Omega Church with Ronnie Allen

Sunday Evening | Tommy, Elisabeth, & Donovan O'Dell

1h 0m
Broadcast on:
04 Sep 2024
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Good day to you, this is Ronnie Allen. Delighted that you're with us today. Right here at Omega Church here in San Antonio, you can go to You can see the various social media platforms we use. Thank you for being with us today. We hope this message equips you to follow God's voice. We believe that if you're searching, today your search is over. Thanks for being with us and enjoy. - You may be seated. I'm so glad for every one of you that came. I know that you came, I can feel, I can, you know, I don't have many real gifts or talents. But the ones that I do have, I really use, you know, I really use them for the Lord. And one of the things that the Lord has given me is that I can feel faith, I can see faith, I can sense faith, I don't smell it, but I can sense it. And it's here tonight. Anywhere there's that kind of faith, that kind of confidence in God's promises, in Jesus' love, faith in his ability, faith in his goodness. You know, people ask me, what is faith? Well, the Bible says faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. But faith is, the Bible says faith works by love. The Apostle Peter said, we cast all our care upon him for he cares for us. King David said, I trust in thy mercy. Amen. John said, we love him because he first loved us. And that all means the same thing. Faith in God is believing in his love for you. Faith in God is believing that he cares about you. It's believing in his compassion for you. Amen? - Yes. - Glory to God. And so I'm gonna get the guitar and I wanted to lead us in some praise and worship things. That's not normally what I do, but I'm very happy to do it. And we always do that at home for our kids and our private devotion. So we're gonna have a wonderful, and our grandkids now. You know, we've got five kids and nine grandchildren. People say, that's a lot of grandchildren. It's not. With five children, we should have 30. But they haven't been as prolific as we were. - It's a new day. Praise the Lord. Well, we are expecting God to do good things. Whatever you came for tonight, God is here. He is present to give you what you need. The Bible says, call on my name and I will answer you. - Amen. - And show you great and mighty things. And I feel like Tommy and I are kind of like vintage old school. We're just too stubborn to give up miracles. - No. - We're so stubborn to give up faith that produces miracles. - I know, I know it's passed by. - Science and wonders. And it's an amazing thing. When we preach this around the world and when we put it on YouTube, we see that there's a world that's hungry for the supernatural. And it's the enemy that says, nobody cares. Nobody is interested in what you have. - Amen. - But it's a lie straight from hell. - That's a hell. - There is a needy world. And you are the answer. Amen? - Praise the Lord. - We sing that song all over the world. I'm telling you what, Jesus is a life. And if you're here tonight and you need to be set free, he will set you free. You came at the right place on the right day, at the right time, God makes no mistakes. And you are here tonight because he is here and he will meet you right where you're at. And we've come from Kenya just like a little over a month ago. God is faithful. He's faithful to the prisoners. He's faithful to the children, to the thousands of students we spoke to. He is faithful. Amen? The Bible says that he that promises is faithful. And God is here tonight in all his goodness, in all his grace. I'm always touched when it says in Genesis that God walked with Adam and Eve in the cool of the day and he would talk to them. You want to know what God is like? That's what he's like. He longs to have fellowship with us, with his sons and his daughters, that we may walk with him, that we may believe him and trust him at his word. That's what he wants. And he went to such an extreme that he prepared a sacrifice, the Bible says, before the foundation of the world. He already put a plan in place, so that with our free will, and we were gonna mess up, right? How many know of you? How many know that free will is wonderful, but it's also horrible in a way, because you can choose bad. The Bible says, yes, yes. The Bible said, "I set before you life and death." You choose, "I set before you sickness and health." You choose, and God has given us free will, because we have been made in his image, and I'm telling you what, that's the part that Satan hates. And everywhere we go, we set people free that have been made in God's image, image in the name of Jesus. That is God's original plan to live with us, to talk with us, to have fellowship with us, to provide all of our needs. Amen, all of our needs. God is a good God. He is a great God, and he is present tonight. And everywhere, it's funny sometimes, I post things on Facebook about miracles, and then there'll be this really smart theologian telling me that the time of miracles is over. That's for another dispensation, they're in all fancy words, and I'm like, "Dude, I have seen so many miracles, "I have no idea what you're talking about, "but God bless you, brother." Just dumb to me. If I'm posting a video of an obvious disabled or crippled person walking, how can you say that's not for today? The Bible says that Jesus Christ is the same, yesterday, today, and forever, and he still loves, he still forgives, he still heals, he still drives out demons, or we do in Jesus' name. Jesus has never changed, and we can make all kinds of fancy excuses what we don't see miracles, but when you preach the gospel and you expect God to confirm it with miracles and signs and wonders, he will do it. The Bible says we have received a Holy Spirit and to give us boldness and to give us power to preach the gospel. That is God's intent, that we, the church, the body of Christ, will do great things in Jesus' name, that when they see you, they're like, "Oh, that's that guy," or that's that lady, when they pray for people, they get healed. That's what God wants, and I know that's what you want, to be used of God. There's no greater life as believers to be used of God, and there's no one here tonight that's not worthy of being used by God. When we receive Jesus, and we receive the Holy Spirit, and we have the word of God, we are weaponized. We are weaponized to go into the darkness and to set the captives free, amen? And it's for women, and it's for men, I always laugh sometimes, people are like, "How is it in Africa?" As a woman, you know, 'cause it's strange, but in some countries, women are not as much appreciated as men, think of that. And so, Tommy is Dr. Reverend Tommy Ray Odell, and my name is wife. That's my first name, I am the wife. And you know, and I don't, it's not fair, but I really don't care, because I know at some point, I'm gonna have the microphone. (congregation laughing) And I'm gonna preach the gospel, and I'm gonna be bold, and I'm gonna be filled with fire, because I know that treasure that's inside of me, and Paul said, "It doesn't matter "that we have different vessels, "it's that same treasure inside of us, "and that's what Satan is afraid of, "and that's what will shake him in his boots every time." Know who you are in Christ, start reading the Bible. I remember when Tommy came to Holland, you were both 17, and I was confused, I wanna tell you all the names of the famous preachers we had coming to our church, but they confused me. They would take the same scripture, and teach, or preach opposite. So I told him, I said, "I'm so confused, "and I'm more confused than I was before they came." And he said, "You know what you need to do? "You need to read the Bible for yourself, "and you need to trust that the Holy Spirit will guide you, "and show you all truths of God's kingdom." And I started doing that, and I started discovering things of the promises of God that are for every believer today. And I would like to challenge you to read the New Testament, especially Paul's writings, you know, I always think of Paul. Sometimes he would get kind of into little details or not important. He never knew he was gonna have his letters put in the New Testament, right? How many of us write little notes, little texts? We don't, you know, what if that was gonna be published in a really important book that was gonna be read by millions of people? We would adjust our writing, or I would, or use AI, make it a little bit more interesting. (audience laughs) But God's promises are for you, and God revealed them to Paul. He revealed them to Paul to write it down so that far, far in the future, thousands of years later, we could take those truths, and we could apply them into our lives, and we could be dangerous. And we would not be weak, we would not be defeated, but we would be more than conquerors through Christ, who loves us, and who gave himself for us. So next time, and I have a two, I feel sorry sometimes for myself, or a negative thought, next time that happens, grab that thought, take it down, amen? Don't let it just roam in your brain, but take it down into captivity and cast it aside and start saying about yourself what God says about you. And you will have a whole different life and reject the negative. Reject Satan telling you, no, you're not good enough. No, remember, your parents told you this, no. The devil is a liar, and so how do you know he lies? When he opens up his mouth, that's when he lies. So, and Donovan and I have talked about this, we do it too, that every time we get a negative thought, we try, we say, Lord, let the Holy Spirit right away interrupt it, so we can cast it down and fill it up with faith, fill it up with love. It's all available. We have the New Testament. This book, now, like this, it doesn't do anything, but once you start reading it and once you start applying it into your life, I'm telling you what, you can be like Tommy and Elizabeth. We're a little bit crazy. We actually believe that what the Bible says we can do. What God tells you that you can do, you can do, it's in the Word. And, you know, we can talk about fun stories and all these things, but when it comes down to it, if you want to have a victorious life, if you want to have a life of health, this is it. This is it, and it's every healing for you is free. The salvation of your family is free because Jesus Christ paid an awful price to provide that for us. Amen? By His stripes, we are healed. Because of His blood, we have been saved. We are more than conquerors through Christ who love doesn't gave Himself for us. We are more than conquerors. In every situation, we are more than conquerors. And I just want to encourage you today to take this book and start reading it again. And everything it says that you can do, say, "I can do it." Everything it tells you to do, do it. And I will tell you, you have a victorious life. It doesn't mean the battles don't come because without a battle, how can you have a victory? But we have the victory through Christ Jesus. And He is within us, both to will and do of His good pleasure. And the Bible says, "Greater is He that is in us, than He is in the world." So don't fear, amen? Don't be all nervous about the future. We are standing on the rock. We are standing on God's word. And when we hear it, and when we do it, the Bible says, "We shall not be shaken, and we shall stand strong." Amen? Praise the Lord. Hallelujah. (audience applauding) And I want to also say we have a few more CDs and a few books. Books, man, when I'm tired, my Dutch comes out. And it's books. And I always say book. So there's a book. B-O-E-K. It's a little rusty, but you wouldn't know. (laughing) Praise the Lord. Praise the hear. God is so good. God is so good. We have come here with good news. (speaking in foreign language) That Jesus has never changed. That Jesus note for under this. He's the same yesterday, today, and forever. (speaking in foreign language) He's up with the love for you. (speaking in foreign language) He knows you. (speaking in foreign language) He knows you intimately. I can't doubt intimately. No, it's not Dutch. (audience laughing) I'm taking English words. That's okay, that's okay. Bending it to be Dutch. Amen. (speaking in foreign language) And he loves you. (speaking in foreign language) If you believe. (speaking in foreign language) You will see the glory of God. (speaking in foreign language) Amen. Amen. And why in the world didn't we sing some of those songs in Spanish? You know, no Jesus, no life goes. (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) Well, that kind of go be that. That's not quite right, is it? (audience laughing) That's a sin, isn't it? (laughing) Not a bit come up here. Amen. (audience applauding) (audience applauding) Glory to God. Thank you. (audience applauding) That was wonderful, Mom. Thank you for that. Amen, she's a wonderful preacher. Every time I hear her, I just get excited and I get, you know, I also don't like it because I have to follow it, you know, that sucks. But that's okay. Well, thank you, thank you. Yeah, today my dad wants me to read you something that I wrote when I was first, you know, coming on fire for the Lord. And I will do that. But first I wanna give a quick testimony. This one, this one I haven't told you about either. You're gonna laugh at this one. So, so when I was probably around maybe 12, 13 years old, we went to Indonesia, to Madan, the city in Indonesia. And we had a crusade there. It was a massive crusade. We had it multiple nights. And this one particular night, there was a young woman who came to that crusade. Her name, which I always butcher, is either Adjidani or Adjidani or Ayyadani. There we go. I always butcher. But I was there. I just don't really remember the name. And so I was a young man there. Our young boy, I was big. I was small and big. And so she comes up to the state. So my job was to take the testimonies. If you weren't here this morning, that was my job when I was a kid. And so when all the miracles were coming up to talk about their testimonies, there was this young woman who came up just weeping and crying and she could not make any words, like articulate them at all. And you know, I was a little interested in that, but my dad's serious when it comes to miracles. And you just write down the miracles that are happening right in front of you. So I didn't really pay any tensions. Okay, let's go, let's go, let's go. And then, so finally we get to her. She comes up and the interpreters trying to explain that one of her legs was 12, six inches shorter than the other. Six inches shorter than the other. That's how she came to that crusade that day. Her whole life, and it was decrepit. I didn't know that, I just, so her whole life, she was, you see it a lot in the third world, but you don't see it really in America. She walked like this. She was, you know, one leg was short in the other, so her whole life was like this. And she came to that crusade, just like she had done every part of her life, and she left that crusade completely straight. And the funniest thing about it is, I don't remember how I reacted to that miracle. Obviously I was too young, but my job in the office right now is I look at old videos and old VHS tapes, and I'm cataloging all these miracles that we used to have, so we can put them on YouTube, so we don't lose them, you know? These chess tapes aren't gonna last forever, you know? I had some fond memories of those things, but they ain't gonna last forever. So there I see myself, I'm writing my book, and I look up, and I go, like what? And I'm almost like, I'm almost like, I'm just totally, I don't believe it. I just don't believe it. And then they say it again, I'm already done, and then I'm like, no. And then so finally I have to ask somebody, what is going on? And so they then explain it to me again, six inches short of the other, six inches, and they grew. So finally I'm like, all right. And so then I write it down in my book, and to this day, it's still one of the greatest miracles I've ever seen Jesus do in a mass size crusade. To this day, it's still one of the greatest miracles I've ever personally seen. And if that doesn't prove that Jesus is still alive today, I don't know what does. She is still alive in Indonesia, I believe, and she is a living breathing testimony that Jesus is the same, and he never changes. And now I want to read you what I wrote when I was a young man. When you travel the world, you do see a lot of miracles, but you see a lot of other things too. And I like to put that together, so it's like a nice neat bow. I like to put it together for us. So you see what I've witnessed on this earth, to see it all, okay. And if I can get through this without crying, that will be a miracle. Okay, I said this. I said, I'm a witness, and I must testify of what I have seen on this earth. I'm a witness to pain and to suffering. I'm a witness to fear and to grief. I have seen the desperation of the poor and the destitute. I have beheld the need of those imprisoned. I have seen many orphans, widows and cripples begging on polluted streets all over this world, debased, depraved, hopeless and dirty, brutalized by sorrow after sorrow. They stay with me always. But above all these things, I have witnessed something far greater. I have witnessed something truly marvelous, something more powerful than fear and more abundant than hate. I have witnessed the power of Jesus Christ, Emmanuel. I have seen his miraculous healing wonders beyond count. Every miracle that I have witnessed was done through and in his name, who being prophesied of in the earliest days, witnessed of and testified of during his walk, death and resurrection on this earth is now being reported to you again today. I am a witness. I, among many others, freely testify that through Jesus Christ, the Son of God, all things are possible. All things are possible. My brothers and sisters who hunger for things cosmic, for things not of this world, I ask you today, I ask you today to search for the kingdom of heaven, pick up your Bible and read it for yourselves, just like my mother asked you to do. And I can guarantee you, it will open up to you, like it never has before. If you've been put in awe for a long time, I know life is busy, every moment counts. You have eternity behind us and eternity before us and this little speck in the middle is over in an instant. It's over in one second in the scheme of things. So I want you to focus on the things that are not seen right now and focus in the things that will be seen for eternity. Amen, amen, focus on those. Okay, I don't bring my father up today, amen. God bless you, thank you for having me. You're all wonderful. The reason why I talk like this is because I know you have the faith to hear it and the faith to accept it. You know, when we talk like this in from the Muslims, you know, God bless you guys. - Wonderful, Don, thank you. - Isn't he precious? (audience applauding) And you know something about Donovan? Donovan is very, very powerful when he prays. When he prays, it's like heaven opens up. I mean, it's strong. Whoo, what a blessing. Glory to God. You know, Elizabeth and I have five children, every one of them are serving the Lord. And I wanna encourage you because it wasn't always like that. We've had our battles with every one of them. Yes, I mean, I mean, 100%, more than 100%, no, it's only 100%. (laughing) And the Lord has set them like jewels in his crown. And they're precious and they're shining and they're loving and lifting people. I'm just excited. Well, tonight is about healing. I'm not gonna preach long, but everything I say is gonna build your faith and it's gonna encourage you. Healing for your body, healing for your mind, healing for your marriage, healing for your soul, healing for your spirit. Jesus, the first sermon that he ever preached, he was preaching in his hometown and he asked for the scroll of Isaiah to be delivering that. He opened it up and he opened it up to the part where it said in Isaiah 61, "Where the spirit of the Lord is upon me." He said, "The spirit of the Lord is upon me." And so I say, "Why?" Well, he said, "To preach." Okay. (laughing) So say, "The spirit of the Lord is upon me." - Spirit of the Lord is upon me. - And by the way, the Bible says, "If the same spirit that raised Jesus Christ "up from the dead dwells in you, "it will quicken your mortal body." Hallelujah. And you have the same, say, "I have that same spirit." And if you don't, tonight you can get it. Already got it? Say, "The spirit of the Lord is upon me." So I ask, "Why?" (laughing) The answer is to preach. Amen, let's look for 18. We should follow along with that. That would be nice. Amen. Say amen when you find it. Look for 18. You got it? There was delivered in 17. There was delivered in the book of the prophet, his is. And when he had opened the book, he found the place where he was written. "The spirit of the Lord is upon me." And I said, "Why?" Well, because he have anointed me. I left that out. It's a good thing I felt, opened that up. Say, "I am anointed." The spirit of the Lord is upon me. So I can be anointed. So I am anointed for what? To preach. So I'm anointed to preach. That means to talk. That means to proclaim. That means to shout. That means to whisper. That means to pray. That means to open up your mouth. Get it out. Amen. To preach. To preach what? Anything you feel like? Fun stuff? Some itching doctor? No. Say the gospel. Say the gospel's good news. Amen, it's not bad news. It's not sad news. It's not mad news. It's good news. It's good news to ever center. Jesus bore your sins on his body on the cross so you can be forgiven and be made the righteousness of God in Christ. Good news to ever sick person. Jesus bore your sickness and disease and infirmities and curse on his body on the tree and by his stripes you are healed. He did that so you could be healed. Hallelujah. It's good news. Amen? Okay, preach the gospel to who? What? The poor is it because God wants them to stay poor? He wants them to be blessed. Amen? But the Bible says the Lord has chosen the poor in this world rich in faith and you'll find when you preach to the poor the people that don't have anything the outcast, the needy, the people that Jesus preached to, they receive. Or you could go to the fancy gated communities and try knocking on their doors and enjoy. It won't be good. God had chosen the poor in this world rich in faith and then he lifts them out of the dust and he lifts them out of the dung hill and sets them up with princes and sets them up gloriously. Hallelujah. Praise God. He has said he has sent me to do what? No, no, to heal. To heal who? The brokenhearted and to preach deliverance to who? Amen to the captives and recovering of sight? To the blind, amen. To set at liberty them that are bruised. A lot of bruised people. A lot of broken people. A lot of needy people. A lot of hurting people. And in Jesus' name, we have the answer. Lord of God, we have the answer to their problems. We have the solution. Hallelujah. Say, I am a child of promise. Say, I am a covenant partner with God. Say, my inheritance is for the present and for eternity. Say, healing is now part of my birthright. Now, it's part of my birthright. I have a contract with God that includes healing. God will never rip me off. Satan will try, but he will not be able to because greater is he than is in me than he that is in the world. Jesus is my advocate, making sure that I get everything that he died to provide. Hallelujah. Say, Jesus carried my pain. He carried my weakness. He redeemed me from the curse, which includes every sickness. The blessings of healing and health are bought for me by Jesus' complete payment on the cross. And I mean he paid it all. I mean he paid it all. Does he need to come down and die again? Does he need to take some more stripes? Does he need to be nailed up there again? He did enough so we can be healed. He did enough so we could be saved. He did be enough so that we could be delivered. He doesn't have to do anything more. Now it's our turn to stand up and take what he provided. Glory to God. Say, "By Jesus' stripes, I am healed "because he bore my infirmities. "I don't have to bear them. "I have the authority of the kingdom of God "over the power of sickness, "over demonic power, over the power of sin. "I walk in liberty. "I used to be captive. "Now I have liberty. "I set the captives free. "I used to be a slave, but now I have liberty. "I set the slaves free. "I used to be miserable, but now I have freedom. "And I set the miserable free. "Amen, today I rejoice in my connection "to God's healing virtue. "His power flows through me. "It indwells me. "And because I know God's promises of healing "have been paid for by Jesus' blood. "I have supreme confidence. "I have faith in God that he will answer my prayers. "Today I am God's channel of healing. "Just suffering people all around me. "The devil is no match for me. "Then that feel good. "And that's the truth. "The presence of God's spirit flows in me. "It flows through me just like a river, "like a spring of eternal water. "I am healed to bring healing. "I am loved to bring love. "I am set free to set free. "Hallelujah, everything God does to me. "He wants to do through me. "Now I want you to think about that. "Think about all the gorgeous, the beautiful, "the magnificent things God has done for you, to you, "blessing you." I've probably told this sermon, this story here before, but Elizabeth and I were preaching across Ghana many years ago. And we were preaching a big campaign, and we had seen so many miracles. In fact, two campaigns. And we had seen amazing. We'd seen cripples rise up and walk gloriously. There was a man that had been brought chained, chained, screaming at night. You can actually hear him screaming and wailing. And there was something very demonic about his screams and wailing. And they kept him chained up like that 'cause he was demon possessed. And they brought him like that to the campaign. And we prayed in Jesus' name. The demons were driven out of him. They unshamed him. He came up on the platform, perfectly healed. Anyway, so we had great miracles and a lot of things like that. So afterwards, we were invited to come and preach in this nice church in the capital. We're senators and their wives actually go to church and dress in beautiful clothes. And so everybody was dressed fancy and it was a nice place. And then it was real out of place. Two barefoot village people brought in a demon possessed woman. And she was covered with filth. She had rags on that barely covered her nakedness. She had been a university student and somebody had put a curse on her, a witch. And she had lost her mind. And like a mind of a beast and demons that come and she actually lived with the pigs, slept with the pigs, ate their food. And an African's different. It's not like a pig pin, they kind of roam. So she was always there with the pigs. People knew her as the pig woman. How do you like that? Don't you think that makes the devil happy to see God's creation created in his image? Begrated, defiled, made be steel. I've never seen anything like it. When she came in, her eyes were like a beast. They didn't, you know how an animal can't look in the eyes? You know, she was like that. And she was wailing and moaning and growling, trying to get away from them. They were just the two precious believer villagers. They were holding her tight. And so they brought her up and all the people got up and moved away because she stunk. And it was, you see this thing? It's functional. It was bouncing all over my face. (audience laughing) But I said in the name of Jesus, I command those demons to come out of you. And when I said in Jesus' name, she was knocked through the air. And she felt hard on the ground. And everybody sucked in their breath at one time. Let's all, like this, let's all, one, two, three. Just like that. It sounded like that. And then some Yehu on the front row said, "The preacher has killed her." (audience laughing) I said, "No, I did not." And I knelt beside her. And as her eyes fluttered open, she said, "They're gone." In a crawl they speak English. She said, "They're gone. "They're gone. "They're gone." And then she began to weep and we lifted her up. And I prayed for her immediately to receive Jesus. You know what the Bible says? When demons leave and there's empty, swept and garnished? What happens if you just leave them like that? Come back seven times worse. So we immediately prayed for her to receive Jesus. And before we even talk to her about the baptism of the Holy Spirit, she was filled with the Holy Spirit in spoken tongues. Spoken of beautiful, fluent, eloquent, prayer language. And then all this was happening. And Elizabeth said, "You are my sister." And she went to hug her. And Liz was always dressed real pretty, usually. And she was so clean and everything. And so at this moment, this young woman realized that she was filthy and she stunk. And she said, "Please don't touch me. "I'm so dirty." And Elizabeth said, "You're not dirty. "You're my sister." And she hugged her and she hugged her back. And they just wept in each other's arms. They melted and they wept and I started weeping. I'll never forget it. And I cried and I thought, this is what Christianity really should be. This is what it really is. It destroys the barrier of black and white. It destroys the barrier of English and foreign and another language. It destroys the barrier of America and Africa. It destroys the barrier of Jew and Gentile. It destroys every barrier. Amen? And it brings us together. Glory to God. Where there is no bond, there is no free, there is no male, there is no female. It's what the Bible says, you know. But we're all one in Christ, equal. Hallelujah. And when I saw that it was so beautiful to see the glory of God reveal like that. I'll never forget it. Healing is for you today. Not just to be healed, but to be a healer. It's not enough just to be healthy, to feel good, you want to make others strong. That's why God wants you to be healed. Actually, He wants you to be healed because did you know if you're in firm, you can't do what you want to do? You don't want to be, but it makes people kind of selfish. They have to be, it's not really selfish, but you have to be self-absorbed because you're hurt, amen? And Jesus doesn't want you to hurt. Did you know the reason Jesus healed people, why did He do that? Answer me, why did Jesus heal people? Huh? What'd you say? That's the answer. And I can't believe it that everybody got the right answer. That's never happened in 43 years of ministry. I mean, never. Most people say to prove that He was the Son of God. And I say, okay, if you'd have said that, I would've had a great comeback, but you didn't say it. (congregation laughs) I said, okay, if that's the only reason, that's part of the, it is part of the reason, to prove that He was the Son of God. But if that's the only reason that He healed people, why so many times when He healed them? Did He tell them, don't tell anybody? He had to say that because the more fame He got, it brought Him closer to crucifixion. And He had to get His ministry out. He had to finish that period of time. That's why He said, but He's still wanted to heal people. He would've been safer not to heal them. Then make sure that He could've had enough time to tell them all His good stuff. But no, He loved people. He didn't want them to suffer. When the leper said, I know you can heal me. If you will, Jesus was moved with compassion, and He touched him, and that lepercy was burned away. Hallelujah, and we've seen miracles like that all over the world, I promise you. Okay, let me, let me, I'm gonna give you a scripture. The Bible says, the eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth. This is second Chronicles 16.9, if you want the reference. For the eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth to show Himself strong. On behalf of them whose heart is perfect toward Him. So let's say, Father, look no further. Amen, be strong in me. Be strong for me. Show yourself strong on my behalf. You've made my heart perfect with the blood of Jesus. I have perfect righteousness by the blood of Jesus. The Bible says, bless the Lord on my soul. Forget not all His benefits. Who forgives all that iniquities and heals all thy diseases. Forgives all, heals all, not some, some, all, all. Man, I'm making a mess. Praise the Lord. All, glory to God. So shall my word be that goes out of my mouth. It shall not return to me void. It will accomplish that which I please. It shall prosper in the thing wherein to I sent it. Amen, God's word is going forth. Hallelujah. The Bible says, God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and with power. And He went about doing good healing. How many? All who were oppressed of the devil. For God was with him. How many does God want to heal tonight? Absolutely. Because Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, remember, Jesus Christo is a mismo, a yer, oi, ipadis y empre. Amen? Or por lo seglos. If you prefer. (speaking in foreign language) Beloved, I wish above all things that you may prosper and be in health even as your soul prospers. Verily, verily, I send to you, whosoever shall say to this mountain be removed, be cast in the sea, shall not doubt in his heart. That's not talking about moving mountains into water. That's talking about every challenge, every problem, every sickness. You can command that mountain to be removed and it will if you don't doubt. Amen? Therefore, I send to you what things soever you desire when you pray. Believe that you receive them and you shall have them. Amen, thank you Jesus. According to Romans 811, the same spirit that raised you from the dead is dwelling within me now to make alive my mortal body. By the Holy Spirit that dwells in me. See, I believe that. Thank you Jesus. I loose the resurrection and the healing power of God working within me on you right now. Rebuilding, repairing, restoring, any damage that has been done. I loose the resurrection and healing power of the Holy Spirit on your mind, on your emotions, on your body, in the name of Jesus. Praise the Lord. Hallelujah. Say thank you Jesus. According to March 16, 18, when hands are laid upon me, I believe that I have received healing power and I am now recovering. In Jesus name, I am being repaired, restored to health. In Jesus name. In the Old Testament, let me give you some of those. He said, I am the Lord that healeth thee. It's pretty clear, isn't it? Or you can say I am the Lord thy physician. You shall be buried in a good old age. How about that? When you're satisfied. Are you satisfied? Let's keep living. Amen. I love this, when I see the blood, I will pass over you and the plague shall not be upon you to destroy you. I will take sickness away from the midst of you and the number of your days I'll fulfill. I will not allow any of the diseases you're afraid of on you. I will take all sickness away from you. It will be well with you and your days shall be multiplied and prolonged as the days of heaven upon the earth. You like that? That's Deuteronomy 11, that's nice. I turned the curse into a blessing unto you. Did you know that was in the Bible? You knew that? That's a good one. The Deuteronomy 23 and Nehemiah 13, that's the same scripture. I turned the curse into a blessing unto you because I loved you. Oh, thank you Jesus. As your days show sell your strength to me. I have redeemed you from every sickness and every plague. I have found a ransom for you. Your flesh shall be fresher than a child and you shall return to the days of your youth. That's in the Bible. I have healed you and brought up your soul from the grave. I have kept you alive from going down to the pit, Psalms 30. I will give you strength and bless you with peace, Psalms 29. I will preserve you and keep you alive, Psalm 41. I will strengthen you upon the bed of languishing. I will turn all your bed in your sickness. Hallelujah. I am the health of your countenance and your God. No plague shall come now your dwelling. I will satisfy you with long life. I'm just reading the Bible. Some people don't like some Christians. Healing makes them uncomfortable. I'm thinking maybe you should think about another religion. (congregation laughing) I'm telling you Jesus spent 75% of his ministry doing nothing but healing the sick. And the Old Testament is filled with healing promises. When God led the children of Israel out of Egypt, the Bible said there wasn't one feeble in all their ranks and there were millions of them, not one blind, not one feeble, not one crippled. They were all healthy and hold, that's a miracle. Talk about a mass healing. Are you ready for God to heal you tonight? I wanna, let's all stand up. You know, there's all kinds of healing and I think that everybody needs something. So why don't we all come up, amen? Not everybody's physically sick, but we can all use a touch from God. Healing for our mind, our emotions, our family, our finances, glory to God, our walk with God. Come on up, praise the Lord in faith. Thank you, Lord Jesus. Praise God. Elizabeth, I think you have a better shot up here. Praise the Lord. Don, you wanna come stand with us? Thank you, Lord Jesus. Praise God. I know that some of you have been dealing with things for a long time and you've had sicknesses and problems for a long time. I wanna tell you in the name of Jesus, there's hope for you tonight. Jesus wants to touch you and I believe that everyone that we pray for tonight will either be healed instantly or from this day you'll begin to recover and you'll feel better immediately. Amen, everyone. Jesus is the healer of them all. The Bible said he healed them all. He forgives all your aniquities, heals all your diseases. I want you, look at your hands now. Say, I'm a believer. These are the hands of a believer. The Bible says, believers shall lay hands on the sick and they shall recover. So in faith, I lay my hands where I suffer. Now do that now in faith. On your eyes, on your for your vision, on your head, on your heart, on your back, on your knees, if it's all over your body, just put it right on your heart. Amen, if there's some mental trauma, just put it right on your head, whatever you need of a tumor or a growth, it's got to go and after we pray, I want you to get ready to act your faith. What do I mean by act your faith? I mean act like God hurts you, act like you believe, act like you're being healed and rejoice and praise and give things. That's acting your faith. Then afterwards, I'm going to instruct you to do some specific things. And I want you to do that, do those things. And I believe the Lord will touch you and heal you now. There's nothing too difficult for you. Amen? Let's pray now. In the name of Jesus, I come out and into the spirit world. And I speak to every demon. Every spirit of infirmity. Every curse, every plague, every lying symptom. Every infirmity. I take authority over you. In the name of Jesus. I break your power and I command you, go! Go! Loose these people. Loose my body. Loose my brothers and sisters. And torment them no more. In Jesus name. Oh, thank you, Father, for that authority. The authority that comes in the name of Jesus because of what Jesus accomplished on the cross and at the resurrection. Oh Lord, I ask you, Father, to extend your hand and let your healing fire flow into every believer right now. Flow to the top of their head, all the way through their bodies, to the soles of their feet. I speak healing fire, healing life, healing virtue, healing power, flow through them my healing river, flow through them right now in Jesus name and destroy every trace of pain. Destroy every tumor, destroy every growth, destroy every blood disease, perfect their blood, heal their heart, their eyes, their ears, their back, their shoulders, their knees. Every part of their joints. In Jesus name, their skin, let your healing life flow, peel their brain. Oh Lord God, let recovery happen right now. We ask for creative miracles. Those that have been injured in accidents, I ask you, Lord, that you will restore. There's Parkinson's, I ask in Jesus name, it has to go in Jesus name. Every sickness and disease, go in Jesus name. Now Father, I ask you to lay your hands on every person and make them completely well. I command eyes to see clearly, ears to open up and hear better, arms and shoulders to be loose, backs to be loose, legs to be loose, power to flow. Now clap your hands and thank you. Hallelujah, shout unto God with the voice of triumph. Praise the Lord, say praise the Lord. I receive my miracle, say I am healed in Jesus name. I receive my healing. The power of God is flowing through me. Lord and God, by His stripes, I am healed. Thank you Lord. Now in Jesus name, if you could, if your shoulders were stiff, raise them up now, raise them up, Lord and God, come on. Hallelujah, praise the Lord, it's good. Amen, it's good. If your back was stiff, I want you to bend over and I'm gonna reintroduce you to your toes. So let's go. Now in Jesus name, the touch of toes. Do it again, do it in Jesus name, in Jesus name. Amen, if it was your leg, your back is healed. Now begin to move your legs, your knees. Pray, if you couldn't jump, begin to jump. If you couldn't get down, get down. Amen, get down. Hallelujah, oh praise God. Come back up, can't just stay down there. Amen, if you have something to hurt you, feel for it now. You can feel for it, hit it, in Jesus name. If you had a bad eye, cover the good eye, cover it real good. In the name of Jesus, I command your eye to see clearly, to open up and see in Jesus name, in Jesus. Same with your, if you had a bad ear, cover up the good ear. I mean, plug it up, in Jesus name. I command your ear, if it's both, both, to open up. Hear me in Jesus name, glory to God. This is raise our hands and thank you one more time. Thank you Lord Jesus, thank you Lord, thank you Lord. Oh, the power of God is flowing. Precious things are happening. Now let me ask you, brothers and sisters, if you say, "Tommy, I'm healed." Jesus has touched me, I'm well, or I'm a lot better. It's obvious that I'm better, that he's working on me, and I'm being healed. If that's you, put up your hand. Raise it up, all right, raise it like this. Well, glory to God, glory, now, look at that. Glory to God, that's a miracle, you're healed. You're healed, you got it. Let's raise your hand one more time, bit of healed. Now keep it up, and I want everybody to scot your hand up just to come and join us on the platform. Come on, just real quick. Come on, join us. Praise the Lord, I remember you. Come on, come and tell us what God, don't be shy, don't go sit back down, come tell us what God has done. Come and say, "Thank you," I know people are shy, but this is your opportunity to say, "Thank you," to Jesus. Amen. Praise the Lord. And some people say, "Well, I want to see "if it comes back." No, no, that's bad, that's so bad. Come and tell us. Amen. Please, come tell us. Yes, brother, what has God done for you? Oh my gosh, I felt the Lord presence here in my heart and my soul just opening my thoughts in my mind and healing me for all infirmities, just feeling his love in my heart, like I've never had before. And I appreciate everybody here praying for each other and bringing, and I just want to say thank you, God, thank you Lord for your, yes, absolutely. In Jesus' name, my back was been hurting for the past two and a half months, and I was able to touch my toes earlier this morning and again right now, without anything. Praise God, Hallelujah, praise God. Thank you, Jesus. Thank you, Lord Jesus. Amen, yes, brother. I remember you, yes. My ears have been stopped up since the beginning of July, and they've cheered up. Amen. Hallelujah. I was diagnosed with coma and I believe I'm healed. I believe you're healed. Does it look more bright now? That's a miracle. You are healed of glaucoma. You are a miracle. It's so good to see you again, my friends, and then especially long. Praise God. You're the sister? I know, yeah. (audience laughs) I'll bless you, brother. Yes. I'm just feeling better. Like I said, trusting God to just feel it. All this is good to know. Once again, how's your knee feeling? A little bit better. (audience applauds) In your back? (audience laughs) Oh, praise the Lord. God bless you. Thank you. Yes, brother. I've been dealing with some issues with my mind in regards. Killed me from it as soon as presents. (audience applauds) Let's come to your mind. And that's permanent. That's permanent. Praise the Lord. Precious, thank you, brother. Amen. Somebody else tell me what God is there. You don't have to come up. Just holler at me. I'll come down to you. Yeah. My foot, there is a part of my foot by my heel that's been hurting and the pain has gone all the way up to my back for a few months. And it's tolerable, but I always thought-- Foot pain is small. Yeah. And I always thought, well, I don't need it. It's not as bad as other people's pain and things like that. And it does not hurt. I took my shoe off and I pinched where it's normally tender and it's not tender at all. Yield, God bless you. Amen. Praise somebody else tell me what God has done. Amen? (audience applauds) Ow. Ow. (audience laughs) I'm so sorry. Thanks a lot. Okay, so back in April of '21, I was in a motor vehicle accident. I got hit by an 18-wheeler. So I had surgery on my shoulder, on my neck, and on my back and on my ankle, like everywhere. And this shoulder, I was not able to do this. Oh, and I won praise God and I'd be like, I want to move this shoulder. I want to move this shoulder. And then today I'm like, yes, I can do both. Oh, that's a miracle. And did you know something, let me tell you something. Did you know doctors have gotten real good at replacing hips? I mean, it works. And they replace knees. But let me tell you, shoulder's not so good. I mean, people will have three or four or five operations. And this still just hurts. And the recovery is awful and it's expensive. This was free. Amen. Glory to God. Well, we've had a glorious time, haven't we? Let's just all raise our hands. Lord Jesus, we give you all the praise and the glory. We ask you to bless Omega Church. We ask you to bless all the pastors, all the believers. Please bless Pastor Allen. We ask for a perfect recovery of healing. And as we go visit him tonight, we ask Lord that your healing presence will fill that house, will fill his body and recover. His recovery will be so fast in Jesus' name. We give you all the glory and the praise. Bless Pastor Zona, Lord. We thank you, Lord, for their wonderful families. Thank you, Lord, for the love that we felt here. We feel like part of the family. And we are grateful to you, Lord. In Jesus' name, amen. Hallelujah, thank you, Jesus. Father, we bless you and we honor you. Y'all don't leave yet. We're gonna sow into frontier evangelism. Amen, you can do that online with the app or with the envelope system. And you know, you're going into all the world and preaching the gospel whenever you sow into ministries that are going and doing it. You become a partaker of the divine nature. Okay, so you're partnering and you're going with them. And so as they're winning souls and healing the sick and casting out devils, you're there right there with them doing it, amen. Hallelujah, so we're gonna give you an opportunity to sow into that. And then I just had something on my heart whenever, Tommy, whenever you mentioned about what God has done to you, he wants to do through you. And the scripture come up and I looked it up, I think it's in Matthew chapter 10. He said, go and preach and heal cleansed the lepers and heal the sick, cast out devils. Freely you've received, so freely give. And so we don't want to become a conduit or a water hose that is cut off and kinked. No, we want to be a flow for the glory of God, the power of God, the healing of God to flow through us. And so I heard a minister say this one time and it hit me like real hard. As a believer in the Lord Jesus Christ, you've been born again, you've been saved, filled with the Holy Ghost and God has healed you, he saved you and he's delivered you. We don't have a right to withhold the love of God from anybody, amen. So we are to be called to be a conduit to do what Jesus has done and that is to show his love, amen. So thank y'all so much, we're so pumped up. I don't need an hour pumped up, this church is pumped up and fired up, something is happening here on the south side of San Antonio. And man, thank y'all so much for stirring us up, inspiring us and the devil is on the run. Amen, hallelujah. And so right after I pray y'all can come and bring your offering and just come and do it rejoicing, amen, believing they rejoiced and so there ought to be a lot of rejoicing on whenever you're coming up here and sowing your seed. Father, we bless you and we honor you tonight. We thank you for everything that you have done and that you are doing and that you're gonna do in the future of Father God. We just thank you so much and we honor you. We bring this offering, we don't do it grudgingly or out of necessity because we know that you're not willing to do without a joyful, cheerful giver in the name of Jesus and Father God, you said the faithful were flourished and so we just thank you, we believe that we receive right now in the mighty name of Jesus. And everybody said, amen, love y'all. - Thank you for joining us today. I'd like to say thank you for all those who give and support this ministry. I pray that you've been blessed and challenged by the podcast today. For more information on how to give, you can visit Thank you for believing in our mission. [MUSIC PLAYING] [BLANK_AUDIO]