BiKitzur Shulchan Aruch

Ep. 889. Having a Separation Between the Top and the Bottom When Making a Bracha.

Having a Separation Between the Top and the Bottom When Making a Bracha.

Broadcast on:
05 Sep 2024
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Having a Separation Between the Top and the Bottom When Making a Bracha.
Welcome everybody, share number 889 getting back to our Hilchus Brachus, okay last year we took a little bit of a diversification with a verse of "we went off the road a little bit" we're middle of the Bracha, Bracha's main shalish and I really would like to get into the best research, I'm a little bit at least real quickly to go through the Halochis of Kadima in Brachus, what Bracha comes first one, one is eating a few different things but before that I just want to finish off we started talking a little bit about actually Simminsadik alaf which is way out of where we're up to right that's in Khelik alaf in the Mishibir and in the Shul Khanarach and we're in the middle of Brachus, Khelik Bayes, okay but being as it may we were diversifying a little bit with some other halachas which are extremely important, some people have been asking lately when they get up in Mila tonight, do they have to make asha Yatsar and what what what are the halachas, what have to wear or whatever and we had written that also in our questions and answers we wrote about it a little bit we had we gave a share in it a while back we were just covering last year I just wanted to read from Rabad in the safe for summing up what we spoke about in reference to a head covering a man when they wake up in the middle of the night whereby they have to cover their head where Yamaka had to something like that so we also mentioned that one could pull their sleeve let's say a pajamas leave a rope sleeve over their head and cover their head when making the asha Yatsar and again just repeating that what everybody should know when they person comes out of the bathroom even even in the middle of the night you wash your hands and then you do have to make a asha Yatsar so I just wanted to sum it up from Rabad the safe from page 17 he brings it up in all the beginning and when making a Brach a one's hand must be covered right we read from the Muhammad last time one's head must be covered if one merely places his own hand on his head his head is not considered covered because the michigua said it's all connected it's all one goof that doesn't help and just the fact that you put your hand on your head won't help if however another person places their hand on his head right somebody else will put their hand on your head it is considered a covering if one places the shirts leave over their head this is also considered as efficient head covering that would also be good like we said biddie ever had the biddie ever the one made a brah with the head uncovered the brah would still be good let's say let's say a case in time he brings down from Darah shulkin prima godam and others right so so biddie ever he says biddie ever the one made the brah with the head uncovered the brah is still good I made a brah and then all of a sudden I realized I don't have a yamcha what do I do should I remake it again he says no he brings this again from the like we mentioned before from the he brings it from the prima godam arach shulkin actually from the egress mocha also he brings it to some of the issue as current sashay magile raj he says is is loyberg called kak Israel's current sashay connected ever on saya like it's not on such a level it's not as clear as let's put it like that as saying it in a place in time where there's an instrument or somebody's not dressed the right way whatever the case might be therefore therefore if somebody yeah when I get them I'm not gonna get in again I don't want to get too much into it but just real quickly one should be aware if they what if they didn't say they excuse me they left the bathroom right and a person came out of the bathroom again the middle of the night and they're out of it and they washed their hands whatever they made that she out to them they say oh if they what happened I didn't realize I didn't have my amakah so the evidence one made the bracha with the head uncovered the bracha would still would still be good because of what we just read okay so we also nothing to keep in mind which we discussed last time just to hazard over and very important that there's a concept called a libroia esa eva one has to be careful when making the bracha to be to have a separation just to read just to read real quickly from Rabad the Safer on page 16 how he brings it down additionally because I'll prohibit making a bracha while one's heart sees the nakedness whatever the case okay we spoke a little bit about this called bruia liba esa eva he's not wearing a belt that trousers which separates the heart from the private parts okay separation is created from one where's a belt guards all pants or undershorts in other words persons wearing underwear pyjamas these type of things and it's a tight around the waist for example if one is wearing a bathrobe without a belt and not wearing pants since there's no separation between the heart and the areas below the bracha may not be made so that's important thing to keep in mind somebody just has a bathrobe let's say or a long robe right that they sleep with that night without a belt and not tight around the waist and then not wearing pants not wearing underpants so then that's a problem then you can you are not allowed to make a bracha since there's no separation over there a bracha may not be made so that's another thing extremely important thing to keep in mind therefore one wishes to make a bracha while wearing a bathrobe or a gown he brings down the person should tie the belt before making the bracha you know tighten the belt we should tie the belt before making the bracha if there's no belt they should hold the material of the robe firmly against their body at the heart you know in other words at the heart or below thereby creating a separation that's important thing to keep in mind I don't have a belt let's say I'm wearing just a long robe a long pajama whatever the case might be these different type of things so then they should hold the material of the robe firmly against their body obviously below the heart part or the heart or below rights and making separation between the top and the bottom okay I mean these are times you know a person wakes up and will at a night and so on but in general a person he brings that also about and nevertheless the place can rule that it's preferable to be fully closed closed when making a bracha person should dress and I'll call it for a bracha you know but again will at a night person's not going to go ahead and get fully dressed so that's not but we'll talk about cases in time with somebody wakes up or something along those lines okay so okay we'll stop over here thank you for listening us flach and bracha koldur