Dr. Shawn Baker Podcast

Carnivore Body Builder Discusses Injury | Dr. Shawn Baker & Jonathan Griffiths

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01 Sep 2024
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Jonathan Griffiths is a 29-year-old with a BSc in Human Nutrition from Bournemouth, Dorset. His journey as an amateur bodybuilder has been unique due to a fused spine from a rugby injury at 14 and his Autism. Despite these hurdles, he's found incredible success on the carnivore diet over the past four years, after other pain relief methods failed. He has since competed twice as a carnivore bodybuilder, with his recent showing on June 2nd 2024 where he placed first against an extremely competitive line-up. He is going to the British finals to try and earn his pro card in the open category in classic bodybuilding, as a disabled athlete. Meanwhile, he had his spine fused in 2022, and various procedures to try and reduce the pain he is in. He is currently primarily a body composition coach in the carnivore community and has helped hundreds of people to reach their goals. The carnivore diet is his only option to try and thrive, and he loves it!

His diet mainly includes beef, salmon, chicken, eggs, cheese, milk, and butter. He avoids fruits, veggies, grains, nuts, seeds, oils, and sugars. He drinks water, coffee, and bone broth. He doesn't count calories, just focusing on around 300 grams of protein and fat each day for the past 4.5 years.

In the beginning, he lost 5 pounds and felt a surge in energy, focus, and calmness. He woke up refreshed, with no cravings or GI issues. His workouts stayed strong, with better muscle pumps, vascularity, and faster recovery.

The diet eased the pain and stiffness in his spine, giving him more freedom and comfort. It reduced his need for medications and improved his autism-related symptoms, like anxiety and mood swings. His social skills and communication also got better.

Blood tests before and after the diet showed his liver and kidney damage from a virus had healed. His blood markers such as liver and kidney functions were normal, with no nutrient deficiencies or hormonal issues.

This diet has been eye-opening for him, challenging many common dietary beliefs. He's learned that meat is highly nutritious and satisfying, and plants aren't essential or particularly beneficial for him. This is especially relevant given the genetic and metabolic traits seen in people with autism.

He has stuck to the carnivore diet, with occasional treats like 'Hot Pot' and Korean BBQ, which he can cook himself at restaurants. On his YouTube channel 'Carnivore Muscle,' he shares his carnivore lifestyle, training tips, nutritional advice, and recipes, building a community of fellow carnivores and inspiring others to try this way of life.

He fully recommends the carnivore diet to anyone looking to improve their health, fitness, and well-being, especially fellow bodybuilders and those with spinal conditions or autism. In his view, it's the best way to enhance both body and mind.

Instagram: Carnivore_Muscle

YouTube: Carnivore Muscle


Timestamps: 00:00 Trailer. 00:46 Introduction. 04:59 Muscle tissue requires glycogen, protein, and fat. 09:36 Debating higher fat vs higher protein intake. 11:27 Maintain consistent diet, increase protein for competition. 13:26 Balanced diet with gradual adjustments and focus. 15:31 Carnival Way of Eating calls for variety. 18:24 Intermittent fasting helps control food intake. 23:30 Effective time under tension protocol for aging athletes. 26:28 Finding optimal diet through personal experimentation and observation. 27:13 People focus on taste and cost, neglecting health. 31:25 People need proper guidance, not internet advice. 34:50 Ketones not ideal, better markers for health. 35:37 Women experience health issues pursuing extreme leanness. 39:28 Persistent hip pain limits mobility after surgery. 42:01 Carnival community dislikes muscular people, trolls negatively. 45:20 Recalling unusual experience with burger patties. 47:20 Where to find Jonathan.

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I found that I'm retaining more muscle tissue now and at a lower body fat than what I was doing before. Maybe I'll go up to 500 or 600 grams of protein. I'll get meat sweats. So that is a very obvious thing. That's my note. My body's just wasting it effectively. If he said to me, okay, Jonathan, you know, hit the hammer now and get back in shape. Two weeks time I'll be a skeleton like that. Because there's not a template way to do carnival or diet, I don't think, but there's animal foods and just eat them. Was that make you feel good? Eat them? The ones that don't, don't. I think that's simple. But then obviously you get the other side of it where the men are involved in getting the women on drugs and things. And there's a lot of weird stuff going on in that industry, which probably wouldn't surprise you at all, but it's not pleasant at all. So I've got Jonathan Groves Swissis. Again, he is a, correct me if I'm wrong, but a carnivore bodybuilder, right, based in the UK. That's right. Yeah. Been doing the carnival diet now for four and a half years, four and a half years. You haven't perished from his career or anything else. It looks like someone's still alive. So that's good. So I speak quite still. Yeah, still a bit higher. Okay. Let me ask you, a lot of people will say that some people say that you cannot build muscle without carbohydrate. Other people say that some optimal, obviously there's a bodybuilder that is one of them. One of the point of my focus is not bodybuilding. I do things I do in the gym for other reasons, and I don't have a design, I do, but in your specific case, and I know there's other people that are doing carnival bodybuilding, talk to them for what have you found with regard to the ability for muscle, and you have to drinking, and it's not intuitively obvious to a lot of people. It's just eating up. What are your thoughts on that? Yeah, my general thoughts of that muscle tissue, what we require muscle tissue is glycogen, which we can get through the transmission of protein and fat into glucose, for your gluconeogenesis. The protein need to build the skeletal muscle structures and the fat we need for the layers around their cells and that sort of thing. So for me, it tells me, okay, we need two of those things at least because one of them, we don't have to do really get fried diet. Now, the next point for me would be that there are a lot of athletes out there that are doing this, and not just myself, so Dr. Sean Baker most recently set a world record in, I believe, over 55 categories for the indoor. To be accurate, it's an American record. I'll get that world record in a couple, probably a week or so. Yes, and it's boiling right, but I've got to be not going to change and have any questions about a breakout part of the world record period from the next week. I think so, but everyone, first time. Yeah, yes, so there are other points out of that. I would not notice any difference between now and back then in terms of my dream performance. I've actually set a train better because I'm less inflamed, I'm less bloated when I go to the gym. I'm not stuck at the bottom of a squatting style sort of movement and struggling to breathe because I eat in just two kilos of chicken broccoli and rice for the last two hours or so, so that's been a massive benefit to me. The other thing is, I've been tracking my weights, reps, food intake for the best part of the decade now, so I know what does does make a difference. I've got lots of data to look back on and there's so much interesting stuff which really supplies a lot of people. But yeah, so looking at the data that I did have, I found that I'm retaining more muscle tissue now and at a lower body fat than what I was doing before. Although I was heavier back then, so I've been as heavy as 125 kilos. I'm now walking around about 96 kilos, a lot less body fat, but when muscles have that more dense appearance, less inflamed, like some more deeper separated cuts and it's like true muscle now, it's not just inflammatory muscle, you gain a bit of weight. It comes off as soon as you eat zero carbs for three days. Yeah, okay. I think that is telling us if you drive the carbohydrate and you see reduction in swelling, it may have been some inflammation. You're not going to lose a lot of muscle in three days and so all of you are solving is the last thing you know, one bit is to me and can't stop. And what about it? Because one of the, I guess, I would say one way to measure it is actually one muscle, it's a correlation, it's straight. It's not a direct call, it's a complete reason with that correlation. So have you found you retained straight during this process? So was the last part of the sentence have you found? Have you found that you've been able to retain or gain strength while doing this? Yeah, I'd say I'm stronger now than I was back then, at least the movements I can do. So within the last four and a half years, I've had lots of different things. I started the diet about two and a half years into the diet. I had a spine fusion, so it hinges the argument a little bit when I'm not squatty anymore, for example, but I will say my legs drive in, things like a leg extension, things which are isolated to work and measure it, are much, much stronger. The lactic acid buildup seems a lot less as well, which is interesting. It's probably an element of the carna seam buffering that lactic acid, but the main thing I found is like strength endurance is much more. In terms of peak strength, I'd say it's been about the same, a less being heavier from being from carbs, gives you added weight, which may transfer to some sort of lifting benefit. Yeah, you fat powerlifting, I didn't eat belly, make your full belly, squat more bench, more of what you've been listening to. Well, I would say for a muscular injury sample, it'd be well with that as well. I'm not as interested in seeing remnants in the marine as a big small insect, so I'm willing to take the work point side right there. Train in. Here's, so here's another question that a lot of people are interested, it's applicable outside of bodybuilding. What about strategies for losing weight in the marine era or far over that? What do you, whatever some people have to say versus wrong with psychs, are you fat, still reasonable protein? Some people say, hey, I can actually bear higher protein level of fat, which has been all success. It's done. Yeah, sure. It's a brilliant argument, because I can see the mechanisms on both sides. I would say I'm more of a protein-centric kind of person, but it's not that I'm saying eat all of the protein and eat zero fat. It's just, if I was going to pick one that had to be higher, set me protein, if I was to try and say what has more value in a diet, protein after all means proteos, Greek UTRG, which means the first, so it tells me it's pretty important. The Greek people got quite a lot of things right in my opinion. Anyway, getting back to the point, it's about in terms of the approach, high, foul, or high protein. The argument is typically that having high fat intake will allow you to retain more strength, because you've got more readily accessible fat to oxidize, basically. For protein to be turned into usable ATP downstream, it's a lot more difficult, a lot more of a challenging process. It's not a traditional energy substrate. But the problem with having too much fat is that people then start to try and creep down the protein. The idea is you're in lower glucose flux, more ketones, that sort of thing, but people using ketones as a measure of how much fat they're burning, but it isn't the right representative at all. The way you should be working how much fat you're burning is from measuring things that are artifacts of something else which happening just by circumstance in the body. What I mean by that is you're looking at yourself in the mirror and taking a photo between day one and day seven. You're saying, "Okay, I ran this diet for a week, this trading session, whatever. What happened between those two photos? Do you look leaner? Are your muscles stronger?" You can tell these things when looking. Then you've got measuring your waste using digital body fat calipers which are cheap and affordable. I couldn't do nine sites in my body and I'm not those agile, mobile of people, so yeah, look at those sort of things to measure what's working, what isn't. But what you'll find is you also need to look at your train performance. If you're in a phase of training where you're trying to cut down, to get into contest bodybuilding, rip shape, then ideally you want to retain all the muscle mass in your body. How would you do that? Ideally, you retain your training performance level. That means, "Okay, how am I going to retain my train force levels?" I've got the most amount of muscle in body with coupled the least amount of fat. Basically, it's about getting the macros right. Enough protein to recover and keep lean muscle tissue on your body, but also enough fat to support hormone synthesis. Be yourself different to bins, minerals, all these sort of things that usually come in, that sort of animal food form. Then from there, you've got exactly what you need. What I've found mostly is that unless someone drastically changes their training overload or volume frequency rep set, so if you combine them in a given time span, they'll have to increase the protein. But if they don't do that, the protein, largely speaking, does not change because you're lean body mass. You're lean fat, free mass, the absence of fat in your body being the muscle and scale to the tissue is still their sort of thing. You're not going to drastically change the protein, but the fat is something which scales up and down drastically. Now my last bodybuilding competition on June the second of this year, I basically kept my diet the same, but what I did was I just made sure the protein was as high as possible. I didn't lower that unless I had to. The carbs was 30 to 40 grams from dairy, milk, eggs, that sort of thing. Then the fats down to 120, but I just nailed it straight to 120 from about 350 exalented quick results and fast. I used many step counting as my leverage to exercise more fat and get leaner, but the diet didn't change because a diet didn't need to change. I gave everybody what it needs. I just had to find a way of titering to down the body fat without damaging my body any further. That's my broad take on the protein fat ratio. 30 or 44 grams of protein are so quite fine from very source easily. Things that have a brand need to supplement perhaps 120 grams of fat in a hell of protein because you're having a lot of time for you. So at least about them. Yeah, so I've been through grants, three and a half pounds, but you know something. How do you feel at that? How do you feel? Some people say that you'd be full of our swaggers or they won't be able to and then we'd swear about putting more of them. Do they have an impact on you? That's a good question. Yeah, what I will say is I based that sort of dietary amount based on what I did in the off-season. So it wasn't, "Oh, I'm starting at diet. My protein's gone up from 200 to 350." It's built up over years and years to about 350, so that's where I landed basically. And that's too appetite, honestly. Even when I was eating 350 plus fat in terms of grams in the off-season sort of period, I was still eating 350 grams of protein. So that tells me if my body does actually need that because going beyond the realms of 350, 400 grams of fat is a lot unless you're a big guy. I don't know, probably don't have the organ capacity and enzymatic deficiency to actually do that. But it's been scaled up and scaled down quite gradually for the most part of my diet career. I'm very heavily invested into making sure I do the right thing at the right time, not doing too much in terms of diet changes in the middle effect of change to get the best benefit. I've done probably something of the magnitude of maybe 30 proteins sparing modified fasts in my adult life, basically. So that's effectively what I'm doing, although not absolute zero fat. It's just the fact that comes to the meat for the most part. But yeah, it's a tough ass crop. People wouldn't recommend it. Digestion can be a problem, but I find that's only if the fat really is too low. But my protein intake, I can go as high as well with that, without too much in effect. On the odd day where I might have not a cheat meal, but just more food, because I feel like it may be up to 500 or 600 grams of protein, I'll get meat sweats. So that is a very obvious thing. That's my name. My body's just wasting effort to look. That was interesting, kind of the meat sweatsy. I was in the ash wall, but we said we had rubbed into doing this time of the day. In fact, I wasn't, I wasn't quite quick. I wasn't really not really wanting to do it, but I kind of just came to it, but I got out of all risk at so and so and so, and I made it up. I won the contest and be about six pounds of ribeye at the moment. And I was, I remember, right, I didn't even fall down today, but I thought pretty much out before that. And I did, I didn't, you saw my body comfortable go well, and then it's not bad man. Yeah, I mean, protein is very subtle clean. Permically producing, well, I think I was walking and capitalizing 14 and we got some of that sweat thing, this is what I'm talking about. That's your bowl, this is, what is it? So when you're getting 350 grams of protein, and 140 grams of fat, and that small micro of a hydrate, what does that diet look like? Because you track everything, what is the day, what would that day look like? Who was? Yeah, it's a good question. So for a lot of people, on the kind of weather, maybe three or four foods, I prefer a variety. It's easy to get down more food if you have more options to choose from. I'd say like right now, for example, I put my produce up to 450 just as an experiment done it before quite a few times, and I'm quite curious to see what happens with my body and my body fat levels at the end of this month's sort of time span. Now, what I say to my meal is like, so basically I'm having probably three eggs per day in the morning, a tin of sardines, sometimes two. Usually half a pack sets about a quarter of a pound of salmon, or have sometimes brachial gut with a scoop of weight protein in it, and then I'll have obviously things like ground beef. I do a lot of sirloin steaks at the moment, so a bit like pecanias, if anyone's wondering, the beef mince, and some of those are chicken breasts, things like that. But I tend to not prefer chicken breasts, and that's more at the end of a diet phase when you're really starting to get things down, and maybe you want chicken breasts to a bit butter on it, rather than just meat all the time, just a bit of change. Yeah, so it's a relatively lean source is a great team up here, which should make sense. So leaguer gutted bread means some more to dish and chicken. Yeah, lean dairy. Is it is a Greek yogurt? Is it as a lower flat fat yogurt? Is it the full fat? I wouldn't do it with that. I tend to get the full fat one in the off season, and the zero fat in the cutting sort of phase. Okay, yeah, that's incentive in a sense. And how are you with satiety? Some people will say that, some people in general say that a body going down in general very well, relative, I think bodybuilder, other bodybuilders, and not consuming the cardboard, I mean, even more carbohydrate, it's that little finger that in the wall or yeah, I don't know often hearing, I just think about completely fast. But is that, is that, does that seem to be an issue for you? Are you okay with the diet when you? Sure. What's the last part of your sentence? Are you okay with the diet? Yeah, how do you feel when you're getting it was leaner? Are you like obsessed with hunger when you look closer to hearing the heat classes? Shoot? Yeah, so I find I don't get excessively hungry, but I do get more food focus. I think it's more energy requirement rather than actual, I'm thinking about food. My body realizes, okay, not much is going in at the moment, we can't keep doing this. So I do get hungry in that sense, but it's not a fixation. Like for example, today in my meals, we'll go push back two hours from what they usually would be and I don't do it for any time meals. So I know for me, based on my experience, what I've done, when my appetite leads me. And it's been about four meals per day for most part of the last year or so. I think when we spoke, before that, I just think it's five meals a day. I'm not eating that much anymore. I can't train as much. Yeah, four meals per day and asking about what was it again? Sorry, we're bringing with it. Just how much time are you experiencing? Yeah. Yes, I tend to be able to have my first meal at maybe eight o'clock, then maybe I want my ex meal at 12. So I time my day around having that maybe a book and a clap beforehand or something. But then I might be doing some work on the screen for three, four hours. And as long as I eat that amount of food that I meant to eat in the day, but just put it in a confined window of that back end of that day, I'm fine. But if I then start to force it and deliberately go over, so if I'm meant to have, say, two kilos I've been a day and I have one and a half kilos, but the next day I try to catch up, it won't work. Embarrassers keep my diet quite steady, so I don't have massive fluctuations. The appetite thing is perfectly fine. It's just in the morning, at the moment, I do wake up quite hungry. But I'm trying to retain quite, we can't turn the camera button, trying to retain quite a good, lean body. It's got the British finals in about 10 weeks. Yeah, I was going to ask you, were you worrying your competition? 10 weeks out from the contest. What do you have a lot to do as far as I'm assuming if it's my body band, so you have to get a bit 35% of it. Yeah, something. Yeah, so I'm in good shape at the moment. I can get into contest shape to match my last conditioning in about three weeks time. It doesn't take me long. What I'll say is that we're going to work closely myself, like my coach and I, we're going to work closely to make sure that I cruise into the show with just the minimal hindrance to my way of life, because if I'm just cramming all at the end in the three weeks, you don't feel as good. It can brief at some toxicity in your body, so I think spreading it out is a better approach. Just as long as I don't stay too lean for too long, when I competed last time, which may be the last before this year's show is about three years before. I was in a contest shape near enough for about 18 months, because of lockdowns and things that are going on, which is a nightmare. So I'll just walk around shredded board out of my mind, which is not fun. I wouldn't recommend anyone do it either, so definitely don't try that one. Give it a good gap in terms of time between shows as well, if you can. Yeah, I've heard it in every 10 days later. Yeah. If you've been blessed with disaster alone, what about when you say what can, I'm sure you're fairly acutely aware what level bodies that you are going to be ready to call up or get so whatever it's supposed to be that. What is something you can probably walk around? I mean, can you walk around a 10% body button and still feel pretty mobile, or is it where do you feel comfortable out? Yeah, so using body fat calipers, I walk around about 10%. I really don't think it's more like I'm probably about 15 to 20%. I've got like faint abs separation. I tend to hold all my fat in my face. So if he said to me, okay, Jonathan, hit the hammer now and get back in shape two weeks time, I'll be a skeleton like that. But my face is the last place to help to lose body fat, which is odd. Yeah, it's a bizarre thing to do this bodybuilding. I definitely don't recommend it to a lot of people unless you're a bit nuts. Yeah, I can see that. I can see that. I've got, so nobody's already on that self-person. But I like to get in there. So I'm trying to push myself on. Well, but far as I see a lot of people saying that in order to maintain that muscle mass, you've still got to train and maybe have it, I don't know, give them the package. You've got spinal fusion and you've got some limitations on how far you can train. How do you maintain your density while you're on through it? It would call me under cloth deficit. That's a good question. Yeah, so I try to emulate my training in the off season, but in the contest phase. So, you know, the sort of saying, as you train, show you how perform now, if the way I'm training is resulting in that much lean mass now, then I'm going to have to be damn certain the way that I'm training should match that when I'm in ideal contest shape. It just makes a logical sense. The training is the same. The only thing that might change is the training volume. So if I do 10 sets per workout at the highest point phase of my training, maybe I'll drop down to eight. So rather than doing two sets for two exercises, I'll just do one for each and that'll be completely fine. I don't suffer any deleterious effects for it. But what it'll probably thank me would probably thank me, I'll be less inflamed for it as well. Outside of that, I do change my training frequency. So I might do perhaps four sessions usually, maybe one week, I do a check with my coach. I were looking inflamed. I'm so untired. Now, I've got to slow down too much. There'll be like a dietary intervention, which would be like a fat refeed, which is effectively 50 to 70 grams more fat in my instance. Or we'll just skip an extra day of training. So maybe that next week will do three sessions rather than four. There's plenty of levers to pull, but my training methodology now is for the most part, it's slow concentric, slow eccentric and static hold, things like that. And it's been really effective. And I'd say I've actually probably gained muscle since doing that. I'm not a novice in terms of body but any more probably advanced to elite at this point. I've been training for about 15 years. I'd said stored largely for the past three. But yeah, for the past maybe a year or so, I've been using some of this sort of training method to really keep my muscles under tension. And yeah, I just use it as weight. But I find better exercise for certain things. I use an alternation every now and then if I know some things, give me niggling pain. I train with the most control you've ever seen. It looked like I'm going in slow motion all the time, but it's been effective. I quite joy doing it. Yeah, so it's the time of the tension. So those balls and people amount. Speaking of, and this is one thing I see with a lot of the body balls, power lift areas or pass things in general, two is again, all real from playing about in my shoulder circle. I heard these, my hip surge and the year is of many intense training under the belt. And I did the guide, but accept it in many ways. I just use myself in my personal experience. In my 40s, I had more pain. Now in my late 50s, I had less pain in the lower covering, less soreness, I had to die as quite a bit to do with that. And so then, it allows me to train at a higher level of intensity than looks. Now, given that you have 15 years of body balling experience for now on the board, do you know a difference? You see a difference in either recovery or overall about soreness, given a certain amount of training. That's a good question. Yeah, I'd say the soreness is certainly less. We know that a diet high in CULOs is probably unsaturated fats. These things, it's caused excess information. They ultimately, although they are in a sense anabolic because they free body in the state of information where, okay, let's repair, let's build up in effect. Too much of that information is not helpful. So you end up getting more soreness, but it doesn't always translate to more gains. People say, "We've got a good burn in that workout." Yeah, getting a burn in a workout just means you've used it. It doesn't necessarily mean it's been given necessary adaptive response to signal yourself to grow. Yeah, I'd say the other things are, I'd say the most notable actually is the time between sets, the fact that I'm able to, I mean, I don't train for fitness. I'm a bodybuilder. That's what I focus on. I'm not too concerned about why I speed on a bike or anything. I tried to give it maybe three minutes between sets at most, usually two minutes, and between those sets, it's like the last minute or so where I'd usually be still huffing and puffing. So my heart rate, my resting heart rate for sure, my breathing definitely goes down a lot quicker. There's something we said for that, and I don't use it in a hater anymore. I was bugging into the asthma when I was younger, so I used to have to use an inhaler quite frequently, I'd say. That's not an issue now. I don't have congested lungs and digestive system that just doesn't even breathe at night. But yes, it's been effective for sure in terms of like excess performance. Yeah, I guess one thing, I think we've talked about this in the past and the history of this autism, I would you manage. I should be living with this conversation here, and it's about as impact that as well, bro. That's right, for sure. Yeah, I'd say, although I still live in the same way I used to, it's now in a case of I'm able to mask better. So one having a conversation like this two or three times a week with different podcasters, youtubers, influencers. It becomes a lot easier because second nature, what sort of things are going to ask you? He was my day quite retained, what a structure as well. I've enjoyed that aspect of it. I'd say the brain fog is a lot less as well. And knowing that I hadn't that initial benefit the first six months has definitely been quite helpful to me because I think, okay, what other benefits can I get and how long can I sustain my foot? And sometimes, for me, it's a bit of a challenge to think, okay, if I feel this could not happen much better, if I feel a bit more of this or that, or if I cut out eggs for a week, just these little things to see what happens. A lot of my experiments get jumbled up and they don't really mean much because anecdote, isn't it? I'd say you have to be hearing sort of an inquis to science experience, all this sort of stuff because there's not a template way to do carnival or die, I don't think, but there's animal foods and just eat them. Or does that make you feel good? Eat them? Or ones that don't? I think it's that simple. Yeah, I think a lot of people, unfortunately, well, because what drives their decision, making it as hard as it takes and what else they cost, so we notice how it makes them feel on the way outside, maybe some cute shoes, please. Now, we've talked about metal performance cakes and beans, steepness, depression, rule, alterations, root impacts, all of that. And don't worry, don't sink because to know that, I can just take that out. What about, let's say, you finished, you said you had a modeling contest, only we shared last year. How do you come back from that? Well, obviously, there's a, the concept of reward, dining, how is it? Or put it in a counter to the phone? How do you meet? We get a graduate transition back up to the art seasons. Yeah, so because I knew I had the British finals about 18 months after I thought, I'm not going to be able to get out of shape and get back into shape. It's too much stress in the body. You've got to do this exactly sort of stuff if you die and drain it, and it's like MNG expenses you may have. But what I did actually end up doing was just increase our protein a bit, increased fat a bit. But that was it. But I didn't do what I'd usually do. So usually my focus is getting my body weight back up to what it was beforehand, safely as possible, without altering my blood pressure, fasting, blood glucose, things like that. And just get there as quickly as possible to get a nominal phase of training or body weight, body competition. Or I can actually gain some muscle because I'm eating enough food and I'm not like in a dieting state. Health permitting, I like people to reverse diet as quickly but as safely as possible. The next one would be probably saying that for me, it's just been a case of altering my food, grammage, basically, over upwards or downwards based on how I feel, but also maintaining good level of leanness. So I take my progress photos each week on a Friday, I'm thinking, okay, I've lost a bit here, but I've gained about here this week, I've lost a bit here. So it's just that tip to trying to feel good, maintaining good leanness for what's currently 10 weeks out of my next show. Then ensuring that my training performance doesn't suffer, I feel healthy. My body's not on any kind of surplus or deficit in terms of food. Well, when you did your last contest, how long did you end up getting tested for you to step one stage or two days before? Yeah, on the show day, I did take my body fat calipers with me to the head of this as curious. The leanness I got was 3.89% on digital body fat calipers and it could have been less if I measured in probably thinner parts of me, but I tend to just do the same body part. I feel the same there with this skin. I think I don't know if something was around 91 kilos on stage, perhaps six foot one roughly. So yeah, I was very light, but it didn't look like I appeared like everyone on the stage was heavier than me. But my contest shape was my leanness was excellent. Basically, it is very good. So when you drop that last year kilos, then a bit more. That's when you start to really pop eyes out. Okay, and when we did the last concept, what you said would qualify as you for the finals or subway? It was a qualifying from this one. That's right. Yeah, yeah. Let me ask you, so obviously you got your own condition of worry about training yourself. I think you've got other folks living in the body blind. Is that what you're doing? You also have other people. Oh, did that take us far? I hope people have all sorts of things. The in-gating disorder, bodybuilding, some people just want general training advice. Quite a few health folk, but I find that a lot of them are quite young. They're more people that are perhaps a bit younger than me even. I'm not that young. I'm 29. People that younger than me, and they've got themselves in this problem because of bodybuilding, because of their diet. They want to chat to someone who's about their age. It's been for the same sort of thing. So I speak to a lot of people as you can imagine with autism, the issues of spine, spine disease, hip problems. It quite a mix really, but I do enjoy speaking to everyone about everything because you provide someone with a plan of action, you give them the intervention, and you always land them in a better place than what they were before, which is really nice. When you say palm bodybuilding, what kind of issue do you have? Yeah, I found oftentimes it's been people using drugs when they perhaps shouldn't. I'm not doing that research first. People shouldn't be asking people in the internet what drugs they should take. I don't think it's favorable for anyone. It's the right roots, and there's people out there who produce content you can actually pay for, which will teach you how to do it. And they'll be from a doctor's perspective, not just someone like me, for example, that doesn't know. I might just talk about this sort of thing. So yeah, it's been my take on it, but I do find oftentimes they have eating disorders of some kind. Usually it's like an aversion to food. They don't want to eat food. They do tend to be quite purist kind of people, so they want the strictest of lion diets with a purist of salts and the best water. I find a lot of times it's they can come a bit neurotic and is a paralysis over analysis, that sort of thing. So that's been my take for young people like bodybuilding. Okay, so obviously, no one is surprised. Bodybuilding only has drug usage in there. It's pretty palm that you took fullness. But what has been your experience with being said to think it's something to experiment with, if you're not interested in, or if that was a big point for you? Yes, I've used them on and off in the past. It depends which phase of training. It turns what I want to do as well. Sometimes you just don't want to worry about jabbing yourself. It's not a fun nice thing to do. And it's when you start using them, you think it's exciting between, oh, every time you do it, you get more muscle, but there's always a bottle next somewhere and it's usually recovery. So you have to take time off from these sort of things. I'm not an advocate for a lot of the protocols that people are doing right now out there, but I'm no wild expert either. I just speak to Google that I know that I trust and I get information from people that have done their due diligence, their research, and haven't put people in hospital. So that's my suggestion to people out there. Yeah, I mean, it's certainly something that I've talked about on some very kind of hypothesis for the program. I remember when I was in medical school, I was training in a general man who's in the gym. This is all about using insulin. That's what I said to quite a centrifugal disaster. It's part of a body bone, full control. What about venom water, differences? I mean, there's some thought that we have to all divide. I would say he's not showing it. But if it really plays, which is our administration name, all that increase the world's intake, they were really alarming for that. It's not like the panic chapter. You heard the claim say that with that at all, except you see any differences in men and women, you can talk about that differently from all along. I think the diet should be largely the same. I just think the ratio in terms of protein fat might be a slightly different margin would be that a man would have a high amount of protein per kilo of mass and a woman would have more fat per kilo of mass. So it might be a ratio of something like one to one for men in terms of grams. So it'd be 150, 150 maybe. Then for women, maybe can't do the math now. I'm a bit tired here. 100 protein to 120 fat into the grams. So that's my take. I think that a lot of the time women don't really know how much protein they need to eat. That's until they are put on to a plan or work out what they've had before, we do the food dorries, recording data. They're like, you're eating 60 grams of protein per day. I don't have any one or less than 100 grams of protein per day. I've never had anyone on less than 100 grams of fat per day either. When people have gotten into a serious shape doing that, I think when people start to go too low, that's when they start to encounter hormonal issues. Chasing the ketones, it's not ideal. It doesn't seem to do much unless you've got epilepsy. So there's other markers out there for much, much better tests, I think, which will be better able to help people understand what's going on in the body at a given time. I think like I said before about the protein being a static amount and the fat being the lever, I think science women can just benefit from eating a bit more fat. I know oftentimes that women are, you more like to hear it, women say something about the whole chocolate and being a butter and high fat snacks and keto things. Guys never really talk about it that much. That tells me there's something obviously in fat that women crave more, which makes them feel good. So for me putting an extra tablespoon of butter in a ladies' dark hand is probably just what she needs in a lot of cases. Gali and women clearly are designing more fat than men, but I'm just for reasons that they don't take care of me to patch it to them. Do you find that, well, again with women get big body, it seems there's lots in the parking lot, women are on fitness top, fish and figure, body blowing. It mostly solvents and they're cold, but a lot of women, they would mess themselves up. Maybe they'll want to get very red when they want to do an extra 7% body cut, which is a very little woman. Do you see that as when you see a lot of women who are normally damaged themselves? Friday, as long as possible. Yeah, I do, if I'm honest, and oftentimes it's women might generation or below. So I'm thinking like 18 to 29, 30 year olds, they do suffer a lot with just this body complex, body of a smorthier thing. But at the same time it's, I think their goals aren't aligned with what they should really be morally speaking, because they want the Instagram body, they want to go to the shows, but they want to take photos at the show, then they want to go backstage, have the interview, then they go into their car, bring out a big giant box of cookies, they're obsessed with the bin duting and food like that. Yeah, it's nice to treat yourself, but they'll just go completely overboard. And it's all about this, like parade, this like over the top, like show off the kind of this is what I'm doing. Look at me kind of thing. Then you get bodybuilders and everything that don't like wearing vests, I hate wearing vests, but it's like really hot, less showy sort of people, and they go to the show, but it's all about how they feel about themselves. But then obviously you get the other side of it, where the men are involved in getting the women on drugs and things, and there's a lot of weird stuff going on in the industry, which probably wouldn't surprise you at all, but it's not pleasant at all. Yeah, I'd say there seemed to be that, just in general, they do odd life junk food, and it's seen as this like, fairly rarely the end of it. But after my show, guys, I didn't even eat anything off plan for two to three weeks. I didn't care at all, so I was like, I don't enjoy being in cheap for a little bit. Obviously, your backside hurts a lot, and you sit down and it hurts to walk because your feet feel like well, I've dussed. Yeah, it's just nice to be lean for a bit, then start to get a little bit of weight, and I've worn out something like four kilos above stage weight, which is not a lot, which I can shift in like three weeks. So I'm fairly quite good as I am right now. Yeah, I was going to ask you how you feel at four kilos of stage work. So any four pretty good response? Yeah, pretty good overall. It's just making sure I don't try to overdo anything like due to any steps one day, because my spine and hips are not good. So I don't want to be ever just trying to do too much all the time and wear my body down if I don't have to. Yeah, what was the spinal fusion? Remind me what prompted that? Was there any injury or something? I didn't get a ball. Yeah, so I was playing rugby in Italy in a school sports tour back in. I think about 13 years old. Basically, the Italians somehow misread our documents and insist that they would play against adults, which is illegal, much bigger than I saw. It's quite athletic at the age. I look quite strong, but I'm not an adult guys at that age. I wasn't strong in that sense. I didn't have the skill. Anyway, so I got crunched down by a guy when I didn't even have to bore my hands at all. And it's a nasty tackle, really horrific. And long story short, I couldn't sound straight for two weeks. I wasn't given any medication. I wasn't given a scan. The GP that I spoke to just run his finger along my spine. And he said, "Oh, now you're fine." And that was it. I was ignored for 3, 12, 8, 13, 14 years. I don't know. And so maybe I was the age of 27 or 28. They finally gave me an x-ray. And it was very obvious damage that was there. Like, oh, it's like so obvious I could see it. And I'm not a greatographer by any means. And since then, I've had spine fusion surgery in 2022, December time. And now I'm a year and a half past it, and it's not looking good. I get a lot of pain in my hips now. The back pain is a bit less. I'd say than before surgery granted, but the hip pain is significantly worse. I'm constantly having to always lie down when I'm chatting to people or doing podcasts and things, which is annoying. I can't stand for very long. I can't walk very far. And I'm running out of options in terms of what I can do, sometimes you can have to play it by ear and see what my next scan says, which would be part four of this show and make a podcast talk. Doing it's great. And you've obviously in the middle, we've successfully already bought what was bought. It's quite a bit of tenacity of that. It's just to be able to basically tell all that stuff. What about as far as you're ill? I know you've got it. You've got it online. Yeah, what bit of an online presence now? Are you social media? You've been much on social, actual, then to some of it, obviously. Yeah. So I've got YouTube channel, which is carnival muscle. Instagram is carnival muscle. I've got a website, which is Some online coach. I sell diet plans, sharing plans, all custom stuff, legit stuff, not rubbish, guys. You've got free ebooks as well, things like that, consults. And all sorts of things people want to access to game muscle and lose fat on the carnival diet. So good. And you said you've met quite a few bodybuilders that you're doing carnival now. Is that for instance? What level are these guys out of it? It's all been wildest guys, when you say I need someone advanced. So there's two guys I know follow carnival keto diet. So we're talking, I don't know, a handful of lettuce or pickles each day near enough carnival. One of them is a bodybuilding amateur, but he's a top amateur, if that makes sense, you wouldn't have thought it. He's certainly someone that could be pro very easily. And then we've got another guy, I think he's in Australia. He's got a lot of health issues at the moment, so he's postponed competing, but he's competed before and he did quite well. So there's a few people out there, but not many, he's struggled to come across them. Robert Sykes, keto's savage. Oh, yeah. He's been one of those ketogenic guys. He has mostly carnival, he has his keto british, his confidence, his keto, actually. He uses bright, heavy ST tips and do you get much negatively giving him back out in the bathroom? Oh, the fact that you're performing a bit of a forward eyeball of that stuff. Yeah, I get a lot of negativity from people in the carnival community and like to see people that are muscular for some reason. I don't know what the audience is. In that case, I get a lot of troll comments, which is a nightmare. Dealing within each day is an absolute dread to deal with, but what can you do? Except block them. Yeah, outside of that, it's hard to repeat it together. Do you make the question a bit more like concise? Is that possible? Yeah, I just wonder, like I said, you said that you're getting quite a bit trolling and that's up. But how do you, how often is that occurring? Is it more positive and you get to see, like, to me, I don't see why people within the carnival space would be edge set with somebody succeeding as a body. What are the criticisms that people in the carnival space have about them being extra bad? I think they don't like it because I make young man that's built some muscle. I look older than what I am because of the health consequences of what happened before. The fact I'm autistic, but don't present as a stereotypical autistic person, really bothers and triggers people. I'm sure of that. So when you say it, there's nothing he's not. I'm like, obviously, I am. I speak to anyone that knows me and speak to my practitioner diagnosed me years ago. I was quite high on the scale of what I'm not. Yeah, I'd say that doesn't frequency it's probably every hour or two. So I just turn off notifications on YouTube and try to ignore it. So as far as you got your next concepts in 10 weeks, where's that going to be all that? Otherwise, it'll be one and then we'll be able to help it British. I believe that's Telford, which is like Newville, Vampton, so Midland's kind of... Okay, I know I met you about two years ago at that new end of the page. I think that's a shapule, I think, I'm obviously... Yeah. Were you always recording at any time? I'm from Bournemouth, so pretty much as South sent towards you can get. Okay, okay. And how do you find part of war in England right now? I was telling more popular. I'm saying, there's a far bigger one, there's cost per day to do. What are you thoughts I'm doing? Okay. I'd say it's probably more affordable than what I'd be doing if I was on the standard Western diet for sure. So for me, it's not a cost issue. We have reduced sections of the supermarket. Usually you can pick up some thing which expires next day, which is half the price. It's very easy to access things. We've got great food quality of air compared to most countries. Price, quality, you can find my standpoint, but it is much harder to get a carnival meal out and about. You do have to buy several meals to get enough meat in your plate to really feed you for more than an hour. So it's quite tough in that kind of state, but you go to a Corinne BBQ, get a hot pot, I could go to try and think what's good. Five guys, McDonald's, Nando's, all those places but listed do basically just burger patties and cheese or just chicken. So you can get a few places, but then the very much franchise sort of place, you wouldn't want to go there on a special occasion. So it's showing me everything more unique in that sense. Yeah, and they've got a few steak houses I remember. But yeah, I remember I was in, I think it was particularly circus somewhere off the tour hall and trays. I went and fell up. Like they were able to do that, but it was just, it was an unusual thing to do. I don't think I was thinking about trying to deliver something. This is something you feel that felt is there. All right. So what do you look for the last? So you've got 10 weeks to go. What are the next 10 weeks of the type of food? Why do you, how do you, what are you going to start pulling, pull all over to get into that? We have a sickening inertia. Yeah, so we'll probably initially just increase my step count from, it's something like 3000 average moods about 4000 per day. We might do that for two weeks. I'm very responsive to dietary and training changes, terms of like body composition. Then we might do another 1000 steps if we need to do more. And the diet will probably most probably remain the same, but if that may get a tiny bit lower, but only a touch. And beyond that, okay, maybe say we're up to 6000 steps, that's probably about as much of a body could handle for more than a few weeks. Then again, let's probably say we go add in maybe 10 minutes of elliptical trainer, slowing time walk, something at the gym. And it's just, it's just shuffling along basically on the elliptical trainer, cross trainers, nothing quick, just moving. That'll be it. That'd be the job. Then reduce training volume around about a week out, eat more food. It's essentially it. Again, so mostly just by encouragement. Give me three more minutes. And so how many hours would you be consuming for the end? I'm not sure. I'd probably say about 3000. I use macros. It'd be free. Right now I'm doing 450 protein, 30 carbs and 120 fat. Yes, I'm going 20 rounds, 180 was 400 plus another 16. I'm 16, 1700 and 14. So I swung seven or 30 grams, we went for a while a year to a month. Dude, it's done with 1000. It's done with that. Yeah, yeah. Okay, that's not bad. It's really not bad for being vertical. It's a thing. It's a thing, it's a thing. I know there's some fault that when they end your due to hours in that void. I'll tell you what, Jonathan, unfortunately, we're at which come up all my time. Once you get a reminder, people worry they can go all social media websites to add more volume. Hopefully, see you in one of these crowd days. Thank you. Appreciate you having me on again. So where you can find me, YouTube will be carnival muscle. I've got something of 600 plus videos. Check out the playlist there. There's information. You won't find more muscle building, carnival diet sort of videos anywhere else out there on the internet right now. Other places are carnival muscle on Instagram and website is All right, wish you well. Let's know how it goes. And thanks for watching. I think take care of having every great day and deep fighting on me. I appreciate it. Thank you.