Omega Church with Ronnie Allen

Sunday Morning | Tommy, Elisabeth, and Donovan O'Dell

Broadcast on:
01 Sep 2024
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Good day to you. This is Ronnie Allen, delighted that you're with us today. Right here at Omega Church here in San Antonio, you can go to You can see the various social media platforms we use. Thank you for being with us today. We hope this message equips you to follow God's voice. We believe that if you're searching, today your search is over. Thanks for being with us, and enjoy. The Bible says he was wounded for our transgressions. He was bruised for our iniquities, and the chastisement of our peace was upon him. And with his stripes, we are healed. And that's the message for today. Jesus read that about himself, and I'm telling you what he preached like no other person ever preached. He could back up what he preached with miracles, signs, and wonders. And all over the world where we preach, we just got back from Kenya. We went to prisons. I'm telling you what, prisons are not fun, but third world prisons. It's like you don't have heard of heaven on earth. This is like the opposite. But we have good news, amen? The gospel is for those that are imprisoned, whether physically or emotionally, whatever way we are prisoners, Jesus came to set us free. And the Bible says who the sun sets free is free in reality. And it's amazing to stand in front of thousands of prisoners. I probably, as you know, the judicial system overseas in third world countries is not the best. Sometimes if a neighbor accuses you of doing something, they will arrest you and take you to prison. And it might take three to four years before your case even comes before the judge. So it's sad. There's hopelessness. So when we come and sing our music and preach the gospel, that is what changes lives at the very, very core. And we've had prisoners actually write us and saying, you know, I came from another country. We gave all of our money and this man promised us that we would get the right papers. But upon arrival, there was no one there. We spent three days without food and water. And then we came into Kindege prison. And that's the prison where our partners and us together have built water towers and a water pump, a new kitchen, a church, a big church right in the middle of prison. It's called redemption chapel. And they're writing us that they were so happy to go to Kindege prison because there was food, there was water, they got saved in church. It's the best place to go when you go illegally into Kenya. Amen. They were like, we were starving. We had no water. Can you imagine that for three days? So finally they gave themselves at the police station and then they went to Kindege prison and they heard about Jesus for the first time and their lives are radically changed. What we have, the message that saved you, is the message that will save others through you. Christ is in you both to will and do of His good pleasure. And if you haven't heard our story, I'm from Holland, from Amsterdam. I speak Dutch. Right now I'm not speaking Dutch, obviously. But I can. And Tommy came. He had been newly saved even though he is the grandson of Teal and Daisy Osborne. You know, salvation is a personal decision you make. It's not through previous generations. It's not how it works. And so Tommy was a bell. I was a bellies too, but he was really rebellious. And he was a drug addict. He lived on the streets in Tulsa and just covered in all kinds of things he shouldn't be covered in. And he was hopeless. He was, he was, it was given up. Family didn't know where he was. And he had been to Kenya. He came back. The Houston Police Department tried to find drugs on him because he was acting like he was on drugs. And they tried to find any drugs in his luggage. But I guess, praise the Lord, he had eaten them all. He should have been dead because of so many sleeping pills and other, you know, chemicals putting in his body. And then as soon as he came to Tulsa, he left home. And that's when his journey to hell and death became very real. And well, his testimony is amazing. We have his book. But so anyway, Tommy called on the name of Jesus. Do you believe that the name of Jesus can save us? Do you, do you believe that the name of Jesus can deliver us? Can resurrect us? And do you believe he can do that for the others in the world? Yes. Hallelujah. So Tommy had a certain point in his life. He was dying. He was overdosing his wonderful friends, kicked him out of the car. I'm giving you a testimony because it's in brief detail. And so God set him free, saved him and set him free of drugs and healed his brain when he cried out, Jesus, okay. So a few months later, this guy came to Holland to preach his testimony all over the place. And the first day we met, I helped pick him up at the airport. I was one of my chores. My task was hospitality. And so he came and I showed him his room and how things worked. And he said, if you sit down in the chair, I want to go get my guitar. And I'm going to sing you a song. And that's how we kind of met. And then we, seven months later, we got married in Northern Ireland, and then we had our first son in Nigeria. And so I just want to challenge you this morning that God has a plan for each of your lives. And it is a plan where God's power wants to work through. Amen? He has anointed you to preach the gospel. He has anointed you to set the captives free. That's why the Holy Spirit is inside of us. So we can do the works that Jesus did. And the Bible says an even greater works than these shall we do. And when I look at the world right now and the need that it's in, it needs to see miracles. We're done with just talking. We need to see evidence. When we go to the Muslims, they want to see evidence that our message is truth and that our message is indeed of God. Because he is the one that still opens the eyes of the blind. He is the one that still makes cripples walk. He is the one that can still raise the dead. We do not serve our God from the past. We serve our God from the now. The Bible says, God's name is I am. Moses said, what shall I say? Your name is I am. And he is I am this morning. And whatever you need this morning, when Tommy preaches, he preaches the gospel. And the Bible says that the gospel is the power of God unto salvation to everyone that believes. And if you're saved today, but you need a healing that's all included in the covenant, in the new covenant that we have with God. Amen. Through the blood of Jesus that was shed, he paid an awful price. He was beaten. He was tortured. He was whipped. And when he hung on that cross, he cried out the Bible says with a loud voice, it is finished. So he did his job. And Tommy and I have taken it upon us for the past 42 years to continue the job that God has given the church. And I want to thank Omega for all these years. You have been faithful in sending us. When we build the redemption chapel, you are there with us. When we go in the prisons, you are there with us. Frontier evangelism is not a one man or one woman show we are a team. If you're like soccer, we're a soccer team or football. I'm from Holland, I know what soccer. If you like American football, it's a team. We work together. And the Bible says that God works with us to give us the increase. Amen. So together and God is our amazing father, our amazing worker of miracles. He will never leave you. He will never forsake you. The Bible says he's a friend that will stick closer than a brother. So I just want to let you know we have music. Everything is ten dollars. If you buy two items, you get one free. We got amazing blues. You know, when Tommy played song for me, I actually married him. So that's how good his music is. Now we sing together. This is miracle working faith. So Tommy's testimony is here in here, in detail. There's other testimonies of blind I sing, of a witch in Argentina, Maria. She came to put a curse on Tommy and instead the next day she got saved and delivered a man and started speaking in other tongues. And it's a great book. A lot of times the Bible says lay hands, believers shall lay hands on the sick and they shall recover. And then the Bible also says faith without actions is dead. So how do you get a miracle when you pray for someone? So Tommy's made it very easy and plain in this book that when you pray for the sick, what do you do next to see that person actually healed or you yourself? And so it's a wonderful book. When we go to churches, a lot of times they get several and start doing like a meeting, like a prayer meeting or a Bible study to get the believers in the church to see the miracle result that God has promised each and every one of us. Amen? It's just knowing how to how to do it. It's already been done. Jesus said, you know, I'm the way, the truth and the life and all of that has been provided. It's just a little few little tips so you can actually see the miracle results that God has promised. If you'd like to sign up to receive our emails and newsletters, there's no obligations. The number one thing we ask of you is to pray for us when we're on the road and there's weird things going on in countries like government overthrows or scary things. And we always know that our partners are praying because we're still here. Amen? And so you lead us through that. You take us. And then another thing that we're very proud of, we have started. We had a YouTube channel and we hadn't done it. We hadn't posted anything new for many, many years. And then our second son, T.L., he said, you know, he lives in Florida. He's a mom and dad. You need to start putting your stuff on YouTube. And he said, be faithful. And we're like, yes, son, we will. Two days later, mom, dad, where are you post? Like, well, we're very, very busy people, you know? And so he said, it's very easy. Lord really told me it's important that you put the miracles and you're preaching, that you put it on YouTube. And so we have done that preaching miracles inside prisons. Some prisons don't allow us to take videos. But many where we've given and crusades, yes. And many where we've given a lot, they allow us to go into prison and actually show what always happening. And I encourage you, it's called, it's called YouTube at Go Channel. So it's at the book table on our newsletters. See? That's us. And I encourage you to go there. It's, you know, the world is hungry. The world is hungry for real miracles. The world is hungry for the gospel. And so we went from 235 subscribers in three months to over 16,000. That is how hungry the world is. Where you go on Facebook next time, post something about Jesus. I like videos about kittens, but really, that's not going to change the world. Amen? But tell people what God has done for you. Encourage others what God will do for them. That's how we change the world. Facebook is free. YouTube is free. Instagram is free. All of that is free for believers to let the world know what God is doing and how much he loves them. Amen? So find our channel and subscribe, like and subscribe. We have to always say that my son is like, remember to say like and subscribe. So please like and subscribe. But we love you and we know God is going to do amazing things. I want to ask Donovan, our youngest, he's, he traveled with us from very little going to horrible places. And I believe it marked him for the world to go to the world. And he's been stuck in Indonesia. He was stuck with during COVID. He was on his way and he called us from LA. He said, I don't know. People are starting to cancel their tickets. And we said, son, go forward. It'll be fine. And so for five and a half months, Donovan was not able to return home. But in the meantime, he preached every day, he preached the gospel to the country of Indonesia. It's the world's largest Muslim nation. And he was online preaching. And I tell you what, the Muslims were watching him and were listening and their lives were changed. So just because you're stuck somewhere for a little bit, doesn't mean that God is going to use that moment, that time, to bring many into his kingdom. Amen. Donovan is an amazing guy. I love him very much. He was a gift of God that I, we didn't expect. But God always, God's ways are higher than our ways. And he's an amazing guy. He puts most of the videos. He goes through all the archives. You know, if you have a newsletter, you can put what three pictures of a miracle in there. But now we have all these videos with undeniable miracles that God has done. And Donovan goes through them. He picks them. He posts them. So we really appreciate his, his labor. And of course, when we go overseas, he's with us preaching us, helping us, sustaining us. Amen. During the times that it gets a little tiring, he's always there taking the baton and running with it and helping us preach. You flatter me. Thank you. Thank you. Amen. Big hand for Elizabeth, please. She is probably somehow a greater mother than she is a preacher. I'm telling you, she's, she just has so many hats. She can do it all. You know, she's, she's amazing. You know, something that I thought was really funny walking around this church. A lot of you guys remember me when I was about this big and, and this wide and, and I was a cute little fat boy, you know. And that's, that's just wonderful. You know, I, I, I, um, to be able to meet my fellow brothers and sisters who have seen me from that young, um, I want to give you my testimony and tell you what I've been doing all those years since you've seen me. How old was I probably when you saw me last was I like six, eight or something like around there? Yeah. So I've been doing a lot. Let me tell you. Uh, so I started traveling with my parents when I was six years old, um, to South America, I believe, Honduras was the first place I ever went to. And it was around South America is where it kind of stayed. And also to Indonesia, I traveled from, from six years old to 12, I had traveled to many different places. And I had seen many miracles. My job was to write down the testimonies that people would come up, the people who were healed. I would have my little notebook. And let me tell you, I don't think I spelt a single word right for those six years of my life. You can read, I have all those textbooks in my home. And it's crazy that we actually were able to use those for the newsletters. I don't know how they did it. It's a miracle in itself. Um, but, but the funny thing is, is during that whole time, during those six years, I realized something. I realized that when I was that young, maybe it's because I was young, or maybe it was because I wasn't a true, hungry believer yet. I don't know which one it was, but I was completely blind to the miracles. Even though I saw them and even though I wrote them down, I actually never really understood what was going on during those first six years of my life. And I think that that was the most insane revelation that I had my entire life was when I was 12 years old, and I was in Brazil, and there was a woman who was about as close as the front row is to me to I am right now. Um, and she stood up out of her wheelchair, and it was like something clicked. And for that first time, that that particular miracle, I don't know what it was about it, I wasn't blind anymore. And I could see that Jesus was real and that this stuff is real, and it's not a joke, and it's not a cliche, that he exists. And, and it really shocked me when I was a kid. I never forgot it. I never forgot to look on her face. I never forgot the way she quivered and shook and stood up. I never forgot anything about her. I'll never forget her the rest as long as I live. And it, no, it was indoors. It was indoors. It was, it was a, it was a smaller build. I mean, it wasn't that small. I mean, most of the buildings are pretty big, but, but yeah, so that was the first one. And then ever since that time, I have, when I was growing up, it was, it wasn't, it was heavy. It didn't make my life lighter, knowing that Jesus was real and that God was real. It did not make me have it an easier go, if you will. It weighed on me every day. Every day I went to school. And every day I grew. It was hard because I wanted, it was a duality. There was a duality in me. There was the desire to, to become something worthy of respect for my fellow man and the desire to be worthy, to be called a son of God. And those two things conflicted in me because I knew that to adhere to the one, I would have to kind of go away from the other because nobody in my school wanted to hear about miracles. Nobody on Facebook wanted to hear about my miracles. Nobody, nobody thought that was interesting. Everybody wanted to hear about the famous people. Everybody wanted to hear about pop culture media. That was what was going on. You know, and so there was this duality that grew and grew and grew. And so finally, as a full grown adult, probably around the age of 18 to 20, I had to make that choice. Who was I going to follow? Was I going to follow mankind's ideals? What they think is important? Or was I going to follow God and do what I knew what he thought was important? Because everything that Jesus did was important. What all did he do? What did Jesus do? He comforted the brokenhearted. He healed the sick. He went out to the poor and to the lowliest. And he brought them up out of their despair, out of their self condemnation. There's so many people in the world today that still condemn themselves to a point where they cannot rise above it. And if they can't hear somebody who has felt the love of God, they will never rise above it. When I always ask this question, I'm overseas. Where should I go to meet God? Where do I go? What building do I knock on? What door? Where's the synagogue? Where's the scientific laboratory? Where's the building? You guys know where it is, right? You're the building. You're the building. You're the temple of God. He lives in you. And so I see these people around the world who are hungry, who are needy, and they're hungry for you. They're hungry for you and what you have to offer. And I know that sounds crazy, but that's the truth. You know, we're all followers of Jesus. We do the things that Jesus did. And we rise up with Jesus in the end. Who can we? You know, we're born into this world naked, right? And naked, we return. What can we take with us? Can you tell me? The souls, the souls that you save in the name of Jesus, the souls that they save in the name of Jesus, and so on, and so on, to the day that Jesus returns on this planet. That is the only thing that you can take with you. Everything else is moth corrupted. Everything else is dirty. Everything else becomes everything else is gone. Have you ever seen? One time I saw a video, I saw this picture. It was of an massive brick wall that was on an ocean, it was just on the beach. And so the ocean was hitting it and hitting it. And it was only a month old. And that whole brick wall was almost gone. And then when you realize the continents completely change and transform, you know, the earth itself, we cannot create a name through the earth that will stay in the test of time. It is impossible. It is not possible to create a name on earth that will last forever. So you must really make sure that your name is written down in the book of life. We must really strive toward the mark of the high prize of the calling. And then we don't fight against the air. We fight against the, by the prince, the power of the air. And then we're not doing nothing. We're doing something. This is, so, so, the first six years of my life, it was completely blind. I was blind to it. And then for probably another six years from 12 to 18, it was heavy on me. It weighed down. It didn't make me happy because that duality. And finally, finally, I woke up and I realized that God had made, he had borne me into the perfect position to be able to reach my fellow man. I was born the son of Tommy Ray Odell, who was the son of Jerry Odell, who was another preacher, who was the, who was the, the, his wife was T.L. Osborne. These are three generations of preachers. And I realized that this is where I'm supposed to be. This is the perfect place to be able to spread the gospel, the word of God. And so I asked my dad when I was 18, I said, help me out. Let's, let's read the Bible. Help me. And let me tell you something. My dad is a wonderful teacher, but it was a hard work. It was with a lot of blood, sweat, and tears. There were many arguments and fights. And it was, it was difficult. I really had to do away with a lot of what I thought was important. I probably asked the stupidest questions he ever heard in his entire life. I think that, you know, he probably wondered like, oh, you know, maybe we should stop. You know, but, but thank God he didn't, and never, never. And, you know, and so I progress and progressed. And, and, and let me tell you something. It went from me not being able to see miracles to me actually being able to produce them through Jesus and my own life and my own life. For me personally, for me personally, that was everything I wanted. If I could have just known that Jesus was willing to produce miracles through me, then I was willing to die happy. And, and in Indonesia, this last time I was there, I think it was a few months ago, I was there for two months. And I went around all north Sumatra, which is a bunch of mountains around this big huge lake Lake Toba, one of the biggest freshwater lakes in the world. And I went from, from, from each week, from, from village to village every day, every, every, every day having a crusade, almost. And maybe every other day. And, and, and let me tell you, there was, there was miracles every single night. Let me tell you my favorite three. And then I'll, I'll give it to my dad. My favorite three, the first one was a young, and I'm getting better at preaching. The one thing that I'm so, I'm so bad at with miracles is I get so excited. I don't ask their name. I don't ask how long they were sick. I don't ask anything about it. I'm just so excited. I'm just like, Lord of God, next one, next one. And then the other guy, I'll get some out of here. And then we just lose all of that information. I'm getting better at it. I'm trying to keep them anyway. So the first guy, it was this young, he was a younger man. And he had, he had a stroke. I mean, I don't know what, what made this young, I mean, Indonesian, the, the diet there is a little bad. Sometimes they, they, they just don't have enough money to buy, you know, enough food to eat enough nutrients. It's just white rice and oil, cooking oil, you know, things like that. And so this young man had had a stroke. And what it made it do was he couldn't lift his arm past this point. And this whole side was just weak and it drooped. And so he just, his whole life has walked around like that. I don't know how long, like I said, I never asked. And I don't know who he was. But he was like that. And, and this young man, I saw him like this when he came. And then on the platform, he was walking straight. And when we asked him to lift up his arm, he lifted it up in the name of Jesus. He was completely healed through and through. He was happy. He was crying. And, and, and, you know, I realized that that is the most beautiful thing on this planet being able to help the fellow man be able to uplift him and heal them and save their own, their own begotten soul. Isn't what's greater than that? I don't know if anything is better than that. That's greater than that. Did I get to see them again in the next life? You know, and then I'm not blind to it anymore. I'm, thank God. I'm not blind to anymore. Thank God. Because, because now when I read the Bible and I'm not blind to it anymore, and I see what, what it means. And I see that it still happens today. The gospel, the book of Acts is still being written today. It never ends. Everybody, there's people being healed right now. That's very moment. There's going to be people healed this, in this room, this morning, and in this room tonight. It happens every day, all day long. Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and forever. He never changes. There's a lot of voices against it. But I'm a voice for it. I am not blind. I can see. And I've been all over this world. There's many different things about this world. I've been all over it. Many different foods, many different peoples, many different cultures, many different countries, many different politics. But let me tell you something. Jesus is the same all over this planet. He does not care who you are. He is not a respecter of persons. He wants the greatest for you. He wants the best for you. Amen. And now, I'm going to introduce to you Tommy Ray Odell. Amen. Praise the Lord. But I'm going to say some really nice things that you're going to load that are going to encourage you and help you to believe. And tonight, I thought was going to be our healing night. But there might be people here this morning that are suffering. And if you're ready to be healed this morning, why don't you just get healed this morning? Amen. But really, we want to emphasize that we want you to bring somebody this evening that needs a miracle, that needs salvation, that needs deliverance, that needs a touch from God. Maybe somebody who's real sick or got, you know, something incurable. Did you know Dr. Jesus doesn't know incurable? Maybe they're hopeless. You know, Dr. Jesus doesn't know hopeless. Amen. To say anyone's hopeless is to say that God is helpless for them. Amen. There's nobody that's incorrigible. You know that word? I've heard that word. They talked about me being incorrigible. But with Jesus, there's no incorrigible. There's no hopeless. There's no worthless. There's no outcast. There's no too diseased. There's no too far gone. There's no too addicted. There's no too messed up. There's no too whatever. Amen? Too evil, too bad, too dirty. Bring him to Jesus. He has the ability to transform the heal. It's transforming power, healing power, the power in the blood, the power of the believer, the power in Jesus' name, the power in the presence of the Holy Spirit. The Bible says, "Whatever I ask in the name of Jesus, Jesus himself does it, that the Father may be glorified in the Son." When I ask anything in the name of Jesus, Jesus says, "He will do it." Amen? The Father loves Jesus, he said, and he gives him all that he asks. The Father loves me. Amen? He loves me. And he gives me what I ask, when I ask in faith, in Jesus' name, Jesus said, "All authority in heaven and on earth is given unto me." And then he transferred that authority and power to us and said, "Now you, you go in my name as an oracle of God. You speak my word. You use my name. Praise God. You have the power of attorney to use my name to draw on heaven's account anything that you need." It's supernatural authority. So we can say all authority and heaven and earth has been given to us in Jesus' name, and we have faith and that power and authority in Jesus' name. And through that name, we can bring perfect healing to people. In his name, we can be perfect salvation, perfect deliverance to people. I'm not talking about me. I'm not talking about preachers. I'm talking about you. Glory to God. Say, "I have authority." Say, "All power, all authority is in Jesus in me. The devil is terrified of me because what lives within me. When he sees my eyes, he sees Jesus looking out of the windows of my soul." Hallelujah. Praise God. The message that we preach to the world works. The world needs to see the supernatural. Without a miracle demonstration, the gospel is not the gospel. Amen. I wrote a few things down here about what is the secret that really allowed the early church to change the world? And what is the secret that allows us to change our world? And it's really simple. The answer lies in the example of Jesus, the Messiah. Amen? And in the ministry of the early church, everything about Jesus, public ministry, and everything about the early churches, public ministry was miraculous. Jesus' conception was a miracle. Amen? Because he was born, his birth was a miracle. His life was an unceasing stream of miracles, of demons cast out, blind eyes open, lepers, cleanse, the cripples walking, feeding the multitudes, walking on the water. It was an unceasing stream of miracles. Amen? His wisdom was miraculous. His teaching was miraculous. His authority was miraculous. His death was miraculous because Jesus said, "No one is able to take my life from me. I lay it down." He said, "With one word I could call 10,000 angels. They would slaughter everyone. Don't worry about me. I am not helpless. I am yielding myself. If I didn't yield myself up, you would not be able to kill me." So his death was a miracle. And of course, his resurrection. He is risen. He is risen. He is risen. That's the message we've got for the world. Amen? No Muslim will ever stand up ever and say, "Muhammad is risen." No Buddhist. None. None. Nowhere in the world will ever stand up and say, "Buddha is risen." Never. Did you know that? In fact, there's not any religion in the world where they stand up and say the leader of their religion is alive now. They're dead. They're buried. They make pilgrimages to their graves. That's the holiest thing you can do is go to their grave and celebrate their mortality. But our faith is in a living, resurrected, alive, working, transcendent Jesus the Messiah. He's alive. Because he lives, we live too. Amen? You know that song? Because he lives, I can face tomorrow. Because he lives, all fear is gone. Because I know, boy, that's tearing me up. I'm getting sentimental about old age. Because I know. I know. I know. He holds the future. And life is worth the living. Just because he lives. Praise God. What a wild ride this has been, Elizabeth, hadn't it? For 100 countries, more than 100 countries, for 43 years. 43 for me. We're going to be married 42 in October. We have been preached to the gospel all over the world. And everywhere we've gone, God has confirmed his word with miracles. Amen? When the early church began, it began in a profusion of undeniable miracles. See, the early church had discovered something. Jesus had arisen. And the same power that Jesus had revealed was in them and was demonstrated by them in his name. They recognized when they prayed in his name, the same kind of miracles that happened through Jesus would happen through them. Why? Because Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and forever. And the mystery of the gospel is Christ in you, the hope of glory. So when Jesus comes to live in you, he comes with his power. He comes with his glory. He comes with his love. He comes with his miraculous. He comes with his supernatural. Amen? We manifest the same supernatural power that Jesus represented. Hallelujah. Jesus is alive and he lives in you. Jesus is unchanged, therefore the miracles continue. Let me say that one more time. Jesus is alive and he lives in you. Jesus is unchanged, so the miracles continue through you. Hallelujah. See, the acts of the apostles became the example for the acts of the church from then on, from then on. Without the supernatural, we have nothing more than another dead religion. The devil hates miracles. Let me say that again. The devil hates miracles. Satan is terrified of any sort of supernatural evidence. We are set for the defense and the confirmation of the gospel. The Bible says that. So the defense, that means what we say. The confirmation, that's what God does. And in a court of law, the lawyer that can produce evidence is the one that generally wins the case, should always win the case. Amen? And in God's court always wins the case. We have the evidence that Jesus has risen from the dead. I was preaching the gospel in a place in Ghana, a city called Hohoy. And there was a man there named A.K. Nianzi. I'll never forget him. He was a dance instructor and I think he was good. But one day when he was crossing the street, he was hit by, he was struck by a truck. And it knocked him way up in there. He ended up landing in a ditch. It broke his back. It crushed his pelvis. They didn't have any money. He didn't have any money. So he just healed like that. So from then on, he was a twisted lump of human flesh, no dancing anymore. They would come and bring money to him, his hut and feed him like that. And one day while he was lying in great pain, he heard the sound car going around that was announcing our crusade. And it was like, come to the crusade. You know, miracles will happen. Jesus is alive. Blind eyes will see. Jesus is his residency. Anyway, like that. And so he heard that. The cripples will walk. And he was laying there. And so he got his family to bring him to the crusade. So they got him and they left him there. That is, okay, here you go. This is stupid. And they left him there. I don't know how he's going to get home. Isn't that crazy? But you know, if you expect a miracle, you just throw yourself on God, amen? A.K. Nianzi just threw himself on God. So he's laying there on the ground. And while I'm preaching in the middle of my sermon, somebody slips up behind him and stabs him in the bottom. Well, that's what he felt like. But when he went and looked, there was nobody there. And then he felt the knife go out of the bottom, right in his bottom, come out of his hip. And when the knife went out, all the pain went out. And then he felt his back adjusting and his neck adjusting and his legs begin to crack and his pelvis begin to shift. And pretty soon he was up on his hands and knees. And pretty soon he was standing up. And pretty soon he had begun to walk. And he was perfectly healed. He came up on the platform and a run. And by the time he got up there, he hit the platform and began to dance. And he danced up and down the platform. And he was acute as there. I can't dance. I've never known a guitar player that could dance. I'm telling you. Something about the guitar. Anyway, so he was dancing. And he had this handkerchief. And he would wave the handkerchief and freeze. And then wave the handkerchief. And so I got so excited. Remember, I can't dance. I forgot. Everyone saw a song. A song will come on and it'll be so cool that I'll forget I can't dance in the middle of it. Wait a second. I don't know what I'm doing. I'm in trouble. And so I made all the preachers get up. We had about 30 or 40 on the platform. It was a big platform. And I said, we're going to dance with A.K. and Yahtzee. Now half of them didn't believe in dancing. But when God moves like that, and I tell you real strong, you ought to do it. They all did it. I mean, we had the Presbyterian's dancing. And we all danced. And when he would wave that handkerchief, we'd freeze. It was glorious. We must have done that for an hour. And God did so many miracles. It was so powerful. Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever. Amen. I want to tell you, see, that's why without the supernatural, we don't have anything. We've got nothing. Religion isn't good enough. Amen. Jesus is more than a religion. He's just more. Religion is just a ritual. It's a formality. It's human attempt to reach God. It's a ceremony. It's our attempt to please God. But our faith is not a religion. It is the nature of God expressed through Jesus. Our faith is not a religion. It is Jesus' heart and nature manifested through people. Christ in you, the hope of glory. Greater is he that is in you than he that is in the world. And that Jesus' life, it's the only faith in the world that is based and propagated on a succession of miracles. The Hindus don't have that. Believe me, the Buddhists don't have that. The Muslims, if they get sick, they don't say let's pray. Let's pray to Muhammad. That would just be stupid. Muhammad is buried. They know it. We pray to Jesus because we know his tomb is empty. When we go visit the tomb of Jesus, that's cool. We're cool tourists. But we're not, we didn't become haggis, you know, right? We didn't go up a supernatural level. No, because that tomb is empty. And Jesus now lives in the temple of our bodies. Amen. In Jesus, there is cure for the incurable. In Jesus, there's dignity for the oppressed. In Jesus, there's beauty for ashes. In Jesus, there's anointing oil instead of depression and mourning. In Jesus, there's liberty for every captive. Hallelujah. The leper knelt down before Jesus and he said, "Oh, I know." He said, "I love this story." He said, "I know that you can make me clean if you will." And the Bible said Jesus was moved with compassion and he put forth his hand and he touched the man right on that running leprosy. There's open sores and he touched him and he said, "I am willing." And when he touched him, the power of God went through him and every trace of that leprosy melted away and he was perfectly cleansed. There's cure for the incurable. Elizabeth, I have seen miracles like that. All over the world, there was a little boy that was carried by his mom. Those legs were covered with leprosy and the leprosy had eaten so deep into his legs that it destroyed the nerve. Did you know there's a cure for leprosy now? But when we first started preaching, there wasn't. There was, for the first half of our ministry, there was still no cure. Now there's a cure. Glory to God. Amen. Thank God. But all these millennia there has been no, so this man was incurable, helpless, and this boy was like that. And the mother sat him on the ground and when we prayed, the power of God went through him, dried up that leprosy and healed the nerve, healed the nerve. And he went running back and forth. When they came on the platform, I thought she was a drunk woman because she was, "Oh, oh, oh." And the boy was running back and forth. I just thought he was a brat. And then they said, "No, but other hotels, the great miracle, the great miracle." Amen. Praise God. The Spirit of God who raised up Jesus Christ from the dead dwells in me. And he who raised up Jesus Christ from the dead also quickens and gives life to my mortal body through his Spirit who now dwells in me. Hallelujah. I want us to confess something right now. And I think it's going to really bless you. Speak this out of your mouth. Let's put our hands on our heart as we say this. Say, "Lord Jesus, you bore my sickness. You carried my pain. You were wounded from my transgressions. You were bruised from my iniquities. The chastisement of my peace was upon you and with your stripes. I am healed." I'd like to welcome anyone this morning that says, "Tommy, I need to be healed." Amen. If you need to be healed this morning and you can't come back tonight, I want you to stand upright where you are. Praise the Lord. And just slip right here to the front. Praise God. Come right up. Elizabeth and I and Donald are going to pray for you. And Jesus is here to meet your need, to answer your prayer, to touch you. Glory to God. There's cure for the incurable. Dignity for the oppressed. Annihilation of the devil's abuse. Transformation of your accountants. Restoration of your supernatural joy. Revolution for your life. Liberty for every captive. Amen. God bless you. Welcome. God bless you. Just come right up here. Let's all stand up. Praise God. Amen. Welcome. Welcome. Come on. Some people might say, "You know, Tommy, the most important thing in the world, though, is salvation. And we need to make sure that everybody here knows the Lord and is saved." In a service like this, you'd expect that everybody would already be saved. But I want to make sure. If you say, "Brother Tommy, I haven't received Jesus as my Lord and Savior, but I want to receive him." I love him. And I want to give my life to him right now. Or maybe you're back slitting and you've been away from the Lord. You say, "I want to come back." This is my time. My heart is convicted. Pray for me, Tommy, for my soul. For my soul. If that's you, put up your hand right where you are. Praise the Lord. And yes, praise. Would you come right down? Just come right down and we want to pray for you. Come on. Don't worry. I'm not going to embarrass you. Come on. I'm not going to embarrass you. Just come and join these others. Thank you so much. Thank you so much. And listen, maybe you need to also be healed. So as you come up, there's more that you can get. Amen. Amen. And let's all pray this prayer with them. Please four or five that raise their hands. Say, "Heavenly Father, I love you. I love you. I believe that you send Jesus to die in my place, to bear my pain, to bear my shame, all my sin, all my mistakes, all my badness. He took it upon himself. I receive it, Lord. I believe that Jesus is risen from the dead. And I confess that Jesus Christ is Lord. He's my Lord. He bore my sins and He's raised from the dead. According to the scriptures, that cannot lie. I am converted. I am saved. I believe, fill me, Lord, with your healing presence. Wash away my sin in your blood. I am changed. I am a child of God. Devil, you lost me. Jesus, I'm yours. I believe in you today. You will never leave me. You will never forsake me. Hallelujah. Clap your hands and praise God. Thank you, Jesus. Praise the Lord. Oh, thank you, Lord. I want you to look at your hands and say, "My hands are the hands of a believer." The Bible says, "Believers shall lay hands on the sink, and they shall recover." So in faith, I put my hand on my body where I suffer. And I believe that where I put my hand, the Lord Jesus puts his hand. So do that right now on your eye or your ear, on your knees, on your back. If it's all over your body, just put it on your heart. If it's something spiritual, if it's mental or if it's something, you can put it on your head. Elizabeth and Donovan, you just touched everyone as I prayed. Amen. Lord, thank God. Amen. Let's all raise our hands now. Father God, we thank you for what you've done this morning. And the mighty things you're going to do tonight, we give you all the glory and the honor. We worship you. We praise you. We give you all the praise and the glory. You're the healer. And we thank you, Lord, that you allow us as your children to participate in your wonderful kingdom in Jesus' name. Amen. And I remember tonight is very important. Those who have gotten healed, please come back because you're already healed. You don't need to come back. So please come back and bring somebody that needs a miracle. And we're going to have a lot of good music more than this morning. We'll do more songs. Amen. Amen. We love you. And don't forget to go buy and seal Elizabeth at the table. Come on, somebody. Man, it's been so, so, so good. Amen. There's going to be more tonight. Jesus hasn't run out of healing oil. Amen. And so y'all come back tonight. We're going to give you an opportunity to sow seed into frontier evangelism right now. You want to get seed into this good ground. Remember, I told you over and over again what you sow into, you grow into. Okay. So we want to be generous. We want to send them on. The Bible says in Romans 10, I believe, it says, "How can they hear without a preacher and how can a preacher preach unless he be sent?" And so we want to send them out going. We had Omega Church been doing, been partnering with them for a long time. And so you've been partnering with them. And so we want to continue to do that about four decades, right, for a very long time. And so we're not just family, but we're partnering with them as well in the gospel. And the gospel, the gospel is the power God unto salvation. And we don't want to ever underestimate the power of the gospel to transform lives. Amen. And so we get to be a part of that. And so you can give on the app, if you'll put on there on the other, and you'll just put Odels or something like that. And on the envelope system, just put for the Odels or for frontier evangelism, do that. If you write a check, write it to Omega Church and we'll make sure that we get that over to them. Okay. And so I know that you're going to be generous. You're going to go out and be blessed. And you're going to come back because there's just something about hanging out in the anointing. Amen. The joy of the Lord. I'll tell you what, we're having so much, I have so much fun seeing the devil be beat up on. Amen. So y'all come back, y'all can give as you leave and y'all are going out blessed and prosperous in Jesus' name. Love y'all. Thank you for joining us today. I'd like to say thank you for all those who give and support this ministry. I pray that you've been blessed and challenged by the podcast today. For more information on how to give, you can visit Thank you for believing in our mission.