Morning Prayer with Pastor Sean Pinder

Expect Victory

Broadcast on:
08 Sep 2024
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(upbeat music) ♪ Insings my soul, my said you go to thee ♪ ♪ Come on church, how great thou art ♪ ♪ How great thou art ♪ ♪ And in things my soul, my said you go to thee ♪ ♪ How great thou art ♪ ♪ How great, it's my favorite verse ♪ ♪ When Christ, when Christ shall come ♪ ♪ With shout of our clinician ♪ ♪ Take me home, with joy she'll fill my heart ♪ ♪ Then I shall bow ♪ ♪ In humble adoration and then proclaim ♪ ♪ My God, how great thou art ♪ ♪ Come on singing with everything ♪ ♪ Then sings my soul, my said you go to thee ♪ ♪ Come on church, how great thou art ♪ ♪ How great thou art ♪ ♪ Then sings my soul, my said you go to thee ♪ ♪ How great thou art ♪ - In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ on tonight, as we prepare to go into the word of God, we pray for spirit of wisdom, we pray for spirit of revelation, knowledge, understanding on tonight, we pray for impartation. We pray that the word of God would come alive and speak directly to people's situation, encourage them on tonight, lift their burdens on tonight and deposit this word in their spirit to expect victory. Some people were seemingly in a losing streak, but that devil is alive, that losing streak has been broken tonight and now they can expect victory. Somebody lift your hands to heaven tonight, I expect victory. Come on, open your mouth and declare it, I expect victory, can you type in the live chat and type those words, I expect victory. That's what I hear the Holy Ghost giving me for his people tonight, expect victory. But I want you to take personal ownership of the word of God tonight, I expect victory. I wanna read a scripture here tonight, coming from the book of 1 John, chapter five, and then I wanna take you in the book of Matthew, chapter 14, I want you to go to that scripture for me, Josh, 1 John, chapter five, verse four. Let's look at the word of God on tonight, the Bible says, for whatsoever is born of God, overcomes the world, listen, you have his DNA in you, you have God's DNA inside of you, you are born of the word of God, incorruptible seed, amen, which lives in abide forever, you are born again by the spirit of the living God. And notice what he says here, in 1 John, chapter five, he says, whatsoever is born of God and you are, you are his child, come on somebody, he said, will overcome the world, whatsoever is born of God, overcometh the world, the word overcometh means to get the victory by landslide, watch this y'all, and this is, can someone repeat those words, this is, this is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith, come on somebody, let me read the end of that again, and this is the victory that overcomes the world, even our faith, didn't matter how big or small it is, just as long as you have faith. Matthew, chapter 14, verse 22, and immediately Jesus, he constrained his disciples to do what, to get into a ship. Can someone type these words tonight? I'm in the right ship, Lord of mercy, you're gonna get some confirmation here tonight. So they got on the right ship, not just any ship, they got on the ship that Jesus told them to get on, and then verse 23 says, and when he had sent the multitudes away, he went up into a mountain, a pot, to pray, even Jesus had to get a loan with God. My God, and when the evening was come, he wasn't there. A loan, listen saints, you got to get a loan with God. God's about to do something in your life that's never been done before. So you got to get a loan seats. If you don't get a loan, you are not gonna be sensitive to what the Holy Ghost is doing and saying, and you can be in the wrong place at the wrong time. And you don't want that to happen. Let's keep it moving, now watch this. So he sent the multitudes to end in verse 24. So we know the disciples, they got into the right ship. They got in the ship that Jesus told them to get on. But watch verse 24 now, watch verse 24. But the ship, what ship? The same ship that Jesus told the apostles to get on, the Bible says, but the ship was now in the midst of the sea, and it was tossed for the waves was contrary. Wait a minute, let me look into this camera here tonight. Did you hear what I say just now? The ship, 'cause I'm trying to help someone because the minute a storm comes, the devil starts messing with people ahead and saying, "Ah, well, maybe all of this is hopping into you 'cause you left that church and you came join with Pastor Short. "Maybe you shouldn't have joined Pastor Short. "Maybe this is a sign that you are not in the will of God." Well, I got a word for the devil tonight. According to my Bible, these disciples, what in the will of God? They were in the right ship. And I gotta say this, let's just knock the devil out right here, amen? 'Cause you, listen to me good, being in the right ship or in the perfect will of God does not exempt you from storms. Can somebody say, "Man, my God," the book of Psalms 34 and 19 says, "Meany are the afflictions of the righteous." The word righteous right there means right standing with God. You could be doing everything right and still all hell breaking loose in your life. You can be on the ship that I'm trying to help somebody because some people are questioning themselves. Well, maybe I shouldn't have joined this church. Listen to me good, listen to me good. Let me give you a, let me, news flash. If you come around, Pastor Short and Pastor Amy, all hell is gonna break loose in your life. Wait a minute, day on the ship that Jesus told them to get on, but you know what? I certainly don't wanna be on the one June is on. 'Cause you, "Wait, wait, wait, hold on, hold on." Can you laugh, wait, wait, wait, for Cain's laughing? Do you know why? Because there's two kinds of storms. Are you all here? There's two kinds of storms. And there's two kinds of ships. You can be on the wrong ship. Are you all still here? You could be on the wrong ship, headed in the wrong direction, running from God and be caught up in the kind of a storm that Jonah was caught up in. But I'm here to, I got an announcement, news flash. You on the right ship, come on, somebody. You on the ship that apostles are on. Somebody said I'm on the right ship. I'm on the right ship. And because I'm on the right ship, this storm can't take me out. Jesus did not say, "I'm going under." He said, "You going over to the other side." That means the whole ship can break apart. And if we got to make it like the apostle Paul, someone bogs and some unbroken pieces, we're going to make it to the other side. So yes, even if I got to swim, we're going to make it to the other side because I'm standing on the road. And the Bible says, "Heaven in earth may pass away, but the word of God will stand forever." Somebody said, "I expect victory, sound yachts." My God, is the Holy Ghost talking to anybody here tonight, Lord of Mercy. So we got this thing settled. We got this settled, Kim, down on the right ship. And someone need to hit us a few more times because you're on the right ship and you in the will of God, not only are they on the right ship and in the will of God, but they're headed in the right direction. Come on, somebody, can someone just turn sideways and point, "See, I'm headed. I'm headed in the right direction, Lord of Mercy. I'm making progress just 'cause you're headed in the right direction and you on the right ship and you obey in the voice of God." It does not exempt you from the storms of life. In fact, the very opposite is gonna happen because when you in the perfect will of God, Satan never fails to show up immediately to challenge the word of God that had been spoken over your life. Listen, so now the Bible says, "But the ship was now right now in the midst of the sea." And what it was tossed with the waves for the wind was contrary, Lord of Mercy. You know what that means? The wind was contrary. The wind was blowing up against them. They were having, they came on, they came in a head-on collision with the forces of that storm. Are you hearing me? That's exactly where you wanna be. I certainly don't wanna be going in the same direction. The wind of the enemy is blowing in. Can someone say, "Hey, man, come on, somebody." So if you are having a head-on collision with the forces of this demonic storm, that means you had it in the right direction. Lord of Mercy, you didn't hear what I said just now. I don't want, I don't want the devil's wind to be behind my back. I wanna hit his wind head on. Come on, somebody. The Bible says the ship. The ship is being tossed. The ship is being tossed to and through. Like it wanna break apart, darn hell my God. Have you been under so much pressure lately that you find yourself saying, "Lord, I can't take no more." Jesus, you gotta come on, somebody. I can hear some of you saying, "Lord, you gotta do something quick." Ah, not next month, I need you to do it now. Come on, someone say, "Lord, come on, come on, come on." See, the storm whipping the devil out of me now. I need a breakthrough now. Come on, someone say, "Now, now, now, now, now." So these disciples, they caught up in this storm and you know they're crying out for help, Lord of Mercy. They've been in this storm for nine hours. When they went out to go to the other side, it was six in the evening, but now it's three in the morning. Come on, somebody. They can't see a star in the sky. They can't see the moon. They don't even know what direction they're going in. 'Cause the boat is like the mercy of the storm. But I dare somebody to say even in the storm, he knows exactly. Oh, comfortable, course I. She cut her out of a fire, even in the storm. We're a can't. Help me preach. We're a can't. Find my way out. We're not doing no which way to turn. We're not confused, and I'm frustrated and feel like waving the white flag. He knows exactly where I am. Somebody open your mouth and say he knows. He knows. He knows how to find me. He knows how to help me because the Bible says, we've been me and you for a night, but joy comes in the morning. And the Bible says, at the fourth, what's of the night? Jesus came walking underwater. The fourth watch is three. In the morning, I stood by to tell somebody, even though your storm is powerful, even though your storm is no joke, your storm is not more powerful than the word. Your storm could not stop you from entering into a new day. Somebody shout, I'm in a new day. I'm in the storm, but I'm in a new day. My season, I'm shifted. My day, I'm shifted. My God, I got in the storm on Monday evening, but Monday is over. It's Tuesday morning. It's three. In the morning, somebody open your mouth, say it's a new day. It's a new day. You tell the devil, you tried, but you fail. Even though I'm in the storm, I'm still in a new day. I'm here to tell somebody, help is on the way. Jesus said, I'll never leave you. I'll never forsake you, but I'll be with you, even on to the end of the world. Just when the disciples were at the end of their rope, one of the apostles, they said, wait a minute. I see something in the distance, headed in our direction, coming straight towards me. It must be a ghost. I feel like I'm tripping. What is it? I dare somebody to open your mouth and say, it's Jesus, the Lamb of God, Jehovah, Tyra, Jehovah, Newsy, my way maker. He's headed in your direction. You're a pound to get a miracle. You're a pound to get a breakthrough. You're a pound to get a turnaround. So yes, even though the storm is pattering your life, I'm still in the boat. I'm still on top the water. I'm still standing. I'm still afloat. I'm taking blows, but I'm still up. Who I'm preaching to? You're taking blows, but you're still up. You're not under yet. I dare somebody to open your mouth and say, I'm still on top. I'm in the boat. I'm still on top. My God, the word of God, is powerful and sharp and easy to edge and soar. I'm being held by the word of His power. Somebody, open your mouth and say, I'm standing on the word. I'm standing. I'm standing. Come, hell, or high water. I'm standing. I'm standing. Somebody shout and having done all to stand. I'm standing. Somebody open your mouth. Say, I'm standing. I'm standing. I'm standing. I'm standing. Somebody else would have lost their mind. Somebody else would have jumped off a bridge. Somebody else would have been in the inside, a silent, but how in the world are you still in your right mind? It's because God is holding you together. The Bible says, those that are in the Father's hands, no man, no storm, no devil, no demon, can block him out. So, yes, I'm in His hands. I'm in His hands. And I expect victory. I expect deliverance. I expect breakthrough. I expect to win. I expect a miracle. Shout, yes, shout, yes. One of the apostles said, it's a ghost. And as soon as he said that, the voice came back from out of the darkness, say, be of good share. It is I, the good shepherd who lays his life down. For the sheep, it's me, your waymaker, your chainbreaker, your deliverer, the Son of God. Someone said, Jesus, shout, Jesus. It's my Jesus, the one who died from me, the one who saved me, the one who baptized me. In the Holy Ghost, the one who healed me, the one who delivered me, the one who washed me. In His blood, He said, be of good share. It is I, be not afraid, fed thou not. For I'm with you, I'll uphold you with the right hand of my righteousness. Shout, it's Jesus. It's Jesus. Somebody shout, it's Jesus. It's Jesus. It's Jesus. It's your Jesus. It's your Savior. It's your God. It's your deliverer. My God. Peter said, on my trip into my dream. And Peter said, I feel like I'm hallucinating what's going on. What's, Jesus, if this is you, I'm going to put you to the test right now. Lord, have mercy. If this is really you, we're going to find out right now. Command me to come to you on the water. Now you notice, man, listen, you know what had what's happening here? That's when crazy radical faith begins to take over in a situation. Come on, somebody. Oh, my, who would say Pastor Sean? I feel some crazy radical faith taking over my spirit right now. When I came on this broadcast, I was a little weak. But I feel who would say Pastor, I feel some radical faith. Say, command me to come. Command me, command me, command me. God, one word came from the lawn. Come. Somebody shout, come. Some of you, God's giving you a business idea. He is giving you new ideas. And you're praying, Lord, I'm losing my mind. Is this you? He said, it's me. Come. Somebody shout, come, come, come, come, shout, come. Come. What's this? And with one word, with one word, Peter, he jumped out of the boat. Can someone put up your one thing and say, all you need is one word. We got a whole Bible. Come on, somebody. But one word, come, the wind's still blowing. The wave's still rocking the boat like I want to break it up. But the word of the Lord passes through the storm. Come. Peter, he jumps out the boat. Somebody, put your hands out like you're balancing yourself. Peter, jump out the boat. The devil's eyes almost bugged all the way out his head. Why? Because the storm, it wasn't calm. The wind's still blowing. The waves still crashing into the boat. And Peter, jump out on top of the storm. Somebody jump to your feet. Quick, do it real quick. Do it, just jump to your feet. Jump to your feet, jump to your feet. Just jump to your feet. Jump to your feet real quick. Lord, have mercy. Wait a minute. Something's happening here, Tasca. Something's happening, Jeanette. Something's happening down there. My YouTube family, Facebook family, something's happening. Because the storm is now, it's not only under Jesus' feet. But now the storm is under my feet. You didn't hear what I say just now. Your posture of change. Because a little while ago, you were just sitting in the boat holding on for their life. You were just holding on succumbing to whatever rocking and beating the boat's taken. But now he's out the boat on top of the whole storm. The Holy Ghost just changed your posture. He just positioned you on top. Someone say, I'm on top of it. I'm on top of it. Come on, somebody. Someone just act like you stepping on a snake head. Say, I'm on top of it. He gave you power to tread on serpents and scorpions. And over all, the power of the enemy. And Peter's demonstrating it. Peter is demonstrating the thing. Peter is on top. He is on top. He is on top. He is on top of his storm. And he's balancing. He's taking small steps. But he's going to Jesus. He's on top of it. He's making progress. He's getting closer to Jesus. And just when he was about to give Jesus a hug, the waves splashing the Peter's face. And the water blinded him. And Peter began to doubt Peter said, am I crazy? Am I thinking? What am I doing? And Peter began to sink. But he was wise. He cried out, Lord, save me. And immediately, Jesus grabbed him by the hand and pulled them back to the top of the water. Someone reached out like you're grabbing a hole of his hands. Say, hold me, Jesus. We know what happened once Jesus pulled Peter back to the top. Peter and Jesus, they walked towards that boat. And when they climbed into that ship, the wind automatically ceased. Satan realized, I have no power over these folks. I'm wasting my time. The wind automatically ceased. And they made it over to the other side where a new group of people embraced him and loved him. And as many as touched Jesus were made completely hold, they brought people from all around the region and brought them to Jesus. And every single person who touched Jesus was made completely hold of whatever disease they had. There was an outbreak of miracles after the storm. There was an outbreak of miracles. Did you hear me? After the storm, there was an outbreak of miracles. After the storm, there was an outbreak of miracles. Expect victory. You coming out of it? To give in this offering, you can visit us online right now at You can also give through the ministry pay pile account that addresses You can also give through the ministry app. Many of you have it downloaded on your smartphones. You can also give through the ministry's cell account. The ministry's cell email address is info at You can also give through the ministry cash app account. The ministry cash app address is the dollar sign, shanpinda ministries. You can also text to give. All you have to do is text the letters SPM to the number four, five, eight, eight, eight, and a link will automatically be sent to you. You can also mail your donations into the ministry. Just remember to make your checks and money orders out to shanpinda ministries PO Box 2726 McKinney, Texas 75070. And listen to all of our wonderful partners that make this broadcast possible. Me and Pastor Amy say, thank you. You are doing an amazing job helping us preach the gospel around the world. Continue to support this work of God. We love you and we appreciate you, Deli. We will never take you for granted. God bless you. See you on tomorrow on another morning prayer broadcast. God bless. Bye bye. [MUSIC PLAYING]