Morning Prayer with Pastor Sean Pinder

The Tables Have Turned In Your Favor

Broadcast on:
04 Sep 2024
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come on somebody singing with me and I need glory to God Every hour I need thee, oh bless me now by Savior I come, I come, I come, someone say I come I come to thee this is I gotta sing it one more time And I need thee, oh I need thee He knows how much I need him Every hour I need thee Oh bless me now by Savior I come to thee Why don't you look at someone and tell them the tables have turned in your favor Let's bow our heads and pray and then we gonna jump right into the word of God Father, in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ As we prepare to go into the word of God on this morning We thank you already for what you've said What you have done for the moving of the Holy Ghost We don't take it lightly off or granted God we pray in the name of Jesus That this word would be somebody's answer, somebody's confirmation Somebody's direction from the Lord Somebody's breakthrough, somebody's strength Somebody's healing, somebody's deliverance God Let this word break the back of the devil in the name of Jesus Jeremiah said it's not my word like a hammer That breaks the rock in pieces Let the Holy Ghost move in this place God Lift burdens, destroy yolks Have your way in the name of Jesus Christ Somebody say amen Repeat it again, look at someone and tell them the tables have turned in your favor Now we're going into the book of Esther But don't pull up the Scriptures just yet Let me give them a little background on what's happening here So you had this wicked man by the name of Heyman Who was totally angry at the Jews Because of a man named Mordecai Who refused to play his game Come on somebody I'd dare someone open your mouth and say I refuse to play the devil's games I'm not going to play ball with the devil, are you listening to me? I said I'm not going to play ball with the devil, are you hearing me? So Heyman was incessant, he became extremely angry And he set out a plot to annihilate the Jews The seed of Abraham Come on somebody You wasting, I don't care who you are You are wasting your time trying to annihilate the seed of Abraham God told Abraham I bless those who bless you And I will curse those who curse you Come on somebody And I wrench you glad that through Jesus Christ We have been engrafted into the family of Abraham Now the same blessing that rested on the Jews It also rests on us as children of God Are you listening to me? So Heyman decided I'm going to see how serious or how true This blessing is that Abraham That God gave to Abraham over these people I don't like him So Heyman begin to cook up a plot And he put a good chunk of chains into the king's treasury So he can pull the king in his corner Come on somebody Lord help mercy My, my, my, my, my, my And Esther, I once Esther found out about the plot You got to understand this God has already put somebody in position Lord Jesus I say God already got somebody in position That can speak up on your behalf But God's waiting for the right time Are you listening to me? So Esther said we got to lay a groundwork We got to activate this thing Come on somebody Who knows that there are certain things we can do To activate the hands of God Come on, come on, talk back to me Come on somebody Look, if you sit there and do nothing You get nothing So Esther said we got to, we got to lay some foundation We got to lay some groundwork There's a price to pay Come on somebody Look at someone who said there's a price to pay I know Jesus paid it all I got that But there you got a part to play in this thing So Esther, I believe she got this idea from the Holy Ghost Esther said we need to set time aside We got to flash three days and three nights We ain't gonna eat nor drink And the Bible says they fasted For three days and three nights You know I love the Book of Esther There is no thus said to Lord in the Book of Esther There's no prophecy in the Book of Esther Are you all still listening to me? When you read the Book of Esther God is silent the entire time Are you all still here? From Esther chapter one all the way to the end of the book God is silent the whole time But man he is sure in action Come on somebody So Esther those they went on the first They fastened all of the Jews They cry and they weep and they wailing Because they found out about a plot That Haman had to assassinate and annihilate all the Jews Come on somebody You think the devil is somebody to play with He ain't nobody to play with Come on you ain't no match for the devil without Jesus Are you listening to me? Some and these people they went on the fast They sought God And at the same time Haman is getting even more bold I want to go to the Book of Esther chapter 5 verse 12 through 14 I want you to see this My God my God Haman said more over Yes Esther the Queen Did let no man come in with the king Onto the banquet that she had prepared but myself And tomorrow I'm invited unto her Also with the king Little that he knew this was about to be his last meal Come on somebody Be careful who you go to eat with I said be careful who you eat with You may be sitting down for your last meal And this man is thinking He is thinking he is being lifted even higher He didn't know the scriptures that said he prepares A table before me In the presence of my enemies How you listening to me? He said yet all this avail me Nothing so long as I see Mordecai the Jew Then said Zirash his wife And all his friends You got to be careful who's advising you Then said Zirash his wife And all his friends and then Let a gallows be made Fifty cubits high Fifty cubits high seventy-five feet high And tomorrow Speak to the king that Mordecai May be hanged on this gallows Then go in merrily with the king I'm like weighted This his wife is really demonic She sounds like she's talking to me Stepping on a roach or something Is this demonic or what? It sounds like she's talking to me Killing the mosquito She says just have Monica Hang in and go on merrily Like come on somebody She's talking about murder And somebody, this woman's diabolical She said and after you have him hang Just go rejoice in Look at someone to tell him You're dealing with a demon Look at someone to say You're dealing with a demon You're dealing with nothing Naturally, you're dealing with a demon Are you listening to me? She said and go Merrily with the king Onto the banquet And the thing, please Hey man, he's just as diabolical It pleased him And guess what? He caused the gallows to be made I tell you someone's cooking against you right now The weapon is being formed right now Are you listening to me? I said the weapon is being formed right now They're laboring real hard On how they gonna bring you down But in my Bible I read In Psalms 121 that says He doesn't slumber Nor does he sleep Come on somebody open your mouth And say God ain't sleeping on him God ain't sleeping on him He that keep it be Doesn't slumber Nor sleep God is right there Watching over him Come on somebody That day you touch someone And tell them God's looking at the situation God's got your back Now that Haman Now that we're in less Than 24 hours Haman will be knocking on the king's door First thing in the morning To present his plan To have more decay Assassinated God said now it's my time Lord have mercy Are you listening to me? God said I'm on just wait Until midnight fall Are you listening to me? God said I'm gonna wait Until midnight fall I'm gonna wait Until the last minute Then I'm gonna go to work On more decay Is me half are you listening to me? Watch this Let's go into chapter 6 verse 1 Lord have mercy Jesus I feel this in my soul My God my God Haman is laying down Sleeping he got his alarm clock set To wake him up At six sharp in the morning Because at six sharp He is gonna put on his royal robes And head on down to the king And ask to have more decay Assassinated But I got bad news for Haman Because God is ten thousand steps Ahead of the devil Are you listening to me? And the Bible says in chapter 6 Verse 1 Because within six hours I guess I'm gonna say within six hours Haman is gonna be knocking On the king's door My God But at midnight Can someone open your mouth And say that midnight At midnight At midnight At the darkest hour When it looks like all hope is lost When it looks like they ain't no way out When it looks like they ain't no way This thing can be turned around The Bible says On that night Could not the king sleep I'm here to tell somebody The Holy Ghost Have somebody Who is a decision maker They have lost their sleep Over your deliverance Somebody couldn't sleep Last night Pushing any couldn't sleep On Friday night When it's time For you to come out When it's time For you to be delivered God will call somebody To toss and turn Can I preach to somebody That's about to be delivered Can I preach to somebody That God is about To make a way for Can I preach to somebody That God is about To open a door for you Can I preach to somebody The tables are about To turn Into your favor David said You have turned My morning Now weeping Into dancing I'm here to preach to somebody You've been weeping For a long time You've been disturbed For a long time You've been struggling For a long time But I hear the Holy Ghost Say your struggle Is almost over Your struggle Is almost over I'm about To step in And turn your situation Around Sound Yes Sound Yes Sound Yes Sound Yes Late in the midnight hour Your God Is wide awake He is pulling straight He is moving things There, moving things there And when you wake up In the morning That was working against you Gonna be tired In your favor Somebody shout He is working it out He is working it out He is working it out God is He is working it He is working it I feel my Baptist preacher He'll be a liar In a courtroom He'll be a doctor In the hospital Sound Yes Sound Yes Sound Yes Sound Yes On that night Someone say on that night Someone say on that night Someone say on that night Someone say on that night Someone say on that night The King tried to go sleep Jesus, but he's tossing and turning He's tossing and turning He can't sleep He can't sleep You know why he can't sleep 'Cause it's time for you to be delivered Your deliverance is at hand Your deliverance is at hand I said your deliverance is at hand King can't sleep This is what I like about God When God gets ready to do something He goes straight to the decision maker He goes straight God ain't got time to play it no longer Come on somebody He goes straight to the head huncho Now watch this And then he commanded He said bring the book of the records Of the chronicles Bring those books Now watch this 'Cause another miracle is happening The man who was sent To go and grab the books The Holy Ghost jumped on him You're still here I said the Holy Ghost jumped on the man There's thousands of books It's like a big library This is the King's library This guy's looking at all these books For reasons that He can't even explain He isn't interested in none of this stuff In the front And he goes all the way To the back of the library 'Cause you know they got your Application to the bottom of the pile Come on somebody Lord I'm mercy What am I talking to in here? Are you listening to me online family They got your application down To the bottom of the pile But the Holy Ghost about to reverse the order The lie shall be Oh Jesus Are you gonna help me preach in this place or not? My God so he walked past thousands of books He goes all the way to the back of Rosie All the way to the lie See Tyska And the Holy Ghost stops him And he's like And Bernadine for some reason He's drawn to this These few books right here He grabs five books He comes back to the King He moves the first book He moves the second one Go straight to the fifth book When he opened the book Lord I'm mercy Jesus see y'all still here Are you all still here? He opens the fifth book And it just so happened Come on somebody Give me a good come on somebody And it just so happened Apostle It just so happened That when he opened that book The King said Read right from there And look at what the next verse says And it was found You know this only could be the Holy Ghost And it was found That who? Who? Who? You mean the same guy That within six hours Hey man is coming to ask For his execution And this is happening at midnight It was found That Mordecai I told A big fan of Antirash Two of the King's chamberlands The keepers of the door Who sought to lay hand Listen Mordecai had unfolded a plot Of two of the King's most trustworthy people Who were about to have the King assassinated And Mordecai I felt Like he was dead because He wasn't rewarded He wasn't even recognized For the good that he had done For the King Now I'm talking to some people in here You some of you have been hurt You felt like man I've been dead I worked so hard And the King they don't even Wanna recognize me The Holy Ghost said it ain't time yet Oh shakatalabaramandalabus I'm talking to somebody The Holy Ghost said little let you know I got your blessing on reserve If I use it in advance When the time comes you'll die before your time So I got my Lord how mercy You sold and sold and sold And you getting upset and said Well I hadn't reaped yet You hadn't reaped yet Because God hardly your blessing On a timetable The Bible says There is a time And a season And every purpose Under the heaven Even Jesus could not come Before his time So the King, he asked those men Who read that to him about What Mordecai had done The King said What honor And dignity Has been done For Mordecai For this What has been done for him Didn't have said the King's servants That ministered unto him There is nothing done for him Watch this This ordeal With the King Finding the story about Mordecai Was from midnight till six in the morning Can someone open your mind And say this is a setup man This is a setup At the same time The King concluded in his mind What is going to be done for Mordecai At the same time Who is in the co-hot Haman is dripping With the devil all over him Haman is dripping With the devil all over him But God done gone way I had old Haman Come on somebody I said God done gone way Ahead of Haman The King said Who is in the court Now Haman was Coming to the God of the King's house To speak On to the King To hang Mordecai on the gallows That he had prepared For him Jesus is God Can you look at someone telling me He's our own time God He's our own time God He's our own time God And this is what I like with this story Larry The King Didn't even give him He didn't even give Haman A chance to open his mouth He didn't even give him A chance to speak You know there comes a time In a place where God won't even Allow the devil to open his mouth Come on somebody And the King serving said unto him Behold Haman stands in the court And the King said He said let him in Let's go to verse 6 Let's get to the goodies So Haman came in And the King said Look at someone who said the King is talking The King is talking The King is talking The King ain't gonna even let him talk The King said unto him What Shall be done Under the man That the King Delights The honor I love how God can set your enemies up Because Haman Had exalted himself in his mind To the point that he thought Let's read it Now Haman thought In his heart To whom Would the King delight To honor More than To myself I'm the man Look at someone who say Pride comes before Fall And a haughty spirit Before destruction God's about to use Somebody's enemy to bless them Your enemy is about to set up Your next promotion I'm talking to somebody Your enemy is about to set up Your next promotion Because they think it's for them And Haman answered the King For the man Who the King delights The honor Let Let the royal robe be brought That the King himself wears This man's less enough To the King's position He said look Let the presidential Let the presidential robe Be put on me Let the limousine Let the President rise And It says horse But I gotta modernize This guy come on I gotta fix this story so you can get it Come on somebody I want the presidential limousine Let me see What it feels like That the King drives And the crown royal Which is set on the King's head This is what I want you to do And Haman thinks This blessing is about to be for him But little Ladino I dare someone to say my enemy About to get a rude awake And then come on somebody And the next verse And let this Marilyn horse be delivered To the hand of one of the King's Most noble princess That they may dress the man with all Home the King delights to honor And bring him on horseback Bring him in that limousine What shall it be done to the man Home the King delights To honor Look at the next verse Then the King Said to Haman He said make haste! And take the clothes And the presidential limousine That thou hast said You said the stakes Real high, Haman, watch this That you have said And go do it To who? Mordecai The two! Come on somebody Lord, I'm mercy So Mordecai Who would just finish fasting Who would just finish praying Who would just finish making A sacrifice by Sedona He still got the cycloid And the precious on his head Lord Am I cry? Little that he knew The answer Was on the way And before he get to finish Trying the tears out of his eyes The same man Who knocked on the King's door The ass For Mordecai's assassination Now he's knocking On Mordecai's door God's about to make you enemies, y'all Are you listening to me? God's about to make you enemies, y'all Guess what? Haman said I come to But the King's robes on you Yes, Jesus You come to do what? But you're the man who wants me assassinated You're the man who wants me You're the man who wants me Dad, you want me, Dad? Give me my coat, Shanna Give me my big black coat, my God Lord of mercy, Jesus Think about this y'all Think about this, grab it, Grady Grab it for me, thank you, Jesus Can you imagine this? Come here, tell me, tell me, evangelist Can you imagine the man who wants you, Dad? Is telling you, turn around What? I'm gonna turn my back on you I bet how mirrors up in the ceiling even come on somebody Look, step sad, I want you to see that I've been ordered by the King The King is ordering your enemies The King is ordering your enemies The King, the King You can turn your back on your enemy He has no power over you The King has spoken I wish I had some help up in you I wish I had some help in you The enemy has no power over you Because the King has spoke I wish I had some help in you I said, I wish I had some help in you I wish I had some help in you The enemy has no power over you, Larry You can turn your back on the enemy The weapon formed will not prosper My God, which is him This is your enemy I said, I'm on assignment from the King Trust my size too I'm on assignment This is what God's gonna make your enemies do This is what God's gonna make your enemy do Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait Mordecai, wait Mordecai, I finish yet You got more? Wait, the King's in his crown too The King's in his crown too God's about to make your enemies crown you God's about to make your enemies crown you But that's not all I need you to just follow me Follow me It take me walk to the back of the limousine Get in the back of the King's limousine Haman closes the door Now, I would have been asking him Now, where in the heck are you trying to take me? I'm gonna be Haman now, I'm sorry Sorry, America, I'm gonna be Haman Where in the heck are you trying to take me, bro? The King ordered me To be your chauffeur The King ordered me To be your chauffeur And he's got these loudspeakers on top of the car Click While he's driving, he takes the microphone And it comes out through the loudspeakers This shall be done to the man whom the King delights to honor This shall be done to them and people on the streets are screaming The Jews are shouting, the Jews are rejoicing Because they were weeping, but now God has turned They're weeping in their rejoicing You shall live and not die To the sidewalks of the living God And within 24 hours Of Mordecai's promotion Esther told the King She invited Haman And the King said, Esther My darling, whatever you ask for I'll give it to you, even to have the Kingdom But do you want Esther? My scare is all over the place Oh, King Honey, oh, King Honey You're trying to kill me and all my people The King then snappied and threw the crown off Who is he? The Daz Oh, Daz It's this wicked Haman And the King, he went out in the palace garden He was human Now watch this, watch how God says, watch how God says Haman And when the King walked back into his house Haman was falling on the bed where Esther was Now you know how that looked at us Man, I don't care what color you are, come on somebody The King said, will he assault the Queen in my presence? Before the word was out the King's amount They covered Haman's head And one of the King's chambers said, look King, look down there You see the gallows? That's the gallows that Haman had built To have Mordecai hang The King said, hang him on his own gallows I guess someone said a weapon for him Sound not possible Once Haman was hanged The King's anchor was pacified He said, take Haman's house Take all the Haman's wealth And give it to Mordecai Take Haman's position And give it to Mordecai Take Haman's property, his land Everything he owned And give it to Mordecai Someone's about to get a transfer To give in this offering, you can visit us online right now at You can also give through the ministry pay pile account That address is You can also give through the ministry app Many of you have it downloaded on your smartphones You can also give through the ministry's cell account The ministry's cell email address is You can also give through the ministry cash app account The ministry cash app address is the dollar sign Shawnpinda Ministries You can also text to give All you have to do is text the letters SPM to the number 45888 and a link will automatically be sent to you You can also mail your donations into the ministry Just remember to make your checks and money orders out To shawnpinda Ministries P.O. Box 2726 McKinney, Texas 75070 And listen to all of our wonderful partners that make this broadcast possible Made by St. Amy say thank you, you are doing an amazing job Helping us preach the gospel around the world Continue to support this work of God. We love you and we appreciate you deli We will never take you for granted God bless you. See you on tomorrow On another morning prayer broadcast. God bless. Bye-bye Bye-bye