ESP Media Podcasts

Symmes Township - Trustee Meeting - September 3, 2024

Symmes Township - Trustee Meeting - September 3, 2024

1h 37m
Broadcast on:
04 Sep 2024
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Symmes Township - Trustee Meeting - September 3, 2024

If you stand for Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance, I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the republic for which it stands, one nation, under God, and to the soul, with liberty and justice for all. Dear God, help us understand happiness is a mindset. A conscious choice we make every day. It isn't about having a perfect life, but finding the little things, the joy, and little things. While circumstances can influence our mood, true happiness comes from within. It's an attitude that allows us to see the beauty in imperfection. Amen. Amen. Okay. Roll call. This lease. Here. Mr. Brian. Here. Mr. Beck. Here. I move approval of the agenda. Second. Discussion. Roll call. Mr. Brian. Aye. Mr. Beck. Aye. This lease. Aye. I move approval of minutes, regular meeting minutes, August 6, 2024. Second. Discussion. Roll call. Mr. Beck. Aye. This lease. Aye. Mr. Brian. Aye. Mr. Beck. Ms. Galafister's report. Our checking account balance is at $11,022,929.67. We recently received the second half-year taxes in the amount of eroded somewhere. 4,313,716 dollars and 49 cents. Our HRA account balance is $6,682.69. The fifth, third investment account balance is $8,416,280.68. Continued to date $7,164,564.50. Revenue budgeted $11,959,702. Appropriations for 2024. $16,219,243.09. Expenditures to date, $7,689,323.39. Payments made in August, $782,034.38. Some of our major fund balances, the general fund, stands at $3,089,729.62. Park levy $94,449.52. Rosie Park levy $398,455.76. Police levy $916,869.68. Fire levy $574,230.26. Good levy $51,148.86. Safety services levy $4,072,825.56. Our fund $516,450.86. TIFF fund or tax increment financing fund $2,621,438.48. This total of all funds, $15,063,937.78. We, Kim and I had a meeting with a fifth third investment team for our investment account going over its performance. And they also like to discuss with us future needs that we say coming up that may affect how that fund is handled, for instance, the administration building, service building, vehicles in any replace, stuff like that. I asked about if we could structure a portion of the investment fund such that the proceeds from those investments help fund bond payments on a potential future administration service building. Because of Ohio laws, they cannot do that in that particular department, but there's a dunder department at the bank that we'd have to move a section of funds to ear market for helping pay off the new building. So it was a funding question for potential funding question for what we might do in the future. And at some point in time, we're probably gonna have a meeting with that group of investors. The one thing that's concerning to me right now is that hazardous waste collection that we provide for residents, we budget $6,000 for that and currently we're $1,700 over budget in that fund. So if that fund, if that is going to be continued, you're gonna have to increase the funding for that, or in my opinion, possibly consider eliminating it as a cost saving measure since everything is up, all expenses are up, and at some point in time, we're gonna have to cut some things. There's no way around that. Do we use any grants for hazardous waste can we look at grants for that? I mean, I'm sure there's a lot of stuff for a little bit. Well, it's nice to provide it if we can continue to afford to provide it. But even if we subsidize it, it has an incentive for people not to check it in the trash. I didn't get to this one, but I've been to the ones in the past, was it super popular? I mean, it was busy busy the whole time. We need to cut it back, but we used to be three hours, and we had to cut it back to two hours, and we still keep going. Yeah. And just the setup for it is $2,500, so if you limit the time more, you're still paying a $2,500 setup fee. What is the setup for? I don't know what that all entails, whatever you have. It's really like all the tarps that they have to put out, and everything that they have to put down so they can hand it, and then especially by all. I know we share one with the Loveland, but this is the one. This is the one. The Hamilton County still do the hazardous waste collection. We used to refer people to the Hamilton County collection, and then we ended up with, I'm not sure, is it sustainability council, or whatever do we do this one with? No. In Lebanon. I don't think the Hamilton County does that, but it's not okay. I remember used to take things over to Crescent Hill Road, to a place over there. This is environmental and for enterprises, that's right off Crescent Hill. Yeah. We used to take stuff over there. I have a question on use of outside vendors. I know there's a level above which the high revised code requires that competitive bidding be conducted, and I think they require three competitive bids. Anything below that threshold, though, I don't know exactly what the board's policy is on outside vendors being utilized for doing various things. The reason I question that is, last month, I questioned the painting of the storage building over at Mead, because I thought the bid was excessive. There are others that I think were excessive, too, but I've not been able to get copies of any competitive bids other than the bid that was used, and I don't know what the policy is. Well, if we had multiple bids, we should have copies of those. If we had multiple bids, we should have copies of multiple bids. Right. Yeah. Quotes. Quotes. Yeah. Yeah. Bids. Wow, they're different. Publicly advertised bid versus getting a quote. Okay. If you're honest. I'm sorry. You quote. Do you as a board recommend that, require it, need it, what's demanded? Where does it stand? The Ohio revised code is who sets that? I'm sorry. Ohio revised code sets those standards. So it depends if you're talking about a consultant versus a contractor. Don't quote me on this, but, you know, for example, I think for construction work, the threshold is 75,000, and if it's over 75, it needs to be publicly bid. If it's under 75, you don't have to publicly bid, but you need three quotes. It's something along those lines, I can say. I might be off a little bit, but, and then consultants have their own threshold. But so far from what I see, we don't have three competitive bids under 75. Well, I think there's a minimum also. So we'd have to, like I say, I don't want to go off the cuff, but, yeah, we'd have to find out exactly what DRC says. Well, I know, for instance, on, like the approved spending limits, like Kim has a spending limit, Bill has a spending limit, and I understand that if they're within those limits for township needs, doesn't have to come before the board. But other than that, but you still shouldn't get bids, you still should get bids. Even on those. How do you know that you're getting the best price? You don't, unless you do. I've been asking for a long time, there's multiple bids. But that's not set in stone anywhere, is it? Probably not. Can we set it in stone? Sure. I mean, we can revisit what the policy currently says. And the references to, like I was talking about the ORC, well, I'm requesting that you consider that. Sure. I'm pursuing it. A couple months ago, we talked about the spending limit, and we're going to propose some language on that. Are you still going to do that? Yeah, but I'm not prepared to do that now. Sure. Yeah. Sure. Okay. Yeah. Yeah. I think it's never hurts to revisit. Okay. I talked to the bank today about, we have two current things happen. We had an overdraft charge on our HRE account, and that's my fault. Sometimes you get more hits on it than you're expecting, and it's the first time we've ever had an overdraft charge that I know of. So I sent an email off, the gal who usually handles requests from us is in the different jobs. So I went to the head guy, sent him an email, and I'd like to set up overdraft protection so that it moves out of our major accounts, cover any thing that I might miss along the way and not up in that. Don't, don't, Kim, don't we normally backfill the account? The charges come in against the HRE account, the next, we put it back in that we keep like 20,000 in there. Yeah. But we don't do it every week. Yeah. It's not every week. It's, I mean, I thought I had enough money in there last time we met in August, and then it... Yeah, 'cause it fluctuates how many times that card gets hit. Okay. Depending on it. You're using it? Yeah. How much was the overdraft? I'm sorry. Half to 37 dollars. So, and this is the first one we've done in a while, so I was going to say usually the way that you call. I haven't called him about that yet. Yeah. Yeah. I've always had success. Yeah. Fifth, third. Yeah, and we'll do that. It's going to wave it. Can I ask a quick question, what you were saying a couple of things ago about the investment account? I know you're starting conversations about the interest that accumulates from that. But currently as of today, it just gets reinvested, correct? Yeah. Like the interest in this last month, that account, and this is just the checking account and not the investment account, the checking account earned 28,665 dollars, so that gets added to the capital fund that you guys established. Mm-hmm. Yeah. Okay. But that would be what you're, I think, proposing. That would be its own accounting, and the principal would be its own accounting. Yeah. That probably will cease to exist once we make the down payment on the building, because that money that's accumulating there is going to reduce the amount we have to borrow to fund the building. So I'm talking about the meeting we had with the investment group is a method of timing the investments so that they mature around the time that bond payments are due twice a year. Okay. So that monies can be used from those investments to help pay off the building also. Okay. I know you've asked me questions in the past about how we're going to fund different things. Mm-hmm. That was just another exploration to see what's possible there. Right. Yeah. Good. Yeah. That's complicated because it's the third dimension, the element of time. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Mm-hmm. Okay. Okay. I think that was it. Yeah. Okay. Any questions? No. I move to accept the fiscal officer report. Second. Rokal. Ms. Lease. Hi. Mr. Brian. Hi. Mr. Beck. Hi. We don't have any presentations. We're moving into public hearings. We continued one from our last meeting and that's the tax amendment for the purpose of revising the language of Article 9-A-O, Residential District, Article 10E, Residential District, Article 13B-00, Plan Residential District, Article 13C-E, Plan Residential District, Regulations and Section 144, Development and Maintenance of Park Areas of the Simms Township Zoning Resolution. Second. Okay. Discussion? You have three openly hearing that. I did open the hearing. Okay. Didn't I? Okay. I can say it again. I opened the hearing. Motion. Okay. Okay. Okay. It's over. I know. Brian, um... Yep. He was going to look into the language. Right? Yes. He did. So I included it in the resolution that's further on in the amendment and that's acceptable if you guys basically went with 50% that the residential proposal could not exceed 50% of the total of the buildings and then it had to be exclusively like on the top of the work. On the top of the work? That was going to be okay with you guys. Okay. Since this is a hearing, shouldn't we hear from him as to what his recommendations are? You just want to briefly go over to Brian. Yeah. Yeah. What gives us exactly right is send recommendations after the last public hearing for this. Just for the record. This is a text amendment request. This has gone through a full process in accordance with state law. The planning commission recommended approval. The design commission both recommended approval along with the staff report. The only issues were with churches and schools both being permitted in the same locations. That's been addressed and then the only other issue that was brought up was the possibility of mixed use development being permitted in the office district in the retail district. The hearing was continued to allow us to craft some language which we did. The changes to the O and the E district are almost essentially the same. It's just states that multiple dwellings would be a permitted use only when located on upper floors of mixed use buildings where the first floor is used for officer retail depending on the district and where such dwellings occupy less than 50% of the net floor area of such mixed use buildings. The idea being that if the first floor is entirely retail then the entire second floor could be multi-family which is the most likely scenario. It's far less likely that only a quarter of the building is multi-family and more of it is retail but that's the reasoning for the 50%. That's all I have. I'm happy to answer any questions. Thank you. Can I ask a quick question? So how many floors do we know how many floors those buildings are now? For four. It can't be over four. It can't be over four. Nothing in a township. Right? Yeah. Four. Yeah. For our latter tribes. Okay. Brian, you said this went through the planning commission? Not this language, no, but the overall text amendment went to the planning commission. They recommended allowing some mixed use, consideration for some mixed use and so did the zoning commission. But this language was crafted after the hearing was continued because the board was interested in having something like this before you voted. Correct. Yeah. Okay. In the current apartment that's over there now, it's all apartments. There's no mixed use in that. Right. Right. The first one. And is that opened yet? Do we know? No. It is not. They have not. They have not. Getting close to starting to lease. Okay. Yeah. Okay. So that would be nice if we could get some, I'm hoping for some, like for breweries to go in that area. Because if it's going to be a young group of people living there, it'd be nice to have some breweries and things for them to hang out and do. Okay. Any questions? Yeah. Thank you. Public comment. Anyone would like to comment? Okay. So are you guys ready to close this? Mm hmm. Okay. I close this public hearing and we're on to the next one. I move to open the text amendment for the purpose of revising the language in section 31 definition section 386 specific criteria pertaining to conditional use and table 35-1. The adult use of cannabis shall be regulated in the zoning resolution as a conditional use in the retail district and have a minimum standard, including but not limited to one acre site, retail parking requirements as stipulated in section 141 retail store, which requires one parking space for each 200 square feet of floor area, minimum landscaping standard as required in section 145, outdoor lighting as required in section 146, buffer yards as required in section 326 and any other requirements stipulated in 380 conditional use of the sims township zoning regulation. Second. Okay. Hello. This is a tax amendment case that was initiated by the board a couple months ago. This being a tax amendment, it also followed the state law requirements for zone changes in townships in the state of Ohio. The process requires recommendation by the regional planning commission and recommendation by the sims township zoning commission and then final action by the board of trustees by this board. This tax amendment did work its way through the process. Staff reviewed the proposed tax amendments. Staff didn't identify any issues. The definitions follow the state law definitions. The criteria seem to be applicable to this type of use. So staff didn't find any issues. Staff recommended approval as initiated with no changes. The regional planning commission consider the case on July 3rd, also recommending unanimously for approval with no changes. The zoning commission held a hearing on July 18th, I believe, and also recommended unanimously for approval. They did add one recommendation for consideration of each of the different types of uses and where each one would be best located. I think they were looking at the fact that the definitions identify dispensaries and cultivation and processing. They're all included in the definition of cannabis use that's proposed and some of those uses seem like they would be better suited in different zones, like FRG, then the E District as a conditional use. However, they didn't think that it was enough to hold up the recommendation, so they did recommend it to adopt the tax amendments as initiated. That's all I have if you have any questions. >> I do not. >> Okay. >> No. >> Thank you. >> Yeah. Any public comments? Anyone? No. >> Okay. Moving on to the next one. So I closed that public hearing. I moved to open a public hearing for the zone chain applicant receive for Sim's case number 24-04 Harper Mills town homes to change the zoning from A-2 residential to DD multi-planned residents. The applicant purpose to construct a 13-unit town home development in six separate buildings where each unit would be on individual lots with associated landscaping and parking and one curb cut onto the road. >> Again, this is also a zone change, although this is a map amendment, a zoning map amendment. It does follow the same processes and procedures as a tax amendment does, so this went through the same process at the same time as the previous tax amendment that we just discussed. It was not initiated by the trustees. We did receive an application for this zone change. The proposed developer was requesting a zone change from A-2 single family residents to DD planned multiple residents. The 13-unit town home development would be accessed as you stated from one curb cut off a east camper road and this is just east of Montgomery Road. Zone changes, zone map amendments follow a process. Staff reviews the development and makes a recommendation as part of a staff report. The staff did do that. Staff of the Regional Planning Commission first reviewed the development for land use for consistency with the adopted land use plan. The adopted land use plan calls for transitional residents, which includes specifically two family and three family clustered development. That's exactly what this is proposed to be. Staff recommended that the development was consistent with the land use plan. The regional planning commission takes a separate vote on land use consistency and they recommended unanimously on July 3rd. That the development would be consistent with the land use plan based on their findings. The development would dedicate right away on east camper road to comply with the thoroughfare plan. There are no zoning compliance issues. There are some things that are, well, there's one zoning compliance issue, but there are some things that are brought up just to bring them up as far to let them know that they need to do some of these things. If this is approved, they'll have to submit a final development plan for approval by the zoning commission, so staff pointed out that they didn't submit a lighting plan if they want any outdoor lighting. They're going to have to have a lighting plan approved. They didn't submit any signage plans. Again, if they want signage, they're going to have to submit a signage plan. They did submit a landscape plan. The only issue that we have with the landscape plan was there's the potential that they could save some of the mature vegetation around the perimeter of the site and were particularly concerned about the eastern property line where this would abut the nearest single family homes, and so staff recommended that they try to save the trees if possible. The landscape plan does comply with the zoning resolution, so they're not asking for any variances, and we're not making any suggested required changes. We just pointed out that if they could save some, we would recommend that they do that. There were three parking spaces that they showed, closer to East Campus Road, then are permitted. We recommended that they move those outside of the required parking area, and then if this were approved, they're proposing land dominion, so each unit would be on its own separate lot with a lot one running down the wall in between the units. That still requires a major subdivision approval by the Hamilton County Regional Planning Commission, so we just pointed that out in the staff report. Other than that, we recommended approval with seven conditions. The Regional Planning Commission agreed with the staff report and recommended approval with the same seven conditions unanimously, as I said, in July 3rd. The zoning commission, the substantial zoning commission heard this on July 18th. They did add one condition specifically requiring sidewalks. The zoning resolution does require sidewalks, so they were already required for one in there, but they wanted to reiterate that as a separate condition, so they did as condition number eight. So the zoning commission recommended unanimously for approval with eight conditions, and the last condition being that a sidewalk shop be constructed along East Campus Road in accordance with the standards of the Hamilton County Engineer. And that is how it is coming to you with recommendations and approval from all bodies. There's been limited attendance at any of the hearings. We haven't heard a lot of opposition, clearly this is a public hearing tonight, so there may be some people here to speak on it, but that is all I have and I'd be happy to answer any questions. What is the acreage on that lot? It is 1.9 acres. Seven, seven, three, six, six, with 13 units, right? Six, six, six, seven point one four units per acre is the density. Is there any traffic study needed for this? No, the Hamilton County Engineer, we did send this to the Hamilton County Engineer for their comment. Their letter that we got back was their standard letter, and if they were going to require a traffic study, it would have said it in that letter, it did not. They do not require a traffic study for this, or they are not requiring questions. It also had to do with fire access on the 1/3, 1/3 cut, is that right? Correct, yeah. We're going to go in and out the same drive. Yep, that's right. Yeah, there's kind of a hammerhead in the back that I believe meets the standards for turnaround for fire safety, but I can let the engineer who's here on behalf of the projects answer that. Okay. All right, thank you. Any public comments on this one? Good evening. Craig, you have her from me with Abercrombie Associates. We're the civil engineer, if I were to go to the application on behalf of Christo Holmes. I'm at 8111 Shivia Road, Cincinnati, Ohio, 45247, and I'm also here with Joe Christo with Christo Holmes. He can answer any building type of questions you have, and I can answer any site development questions. We've had unanimous approval at both meetings. We've agreed with all the staff comments and conditions. I can just clear a couple of them, I'll end up here real quick. So there's currently no plans for exterior lighting besides just like a little wall in Wisconsin at the front door, and there's no plans for a sign. So if Joe would decide to do that after we receive approval tonight, that would be shown on the front of the development plan for zoning compliance. Since you brought that up, does that include the parking lot? Lighting? You correct. There's only a few parking spaces, so they currently don't have any plan for any pole lights or anything. Okay. And if they would kind of change their mind, we'd make sure those meet the requirements for spillage. I saw the pictures of the units, but there's no garages, right? Is there garages? There are garages. One car. I know, I saw the picture, I just printed it out. Two garages per unit or poor? Two parking spaces in the garage per unit and then there's also a room in the driveway for two cars. Okay. So it's a similar product to what they're building if over in Seven Gables off of Lock Valley there. It's a land of minimum. Are those rented or those owned? They're owned. Okay. Okay. The HOA will maintain the open space lots, the detention basin in the roadway, that sort of thing. Okay. Regarding the trees, hopefully we receive approval tonight after that, well, our landscape architect is going to walk the perimeter of the site and we'll see what trees can be saved or we're not going to have to do grading. Leaving existing trees is good for everybody, it's good for neighbors, good for the developer. And finally, Mr. Beck, you asked about the county engineer approval for a traffic, if they require a traffic study, I'm sorry, I can't run one, sorry. We have intersections, like distance approval already through the engineer's office. So we already have that letter regarding access. Yes. Isn't there a real high wall between this property and the apartment complex next door? I'm not familiar with the wall over there. Okay. There's high power towers over here, off your picture. And I thought that there was some steep wall, maybe that's back there, where the power tower is. I don't believe so. As you all probably know, it's a thick site right now, vegetation, so I've not walked that part of the site, but the topography from the GIS map doesn't show a wall. Okay. Will there be a buffer between the houses that are there now and what you're building? Yes. There are buffer included in that and it's landscaping and what trees can be remained saved. You have to make certain setbacks from the property lines. Correct. Okay. Okay. It creates your buffer. Okay. So like Brian said, the current landscape plan meets the requirements, but hopefully we can save some trees, some nicer trees along the borders. Okay. And then finally regarding fire, I have a conceptual approval from the fire inspector regarding the layout of the site and the tea turnaround. Well, I figured if you could get in the next door on the eastern side, you could probably get into yours. Yes, sir. Are you contemplating any pedestrian crosswalk, cross-temper, or how would, if you live there, how would you get to Kroger? Would you just walk? There's a crosswalk. There's two. There's one at Pemma County. Right. Yeah. And there's one at Pemma County. Right. So I have that. Yeah. We weren't playing the one at the moment. Yeah. I'm big part. We were not playing it on a crosswalk connection there at the moment. Pretty congested. I believe there is one across the street in your program, from where we call it. A sidewalk. You mean? Yeah. A crosswalk over there. Yeah. There's one at, trying to get my directions. A little southeast. South. And Pemma can run and there's one up in Montgomery. Right. And so you just walk one way or the other to cross. Yeah. Correct. Okay. And Joe's here for any questions on the product or anything I can't answer? That's it. Yeah. All right. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Anyone else for letting Jamaica comment? Okay. We're closing this one also. And we're moving on. I move approval of disbursements for number 84836-85346 and voucher 331-421, totally $782,034.38. Second. Discussion? Roll call. Mr. Brian. Aye. Mr. Beck. Aye. Asleece. Aye. Reports. Law Director. Thank you. I was going to say no report, but I think I'll beat everyone to the punch and give you the non-update update on Camp Denison, Little Slivers of Property. At the last meeting, I did mention that there was a report with the court scheduled for August 13. I went, appeared, I did appear that morning at the magistrate's office. I even brought like a new updated default entry, hoping that that might make things move a little faster. And what I found out, and I think this may be the big reason for why this has been delayed so much, there is a new magistrate that has been assigned all of the default, all of the pending default cases. He happened to be there in the room sort of observing that. I think it may have been almost his, I'm not sure if that was his first day, but he was there observing and the magistrate said, "Oh perfect, you've got your new entry. You can just give it to that magistrate now." So he has it, but he's also been assigned to I think every pending default case in the court right now. So that I suspect has to do with the delay. There is another report scheduled for September, and all I can do is continue to appear at those and see what I can do to make it easier and faster for the magistrate to sign off on the final entry. Okay. And other than that, nothing new to report. Okay. Thank you. Police. Good evening, everybody. Just a couple of different things. Back on August 21st, there was a fire at 210, Carrington Place over in the city level. Three of our officers went in there in two, it was a large apartment complex, and they provided mutual aid for this large fire at this large apartment complex. And three of our officers were actively engaged, two officers went into the burning building. There were flames, very large flames. The fire department could elaborate a little bit more for me if they want to. But two of the officers actually went in and helped evacuate all the residents out of that building. The third officer actually was outside and saw as the fire department was trying to get established and set up. They had set out a hose and they actually picked up a hose, which he shouldn't have, but he picked up a hose and started trying to actively fight the fire. So just for your knowledge and for the public that the fire department and the police department are always brothers and sisters, so to speak. So I'm putting them in for commendations, so I thought you guys should all know that. Good. Thank you. Second thing is, and the last thing is, remember everybody, it's back to school time, so hopefully everybody's a little bit more conscientious about the children going to and from schools. And just to watch your speed through the school zones, that's all I have. Okay. Thank you. Fire. Good evening trustees. Through the tenant is correct, although they were probably big flames to police officers, but not so big to. But I was brother mentioned tonight, I actually sat this afternoon working on the post incident report on that and actually watched the video cameras from the chests on the police officers. So it was very interesting to get a different view than what we would normally see and activity that we would not normally see at a fire because of the body cameras worn by the police officers. So that was pretty interesting to see that and that really helps us when we look at how we performed at a fire and what things we could have done better and that so it's really helpful to have that camera footage for us to go through. What I have for the trustees this evening is a cause and origin report on the structure fire at Simms Park. I think someone was on your agenda for that. I was determined to be the accident of a fire caused by discarding fireworks and problem in the story of the firework on my data. So I wanted to make sure that the trustees had that report from Seavon and said it's going to have something on your agenda I believe later. We're all the officers that went in where they checked out medically afterwards. The one that was left in the first he was fined, he was checked out, he could have a little bit of smoke inhalation but he was not medically anything, it was just a cough cough, that's bad. Okay. Okay. Good. Thank you. Thank you. Director of Public Works, it's not with us tonight, committees, again I want to thank the bicentennial committee for the wonderful job they're doing but there was nothing from them and any other. I'd second that Heritage Festival was really, really fun. Oh it was fun. Yeah they did a super job. Yeah. That was very, it really showed off Simms Township. Yes. Yes. For sure. Okay. Other? Okay. So this is the point that we're hearing from residents. So if anybody would like to come up and speak, we'd love to hear from you. Just give us your name and your address. Hello? Dr. Wilson, 7906, Clement Street, Camp Denison, Ohio. And on the bicentennial note, I was amiss last month, I just really wanted to thank the trustees for all the support from Simms Township and us having the flags for Camp Denison. We are continuing to hear responses about, oh where is this and where are we and then somebody will see a flag. There were two on the bike trail which have been removed which there was a request for that. But it helps out for people to know where they're at, especially when they're riding on the bike trail and coming from, people get really disoriented coming from Loveland going to Milford. It's kind of crazy but I just want to thank you all for your support and for the flags for Camp Denison. It's meant a lot to the community and we sold 49 of them. So we have one left. So I just wanted to- I have somebody that would like it to ask me for it, so hold it for me. Okay. So I just wanted to thank you so much for all of that. You look great. I was down there yesterday at the park and yeah, flags look great. Yeah, the whole community is looking really nice down there. Anyone else? Hello. My name is Caroline Sayer. I live at 8905 Chapel Square Lane and in the month of July I received a letter that said I had to clean up my driveway and I started cleaning it up and my driveway is very difficult to clean up because my husband who died left me a lot of antique tractors. I had moved a lot of them along the way but I had still had my mother who lived with me who died this year February 1st. I cleaned her house out and the secretary that kept coming to my house and taking pictures and I told her that I would not be able to do this in a certain time frame that she wanted me to. She said seven days and I have shingles. I got shingles and when I was out there was a hundred degree temperature and then I found out I had another condition so I went to the doctor and they told me not to go out in those hundred degree temperatures. She came the other day and she brought a crew with her and she took everything that my husband owned away in a dump truck. She took all my things from my rose garden that I got, all my personal things, even stuff that I had cleaned up and put up next to my garage and she had also told me to come to the last meeting. I came here and I saw no cars and I could not get in this building the last time. The first Tuesday of the month was in August. We were here, we were here. Well you could see me on camera as I was going everywhere and then I actually went over to the police because sometimes some things in the past, political things used to be held over there. Anyway, so now I'm told I'm going to receive a bill for all this because they came and they literally took everything away. I'm sure that whenever you guys make these decisions and send these letters, do you really understand what happens? Even when I told her I had bid ill and she said, "Well you have seven days." Kim, do you want to speak to that because I've known in the past that we've worked with people. You did. It's been a few years I think. Your husband didn't die recently, right? No, but my husband left the stuff there and I have been moving quite a bit of it along and that was when her comment was, "She said to me, "Well your husband died, yes I did." I have 30 garden tractors there and over the last probably eight or nine years, I've sold them all out but the pieces that I could not lift myself. My mother died, I've been taking care of her, she just died, she was 100 years old. She stayed at my house for the last six years and I literally have everything I had to clean her house in Kentucky and when I brought the stuff back from her house, I was putting it in the driveway and from April on I've been cleaning it up. I also have a storage locker that I put a bunch of stuff in. I told her all this, she didn't seem to be, she goes, "Well lots of people in the neighborhood are being told about stuff, not just you." Well, I don't know, somebody was pretty coward and didn't come up to my door and tell me, "I've lived in that neighborhood for 25 years." So I don't know what happened but I just think the responsibility ought to be more face to face and she said she sent me a certified letter because I was sick and I wasn't getting my mail. I got my neighbor to take it, I got the pink slip, I never received a certified letter. I still have the pink card which said I should pick it up at the post office but I never got anything other than her coming and taking pictures of me actually moving things around. This is not a personal thing but I guess I think that stuff, I have a very long driveway and you have to walk up into my driveway to see most of that stuff. So if somebody is trespassing and walking up in my driveway, that's something different and all the stuff I had next to my garage, they took everything, all the stuff. The only thing they left me were the three tubs of pictures because when they opened them up they saw they were pictures. Anyway, I think the thing I'm trying to say is that you have to be a little bit more personal about the person you're deciding that you're going to empty their house or empty their things and it's done, can't do anything about it. It's all gone and there was a car in the driveway that I had gone to the title place to get a new title because when I changed it over I moved it out of the garage and put it in my driveway. But I still have the title for it and when I went to the title place you have to send for it because I can't find the title, they're sending it to me. Anyway, I had all that stuff and it's all gone. I guess I really just think there should be some more, much more of a personal thing when you decide that you're going to take everything away from somebody that they will do there with oh and decide that it's gone. That's all I have to say, I just think you ought to think twice before you make somebody's life a little bit more difficult than it already is. Anyone else? Okay, moving on, correspondence, see attached, events and meetings, Board of Zoning Appeals Monday September 9th, 2024 at 7 p.m. at the Administration Building, Storytime with the Library Friday September 13th, 2024 at 10 a.m. at Hopewell Meadows Park, Ice Cream Social and Movie Night, this is part of our Bicentennial event, is Saturday September 14th, 2024 at 7 p.m. at Hopewell Meadows Park, Zoning Commission Meeting Wednesday September 18th, 2024 at 7 p.m. at the Administration Building, Regular Trustee Meeting Tuesday, October 1st, 2024 at 7 p.m. at the Administration Building, Fall for Sims, Friday, October 4th, 2024 at 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. at Simms Park, Board of Zoning Appeals Monday, October 7th, 2024 at 7 p.m. at the Administration Building, I do want to add one more, Nightmare at Mead, it's our friendly haunted trail, that's at a Mead Historical Preserve and hopefully we'll get that up at the beginning of October. Okay, Old Business, I'm of Approval of Resolution G2024-70, a resolution approving tax amendments for the purpose of revising the language of Article 9AO, Residential District, Article 10E, Residential District, Article 13B00, Planned Residential District and Article 13C, double E, Planned Residential District, Regulations, and Section 144 Development and Maintenance of Parking Act of Sims Township, Zoning Resolution, Discussion, okay, roll call. Mr. Beth? Aye. Ms. Lease? Aye. Mr. Bryant? Aye. I move Approval of Resolution G2024-72 Resolution to Authorize the Settlement of Administrative Appeal regarding new potato, creek holdings and declaring an emergency. Second. Discussion? Kim, can you explain this real fast, please? Yes, and this was a final development plan. This was a final development plan that we had, I believe, last year or two years ago. I think it was two years ago. So anyway, we had an applicant that wanted to build a car wash on a piece of property up on Waterstone Boulevard, and Zoning Commission denied it, and went to Zoning Commission a few times. Zoning Commission denied it, they appealed it, and we've been working with our attorney and their attorney trying to come up with a site plan that met all of our Zoning regulations for that district, and they finally submitted a plan that met all of the conditions, and so we're bringing it to you to settle the case. Okay, Jeff, is it okay? Yes, all right. There's no, when it uses the word settlement, there's no money. No, just that. We're just doing this short. Right, you guys agreed to agree. Yes, it's essentially approving what's called a consent decree, where once you authorize it, and it gets signed, the court signs off on it, and it really is nothing more than just approving that final plan that now meets all of the requirements of the Zoning resolution anyway. Right. And Brian reviewed it, and he's okay with it. That's why we move forward. I'm just smiling because that's within a quarter of a mile to be three car washes. We got the clean scars and the cow. That's because we have all the auto dealers. I think the lawyer wants to spend their money. Right. And compete for business. Okay. Okay, roll call. Miss Lease. Hi. Mr. Brian. Hi. Mr. Bette. Hi. Okay, discussion concerning wellness committee. I asked for this to be on real quick. I think I want to make this clear. I don't want to offend any of our staff, because I think when I called it a wellness committee, they didn't like the idea. It could be an advisory committee. All I'm trying to do with this is just make Sims Township the best place to work that it possibly can be. And if a employee or a group have an idea that they would like, like I keep saying, if they want hot chocolate in the carrot machines and we don't have hot chocolate, I would like to give them a voice to say we'd like hot chocolate in a carrot machine or something like that. So that's all I want to do with this committee. I know that I have some takers. So if possible, I'd like to like set maybe some ground rules that I can send out. And and then because it like it has to be positive, you know, we can't like things that we have to move so we can move it forward. I don't want them to harp on things that happened in the past. We want to like move forward. So yeah, like address an issue, but yeah, in a positive way, right? Yeah, like it's they're not happy with something. We don't want to say we hate it because blah, blah, blah. We want to say we would like to have decaffeinated coffee. Do you know what I mean? Like you're only you're only having caffeinated, you know, just some given examples. So yeah, I went all to be productive. And I just want to make sure that our employees are as happy as they can be. Some things we might not be able to do, but some things we can do. So hopefully they can make it a better place to work, even though it is a good place to work now. So that's all I wanted to talk about with that. Business initiative. I like the I also discussion of the business initiative. I like the letter that she put together, Kim. And I also have the pamphlet. I think the pamphlet's great. I was thinking, um, can we add? I know we do like school districts, but like if you need something from the parks, you call bill or do you know what I mean? Like the maintenance or the contact information? Yeah, contact information. Thank you. Thank you. Yeah, that's all. Okay. Yeah. I like the letter. Yeah. I do too. And then I know I know we're busy this year because we have the bicentennial going on, but eventually I like to tackle businesses that already are in the township, like getting them more engaged and realizing their wisdom's township and how we can help them. But this is a great start. I did want to tell you, um, I met with ready Cincinnati and alloy and myself. And we all met with normal and they're one of the businesses in the community is ready Cincinnati has a list that they target for our businesses. And then we meet with them and try to see like, what do they do? How can some sound ship help you? How can alloy help you? How can raise Cincinnati help you? So we are actively doing that. Okay. That's great. Yeah. Yeah. Did you get some good feedback? Uh, it's more it's nothing really that the township can do for them. They have an office in Governor's Hill. It's more of job creation and helping them figure out how to fund different projects that they want to do. Like, you know, if they want to grow their business, how do they fund that? Mm hmm. Like how do they infuse capital into it to get it to where you need it to be? Okay. Good. All right. Okay. And that closes old business, new business. Um, I also asked for this to put put on discussion coming concerning me haunted trail. So, um, I know we're super busy with the bicentennial. And last year, I think I talked about it in our September meeting because I really would like the trail to be open by October 1st because as we all learn from our bicentennial events and talking to everybody that lives in the township, they're starting to really, I mean, our parks are getting a lot of attention. And I have had a lot of comments about the haunted trail at me. So I was hoping this year we could, I know we have a lot coming up, but I was hoping that we could, if we need to do it next week to get it done by October 5th, first, and we can do a little at a time. That's, that would be great with me. Because I remember last year, we, we had other projects and we kept pushing back the trail. And so at the end, I think it was, um, the guys, because they do a great job, but Lou Ann and I were kind of like in busy rush to get it done. Yeah. And we didn't get it done the way we wanted it done. We talked in our staff meeting last week about starting it this week. Yeah, I would be perfect. Dave's, unfortunately, Dave has, has got hand surgery scheduled, so he'll be out for a month. But we were hoping that he could hang as many pumpkins as he could before he left to go on on his medical leave. Okay. Yeah. How long is he going to stay on? He could always ask us. I know. So right after Halloween comes down because we've got to move on to Thanksgiving. Yeah. How does he do that, by the way? Does he use a lift or a fishing pole? He already has, uh, things to hang it. Oh, shoot, I don't think they're called the islands. He already has the islets already in the trees. Oh, God. Yeah. So he just basically just strings it and hangs it. I was hoping we could use, I don't know if this would work, but like when I hang things on my house, I use a fishing line so you can't see it. But it is probably, that's what I'm saying. I don't know if you can get the fishing line that's, would support something that heavy. What is he down in the bass? Just a string or something? Or a string? Oh, okay. I can ask him. We can name maybe a heavier gauge fishing, fishing line. You can get heavier, heavier weight. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. So, and that too, with the ghosts, because they just usually use the twine and I'm thinking, oh, it looks so much cooler with, look like it's just hanging there free. I guess if you could catch a sailfish off of a line, you can get a line heavy enough. Yeah. Cool. Okay. So discussion of Fall Festival. I also asked for this to be put on. I was contacted by Miles, what is it? Miles the dog rescue. And they wanted to come to our Fall Festival. Now, I know they were at our sims fest. The adoptive foster pet. Yeah. And so I was hoping that we could have them back at Fall Festival, if that's okay with the two of you. And if you find a place for it, I just don't think you'd want it around the heading. No, no, no. Yeah, somewhere far away. Yeah. And I know they at the, I think they did six dogs and a couple cats at the sims fest. So I think it's great. So I just wanted to make sure that's okay. Yeah. Okay. And I just read, I think a week ago, they're overcrowded and overcrowded. It's still an issue. So yeah, anything we can do to help, I think it's good. Okay. They had, I think it was the League of Animal Welfare had a tent and animals at Summit Park. Yeah. And bluish. And that was nice. Yeah, they do a nice job. Got a lot of attention. Yeah. And anything we can do to help. And then, discussion for innovative species. So a couple of the residents brought up meat and they want us to continue our invasive species removal this year. And so I don't, I, they gave me new contacts that's like a less harsh version than we've used in the past. So they wait till the first frost, these other companies, and then they go in and hands spray. So I don't know if that's something we can do, we can afford this year, or we need to wait till next year. I just wanted to bring it up now. But that would probably be more like November December. We didn't this year. All I ask is before we do it, we let everybody know we're doing it. Yeah. Well, let me rephrase. This is a less invasive way. And I think the quads came back at 2,500. Okay. Well, we got some flak last year because people felt like we were destroying the deer's habitat by the cutting that we were doing back there. I think that we're going to go somewhere else and then come back or rotate it around to different parks. So it's not so drastic every year. Well, we were going to do the nature trail in Camp Dennis. I don't know. Have we done any invasive species removal down there this year? Yeah, they did two swipes. Not this year, but they did two swipes around the nature trail. One last night. I don't know, sometime last summer. It doesn't look that way. Oh, it doesn't take long for it to grow back. Some residents asked about that and were wanting it to happen. It's $2,000 a day. Just so you know. So it's probably more now. That was two or one year ago. So the $2,000 a day. So the the quote that the one of the residents gave me is it's for you go in after the first frost and they can identify what is an invasive species and they just spray it. It's less than that tractor thing that goes in and destroys everything. So it's less harsh. I didn't have time to sift through my emails because she did send me the company and everything they do. I remember it was $2,500. So that's it. So I just wanted to bring that up. So we'll just put the end of the hunt. So if we want to look at that, I just wanted to get that on the schedule. If we went through and flagged what needs to be removed because could this be a scout project? That's what I did for my scout project. Well, no, not the chemical part. Just just just moving, just cutting them down and hauling them out and then someone else could spray them. Okay. Could we do that? Is that near groundwater sources? I don't like chemicals. Well, they're... And I know you can't get around them in some instances. But I think we put... That could be, that could go to streams. So you could get into the groundwater. We could ask. Yeah. Okay. That's it. Yeah. So you've got connections in that, right? For the Eagle Scout project? Yeah, they're always looking for fun. I'm sure. I think it's a great idea. I just don't know anybody that well has kids at her Eagle Scout age. Yeah, I can put the word out. Happy to. The lady who's running our nature walks, Margie, she wants me to drop her knee with her to see all the invasive species in there. So I can... Maybe she can like show me. Okay. I'll go and trompe around in there. So see, it's cool. I went through Sims Park with her. What? Last year, I went through Sims Park with her. Yep. I get to go to Mead. I'm doing Mead. Can your necks? Margie Beakus. Yep, you can get your boots on. I'm going to sign you up and you're on the third one. She has a nice job for us with our nature walks. She wants to get into here. Yep, yes. Okay. Just to keep that on the schedule and moving on, I moved to approve the request for the Hamilton County Sheriff's Office to share all the cameras owned by a Sims Township. Second. Discussion. Okay. All right, well, aren't we now? No. Hold it. You want to... Yeah, have a couple of questions about that. Yeah, turn your microphone on. Yeah. Yeah, I can elaborate on this. This is part of the Connect Hamilton County project that is working right now. There is a company called FUSIS. It's a privately owned company that is partnering with the Hamilton County Sheriff's Office and gathering data into a very unique platform where our officers, their movements, their body worn camera footage, the footage from cameras that are accessible to fight by public entities and private entities and even personal entities such as ring cameras and nest cameras. It's a wonderful project that we're doing right now so that we can have in one platform, we can see our fire trucks, we can see our officers, we can see what our officers are seeing. In the case of like an active shooter, the officers can go, can, you know, going into like, God forbid we have an active shooter anywhere in a business or a school or something of that nature or if an officer is fighting with somebody, we can tell where the officers are, their closest backup and it's being pulled into this platform so that we can create a real time crime center. Now, major metropolitan cities all over the country have already been doing this for years now and one of the most notable would be New York Police Department but by using the cameras and integrating these cameras into this system, now there's some that can be just registered to say, hey, like, look, I had a theft for my car, you can have access to my footage as a resident and then it's not a real time kind of a look at the cameras and it's an after the fact but it tells the detectives with a click from mouse that they can see those cameras and with the cameras that we have for Sims Township, they can be integrated so that we can actually see things real time. So if we have something going on at Mead Park or one of the other parks or the Township Administration Building where all the cameras are, we can actually see what's going on and like real time. So if there's an event going on, there's many different applications but the camera aspect to it is only a part of it, part of the real time crime center where we have everything all in one place. Doesn't the fire department have access to them? Yes. So they already have access to it? Yes. Yes. So they're requesting the same access. Okay. Is that going to cost us anything? Nope. Okay. You heard that. And this is just for the Township cameras. That is correct. Buildings, parks, etc. That's correct. So you're. And also kind of flood over into since it's since level in Sims, the fire department has the access to all these cameras. We would be tapping into what they already have so we would actually have access to outside of Hammer County as well in the future, not right now. But your example of a ring camera? Yes. So that's a whole separate. It's a different way. If anybody wants to look into this for themselves as citizens that are out here, you can go to the Hammer County's Sharest Department website, There's a tab on the far right. It's called find information. You click on that find information and then you click down the drop down menu that says connect Hamilton County. In that, they will have facts for all the questions that most people ask about this program. And then there is a way to register your camera. That literally all it does is says, look at me, I have a camera. So that when an officer has, we have a crime in a certain area, basically you put a circle around that area and the detective sees that there's, let's say, seven ring cameras and S cameras or other kind of cameras out of business. And it says, look at me, I have a camera. You're more than welcome to the access to buy cameras, camera footage after the fact. It's not real time. It's not big brother looking. It is actually asking, you know, basically telling the police that you can call me and send me an email saying, you could have my footage. So the detective from a mouse click at his office desk, he can send that out to all those residents that had the cameras and then they can get the footage from the time frame that they're asking for and send it by email right back to the detective. It saves so much time, so much money and so much effort for the investigative side. That's one aspect to it. It's just, that's just the registered from the local businesses and the, and the residences. So that's one half and then the other half is a real-time access, which is what we're asking for. We might want to, if you can figure out a way to summarize that briefly. Sorry. We put a little blurb in our newsletter. I already have that taken care of and I will give it to Kim so she can send it out on a social media platform. Cool. That can be done very easily. It's already done. All right. Any, anything else? Okay, roll call. Mr. Brian. Aye. Mr. Beck. Aye. Ms. Lease. Aye. I move approval resolution G2024-81, a resolution to approve text amendments to section 31 definition, Section 386 specific criteria pertaining to conditional use and Table 35 one of sims township zoning resolution Second discussion Roll call Mr.. Beck. I miss lease. Hi, mr. Brian Move approval resolution g2024 - 82 a resolution to approve a zone change from a to residential to dd plan multi resident located at East Kemper Road second discussion Roll call miss lease. Hi, mr. Brian. Hi, mr. Beck. I Move approval of resolution g2024 - 83 resolution authorizing and directing the township administrator to sign and accept acceptance execution of a permanent storm sewer and drainage easement and temporary greeting construction easements for Timberlake to williggers and cross-street drainage projects second discussion Now those are the easements that you work so hard to get our thing Finally got okay. This is the last one. Good. Okay. This is complete the project As far as easements are concerned and then tonight like further down the agenda We've got the last two drainage projects on for your approval. Okay Great I'll roll call I'm sorry Roll call oh Mr. Brian I Mr. Beck. I miss lease. Hi. I move approval of resolution g2024 - 84 resolution approving the 2024 street lighting assessment second discussion Roll call mr. Beck. I miss lease. I mr. Brian. I I move approval of resolutions g2024 - 85 resolution approving various other nuisance And false alarm drops for 2024 second discussion just business These are just the assessments. That's our fee schedule The these assessments are for nuisances and then they're also for false alarm drops. I know I just thought we did just acknowledged receipt of funds Bancers whatever people paying your funds or we just we just build a bunch of no assessments come at the beginning of the year Okay, so they get assessed they we have to happen men by the end of September the lighting districts and all other assessments Okay, and then they get put on your December tax bill. That's payable January 31st or whenever you guys pay the tax bills down here and then we get them the first collection Thank you roll call mrs. Lease. Hi, mr. Brian. I mr. Beck. I I may have approval resolution g2024 - 86 resolution the authorizing the township administrator to sign an agreement with choice What engineering for engineering services for state route 126? Pedestrian crossing project in the amount of 12,000 second Discretion is this the flashing light crosswalks? Is that what this is? I'm assuming so. Yes. Mm-hmm. Yeah, crosswalks What's that? The crosswalk the flashing strobe and then also a third strobe 500 feet Down and around the corner Yeah, and is that the one that they originally said it wasn't necessary and then they changed their tune. Yes It's safety for sure is 12,000 for the original material needed to accomplish that and is there continuing the cost? A lot of money going to serve it a week. This is for construction drawings So just the drawing. This is just the drawings ODOT requires us to submit a permit and so does Hamilton County engineers office engineering services because Lincoln Road is a county road and 126 is a state highway So we have we have to submit a permit through both offices. Do we have any idea what that's gonna cost? After we get the drawings I know no no idea But ODOT did say they had some grants. Yes for materials only Yes For it to help with the construction. Yeah, and then is there continuing expense with those? The batteries you have to buy batteries for them We're solar not solar. They're solar. Right, but you have to have a battery That's what we have to continually Why did they change their tune on their recommendation? I think it was the way it was written up by choice one By what I think it was the way choice one wrote it up They didn't understand the significance of it Okay, anything else Roll call Mr. Brian I'm mr. Beck. I miss lease. I I move approval resolution g 2024 - 87 resolution authorizing the township administrator to enter into a joint agreement between Warren County transportation Improvement Districts and Sims Township Board of Trustees to fund and maintain sidewalks located in Sims Township second discussion Yeah They're calling that whole field zero project to Warren County transportation Improvement District is the Warren County transportation Improvement District is the entity that is taking is the project manager. Okay, so it's a shared Project between Hamilton County and Warren County But the Warren County Engineers Office is the one that initially submitted all the The application to opw see to get the money so Hamilton County is chipping in money Warren County is chipping in money Dear full townships putting in money. We're putting in money We're paying for sidewalks the year fields paying for sidewalks and this agreement only basically says we will continue to maintain them This agreement is for us to pay for our portion Which they estimate around 125,000 and then it's for us to maintain it for 22 years after that Yes, and this will take us from where to where this will take us from called by those drive up Snyder To the corner and then down fields are to row from Snyder all the way down to Wilkins ish Like right where the red wing store is and that little okay. I'll shake Plaza I'm not really sure where it it specifically ends, but somewhere in the vicinity of Wilkins Boulevard I Do notice a lot of people walking Yeah, we have a lot of condos and like townhomes through there in apartments that like right next behind red wing In the road no way anybody would want to walk along it until they start improving it Well, especially on our side because it drops off so much on our side And there's the just drainage ditch there I mean it's definitely gonna be it's a busy road now. I'll still continue to be busy road I mean it's gonna be five lanes 125 K 125 K is not much for that expense. Are we getting a grant? Yeah, the OPWC is paying for the majority of the project. Okay, and then we're chipping in I Mean that's what they told me. They could be less. It could be more We just have to until they bid it out until we know cost per square yard. We won't know exactly what our cost is Okay, roll call Mr. Bryant, I Mr. Beck, I miss lease. I am with approval resolution g 20 24 - 88 Resolution authorizing the township administrator to enter into agreement with styles and sons to repair The head wall and associated drainage improvements to twillaker court To will look a rich court in the amount of fifty nine thousand five hundred forty four dollars Second discussion We got a grant for that didn't I? Yes. Okay, so we have to put in ten thousand dollars, and then we We'll get paid back the rest. I think it's a little like forty eight four is what we got in the grant Okay, okay Roll call Mr. Beck. I sleaze. I mister Brian. I'm I move approved of resolution g 20 24 - 89 Resolution authoring the township administrator to enter into agreement with benchmark land management LLC to install a storm water pipe Catch basin and associated drainage improvements at the end of to timber lake drive in the amount of thirty six thousand one hundred and twenty four dollars discussion Once again, we got your hands right. Yes, okay Roll call the sleaze Hi, mr. Brian. All right, Mr. Beck. I I move approval resolution g 20 24 - 90 resolution authorizing the township administrator to make repairs to shady shelter at sims Park Due to the fire damage and enter into agreement with multiple contractors in the total amount of fourteen thousand seven hundred and fifty eight dollars Second discussion that was I have a question I'm strong as we're insurance our insurance so tarma whatever only gave us eleven thousand or so Okay, that's close. We have a five thousand dollar deductible. Is that what that's what the difference is, okay, it's Is there any way we can recoup any of that from the people who caused it? I Don't think you guys have it. Right? Did no one reserve that shelter that day? No, okay It was a walk up. It was a firework. Yeah, and it was dark. I mean they have the cameras in the and the In the park, but I think it was so dark. You guys couldn't see anything I mean, I know I couldn't see anything when I saw the tapes. Okay. All right, so I have a question There are there were two bids. I asked the painter who painted Storage building at me to give a bid on this project the the bid that's stipulated here for fifty four ninety five is Broken down to the carpentry portion 1625 that's for labor materials to replace the wood. It was removed and Then sealing two coats of a sealer for 38 70 in that bid The That bid contains What's called a soda wash? But the seven thousand three hundred and eighty dollars ahead of that includes blasting Ellis maintenance and blasting to media blast the interior wooden stone of the shelter so cleans it so if they're cleaning it is Is cleaning it again? Which is part of the bid necessary and the second question I have on that and then the second bid for just the painting that painter recommends that a Clear stain not be used. He would recommend that we use a acrylic solid stain Because of the age of the wood and how you know what it looks like it looks like crap To be honest if you've gone over and look at it, but his bids like thousand dollars less For doing that entire wood interior, but that's not the whole job, right? Hmm. That's not the whole job. No, and this is broken up into three different or two different people's But one thing I want to ask about on the Replacing the wood that was lost Do we not have individuals working for the service department who can do? I mean I myself and I'm no woodworker. I myself could replace the wood on that building. That's how It's not like a complex job So I don't understand I Guess I don't totally understand what the total jobs are of the work where we have in our service department Is this out of the realm of their capabilities? Is that why somebody outside is doing it? You know same question. I have about mowing We used to mow It's not outside of the capabilities. So here's another example of Could they do it and if so, I don't know if it would still cost us 1625 for wooden labor paying our own laborers But him what's the play of the tarma in this we get the bids and then Tarma or they tell us where to go or what no they come out and they send an assessor out Okay, and they based on the amount of work that they see and they took pictures of they have cost associated in their program So that says yes this repair for this is estimated cost of this and then how do we how do we settle out on the contract? Or just going to do it for that amount. Well, he couldn't find looks like he found multiple people to do multiple pieces So there's you know one guy that's going to do all the blasting which is 73 that are seventy three hundred Seven thousand three hundred eighty dollars and that's for the entire shelter. Well, it's no It says the entire blast. Oh, they'll say all interior wood and stone area of the Sims Park shelter from fire So they're cleaning that okay. Yeah, so and it's also it is a lift rental in there to get you know The only bid we got on that portion of it. It's the only one I have I don't I didn't get these bids so then the second one From environmental designs was to do for new repairs, which is includes I think all like up underneath where the wood had been burned like had been taken down and it needs to be put back up like that sheeting but look similar to she but you put on a roof the whole point was that Tarma sent an assessor out here and they listed all the things that had to be done to put a price tag next to it Yes So if they to Joe's point if they said that they want to sandblast something the assessor Says it needs to be sandblasted and then if there's a soda wash Included and so on the assessor says it needs so to wash it's on so it's not It's not a contractor telling us you have to do these things. It's the assessor saying you do these things I Don't see any report from any assessor saying you do these things You're talking about the assessor for the insurance companies and how we determine the 10 grand they gave us Yeah, I didn't say to report it. Well, it's in the back. So it's this it's the sheet from Public entity risk services of a mile list. So basically it says Well, this cost lineup with the so maybe bill went out and got a got quotes and because the Cost on your matches. Is it is this been done? Is it been repaired? It's not as in it now, right? Yeah What's our timing on having to have it done? We explore this Well, the only bad thing is is until the repairs are done. We can't we can't open the shelter for anyone to use So it's just been sitting in well, I mean people have been using it even though we had it roped off and That's why needs to get done Since that's where you end up getting stuck all the time what you always get stuck saying I need to use it It's up to you guys if you guys want us to get more bids, we can get more bids. I think what he's saying is that Can we do any in-house can we do any of it in-house and The ceiling the pavilion It says applying two coats of clear penetrating sealer and you're saying what the guy told you is he's telling me better off as an acrylic Solid stain. Okay, he said most stained woods over time That have been restained restained They get to the point where you have to use a solid on it because you're not good Yeah, you're never gonna match new wood to what's there. What's there looks bad. You don't want to match it I think that they were talking about doing the whole thing, right? Yeah, and apply two coats of clear penetrating sealer work to best blend new wood and old I'm assuming it's just the inside But it would include the post - because yeah, yeah the post salt charge Yeah, I don't know if you guys want us to get more beds we can get more beds. I have no problem with that And if you want me to ask Bill directly if we can do the work I can do that too I just want to make a comment Sometimes you get bids from one person versus the other person and one person thinks this like this way is better And the other person thinks this way is better. So at the end, I mean, you're just kind of basing it off Well, not only that but on a similar thought they have to be apples to apples I mean for you know one painter's gonna use this quality paint another painter's gonna use this quality paint and you got to make sure You know, you're not just going with the the cheap price and then you end up regretting it later So you got to make sure it's you know, it's apples to apples. Yeah, but we never see that kind of detail And that's important. Yeah. Yeah, I mean you go out and buy cheap paint Or you can put on good stuff. It's gonna last you three years, right? So we don't see that information So I don't roll call well, we're We're proving this that says Enter an agreements with multiple contractors so we can approve it To get the process going and pick a shoes contractors Multiple contractors, right, right? I just would have the only thing I would have to Multiple bids, I know but you can't you can't get any more money out of the insurance companies unless it I know that Yeah The only thing I would have to change is section one because I actually list out The different contractors and different different amounts So I can I can redo it if you want me to do it. I Think so difference to me I'll do whatever you guys want. I'm okay with this I mean, I just want to make sure we do check around sometimes we're not even gonna get a response But at least we ask you know and we have a record of it, okay? And I'd like to know if our crew can do the wood replacements We can ask okay We can we can go ahead and pass this with just leave multiple contractors in there right and get more bids Assuming our crews not twice as expensive. What's that assuming our crews not twice as expensive, right? Yeah Okay, real call Mr. Beck I Misleast hi mr. Brian I Move approval of balling expenditures and authorizing the township administrator to sign any necessary contracts agreements or paperworks a Expenditure $7,500 then and now for the building to mow nuisance cut junk removal from Chapel Square be expenditure 728 dollars and 93 then and now for environmental enterprise for household hazardous waste drop-off Expenditure 9,350 for 5k race expense requested by Jeff Reichman, and he's on a bicentennial committee second discussion I have a quick question. Why do we need nine not that much money for a race if you look at the The very last sheet underneath your agenda Yeah, I asked him to put together a budget because normally at the beginning of the year We put together a budget. It was twenty five hundred dollars. That's what I was gonna say. Yeah, but he's saying he needs money for shirts money for bags like swag bags He needs it's eight hundred dollars for this Forget the name of the company to come do the GHG timing the eight hundred dollars. They do all the stuff associated timing it and tracking it and all that kind of stuff We're making this high tech. Yeah, so the t-shirts are 750 a shirt. I have no idea how many shirts It's gonna mean I put 500. I don't know if we're gonna have 500 But if we do it's gonna cost three thousand seven hundred fifty dollars If I don't think we're gonna have five hundred so if you need Five hundred you're gonna do four four dollars a bag. That's two thousand dollars two hundred dollars for graphic design eight hundred dollars for the timing Six hundred dollars for cones and anything else we need just to have set up for that. So that's 3500 that he put down But I put down 7350 and then if you get food if you can't get food donated you got to add that into it too So that's where I came up with the 9350 So we don't have to Spend all this money. No, I'm hoping not to do that but what's what's the food for? He wants to be able to feed people after the race. So it looks like he requested snacks from Freshtime and then he requested pizza from La Rosa's So, but if we don't get that are we charging people for this race? No, no, not even like $10 No, we can't. I mean that's what you guys want to do I Don't necessarily I think that's something that bicentennial committee needs to discuss that Did he say how many people have signed up so far? No, okay, do we do we even have a sign up yet? Yeah, there's a there's one in the newsletter Last week's electronic news that one Our dogs allowed is this a oh, yeah, is this a run wall? Okay. Yeah, it's a run wall Okay, so the more people to walk I couldn't run that far You have a run from here to the steps very slowly Okay, anything else? All right, roll call Miss Lease I mr. Brian Hi mr. Bak. I Okay, there's no executive session, so I moved for sure We just approved a 7228 $7,728 for the Hazardous waste but we need to keep an eye on it. How are we gonna handle that going forward? I don't know because we've had multiple discussions with environmental enterprises about saying, you know We set this budget at $6,000 You can't go over it So and that's why they weigh everything and they keep track of what they're taking in and they're supposed to be cutting it off Are they taking names and addresses? They have to live the level and our sims to participate don't they right? I would think I don't know if lovely it was Well environmental enterprises would know no, no, maybe they would yeah, there is an emotion for sure I don't know maybe next year you look at it as Hi, I Okay We're gonna turn (laughing)