weekend a week out basis that we're putting out here is a blessing to you and I love hearing that feedback So keep it up Dan at Dan Scott show dot org or you can go to the website and all of our social media is there You can interact with us on social media if you want to as well We are going to say goodbye now working on several guests That I'm really excited about in the upcoming weeks Don't have anything 100% nailed down yet but I can tell you that the people that God is leading us to the stories continue to be amazing and One of those stories will be coming up next week. Look forward to talking to you again Have a great week and we'll talk to you Next weekend until then I'm Dan Scott. God bless you and so long everybody Thank you for listening to this week's Dan Scott show Here it again, catch up on past shows or find out more about grand slam ministries Please visit our website Dan Scott show dot org and while they're Perfectly consider making a gift to help us in our mission to share the love of Jesus Christ That's the Dan Scott show dot org a you you [BLANK_AUDIO]