Danny and Dusty

Worst Day on the Web

PEDs in cockfighting

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28 Aug 2024
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Presented by T-Mobile, the official wireless partner of Odyssey Sports. With an awesome network and great savings, there's never been a better time to join T-Mobile. Visit your neighborhood store to make the switch today. It's time for today's worst day on the web. With Danny and Dusty on Odyssey and 1080 the fans. Man that sucks. Get a good one today. It's local. I saw this headline and my jaw just got further and further and further to the ground, the more I read. Here's the headline from the Oregon, illegal sale of performance-enhancing drugs for cockfighting rooster leads the prosecution of Oregon, man. Come again? Say that for me one more time. Illegal sale of performance-enhancing drugs for cockfighting roosters leads the prosecution of Oregon, man. Can I guess the region of Oregon? You said just an Oregon man or a Portland man? Oregon. This seems very claim-of-falls. Same idea but different region. Estacada? Independence. Yeah, yeah, this is all making sense now. We're picking it up now? Fernando Israel Urudia Arché, a 45-year-old man of independence, is going to serve three years before probation and is ordered to pay a $5,000 fine after pleading guilty to a misdemeanor charge of interstate receipt and sale of misbranded drugs. He illegally imported and resold more than $200,000 worth of PEDs for cockfighting roosters across the United States. Wow. He imported drugs through his business called VIP game foul supplies from 2019 to 2022. Maybe not name your business like the stereotypical front business name. Yes. Balco for roosters. Yeah, that's right. That's right. It's like, I see the name of that company. I'm like, yeah, I'm going to look into that. Port little Jerry Seinfeld never had a chance. I'm looking at this and I'm going as if I'm going to co-brand this. I'm going to go jacked Ramses and also I'm going to have jacked roosters as also a part of my cockfighting schemes. That's right. This is what I had to do to get relatively inexpensive PEDs. I'll do it. I mean, it's like a gym that gets popped for selling PEDs to the people that go there. And it's called like the roid house. Yeah, you're like, that didn't see that one coming. We had no idea that this was going on. Get jacked via stacks. It's like, yeah, yeah, no, we get it. Through the company, he sold the drugs that promised to increase. This is the absolute heater of the article. He sold drugs that promised to increase a roosters energy and muscle building, making a fighting cock 10 times stronger. But you weren't lying. No, you're not lying, grab that for later. Help with our digestive system and make their hair shiny and flawless. Yeah, yeah. Like this one is a great text on the Vancouver 4 text line. Like, I'm just sad to see drugs infest the game of murdering roosters, you know. Also, what's happened to the morality of killing animals for money? It's like, well, I mean, if the animal's killing animals, this is the least surprising story from from cock fighting. What's what's a more egregious crime, sin, twisted thing in the animal fighting world, particularly cock fighting, giving them PEDs and turning them into a little feathered hairy, berry bonds, hairy bonds, feathery bonds. I don't know, I'll workshop. Other responses, yeah. Or giving them the metal spur. Boy, I think it's the spur. Right. Because that's just to inflict the injury. Yeah, most damage. Nothing good about that at all. But I mean, fighting anything to the death, barbaric. I think we've evolved past that as society. But the fact that you said $200,000. Yeah, this guy's obviously making money off of it. Yeah, the tune of more than $200k. Yes, and here's the thing, and this is not does not make it better, and I don't agree with it at all. But outside of the US, not just cock fighting, but animal fighting is still not even like on the fringes. It's wildly accepted. Yeah, yeah, like in in the like the Caribbean islands, Caribbean islands all over South America, all over Southeast Asia. I didn't see a ton of it in the Middle East. Huh. Yeah, I mean, well, that's not totally true. We did it with bugs. We threw scorpions and camel spiders and boxes and watched them fight, and we may or may not have bet on it. Danny, you're not supposed to say we. I mean, it was the collective we of bugs. Well, look, if there's anything from the animal kingdom, we want to let fight to the death. Let's that scorpions and camel spiders. Yeah, that's just fine. Yeah, we anything that would like, it was harmful to us. We threw in boxes and we let you fight. Yeah. Yeah, I'm not going to put myself in your shoes in that situation, because I've never been in them. I've never been that bored. I had somebody put scorpions in my shoes. Oh, no, I kind of deserved it. I may or may not have put a dead camel spider on his chest while he was sleeping. What? What? Again, this is that cheeky fun that you have is that's the Danny cheeky fun. It's a camel spider. That's the size of a dinner plate on your chest while you sleep. So you wake up and you gotta act phobia in your face scorpion in your shoes. I got a snake in my boots, except for scorpions. They also found three thousand movies you can only watch once. Right. Good Lord. Three thousand images in post related animal fighting paraphernalia is also found on the social media accounts. He accepted more than two hundred thirteen thousand dollars in painters and PayPal cash app and so he was posting it on his social media. Yeah. This guy deserves to be roasted by Tonya Harding on world's dumbest criminals. At this point, it's like, hey, look what I'm doing. What an idiot. Everyone come and see how dumb I look. Well, here. Number one, he said, now the drugs were have been approved by the FDA. Is the FDA out here approving cop fighting serums? This guy is the equivalent of like getting on a radio show and like admitting to several crimes. Oh, but it was purchased from the Philippines and other foreign countries according to a sentencing memo. And I think the statute of limitations is out of mind. So, yeah, that's where we got all our steroids from. Yeah. We got, we, uh, Philippines and actually England. Weirdly enough in the early two thousands, we got our, we got our steroids. Yeah, it's, uh, it's called me British dragon. Wait, you got your steroids from from England? Yeah. Oh, yeah. There was there was supplier back in the day. You could get your, and it just felt like less shady because it was coming from a first world country. Yeah, this is on the up and up. Yeah. Right. That was the way we justified it back. Yeah. We got it from from England and we got it from the Philippines, which is probably funny because the people we're buying them from in England was probably, we're probably getting them from the Philippines. Yeah. Yeah. I think you're a hundred percent correct. I'm, I'm pretty sure that's how that went. When you think about businesses that are selling through the roof like aloe, all birds or skims, sure, you think about a great product, a cool brand and brilliant marketing, but an often overlooked secret is actually the businesses behind the business, making selling and for shoppers buying simple for millions of businesses. That business is Shopify. Nobody does selling better than Shopify home of the number one checkout on the planet and the not so secret secret with shop pay that boosts conversions up to 50%, meaning way less carts going abandoned and way more sales going. So if you're into growing your business, your commerce platform better be ready to sell whenever your customers are scrolling or strolling on the web in your store in their feed and everywhere in between, upgrade your business and get the same checkout experience as business powerhouses like aloe, all birds and skims. 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Like, well, he wasn't, he was just, you know, he was the middleman. Yeah, you know, see, but I don't, I don't like that where it's like, you have these arms dealers who are like, Hey, I didn't, I didn't pull the trigger. Well, where do we draw the mind? Do we draw it? Like, does this, it's like, uh, what's that? Is it family guy? Or no, it's American dad when they ban trans fats. And they have to smuggle trans fats back into the city. Like, is it, do we get mad at the middleman who's out there just slinging trans fats now? Like, because it leads to harmful clogged arteries. Yeah, that's like, yeah, you know, but I mean, do we, do we, do we bag on the, the guy's out there doing the distribution for the alcohol? Because do you guys? Yeah, okay. But I'm just saying, just because, you know what, maybe he thought he was selling, no, no, no, no, no, no, like the guy who is, is distribute is like a, a beer salesman or whatever. He's not doing it with like, I know the intention of people are going to be, they're going to get loaded and buying the wheel. It's to use it safely and recreationally. Maybe they want some recreationally, like super jacks roosters. Okay. I mean, maybe they want really, I mean, they're show roosters and they want them to come up like, they don't get tested and they just show on super jacked and shiny. One thing we learned about the Chinese swimming team is that the cattle in China is loaded with enough wood to trigger a positive test. See, they're just eating it. They're not fighting them. That he was getting this from overseas and sending it back to China because they were loading it in there into their chicken. They're like, Hey, the guys, they're on to the beef. We need to go to the chicken. Yeah. They're testing the beef. I think I'm still out on this. I think I'm still out on all of it. Would you eat PED chicken? If you feel like I have like, I feel like we all have. What if it like you could get like mild PED benefits from eating PED chicken? Would you do it? See, your hesitating. Mine's an immediate. Yes. Yeah. I mean, I don't know what the mild benefits are. Like, okay, are my joints and ligaments all going to still be like frail rubber bands and snap at any moment? Or am I just getting the mild? I'm getting jacked and have an incredibly large appetite. Because if it's the latter, I'll take it. I'm just I'm just one to look good feel good kind of deal, you know. Yeah, sure. Something. Yeah, I do that. I really want some shiny and flawless hair. Yeah, that's the thing that they say about like the the legal light that this I guess it's not micro dosing, but the lower dosages of HGH, right? That's the whole that's the whole thing of surrounding HGHs. That is in low dose, it has actually incredible benefits for you. So yes, in low doses. Yeah, just not ones that make your head look like a watermelon on a toothpick. I mean, you know, just make sure you got to work your shoulders. Okay. Make your traps big enough to make your head look small, bro. Proportions, they matter. Nobody knows that you have a size eight and a half head anymore, because your traps are huge, bro. See? That's how it works. Presented by T-Mobile, the official wireless partner of Odyssey Sports, with an awesome network and great savings, there's never been a better time to join T-Mobile. Visit your neighborhood store to make the switch today.