The Pink Smoke podcast

Ep. 149 Toronto International Film Festival 2024 Preview

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John Cribbs & Christopher Funderburg return to the Queen City for our 20th trip to the Toronto International Film Festival to watch all the best in the current world of le cinema. With a line-up brimming (filled to the brim) with possibility, we talk our must-see films, wildcards, and the ones we’re dreading.

Included in this year’s slate are new works by Mike Leigh, Kiyoshi Kurosawa, Timo Tjahjanto, Pedro Almodovar, David Cronenberg, Thomas Vinterberg and more …choosing which titles among the 300+ entries to see is going to take guts. And brains. And human decency.

We introduce both the Possibility-o-meter and the Donnybrook-o-meter. Get psyched!

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Intro music: Unleash the Bastards / “Tea for Two” Outro music: Marcus Pinn / “Vegas”

1h 52m
Broadcast on:
03 Sep 2024
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Pestle's down everybody, it is time for the 2024 Toronto International Film Festival preview on the pink smoke and we're doing this a little bit earlier than we usually record it we usually do it just about two or three days before the festival before we hit the road for Toronto because of scheduling conflicts we kind of had to do it a couple weeks early this year although you'll be hearing it right before the festival obviously is what we're going to release it but just wanted to let you know because it might seem slightly less researched a little more ill and informed than usual but as a plus. Let me have this true I think you're making a mountain out of a mole hill I think I feel like I usually have more time. No what you usually have more time to do is complain about scheduling conflicts which will be good that you're not able to do it this time. Exactly exactly I'm sure people will be very happy you've never heard our Toronto preview episodes it's a lot of love to bitch. That's up against Bill DeBevic's new new movie the one Starling Shirley Shyamalan I really wanted to see this I really wanted to see this Chinese gangster movie exactly I won't be doing that because I haven't had time to look at the schedule and God maybe there wasn't a scheduling conflict maybe this was something I inflicted on you in order for us to not spending time discussing that and I bow to your strategy. One thing I would like to say before we just dig into it before we just dig straight in previewing the Toronto Film Festival 2024 this is my 20th year going to this festival or I've been going I've missed a few times but 20 years basically I've been going to this festival this is my 20th anniversary and one thing I did want to say at the top I know I don't know how formally you and I've discussed this but this is the last year I'm going to go to Toronto I think next year the the agreement between me and John is that we find a different festival to go to there's a variety of reasons for that you know some of them I'm not sure precisely the festival's fault but it does it does you know it has had a pretty bad slate of programming for the past few years some of that is COVID fall some of that's strike fault all of that I think philosophically that its programming has been not great for a while now and certain categories like midnight madness are almost hopeless as categories documentary has always been iffy you know um now it's it's completely like I don't even check what documentaries they're sewing except in the most cursory like is arrow morris got a movie there Fred Wiseman no otherwise I don't even consider looking at that and I was thinking that like you know it's I've been happy to be back and going but I'm also feel done with it you know and that's not even to say sort of my my conflicts with Canada as a place sort of like without even bringing that up into it I think as a festival I just think I felt like to John John and I said to each other like let's go someplace else in the same time frame next summer why don't we go to Venice or Luzon or some other festival than this as as many good memories and as much as we've gotten to know Toronto there is something that has felt the past few years it's probably overstating it to say like this feels like a waste of time but it definitely has not felt exciting for a while and and part of that is the programming part of that sort of the festivals mindset which I do feel like a switch to like more less when I started going there it's feeling was this is like the insiders festival like the press and industry where this is the lineup of all the movies that are going to matter in the coming year in some fundamental way maybe not the biggest blockbusters definitely not the biggest blockbusters but every other movie that's going to matter is going to be there that might matter it does not feel that way anymore and it does feel like there's also this weird emphasis on like I feel like I get celebrity shit shoved in my face the past few years in a way I didn't where there's a lot to talk about glamour and red carpet and stuff and I don't know that I love that and it also I don't know how it feels to local but it felt like as much as it appealed to the press and industry as sort of the North American festival where you would get a look at the landscape of what world cinema and art house cinema was going to be for the coming year it was also like a local festival and it felt very Toronto it felt like for the people you know and and the theaters they selected and where the screenings were and how spread out across the city it felt very like this is this is for Taranans you know Taraners whatever they're called and it doesn't feel that way to me anymore it feels very compressed down into one area of town that's sort of like you know the the shishi part of town and it has the feeling of like I don't know like like like the Hudson Yard or something to me just sort of like it has a fancy mall feel now that it feels like they're trying to cultivate that is not particularly appealing to me in any way yeah you can walk one block away and it's just suddenly you're nowhere near that that that those lights and like that big excitement festivals over yeah where it used to feel like there were people traversing between the various theaters and all of that and I know we have a different perspective as as sort of people have been going a long time but it does feel like you know it's just time to move on it's just time for something else and we've been threatening for a few years now they're like you know try a different festival you know try to expand our horizons a little bit because as much as I love the familiarity going up there and what to know what to expect and being excited to to go again there is there is definitely a like wow it's been 20 years and you know now it's a little it's a little done it's a little done it's a little you know it's like we're okay now it's time to order the tickets and do this and everything it's just becoming very rudimentary and even for me who is someone who is very much set in my ways and doesn't actually like taking big risk or changes or anything like that even I'm like feeling just a little bit like it's it's homespun now you know it's we're ready to move on from it so I'm with you really we should have made last year's festival the last festival only because it was such an embarrassment of riches you know we had where do you feel that way i feel like i feel like they're like erin i felt they were like there were four movies that i liked last but they were the best movies of the year or maybe that's true but i feel like and again i'm not sure this is their fault it did it did not feel like expansive to me i definitely saw what exactly what you're saying the four or five favorite movies i saw last year of my my 10 favorites four or five of them i saw Toronto there's no question about that but it does not feel expansive in that way to me anymore it's sort of last year felt like well the programming can't get any worse than this to me was really was really my feeling which i guess this leads into 2024 my feeling is john what do you think of this lineup i had a different reaction to this lineup this year here's here comes to the the silver lining positive part of it i felt like oh maybe it's getting back on its feet and we're wrong did you have the same reaction to program this year what was your reaction to the overall slate complete opposite really yeah because again because last year there were so many films that i knew were going to be great and turned out to be great and you know even even something like finest kind you know had its charms to it looking at the slate this year i didn't have that feeling at all i didn't get to five movies i'm most looking forward to this year and again i did not have as much time as i usually like to do to kind of just pine over the the catalog but uh it just doesn't feel i mean there are one or two things obviously i'm excited about but it doesn't feel like wow look at all this great stuff i want to watch obviously you know i think this one the big the big thing the big event this one is the return of a venerated director after many years you know the movie everyone's excited about it returns his miller's in marriage everyone's so excited to see his new film never tell you about when we uh had him as a guest at the theater i program and it was so funny you know i guess maybe it's not a surprise but he got up on stage and just talked about like Lars von Trier and Carl Dreier and like these filmmakers that he really loved and really admired and he was actually like a real cinephile with like sophisticated taste there were not false notes thrown into what he liked and how we think about that like clearly you know what a good movie is like what do you think like what's your relationship to the movies you make like you you must understand what you're making is nothing like Ingmar Bergman right like you must understand what you're making is different than those things you're citing as as touchstones for yourself right there's like you could be a cinephile and still be Edward Burns at the same time i think most cinephiles in ability and thought processor probably closer to Edward Burns than they are to geniuses such as me and you i mean we're up on the mountain job john get these leaves away from me sure enough Edward Burns Ed you know it's funny when i when i was four million this joke i i thought like Edward Burns hasn't directed a movie in years and actually he directed five movies in the last decade i just have not been aware of them we have not come across my radar whatsoever but that kind of thing he's gonna get more he's gonna sneak up on you he's gonna slip his way in and suddenly you're going to be like you know who's got a great body of work Edward Burns i hadn't been keeping track of it but that guy he's the new Lars von Trier or what have you but obviously everyone's real excited for the North American debut of Megalopolis everyone's excited to know which copa movie will prevail Megalopolis with the last show girl Gia Coppola's new movie that's going to be at the festival will they will they rally behind Francis Coppola's multi-million dollar wine enterprise you know dream project or will they go for Pamela Anderson as a veteran show girl trying to turn her life around reconnect with her daughter which do you think is going to win the hearts of the Toronto audience now it's funny because you and i are too very outspoken Coppola haters i think it's fair to call us haters shitter honors mockers of a morally repulsive human being right that your file of all the terrible things he's done that we like to bring up um what's your relationship to Megalopolis i think i think you know i'm a little less so than you because i dare i do i do like some copa movies you love the dream sequence with the dwarf and the conversation which definitely doesn't disqualify it from being a good movie conversation i'd like apocalypse now i like gremstrokers Dracula you know there comes apocalypse now what yeah i like apocalypse now sorry how does it compare to Romer's triple agent that's another podcast episode but what's my relationship Megalopolis i i don't care i mean he's had three films you know three post jack films i would say that you know we're nothing they were nothing they were like i don't think he was compromised anyway i think those films turned out exactly the way he wanted to and they were complete garbage and i have no reason to believe that like this one will be any different than those films i so well i i'll certainly see it do i expect it to be not bad not not really i just think it's funny that there's a a movie that a friend of ours from college done by copa he did the soundtrack for it and i never watched it can you imagine going back to like 19 or maybe you're like Dan's gonna do the movie for co the soundtrack for copa's new film and me just be like oh wow i'm never going to see it oh good for him who cares for him who cares that's really cool i mean not cool enough for me to want to watch it or anything but i will say though for copa la fans and and megalopolis being at the festival that's really all i had to go on this time i mean i usually obviously i'm excited for you know a veteran filmmaker who work i've enjoyed for decades and decades to have a new film coming out but uh it's turned really into the oldies fest when i like look over the uh the catalog and i see the new david kronenberg movie the new paul Schrader movie even the new mike lee movie and it's like oh boy like this is going to be this is going to be an issue here whether this movie is worth seeing whether i'm just trying to hold on to this guy who's been around for so long and just doesn't know anything just just kind of give like people context if you're listening to this episode in 2045 like a a recent thing that happened to kind of place it in history david lynch just announced he has emphysema and uh you know he said he's not retiring but you know he's not leaving the house during you know covid times you know and the right you know getting uh but there but there is going to be incessant coughing on the soundtracks of this film now just off camera but everybody you know he's swearing everyone kind of took it to me and you know oh he's done and like thank you so much mr lynch for all your magic and your stories for all the years and everything and everyone treated it like you know an announcement of of death and i just it was really interesting to me to like kind of see that reaction and sort of think about all these filmmakers who are very far past their prime it very much in there you know golden years and like you know what do they owe us they don't know anything they've all had very you know successful expansive careers and we shouldn't like go into their their films expecting anything except like hey something that might you know resemble they're they're they're great their greatest hits but like what do they what do they owe us what do these guys owe us at the end of the day and like should i even should i even go into the new david kroneber movie thinking like you better but just point me this time you know it's it's it's a weird feeling to like have that we're not necessarily excited but you think like i think you're not fair i i think it's fair to always root for the artists you like to make a movie you love i think that's fair i don't think that's owing or not owing anything i think if you're asking for my money to go fucking see it yes you do owe me that john it's not you know if you can't if you don't feel like you want to have that you know on your ledger then don't make another movie you know but i i do think they owe us that but i do if we're paying money and we're going to see it and giving them a start time they do owe us a good movie that's what any artist owes their audience is if you're trying to you know if an if an artist ever can owe an audience anything which i guess is you know open to debate but i would say that like you know it's framing it in a better way i think is you're always rooting for the guys you love to to make another good movie and maybe you know it's not going to be at the the highest heights but it's fair to like root that you're going to go see the whole and not bearing the axe you know what i mean i think that that's completely fair all right well that's good because the mike lee movie hard truce is coming out obviously is the megalopolis for both of us right that's the one we're going to be most excited about obviously and we've seen two mike lee movies up at tiff we saw a great one another year possibly his best one and we saw peterloo possibly his worst one and so it's it's like oh man where's this one gonna fall and should i even like be what should i even be like putting energy and like worrying about it how it's going to turn out has had basically one whiff at the end of his career here and right before that he's making another year and happy go lucky two of his very best films i think i think it's very fair to go into mike lee's new movie expecting it to be as good as a any mike lee movie until he starts striking out a few times in a row which you know i cronenberg yes although it's funny how cronenberg to me is the great example of i feel like you get older and you watch like a new generation of cinephiles come in and sort of make excuses for these directors who are past their prime or not be able to identify what was good about them like i heard an interview with Richard link letter once talking about how woman next door is his favorite prance watch true foe movie because it's the first one he ever saw because it was like the new true foe movie and he was like excited to go see it and that their first one he saw in the theater and it holds this really special place for him and it's like as much as i and have good things to say about the woman next door it's also like oh jesus fucking christ can you imagine being you know somebody who cares about true foe and and seeing that movie and hearing young cinephiles be like it's my favorite you'd be like what the motherfucking shit are you talking about and i feel like when you get older you see that with these younger cinephiles like the way people praise the last few clared any movies is like oh my god they just don't know you know what i mean when i hear people talk about the last like cronenberg and the last chunk of his career to me it's like i was thinking about this the other day is he's a director who used to mean a huge amount to me and just doesn't mean anything and to me anymore it's not that i dislike his films it's not that i look at them and and think they all turn bad or something he's just somebody who occupies no mental space for me anymore after being somebody who's very crucial to me in my early 20s and i i think it's in large part because of you know the last 10 15 years of his career i mean when when his history of violence basically starting in that moment he becomes uninteresting to me spider talk about you know cinephiles seeing one in the theater i think spider might have been the first one i saw in the theater and spiders a movie that i'm like oh man this is the last cronenberg masterpiece you know talk about a ludicrous you know opinion to to to have but i do think that young people come in and they hear cronenberg's great and they watch some like mediocre movies by him and sort of puff them up in a way that's like i just can't believe what i'm hearing it's sort of like in some way the inverse of what happens with bands where like you know bands die off like the new albums by a band like die you know it's sort of like this this weird thing where i just feel like the people like here praising these movies are all young and i feel like oh they just don't know what they're talking about you know like in a funny way in cronenberg's perspective is with deni i think it was definitely that but i suspected do you know i just found out river of dreams was the last billy jole studio album i had no idea i just assumed for the last 30 years he'd been putting out albums that i just didn't care to even know about but no that was the last album he put out a classical album that doesn't count he would no no no i mean like you know a billy jole album you know not what i mean putting them out i i mean i don't i had because why wouldn't he's billy jole i assumed he was still like in the end you know you don't know that he like hated since then he hated his like pop career that like from the beginning he was like i'm better than this shit like the song piano man they it's might as well be titled i'm better than these fucking losers you know what i mean and that's like that's his audience um no but but to just to flip it back to cronenberg so the shrouds i look at it and i'm at least like oh this looks like crimes of the future look to me like seeing aureo speed wagon at the county fair like get out there and play the hits and sort of come out and tell the audience exactly what they want to hear like hey isn't this crazy the shrouds looks more like where hounds of the future i will say felt like an aureo speed wagon cover band to me it was like that guy's got a uh an ear on stomach isn't that crazy it's aureo speed wagon after their vocalist dies and they keep to her yeah it felt like cronenberg didn't know how to do cronenberg anymore but he was trying so hard he was up there on stage just like with that frickin steel pedal just wailing as hard as he could but it just wasn't the same yeah but i was going to say about that shroud reminds me of cosmopolis and maps to the stars which is i think where his heart actually is for better or for worse i do have a reaction of like at least he's doing what he wants to be doing with this one rather than just like playing the hits for a bunch of idiots who don't know any better you know what i mean yeah i mean it's good news that this one has been getting horrible reviews so far yeah you know people have gotten behind maps of the stars and crimes of the future and even dangerous method and it's like oh it's infuriating so that this one's gotten bad buzz is like well maybe i will like this one but wait what happened with spider or a madam buddy yeah spider exactly nobody likes spider and spider is great those movies get their balls kicked in but i think that that's something that actually a good artist is going to risk those horrible reviews doing what he wants to do and that i'm there with them for it yes i'm not there with them for sort of like desperate flailing to figure out what an audience might want and that's why i'm actually a little interested in megalopolis i think it comes from the same place of like i'm going to try and do my big you know sort of brain damaged one from the heart let me tell you about the whole history of the world on you know the just fakest looking proscenium set nonsense you've ever seen right and uh and so like i'm kind of with it i'm with you where it's like does does he what does he owe me with this and to me i feel like he doesn't owe me anything but like i'm happy that he's going to try and go out on his terms and clearly where his head was at was cosmopolis and maps to the stars like after he like i don't know that he wanted to be making eastern promises until the day he died you know it in fact i think there's a lot of interviews that are clear indications that two of those was too fucking much for him you know and so i'm sort of like happy to go down with this ship with him in some way this feels like if it's bad the way cosmopolis is bad i'm with it you know i i'm willing to like go down with that ship in some way and and hard truths like i said hard truths is the opposite where like i believe it will be good i just had i go in and that's going to be when i sit down for all or nothing or you know uh life is sweet i just watched with my son this week his first mike lee movie just like um it's going to be like that until otherwise noticed like peterloo is such an outlier in so many ways that kind of historical film that kind of approach that i just have no reason to believe he's going to make another peterloo you know what i mean peterloo peterloo was a big swing obviously something so completely different from what he'd done before that you know when i read the description of hard truths and it says ongoing exploration of the contemporary world with a tragic comic study of human strengths and weakness so i'm like yes that sounds like a mike lee movie to me and obviously starring maria and john baptist and michelle austin from secrets and lies that's obviously going to be exciting so even though paria and john baptist was also an in fabric which we saw a tip and hated but it's that's fine i'm excited for this movie and you can't convince me otherwise it's obviously going to be the number one movie for me this year in terms of what i'm anticipating for sure for sure um can i tell you the the weird unexpected movie because i was going through like what am i actually anticipating i think we're both uh really anticipating cloud by kyoshi karasawa right of course that's that's one that i think that you and i are both this is great we're kyoshi kyoshi karasawa fans uh your your i would i would go so far as to say you're a super fan right um absolutely i consider kyoshi karasawa possibly the best filmmaker consistently the best filmmaker in in the world today i mean he's just such an exciting director and artist and he's got three god damn movies released this year yeah there's this one there's chime and he remade uh serpent's path his 1998 movie he re he apparently remade that film which i find really fascinating he pulled like a michael honecky for some reason and uh yeah i can't wait for that one and this one too it's funny it's sort of like the inverse about what i said about kronenberg where i'm glad he's doing something very internet genres steeped with that you know it's sort of him going back to familiar terrain in some way which again like is this going to be a radio speed wagon at the county fair and it's like i don't know i i don't think he's at that point in his career it doesn't feel like karasawa has crested and has headed towards you know uh the end of his career um chris i was a real karasawa is a really rare director though who's so prolific and been around for so long and when he does a film like he'll do a film that's like not not that great but it still feels like a karasawa movie and he'll do a film that you're like you read this description you're like this doesn't sound like the kind of karasawa movie i want to see and he fucking nails it yeah you know it's just amazing how consistently uh good he is an excellent he is yes yeah and i think it's like you know i don't have to be worried about him he's still in the uh he's still in the era where he's right in the hits you know what i mean it's that he's still it still feels in his prime uh equally can be said for another film that i think we're both excited for is timo tajantos uh the shadow strays right uh from headshot and i comes for us uh he's a director that's also like i'm going to assume that this is going to be fun and interesting to see until proven otherwise that's one that's sort of like on the checklist of like okay that's an easy like we'll go see that um the one midnight madness movie that's exciting this year well almost all the others are made by people i've never fucking heard well i have some interest in some of the midnight madness but this year we'll get to it all right um but i was gonna say the weird and then there's vinterberg there's another vinterberg and it's you know vinterberg's one of those directors where like he's not like karasawa or or even kronanberg where he's all over the place and he can do a movie like dear windy and also do a movie like kursk you know and do a movie like this celebration and i'm i sort of never know what to expect with him but like i'm going to see it and i'm going to give it my attention because even when he goes sort of bland it has the potential to be fantastic you know that that he's he's i you know he's an old-style journeyman which is so weird for a european art house director to just seems to be like his career selections are like some studio head dropped it on his desk and now he's got to make it is that is what his career bat seems like but you know this is contemporary is like lars von trere yeah you know we're like never do something like that yeah yeah hits weird that he has like a norm and turog esque career bat for it but i'm with it and those are sort of the easy ones but the one that we'll talk about a few more of them but the one that surprises me that maybe it doesn't surprise me that i'm so interested in is the order with jude law did you did you look up this one at all do you know anything about it i remember seeing it yeah it's i have been obsessed with the idea of making a movie about the order since i was like a teenager right really yes it's and for people don't know they were a white supremacist group operating out of the midwest in the 80s and 90s they are linked to like every crazy right wing thing in america they're the people who killed alan berg this is what i'm hoping in this movie is that at one point eric begocian walks out of a mood out of a radio studio and gets shot by jude law this is what i'm having hoping happens more than anything alan berg is the guy that talk radio is based on uh they were in connected to alahim city they were almost definitely involved in the um oklahoma city bombings which i think most people who have looked at that case understand that timothy mcveigh it like got all pinned on him but there's clearly a larger network at work and the reasons that they sort of did want to go after that or didn't go after the larger network and sort of wanted to sew that up i think are different um but all of this stuff just like they were bank robbers who were sort of like merciless like shoot out wild west type bank robber white supremacist group that are sort of so connected to a crazy aspect of american history and an aspect of american history that i think is important to be studied and understood properly especially in the context of modern politics we're like far right you know white supremacist gets used in such a casual way when it's like no there were these actual groups that were like lunatic assassin groups they're a little they occupy the same space in my mind as the zebra murders you know that that um cult of black people who were just randomly murdering white people in san francisco in the 70s and uh of like this is like actual history of like bizarre far extremist politics and racial foment that sort of just gets like pushed away in some way just sort of like ah this is not super convenient to talk this does not fit into our paradigms for understanding these problems in a way that's satisfying to anybody so let's just forget about this so i'm very interested in this movie and i'm sure it's going to be the blandest possible version of it but since i've been thinking like my whole life about like looking at the order would make an incredible film just for how like viciously amoral and moralistic they are at the same time it's sort of like they are the like left-wing nightmare that really existed and to look at what that actually means you know like armed paramilitary group robbing banks killing media figures you know attacking the government you know that's interesting so it's subject matter you're interested in it's not that you're a big just incursal fan or anything like that i am just love white supremacy just David's about white supremacy in a matter of interest no that's that's interesting i've got one like that where it's like i'm really interested in this subject not so much anybody who made the film because i don't know who they are but it's quizzling the final days which is about the Norwegian politician uh with with quan with which can quizzling you you know was uh nominally the head of the Norway government during the country's occupation by Nazis during World War II and i am just a you know i love i love Nazis just the way you love white supremacy so any you know any historical film about you know uh resistance to Nazis or uh you know the post-war conviction of Nazis and then about the fate of collaborators these kind of things that's the kind of thing i like to watch movies about so that's the kind of thing where i would the same reason is you you know are interested in the order i'd be interested in mr quizzling and his time in Norway during World War II yeah it is it is fascinating maybe i understand completely where you're at with that i would say that um thinking about you saying the lineup feels weak it's it's fascinating to me because maybe you're right i think we have already touched on everything that's like the big ones that we're anticipating right like we've already gotten through them and one of them is the order apparently but two more i'd like to bring up as yeah because i'm definitely looking forward to maddie d-ups got a new film there yes so it's a documentary but it's about a fascinating subject it's about uh uh the movie is uh dahami and uh you know in 2021 26 of the thousands of royal treasures plundered from the kingdom of dahami by french cult colonialist in the 1890s uh we're returned to present day the republic of benon uh 26 out of thousands of royal treasures and it's just kind of about the reaction to that and like you know just sort of what contemporary thoughts are on you know the writing wrongs from history and things like that and it's obviously going to be a really interesting topic and she's fantastic so i'm really excited for that yes and then and i trust and i trust her to look at the dahami kingdom and not purely like um through like paternalistic western like hey they were great kind of us too you know what i mean yeah as a set release like you know those were yeah when they were the people responsible for the slave trade from transatlantic slave trade when they were like when when the europeans were like we're going to shut it down and they refused to shut down the trade trade until we agreed to uh to pay them the amount of money they were making in slaves in palm oil that was how the slave trade ultimately shut down although this movie is going to be about this movie is going to be about the french invaders who are after all of that's over but at any rate i think it's safe to say maddie dia but never agree to make the woman king for example exactly exactly i think that it that she's going to be savvy about it and somebody that i think is going to have an interesting uh perspective on it and the same way that she is a narrative director flipping over the documentary we've got joshua openheimer right yes we made the act of killing which was you know just a huge huge amazing discovery at toronto for us is making the end the post-apocalyptic story about a rich family who've converted a salt mine into a luxurious home starring tilde swinton george mckay and michael fucking shannon how could that go wrong i mean that seems like everything lies up i was going to say my list is we got through the great ones and my list is a huge list of that might be interesting and this is on my huge list of that might be interesting the problem is is apanheimer's films apart from the act of killing are generic and not that great right that this is part of the problem and when you hear that act of killing came about when interview subjects refused to be interviewed and said do something else instead right and that's sort of how act of killing came about don't interview me the victim interview the oppressors in the war criminals and see what they have to say they're still around is how act of killing came about um i just don't he obviously had enough sense to listen to them and do that and make an amazing movie so he deserves credit for that but there's not clear indications that he's actually as brilliant and as interesting as act of killing is you know what i mean sure so this is the kind of thing where it's like i'm interested i'm excited to see it there's a million way this could be the worst movie of the festival you know it has that kind of profile and it literally said hey it's got michael shannon in it what could go wrong remembering he was in a very narrow side movie that was very wrong that we saw remember remember every michael shannon movie yes do you remember it's not his fault but you know right for sure putting a little i just feel nostalgic i'm just feeling nostalgic this is the last year we're going for like great films we've seen there in the past and the film makers who were bringing a new movie there i'll say my biggest disappointment is uh that alice lo's time stock is not going to be there i thought for sure it was going to be there we saw prevenge in 2016 festival and it was so fucking great i've been excited for her a follow-up film for so many years now and it ended up being at the phantasia film festival in montreal at the end of july and not at toronto she's a bummer yeah that is a super bummer to me she was very nice to me on twitter recently yeah she's calm i will say just to move into there's a lot of sort of um direct movies that are sort of by known directors uh that are floating around that might be good you know what i mean like tomas tomas alfredson you know of let the right one in and tinker sailor soldier spy like he's got a pretty fucking strong resume and he's remaking a um an engmar bergman movie a late engmar bergman movie uh and i think that that's you know like i gotta until again like until i'm proven wrong and it stinks his resume is like that's one that i've got to say that could be good you know that that should be good yeah daniela daniela forever uh it's a science fiction romantic drama set in medrid about a man who agrees to participate in a clinical trial to bring back his dead girlfriend by means of lucid dreams and you're like okay and then you see it's directed by uh the guy who made time crimes not you uh figure we are though yeah it's like oh i'm in okay yeah 100% that is on that is on my list what's the name of that one again daniela forever yeah um i think there's also there's a slew of movies by sort of name brand directors um uh that it would be remiss if we didn't mention that you know david gordon green has a new movie that's like a comedy with ben stiller i prefer that to him making the worst horror movies ever made i prefer that to him getting serious you know i'm that could be good he does if you get him in all the real girls uh you know sort of mode like a marin d sort of charming film that's where he's at his most capable i think you know it's from the director or sorry it's from the writer of miracle dogs to too oh yeah right there you go starring ben stiller and the great linda cartilini nobody loves linda cartilini more than me john oh let me give it a shot and of course toby husses in it let me just let me just read in the description of it i have to yeah work obsessed mike must reluctantly travel to rural ohio to look after his four rambuncts nephews after their parents die in a car accident what begins is a three-day trip to find foster care turns into weeks of farm life mayhem and the realization that he doesn't need to find them a home they found one for him what what i didn't see the end of that sentence coming at all look there's movies look there's a lot of movies there's an andry arnold movie there's a Pedro almodevar movie there's a uh mike flannigan movie which they'll motivate and realize it's his first english language film officially i i assume that he had one in there she's been around for so long yeah i guess he i guess it's he'll tilda swinton and julienne more you know these these movies mike flannigans can you believe it he's going to do steven king finally thank god i'm on thank god i'm on steven king but all of those movies could easily be good those are all sort of name brand directors that have a track record of making movies that depend on how you feel about them somewhere between good to great you know they've also made bad movies and you and i are not particular fans of any of the three but like to say if that's in a slot i'm not going to go see it you know what i mean or i'll be like oh there's nothing on if those three movies are showing i'll be like oh this could be interesting yeah the ceiling for those guys is all very very high a few more we've got uh gee zenke's caught by the tides yeah uh he's a director um you know i've always thought like i should be a super fan of him that's like i just like a few of his movies but you know he's he's reliable enough guy uh by the string by hong seng su hello yep and uh that's another guy who's like hey this is not i'm not a super fan but like they again high ceiling yeah uh there's uh this is interesting uh atina rachel singari who made uh adenberg she's the greek writer director who i thought you know had not done anything for a while turns i just haven't been following her career i didn't see she've all yay i didn't say trigonometry which did not look good but you know she has the career you imagined billy joll had exactly um but you know she's ed burns in it that's what we're going to call it from that one it was always kind of surprising to she hadn't had the unprecedented global success of her contemporary year goes land the most but uh i remember being pretty great so it is that's that's worth checking out uh alan elan uh girati has a new film i still love stranger by the lake which is now over ten years old holy shit really yeah yeah damn that movie is like that's a new movie it's probably still in theaters i know that's how we feel about every move in the last 15 years yeah uh and again i haven't kept up with him i haven't seen staying vertical or nobody's hero but if he's got a new movie that'll be there i will watch it because stranger by the lake is that good yeah there's also we should mention i think a movie that i know a lot of people with good taste are excited for uh which is um brady corbett's movie the brutalist right oh yeah the three and a half hour long in the brutalist and uh yes that's very long with adrien brodie my relationship to brady corbett is and i have no idea why he thought i guess just from childhood of the leader but jonathan demi was like he's the future of cinema he said to me once and i was like what that feels crazy to me maybe he saw okay because he died before vox lux came out so i don't even know what he's basing that on but that's my relationship to brady corbett is like guess i gotta see this because demi really believed in him because i gotta go do that for it uh it's three and a half hours long its subject matter does not sound at all interesting to me it's presented in 70 millimeter which is like just a fucking turn off at this point like i feel like people who make shit in 70 millimeter are like have a mindset about what cinema and image is that's just completely at odds with my my philosophy for it not that not that 70 millimeter isn't great but just like the kind of person who's like i'm going to make it in 70 millimeters like you're nothing like me and what you think about the world and how you view the world is nothing like how i think about it and review it yeah it is funny that he and me and dap we're in a movie together and they both have films they directed at this year's festival and she's the much better director and much more under the radar yeah much much better than her radar yeah i'll tell you another one that's kind of a wild card for me from you know a notable somewhat notable filmmaker is uh uh zambian welsh filmmaker rangana nayone's uh on becoming a guinea fowl she had made that film i'm not a witch a few years ago which is one of those films it's like oh i like that and i think she's going to be interesting someday and i think she can make a great film this isn't this isn't it but like i feel like she'll do something good later on yes that's always it yeah this would be it that's always an exciting feeling the oh this is not the great film but this person's going to make one um there's a Jacques odeard he has a new movie uh Amelia Perez with uh Zoe Saldana again he's not somebody that i think you and uh or i think very much of but like that's something not nothing on the schedule you know yeah for sure you got my sunshine by Hiroshi Okiyama who was a collaborator of creatives they did that mock and i showed together for Netflix so it gets a film that's not really jumping out to me in terms of like the story or anything but it's like hey he's a creative guy maybe that would be good yeah there's um Alfonso Curant has a new movie right here he has a miniseries that's playing in the whatever they call the tv yeah yeah so i mean you know it's got Sasha Baron Cohen in it like maybe i'll maybe i'll uh maybe it'll be something not nothing it certainly feels like if you're making the case that i should be going to a tv show at a uh film festival this is a good film to make the case for that right yeah there are a few uh there a few horror films popping up it's funny we you know said oh the summer is like there were a lot of horror movies this summer that's cool you know people release a bunch of horror films and the festival's got a bunch of horror films uh which you know have just as much possibility of being terrible or great as the ones that came out this summer uh there's uh heretic which is a but a couple of guys i never heard of but apparently love the trailer for that one you watch the trailer okay yeah with you grant you grant as the psychopath it's it's it look i'm not saying it looks actually good but it looks like it plays it looks like it works it's one of those trailers you watch and you like people like this is the if people go to see this they're going to like it is the feeling that you get from the trailer is that this is like it's sort of like um it's sort of like if studios tried to make an elevated horror you know what I mean it's like it's sort of like the the candle box is to grunge the heretic is to you know what I mean is to uh is to is to is to uh is to elevated horror filmmaking you know all right well if it looks like it's at least you know gonna be fun it looks it looks like it's trying really hard to be clever and classy in the way that like um uh uh ary oster is you know yeah it looks like it's going for that but at the same time and it's beating heart is like a fucking scream sequel you know what I mean it's like beating heart is is a fettie Alvarez movie we've got a movie called dust which also has another title hold your breath so i'm not sure what's going to be called when when it plays the festival but uh star Sarah Paulson who you know she used to show up in down with love and the spirit and carol I feel like we kind of lost her to those American horror story guys a while back yeah but it's exciting to see this movie again and this this premise sounds really cool to me a young mother in 30s Oklahoma trapped in dust storms becomes convinced her family's threatened by a mysterious presence so i'm i'm there for that Sarah Paulson could do that really well I think so yeah that could be something well there's i just wanted to mention to you we jumped away from the the name brand directors that have movies here oh yeah you know Joe Wright has a film or not a film has a show in the same tv series uh centerpiece showcase uh that we mentioned with cure on Joe Wright is you know i think Joe Wright doing Mussolini for tv is like the correct use of his skills you know i don't know that again i don't know that i like if it's up against some a heretic i'm going to go see heretic 10 times out of 10 but it is sort of name brand director and then Soderberg which i feel like talk about directors who were like mental lot to us that are sort of like oh yeah he's got a new one yeah kind of reaction for me and you i think i completely skipped over the first time i looked at the uh well it's well but it's also like of all the directors like i don't want to see dippito and horror like Soderberg has got to be somewhere near the top of the list you know what i mean um and uh but it's like you know if the Soderberg horror movie turns out to be interesting like are you going to be like surprised by that you know it would be pleasantly surprised obviously i think in jesserberg jumping into any genre that's not like you know a cute crime movie you know yeah has been kind of a disaster like he's not a great action director he's not a great horror director yeah he's got he's got a lane that i always felt like he kind of needs to stay yeah but the it's fine because well i i mean it's very hard to diagnose i think you are of the mindset that him being his own dp is the entire god damn problem right that's a huge problem but his movies are for decades now very half-ass feeling they have if you don't want to say half-ass they're half-baked right this is the way his movies feel i don't feel like he's made a movie in a very long time that feels like a full and complete movie it's maybe there's something i'm overlooking but they just all feel very half-baked whether it's forgettable like you know studio scripts like contagion or just like shot on iphone or sort of stilted uh like black and white fake noir like his movies are just like they're half-baked it feels like he's got too much ability to do whatever he wants and for some reason he's not making skis opolis anymore you know yeah yeah very very safe kind of movies he's making these days when he does make movies he's nothing as prolific as he was well i don't know i don't even know enough to say that i just feel like every time akima comes out i'm like there there's no way there's just no way this is good you know maybe i'll watch it maybe i won't but come on come on doesn't feel like something any more insane come on yeah right come on are you you're going come on now um it's always funny when people do on the internet like ranking steven sorterberg's films you know like top 10 you know contagion and you're like what are you people talking about there's four there's four or five that are excellent at times like limy skis opolis out of sight can't an iron brockovich is great and then like bubble you know like like what else you know after that it's just like who cares who cares those are the ones it's those and then who cares more or less yes but i'm going to see this i'll see it it's funny i didn't think we're going to touch upon the the main for tv stuff that's going to be at the festival but i did notice a bunch of like must-see list you know for this festival have got like the coron on there and i was thinking like i guess i'm a snob like i don't want to see tv stuff at the toronto film festival completely forgetting that one of the greatest things we saw there was kyoshi curious i was penance which was made for television yeah one of the all-time great toronto experiences that we had was going to see penance that was really one of the the most memorable things we did there god that was a knockout that's up there with confessions for me did we see those the same day i didn't even see confessions at the festival oh those those were two knockouts brian depalma got so upset he waddled straight out of the theater i can't believe anyone would make a movie like this he said in his his little fucking vest his fucking uh lead singer blues traveler vest that he wears maybe there's harmonica's in there and i've been judging depalma wrong all this time anything else that we should talk about in terms of like where we are potentially excited about or do you want well but this is what i'm saying is there's a lot of movies again i'm looking at here at my list of things that i might be interested in and there's another 20 movies here right yeah there's a remake of bonjour tress test uh bonjour tress test is one of my girlfriend's very favorite movies and books it's a charming little book if you've never read it and it's with cloisa vini like i'm going to see that i'm under orders to see it and let her know whether it's worth seeing or not you know there's also uh in midnight madness joseph connes you know who joseph connes i do okay he probably i think uh you have to make an argument that he's not the most important music video director of all time like he's he's really the guy for music videos but he made a movie called torque it was going to say that he made a fast and furious knockoff called torque but he also made a movie called detention that really is like um sort of like what mikji i think imagines mikji is doing most of the time sort of like hyperactive pixie sticks candy colored teen like teen dream genre stuff right and he's got a new one called ick that's another you know breakneck sci-fi horror satire you know that i'm really willing to give a chance to you know this is the end of the midnight madness entry there yeah the midnight madness is have two films by guys who've made movies called detention by the way yeah there's also in midnight madness escape from the 21st century which uh is about it sounds like gimmicky it's about uh high schoolers who can uh sneeze themselves 20 years into the future and it's like i could watch 10 minutes of that and decide if i'm going to go watch something else like if that plays okay like i'm i'm definitely willing to see it it's got a good still it's from china like it might be something not nothing like i'm i'm willing to hear a lot of this stuff out and how closely resembles boy kills world exactly that doesn't seem like it's that kind of movie it doesn't seem like that kind of movie um yeah what else is on your do do you just want to go through the things that have sort of like peaked well in the night madness is mentioned i guess the substance by uh corely fargate who made uh revenge which people love that movie they love it yeah they love it uh and i'm i'm interested what the the side of me that's interested in it is because you know it's stars demi more and it seems like he tails from the crypt kind of plot yeah i'm in i'm into that i know i know i know the side of me is not interested is the one that found out market quail he's going to be in it god determines how how did god damn movie how did they get market quailie she's in so few films how did they get her how did she walk from one set to another like i don't understand what again she can literally pop up in every god damn movie and ruin every single one i won't go that far i actually think she's fine and um and once upon a time in hollywood is that what that movie is called once upon once upon a time in killing the manson family whatever the name of that movie is i don't generally don't remember her and then i think of her and the the ethan goin movie and the deni movie she's also a nice guys oh my god that coen brothers i guess not coen brothers that ethan goin movie i guess we'll get to it at our year in review is that the worst movie ever made that's that's exactly what i texted you after i saw it we'll get into it but what i literally texted you was you told me this was bad you did not tell me it was literally the worst film ever made we don't care whose toes we step on um there's a movie also in midnight man is called deadmail that i'm interested in now the description which is like cent late in retro thriller i'm like no thanks but the trailer and the performances and the setup um i like it it's the kind of thing where it's like if that works that could actually be a discovery what i feel like is missing from the midnight madness programming for a long time now is it is the sense that like you might be seeing a future cult classic it's either like stuff that's already like penciled in to have whatever life it's gonna have or things that there's just like no chance this is gonna be anything that that pushes through it all feels like it all feels like stuff directed by the stranger things kids were starring demi more like some powerful agent is like stepping on their hand to make them program half of this shit you know yeah and this one actually feels like something that could be discovered you know all right well you definitely talk me into it again i didn't have as much time to kind of look hard into each one of them but i definitely had a sense of like i think they're just programming what sounds like it could be extreme and crazy you know but i'm talking through each one of them it seems like you know maybe there's some hope this year i don't know it feels like the movies they i don't even think they do that i think they program like extreme and crazy to like a suburban mom you know what i mean like yeah i don't think they actually i don't think their midnight madness does have any sense of danger to it do the names david segal and scott oh they mean so much they mean so much to us did we see that movie oh yeah at toronto the exact opposite of the penance screening the most unpleasant screenings was uncertainty that joseph cordon let me know that completely disappeared sliding doors to nobody has mentioned that movie it's smoking no smoking sliding doors to they have a new movie called the friend starring Naomi Watts bill Murray and Constance Wu and we should mention these are the guys who also made you know like uh suit hair and the deep bend yeah so people people like them i think although i've never heard anyone talk about what macy new where the montana story it's been so long though since they've made one that people like their prime example of like once you're on that side of the fence like you just get to keep going like your career never ends no matter what you do like once you're on one side of the fence like somebody who can get movies funded versus the other side it just goes forever it never ends and you're like we made a movie the tool to swim you're like oh great yeah and that's now now you get to make movies with Naomi Watts and people like that for the rest of their life yeah i'd be you know i love Naomi Watts everybody likes bill Murray you know i've i've again that's one that like i'm not putting it down like that's definitely going to suck or not or be nothing you know where does the populace fall on Constance Wu i don't know i don't know she's uh she's uh you know true uh true hero movie star is she one of those people who got canceled i feel like she said something on an instagram story once like talked about how much she loves is real that kind of thing and now and now it's over for her maybe she was against the me too movement who knows but i do feel like she got canceled in some way she married she married Harvey Weinstein when he was in prison we got this in this year's uh mother couch slot of phony surrealism both of them have to do with uh with an animal there is uh mariel hellers night bitch and there's peter cadnayos the penguin lessons have you have you ever heard a more fake movie title than night bitch like night bitch is like you would see this poster on like tina phase wall on 30 rock like night bitch it sounds it sounds so fake i just want to sing i just want to sing the uh night trap theme song with night bitch in this place night bitch baby adam's is a mother raising a toddler and thinks she's turning into a dog and in the penguin lesson steven coo can be friends a penguin so get ready for some crazy very original and not at all hacky hijinks i think people are excited about night bitch i think that's when the people are dissipating i mean how could you not be it's called night bitch and it's about him he had him starting into a dog i feel like you'd have to have a particularly hard heart to not be a little bit like and then it's one you know what it is it's one of those movies where you go and then you sit down and you're like oh it's an oh movie that 30 seconds and you're like oh oh that is what that movie is on the other hand if you want to reel me into a movie it's probably not gonna be good but hey i'm in i'm in give me the luckiest man in america with hall walter houser as an unemployed ice cream truck driver in 1984 ohio was with ohio oh my god i'm who goes on a winning streak on a tv game show i will tell you dude we weren't going to talk about schedule i am so excited to see this movie and scheduling wise it is up against everything this is a movie that is like the one where it's like oh my god i can't believe i'm not going to see that film i know you throw in walt and gogans and david straight there and is in it oh man that's a that's a bummer i know it's god damn it but you see what i mean about the programming this year there's lots of stuff like if that movie is on its own coming out in a theater you see it on Netflix i don't think you're like oh this is an important movie for me to see you know i but it is there's a lot of movies that it's like let's see it let's give it a shot this year there really are a lot of let's give it a shot this movie this year and while i agree that there's nothing that is on the level of a new miyazaki or victor riche movie for excitement going into the festival this year mike lee's movie obviously is on that level but there were like a few we were super psyched for last year i would say this year there's far more coin flip movies like this there's far more movies that you can squint into being something this year no question i mean they're made that's it's made up of that one hundred percent uh that i do i do like that there's a movie called the penguin lessons and also the piano lesson it's going to be there as well so there seems to be seems to be their push i haven't seen anything about it but seems to be their push to get Samuel Jackson his Oscar would be my guess there's okay so there's three more sort of big director movies we need to talk about real quick all right one there's a cape land chat movie by um guy madden and gaelyn johnson right guy madden is obviously mr. canada and gaelyn johnson is the one that he did uh green fog with and i guess evan johnson is also co-director on this the still is of some people by a giant brain in the forest um guy madden is is the director that i feel like i was immune to his charms when i was young and that i found a lot of what he was doing to be repulsive and charmless actually the way that that what was supposed to be charming about him i in fact found obnoxious and irritating and charmless and and and just not good he was somebody that i was really resistant to but as time goes on the more you put his work in the context of like a festival lineup i do go oh okay that stands out that will be a guy madden movie in some way you know that will be different than you know the namiwatts megis eagle movie you know what i mean like it will be a guy madden thing it won't be a you know a shawn ellis thing you know what i mean like it will be something so i think that mentioning like there's a guy madden and i feel like seeing a guy madden in canada and my in my last tip for a while while i do other festivals that feels like i got to do it it feels like i got to make it happen with that enough there enough there's also um a movie that i go to and i think um you know is this it is this the final time that i'm going to be completely burned by paul Schrader at tiff is this my last chance to just completely be burned by a like a total piece of shit the walker was such a formative experience right yeah where it's like you go to a festival and you're like oh wow like the paul Schrader movie that doesn't really come out is going to be here i'm going to be at a festival i'm going to get to see all of that great stuff that's only at the festivals and then you're like oh my god oh my god but how can you skip this one it's literally called oh canada i know but it's just like i feel like that'll be perfect don't you feel like getting burned by the walker at tiff was like a formative experience for you oh 100 percent i think it was like i'm asking for the same thing with ocanada which started richard gear for christ i know richard gear and paul it's oh my god it's just too perfect to go sit down in that movie and an hour and be like what the fuck am i doing why don't i just leave this it's too like why did why what why did i think why did i think paul Schrader makes good movies why did oh yeah michima in blue collar i guess and patty herst these are what am i saying oh dog eat dog god damn it richard gear and uma thermin it's a fucking uh what's the name that movie final analysis for you 44 years after final analysis is that what that is that roughly yeah is that what it is is that the pitch on it and then the last one we got to talk about mention is uh you know the fucking biggest art fraud and the symbol of everything wrong with current movies anora and the palm door winner by shawn baker um you know just just as bad as movies get everything wrong with new movies he's got it's there that's going to be this year's um anatomy of a fall i can tell already you know just just this fucking misery tourist realism without truth you know just just that critics and seriousness audiences don't immediately identify him as shit is the problem with film culture and one of the reasons i'm pessimistic for the future one of the things you talked about earlier is like everybody that you're interested in is getting old and i think that's true it's really hard to think of great filmmakers under five fifty five years of age there's some filmmakers that have shown promise there's some filmmakers that have made an interesting movie here or there but it's it's really hard to think about these guys like shawn baker who would clearly ended up doing these sort of like misery tourist films just by accident and would be just as happy directing taco bell commercials like if his life had fallen a different way he'd be a guy directing taco bell commercials you know what i mean he's got the adversity where he's in the way that empathetic paternalistic humanism is always in sincere i just could not hate these movies more right he's he's got the adversity where you know he talks to talk and he loves all the right people that's like if you see all these great movies why are they translating into like good movies that you make well but he's like i feel like when i watch his movies i feel like um uh trufo making fun of albert loramos's movies right the way he sort of comes up with like this is this is the formula and you can go back starting with takeout he goes and finds a different type of lower class outsider tells a little like raw but predictable made for tv type refab narrative about them you know and then goes home to his fucking mansion in los angeles you know make another one part of the con is that he ties his films to the identity of his stars so that like becoming trying to criticize tangerine right is criticizing kiki rodriguez and that's how he gets away with it because what riddick wants to take shots at like a film that is sydektachi with like a black transans sex worker right you know what i mean like that's how he gets away with it nobody wants to take that risk of being like this is full of shit because it's going to get confused for being like you know poor chinese takeout restaurant owners are full of shit you know what i mean it's it's like he's it's that very white liberal human shield of suffering to take a step up stuff it's just it's like you know it's the condescension of paternalism you know it's the condescension of empathy it's it's a con job let me tell you about the suffering of these people it's not always noble john and there's no right way to be a victim but you have the guts to call these suffering of these people trivial and hacky john do you have those guts cliched and insincere i don't think you do i am excited for whatever's playing up against it because i know that everyone's going to be lining up to see that one and anything else will be wide open yeah yeah um it is it is very much the anatomy of a fault and it's going to be one of those movies that maybe it's good i mean his move that's the thing is like his movies play that's what's frustrating about it is that like you know it's we've had a lot of talks about anatomy of a fall and like the the very problem with that being perceived as as a real artwork and what it says about the future of cinema he's like it's it's twin in so many ways you know like wow this plays as well as like a fucking made for disney movie plays it has that it hits the same cheap notes for an audience the way that anatomy of a fall it's the same cheap notes as a as a tv procedural you know what i mean that it's just like that you don't understand that hitting those notes is not a talent but an anti-talent that it's not artful it's like an anti-art you know yeah it's uh be impressive if it's anything if it's anything at all i'll be impressed well it is it'll be something the ways films always are but um yeah hopefully it was articulate enough about that but we had to mention it because i feel like that like anatomy of the fall is going to be one of the films of the festival and people are going to ask us about it and we're going to be like better you know don't leave me alone definitely don't ask me about this shit could you find yourself sitting through will and Harper the documentary about Will Ferrell going on a road trip with his long time friend who has just come out as a trans woman i could but for the reason of like i could imagine spending a lot of time with Will Ferrell Will Ferrell is funny Will Ferrell is good Will Ferrell is the kind of dead-eyed saturday nightlife comedian that's very hard to imagine having an inner life and a personal life too so seeing a glimpse of that i'm genuinely curious about it he has that like that very classic it's the like Kristen Whig and Andy Kaufman these people that just have like a weird deadness to their eyes that i associate a lot a lot with saturday nightlife comedians that is like what's he like inside what's his interior life like it would be interesting to find out you know to make and but i suspect he's just going to be on the whole time you know it could be interesting i think the chances are very low you know what my favorite piece of uh trolling in the whole catalog is right up on the uh the thing is that you have a movie starring just the sexiest sex pot Sidney Sweeney ended arm as Vanessa Kirby right and what's the photo in the catalog it's a photo of the director Ron Howard talk about having a masturbation fantasy to go so wrong so quickly and any shot of Ron Howard just smiling his toothless smile at you and oh my god he was he was another person that i i to say i got to know him is not true i got to be around him a little bit when i was when i was programming and he seems like a great guy and he has genuinely interesting taste it's another Ed Burns thing although it's more plausible with him you know just the like things he would come to and and what he what he cared about so it's funny Ron Howard seems like a director that i should hate but i'm just like immediately like night shift i will have no bad mouthing of Ron Howard um there wasn't a while run or we'll bring out a movie they're like surprised that was good well i like this i like this movie dick movie i'll talk myself into anything because he was a nice dude and so this movie with that cast line up and him it's like ah i'm definitely going to see whether it's here or at home you know this is you know there is there was no one more tempted by the pleasures of the cinematic flesh than i and you know Ron Howard knows what he's doing knows what he's doing with one exception missing just kidding i i'm so confused you know Mia and some love has met so many movies we've seen in toronto and now here's a movie called Eden that's not her movie Eden it's really throwing me off here um that is very confused Lupita Niengo is a an actress who i'd love to see in movies for some reason she is like she splits her time between acting and voice acting like in this movie the wild robot and i'm just like why would you want to have Lupita Niengo in your film and not show her to us i would like to see her when she's performing the same the same reason the competent voice actor but like you know the same reason you have Pedro Pascal in the same animated movie even though he's so handsome it's just because you just like spending time with them that's a movie that that was on my list of like maybe it's something i have no idea to judge any animated film anymore like i don't have a guess anymore about animated films whether they're worth my time or not and i'm not sure why that is i don't know if animation's changed i don't know it's certainly not i don't think there's any change that i could have made but just like i can't guess anymore i can't guess what's for kids i can't guess what's for adults i can't guess what is supposed to give up vibes that's sophisticated i can't give up guess what's supposed to give all vibes that it's fun i can't guess what's supposed to be mainstream i can't guess what's supposed to be niche i can't guess what's supposed to be violent or funny or sexy or weird it's just they all look the same to me you know is this movie are rated violent dystopian thing or is it g-rated kids goofiness like i i can't even guess it's the director of leelone stitch and how to change your dragon and grooves i guess it's probably going to be a silly little fun family film right that but that's the only indication i have it's certainly not the trailer itself not going to be about a robot going wild on a murder spree or anything like well but it's the character design is so reminiscent of lapuda castle in the sky that it's i look at it and i'm like is it going to be like mia zake's film like otherwise why would you have your robot be straight out of that you know if you didn't want to evoke the tone of that movie you know which is like a space pirate shoot him up you know yeah we moved away from knocking shan baker without transitioning into luka gaudegino's new movie which sounds like an opportunity for him to do what he's done his whole career completely missed the point of what he's adapting in this case william burrows oh my god man's that's what this is that's what this is oh my god i know i mean it's just like i don't even know anymore man there's some directors like that where it's like he's already made it he's made his reputation i'm going to be hearing about that guy being one of the greats until the day i die you know like that's just i just kind of live with it he's the market quailive directors he's had like fucking three movies in the last year you know he's i really i really uh compare him usually to i i really pair him with uh villa new a lot where it just seems like he's got this cult who just he can do no wrong his movies not only are just completely uninteresting on a technical level but just just seemed to like if they're adapting something or they're supposed to be you know we're supposed to get something from it it completely misses the point of that story he just swings wide it's and i can't believe anybody response has any response to it whatsoever it's like i was saying before he's really a great example of like to like this you just have to be fucking young and stupid and not know what you're talking about right for this maybe to to be excited by the generations directors you know he definitely is like i do think it's he's like a young person director i i think that if you're over 30 and you like him like you have like like what is the sheltered non-life you've led that that that any of this is exciting to you how do you not how do you not know about art at this point you know and uh he's the kind of guy again like he should be he should be directing prestige tv or what the hell what do i even care what he's doing it's just like that's that's a director that like i absolutely will not go see it's moving you know i just i just no no more i mean it's no more no more luka no more it's just it's just why do i gotta gotta put up with this um yeah are you let me ask you let's let's jump through some movies you give me one and i'll give you one of like what do you think are you going to go see this some quick cuts or what circumstances would you see this movie all right Jason rightman saturday night the saturday at live movie i think you know the internet is already judged pre-judged this movie uh it could be another wired man who knows i could have that level of adelation what's the what would be the scenario where i saw it if it's literally the last thing showing right before we leave maybe i would sit there until it's time to get into the barn go apart from what's what's building okay okay i guess that's not a profitable question because the answer is always going to be if it's not up against something i'm more interested in seeing i guess that's not a profitable question what let's do with this i never want to dunk i never want to dunk rightman all the way yeah because young adult is a good movie is a good movie young adults a great movie and when you met him at your programming job he on his ipad accidentally can you see the air quotes showed you a bunch of nudes of women he was dating oh whoops whoops haha i got a bunch of nudes here he's like oh god get me away from this guy i'm working in a movie theater and you're trying to impress me with naked ladies you fucking suck although i did love his answer this is a screening of thank you for smoking somebody in the audience asked him um how did this is this is how did you get your money together to make this movie how did you get to make this movie and he gave the best answer which was i don't know have your dad direct ghost busters but i was like i have to give him credit for that i understand why those ladies were sending him nudes no let me reframe it on the uh possibility the possibility o meter where 10 is the highest possibility that it will be good and one is the lowest possibility where you ranking it on the possibility o meter uh free okay fair enough how about chris the return from director uberto plaslini adapting the final leg of the odyssey with ray fine as odysseus returning home to ithaca and julia panocious penelope i'm not sure who'll be portraying his loyal dog argos i know the most important character in the whole goddamn that is the best fucking moment in the entire goddamn book um i'm sure they're gonna have to do that moment um anyway on the scale i'm going to give this i'm going to give this a three as well i'm going to give this a three as well uh i i think that uh very low not impossible very low not impossible i think that i like ray fines is ray fines is the classic good actor who's constantly in movies i have no interest in whatsoever and that have no chance of being personally meaningful to me right he's like antony hopkins in that way just great actor constantly in movies that are never going to mean shit to me you know what i mean yeah and and julia panocious obviously uh one of my favorite actresses who ever lived i'll see this i love the odyssey who doesn't fucking love the odyssey it's great and but uh hopes for it being good uh we're going to put it at three i'm going to go ahead and put it straight at a three because i mean why the fuck would it be good i always think i i always think i'm a huge ray fines fan and i realize oh i'm just thinking of him in in brooj how much i love that performance other than that up and down for sure yeah it's like what's the uh what's the uh really silly Shakespeare adaptationies and that we saw at tiff do you remember that was it core was it coriolanus is that what it is yes it was coriolanus that feel this feels like this is going to be another coriolanus another one that i talked myself into yeah sit down and it's not disastrous but god damn what a waste of time well he's in two movies what's the other one called clavicle is that am i remembering that right oh i don't know that's the one people are excited for for some reason let me throw this one out for you uh directed by one of our very favorites don't let's go to the dogs tonight directed by the great embeth davis who everyone knows from uh speaking of ray fine shindler's list but we'll obviously obviously know remember as Sheila from army of darkness what do you think on the possibility o meter semi-autobiographical tale uh well not for hers it's an adaptation of a memoir about uh rodija nalsen bobway uh in the end of white rule and she's a uh uh thought she was south african oh wait now i'm reading description she's a landowner she was she was raised in south africa what are on the possibility o meter what's your what's what do you think embeth davis oh i'll be mean to embeth davis about rodija john you know i'm excited white supremacy i know you're huge fan um i won't give it a i won't give it a number rating but i will rank it against three other four other movies directed by actresses now of course okay and ekendrick last year threw us off right she directed one of the past of the past of the movies yeah and so now it's like huh maybe i should be watching movies directed by movie stars no and um we've got the rebel wilson film that she is directing and starring in we have julie delpey's the barbarians which she is also directing and starring in we have angelina julies movie and of these four i think angelina julies movies probably going to take the cake for simply for starring samahayak which is an instant seat for me um that would be number one i would say the embeth davis uh no julie delpey i think is number two because she directed it actually she's directed interesting she's directed some movies before she's that two days in paris and the countess are both interesting i'll follow you this bone embeth davis i apologize i can't do better but i you i absolutely believe you we will be better than rebel wilson so take it for what it's worth i think i i think embeth davis's movie has a higher ceiling than the other two and and a lower floor i think that that's true i than the others i think that the other three well maybe not a lower floor than meet the barbarians the best possible version of the barbarians i can't imagine being that great without blood and the rebel wilson movie i can both imagine being the absolute worst film of the festival i think that that's i think that it's higher ceiling lower floor than those yeah they got the high floors for sure which of those four do you think stands a chance of being the best one you saw at the festival the way that that anakendrix movie was up there i guess the delphi oh my god i guess you are clearly not a big enough fan of white supremacy john am i putting am i too hard on in bet davis i just imagined it being or ors meet the barbarians is that about white supremacy too did i talk about it about a syrian refugees uh staying with a family in a britain village so it's like it's like the new uh kenloach movie yeah he's he's got one of those i'm sure they'll all uh learn a little bit about each other and their colors i'll give you a category which of these films do you think might be best of the fest the elton john doc the brook springsteen doc or the paul anka doc of those the ones i can say i'm most interested in are you gonna throw in how are you leaving out the thrill William's job i was going to save right robbie william's better man which quote unquote gather round and witness the life of robbie williams unfold in a rather unorthodox way to say the least are you intrigued yet hold on because before you even know what it is here comes parell williams the life of a cultural icon told through the lens of lego animation robbie williams you got to do better than lego animation motherfucker okay so the three documentaries that are obviously not ludicrous pieces of shit um i think the paul anka one's the most interested in because i don't know much about paul anka right i you i know that is his appearance well i know that he was like a jingle expert in a sort of like 70s you know piano bar uh sort of icon i'm interested in learning about paul anka bruce springsteen's at the bottom i have no interest in bruce springsteen i just watch bill tech's documentary on uh on fucking little stb i feel like i got my fill for a century a bruce stingstream weighted shit i don't want to know i i don't want to know a single thing more about the ash berry park sound right and then and then elton john everybody likes elton john you know i i'd watch the elton john i think in order it goes paul anka elton john bruce springsteen but the chance of being the best and the one that people are like it really moved me and was really good it's it's bruce they love to come out for bruce and feel moved by him uh you know honestly i enjoyed the experience of watching western stars which is literally just him performing songs from his new album in like a giant uh barn that he created yeah in iMAX you know it was a nice experience honestly i enjoyed that it was a fun afternoon do you like his music in general or do you detest it the way i do he's got songs i like you know i sang one of his songs to jordi my wife you know on our wedding day i you know i have fondness for springsteen but in general i'm not a huge what song did what does song did you sing there i don't even know enough of his songs to make a joke about a terrible one to sing it's um should i fall behind wait for me it was very nice it was in a stranger's house it was very weird should i fall behind so i said i don't know the difference you could they all it is what it is if i should fall behind is the official name and song they don't want to get it wrong didn't get it wrong for our man tech do you know what i sang to uh to my ex-wife on uh on our wedding day no backdoor santa clairns cotta clairns cotta clairns cotta oh shit clairns cotta um yeah that is funny the elton john has a new documentary where it's like you've got like a big-scale biopic and now you gotta have a documentary too come on man how much do we need i don't know i you know his music's his music's the right kind of music for a documentary you know what i mean oh sure it's got the right kind of energy to to carry you along he's he's just that kind of it's just it's got the right energy for a documentary it's made it's made for montages i just hope they include him yelling at the media going to rude pigs as long as they have that then it'll be fine okay i haven't found a good place to mention this little bit of canadian speck i have here this is to me a really interesting thing that i just read about today all right it's a movie called paying for it okay and it's based on a graphic comic yeah 2011 by a Canadian cartoonist named Chester brown yeah he's about him ending a relationship and deciding he's just going to exclusively go to prostitutes from now you told me to read this comic i don't know you know this is one of the only comics i've ever read because you were like you should read it chris it's really good i really enjoy it and it kind of becomes a polemican supportive decriminalizing prostitution for those who don't know prostitution is not illegal in canada per se they're certain like things about it that are but in general sex workers are kind of you know allowed to freely you know be trafficked by international criminals that also but anyway what i always thought was interesting detail about the graphic novels at the girl the woman that he breaks up with at the beginning is sukkin lee who is the actress from headwig in the angry inch and the short bus she's a Canadian actress and that's really her only contribution to the story is that he breaks up with her at the beginning and then like later on she's like going to prostitute sex that's kind of gross or whatever she made this movie she directed this film and is starring in it and from the description it sounds like it's going to be about this relationship falling apart and her reaction to him decided to go into prostitutes which is crazy to me uh that it would be through that perspective specifically and not through his so i am really curious how this movie is going to play honestly having you know uh knowing you know what i know about this this comic so yeah that should be pretty interesting weird oh and i mean i'll watch it the first time i've ever been super interested about a Canadian movie as throw film festival um let me ask you another one that is uh do you have any interest in this one another sort of name brand director david mckenzie of hell or high water the very well regarded hell or high water starring riz Ahmed it's called relay do you have interest in that one high concept thriller lever high concept thriller i didn't really know about it to have to form an opinion um i know hill or high water is written by guy that people like right isn't it isn't kind of credited to that screenwriter yeah more than the director can i don't know i just always think it's funny because people mention hell or high water but this director to me will always be the director of young adam the movie your wife hates more than any movie has ever been hated uh Taylor Sheridan is the screenwriter that people go nuts about right yeah yeah so i never thought about mckenzie being david mckenzie being uh someone people like necessarily i think i assumed that they only like share it in and they like wind river and saccario and uh all that stuff okay so in the possibility of meter where's this one ranking it's got the riz got lily james where's it we got one down here the possibility of it being good oh the needle just the needle just dropped when you said lily jay it's got it's got a it's got the director of young adam you got to see you and mcgregor's donger again i thought throw it out of one a one john come on this is the chance of this being good as a one your possibility of meters broken listen change it up this has less of a chance of being good than saturday night change it up to i i at least am interested in the history of saturday night live that i would want to see someone trying to tell that story but let let let let's change the meter to how much how much how likely is it to be a satisfying as fine as kind uh but i hate finest kind i don't i don't enjoy talking about finest kind and donnie brook as though they were satisfying experiences they were fun to make fun of they were fun with me me okay kind of experience where do what do we think is going to be this year's dani brook that's it how close is this movie to going to the dani brook on a scale of less than five i give it a five okay so it's a chance of taking us to the dani brook okay yes well let me throw and then because i think i think i think we got dito montiel dito montel the great dito montel one of those overhyped fucking uh you know directors that everybody was like he's the next turn to you know kind of thing with the movie starring Ed Harris Gabriel Union Jennifer Coolidge bill Murray on the dani brook finest kindo meter where's this one ranking oh the Harris i want to say that's strong you'd be the Tommy Lee Jones of this one bill Murray and Jennifer Coolidge Gabriel Union we're knocking it up uh seven and the director i think i think i think it's got to be eight or nine for me because what's fully ringing that bell that Jamie Bell dani brook oh meter i think if this movie's not ringing the finest kind oh there is another movie a camera which one is that actually stars Ben Foster so it's got some stiff competition right off the bat it's got some stiff competition that's a song i just wrote about it okay how about this on the dani brook oh meter it's called we live in time starring Florence pew who you love from little drummer girl and Andrew Garfield inventively structured romance explores the question of how to make the most time in our world on the dani brook oh meter where is it because the possibility oh meter this is a one or two we both agree yeah on the on the on the dani brook oh meter this movie can do anything that's that there's no there's no limit to the heights of the ceiling because that fucking horse from the carousel from the still has already gone fucking viral on twitter that's what i'm saying you know breaks the meter whatever the question you think so you think it's a 10 i feel like this movie i feel like to be a dani brook finest kind a it's got to be blue collar it's got to be fucking hollywood yeah people larping as blue collar types i think that's an important part i think that's why dino montel does so great for it it's got to be it's got to be hollywood big shots larping as blue collar types yeah and it's got pretty pretty movie star and like denim with it like his hand stuffed in his pockets smoking a cigarette show me that still and that's gonna be the dani brook it's got to have movie stars like Jamie Bell and Ben Foster that are like find me the person who likes this fucking guy find them for me they don't exist it's got to have that kind of movie star in it right here i'm a Ben Foster people i think that that Andrew Garfield and Florence people Florence P on particular people love her so i think it's tough to i think it's tough to i don't i'm not sure it has that that like who who is this person for for what for who of Ben Foster Jamie Bell type i don't think it has the blue collarness i think this is i think this might be ridiculous but i'm not sure it rates very high on the dani brooko meter not sure i think you're right i think you're right i don't think it was listening to us anymore what about what about the cut which is described as it looks like a sports movie the boxing movie right this intensely visceral drama from shawn ellis starring orlando bloom john tatoro i think orlando bloom we're moving into jamey bell bandford and floster terry i think it's pretty blue collar that's a solid nine or ten it's going to have john tatoro doing the doing the tommy lee jones like yeah a kid you're all washed up i don't know why i'm wasting my time with you anymore you got to throw in the towel sometimes everybody's got to throw in the towel this is the worst john tatoro progression impression in the world i'm glad that we can walk from that movie to the almodevar and get our tatoro fix for the day the harder the boxer trains the more painful childhood memories come surging back to haunt him at the center of this mouse room is bloom this one is that is is a 10 on the dani brooko meter to me that's a 9.5 at least exactly exactly i think we got a winner i do throw out some questions for me i've only got two more movies to talk about on my list of things i don't know how close you looked at pictures of filmmakers this year but who wins the west and rizzoulli award for oh my god i would never see a movie directed by someone who looks like this guy there i will tell you there's um there's a type of headshot that was bugging the shit out of me this year uh go to the movie i executioner right which is a perfectly fine john remot that i would be interested in seeing book at the director the riyusung want there's this like affected like placid face posed like bored thing that was just and i know it's very normal but it was just driving me bananas this year that everybody's posing these like posed empty face and it was making me nuts seeing people looking like that this year yes i see exactly what you mean it's like it's like um when you get a headshot in the mail and you're like ain't fucking cast in this dude it's that it's that kind of headshot you just look at it hand on the cheek and it's like yeah this is like a professional photographer said okay now put your hand right here don't really lean on it but you know make it part of your face less expression less expression i'll accept that i'll accept that my answer would be ruin or ruin or send okay hold on and it's not the uh western rosouli it will forever be the mackinov headshot he believes in the death of the ego use that as the of photographed and bandages that was like let me find this guy and shove him fucking in a puddle of vomit over by the burger place okay sorry about the pizza over by the pizza pizza my winner for the western rosouli award would be ruin or ruin orson the islamic director of when the light breaks if you want to take a look at him look at this here let me see it let me see it we'll see if you agree did i ever tell you while i'm looking it up that uh just seeing the photo of alan rene like ruined his movies for me in a way that like it has never for another direction i don't see him there's where's the photo of him go on to go can you get him to letterbox and see his photo on there there's no photo of him in the thing oh my goodness he's the cutest brother in here and he's headed this way whoo he's the type of guy that i feel like needs to be stopped from making movies he's the type of guy who's got a movie but but this is what i'm saying too he's the kind of guy to when he has success he's somebody nobody liked ever but the success is like just insulated him it it like allows him to be himself in a way that should be put stopped yeah nobody ever liked him and then his movie is a success and now everybody has to like him even though he's still unbearable you see photos of that like all the time he looks like the kind of guy who'd stand next to a crew member and not looking him in the eye but just standing next to him would say out loud i'm trying to decide whether or not to fire you right now he seems like the kind of guy who would be say to no one in particular i think this is our santa lokkeman shot um yeah poor dude it's funny too with all of these like westin rosouli more than any filmmaker we've discussed feels like my buddy feels like somebody i'm old friends with these people that i've taken unreasonable ad homin and personal interest and slandering it's not mackinoff you still my enemy she's trying to project together you and being westin rosouli um poor westin rosouli that movie fizzled and went nowhere and now what's he got to show for it couple of fucking middle-aged assholes taking a huge dump on it on their worthless podcast that's the dream man that's how you know you've made it meanwhile these everybody's looking up photos of us and are like who are these guys the fucking criticize anybody's photo he's like i'm on his facebook right now look at this asshole that's the woman he said backdoor santa too she's pretty good looking or they say things like what i'm about to say which is did you look at the title went up the hill and before your brain came down the mountain came down the mountain before your brain said that's obviously from jack and jill you went and he came down the mountain i think this many went up on hill and came down the mountain that is my best uh that is my favorite comedy about surveying ever made is that movie remembered i don't think people remember in the mid 90s when people are paying 48 million dollars for the right to release movies like the man who came up a mount went down molehill went down a mountain whatever the fuck it was i'm just saying double feature with haridic you know you you grant win a pill and then um so let me let me ask you this this will be my last one that i ask you about sincerely on the possibility oh meter the great red rego preato the cinematographer he is a uh making a film uh on pageroparamo which is a very famous spanish language novel right and what do you think it's sort of a um what do you think any chance of it great cinematographers turn director i feel like have an okay track record right you got jon DeMott yeah that's all i got uh well Nicholas rogue Nicholas rogue yeah yeah uh no uh oh go they have a better they have a better track record than actors to Rosemary's baby Rosemary's baby who shot it Frank Stallone William William Anderson you're not helping what uh William Castle it's not William Castle William a freaker freaker as i can make some good movies that's true break it in that's true i feel like you know that that they go on to to you know i'm up for it i watch it do you think it has but on the possibility oh meter is that the kind of like stayed prestige project that just seems stillborn to you that has like it has such a low ceiling or do you feel like there's some chance that this guy's come out and not one out of the park it could happen it could happen i'd give it a seven you give it a seven i think that's fair i think that's fair i go 6.2 pitchfork style but seven is fair as well it's yeah i'd give it a ludicrous decimal point ranking john what else do you want to go over have we gone over every single film in the festival that may or may not be interesting are there any scheduling or i we went through both of them oh okay no no that's i'm tapped i'm tapped those are the ones that i uh jotted down oh i did have wait i had the movie there was a genre movie called sketch that looked in midnight madness that it had so the one where the Harold and the magic crayons yeah yeah but i just read uh kobo abbe's the magic chalk like the same day i saw that listing oh okay yeah maybe it'll be as good as that i'm sure it will be they're comparing it to grimlins and jumanji yeah just like and goonies just like the kobo abbe story gets compared to that kobo abbe's goonies i would say i'd see that kobobbe's groonies is called the rope and have you ever fucking read that shit it's horrified uh i see what these are good enough to kill cats in this junkyard oh so whether it's the last one or not you know i'm as always i'm looking forward to it curious to see which of these break the meter i feel like i feel like this won't be our last one i feel like we'll come crawling back at some point but i really do i don't know we really went through a lot of films this time and i really do feel like there's some chance of these films being interesting you know i i really do i i feel like you know that there's that there's just movies that are out there that's like do i think life of chalk or escape from 21st century or ick or deadmail like are these slam dunks no but i do think like there's some possibility there i think that's the theme of this of this final 20th anniversary tip for us is possibility there's a spark in the there's a spark in the logs and it could be a fire exactly the possibility that we're going to be able to take some kind of meter and measure that possibility i thought like last thing would be 2025 only because i'm measuring everything in my life by 2025 if i can get healthy in 25 still alive in 25 that would be the last time i go to toronto or i don't know parisale whatever can i tell you now that i know that's your goal i will see to it that you won't be john excellent that's what i was hoping i exist to i count dreams i count on you to the end of my misery by next year oh my god you know my my dad really doesn't want to have Alzheimer's have i told you about this and he's just like occasionally he has no symptoms of it or anything he's in his mid 70s he'll just be like hey if i ever get that you got to take me up to elaska on a hunting trip and just just let me go and i'm like i'm not going to ballad of narayama you dad i don't have it in me i will sit down and watch ballad of narayama with you right now so you know why i won't do this for you i'm just saying just say we go on a hunting trip you know take a little charter plane out somewhere and be like bye woke up in the middle of the night my dad was gone you want to freeze to death in the middle of elaska dad yep it's like i can see that so it's a free slope my next thing i'm doing i'm you know convincing my wife to have sex with my brother i know next thing i'm doing i'm passing the maid law and asking people with physical disabilities and depression to kill themselves candidate apologies again it won't knock into canada before we ended the episode we're doing so well i even was like i'm looking forward to the community movie for a change i know i just want to say that this land was this podcast was recorded on the ancestral end of the wind up ashinabe and hokeness showing land acknowledgement to end the episode perfect i know i know actually we're not what is where am i i guess it's the algonquin is the is the land acknowledgement if i'm doing one from mr manhattan the algonquin indians the algonquin round table named after them kipsey is actually an indian word and i don't even know kipsey kipsey's actually named american word not even know what it means you should look into it and it means all the time for the people braiding high on the dani brook good night everybody you love talking about the dani brook love it [BLANK_AUDIO]