Omega Church with Ronnie Allen

Stay Close | Tray New

1h 48m
Broadcast on:
08 Sep 2024
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Good day to you. This is Ronnie Allen, delighted that you're with us today, right here at Omega Church here in San Antonio. You can go to You can see the various social media platforms we use. Thank you for being with us today. We hope this message equips you to follow God's voice. We believe that if you're searching, today your search is over. Thanks for being with us and enjoy. Just ready to absorb what the kingdom of God has to offer. And you say, "Was that all you're looking for? Is that all you're looking for? Is what God has to offer? What Jesus has to offer?" When we seek Him, all the stuff, it all it's all added. Matthew 6, that's what the song is about. Seek He first, Him in His kingdom, His way of doing things, and then all of the stuff is going to be added. For us not to receive what Jesus has bought and paid for is to say that you don't receive, we don't receive what Jesus paid for on the cross because He totally, we don't necessarily seek the blessing, but we seek the blessor and the blessing comes. So for us not to receive it would to discount what Jesus paid for on the cross. I believe that there's a scripture that says that we discounted His vanity. I'd have to look it up, but I just feel like I've read that somewhere before, like we counted as, it's not important. He has blessed us with every spiritual blessing from the heavenly realm, from Him. Hallelujah. Glory to God. I encourage you, I encourage someone Wednesday night to write down what the Lord shows you what that means. What does that scripture mean every spiritual blessing from the heavenly realm? It's true, and I think, yeah, I did say, it's like to infinity and beyond. There's no limit. Hallelujah. Thank you, Jesus. We're going to get ready to honor the Lord with our tithe and our offering this morning. Amen. Hallelujah. Mr. Richard, principal Richard wants to give us an update about Ola. I'll make a leadership academy, and then I'm going to come back. Thank you. You may be seated. [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Thank you, thank you, thank you very much. Yes, thank our media team for putting that video together for me. As you can see, we have completed four weeks of school, and as you can see, we're working every day, we're learning every day, we're having a little bit of fun every day, and we work to view all our lessons and our conversations through the biblical world. We're on every subject, every novel, every story we're reading. We're connected to God's wonderful lens, and it's exciting, and I enjoy having those conversations with the students as we talk about things through God's lens and all that we do, and we have room for your students. If you want something different for your students, you want to alter their current course. Come see and talk to me about what's possible for your students, and about the investment in a Christian education. I've talked to you for months, they're going to learn. That's not the question, they're going to learn. They're going to learn something you need to decide as a family. What is your priority? Well, that investment that you're making in every second Sunday, but it's our first Sunday offering, but it's our second Sunday with a month, and I want to thank you for the opportunity for that, and your investments today ensure a generational impact and changing the lives of future children that come. We started, and I'm excited about it, I can clearly see the vision God has placed in our heart and where we're going from here, and we'll be able to think back one day. Remember when, remember when, when we just, and that's going to be exciting, so exciting. So, as always, I'd like to leave you with this. Why not us? Why not now? Amen. Thank you, Pastor Tre. All right, praise God. I'm telling you, Omega Leadership Academy or Ola, like we like to say, is going to make a lasting impact right here in our community, right here on the south side here in San Antonio, okay? The word of God says, don't despise the day of small beginnings, okay? Don't despise it. We're going somewhere, and we're going with God. We're in the flow, but what God is doing, amen, and so today's offering, the offering is anything that's above and beyond your, your tithe. We'll be going to Omega Leadership Academy and Expenses and, and everything that's going on with that. Can y'all throw that verse up there? Psalm 35. It says, "Let them shout for joy." Y'all, oh, you got it. I was waiting. I'm going to give y'all one more chance. Let them shout for joy and be glad that favor my righteous cause. And so that's what we're doing when we're investing in our children. We're investing here in our community. We are favoring God's righteous cause, amen? I believe it was David that said, whenever he was going to be going up against Goliath and, and Saul was telling him, well, you can't be doing that. And I believe it's David. I mean, it's still a good story even if it wasn't. He said, well, you can't be doing that. And I think he said, well, is there not a cause? Okay. There is a cause here. Amen. There is a cause. There is a, we've been warned about what our kids are getting taught in public school. Like Mr. Richard said, they're going to get taught something. Amen. So we're favoring his righteous cause. Let them say continually, how often? Continually let the Lord be magnified. And then as we're favoring his righteous cause, listen to what the promise is, which have pleasure in the prosperity of his servant. Amen. How many of you been born again? Then you've been enlisted into the army of God, therefore a servant of the, of, in the army of God. Amen. So you're serving. So he takes pleasure in your prosperity and in my prosperity. And when we sow our finances, whether it be to Ola or whether it be returning our tithe and offering to Omega church, that's what we're doing. We're saying, God, we are totally in favor of what you're doing in this ministry. We're in favor of it. So another, so if we're in favor of it, that means we're going to get in partnership with it. Amen. And so as you, there's all kinds of ways that y'all can, it's up there. You can give by the envelope system, the church app. I want to encourage everybody to get the church app downloaded. It shows you 10 minutes before service is going to start. It sends you a notification. If you're, if you're not able to be here in person, it gives you a notification that, hey, we're about to go live. Go live. And if you can't watch it, then that's a notification. You can pray right there at that time that God just has his way and that people's lives are impacted. We got to stop underestimating the power of the gospel to transform lives. Amen. What it's got to be about. Lies being changed into the image of his dear son. Amen. You can give online. It'll And when you write a check, make sure you write it out to Omega Church. Okay. All right. I'm going to pray. And then after I pray, y'all bring y'all's offering. Worship team's going to sing this awesome song again. And we're going to worship God with our tithe and our offering. Father, we bless you. And we honor you, Lord God. We're in favor with your righteous cause. We thank you for everything that you're doing in our lives. We just ask that you take it and receive it into your kingdom and the mighty name of Jesus, and that you would cause it to increase into our lives. In Jesus' name, everybody says, amen. Everything I need, everything I need, my Father has it, my Father has it. Oh, every single time, the Lord will provide, my Father has it, my Father has it. Oh, everything I need, everything I need, my Father has it, my Father has it. Oh, every single time, the Lord will provide, my Father has it, my Father seeks first the kingdom and its treasures. Everything else it will be added. Oh, that I'm needed. I know the Lord will provide. I know my God's not minty handed. He gives us blessing upon blessing, and I'm still believing. I know the Lord will provide. Oh, I know the Lord will provide. I know the Lord will provide. Thank you, Jesus. We first heard that song up at Colorado with Matthew and Daisy, up at Echo Church, and kind of been on repeat in our household off and on, you know. But when we first heard us like, no, that's that, you know, God's on it. Amen. Father, we bless you and we honor you. We thank you for your word today. I think that it will be sewn into the good ground of our heart. In devil, I serve notice to you, you will not steal it away in the name of Jesus, but it will produce much fruit in our lives. In Jesus mighty name. And everybody says, amen. Get somebody a high five. Say, I hope you're ready. I know y'all are. Good to see everybody this morning. Y'all look beautiful. You know what makes you beautiful, the anointing. Amen. It makes you beautiful. Amen. We're beautiful in the sight of God. We're going to have a good time today. We may laugh. We may cry. I really don't know yet, but you know, I know it's all going to be good. Pastors send their love. You know, they want to be here. Neat and I want them to be here. So I know y'all do too. Neat had me take some food by their early. What day was it? It was Friday. Say she knows more about our life than we do. Oh, okay. And so I went by there, you know, just visiting with Pastor and, you know, I try not to get into anything, you know, deep or heavy. You know, we're just trying to keep the level down, you know, and started talking about, you know, just a little bit of, you know, how things are going and everything. And I said, well, you know, we want you to take your time, you know, getting better, but you need to hurry up about it. And I was teasing, but I told mom, I said, well, teasing, but we're really not teasing. But no, we do, he's doing good. You know, it's going to, it's going to, it's going to be a process. And so as a church and as leadership and everything, we just have to, we're just available. You know, it's causing all of us to stretch. And that's a good thing, causing all of us to operate in, in gifts and talents that maybe we didn't know we had. They've been buried down there real deep. Well, now they're getting, they're getting dug, they're getting dug up, getting exposed. Okay. 180, y'all can go ahead and be released. Hallelujah. With need and I being, not being, having to be available or not able to be available for, for 180 small groups. So that's caused, that's called Richard and Irene to have to step up and Warren and Raquel. And so, so the rotation is not, you know, we don't get to rotate as much now, but it's causing everybody to rise up. I remember one thing, I remember one thing Pastor told me whenever Nita and I, we went in the long, it's been a long time ago. We went to help with Blanco Cowboy Church. I think we just had Uriah and McKinsey, right? And, and asked him, you know, because they were needing some help over there. Their pastor had left and, you know, need enough, you know, we knew that we had a call to God on our life and talked to pastors about, he said, no, you need, you need to go, you need to go do it because he said, what it's going to cause you to do is going to cause you to go in to dig deep at a, at a different level. Because when you're having to go two times a week to go minister, you better have something to minister on. You better know what and you better know something, right? And so it causes us to get into the word. So anything that you may be asked to do here at Omega Church, know that it's God trying to take you to another level and to get you into somewhere where you never been before, to get you into the, into the word. And another thing about getting involved, listen, when you get involved, you got to be committed. Okay, so getting involved is for your good. I'm going to say it again, getting involved is for your good because when you're committed and you're going to come and you're going to sit underneath the word. Amen. Hallelujah. This is good news. It really is because I've always said, I said, I'm at the right place at the right time doing the right thing with the right people. Right here at Omega Church. And there's no place that I'd rather be. Sometimes our flesh doesn't feel like it, doesn't feel like being here. But once I'm here, there's no place I'd rather be. Amen. You should say that. There's no place I'd rather be. Come on. Y'all can do better. There's no place I'd rather be. Well, heaven, you know, heaven. But, you know, Bible says to occupy till he comes. And so that means we're here doing business. What kind of business are we in? We are doing kingdom business. Amen. I have, Lord gave me a message. Thank God. The title of today's message is going to be stay close. Stay close. So just like you need to pay very close attention today, if you're going to get anything, you need to stay close. All right, let's say that. Say I'm going to stay close. One more time. I'm going to stay close. Okay. Back whenever I was a little boy, y'all don't get offended about this. Okay. I know that we're in the city. So don't get offended about this. This was just my lifestyle and how I was brought up. Some of you may understand and some of you may not. But when I was a little boy, my dad would hunt coons with dogs, right coons, you know, you know, I'm talking about the ones that are getting in your, getting your trash and everything right now and causing all kinds of havoc. Well, when I was in elementary school and part of junior high, I think my dad, he hunted coons with dogs and we had hounds everywhere. Black and tan hounds, tree and walker hounds, blue tick hounds. We had all kinds of hounds around the house. Okay. And my mom was okay with it because she likes animals and dogs. And so I think after a while, she got a little tired of it because they would dig holes everywhere around the house and you'd step in the holes all the time. But he would hunt coons. Now, he just didn't hunt coons because it was something fun to do. And that's what a lot of people do now. It's just something fun to do. He did it to make extra money for our family because the hides would bring money. Okay. And whenever the hide buyer was in town, then he would, he would sell the hides and, you know, make some extra money. So that's, that's what he did. He would call the ranchers and stuff around and see if he could go hunt. But anyway, me and my brother would go with him sometimes and go hunting. Now, when you hunt coons, you do it at nighttime when it's dark. And sometimes at nighttime, it gets foggy. And my dad would, we'd be going with the flashlight, but most times he was the only one who had the flashlight. Babe, can you hand me a clean ex? He's the only one who had a, who had a flashlight. But he would say this. We'd be going down a trail and he would say, boys, stay close. Stay close. In other words, stay close to me and everything's going to be all right. Everybody say this, say, stay close. And everything's going to be all right. I mean, the God's been unfolding this thing to me that this morning, actually coming throughout the week, but he just revealed this part to me, reminding me about this, about my dad. And he'd say, stay close. Why was he saying stay close? Because it was dark. Mm. Mm. Stay close because it's dark. And he's got the light and he knows where to go. And also, there's rattlesnakes, could be a rattlesnake in a trail. That ought to get, that ought to hit somebody. Sometimes there's snakes in the trail. But if you stay close, going to be all right. So I knew that I knew that I knew that if I stay close to my dad, then everything was going to be all right. Everybody say stay close. Ephesians five says this. It says, it says be imitators of God as what? Dear children. Everybody say that say be and imitator of God as dear children. Okay, so I would imitate my dad because I was close to him. So I would walk right where he was walking. Follow him exactly the way that he told me to follow in the dark. Now I wouldn't be able to do that if I was not what? Close to him. You will never imitate God without staying close to him. Got to stay close. Not that you got to. You don't have to. You have your own choice. But you want to stay close to him. I wanted to stay close to my dad. Now a funny story, my dad had a hunting lease up in Rock Springs for a little while whenever I was about the same age. For that's where we'd go hunt dear. And y'all know in Rock Springs that the territory up there, the terrain is really rough. I mean there's hills and there's valleys and it can get really rough. There's headers and there's canyons and all kind of stuff. Well I was hunting with my dad one day. One morning is real early. And you know, of course, around my family, whenever you go hunting, they're always trying to review and tell you all this kind of stuff. So I'm sure they were telling us stories, me and my brother's stories about mountain lions and stuff like that that are up there. They're up there. You very seldom see one, but they're there. And so my dad did that. Come on, stay close. We're hunting. And I'd watch everything that he did. I would step everywhere he steps. And if I stepped wrong, he would go. He'd look back. If you just stepped on the wrong twig or something, he'd be quiet. We're going somewhere. It may take me a little bit to get there, but we're going somewhere. And he'd say, you know, stay close. And then this particular time, he set me on the edge of a canyon where we could see a header, but the canyon kind of went around this side of the mountain. He said here, stay right here. I'm gonna go right around. I'm gonna look down into this header over here and see if there's any deer. And I know what I must have been thinking, mountain lions, whatever else, you know, in my mind. And you said, you told me, stay close. And so he leaves me there. But how many of you know that he left me in a safe spot? Okay. And so he went around and it wasn't too long. Need has heard this story before, I think. My dad starts hearing something. And he's like, man, is that a mountain lion or what is that making that? Well, it was me because I started crying. I started crying because I thought that he left me. I thought he left me there to die. How many of you ever felt like that God's left you? But maybe he's just going around the corner making a way where there seems to be no way. Amen? My dad didn't leave me. He left me in a perfectly safe spot. God has not left you. He hasn't left you. Everybody say, stay close. In Isaiah 26 verses 3 through 4, I want to read it out of the King James version. Everybody say, stay close one more time. Y'all, if y'all don't get anything else, y'all are going to know to stay close. Isaiah 26 verse number 3 through 4, it says, doubt will keep him in perfect peace. Everybody say perfect peace. Whose mind is stayed on me because what? He trusts us in me. So he will keep him in perfect peace. Everybody say, God will keep me in perfect peace as long as my mind is stayed on him. What does this word, well in verse number 4, it says, trust ye in the Lord forever, for in the Lord Jehovah is everlasting strength. So what does this word stay mean? And here I believe it's used in a verb in a verb manner. Stay means to remain in the same place or remain in a specified state or position. So in other words, it means to remain. It means to stay there. That's exactly what it means to stay. Or I like to say, a posture, to posture yourself to remain no matter what comes along. And why are we able to posture ourself to remain and to stay because we do what? We trust in him. We trust that he's never going to leave us. He's never going to forsake us. He's always going to come through for us each and every time. Amen. And that peace of God that surpasses all understanding, it comes because our mind is in a fixed position. In a fixed position. Because the enemy is always going to come to mess up your soul, your mind, your will, and your emotions. That's where he's going to try to cause confusion. Your spirit man knows, and you're born against spirit knows that God will never fail you. But it's our emotions that get in the way of us being able to walk in all the fullness that God wants for us to walk in. Okay. Everybody say, stay close. In the amplified version, it describes this word stay as to be steadfast, to be steadfast, committed, and focused, to be steadfast, committed, and focused. How close we are to God is really up to us. It's really up to us. Me staying close to my dad and being an imitator of what he was doing was really up to me. I could have not followed. I could have hung back and then I may have got lost because the further you hang back when you're coon hunting and you get away from the guy that got the flashlight, it can get dark real quick. My dad, you know why my dad didn't want us holding the flashlight? Maybe we're like this as children also towards God. We're holding the flashlight and we're shining it everywhere. And we're just like squirrel, and we start going this way, squirrel, we start going this way, we start getting our own ideas, our own adventures, and we get what? We get off track. Man, thank you Jesus. So how close we are to God is really up to us. It's a decision we must make. How much of our life or really willing how much of our life are we really willing to invite him in on? How much of our life are we really willing to invite him in on? This is a question that has to be answered. Because you know, we'll let God have part of this life, part of our life here, but over here we don't want him to have that life. Because we're enjoying this, our flesh is enjoying this, and y'all have to make that decision on what that is. But if we will invite him in on every area of our life, let me tell you what, when you do that, you're telling God I want to stay close to you. I'm going to let you in on every area of my life. Even those dark, deep corners of our life that nobody knows about. And we've got to let him in on that. And we do that by inviting him in to shine the light in on that area of our life so that we can be delivered so that we can walk the way that God wants us to walk and so that we can imitate him. We can be followers of Christ, be imitators of God like dear children. We really have to become more childlike. We really do. We have to become more childlike. Whenever my dad was telling me, hey, stay close and follow me. I didn't ask any questions. I just done it. I just done it. But as we get older, we think we get smarter. Right? Especially I got real smart when I was in my like 18, 19, 20, all the way up to my 30s. I thought I knew better than my dad. I thought I had all life figured out. I thought that I was smart. I thought that I was intellectual. Well, that happens as we're following God too. We start trying to intellectualize everything and try to describe everything and try to have an explanation for everything that God does. And whenever we do that, whenever we try to have an explanation for everything that God does, then that takes the wonder and the awe of God away. Because when we're a child like I have a, when I was a child, I have a wonder and are all about my dad. A wonder and an awe. I don't try to explain everything. No, he's my dad. We have a father in heaven who, if we have awe and, and, and we just have awe and fear of him and not try to explain everything, it keeps him up here. Our human nature wants to try to explain everything. We know we're just supposed to trust him. Follow him. Y'all are being real. Y'all are being so quiet. There is. Sometimes we just got to be reminded about this stuff. Quit trying to explain everything. There's so many things in our life needing us life that I don't know. I don't even try to explain it. I just thank God. Some people may not believe it. Just like some people may not understand how you gave your life to the Lord and how you know that you're saved, how you know that you know that you know, that you're a child of God. No. No. I don't know. I just know it. I know it because the word says it. I know, but that because there's something that has happened down on the inside of me that I know that I know that I know that I am a child of God. Now, and there ain't nobody, no devil in hell, can steal that away from me because I know that I know that I know. And then to go on from there, when you receive Jesus Christ as your personal Lord, save me now, you're qualified to receive the baptism of the Holy Ghost with the evidence, everybody say the evidence of speaking in other terms as the Spirit of God gives you utterance. I know that I know that I know this is real because I've experienced it. You can't steal that away from me. Well, how does God do that? I don't know. I don't care. I just know he done it. I don't know how a gentleman prayed for me. This is before needing I met. My back was hurting. And he said, sit down there, set me in a chair and put my legs up. He said, well, you're out of line. You got one leg longer than the other. And he said, watch. This is when I learned about watching and praying. I was a brand new believer, but I was like a child. I didn't care what people thought. I knew if God said it, God said by the straps of Jesus, I'm here, then that's just the way it is. That's the all and the wonder of God. He sat there, he said, watch it. And he just held my feet like that. And he started praying a little simple prayer. And my watch, my foot grow out. I don't know if it grew out or if, and I felt something in my hips. I don't know how that happened. I know it's by the name of Jesus. Amen? Everybody wants to try to figure everything out. And then what happens is you'll receive something from God and then you'll start, well, how'd that happen? You'll start questioning what happens and then you let the enemy steal it from you. You know what? When that happens, just repent. Believe God again and keep walking in that healing or in that deliverance or in that promise. Amen? Hallelujah. Thank you, Jesus. So how much of our life, I don't know, whenever I wrote that down, it sounded a lot better than it does. How much of our lives are we really willing to invite him in on? How much surrender and how much yieldedness? How yielded are we going to be? Whenever we say yes to God, whenever we say yes to God, did we say yes here and no over here? Or did we say yes over here, but really God, I really meant yes only when it's convenient. So how much are we willing to surrender our life to God? And it's up to us. It's really our choice. James 4.8 says this. It says, "Draw near to God," and then what? He'll draw near to you. Everybody say, "Stay close." One more time. Stay close. Staying close is drawing near. Amen? God has already made his choice. You say, "Well, I thought God was just going to be close to me no matter what I did." Yes, he's always there. He said he would never leave us or forsake us. He's always there, but it's just a matter of how much of our life are we going to allow him to be part of? That's what surrender is. It means total. It means it's done. I'm giving you my whole life. I'm surrendering to you. So draw near to God and he'll draw near to you. God's already made his choice. Proverbs 18, 24 says this. It says, "He's a friend that sticks closer than a brother." So brother, he's sticking close to you. I've had some friends before that said, "Man, I'm going to stick with you. I'm going with you wherever you go." But you know what? Maybe I didn't value that friendship. Y'all getting this? Maybe I didn't value that friendship and I kept them at arm's length. Keep them away. They wanted to be a blessing to me. They wanted to be part of our life, but maybe there was just something that I just didn't want them to be part of my life. Maybe God put them there to be in my life, but I didn't value the relationship. You know there's many marriages right now that are like that? Holding off because you don't value that relationship. And so it has everything to do about value. Do we value that God is a friend that sticks closer than a brother? Do we value that relationship? I'm not trying. This is supposed to be light. I'm not trying to be mean. He's a friend that's sick closer than a brother. Romans 5, 8 says God has proved his great love for us that while we were yet sinners Christ died for us. So he proved his love towards us that he wanted to be close to us that while we were yet sinners, while we were yet hostile towards him, he still went to the cross for us. That's how much he has proved his love towards us. The Bible says no greater love than this than a man lay down his life for his brother. So he has proved it. Amen say he's proved it. Romans 5 also says this, says nothing shall separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus. Nothing shall separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus. "Everything that grace has made available has to be received by faith." So if this is the case, everything, and I know it is, everything that grace has made available, what Jesus went to the cross and paid for, everything that he did, he did it for us so that it could be available to us. And that's grace making it available. It takes faith to receive what grace has made available. And this includes the love of God. You know that we can absolutely reject the love that God has towards us. We can not value it and we can hold it off. His love is still chasing us down. And I'm going to prove this here in just a little bit. His love is still chasing us down. But we're not slowing down enough to receive the love that he has for us. And so we're just like holding him off at arm's distance. And he's trying to chase us down. Trying to chase us down and say, "Hey, slow down long enough. Let me be, let me come with you. Stay close." In other words, he's saying, "Stay close to me. Let me be close to you. Draw near to me and I'll draw near to you." So we can absolutely reject the love that God has for us. Everybody say this, say, "Let's get close to God." Let's get close to him. How do we get close to him? There's going to be some of the answers, the questions that we're going to be answering over the next couple of Sundays. But let's go to Psalm 91. I want to read it first out of the King James. This is a, I know all y'all know Psalm 91, right? Verse number one says this, it says, "He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most high shall abide." Everybody say abide. Shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. Shall abide. That word, that word dwelleth there also, it also can mean he that abideth in the secret place. He that abideth in the secret place and let's go to the, I want to read it out of the passion translation. I always forget in the passion that Psalms are at the back. Thank you Jesus. So verse number one, it says, "When you abide under the shadow, under the shadow of shall I, you are hidden in the strength of God most high." And so it's up to us. Remember I said, it's up to us on how close God is to us. It's up to us. It's a decision that we have to make. And so it says, "When you abide under the shadow of the Almighty." And so it's a place that we need, that we want to stay is abiding in him. Is that right? When you abide under the shadow of shall I, you are hidden in the strength of God most high. So abiding means to stay close. Actually abiding means this. It means to make your home live or dwell. So we should live in that place that's close to God. And not ever move away from there, in every area of our life. To abide means to make your home there. To stay there. Going to church once in a while, praying sometimes, I'm going to get on your own case now because God was getting on my case. So he's getting on my case, I'm going to get on yours. Going to church once in a while, praying sometimes, worshiping sometimes, reading my Bible sometimes is not abiding, is not living at. It's not dwelling there. That is called visiting. It's called visiting. I go visit my parents now. I don't live in dwell there. I go visit. So praying sometimes, going to church sometimes is not dwelling there. That is called visiting. Are y'all getting it? Okay, but we're going to stay close, right? We're going to stay close. We're going to make a decision today that we're going to stay close to God. Let's go to John. You're talking about abiding. I know that you're about to go to John 15. Yes, let's go there. John chapter 15, and I'm going to read the rest of this, and then we're going to finish up and save some for next Sunday. Let's go to John chapter 15. And I know that this is just like kind of simple stuff. You say, you say, Trey already know this stuff, but it's a good reminder that we should be abiding. What does it mean to abide? Verse number one, it says, I am a true sprouting vine, and the former who tends to vine is my father. This is Jesus talking. He cares for the branches connected to me. Now this is a verse of Scripture right here that in the King James, it says that the branches that don't bear fruit, that he cuts them off or he takes them away. In fact, let's go over there, because I want y'all to have some revelation on this. Let's see, John. Verse number two, it says, "Every branch in me that beareth not fruit, he takeeth away." Now I've always took it as like, well, he's just going to cut you off and he's going to throw you into the fire. But that's not really what it means right there. It means that it really means, I don't know how they got lost in the translation, but it did. It really means that God's going to take you up and listen to the way it says in the Passion. It says, in verse number two, "He cares for the branches connected to me by lifting up and propping up the fruitless branches." Are you getting that? And so whenever it says that he's taking those branches up, no, what he really means is that he's encouraging them to become fruitful. He's encouraging them that you can do all things through Christ who strengthens you, that you're more than a conqueror. He lifts those branches up that aren't bearing fruit and says, hey, you know what? You can in me, you can now begin to bear fruit, bear fruit for the kingdom of God. Now, this is really setting me free because I've never seen this until this morning. And I know that this is the whole reason right here that God had me go into this line of abiding right now, to go into this vein, because he wants every believer to see that right there. That if you're not bearing fruit, let me tell you what, he's there to encourage you. The grace is available to help you do with these, what you can't do on your own. The power of God is available to help you bear much fruit in him. Don't need to be saying amen to that because it's so good because so long religion has taught us, if you're not bearing fruit, you're going to be cut off. And God's done with you. No, God is not done with you. There's areas of your life that God wants you to bear fruit in. Amen? Does this set anybody free? Maybe, maybe y'all already knew it. Maybe I'm just behind. I don't know, but I don't think I am because religion will teach you that right there, that if you're, that if you're no good, you're going to hell and God's done with you. No, God is not done with you. He says, I'm going to prop you up. I've given you my son Jesus and you can do all things through him, he strengthens you. If you will just surrender your life to him and come close to him and say close to him. Thank you Lord for that revelation. He cares for the branches connected to me by lifting and propping up the fruitless branches. But listen, okay? Now you say, well, I'm bearing fruit. Let's see what happens to those up or bearing fruit, okay? He lifts up the fruitless branches and pruning every fruitful branch to yield a greater harvest. So those that are bearing fruit, he says, you know what? I'm going to do some pruning on you. I'm going to cut some limbs back, not to hurt you or to cause you trouble, but I want you to bear more fruit. I've been through some pruning season and I know that I know that I know because I've gone through need and I've gone through these pruning seasons has caused us to bear more fruit. We're going through one of them right now. This is a pruning season. He's saying, no, I need you to get close to me. Let's cut some things back. Let's stop doing this over here. Let's get focused on the kingdom of God and what he's doing. You and I, but I'm not just putting it off on y'all, we need to get our priorities right and start taking care of kingdom business. The stuff out there in the world, yes, I know you got to work. I know you got to do those kind of things, but it's time that we start seeking first the kingdom of God and start getting close to him and start letting him put his plans and his desires and his purpose is down on the inside of us. Amen? Because really nothing else matters. Nothing else matters in this world except my relationship with the Father. And that's what this whole John chapter 15 is about. Let's keep reading. So he prunes us those that are bearing fruit so that we can yield greater fruit. The words I have spoken over you already have already cleansed you. So you must remain. You must what? Remain or you must stay or you must live in. You must dwell. Everybody say I'm remaining. So you must remain in life union with me for I remain in life union with you. So he's telling us, hey, remain engrafted in me abiding in me because I've already made a decision that I'm remaining in you. So God has already made his decision. He proved it by going to the cross for I remain in life union with you for as a branch severed from the vine will not bear fruit. So your life will be fruitless unless your life unless you live your life intimately join to me. My grandparents, they lived in my mom's side. They lived in Jordan, Texas. And in their backyard, they had pecan trees. And when I was little, there was some big pecan trees there, but yet there was some smaller pecan trees. And one day I was looking out there and they had some of the smaller pecan trees, but they had it look like a limb was wrapped up. It was wrapped kind of down close towards the trunk of that pecan tree. And it looked like pecan leaves, you know, that was on that. And that's when I learned about grafting. My grandparents talked me about tree grafting. I don't know everything about it, but all I know is that is if you want a specific kind of pecan that you want to kind of pecan, you want to harvest off of, you can graft that pecan tree onto another one, graft it by cutting it and putting it on there and taping it up. And then that branch will grow the type of pecan that you want that you're desiring. But that limb, if it wasn't grafted on there properly, it would do what? It would die. But if it's joined in there correctly, then that branch will live and it will bear the fruit or the harvest that my grandparents desired. Now, the only difference in us being grafted in to the kingdom of God or being grafted into Jesus is that we don't bring our own fruit. We don't bring our own abilities. That's what grafting of pecan does because maybe you have a native pecan. I'm doing biology class. If you have a native pecan, they're little pecans. But if you want a big paper shell pecan, then you graft that paper shell pecan limb onto the native pecan limb and then you get big paper shell pecans. But it's opposite in the kingdom. We're grafted into him. And so we're grafted into that root and then we bear his fruit. We bear his life. Amen. This is so good. Is this something body free? I know it is me because I'm staying close to God. I'm grafted into him and I'm going to bear his fruit. What is his fruit? Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. That's the last one we don't like, self-control. That's the fruit we'll bear. So for as a branch severed from the vine will not bear fruit, so your life will be fruitless unless you live your life intimately joined to me. I am the sprouting vine and you're my branches as you live in union with me as your source. Oh, faithfulness will stream from within you. Faithfulness will stream. Why is faithfulness going to stream from within you because you're attached to the vine? You're abiding in the vine and if God is faithful then that's going to make you faithful. It's the fruit of the Spirit. Faithfulness will stream from within you but when you live separated from me you are powerless. So in him I have his power, outside of him I'm powerless. Abiding in him I am fruitful and I can expect some pruning. In him I'm fruitful but outside of him I am unfruitful. You see it's all about how much of our life are we willing to surrender to God? How close are we willing to allow him to come into our lives? And this is a question that all of us have to have to answer because it's our decision. God has given us our own free will. He said, "I've set before you life and death, blessing and cursing. Choose life that you may live, you and your family." So God is not a dictator. He wants us to invite him in in every area of our life. In fact he says, "I'm standing at the door of your heart and I'm knocking." If he's knocking, he's not busting down the door. He's saying, "No, I've made all this available to you. Why don't you just open the door and just let me in?" God is knocking on the door of our hearts this morning. And he's saying, "Hey, invite me in to have a close personal, intimate relationship with you and he'll make your life bear fruit." Amen. Hallelujah. I'm going to save some more for next week. I feel like that we need to get into what is a biting in him look like or what is our life going to look like whenever we are close to God. And I believe there's some examples in the Word of God that are going to give us a picture of what it looks like to when somebody is abiding in him. I believe that we all know the story about Mary and Martha. Neither talked about it on Thursday. Martha gets a bad rap sometimes. I don't think she should, but it says in the Word that Jesus said that Mary has chosen the better thing. What was she doing? She, at that moment in time, at that very moment in time, Jesus was saying that all your works that you're doing for me right now, all everything that you're doing is not going to surpass abiding in him and listening to... Mary was sitting at his feet and listening to his words. I don't have time to get into all that, but we know him in... I think it's Matthew chapter six, or five or six somewhere around an era, whenever the disciples asked Jesus to teach us how to pray, and that's where the Lord's prayer come from, but I really shouldn't be called the Lord's prayer. That's how we should pray. It said, "Go into your most secret place and shut the door and pray to your Father in heaven." He sees in secret and all that, but we'll get into that. There's an intimacy that God desires to have with you, but we have to allow him to come in. And out of that intimacy and out of that time and being in the presence of God is where we gain our strength. It's where we become strong in him and in the power of his might. It's in that secret place, and that's how we become intimate with him. And in those intimate times, then it's so much easier for the rest of the day for us to allow God and for us to stay close to him. In every moment of the day, we can stay close to God. Every moment. There's sometimes we step out of the moment, but God never left. He's still pursuing us. A moment of rage, a moment of attitude, we just stepped out. We just stepped out of him from being close with God. No, God's still, he's still there. He's still a friend that's six closer to than a brother. He's still never leaving us or forsaking us, but no, we stepped away. Hallelujah. Thank you, Lord. Let's pray, Richard. Thank you, Lord. Thank you, Jesus. God is so good. And he has given us every spiritual blessing in the heavenly realm. He has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly realm. Every spiritual blessing, hallelujah. Thank you, Lord. Glory, glory, glory, glory, glory, glory, glory. If y'all would just close your eyes and just turn your attention to the Lord. I'm here to tell you, he loves you with an everlasting love. He's not mad at you. He doesn't correct us to try to destroy us. He corrects us so that we can bear much fruit. Thank you, Lord. Thank you, Jesus. Thank you, Jesus. Glory to God. Just allow him to minister to you right now. Say, God, come close. I'm asking you right now to come close. Invite him in on that dark area of your life. I had him. Everybody's had him. Invite him in and allow him to shine the light, shine his love on that area. Help me to not be angry. Help me to not be controlling. Help me to forgive. Help me to love like you love God. He'll even help you surrender. That's what friends do. Friends help friends. Thank you, Lord. Glory to you, Jesus. Hallelujah. Thank you, Lord. Do you know him? Have you asked him to come into your life and be Lord and save you of your life? Have you invited him in? You say, brother, Trey, I don't know. Well, then that's a sign. That's a sign right there that you haven't. Because I'm here to tell you once you've allowed the king of glory to come into your life. There is no mistaking that you have. He'll touch you right down in your innermost being and you'll know that you know that you know that you've been branded for God. It's like a firebrand. I know I'm talking cowboy terms, but it's like a firebrand. When the fire of God hits you, you know it. You know, without a shadow of a doubt. Do you know him? Do you really, really, really, really know him? All you have to do is ask him, Hallelujah. If you're saying in your heart, I want to be close to God. I want to be close to him. I want you to just come down here real quick. Make a statement of your faith that you desire to be as close as you can to God and you want to imitate him as a dear child. Thank you, Jesus. Glory to God. Glory to God. Maybe I need the word it differently. Are you as close to God as you want to be? And if you don't feel like you are right now, I would get down here. Had the word, huh? Yeah, I'm already here. Glory to God. Glory to God. Glory to God. Glory to God. Hallelujah. Thank you, Jesus. Glory to you, Jesus. Thank you, Lord. Thank you, Jesus. Hallelujah. Glory to God. Glory to God. Glory to God. Glory to God. Thank you, Jesus. The Bible says, those who hunger and thirst after righteousness, they shall be filled. They shall be filled. In Jesus' mighty name. Glory to God. Glory to God. Can you bring me that? I don't know this young lady right here. Can I pray for you? Maybe. Thank you, Jesus. Glory to God. Thank you, Father. Jesus name. Hallelujah. Thank you, Lord. I want you to know He sees you. He wants you to know He sees you. Thank you, Lord. Thank you, Jesus. Thank you, Lord. He wants you to know that He'll rule in every area of your life that you surrender to Him. He wants you to know that He desperately loves you. And He's been calling out for a long time. Thank you, Jesus. Glory to God. All the hurt and all the pain. He's turning it all around. He's pouring out His love on you. It's like oil. It's like oil from the top of your head to the soles of your feet. It's a comforting. He's wrapping himself around you. I just feel like he's wrapping himself around you like a warm blanket. And he's saying, I got you. He's got you. And he loves you. Oh, rabbi, thank you, Lord. Thank you. Thank you, Jesus. And he will help you forgive. He'll help you release. The release, the release is so that you can move on. The release is so that you can move on. It's taking me a little while to like get here and hear what the Lord is saying. I just feel like there's a bondage, but God is saying there's release. And the release is so that you can go where He's called you to go. And the release is to freedom. And that liberty is in him. That freedom is in him. Hallelujah. Thank you, Lord. Thank you, Jesus. Blessings. Blessings. God says He's blessed you. He's blessed you. He's blessed you. If God be for you, who can be against you? In Jesus name, draw near to him. And he'll draw near to you. Jesus name, Jesus name. Hallelujah. Thank you, Lord. Thank you, Lord. Thank you, Lord. He's got you. He's got you. Is she with you, Stacy? Oh, this is your niece. Oh, things make sense now. This is the morning of God was on you the whole time. Thank you, Jesus. Glory to God. More. More. I has not seen or you're heard the things that God has in store for you. Culture about He's making up lost time. He's making up lost time. God is redeeming the time. God knows how to get you caught up. He knows how to get you caught up. Maybe no time lost. No time lost. Childlike faith. Childlike. Childlike. Oh, called Rabbi. Childlike. Childlike. Childlike. That's what I'm going to pray over you all. Childlike. Childlike. In the name of Jesus. We're becoming childlike. So that we can see and know God for the wonder who He is. And all God. I'm going to try to explain everything. Childlike. Childlike. Childlike. Childlike faith. Childlike faith. Childlike. Oh, Rabbi Kiti, another person. Oh, Rabbi Yasi. Childlike. Childlike. Childlike. The enemy has way underestimated. He's ballon ballon. Oh, of course, son. Rabbi, Rabbi, Rabbi, Rabbi, Rabbi, Rabbi. He Kiti had a little bit of a little bit of a son. Glory to God. Childlike. Childlike. Childlike faith. Childlike. Childlike. World, Rabbi, Rabbi, Rabbi, Yasi. Childlike. As the child follows, follows his father. Oh, Code Rabbi Taya Bhattas. Oh, Code Rabbi Taya Bhattas. Your example is God. Oh, Rabbi Taya Bhattas. Childlike faith. He's just asking for a yes. He's asking for your yes. I don't know what that means, but you do. Jesus' name. Oh, Rabbi, Rabbi, Rabbi, Rabbi, Rabbi, Rabbi, Rabbi Yasi. Thank you, Jesus. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Pull your love out, God. Pull your love out. Pull your love out on His family, God. Thank you, Jesus. Thank you, Lord. Thank you, Lord. Thank you, Lord. Oh, Rabbi, Rabbi, Rabbi, Rabbi, Rabbi, Rabbi, Rabbi, Rabbi, Rabbi, Rabbi. Thank you, Jesus. Hallelujah. Childlike. Childlike. Hello, Rabbi, Rabbi Taya Bhattas. Code, Rabbi, Rabbi, Rabbi. To believe the impossible. Childlike faith. To believe the impossible. Thank you, Lord. Let's feel like there's a situation that you say is just never going to turn around. God says it will turn around. In Jesus' name. In Jesus' name. Glory to God. Oh, Rabbi, Rabbi, Rabbi, Rabbi, Rabbi, Rabbi. Jesus' name. Closeness. Closeness to Him is the answer. Closeness to Him is the answer. It's always been the answer. It's always been the answer. Because He is the answer. Oh, Rabbi, Rabbi, Rabbi, Rabbi, Rabbi, Rabbi, Rabbi, Rabbi, Rabbi, Rabbi, Rabbi, Rabbi, the anointing breaks the yoke. It destroyed it. It not just breaks it. It destroys it. It destroys it. Code, Rabbi, Rabbi, Rabbi, Rabbi, Rabbi, Rabbi, Rabbi, Rabbi, Rabbi, Rabbi, Rabbi, Rabbi, Rabbi, Rabbi, Rabbi, Rabbi, Rabbi, Rabbi, Rabbi, Rabbi, Rabbi, Rabbi, Rabbi, Rabbi, Rabbi, Rabbi, Rabbi, Rabbi, Rabbi, Rabbi, Rabbi, Rabbi, Rabbi, Rabbi, Rabbi, Rabbi, Rabbi, Rabbi. I feel like God that He's saying He's turning it around. He's turning it around. He's turning it around. He's turning it around. He's turning it around. He's turning it around. He's turning it around. Psalm 138. He will perfect those things that concern you. Nita and I have stood on network. We have stood on network. And we have stood on network. And we're still standing on network. He will perfect those things that are concerning you. He's got it. He's got it. And you know what we're talking about. He's got it. He's got it. He's got it. Hallelujah. Thank you. Glory to God. Closeness. Hallelujah. Childlike faith. They all in wonder of God. Kaya, sordre, ba ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ba satihan, and a mottore, bebe, bebe, kesim. Kola ne, mottore, ba bebe, kesim. Kosordre, ma ma ma ma, mam, bebe, kesim. Kosordre, ma ta re, mottore, bebe, kesim. Kotare, mottore, ba, kesim. I hear release also. I hear release. I hear release. Kosordre, ba ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta you're released. You're going to have to catch that in the spirit. You're released. You're released from old contracts that other people have tore up and thrown away. You're released from them. Because whomever the sun has made free is free indeed. Now you walk in the liberty in which he's called you to and he's called you in. You walk in it. You walk in it. You walk in it. There's anointing on this. There's anointing. You walk in that freedom. You walk in that freedom. You walk in it. Kosordre, ba ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta. I'm telling you, you're released. There's joy that God wants to bring to you and it's unspeakable and full of glory. I'm telling you. [Music] [Music] Hallelujah. Hallelujah, childlike. Childlike. Childlike. Childlike. [Music] The anointing destroys the yoke and I declare freedom. Now he's singing songs of freedom over you. He's singing songs of freedom and liberty. [Music] Thank you. Thank you, Jesus. Oh, Rabbi Casa Deliada Alabasa. He may, may, may, make a city out of the local palace. Thank you. Thank you, Jesus. Jesus. Oh, Rabbi, Rabbi, Rabbi Casa Deliada Alabasa. And Psalm 138, also, this is coming up also for you. The Lord will perfect those things that concern you. And that thing that's concerning you, God is already working it out. You're saying it's not fast enough. He's working it out. He's working it out. He's working it out. I'm telling you, the anointing of God is working in that area right now. Maybe two areas. He's working it out. He is faithful. He who promised is faithful. He's not a man that he would lie, but he is faithful. He is faithful. Hallelujah. Glory to God. Oh, Rabbi Casa Deliada Alabasa. Hallelujah. Thank you, Jesus. Oh, joy. Oh, he's restoring joy. He's restoring joy. Oh, you will know joy again. You will know joy again. Because you're drawing close. You're drawing close. Oh, Lord, Rabbi Casa Deliada Alabasa. Hallelujah. Thank you, Lord. Thank you, Jesus. Thank you, Jesus. Thank you, Jesus. Hallelujah. Thank you, Lord. Thank you, Lord. Thank you, Lord. Thank you, Lord. Oh, Rabbi Casa Deliada Alabasa. Thank you, Lord. Thank you, Lord. Thank you, Lord. Thank you, Lord. Thank you, Lord. Oh, Rabbi Casa Deliada Alabasa. Thank you, Lord. Thank you, Lord. Just receive. Just receive. Having doesn't work. Receiving always works. Refreshing. Tams are refreshing coming from the presence of God. You see, that's why we got to come close to Him. Because it's from Him that we can draw refreshing, that we can receive refreshing from. Thank you, Lord. Thank you, Jesus. Thank you, Lord. Oh, Rabbi Casa. Joy. Joy. Joy. Joy. Don't let the devil steal your joy. Joy unspeakable and full of glory. It's okay to laugh. Come on, y'all. It's okay to laugh even at the stupid things we've done. I see laughter in your home. I see laughter. I see joy in your home. But the devil's meant for bad. God's going to turn it around for His good. But there's a drawing. There's a drawing. There's a drawing. There's an abiding. Now abiding faith, hope, and love. And the greatest is love. Thank you, Lord. Glory to God. Thank you, Jesus. Thank you, Jesus. Thank you, Lord. Thank you, Lord. Thank you, Lord. I see you. I see you. I see you. I see you beginning to become so hungry for God. That you're not even going to go. You're not even going to know where it's coming from. But it's a hunger that's down here. God's going to start waking you up early in the morning. And you have to say yes, because what He's doing, He's inviting you in. He's inviting you in on His plan. He's going to start waking you up. He's going to start waking you up. Thank you. Thank you, Jesus. And awakening. And awakening. Making an awakening. Come on, it's time to arise and shine. This is what God's saying. He's telling you, it's time to arise and shine. That what you think you cannot do, you can do. You can do it. And God's going to make a way. It's time to do it. Arise and shine. And when you do that, the glory of God will come upon you. There's a fire in your belly. There's a fire in your belly. And that's the fire of God. That's God's hot brand. That's His hot brand. Jesus' name. Glory to God. Glory to God. Hallelujah. Thank you, Jesus. Hallelujah. Thank you, Jesus. Glory to God. Hallelujah. Lord's going to begin to woo you. Just like He told them, He's going to begin to draw you. And He's drawing you into that secret place. It's a wooing. He desires you. Thank you, Jesus. Thank you, Lord. Thank you, Jesus. And when you go into that secret place, come as a child. You see, because you can trust Him. You can trust Him. You haven't been able to trust everybody. But you can trust Him. Thank you, Lord. Closeness. In closeness, He reveals Himself. He doesn't want to, He's never desired to stay hid from me. But in closeness, He reveals Himself. Jesus' name. Jesus' name. Hallelujah. Thank you, Lord. Thank you, Lord. Thank you, Lord. This is what happens when you come to church expect. Expecting? Being replaced us every Sunday night that we leave here, we leave here change. And why we were playing over people, the Lord brought something to them. When I was a child with my dad, and some of you all may have done this, when your kids are little, and I can't do it because we both got boots on. Anyway, we're over here. He says, "Childlike faith." When I was little, I would get on my dad's feet, and he would dance me around. And that's what the Lord wants to do. That's childlike faith. That is Acts 17, 28. In Him, we live, and we move, and we have our being. That's where the Lord wants to take us. He wants to direct our steps. A lot of times, we try to do it our own way, and He's saying, "Get on my feet. I'm going to lead you in the right way. I'm going to lead you in the right place." And like I told them this morning, "God is not up here. God is right here. He's so close. He's closer than your breath. In those dark places, He's going to shine the light, and He's not going to shame you. He's not going to condemn you. He's going to love on you and say, "Come on. Walk with me, babe. Walk with me." That's how the Lord speaks to me. That's how the Lord speaks. And today, I know we're in the presence of God, and we're just like at peace, and we're just like just soaking it all in. But we can leave here free. Free today. Free. He's not beaten up. He just loves us all. He wants to love on His people. Because if we're not free, how can we help others out there in the world? And today, we're leaving here free. The Lord told me one time, talking about closeness, He just reminded me about this. Because I'd asked Him, I said, "How close are you?" And He says, "I am as close and as quick as you can turn your attention toward Me." So that's how close He is. I mean, the moment that we can turn our attention, our adoration, towards Him, that's how close He is. So whatever kind of situation you may be in, maybe you need to make a decision. I believe that some of y'all and us as well, our breakthrough is just on the... It's just a little bitty decision that seems hard in our flesh. But He's saying, "Make this decision and watch Me work." Make the decision, turn towards Him, get close to Him, make the decision that He would make. Make that decision and turn around right there, breakthroughs right there. It's right there on breakthroughs right there at that decision that you need to make. And you can do it because God's anointed you to do it. His power is working in you. Amen? That's all I've got. I know it took us a little while to get there. But sometimes our hearts are hard. And it takes some plowing. It takes some plowing so that we can receive the seed of God's Word and to receive Him to make a difference. You say, "Well, I didn't get a word or whatever." You rejoice with those who got a word. And you take the words that you heard, you take them for yourself. This is your word. Don't let it... This is your word. This is... ...every day, every day. Exactly. We wait for the word. No, this is your word right here. You said, "I'll never leave you, no forsaking." That's your word. You said, "By the stripes of Jesus, you're here." That's your word. You're walking all the promises of God. That's your word. St. Corinthians 2, 14. Now, thanks be unto God who always calls us to triumph and cross you. That's your word. Amen? Whatever you need, He's already got it. That's it. It's done. It's finished. That's your word right there. For you that need a word, there's your word. And believing they did what? They rejoiced. All right? Lord, we just thank You, Father God. That, Lord, we have Your word. And that we live and that we move, Lord. Lord, that You direct us, Lord God. Every step, Lord, in Him we move and we have our being, Lord God. Every direction, every move we make, Lord God, you're already there. Lord Jesus, you're already there. We lean on You, Father God. And we do. We leave out of here, changed and rejoicing. Lord, and I just want to say thank You for our wonderful pastors. I thank You for this wonderful church and community, Father God. And the people, Lord, the believers that are here together, we're knit together. We're called here, Lord God. And Lord, we are changing the south side. We are changing the rose about. We're changing this area, Lord God. And we just thank You, Father God, as we go throughout the week, Lord, your head to protection is around our families, Lord God, over our finances, over our bodies, Lord God. We plead the blood over every situation, Lord God. And we just declare victory in every area of our life. We thank You for this day in Jesus' name, amen. Amen. Love you all. Thank You for joining us today. I'd like to say thank You for all those who give and support this ministry. I pray that You've been blessed and challenged by the podcast today. For more information on how to give, you can visit Thank you for believing in our mission. [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING]