Sunday Night

Sunday Night - September 8, 2024

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09 Sep 2024
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Good evening to you folks here in the chapel, this is our regular Sunday night service here at First Baptist Church of Algiers, and we are located at 9559 Florida Boulevard here in Walker, the little town of Walker, Louisiana. This is Pastor Albert Pandorbus inviting you folks who hear us over the internet to stay with us now for the next few minutes, and we bring you God's message, but let's open our service by turning to number 104 in our read song books and saying Jesus paid it all verses one, two, three, and four, let's sing it out. My hear will sing you sing, thy strength in me is small, God of wing is watching free, find in me, thy know in all, Jesus paid it all, roll to him by all, sing, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read and read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read, read Maybe some of you are hearing us for the first time and I would like to hear from you if that's you. And my phone number here is air code 225-664-8658. That's a number in the bookstore and I'm always around to get called me if they need me or if you call me. And I've entitled the message tonight, though your sins be a scarlet. You know, I don't know how to preach. I don't know how to do a whole lot. But I attempt to do what the Lord wants me to do and that He is to tell you how the Christ died for sinners, to make it as plain as the sun comes up in the morning. The Bible is so full of His Word encouraging you to come on to Christ, showing you that the way has been made for you who have not saved, you who are lost, you tell me you want to be saved. The Bible is just full of instructions. I want to call it sometimes. It is. It is instruction. Now, many do I know who somehow believe and feel that there is no hope. I met a few people in my life and it just felt like there's no hope. I was able sometimes to encourage those folks because there is hope. As long as there's breath, there's hope. I make the statement oftentimes, "I don't care if you will, how are you slip last night in the gutter, set on a bar stool." Some folks say, "I don't care what you did. I don't care what kind of life you lived. I'd like for you to read the story of John Newton." We talked about that the other life, how he was a slave trader, bought and sold slaves on a ship that you wouldn't want to be on. But anyhow, the Lord saved him later, opened his heart and let him come to trust the Lord. It was a great, wrote that song. Amazing, great. Just one of them. But listen, listen, think with me. Is that your condition tonight that you feel like there's no hope? Then I have a message just for you. You out there? I like to think we've got lots of folks listening over the internet. I believe we do. But listen, I want to just read a couple of verses for you because that's basically what we're going to do tonight. Skip around because that's about all I'm capable of doing tonight. I picked out a few verses. The Lord said, "I came not to call the righteous but sinners." The Lord said that. That's words right out of the Lord's lips, those holy lips, "I came not to call the righteous but sinners." If you never become a sinner, you will never get saved. You will never. The Bible said, "You shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free." If you don't ever go learn the truth and come to know the truth, read the Bible, find out what the truth is. You will never get saved. Pastor Sheldon used to make fun. He said, "You go on, either the Lord, not going to run you down. We can expect you to come on to the Lord." Now another verse he says, "Well, let me repeat that verse. I came not to call the righteous but sinners to repentance, to repentance. Neither do I condemn the going peace, send no more." Isn't that a good verse? Y'all noticed where that's come from. I don't have it written down the verse. Or it's that, but you know, this lady was a woman, a woman taken in her. She was a harlot. Some of these young children now that I meet around, even our church folks, maybe not church. I asked them, "You know what a harlot is? They just look at me. They don't know what a harlot was." So I take time to explain. Harlotry was the oldest profession in the world, harlotry, and the Lord hated it. Yes, that's right. I think if the story rehabbed the harlot a lot, I love that story. I love daughter rehab. She was a harlot. She was a harlotry. She wasn't no more after she let that droop down with that red string in it and the Lord saved her. Or before then, she saved those spies and got her mama and papa in that room with her and her grandchildren and all of them. Because the Lord that's spies told her, said, "You have them all in here." And when we see the falls, we'll come get you. And see, they did. You know, the Lord don't never lie. His promise is don't lie. His promise is don't lie. I came not to call the righteous, but sinners. That's not a lie. That's the truth. He didn't come to call the elite. You remember the story? The two guys, two people there in the temple, and one of them said, "I fast three times of this week," and all those things he does, and the other old man over there said, "Lord, be merciful to me, a sinner." Well, that was one of the people that the Lord didn't save was that fellow that was so righteous in his own sight. You know, that's a terrible condition to be righteous in your own sight. It is. I was there a long time. I wasn't a self-righteous religious dude, but I didn't know I was a sinner. Let's put it like that. Most of those folks don't know that they're sinner. He told that lady, that woman, I believe she became a lady, "Neither do I condemn thee go and sin no more." That's what he told me, but I do every day. Now, one more verse, "For the Son of Man is come to seek and to save that which was lost, that which is lost." Are you lost tonight? If you lost, he came to sign you. The Lord went out hunting sinners. I told y'all about Pastor Shelton one morning, come out of the tabernacle with his hunting cap on. Many of you that don't know about the Shelton lived in an office building down there for many, many years when I first started going, lived on the third floor. Him and he and Miss Shelton, that's where we stayed, my wife and kids when I went. And he come out of the building, had an old hunting cap on like many old feet of fella are doing. One of the young men said, "Pastor, what's your hunting?" He said, "I'm a hunting sinner." Well, that's what the Lord's doing, too. Hunting sinner, you a sinner? He's hunting you. You a saved sinner? He's still hunting you. He's still blessing you. Listen now. As I said, I want to read those couple of verses and I got a couple more. Behold, Isaiah 59. Behold, I like that word. I like that and I like that hope. Oh, everyone that's thirsty, come in each of the waters and buy without money and without price. Oh, got their attention. Got their attention. Most of you all know that pretty well everything I learned, I didn't have any common sense at all in my young days. Most of what I learned stories out of the Bible, I heard Brother Shelton tell him or read him. And he told about this passage where the man said, "Hoe." He said there was a little oasis out there in the desert some more. And this in true life, there were. Some old scoundrel would have a well and maybe a palm tree or two and he would sell water at an exorbitant price to the travelers of concamels that come by and let them drink. I remember him telling that story. I loved it because I didn't know nothing about that. But in the biblical term, this man said, "Oh, everyone, come by without price." Didn't need no money for him. That's the Lord calling us. Wasn't that old scoundrel that had that well? This is the Lord Jesus Christ. Just like the lady there in Samaria the well. Yeah. We'll get that story maybe later. "Behold, the Lord's hand is not shortened that it cannot save." Are y'all worried about the Lord being able to save you? I wonder sometimes if you're not saved, are you afraid that the Lord can't save you? Or your Lord that he can't see you? The Bible says his eyes run to and fro all over this nation of our all over the world. "Behold, the Lord's hand is not shortened that it cannot save neither." Y'all listen, would you? You focus on the internet. Listen, wake up. Turn the ball game off and come on, listen. The whole game will be there to let tomorrow night, next night. You may be, "Well, I won't go there tonight." The Lord's hand is not shortened that it cannot save you. Neither is he or heavy. Not like me, I can't hear hardly anything, but the Lord's hand is not shortened and is here not heavy. I'm glad. I'm glad he can hear, but listen to that next verse. We're going to read quite a few verses. Basically, all I want to do, but your iniquities have separated between you and you are going there. What's the matter? You're not saved. Your iniquities have separated you. They've got to be paid for those. You owe a sin debt, my friend. I hear them talk about the debt of our country so much, so many trillion dollars and all that stuff. I don't understand it. Credit card debts, I hear people talking about it. They're taking bankruptcy, but the Lord, the Lord has plenty of mercy. He has plenty of mercy. You see, the Lord knows where to put those adjectives right there, plenty of plenty of mercy. Abundant pardon. You need a pardon tonight? The Lord is not slack. No, sir, you and I don't have a penny sometime to rub together, but he does. But your iniquities have separated between you and your God, and your sins have hid his faith from you, that he will not hear you. For your hands are defiled with blood, and your fingers with iniquity, your lips have spoken lies, your tongue has muttered perverseness. That's a total of gravity, isn't it? You know, when the Lord first deals with my heart, I had to go to the dictionary to look up that word, total of gravity. I didn't know what it meant. I wasn't a country of all ignorant, of course, but I had to go look it up. I had to go look up a lot of words. Now, that's God's word that I brought. I thought about that first verse. You and I just don't believe the Lord can save sinners. Those of you who are not saved, you just don't believe it. I run back there to that verse, lots of time. We heard the story, we hear the story of Abraham a lot of time. He was a scandal. Later on, he believed God. The scripture says Abraham believed God. I like to say it like that. He's stretched out. He believed God. And it was accounted to him. It was put over there on his book for righteousness. He believed God. He don't say anything else about his salvation. He believed God. The Lord promised him a lot of stuff and he believed it. And the Lord promised you a lot of stuff, surely in Glenda. Y'all, the Lord promised you a lot of stuff. New folks who's sitting at home listening to me maybe on your airplane, headed home with an earbud in your ear. I like to see them saying somebody listening. I hope they listen to the radio. Listen, I thought much in the last few days how the Lord has saved one here and one there in this ministry back over the years. I remember when it was quite a refreshing here in Algiers. I tell you all, I'm blessed to have seen those things. I'm blessed to have known many, many, many of the saints of God whom the Lord had saved before I ever come to hear the gospel. And I was blessed by them. I was able to sit by them and fellowship and listen to them until the Lord saved them. I get kind of critical letters from people now and then. A lot of my answer, not every one of them, but I do answer some of those and I just ask this gentleman, tell me how the Lord saved you. Would you do that, sir? Not quite, not harshly, not critically. I said to the Lord, save center, tell me how the Lord saved you and then call me and write me and do that for me. Would you do that, sir? Would you do that, ma'am? I praise the Lord. Some do. Some do. I have a great conversation with two or three people over this country who I believe firmly that they know the Lord. They tell me if their experience was the Lord, if you want to go there. Listen, I know that you and I would love to see every soul here saved, but are we thinking the Lord? Are we praising the Lord for what He is doing? The scriptures tell us to be thankful in all things. I don't ever get over what the Lord did for us in this ministry after Katrina. Brought us here, debt free, built these buildings, debt free. I don't know if a Baptist Church in America that don't know anybody anything. We don't. We don't know anybody anything, except the current light bill and water bill. Radio bills. That's our biggest bill. You'll call me one day and I'll share with you about the radio bills. Tell you what some of them radio stations cost. I had a lady call me one day and I was a lady. We talked a minute or two and she said, "Pastor, you mean you all have to pay for those radio stations?" I said, "Yes, ma'am." But the Lord provides the money. The Lord provides the money and I know I saw a little bit, just a little bit of the experience that Pastor Shelton had with money and Brother Gayo and others. We haven't experienced that lately. The Lord has been so gracious to us. Brother Messer told me one day that Brother Messer worked there for the Church for many years, gave his time, worked all day across the river and come home, come across the river and went to the church to work. Brother Shelton told me and said, "Brother Messer has married you. First Baptist Church of all years lost his family because he was married. He wouldn't go home ten or eleven o'clock at night." But he told me, Brother Messer told me and said, "Pastor, give him a dime. Go down there to the corner store on whatever that street was on the corner. They sold live chickens and stuff back then. Pick out one, take it." But he told him, "Go get a dime worth of pigtails." So Miss Shelton could make some pigtails to you. Y'all ever experienced that? I haven't. I was born poor, but not that poor. Oh, listen, listen, listen. Have we thanked the Lord lately for what he's doing? Many times I've said the thrust of my ministry, or this ministry, the Lord has given me is to warn our folks to turn to the Lord. I told you we had two funerals here this week. Bless the Lord. Both of those ladies were very well knew that we knew they knew the Lord. It went on to be with the Lord. They're not worshiping they was back here. But my friend, why not? Salvation. Salvation is of, well, it's free to you and me. The Lord invites you to come to him and be saved, not to wear your hair platted and tight around your heads. Sometimes you can't bat your eyes. When I went down there to the church in New Orleans, they had two or three women. That was their way of wanting to be saved. They had platted their hair and wrapped it around the head and they couldn't bat their eyes. It was so tight. Yeah, that's right. One or two of them in a way that dressed downward to sweep the floor when they walked. I don't know if they ever got saved or not. I don't remember. I hope you did. I hope you're not banking on that. I don't see many people plating their hair anymore. But please don't do that thinking they'll save you. One woman coming off is one more and one of our workers. And she said, "Pastor, I got $4,000 in the bank for my funeral." But said, "I believe I need to turn it into the church before the Lord will ever save me." I said, "No, ma'am. You're not going to do that." First of all, that more save you. Second of all, your family would accuse me of begging you for that money and you know better than that. Take your money and go back to the bank and read the policy. The Lord saved her before she died. Praise the Lord for it. It wasn't because she gave that $4,000 to the bank. That's right. That's right. That's right. I tell folks that I get to know, I tell them some of the stories that happened at funerals and at the church. It's all kind of things take place in a long life like mine. 29 years I've been associated with this work, 29, 30, something like that. I had a lady come to see me one Friday evening. My wife and I were in the bookstore. She was helping me with getting ready to close up. This lady come in and said, had her mother with her mother was an old old lady. She asked my wife, said, "Would you make my mama some coffee? I want to talk to the pastor." So my wife went in the kitchen and made her some coffee. It was in the bookstore. She said, "Come on downstairs. I want you to go with me." She had an old card on how she made it there. She reached under the front seat and pulled out a brown paper bag, had $190,000 in it. She said here, I said, "Ma'am, uh-uh. I can't do that. You ain't going to get home in this old car." She says, "That's God's money. You take it." He says something. That's one of my experiences I love to tell. It's more to it, I'll tell you later. Listen, you can't go. I know. Let me get to find my place now. Many times I said the things of the ministry the Lord has given me to warn you to turn to the Lord. That's the thrust of our work, to flee from wrath. The Bible tells us to flee. Not only is there invitation to come to Christ, there's instructions how, strive to enter in, flee. Did y'all hear the voice of truth this morning? You folks on our internet, did you hear the broadcast this morning, the voice of truth? How did the Lord loose the prison gates? Now I want to make you an offer. If you call me or write me, email me, I'll send you a CD of that message, free and post-paint. Pastor Shelton's message on how he loses the prison. And if you don't appreciate it, I'll give you money back. No, I'll send it to you free. I do. I hope a hundred thousand writes in for it. I'll take care of it. If that's what you, if you do that, I'll take care of it. That's how much I want you to hear of that message. Because if you're not saved, you and one of themself, you opened up. I hope you in that last one, where you swung that gate open. You hear that? Swung that gate open. Come on. I can't tell it like he did, of course. I'm right here again tonight on Friday. Tonight? Not tonight. Okay. Must not pay the radio bill. I'm just kidding. Listen, listen, I told y'all I'm just rambling, but I love you people. I do. I have the loveless family that you could ever have. I told someone in the office the other day, how blessed I am. None of my family has cancer. And none of them has Alzheimer's. Maybe they think maybe I might have a little Alzheimer's, but I don't. I'm pretty well at myself most of the time. I used to know a friend that had some problems forgetting things. He said, "Well, that's a harden to them, orderish." That's all that is. So maybe mine is. That's what it is. Now, listen, let me go back, find my place. You can't go out in the street now out there on the highway and hail down some poor soul and tell them to trust Jesus. That's not salvation. That's not salvation. I witnessed that. I see it now on television once the wild preacher. Oh, my friend, that's not what the Lord wants. But you who have heard the gospel have seen yourself as a poor old sinner that we described, and you know there is no good within you. If you have a good dictionary at home, look up that word, depravity. Total depravity. Well, it's two words, but depravity. Look it up. That's the reason I want you to buy that Bible on CD because that man pronounces all those words, titles and names of cities and towns and people. Now I can't do it, but it'll astound you. I've been listening to it. Listen, no good thing in you. I can invite you to come to Christ. That's who the Lord has invited you to come to. Not to me, not to this church, not to the pope. Isn't that awful? Isn't that awful? All ye that labor and are heaven-laden. That's who is invited. If you feel no burden, no labor, no sinfulness, the Lord will never save you. What can I do, ask the Lord to show you your heart. Ask the Lord to reveal to you. Come now, let's reason together, say it to the Lord, so your sins be as scarlet. They shall be whitest snow. I love that verse. I do. I love it. It'll be whitest snow. You know, we're not blessed with the snow here much, but I've been where the snow is. That's another one of my pet projects that I try to take a little comfort in teaching some of these kids. I ask these kids, you know where their rural bore Alice is? They don't have a clue. Great Northern light, no. Don't have a clue. I tell them I saw the great Northern lights on my ship. I reached out and touched the iceberg. Boy, you talk about some snow. They shall be whiter than snow. They shall be though they were red like crimson. They shall be as wool. Oh, sheep got that white wool, unless they've been in dirt. If you know a goat don't get dirt in the sheep, don't either. Unless they can help you. Now some other verses I want to read. And when you spread forth your hands, I will hide mine eyes from you. Yay, when you make many prayers, I will not hear you for your hands are full of blood, wash you, make you clean, put away the evil of your doings from before mine eyes cease to do evil. That's good instruction, didn't it? That's what the Lord said. Learn to do well, seek judgment, relieve the oppressed. You know we have some responsibility? You know we have responsibility? I know that I'm a soft touch for donations to people in suffering. I know that, but I don't regret it. I just don't give none to the police because they write me a ticket. Judge the fatherless, plead for the widow. I might have mentioned it last week, but it's worth saying again because you know I'm always chiding you for not being here in the service. You miss the service, I'm chiding you. I'm criticizing you, no, I don't want to use that word. But I told you Pastor Shelton had missed grammar on Monday morning. People that were normally in church and didn't show up on Sunday, she called them. She said to the family, she called the lady because she'd be home, the man would be working. What's the matter? Y'all see? Y'all wasn't in church. That's right. And I thought about maybe doing that, but I hadn't come to a conclusion yet. I doubt I could get anybody to do it. Come now, let us reason together, sayeth the Lord, though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be white as snow, though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool. If you be willing and obedient, if you be willing and obedient, you shall eat the good of the land, which is just the same as saying you shall be saved. But if you refuse, this and now, if you refuse and prevail, you shall be devoured with the sword. Pretty good warning in it. For the mouth of the Lord has spoken it. That's pretty straight talk, folks. We see in these verses the Lord speaking seemingly to the vilest of the vow. God's Word described these better than you or I could do. But He says in verse two, listen now, I have nursed and brought up children and they have rebelled against me. There's that word total depravity. For an individual, the Lord has brought you up, nursed you, and we have rebelled against Him as a whole. You and I, as parents of our own children, know and feel just a fraction, a small amount that God must feel when He sees one of our children rebel against that which is just and right. You mothers who have nursed those little ones cared for them when they couldn't so much as raise a finger. The little ones so precious and loving and wanting to be loved have now grown up and turned on you as though you were there, mortal enemy in some cases. How awful it must be for a parent to suffer because of an unruly child. I believe we need these verses. I read over them quite a few times. I was going to discard some of them, but I didn't. I give the Lord all the credit for these verses for our hearts. But just think we have rebelled against the old nourishing God. We have as a people rebelled against the Lord of the universe, the creator of everything, the one who brought us into this life, put breath into our body, who holds our life in His hand. You may say, I've not rebelled against the Lord. Are you saved? Have you ever been washed in the blood that was shed there on Calvary Cross by our Lord? If you haven't, you're now at this very moment in rebellion against God. He says, come now, let us reason together. Did you know that I sprinkled that verse all through these? "Though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow." The Osmo page, "Though they be red like crimson, they shall be white as snow." Why do we call it on the world, the red light district? I've mentioned that to you before. It's because there are sins. Sin is always associated with red, redness. God said, "There shall be as white as snow." One thing about God's child, when he's delivered, saved, he doesn't have to hunt up the red light district anymore. Maybe you've never been there. Maybe you don't know what I'm talking about. I found that out years ago when this Lord gets a hold of a sinner. He don't have to worry about going there any longer. Don't have to worry about the sinner going there no more. Freely, surely that old sinner is hardest, still there maybe. He says, but it won't have dominion over us. In Romans he says, "Sinn shall not have dominion over us." Oh, Mum, isn't that a great thought in Scripture? Promise? What kind of a monstrosity would we be as a saint if we still had to, if our heart still had dominion over us, if our being? That's what the world does. Sin has dominion over the average individual in this world. I understand that. I know it. Every true child of God knows the rebellion that lies in his heart and that the Lord keeps it suppressed or beat down. There's a heartfelt cry against it. If your heart is not crying out against sin, then I would be worried about your soul. Listen, day by day when you wake up in the morning, is it not crying out, "Lord, keep my old nature in check today?" Is that your cry? It is mine. I've advised you, beg you, sit on the side of the bed just a minute, maybe 10 seconds. Lord, help. Lord, keep me. Hold that old man down today, Lord, and don't let him have his way. That's a good prayer, folks. Listen, I believe it would do our hearts good to get up in the morning meditating and reading, studying this praying a little. Lord, as I leave out of this back door, keep that old man in subjection. I believe he will do it. I believe the Lord will answer that prayer. Lord, take away my old rebellious heart. I don't want it. That's the cry of God's child. God's child doesn't feed on that stuff. He doesn't want to hear the old idol gossip. Listen, I've had folks come to me years ago especially, get kind of quiet and want to tell me something about somebody. Ooh, I don't want to hear it. I have enough trouble to my home. Is that your heart? Unsaved individuals are not only full of rebellion, but are ungrateful, unthankful. How many of us come into contact with or in this condition? Never stop complaining about this or that. Never grateful for the mercies of a covenant God. Always warning what the elderfeller has. Not content with what the Lord has provided him. Don't you get tired of that kind of living? The Lord has been dealing with my heart about to bring a message on anything this side of hell is mercy. Would you like to hear that? Anything on this side of hell is mercy. Listen, our Lord doesn't know you anything. It's mercy that he's had up on you. 1 Timothy, I want to read a verse or two there. 1 Timothy 6. Well, I didn't write it down. Here it says, "He is proud, knowing nothing but doting about questions and stripes or words were of cometh envious strife, railing and evil, surmising." I'll tell you this and then I'll close up. I got a long letter from a man Friday, Thursday Friday. Two pages type written, and all he could talk about was how to be baptized, when to be baptized, where to go to be baptized, just along that line, never said anything about himself. He had saved and doesn't like him. Just kind of instructing me or Brother Glenn read it. And I went and looked up. I knew there was a verse and I didn't bring it with me tonight before he spoke about vain janglings. That's what he was doing. It was vain jangling. And he asked two questions, and I wanted to tell him that my dad said a fool could ask the question that a smart man couldn't answer. But I'm glad you all came tonight. I wish you folks who hear me on the Internet. Some of you could be here on our Sunday night and Wednesday night server. Come on be with us Wednesday night. Most of you know we play a recorded message for a while, but it's a message. It's true. I played one another night and somebody told me how blessed they were. I said, well, it was only 20 years old. I was a lot better preacher back then than I ever will be more. Our Father, we thank you for the night. Thank you for this day and this night. For those who sent the ear this morning, those who you would send this coming week, for those who were bereaved, we asked you for them. Lord, we know we've been there and Lord is not a pleasant time, but grace is sufficient. Grace is sufficient and we ask you for those who have lost low ones recently, have mercy upon them, comfort their heart, forgive us of our sin, prepare our hearts for the day tomorrow as we go forward, getting out the gospel, pray for them. We pray for those folks. We send out those messages too. Some call us and thank us for them. Oh Lord, thank you for supplying the needs of the work. For Christ's sake, we ask it. Amen. [BLANK_AUDIO]