Morning Prayer with Pastor Sean Pinder

His Mercies Are New Every Morning

His Mercies Are New Every Morning - Morning Prayer

Broadcast on:
06 Sep 2024
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His Mercies Are New Every Morning - Morning Prayer

And we sing Oh, oh, there's nobody like you Lord, there's nobody like you Lord, and we sing Oh, oh, there's nobody like you Lord, there's nobody like you Lord, and we sing Oh, oh, oh, oh, there's nobody like you Lord, there's nobody like you Lord, and we sing Oh, oh, oh, oh, you are my healer Lord, you are my healer Lord, and we sing Oh. Thank you Lord Jesus, Father in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ on this morning, May in past Amy we join our faith together which are wonderful people here under the sound of our voice, minister to them, let the word of God get down in their spirits, let them see a side of you that they've never seen before, let them experience a side of you that they've never experienced before, you are so merciful towards us, you are so kind, so loving, so caring, so gentle, so compassionate, Lord, encourage your people this morning, let the word of God get ahold of their hearts and their spirits, make it so simple that even a child could understand what the Holy Ghost has said to the church, in the name of Jesus Christ we pray, somebody say, Amen. Good morning to you, saints of the Most High God, we had a wonderful time talking about what we talked about yesterday, a divine override, on this morning we continue our series to necessity of faith, but in these few series, on these few teachings, talking about mercy healings and the sovereignty of God, I remember hearing Pastor Benian in the video said he asked Dr. T.L. Osborne, how is it that sinners are able to get safe, say why Dr. T.L. Osborne said he heals the sinner because of his mercy, he heals the child of God because of his covenant, what an answer, that thing stuck in my spirit, I'll never, and it's so true, and so there is, there is another kind of healing, it's called mercy healings, it's the mercy of God, amen, you can't tell God who to heal and who not to heal, are you listening to me, you can't beat people up and always telling people oh, you need more faith, listen, we don't have this, we don't have it all figured out, we don't know it all, only God knows it all, amen, but I want to take you into this story as we talk about his mercy is anew every morning, I want to take you into this passage of scripture in the book of John chapter 9, this was another miracle that took place similar to John chapter 5 that there was no faith required on the part of this man, it had everything to do with the mercy of God and the sovereignty of God, I think some of you are shocked at what you will listen into, it's right there in the scriptures, watch this, it's going to the book of John chapter 9 verse 1 through 12 and then we'll pick up verse 35 through 38, as Jesus was walking along he saw a man who had been blind from birth, now Jesus was actually on the run for his life but he was so compassionate and so caring, he was not passing up this moment to heal this man and of course the Holy Spirit is driving him to do this, but he saw a man who had been blind from birth, this man had never seen a day in his life, rabbi, his disciples asked him, why was this man born blind, was it because of his own sins or his parents sins, the answer he has amazing, Jesus said it was not because of his sins or his parents sins, wow, Jesus answered, this happened so the power of God could be seen in him, in other words this man isn't like this because he sinned or because his parents sinned but I'm going to use this opportunity to bring glory to the name of God, are you listening to watch this and I want you to understand this, you'll see in this particular chapter this man didn't know who Jesus was, he didn't believe in the Messiah, how could you believe in someone that you don't know or never even, or you just don't know about him, you just don't know them personally, you don't know them, watch this, Jesus said we must quickly carry out the tasks assigned to us by the one who sent us, the night is coming and then no one can work, but while I am here in the world I am the light of the world, then he spit on the ground, made mud with the saliva and spread the mud over the blind man's eyes, he told him go wash yourself in the pool of salom, salom ain't sent, so the man went and washed and came back saying of course when it says he went, someone had to lead him because he was blind to wash the mud out of his eyes and when he washed it out he received sight for the first time in his life, his neighbors and others who knew him as a blind beggar asked each other, isn't this the man who used to sit and beg, some said he was another said no he just looks like him, but the beggar kept saying yes I am the same one, this is me, they asked who healed you, what happened, he told them the man they called Jesus made mud and spread it over my eyes and told me go to the pool of salom and wash yourself so I went and washed and now I can see, where is he now they asked, I don't know he replied, now we know this man he was persecuted because Jesus healed him, it just amazes me, the man got healed and the Pharisees got upset that Jesus healed him and threw him out to synagogue, threw the man out because he got a miracle, well you know what I'll be glad to get thrown on, just let me keep my sight, come on somebody, isn't that amazing, he got his sight and they threw him out, remember when Jesus he allows us, they were looking for allows us to kill him again as if Jesus would not be able to raise him from the dead again, but this blind man was persecuted and he was thrown out of the synagogues and his parents was afraid, his parents said ask him he's of age he can speak for himself because they were afraid to admit that Jesus had healed their son because her dad meant that they would have been thrown out of the synagogues too, like throw me out, I'm keeping my miracle and they threw this man out and the Bible says Jesus went and looked for this man, we picked this story up in verse 35, the Bible says when Jesus heard what had happened he found the man and asked do you believe in the son of man, do you believe in the Messiah, do you believe, listen with the man answered who is he sir, I want to believe in him, did the blind man is asking Jesus who is the Messiah, wait a minute, now wait a minute Jesus just gave this man his sight and he didn't even know Jesus was and when Jesus found him to encourage him Jesus said do you believe in the son of man, do you believe I'm the son and do you believe in the son of God, do you believe in the Messiah, the blind man said can you tell me who he is, so I can't believe in him, that's amazing, he got a miracle with no faith, he had no faith in Christ, he didn't even know he was, it's the mercy of God, the mercy of God, I believe the Holy Ghost is using this section of this teaching, to minister to a whole group of people who have been scorned, looked down on, trampled and you do have no faith, you just you gave up or like this man, he didn't even know Jesus was, watch this, the man answered who is the Messiah, who is he sir, I want to believe in him, Jesus said you have seen him and he's the one speaking you, Jesus said I'm that man, I'm the Messiah and listen to him with this blind man said yes Lord, I believe the man said and he worshiped Jesus, he didn't even have faith until after his miracle had taken place, that is the mercy of God, that's the sovereignty of God in action, Lord give us your mercy this morning, demonstrate your mercy in the lives of your people, I pray in the name of Jesus Christ, we both pray, me and past Amy, we join our faith and we pray for you this morning, that the healing power of the Holy Spirit, because of the mercy of God, the love of God and the compassion of God, the healing power of the Holy Spirit would flow into your body and drive that cancer out, that multiple sclerosis, that emphysema, that fibromyalgia, that paralysis in your legs, that blindness, that deafness, that muteness, that too many in the brain, the problems in the heart, the lungs, the liver, the kidneys, the bladder, the colon, the stomach, the chest area, the shoulders, the neck, the spine, the back, the hip socket, the knees, the calf area, your ankles, your feet, your hands, your collarbone, your shoulder blades, your rotator cuff, your elbow, your wrist, your hands, your fingers, I pray the healing power of the Holy Ghost would flow into your body and make you well, because of the mercy of God, in the name of Jesus Christ, we pray, somebody say amen, to support the work of God, the preaching of the gospel, visit us online right now at You can also give through the ministry PayPal account, that address is ministries. 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See you again on tomorrow morning on another morning prayer broadcast. [MUSIC]