Steak for Breakfast Podcast

Episode 449

On today’s (Tuesday 2 of 2) Episode of the Steak for Breakfast Podcast, we are covering:    Kamala Harris delivered remarks to supporters with Tim Walz and Joe Biden in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania over the weekend and we’ve got a full recap We browse the biggest headlines headlong out of the Labor Day holiday to ensure that you’re prepared to take on your week Guests: In Order of Appearance  All profile handles are for X (formerly Twitter)  John Bachman: (@JohnFBachman) Newsmax Television Anchor and Host    Website:   Instagram:   Congressman Ralph Norman: (@RepRalphNorman) U.S. Representative, SC-5   Website:   Website:   Steak for Breakfast:  SUBSCRIBE on Apple Podcasts:   SUBSCRIBE on Spotify:   email the show:    Steak for Substack:   linktree:   MyPillow: Promo Code: STEAK at checkout  Website: Website:  Via the Phone: 800-658-8045    My Patriot Cigar Co. Enter Promo Code: STEAK  and save 25%   Man Rubs Enter Promo Code: STEAK15 and save 15%   Beard Vet Coffee Enter Promo Code: STEAK and save 10%   BattleBorn Coffee Roasters enter promo code: STEAK and save 20% off your first order   New Hope Wellness use this link or enter promo code: STEAK during intake for free consultation and $100 off your first order Call: 1-800-527-2150

1h 29m
Broadcast on:
03 Sep 2024
Audio Format:

On today’s (Tuesday 2 of 2) Episode of the Steak for Breakfast Podcast, we are covering: 


Kamala Harris delivered remarks to supporters with Tim Walz and Joe Biden in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania over the weekend and we’ve got a full recap

We browse the biggest headlines headlong out of the Labor Day holiday to ensure that you’re prepared to take on your week

Guests: In Order of Appearance 

All profile handles are for X (formerly Twitter) 

John Bachman: (@JohnFBachman) Newsmax Television Anchor and Host 






Congressman Ralph Norman: (@RepRalphNorman) U.S. Representative, SC-5






Steak for Breakfast: 

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Via the Phone: 800-658-8045 


My Patriot Cigar Co. Enter Promo Code: STEAK  and save 25%


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Beard Vet Coffee Enter Promo Code: STEAK and save 10%


BattleBorn Coffee Roasters enter promo code: STEAK and save 20% off your first order


New Hope Wellness use this link or enter promo code: STEAK during intake for free consultation and $100 off your first order

Call: 1-800-527-2150



- Monkey, this is not nom, this is bowling, there are rules. - Hey, hey, hey, junior, America! (upbeat music) - Steak. - Four! - Bassist! - So stand by. - All right, welcome back to the Steak for Breakfast podcast. If you're a first-time listener, welcome to the show. If you're a long-time listener, welcome back to America's fastest growing. And quickly becoming favorite political podcast. I'm Roan. And even though I said he wasn't gonna be here at the top of the first show, he is here with me, Mr. Noah, welcome. - What's happening? - Well, if you're listening to this episode first, not too much, what I want everybody to do at this exact moment is press pause. We'll see you in a bit. Go check out our first episode of the podcast today. That's episode 448. We covered Donald Trump's rally up in Jonstown, Pennsylvania, which happened over the weekend. In addition, the coverage that the mainstream press has displayed in regards to the fallout from Donald Trump being invited by the Gold Star families to commemorate the three-year anniversary of them losing their lives during the Afghan withdrawal at Abbie Gaid. In addition, we hosted two, I guess it was Ladies Night on "Stake for Breakfast" in our first episode. Indiana Congresswoman Erin Houshen joined us. And then we wrapped up the show with South Carolina Congresswoman Nancy Mace. We're gonna be joined by Newsmax. This guy is one of the big dogs on that network, John Bachman. He's been in the show a couple times, but it's been a while. And we caught him fresh off of both conventions and now seeing the campaign trail materializing real times. We're gonna wrap up the show today, sticking in South Carolina with one of our favorites, Congressman Ralph Norman as well. We're getting ready to do a little bit of coverage, unfortunately. Kamala Harris did a duel then in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania this weekend with Sleepy Crooked Joe Biden. Yeah, they got him off the beach and they got him into a high school gymnasium to deliver remarks with Kamala Harris and Tim Wallace as they were all together. I guess ahead of the Labor Day holiday, so they could all go off to their DC or Virginia residencies afterwards and spend time with their families. But again, when you're looking at this, three quarters of a high school gym. Most of the people there are union members who are directed by their organizations to fill the seats. How can you tell? They're all wearing the same clothes. When half the gymnasium is blue T-shirts that have a teacher's union on them. And the other half of the gymnasium is T-shirts that have like a manufacturing companies, union logo on them, wearing yellow shirts. It's kind of hard to not be able to tell that these people are being directed there, that they're being bust in. And even so, they're not even able to fill up high school gymnasiums because there was no concert or public event. There was definitely no twerking as the only other woman on stage with Kamala Harris and Joe Biden and Tim Walz was Randy Weingarten. And nobody wants to see that thing twerk. Remember, she was more concerned during the COVID pandemic about keeping your kids locked down for two years while taking a $500,000 a year salary about the educational system in Ukraine than she was about getting our kids back to school here in the United States. So that's where you could tell in addition to all the porn books and school guidance counselors not telling you that they're transitioning, your kids at school. That's what you could look forward to in a Harris-Wallace administration as we're getting ready to touch on the rally. And again, whenever we say Kamala Harris rally, it's air quotes around it. Delivered remarks, I guess you could call it that. It's kind of hard to tell because Noah, believe it or not, she busted out the accent again this weekend. - Oh, it's embarrassing, so bad. - So we're gonna have highlights or low lights from her event in Pittsburgh, but just a few hours before, she was in the battleground state of Michigan. And while there, well, why even get into it? Let's just listen for ourselves. ♪ You better thank our union member for sick leave ♪ ♪ You better thank our union member for paid leave ♪ ♪ You better thank our union member for vacation time ♪ (audience cheering) - Mm-hmm. - Because why? - Does she have a dream too? - Oh man, did you hear about that one? She actually recalled a time in her youth growing up in a place where she physically didn't, but only doesn't her imagination now because she literally didn't grow up there. Did you even hear about the McDonald's thing? - Didn't she lie about being a fry cook at McDonald's or something? - She's never been an employee of McDonald's. (laughing) - Donald Trump took somebody's AI-generated picture of her in a McDonald's uniform with like a quarter pounder and a drink and fries and screen captured it and wrote, "Kabala Harris lies about everything, "even working at McDonald's, sad, "and then shared it on his social media over the weekend." I couldn't imagine being someone who's been working in the government for like the last 20, 30 years like Kamala Harris does, and then you get a notification that she's been tagged in something on her phone and she opens up Twitter, and there's an AI picture of her from Donald Trump's thing that she lied about working from McDonald's as a kid, which I mean, any other job she could have had, Barack Obama. It's a perfect example. He said he worked in like some ice cream scoopery as a youth. That place has become famous. There's pictures of him working there when he is a child and it becomes one of the places I guess in Chicago when people go and they wanna do like the pronouns toward the city, you get to stop and see where Kenya's favorite former president got to scoob ice cream as a youth. But it's just weird. And I don't understand, they are so disconnected from the peasant class, which essentially we are. When I say the peasant class, it's the hard working, blue-collar Americans that they view us as even when they try to lie about it. It's like they just get like the skebe's from it. They can't, yeah, I worked at McDonald's. I was like, "Hey, well, how is that like, hey?" Are you gonna say anything else? (laughs) And then once you went over to Pittsburgh, talking in front of steel workers and people who are part of the teachers union there and have Joe Biden with her, there was a little bit less of a twang. Let's see if we can figure this one out. - Thank unions for sick leave, thank unions for pay family leave, thank unions for your vacation time. (audience applauds) So you get the same exact sentence, four hours apart, two different states. First one, Michigan, second one, Pittsburgh. - With a lot less Dr. King on it. - Yeah, it doesn't sound like she's saying this while stirring like a 50 gallon garbage drum of Jumbalaya while she's doing it. And it's just, it is embarrassing. And you know, I put out a couple posts over the weekend and I have to ask our listenership, how much longer does black America accept this as okay? Like I just don't understand. First there was the big pushback on Donald Trump saying like I had no idea. She was a black woman. She had identified as an Indian for so long. She broke so many glass ceilings as an Indian and then she just decided to be black. (dog barks) You could be whatever you want. Yeah, but that's not okay. This is Robert Downey Jr. in Tropic Thunder. It literally is. When he's talking about, oh man, I was too shy for New Orleans and I think I got the after credit for after the show. This is literally it. She is not an African American person. Okay. Then I can find some Crow dads. I'm not even joking. Like, and then when she harnesses the accent and then people try to point it out on social media, the pushback on them, it's like if this was her accent, period, it wouldn't be as big as a deal, is if four hours after she used the fake accent, she's speaking like a white person in a different state because she's pandering to how much longer is this acceptable? Like if I was-- Is she ever going to go to speak in front of like an Indian organization? I don't even think she'd be welcome there anymore. And then maybe the real accent would come out. Yeah. (dog barks) (dog barks) Are we there, really? You went there. I didn't know. Oh man, it's bad. But I mean, honestly, like how much longer does black America accept this? How? And you wanted to know what? I shared a post yesterday online that somebody said, somebody put out a post that said, if Kamala Harris, fully, wants to be accepted into the black community, she should. Well, do something that you should never do. This is the end worth all the time. No, no, no. You're not supposed to do that. He uses it on a daily basis. But it's the truth. So, Antonio Brown, former NFL wide receiver, best known for in his last game, running a route off the sideline, taking off his shoulder pads and running into the tunnel during the middle of the game because he just didn't want to play in the NFL anymore, screen captured that post and shared it. But it's like you do need more people, more prominent figures within the black community come up and step out and say, listen, she can identify as whatever she wants, 'cause that's the world we live in these days. But what she's doing is not okay. It's never okay. Listen, would you want your child to all of a sudden, okay, would you want your child who's not African American, to all of a sudden start identifying as African American? And then only when they were around other African Americans start speaking in an accent that they feel is one more relatable to African Americans. No, you would slap the absolute shit out of them because it's just not appropriate. It's never has been. She's essentially, she's doing blackface and no one's calling her on it. Literally, she's doing blackface. And I just can't believe we live in a day and age where everything is pronouns, everything is appropriate. It's like when it's the party that calls for it that's doing it, it's okay. Imagine if Donald Trump came out with some kind of an accent. Oh my goodness. The world would burn, speaking of which, things that are flaming. Tim Waltz went out and led into this event. On a policy-driven tirade saying that Donald Trump wants to ruin, and he got to listen for the single "Between the Noise." He wants to ruin all the things that they've been able to institute over the course of the last three years and more specifically, 12 out of the last 16. Check it out. (audience applauds) I know, we all know this. I remember a time when Republicans talked about things like freedom, they meant it. They would never turn their back on our allies. But that's not these guys. Trump invents, when they talk about freedom, means government should be the freedom to invade every corner of our life. They talk about small government, small enough to be in your bedroom, small enough to be in your exam room, small enough to be in your library, telling you the things that you should make decisions about. So let's be very clear. Where I come from and where you come from as neighbors, we respect differences. That's your opinion. Look, we're sitting here together, brewers and twins fans, Vikings and Patrons. (audience applauds) Look, we respect it. But on things like health care and what books I read and democracy, we all live by that very simple golden rule. Mind your own damn business. Mind your own business. (audience applauds) - You know, it's one of the biggest tells of the election cycle that they are so scared of losing all of the change that they have forced down this country's throat over the last two decades. That they really feel like Donald Trump and JD Vance are a threat to it all. You know, when he says stay out of our kids libraries, it's because Donald Trump and JD Vance are running on a platform where they don't want pornography available to elementary and middle school age children. When they say stay out of my exam room, it's because Donald Trump and JD Vance are running on a platform where they do not want to see full term abortions ever happening in this country ever. And this is the most inhumane thing to do, but Democrats are completely fine with it. And when they say stay out of the bedroom and all of that other weird stuff, I mean, these are some of the most degenerate people. And again, the ruling class, this doesn't affect them at all. They don't care if there's porn books in school because their kids go to private ones where they're consequently taught religion and actual like world history instead of the history of Michelle Obama or Serena Williams. Like you do get traditionally in a lot of these blue states elementary schools. It's the same thing with accessibility to, you know, care over a female's body. You see a lot more in the urban areas where you get, you know, on call abortions and access to all of these things that, you know, Republicans don't run on a pro-life platform, but the Democrats see it as, I'll just continue to push it on the lowest class possible and make them feel like we're fighting for them. When all they're doing is continuing to destroy their communities, don't you agree, Noah? - Oh yeah, it doesn't affect them. But when it comes down to it, a lot of these people are convincing themselves that they are okay with things that any normal person, if you were to come at them 10, 15, 20 years ago, that they would think was the most grotesque, inhumane, fucked up thing possible. Almost full-term or at full-term abortions, like that's just not okay. I understand something happened, you had an accident, you didn't catch it. I mean, maybe there's a reasonable amount of time that we can all agree on that is before A, a child would feel something and B, you know, before it would be too late and having harm potentially to your body or whatever they wanna say it is, I don't know. - Oh, it's a truth, you know, and these people, these massive labor unions, they just continue to swallow it up. And these are the people that are filling the arena for the Wallace Harris campaign events. And I just, I see these people and they look like, they're just lost, like they're soulless. Like, I don't understand how these people are literally campaigning on joy, which is something that, you know, it's not real. Joy is something that you experience as the product of something, but it's not like the product that they're offering, he's gonna let you experience joy. It's the joy where, like, the guy's crying in the shower while eating a sandwich and drinking a bottle of whiskey. You know, that's the joy that Democrats want you to incur and that's if you can afford the sandwich or whiskey in the economy that they've unleashed on this, you know, country over the course of the last nearly four years now. And all of these degenerate policies, the end of energy in America, period. You know, the end of any kind of a border in this country, period. And I tell you what, people on the left wanna keep screwing around in these elections and just voting for party instead of voting for principals or voting for the next generation of people who are gonna live here. At some point, the Democrats will replace them with the tens of millions of illegal aliens and then it's over. - Well, yeah, and the Democrats are breeding themselves extinct by not having kids, aborting their kids or on the most fucked up scale, surgically manipulating their children to be a sex that they're at this moment thinking they're gonna be but in reality when they grow up, they're gonna be like, that was a fucking idiotic thing that I did as a child. - That's a good point. You know, just like wearing deco pants. - Oh, I had a pair of jinko jeans. They wore sky blue. - And you grew out of them? - Yeah. - Yeah, even though, I mean, I was never gonna get to fill out the legs in those pants, but yes, I eventually grew out of them. - I didn't mean you grew out of them like that. I did see my first furry out in public though. - Did you close line them to the ground? - No, I took a video of it though, 'cause I was just so amazed. It was a kid, you know, 16, 17, 18, I don't know how old. Like black dicky shorts, of course, the long socks. I think there were some sort of animal ears and a sweater while it was hot out. And only something that I would have assumed had a butt plug on the end of it was sticking out of her pants like a tail. - Yeah. - Yeah, we can't have this kind of a future for our country. We really can't. We gotta be able to push back between now and November 5th and get enough people out to get Donald Trump back in the White House. Hopefully outlets like this continue to promote that. And then I'll lead in with, I guess, a station identification on that note. Guys, wherever you're listening to the show today, do it's Faber, help us out. Make sure you're subscribed, or I guess, resubscribed at the State for Breakfast podcast. We have had followers removed because of our explicit content on Apple Podcast, but you could also find us on Spotify, iHeart, Samsung, and Amazon Podcast as well. Or wherever you listen to your shows. Biggest thing here, remember for our 100% free podcast is to make sure you hit the follow button, the plus follow button on Apple Podcast, or the subscribe button on any of their platforms. You'll never be charged a dime, and the only thing that happens is that our podcast is downloading to your electronic device. And then find us on social media, Twitter, Getter, Truth Social, and Instagram is where we have accounts. Tiktok as well. You'll never miss out on all the great stuff we've got going on down here at State for Breakfast. Like jumping in with John Bachman, and just a minute, unfortunately, we're gonna have to get through a little Joe Biden first. So, uncryogenically frozen for the weekend event. And, well, Noah, we could all commentate on how Joe Biden's speaking abilities have deteriorated over the years. But, why bicker over it when we could just listen? Let's take it out. - Manufacturing Capital World, where the hell is that written? We are the greatest manufacturing facility in the county in the world, State in the world. (audience applauding) - Oh, oh, oh. - We're gonna remain that way. Eric D. DeI workers, Tim Duskel, a big player. (audience applauding) - Oh, S-E-I-U! (audience applauding) - Lee Saunders asked me the great thing. (audience applauding) And Jimmy Williams, the painters, ally, trades, and then the plan. - The timing said, "Lee Sanders, he's an ass man." - That's a really good man. Mike Coleman, as she met a worker. (audience applauding) - You can honestly hear how many people weren't there by the amount of collapse you could identify between Joe Biden speaking. - And the ones that were there felt obligated to be extra loud and awkwardly so. - Well, they were probably getting the signs held up in front of them that said clap seals. Yeah, it's sad and ugly, but not as ugly as Joe Biden's closeout to this, we'll call it remarks delivering, 'cause I won't even call it a rally anymore. And, you know, you wanna talk about, well, I guess due to his age, one of the most unoriginal bastards out there, it would have to be Joe Biden, let's listen. - Should be a historic pro-union president. So, folks, we got one more job to do together. Let me ask you. - Change my thought. - Are you ready to fight? (audience laughing) Are ready to win? (audience laughing) Are you ready to let Kamal Harris, our next president of the United States of America? (audience applauding) - Kamal Harris. (audience cheering) - And, in the process, are you ready to make Donald Trump a loser again? (audience cheering) - You know, when he went in for that, Kamal Harris, president of the United States, he got like a textbook Biden, I mean, classic. Kiss to the forehead slash head sniff? - Oh, yeah? - Yeah, that's where he got a little bit of that energy. At the end of his speaking event, I just texted it to you. I saw it show up in like three group chats yesterday and the guys were like, oh yes, we've got the receipts. - Oh, no. (laughing) - Lips all open, saliva on the forehead, right at the hairline. - She's throwing up in the back of her mouth a little bit. - And you know that he hit it right there at the hairline because he went in for the old. (blows raspberry) - Oh, yeah. - Oh, maybe your hair smells good, I don't know. - Do you think she uses Indian product or African American product? - Are you, it smells like cocoa butter? - How dare me. - It was at that point that Kamal Harris would be speaking and believe it or not, you probably do believe it. She dusted off unburdening or at least alluded to a little bit of unburdeningness. - Can you give me a textbook definition of what unburdening means now? - Unburdening? - Being unburdened by what will be. - By what will be or what has been? - Or both. - Unburdening would be, well, alleviating a burden like this presidency that we currently have. I would like to be unburdened by what has been for the last four years. - Well, let's check in on the dream havers, the unburdened ease, school buses, rocket ships and Venn diagrams. - 'Cause of course that's the nature of who we are as Americans. We have dreams, we can see what is possible unburdened by what has been. We have aspirations. - I can't believe she said it. - We have ambitions and this is a good system is one that supports that and allows people the opportunity to go where they can see and imagine themselves to be. - What does she say? - That's what I'm talking about when I talk about an opportunity economy, we fight for a future where every senior can retire with dignity and so we will continue to defend social security and Medicare and pensions. (audience applauds) - I always thought an opportunity economy meant the neighbor with the most ammo wins. (laughs) Oh boy, do you feel transformed by what she said there Noah? - I feel hurt. - Well, I feel like I'm dumber for experiencing that. - Well, don't worry, because she outlayed how Joe Biden, just like Optimus Prime, might be more than meets the eye. Let's hear it. - I've been with him when he'll bring folks into the Oval Office and you know how Joe can get sometimes. He doesn't spare words that sometimes the cameras are not in the room when he has those times. - He just starts yelling or shits his pants. (audience laughs) - Because the thing about the Joe Biden I know and I know you know, because he has been a friend of labor for so long for his whole life. Joe Biden can be quite impatient and that's a good thing for that kind of leader. (audience laughs) Quite impatient. And I say to all of the friends here, the press that's in the room, history will show-- - All 200 of you. - We here know. Joe Biden has been one of the most transformative presidents in the United States that we have ever witnessed. (audience applauds) - It's like the sad, what do they call it? The ritualistic, Joe Biden was literally forced out, paid off, whatever they did to get him to compliantly abandon his nomination to run for reelection. And they continue to drag him out there to, I mean, you heard the clip at the top of this. There was like at least 30 seconds of just inaudible nature of speak that I wouldn't wish upon my enemies to have to hear more than once. What is going on here? Do they think that Joe Biden moves the needle now, even though he was the worst candidate in the history of candidates for the worst vice president in the history of vice presidents? What do you think, Noah? - (speaking in foreign language) - Yeah, I heard Killdog was supposed to do like a town hall, like Donald Trump and Tulsi Gabbert did last week over the weekend, but she came down with the vid, if you know what I mean. - She got the vid? - She got the vid, or at least that's what she was saying. - It's taken so many good people from us, but not the ones that we want. - No, it seems like they continue to stick around. And that's just what the sad part about it is, you know, it doesn't matter what we do or say here on the show, what anyone does out on the campaign trail to move the needle in the mainstream press. You know, the job is coming by getting more people out to vote, getting more people registered to vote, becoming poll watchers, precinct captains, all that good stuff that on election day is going to help us have a much more cohesive effort, especially in the battleground states we did in 2020. You know, there's lawsuits being filed when the equation of Democrats and Republicans who are assigned to work polls is way off as we see in places like Michigan and Wisconsin, lawsuits on behalf of the RNC. I was just watching Chairman Watley on the big screen right now, he was on like one of the Fox afternoon shows saying that like, you know, they're working on having teams of lawyers on the grounds in these states, they're going to be working more seamlessly with law enforcement. If you see something and say something and they don't act on it, there's going to be people that are going to be showing us, we're not going to have to reel off of rumors off of, you know, closer TV like we did in 2020. It's going to be a lot more in your face. We're going to see how the selection goes down to the very last vote I feel. But here's the thing, we're Democrats only plan is to win no matter what and that includes stealing. They are already projecting and telling you exactly what you don't need to pay attention to between now and election day as Kamal Harris wrapped up her remarks, I want you guys to listen. - And we know this is going to be a tight race to the very end. It's going to be a tight race to the very end. So let's not pay too much attention to those polls because as unions and labor knows best we know what it's like to be the underdog and We're the underdog in this race. Did I just hear a smoke alarm and we have some hard work then ahead of us But here's the beauty of us in this room. We like hard work It's good work hard work is joyful work The strength the determination and the hard work of the leaders in this room to knock on doors to get folks to the polls and Bluntly put because the people in here do it to help us win Pennsylvania I Thought she was gonna say register as many of those as possible. Are you ready to make your voices heard? Do we believe in freedom? We believe in opportunity Do we believe in the promise of America and are we ready to fight for it? And when we fight To the end of the Trump rallies now Set the music from like Buffalo Bill and sounds the lamb I was about to say that it sounds like Fucking me. Oh my god Yeah, music is terrible I feel like I want to punch myself in the balls to make myself feel better to be honest with you after listening to all that That was awful Here's the thing That there there is exactly which is don't pay attention polar silly I know they're all showing me winning by 11d billion points. Don't pay attention to them. It's race gonna be close This race gonna be too close to call an election day. That's what they're gonna be saying next Remember there was a seven-day transition period for this country before we received the final 2020 presidential election results and at least the ones that tipped the electoral college supposedly in Joe Biden's favor and It's not like we've laid it out here for you on the show whether it be with our guests whether it be with our content Whether it be with some of the audio clips that we're reviewing from the first and second half of the week depending on what shows you're listening to To make it to where I hope nobody's saying I told you so after the selection Still got plenty of time to get involved to make your voice heard to make your vote count and To make sure that we get over the finish line on November 5th But it's gonna take a little bit more work than just listening to podcasts and taking yourself to the ballot box on election day So we'll leave it at that We're gonna get kind of a media perspective on everything right now with Newsmax's John Bachman But before we do another check in with one of our partners It's an unpleasant truth that 42% of Americans are obese and 79% of Americans are overweight That's practically one in every two Americans living day-to-day with every minute counting down to the end of an unhealthy existence It's time to change that and make Americans healthy again You've probably heard about weight loss injections that can help you get back into that right mindset and help curb those cravings So you can focus on what's really important new hope wellness has changed thousands of lives and maybe it can change yours too They are American family owned and operated with the goal of saving lives with convenient telehealth options You can speak to a licensed professional from the comfort of your own home and all products are delivered discreetly to your front door Visit new hope wellness calm forward slash state and start your journey to a better you That's new hope wellness calm forward slash state to get your free consultation and a hundred bucks off your first order 1-800-527-2150 make America healthy again All right, you need sticks on the show today Very excited to have this guest back. It's kind of hard not to ruin it without explaining the title But I'll see if I could absolutely get it done without him laughing He is the host of John Beckman now and welcome back to the program. Mr. John Beckman. Thanks for coming on Great to be back with you guys. Oh, you know, it's not often that we get to sit down with a meme Appreciate or to the level that you are. I mean however, we do have congressman Mike Collins and Tim Bertrand on yes Yes, they really appreciate the art they do and listen. It's a craftsmanship. There's a lot that goes into this I mean you're you're not just talking about something where you Photoshop somebody's head on to another This is like literally it's it's modern day art and for someone with the appreciative level that you have John It's great having you back on the show and listen even though we're coming out of the Labor Day weekend We do have a lot of things to talk about in regards to headlines I think the biggest one right now is the head to head match up between Donald Trump and Kamala Harris I mean obviously you guys have had a lot more Comprehensive look at this going to the conventions and and seeing this kind of unfold in real time for someone who's rodeo This is not your first how are you seeing this whole thing shaking up? It's a lot different I would say even than 2020 but even though Kamala Harris is still kind of in the midst of a little bit of a basement campaign But I think America has kind of woken up especially coming out of the pandemic and it might not end in the result that the Democrats want come November 5 What do you think? I? Think you're right. I think a lot of people, you know We were all at the convention talking to my sources while we were in Chicago the Democratic National Convention everyone was anticipating There would be some sort of post convention bump for Kamala Harris But we haven't really seen that in fact We've actually seen the opposite if you look at Nate Silver's latest forecast if you look at a lot of the election I'm sorry the swing state polls from the Trafalgar group and insider advantage things are actually trending in Donald Trump's direction Now, I know a lot of the polls show he's losing but we've also seen like in the Suffolk University USA Today poll that came out last week I believe there we know they're oversampling Democrats as well. So there really has been as predicted this post kind of nomination sugar high of Kamala Harris, but it hasn't really panned out and you see what I'm seeing I think would have a lot of the American public are seeing it's the same speech delivered in the same Kind of fashion except in certain circumstances when she has to put a special accent in place But it's basically the same thing every single day people have a lot of questions for Kamala Harris If she wants to be the change candidate people want to know how are you gonna be different than Joe Biden? But what we just saw her do yesterday was a joint campaign appearance for Joe Biden She's still pushing a lot of the same policies that we've seen for the last three and a half years You know and for someone who was actually on the ground at the DNC and got to see it What was it like seeing like a four-day celebration of ignoring everything that's wrong in America right now? Whether it be migrant crime rampant inflation the fact that everyone's broke, you know There's forever wars breaking out all over the planet and it seems like you know We're just running rudderless as far as the Oval Office goes I mean America has to be concerned a little bit more than like, you know with things regarding like what are they called? Reproductive freedom. Yeah the fight for forever pronouns and things of that nature, you know They say that Republicans want to invade your bedroom They want to invade your kids education But then when you look at the policies of the Democrats are running out and the fact that they literally celebrated all of those policies for a week Straight in Chicago It just kind of had to be a little bit of mind-blowing to see it develop in real time It really was I was I'll tell you what there was something I was surprised by when I was actually at the DNC Because you hear about this youth movement at the youth vote. It wasn't there now There were a lot of kind of entrenched establishment type Democrats that you'd see I mean, these are the people these are the delegates for the Democrats These are the people who donate money to Democrats. These are the kind of died-in-the-wool Democrats that showed up at this event. There wasn't anything Really new there. I mean, I remember reading a lot of reports. They were gonna be all these influencers And yeah, there were some of that but it wasn't really to the extent that I thought it was gonna be the other thing too This is my first Democratic convention. I've been to a couple other Republican ones before And I found this to be true from people that I talked with it's just a lot less organized and a lot less Like kind of on the rails compared to the Republican National Convention And that's kind of typical from what I hear from people that had been to these types of events before But I'll give you a story last or the Friday after the convention I was in Chicago hanging out doing the city and Chicago is still a beautiful city You know, we stayed at the Trump Hotel Which isn't probably the best part of Chicago Yeah, right there in the loop and it's just I remember going to Chicago in the 90s and thinking how beautiful of a city It was in the summertime and it's still that except you'll see a Migrant woman with two infant children on the street corner begging for money I went to the Cubs game to the day before the convention started with a good friend of mine who lives in Chicago And there were little kids selling gum in the streets obviously migrant kids And this is something you see in terrible countries, which is now Infiltrated the city of Chicago So that that was one thing that stood out with me and the youth movement that really wasn't there was another thing that stood out with me You know and the other thing I took away from it is Republicans seem to have a better sense of reality where things stand You know the Republican convention is obviously skewed by the fact that Donald Trump had just you know The assassination attempt to just happen sure and people were exuberant the fact that he survived that he was coming off that and there had such a dominant lead against Joe Biden But when it comes to the policies on where things actually stand I think Republicans had a better sense of where they're headed as a party with Kamala Harris, you know Democrats will tend to follow The lead of whoever the leader of the party is but there's a real sense of where are we going as a party because I think deep down inside The the people on the Democratic Party that still maintain a level of common sense know what they've been doing under Joe Biden cannot Continue to work if they want to you know put this country on a better path and consequently That's where I want to go next and kind of get your commentary on John because you know you talk about The fallout from the assassination attempt up in Butler you go through the RNC It seems like a pretty galvanized Republican Party I mean outside of a very few people I guess left within the Republican caucus Everybody has coalesced behind President Trump people have swallowed their pride. They checked their egos They understand the importance of this election But that allowed Donald Trump to go out following the RNC and now with his newly appointed VP nominee JD Vance hit the ground running Chris crossing the Democrats and beating into the punch on just about everything But then within a very short amount of time they add more people to the roster and why the tent even more the Elon Musk the RFK Juniors the Tulsi Gabbards and whoever else is going to join between now and November 5th when you see people who were so Not on board the MAGA Express just three years ago who are now not only endorsing president Trump looking forward to working in his administration Joining what would be the transition team if you could win the election in November What does that say for the race that Donald Trump has won so far and for all of the naysayers that want to nitpick every little thing that he does? I mean, I think the big one is obviously Brian Kemp in Georgia Everyone knows who watches your program knows about the animosity that has existed historically just fairly recently a couple months ago Donald Trump and Brian Kemp going back and forth on social media and the why's getting involved in that too and now You know when I heard I think it was the last night of the Democratic convention when I heard that Brian Kemp had done an interview with Sean Hannity and said look all Republicans you need to you need to unite we need to avoid a Second term from Biden and Harris, you know Which is what it would be a second term of Biden and Harris when I heard Brian Kemp come around on this as I said This is important for the Republican Party, you know, you can think back to the 2020 Senate special elections that they had and you know how how deeply divided the Republican Party was then and even a couple of rallies I attended in Georgia and the run up to Trump announcing he was gonna run again There was still this kind of division among the crowd But Brian Kemp is a very popular governor in Georgia You know, Rhonda Santis gets a lot of credit for what he did in Florida But Brian Kemp did everything and then some in Georgia too, and you know I'm still waiting for the joint campaign appearance But that is something that probably strikes a lot of fear into the hearts of Democrats They're counting on Georgia, but Donald Trump only has to win Georgia Pennsylvania and That might be it if he wins those other Sunbelt states if he picks up Michigan at the rest of he you know that again Going back to the that Trafalgar and insider advantage poll they have him winning Donald Trump winning as many as 96 electoral college votes, which you know, I think is important for him a decisive victory and And then put the country back on a direction towards healing You know, we had Kelly Loughler the former Republican US senator on the show on Friday She's doing a lot of work in the peach state for Donald Trump in addition working very closely with Governor Kemp And when we kind of got into it the repairing of the relationship that it seems at least in the public sense right now She couldn't believe how fast it was mended But then again, you wake up every day I mean 63 days before we go to the ballot box early voting is starting as early in places like Pennsylvania on September 16th There's not much more time to show that we're not unified in this movement right here while the Democrats have to continue Even though they're gonna get astroturfed in the headlines and get you know D+ anywhere from 3 to 10 and a lot of the polls to make it look like it might be a closer race and nationally Then it is probably going to be on election day They still are running behind Donald Trump at JD Vance because you know when you look at it If you want to include Donald Trump's town hall that he's about to sit down with one that could have been a debate with Kamala Harris On Fox News with Sean Hannity tomorrow night It's 35 to 1 in media hits and she's become the top of the ticket leader for the Democrat Party Yeah, you know again. There's a there's a very stark contrast happening right now Donald Trump also did that Lex Friedman Podcast he's done the podcast with Theo Vaughn You know, he's really honing out a niche for himself in that area and we don't really know I mean, I don't think any of the pollsters or any of the political pundits really know how powerful that audience can be in the podcasting world Your audience included in that how these folks vote they're not measured in the typical way that a traditional television audience is and so I do see You know everybody sees the contrast between the way Donald Trump is handling the media and JD Vance has been handling the media I don't think we can really overstate how well JD Vance has done in Terms of pushing back against the media narratives that they just try to cram down everyone's throat He has been such an effective surrogate for Donald Trump You know you think about the Tim wall stolen valor issue and a number of other issues that JD Vance has just been so effective on it I know Jen Psaki and the MSNBC crew loves to hold off these old sound bites But every time you know, they mentioned there's there's a headline about JD Vance It's something old that they're trying to dig up. And it's you know, I'm reminded of this whole Abigay catastrophe that Kamala Harris created for herself She really stepped on the rake with that issue and all of these things go back to their poor decision-making And I think their their media strategy is one of those issues that we'll talk about post-election You know, maybe they didn't don't have another any other choice because she's been so bad in the media But the compliance establishment media they're not getting what they want and that's access to her And I think that's gonna really really come back to haunt her in about two or three weeks No, I agree with you. We covered the fallout from that whole Commemorating the three-year anniversary of the Afghan withdrawal, you know I really feel like people within the Democrat party thought that Donald Trump did this for political stunt And when they found out that he had taken the time to invite these people into his home to have them speak it rallies to not forget about their children who made the ultimate sacrifice he built these relationships I couldn't even believe that they had all come to his defense so overtly in their own social media But then doing you know national level interviews throughout the weekend to say listen This was not Donald Trump reaching out to us saying it would help me win the election in November if I go help You lay a wreath at Arlington Cemetery they reached out to him and said Joe Biden Kamala Harris and Anyone from the DoD didn't get back to us on wanting to commemorate the loss the 13 men and women who died at Abbey gate Do you want to come down and share in this moment with us? And he took time out of his campaign schedule on his own dime to fly down to Virginia and spend some time with these families And it was more than just the reflaying ceremony You know he really takes some time to invest in these people and understand the Enormous loss that they've gone to and I think you know the way the media has kind of done it John Which is where I want to go into my last point with you Listen you've done this for a long time you see the way that the media the mainstream press I mean you guys at Newsback do a fantastic job of just calling it straight If there's something that needs to be highlighted that's negative in light for Republicans You guys bring a light and then you bring people on to talk about it You have panels to discuss it as well But it's not like you guys roll out there every night and be like oh Donald Trump's the greatest the Republicans are the greatest You guys actually do the news so as you see this heading into the final stretch here I mean the batons already been handed run the last leg of the 4x4 relay here heading up to November 5th with the early election Voting already getting started here in a couple weeks How do you see the news getting this right and where do you continue to see the news and the and the mainstream press get this Wrong with giving a fair shake to Americans when they have a very critical decision to make on November 5th When they go out and cast their votes It's always rewarding to run into someone I haven't seen in a while I worked in local news in the West Palm Beach market for a long time before I worked in Newsmax And I ran into an old source of mine this past weekend. I hadn't seen her in probably 12 years And she's she talked about how she had switched to Newsmax and how much she appreciated our coverage and that's the most rewarding thing You know you you can have I think more people have done that which is why Things will be different this time I think another thing that's different with the media this time is obviously Elon Musk owning X and not being able to Completely snuff out stories like on our Biden's laptop Yep, and you know and I still I'm kind of a guest what happened with Kristen Welker I meet the press over the weekend where she claimed that Kamala Harris was there at the dignified transfer remains I Do see that though I and I see the ability of Donald Trump and JD Vance and some of the other surrogates to break through and I am optimistic That the media will not be able Despite we know their tendencies to do so to try in favor of one side over the other They're not gonna have the same ability to do that this year I think Newsmax obviously plays a big role in that and so does Elon Musk owning X and so many of the other Sources out there just like the Babylon be for example, you know We first started talking about that in 2020. It wasn't a mainstream type of thing But now it is everybody reads the Babylon be which I think is very healthy because you got to laugh about this stuff sometimes But even that satire getting back to what you were talking about with means It's such an important part of pushing back against the misinformation and disinformation that comes so often from the left Even though the right gets accused of spreading most of it a lot of it comes from the left and you know The government in particular you think about COVID one of the biggest perpetuators of misinformation out there I just think people are smarter They've seen how this means misinformation has led and adversely affected their lives whether it's with immigration or COVID or with their own personal finances and they're just they've just had enough and if you know Americans all these polls more Important than what the general election of swing state polls show the polls show overwhelmingly Americans want change and Kamala Harris hasn't made that case To the American public that she is the change candidate. They want the change that they saw under Donald Trump That's what I'm hearing from people and I think that's gonna be difficult for the media to try and spin that around Into the opposite of what reality actually is so it's a great point It's not like the economy's getting fixed the forever wars are ending or the order's getting sealed between now and November So John listen, we don't do this enough, but when we do it's great for our listenerships so much great content and commentary that you provided for us today We've got a live link in the show description to your show But anywhere else they want to find out social media or anywhere else they could check you out Just let us know and we'll live link it as well Yeah, you can find me on social media I'm on Instagram and I'm on Twitter JF Bachman at those two and Look forward to hearing from everybody stay tuned and we're very excited about what we're doing with N2 on the streaming network Free everywhere to everyone you don't have to have a subscription not behind a paywall So check us out. We'll be with you throughout the election and then some he's the host of John Bachman now He actually brought John Bachman now on the show today. Mr. John Bachman. Thanks for joining us on the show So I have a great rest of your week my pleasure guys do it soon. Hopefully the question is which do you believe right? And I think it's very helpful to look at what she actually did right when she was in the Senate She had the most liberal record in the Senate to the left of Bernie Sanders She was in favor of Medicare for all she was in favor of banning fracking She lined up perfectly with the far left wing and when she had to make a choice for a vice presidential nominee She could have made and a really I think of a prudent choice. I mean Josh I would have sent a message about governing from the center and Significantly improved her odds of carrying Pennsylvania. She wouldn't do it. So that tells you who's in control She comes from the left wing of the party. That's where she's going to govern and the question on fracking and all those things like that You think ultimately it's just in general. What are you trying to understand at the end of the day? I think she's going to be beholden to the left wing of that party You know, there's a lot of ways you can prevent development of oil and gas without an explicit ban on fracking You can just slow walk all the permitting process. There's ways you can do it. I Don't buy the notion that she's actually a centrist now All right jumping back into the news portion of the show today last new segment on the back end of two big Tuesday editions of the Stakeberg's podcast as always and even though it's been a while It's always an honor and a pleasure catching up with the news maxes John Walkman. No one appreciates beams more than he does. He knows where to get him. He also deals them a little bit and then Gives them a little bit of promotion on his program as well, and it was good to get a little bit of insight on, you know We could obviously cover the DNC and RNC like we did but someone that was you know in the Newsmax booth that was walking around the city of Chicago and The city of the walk you over the course of those two weeks And what the vibe was really like I think the most telling thing I took away from it Was that when you talk about the youth movement the Democrats supposedly think they have harnessed for the upcoming election He said he didn't see it at the DNC. He said he saw a lot of labor unions saw a lot of teachers unions he saw a lot of the oligarchy and the donor class, but they keep promoting these Young vibrant stars within the party and I don't even talk about the politicians I'm talking about like the influencers and stuff like that. They're getting turned away in a lot of instances as the Democrats are And in addition the ones that they bring they just keep showing over and over and over again. So it's not like I Really think they're beating us in that demographic right now. I think we're we're actually lapping them And then when you look at What the Democrats are offering even in real time? You could pull up Kamala Harris's presidential Website right now and take a look at some of the policy platforms. No, you can't they're still known there There are nine different pronoun selections each with a corresponding pronoun. So you can pick from one of 18 different geez yours to be called But again, you're getting nothing on What their energy policies are like, what's the economy look like? What is foreign policy look like? Now if you have more than a simple brain, you know after experiencing it for the last nearly four years What exactly it's gonna look like as a matter of fact? She will drive it even further to the left as former Republican senator out of Pennsylvania Pat to me Just letting our news with current Republican House member Byron Donald's Was hammering home exactly the same points on the news yesterday. I pulled a clip from it. Let's check it out So you've not really seen a coherent economic policy coming from Kamala Harris We've seen very progressive ideas from the Bernie Sanders wing and then she tries to take more populous ideas from Donald Trump Because she's trying to find a way to get to the middle when it comes to economics But if you took if you look at their two economic visions It is pretty clear the contrast that under a Economic policy regime of Donald Trump you have a more booming economy you have stabilized prices And those are the two things that you need for the American people to get ahead I do think that when you're talking about various companies that might exist here domestically or around the globe I think it's important for us to be able to take advantage of those for individual companies to take advantage of those I don't think that's really the government's role to get too deep into that But that being said there is a stark contrast between Kamala Harris and Donald Trump. We know what a Donald Trump economy looks like. We've already lived under one It was a fabulous thing. I think it was a fabulous thing. No, I miss it every day. What about you? I miss it so much I miss your musk Have you heard migrant crimes have been ramped up I heard migrants are stabbing children and taking over apartment complexes and People that got deported and under the Trump administration who were let back in during the Biden Harris administration Are oftentimes to blame for these things. It's quite a sad arc that we're going through right now at the illegals The Democrats have incorporated them in an attempt to either Have get back in line a lot of the minorities that they've catered to over the course the last several decades or Replace them, which is exactly what's going to happen I mean, I don't know why more people don't point this out, but it's the honest to God's truth But you just look at the numbers that could come on the back end of chain migration You're talking about anywhere between 30 and 50 million people coming into this country By the time the Democrats are done with what they are trying to do And if you don't think that their plan is an ultimately to replace Blacks and US citizen Hispanics here in the United States. Well, why don't you take it from one of the speakers of the party who? Over the weekend and pretty much under the radar because everyone's out barbecuing or as in my case running around with sports Probably missed it. Yeah, I'm talking about crazy Nancy Pelosi. Let's check it out Lawmakers just passed the law. It hasn't been signed by governor Newsom, but giving government assistance to undocumented immigrants to buy houses That's kind of a different place than the Democratic Party used to be on immigration is a non-muck I say that's what the country's going to do, but that's certainly where California is Well, let me just say immigration had always been a bipartisan issue. I refer you to the non-free houses Well, that's not free housing. It's it's the American dream being available to more people But understand this about immigration the best speech on immigration was by President Ronald Reagan This is the last speech I will make as president of the United States. I want to communicate a message to the country I love and you talked about The Statue of Liberty and the beacon of hope it is to the world and what? America was preeminent in the world because our door was always open and we will cease to be preeminent When we shut the door now, that's I don't do justice to the great communicator Google it It's a fabulous speech and George Herbert Walker Bush continued in that respect for the diversity of America and the rest California is always in the lead, maybe others will follow that lead But that's up to those states, but we're very blessed here with beautiful diversity You'd vote for this law. Excuse me. So you'd vote for this law. Well, I don't I'm not familiar with exactly what it is but making the American dream of home ownership Available to all people is something we have to do for people before you're now This is before you're interested. It's this undocumented. This is for the undocumented Well, what I would like to do is move them to documented One of the best things that we can do for our economy is to pass comprehensive immigration reform There it is no Fucking hurts my head. Yeah What I like to do is move them people man. Mm-hmm. She won't be around to be subjected to it It's ridiculous Yeah, I feel about Nancy Pelosi But if you move them to documented, then they won't get the housing benefits. They're trying to offer. That's a good point. That's a great point And I think a lot of our listenership agrees when we talk about the feelings that I have for Nancy Pelosi, he should fucking die Hmm I fucking hate her. She's the worst and she will work behind the scenes Whether or not she decides to run for the election next time because Donald Trump will be president Or if she decides to stay there and make his life miserable even though I think it takes more of a toll on her than it does him She will be pushing for this comprehensive immigration reform that is going to Change the face of this nation both figuratively and literally forever and that is not something that we will be going back From Senator Mike Lee, who's been working hard in the upper chamber to make sure that they get a vote on the SAVE Act in the upcoming I guess reconvening of Congress starting next week when they obviously have the end of September budgetary CR on the docket that's going to take this administration and session of Congress into the next one They want to put the SAVE Act into the bill I guess Can't hurt. I don't see quite honest with our listenership that's being implemented in blue cities and states across the country and is coming up election cycle, but I guess after the fact you could say The law was passed in the House of Representatives. It was signed into Statute and that we could consequence people retrospectively maybe after the selection. We'll have to see I know all the stuff that's going on between Israel and our border and with the upcoming budget debate isn't looking good on the economy. It's down nearly a thousand points again today But here's Senator Lee talking about the importance of the SAVE Act and why it's something that should be implemented before this upcoming election The senator I want to get your take on the SAVE Act which you've spoken about so much and I know that the Republicans Are pushing the act? Pretty aggressively in terms of ensuring that anybody who votes in this upcoming presidential election has proof of citizenship Do you have any expectation that it's going to come to the floor in the Senate for debate? Look it must come up for a vote in the house and in the Senate and the way to do that is for us to attach it to the next spending bill Likely a continuing resolution. It'll come up in September Look the the American people agree overwhelmingly Maria like by a margin of the three out of four That first of all only US citizens ought to vote in federal elections and secondly When you register to vote in a federal election you ought to have to be able to prove who you are that you're a US citizen Just as you have to do whenever you start a new job in America when you fill out an I-9 You've got to provide proof of citizenship. Yeah, so with the SAVE Act what we're saying is we should require nothing less to vote in federal elections then you have to establish when you start a new job we attach that to a spending bill and That's the best way to move that through to make sure that the 10 million plus illegal immigrants who have come in the last three and a half years and The estimated roughly 30 million non-citizens total in the United States Arch voting in this November's election I mean, I know that Mike Johnson has talked about this Do you think that he is going to be able to attach that it will he dig in? This time and attach it and say we're not going to do a continuing resolution unless this is attached and what about the Senate? Who's going to be aggressively ensuring that it's attached in the Senate? Okay, so first of all if Mike Johnson does that and I hope he does is this would be a great opportunity to show contrast between the two parties It would be a great opportunity to give Americans relief that most Americans believe we need and we want if you were to do that and then say okay That House of Representatives has done its work Good luck Senate and then they go then what's Chuck Schumer gonna do is Chuck Schumer really gonna pick a fight over this Is Chuck Schumer really gonna put us into a shutdown? Is he so badly want non-citizens including the 10 million illegal immigrants? They just left in so he's really so badly want them to decide the outcome of this election that he's willing to shut down the government over it I'd be interested to see what happened, you know, I Think Chuck Schumer doesn't care because he knows the implementary measures of This happening between now and November. I mean guys honestly It's it's literally two months away. The vote's not gonna come in the House of Representatives until sometime late next week if not later and Then it has to go to the Senate then it has to go to Biden's desk so We're always running up against deadlines with the CRs anyways So you want to attach the Save Act in the House get it passed Maybe Chuck Schumer doesn't give a shit in the Senate and get it through it You're gonna have essentially one month to have this thing on the books and again. This isn't Just to clarify Has anything to do with game day voting? Okay, this is voter Registration so when you go to register to vote which you cannot do on election day in a federal election for the president of the United States So it would have to be at a time before that now or previous You have to show proof of citizenship to be able to register to vote but again The way this could be implemented in some of the blue and battleground States cross-country a lot of questions for me, but at least Republicans would have done legislatively to the end degree. I mean, I think that's all they get at the end of the day. No, what do you think? I don't even know what they get out of it. Yeah, I mean a disappointment in this upcoming election I mean, I'd love to see our voter laws and the registration process made it to where Any schmuck off the street can't walk into a DMV or a place that you're going to get like a city ID Or a state ID and just if you put your name down and whatever address you're using at the time you're automatically registered to vote It shouldn't be that way. I mean obviously everyone who does that lives in the United States is not a US citizen and We got a lot of work to do in regards to reforming our you know, they talk about reforming the immigration system Let's start with the voting system first. It seems like the first one would do a lot of help in solving the other one eventually so kind of take it a bit for what it is and Expect to see a lot of virtue signaling up on Capitol Hill about it. You know President Trump wants it as well, but again One month to implement will blue states will blue cities comply? That's the big question here and and if not, we're talking about registering here to vote not voting on election day if there's already illegals in this country who have been voting and Are registered to vote in places and no one's ever challenged or even asked them for ID? God forbid ask them about their citizenship They are more than likely to still go out and continue to vote So take it for what it is But be 100% of the informed Guys wherever you listen to the show today last call help us out Make sure you're subscribed to the state for breakfast podcast You may not be getting our podcast regularly delivered to your inbox, especially on Apple because they Refreshed their explicit content feature, which means if you don't have a setting on Apple podcast set to receive explicit content Then you're not downloading or subscribe to our podcast anymore So whether it be on Apple Spotify I heart Samsung Amazon or wherever you listen to your shows go over to the podcasting app Hit plot follow hit plus follow make sure we're downloading to electronic devices a hundred percent free and then check us out on social media Twitter get her true social Instagram And TikTok is where we have accounts find this follow him hit the notification bell. You'll never miss out on all the great stuff We've got going on down here That's take for breakfast. No, I didn't know if you heard or not Joe Biden's sad What's he sad about Joe Biden said that he can't aimlessly wander off the stage anymore and me and her in the crowds at speaking events Why would he not be able to I don't think they give a shit what he does anymore to be honest Well, I apparently he tried it in Pittsburgh over the weekend and the Secret Service Told him that he's not allowed to do it anymore after what happened to President Trump recently the assassination attempt on his life Let's hear Back on the campaign trail today good. How do you feel about that? Yeah, I'm not able to watch the crowd No, why not no one gets to go out And there he goes Real bummed about it. I can't walk out of the crowd anymore. Who said you can't do that. You're the president secret service It's like watching an episode of the office every time Joe Biden's around Yeah, like you know how many times the secret service guys probably just look at the imaginary camera when they're dealing with him That meme where the moms telling them that you know their kid can't do something because they don't eat their vegetables Yeah, oh, man Joe Biden is that mean, you know when it's a vegetable mmm to that too Probably some vegetables in his pants as well Mmm the legal's now make up 75% of all arrests and Taurus heavy mid 75 Yes Three out of every four 9-1-1 calls are about roving migrant gangs And the crime wave they've inflicted on the big Apple Mayor Adams is pissed mayor Adams doesn't give a shit. Let's not even care if I signed up for this shit. I didn't sign up for this shit Look at this This is a story that's done me. All right, New York Post crime and again migrants flooding New York Justice system make it up 75% of arrests in Midtown as pathetic sanctuary city laws hand-cuff cops Midtown Manhattan is Times Square Paul. You're well familiar with it 75% of the crimes are migrant crimes and Queens. It's lower. It's at 60% But still that that's a stunning number and what's amazing about that is that's what's reported all right Let's go to shoplifting for instance There's heavy pressure not even to report shoplifting because it raises insurance rates It means that the security guards end up getting fired if they interdict too many incidents because the insurance companies don't want it If you get a serious incident the police have to shut the place down do prints and everything else all kinds of done So a lot of stuff just doesn't get reported additionally among migrants what doesn't get reported is the crimes they commit Amongst themselves and what people don't understand is let's take Trende Aragua Which is the most salient aspect of Venezuela gangs Venezuela? Big prison break there he's not taking them back. They are a prison gang. They know how to do this stuff It's in their DNA. They know how to control the migrant centers So in these migrant centers Randall's Island the various ones we have around town Randall's Island has a crime rate That is completely off the hook and completely unreported because it's internal and who do they think there's a prison gang? They know how to do this they know how to control that territory and who do they victimize women? Where are the women's groups on this not only the migrant women But look at the panoply of crimes that we see that hit the headlines relative to migrants nationwide as the Colorado governor tells us You know what you're exaggerating. It's women. Well, it's a big story And you're about the only person is reporting on I mean outside of here. I guess in the mainstream press. Yeah 75% got to love it 75% That is wild But don't worry traditional Democrats your party's not replacing you. Everything's fine clap like a seal and vote for Kamala Harris, right? It's blue no matter who was a joke vote No matter who she blew. Mmm. Oh That's disgusting. That'd be a good t-shirt true story That's telling about that one - you know, he's got a merch line now. I know I saw that good stuff good stuff And in our last audio clip of the day before we jump in with a South Carolina congressman Ralph Norman, you know Could we see a government shutdown? Who knows at this point? Who cares? All we care about is winning the presidential election Stending entertaining that House majority and flipping the Senate back into Republican control So let's hear one of our favorites Anna Pauline Luna talking about the potentiality of it What's bigger Johnson needs to do and what you should be prepared for not in the case of an upcoming hurricane season But in the case of a government shutdown. Let's listen. I Just stand by because it's gonna be a wild week Well, you know some of your more moderate members within the Republican party as I'm sure you know say that's a dangerous thing because it sets up Almost a guaranteed government shutdown and that because spending has been tied to renegotiating the debt limit or extending it It's inevitable. Do you think it's inevitable that we'll be looking at a shutdown because of some of these measures that the speaker agreed to I hope it doesn't get to that But I'm willing to support one and I do think that the speaker made the correct decision in Ensuring that we do cut again some of this pork runaway inflation and spending and so I'm willing to have those discussions I'm willing to support a shutdown and I think that he again made the correct decision I guess we'll have to see what happens, you know, they're back up on the hill next week So there'll be people trickling in you'll get some of the big dogs out there doing Evening news in the mainstream press as well. I believe we've got a trio at least coming into the show I know off the top of my head Mike Collins Tim Burchett same show the two most basic counts in the In the Republican caucus will be here on Friday Christina Bob, and I'm sure we've got other guests signed up, but here's the deal Anything else I've got Donald Trump 53 46 overcome all Harris on Paul market today that's where the money is and then Well, what would be the first presidential debate tomorrow night in? Pennsylvania Donald Trump will sit down for a question and answer town hall with boomer sweats Sean Hannity on Fox News, so outside of any rallies between now and Friday We're speaking engagements where Donald Trump's still doing remarks will have full comprehensive Unfortunately coverage of Sean Hannity and Donald Trump tomorrow and Unfortunately because it's Sean Hannity, and I can't stand the way that guy asks questions But I guess we're gonna leave it at that and jump in to wrap up our second of two big Tuesday editions with South Carolina congressman Ralph Norman But before we do a final check in with one of our partners friends I want to take a minute and talk to you about cigars whether you're on the golf course fishing on the lake or doing some yard work Around the house our friend Alan has got you covered. He's launched the Patriots cigar company The tobacco is hand-picked in the fields in Nicaragua right next to where Mike Lindell picks his coffee beans Cigars are hand-rolled each three years. You're gonna promo code steak here. You're gonna get 15% off your total order every order over $100 free shipping and a $10 gift card is included with every purchase My Patriots cigars calm. That's my Patriots cigars calm a premium smoke for freedom-loving Patriots Joining us next on the show today speak Tuesday edition of the state of records podcast He's the congressman who represents South Carolina's fifth congressional district Always glad to catch up with representative Ralph Norman welcome back to the show glad to be with you Always a pleasure to host congressman, and we've got a bunch of stuff to talk about listen We know you've been hard on immigration the entire time you've been a congressman We know you've been presenting the American people with the open borders policy of the Biden Harris Mayorkis administration We've now seen migrant crime ramping up across the country in ways I don't think it's ever affected America before you see young men and women being subjected to migrant crimes You see now migrant gangs running portions of major cities throughout the country We hate to be the people that say you told you so but you've been the first person to Have done it for years now and I kind of want to touch on this because it's becoming more and more of a national issue every time you turn on the news and You know whether it's every three out of four people that are apprehended in places like Manhattan for crimes Or if you live in an apartment complex in places like Colorado And now you don't have a home anymore because Venezuelan gangs are taking over large portions of your neighborhood It seems like you know we've reached a point to where this is unsustainable for our country And this is something we're definitely gonna have to focus on in the next administration Congressman we want to get a touch on this to start off the interview right now talking about just exactly how You know you've been pointing this out and what you think we need to do to kind of tackle this measure Well, first of all, this is unprecedented, you know, we've got our 250th anniversary coming up in 25 or 26 and We've never had open borders like this. We are at war It used to be we were at war with foreign countries and we still are and it's amped up with the migrant immigrations because I think it was Mike Pompeo they're in the gates now they're inside the gates and You know, you hear the word 12 million 15 million. They don't know This is done intentionally by the Biden administration This is done to register them to vote which is happening in South Carolina and other states all over America and The blood is on their hands. I don't know how many deaths they have to have and see before they Will do anything which they're not they don't care the empathy is not there and I tell you we got the figure We can a half ago that there are over 300,000 Children miners who crossed the border without any type supervision think about that most college football stadiums hold 82,000 85 that's four football stadiums of children and the sex trafficking the abuse the Drug overdoses that are happening. It's it's unfathomable that We've got a man in the White House that is letting letting this happen in the so-called Borders are in Miss Harris is going to continue the practice and it's it's sick that she hadn't even been to the border She hadn't been to Europe either, but she has not been to the border one time She went it was at a border that had very few crossings. So this is the cancer of the country This is the cancer. We've got to deal with and Donald Trump will do with that would deal with it You know, you make a couple great points, and I kind of want to itemize us a little bit You see so many governors secretary of of states throughout America Especially in red today to have done a good job over the course of the last four years based off of concerns from the 2020 presidential election To kind of rework refit and repair a lot of the issues they had with voter loss heading into this election cycle You know, they've cleaned voter rolls. They've removed dead voters They've made it harder to register But then when you look at these blue states and where an overwhelming majority of these illegals that have come in under Joe Biden and Kamala Harris Have been you know dumped or you know placed in these areas it seems like they could walk into a DMV They get their you know work authorization or whatever. They're trying to get you know into the Communities and stuff that they've been placed in and they also have the opportunity or in some places It's automatically registering to vote now The physicality of an illegal walking in an election day and you know filling out a ballot is one thing But having the opportunity to have all these extra ballots and in all of these states heading in such a critical election I think that's one of the biggest concerns of Congress that the the the ability to have all these extra numbers of People on their voter registrations and their roles is something that just wouldn't have happened if you know anywhere between like you said 812 15 maybe 20 million illegal aliens have been able to come into the country over the course of the last nearly four years And I think that's something that you know house Republicans are looking to tackle with the SAVE Act But but again with one budget resolution coming up between now and an election day a finite amount of time and with Chuck Schumer in the Senate And obviously Joe Biden sitting in the Oval Office It's not the easiest path although it should seem like a slam-dung piece of legislation that you guys could attach to the budget for the American people And that's what we've been the freedom caucus wrong has been pushing Mike Johnson to do which I think he's going to do We the word is we will vote on a continued resolution. They'll extend into into well into 20 To 25 and we'll have a SAVE Act on it, you know on any voter registration form You have the the box at the bottom which states that you are a an American citizen, right? It's a federal crime not to to lie about that and to try to cast a ballot now Unless the enforcement measures are in place and we've done it in South Carolina. We've we've sent a letter through the election Commission to the Biden administration the border records division to find out who in the last year has registered the vote and we haven't heard anything but and this is something Stephen Miller who is Has been on President Trump's team and I assume we'll be when he goes back in the office Sure, but we've got to get a handle on this. We got to stop it. We got to be willing to fight on it This is the hill to down No, it certainly is and I was always wondering how House Republicans would be able to come back to this issue because like you said There's just no remorse or accountability from the Biden Harris administration And then the last thing on immigration Congress and when you talk about it's a lot closer to Half a million children that it is a quarter of a million who have been you know Came in the southern border on a company there a lot of and we've broke it down on the show In extent over the course of the last year's the fake family units, you know, and how that whole thing works They try to game the system so they're not detained and it's easier to get released into the country But but 325 thousand plus children just released into the country. They have no idea where they are Are they working in processing plants? Are they in sex slavery? Are they doing hard labor somewhere and it just seems like for the You know the party and I'm talking about the Democrats who go in virtue single You know, they're the ones that want to save democracy and all this other stuff They they allow this to happen in the country and they act like it's just not even a big deal The Democrats are destroying democracy The power is the only thing that they're after to keep their petrified of losing it and they will do anything Including sacrifice and sacrifice and the most vulnerable I mean get this wronged not knowing the language not having a skill set being too young in many cases And you hear story horror stories all the time These children haven't having to fend for themselves, you know, that's where parents come in and this administration is toned after that and to be frank with you The empathy is not there as it hasn't been there with those victims of crime and The mass deportation has got to take place but it ends if the Biden administration under the Tsar Harris is allowed to continue because our democracy Our constitutional public will end if they if they are allowed to retain power I'll be making excellent point there And then as you guys are getting ready to reconvene on the hill and and take care of this budget battle In addition to the safe act, do you have any other concerns or is this just going to be more of a let's just say figurative Band-A to get us through to the next administration while you guys are working on appropriations behind the scene while Hopefully people in the Freedom Caucus are continuing to push for real cuts in government spending in the 119th section of Congress next year Well, we got to be concerned about the drop boxes. We have to be concerned about the All the restorations particularly in the last year year and a half We got that people in place that will fight. We cannot take the answer. Well, it's too late because November 5th We'll be here what 70 days 69 days. We cannot wait We've got to be willing to fight and again, this is another hill to dial if we don't have safe elections We don't have a constitutional republic and this how most of the other countries Venezuela cuba China Have started which is violating our the trust in the in the voting system But no, that's something we can walk into gum and this is a major Issue we got a face and we got a stick on it But I think Mike Johnson will and putting the say back on it. Oh, you are it looks like he's going to based on the reports that we've heard as well and then Congress and one of the other things I want to talk to you about it kind of came and went But then it's really ramped up over the course of the last few days based off of the pushback from the families that were involved And that was what what happened during the I don't even want to call it a memorial more of like a remembrance The remembrance of the three-year anniversary of the terrorist attack that happened at Abbey Gate where 13 servicemen and women from the United States lost their lives During the Afghanistan withdrawal obviously something that Joe Biden and Kamala Harris oversaw and failed miserably at But you know in a time when In regards to this incident families and branches of the military reached out to Joe Biden and Kamala Harris and said Hey, are you guys gonna attend or you guys gonna do anything? They received no answers from both the office of the president and the vice president So someone who's made connections with these families had them at rallies talked about the severe loss and ultimate sacrifice At these gold star families made for this country, you know There's been a relationship developed over the course of the last couple years between president Trump and these families So they invited him out for a ceremony in the remembrance of these Brave men and women who lost their lives and next thing You know the media is well first of all the military tried to stop president Trump And that's where speaker Johnson had to get involved But then you have the media saying that he did it for a photo opportunity And this that and the other thing and then you have the gold star parents coming out on social media and in interviews on cable news Pushing back and saying no, that's not the case. We have a great relationship with president Trump He's actually been the only person that's acknowledged the loss of my son or my daughter, etc And but now it's just turned into something that you know Kamala Harris is using out of the campaign trail to kind of ding president Trump Well, I think it's one of the most disgraceful disgusting things I've ever seen in regards to using something as a campaign point But I just kind of kind of get your insight I know at least in South Carolina and obviously up in on Capitol Hill with a lot of the legislation You've pushed him back. You've always been a huge supporter of our armed forces and veterans Well, it dollars disgraceful. I mean for the potential leader of the free world to not have the empathy To care about those who have lost a loved one President Trump When he was in office and now he continues to make phone calls He genuinely cares about the families, but you saw during the State of the Union Biden He sarcastically mentioned Lakeland Riley who's only mistake was jogging around the Georgia campus And she was murdered and all the other crimes are being committed They just don't care and they're part of the problem and they are the problem And again, our Constitution Republic will be gone if if they take office and it's starting with the immigration and it's starting with The criminals that are in this country and China is our number one enemy and they they're part of that Which is unbelievable that we even were thinking that but it's it's time to act I think Americans are waking up and Kamala Harris can't hide like Joe Biden did she's gonna try to run the clock out But I don't think she'll be successful at that not with American people No, I think American people have worked up a lot and that's the last thing I want to touch on with you Congress been finite amount of timeless and there's big Senate races across the country obviously President Trump is at the top of the ticket Everybody in the House of Representatives is up for reelection as you guys look to retain and extend the House majority and give President Trump You know the perfect storm of having control of the Senate and the House in addition to the White House next year Just briefly tell our listenership Maybe about some of the stuff that's going on in South Carolina that you like to see people get involved with or what people can do Nationally to make sure that they're not just heading out to the ballot box individually on November 5th That they're major league involved between now and election day. Yeah, my my message everywhere. I speak now is To get involved with voter integrity be a poll watcher learn the rules contest ballots That are in doubt make them do the go the extra mile if and you know in South Carolina We're fortunate, but I hear all the time. Well, you know This is only one or two precincts that you have some kind of irregularity Well, if you have cancer you want to get it all and every state has got a focus on this again If we lose the integrity of our elections, then we lose our democracy pure and simple. We can't let that happen So that's my message get involved with the elections process. Absolutely fantastic Congress we've got your congressional website live link in the show today anywhere We can find out social media to take out all the great work you're doing or continue to hear the message that you give our listenership today Rep Ralph Norman calm Norman dot house dot gov and follow me on Facebook Twitter and Instagram and just just search Rep Ralph Norman Well, they come all this the congressman who's representing South Carolina 5 fighting for all the American people out there representative Ralph Norman Thanks for joining us on the show day. Sir. Have a great rest of your week. Thank you wrong. Appreciate it Not a bad way to start the week and heading out of the Labor Day weekend as always I think we nailed it and if you enjoyed this episode of the podcast and want to hear the now nearly 450 other editions of the show you best be following us Cross every downloadable podcasting platform find us on Apple Spotify iHeart Samsung Amazon or wherever you listen to your shows Check us out also on social media Twitter get our true social Instagram and TikTok is where we have accounts find them follow them and hit the notification bell You'll never miss out on all the great stuff. We've got going on down here at stake for breakfast We want to thank all of our guests for coming in and chair was today in the Anac Congresswoman Aaron Houchin South Carolina Congresswoman Nancy Mase Newsmax is John Bachman and South Carolina congressman Ralph Norman You guys all helped me steak Great again guys. We're in the fight for our lives here With early voting starting in less than two weeks in places like Pennsylvania Got to get President Trump the House Republicans and the new members of the Senate over the finish line Don't worry. We're here for it. We've got two action packed editions of steak for breakfast coming again This Friday with an all-star lineup. That's going to feature Georgia congressman Mike Collins RNC attorney Christina Bob Tennessee congressman Tim Burchard And with the comprehensive look into what's going on in the battleground state of Nevada Elizabeth Helgley So on behalf of the pot team, I'm Rome. Thanks for listening. Have a great rest of your week Take care Making good time, but there's no way we make it over that ridge before sundown. All right fellas. We're gonna make camp rest up Y'all might be in full treat. You know back before the war broke down. I was associated in San Antonio I bet I could call up some of them greens Yeah, doodle some crawfish out of the patty, yo I made a some crab apple for dessert now. Yeah. Hey, yeah Hey, yeah, that's how we all talk we all talk like this up. That's a hop. Yeah Get some crawfish and some ribs a hat. Yeah You're Australian be Australian. Excuse me kangaroo Jack You [BLANK_AUDIO]