Sobriety Bestie Podcast

Ep 15 Take Control Of Your Life

Broadcast on:
08 Sep 2024
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🛼Wanna know the SECRET to feeling comfortable in your skin, confident at work and courageous in life, sober? 

I’ll show you how in my free mini course, click here to get started!

Let’s stay connected:





(upbeat music) - Hello, courageous Bessie. I'm Kirsten Johnson, and welcome to the sobriety bestie podcast, where we adventure together through emotional sobriety, unapologetically expressing yourself, and building a purpose-driven business, because the world needs your wisdom. Each step you take opens up infinite possibilities because your transformation's not just for you, it's a beacon of light for those you're called to serve. So get on comfy, repeat your mantra. This is courage, and take that next alliance step into creating the business and life of your dreams. I'll be your guide. (upbeat music) If we keep doing what we've always been doing, we're gonna keep getting what we've always been getting. So we have to do something new for a new experience. If we wanna change our lives, we have to change something. The best thing to change is our relationship with our thoughts and our feelings. That's my belief system. That's how I think about it. I think do not believe, here's the cliff notes, do not believe all the thoughts that are blowing through your mind. They're not true just because they're there. Do not allow your feelings that come in your body to, to dictate your life, right? Don't let them be in the driver's seat of your life. So if your life is a car, you wanna be the one on the wheel. You wanna be the one that's directing your life and steering the wheel. Your feelings are allowed. They can be in the back of the bus, that's fine. Anger can be there, anxiety can be there, guilt can be there, shame, whatever. You're allowed to have all your feelings. But if you let anxiety get into the driver's seat, if your life's gonna get really small, isn't it? When anxiety makes the decisions for you, when fear makes the decisions for you, grab the wheel from anxiety, grab the wheel from fear and start to have that new relationship with your thoughts and your feelings by repeating your mantra, may I be at peace. May I be at peace. May I be at peace. May I be at peace. May I be at peace. You do have the power to change your life. You are able to change your relationship with your thoughts and your feelings. It might not happen overnight. It didn't happen overnight for me, but it will happen with your conscious and deliberate choice. You can choose to have a new life. You can choose to think new thoughts. You can choose to relate in a new way to your feelings where you don't let them drive you, where they don't have to control your entire life. Your feelings are not bad, they're not wrong. They're there when we learn how to let them be there. And this is like one of my favorite things to teach. When we have that new relationship with our feelings, it's really emotional sobriety. And the way that I look at emotional sobriety is when we are sober with our emotions. When we allow our emotions to be as they are, they are not driving us. We are not afraid of them. We are not numbing them out. We are not scared of them. We are not throwing alcohol on them. We are not putting cigarettes over them. We are not dating over them, swiping left and right, Netflixing over them. We can take the edge off a little bit in some ways. We're not trying to be perfect up in here, but when we can learn how to be, let our feelings be as they are and process them, express them one at a time. It's really not that big of a deal. It feels like it when you don't know how. I'm here to teach you how. And so I'm here to help you feel more comfortable in your skin. That was my biggest wish in sobriety. I wanted the anxiety text to stop and I wanted to feel more comfortable in my skin. And so if that's where you're at right now, there is a way out, there is a path out and it just starts with simple action. We start with new thoughts and new relationship with our feelings. The new thought for the day is may I be at peace? May I be at peace? May I be at peace? And that's my greatest wish for you right today, here right now. For you to be at peace. For you to have more moments of peace inside your day. I really appreciate you being here and there is so much freedom available for you. The reason why they say that sobriety can be like a life beyond our wildest dreams, that's how I look at it, is because literally my wildest dreams have come true. And we can't even, it's that we can't even fathom how, dare I say good, it can get in sobriety. And by good, by life beyond my wildest dreams, beyond my wildest dreams is not having anxiety attacks. That is beyond my wildest dreams, to not have anxiety attacks for over a decade. It's been over a decade. It was 2012, it was a hot minute ago, right? To have overcome my phobias. We haven't even gone there yet. Public speaking phobia, huge phobia, limited my life. I changed majors in college to avoid public speaking, driving phobia, did not drive in a freeway for three and a half years. So I have overcome all my phobias in sobriety. I have overcome my anxiety disorders in sobriety. I have not had anxiety attacks. This is all, these things are all beyond my wildest dreams. Okay, so I had other wild dreams too, like I wanted to move to an island, right? In 2014. But the truly the wildest dreams that have come true for me in sobriety, the biggest wild dream that has come true for me in sobriety is that I've changed my relationship with fear and therefore anxiety. That the anxiety has gone. That I overcame my anxiety. And that I have witnessed so many students and clients of mine over the more than decade plus that I've been in business, overcome their anxiety. I have 100% certainty without a doubt, clarity and belief and conviction that it is possible for you too, that you can overcome your anxiety. It is on offer for you. We are humans with a nervous system. It's an electrical system. Think about it like an electrical system. It's not personal. It doesn't mean anything about you or your worthiness or your value as a human or how it's always gonna be. It might be how it's always been. But that doesn't mean that's how it always has to be. It's an electrical system that with some tuning, with some work, it can have a new experience of life. 100%, 100% believe that. So if there's anything that you take from this podcast today, it's that there is freedom available for you. And I'm so excited to find out how much. Isn't that so exciting to find out how much freedom is available for you? And you just start very simply. May I be at peace? May I be at peace? May I be at peace? All right, peace out, may you be at peace. Have a beautiful day.