Hunters Bay Radio



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09 Sep 2024
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By Muscoka for Muscoka, your collection of Muscoka based talk shows, Muscoka magazine, the bay 887. Brought to you by Dairy Lane Dental, keeping Muscoka smiling for over 30 years. Visit Dairylane Dental dot com. [MUSIC] Well, hello, everyone. Hey, everybody. And welcome back to the September episode of Liz beyond is all the things all the times. This is a first. This is a first for us, honey. I know. Doing this on Zoom. We are. Because I'm in Newfoundland and Sarah is in Muscoka. You just got home yesterday from an exhilarating, fast-paced, epic adventure on the rock. Do you want to talk a bit before we go into part two of our amazing episode with Julia and Olivia from the amazing race. Amazing race Canada. That's right. Nice to have them back for another round. Cool. They're just coolest human beings. They're super cool. And of course, you know, the day after we talked to them, they were eliminated. Yeah. From the race. We were so upset. We were devastated. I almost threw things at the television. I was so angry, so angry. They had a ride though. And they won a trip to Italy and they used it for their moon, which they're, I think they're just getting back like today or tomorrow from their honeymoon. Yeah. Italy. They've taken some awesome pictures of looks like they've had like the most amazing time, like everything they wanted it to be, I'm sure. Like an amazing race time. And now we got to get down to business and resume our conversation with Julia and Olivia, are you ready? Let's do it. Hey, here we go, friends. Part two with the Julia and Olivia from the amazing race, Canada. Is there anything else you practice like before going into it, like just kind of guessing what you would have to do? Yeah, so we did practice the directions. She would drive and then we wouldn't allow ourselves to use GPS or phones. And we had an Ontario Atlas and we would pick a destination and we'd have to navigate our way there only using the map. And if we got lost, which we did one time, we could not use our phones. Like we stopped and asked someone for directions just like we would have to do on the race. Yeah. So we practice that. And that's also when we determine that there's no way that I would be doing directions. Because I got a spot for me and then we try hard. And then we also practice all kinds of memory. So we would memorize poems, we'd memorize lyrics, scripts, like we're acting out because they have had to do like acting style challenges to we have to memorize scripts. I would even memorize things in different languages. Yeah, so much memory, a lot of memory. We're learning different like memory techniques, like how to, you know, what was on the head and the nose and the mouth that you were. Oh, yeah. Yeah, there's different techniques too that can help you with your memory. And one of the easiest ones is you use your body if it's an order, for example. So when we did the in episode one, when we had to memorize the five colors. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Remember, I use this method. We had to memorize the five colors at the haunted house and then run over to the illumination tower without any notes. And then, and then recall those five colors each. So 10 colors total will five each in the exact order to light up the false, right? So when you have something in order, you can use your body. So you start with your head, right? That'd be the first area. And then you could go to your like, like, I have red hair. So like I picture myself with red hair. Yeah. So red hair. And then like on my nose, I say next color is blue. I have a blue nose. So I'm red hair, blue nose person, like, like blue bit like you have to associate it with something that's very memorable, visible like, yeah, because when you do that, your brain can associate it easier and recall it, right? So yeah, like if you pictured blueberries coming out of your nose, that is just something so easy. And I bet at the even the end of this interview, you can probably recall red hair and blueberries coming out of your nose just because it's so unique and you can visualize it. So it becomes tangible. Yeah, yes. Like you can almost. Yeah. And then like, and it really helps you because you can do other things like as we were running to the illumination tower, we had to stop and ask for directions, which is like, now we have memorizing colors, plus directions. And like they, because it's so visit, David, you're good to go because you can pick that up anywhere. Yeah. And it's like scientifically proven that your brain can easily recall it when it could associate it or visualize it in that way. So we learned a bunch of little like memory techniques like that that were super helpful. All right. That that first leg was insane. I was like, is this ever going to end? What is even just like repelling down the egg or fall back? That was so epic. Yeah. I felt literally like an action star in a movie like a stunt person. Like it was just she was going so slow until she got the clue. And as soon as she got it, she just like released and just went, I look at that. And so it's like, we should do the museum is I'm like, I would die. I think I would die out of your comfort zone. That's the best way I wanted it. So like, and I, but I have to convince her because she's like, I can't do it. I'm like, we will we can't do that. You know what? AI now just keep your film yourselves together and then use AI to like lie about her answers and then submit the tape. And then once we're chosen, then like go back after she should admit the tape. Like what's wrong with you? Yeah. That's such a great part of the show is that if when people doubt themselves or think they can't do something, but in that situation, they're forced to do it and they do it and they overcome it. And it's like such a great feeling. It's just so awesome. It's like watching people rebel. I'm like, that's amazing. It really is kind of amazing. Yeah. So it was, it was, but it was epic. Like I was like, and that I would have died in the haunted house. I'm a and overcame it. I was actually had like a, like I was hyperventilating at one point and like the walls were all closing in and I was like grabbing juliet and I'm like, we're like going lower, lower to the ground. She's like, just go down. The walls are fall closing in. Like we were seconds away. They didn't show it because it was pitch black in there. Probably didn't get that good footage, but it was pitch black and all you had in that Pacific house. Like if you go now, it's pitch black and there's these little red dots in the ceiling that you have to follow. But it was just two at a time. So just us two and like all these crazy monsters who are like whispering in your ear and grabbing you and popping out at you and scaring you. Like it was, it was petrifying, but I have a lot of fun with that stuff or she did not like it. I'm scared of the dark. No, no joke, but there was one point scaring where they make you go to this thing and then you all of a sudden have nowhere to go and there's no red light. Yeah. And the walls. It's like, it's like, it's like an inflatable, but it starts closing in on you. We dropped the floor actually to like try and get away from the walls. And I was like, it's okay. It's gonna end soon. But she was like, hyperventilating. But then it did end and I felt great. So apply. Did being on the show test your relationship? Oh, yeah, like a lot of people seems like it does like on other seasons. But I don't see it. I don't see it with you two. I mean, I didn't see it, but I test you really all the time. No, we we've been together for 10 years now. So nothing there was nothing that was gonna surprise us. Like we've been through it all. And if anything, why knew we would work well and communicate well, if anything, we did even better than we thought. Yeah, like we work so well together. We've never had the opportunity to test each other in that sense, like ever, like compete, like competing together. Like when we do trials, it's different, right? So it was a whole different environment, whole different scene, but we rocked it surprisingly, you know, not even like I think we understood the assignment and just knew that any like attitude or just did the main things just to continue to be grateful the entire time and then route of what we're accomplishing every step of the way. Yeah. Yeah. And then keep the fun up and that energy level up and yeah, yeah, a big part of it is just your, your mental attitude and staying positive, no matter what, and having fun because being negative or getting down on your partner is not going to serve you like at all. Like what is that going to do for you? Right? Nothing. Yeah, we're each other because you know, you're going to have to still race on. And you know, you know, she's mad at me like that's going to drive you insane. So there was little, little funny moments like little funny moments where like I wasn't shoveling. Do you remember that in the soil challenge? And she was like shovel game. Like it wasn't like we were fighting and just like, I'm not the stronger one. She is standing there like looking around, like it's her big show. And I'll be like, oh, this is really pretty. Yeah. She's got it. She's doing a great job. Yeah. But we, um, we always, we communicated so well, we were always so supportive and encouraging of one another when each of us had to do a roadblock and the other person could just be the biggest cheerleader and just always remembering to have fun and just, it was a boss. It's like a dream come true. And so, yeah, it didn't kill. And we rocked the show. We were so, so impressed at just the stealthy way that you crept forward this episode and you just stayed on task. You just didn't. And it was like, we were cheering so loud. You're so loud here. I love that too. Because we've had a, it's been a race so far. You know, we've been at the bottom of the top to the bottom of the top to midway to admit, you know, and it's been a roller coaster. But we finally made it to that mat first. There was nothing like sweeter. It just felt. Yeah. John's mom was there. Which was the best because when we found that we were going to Russell Manitoba, she's like, oh my God, I hope we get to meet John's mom. And then he was at the mat. Yeah. So I don't know what my obsession is with people's moms. But, you know, I feel like you can really truly get to know that the other person if you know the mom. So like, she's so cool. But I'm like, I hope I get to meet his mom. And then she was there and like Julie slowed down the clip a little bit the other day. And she's like, look how excited we were when he announced that this is his mom. Yeah. He like jumped so high. Like higher than when we got to the mat first. It was insane. Yeah. It was very sweet. That's just me woman. Yeah. And now we need to take a little break. We will be right back with Julia and Olivia on let's be honest your source for community. Miskoka made talk shows are on Miskoka magazine the Bay. 88 seven brought to you by Dairy Lane dental, keeping Miskoka smiling for over 30 years. Visit Dairy Lane Dental dot com. And we're back. When that you turn happened, we were furious. I was through my bubbly at the. It was so unexpected too for us. And I feel like for everyone, everybody was so weird. Like when we were watching with our family back, we have a reaction video of them. And it's just like total shock. Like they're also freaking out. And especially because, you know, we had an agreement with them and the typical behavior they just went against that and not only did their strategy backfire, but they lost an alliance with us because we had an agreement to work together. And so it's another one there. They're like that in real light, like if it was put on for TV, they're actually like, I don't know. I don't know. We had speculate. Oh, we want like some Google research can give you the answers. I mean, when you're a professional, you know, gamer. Yeah. Yeah. There's, you know, there's some shady business. Yeah. Yeah. And when you're like, you've been on multiple shows and things like that, you do get to like the behind the scenes of what show business is. So I just I don't get it. Like I get it maybe for the drama and people it gets gives people reactions online and for social media and stuff. But at the end of the day, we believe that having a good rapport with the other teams and having good alliances can take you further because you help each other out when needed. You don't need to sabotage or lie. Actually, I think it's a much better strategy to have a good relationships with the other teams. Yeah. The amazing race to me is kind of like the Olympics. Yeah. In a way, like it's about like that. It's about good sportsmanship. It's about building team dynamics. It's about taking care of one another. Yeah. Even if you have hardboard bets to sleep on percent. I was just we were just talking about this the other day where I come from like a competitive sports background and in competitive sports both sportsmanship, respect for all the different competitors and you beat each other at the sport. You beat each other at the game at the challenges. There's no cheating. There's no lying. It's nothing like that. Right. So that was also my look on the race. Everyone gets a participation. You know, I've never been the best participation. I'm there with the rest and I keep pushing forward with determination till I finish, but she's like weirdly taller than me a lot. So obviously she's in the winter circle and I come slightly slower. It's okay. But you're a great driver. That's right. And dancer. Yeah. Memorize her. Yeah. Red hair and blue noses. That's right. And I would never have known all this unless I went on the amazing race and tried all of these things. It's funny because you got the majority of the memory challenges. She had the hobby horse one, which was a crazy thing. That was crazy. Yeah. Even me having a good memory like that even made me stressed out, but she got that one. She got the. You're getting your stride. The puzzle person. I'm a puzzle person. Yeah. Yeah. That puzzle put us like really hard. It was it. Okay. Not for us. We did it. We completed it way faster than everyone else, but it was hard puzzle. Yeah. The shapes weren't your regular jigsaw puzzle pieces. They were all straight edges and different papes. So awkward. And you couldn't even tell what the border was. Normally a strategy for a puzzle is you were you start with a border and worth your weight. Yeah. But you couldn't even figure out what the border was as like a picture develop. But there was no picture. So you couldn't even. So it was all straight lines or it was super learn. You saw for a lot of the other teams, even Michael and Tyson at the user express past. But like we quickly I realized that okay, half of this is an English and half of this is in French. So that was key a key moment. Yeah. And I saw that it kind of mimicked like the English part like mimic the French part in terms of its pattern. And so that's what we focused on getting the English together and then mimicking it with the French and then as pieces started coming together, it got easier and easier. And then it just like clicked. And we got in. We were so pumped because I knew we were out of there in first place. Yeah. I didn't know till she told me, but I was pumped to get out of there. You're like, we finished it. It's literally like you're running a race. So you don't really have time to celebrate too much in the moment. You have to keep moving forward. So it's like, we're done. Okay, click what's next? Like, how do I prepare myself for what's ahead? And nothing can prepare you for Ukrainian dancing. So very that's that's the thing that's insane. That it's so varied. Not it tests every part of your brain and your physical being like, I watch people running. I'm like, okay, I'm dead. That's it. That's the end of it. That's another thing was a lot more physical and a lot more running than we even thought. Yeah. Because on the show, they can't show anything that truly can't show how much running is involved or the distance between things. It just doesn't portray in the TV show to what's actually like in real life. So we knew it would be hard, but then we were actually competing on the show. We're like, holy smokes, like it was so much running, really physical, like. The Niagara Lake, she had her Fitbit on. It was a half marathon. Yeah, we had like 20,000 a day. So we were averaging like a half marathon almost a day, which is insane for the others. Well, when you come from athletics, when it was a taxi leg or a driving leg, that was good. Yeah, that felt good. But in Russell, once we got off the plane and Russell, the rest of it was on foot too. The whole thing. And like, they don't even, they made us run off the plane to the park, for the puzzle, which I think was like a two kilometer run. I was looking at that. And then you run from, you run from the puzzle to the arches, arches to the taxis, or arches to the taxis. Yeah. And then taxis to the mat. It was just, but it was always my name. So you're having backpacks on too. See Sarah, see, see, well, this has been a treat. Thank you. Yes. Thank you so much. I'm so glad you could join us. We're up for family feud and kayaking. Yeah. Thank you. We'll definitely hold you to that. Sarah. Yes. Julian and Olivia are amazing. They're the best. They're awesome. What's that? I can't wait to hang with them, you know? I know. They're cool cats. They're cool, cool cats. And we're so honored that they took time out of their crazy schedule. That's off to us. And you know, and hopefully at some point soon we can go winter kayaking with them. Because food and a holler. Anything like, I know I'm in Newfoundland, but is there anything that we should talk about fall-wise? I'm looking forward to seeing you in October. This seems a long way. But yeah, well, the kids are all back cool now. So that's that's big. You know, another year with kids all learning and all that jazz. So that's great. Teachers are all back to work. You know, after, you know, a well-deserved summer. And yeah. Yeah, we're just we're coming into the best season. September, October, November, fall season. We are coming in. That's right. That's right. Amazing times. I think we probably say this every year that we've done. I think so too. It is the best. It is the best season. It is. I tried to live up to my namesake all the time. And back to work, back to school, back to all the things. Stay tuned. I'm going to be making exciting announcements about timber beasts and what we're doing in December. And other than that, we're going to sign off. They're a nice to see your face. Thanks. Nice to see yours. And we will talk to you all next time. We are. Let's be honest. All the things. All the times. Bye, everybody. Bye for now. [Music]