Morning Prayer with Pastor Sean Pinder

God Will Bring You Through This

God Will Bring You Through This - Morning Prayer

Broadcast on:
29 Aug 2024
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God Will Bring You Through This - Morning Prayer

save the name of Jesus say the name come on somebody so precious know of the name know of the name I know come on and say the name say the name come on somebody up Jesus say the name so precious say the name isn't he awesome on tonight no other name no other name I know come on and say the name say the name up Jesus say the name up Jesus say the name isn't he precious tonight so precious no other name no other name I know come on let's come down again say the name up Jesus say the name of Jesus say the name isn't he precious tonight so precious know of the name know of the name I know that can come if there's that try it is that what away your pain mighty God when you don't know what else to pray have you ever been there when you can't find the words to say say the name somebody lift your hands they have been here on tonight come on and sing it with me tonight see the name come on Jesus say the name of Jesus say the name so precious tonight father God on tonight as we prepare to go into the word of God on tonight Father God speak to your people we pray that the word of God would get down in their spirits on tonight we pray that the word of God would encourage them tonight give them revelation knowledge give them insight give them insight into the word of God give them a breakthrough put the enemy on the run God put the enemy on the run in the name of Jesus Christ somebody say amen let's let's jump right into the word of God I want to take you into the book of 1 Peter chapter 5 beginning at verse 8 I want you to pay close attention to the word here I'm doing a lot of teaching we're gonna break down a lot of these words so things can make sense to you amen the Apostle Peter in verse 8 he says be sober be vigilant because Lord have mercy be I'm telling you you got a you got to circle those because this in the Bible anytime you hear the word says because or unless and if you hear the word if you better put you better dig them as out real good come on so the Apostle Peter said be sober be vigilant because you're adversary the devil as a rowing lion walketh about Lord of mercy walketh about seeking home he made the vow just read it again be sober be vigilant because your adversary the devil not your mother-in-law not your father-in-law come on somebody not your brother-in-law not your sister-in-law not your boss I'm trying to help somebody here not not your husband not your wife come on not the professor in college who come on come on not come on somebody not your business partner your adversary the devil come on somebody Lord have mercy as a rowing lion as he is not the rowing lion but he he is mimicking somebody as he's trying to be like somebody or like a rowing lion walketh about seeking home he made the vow now look the word the word sober right there let's look at that word sober that word sober right there means that I'm telling you the apostle the apostle Peter didn't look pretty deep the word sober right there means become become and collected in spirit to be temperate which means self-control I mean Peter Peter's laying it Peter is laying it out there for us Peter said I know the devil is loose I know he is like a rowing lion but Peter said you got to be in control come on somebody Peter said calm down this is how you know the enemy is is on the is really on the attack you find yourself making poor judgments you you you think in one thing and it's absolutely off come on somebody come away I'm trying to help somebody here tonight that's listen you are under attack normally you are you are almost a hundred percent accurate you write you write come on come on I'm talking about but but but when you are dealing with a onslaught from the enemy your judgment is way off and this is why we got to this is why we got to stay in this Bible come on somebody you've got to God yourself because the enemy want to get you in in a mode where all you all you doing is expecting bad news I got good news for you tonight God's gonna bring you through this God have mercy let let's go back to the words and let's go back to the word so the Holy Ghost is telling telling all of us calm down to just just get a hold of yourself quit expecting bad news look I'm trying to help you look this is a walk of faith you know the Bible says as a man thinketh in his heart so is he come on you don't want to keep expecting bad news because you'll get it come on somebody can someone lay your hands on your head and say no I'm shifting tonight I'm expecting some good news the devil is a liar I'm breaking out of that mood come on here I'm expecting good news come on somebody because you want to attack the enemy want to get you in this mode where where you just expect in bad news he is a liar let's go back to this word here so the first word is be sober means to calm down be and be collected in spirit calm yourself down be in control the next word is be vigilant listen to the word be vigilant this is what it means to keep awake to keep watch pay attention to this to give strict attention to you got to pay attention right now you you in the fight of your life come on somebody all the hell is breaking loose but you got to pay attention that you can let your God down now I'm talking to somebody look we in a season where the enemy is on the attack and you got to pay attention not only pay attention but you got to be cautious and y'all still here you got to be cautious here's the next part of this word the word vigilant means to take heed less some destructive calamity suddenly overtake you who'd say pastor Sean I'm getting up my hold he goes binoculars come on somebody I'm taking out my holy goes binoculars come on somebody you got to you got to be cautious right now are you paying attention to me the holy ghost is trying to help people here tonight be very cautious be cautious be cautious be cautious be on the lookout you got to be on high alert right now spend extra time in prayer spend extra time meditating come on somebody that that's how you're gonna stay sharp spend extra time praying in tongues strengthening your inner man the Bible says in the book of Jude verse 20 but you beloved building up yourself on your most holy faith praying in the Holy Ghost if you don't pray in tongues pray in English spend some extra time just praying and talking to God get into the presence of God turn that worship music on get up under the anointing listen we launch our 24/7 on YouTube preaching 24/7 right in the clock some of who all of saying who all of saying those links on there and then we put together a lot of the clips from us worshiping God why are we doing it to help you come into the presence of God come on somebody there is something about being able to come sometimes you need help coming into the presence of God that's why we do that's why and I mean those videos already already have already got almost 10,000 people have already went through and and watching those videos building their faith up come on somebody and then we made our morning prayer broadcast we put it up the 24/7 come on somebody what are we doing we trying to help God's people faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God we trying to bill you up we trying to feed you spiritually we want you to grow come on somebody means to keep awake that is to watch to give strict attention to to be cautious come on somebody I was telling somebody a few of I was saying this in a message we preach I believe about a week or two do not make do not make up do not make permanent decisions when you're dealing with temporary circumstances you got to be cautious right now you got to be wise as a serpent and harmless eyes a dove let the Holy Ghost confirm to you in Scripture what you need to do don't just jump up and do nothing if you're in a hundred percent sure about it be strong and of a good courage be not afraid neither be thou dismayed for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go listen the Holy Ghost is saying to somebody here tonight be strong be strong be not afraid be strong and have a good courage for the Lord your God he is with you be sober be vigilant because your adversary your adversary your adversary the devil has a roaring line she can walk it about seeking whom he may devolve now let's look at that word adversary the word adversary right there means an opponent specifically Satan as the arch enemy an opponent we know the word opponent means ones who one who opposes you at every turn look you you can't just roll over and play dead with the enemy trying to get all up in your business look at somebody and tell them you've got to fight back come on here I said you got to fight back I'm talking to somebody who was just who just rolling over because you tired there's only so much you can do but I'm sorry y'all pass this song on roll up them Holy Ghost weaves and we go into war and I feel my big brother anointing tonight and I'm I've always been saving neither have my big brother who's a bishop now but I'm telling you my big brother said if anything happens wild you are dead with the rest of the family hit first and ask questions later come on here somebody I'm sorry look we ain't always been saved for Kate I mean the law is working on us can somebody say I'm about to roll up my sleeve and we gonna pull a bishop on along the devil here tonight we gonna hit first and we gonna ask questions later come on somebody I'm talking to somebody the enemy how have you beat down you frustrated you discouraged and look the enemy trying to show some he wants you to you ever notice when you get attack in your mind the enemy never shows you yourself winning come on somebody you never see yourself winning like like when the when the bill when the rent is almost you come on somebody the devil said got you now you're gonna be up on the bridge you you I'm yeah this house getting repossessed yeah uh-huh the money ain't gonna work out you're gonna lose this house what you gonna do next that you about to lose the car can somebody open your mouth and say devil you are a liar the apostle Peter said be sober be vigilant because your adversary the devil I mean God's God's laying the blame right at the devil's feet come on somebody lord have mercy your adversary the devil as a rowing lion he is not the rowing lion he is I can like somebody there's only one line the line of the tribe of Judah his name is Jesus the devil as a rowing lion walketh about seeking whom he may devour the word seeking literally means to crave he is craving somebody to wipe out do you see this this this this devil he's into my fair man come on somebody he's a gangster he is craving to snuff somebody out Jeff what it means to crave it means to demand something from somebody he wants to demand that's how you know it's the devil he wanted to demand something from you watch this to seek in order to find out by thinking meditating reason to inquire I mean he doing a diligent research on how he can cause you to be flat broke I lose everything you got come on somebody he is working watch this be sober be vigilant because your adversary the devil as a rowing lion seeking walking about seeking whom he may do what devour the word devour right there look look look at this y'all the word devour means to destroy the word devour means to drink down to swallow up I you're paying attention to this to go up entirely to drown come my God are y'all paying attention to this who would have been swallowed up in attacks lately he is just trying to drown you and debt drown you and fair drown you and doubt drown you and worry he is doing everything in his power to just drive you crazy before you get this over here settled good something else coming up come on somebody and before you take care of something else before you take care of something else something something else again coming up again come on and they're just driving you plum crazy who am I talking to come you you you you dealing with demons the devil is on he is on a he's he's he's coming at you with a onslaught he's trying to suck the light out of you that's why the Bible said be stronger than the power of his mind put on the whole I'm of God that you may be able to withstand in the evil day do you know do you know what he's talking about do you know what the word do you know what evil day means in that if he's in six evil day literally means that's the day when just all hell breaks loose it just coming at you from every direction come on and the devil wants you to think something wrong with you something something wrong with you and you you can't cave into that many other afflictions of the righteous are you are you are you are you're here tonight many are the afflictions of the righteous but out of them all can someone say out of them all out of them all the Lord delivers them the Apostle Peter here says home resist you got to resist the devil says resist him being steadfast in the faith the word resist means to set oneself against to withstand did you get that to withstand to oppose it literally means to fight back come on somebody it literally means to fight back that's what the word resist means you got to fight back James up to fall verse 7 the Bible says submit yourselves therefore to God resist the devil wait a minute resist the devil and he will flee from you submit yourselves therefore to God resist the devil and he will flee from you the word resist means to withstand it means to fight back as long as you putting up with the devil he gonna stay right there terrorizing you but my Bible says if you resist him he will flee from you now wait a minute the word flea has a serious meaning the word flea literally means that the devil will run away from you in terror so he said in verse 9 of first Peter chapter 5 he said home resist steadfast the word steadfast means to be strong from immovable it also means to be stubborn it means to be sure he said resist him steadfast in the faith knowing that the same afflictions are accomplished in your brethren that are in the world so the enemy been trying to make you feel like it's just me no sir no no no you ain't the only one darling there's a whole lot of us that's how you know you in the will of God there's a whole lot of God's people there in the fight of their life there in the fire the Bible says knowing this that the same afflictions are accomplished the same things is happening to all of God's people who are true to him and sold out the same afflictions are being accomplished in your brethren in the world for Kate we going through it for Kate you going through it that's how you know you save because he's attacking all of us but in the midst of this attack God is working something together for our good who want to see what's happening as a result of the enemy attacking us come on I said who want to see who want to see what's happening inside your spirit inside your mind inside your body who wants to see the end result of what you go into right now come on somebody I want to I want to show this to you let's go on the verse 10 so know what the Bible says here but the God of all grace who hath called us under his eternal glory by Christ Jesus after after that you have suffered a while after that you've suffered a while he's gonna make you perfect establish strengthened and he is gonna settle you are you hearing me but the God of all grace the word grace means that which affords joy pleasure delight sweetness charm loveliness loving kindness favor and benefit notice he says after you have suffered another word suffer means to go through turmoil to have something crazy happened to you to deal with something to have misfortune to deal with with pain trauma calamity trouble after you have suffered a while the enemy is attacking you but God's using it to do something in your life because God said after you are suffered a while he's gonna make you perfect you can't there's no way you can lose are you hearing me there's no way you can lose the enemy is a tease attacking you but look at the good God's working in our lives the word perfect right there means God's gonna mend what has been broken go read a God are you paying attention to me God's gonna mend what has been broken he is gonna complete what he started in you come on somebody he was begun a good work in you well completed God's gonna come I'm talking to somebody God and bring you here to lose God didn't bring you this far to go under he didn't say you going under he told the apostles we headed over glory to God to the other side the word perfect means to men what has been broken it has to do it restoration it has to do it recovering or he will complete and he will equip you he will put things back in order in your life he will arrange and he will adjust you come on somebody the chaos in your life God's about to bring order he's about to bring divine order bring divine order my God you've been going through chaos but God's about to he's about to make you perfect he's about to bring divine order he's about to bring this season in your life to a cause and bring this level of completion in your life he's gonna make you perfect and then he is gonna establish you the word established means to make stable to render you constant you're gonna become more consistent in your walk with God you're gonna become more constant in your word more stable in your relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ things that shook you in the last season it won't be able to shake you in the next season because God's gonna make you stable come on somebody he's gonna render you constant he's gonna make you perfect he's gonna establish you the next word says he's gonna strengthen you watch this the word strengthen right there means to confirm in spiritual knowledge and power that's the revelation that comes from the word the someone's getting confirmation tonight to make strong you may not realize it but every time the enemy attacks you God's making you stronger my god the devil can't win because every time he attacks you you ghost you go to another level every time he attacks you you go higher every time he attacks you get stronger and stronger and stronger you go from faith to faith from one level to another come on somebody and after that he said he's gonna settle you the word settle means to lay the foundation to establish God is establishing you and you walk with him he is establishing you in your call he is establishing you in the faith he is establishing you in the ministry he's establishing you on the job he's establishing you in the church he is establishing you in your marriage in your business in the next level that he's about to take you to he is establishing you and it means to raise something up to erect God is gonna raise you to another level every time the enemy attacks you God raises you higher come on somebody every time he attacks you your foundation is more firm more secure than would it would it ever been your footing come on somebody your footing is more sure having done all to stand stand because you ain't building on sand you build in on a solid shakarama doobusaya I said you build it on a solid foundation you ain't building on the sand you ain't foolish you wise you building on something that will last upon this rock I'll build my church and the gates of hell shall not shall not prevail shall not prevail shall not prevail the gates of hell shall not prevail against it the word prevail means overcome it he says there is no way the devil can overcome the child of God he's not gonna overcome you what the devil means for evil God's making it work together for your good because you love God and you are called according to his purpose the word purpose there's translated plans you are called according to his plan you didn't call yourself he called you you didn't choose yourself he chose you and he said there is no way you can't lose Jesus said those those that are in the Father's hands no man no man no devil no demon can plug them up got one me to tell you tonight God will bring you through this God will bring you through this to give in this offering you can visit us online right now at you can also give through the ministry pay pile account that addresses pay pile dot me forward slash shawnpinda ministries you can also give through the ministry app many of you have it downloaded on your smartphones you can also give through the ministry's cell account the ministry's cell email address is info at you can also give through the ministry cash app account the ministry cash app address is the dollar sign shawnpinda ministries you can also text to give all you have to do is text the letters SPM to the number four five eight eight eight and a link will automatically be sent to you you can also mail your donations into the ministry just remember to make your checks and money all is out to shawnpinda ministries PO Box 2 7 2 6 McKinney Texas 7 5 0 7 0 and listen to all of our wonderful partners that make this broadcast possible made past day and he say thank you you are doing an amazing job helping us preach the gospel around the world continue to support this work of God we love you and we appreciate you deli we will never take you for granted God bless you see you on tomorrow on another morning prayer broadcast God bless bye bye (dramatic music)