Out Now With Aaron and Abe

Out Now Bonus: The 12th Annual Summer Movie Gamble – RESULTS

1h 13m
Broadcast on:
03 Sep 2024
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[Music] We are now recording, and this is Out Now with Aaron and Abe. I am Aaron and as always, this is... Hey! Hello! How are you, Aaron? I'm doing pretty good. Okay. Just pretty good? I'm pretty, pretty, pretty good, because this is a... This is a big week for us. Yes, it certainly is. How are you doing? I'm doing well. Thank you for asking. I've had a very nice holiday weekend so far. Looking forward to sleeping in tomorrow. Good. You should sleep in tomorrow, because... Oh, man. It's gonna be nothing but lightning here today. You're gonna get exhausted. Okay. Ciao. Out Now is a film podcast where Abe and I normally discuss new movies weekly. However, every now and then, like, we have these special bonus episodes, whether it's one of our fun commentary tracks, or something completely different. And this is more than just something completely different. This is the 12th annual Summer Movie Gamble Results Show. Maybe one of the most important things to happen in film all year. And I'm saying that as the Venice Intellioride Film Festivals are occurring right this second. [Laughter] Yeah, exactly. Yeah, take that. We bring our guys in on a boat, too. [Laughter] You know, the Oscars happened, and here's the real magic of Hollywood happening right here on this podcast right now. The results of the 12th annual Summer Movie Gamble. We're gonna go over what were the biggest hits of the summer, how we felt about the summer, and of course, who won the Summer Movie Gamble. And joining us to do such a thing, we have last year's champion of the 11th annual Summer Movie Gamble. You know them. You maybe like them. It's Marcus Robinson. [Music] I'm back. I'm ready to defend this title. I'm locked in. You say, "You like me, but I know you love me. Let's go." [Laughter] Welcome. Welcome, sir. That's what the requirements said. [Laughter] Yeah, it's weird that you had a writer to be on this episode. [Laughter] First, he wants to just get 500 bucks in cash, you know, M&M's. The weird ones. He said, he specifically took out the brown ones, and I was like, "What? That's weird." Whoa, that's right. [Laughter] The king gets what he wants. [Laughter] Welcome, Marcus. [Laughter] Thank you, guys, for having me. Of course. It's been quite a year leading up to this. Some might say too long, but you're here. Not long enough, I want another, I'm savoring this. Okay. Well, the seconds are counting down. I mean, the good news is, generally for the results show, we invite a guest on that, you know, generally is the winner. That's how we try to do things on it. So, I mean, we'll see what happens. Oh, yeah. I know how you guys work. Come on. [Laughter] What are you talking about? [Laughter] We're not having any money or budget for the show. When you're not here last year, what you won? [Laughter] I'm clutching my title for "Dear Life" right now. Okay. Let's go. Take as long as you want. Give me games, all that junk. Well, I mean, before you enough to talk. We should have thought about one from our guest. As long as you promise us that we're you to lose in the unlikely events that that happens, that you won't, like, stick your followers on us on some random date in January. So, we'll just see how this goes. When you're a lame duck winner, as we refer to him. Um, if I lose, you know, it's fixed, you know, I always say. Well, we can't. Before we get to all that business and trust me, there's a lot of business that we'll be gotten to. Let's talk about some things. First up, what we're doing here for those that are not initiated or wondering. First off, why did I download the 12th interview so I'll be able to download one of the movie reviews? If you're here for what this is, basically, Abe and I love markets and this 15 other frequent guests of the show. We've all predicted what we think will be the top 10 highest grossing films of the summer at the domestic box office. We did that back in April before any movies were out, obviously. And now we've reached the Labor Day weekend where at the end of the summer movie season. And so, we're going to go over the results. That's what the plan is for the majority, or for a portion of this show. We're also going to go over the summer in general because, hey, we've had a summer. We've had a lot of movies we've seen and we want to talk about it. So, with that, with that in mind, let's, let's go over a few things here. First up, how it started and how it ended. It started with the Fall Guy. That was the first big release of the year. It was certainly on a lot of lists. And it ended with a bit of a limper, as it normally does at the end of August. And the way you're counting the end, but yeah. I mean, we were going to originally end it with Craven the Hunter. A film that Marcus cannot wait to see. Yes. He keeps sending me rhino gifts. He's like, rhinos in the security way. Can you believe it? And I'm like, I know, he is. That's great. And stop sending it to these. But it didn't end with that. So, now it ended with a couple just random movies, including Reagan, the biopic starring Dennis Quaid. Afraid with John Cho and Katherine Waterston. And of course, 1992, starring Tyrese and Ray Liotta, meaning the film was filmed not recently. So that's where we ended things. And just to give a heads up on the numbers here, we'll get to some other things. But to go look at the overall numbers, both the domestic and the worldwide. And we'll get back to this in a bit as well. 10, fall guy, 92 billion, 180, 180 worldwide. Wow. Then we have if 111 and then 184 worldwide. It ends with us. Yeah. It ends with us. That's at 135 domestic. And it is at 283 worldwide. Really strong for like an August release. For an August drama. Yeah. A quiet place, day one, 138 domestic, 261 worldwide. Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes, 171 domestic, and 397 worldwide. I can tell you right now that Disney is working hard to get that extra $3 million to get it to $400 million. Free cinema day is coming. Like cheap, so whatever they call it. Bad boys, ride or die, 193 domestic, and 400 worldwide. Twisters, 259 domestic, and 256 worldwide. Despic will be 4, 355 domestic, and 913 worldwide. Deadpool and Wolverine, 603 domestic, 1.25 worldwide. Yeah. An insight out to 651 million, 1.66 billion. You know, worldwide. That's a lot of money. Big and animated movie of all time. So there's where we are, numbers-wise. But before we get to how we did in all this, let's talk about the summary general. You know, we had a lot of movies come out, a lot of different kinds of things come out, would have you? Yeah. So in terms of, in terms of some general thoughts here, A, why don't you, you got the feedback open? Yeah, I've got the feedback open here. I'll go over our big takeaways from this. I do have that. And it may take away from the summer, 2024 movie season, Mark Offron writes. The Minions still got it. And we're three in the box office, right? Yeah. So I guess so, Mark, or yeah, I guess it's still got it. They seemingly never lost it. Yeah. That's where we're all the Minions. They also have their own spin-offs. Like they're never going to lose it. They are the face of illumination now. Yeah. Mark Offron, Mark Phil have heard. It's underwhelming as a takeaway from the summer. Leland has Anya Taylor joined Chris Hemworth Rock. Maxwell Hadad friend of the show writes, "When there's a strong vision and the filmmakers are allowed to do what they want to do, French sequels can be excellent. It can also be awful." I prefer the former and Ellen Aguilera friend of the show. I should also mention all these are friends of the show. Ellen Aguilera writes, "Lots of overacting a movie is dying overall instead of just having a few moves come out." A lot of big cruffle over our Twitter. Yet overall, it was a decent summer. All right. Well, I mean, yeah. I agree with a lot of the sentiments there for sure. I agree with Ellen. Well, Marcus, I have some thoughts with you. Have any thoughts on the summer in general? Any takeaways here? My big takeaway was the indie scene. I think this is the first time with streaming was big, I guess. The first time in a while that I've seen a lot of the non-blockbuster films that I got to see were in theaters. So I thought that was a big thing. I don't know if that's new or wide or if it's becoming more of a like, I don't know if thelma would have been that wide of release. I don't know if it got a wider release or if I don't know if something like ghost-like got a wider release or something like that. But I got to see those in theaters, which that was my big takeaway from the summer. Speaking to your points, I mean, you're not wrong. A part of it is because the front half of the summer was slightly delayed because of the strikes last year. So it was less movies in May and June. Even though June picked up money-wise, there was just more room for the smaller studios to release films on a wider basis as opposed to rolling it out on a slower level. So I took it like Thelma, which, you know, tennis, schmilly, whatever it made, doesn't sound like a lot. But in the scheme of things, it was the biggest hit that what's the studio. Magnolia ever had. Yeah, it's a credit to options being there that wouldn't normally be there because there's just a lack of supply on the studio's part. Definitely. I'd say overall the summer gets a big boom from me. Thank you. Well, David, any thoughts you had? Wait, was it hashtag billboard just booms? I'm not. We don't. I don't need to give that anymore. Hashtag brain right. This is all thanks to Marcus, by the way. When I was looking back at the summer and I was looking over all the releases, all the film scheduling, I basically had the same summation that Marcus and Alan had, which is, I think it was a decent summer. A lot of the things that were big were big. A lot of things that were small were small, but also you did have a lot of indie films that kind of came out of the summer that had, I think, a pretty large viewing audience, larger than perhaps they would have gotten if it was just temple after temple after temple. And I think Adam, Adam, Adam, I can't speak tonight. Aaron, to your point earlier, like when we were talking about this, the summer gamble at the beginning in May, you also astutely brought up that, you know, the writer strike has kind of caused this summer to be maybe a little bit quieter, perhaps in terms of like some of the larger movies. So I think looking back at it, definitely like a decent summer, you know, it was fine, I think. It wasn't something that I thought was explosive and had to hit after hit coming out a week every week. I am, I mean, I look at just the top 10 alone and I really like at least four of these movies a lot. I mean, one of them, but one's not in the top 10. But no, I mean, there's plenty, you know, it didn't ring to me in a sense that, you know, other summers were necessarily better or worse. There's just more of like, yeah, there's just some hits that I really like, there's some I didn't. There's smaller films that get the certain kinds of attention that I generally expect. Some got a little bit more, which is great. But overall, like, no, there's just a wide swath of the films that I did appreciate, you know, a handful that I didn't. So I mean, it's hard to say like great summer or bad summer. There wasn't necessarily like a, you can't, you know, ask for a barbenheimer every summer where there's the kind of rest of both worlds where two movies facing off make like, for the most positive result possible. Yeah. But in the realm of like, what was a big hit? I don't know too much like issue with the films that are making money. Because I'm just looking at these and like, now these are like offensively bad, even if I'm not super big on all of them that are present here. That said, as far as like, other thoughts on the summer, I mean, Deadpool made a shit ton of money. It's the only Marvel release of the summer. And that just occurred to be like, yeah, it does. If you starve the audience of the MCU, they're gonna come, you know, flying back the second they get a taste of it, let alone from something like Deadpool and what? Marvel's back, baby. I mean, it just adds up to me. The bad boys being as big as it was is just like, that's another like, yes, Will Smith is still a movie star. Things that happened years ago that get talked about online don't relate to, he's done, he's over. It's like, no, he's a giant movie star. Dark Horror paid off quite a bit. I find that to be interesting. There's lighter horror fair and horror comedies or whatnot. They don't quite do as well. But you know, long legs and alien. Oh, it's okay. And you know, some of these other darker horror films. The rate of our stuff. They see, but I'm just the rate of our stuff. Like the stuff that just like is more inclined to be grislier in some sense, steeped in darker atmosphere. People seem to respond to that more than I mean, like Kuku made nothing. Like that's a very entertaining horror film. Even the strangers made money, but it's not as long legs made money. And like trap is a thriller, but it's millions on the entertaining side of things more than it. So there's just something there. I've been like, even quiet places, like dystopian. I mean, there's something there that I haven't quite nailed yet. But I find it to be a pattern that something about the darkness that people seem to respond to. And yeah, we have to get more movies, more original ideas. Those don't seem, there's a lot of sequels in this list. A lot are. Every single one of these except if it ends with us. Even the fall guys, you know, TV remake. And I think like Alan was saying, there's a lot of Twitter discourse or online discourse around just IP versus original film and everything like that. So yeah, I think we've covered a lot in this summer in terms of what was released by major studios, but also like what you're saying, like the indie studios. And this is where I call out for the horror side of things. Because when I was again the list, I was like, there actually are a lot of like R-rated like horror thugs in here. And I'm like, yeah, thematically horrific type of movies, which you don't really, it's not that it's uncommon. They usually kind of out in like August-ish. But yeah, like some of them came out earlier and carried, they had legs. Even Coraline is which is a horror. That's great. No, it made more money in, you know, the two weeks it's been out than many other movies. It's like number 18 on the list of the summer. Yeah, the summer, which is not bad for Coraline. I mean, with that said, with the sequels in mind or what not, there are a lot of films here that represent, you know, directors with original voices, regardless of they're working on IP because that's just what sells. There are enough films on here that represent like, what directors, what is their thing, what they're bringing to a franchise? More than not, you know, like a quiet place. I could see the director of pig making that movie. King of the Planet of the Apes, Abe, you and I, we like West Ball. I, you know, it's nice to see him doing what he was doing with that movie. Even the bad boys film, I guess, that's those directors just showing you what they got as a, right guys that want to bring their own style to things. But all right, well, we'll talk more about the summer as we go through, but let's get, let's get to it. Let's get to the results of the 12th annual summer movie gamble. We can wait till the end. No, we're doing it right the fuck now. That's what's happening. Okay. You wait for the games until the end. You can't do this, but come on. Oh, there's 17 games right after this too. So, you know, it's ready. Okay. So, the team doesn't ask for much. He asked for a lot of attention. That's right. I have the results of the summer gamble. We had 17 contestants. We have 13 places, meaning there's a couple ties in here. And I'm just going to go through these down from the, from the bottom up. And just to remind people how this works, we predicted the top 10 highest-risking films, the scoring system as it stands. If you get first place and 10th place dead on, you get 13 points. If you get two through eight or two through, sorry, two through nine dead on, that's 10 points. If you're one away from where you are, then that's seven points, two away, five points. If it's anywhere on the top 10, three points. We also each had three dark courses. If any of those dark courses landed in the top 10, that gets you an additional point. So, say for example, you predicted bad boys to come in at sixth and it came in at fifth. That means you'd get seven points because you're one away from it. Right. You can carry that formula forward. You don't have to do the math yourself because I already did it. We've already done it. So, it's right there. There we go. Let's go through this. What's the total possible points get? It's okay. Like if you got everything right, you got everything right. It'd be like a hundred and 60. What is it? Plus 10 times nine through seven, eight to 106. Plus three darker, so 109. Yeah. Well, you couldn't get a dark course if you got it all right. Well, they don't be right. 13 plus 13 plus 10 times eight, 106. There you go. Okay. Okay. So, I went to college. All right. Here we go. 13th place. Whoa. Lucky 13. Lucky 13 goes to unlucky. Luke White Thompson, 26 points. An impressively low score. Honestly. Hey. Wow. Oh, wow. He tried. Everyone tried. I'm not giving back credit to that. I will just say having got through the list of these, I was trying to think if we got like a lower score. Probably from me. Yeah. So, you do generally well and you just left out like your bullshit. Yes. Yeah. I mean, last year you, you won with the lowest winning score we've ever. Which is just a reflection of how did you say I won? I got cut off. Everything after that got cut off. It's a good point to make actually. Last year, we all did pretty poorly for whatever reason. Yeah, we did. This year, we did a lot better. A hell of a lot better overall. The much higher average. Again, too, like a lot of like, you know, pushbacks into like the next year for big movies and etc. Yeah. But even then, we still had it. So, you know, it makes good guesses compared to last year. So, yeah. Luke, he had bad boys, Tarot, Furio, Segarfield, inside out. If Horizon, Deadpool, Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes and District will be. So right away, I can see like Kingdom is way too high. Horizon's weight is on the list. Furio, Segarfield, and Tarot are all in Tarot. We had a lot of movies that just weren't on here to be game with. He had a quiet place, Borderlands and Fall Guys is Dark Horses. So he had like two points. All three points there. Yeah. Two points, Borderlands. Oh, Borderlands is not in there. Yeah. But yeah, it's just a matter of just bad order. And multiple films that weren't on the list. 12th place goes to Yancey Burns with 35 points. Yeah, good news. Yancey, let's see. He has Alien, Quiet Place, Bad Boys, Furio. So the Fall Guy, Inside Out, District Will Before, If, Kingdom and Deadpool. So again, that's just basically order. Like he has most of the films that are on the top 10, with the existence of Alien. He had Twisters in his Dark Horse that got up a point. But yeah. 11th place goes to Peter Paris with 41 points. Peter has Kingdom, Horizon, Bad Boys, Garfield, Quiet Place, Fall Guy, Inside Out, District Will Any, Twisters, and Deadpool. Pattern that you will see emerges that most people did not pick Inside Out. And then it was a scramble as far as what their one and two spots were, if it's Mississippi movie or Deadpool. Inside Out being the top that makes a big difference for a lot of space. Certainly, yeah. Like what you're saying for the other two, like Yancey and Luke, a lot of just order. Yeah. Yeah, for this one, for sure. Alan is in 10th place with 42 points. Good job, Adam. Yes, Kingdom, Horizon, Twisters, Quiet Place, Furio. So if the Fall Guy, Deadpool, Inside Out 2, and District Will Any. So Horizon being in their Kingdom 2 Low, Furio, so being in there. Yeah. Next up, we have our first tie. We have 9th place with Adam and Jose. Adam Gentry and Jose Cordova at 47 points. Adam did have Inside Out 2 at his number one pick, but he has Borderlands, Alien, Twisters, Fall Guy, Kingdom, Quiet Place, Deadpool, Furio, So this will be for Inside Out. So Furio is the way to Furio's is in there, which doesn't need to be aliens in there, and Borderlands is in there. So just three movies that didn't need to be there, by the way, that didn't help. And Jose has Horizon, Furio's Fall Guy, Kingdom, Quiet Place, Twisters, Garfield, Garfield, Number 4, Deadpool, Inside Out 2, and District Will Be For. So again, multiples that aren't in there, out of order, what that view. 8th place, we have Philip Price and Terrence Johnson at 48 points. Philip has Twisters, Quiet Place, Kingdom, If, Furio, So the Fall Guy, Bad Boys, Inside Out, Deadpool, So it will be. So that's mainly order. Terrence has If, Twisters, Garfield, Bad Boys, Quiet Place, Furio, So Kingdom, Inside Out, District Will Be, and Deadpool. So again, mostly order, but Garfield and Furio's are being in there, not helping. Next up is 7th place of Brandon Peters with 49 points. Our global champion, still our only global champions. Good job, Brandon. He has, he has Quiet Place, Fall Guy, Garfield, Furio, So Twisters, Kingdom, Bad Boys, Inside Out, Deadpool, So yeah, that's largely order. And that dreaded Garfield really messes the people up. I admire the people that put Garfield in there, just in terms of like, animation, a lot of family stuff, you know what I mean? So yeah, I mean, not a terrible pick. I think I chose that as Dark Horse too. You admire me because I don't, I don't, I don't admire because it's wrong. Oh, okay, it's a good Dark Horse pick because it's at number, number 11. Like he was almost there. It's literally like under 800,000 away from being in the top 10. But what's next is 6th place of Maxwell with 50 points. Maxwell has Twisters, Garfield, Fall Guy, Furio, it's a Kingdom, Quiet Place, Bad Boys, Deadpool, Inside Out, Swill Bay. So a couple of, yeah, a couple not in there. Right, 50 though, break 50. Fifth place is Mark Oben with 52 points. Mark has Quiet Place, Bad Boys, if Kingdom, Furio is a Fall Guy, Twisters, Deadpool, Inside Out, and Disability. That's mainly order with the Furio's. Furio's is also another one that just tripped most everybody up pretty much. Yeah. Okay, so that was fifth place. Fourth floor, we're getting down to it, guys. We're getting down to the winners here. I'm over Mark, my rival. Well, you don't know how literal that term might be because fourth place is both you and Abe on the Capitol 55 points on the Capitol. You got a better score than last year. Better score than last year. And this is one of Abe's higher scores as well. It is, yes, yeah. But that crown is coming off, sir. Starting the Capitol. With losers, though, there was a five-minute silence before Marcus started talking again. It was complete. He's so stunned. So stunned. I had to end that down. Abe, you had Horizon Twisters, Fall Guy, Quiet Place, Kingdom, Furio, so Bad Boys Inside Out, Deadpool, and Despicable Me. Yep. So yeah, Horizon and Furio's a tripper. Horizon. Yeah, definitely Horizon's another good idea. I think I had some dark horses that I don't think any of them got in there. So yeah, no, yeah. Yeah, same, I think, with me. Yeah, Marcus, you had, so you're another Inside Out Tour, but you had Trap, Twisters, Kingdom, Quiet Place, Garfield, Bad Boys, Furios, and Bad Boys, it will be an Inside Out. So you had three that weren't in there. Despite having, and yeah, you had Inside Out, but you swapped, Deadpool, and Despicable Me, and then everything else is lining up. But yeah, just having the three that weren't in there. That's just didn't help you. Right. But 55, not bad. 55 points is pretty good. Yeah, top four, Marcus. Not good enough for third place, though, which is Mark Hoffmeyer. 56 points. Oh, off by one. Off by one. He had Fall Guy, Bad Boys, Quiet Place, Kingdom, Twisters, Garfield, Furios, Inside Out, Deadpool, Despicable Me. Sam, that towards the bottom there, Garfield and Furioso, that kept him back, but otherwise pretty solid list. He had Fall Guy at the bottom, which is, I mean, that's 13 points. So there you go. That's a, yeah, that going for him. Second place. Oh, man. Here we go. It's another tie between Jay Cluit and Perennial Loser, Scott Mendelssohn. Oh, wow. Jeez. No, it was still has a little one. Scott Mendelssohn, box office expert. Yeah, Spock's office guru, Scott Mendelssohn. Love by the industry. I know I'm wrong before he did. That's wild. He had 57. They had 57 points. Right. Jay Cluit had Fall Guy, number 10, again, number, the deep, juicy podcast boys. They had the Fall Guy, right on dead on the money. Horizon, Garfield, Furioso, Kingdom, Quiet Place, Bad Boys, Inside Out, Deadpool, Despicable Me. That Garfield Furioso combo is deadly. Yeah. It has taken a lot of people down. Scott Mendelssohn had too much love for Shabbalah, because he put trap at number 10, then the Fall Guy, Quiet Place, if Bad Boys, Twisters, Kingdom, Inside Out, too, Despicable Me before, and Deadpool. I told him not to do that. It's largely order and then just putting all that faith into trap. Although he's like the one person that put Furioso in his dark horses. He's the one person that didn't have Furioso in his top 10. So he knew. Just like Mark Ruffalo. Now, maybe he does have some box office chops then. Now, there's only one name that has not been called. One name that hasn't been called yet, that's number one. Now, I mean, it looks like, let me just read the, let me squint really hard, because that makes me read better, I guess. Oh, I see. It's me at number one with 80 points. 80 points, 80 points. Let me just put this on really quickly. Okay, you had that. Wait a minute. Wait a minute. Yeah, 80 points. 80 points. Yeah. 80 points is fixing it. Quite a lot of points. He's suggesting it. How did you do this? 80 points. Yeah. I didn't top my own record. I think it's 81 bucks, but I was very surprised to see how big this number was. First up, none of my dark horses made it. That's all right. You made it up for it. Made it up for it by having the fucking best list in here. I should have had it ends up as over one of these dark horses, because that would have helped. Now Blake Lively literally saved me, because that movie being where it was, that movie, like that movie jumping in, like shifted everything in my favor. I have the fall guy at number 10, dead on. I have, if at number nine, dead on, I have a quiet place at eight, one away. I have bad boys at seven, two away. Bariosa, doesn't matter. Twisters, one away. King of the plan of the apes, two away. Despicable me for dead on, dead pool, dead on, inside out too, dead on. I can crush this. Didn't you switch those? Like I switched them because of you, because of you, Marcus. I switched inside out. It's been in change. I'm never going to, I'm never going to drag another person of color down. I'm happy to give this over. Oh, I'm happy to get it over. Oh my gosh. The chat has been saved from insufferable Marcus gifts. If you haven't, not everybody's in this gift or this chat with us, but Marcus has been gloating for the past 12 months about just how rude he is. I'm choosing movies. I'm curious about how many people hate that. Like they don't, they just absolutely detest. They move on. They just mute the chat. Yeah, I'm like, oh, wow. If you were going to get a kick out of this, this is so funny. I'm hilarious. And I got Brandon gassing me up because he thinks it's funny. And that's it. I'm pretty sure it's like, yeah, every time there's a messenger notification, it's like a fucking Marcus. Eric, congratulations, sir. Thank you. 80 points is amazing. Thank you. I was what's very satisfying seeing. I added all these numbers up like four times each. And I was like, okay, I didn't buy the last because I got there, which is amazing. And the first and last, which is the most important 13 points each. Oh, yeah, that was key right though. That's 26 points by way. Last year I had three points. That's in any points as Luke has. Last year, I did terrible at 33 points. Epsomflow, just like the ocean. For sure. The average this year, by the way, 49.7. Yeah. They're like weirdly skewed because both Luke is so low and I'm so high. If you take those away, we're in the 50s. Like that's a solid. Pretty good. That's all good. That's pretty good. Pretty good tea leaf reading from all of us. We did. I was looking over the past. We've had some, some, some, some very cool stickers. We've had some stinkers, but like, let's see, like 20. Where is it? Yeah, 2019 was crazy because we all liked it. We all were at least in the 50s, most in the 60s, 70s. It was a big, it was a big year. But yeah, this year, no, I was very happy to see these. Especially because it was so. We had some thoughts on where things were going to go this summer. The things shook out pretty well. So I was pretty happy to see these. So where did you get that crown? I'm just, I'm curious. I mean, that's, I honestly had it made special. No, you got to be like a Babar book. No, I got, I went to, I went to and they got crowns. Biggie got it. Yes, I'm familiar. I'll also note we had two friends of the show, submit their own top 10 list as well. We had Ruben Acevedo, friend of the show, and happy that he's a, he's had an eventful year. I'm happy that he's, he's very, he's doing very well. He had a, if number 10, Horizon Quiet Place Furios, a kingdom fall guy inside out Deadpool twisters and disability with me. He had 48 points there and then Chris, Chris Cleland, friend of the show, he had 10 at Garfield, fall guy kingdom, quiet place, trap, bad boys, inside out to Furios, a despicable before and Deadpool and Wolverine with 52 points. I feel like they submitted, they did pretty good. We should, we should, we should give them a little, a little prize. We should give them a little prize. They're way, so stay tuned, you guys. We're something, something special for you. - This fourth place, get anything? - You get to be on this podcast. - Yeah, baby. - We'll get a book that we're on top four. - You're both here, see it worked out. - Thank you. - Thank you for Van Gucci Martyrs' reign. - I see now I know why you brought me on. - Did you really agree? - Of course. - I brought you up. - I brought you up. - 'Cause you were last year's champion. - Yeah. - This is what we do every season. - Does it make me satisfied that you're tearfully removing your crown right now? And the belt is like, it's doing like a weird, like at the end of a fantasy movie where you defeat the bad guy, everything just like vanquishes into dust. It's weird that your belt just like suddenly did that. And there's a green smoke left behind. I mean, this is a preview for Wicked 2. - Wicked 2. - Yeah, I assume part two ends was all part two. - If Brandon can talk about his championship every single second of the day, I can do it too. - Brandon's always champion. - There's always a difference. - There's not that big of a difference. - What is a champion? What's a global champion? - It's that's a... - I came from the bottom. - So it leads the World Cup back, but what's his face? - Yeah. - I keep going. - Yeah? - It's Goro? - Not Goro. - Keep going. - Raiden? - Not Raiden. What's the kind of... What's the overall emperor? - Hold on. - Oh, the overall... - It's with a K. Shao Kahn. Shao Kahn, he's the... - Yes. - He leads the whole damn thing. Shag sucks just like the earth realm representatives, right? - Shao Kahn, you know. That's where Brandon is. He's Shao Kahn. - What's a champion? Always a champion. I'm gonna post right now on the scene. - What's a champion? - He's always a champion. - I mean, this is true. You didn't get a gold jacket, but you know... - Yeah, you're like an ex-president. They treat you nicely at the restaurant. - Yeah. - And you still get secret service detail? - Yeah. - You can wear like khakis at a sport cup, but you don't have to wear a suit everywhere you go. - But you don't get to meet the president of France anymore. - Oh, okay. - It likes your Jimmy Carter, 'cause I just was gonna be cool with everybody. - Yes. - Well, what's next, Darren? - What's next? We're gonna talk about the summer a little bit more. Let's go over some of our favorites, our least favorites, and other things of that nature. And first up, let's start with our top. Let's start with our favorite blockbusters of the summer. - Hey, why don't you go over what the listeners gave us about that? - The listeners over the summer, the best blockbusters, favorite blockbusters of the summer. Todlebino has Furiosa, Twisters, and Alien Romulus. Chris Gluen has Furiosa and Alien Romulus. Alan Aguilera has Twisters, Philip Birdwrights' Twisters as well. And David Maloofwrights, I'd put Furiosa right at the top of the list, followed by Abigail, and then Violent Nature puts a great twist on Slasher Horror. Twisters is fun and really felt like a retro 90s filmmaking. Alien Romulus is a love affair and love letter to the fans, and it's really fun. But there are also a few problems. After initially finding Deadpool over in a fun ride, it's lack of cohesive storytelling and jumbled and incoherent plot has moved it down a few notches for me. David with a great review of the summer for him. - I agree with pretty much everything you said. How about you guys? What were your favorite blockbusters of the summer? Mark, is any favorites? - My top favorite is the thing that got me my fourth place crown, Inside Out 2. I think it introduced anxiety, the idea of growing up, you're less happy, especially when you lose titles. I think it's a great companion to, of course it's slightly a step down, but I think Inside Out 2015 was like a watershed movie. And this being a little bit slightly less of a movie is still a great movie, and you know. - A billion and a half billion dollars with the people in the green with views. - Yeah, thank you. - A. W. - In terms of some of the favorites, blockbusters, I only had a few came to the point of the Apes, which I thought was better than I expected it to be, especially considering what we talked about during the view, which is a lack of the season character, but also, what's his face golem? - Andy Serkis. - Andy Serkis, yeah, not having him there too. But yeah, like we said, our guy West ball kind of came through for us. And then another one that I really enjoyed was A Quiet Place Day One, which again, I was kind of caught off guard by, was really sure what to expect, but I thought that it was actually pretty decent. And then the last one is alien Romulus. I thought it was good, not great, but at the same time, I'm kind of surprised by the overall incredibly positive response. But I think also much more of a blockbuster response, like the box office response to it, because kind of just hearing what you guys had talked about, like saying, this is going to go to Hulu, and it was not going to be in theaters. Like, this is why you never know, take your chance, you know what I mean? - Yeah. - Cheat your shot. - Cheat your shot. - Cheat your shot, yeah. - I tiered this a little bit. So if I was going for like a bronze, I really like Fall Guy and Quiet Place about the same. Like those kind of sit there on that tier. - Silver would be Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes, because it's just really solid. And then gold easily Ferriosa for me. I mean, that would be rules. - Sounds like our mid-year check-in, that was like your number one, right? - Yeah, it's top to bottom. The best, it was great. So yeah, those are out with my blog posters. And I re-watched Ferriosa not too long, because it came out on 4K recently. - Yeah. - It's just gorgeous to look at. Like I'm just happy to own it as like art. But the action and like that centerpiece sequence of the fucking truck just going against everything, all the the the scavengers and whatnot coming at it and just seeing all the just seeing George Miller unleash his skill there. - Yeah. - It's just second and none. He's just the parachuting and like the the flight suits, you know, all that stuff. And the camera movements to like capture all of it. - Yeah. - And then I look at less good action movies. I'm like, he's doing this right here. And he's 80 years old. Like what do you think? - We'll catch the crow in a bit, Aaron. - That's what's your excuse. Speaking of the crow, least favorites of the summer. Least favorites of the summer. We got a few things here from our listeners. Laxwell had had, of course, has Deadpool and Wolverine. He was not. - No. - Todd Liebannell has the crow. Chris Gooden has the crow. Jay Cluet has long legs. Wasn't a fan of long legs. - Wow. - Luke White Thompson writes, "The Mandela Effect Phenomenon, a documentary in quotes that featured all of the two people shouting insane religious conspiracy dogs as ready for YouTube." So don't watch the Mandela Effect Phenomenon. (laughing) There's a message there. And Philip Hurd writes, "The bike riders. Bike riders are a little bit of a letdown." - Okay. - Okay. - How about you guys? Marcus, what was your least favorite film in the summer? - Um, I didn't have any films that are deemed like unwatchable. Like I didn't, I didn't see Tyler Perry's divorce in the black or despicable only four. But I did have-- (laughing) - I'm like, what a pairing in the same pair. - It's definitely worth saying. (laughing) - But I think I did have two movies that were kind of like a waste of time. And they were the watchers, which I just was 20 minutes in. I was kind of like uninterested. And I think the point is to want to know what happens at the end. - You didn't feel like watching anymore? - I watched it and I was pissed. (laughing) When the reveal was had because I don't know. It felt really long to me too. So anyway, also the "Strangers" chapter one, I just felt super unnecessary. Why am I watching this when I can just watch other things that do the same exact anyway? - Like "The Strangers." - "The Strangers" like the same movie. - The same movie. - Yes. So yeah, those are probably like the ones that wasted my time the most. - Sure. - "The Strangers" certainly is the most annoying film of the year because it's like I watched this and it's like you said unnecessary, but they've already shot two sequels. - Yeah. - So like, so I'm going to watch it against another one. - I have to truly delete this. I'm like annoying by that. I'm only hoping that it gets better. Now that they've gotten the, let's do it again out of their system, but we'll see. - Hey, how about you? Where are you with the least favorites of this one? - I only wrote two down. One of them is "If" John Krasinski's "If." - Oh, wow. - Which we, because it's bad. - It's weird. - Aaron and I have discussed this ad nauseam off kind, and I can not have to go into detail. - And it's weird, it's ugly head again, a few times online. (laughing) - And then the other is a movie that we recently talked about, which is "The Crow," which I, you know, I did not add "Bortolens" in here, 'cause at least I said for "Bortolens," it's watchable, it just is a mess. - Yeah. - 'Cause the "Crow" is like, we discussed it very at length too, just like-- - Over an hour. - Why did they, yeah, why did they even feel like they needed to make this movie kind of thing? - So, yeah, I only wrote those two down. - I agree. - I got a few here, just to beat it on the ground, I guess, but I try to give these Despicable V-films a benefit of the doubt, but this one really tested me. - It's great that you used to watch them. - I was so bored. - I'm all bored watching. - I didn't watch it. - I was just, it was just not, and that's not even like a least face, just more of like, I'm trying, guys, but I just don't think this is for me. - Sure, sure. - As far as just like, "Bad" films go, "Terro," which I caught up with on Netflix, was pretty awful. - That was bad. - "Unfrosted," the Jerry Seinfeld movie is-- - Oh, yeah, it was bad, yeah. - Was that a movie? - Bad, Netflix. - Netflix, okay, yeah. - Oh my God, that was terrible. - Yeah. - Back to "Black," the Amy Winehouse thing. - The Amy Winehouse film was bad. - That was not only was it bad, I felt it was like, insulting, as far as how we were trying to handle things. - Yeah, just watch the documentary, right? - Yeah, watch Amy 'cause it's far better. And also watching it because it's telling the right story as far as what to attribute things to, as opposed to kind of boiling it down in ways that feel insulting. - Cool. - But "Pro" would have been my least favorite of the summer 'cause it's pretty awful. But then, guys, yes, on Friday, I went and saw "Aphraid" with John Cho-- - John Cho, yeah. - "Unfrosted," and that movie is awful. - Oh, the AI one. - Yeah. - "Aphraid," AI does. - Yeah, exactly. - "Aphraid." - Emphasize the ad, this is like ambulance. - "Aphraid," I can't believe it. (laughing) - Except where ambulance rules, "Aphraid" doesn't rule. And they're both set in LA. - Should have had more singing. - It's a movie that feels like there's clearly 20 minutes that've been taken out of this because it's less than 80 minutes long. It's one of the quickest, like the premise is like, there's an AI inside this house, and it's like helping out the family. - Right, yeah. - It's like over-protective, maybe like over-studded in the boundaries kind of thing. - It's over-studded, it's not even over-protective. It's very, I think it's being un-protective, which is kind of the issue. But like, it goes from, this actually doesn't seem bad. It seems pretty useful to horror movie in like the quickest, most jarring way possible. And like, wait, wasn't there? What happened? What happened? There's words in the middle, where we see the-- - Where did you mean world? - Yeah, I wanna bleed American, God damn it. - It's not great, that was actually-- - Not great. - It made your worst of list for the summer. - If I was just in the nick of time. - If I was to make a worst of list, it would-- Now, that said, it's entertainingly bad in its own way, but it's still in a fun way? - Fun as far, like not as in like, I'm laughing with it, 'cause it's certainly trying to be a thing and trying to say something about AI, and it's bad. But in terms of like, things occur, and I'm like, this is stupid, and I'm laughing at this. The crow is not fun. So I mean, it goes either way. It doesn't matter, they're both bad movies. Next up here, oh yeah. What were your favorite non-blockbusters summer releases? - Favorite non, from our listeners we have, tell them in a reds, Horizon. Pilbert has-- - Not a blockbuster, that's for sure. - Yeah, Alan Aguiler has long legs. Mark Raffmeyer has bike riders, Innovital Nature and Sinksink. Carla Wake has long legs, and Chris Cleveland has oddity. - Ooh, oddity. - It's a good pick, that's a good one. - I think you both talked about it at some point too. - Yeah, that's a solid one to watch, for sure. Look out for it, that's streaming now, I believe, so. - Yeah, that's good. - Marcus, what are your favorite non-blockbusters movies? - I didn't go slight before. Thelma I had mentioned, but also Dee Dee and Sinksink. Those two were some of the best casts that I've seen through all year. I wish I could spend more time with both of those movies because of the characters. But yeah, yeah, those are the four. - Very good, hey. Hilariously, I haven't seen through these movies, but I wrote them down because I knew that you guys like them and they have to be good. So I also were down Thelma, Ghostlight, Sinksink, but I did write down Dee Dee and also Hitman as non-blockbusters that I thought were-- - Yeah. - Things that you should definitely go check out for if you have time or if they're still playing in summer in theaters at the tail end of the summer slash Labor Day, definitely go check them out. - For sure, sure, yeah. I, Hitman, I have on here, Kinds of Kindness, Gorgelanthomosis. - That's interesting. - That's a Disney+ favorite. Super family friendly film. - Exactly. - Marcus, did you get to see Kinds of Kindness? - I did. - Where you did. - I know you've been hit or met by a lot of the most, as of late. - Two of the first story I was a fan, 'cause it was very interesting. - Okay. - I think of the last story wasn't. - Okay. - And the middle one, I can't even remember. - Middle ones where she comes back after being lost at sea. - Oh, okay, yeah, okay, I liked it. So I liked it, but the ending for me wasn't that final kind of whatever was wasn't. - Fair enough. But yeah, "Long Legs" I was a big fan of. There's a small movie called "Last Stop" and "You Make County" that I think is fantastic. And I hope everyone will check out. - That one? - That's Jim Cummings. - Yes, yeah. - Oh, he stars in that one. It's just a solid little thriller that I really recommend. And then yeah, "Ghost Light" and "Sing Sing" are just two of the best films of the year. - Yeah. - Those movies rule. So certainly a lot of things to check out. "Sing Sing" which is currently still expanding, still getting more theaters. So certainly good to see it. All right, so let's see. Next up here we have "Biggest Surprises" and "Biggest Disappointments". Todd Lehman, now he has his biggest surprise was Beverly Hills Cop Axle F, his biggest appointment. If, not Fs, Jason Hemming the Verne, he has biggest surprise, "The Fall Guy" because his appointment alien Romulus. - Understandable. - Chris Cleland, "Biggest Surprise" was bad boys. Really good fun. Biggest as one was definitely trap. I was so looking forward to it. Philip Heard has, "Horizon" was my biggest surprise. And I like "Quiet Place Day One" but not as much as I would have liked to. And then Luke Thompson, he writes, "I'm both surprised and disappointed that people are more easily impressed with the inside out movies than I am. The sequels depiction of anxieties domain as an animation sweatshop really seemed like a cry from hell coming from the inside the house. - I related to it. Damn it. I mean, that's a good read, Luke, I guess. - Because of the sweatshop you run, Marcus or what? - Have you heard of his company, Marcus, Incorporated? - I know, come on. - And obviously, I think that's a sweatshop. - And we make, we make crowns. - And belts. How about you guys, Marcus, any surprises and disappointments you have here? - Okay, I know I'm not gonna, I'm gonna be the odd person out in the room but I liked Deadpool and Wolverine. - I'm not a big fan of Deadpool. I think Ryan Reynolds is kind of, as the main focus is kind of annoying. - Oh, that's definitely a, that's be all over. - But this one worked and maybe it was, I mean, I know he was the front guy, but maybe it was cut with cameos and callbacks and Hugh Jackman and maybe that's all I need to be satisfied with the Marvel movie, I don't know, I have no idea. But also Quiet Place Day one, I had super low expectations for this. And it was, it was a good one. And it was not just coherent. I enjoyed the focus of this story. - Why do you have super low expectations? Why do you have super low expectations? - Because I didn't know what they could do. And I had seen day one in on the second one. They had like a little segment of like the first day. - I thought it was great, so. - Which was great. - Yeah. - So I was like, oh, 90 minutes. That's what I said. - I was like, how are they gonna make this 90 minutes? And let's, you know, and they did because they focused on Lupita Nyong'o's character who Lupita can do no wrong. She's amazing. And, you know, the story, the focus was great, but she elevates this thing. - I mean, that's why she signs up. - That's why she signs up. - That's true. - I was like, I wasn't too concerned. It was like, well, Lupita Nyong'o joined on this thing. She's probably, she probably saw a good script. - Right? - I was hoping so. I was hoping so. As far as like, let's see, disappointments. I did, again, I would say, if I had to pick two, okay, I'd pick Maxine, not a movie that I hated or anything. I was, I'm such a big fan of Pearl. And I had high expectations for this, but I was blinded because this is the Maxine, right? That I'm, this is Maxine is the kind of the tie-wist that I know and I'm accustomed to seeing. And it was coming back down to Earth for me for tie. That's fine. This is the caliber that I'm accustomed to for him. Also, there's another movie. And it was, I saw the TV glow. - Okay. - I'm not disappointed in the movie. I feel like it's, it's, it's doing something special. It's saying something important, but I feel like I didn't grasp it enough. So it's disappointed in me. I feel like this movie is disappointed in me. So that's why I put it on here. It was, it was a little frustrating for me, but I liked, I liked it and I felt stuff, but I just couldn't get over that hump to kind of grasp onto it. - Have you only watched it the once? - I've only watched it the once and it was in theaters. And I need to watch it again. - So I, so yeah, I've watched it three times at this point. - Yeah. - And it's because it's the movie I most like re-watching in terms of I feel like I'm unlocking more by doing so. - That's fair. - Like it is. - That's fair. - 'Cause I'm like, I'm not over the moon, but for as far as it's quality. But I would say it's the most interesting to me as far as I want to keep digging into this. 'Cause I don't feel like I'm certainly not disliking it. It's just more, it's doing something that I like. I'm trying to like keep turning the dial to find the right frequency for it. - Is that considered a summer movie? 'Cause it came out like, - It came out nice, right? - Yeah, maybe it was the summer. - Do we start in May or June? - We start in May, the fall guys that came out. - Oh, okay, all right. - Every, we're not going by the solstice. We're going by the season of movies, which is always the beginning of the day. - Let's kick off. - Well, no, well, yeah. - No, but those would be my two, I guess. - Fair enough. - A, W, where are your surprises and disappointments? - I started out in one of her each. Surprise is a quiet place day one. Like what Mark was saying, not really sure what to expect. Kind of with the track record with a quiet place, which you and I are famously famous for. And then quiet place, part two, which I think we both thought was better. - An improvement. - Yeah, an improvement. But like what Mark was saying, I wasn't sure what to expect. I kind of was like, how can you take this in a different direction? And what I found and discovered was that it's this movie about death and grief and acceptance of it. And I was like, this is a really profound statement to make. I think that you and I have discussed that the ending maybe we kind of differ on, but I think that Joseph Quinn and Lupini Namco both very good in the movie. So really good as in performances in a movie that is pretty crisp in its runtime too, and in editing, or one of the biggest disappointments, I don't think it's a disappointment necessarily, but kind of like one of our commenters were saying, I put Inside Out 2 here 'cause I think there's a lot of ideas that are in that movie that I was hoping that it would either explore a little bit further and or maybe take some additional time to go a different route than maybe what they did with Inside Out, the first one. So not a disappointment necessarily, just I think with that Pixar magic that we've kind of either come to expect or kind of have seen in some of the more recent things like Luca or I can't even think of the name Big Red Panda. That's not what it's called. - Big Red Panda, what does it call it? - It's red something. They all now all like big red. - Big Red Panda, that's all like. - Big Red Panda, I love that title. - I like that, it's like the Asylum version that they would release. - Coming to Inside Buy, Big Red Panda, Big Red Panda. - But with some of those themes and also how they were letting directors kind of come back in to the fray and just doing personal stories, some degree, like it was kind of watching Inside Out 2, I think that I was okay with it. I didn't fall in love with it. There. - As far as my surprise and surprises, I got a couple bigger release higher profile ones and two smaller profile ones. Big Blink twice was a big surprise for me 'cause I just, I didn't expect to like it as much as I did. It's a really solid debut from Zoe Kravitz. It has a great cast. I like what it's doing and how it's doing it. With the, have either of you seen Blink twice yet? - Not yet. - Yeah, I saw it. - You have, there's a movie I don't wanna reference, but I like this movie because it does what that other movie tried to do a hell of a lot better. And I was very happy with that. And I just like this cast. I think it's just, it's fun despite its implications of what's happening. - Sure. - The other one is Beverly Hills Cop Axle f, easily. Like we are, Abe and I, we are so down on the kind of Netflix releases and what have you, but fucking Jerry Bruckhammer came in and it's like, guys, we're gonna do this right. And they made a fun movie. Like a really, just a fun Beverly Hills Cop movie that made me so happy by default. Like the second best Beverly Hills. It just does the job. - What does it say? Like I think also what really happened is Eddie Murphy really seemed like he wanted to be there for sure. - Yeah. And so yeah, I was, I was like, the trailers looked pretty decent. So I wasn't expecting like a disaster, but I was happy to, I was like, I know I really liked this a lot. I've watched it a couple of times. On the smaller side, there's a movie called Fresh Kills that I mentioned before directed by Jennifer Esposito, her passion project that she also spent all of her own money on because I'm nearly as much exposure as Kevin Costner, this movie is great. And now you can watch it very easily on Canopy or Hoopla besides sort of recommend it. But it's just a really good movie that I just came out of nowhere. Like I was like, oh, this is not just like good. It's really good. And then Life After Fighting, another movie that I just came out of nowhere for me that I just saw recently the best DTV action movie that I'm sure I'll see this year just really kicks ass, just a lot of great action sequence. Also on Hoopla, just making these easy for you guys. These are all easy to see. - Doing your public and local library. - Yeah, and watch a kick ass action movie Life After Fighting. On the disappointment side, I'm with you at Inside Out 2 where I like Inside Out pretty well. I think it's a solid film, but it's not one of my favorite Pixar movies in Inside Out 2. I was like, all right, what Pixar can't be mad at this. And I was underwhelmed by what it was doing. I like, I still like the movie, but I can't say that I was fully on board with it in the way that it would have liked to be for a Pixar film. But the real disappointment, obviously, was the Shyamalan combo. I wanted Watchers to be something because I think Ishana Shyamalan, she's directed some of those episodes of Servants on Apple which I quite like. She has styles, so let's see what her movie's like. And yeah, it didn't really do much for me. And then Trap, I was disappointed by it. I was looking forward to that 'cause I thought the premise was really solid and I just wasn't a fan. It's the one that I look forward to re-watching in the most. Yeah, I was just like, I kind of want to re-watch it after hearing your thoughts about it. I wonder if I just was too on the juice train for it. I mean, well, I'm the one, the minority here. So I mean, it's a little more mixed. It's not like it's probably positive, but there's a lot of them that really like Trap and I'm like, I'm certainly in the, like, yeah, not so much. Yeah. To the extent that I don't think Hartnett's good in it. Like, that's my main issue with him. And even people that don't really like the movie still think Hartnett's fantastic in it. So I don't know. So I look forward to seeing it again. Maybe I'll like sway a little bit or so, but we'll see what happens. It'll be streaming soon enough. But yeah, those ones that for a summer that was going to have two chaiable pictures of the fact that I was, you know, not really pleased by either of them. I was like, oh, that's unfortunate 'cause I wanted to root for this. I will say the most well-ming film of the summer, is "Easily Dead Portal" for that year. Yeah. (laughing) It's a movie that is completely fine, very safe. I laughed and then I walked away and I'm like, what the hell was this? I got that shit out of it. (laughing) There's nothing here but it is such a... And it's made so much money. And I'm happy for them and all that. But Sean Levy did exactly what I expect Sean Levy to do, which was make a movie that has no authority whatsoever. It just wants to give the fans what they want. Which is, "Hey, look at all this icing on the cake." "Eising, icing, icing, nothing else." We can, yeah, when we have like our annual Northern California movie critics club meeting with me, Aaron and Marcus, we'll talk more about it. I am happy for everyone that enjoyed it. Thank you. I am happy that they've all seen it. It had a great time. I had a fun time and then I looked at it a little close to like, wait a minute, hold on here. (laughing) All right. Those, those memberships to the club are going up with like Costco, right? That's right, yeah. Okay. Yeah. It's 'cause we've got double chocolate chunk cookies now. All those fucking crowns you bought raised the prices. Yeah. Yeah. Marcus, the sweatshop. Okay, for all. Yeah. (laughing) That's the summer, we'll cover the summer here. But okay, last thing here. What are the films you were looking forward to most this fall? Chris Cleveland has the substance and Terrifier III. I will say right now, we may or may not do a full review of the substance, but that is a movie to see. Okay. You know, theater. Oh, wow. It is very entertaining. Substance, okay. At the very least, you will have, it's a hell of a ride to watch them. Is that to me more? Yes. Okay. And obviously Terrifier III. Alan Aguilera has Gladiator II Blitz. That's the new Steve McQueen film. A complete unknown, that's the Bob Dylan film. Nosferatu Conclave, that's the new Edward Burger film from, I'll quiet and listen in front. Woman of the hour, night bitch with Amy Adams. And that's, can you ever forgive me of that director? Lee, with Kate Winslet, Saturday night. The Jason Reitman film, Smile II and A Real Pain with Jesse Eisberg and Kieran Colken. Marcus, what films are you looking forward to this fall? Of course Terrifier III, because I'm taking aim. I so walk with that. I want to see like 40 pictures from like you picking them up to you getting into the theater. I'm literally going to be sitting next to Marcus like with my hands. There is no, you would walk out. I think he would walk out. No, I wouldn't walk out. You don't think so? I think I'd be laughing and be like, Marcus, this is gross. Yeah, I, I might be right to do it. Yeah. Okay. Terrifier III, Nosferatu, Denzel's doing another August Wilson. Yeah, the piano lesson. The piano lesson. Just premiered at Venice or Telluride this afternoon, I believe. I'm looking forward to that. Smile II, I liked Smile. So Smile II, that Vince McMahon documentary on Netflix. Okay. Yeah. Yeah, I'm looking for that. I've heard several things about that guy. Is it called? I'm definitely not racist. Please don't hurt me. No, that's a whole, that's a whole, they both share that. The front room with Brandy, because I like the way that lady. That's another movie that is a wild ride. I like that. In the trailer, I like the way that lady says, they call that a broken family. That's my cat. That's Catherine Hunter from McBeth. Yes, yes, oh yes, that's right. Yes, that's right. It is a big performance that you will have enjoyment out of. I'm here for this. Yeah, and also, there's a Clarissa Shields document, biopic coming out, cold fire inside maybe, something like that. And I'm a big combat sports fan. She's a boxer, like she's like one of the biggest boxers, most decorated boxers from Olympics and professionals. All right. Hey, Baba, what are you looking forward to? Yeah, I've heard of you down here. One of them is new because it's been making a lot of buzz at the festivals right now. It's the brutal list. So I'm looking forward to checking that out. The Outrun, which people have been talking about, with Sir Kirone and Nora, which won, I think, the Palm Dior. Palm Dior. And I've been avoiding every trailer and not listening to anything, so I'm checking that out. And that's from-- I mean, we like him on the show here. John Baker? Yep, yeah, from John Baker, who we've all-- I think that Aaron, you and I, both, it really enjoyed Tangerine when it first came out. And also, I enjoyed the way that John Baker thinks about films and personalities and people. But also, yeah, again, it was really cool for him to make a movie all on iPhone. And then Night Bitch, which was mentioned, but people are saying that this could be Amy Adams' chance. And I'm rooting for that, at least. No spratu, Christmas Day. It's going to be a banger. And then the Wild Robot animation. Yeah, a lot of similar films here. No spratu is the one I'm looking forward to most of this plane. But there's plenty of movies that I'm still wanting to see very much. Whatever Steve McQueen's doing, I'm always in for. So Blitz, I don't even know what it's about. Another social running film. I don't even know what it's about. So I'm just like, yes, we're McQueen, great. Megalopolis, I just thank you. Of course. Orp Coppola's bored his heart to this thing. I'm all for it. Were you one of the AI people that they got a quote from? Talking about the godfather for the part? Yeah, when I put in my review in 1972, I was really confused. I was 13 years old. I was really confused as to why he was quoting that. This movie fucking sucks. Aaron knew where to go. And I was like, why is John Cho hovering over me? Why is he doing this? But yeah, Terrifier 3, obviously. The piano lesson, I'm very much looking forward to also. I like that it's a big Washington affair. You have his one son directing it, his other son starring in it, then he's producing it. Like, yeah, give me all the, give me all the Washington's. And Sam Jackson's the lead. Like, cool, like all of this is great. The wild robot, I really want to see DreamWorks deliver like a Pixar level emotional ride that happens to evolve robots in the forest. Cool, I'm gonna down for it. I'm far more invested in Gladiator 2 now than I was before. So like, yeah, I'm looking forward to seeing Ridley Scott go nuts in another game. I just didn't know that your levels were like super increased now. That trailer, I think is fucking great. Like, I'm so much more on board. And because it's, I think what helps is that it's not, you can't just do that again because like, he died. So it's not just like, oh, I gotta go back in the arena. It's like a whole different story that just happens to be set in the same world. So like, Ridley Scott doesn't tend to like mess up his epics very much. So I'm like, cool, give me this. Give me Denzel in a Roman epic with all this stuff happening. I'm like, I like it. I like what it's got the battles and the naval battles and the in the Colosseum and Rhinocerai. Fuck yeah, give me all of this. Like, if it's a mess, I don't care. At least I got to see whatever the fuck this is gonna be. After years of being like, I'm gonna do Gladiator 2 and I'm sitting there like, why? It is like, okay, this actually looks pretty cool. And then Clint Eastwood's juror number two. We got, supposedly it's gonna release this year. I think the premise rules. And you guys know the premise? I don't actually. It's a pretty, like this is just the log line of it. It's there's a jury on a murder case. And one of the jurors played by Nicholas, Nicholas Holt, he's the guy that actually did the crime. Oh, wow. Okay. Okay. That's a cool premise for like a thriller. And if that's Clint Eastwood's last one, which it's rumoured to be his last movie that he's directing, I hope he goes out on top. Okay. But that's just, I love that premise a lot. So yeah, I'm a good board of that. But yeah, that was for Ronto's like right there. That's the movie I can't. I saw the, I saw Shawn of the Dead last night in Dolby 'cause they were like, which anniversary is it? The 20th anniversary, yeah. And they played the, and I was in the Dolby theater. They played the trailer for Nosferatu in Dolby and it was like, oh, yeah, this is so amazing. Yeah. So yeah, I'm excited for those ones for sure. Yeah, there's a lot of really good movies this fall holiday winter season for their word season right up for sure. Falls, falls hitting hard for sure. There's plenty of movies that I haven't listed that are coming out that I'm excited for as well. So yeah, but no, yeah, there's a lot of things coming our way this fall for sure. We're kind of out of the zone where movies were delayed because of the strikes at this point. So like everything that's gonna come out, it's gonna come out at this point. So we'll see where things land. But yeah, we've done it. We've talked about the summer. We've talked about what's next. And most importantly, we've crowned me as the new king. (laughing) Wow. The championship. The championship. Again, Aaron. The new champion. Have you won before? Marcus, your line may be long, but also may be over. I've won. Wow. Wow. People are praying on my downfall. I'm just saying, no, we're saying nice things about your reign. I didn't know that it was this. There's this much venom for me. I feel, wow, this is like glad either two in a year. It's my, I've won before. It's my second time winning this thing. Yes, correct. Absolutely. Out of what? 12 times, which is pretty, pretty decent, yeah. I'm happy with that. I joined that one. Not a lot of repeat winners. Yeah, I'm in the exclusive two-timers club. If there's only like two other people, right? Adam is in the end. There's Adam, I think Maxwell, I believe, won a couple times. I have to check to see somebody else. Oh, no worries. It's very exclusive. Yeah. I could tell you who hasn't won. Stop Mendelssoid. (laughing) Oh man. (laughing) But yeah, that's how things have turned out here. And we're gonna do it again next year. Number 13, to stay tuned for that, when Jurassic World rebirth comes out. Solid gas? Solid, it isn't solid. They made an entire Jurassic part world movie before Blade came out. Like, Blade was announced years ago. And within the time that Blade was announced, they shot an entire fucking dinosaur movie from a Herschel Ali. And he still hasn't made Blade. (laughing) 'Cause it's that part. I think we should probably just direct Blade. It's that hard to make a Blade movie. Like, it takes longer than to make that than just to make a fucking dinosaur happening. (laughing) Like, he's sitting there with glasses and his coat on. It's like, guys, really? You can't do this? Anyway, Marcus, you lost. (laughing) All the venom. Here it comes the venom. I knew it. Everybody was so nice to me throughout the year, smiling in my face. Were they smiling in my backstabbers. It wasn't like we were having, like, a Roman-like Senate race. (laughing) - Smiling in my face. - He didn't spend it up to Kari's. I was like, "He wants to keep that whole." - Next time Marcus wins, we'll have to do this. Like, on the Ides of March, we can all stab him. (laughing) - Wow. - Wow. - Take his cramp for real. - Wow. - The crown that sits atop my head, is like, "That matters right now, that's what you are." - Well, congrats, sir. 'Cause you have definitely proven it by 80 points. You know, like, again, huge, so-- - Yeah, I destroyed you guys. (laughing) - Oh, wow. Not a humble king. - Not a humble king. - Remember, remember x or bammer my rain. Remember my rain and how kind I am. - Remember my rain. - Yeah, you got by at a nice electoral win. That was good for you. - This is how I got the fucking popular voting. (laughing) - Congrats again, sir. Well deserved. - Wow. - Thank you. That's gonna do it. For this week's episode of "Out Now" out there today, if you could find more of my work on my personal sub-stack page, the code is, everything I do ends up over there. I'm the editor-in-chief at "We Live Entertainment." All my movie reviews can be found on that site. I write Wooray and Criteria interviews over at "Wise of Blue." We're at the end of the summer of 2004 at 20, which I co-hosted with Brandon Peters and Scott Mendelssohn. We talked about the summer movie season. Feel free to catch up on all those episodes, 'cause there's a lot of fun stuff in there. But we do have one concluding episode as well to kind of wrap up the summer of 2004 in our thoughts on that. And I'm on all those. So all the socials there is PS4. - Stop Mendelssohn, isn't that that loser? (laughing) - I'm kidding, Scott. (laughing) I don't want the smoke. (laughing) - Oh, he's gonna come after you now. (laughing) You can find more fun stuff over my Instagram, aab.muh, and #ballseason. - Marcus Robinson, former champion. - Wow. (laughing) - Break it in the hands. - Oh boy, it's said with such venom and feature, all like, you know, whatever. Anyway, you can find some of my stuff at, on Twitter, @moviesmarkers. Hashtag, let's go Corey. - Okay. You can find all the other episodes out out there already. On iTunes, Spotify, audio boom, and the stitcher. - We're online, we're on the socials. We've got everything going there. Check us out on Facebook. - For sure, Instagram, Twitter, all that. And yeah. Ooh, Marcus, thank you very much for joining us this week. - Thank you, Marcus. - Yeah, thank you. Thank you for allowing me to be your king for this past year and letting me into your homes. - Yeah, the history books will judge how well of a rule. It will look back on my reign fondly when Aaron steps in here and starts waving it around, you know? So I'm, I'm, yeah, I look forward to, I look forward to people crawling back to me. - Well, you have the next summer to make up for you. Well, thank you again, Marcus. - Thank you guys for having me. - Yeah, it's just a shame that you lost, but you know, I think it's happened. And thanks to all the participants of the 12th annual Summer of the Gamble, Jay, Scott, Mark, Abe, you, Marcus, Mark, Maxwell, Brandon, Philip, Terrence, Adam, Jose, Alan, Peter, Nancy and Luke without this. - And the listeners that submitted too. - Of course, the listeners that submitted as well, Ruben and Chris and the listeners for listening. All this is a lot of good fun. It's very fun to do the Summer Gamble. It's a intense competition, but it's certainly worth doing. Enjoy the latest poster that'll go up as well, celebrating this, this epic event. And next week's show is Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice. Don't say it again. So yeah, stay tuned for that. We'll see what we think of Tim Burton's latest. That's gonna do it for now. So until next time, so long and goodbye. (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) [BLANK_AUDIO]