FiredUp Network

Thursday, August 29: Girls Beer Sports: Pumpkinarchy

Thursday, August 29: Girls Beer Sports: Pumpkinarchy by FiredUp Network

1h 28m
Broadcast on:
29 Aug 2024
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- Hello, and welcome to episode four, 37 of Girl's Beer Sports, a conversation with Girls About Beer and Sports and whatever else, because it's our show and we do what we want. I'm Kerri coming to you from Stanley Man or Studios to my right is Sarah. - Hello. - And you can just go ahead right now and get your spice out of her pumpkin. - Nice. - Just get it out. - Nice. - Let's go right out. - Yep, it's Lauren. - It's me, though I do enjoy pumpkin spice actually. - Do you really? - I do. - Do you? I couldn't remember which of you all did. - I like it too. - Do you like it too? - Yeah. - You know, it's 90 degrees out. - I don't want it right now, but like-- - It's a little early. - Well, it's fall day, sure, why not? - And, you know, I say that because, you know, it was a made of big deal of that Starbucks introduced or dropped their, when I say dropped or introduced, whatever, their pumpkin spice menu two days early. - Ooh. - They usually do it on August 24th, but they did it this year on August 22nd. - What? - Dun, dun, dun. - My mind is blown. - Yeah, so, you know, if you've been listening to this show for a while and we appreciate all 10 of you who have. (laughs) - Hi, Cara's mom. (laughs) - Hi, Scott. (laughs) - Hi, Todd. - Hi, Todd. - Hey, Kevin. - Hey, Kevin. - Hi, James. Hey, I know I'm missing some people. Oh, God, I don't want to miss anybody now. - Oh, no. - Oh, no. - We have to listen. - 'Cause every one of your names. - Hi, Cassandra. Hi, Kim. - Oh, yeah. - Yeah, so there you go. I got it. I'm pretty sure that's like 10 people. - Yeah, yeah. There you are. The 10s and 10s of listeners. - But anyway, you know, I am not a fan of the pumpkin spice. - No. - I do not find it so nice. - No. - The pumpkin spice. So you can get your spice right out of my pumpkin. - Yeah. - You can tell you that right now. - Yeah, I love my pumpkin spice. I like my pumpkin plain. I just like my pumpkin. - Yeah. I mean, I'm a fan of pumpkin. - I'm excited about the fall upcoming season. I'm excited about all the things of the spooky season, sweaters and boots and all that. I don't think people say basic anymore, but all that kind of thing. - I think it's just, is it just a millennial thing now? - It's probably, or it's just considered millennial, probably. - We just like those things. And it's part of our generation. - That's your millennial card. What is stamps, right? - Yes. - Yeah. So gen X would be like, I don't even, I can't even tell you. At this point, just to get off of my lawn. - Sarcasm. - Just drinking black coffee and like having opinions. - Close cigarettes. - Close cigarettes, sarcasm. Yeah. - Having opinions outside the norm. - Yeah. - Yeah. - I don't agree with anything you're saying. - Yeah. - Here's my things that I think about, which I've fallen to that category. - Well, and I mean again, at this point, we'll just get off my lawn. - Yeah, we're, we're the old, millennial old's. - Oh, they're millennials over here. We still wear skinny jeans and we love the fall. Sorry about it. - Yeah. - Just how we're built. - Right, well. - Built different. - Lauren, I can't wait because your football season is a bonus. - It is. - Obviously since football season is a bonus, this isn't gonna be a very college football heavy show. - Yes. - Because, you know, once it gets to this time of the year, I mean, we might as well just call it, girls beer college football. - Basically. - That's pretty much what we talk about at this point. - Pretty much what we talk about, but you know, that's my favorite thing. And so, you know, here you go. But Lauren, I'm looking forward to see what comes through your yard this season. - Yeah. - You know? - Yeah, I think the crows will be returning yet again. - Well, now she's talking about the people walking through your yard. - Oh, the people. - Yeah. - The plague of people, not the plague of plastic birds. - Yeah, me, I will be one of the people that I won't leave trash in your yard. - Thank you. That would be good. Yeah. Oh, it's always exciting. And also, Sylvia, the older she gets, the smarter she gets. And so, she's decided that she's definitely going to capitalize on it this year. She did a really good lemonade stand last year for it. So, the lemonade stand will be coming back and she's excited for that adventure. But she's also decided that she wants to do a yard sale. - Ah. - In the yard. - Smart. - To correspond with one of the morning games of football. - So, that would be, that would be the Ohio game. Well, I tell you what, I already can run down like the first, at least the first four home games. 7.45. - Okay. - So, two early. - That first game, the 7.45 and the, I'm gonna be so dead next Sunday, so dead. So, yeah, 7.45, 3.30. - Okay. - 7.30. - Okay. - Nune. - Oh, noon would might be good for, for a yard sale. - Yeah, because you'll get people coming back like, you know, early. Well, yeah. Well, going for breakfast and then coming back because it's too flipping hot in that stadium. And we gotta get out of here and we're dying. So. - Nice. - Yeah. - Yeah. Yeah, so there's, there's definitely a, we like to capitalize on the traffic to your neighborhood. - I think this year, we should like, for every home game, you should kind of like, keep track of what ends up in your yard. - Oh, yeah. - And then we should have a what's, what was in my yard? - What was in my yard? - What was in Lauren's yard? - It's just gonna be a lot of those little tiny fireballs. - What's in the count? - But you could count too. - That's true. - You know, we can count on that. - Yeah. - So, what's in, what's in Lauren's yard and how many? - Yeah, that's true. And occasionally there is, there's food wrapper trash as well. That finds its way into my yard. - But I think it'd be a fun game to play. - So, right now listeners, get your, that's in, tweet carryout, girls. - What is in my yard? - J-R-L is in my yard. - J-R-L is in my yard. - J-R-L is in my yard. - What is in Lauren's yard? - Yeah. - So, what will appear next Sunday in Lauren's yard? - It might be a person. - Right? Cause that game, so the game starts at 7.45. That thing's not gonna be over till like 11 o'clock. Is gonna be a late one. I'm not saying I won't stay for the whole thing because, you know, we getting out to the tailgate at 9 a.m. So, y'all come on. Now I'm not saying that drinking's gonna start at 9 a.m. 'Cause I honestly do have a personal rule. - No, drinking important. - Exactly. Seriously, 'cause you'll die. - Yeah. - You will die. - It's too hot. That's too long. - Yeah. - You will physically die. - Yeah, that's not fun. That doesn't make you feel good either. You're not gonna enjoy your day that way. - You get a bad headache. - Yeah. - I've been there and, yeah. So, I got kind of-- - We're too mistaken. - And I've even pushed it. I even push it sometimes to like one, even two, for like a game that late. I'm like, mmm, no, this is-- - I have to get some lunch in your tummy. - Yeah, yeah, it's too much, yeah. So, but, you know, Bob, trooper that he is, mayor of the Purple lot, he says he's gonna be there. - Nice. - So, I'm hoping he is. I'm looking forward to seeing him. - I saw your intent skeleton again. I checked tips. - Oh, thank you, appreciate it. It actually has John's name on it. - Okay. - But you probably saw it. - It's the third one in, right? Or fourth one in. - Something like that. There's a lot of them. - There are a lot of them. - So, and they weren't disturbed. I will say there was quite a bit of a hubbub over there in that area because they are doing construction. - They are, yes. - So, and I'm hoping that they're done with that whenever you guys start tailgating because they have a lot of construction junk over there right in your spot. - Well, and I'm not so much worried about that, or I'm not so much worried about the tent and being left, 'cause full disclosure, when we recorded last Friday, the 436 was actually recorded on a Friday night. And John and I left here and actually drove as we're driving home, drove by, and just put eyes on it. I mean, not that we didn't believe it. - No, no, it's good. It just kind of just doesn't something. - Just put eyes on it. I'm worried about the students who don't get the memo to move you damn car. - Well, it's gonna even be a bigger problem to move their car because, like I said, they have like piles of orange barrels over there whenever I went that were taking up a couple of the parking spots. - Yeah, so in that same lot, so I don't know, hopefully they move all that junk out. - We'll see, we'll see. If not, you're gonna have pissed off. I don't think he's gonna be liquored up because of health reasons, but that don't mean that the mayor of the purple lights still can't get pissed off. - Oh yeah, let me tell you. I'm sure there's a way that you guys could scoot those barrels out of the way that they're still there. - Yeah, for sure. You don't want to get anyone all around. - He protects, hey, he protects his constituents, that's all I'm saying. Bob stands for people of the purple lot. - It's a nice, it's not a good mayor, it shouldn't do. - So I brought up that pumpkin spice thing because I came across this article from The Daily Mail where I get a lot of my articles, especially news and weird articles, right? And they claim that the pumpkin spice trend is dying off. As Americans say they prefer these alternative fall flavors. So apparently there was a survey conducted by talker research on behalf of post-honey bunches of oats that revealed that Americans are craving more diverse, autumnal tastes. - They're like craving more honey and butts of oats. - Right, kind of wondering that myself. - The study found that 58% of respondents believe that there are better, underappreciated flavors during the fall season. On top of that, 45% admitted to feeling fatigued by ubiquitous pumpkin spice offerings. - I am so fatigued from this pumpkin spice. - So I grow weary. - Yes, I can't go on with any one more second about pumpkin spice. - Apparently cinnamon has emerged as the new flavor. - I mean, I love cinnamon. - People are apparently into cinnamon. So Aaron Crawford, senior brand manager at post-honey bunches of oats, which again, yeah, I'm kind of, to be honest with you, I didn't read, I like skimmed this article and there's a big like, there's a survey graphic that I'm gonna get to that tells you like top flavors and stuff. So I'm confused by this post-honey bunches of oats and why they care. But this person said that the results show that most millennials are over pumpkin spice. - Oh no, the millennials are revolting. - Results revealed that 52% of millennials are tired of pumpkin spice and another 60% agree that there are better flavors. So here's how the survey broke down. All right, cinnamon number one, 39%. Salted caramel. - I like that too. - I like salted caramel. - Apple candy apple. Isn't that redundant? - Apple candy apple. - Apple candy apple. Is that redundant? I agree too sweet. Pumpkin spice was a distant fourth, distant. Maple, s'mores. - Two. - Oh gross. - Pecan and it's pecan and not pecan. - Well either way it's gross. - Toasted marshmallow. - No. - Sweet potato. - No. - And finely cranberry. - I need cranberry before I ate the last four or five things you just said. - Yeah. - This is also hilarious. And so the survey also highlighted generational differences with millennials being more likely to engage in heated debates over fall flavors compared to Gen Xers. - Yeah. - Yeah. - Yeah. - Yeah that sounds like our generation. - I honestly think we just proved the same thing. - I mean, we just said that in Gen Xers don't care. - I mean, you just give a snarky quip and then move on with your day. - Yeah. - As less millennials. - But you won't waste them on this. - Yeah. - We lament, and this is one of the things we are apparently lamenting as a generation. - So finally the study found that 34% consider autumn their favorite time of year with 75% of respondents expressing a desire for year round fall weather. Which I see that because it's gonna be like 96 freakin' degrees on Wednesday or some nonsense. - Oh yeah, yeah. - So I thought that was just a funny, interesting article that especially the difference that millennials and Gen Xers and that kind of thing didn't say anything about Gen Z, 'cause I guess again, you all are the pumpkin spice generation right? - Gen Z probably doesn't even-- - I was just like the Pepsi generation. - I was the Pepsi generation. - You all are the pumpkin spice generation. - Yeah. - It wasn't through a pumpkin spice Pepsi. - Yes, there was. - Was there? - I think so, yeah. - For sure. - I mean, I'm not gonna stand here and say that I live and die by pumpkin spice. - Right. - It's good, I like it, it's fine. I will have one, maybe two of those drinks from Starbucks. Let's not go crazy, but I probably do like cinnamon better not like pumpkin spice, but you know what's in pumpkin spice? - Cinnamon. - Yeah. - Yeah. - But I like salted caramel a lot too. Those are three I could do without the apple. - I like apple, but candy apple apple is too much. - Candy apple is too much. - Too much. - I'm gonna apple cider, yeah. So let's get an apple cider at this. - I sour apple, that, Apple Jolly Rancher, sour apple Jolly Rancher is probably my favorite Jolly Rancher. - It is, it's the best Jolly Rancher. - Yeah, it's good. It's good. I don't love just to straight up caramel apple because they're so sticky and I feel like it's gonna rip my teeth off. - Well, a candy apple, they're like your front too, Job. - Oh yeah. (laughing) - Yeah, Job on a rest development. - Yeah. - Starts whistling. (laughing) - Yeah. - Yeah, they're fine if they're like covered in like chocolate and stuff, but caramel's a step too. It's a British too far for me, it's too sticky, but I like salted caramel. - Yeah. - So yeah, I mean, I don't disagree with that. I mean, it's fine. I'm not like down with the patriarchy and down with pumpkin spice. - Down with the pumpkin spicearchy. - Yeah. - The pumpkinarchy. - Pumpkin, pumpkinarchy. (laughing) - Yeah. (laughing) - If you get a shirt that says down with the pumpkinarchy. - Pumpkinarchy. - Pumpkinarchy. (laughing) - Get down with the pumpkinarchy. (laughing) - Yeah. - Yeah. - Yeah. That's a good stuff, but now, I don't agree with them, but I don't disagree with them if that makes sense. - Yeah. I like cranberry at the very end. - I like cranberry. - I'm so sorry, cranberry. - I made it depends on what flavored thing, the cranberry is going to be like. - I guess I would say like-- - So if it's a cranberry latte, that sounds revolting to me. But if it's like, I don't know, like-- - Did they have cranberry sprite we tried that was all right? - Yeah, like a cranberry oatmeal cookie? Those are tasty. - I would take, like, I like to substitute cranberries over raisins. - Me too. - For your superior. - Yeah. - Yeah. - Crazins are superior. - I like cranberries. - I think cranberry is an underrated flavor, personally, because I think people only associate it with Lauren's favorite weighty cranberry, which is gelatinousity from a can. - Yes, cranberry. - Canberry. - Delicious. - With the ridges. - So good. - With the ridges. - That makes the nice shoop sound, as it falls out of the can. - That says holidays to me. - Right? What doesn't? That absolutely screams holidays. But yeah, I just, I thought it was an interesting article and I've heard other people kind of discussing, I think this, the same article about, you know, is pumpkin spice dead? Oh my God. And pumpkin spice is never gonna die, right? - Yeah. - It's a zombie flavor. It just keeps coming back, back, and back, and back. - And you can use it for other things. It just doesn't have to be a PSL. Like you can make bread. - Oh yeah. - Yeah. - That's a hot cookie. - I make a delicious pumpkin cookie. - I love pumpkin cookies. I love pumpkin bread. But I guess, again, I think it's the marketing thing that people, it's not necessarily the flavor. It's the marketing, right? - It has over-saturated the market a bit, I will say, because especially if you go to the grocery store that I frequent every week, which is Trader Joe's, they will literally have a pumpkin spice ever-y thing. Like cream cheese, bread, cookies, all the baked goods, but like even like goat cheese. They'll have like pumpkin spice, goat cheese. - I love goat cheese. Don't ruin it. - And like chips and things will even be pumpkin spice. - That's great. These are good. - A cranberry goat cheese is delicious. And I love a weird pumpkin spice thing. Don't get me wrong, but I do see how the oversaturation of the market can be a little frustrating. - Absolutely, yeah. Well, you know what's never oversaturated in the market? - Yes, beer. - That's true. - That's true. - It totally is an over-saturated market. - And it's 100%. And there are certain styles and flavors of beer that are absolutely oversaturated. - Oh yeah. - So I'm probably holding one. So I have Evil Twin Brewings. Oh my darling, Tangerine has Clementine, but it's marked out in the Tangerine. So oh my darling, Tangerine. Let's see. It is a sour ale with cranberry. - See? - Oh. - Tangerine, vanilla, and cocoa. And it's 6.6%. - All right. - Very nice. So I am joining you in the land of sours today. - Oh, welcome. - With my street side brewery, which I'm not sure if we've had anything from street side. - I think so. - I think I have had something from them, but yes, it's been a minute. - Okay. So they're out of crafted in Camden, Cincinnati, Ohio. So just up the road from us here in Lexington. This is their sour ale with black currant, vanilla, and lactose. So I'm excited to try this. Haven't had a sour in a while, but I always love one with lactose in it. And this is 4.5%. - Oh, that sounds super low. - It's a nice, low, easy drinker. It's got a cute little weird alien on the can. It says hello, rock view. - Kind of looks like a quasi-modo alien. - Kind of like soy. - Yeah, he does. - A toxic avenger. - A toxic avenger, but had to maybe with goonies. - Oh, chunk, not chunk, a sloth, sloth, sloth, sloth. Oh yeah, yes it does. - It's like a sloth chud or something. - Sloth chud, sloth and chud, fell in love, and had a baby, and that baby made beer. But I'm drinking. (laughing) - Nice. - Yuck. - Gross. - Sloth chud, baby. - Sloth chud, baby. - Sloth chud, baby. Oh, okay. All right, so the share of beer today, this was gifted to me by a friend of the show and BAA, bourbon, and you all wouldn't know it by that bourbon and bad opinions, co-host Heather, whose husband, Oni, got it, and I apologize. I can't remember the origin of the beer, which was given to me because it has been a minute and I kind of forgot that I had it in the refrigerator until I went to put things in the refrigerator yesterday for today and saw it and I was like, "Oh yeah, I forgot we had that for the share of beer." But this is from Hardywood Park Craft Brewery and it is a cookie butter beer and it's imperial golden ale with toasted coconut, vanilla bean, and natural flavors, and it's only five and a half percent. - Nice. - So it's pretty low ABB. Let's see. Made with whole vanilla beans, milk, sugar, toasted coconut, this full-bodied ale pairs with just about any treat, topped with your favorite deliciously cookie butter spread. Yeah, so I honestly can't remember where. It was up in Cincinnati, apparently it's a special release that they get up there every year, somewhere, and I'm sure Heather will listen to this and she will tell me, so that I'll be able to tell you on the next episode. - Somewhere over the Ohio. (laughing) - Yeah, exactly, yep. All right, wow. The Sturt Rice Memorial Hounds Tooth Glass is so excited finally. Finally, forget Christmas, forget Halloween, forget Valentine's Day, forget Valentine's Day, forget Love Day. Forget Love Day was a census reference. Forget the 4th of July, forget St. Patrick's Day, what other holidays? - Flag day. - Flag day, it sucks you, flag day. - It sucks you everyday. Get out of here. - Forget all the days. - Forget about those trees. - 'Cause yesterday was the most wonderful time of the year. Week zero, college football is back, baby. Watched all day, absolutely, yes, I did. - Nice. - But yes, super excited, and of course that means the GBS pick 'em as back, and I'm super excited about that because we've got some fun ways to pick the hair. But yeah, so the, I mean, obviously the pick, well, actually I would say there was two ended up being two pick games of yesterday, which Georgia Tech floors state in Ireland. I love that that's kind of become a thing now to play in Ireland in week zero, and if you K, if you K ever, ever, ever somehow ended up going, I would just, I'd quit my job, I'd sell the house, I'll go. - Right. (laughing) - Seems much more attainable than that. - I would go, but I'm not selling my house or quitting my job, that's how I have to get there. - So the work money. - So Florida State comes in and, you know, Sabin's, it was also Sabin's first appearance on college game day as a commentator, I think he did a pretty good job. - Okay. - You know, I will also interject this. Pat McAfee had to be actually, they pulled his show off the air on Friday because he was so loaded. - Oh no. - Yeah, apparently he admitted he-- - Celebrating the, well, a little too hard. - He took an edible on the plane over, apparently, and then consumed a massive amount of Guinness. And I would like to say to ESPN, if you're looking for people who drink beer and talk about sports and other various sports related and non-sports related topics, I mean, I think you found what you're looking for right here. I mean, you know, so I just like to-- - We're here, we're waiting for the call. - And he actually pulled his show, they started, they pulled it and showed sports center 'cause he was that bad. - You know what, good for them. - Yeah, for them. So I'm not saving, did a good job. It's first college game day. You know, Florida State's coming in there, they're still, they need, I think they've finally gotten over it now. All their fans are in there like, "Yo, we got screwed out of playoff, blah, blah, blah." - Well, guess what? You better put on your big boy pants now and start trying to win every game you can because they lost Georgia Tech yesterday. - Oh, wow. - Yeah. And so the Ramblin' Wreck went down there and wrecked Florida State, pretty good. - Yeah, I saw the final score. - Actually, Florida State's defense was terrible, like just garbage, it was absolutely terrible. But credit to Georgia Tech for going in there and just taking care of business, you know? And like, all these people with signs at game day, Florida State fans that were blaming Herb Street and saving for them not getting in the playoff, saving in Herb Street didn't have anything to do with it. And the committee was the ones that left them out. - Yeah, I want someone to give me at like a saying explanation as to why they think there should have been in the playoff last year. - Right. - It's not one. - Yeah, so. - But they were good, but not good enough, sorry about you. - But that was last year. And also two things of note, in case you didn't know, 'cause I had no idea. Apparently, you're there being allowed in-game communication in the helmets now. - Oh, I know that. - And I'm being sarcastic when I say that because it's just every game you watch. - They remind you. - That's over. - Exactly. - I was like, wait a minute. - No, no. - In fact, what are we talking about? - We did. - I feel like they're probably doing that for like the people like me out there watching, but I'll just tell you, announcers, I do know already. - Right. - You don't have to tell me. - I do know, yeah. - So no, every game we watched yesterday, and oh, when the other pick game, I'm sorry, I'm going all over the place 'cause I didn't write anything down. It's kind of in my head right now. Montana State, who I, you know, I love, I cheer for, love me some Montana State, always in the FCS playoff, has been the championship game a couple of times, has a quarterback that started since he was a freshman, went into New Mexico and gets New Mexico, but still, they went in there, they were high, and they come all the way back and beat New Mexico, in New Mexico. So, yeah. Oh, yeah, every game. Oh, did you know that they have in-game, the quarterback has in-game communication now? I was like, me and John were like, really? What? What did this happen? And then, of course, did you know that this year, there's a 12 team playoff. - I'm getting fat at them. - What? What? - Never heard of it. - All day long with this. All day long. - At least, there's comfort knowing that. - Right. - We don't have to watch a lot of them on TV 'cause we'll be at a lot of them. - Except, well, I'll be watching 'em 'cause I'll be watching 'em at the back of my car. (laughing) - That's true, that's true. - I'll probably watch 'em, too, wherever. - Which, anybody who wants to come up and watch 'em at the back of my car, feel free. - Yes. - We'll be there. Okay, so, yeah, the beer that is in this- - Oh, yes. - The beer that is in this very, very, very exciting glass is from "Jesture King." And I've had them a couple of times on a show. - Where are they from? - Oh, they are from- - That sounds- - I'm from- - Is it New Orleans or something? - Austin, Texas. - Oh, Texas, okay. - Yes, which UK gets to go to this year. Yeah, we get to go to Austin. Yay. (laughing) - I would love to go there, but not- - Well, the thing that is, too- - See, I mean down. - Good, well, good luck getting a hotel because I guess the Grand Prix, some big Grand Prix races in Austin that weekend, too. Yeah, I wouldn't touch Austin. - Oh, yeah. - Yeah, that weekend. But this is an American IPA, which I'm usually not a huge fan of American IPAs. They tend to be a little bit different than just your standard IPA, but we will see. And this is like six and a half percent, so it's not that bad. Yeah. All right, I have one RIP this week, and I had no idea this guy was still alive. This is, that's how I feel about all the RIPAs. - Well, because I think a lot of times when people get to a certain age and they retire or they, you know, quit television- - It's fade out of public view. - And they just kind of fade out of public view. You can forget about them, right? - Yeah. - And especially if they're not on the social medias and that kind of thing. - RIP to Phil Donahue. - Oh. - I mean, honestly, the king of the daytime TV talk show, you know, he begot the Sally, Sally, Sally, Jesse Raffiel of the world, the Ricky Lakes of the world, the Springer's of the world. I mean, the Mart, yeah, Phil was like the original, right? - He was. - And he is 88. - Wow. - Yeah, but he had-- - Good long run. - He'd been out of the spotlight for a while, but like, you know, every, like, there's so many pop culture references about the Phil Donahue show and being on, and you know, Phil Hartman did a great Phil Donahue on Saturday Night Live, I mean, unbelievable. And he was so parodied and, you know, and all these, yeah, yeah, all these talk shows, these things that we think now of as daytime talk shows, like Phil Donahue was the pioneer of that, right? - Yeah, he was totally the home sick from school. - Yeah, I mean, he-- - What's on TV? - Oh, look, Oprah. - Oprah, he was awesome, right? - I mean, I feel like he begat Oprah, you know? - Yeah, probably. - Yeah, didn't he come on at like four o'clock, like after soap operas or something? - I think he was, he was like, I feel like it was kind of like a definitely after lunch. If I was homesick from school, it was like, you're homesick, you're at U8, you're chicken noodle soup, like you slept in, you ate your chicken noodle soup, and now Donahue is on. - Right, and then afternoon cartoons will eventually come on, but you have to make it through Donahue first. - Yeah, but I feel like that he had, he had these topics like, "My kid is into heavy metal," and he had the panel of kids, and we're like, "Definitely the Satanic Panic," was like-- - Yeah. - I feel like Donahue, more than any other talk show, probably was in the Satanic Panic era, for sure. And kind of latched onto that in different branches, right? With heavy metal music. - Yeah, heavy metal music's rotting our children's brains, or like, "Goths, are they taking our children away from us?" - And I feel like he did do a show on "Goths" where he had a panel of like, - Literally. - Goth kids or whatever, and they were all in their goth makeup and stuff. - Yeah, and they're all like, sad, and they're like, they're like super clean parents are setting right next to them, like, twisting hankies in their hands. - Yeah, it's listening to the cure, and they're a little walkman, everyone. - They're like, "Geez, mom, leave me alone." - Well, and I'll also say he begot one of possibly the greatest talk shows ever, "Gentle Ben." It's another Simpsons reference. - Oh, I don't get that one. - Y'all don't remember that one? Were the "Gentle Ben" where there was a bear, and he had the microphone on his head, and they were, and he was a "Gentle Ben." I have a question. - Vaguely. - Vaguely, yeah. - Yeah. - Yeah. - But-- - Sorry. Missing on the Simpsons, right? - Yeah, that's right, that's like, that's kind of a vague one, 'cause it's that, it's within an episode, or whatever. - Yeah. - But yeah, R.P. to Phil Donick, you like, you know, would not be any other daytime talk show, anything, I think, without that guy. - I'm sure. - So, pioneering his feeling. - Yes. - All right. Okay, so it's time for some college football talk. Yeah. - College football talk, sauce talk. - So, I will say that there's been some innovation in this off season, with the NIL. - Mm-hmm. - And this first thing, I don't know how this is gonna work, I kind of, I read a little bit more about how it's gonna work, but still not convinced. So, Oklahoma State are gonna wear QR codes on their helmets this season. - I saw this. - And this is gonna link you to the general team fund for every student athlete on the roster. It's believed in my first time a college football team will wear QR codes and regular season games to promote players earning potential. Now, I have a picture of said QR code on back helmet. - So, weird. - Right? - Mm-hmm, yeah. - Yeah. - So, I kind of had a couple of these questions in it, 'cause like, this is really small on helmet. - It is. - Right? Even if I'm watching on television, they're so, it cuts so quick. - Yeah. So, they said that in close-ups on TV, you would be able to scan it, and then I guess they're gonna have some social media, promotions, where you'll be able to scan it. But I guess, personally, interesting idea, but to me, not super practical. - No. - Am I, y'all? - I mean, I have trouble scanning a QR code on a menu at a restaurant. That's like sitting stationary, literally in front of me, and I'm like an old lady trying to line it up correctly, and I'm like, oh, wait, click on it. Oh, dang it, move my hand. Okay, now click on it. Okay, got it. - Yeah, it's, yeah. I definitely could not do that on the TV with like, quick cuts back and forth to different players and things. And I mean, that's like kind of the hallmark of modern television, is that there's a lot of very fast cuts. - Yes. - Like, that's what people kind of are accustomed to, so that's how they shoot everything. - Right. - With like, constant camera changes. Like, you don't go more than 10 seconds. - Right, in one view of the field. - Yeah, I agree. - So yeah, you're gonna be really fast on that phone to actually get this QR code to work. - I agree. - Yeah, I like the gimmick of it, but how is that gonna work? Unless you're trying to catch the real rich people who are sitting like right on the field, you can just wait 'til they're on the sideline and do a little space. - You can try, yeah. - But like, I know. - Good luck at your phone, we're gonna stadium. - I know, Kentucky games, they've thrown QR codes up on the big boards, but that sucks too, because they're not facing you unless you're sitting in the insides. - Yeah, and then you try to turn and build it from like, real far away, does not work. What if you just had a QR code on every seat? - Oh, that's a better idea. - And then, if you're, if they're like, having a good game and you're like, you know what, I gotta keep it going, you just stand up and QR code your seat. - Or what if, instead of, you know, having like, you know, you're like at a baseball game where you have like a hot dog vendor, there's the QR vendor. And he just walks in, or it's the mascot. And he's got a big old QR code on him. And he's just like dancing around through the stands and you can scan the mascot for the QR code. - See, I'm here for both. These ideas are 100% already better than this one. Like 10 times, the seat one's freaking all great. But I like the mascot one too, because that's super fun. - Yeah. - That's just super fun. You know, yeah, the mascot's just got like a shirt or something like QR code, like it just kind of wanders around and you can scan the mascot. - That's great. - You can bring a blip down into the middle of the field during your time and just-- - Drone QR codes descend from the top of the-- - But yeah, I'm here for that seat thing, for sure. - Yeah. - Yeah, I love that. What a great idea. - That would be sick. - That would be, 'cause people would totally do that. - Oh yeah, 'cause you're just sitting there. And even if you're sitting there, you don't even know what it is. You're just curious. Like, what is this? - I don't know what it is. Yeah. - Oh crap, my phone won't load. Well, I guess I don't know what it is. - Well, yeah. - Nobody knows what it is. - There's that problem. What is this tab I had up on my phone? Oh, the 15-comber-- - Right, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. So, yeah. Real quickly, I would also like to shout out, and I'm gonna blame ESPN for this in this two-minute warning. And I'm gonna call it a warning nonsense, because apparently they're not allowed to call it, they don't call it a warning on the college football. - Oh, is it copyright? - I don't know. They didn't say, they just said that Reece Davis on the college football game day, said that they weren't allowed to call it a two-minute warning, and they have to call it a two-minute timeout, I think. - Sure, the NFL was like, you don't you dare say the same thing that we said. - I mean, it's so dumb, it's a free timeout anyway, and I know ESPN's the one that's doing it, so they can get extra commercials, 'cause God knows I need to know about-- - State. - All of them, bigger, whatever. - Yeah, for the $400,000. - 50 time, right, yeah, but anyway. But yeah, the QR code on the helmet, the QR code on the seat and a mascot QR code. Yes, here's where. - That's where, yeah. - All right, so you know how we talked about last episode that Pitbull, and we're gonna fill a stadium with dogs, because awesome. - The dogs! - That's the answer to most things in the world. - It is, it's the answer to all I promise to fill with dogs. But so, Pitbull has named FIU Stadium, so it's Pitbull Stadium now, right? And not to be outdone, and it's not that they've named the stadium, but the University of Miami has signed a partnership deal, right? Multi-year partnership deal with Mr. Meat Master, as an official sponsor of the University of Miami Athletics. Now, I did a little bit of research on this, because Mr. Meat Master, hilarious. - Master's is Meat? - Yes, so apparently Mr. Meat Master is a purveyor of high quality meats. In fact, Mr. Meat Master has a partnership with the Miami Dolphins, in which Mr. Meat Master, and yes, I'm gonna keep saying it. - Yeah, it is. - Well, that's his name. - Well, that's his name. - Yeah, you have to call it the best one. - Appropriate title. - Mr. Meat Master has a butcher shop inside of Hard Rock Stadium. - Oh, wow. - Get your freshly butchered meats. You're gonna have to go that as well as games. - Right, yeah, yeah. So, I think it's kind of logical, if they're already in Hard Rock Stadium, that the University of Miami. - Pay Mr. Meat Master visit. - Right. - Yeah, so. - It sounds like a euphemism that maybe you might need to explain to your family and friends. - Sorry, I had to go visit Mr. Meat Master if you know what I mean. - Whoa, dude, don't say that. You don't need to know when you need to do that. (laughing) I mean, it's perfectly natural, but you know, please don't tell us when you visit Mr. Meat Master. - Put some of his hair on your hands. (laughing) - But yes, Mr. Meat Master, and it is a purveyor of fine meats in Butchery, but I thought Butchery in Hard Rock Stadium, it's very interesting. - It's interesting. You never know what you're gonna see in South Beach. - Right, and it'll be like, oh man, dolphins sucked again, they lost. Well, Bergal, get some steaks for the ride home. - Yeah. Ooh, that could be cool though, if you're like tailgating, you're running there and grabbing some steaks, right back out. - That would be fun. - That would be pretty sick. - That would be pretty sick. I don't know exactly where in Hard Rock Stadium, butchery is okay. - Every exit. - Yeah. - Yeah, Mr. Meat Master, you're great shooting. - Yeah, there's just a line of people going in, and there's a line of cows going in. - Oh. (laughing) - It makes you with the entrance, I guess. - Here's another Simpson reference for you, where they watch the video about the slaughterhouse, and the cows go up the ramp and tree, and then Billy comes out and he's like, (laughing) he's like freaking out, but the cows go up the ramp, and then they just like ree, and they come at his meat. - Yeah, different various cartoon mates. - Yes, yeah. But yeah, so good job, Miami. (laughing) It's an interesting choice. - It is. And finally, have a NIL deal to start off the season here. So Blender's eyewear is signing an NIL deal with Peggy Koppel. That's how I will pronounce her last name. The 99 year old Colorado super fan. Remember her when Dion got, became the coach, and she, like her and Dion had pictures together and stuff, 'cause she's been with the around Colorado forever. The Peggy sleeve, so it's a, you know, you're the glasses case, it's like a soft, little-- - Oh yeah, yeah, yeah. - Yeah, that's what it's gonna be called. And it will launch in her honor, and it's got pictures of her all over it. - That's cute. - And she'll get a dollar for every sale. - Wow. - Yeah. Good for her. - So that was an interesting NIL deal. - That is. - It's an interesting chapter in the tales of the NIL. - For sure it is, yeah, I like, yes it is. Tales of the NIL. Yeah, all right. Well now I'm super excited. It's now I got some, some of that college football house keeping out of the way. Now it's time for the real deal. Back for the college football, GBS 2024, pick 'em. And it says GBS pick 'em 2022 because John-- - Oh, I didn't even see the time travel the best. - Oh, back in 2022. Yeah, I didn't like that year that much. - Did you say that last year too? It may have because he-- - It's a template. - It is. - White possibly did, and we literally didn't notice for an entire year. - I didn't notice still right now. - Maybe there. - He uses the same template. So James, you know, James won 2023's pick 'em. - Good job, James. - Very square. And he said that he had told me that he was done with college football, right? 'Cause he didn't like the NIL stuff. I feel like a lot of stuff is going on. I don't blame him, okay? - Yeah, no fair. - A lot of things are changing. - And he also moved to the 12th Circle of Hell, which is Columbus, Ohio. - Oof, sorry, James. - He's still alive, though. He's still alive. I can, I can report this. - Gotcha. - And yeah, I texted him. I said, "Hey, you know, you wanna, you wanna play again?" Yeah, and he's like, "Yeah." - Yeah, I'm not as into college football as it was, but he goes, "Yeah, I'll play." - You can take the man out of the college football, but you can't take the college football out of the man. - You got, you exactly right. You exactly right. So I'm super excited. Lauren's got some new criteria we're going on. Sarah's picking differently. And I swear to God, if Sarah wins, I'm done forever. - I went to hold my breath. - James has got some fun takes on this week, for sure. - I read through them. - Excellent. - I laughed. So yeah, so let's just get this party started. Lauren, roll that die. Let's see what you got. - Okay, so folks, I've got some new criteria this year. I'm hoping that we get one of my nice new pick criteria. I'm gonna roll the dice. And oh, yes, I'm very happy about this because I got a number one. So that's gonna be with my new NIL deal. - Yes. - Trio of pick. So there's gonna be three criteria for name, image, and likeness. - I'm so excited about this. - So this is number one. This is the name, likeness, NIL deal name. Does the name inspire all or guffaw? So this will require me to do a bit of quick googling to find the name of the Clemson Tiger. - Okay, I'll go ahead and start. - Yeah, go ahead and start with you. - Yeah, Sarah and I will do a bit of quick research here. - Yes, and he may not have a name, so you may just have to go with like Tiger or whatever, but, but, but. - And George's is a good. - Yes, it is. - Yes, yes. - Okay, so, a lot of good games in week one. A lot of good match ups in week one. I had to pick four, and these are the four that I picked. So the first one, right out of the gate, which I think, I mean, this has got potential to set the tone for the rest of the season for definitely one of these teams. - Well, both of these teams, actually, to tell you the truth. And that's Clemson versus Georgia. So Sarah, I'm gonna start with you, and go ahead and, let's tell the audience how you are picking this year. - Yeah, I'm a little stinker. I decided to let chat GPT predict all of my guesses. - Swear to God, chat GPT wins, I'm done. Don't, the computers, the computers took her jobs. - I wouldn't, I wouldn't hold my breath because it's already fishy coming out the gate. So I'll just read you what I put in and what it spit out. I asked who will win next week's football game between Clemson and Georgia? And it said, predicting the outcome of a football game, especially between strong teams like Clemson and Georgia, is challenging and depends on various factors such as team form, injuries, and game day conditions. Both teams are usually competitive, so the game could go either way. Would you like an analysis of their recent performances and key match-ups to get a better idea? And I said, no, just the winner. And it said, predicting independent of winner, isn't possible, but if I had to make a guess, I'd say the game could be very close with either Clemson or Georgia potentially coming out on top. If I had to lean one way, Georgia, as the reigning national champion, might have a slight itch. So I'm picking Georgia. - All right. - Based on this lovely advice. - And that was, chat GPT. - Yeah, chat GPT. - The rest of them aren't that word. - Chat GPT really didn't want to be hammered down on that. Like they were really trying to avoid answering that question. - Yeah, but they didn't really want to come right out and say that they think Georgia is just going to dominate because they won last year. - Yeah. - I mean, I agree. I was going to pick Georgia anyway. - Right. All right. So, but that was some super milk toast fence sitting by chat GPT. - Yes. - All right there. - Okay. - So, Lauren, you got it down? - I got it down. - All right. - So the Clemson Tigers versus the Georgia Bulldogs. And as I did some quick googling and dear listener, if for some reason my fast Googles here are incorrect, we encourage you to put that there in the nook and we will get to it later. But my quick Googles have told me, quick Googles, have told me that the Clemson Tiger is simply called the Tiger. Like he doesn't have a name. So there is no name to this name image and likeness. It's just the Tiger. Of course, the Bulldog does have a name. It is Aga. And Aga is a real live Bulldog who has a name and a personality and is beautiful and perfect and wonderful. So of course, I am going with the Georgia Bulldogs. - Yes, run Aga, run. All right, so James, you got to love James. He makes me laugh, he makes me laugh so much. Some day James, we're gonna meet you in real life. - Yes. - All right, so he says, so you'll have to apologize for my lack of college football knowledge or care if I'm being honest. I have no idea what's going on. Who's good and who's not? Honestly, to tell you the truth, I don't pay attention in the off season. I'll tell you all that right now, I do not pay. So I don't know a whole lot of what's going on other than what I see on Twitter, but I don't pay a whole lot of attention like who's in, who's out. - I'm not doing a statistical analysis. - No, no, no, no. - I don't even think about it. - My Saturdays are now spent chasing a three year old around a gymnastics class, hoping she takes some semblance of a nap later in the day so she isn't mean to me. Ask Lauren, she knows the depth of crazy I'm dealing with. - I know where you are, James. You'll make it out, man. You'll be all right. - I'm picking clearly on vibes this year, so buckle up. All right, so he's taken Georgia. I don't know who Georgia has on their team. I kind of know that Carson Beck is their QB, only because he's on the cover of NCAA college football 25. I don't know if Clemson is any good any longer. Clemson assume ACC along with Florida State, and we know it happened to Florida State. That's my interjection. So if they kill another conference, it's one more reason for me not to care, but since they're trying to kill another conference, they can go pound sand. So yeah, he's definitely going Georgia. I think this is going to be a unanimous Georgia pick over here, you know, it's Kirby. Georgia is Georgia. Clemson, Dabo refuses to do anything in the portal. - And I hate him. - He's so, I don't know what his deal is. I don't know what his problem is. He's borderline, you know, refuses his NIL stuff. He refuses to play with the portal, I don't know. But yeah, I'm going Georgia right out of the gate. - I'll never pick Clemson unless ChatGPT tells me to, but I have my own sound minding body, but never picked Georgia. - So what, okay, here's a scenario. I'm going to set it up for you. - I've already thought of it, I think. - What if ChatGPT tells you to pick? 'Cause you know Tennessee's going to show up on this at some point, and Louisville's probably going to show up on it too. - Yeah. - So what's going to happen? - I mean, I have to go with what the robot says. I mean, whether I like it or not. - Yeah, whether I like it or not. See, I'm growing, okay. I don't have to always dunk on my nemesis, although who says that if I pick them, I still can't dunk on them, you know? - That's true, that's fair. - Yeah, that's just the robot talk. - The robot made me do it. - Yeah, okay, these picks are not of my own volition, but the opinions are. - Okay, fair enough, fair enough. Okay, second game up, I like this game, 'cause this is another FCS, FBS matchup, with a good FCS team. This is South Dakota State versus Oklahoma State. So Laura, I'm going to start with you, 'cause I think you got all your mascots laid out right now. - I've got them all. So the South Dakota State Jackrabbits versus the Oklahoma State Cowboys. And so this is, of course, based on name. So that Jackrabbits name is, well, it's super original, guys, it's Jack. And the Cowboys not to be outdone in the non-original naming convention, their Cowboys name is Pistel Pete. And why Jack the Jackrabbit is a lovely, two-the-smiling Jackrabbit there, and Pistel Pete does seem like a curmudgeonly old, greasy man. I do have to go with the originality of the name. Pistel Pete is at least an alliteration, and I got a respect to alliteration, so I'm going to go with Oklahoma State Cowboys, Pistel Pete. - Gotcha. Okay, so I asked chat GPT, predict the winner of the football game between South Dakota State and Oklahoma State. And it said, "For the game between South Dakota State "and Oklahoma State, Oklahoma State is likely "to be favored, especially considering "there are power five conference team "with larger talent pool. "However, South Dakota State is a strong FCS team "and could provide a tough challenge. "Still, Oklahoma State would generally be expected "to win this matchup, so I'm going to pick Oklahoma State." - Alrighty. - Just who I would have picked anyway. - Yes. So James is also going to Oklahoma State. He says, "Mike Gundy has a mullet and it's fantastic. "Gundy looks like a guy who's blaring slayer "out of his open garages. "He sits on an 80-style lawn chair, "and I could not agree with that more. "You know the kind of weird nylon "that's frayed on the edges, yes." - Yeah, so scratchy on the bum. - He has a fridge full of Guinness Creamail. Wow. - Wow. - That's the kind of guy I want to party with. You know what, that's kind of the guy I want to party with too. But, but because I'm an idiot and always do this and just why not go right out of week one, I'm going with the upset. Because I was rooting for Montana State yesterday against New Mexico and was sad when they fell behind. I was happy when they came back and won. So you know what, an Oklahoma State has a tendency to be real weird and lose the teams that they got no business losing to, and people think they're going to be awesome and then they come out and they just kind of crap the bed a little bit. So I'm jacking out on the jackrabbits. I set out, I set out, I set out, I set out, I set out. All right, so it was the next match up. This is going to be one of those games. Again, that I feel like is possibly a make or break game right out of the gate for both of these teams, right? Because people were saying Miami, the Mr. Meat Masters. Are really, really, really good. And Florida is possibly going to struggle and Billy could be gone. And Florida's schedule at the end. My, uh, brutal, brutal, brutal. All right, so it's Miami versus Florida. - All right, well, again, predict the winner of the football game between Miami and Florida. The Miami versus Florida matchup is typically a closely contested rivalry game. Florida and SEC team might have the advantage in terms of overall talent and depth. However, Miami has a strong program and certainly pull off a win. If I had to predict, Florida might be the slight favorite. But it could go either way depending on various factors like turnovers, key plays and coaching decisions. But because they said Florida could be the favorite, I'm going to go against my will and pick Florida. - Oh, okay. - I would have picked Miami. - All right, Florida's going to suck. - Well, you never know though, you never know. - I mean, Miami does have the power of the meat on their side. - They do. - They're master. - They're meat powered. So that meat powered team is of course the Miami hurricanes whose mascot is Sebastian the Ibis. And then Florida, their mascot being the Gators, which in my, uh, quick Google, I discovered that actually they have two Gators. They have Albert and Alberta Gators. - Yeah, it's been in one. - Yes, yeah. - It's a husband and wife, married Gator team, which I think is really sweet. And I mean, that's two Gators for the price of one. And while I do want to pick Miami a bit because of the Sebastian the Ibis is actually a really cool name, I mean, especially for an Ibis, like where on earth do they get Sebastian? I feel like they just randomly picked that. That's kind of awesome. The Florida Gators, Albert and Alberta, a little bit on the nose, but I love it that they have two. So I've got to go with the Florida Gators. - Maybe they were watching the little mermaid when they were thinking of the name. - Oh yeah, maybe. - I love Sebastian the crown. - Sebastian the crown. - Could be. - Could be. So James is called Miami on this one. So is anyone seen Florida's schedule? Good Lord, they might be better than the last year and still go five and seven yet. They got a murderous row at the end. It's insane. Then he and Miami who brought in Cam were the former Washington State QB. Dude is a stud and I'm hoping the stealer, the stealer smarting up and draft him or another QB next season. James, I hate to tell you, but that ain't gonna happen. We gonna be lucky to, I don't even want to talk about that team. God, they're terrible. I'm going to have to be exposed. I'm going to have to be exposed to 17 weeks of bad QB play. Yes, you are James, you and me both, buddy. Justin feels his a bomb. Yes, he is and Russell Wilson is cooked. Yes, he is based purely on the party scene. Give me Miami. Oh, I like that, based purely on the party scene. And this is a tough one for me to pick because I actually think, you know, Billy's trying to save his job. I think Florida's got some decent talent and you know, Miami screwed up so bad last year. You remember that? Where they're just going to take it? They should have taken a knee and they didn't and they lost that game and it's totally screwed them. Oh, that was all the way I called that. It was. Yeah, yeah, it was who I don't think, is he's still there? I don't even know. You know what? I'm going to go against all basic instincts. I'm going to go with the two of you and I'm going to go SEC in this one because I can't see, I can't with the ACC. Okay, Kentucky opens up the home season and the football season on Saturday at Commonwealth Stadium hashtag not my Krogerfield. 7.45 in the PM. It's crazy. What we out there at 9 a.m. Let's see if it's tailgate and the purple lot. But yeah, they're playing Southern Miss. Yeah, I don't know, but Laura, I'm going to start with you on this one. All right. So that's the Southern Mississippi Golden Eagles with Seymour Decampus, the Eagle. I had no idea. He has a full name, it's Seymour Decampus. And then of course, the Kentucky Wildcat, whose name may or may not be Scratch. Well, no, that seems that it's an unofficial name. So Scratch is a different mascot. Now, if this helps you, now let me help you out on this, okay? Well, I'll help you out. So Scratch is, was the Kids Club mascot? I don't think they have a Kids Club club anymore, but Scratch was like the official Kids Club mascot, okay? So if the Wildcat's just the Wildcat, but if this helps you, when I was in band, when John was in band in the 90s, we used to call the Wildcat Cat Head. So I feel like we should go with Cat Head, 'cause that's what we used to call the Wildcat. Well, and this is where I was going with this, because like Seymour Decampus, that is a cool name. That is hard to beat. And I feel like it might be, and Kentucky sometimes does this, have a tough time against a team right up in the gate. Yes. So this actually might be not only a hard name to beat, but a hard game to beat. But I will say, any mascot who has an alias, I mean, that just makes you a man of mystery. That makes you all the cooler, because this cat, he could be named Scratch, he could have no name and just be the Wildcat, or he could be Cat Head. He has a cat of many names, and I think this team is a team of many tricks, and I think that they are going to win this one. I'm gonna go with the Kentucky Wildcats. Oh, I like that logic, I like it. Yeah, maybe think of Cat of many colors. So Cat of many colors, like the logic. Yeah. Oh, it's short, I'm wearing it. Well, I was thinking the Horse of Many Colors from Wizard of Oz as well. Oh yeah, that works too. Yeah. Either way. Yeah, or the Jesus in the Technicolor dream come up, right? Joseph. Joseph, sorry, sorry. He's his dad. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Is it Jesus in that play? I don't even know. I've never seen it, to be honest. I've never seen it. Maybe he's in the end, probably. Well, I hope he is. He's everywhere. He's hanging around. All right. Well, to navigate away from that. Sorry. I asked my question, predict the winner of the football game between Southern Miss and Kentucky. And it said, in a game between Southern Mississippi and Kentucky, Kentucky as an SEC team, would generally be favored to win due to its higher level of competition and greater depth and talent. However, Southern Mississippi could still be competitive, but Kentucky would likely be the predicted winner. And the odds are that also looked him up. We're a 26 point favorite. OK. So that helps a little bit, too. So pick in Kentucky based on Chad GPT's recommendation. All right. So James says, Kentucky, who is going to be UK's QB? Well, it's the dude that transferred in from Georgia, whose name I can't remember right now. Brock Vandergift. Yeah, Brock Vandergift. Thank you, Sarah. Wow. But they'll be able to run the ball all over Southern Miss to Southern Miss even have a coach. I don't know. If they don't, they should go about 30 miles north and ask Billy Napier if you don't know who that is. You obviously have-- oh, I'm sorry. I think being Napier. OK. If you don't know who that is, you obviously don't watch HGTV. I do not. I hate HGTV. I love HGTV, but I don't get that reference. And that's a deep-- that's a deep HGTV. He says-- Oh, we're the term of the people from the two Mississippi people. Oh, I guess so. Yeah, must be. That would be with the-- Oh, yeah. I think those gains. No. We'll look it up. So he says, if you haven't been in hometown, apparently, he said that he enjoys it. So yeah, I don't like home improvement shows. Beyond, I like-- the only home improvement show I've ever liked is this old house because those dudes are actually skilled and real contractors. Yes, they are. Like, those dudes are real, and they know what they're doing. I love actually watching people really actually fix things. But yes, I agree. I don't like people just stapling hay to a wall and calling it home innovation. And he's talking about Ben and Aaron. OK, he just left the inn off. It just says, be Napier. Ben Napier. Be Napier. Not familiar with that. No, it's like, Billy, Napier's a Florida. Yeah. That's not a north of business. Yeah. All right, so I was telling John this the other day, because I just-- I told him I said, I have this feeling. And it's a feeling. It's just me. It's just me. It has no basis in reality, right? Most of my thoughts do not. But I just don't feel like Kentucky's going to have a good season this year. And I don't know why. I really don't. But I think it has to do with the fact that there has not been a lot coming out of that camp. You know what I'm saying? A lot of this off season, there hasn't been a lot of chatter on Twitter. There hasn't been a lot of talk about players. There hasn't been-- I just feel like it's been very quiet. Could that just be them holding their cards close to their chest? It could be, which is good. There just hasn't been a lot of chatter. Yeah, someone said that on the radio the other day, and they were like, well, to be fair, every time we haven't heard a lot out of camp, they've actually-- it's been their best season. Which I'm here for, right? I hope so. I'm here for it. And I'm picking Kentucky to win this game. I do think Lauren is correct in her assessment that it probably will be a slow start. Could be-- they always do. First game, whatever, to get a brand new dimmer switch in the stadium. But that's really pretty off. Blue, white, blue, white, blue, white. Well, and let's not forget that we've lost a southern miss before in the first game. Yeah, we have. We absolutely have. At home. Yes. So I mean-- It would be surprising, but-- Wouldn't be surprising me either. I hope not, basically, because I am going to spend my life on Saturday out there in the hot in the whatever. But yeah, I just-- I don't know about this team again, because there hasn't been a lot of chatter anywhere that I've seen. So maybe it's just because I don't pay attention to the right things. No, they've been keeping intentionally quiet from whatever. Which I'm for. I'm here for that, right? I mean, I feel like if you're keeping intentionally quiet, though, I feel like that's probably because there's something you don't want other people knowing. Yeah, that's fair. And it's probably not, like, incompetence. Because I don't know. I feel like whatever people don't have anything to show, they usually talk louder. Yes, I would totally agree with that. They focus on hype. Yeah, a lot of these teams, a lot of these teams, they come out and they're like, all this hype and all this. And then Florida State's focusing on this disrespect from last year, good Lord, let it go. And then they come out and get beat by Georgia Tech, great. So yeah, I don't disagree with that at all. So I'm helping. Maybe something special is happening. Yeah, I hope so. The same. I'm just going to wait and see. I'm picking Kentucky. All right, so that is the first week of the GBS CFB pick. I'm in the books. I'm here for Lauren's NIO criteria. I love it. And I swear to God, if chat GPT beats me, I'm done. And even if it doesn't win, if it just beats me, I'm done. Oh, so I've already changed it. Yeah, I'm done either way. So if it doesn't come in dead last, then you're done. Maybe. I don't know. Probably not. I'm going to be like James. And yeah, I just keep coming back for more. Yeah, I'm not going to be done. No. Everybody knows this. I can't college football is my thing. That's my thing. All right, you know what else is my thing is take her, leave it. Oh, yes. All right, so Taco Bell, man. Taco Bell trying to do so much stuff to just like stay in a game, right? And I should say it points like-- Are you expecting tacos? No, thank God. They're not that desperate. I will say like a RIP like adjacent to one of the original oldest taco tikos in Lexington. Closed its doors, very sad. Which one? The circle. Yeah, the circle road. Oh, that's the old one. Last one left is Pimlico. I thought there was one over on south. No, that closed. Oh, did that close to? Oh, my gosh. So I'm telling y'all, if y'all haven't had taco tico for the value, dang, is good. It is delicious. And I'm going to say, I may or may know, not know somebody who went and bought a giant, went to the taco tico that was closing. And or no, the taco tico on Pimlico. And bought an industrial-sized bottle of enchilada sauce. I'm not even kidding. I have the picture. All right. And it wasn't me. All right, but Taco Bell has decided to step into a time machine. And they're bringing back like a nostalgia menu. Right? So this is-- You're bringing back the dog. This is going to be-- Not to bring back the taco salad? No, I don't think so. But they're going to bring out back food items that were popular from the '60s through the aughts. Yeah. So let's see. This article, I did not read all of three, and I apologize. So fan favorite from five different decades, Tostato, which was an original menu item going back to the first location in 1962. From the '70s, the green burrito. From the '80s, the mexie melt. Oh, pretty mexie melt. From the '90s, the beef gordita supreme, which I'm here for that. If y'all never had a gordita supreme. And then finally, the caramel apple empanada. I love the caramel apple empanada. Oh my god. That was my second favorite thing behind the taco salad. Well, that's coming back. That's coming back. So Sarah, you're taking a leave in this Taco Bellness. Oh my god. Caramel apple empanada. No, that's a caramel apple I can get behind. Yeah. That's why a little break your teeth. I love them so much. It's just so crispy and fried and wonderful. It sounds delicious. I, of course, cannot have caramel apple empanada coz apple. But I do like the idea of it. And I like the rest of those items actually sound pretty good. I do remember the gordita, and I knew the gordita was popular. I myself never had a gordita. So maybe now is my chance. So yeah, I'm taking it. They sound actually like desirable menu items instead of like weird disgusting things that no one wants. So yeah, good on you Taco Bell for doing a gimmick that actually has edible food. Yeah. That's why I'm taking it. And that gordita is so good. Although I was a bigger Chalupa fan. I love the Chalupa. Man, that Chalupa Supreme. Oh, give me that all day or day. I think it's enough so she's on it. So good. But I do. I love the fact that instead of putting out some dumb cup, no offense to you personally, Sarah, because I know you're a big fan of the cups. But they actually brought back stuff that people remember. I mean, look how excited Sarah got about the Carmella and Panata, right? And the people want. So I feel like this is how you do nostalgia things. Yeah. And this is how you get people-- Bring the fresh back. Bring the people at once. That's what they have again. Exactly 100%. Yes. All right. So Doritos. I like Doritos. Oh, yeah. Doritos fan. Yeah, Doritos. Not so cheap. Doritos are where it's at. Well, those pickled Doritos that we had. I don't think you'll find me more. But man, they were so good. Cool ranch. Cool ranch is all of my favorite. I'm not a cool ranch fan. I love them. I love them. I love the Cool Ranch Taco. That's another Taco Bell, the top. Doritos. Yeah, the Doritos. So Doritos has got this limited edition Doritos mini's Cool Ranch 0 gravity flavored tortilla chips. They're designed specifically for consuming at 0 gravity. So they come in this little canister, right? OK. Yeah, they come in a canister. And of course, it's something that you're not going to be able to readily get. Only if you go to space. But they have partnered with St. Jude Children's Research Hospital as part of the partnership. Doritos is making a $500,000 donation to the hospital for its mission of the non-space variety. So this is kind of in a conjunction type of thing with St. Jude's. Let's see here. Truly grateful for your support. Blah, blah, blah, blah. If you're curious about what the space chips taste like and aren't we all-- and this is from Food and Wine magazine, actually-- Doritos is making some of the chips available for earthbound snackers to get in the running for a can. You'll need to make a donation to St. Jude. So that's not bad. Did you make a donation to St. Jude and you get a can of space Doritos? Well, you get in running for a can of space. Oh, you get to put your name into a raffle for a can of space chips. Exactly. Yeah. But yeah, they made these space chips specifically to go into space. So I'm guessing they don't crumble as much. I have no idea. There's not a lot of information. But the chips are scheduled to make their debut on space. X's polar is Dawn mission later this month. Yeah, so from what I know about space-- so I know more about space than I do about Doritos, possibly. And that in space, if you are in orbit-- No one can hear you scream. No one can hear you scream. Also, no one wants your crumbs. So crumbs are bad for space. I asked Taylor Simpson's episode. Oh my god. [INTERPOSING VOICES] Yeah. Also, her-- Protect the Queen. I believe this is pastrami sandwich, famously eaten on one of the Apollo missions and caused some issues. So you definitely don't want crumbly food. So chips are difficult in space. So I'm guessing these are either very soft Doritos, which sounds horrific, or perhaps they are bite-sized Doritos. Now, if they are bite-sized Doritos, which would be like a goldfish cracker-sized Dorito bite, I am here for that. That sounds delicious and also mess-free. I'm not going to end up with Dorito fingers on that one. So I am here for that if it's actually bite-sized Doritos. If it is a soft Dorito, that sounds revolting. No, thank you. Also, don't like whole ranch. So you need this in the nacho flavor if I'm going to be taking this. So I'm going to do is John hates, and I'm going to fence it. Well, you're in luck, Lauren, because you don't have to wait in line or in a raffle to get exactly what you're talking about, because they make them. And they sell them at all grocery stores. They're tiny Doritos. Yes, they're like a Pringle Stop can, and they're like-- Oh, which I'm betting that's what these probably are. And they're like little tiny Doritos, and they're nacho cheese flavored. Oh, wow. You could buy them readily. I need to get those. They got-- I think someone at work got them for me in my Secret Santa gift bag last year. Wow. I didn't know that Doritos technology has come so far. It has. It really has. So you can live out your dreams. I can live out my dreams of space Doritos. You can. I hate-- I mean, I don't hate giving a donation to a children's hospital. I would obviously not do that. I hate children's donations. I hate children, and they're awesome. I was joking. I do not. I do not. I do not hate them. It's a noble venture to make you donate to a children's hospital. But then you don't even-- you won't even guarantee the chips. You're guaranteed a chance to maybe possibly win the chips, and I'm not going to be in zero gravity. I'm not. I'm going to be right here on Earth, where there's a lot of gravity for my life. The appropriate amount of gravity. I don't have plans to go to Mars or the moon. So I don't know what I would do with zero gravity chips, you know? So I mean, I would maybe possibly give money to the children's, but I don't know. I mean, I could give it to them without having the-- maybe slightly chance to eat chips that would taste the same on Earth as I probably do in space. I'm going to offense it, I guess. Yeah, I'm going to take it for the charity aspect, because St. Jude is a worthwhile charity. Yes. That does a lot of good work. A lot of good work for children. But I'm leaving it for the fact that, yes, if there are many Doritos, you can already get them here on Earth. And you know what? I feel those people that are already up in space don't have space Doritos. And they're not coming back till February of 2025. And even then, they're not sure they can totally get them down, because I did not realize this, OK? Because I know nothing about space, but I'm not like in the space, right? So apparently, the space outfits that they were up there for on the Boeing, they can't just wear those back on the SpaceX. Like, you have to have a special space suit. And I guess it has to do with compression and all that kind of stuff, right? Also, the suits are specially made for reentry, as well. Yeah, I didn't realize that. You can't just wear jeans and a t-shirt to mirror space. No, it's a special clothing has to be worn in the event-- And I guess fire and water land. And I also guess the way that each entity crafter, whatever, that re-energy, atmosphere re-energy, differently, and there's all these mitigating factors. And even if they could get these people to space suits and get them on this thing, would they be the right size? How are they going to size them? I don't know. These people may just die in space. I have no idea. It's for real without space burritos. I mean, out space dreams? Seriously. But I feel better for them, because then they don't know how they're going to get out, because this thing, this Boeing thing, still stuck on the space station. On the side of the space station. It's your real mess, and I don't think that I want space burritos to be reminded of that. So I'm going to leave them. Yeah. All right, who likes Eggo Waffles? Lego my Eggo. Yeah, OK, fine. I haven't had one in several years. Well, maybe you would like Eggo Coffee better. So this is supposed to be designed to pair with the waffle. All right. So you got a couple of-- you got some different flavors. All right, it comes in five flavors. So you got blueberry Eggo Coffee, chocolate chip Eggo Coffee, cinnamon toast Eggo Coffee, maple syrup Eggo Coffee, and vanilla Eggo Coffee. So it's designed to pair with the waffle. Well, if you're pairing your coffee with an Eggo waffle, I feel like the primary flavor is bland and mass produced. So I assume that the coffee is also going to be bland and mass produced tasting. I don't know, Eggo waffles are fine. They're fine. But I'm not going to really go for one. I also probably won't really go for this coffee. There's lots of coffee brands out there that are delicious and fine and cheap. Support local if you're here in Lexington. Nate's Coffee is awesome and a superior product. But a pizza coffee can do you in a pinch. So yeah, I'm not going to go with the Eggo Coffee because it's probably gross. So I'm going to leave it. Yeah, I'm also going to leave it. I don't want a flavored coffee. I only drink coffee with a little bit of Stevia in it. So if I'm going to have something fancy or something flavored, I'm going to have a latte, not just a regular coffee. And I haven't had a Lego in many years, or a Lego, or an Eggo. I have a Lego of the Eggo. You have Lego to do the Eggo. I've not had an Eggo in quite some time. Can't imagine that I'm going to try one any time soon. And I'm definitely not running out to get the coffee. And the Eggos. It goes against my low carb diet. Fair enough. Yeah, these all these flavored coffees sound terrible. And I am also not a fan. I am not a fan. I'm not a flan either. I like flan, but I don't like flavored coffee. I don't like flavored coffee. No, I don't think I know. Coffee is necessarily. I am a two cup a day giant box Walmart brand French dark roast cave cup, that's exactly what I drink every single day. Seven days a week. I eat coffees. Yeah, coffee flavored coffees. If I'm going to go, if I'm going to go for something, maybe like, if I go to a Starbucks, like for like a super treat or something like that, I'm getting a non-fat caramel macchiato. That's usually my go-to. Vintain non-fat caramel macchiato. I'm a sugar-free vanilla latte, girl. Yeah, but no, I don't need this-- Cold brew sweet cream. Oh, OK. I don't need this Eggo coffee in my life. I don't put sugar in my coffee. I don't put cream in my coffee. Straight up, just drink it right out of the freaking coffee makers. Squeeze the beans. Coffee squeezes. Yeah, that's how I like it. Squeeze the beans. Squeeze the beans right in your mouth. Mr. Beatmaster, just squeeze the beans. Squeeze in those beans. Squeeze in those beans, that's exactly right. Eat. So I think everybody here we've established is a-- it fans of Chick-fil-A. We like to Chick-fil-A, is that right? Every once in a while. All right. Yeah, I think I've got a pretty sandwich coming now. OK, well, you know, they're a restaurant that serves a pretty good chicken sandwich. They do. And some other decent stuff. The breakfasts are pretty good, you know, like a chicken biscuit. Not bad milk shanks. Yeah, but for some reason, they've decided that they need to have a streaming service. What? Yeah. So they have been working with a number of major production companies, and this article is from Deadline. And I saw this on Twitter, and I thought it was fake. And so I didn't even pursue it. And then John sent it to me. And if he sends me something, and I'm like, OK, this is probably real. And it's from Deadline, which is a reputable website. Yeah. It's an industry website. It is. So Chick-fil-A has been working with a number of major production companies, including some of the studios to create family-friendly shows, particularly in the unscripted space. It is also in talks to licensed and acquired content. We hear that this includes a family-friendly game show from Glassman Media, the company behind NBC's The Wall. And Michael Sugar is Sugar 23, which is behind the series, such as Netflix's 13 Reasons Why. Deadline understands the show has been handed to 10-episode order. Yeah, so apparently, their Chick-fil-A is trying to get into streaming and TV for some reason. I'm going to leave that. I like their chicken. I don't know if they need to see their programming. That's how I'll say about it. Yeah. But yeah, just keep making the chicken. And then that's all you need is the chicken. And then keep making more of those mobile drive-throughs, where you can just order when you feel like it. And then you just go and take the little QR code at the beginning. And then you bypass every other person in the line, because no one ever uses it. So they give you free sandwiches to sign. All right. There are several things about Chick-fil-A that I love and value. I value their delicious chicken sandwiches and their processes of making their chicken. Also, they are a very clean restaurant. I value that. And their employees seem like nice, happy people who enjoy their jobs and who are very good at service. They also have a really good model for, yes, getting people in and out the door quickly. So I love all of this about Chick-fil-A. My love for Chick-fil-A stops right there. I do not care about Chick-fil-A's thoughts and feelings on the world, and I feel like a streaming service is going to be a way they can tell me about their thoughts and feelings on the world. I do not care about this. I want you to give me chicken and leave me alone. So I am going to leave this alone and leave it. Yeah. I do not need another streaming service. And unless you're going to have sports or something I'm interested in, I'm not interested. And you're a damn restaurant that has chicken sandwiches. Why you need a TV? You'll see McDonald's, I'll be Donald's TV, Arby's streaming service. Which I feel like if anyone was going to make us watch. Right? McDonald's TV, it would be McDonald's TV. I might watch an Arby's one though, not Arby's two. I might watch like some weird McDonald's, wrong McDonald's or-- Yeah, the meat master. I've watched some McDonald's horror thing with a Ronald or something, right? I mean, that could be OK. I'm pretty sure they had a cartoon in the 80s. So yeah, yeah, they did. Anyway, I think this is completely off-kilter, off-base. I don't even understand the point of this. And why would Chick-fil-A bother? Just make more fun sandwiches and better drive-throughs and spend your money on your restaurants. Not some dumb streaming service nobody wants. Yeah, we don't want to donate this. All right, well, that's going to do it for this week's take it or leave it. So Sarah, what do you think of your darling tangerine? Not Clementine. Oh, my darling tangerine. That's quite sour, very tangeriney. I didn't taste not one single cranberry or cocoa. And I guess the vanilla is supposed to mellow it out, but it is still quite sour. So if you like tangerines, check it out. I do, so it's fine. But it definitely is one note, even though I was supposed to have four things in it. That's a bummer. It's usually evil windows better than that. Yeah, maybe I'm just missing the cranberry and the cocoa. Yeah, that's possible. Yeah, but it is very tangeriney. Maybe they didn't want the cranberry and the cocoa to overpower the tangerine. Maybe the cocoa is supposed to act like the vanilla and kind of melt it out. Yeah, because it could be a lot more sour, but it's still pretty sour, kind of a substance. So the side street breweries, hello, rock view, they're sour ale with black currant, vanilla, and lactose. Definitely delivered what it promised. Black currant is one of those flavors that sometimes you get in places and you're like, OK, I taste berry, but I'm not entirely sure what the heck a black currant is supposed to taste like. This is uniquely black currant. It does not taste like any other kind of berry that I've ever had before. This really tastes like what I assume. I've never actually had just a currant itself, but what it tastes like a black currant would be. So I got a very unique berry taste to it. The vanilla and the lactose really cut the sour because it is quite a sour kind of berry, but the vanilla and lactose are right there. Right there, kind of in the middle and the end, with that nice sweet taste to cut through all that sour, it's super well balanced. It's very pleasant to drink. Highly recommend this. I would love to have more things from Street Side Brewery out of Cincinnati, Ohio because yeah, this was really delicious. I think currant are like stronger raisins a little bit. Yeah, kind of, but this was a different taste than that. OK, interesting. So I know whether maybe this was a strange version of a black currant or this was like, I don't know, I don't know exactly what voodoo they did in this camp, but it is definitely a very unique flavor of like a fruit berry kind of flavor. Cool. All right, so hardywood, parks, cookie, butter, beer, what y'all think? This tastes a lot like a winter beer to me. It's very spicy, super sweet. I get some coconut there for sure. It kind of, I guess it tastes like whatever those Girl Scale coconut cookies are. Oh, the Samoas, Samoas or caramel delights. Depending on where you live. Yeah, it's like that, but with a bunch of winter spices in it. And it's super sweet. I don't love it, but I appreciate that we were able to try it. And I do like the can. Fair enough. Yeah, I actually did kind of love it. Mostly because I am a huge fan, as we've found out in the last few episodes here, I am a huge fan of coconut beers. And you do not get a coconut beer very often. And this is a coconutting kind of beer with flavor. Also, I love cookie butter. Cookie butter is one of those things that I do not purchase. I did not allow it in my house because I will consume said cookie butter and an alarming rate because I love cookie butter. I love that, you know, cinnamon-y kind of wintery sort of cookie taste. And yes, it is kind of a more wintery sort of flavor profile, but it is a delicious flavor profile to me. And it pairs excellently with the coconut. Highly recommend, apparently, it is a rare beer. And I can see why it is a rare beer. So if you find this in the wild, dear listener, snatch it up and give it a try. Yeah, I got Christmas vibes off of it, too. But not a bad way. No. I mean, I liked it fine. But yeah, it definitely evokes to me that kind of Christmas cookie. Yeah, ginger-y. But liked a lighter, lighter version of it. Yeah, like a little nutmeg, a little clove. Maybe everything else I'm drinking is like sugary and that's increasing like that's making this feel more sugary. The sweetness. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, I think it's a good beer. I do. It's not my favorite, but it's not my favorite. Yeah, I think it delivered what it promised with the coconut and the vanilla and that kind of stuff. But yeah, definitely gave me a little bit more winter vibes. Yeah, yeah. It did not cool me down in any way or shape or form. No, unfortunately. So the Jester King handmade American IPA. I misspoke. I realize this. I misspoke at the beginning of the episode. I'm not a fan of APAs. APAs. American Pale Elves. This is just a standard IPA. OK, that's what that's what it is. That was my fault because when I read American IPA that immediately-- and I'm not a fan of APAs, yeah. They're just not-- there's two. Yeah, I don't know what it is about them, but I'm not a huge fan. But this is good. It was Hoppy. It was-- I mean, yeah, it was a solid 6.5% IPA from Jesher King in Austin, Texas. So there you go. Nice. All righty. You know what? I think we got a new episode of "Hiring Kentucky" coming up. We do. And I just spent a week in Gatlinburg. And I came back with-- I don't know if you'd call them goodies, but I came back with stuff for us today. I'm excited. Yeah. Yeah. I didn't show you what the goodies were. You did not. So you might not be excited. Oh, that's fine. But if you want to see and hear-- well, I guess not see. If you want to hear what we're talking about, or I'm going to see a picture of it. I'm going to put us on Twitter, Instagram, @hungreenky. You can email me, and you can find our show over other Wednesday wherever you get your podcast. Yeah, you went to Gatlinburg. And I went to what I am going to deem to be possibly one of the, if not the best, restaurant in Lexington. Oh, yes. Like just amazing. So good. Forget all this high-end crap. You're going to pay all the stakes and all this stuff. No, what this guy is doing is, if you're into Top Chef, and you're interested in that kind of food-- Really good. That's local seasonal. Farm to table. Yeah, that whole thing. Just amazingly beautiful dishes. Yeah. This, that's what this dude did. Simply perfectly made. Yeah, and I'm not going to say it here. You have to listen to the episode if you want to know. It's easier to use that, haha. But yeah, I'm going to deem it one of, if possibly not, the best restaurant in Lexington. Totally agree, and it's kind of a hole in the wall, and not everyone knows about it. Well, and again, it's one of those that you have to, to tell you the truth, you kind of have to, and Sarah, and I think you knew about it. What I heard about it. You had heard about it, but I didn't know about it until Lauren told me about it, and then-- We didn't know about it. Somebody else told them about it. So it's like, you got to know somebody who knows somebody who's been there, or whatever. Just find out about this place, because yeah, they are very small. It's legit. It is legit. It is legit. All right, so that is it. I almost hit the wrong buttons there. Good Lord. That was scary. Button confusion. It was button confusion. So yeah, so week one pecums in the book. Super excited college football is here. It's starting again. Come see us in a purple lot. We'll be there. You just look for the Tottenham Hotspur and the pirate flag, which we still haven't sold. No matter how much people offer us, we ain't going to sell it. Look for the blue and white Jolly Roger and the American flag and the Commonwealth and Kentucky flag. Look for those flags. We'll be there. Come see us. And keep spice out of my pumpkin. Yeah, if you're a pumpkin, I'm a pumpkin. Well, you can do that on Twitter at GRLS for your sports. We're on Instagram. We're on Facebook. We are on the fired up network on Apple Podcasts from Spreaker. We're on Amazon. We're on iHeartRadio. We're everywhere. Good podcasts are free. And we will see you next week. See ya. Bye. [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [BLANK_AUDIO]