Orr's Observations Podcast

#25 Illegal migrants taking over apartments, the National Guard in NYC/Trump jail, X banned in Brazil, Zuck apologizes for censoring!

I talk about the Illegal migrants taking over apartments in Colorado. I explain the National Guard in NYC and speculate on whether Trump will go to jail. I give my late reaction to X being banned in Brazil and Zuckerburg apologizing for censoring at government's request!

Broadcast on:
06 Sep 2024
Audio Format:

(upbeat music) - Hello, and welcome back to the Ours Observations podcast. This is episode 25. I'm your host, Elliot Orr, and I am coming at you from 2.25 p.m. in the Netherlands. And today, I got a couple things to talk about, some things that, they're kind of stories from last week and this week throughout the week, 'cause this is the podcast I'm recording for this week. I will be trying to get these out a little more regularly as I'm back in the schedule of school, stuff like that. So I will be hopefully getting these out on a more regular basis. So I'm going to talk about the potential. I gotta be safe and safe potential. Kind of takeover of apartment buildings by Venezuelan illegal migrant gangs in Aurora, Colorado. And this is like a very contented contention. There is some contending narratives here. So I will go into that a little deeper. I'm going to talk about the National Guard presence in New York over Trump, possibly getting sentenced to jail in just a week or two. So we're gonna see about that. I'm going to talk about X being banned in Brazil, and I'm also going to talk about Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook, Instagram, Meta, saying that he regrets censoring at the behest of the Biden administration. So further kind of, you know, maybe we've got another entrepreneur on our side, a big tech owner who may do a little more to defend free speech, at least, you know, not censor at behest of the government, censor based on, you know, whatever he thinks is right, whatever his group of fact checkers think is right. 'Cause I have no problem with, you know, businesses making their own decisions if they don't want to have certain content on their platforms that is well within their rights to say that and to enforce that. It's, you know, I don't necessarily support it, but I, you know, am okay with it. That's on them, that's their decision to make. But there is a questionable, you know, First Amendment kind of violation free speech if the government is the one directing the censorship. And I think that's a pretty obvious kind of take, but I'm not totally sure. So you should be excited because I'm excited and it starts right now. (upbeat music) (upbeat music) Hello, welcome back. So I'm gonna start out by talking about all this crazy stuff going on in Aurora, Colorado. So the idea here is that there is a Venice Wayland game gang. It's the, it's a hard name to pronounce, but it's the, I'm just gonna call it the ADA, or sorry. (speaking in foreign language) So, TDA, I'm just gonna call it that. They have allegedly taken over two to three apartment buildings in Aurora, Colorado. There's also reports that there may have been another migrant gang taking over buildings in Chicago, but both of these are being denied by the police department. They're saying, no, this is not true. But the mayor of Aurora, Colorado has come out and said that, you know, he's confirmed this. And I'm gonna play this clip for a second, or in just a second. I'm also gonna play a clip from the councilwoman of Aurora, Colorado. There's video of this as well online. If you look it up on X, it'll come up very fast of like, you know, these gang members, multiple guns, walking around the apartment building, smoking cigarettes inside. And regardless of whether or not they've literally taken over these buildings, the fact that there is a much bigger increase in, you know, violent crime, gun shootings, trash, all that kind of stuff, you know, these are people who are illegally in this country and they are trashing our country literally trashing it and killing people, shooting people, you know, it's not motivated by any sort of like racial identity, from my part at least, but this is just obviously fucked up. And if they're disrespecting America's laws by illegally entering the country and then not being held to account of, you know, laws that you or I would be accounted to, that is obviously pretty weird. So the mayor of Aurora, Colorado has confirmed it. He said that they've taken over several apartment complexes and pushed out property managers and are now extorting rent from the tenants. The people living in these apartments are paying rent to the gang members and they, you know, it's, it's weird. I don't totally understand why no one is doing anything about this. There's also like a law company that is trying to make a lawsuit. They have, you know, videos of these guys beating up the property managers and stabbing people who refuse to pay them rent. So it's just an absolutely insane situation and there's no clear explanation as to why this is going on. So I'm going to play a few clips now from some people who are maybe a little more reputable than me. So this is the Aurora, Colorado Councilwoman. Her name is not on this, but this is her talking about the situation at hand. - Several of these complexes now, they've spray painted Venezuela all over the buildings. They, they're broken windows, there's trash everywhere. It's really a grim scene at these apartment complexes. And, you know, what you see at any given time is men. And I've really only seen men walking around with guns. They are actively controlling these properties. They have completely taken them over. They have beaten up any staff that was, was on site of these complexes. They have beaten them up. So there is no staff. It is absolutely these gang members controlling these apartment complexes. And, you know, yesterday I need sure to go in with several police officers helping and watching, but I'll tell you what, before I even have this family completely moved out of their apartment, these folks were already fighting over this apartment complex and they were starting to move stuff in before we had even completely moved this family out. - So that's the first clip from the councilwoman. And here is the mayor of Aurora talking on a, I think this is Fox News. This clip is a little longer. So I am going to put it in 1.5 speed. - So there are several buildings, actually under the same ownership out of state ownership that have fallen to these Venezuelan gangs. I'm trying to walk it back and do the investigation as to how there's a concentration of Venezuelans in these three buildings. Somebody put them there and somebody funded it. Whether it's federal government or not, we're trying to find out who these gangs apparently are attracted to where there's a concentration of Venezuelan migrants. And so they've in fact, have kind of pushed out the property management through intimidation and then collected the rents. We have now, or have had, it is ongoing operations with a task force, local law enforcement, state law enforcement partners and federal law enforcement partners to rent them, and arrests have been made, but these operations are now are still ongoing. - With the arrests that have been made, are these confirmed gang affiliated members? - You know, this is an organized criminal effort, whether it's Trende Aragua, that remains to be seen, but it really doesn't matter. I mean, if they're Venezuelan migrants and they're conducting crime in an organized area, they were well. - Understood. - So, okay, so you're able to confirm that this Venezuelan gang has indeed taken over, at least some of the buildings, you're saying at least two of the three. And what I just heard from you is, you don't know how they ended up there. And you even made a suggestion that they could have been sent there by, like, by federal officials. I've heard you suggest. I mean, do you have any reason to believe that, to be the case? - So, here's the problem. I think we're a victim of a failed policy in the southern border because what you have, Venezuelan does not co-op, according to the my law enforcement, Venezuela does not cooperate with the United States and sharing criminal histories. You've had a third of the country leave, you've had these massive waves of migrants coming across the border that many of them cross the border, legally were arrested, asked for a political asylum. We're not adequately vetted, we're released into the country. The city of Aurora needed everything we could to quite frankly, keep them out of the city because it's not our problem. This is a federal problem. This is a problem borne by the federal government. But what I think, what we're trying to find out and what I believe occurred was that federal agencies worked with some of our local nonprofits and put them there. Now, most of these people are very good, good people. But there's a criminal element that, from what I understand, what law enforcement is repeating, that often follows them, intends to exploit them within their own migrant community. And so, we believe that that is happening now. And now it's, we're the 51st largest city in America, with over 400,000 population. This is only several apartment complexes. But nonetheless, I'm not going to surrender any part of the city to a criminal element. With all due respect, it's no longer, I mean, just in the hands of the Fed, when you've got, we've heard reports that this gang has green-lated its members to attack your local police. What are you doing about that, Mayor? Well, you know, we're aware of that in the different metropolitan area that there are elements of Trende-Aragwa here. And so, you know, rear in terms of how our police operate, the tactics, what they're doing to protect themselves, is, you know, is, is our number one priority for some people. Sorry about that, at the end there. Okay. Wow, that was loud. Sorry. Anyway, so, as you heard in the video, the Trende-Aragwa has also green-lited its members to attack cops. So, I don't understand what is going on there because the police chief has said that this isn't true, that they've gone there, they've interviewed the people around, and I watched a video from Tyler Oliveira. If any of you know who that is, he is a journalist. He does videos on YouTube where he goes to places and interviews them. He does a lot of stuff with, like, homelessness, stuff like that. And he was interviewing a lot of Venezuelans, and they were all saying no. And that's probably what they were telling the cops as well. But if you know anything about gang activity, you know that they are all about snitches, get stitches. That's where the expression comes from. If you're gnarcing on the gangs, they will kill you. No one's going to say, oh, yeah, there's gang members taking this apartment over on camera. It's a death sentence. They're already stabbing people. They're already killing people. They're already beating up the fucking landlord. And this is an actual lawsuit from, I think, it's Green Pines or something like that, Wild Pines, West Pines. You can find it on the internet, I'm sure. But it's really strange to me that the police commissioner is saying this isn't happening. The governor is saying that this is just imagination. But as you just saw, the mayor of the town has confirmed this. So it's very strange. I don't understand why no one's doing anything about this. I am a little worried that this will start to happen more in other of these sanctuary cities. And it's going to become more of a problem as communities trying to defend themselves and defend each other. There was a bunch of speculation that maybe the motorcycle gang, Hell's Angels, was on their way to Aurora to go and take back these apartments. But apparently that's not true. Apparently the Hell's Angels has denied this. I'm not sure if there's some stragglers going and doing that. But as far as I know, there is no vigilante justice happening. And from my understanding, it's also-- the crime is being done on a lot of other Venezuelan migrants. So they're not really going to want to talk to the cops because they're here illegally. They're not really going to want to call the cops because they don't have papers. They don't have identification. And then the gang members will kill them. They will hurt them. They will hurt their family members. There's all these systems in place for gangs to capitalize on fear. And I've seen videos from all across Aurora, from people who live there, regardless of if they've taken over the complexes. They have been trashing the city, literally garbage everywhere, graffiti. You heard them say it in the clips. And gun violence all the time. Multiple shootings have happened. There are multiple deaths just around those apartment buildings themselves. So there's obviously something happening in Aurora, whether or not it's literal taking over of whole apartment complexes or not. It's hard to tell. There's video evidence looking pretty much like that's what's going on. But at the same time, a lot of people are saying that this is all fake. So believe what you want here. But it's strange. And if this is happening in Chicago, for instance, which I've seen a report that it was happening in Chicago, I heard like there was like a police transcript of someone talking about 32 armed Venezuelans have come. And they've taken over a building in Chicago. And if this is true, I'm wondering how are they even getting guns, right? Are they taking these guns across the border? Well, all these sanctuary states, these blue states, they got all these gun laws in place. But somehow, all the criminals are still getting them, guys. It's almost as if gun control doesn't really work that well. So the only solution to crime like this is to have your own weapon. You must be able to defend yourself and defend your family because the criminals do not care if it is illegal to own a firearm. By definition, they disregard laws. And there is no way that if you are not a legal citizen, that you could legally buy a gun. So all these guns are absolutely illegal weapons. And they're being used on people-- maybe there are Venezuelan migrants. It doesn't matter. They're being used on people in America, whether or not they're legal citizens or not. They are used for crime and fear-mongering and to literally murder people. It's been happening there quite frequently. But if this is really happening in Chicago, and they're taking over black buildings, and there are legitimate reports of black people being evicted so that illegal immigrants can move in. And obviously, Chicago's got a big gang presence of African-Americans, black people. There is a lot of gangs. I don't know if there is also Latin American gangs in Chicago. I don't know it very well. But I know they have a huge gang problem in all of the lower income areas of town. So if there really is Venezuelan illegal immigrants coming here and fucking with the native population of Chicago, that could go into major gang war very, very fast. And this has been predicted by guys like JJ Carroll, who if you don't know who that is, he was a former Border Patrol agent who is working very hard to expose the crimes going on around the border and around this illegal invasion into America. He wrote a book called Invaded, which I'm slowly working my way through. But he's been on doing a bunch of interviews. He's currently filming a documentary. I think it's called Treason. And I'm excited to watch that. But it just is very, very strange to me that this is all happening the way it's happening. I can't really figure out how to explain this. It doesn't really make a lot of sense to me, especially the fact that no one is doing anything about it. But I don't know. That is all I have to say about this. So I'm going to talk about the National Guard presence in New York just briefly. I don't have a ton to say about this either 'cause it's all speculative. And I'm also gonna talk about Hunter Biden. He played guilty today. So those are the two things I'm gonna talk about. So apparently in New York, there's videos and my dad is around New York City right now. He's been in New York City recently. And he said that he's seen National Guard, machine guns, SWAT, everywhere. They're all over the place. So why? Why would they be there? There is a court appearance for Donald Trump for sentencing in, I think it's September 18th. So in just a little over a week, there is going to be a possibility that Donald Trump goes to prison. And not like New York City is necessarily the epicenter of MAGA or Trump's base or whatever you wanna say. There's probably not many of them living in New York City at this point. So I'm not totally sure how much reaction there will be in New York unless they all decide, fuck it, we're going to New York. We're going to this guy's house, this judge's house. I don't totally know what to expect if Donald Trump gets sentenced to prison. I will say that he shouldn't be sentenced to prison if he goes to prison. It is absolutely a political prosecution from the people who are saying that they are saving democracy. That Donald Trump vows to be a dictator on day one that he's going to weaponize the justice department to arrest his political opponents. This would be the definition of arresting your political opponent for the thinnest legal charge ever. Legal experts will tell you that what he was convicted for, the 34 felony counts, they're basically built on nothing. It is not illegal to pay hush money. Any law that could have been a felony would be a federal case and not at the state level. So it would have had to, the district attorney of New York could not have brought in those charges against him 'cause it's not within his jurisdiction. And I wouldn't be surprised that if Donald Trump does go to jail, that there may be some kind of false flag attack making it look like the right, the far right, whoever you want to say will do some crazy things. And it might not be a false flag. It might be a genuine reaction, but I am definitely on the lookout for that because there has been a lot of false flags. There is a lot of questionable things happening at January 6th, not that there were not genuine Trump supporters there protesting what they thought was a stolen election. And now there's been tons of evidence to come out legitimate evidence to say that there was at least some election fraud. And it was totally ignored, totally denied. Looking at January 6th, not to go in too deep of a tangent here, Ray Epps was an FBI agent there telling people to go inside the Capitol. That is the definition of entrapment. There were multiple, many FBI people there. When you look at the video, the Trump supporters are literally being, the doors are being opened for them. They're being let in. They wanted this narrative to be an insurrection. If it was really an insurrection, all these right-wing gun nuts. You think they'd bring their guns, but very few did. There was some, whatever happened happened, I'm not saying that everyone there was not a bad actor and not a bad person, but there was definitely more to the story than what's being told there. And I would not be surprised if there was a similar type of event after Trump hypothetically could go to jail. Speaking of jail time, Hunter Biden pled guilty today to tax evasion of over a million dollars. So yes, the president's son has evaded taxes. And this is unrelated to his laptop, but this will be a transition for a second. Mark Zuckerberg said that he regrets censoring the Hunter Biden laptop, which if you don't know that story, I'll just briefly go through it. Hunter Biden's laptop was, you know, Hunter Biden went with the laptop to a computer repair store, never picked it up. So it eventually became this guy's property. The computer store owner, he looked at it, was like, "Oh my God, there's all these incriminating photos of Hunter Biden with young girls, with cocaine, with crack, with prostitutes, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, all that kind of stuff. Very, very incriminating messages. Like, you know, there's messages saying, oh, you know, in business deals, 10% cut for the big guy, which is Joe Biden. I think I talked about this on the last episode, but there is legitimate evidence from the House Oversight Committee that Joe Biden has benefited from his family's business deals, which he's repeatedly said he has no involvement in, but it's obviously not true, he's obviously lying. And today, Hunter Biden, instead of, you know, trying to defend his innocence, he tried to do like a plea deal where he would maintain his innocence, but say that the state had enough evidence to convict him. But he pled guilty, we'll see what happens. We'll see if Joe Biden has enough left in him and enough brain power left to pardon him, which would be pretty fucked up. I don't know if you're allowed to pardon your own family, especially for tax evasion. It'd be pretty hypocritical. Not like Joe Biden is not a hypocrite, as he did invent the 1989 crime bill, which he has dubbed the Biden crime bill. There was a famous video of him saying, "Hey, look, this is a nickel. "If you have, you know, even this amount of crack, "then you're gonna go to jail, no parole, "no chance at anything." And there are multiple videos of Hunter Biden arguing with prostitutes, about, you know, how much crack he has. And it's way more than just a nickel. He's got a lot more crack than just a nickel. So by Joe Biden's own words, his son should already be in jail. But obviously when you're the president's son, not only do you get to get on the board of Ukrainian energy companies as Burisma or Chinese companies, whatever, you know, your artwork can sell for millions of dollars just for being the president's son. But you're not gonna go to jail for doing drugs. You're actually gonna be, well, he just needs sympathy. It's been a hard time, you know. But he is a taxivator. It's confirmed. How crazy is it that the big daddy of taxing Joe Biden, the president of the United States that takes 40% of everyone's income, if not more, has a son that has evaded over $1 million in taxes. That is absolute lunacy right there. Crazy. If Donald Trump Jr. did any of the things Hunter Biden did, he would have been in jail long ago. But that is not the world we live in. We do not live in a fair world. So, you know, it's selected justice, unfortunately. But I'm gonna talk about Mark Zuckerberg here as a transition. He censored Hunter Biden's laptop story on meta, or which was Instagram mostly. When that story first came out just before the 2020 election. And it was absolutely controversial at the time. We didn't totally know at that point, but we did know later. They also wanted them to, you know, censor a lot of the COVID information. And I just listened to a very illuminating report, not that I didn't know this already, on redacted news this week that, you know, this guy came on with a very legitimate and scientific legal challenge showing how devastatingly terrible the vaccine has been. The COVID vaccine, of course, how many people it's called, "Off Tanshint," but this is the most recent episode of redacted. I highly suggest you watch that or listen to it. It's the soldiers posted in NYC ahead of Trump Sentencing FBI new Apology Suitor in 2023. And at the end of it is that COVID-1, totally worth listening to. They also have some very interesting reporting on this school shooting that happened just recently. But I'm not gonna go too deep into that because I don't know a lot about it and it feels a little too controversial for me to touch that one. So I'm not gonna go too deep into that on here. But, you know, Zuckerberg last week sent a letter to Jim Jordan, who is the head of the oversight committee, saying that he regrets censoring at the behest of the Biden administration, saying that the Biden administration reached out to him with the Hunter Biden laptop and COVID stuff like that. And he did, in fact, go and cave into their demands. They said that if he didn't comply, they would take away his protected status and he would be liable for all the things that were said and done on his platform. And like I said in the beginning, it's one thing if a private business wants to have a terms of service and they want to moderate the content on their own platform, I can understand that. But when the government is, I guess this wasn't the, sorry, it wasn't the Biden administration in the case of the Hunter Biden laptop story, obviously, 'cause he wasn't the president. It was, I think, the FBI or the CIA was one of the intelligence agencies. And in fact, even that the CIA, right, the intelligence agency at the time that was working under Donald Trump, their boss is supposed to be Donald Trump, interfered in an election by claiming that this was misinformation. They said this is absolutely Russian disinformation. Every time Trump brought that talking point up, which is a valid talking point. Joe Biden was able to say, oh, that's, you know, look, 51 intelligence officials have said that this is misinformation. Absolutely insane what an overstep shows you that the CIA and the intelligence agencies really do have a preference and that the Democrats are literally the party of the state. They are the party of the establishment. They are the party of the intelligence agencies. They are the, you know, not that the Republicans aren't also, you know, a big faction of the Republican party absolutely is. Donald Trump totally could be as well. He could just be playing a role. I am not sold on him in any sort of form. And it just is very, it's a crazy thing that happened, right? And the Supreme Court recently upheld the, you know, government's ability to talk to the social media companies and ask them to censor things. They said it doesn't, you know, necessarily mean it's coercive or whatever. And I think that it absolutely is coercive. If the government is like, hey, you guys better take this down. I'm not saying you should take this down. I mean, what happens if you don't, right? Probably not good thing. So to me, that is coercion. I think that's absolutely unconstitutional, but I guess the Supreme Court disagrees with me. And the Supreme Court has openly said that the, at least Cantonji Brown Jackson has openly said that the constitution is hamstringing the government. Yeah, it's supposed to. That's the whole point of the constitution actually. So just pretty wild, but it is nice to get some, some, uh, apologies from Mark Zuckerberg after what he did in 2020. I'm not ready to forgive him yet. I'd like to see a little more out of him, but it would be a nice ally to have on this fight for freedom and this fight against the government that we are currently engaged in. But we'll see what ends up happening there. The last thing I'm gonna talk about is the ban of X in Brazil. I can't believe I didn't talk about this in the last episode, but pretty wild, the Brazilian Supreme Court, particularly Alexandra de Morales, has engaged in efforts to combat disinformation following the 2022 elections, where there were significant concerns about misinformation influencing the public opinion. De Moraz, he ordered X to appoint a legal representative in Brazil, which X failed to do. And this failure was a direct violation of Brazilian law. And that it, sorry, the law required internet service companies to have local representation for legal accountability. So it's basically saying if, you know, Elon Musk doesn't comply with the demands of the Brazilian government to censor content and, you know, misinformation that, you know, they're not allowed to operate here. And it was absolutely banned, totally banned in Brazil. And also what is pretty fucking crazy is that they also ban Starlink. Elon Musk's other company, which just doesn't make any sense. Like, why they would also ban a totally separate company? I feel like that's gotta be illegal, but maybe not. Well, it's, who knows at this point? I really am totally confused about that, but whatever, it seems like a total overreach from the Brazilian government, but, you know, I'm used to government overreach. It happens a lot, actually, in America. And the, yeah, I, it's sad. It's very sad. Kamala Harris has also said that she wants to ban X as well. I'm pretty sure that's what she said. She said something along the lines of that. If she didn't directly say it, she very kind of vaguely said it. That's definitely what she meant by it. So free speech is definitely under attack, but we have a new ally, potentially, in Mark Zuckerberg, maybe, definitely not free speech, but maybe against government moderation of online content. Because at this point, the internet is so important, the media is so important, that centering speech online is essentially the same thing as centering speech in real life. You can't censor speech in real life, you can't do it online. That's my interpretation of the First Amendment. Obviously, the Founding Fathers didn't know that that was going to be such an issue, but in today's society, it absolutely is. I have nothing else left to say for today. You know, this was, I was just trying to get this one out for this week. Hopefully, the next few episodes, I'll have something written and prepared, and then I will also do, of course, some news segments that are a little more destructure and more kind of rantable segments, but thank you guys for making it to the end. This was a shorter episode, so I'm hoping more people made it to the end. Maybe I'll start to do more 30 minute episodes instead of an hour, but I appreciate all of you, and good night. (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music)