FiredUp Network

Thursday, September 5: Girls Beer Sports: Pouch Life

Thursday, September 5: Girls Beer Sports: Pouch Life by FiredUp Network

1h 17m
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05 Sep 2024
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(triumphant music) - Hello, and welcome into episode four, 38 of Girls of Beer Sports, conversation with Girls About Beer, and sports, because it's our show, and we do what we want. I'm Carrie, coming to you from Stanley Manor Studios. Man, my brain is not working today, let me tell ya. Tell 'em a right is Sarah! - Hello, and I'm right there. - Her brain is not working either. For reasons that happened last night, which we will get all into, but she don't look back in anger because she has a champagne supernova in the sky. - Yes. - It's Lauren. - Yes. - That's an ode to Oasis, who just announced their, I guess, it's not even a comeback tour. It's more of a-- - A union tour, I guess. - A union tour, yeah, and people lost their minds. - Yeah, I don't know, I'll believe it when I see it. - Right, they are so volatile that I just, I cannot believe that they're actually going. - Are they really that? This has to be some kind of cash grab, right? - Yeah, that has to be harder for me. - But I mean, they both have solo careers, don't they? - Yeah, they do. - That are like, I don't know, middlingly successful, especially-- - I was like, no, this has been more successful. - Quite successful in Europe. - So, no, no, actually, he's got a song, which is probably, honestly, my favorite song on the Xbox Fight the Future soundtrack. - Yeah. - It's that tattoo salon or whatever it is, but it's like a EDM track. - Okay. - It's really cool, and it's probably my favorite. It's the last, it's the second to last song on the album or whatever, because the Dust Brothers remix of the X-Files theme song is the last song. And then, if you let that play to 10, 13, then Chris Carter comes on and he does this big explanation of the album. I told you my brain's not working today. The myth stuff, all the alien stuff. - Oh, cool. - Yeah. But you gotta let it play out the CD, play out to 10, 13. - I imagine that at some point I did, 'cause my friend did have that soundtrack, and we did listen to it. - The mythology, that's the word I was looking for. But yeah, so he does, and it's my favorite song on the Xbox Fight the Future soundtrack, but anyway, yes, Oasis. Personally, I like them fine, but for me, for my money, their first album is I like that the best. - And that would be not the one with the Champagne Supernova. - Yes, correct, yeah. That one's got Live Forever, Cigarettes, and Alcohol. I'd have to look up the track listing, but that probably has four or five songs that I really like. - I'll have to check that out, 'cause I do like them, but those, that album, which name I'm blanking on, the one with the Champagne Supernova and Wonderwall, they are kind of played out. Like, you've heard those songs out a lot. - What's the story Morning Glory is there? - Oh, yeah, I do not like Oasis. I don't really like Brit pop. - Oh, okay. - And you can like, I don't know, they've got the real thick Cockney accent, and it comes through in the singing, and that just hits my ear wrong. And if I never heard Wonderwall again, I would be better off than a lot. That's the worst song I think I've ever heard. - A lot of people hate that song angers a lot of people. - Yeah, I'm one of them. - I am super, mostly ambivalent to bridging on, I like them all right. - Yeah. - But yeah, I'll have to check out that first album of theirs, because I wonder if that would be a fresh look at them. - It may be, and it definitely may be is the name that I'm rock and roll star, it's a great song. "Live Forever" is a great song. Super sonic, cigarettes, and alcohol. I thought, oh, and "Live Forever." So that right there, I mean, that's half the album, that in my opinion is really good, and much better than what's the story in "Morning Glory." Although I might have that one on tape too, I don't know. 'Cause when that came out, man, it was everywhere. - Oh yeah. - And in fact, John and our friend Chris, who lived in great page for time, when we would ride around in the tracker, and that song was on the radio every five minutes, right, "Champagne Supernova." - Yeah. - John and Chris did a really good rendition of that song. I believe John played the part of "Eidath Bunker," and Chris may have been Ethel Merman, but it was an "Eidath Bunker" Ethel Merman duet from John and Chris, and it was pretty fabulous. - Yeah, that's awesome. - So that at least-- - Probably sounded better in the no way, so sure. - Well, it definitely was a lot more enjoyable when that happened to listen to that song. You didn't want to turn-- - A fresh take, right? - "Champagne Supernova." I mean, they had it down, it was pretty funny. - Nice, yeah, that's hilarious. - Yeah, but you know what, it's not funny. - What is not funny? - Good God, that game was-- - I'd rate it less-- - I'd rate it less, not funny. - The commonwealth's-- - And you know, the kickoff was supposed to be at 745, right, and I was already kind of dreading. - That's already quite late. - That was already dreading that, 'cause I was like, oh man. - I mean, they had already pushed it back 10 minutes 'cause of TV stuff. - Yeah, so it was going to be even gone to Saturday. - Yeah, so it was going to be 755, which again, you're looking at, even if you left it half time, you're still looking and getting home to like 11, 11, 30, right? - I mean-- - I mean, it's late. - For us, that's hard. - Yeah. - It's hard on the body and soul. - Right, so instead of what happened was, what had happened was, they delayed the game by three hours. - kickoff was at 10.05, and I think I got home in midnight. - Yeah, so yes, kickoff was whenever I was going too bad. - Yeah, kickoff was so late, and I was so annoyed now by that point that when we were texting, I didn't realize it was midnight. Like, I was-- - When we were in a car, time ceased to have all the meaning. - Yes, I was at a stoplight texting you, and then I was like, oh my God, it says 1154, that can't be right, and then I looked at my watch, and I was like, well, this says 1155. Where'd the time go? - Right, but yeah, that was a weird, weird, weird series of events, and I'd rather we don't do it again. - I would not, no, I definitely don't want to do it again, but we definitely need to talk about it, because UK-- - I bungled that. - Every day I get just a little bit more annoyed with how they handle things. - Oh, yeah. - Over there, yeah. Just a little bit more. - Yeah. - I mean, they did win. - Oh, that's so-- - Well, but the way they handle situations is just, it's unacceptable to me. - Oh, you mean like the-- - The lack of communication, like the facilities. - Yeah. - The facilities were the problem. - Right. - Necessarily the team. - I get that they have protocols, like, I also work in an industry where there's a lot of protocols, but I don't think one of the protocols is keeping everything a secret until, like, you absolutely have to say something to them, that just gets people upset and scared. - So-- - And then they start speculating about a bunch of other stuff. - Right, and then stuff goes, starts going around. - And then all these rumors start going around and they could have just said, "Hey, this is what we're talking through." Like, they kept saying it online, like, "Oh, we're gonna meet this time." And then it this time, and then it this time, but they never updated people in this game. - They could have just announced on the, or like put it on the screen every now and then, like, you know, weather delay until, et cetera. - So-- - Reconvening to meet at, et cetera. More information coming. - Right, now I agree, but John's theory was that you had all these people sitting in the stands. And then, yeah, if it's a weather delay, the team's not even on the field. Well, they're not allowed to be on the field, but we can sit in the stands, right, on metal bleachers. But John was like, you know, if they made that announcement, and then I was talking to Lauren when I got here about it, and I agreed with your point too. - Yeah, I mean, they couldn't necessarily announce, like, you know, everyone evacuate the stadium, or everyone's stamping's out of the stadium, and to do what's standing in the parking lot, getting their cars and go home. - Right. - And then they're like, hey, never mind, game's back on. Well, now they have to find a way to announce that, and then everyone's stamping's back in again, and now you have to wait for everyone to process back through the lines. - Yeah, right, so I definitely agree with that. It would have been a mess, but John also said that he thought it was because if they did announce it, and people just were like, sucks to this, right, and just left, then when they did get on TV to an empty stadium, it looked bad. So yeah, let's just let the fans sit in the stands and wonder what's going on because God knows you couldn't get on Twitter. You know, heaven forbid they put Wi-Fi in that stadium, and I'm gonna tell you right now that I have heard the athletic director whose name I will not say. I have heard him say, well, we're not gonna do that because it's only gonna be used seven times a year. Well, you know what, Guy, this, this, I don't, it's important, that's important. - Like, I mean, yes, seven times a year, but also, I mean, they do plan on starting to do these more concerts and stuff more often. I mean, that is gonna potentially be more times a year in which you're going to need Wi-Fi in the stadium. - Absolutely. - So, and I can't imagine that putting Wi-Fi in the stadium would be that freaking expensive. - Also, we doubled our money with TV revenue this year, doubled it, so I think we can afford to pay a little bit extra. - Yeah, right, so throw up some Wi-Fi hubs here and there. - So, it was, you know, it was lucky. I was able to at least text Sarah, which was good because you were talking that your friend was talking to some ushers who were telling you some stuff, but you couldn't get on Twitter to find anything 'cause it wouldn't load, right? 'Cause everybody's on their phone stay. And then, the only other way I knew to get any information at all was I realized when I went to the bathroom that they had the Tom Leach Radio broadcast going in the bathroom and on the concourse. And I heard Tom Leach say, oh, well, they've said such and such, so I'm like, well, now I gotta go down to the concourse to listen to the stupid radio broadcast to get any kind of information, right? - They wouldn't even pump that into the stadium and then we were, I didn't even go to my seat for like several hours. - We were sitting in our seats. - And then people started cheering, so we thought the football team was coming out, so we went to our seat, but it was just the managers running onto the field. - Yeah, everyone was like, yay, something's happening. - Basically. - And then we were even noticing like, wow, Southern Miss doesn't even have their equipment out here at like 9.15, and it's like, are we playing or not? - Bodes badly. - 'Cause I don't see any, like they had benches and that was it. - Yeah, I just, I just-- - It's just really weird and-- - Yeah, it was, and handled poorly. - Very poorly. - I think so. And, you know, also, I did notice, and I understand why they did this, even though I was like, well, now I'm gonna be sat here with nothing, right? So usually when we come up the ramp, 'cause we sit in section 205, and we come up the ramp right at the top of the ramp, there's the beer guy. - The friendly neighborhood beer guy. - Exactly. And I noticed when we got to the top of the ramp, after mind you, let me sidetrack on this for a second, we get to the top of the ramp, we look down, and it's a student entrance, right? - Oh, yeah. - And the students go in one gate. Okay. - Fuddle them all in, like tassel. - It was like, somebody was gonna get hurt, because they were just all glommed up in this giant wad. Just standing there. They had to put another barrier in between the two wads of people to try and separate them. It was hot, you know, it was humid, it was gross. It was, I felt like it was a recipe for a disaster. Luckily, nothing happened that I heard, but, you know, looking down on that wad of people trying to get in the gate. And what, you know what they were doing? 'Cause we're looking at 'em, right? And they were patting 'em down, they're using a dowel rod on 'em. So they were having like 12 levels of security for the students, and that was what was glomming 'em up, and making it so hard for 'em to get in. - Meanwhile, I just drove around. - I went down one gate and just strolled in. - Why are they being so careful with the students? - I haven't forbid they get alcohol in, I guess. I don't know. - I don't know, again. Like, was there like something that was going on? - I don't know. - I don't think so. - So weird. - Like I said, John was like, look at this, they're using dowel rods on 'em. - Yeah, that's weird. - Yeah. - And then everyone, there was no security, all the police left. - Yeah. - So people behind us at one point got up and left the stadium and started to go home, and then they heard the game was on, so they came back. - Oh my God, they'd let it back in. - Oh, yeah. They said, do you need to see our ticket? And they were like, now you were here earlier, right? And they were like, yeah, and they were like, it's just getting there. - Yeah, wow. - And then when we left, we left at halftime and we walked down the stairs and got kind of turned around, and people were just gonna let us walk back into, like literally they were standing there and not even paying attention to us. - Wow. - And then someone said on the post-game show that all of the cops left the stadium, so there was no traffic control, and it took people over an hour to get out of the parking lot. - Oh, once it was finally out. - Oh, wow. - Once they canceled again. - They didn't wondered, because like, whenever you know, we were coming through at like five o'clock, they already had all the cops stationed up on, you know, Tate's Creek and alumni right there, and I know they had already shut down Woodland. That's a long time to have those roads shut down and a long time to have those cops posted there for like a game that's delayed and seemingly and definitely, like with no particular start time inside. So, yeah, I can't imagine that those cops could hang out that long. - Yeah, well, because they're being paid, you know, they're being paid by a city or the UK, I don't know. - Well, the UK cops, I guess, are. - The UK cops are, but they also have Lexington. - They have Lexington cops. - They use both cops, I've seen both cops out there. - But like, I don't know if the city's paying for Lexington or if that's like over time for them or if it's, you know, I don't know how that works either, but they definitely use, they do use city police and they use them in stadium too. - To shut down the roads and stuff and divert traffic. - Yeah. - And I mean, again, that's a long time for traffic. Did it be diverted too? - Yeah, it is. - I don't know. I don't know who thought that a 745 start time to begin with. - TV, TV. - I mean, that was just a bad move. Like it was a bad move for the first game. No matter what, rain delay or not, that was a bad move. - I kind of agree with it. Kind of back to the beer real quick. - So there's no beer guy, right? And then I realized, oh, so they're not selling beer. And so I actually went and got in a concession line and people started turning around going, they're not selling beer. They're not selling beer. And so I went back up the seats, I was like, they're not selling beer. And John was like, well, that makes sense because, right? - Yeah, I don't want the billies to become angry. - Yeah, yeah. And you really can't have people sitting there for three hours just drinking, right? - Just telling the players, yeah. - But what was hilarious was when they announced that the game was officially going to start at 10.05, all the beer guys just appear on the concourse. - Yes, yes. - Pop is the summon from a magical land of beer, Narnia. - It's really long, I walked past two of them 'cause I was like, I don't know, I guess I could get in. - Go by, we'll be getting nothing. - Actually, no, I'm just going to go sit in the seat. - Well, so I realized once they announced the game, officially was going to start at 10.05, I was like, oh, I got to get down there 'cause I knew that they were going to start selling beer and they did it. - Nice. - Yeah. - But anyway, so that was just the game day overall experience. We're not even talking about the game. - Yeah, that's just in the, yeah, right. - Let's just getting to the game. - They played two and a half quarters of the game. - Yeah, and they won 31 and nothing 'cause they had to call it because they, at midnight, they had another rain delay. - Well, did you hear, did you guys hear the storm that accompanied that? - I did. - 'Cause it was-- - I was asleep. - It was pretty, it was a pretty big storm that came once I was home, it was pretty gnarly. - Yeah, so, you know. - Probably a good thing. - Yeah, it probably is, but it was like annoying for that first go-around. - Yeah. - And Lauren, I don't think you found anything in your yard, did you? - No, I believe my theory is the crowds yesterday of folks coming past my house, it was so dispersed 'cause yeah, there was like some folks coming down pretty early, you know, going down to tailgates and whatnot. There was some folks kind of coming down, you know, around lunchtime, we saw a few folks whenever we were going down to your tailgate. We saw a few folks heading down in little groups. And then whenever we were coming back home after tailgating with you and having a bit of an adventure, which we'll get into in a little bit, we saw again just a few little drips and drabs of people. So I think it just wasn't really like the concentrated herd of people, like having to like, you know, consume their beverages and snacks and food in a hurry on the go on foot. They had time to linger and finish what they were doing wherever they were doing it at. - Yeah, right, yeah, exactly. So, which made for last trash, which was nice. - That is nice, maybe it's coming week 'cause this is a 330 game. - Yes, I'm sure that that would be a much more-- - Thank God. - That would be a much more-- - Delight out when all you want. - Appropriate vibe for the neighborhood. I feel like that will feel like football to me. This one kind of didn't. It was kind of a weird vibe. - Well, 'cause it was so hot. - It was so hot, so humid, the weird rain, the late start time, it was just a weird start. - It was, it was very weird. But we did do some beer drinking. - My dog. - Yeah, we did. We actually, and before we get to what we're drinking, and Sarah, I know you tried it. So now, all three of us at this table have tried it. We've all tried the blue light-logger. - A blue light special. - Yeah, hey Mark. - From gravely. We bought some at Total Wine and had it in the cooler, so let Lauren and Kyle try it. - Yes. - And then, Sarah, you had one, yeah. - Oh, so I got some total wine. - And you had it. So, Sarah, what was your opinion on it? - It was fun. God, it's not my favorite beer I've ever had, but I mean, it was easily drinkable, and I was so gross feeling and hot, and sweaty that it didn't matter to me. But yeah, I mean, it was a little more, I had a little tiny bit body more than like a bad light, so, you know, whatever. - Yeah, it was fun. I mean, I'll still drink it for tailgating, but, you know, it's whatever. - Yeah. - I have 11 more of them, so. - Yeah. I mean, I didn't hate it. - Oh, that's good. - I had worse beers, and I've had better beers. - Better beers, yeah. - Yeah, I've got a similar sentiment, I think, that it was kind of weird tasting in a way, because I did sort of expect it to taste kind of like, you know, a Bud Light, or a Miller Light, or a Coors Light, or one of those kind of, you know, light domestic beers, and it did in a way, but I found like the malt on it to be kind of weird tasting. It had like kind of a funky burned malt, or like, I don't know, there was something weird about the malthiness on it. That definitely was more flavor than your average domestic, but I don't necessarily think it was a good flavor. So yeah, overall impression that I did not particularly like it, but you know what, if like, that's all I had to drink, and I had just, you know, biked an incredibly hot humid weather uphill to a tailgate, I would gladly tank one of these cold out of the cooler, and I would not, I would not snub it, because cold beverages is a cold beverages. So yeah. - Yeah, I don't know, I haven't had a room temperature one, I can't say what that would be like, but mine was on ice, so it tasted fine as a cold beverage. - Yes. - It was all right. I did think it had a bit of a kind of a funky taste to it that was, that's usually not present in like, a Miller Light, or, you know, a light beer. - Yeah, it didn't really like scream longer to me. - Yeah. - No, there was something that was like an NBA. - Yeah, yeah. - Which aren't the best. - And we gave the, the guys who tailgate's next to us, Jamie, we gave him one to try, and he kind of said the same thing. He was like, is something going on like with the mall, or something like that? - Yeah. - Like, yeah, but I mean, it was fine. We have six more of them at the house, and I guess we'll probably put them in the tailgate cooler, or whatever, I mean, we'll drink them, but yeah, honestly, I probably wouldn't buy again. - Yeah, I don't know that I got back. - To tell you the truth. - Yeah. - I bought once, I'm not sure I'm gonna buy again. - I mean, honestly, this will last me the whole-- - Yeah, right. - The whole season, 'cause I'm not, like, I'm not one to consume large amounts of beer anymore, but yeah. I don't know that next season, I would buy this particular. - Yeah, there you go. - Maybe they'll reformulate it next season, I don't know. - Yeah, so we'll see. But I think what we got on the table today is pretty good. - Yeah, gotta be better in blue light special. (laughs) - Well, I have an offering from Southern Grist, what's that on Nashville? Is that where we decided that was? - Yes. - So it's their key lime pie sour ale. It is sour ale brewed with lactose marshmallows, lime puree, salt, graham crackers, and vanilla, and it's 5.8%. So, maybe holding on to the last vestiges of summer, even though I wish it would just go. Get out of my face, I hate you so I forget about it. - Yes, I agree, I am sick of summer. I've already gotten my non-Halloween fall decorations out. I've got my fall tree, I've got eye pumpkin out. I have lit my autumnal candles, and I am trying to channel all things autumn because I am so sick of summer. - I'm gonna start doing something. - The second worst season, winter is the worst, but summer is right there behind us. - No, summer is the worst. - But fall, I am here for fall, fall is great. Unfortunately, I don't have a lot of fall beers in the fridge, so I'm drinking this one. It's a very unusual beer, completely different from Sarah's. This is for some of their gris. This is the key lime pie sour ale. Yeah, no, it's the exact same beer as Sarah's. - Double beer. - We are beer-twining today, so yes. - Hashtag beer-twining. - Beer-twining. So, yeah, I'm hoping that it's tasty. I love key lime pie, it's my favorite pie, and it is a summery pie, though I will eat key lime pie year round, so there is no end to key lime pie season in my heart. - It's probably a top five for me. - Is it top five pie? Top five pie? That's John's favorite. - Yeah. - You know, you're Sarah, you're Sarah, so you're Sarah person, you like that. - It's like mother, it's cherry, and then I like this one, and you know, like a good tart pie. - Oh, we were at Ramses' their day, I got a peanut butter, piece of peanut butter. - Oh my god. - I do, I love that thing. - So good. - It's so rich, though. - It's so thick. - Yeah, it's a thick boy. - Yes. Okay, so the Sharon beer today, this looked like fun, so I bought it. - Looks like fun. - This is from Southern Tier Brewing, and this is their French toast imperial ale. It's actually 8.6% on that. Yeah, and it's got a picture of French toast on the label. - So you know what French toast is, in case you're not aware. - As you forgot. And yes, it is September. It's officially today's September. It is, it is October fest time, and the Stuart Rice Memorial Houndstooth glass is celebrating Kaitlyn DuBour's debut yesterday at Alabama, one big time. Big time, was it 60, 62 to nothing or something? - Oh my god. - They blanked him, yeah, it was a good win. He's also celebrating the fact that Dabbo got rolled by Georgia. - Oh my god, it was amazing. - Oh, it's so great. - 60 great in nothing, I guess, WKU. - Okay, yeah, we watched it too, until it started raining, and that was the whole thing. - Yeah, that's a story for just a moment. - Yeah, yeah, yeah, but overall, I thought it was a pretty good week one. - Yes. - A lot of teams got blanked. - Florida, how have they not thrown Billy's stuff out on Billy Napier's got to go. - I can't believe they didn't even walk out of there. - Right. - He just got destroyed by Miami. Miami is also the only good team in the ACC, are they not? Although their ACC teams got just wrecked yesterday. - Yeah. - I mean, Virginia Tech got beat by Vandy. - Well, and that was one of the, actually that was one of the games we were watching that. We saw the Vandy kicker miss the field goal, and then the deluge came, and John had to unhook his phone, and we had to close the hatch on the car there because everything was getting wet. - Yes. - So we missed the overtime win. - Aw, I watched it at the comfort of my home before I went to the hellscape that was involved, and that was, I was cheering for him at first I was cheering against him, 'cause you know, Vandy, who cares, but you know, good for them to get an ice upset week one. It will probably be their only one. - Yeah. - Let's hope it's their only one. - Whatever, man, they're gonna play offs. - They didn't look good, though, so maybe it's a different thing. - Yeah, and you know who is not a different team is Texas A&M who lost to Notre Dame at Texas A&M. Yeah, so, but this year at Rice houndstooth, moral glass today, has grandpa Planck's vice beer. - Grandpa Planck's, yee-haw. - Old Bavarian brew art made from the brew masters, the Planck's, that's what I'm just gonna say, 'cause I can't pronounce the, but I'm not sure how to pronounce the other person's name. - Yes. - Michael and M-I-C-H-I, I don't know how you would pronounce that. There are the Planck's, their picture is on the back of the canyon. - Yes, a photograph. - This is an import from Germany, and it's only 4.8%, which is probably good for me. - Yes, keep it alive. - Keep it alive. - Keep it alive. - Recovery beer, yeah, exactly. - Yeah, yeah, so, but yeah, tailgate yesterday, first one of the season right out of the gate, modern hell, the mayor was there. - Yes. - The mayor of the purple lot was there. He was there at 8 a.m., when we rolled up, and he was playing it by ear. I had heard he was gonna try to go into the game, but because, I bet he didn't, because of all that weather nonsense or whatever, but we didn't think it was gonna rain, and then it rained, and then it rained again. - Yes, well, it looked like it was going terrain, and then the storm just sort of passes by, we're like, hey, look how lucky we are. Look, it just passed us by, oh, hey, what's that coming behind us? - Uh-oh, yeah, and then a gust of wind. - Poor Jamie, and he was the only one who lost a tent. - Swooped up, claimed the life of a poor tent. - Yes, but pro tip, seriously, and I don't think he hadn't staked his tent down. - He did not. - You gotta staked y'all. - He denied it. - He had tied it to his truck, but he didn't stake it, which actually, I think, made it worse, 'cause I think if he had not tied it, it probably just would have, like, whooped, tipped over like a turtle, and then he could have just picked it back up and put it back up, but whereas he tied it, it twisted it. - And snapped it. - And snapped it, and he's lucky it didn't scratch the hell out of his truck, because it kind of went ass over to his kettle, like into the back of his truck. - Yep, but he was the only one who lost a tent. Bless him. Yeah, right. And so, as we're sitting there, right? We see this, and I haven't seen one of these. Like, I didn't even know they still existed. I didn't even know they were still on the road, but a wood-paneled ash, it was an astro van, wasn't it? - It was an astro van. - Oh, I knew. - Yeah, rolls up into the parking lot. - Yeah, it is coming back from my childhood, right? - Came up in the parking lot, attempted to park poorly several times, finally managed to nail it, pulled that baby in, and we're of course all sitting there in awe of this wood-paneled astro. And me and Kyle and Carrie, we're all trying to guess the age of the astro. Kyle, in his credit guest, I believe, 93. - Oh, okay, yep. - Look for it, although I will say, you know, in the 90s, the wood panel had fallen off, so this was probably when the last wood-paneled van-- - Was this popular, yeah. - Yeah, that was in production. And we asked the nice lady whose van it was, and sure enough, that baby was in '93 right there. - Did it, Kyle? - It was, it had 100, it was, I'd say, 178,000. - Yeah, it was their vacation van. - That's what he said. - He only took this van on vacation. - For a 30-year-old van, that's actually not that many miles. - No, and you know, it looked in great condition. - Yeah, I mean-- - Seriously. - Get on 'em for still driving around a 31-year-old van. - Yeah, 'cause-- - Didn't get net parked. - 'Cause we asked him, we're like, how many miles you got on it, and he's like, 178,000, we're like, no-oh. (laughing) - That'd be like, they must drive it as much as I do, which he said they only drive on a vacation, but my car also has very low mileage. - Yeah, and so then the same car, had these tablecloths. - Yes. - And I thought John was gonna, he was, he lost his mind. - These folks were rolling vintage. Like, they were vintage tip to tail. - And they were 90s vintage, too, because the tablecloths had phallicat on them. Like, the original phallicat, let me show you, I actually did. - The original, like, the UK logo with like the very, it's like the very detailed line art, raring-- - With the tongue. - Yes, the roaring wildcat with the tongue out, going over the UK logo, and it's got like, it's really detailed. - It's from the 90s. - Yep, which is probably why they don't use it anymore is 'cause you know, it's not a great graphic, because it's-- - Also the phallicat. - Well, also the tongue. - Also, it's super detailed, though. Like, it's probably not super easy to print. - No, yeah, so she had four of these things? - Yeah, four of these tablecloths. - And she spread them out on those tables, she laid plastic down over them to protect them. Like, she was-- - She could get some good money for those, if she would just-- - Oh yeah, she totally would. Like, she could have probably sold them right then there to John. - John would have paid a couple hundred dollars. - Oh yeah. - She could have named her price, I think, to John, and he would have taken it. - Because he was like, that's gonna be on my casket someday. Like, he's like, yeah, I believe those are his exact words, is that my casket is going to be draped in that someday. - Yum. - I believe she-- - She got her card. - Ew, yeah, and then he was trying to formulate some way for Lauren and Kyle to just kind of, like, take one and write off-- - Still write off your writing on her bikes. - But we didn't do that. The lady was very nice. - She was. - She was very nice, but she said they had had them forever. - Wow. - 'Cause I think John even asked her like, where she got 'em or what, and she's like, I don't even remember, remember, we've just had 'em forever. - She got them in the 90s, probably. - Were those no tailgaters to you? - Yes, yes, but apparently they knew Bob-- - Friends and friends. - Because they rolled up and said, where's Bob? And John's like, he's down there. Let me take you to him. 'Cause, you know-- - Let me take you to your leaving. - Yeah, 'cause, you know, Mayor of the Purple lot, right? - Yeah, yeah. - But yeah, the first time I'd ever seen those people, I got in there. - They said that they were actually, they had previously tailgated on the other side of the parking lot. - That's right, yeah, that's right, yeah, yeah. - And some circumstances occurred, and I couldn't quite hear the lady. But that they no longer wanted to tailgate over there. - Gotcha. - And so that Bob had offered graciously to have this space over on the other side of the Purple lot. - The Mayor. - The Mayor, yeah, I'm telling you, he takes care of people he gets stuff done. - He's very cool. - Even with his health going on, he's still out there for the people. - He's a real gym. - He is, he really is. So, yeah, first tug I'd see isn't in the books. It was fun. I had a good time. - Oh, yeah, it was fun. - I sweated, like, pants were a poor choice. - Yeah, I sure were. - I probably should have brought a change of underclothes. - Yes, I brought an extra pair of socks thinking that I was gonna get rained on. And honestly, all that really happened to my shoes was that the grass where we have, I park at the KAT lot. So you have to walk at some point through grass, and then it was just a swamp of mud every square inch, and there was no getting through it. So, my newly cleaned shoes are now brown, extremely brown, but the socks didn't get wet. But, you know, I was ready in case they didn't. - Yeah, I'm a person who owns a lot of athletic clothes, and like yoga clothes and stuff. Did I wear any of this clothing that would have been light, breathable, and comfortable to ride a bike in? No, I did not. I did not wear any of that. So, yeah, I was also very hot and uncomfortable. And on the bike ride back, I will say, because of the large puddles that had occurred from the surge of rain, we had to ride our bike through said puddles, and yes, my behind got soaked from those puddles, and Sylvia's stuffy also was a bit of a casualty to it. Valen, the pink kitty cat, did have to go on a trip through the washing machine, but Valen made it through, as did we all. - Yeah, I did wear my athleisure wear, so at least when I did get rained on and dried quickly, so that was a plus. - Yeah, it's a smart choice. - It's a GPS, PSA, if you have an athletic wear, just wear that. - Yeah, wear that. - It's so try to be fashionable. - So, I will also say we're walking into the game, and we walk our entrances to the left of the student entrance, so that's the entrance that we always go in. - Yeah, same. - And there's this girl, 'cause there's some garbage cans there that you can ditch your drinks and stuff, where you can stand there and drink them, and then throw the can in the garbage or recycle, or whatever it is right there. And there was this girl man, and she was leaning on that garbage can on a struggle bus. - Oh, no. - And-- - She ain't puking her, but she ain't standing up. - She was trying, I think she's trying not to puke. That was a situation. And John was like, oh, we need to help her. I'm like, no, her friend, her friend. And he was like, no, there's nobody there, and they're all walking away. So, he went up to her, and asked her if she needed help. And then her friends came, and kind of picked her up, and he was like, I think John was like, I think we could probably call a golf card if y'all need help, or they were like, no, we're fine. And she was kind of spitting, and they kind of drug her off. I don't know what she did. I don't know. - Hey, drug her off behind the shed. - Yeah, but we-- - Put her over, put her eyes. - Put one between her eyes. - We tried to help her. We tried to help her. She was on the struggle bus. Hard, I mean, like, just standing there, you know, with her arms crossed on top of the door of the piano. - Do you like that? - Yeah, heavy breathe. - Yeah. - And the toilet won? - Yep, oh yeah, yep. And she may have puked before we got there. - Yeah. - It's entirely possible. - All right, maybe that young lady, maybe she rallied, and she stayed there until after midnight to watch that game. - Yeah, I don't think so. She was-- - Sometimes we shouldn't make it in there. - She was a little bit worse for wear. Let's just say that, but-- - Yeah, she's filling it today. - Yeah, love her anyway. - Our thoughts go out to you, trash can girl. (laughing) Trash can girl, we think about you. - Trash can girl. - But yeah, things you see outside the stadium, let me tell ya, it's an interesting world. - Yes. - But yeah, first game in the books, we've got, what, seven more? - Yeah, I'm not gonna make it. (laughing) - Well, hopefully the other seven actually start and end on time. - Right, well, you know, we got to 3.30, and then there's 7.30, then there's a noon. - 12.30, I think, yeah. - 12.30, yeah. - And the weather looks a lot better for next week. - Yes, it's cooler. - We're exposed to start transitioning into Fool's Fall. - Yes, it's gonna be in the '70s for the high, which-- - But eventually, I mean, we all know that sometime in September, we're going to get our last surge of summer, and it will go up to 90 again. - Yeah. - But-- - Absolutely. - But we can enjoy at least False Fall for a bit. - Yes, yep, absolutely. So before we get to this week's pick 'em, for week two, I would like to, I guess, another GBSPSA. If you have YouTube TV-- - I do. - This is cool, so cool, I'm gonna, this is neat. - I couldn't figure out how to do and what you're talking about though, so you'll have to show me later. - Okay, so you can now build your own multi-view. So you're not beholden to the multi-view-- - To whatever they choose to multi-view to you. - Yes, you can build your own multi-view, so what you do is, at least it worked for me, and maybe they haven't rolled that out to everybody. I don't know, maybe I'm like-- - You're like a chit while we're out. - 'Cause it did not pop up as an option. - So you go, if you're watching a game, you go down, you hit the, where it says multi-view, and then you click that, and then it should, in the box, up to the right, give you an option to build your own multi-view. No? - Not for this girl. - Okay, I do need to go in. - I went down to mine, like I kinda clicked out of it, and then clicked onto a multi-view thing, and it popped up that thing on the right. - Yeah. - There wasn't a build your own option. - Oh, okay. - Just like four or five different ones. - Interesting. - But it really didn't matter for like noon games, because almost all of them were blow out, except for the Vandy one. So it was like, wow, just take your pick of blow out that you wanna watch. So maybe, yeah. - Build your blow out. (laughs) - There you go. - I was calling it the college football choose your own adventure. - Yeah, yeah. - Yeah. - Build your blow out. - Maybe, yeah, I'll see if my TV's ready for an update, but it was not there for me this time. Maybe it'll get rolled out. Maybe it's not rolled out, too. - It may not be, I don't know. - Or I might just not know how to use the TV. It's very awesome. 'Cause I saw it and I was like, what is this? Oh my God, it's like, and then based on how you choose them, so that's how it puts them in the panels. So like, you know, if you feel like your eye is more drawn to maybe like the left and then you put the game that you really want on there, you know what I'm saying? - Yeah, yeah. - It kind of puts them in the order that you want them. - Interesting. - Yeah, it was cool. - I'll try it for... - 'Cause I know I heard that they were gonna roll something like that out for the Sunday ticket, but I did not know, like I said, maybe it's not been rolled out to everybody, but I had it all mine, so. - That's gonna say maybe I'll try it next week, but I don't think I'll be home in time. - Yeah. - But we'll see, one day I'll figure it out. - But if you have YouTube TV, look for it, 'cause it was pretty cool. - Yeah, I did watch some games on multi-view, just whatever YouTube was giving me to watch. - Yeah, but choose your college football adventure. Speaking of that, it's time for week twos, pick 'em. - Nice. - Yee-haw, I think chat GPT, what got-- - Three for four. - Three for four, I think I may have been three for four because I picked, no, I lost Florida, and I lost Oklahoma State. - Florida was the one that I lost. - Yeah. - Chat GPT thought that Florida was really gonna-- - Well. - When that went by a coach, and it didn't end, it got destroyed by Miami. - Guess what, chat GPT. You and Billy Napier can get on the same plane and just fly out of here, right? Yeah, so it is time for week two. Some fun games, at least two personal games for me on this sheet anyway, and John still hasn't realized that he needs to change the date, 'cause I didn't tell him. - That's simply. - I didn't tell him, I wanna see if he figures it out. - That's fine. - If he ever figures it out. But Lauren, go ahead and roll that die. - All right, roll that die, so I'm getting a number two. So this is the new pick 'em, and this is the another NIL deal pick. This is image, and so the tag I've got for this one is, does the mascot have riz or frizz? - I like it, I'm here for it. - Jinzy dog. - I know, I'm so trendy with my tall socks and my very short shirt. - There you go. - I think that should be the new cake song. - What a tall socks. - One of tall socks. - The short socks. - The short shorts. - Short. (laughing) - Do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, yeah, however that bass line does, or. (laughing) - Yeah. - Do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do. - And if you don't know that the song, it's Kate, the short skirt, long J. I wanna, it's a good song. - I wanna girl with a short skirt and a long jacket. Yeah. (laughing) It's a good song. - Yeah, I guess. - It is. - It's got a fun bouncing bass line going on. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - Cake's awesome. - Cake is fun to eat and to listen to. - Yes. - Yeah, okay. So first game, right out of the gate. This has a potential to be a pretty good one, I think. - Yeah. - I think maybe. And that is Texas, welcome to the SEC. - Mm-hmm. - Arch Manning actually saw the field yesterday. - It did, really. - And ran into, ran a touchdown in and also kind of like, I'll say half kind of passed for a touchdown because he kind of like pitched the ball to the guy. So it's not really a pass, but it's like a, you know. - Like a ladder. - Kind of, yeah. But he did get in the game, so that's something. Yeah. But Texas is playing Michigan and I will say really quickly that John and I watched the Conner Stallion's documentary on Netflix, or that guy who was the sign stealing. - Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. - Yeah. So it's that Netflix untold. - That's cool. - They have one on him, one on Steve McNair, and then they did one on Hope Solo. The soccer goalie. - Oh yeah. - Who had all his problems and yeah, yeah. But we watched the Conner Stallion's one and he's actually in it a ton. - And he does explain himself. I don't know. - Yeah. - Do you have anything about me? - Yeah, she'll watch it, watch it. But yeah, so Texas and Michigan. Lauren, I'm gonna start with you. - So that's the Texas Longhorns versus the Michigan Wolverines. And so my pick is based on image and I'm going to make this as the image that the CFO has provided. - Well, that's a Longhorn image. - So there is a Longhorn with a long face. - He's got a Longhorn. - He is a Longhorn. - He's got the tooth. - The Michigan Wolverines got a nice sneer to him. He's got some good, throwing some good shade, as they would say, over there at that Longhorn. So I'm gonna have to go with the Michigan Wolverines. - Oh, okay, defending national champs, all right. Well, I'll plug this into chat GPT. I did all this earlier. - Okay. - So stream on the process. - Gotcha. - So it said a game between Texas and Michigan would be a highly anticipated matchup as both programs are historically strong and have been competitive in recent seasons. Michigan with its recent success and the Big Ten and college football playoff appearances might have the edge. However, Texas has been improving and can certainly challenge Michigan. If I had to predict, Michigan would likely be the favorite, but it could be a close game. Something in Michigan. - Okay, wow. I love it how JPT adds in. Like if I had to predict as though it has any other choice because you have told it what to do. - Telled it to predict the winners. - Yes, if I had to predict. - Predict the winner of the football game. - I love it trying to have casual language. - Like it's acting like it has free will. - Yes, you don't. You're doing what I tell you to do. - Yeah, okay. So James is going Texas. He says, I have no idea why. I think Texas still has Quinn years, they do. - They do. - Or the Manning nephew, they do. I don't know who left Michigan, but I do know Michigan has a new QB wide receiver running back because those guys are in NFL. I hate Texas, but I hate Michigan more. No one truly wins this game. Definitely not society. - Amen. - Yeah, I can't pick against the SEC, you know this, especially a Big Ten game. And, you know, I like Sork. I don't necessarily like Texas, but I like Sarkeesian. And Texas still isn't back, I don't think. But they are technically in the SEC. - Well, they were. - They were. - They were. - Yeah, they were. - They're kind of. - They're inching. - They're inching back. Yeah, they're kind of back. - Yeah. - All right. So Kentucky did, they ended up calling the game and Kentucky's ahead 31 to nothing against Southern Miss. And so we won, they can as a win, right? We probably would've won anyway. - Yeah. - But we get South Carolina this week. And that's who we're playing and that's who's on a sheet. It's us in South Carolina. And yeah, I must have just totally not been paying attention to anything. - I think you're watching a different game. - I must have been. So the South Carolina, according to Sarah, which I did not see yesterday, did not look very good. - They were tied with Old Dominion going into the fourth quarter at the 10-minute mark. And then Old Dominion scored a field goal and went up on them. And it looked like they were gonna win. And then they threw an interception at the last minute that Carolina ran back where it touched down. So they won, but by six points. - Yeah. And Carolina's quarterback is the quarterback from Arkansas from last year. I believe so, yes, I think. But I thought Kentucky struggled a little bit on offensive line. Personally, I felt like Vanderbilt was running for his life a little bit here and there. - Did they say that he could run this? - Yeah, but he could run a quarterback. - He could run and throw at the same time. That was impressive. - Quarterback, he can actually run. - Yes. - He excited for him. Yeah, he's good. - So I don't, man, I don't know. Well, it's not my turn to pick any way it's Sarah's turn. So what does chat GPT say about this game? - In a matchup between South Carolina and Kentucky, the game could be quite competitive, as both teams have been strong within the SEC in recent seasons. Is that true? Kentucky has shown consistent improvement under coach Mark Stoops. While South Carolina has been building momentum under coach Shane Beamer, okay. If I had to predict, the game could go either way, but Kentucky might have a slight edge, especially if they're playing at home. However, South Carolina could definitely win if they execute well. So I'm gonna say Kentucky, 'cause it sounded like it's going with Kentucky, even though it's trying not to pick a winner. But my winner is Kentucky based on that letter. - All right, solid logic from an un-solid source. (laughing) So that's the South Carolina game Cox versus the Kentucky Wildcats. - It's a wild game. - Based upon the image. Oh, boy, CFO's not making it an easy on me here. (laughing) So this Gamecock image that I have on my paper, the Gamecock is proudly displaying its lovely feathers and all its glorious glory. - Would you say it's cocking around? - It is, it is, it's unfurling its cock, honestly. All, it's open, it's right there. - It's laid out. - The cock is played out for all to see. - The Wildcat also is a bit split up for all to see. He's hiking the ball. - He's hiking the ball. - Yeah, Lauren, you pervert. - He's hiking the ball. He's got a little tail though, his little tail is very pert. With his pert sassy tail and his little snaggle teeth, I will say he is cute, he is adorable, and he is very sweet. So I'm gonna have to go with the sweet pick and I'm gonna have to go with the Kentucky Wildcat, though that's not an easy pick. - All right, James is also coming to Kentucky in this one. He said South Carolina struggled with Old Dominion, a school that no one has ever heard of. I've heard of Old Dominion, right? I've actually heard of them from football from last year because they ended up beating somebody pretty decent last year and they were okay last year, but I guess not this year. Took an SEC school to the brink. South Carolina has a QB who wears rec specs, never trust a player in football who wears rec specs. - That's not KJ Jefferson. - I thought it was, maybe I am wrong, but James is going to Kentucky and while Sarah looks that up, I don't, I'm- - Lord Norris Sellers. - Oh, okay, okay, my bad, all right. - I'll see who KJ Jefferson, oh, Central Florida? - Maybe, oh, okay, double check that. All right, well, Sarah's doing that. I guess I'm gonna pick, okay, I guess I'm gonna pick Kentucky on this one. I don't know, again, I don't feel good about this game for some reason at all and based on what I saw last night and, you know, I had three hours to sit in the stands with no beer, so I was pretty darn sober when that game started, right? So- - Well, hopefully that was just first game jitters. - Yeah, three game, three hour delay jitters. - Yeah, I hope so, but I will say I am happy that Sir Big Spur will be in the stadium on Saturday. I do, well, he's the most involved mascot in all sports. I mean, he really is. - Yes, he does, yes, and so I will see him and I will try to take a picture of him. - But do not try to pet his beak. - No, no, not, he didn't ask, no touching his little, it depends on what kind of mood he's in. That's right, but I am going Kentucky on this one. - Also, that play, just that reminded me, there was a penalty called last night on Southern Miss for illegal touching, which I had never heard before and it made me think of- - No touching, no touching, no touching. - I feel like they really should embrace that and whenever they have a no touching call, they should play that gift up on the big board, no touching with the hands back. - I think I texted it to you, but I don't know if it went through or not. It sounds like a legal touching. - No touching, no touching. - I don't think it did get through. - Okay, anyways. - Anyway, yeah, so I'm gonna go Kentucky on this one and Sir Big Spur, I love him, but I want to see him lose. - Yes. - I want to be him. I want to see him be involved in losing. - Yes. - Yeah. - All right, so this next game is, this is a personal one for me, because one of these schools pays my bills and the other one can go to hell. (laughing) - Yeah, it's time to which one. - Oh, I'm very careless. - That's what they were there. - As EKU versus Western Kentucky. - So that's the Eastern Kentucky kernels versus the Western Kentucky hill toppers. And while maybe one of them pays your bills, one of them is closer to my hometown. Western Kentucky is over there in the hat, well, Western Kentucky, where I'm from. I'm from Henderson, which is about an hour north of Bowling Green, where Western is. So, you know, I do have that going, but also I've got to pick on this image. And this kernel, like, he's got his big old hand up in the air. He's got his derpy little squinty eyes, his tiny, tiny legs. I don't know why they always show the human mascots with the spindliest, tiniest, skinniest legs. That is not a good look. They look very strange that way. The hill topper, of course, looks strange because he is strange, he is a giant red blob. - He looks like a chicken nugget. - He is a drip of Kool-Aid, he is a chicken nugget. He is bubblegum that you stepped in and scraped off your shoe. He is all the things, he has time itself. I am choosing the Western Kentucky hill topper. - He does kind of look like grimace, the red and more chicken nugget. - Yeah, there's a whole genre in my mind of blob, of amorphous mascots. Gritty is in there as well. - Oh, yeah. - Gritty and then copper and, you know, grimace, they're all just these blob creatures that just kind of dirt around in the world, creating havoc. I think they're probably their own breed, honestly. - Yeah, I agree with that, yeah. - I like that. Well, chat GPT has this to say. In a game between Eastern Kentucky and Western Kentucky, Western Kentucky would generally be favored to win. Western Kentucky is an FBS program while Eastern Kentucky competes in the FCS, which usually gives Western Kentucky an advantage in terms of the depth, talent, and resources. However, rivalry, games can sometimes be unpredictable, but Western Kentucky would likely be the predicted winner. So I'm on Western, which I would have picked anyway. Sorry, Carrie. - That's okay. I understand, y'all can go to hell. So James is also going Western for reasons that you just stated, right? He says, "I know Carrie gets paid by EKU." Yes, yes, I do. But this isn't about paying the bills. This is the pick 'em and it's about banking W's. And I need the W's now. So when I'm drinking and making this PX, I have a solid base. - Yes. - So I can't like, I think I would get like fired if I picked Western. So obviously, I'm not picking Western. So Western got rolled by Bami yesterday. - Yes, it did. After that QB talked a lot of trash to him. - Yeah, EKU technically got rolled by Mississippi State, but they at least scored a touchdown. They didn't get blanked, right? And John said, I guess he saw highlights somewhere or something and he said that EKU actually put together a pretty good drive like at the end of the first half. - Oh, good. - So I know, I mean, I have to pick EKU. I just, I'm sorry, even if Western does win, I can't pick against the people who pay my bills. - Right. - And that there's gonna, apparently gonna be a big EKU tailgate out there 'cause it's at Western. - Yes. - And also, if for those that don't know, Western, so EKU was in the OVC, we're in the ASUN now. We desperately need to get out of the ASUN. We need to get into a better conference, right? And we need to really get to a here one FBS conference, right? Well, that was gonna happen. I think it was just gonna be Sunbelt, Funbelt, and guess who kept us out? - The magical money trick? - No, Western. - Oh. - Western. Years ago, EKU was ready to go to the Sunbelt conference and Western basically was like, no, we don't want them in. So-- - 'Cause they're scared. - Yeah, right, they're scared. So, go big E, that's what I say. All right, final game of week two on the sheet. I'm forcing Sarah into this one, ha, ha, ha, ha, in week two. And also, you know, this is kind of a James game too 'cause the North Carolina State, but it's Tennessee versus North Carolina State. So what's this chat GPT telling you to do? And what do you know what you should do, but-- Sarah personally would not pick Tennessee, but I hate Tennessee. I was just in Tennessee. I was mildly upset the whole time. A game between Tennessee and North Carolina State would likely be a competitive matchup. Tennessee as an SEC team has shown significant improvement in recent seasons, particularly with their offensive firepower. - And they're not wrong. - North Carolina State from the ACC is also a strong program with a solid defense and good coaching. We'll see if James agrees with that. If I had to predict Tennessee might have the edge due to their recent form and talent level, but North Carolina State could make it a close game, especially if their defense plays well. So I guess it's picking Tennessee. - Okay. - Sounds like it. - Which I mean, it's probably right. - Circle it, do it. (laughing) - That's some great radio right there. (laughing) - All right. - You and trash king, girl. - Oh, trash king, girl. - That's what we've all been trash king, girl, at some point. - We all have. - So this is between the Tennessee of volunteers versus the North Carolina State Wolf pack. So the volunteers logo is real cute. It's like a total like C spot run kind of illustration vibe. It looks like a small child's book graphic where he's just like this very simple line drawing of a football guy holding a little banner. He's really cute and very simple, whereas the Wolf pack logo looks like something that was graffitied onto a bathroom stall. (laughing) It looks down and dirty and like it's probably had a cigarette or two put out in its eye. Like it's a rough looking logo there. So between the two, I think I'm gonna go have to go with the adorable factor again. I went with the adorable factor for the Wildcat. I'll have to go with the cute factor again for the Tennessee volunteers. - All righty, yeah. So James is also going Tennessee. I know I should be picking NC State, but I watch with my own eyes NC State's offense. How offensive line have trouble with the FCS defensive line? Yes, they did. They were on the struggle was hard in that first game. It would be bad. What's gonna happen when they're up against an SEC defensive line? It ain't gonna be pretty. Tennessee will roll on a side note. I might go to this game and watch the disappointment in person in Charlotte. Well, I hope you do. - Yeah, we need to pick it down. - Yeah, report back because I'd be interested to hear your experience with that. - Yeah. - And your experience with Tennessee fans. - No. - Yeah. So yes, I watched that NC State game on Thursday night and man, they struggled. I don't even remember who they played to be honest with you, but they were on the struggle bus. It was an FCS school. They ended up, they ended up winning, but it was a struggle. Tennessee is very good this year. - Yeah, they're really good. - Yeah, they're really good. And nothing sucks like the whole state of Tennessee, but I at least need to redeem myself and get one point out of this whole entire mess. - They've played Western Carolina. - Okay, yeah, they struggled. - Yeah, it was like 38 to 20. - Yeah, they struggled with the cat amounts. So I'm going to Tennessee as much as it pains me to do that. But you know, here we are. Okay, so that's week two pick on in the books. Should be a fun slate of games on Saturday. Yeah, yeah. - Yes. - All right, chat GPT. You go. All right, time for Take Your Leave It, which chat GPT has no business playing. - No. - 'Cause it can't make a decision. - Yes. - I mean, I guess it, 'cause-- - But I won't ask. - Neither can we. So it doesn't matter. All right, so Pizza Hut, which their pizza's meh, right? It's okay. It's Pizza Hut. - You gotta be in the mood for a pizza Hut pizza. - Yeah. So-- - Gotta be in the desperation for a pizza Hut pizza. - Yeah, right. And if you're moving, which makes me wanna throw up to think about it moving, you may be desperate enough for Pizza Hut pizza. - That's true. - But at the same time, Pizza Hut now has a solution to your hunger and moving problems. Because they have come out with this Pizza Hut moving box table. So basically, it's a simple foldable design that keeps food off the floor. Sturdy yet simple base unfolds to hold a pizza box. So yeah, that's what it is. - Is it like it's just a pizza box with legs? - Kind of. - Okay, yeah. - It's a box on a box. - It's a box on a box. - It's a hat on my head. - It is. So Pizza Hut moving box. I'm gonna leave that. I feel like you're already moving. You have a bunch of boxes with stuff already in it. So therefore, it would be like a sturdy surface. If you're just so desperate for food that you have to stop writing in there and eat your Pizza Hut, just put it on one of your vast many number of moving boxes. - Yes. - Or eat something else with some Pizza Hut. - Or just set on the floor. I mean, you're moving. - Yeah, do you need a table? - Yeah, it's fine. It's already in a box. It's got a surface. It's fine. - Yeah. - I don't see the need for this. It sounds just like a weird silly gimmick and it's just gonna generate more garbage that you are then going to have to cram into probably a very already stuffed trash can because let's face it moving generates a lot of garbage. So yeah, I'm leaving this. - Yeah, I'm leaving this too. This seems unnecessary. I agree with you, Sarah. You're gonna have plenty of boxes. Just build a table out of the boxes that you have. - Build a fort out of your boxes and just sit inside the fort and eat your pizza. - And not make it not Pizza Hut. - Yes. - 'Cause I was better pizza. - In terms of speaking of pizza, we did the-- - We did the dominoes. - We did the dominoes again. - Kyle dropped the pin again and now we got the dominoes. - And sure enough, it showed up and it was quite tasty. - It was good. We got for cheapy little pizza. - I like dominoes. - Dominoes is actually really good. Especially if you get the thin crust. - Yeah. We got the wings, the thin crust pizza, tots, like some kind of-- - Garlic bread. - I don't mind their wings. - And those little garlic bread stick things were good. - Mm-hmm. - Those are delicious. So yeah, we dropped a piss. So just get a box and then order dominoes. - Get down the most. - Get down the most. - Kyle will just drop his pin anywhere. - Yes, he will. - Yes. - Yes, he will. Okay, so we love minor league teams here because they have so many fun names and they do so many fun promotions. - Oh, yes. - And Athens, Georgia just got a new minor league hockey team. - Oh, exactly. - And they chose to name that team, the Rock Lobsters. - Ah! - So Lorna, you've taken-- - Please tell me that they used the B52 song. - Are you taking or leaving the Athens minor league hockey team name Rock Lobsters? - Oh, oh, dang, that's awesome. I mean, how much fun is that? Plus, it's got the B52 song built right in it. - Yeah. - You can play the song, you can enjoy that logo. It's fun, it's silly, it's great. Yeah, all day long on there for it. I would love to go see our Rock Lobsters game. - Yeah, same, I'll also take it. Rock Lobster. - Doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo. - Rock Lobster. - Yeah, I'm all for that, that's awesome. - Yeah, I'm totally taking this, I love it. And I love the fact that they chose that because you know, the B52s are from Athens. They start in Athens, Georgia. - The B52s and REM, right? - Yeah, yeah, yeah. And that song is great. I think that song's better than Love Shack, actually. - I do too, actually. - Yeah. - I mean, they're really weird. - I really like Rome. Rome's always been one of my favorites. - Oh, yeah, that's the catchiest song. - It is, that's always been one of my favorite B52s songs. Yeah, but Rock Lobster is just that weird, already kind of, you know. - So strange. - Yeah, it's bizarre. Yeah, but I love it, I love that. That's a great, great name. All right, Capri Sun, we are remember Capri Suns, right? - Oh, yes, stab the straw. - Stab the straw. - In the pouch, not through the pouch. - Yeah, well, stab your pouch. - Apparently, there might not be any more pouch stabbing. - Oh, what? - Because Capri Sun is moving away from pouches to bottles next year. - What? - Now, you'll be able to get pouches, but they're slowly moving away from the pouch. - They're facing the pouch out. - Into the bottle. - How dare you? - Right. - Wow. - Yeah. I don't know how to feel about this. I love the pouch. Actually, I also hate the pouch because I will say most children who bring Capri Sun into the establishment in which I work do stab through the pouch or they can't stab the pouch and then I have to stab it. And it's a whole thing. And I don't like touching kids' foods and stuff because, you know, germs for them and for me. So yeah, a bottle would be easier. They're easier, but, you know, I don't know which generates the least amount of garbage in landfills. - It's probably about a net. - There's probably no difference there between the two, although I imagine a bottle could potentially be recycled whereas those foil pouches, there's no recycling those things. So, I don't know. I'm gonna take it because I'm sure there's some reason, costs or something that they're going for bottles instead, but it is an end of an era for sure. - Leave it. That's my childhood right there. You're just taking and you're throwing it right in that landfill. - Which is where all those pouches go. - Yes. And I mean, I just, I can't fathom a world without Capri Sun pouches. And I don't like the bottles 'cause everything's in a bottle. Be different. Be unique. Be in a pouch. - Be a pouch. - All sorts of bottles look like prime bottles and I also have a lot of fun things about prime that you don't want to hear. - Kids love prime. - Yeah, they probably shouldn't. - Apparently not. Apparently they are not in good financial shape right now. - Well, it's a second thing. - Yeah. Yeah, but I'm gonna leave it. - Yeah, I'm leaving this tube. Fun fact, don't drink Capri Sun for the taste, right? You don't, even as a kid, you don't drink Capri Sun because they necessarily taste good. - Yeah, I don't know that I had a face. - Right? - But you just drank whatever was there. - But you drink them because pouch and they could squirt it into your mouth. - Oh yeah, yeah. - Right? - It's hyperspeed. - It's hyperspeed. - Yes, can you drink it? - I literally, that is a thing that-- - That's easy. - Every time I stamp it on those straws through for kids, I hand it back to the kid and I'm like, don't squeeze this until you sit down. - Yeah. - Like don't do it. Don't squeeze it. I'm watching you. - No, squeeze it until you have the straw in your mouth. - I would have-- - I would have no desire to buy Capri Sun in a bottle. - No, there's so many other things I can buy in a bottle. - Yeah, no, there's so many better tasting beverages. - This is dumb. I hate it. - They squished out nicely in lunch boxes. - They do, exactly, yeah. - Listen, the Nondys is coming back around, so why are we picking now to get rid of the most Nondys food product in all time? - That's true. - We should put everything in a pouch. - Ooh, pouch. - Ooh, pouch. - Pouch life. - Pouch life. - I dig it, I love it. Yes, we're all about pouch life here. I'm for it. All right, so this one is kind of, I guess it's local to us, but it's also semi-national, I guess, and people kind of know about this, especially if you watched basketball on television and seen Rupp Arena, right? And we've talked about it on the show. You know, the Rupp Arena soft serve ice cream. - Ooh, damn. - Yeah, Sarah, I don't know if you saw this on Twitter, but I saw it, I got angry. And so, I decided to put it on the, on the taker leave it, but yes, Rupp Arena soft serve ice cream is now coming to Kamala Stadium #NotMyKirgerField. Of course, it's only in section 19, - Only in one time. It's nowhere near me, right? But it's fine, it's actually fine. This is fine. It's fine. - It's fine. - It's fine, which is out here. - This is fine. So Sarah, what do you think about this? - Well, I've had this soft serve at Rupp Arena one time, just to say I've had it. I mean, it's fine, it's ice cream. And I particularly like soft serve. I don't love the texture. So I'm probably, especially at a hot, hot football game, I'm not going to get an ice cream cone. That's just gonna melt all over my hands. 'Cause I don't like to be hot and don't like to be sticky with ice cream. So it's a real net negative for me. But that's a Rupp Arena thing. So like, that's what makes Rupp Arena Rupp Arena. I mean, Jay Bilis makes the biggest stupid deal of it every time he does a Rupp Arena game. It's literally brought to him by a cheerleader every game. He makes the spectacle of it. So you're kind of taken away the quote unquote specialness of it when you take it to other places like Krogerfield hashtag with the real commonwealth stadium. I'm changing the hashtag. - Dare you. - Well, you know, I mixed it up. So yeah, I think on the bottom. - You know, it was good though. It was good. I'm here for it. - Yeah, the real CWS. (laughing) So I'm leaving it because I think you should just leave it at Rupp Arena where it belongs, where it's less messy and then it makes you like a thing. I feel like that's what people around the country, almost of the world, but it's what people around the country know Kentucky for. Kentucky basketball is good and they have that stupid soft serve ice cream. - 100% agree with that. - Yup. I too have actually had the soft serve ice cream, the one game I went to ever see a basketball game. I did partake the soft serve because that's what you do. When you go there is you have the soft serve and it was good. I like soft serve ice cream. I think it's quite tasty. It's a good treat. And I actually think it's a good treat when it's hot outside. I would like to eat the treat if I were at a football game, actually. So I actually am gonna take this, but I'm going to give a caveat. I feel like they should do something a little extra special for it, especially because in a cone, it's gonna be a frickin' mess. So they could put it in a cup, they could throw some blue and white sprinkles on it, or they could diet blue or something or stick like a blue cookie in it. They could make it a little bit special for the football game. They don't have to do the exact same thing, but I do like the offering of soft serve, so I'm taking it. - What if they co-opted the blue ice cream from King's Island? - That would be awesome. - It made it like a blue and vanilla swirl that they started at-- - Football games? - Football games? - I think that would be awesome. - The hashtag real CWS. Yeah, I would maybe try that one, but no. Leave the referee no ice cream at referee no. - Yeah. - Yeah, I'm with Sarah on this, and I really was like, it made me not angry, but I was just like, why? - A visceral reaction, I was like, why are you doing this? And I was talking to John about it, and like I said, no. I said, this is a Rupp Arena thing. It needs to stay in Rupp Arena. This is not football. This is like wearing a basketball jersey, which some guy next to me last night was. But it's like wearing a basketball jersey to a football game. You don't do it because it's football. And I agree with Lauren. I have the blue thing. I have a blue ice cream. Do something different, so it's up. So it's football. - Yeah, that's the best thing, right? This is a basketball-- - This is a football helmet. - Yes, I'm here for that mini football helmet. Oh man, that would be awesome. But this, just like Sundays and helmets or like a baseball thing, right? This is a, this soft serve ice cream is associated with Rupp Arena. Don't be trying to do some kind of crossover with football. Football is its own thing. Leave football alone. - Make it special. - Yeah, make it football special. This is stupid, and I don't like it, and I'm totally leaving this. And luckily I'm nowhere near section 19, so I don't have to see it in my purview anywhere. But yeah, all right. Let's get to do it for this week's take it or leave it. - So Sarah, how is your Southern Gris key lime pie beer? - It was good. It tasted a lot like key lime pie. Can you even imagine? - No. - Yeah, even that has like a like slight graham crackery flavor to it. Kind of tart, but the lactose cuts it, obviously. But yeah, you get the lime, you get the graham crackery, you get some vanilla in there. I enjoyed it. You still get like an L too, like you get a little bit of a beer taste. - Yeah, yeah, but yeah, I liked it. - Yeah, I'll say the exact same thing about it, except to add to that, there was a nice salt kick to it as well. The salt tastes really nice on it. It's got kind of like a Goza vibe, of course not a Goza, but like it has that nice kind of like salty, brainy thing going on with that graham cracker taste. It's really good, really sweet. I would totally drink this again. This was a very tasty sour offering. - Yeah, nice. - So what did you all think of Southern Tears French Toast Imperial Ale? - Yeah, toast. - First of all, it did not taste like whatever percentage you said. - 8.6, yeah. - It did not feel like that. It was super sweet and it smelled and tasted like artificial syrup, which I'm not a huge fan of these days. It was fine, I would not drink it again, or drink one on its own by myself, but you know, whatever, it's fun to try things. - You never know what they taste like to try them. - That's exactly right. - Yeah. It's got like a sweet buttery, like a Mrs. Butterworths vibe to it. Whenever I was drinking it, I was like, this is like Butterworth brow. (laughing) It's, yeah. It's really invoking those vibes. I wish they would have like little Mrs. Butterworth like on the label. But yeah, it's totally artificial, but kind of in a fun way. It wasn't unpalatable. It was just kind of not probably the thing that I'm really into, but if you, dear listener, are in to syrup and French toast and breakfast food vibe, you're gonna love this because this is bringing the breakfast right up in your face. Just not really my palate, personally. - Yeah, I agree. It was super syrupy, it's super sweet. I mean, I feel like it delivered what it promised on the French toast thing, right? - Mm-hmm, definitely. - For sure. But yeah, real, just syrup and sweet kind of, not much else going on with it. I guess, if you were doing a brunch type of thing, this might be okay, I think. - If you were doing like a lot of like, savoury stuff, like eggs and stuff. - Yeah, maybe. - Yeah, maybe. - You're like, keesh and you're reading this. - I mean, keesh sounds. - Or you're having this with it. But yeah, it was okay. I didn't dislike it, but I didn't like really like it. It was, it was, it was, it was, it's a gimmick beer. - Yeah, it's a gimmick beer. - It's a gimmick beer. - And if you're really into that flavour. - It's a gimmick brow. - Probably will enjoy it. - And so their tear has a bunch of those out. - They do, yeah. 'Cause I got this one at the labier trap, so. All right, Grandpa Plank's vice beer. - Grandpa Plank! - Why am I? - Grandpa Plank. - Yeah, Grandpa Plank makes a pretty good vice beer. - Nice. - You know, it's October 7th. - Skin's awesome too. - Yeah, he does, it makes a good moonshine. Moonshine is very delicious. - Yes. - Anyway, his Plank beer is vice beer. Good, good, I mean, what, what, you know, if you're looking for something that's straight from Germany, this October fest season, recommend, you know, it was multi, it had, it had everything you wanted in a vice beer, basically. Yeah, it was good, it was super drinkable and at 4.8%, you know, happy October fest to you. - Yes. - There you go. All right, so happy, I don't know where I'm going with this. - I'm nervous. - Yeah, I have no transition for this, we did do a hunger in Kentucky last week. (laughs) - We did, it was fruitful and eventful and full of fun. - It was. - And you can find that on Twitter, Instagram at hungeringky, you can send me an email, And you can find our podcast every other Wednesday wherever you find your podcasts. - Yeah, absolutely. And I need to go rest my brain. - Yes. - It is. - It is. - It's so all our ties, honey. - Yeah, but made it through. - We made it. - Another episode. Yeah, so excited college football is back. - Yes. - And I posted a couple of things from that game, I posted the WADA students and the fact that they weren't serving beer. Yeah. - Wild time, so let's hope that's a one time I'm current. - Yeah, well, like I said, I understood why they did it. I didn't like it, but I understood it. Anyway, you can find us on the clicks at GRLS Gear Sports on Instagram, on Facebook. We are on the fired up network on Apple Podcasts, where an iHeartRadio and Spreaker, we are everywhere, good podcasts are free and we will see you next week. See ya. Bye. (upbeat music) [BLANK_AUDIO]