1973 Podcast

1973 Podcast Episode 81

1h 22m
Broadcast on:
08 Sep 2024
Audio Format:

- Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, children of all ages, here we go. It is what you would call football season, once again, brought in the heavy hitters, but let me first say looking at this crew in front of me, picture yourself, if you will. It's 1995 and this crew walks into Lupo's other strand on a Saturday night, bad things, bad things. He went young Brad with us, bad things will happen. - I just say, I do believe, and I got to keep this clean, but I do believe that there are two people here that have an incident in a car. I don't know where to Lupo's. - I don't know what you're talking about. Every, if you've ever seen a police horse punched at late night at about one in the morning, you know, it's a good night. So we've gone from going out on a Saturday night to meeting at the same time we usually would go out to do this. So it's kind of fun to come full circle. If you think of the spectrum of the whole thing, because a couple of years to get there, but, you know, here we go. It's like going out virtually to profit it. See, theme jokes, just got to clean them up. Just got to clean them up. Kids show, kids show. - I will say this, with Shaggy and Ryan, hey, Louise, we can keep the handle of Captain and then the bottle of Coca-Cola, we don't have to put it with the seat belt on anymore. - That's true, that is true. And you can't start any fights. I don't know what you're talking about. - You can, we'll have to save that with the hammer here and with Dennis here, because then we can really bring up some stories. - Oh, we can bring up some fights with Dennis here. - We can definitely bring up some fights. I think if I recall, we were good for probably one a month. What do you think? - Maybe one out of four. - Well, I'd say one every couple of years. - That's a Catholic kid and you're coming out, Ed. Come on now. - Yup, amen, you know. - I'm wondering how against the trash can, that's all I got to say. - Fantastic. That story is gonna be stayed for when we have the right people with the crew because looking back on, I'm sure Dennis is, and we'll see how his memory banks for recalling that night because unlike what Scotty corrected me, I remember that night very vividly. Very, very stressful evening for, yeah, surely, let me just say. So Ed, let's get right into it. - All right. - With some emails. - Well, here we go. So we have a brand new sponsor. Guess what, guess what the sponsor is? It's us and you believe it. You know, unfortunately we couldn't make a connection with the sponsor that normally sponsors us. They were made nameless, moving forward. They were good to us at first and just couldn't make the connection. You know, I guess being an RA, it's a little difficult to, you know, carve out 30 minutes of time, I guess, 'cause it's such a stressful job. Anywho, I digress. Hey there, podcast fans. Are you ready to show off your love for the 1973 podcast? We've got over 20 different designs of T-shirts and booties that capture the essence of classic stuff. Whenever you're a fan of the show or just love the retro feel. We got something for everybody, all right? So here we go. So it's the - And Brad's shirt. - Let me check out Brad's shirt. - Yeah, look at that. - That was some. - That was my favorite shirt. - The person. - Then like pasta and rotation. - Yeah. So the 1973 podcast T-shirt store on YouTube, just click the link in our episodes. All right, so moving on, this one is from Jen from Dottniff. Jen from Dottiff, Massachusetts. All right, time for the podcast. Hey, 1973, find this channel through Facebook. Wanna know how you find the time. Some coaches are volunteers. Here is the time for the channel. All right, I'll kick it to you guys first. - Start with the Phantom. Talk about making time for the podcast with a busy schedule. Now that it's not so busy. - Helps when there ain't no kids about. Then you don't have to wear pants. I mean, a lot of times. - Oh shit. - A lot of times we usually do this late at night. So that's, I'm sure that helps out everybody. Yeah, as your kids grow older, you will have more time gentlemen. So enjoy it while you got it. - Professor, for being probably second in attendance for our podcast appearances, what do you have to say to that email? - Well, you know, I think we originally said that we started this to keep it in touch with each other again because as close as we are, Brad not included because we hadn't met you at that point, me and Andy anyway, but you fit right in with the group. I think if you were up here back in the day, you would have fit right in. It was a way to keep in touch with each other because as we get older, you kind of grow a little bit apart because your lives, kids, jobs, coaching, stuff like that. But this helps us make time for it. It's something that we wanna do. Even if this podcast doesn't take off or do anything at least, at the very least, we're getting to see each other and getting to shoot the shit. And this is something, what we're taping is stuff we do if we're at a bar or something talking to one another. It's always talking sports or wrestling. So, I mean, we make time for friends. Brad, what do you got? How do you make time for the podcast? - I just clear my schedule, you know? I mean, quite frankly, I mean, it's nice to see everybody on here. It was great to piggyback on what Tom said. Like, we initially started this off to just kind of keep in touch. I remember coming back home and I think Ryan and Tom and you all said, we haven't seen each other in like a year and a half. And I mean, for you guys, I mean, you guys are 15 minutes away from each other, you know? And so I thought it was a great way. I mean, granted, you know, you were living in 1936, Germany, I believe at that time. So think, you know, you needed to have papers to move around freely, I guess. But, you know, you know, with Bradford and I, we kind of lived in the, we had some rights that weren't taken away from us. But it's got to have Shaggy on. It's great to see him again on a regular basis. You know, so let's just make time. It's an hour of my time and I'm happy to do it. - Bradford, I'm coming to you for a guy that jumped in, maybe a calendar year ago, on and off in the beginning to be in a regular, bringing some great quality material to the show, good banter, good everything. How do you make time for doing this? - How do we make time? We don't. We are starting fall baseball and soccer. I don't know why we signed up for two sports in the fall, but we did, on top of family time. You know, luckily I have a nine to five, so when I'm off of work, like I'm done done. But, you know, Andy has kids that are active. Everybody's got something and like we don't, like we don't find time. Like that's the kicker. Like Andy, we have a group text and that is like, hey, who's available Friday? And if it's more than a couple of people, then we're like, all right, who's available Saturday? And if we can't do it then like, who's available Sunday? Like that has got to be Friday Saturday Sunday, like pick one and then we make it happen, man. And just I don't, you know, if some of us have shit, then we'll take a week off because tournaments or travel or something else and then just pick back up, you know, the next week and, you know, everybody's flexible. So, but how do we find time? That's like shit, I don't know. (laughing) It just happens. So if you look at this backdrop, it back to me. This is a very expensive backdrop. I will say that. The money that I've spent just on this backdrop alone and there's some that I cannot fit in this screen, it is just a matter of perseverance, desire. Just, I've had a few people that I know that have, you know, said to me, why do you do it? And I've said multiple times why I do it. But it's the will to keep everybody together. It's almost like if going back to Providence Stories, I was always the one that drove because I wanted the night to be okay. And I'm driving this podcast for the same reason, metaphorically that I did being the driver going back and forth to when we went out. It's a matter of keeping everybody together, keeping it going and just having something as a carbon footprint for the kids to look back on. And I never had any interactions with my grandfather. So maybe someday they'll look back and get a laugh and say, hey, these guys are pretty funny or these guys had a personality and everything will be so woke by then that will look like, you know, Richard Pryor and Don Rickles by then. So the desire to keep everybody together for an hour a week is kind of what, you know, the mission statement is and that fine time, I mean, if you can't find time, like I said, talking about a subject that we had during the week set up, if you can't find time for half an hour or an hour and kind of make it work within the three days. I mean, I know Chris has got cookouts and things like that, but let's, you know, we try to get the nucleus together every week and do something and kind of go from there. So it's a desire to, you know, keep everybody together and do something constructive within hopefully if it takes off, so be it. If it doesn't, we get together every week like we used to and have at it. So great email, local email, got to mention that, Ed. So don't be cheap and go buy a freaking shirt. So that's going to be a new shirt, buy a shirt, on a shirt. So let's get into it. There is a death in the wrestling community this week and I want to kick this one off to the Phantom. Did vicious Hall of Famer or not Hall of Famer? Before Hall of Famer, I was going to finish by saying he was on Twitter a couple months ago, saying that with Vince McMahon gone, it'd be great to get him in the Hall of Fame. And he didn't say why at the time. But now you know why and I told these guys last week that's kind of my problem with the Hall of Fame is putting the guys in after they pass. It doesn't have the same punch that it has when they're alive. You know, I brought up two guys and it was Curt Henning after he passed away and Rick Rood after he passed away. Two guys that you really would have liked to see in on that stage give a speech and it's kind of after the fact. So I'm going to kick it to you because I know you're very particular about your Hall of Famer's. Take it away, Sid Vicious Hall of Famer. I would say absolutely all of you. We had the world title. Both major, you know, both major companies and you know, he was like one of those guys back in the day when he like, when he first first came out was like a heel that all of a sudden all of the fans were like, not that they were today, he was their favorite. But he had this little moment there when he first showed up that it was like everybody loved Sid. Back before, you know, when everybody wasn't doing the power bomb and then everybody wasn't doing a choke slam, he kind of like stepped its own with that a bit. So, and I, you know, I think even when he first went to WWF at the time, he was, I think they kind of brought him in to take the place of Hogan and for us and you know, for whatever reason, it kind of didn't work out. But he, definitely one of my favorites for that, for the time when he was there, then you know, kind of later on he got a little bit stale, but I think that's more with how they use them. But it takes time for the horseman. Awesome, definitely, definitely should be in Alabama. Know that about it. - I'm gonna kick it to Shaggy 'cause we haven't heard from yet. Shaggy said vicious, Hall of Famer. - Absolutely, I agree. He was such a presence when he was in the ring. Like, he's so massive. - I mean, I don't think one broken leg keeps you out of the Hall of Famer. - That's it, that's a great clip. If you go back and watch, that was probably the end of the, end of the career in a lot of different ways. - I'm gonna ask both of you guys, I want to ask the fandom first. Are you Sid Vicious or Sid Justice? - I'll pop off, Sid Vicious. - All the way, all the way here. - More humongous, come on boy. (laughing) - Even with the hockey mask, I'm not voting for that, Thomas. (laughing) - Yeah, I love humongous. (laughing) - All right, I'm gonna go to Bradford, the youngster of the crew, Sid Vicious, Hall of Famer, or Sid Justice, Hall of Famer. - Well, based off the WWE's track record of there being no standard for the Hall of Famer, yes, he is a Hall of Famer. He, did he wrestle? Was he a dominant force? Yes, does that Hall of Famer caliber for any passed away? So yeah, they should induct him. Now, as far as, you know, sat higher aside, do I think, yeah, I mean, put him in, right? He was, he's a guy, I remember as a kid, that, you know, even though he was on TV, he terrified me. I was like, Sid Vicious was the most, that I can remember from my generation growing up was, he was just so brutal, literally so vicious, that I'll anytime, like somebody wrestle them, I was like, he's gonna kill them. Like, they're, they're not walking out of this ring. Like, and you know, and as a kid, that's what you think. I think he should be in the Hall of Famer, but I'm with you Andy, like it should have happened before. I think he kind of lowered himself to like, you know, put it out there on Twitter like that. Like, don't, don't cave to that, man. Like, he should have did that like a private message to Triple H, you know, like my people get your people type of thing. But it is what it is. He was one of the, the, the baddest M efforts that I can remember. So, like sign them up, man, put them in the Hall of Fame, whatever. He definitely has a highlight reel. Like, they're not without, you know, some great matches, some highlights and stuff to show with him. So, I mean, if, if some of these other wackos can get him there, (laughing) put San Vicious in, man. So, he deserves it. - Professor San Vicious Hall of Famer, or suggestess Hall of Famer. Without a doubt, he belongs to be there. And I think if he didn't have the incident with Arne Anderson over in Germany, where he almost killed Arne with a pair of scissors and stabbed him, I think 22 times. And he actually got stabbed, I think six times. And it literally to the point where two cold Scorpio, they're crediting him with saving Arne's life. I think he would have been in before this, but I don't know with the PC and PG way the WWE is gone lately. I don't know if that's one of the reasons why he hadn't gotten in or not, but certainly didn't help. But it's sad that an incident like that, and the incident where he broke his leg in that four-way match with Steiner, and I think it was Jared and animal. Those are the things you really remember about him. I mean, you don't really remember a lot about, he actually did in the ring, which he did some good things. I mean, he was a two-time WCW champ, two-time WWF champ, and two-time USWA champ. So, he's held some of the heavy, big gold in the business. Let me ask them out to the South, Sid Vicious suggests in. - No. And here's why. He was always in and out, right? He didn't live the gimmick. He did. He was always out playing softball. - I would say he wasn't playing softball, I heard about that. - I was playing softball. (laughing) He's always playing softball. Now, don't get me wrong, did he get a good pop? Yeah, of course he did. Of course he did, but the thing about it was, it's like, you know, I mean, the man, the myth, the legend himself, you know, you know, longest line, you know, longest ride, oldest ride. I mean, he lived the gimmick. I mean, Hogan lived his gimmick, right? And that's the thing about it was that he was always there, but I mean, do I think he was a great talent? Yes, I do, absolutely. Did he have great charisma in the ring for sure? Was he very good on the mic? No, I don't think so. I don't think he was very good on the mic. You know, I mean, so, I mean, I would have to say no. - Do you remember that we saw Sid at the fall of her arm rate with ECW? We did. - I don't remember that. - We did, I recall. - When he had the jeans on, when he came back and he had the jeans and he was with a judge, what's his name there, Rod? The kid that was his manager, they have, I forget, but. Anyways, I'm gonna, I'm gonna grab on the bandwagon of, so it should be in the Hall of Fame, just because the measuring stick is so low. It's like, you can literally step over that measuring stick. It's not like a limbo stick. This thing is like, so low now. I mean, every year they gotta have the same set of diversity going into the Hall of Fame. I mean, that lowers the bar right there with some of the people that they've picked to go in just because they have to mean a quota. It's tough. - It's good with you, Fred. - Oh, yeah. - There you go. - The unpredictable Johnny Rod's is in the Hall of Fame. Yeah, see the face? See the face? The guy was a career job. His claim, the fame, is he trained the Dudley's. That's basically it. So I mean-- - I mean, somebody on this panel had to say no. - I got it. Oh, I knew it was coming. That's why he started with the fandom. He's the one that we have had the baits for years about these guys that go in the Hall of Fame. I mean, it's, we'll see. I mean, we'll be covering that on the back and it's the 100th episode when they start announcing next year. But there's another one, Vader. When he had his fail in health, he was on like health watch for a little while there. And there were two years that they could have put him in and then the year they passed away, they put him in afterwards. - Well, that's why he's not talking either. - Yeah, it's terrible. So pay-per-view today, Brantford, real quick. Fashion Berlin, thoughts on that. I saw the Strat match, Sam Punk won. I saw the Cody match. It was kind of, they kind of just gave you enough to have an overseas pay-per-view. So nothing, nothing epic was going to really happen. Just continuing a storyline if you agree. - Yeah, nothing big happened. There was no big reveals. There was no big turns. We all wanted KO to turn heel, didn't happen. Wanting Randy Orton to turn heel, didn't happen. The Cody Rose match was good, but just like the last four or five pay-per-views with him defending his title. Great match with whoever, whatever living legend they throw in there with him. Minus that Logan Paul, that was fun, but that was weird. Great match with Cody. As usual, weird end, flat ending, abrupt ending. It's like they just end it real quick to get to the next thing. The Jade Cargill Championship match was forgettable. I don't understand what they're doing with her. They teamed her with Bianca Belair. They win the tag titles immediately. They immediately lose them. They go on some weird circle of getting away back to win it again in Berlin. And there's like no pop, nobody cares. It's just a weird, I don't know what's going on with that. The senior punt match was very fun. That was very entertaining. Great match, and I figured out what they're doing with this bracelet. If they get us excited for this bracelet in it's not a championship match. It's not a title match. There's nothing, it's just for the bracelet. Think of how they're gonna push now. The tribal chief, what are they called? The suit, follow Tulu, whatever, red necklace thing. They get us excited for that necklace. This was just like a precursor. And the fans are biting on the bracelet. Now let's do the necklace for the tribal chief. I'm like, that makes sense. Getting excited on the inanimate object. It's not a title. The Randy Orton match was very fun. Again, I think we all wanted to see like a big heel term with somebody. Gunther is definitely the future of the franchise. The terror twins, so over Judgment Day, fighting Judgment Day. I don't know how much longer we have to put up with this. I love Judgment Day when they were together. Now they're split. And Judgment Day's a faction is getting beat. Like they're not feuding with anybody else other than with the terror twins. Two people and they're whooping that ass every week. So it makes your faction look kind of senseless and pointless. You can't even beat two people. But also while they're tied up with that, Damien Priest can't challenge for a title and Ray Ripley can't challenge for a title. So like what are, I don't know. The bisexual-- - Who are the questions, man? What's that? Damien Priest, the bisexual undertaker. - Yeah, the auntie that shows up at Thanksgiving and everybody just accepts it. And the purple hair and the eyeliner. But I don't know where they're going with this man. So we'll see. See what happens next. - Real quick on the pay-per-view. - I'll add a fancy draft today. So I'm gonna roll it until the main event. It was pretty decent. The thing that, I mean, I know he's getting came back all juiced up. Well, freaking, oh, that's huge. Like, guns are just motherfucker. And I think we're in the ones that are freaking bigger than him. - I think he's like 285 now. - They announced it. - He is, it's huge. He's a big boy. But he, you know, it's funny. It's like, whenever they have all these funky finishes and stuff like that, yeah. Everybody always gets pissed. Like, nobody can ever beat anybody clean. And then guns are beating clean. You know, when he loses all that fucking money, they fucking want him to be clean. So it's like, yeah. - Yeah. (laughing) - Yeah. - Keep your eyes on AEW, 'cause the pay-per-view was good. And they're saying. - So I'm so much heartburn with that. - It is a takeover coming. And it's definitely WCW-esque. Boxley showed up this week for an interview. New music. Told Tony Shavani that it's not their company anymore. So keep your eyes on that. Could be big. If they do something right with Shane McMahon, like he bought the company or he's got interest in the company, maybe they'll drop a subtle hint that Vince is behind the scenes. Even though Vince isn't really involved, they could do a lot with that. 'Cause MVP is available. Bobby Lashley is available. They should have held onto Ricochet for that. They could have brought in a crew, but just keep your eyes on AEW. It's definitely worth watching to see what that storyline in. The guy guys kind of gone. They've kind of gotten a little bit more serious. The matches have been a little better. Still got to push out the Jericho stuff and the Unbuck stuff and get it back to how it was. So. - That was great. - I got one thing. They brought Steenback already. After such an emotional last match, like let the man retire in peace. It is too, like a year from now or some random shit. Bring him in to like save Darby Allen. It's only been like three months. Like I just got over him retiring and I'm like, what the fuck he's back? Too soon, man. Now he has to go and retire for a second time. Hashtag too soon. - Too soon. What are you doing over there, man? - Go ahead, Phantom. You want to add something quick before we go to shitty pics? - How cool would it have been? Where all this week where they've been pushing on the Danny Bryan thing that he was working without a contract and all that. That when he won the belt, as soon as he wins the belt, if all of a sudden Shane comes out and he like hands the belt to Shane, like I don't have a contract and I'm your world champion. I know he's giving me a title like Shane. - That's why we should write the story lines. I'm telling you, tell her. - There is no wrestler that gets on my last nerve as much as Brian Danielson does. There's something about that guy. - You think you could beat him? - Yeah. (laughs) - I'm saying, I just threw it out there. I know I graduated kind of promo on the wrestling community, so. - Yeah, I'll shoot on him. You know, if I hated this and WWE, I hate the cornrows and AEW. There's some about him that just doesn't sit well, I don't know. I have no reason, no justification. I just don't like it. - Love the wife. Do you at least like the wife? - Who's he married to? - He's married to Nicki Rivella. - Oh, yeah, I don't know. The Bella twins, then one of them just get beat about her husband. - Yeah, it was the other one. - It was the other one. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - It's the thinner one. The one with the house. - Yeah, which one? - And one of them was married to John Cena, right? - The father, not the son. John Cena's senior. - What? - What? - No. (laughs) - Like it's a lot more misinformation. - Somebody get us back on the rails, man. - That's why we go into the professor. Professor, hit us with the shitty pics. - Before I do that, one wrestling thing. If then, what they could do with this whole thing with AEW is that a takeover, they could time this perfectly with the Vince McMahon documentary that's coming out on Netflix and play it off, even if it doesn't have anything to do with him, make it seem like it is and get more eyes on the product. But one other thing talking about takeovers, I don't know if anyone saw the impact pay per view over the weekend, but JBL showed up and just came out at the end of the show and whispered something in Dolph Ziggler's ear and walked out so that you don't know what's going on with that or if it's just something with how they've been exchanging talents or not. But I thought that was interesting. - You never know, so it's worth just keeping an eye on. So, yep, you got it. You ready to go? - Tom, ready? - Ready. - All right, Tom's shitty pics is brought to you by Brock Street Brewing Company located at 244 Brock Street South in Whitby, Ontario. Everything they brew is in-house, including their beers, their celthers, their vodka sodas and the hard iced teas. So if you're in the Whitby area, go check them out and tell them the 1973 podcast sent you. All right, so this past week, I took Bobby Whit. He's doing a decent, I mean, I think the Phantom can attest to that. - Is it a home run? - He's got 18 points going into tonight's game. He's got two games left, so he's gonna probably end up with 25 points or so. So that's a good week in fantasy baseball. He's had two home runs going into tonight, two RBIs, four runs scored. But so that's for this week. This next week coming up, I'm gonna go back to football. First week of football, I'm going football and I'm gonna go with quarterback Jordan Love against the Eagles. The Eagles' secondary was terrible last year. Gave up 34 pass and touchdowns. And with the exception of the kid they drafted in the first round this year from, I believe he's from Toledo. It's the same exact starting team. So I think Jordan Love is gonna light him up in this first game. I think they really might still win the game, but I think it's gonna be a high scoring game. And I think Jordan Love's gonna light him up. So that's my pick. - All right, so before we get to the football, I wanna mention, since Brad's back, we're gonna talk a little bit hockey 'cause it's his favorite. And I wanna mention the Johnny Goode Rose situation. I don't know if you guys have been watching it play out, but it's kind of tough to watch when you see some of the things. And I don't know if anybody saw the court appearance from the guy that actually hit the two brothers. Professor, you wanna give your thoughts on that? - Yeah, it's terrible for those who don't know, he was in New Jersey with his brother that was there for his sister's wedding but the day after the incident. And he was riding his bike with his brother and the guy hit by a drunk driver and they both died. Johnny was 31, his brother Matthew was 29. And the guy, the sad part is the wedding. I mean, I can't imagine the poor sister how she's feeling right now, but the worst part to me was the guy that they arrested showed no remorse. In his court appearance, he was mad at the judge because the judge told him he would have to stay longer than the 72 hours that they normally stayed because of the holiday. He'd have to spend another 24 hours and the guy got pissed off and just was just a total idiot about the whole thing. Nevermind the fact that you just killed two people. You admitted that you drank five or six beers. I mean, I don't know, it's just a terrible situation going around. Ed, want to weigh in on the Johnny Good drill thing? - Well, I do, this is going to be a long one. All right, now being a cyclist myself, look, I'm just going to say this and I'm going to bring it all together at the end. Look, I understand people get pissed off at cyclists because we ride on the road. We ride like it's like we're a vehicle. Go around us. Look, we don't have a big metal cage around us to protect us. It's, you gotta go around us. Just some people do some cyclists. They don't obey the rules of the road. Of course, that they don't. And those are the ones that are the ones that are getting that really make it bad for the rest of us. I also want just to tie this in. Also a good buddy of mine today, six years ago, got hit by a car that the car was doing 55 miles an hour. You know, funny story, there's a lot, there's some watches out there. It's called a Garmin. You actually can see by the data when he actually got hit by the car, he skipped on the ground. So he got bent flighted out and everything like that. He's okay and stuff like that. Look, there's over a thousand cyclists killed a year. There's 130,000 cyclists that are injured every year. It's up 8% this year from last year. Now, to circle back into what happened. Look, it's a terrible tragedy, okay? And the thing is just like to have two brothers that are there to get killed by a drunk driver. Look, man, if you're drinking, don't be kidding. And you've had too many, don't get behind a little car. There's too many options now. But like, get a lift, get an Uber, call a cab. You know what I mean? Like, look, a lot of companies now, they have policies where you can turn in your receipts at the end on Monday and they pay for it. No questions asked. There's no need for that. I mean, sleep on a couch, sleep on the floor. That type of thing. And to see two brothers go down at a tragedy, you know, before their sister's wedding, it's horrible. And for the guy to act like an asshole, dude, it's wrong. And the bottom line is he said, you're actually sitting jail for a long time. Now, one last thing. Look, car versus human body, look, it's just like when a shark attacks, right? If you use great whites as an example, look, they come up and they do a test bite. Nine times out of 10, it's not going to be very good for the human. It's the same thing in a human versus a car. So all in all, terrible tragedy. Nobody ever wants to see this. And to have like two brothers that were pillars in their community. And actually it's just good guys. Have they happened to? Just terrible, you know? And the thing is, it's like the guy's not going to get, he's not going to get charged with murder because it's not. He's going to, and he's pretty much going to be in jail for eight to 10 years. And then he's going to get out. That's how it's going to roll. - The story I read, there's a jump in front of the drunk driver who kind of, like you're saying, pull over the middle lane to give them room. And the asshole behind him didn't like what he was doing. So that's when he tried to pass them on the right and take up the riders. - There you go. - So hopefully, you know, they'll have some justice served on that. I'm sure there's more that's going to come out. Well, just hit you at the wrong time with different things, like going into training camp season. I'm sure that they were kind of involved with working out, you know, getting ready for the season. And like Tom has said before the wedding and all of those stuff. Fancy me all the way in quick on that one, or you want to move on? - Yeah, I mean, you guys pretty much touched on it all. It's definitely heartbreaking, you know, I had kind of heard about it the night before and they were saying that, you know, that he was involved in an accident. They didn't really get into any details. I, you know, they kind of was saying that he had passed and then it was like, oh, it was him and his brother. And then it was like, oh, the next day he's going to be his sister's wedding and then his brother, Matthew, I guess the wife's pregnant as well. So it's just a horrible, horrible story. There's no all four. I'm going to rush to get somewhere and know where fast, you know what I mean? It's ridiculous, really, you know, honestly. I was actually watching a thing with the podcast with Sean Monahan on it. And I guess he came up in Calgary with Johnny Hockey. And I guess I like, he was just kind of like reunite with him with Columbus because he just signed there. And, you know, it was like two days before he passed. He was on his podcast. And he had this, you know, he was saying how many enjoy playing with him. They're going to reunite and blah, blah, blah. There's that, the other thing. And then two days later, the accident happened. So it's a big hit for the hockey community, their family. Obviously, they'll never get over it. They'll back for his boy sister. I mean, I'm sure the wedding go push back or whatever, but whenever they reschedule for it's, you know, her brother's not going to be in it. It's probably going to be a stain for that date, always, you know. Yeah. So, Brandon, I would ask you your opinion. I'm not sure if you saw it. I don't want to leave you out of the conversation. I think it's kind of just kind of a tragedy all the way around. Yeah, that is one of the most heartbreaking stories I've ever heard. It's somebody who does ride bicycles. I don't ride the, you know, not a spandex queen. I don't put on the Lance Armstrong Tour de France. You know, I don't do that. But I might be out kicking around the neighborhood or I might ride down to the beach. I'm looking at getting a gravel bike. My brother rides frequently all over the place. And he's been hit three times. Once he was on a freaking, on the side, on his bicycle on the sidewalk. He just, people just got slowed down, man. Like I've been almost clipped, almost ran off the road. And that's just me, mind 'em all in damn business, riding a single speed bicycle. I had a truck pull up to me. Got, you know, his bumper all the way up to my tire, you know, is that a red light. Like Ed said, I travel, when I bike, I travel like I'm a car. So I obey traffic laws. If it's a red light, I stop at the red light. If I can get out of the way and let somebody pull up and make their, I do that. But in that situation, I had nowhere to go. And I was thinking safety first and Steve pulled up behind me and started honking. And I'm like, what are you doing, Jabroni? Like some people, they, you know, they get their license out of a cracker jack box. And, you know, or they drink and drive, man. And bicycling is, it's fun, dude. It's healthy, it's recreational. It's being on the open road, man. People just got a chew. I'm like, I hate this for this family, man. And the way you guys talk, I don't know anything about hockey, but the way you guys talked about it, and this guy, they seem like he was a pretty good, at least hockey player, but also there's a pretty good family guy, it's a pillar of the community, man. And it's heartbreaking, dude. - Yeah, he won the, when he was in college, he won the Hobie Baker, which is the, you know, best college hockey player in the country. So, you know, it's like the Heisman of hockey players. So, it was something, just... - Shall we put a point on it? - What was that? - Shall we get anything to say? - No, I think we got it covered down, you mean? - Tragedy, man. - Yeah, it's sad. - Thomas. - Let's move on, it's that. - What you like to call it a football season. - It's time for me to see it. It's time for me to turn into Brad when we talk hockey. - Let's go. - Before we start with week one, we did our Super Bowl picks last week and we didn't get picks from two guys that are here tonight. So, I want to get Super Bowl picks from the Phantom and from Brad. Brad, I'll start with you. - Talk, you know what I want to say, dawg. - Oh, there we go. - Thank you, Brad. - Cowboys, it's our year. Put it in writing. - Pranny, send it to everybody, you know. As far as the AFC, I want to say the bills or maybe the Ravens, but I'm gonna go with the Ravens. Go Baltimore. - All right, Phantom. - Then I put me on a spot. - Shaggy, I forgot what you two say. You're after the Phantom. - Well, I'm definitely not picking the maple leaves of the NFL. I know that much. (both laughing) - I don't even get that reference. So, the jokes on you, but I'll be there. (both laughing) - I will go, my Dallas Cowboys. - Let's go. - The Dallas Maple Leafs. - The picks later. - The Dallas Maple Leafs. (both laughing) - All right. Shaggy, anybody but the Cowboys. - Oh, Jesus Christ, get this man out of here. (both laughing) - I know. - I'm pretty new people on this. So, well, I like one man too many. - I'm gonna say 49ers. - Of course. - Against two horse. - Well, they play in Shaggy. - The Patriots. - No, they're not playing them. I'm realistic, I'm like, you can't wait fans. (both laughing) I hate to say, but maybe the Chiefs again, I don't want to see them at all. - Yeah, all right. - Who is the fan to respect Cowboys and who? - I already forgot. Cowboys are winning though, so it doesn't matter. - Doesn't matter. Doesn't matter who shows up or we'll not the floor. - Who is it? - This is our year. - You got them off the floor. So, did you get cleared up with the genders? - This is our year. We're doing it. We got the oldest running back room in the NFL. And that means we're gonna win the Super Bowl. - Thomas, you wanna touch on the San Francisco 49ers situation there with shooting? - Oh yeah, just a couple of hours ago, their number one pick wide receiver Ricky Pearsall from the Florida Gators. He got a shot, he was in an attempted robbery and he's got shot in the chest. He's in a stable condition. So, hopefully he's gonna make it, but it's a bad spot. It was in San Francisco, I guess, when it happened. - See how that works, Brad? Now, when this hockey news is supposed to say, "Hey guys, how come you're not talking about this?" So, "Hey guys, I'm not even in the football thing here. I'm just your host." - Where do I even get hockey news from? - It's called the Interwet. - Like, off the back of some maple syrup or something? Like, I don't even know where to get hockey news. - Here you go, just start. - I don't know a single Canadian. Who do I talk to about hockey? - Well, Scotty's in Canada, so when you see him, that's close enough. - Oh, that's close enough. - Yeah. This sounds come, say next time I see him, where do I go? - You little citizen. - First up, you gotta ask them, who's your favorite team, and when they say the Bruins, then you know you wanna go talk to somebody else. - That's true, that's true. - That's good advice right there. - All right, so we'll get to week one of this, the games coming up this week. Don't not sure if we're gonna do a tape before the first week of the season, so we're gonna do them tonight, game one. - Let's try to be one week ahead, Tom, that way that, you know, like we used to do it. - Yeah, let me interrupt real quick, I'm psyched, did I mind a survival pool? In the past two or three years, I've been not in week one, so I can't wait for this, I know. (laughing) - So all we're picking is we're not going by a spread, we're just picking out right who wins. - Perfect. - All right, game one, Thursday night, the Kansas City Chiefs are at home against the Baltimore Ravens. Andy, I'm gonna start with you. - Now I wrote down some stuff here this year, so you said who, Chiefs and Chiefs versus Baltimore. Let's see, I don't know. Chiefs versus Baltimore, I don't have that written down, do I? (laughing) - Pull the point. - You were looking at the 2023 schedule. - Yeah, it probably was, Chiefs versus Baltimore. - Chiefs, I know, all right, Phantom. - Baltimore. - All right, Ed? - I'm gonna go with the Kansas City Taylor Swift. - Shaggy? - I'm going with the Brittany Mahomes. - All righty, Brad. Yeah, I think Taylor Swift's gonna say a spell or an incantation over the team, Chiefs. 'Cause she's a witch. - All right, I'm going with Baltimore. I just have a funny feeling about this game being the first game. Casey is, they don't have Marquis Brown for this game. I think they're not gonna be running on all cylinders. I'll go with Baltimore in game one. I think Ricky, not Ricky, Derek Henry, - Great team Williams. - Yeah, Derek Henry is gonna have a big game for Baltimore. Game two, it's a Friday night special from Brazil, the Philadelphia Eagles, Green Bay Packers, Andy. - Ah, Packers, 'cause I picked them to go to Super Bowl. - All right, Phantom. The team in Green, which they can't win. Yeah, I'll go with Philly. - All right. Ed? - I'm gonna go with the Packers. To piggyback on what you said before, Philly's team defense of Baxter's shit. And then also, they lost that outside linebacker that tells them the jets that they traded away. - Yep, good point. Shaggy? I'm going with Packers, 'cause Eagles fans are almost as annoying as cowboy fans. - That is true, you are correct. - Brad, I'm gonna ask you, but I kind of know where you're going with this. - I mean, I hate the Eagles, man. This game's a toss-up. I think that Thursday night game's a toss-up as well. I actually think the Eagles are gonna be better than Green Bay this year. - Okay. - Didn't the Packers make your team in the playoffs? - The Packers absolutely annihilated the Cowboys in the playoffs, but that has no bearing on a Friday night game in Brazil, which is weird as shit. I don't know why we're playing in Brazil. But-- - Or as a watch as shit. - I think the Eagles are still gonna win, so. - I'm, after everything I said earlier with Green Bay's, with Philly's defense being so bad for in the secondary, I think it's gonna be high-scoring game. I think Philly will out-score him. Jalen Hertz, I think, having Kellamor as his offensive coordinator, no. I think he'll have a big season. - Didn't the coach-- - Did he come to the Cowboys at one time? - Kellamor? - Yes he did? - Yeah, and he was a backup quarterback, but he was the absolutely worst ranked offensive coordinator in the NFL when he was with Dallas. - Just a personnel he had there, that's all. - Yeah, he didn't have the right people. He sucked anyway. - All right, game three, Atlanta Falcons at home against the Pittsburgh Steelers, Andy. - Terrible towel, coming your way. - All right, Phantom? - I'll go Steelers. - All right, Ed. - Time to go with the Falcons. - All righty, Chaggy. - As a former owner of the starters jacket, I'm going with the Dirty Birdies. - All righty. - Brad? - I don't like Atlanta's chances this year, so I'm gonna pick heavy on Atlanta. - I think Logan is absolutely horrible, so I'm gonna go with Atlanta. I think they got the nice offense set up right now. Kirk Cousins can just stay up on his feet and not get knocked on his ass. I think Kyle Pitts and B. John Robinson will have big years this year for them. - Oh yeah, at the Falcons way in shot, you have to come on and do his Dirty Bird dance again. - Okay? - All right, next, the Buffalo Bills at home against the Arizona Cardinals. Andy? - Brian, could you please... - Double it down, brotherly. - I'm gonna die. - What the fuck just happened? - What the fuck? - Wait a minute. - Hey, quick on my feet. - I'm gonna call, I think, what the hell does that happen? - I'm gonna have, Brad's gonna get a new conspiracy right there. - Did you just jump to a portal? Like, what is going on? - He's in the multi-person. - Wait, fuck the time bandit. (laughter) - Wait, hold on, hold on. All right, so what, let me change the screen name here so we can keep it legit. All right. - Phantom. - So we're going now, what's this game? - Buffalo. - Buffalo at home against the Arizona Cardinals. Andy. - I'll go Bills. - All right, Phantom. - Bills, and this time I can hear you. (laughter) Ed? - I'm gonna go with Bills Mafia. Hopefully they can jump off on the top of the truck and onto a filing table. - All righty, Shaggy? - I keep forgetting Arizona has a team, so I'll go with the Bills. - All righty. - And you live there too. - Yeah, we've got them then too. (laughter) - I think Shaggy's getting forgetful in his old age, but I will pick the Bills. - Yeah, I think so. I'm going with Buffalo as well in this game. Next game. Chicago Bears at home against the Tennessee Titans. Andy. - Yes. - All righty. Phantom. - Titans. - All right, Ed. - That's a pick I'm getting, man. Both teams stuff, but I'm gonna go with the Bears. - All righty. Shaggy. I know they still have a year, but I actually want to see the Bears' new offense. I'm gonna go with Bears. (laughter) - Seriously. (laughter) - I'm gonna pick the home team just because you could go either way. - Yep, well, I gotta go. They're more than likely gonna lose, but I'm gonna go Tennessee because, you know, I've got to stay true to my team. Hopefully, we'll level, so have a big game. And hopefully, I'll tie in Dallas. Hopefully, 20 Power has a decent season for them. - Hey, pea, baby. - All right. Next game. Cincinnati Bengals at home against the New England Patriots. Andy. - Thank you, Shaggy. One of my favorites. - I'll do the two. - Sam's Brooks. - Bantam. - Aw, Bengals. - All righty. Ed? - Well, right now, you know, I'm gonna have to go with the Bengals. - All righty. - Not the band, Ed. I know you like Susanna Haas, but not the band. Shaggy. - Let's show the Cowboys fans how we do this. I love the Patriots, but I'm picking the Bengals. (laughter) I don't understand why that's a jab at the Cowboys, but I'm also picking the Bengals. (laughter) - We're realistic. - Oh, I'm realistic. - Yeah. - We're making the Patriots. - What's more realistic than that? - Manifestation. - Bantam, you look like you have something to say. Go ahead. - No, I'll keep it clean. - No, I'll say it. - I'll keep it clean for the children. - I think Patriots have probably going to be one of, if not the worst team, the second worst team in the league. I'm going with Cincinnati. Next game, Indianapolis Colts at home against the Houston Texans, Andy. - Texans. - All righty. Ed? - I'm gonna go with the Texans. The way that they played last year, they played really well. They could have the sophomore slump, but I don't think so. - Bantam? - Colts. - All righty. Shaggy. - I'm gonna go with Colts. - All righty. Brad? - That is gonna be a good game. Like I'm actually excited to watch that one. I'm gonna go with Texans though. - Yep. I'm going with the Texans as well. I think it's gonna be a really good game. It's a matter of, if Anthony Richardson can stay healthy, I mean, the guy did well for what, four games, but let's see if he can stay on his feet and take a few less hits. But I think Houston, they have a good chance of being good, but they just gotta keep step on digs and check. He's known to be a team killer with his attitude sometimes. - Yeah, good point. - From cancer, is that what you're trying to say? - Yeah. - Yes, yes I am. All right, next game. Miami Dolphins at home against the Jacksonville Jaguars, Andy. - I will take Ricky Williams, which a favorite running back and the Miami Dolphins to block place. - All righty, Phantom. - Miami. - All righty, Ed. - Even though, even though I thought that that was pretty classless, the two would have to light up Brian Flores, the other, last week I'm gonna go with Dolphins. - Okay, Shaggy. - All picked Dolphins also. - All righty, Brad. - Miami. - Yeah, I think it's a clean sweep. I think, I actually think Miami's gonna win the East this year. I think Buffalo's gonna take a step back. All right, my next game, New Portland Saints at home against the Carolina Panthers, Andy. - I will take Archie Manning and the Saints, please. - All righty, Phantom. - I'll go with the Saints as well. - All righty, Ed. - Well, I'm gonna go with the Saints, even though this is probably gonna be one of the few games that they had actually win this year. - All righty, Shaggy. - Was it Carolina like God awful last year, like one of the worst teams? - Yes, they were. - All right, Brad. - Yeah, both these teams suck, but I'm gonna pick the Saints. - Yeah. - That's my expert analysis, they both suck. (laughing) - Totally spot on, because what you said, that's what I'm going with. Clean sweep with the Saints. Next game, New York Giants at home against the Minnesota Vikings, Andy. - I will take teams at stake for 200, Alex. (laughing) - Who is the New York Giants? - All righty, Phantom. - I will go Vikings. - Yep, all right, Ed. - I'm gonna go with the Vikings, I mean, you know, Giants just don't seem like they have any type of identity on offense at all. - Yep, Shaggy. - Let's see, I'm going Vikings, like Eddy said, their quarterback sucks ass in the New York. (laughing) Yep, Brad. - Thank you for, thanks for, I like that. I appreciate that. (laughing) - You guys, were you guys watching what happened to the Vikings in the off season? - No. - They've a literal curse. A wide receiver involved in like a speeding DUI traffic accident. Another player died in a car wreck. I'm a Minnesota University of Georgia. - Wow. (laughing) Good point. But yeah, they had a rookie quarterback below his knee out. I think their quarterback right now is Sam Darnell, maybe? - Yep. - You are close, sir. - So anyway, much maligned and much affected cursed team, but the Giants, I'm still picking the Giants. - Was this the 10 for you? - We could do a 10 foil on the Minnesota Vikings off season this year. - I don't know if when the Phantom went through that portal, we went right to the 10 foil half. - Yeah, we already, yeah. I wanna hear about the boat trip. - Yeah. - I think I'm gonna go with Minnesota. I think as bad as it could be with Darnell, I think they've just got too many weapons for the Giants. So I'm gonna go with Minnesota. Next game, the Los Angeles Chargers at home against the Las Vegas Raiders, Andy. - Oh, boy. I don't like that term, Los Angeles Chargers and Las Vegas. It just doesn't, doesn't mesh well with me. Not that I watch football or anything, but I'm gonna go with the Los Angeles team for 200, Thomas. That's my buddy. - That's awesome. - All right, Phantom. - I'm going high bar with the debut wing. - Right. Yep, Ed. Man, that's a pick 'em game too. But I'm gonna go with the Raiders. I think that they have a better defense. - All righty, Shaggy. - I'm gonna go to Harbaugh and the Chargers also. All righty, Brad. - Let's see the Michigan, man, huh? - Go blue, baby. - Go blue. - Until the Chargers do something to prove me wrong or otherwise, I'm gonna pick almost that San Diego. (laughs) - The Chargers, wherever they're playing. - Just looking at the quarterbacks, Justin Herbert, and I think it's gonna be Gardner Minshew. I believe it's gonna be starting for the Raiders. I gotta go with the Chargers. I think they just got a better overall offense right now. Next game, Seattle Seahawks at home. It gets the Denver Broncos, Andy. - Oh, AFC West, right? - Is it still AFC West? - Yeah, after all these years, it is. - Yeah, I'm gonna go Seahawks. All righty. - But that's the NFC. - Yeah, Seahawks at NFC West. - Oh, see, last time I watched they were in the AFC. - It used to be, remember those days. - Hey, it's like the Old Norse Division. What the hell's wrong with you? - What is going on? - Phantom. - Followed with Following a Pop. I will go Seahawks. - All righty, Ed? I'm gonna have to go again, Sean Payton. Like him as a coach, but I think this is still a year away. So I'm gonna go to Seahawks. - All righty, Shaggy. I believe in G-Dose Smith, they're going Seahawks. All righty. - I believe in Joe Hendry, but I'm picking the Seahawks as well. - All right, I see what's happening. I pick and then everybody steals my picks. - That's it. (indistinct) - See, I've got a different reason. I'm going with them because I'm a Bow Nix fan, but my second reason is because Andy picked the other team. So I'm going to go back to the team. My next game, get ready, guys. Next game, Cleveland Brown at home versus the Dallas Cowboys, Andy. - I am gonna take Reggie White and the Dallas Cowboys, like I said last year, when Brad showed up, I'm here to make friends. - So fun. - I would just run you away and into the equation. - Randy White, I'm sorry. - Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Get you the Randy's and your Reggie's mixed up. - I don't know. - Like, they literally gonna ask guys, "I already know where you're going with this." - I think Randy has never been called crazy. - Phantom, I know who you're going with, but I had needed an official. - Blue will go with them boys. - All right. - Big Blue, them boys, the real big blue. - Andy? - Oh, I'm gonna... Well, I mean, you know, I don't think that the Browns are gonna have any happy endings, so I'm gonna go with the Cowboys. - All righty. Shaggy. - This is not the podcast you wanna watch. - Shaggy. - Yeah. - I'm like a Browns, Jimmy, and I'm gonna pick a Cowboys. - Yeah, a boy. - Yeah, you will. - I think this is gonna be a closer game than it appears. I think Cleveland's defense will keep it close, but I think Dallas is gonna win. - Oh, Jack was over 450 yards, but in a good process. - Is CD Lam gonna play? - Oh, yeah, yeah. - Oh, my question is, CD Lam gonna play the hamstring on like the third play. - Nah, nah, he's good. - He bulked up like 20 pounds. He's an athlete. - He's got a musket to pull, he weighs 125 pounds. - Did he get his contract? - Yeah, he got his contract. - Yes, he did. He'll play his contract. - He's gonna play. - All right. - All right. 'Cause he, 'cause he, 'cause he held out the whole training camp. - He's ready. - He's ready. - He's ready. - All right. Next game, the Tampa Bay Buccaneers at home against the Washington commanders, Andy. - God. - Oh. - Man, that is rough. - I'm gonna go, oof. Champ on Bay on that one. - All right. Phantom. - I'll go commanders. - You go on commando. - You go on commando. - Go on commando. So you can see my Redskins. - Thank you. - Ed. - I'm gonna go with Buccaneers. - All righty, Shaggy. - Is there a third option for this shit show? (laughing) - That's high. - I'm gonna pick the butts, I guess. - You're not gonna, you're not gonna surprise me and say this game is scheduled this week on Gilligan's Island, is it? (laughing) Brad. - Buccaneers. - All right. I believe in Jayden Daniels. I'm gonna go with Washington in this game. - Oof. - Oh, no. - All right. - Damn. - Next game, Detroit Lions at home. Against the Los Angeles Rams. And this is the Sunday Night game. - There's two Los Angeles teams now. - Yes. - Just like back in the day. - Yes. - Wow. All right, Chief. All right. I'll go with the Lions. - Chris Deborah. (indistinct) - Vansome. (laughing) - Lions. (laughing) - All righty. Ed. - I'm gonna go with the Dan Campbells. - All righty. Shaggy. D-Coy. All righty. Brad. - Yeah. I heard they spent the off season practicing on how to fake a field goal. So they actually can nail it this year. So I'll pick Detroit. - Detroit's my Super Bowl pick this year. So I'm going with them. All right. - That's a bold pick. - That's a very bold pick. - That's up to the Cowboys. - I don't go chalk like you guys. I mean, let's have a repeat. - What? - Dean of City Chiefs versus the 49ers. - No, I said Cowboys versus the Ravens. - Cowboys. - That's a very realistic pick. - That is a, that is a, that is a, out on the limits you can get. - Okay. - The bucks and the commanders and the final, the NFC final. - There you go. Last game of the week, Monday night, the San Francisco 49ers versus the New York Jets. It's in San Francisco, Andy. - Yeah. - I'll take Liberace's favorite football team. - Jesus. (chuckles) - San Francisco 49ers. - All righty, Phantom. - 49ers. - All righty, Ed? - Well, I mean, even though Fireman Ed is, it's not going to be in the building, I'm still going to go with the 49ers. - All righty, Shaggy. - Yeah, Niners. - All righty, Brad. Just on the intimidation factor alone of 49ers fans robbing and shooting NFL players, San Francisco has the advantage. - It turns like a Raiders game over there. - Yeah. When they played in Oakland. - Yeah. - I'm thinking the 49ers is the real question is, will Aaron Rodgers play one more than one down this season before tearing something? So we'll see. - I can't forget about him. - All right, ACC, that's it. That's week one. - You see it? - All right. By the way, I haven't gotten Chris's picks yet. - Hey, he's got to get him in this week, though, before the games. If he doesn't get him in before the games, I'll avoid. - If you don't get your picks in, no, I'll avoid you get all the underdogs. - That's true. Yeah, Tom does your picks for you and you get all the, you know, teams that are in the minus, whatever that's called. Could be under the top of Tom's shitty picks. - So we're going to segue into something that it's been a while since we've done it. Brad, fit. You ready to do a 10-footer hat? We've already done-- - You're ready, I'm ready. - We've time looked on this show. We've had cloning, we've had other stuff back to the future with the fandom. Thomas, do the lead in. - All righty. Brad's 10-footer hat has brought to you this week by the book, "Loving Elliot," a fitting tribute to Undying Love written by her own Andy Clark. It's available on Elliot was the oldest special needs Jack Russell Terrier when he passed at the age of 21. (mimics (laughing) - Can you turn on screen share real quick? - Yeah, yeah, you should have told me before we started. - I know, I'm out of practice, but this segment, which is about a book, brought to you by a book. However, Andy's book was not a part of MKUltra, so there's that. Let's turn on screen share. I want you guys to watch this clip from the movie conspiracy theory. - Turn the volume down. There we go. - Oh, hear anything. - You guys can't hear it. - No, you can't have it with the volume on 'cause they'll red flag us for copyrights. - Oh, just read the subtitles. - Okay. - He's talking about a book. Every time he sees it, he has to buy it. Anybody have an idea? - TV guide. - That is it, absolutely conspiracy theory over. (laughing) - Have you ever read the book? - Got you in the right. - Very popular in school. - Oh, catch your right, really? Yeah, I love the book. - The catcher in the rye. So conspiracy theory with Mel Gibson, they talk about the book. There's several scenes with it. So anyway, isn't that it? Right in the back corner over there anyway? - Looks like it. - Yeah. - Yeah, it's right here. Yep, that's what my copy looks like. So I read the book originally, we could turn off screen share now. Let me, how do I? - Just click on it, Brad, and like you got into it. - I don't know how I got into it. Oh, wait, it's down here. It's not. I know where my menu went. What the, oh, it's up at the top now, Jesus. Why does it keep doing that? There we go, we're back. So I read the book, capture in the rye because I heard of some rumors from a podcast that is actually like a code for the Freemasons. Like every aspect of holding Caulfield's life was like a different level of Freemasonry. And like it loosely, it fits, but like you gotta like bend some areas and stretch them and then kind of jam a square peg into a circle and then it works. What the capture on the rye really is, is it's on a banned book watch list. It is one of the most banned books in the history of books because of its rebellious nature. But when you read it, it's just the kid who drops out of school, goes and parties in New York City, smokes some cigarettes, drinks some beer. Like I don't understand what is so rebellious about that. I could see that back in the day when it was written. But for modern times to still be a banned book, it's kind of weird. And when you start thinking about it, it starts to make sense. J.D. Salinger left the country when the book was published 'cause he didn't wanna read the reviews. He burned all the fan though. He was also allegedly dating a 16 year old girl. So kind of weird. It's kind of a biopic of his own life because after World War II, he served World War II, had some PTSD, spent a little time in a mental hospital. So why do we say that it is part of MK Ultra? Shaggy, that is a great question. I'm gonna answer it for you. This book has been found in the possession of a lot of wackos who went and tried to either were successful in killing their target or attempted. So Mark David Chapman, the guy that assassinated John Lennon in 1980 was found reading "The Catcher in the Rye" on "The Curb," he says on "The Curb," said one of his favorite books, John Hinkley Jr., who is also like a distant relative of Barack Obama, attempted to assassinate President Ronald Reagan in 1981, also reportedly possessed the book. Lee Harvey Oswald allegedly had a copy. This is where Andy is gonna love it in the movie "The Shining," Shelley Duvall is reading "The Catcher in the Rye" in one of the opening scenes. And we haven't even gone down that rabbit hole of "The Shining" yet, but so more conspiracy, if we could do an hour alone on this book and it's ties to all these other cult symbols. So anyway, doing my research on AI, I also asked the AI being co-pilot to name some other controversial books with similar associations. And guess what came back? Top hit, "The Anarchist Cookbook," second hit, "Mind Comp," the third hit, "American Psycho," which I'm reading now, and then the fourth hit, "Hulter Skelter." That's a pretty wacky list of books when I ask for more similar books to "Catcher in the Rye," because "Catcher in the Rye" is nothing like those books. So it just, you know, it kind of all these lights, you know, went off these red flags of why this book is banned and why it's an MK-Ultra conspiracy theory. An MK-Ultra, if you don't know, it's the CIA conspiracy theory that like they're mind-controlling people. So that's another, that could be a whole episode by itself. Thoughts, fellas? Pretty good one, I think. - Yeah, Andy, what do you think? - I'll say, now you looked all those up, now you're getting red flag by the government to watch it. - Bro, looked it up on a government computer. (laughing) - Good man, good man. - I heard that theory though about the "Catcher in the Rye." I heard that, people would check it out, if you checked out more than so many times, you're like, "Oh, now the government's flagging and stuff." - Yep. - Yeah, I have heard that one. It's interesting, and I'm a believer with it. I mean, it's pretty weird. - Waitie, I'm gonna ask Brad, maybe it'll be a group thing. When do you think, what is the conspiracy theory that blends the line of truth and is right on the cusp of legit and truth? Is it the JFK assassination, what everybody thinks? What conspiracy theory is out there that everybody knows the truth, but it's never been confirmed? What conspiracy theory do you think is the most, everybody's on the same page with, but it's never been confirmed that it's true. What do you think, Brad? - I don't think JFK, man. I think you'd have to be, at this point in our lives, you'd have to be completely out of touch with social media and media in general to think that there wasn't more to the JFK story. Donald Trump is literally trying to get elected to hire RFK Jr. to be in charge of the CIA to finally expose the truth. I think that's probably the one that people don't wanna recognize as a truth. And MK Ultra, man, and Waco, Texas, there's a lot of big things that went down there with that, so. - The Christian Gideon, man. - Yeah, man, a lot of issues with that, man, and how people don't wanna acknowledge these facts that are right in front of them, man. At some point, it's not conspiracy anymore. You just don't wanna hear it. - Isn't that the whole point, though, with the way that they work, is they have to hide it right in plain sight, and then you have the second guess? Like, I was having a conversation with a younger person. And if you look at the timeline that Brad and I have talked about multiple times about things that have gone on during history where things have reset itself or little Rockefeller things that have happened with the school system and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. One of the best ones about hiding things in plain sight and people don't even realize it's one of the oldest board games of all time, monopoly. If you look at it, you go pass, go. Every time you go around the board, it's like your week's pay, $200 for pass and go. - What's the system that it shows you right in plain sight? How do you create wealth in America? You buy a property, you make people pay rent, you put a host on that property, which makes you more money. You put a hotel on that property, which makes you more money. It's one of the oldest board games they hide, how to get rich in America right in your face, but nobody falls at it. Now, when you play in that game, does it say, buy a new t-shirt, does it say buy a new sneakers, does it say buy a new TV, does it say buy a new car? No, it's about creating wealth through owning property and collecting your $200 every week for going around the board, which is a metaphorically your week's pay. So they've been telling you right from the jump how to get rich in America and nobody can pay attention to what they've showed you for years. It's one of the oldest board games. There's so many versions of it from pop culture to sports, to everything under the sun, they've changed the board, but the premise of the game never changes. And it's been around since the Great Depression. Imagine that came out during the Great Depression, showing you in America how to get rich, but nobody puts two and two together, 'cause we're distracted from the old style. When you get home, they gave you radio to keep you in the loop with what they wanted to tell you for news. And they've done it and they still do it with social media. So just a matter of filtering all the BS out and the search is out there, right? The X files are just the same truth as out there. Bradford, once again, great segment, stuff that we could talk about for a while. And I think it's time to start wrapping up the podcast. It's been almost an hour and 20 minutes this week. Great hour and 20 minutes, I think it flew by. That's just me. I'm watching the ticker over here in the corner. So shout outs and I'm gonna start with Shaggy. New to the podcast, hopefully gonna be on or often than not for Shaggy. Shout out this week. - On the spot, I really don't have one, but I just wanna thank you guys for having me on here and stuff and maybe next time I have a shout out. - Well, hopefully you'll be on during football season and we'll kind of bring you up to speed with how we do. - Sounds good. - Phantom, what do you got? Your time's doubled this week. - I am gonna wah. I am gonna shout out Mr. Brownstone to North the professor at 51 years old. Going back to school, super impressed. We're proud of you. I know it's a, that's a big step to take at our age to try something new and we're with you, man. Go do what you gotta do. - Thanks, man. - All right, Thomas, do you have the floor? - I wanna give a shout out to my cousin Billy. He got engaged last weekend, took his now fiance on a trip that we've all made to Sackler River up in Maine and he ended up proposing to her up there. Congratulations, Ben. - Speaking of Sackler River, I'm gonna toss it to the man that shared a tent next to me, I'm off to the south with the dirty mouth. - Ah, I got a couple of shout outs. First and foremost, I'd like to shout out to Brad. Brad, welcome back. Sorry about your dad, brother. - Thanks, man. - It's always tough when you lose a parent. It's not easy at all, man. Like I said in the text, I'll say it to you, man. If you need something, holla at me, okay? Couple of other things that are a little bit lighter. I'd like to reach out for my nephew, Jeffrey. Happy birthday. Also, I'd like to shout out to two of my triathlon friends. One of them is, today is actually his six year anniversary about getting hit by a car. And he lived to talk about it. And then my other friend, he was my trainer partner in crime for Ironman Louisville. She had to have her back done and had to have her hip done. And she is now out of sport. So Peggy, it's always tough to sell you bike. - Brad Finn, welcome back, brother. You have the floor. - I want to shout out the guy I met at the airport on my way home. I was wearing my Joe Hendry shirt. And he came up and said, "Hey, man, I like your shirt." And I was like, "Hey, man, thanks, Joe Hendry, right?" He has a really in-depth conversation. But talking about the podcast, turns out, homeboy was a huge wrestling fan. He was an airport employee. I don't know what he was doing, but I was like, "Yo, check out the podcast. I'll give you a shout out buddy. I'm giving you a shout out." He said he met Paul Heyman, who was a dick. He said he would not take a picture. It was a total asshole. He met a bunch of AEW stars. He said, "We're cool as shit, Darby Allen." I forget, he had a list. Show me all the pictures. We came best friends in like five minutes. He said he went to AEW show in Virginia. He said it was like 25% capacity. They moved everybody to the middle. He said it was weird. But anyway, he's Joe Hendry fan. So we became best friends. Say his name and he appears, I believe. - Let's wrap this episode up. I just wanna give the sentiment to everybody that Thomas is back, going back to school, very proud, go get it. Don't go for that associates Tom. That's where the money is. I'll screw around with those certifications. That's just like getting on to water welding degree. (laughs) Anyways, I just wanna wrap everything up this week. It's been a fun one, went by fast, glad Shaggy could come on. Couple other guest stars coming on this football season Bradford's back, Phantom, time travel. Ed need to work on that audio and all that other fun stuff that you got. Ask for some podcast and equipment for your birthday. Will ya? Have everybody buy you something? One of those glow rings that the girls use. Some kind of phone stand. You know, let's only fans that area over there. Put some stuff on the couch, do something. - Feet pics. (laughs) any feedbacks coming soon.