Disc Golf Daily

Disc Golf Daily: J Milly, DG YouTuber Extraordinaire

summary J.Milly, a popular disc golf content creator, shares his journey into disc golf and YouTube. He discusses how his first video went viral and offers advice for aspiring content creators. J.Milly emphasizes the importance of finding a unique angle and being committed to improvement. He also talks about his future plans, including making content creation a full-time endeavor and competing in disc golf tournaments. The conversation ends with shoutouts to his sponsors and supporters. keywords disc golf, YouTube, content creation, viral video, advice, future plans, sponsors takeaways Find a unique angle or approach to stand out in the disc golf content space. Commit to improvement and don't be afraid to start imperfectly. Passion and enjoyment are key to sustaining content creation. Consider making content creation a full-time endeavor and pursuing competitive disc golf. Engage with sponsors and supporters to build a community around your content.  We are the podcast that covers disc golf news and growth in about ten minutes. And on the weekends, we cover the future of our sport with interviews with movers and shakers as well as the history of our sport as we recap the formation of the Disc Golf Pro Tour with the people that made it happen. Music: Strange Bop by contreloup

Broadcast on:
08 Sep 2024
Audio Format:


J.Milly, a popular disc golf content creator, shares his journey into disc golf and YouTube. He discusses how his first video went viral and offers advice for aspiring content creators. J.Milly emphasizes the importance of finding a unique angle and being committed to improvement. He also talks about his future plans, including making content creation a full-time endeavor and competing in disc golf tournaments. The conversation ends with shoutouts to his sponsors and supporters.


disc golf, YouTube, content creation, viral video, advice, future plans, sponsors


Find a unique angle or approach to stand out in the disc golf content space. Commit to improvement and don't be afraid to start imperfectly. Passion and enjoyment are key to sustaining content creation. Consider making content creation a full-time endeavor and pursuing competitive disc golf. Engage with sponsors and supporters to build a community around your content. 

We are the podcast that covers disc golf news and growth in about ten minutes. And on the weekends, we cover the future of our sport with interviews with movers and shakers as well as the history of our sport as we recap the formation of the Disc Golf Pro Tour with the people that made it happen.

Music: Strange Bop by contreloup

all right welcome back to this golf daily everyone we this is a little different layout as you see because jay milli I have I'm on another podcast and jay milli is the co-host with me along with sako so we just decided to use our podcast setup to record this disc golf daily setup so jay milli how we doing today I'm doing great bin kenny for those who don't know I'm jay milli I make YouTube videos about disc golf I have 78,000 subscribers 78 and I started a little over a year and a half ago so my credentials yeah look those are great credentials you're you're climbing to be already you already are one of my famous I guess disc golf just off subscriber base famous disc golf content creators tell us more about that star and what made you get into it yeah so I started playing disc golf back in the 2020 covid boom it was just kind of on a whim it wasn't spurred on by anything in particular other than me and my friends saw a course when we were on vacation in Colorado they got into it and we're really into it and I wanted to hang out with my friends so I went with them I wasn't super interested I used to only throw tomahawks because that's what went the farthest for me and I didn't really get hooked until I got a birdie that's what I always tell people is play at least until you get one birdie and if you get one birdie that feeling is a feeling that you will chase forever so I started playing pretty consistently in college we had a ton of courses around I went to Texas A&M and I would play multiple rounds a day I would play four or five six times a week sometimes and that was just life and then come 2023 I graduated at the end of 2022 and I had had the dream of making YouTube channel for a very long time and it was kind of like a passion that I had so I essentially combined my two biggest passions which were disc golf and YouTube and I started making videos at the beginning of 2023 my first short came out in February and my first full-length video on YouTube came out in May of 2023 and I've been doing it ever since obviously you've had a little bit of success and I really enjoy it I really enjoy the process from start to finish I love playing disc golf I love being creative and I love being a positive person in disc golf as I consider myself I don't know maybe that's prideful but I like to be pretty positive and have a lot of fun and that's the the story I like to tell that disc golf is fun it's competitive but it's a fun sport and that's what it should be first and foremost well yeah I've played with you with men in person your your positive dude you wear those yellow pants and and all that you got you got so good vibes going on so your first video a full-length video that you posted was of the aerobic epic and I believe it has over 400,000 views right now you would know it went over 400 I'm pretty sure last time I checked oh yeah it is 400 nice there you go so you would be considered kind of an outlier in in YouTube like that's an insane first video posted to just blow up like that how do you think that happened and why well there's two big things so like I mentioned YouTube has been a passion for me for a long time so I've been very interested not only in just watching YouTube being involved in it being involved in other creators communities but also on the analytics side and what makes a YouTube video work and so I have a friend who made YouTube videos outside of disc golf and I helped him edit I helped him come up with ideas I helped him make thumbnails I helped him do all this stuff before I started making my own videos so I had that kind of like a sounding board before I even started YouTube so I had a little bit of experience doing YouTube stuff and then when I started I started out I just like decided to start posting shorts and that was like a foot in the door and I learned a ton of lessons just about what videos do well how to frame my stories how to tell good stories how to edit how to do all these things before I even posted my first video and so I feel like my first video my first full length video was it was kind of like lightning struck where I think I found a very unique thing that people didn't really know about I think I had a good title and a thumbnail that appealed to disc golfers and non-disc golfers and then I think I still told a complete story and made a solid video and since my YouTube channel didn't have any full-length videos already on it I think that YouTube didn't have any basis to be like is this video better or worse than his other videos should we push it to more people should we push it to less people and I think part of it is like since it was a higher standard had all those things going for it compared to most people's first videos it outperformed them so they were like okay we're gonna push it pretty hard so within the first few weeks it was like at a hundred K which was an insane feeling and I remember instantly thinking I was gonna quit my job but that's the first reason but also the second reason is a little bit deeper but I am a man of faith I believe in my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and I believe that this is something that I've been called to I've been praying about this for a long time and I've told him a million times that if this isn't what he wants me to do to slam the door in my face and every time I pray that a million other doors open so it's just one of those things I don't really believe in coincidence or chance or anything like that and yeah there it is there you go me Jay Milley as you can read my shirt I'm a man of faith as well and I 100% Gary saying so I love that I love that you said that kind of just you know working hard and and just keep kind of leaving it up to where it takes you and that was cool very inspirational thank you for mentioning that and by the way sorry for all the audio my my shirt I was holding my shirt it says pray more worry less so there we go there we go so tell us more about kind of your content creation and what I guess what advice do you have for anyone that wants to tap into content creation in disc golf that you wish you had well so part part of what motivated me to make content in disc golf in the first place is I believe a lot of the people that are in the disc golf content space right now are disc golfers who make YouTube videos I wanted to be a youtuber who makes disc golf videos and if you don't quite understand what I'm saying it's a little bit confusing but what I'm trying to say is disc golf has its own niche in YouTube where like an in-the-bag video does really well but to someone who doesn't know disc golf and in the bag video like why would why would I click yeah like what what what what is the interest and appeal in in the bag video that is only beneficial to someone who already knows disc golf so the stance I take at it is I want to make a video or at least package a video so that someone who's disc golfer can still watch the video and that's not for everyone and there's a lot of benefits to just being a disc golfer who makes YouTube videos but that mindset is kind of counter to what YouTube is about there's a within YouTube there's a lot of medas that if you follow those medas you're gonna be a successful youtuber and I looked at disc golf and I was like no one is following these medas so I'll try it and then boom now here I am a year later so it's like there there are a lot of successful things to do on YouTube and I just brought them to disc golf so follow follow that and then I guess more so than just that the big the biggest thing I like to tell people is just do it if you commit to it you're gonna get better at it as long as you're committed to it the the thing that held me back was I was just so scared that the first thing I put out had to be perfect and it crippled me for a long time like I said I wanted to be YouTube for a very long time and I didn't get the courage to do it till 2023 imagine where I could be if I started a year or two years or three years earlier so just do it put a video out it doesn't have to be perfect a lot of very very very popular creators right now had horrible first videos so put a video out commit to improving one thing about that video make a second video make a third video make a fourth video figure out if it's something that you are actually interested in actually in love with actually enjoy doing because you make one video and you kind of have an idea do I did I enjoy that process did I enjoy doing that no okay I just played disc golf I don't make disc golf content or oh I enjoyed making that I like disc golf content I want to get better at this I want to do this so make the first video post it and make educated decisions after that that's my that's my biggest advice for someone trying to step into disc golf content oh sorry I could the wrong thing so awesome that it's actually fantastic advice and I definitely agree with that sediment I think once I found disc golf I realized what it truly meant to be super passionate about something and something you love so I think if you're you know everyone wants to be a youtuber but if you you can try but if you're not really like into it in really loving it then it's just not for you you got to find what you love and for me it was this often that's why I've gotten just full full blown into it just podcast and expose and YouTube and playing a ton just because you know you got to find what you love before we let you go that was any plans you have for the future with James Florida Jamie Lee and the YouTube let's say one two to five years from now yeah so the plans are right now ice I work as an engineer full-time this is my side hustle side thing one day I like that to involve more of my life yeah and then right now I am 962 rated for those that know what that means and I'd love to get 2,000 rated at some point I have steadily increased since I started playing competitively funnily enough about a year and a half ago when I started my YouTube as well so the plans are to make this more of a full-time thing get better compete competitively I would love to play on the pro tour not necessarily like I'm not like setting my eyes on being the next Paul Macbeth but I like to be like a couple top fives at some point and then as been mentioned we're on the funsy podcast it's a lot of fun it's a disc golf podcast where we have fun that's essentially the saying if you don't know what a funsy is it's when you throw a second shot off of the tee because you threw bad first shot so you took a funsy and that's what our podcast is all about and that's a lot of fun and we are looking to do that for the long haul looking to continue to grow that it's enjoyable to get to talk about my disc golf content get to talk about what is happening on the pro tour and yeah I enjoy all that yeah that is exactly have a funsy we're in it for the long haul so I know this is this off daily but funsy is my I guess what is the word for it you're something child you're a child no it's something like it's your like baby I don't know maybe that's where I'm trying to think but it it's my baby because it's the podcast that I started with Sacco and Jay Milley on my own these other podcasts I kind of joined so the funsy is like kind of more my creative expression with these guys so check it out if you want to in for sure go check out Jay Milley if you haven't seen any of these videos some of the most polished YouTube videos there is on disc golf and it's super entertaining that even if you don't like disc golf you'll definitely enjoy any last shout outs before we let you go Joseph Milleff shout out armory disc golf they are my sponsors they're retail shop they have some of the best prices all the best discs use code Jay Milleff for 10% off it helps support me also shout out trash panda I work for them I'm sponsored by them they're the best Jesse is the man shout out my wife may see Miller she supports me a lot oh yeah and if you go to armory my merch is there it's fun it's it's a good time yeah it's it's the wave shout out funsy shout out Sacco shout out to boys yeah I think that's it sweet um this has been disc golf daily thanks so much for joining Jay Mille we will see you next Sunday thank you so much for watching please like subscribe comment and share it really does help us grow (upbeat music)