Sheep Get Sheared

The Husband Hustle: Why Good Men Get Shortchanged in Marriage

Broadcast on:
28 Aug 2024
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What's up ladies and gentlemen welcome to the sheep kids shared podcast of your host Austin Creed my friends I'm in the middle of my work day actually but I really want to get this this show out today because that happened I've been able to do as much content for y'all as I normally do and it's honestly been even eating away a little bit I really enjoy doing it as I can tell some of you who really love the show love to listen to it which I'm thankful for by the way one thing that I really want to talk about today was I was on my best friend's wedding last weekend it was a great ceremony really well done but as I was sitting there me being the cynical guy that I am I couldn't help but have some thoughts and obviously I'm not gonna tell my bro was getting married my cynical thoughts number one he doesn't want to hear it and number two he's trying to have a great day considering that I literally saw the legal paperwork being done because I was one of the grooms but I saw the legal paperwork being signed in the back room that was an experience because I've never seen it actually done before where they have two witnesses sign the paper then they sign the paper and then they initial here and they dot the T's there and the cross that they cross the eye you know you know you know I'm talking about it dot the eyes crossed T's put the date on there they sign everything and make a look official all that type of shit you know it's crazy to me you know what he wants to talk about how the guy is risking everything on that relationship you know I'm sitting there on the table and they're saying their vows there's they're saying like the family members the maid of honor the groom was made like it's all it's all great I'm not talking about people personally I'm talking about the institution I'm talking about how a lot of dudes they port everything they have in this shit they do everything they can to make this day unforgettable and then unfortunately a lot of times that's exactly what it becomes because then they may get the divorce and 80 percent of the time it's the one who files a divorce before they wouldn't even admit that that was the truth now they'll admit it but then say that it's not their fault you got to love that part but with my friends the reason I bring this up is not because you haven't heard it before cuz odds are you have the reason I bring it up is because a lot of people who are skeptical maybe a little skeptical like me but they still they still want to get married they still want to have a committed relationship they are not ready to fully walk off the plantation the political plantations but set up by the rubber barons of last of yester year being continued by the tech pirates of today nobody will completely walk off that plantation with very very rare exception people don't want to fully walk off the plantation they'll try to negotiate they'll go through all the stages of grief they'll say hey you know why maybe you find a ghost she ain't here or maybe if I strike a bargain there or I accept certain things over here or I deny this because I don't like how the guy said it or I don't like what he said so therefore I disagree with it despite the fact that has no regard on how well valid the statement is they'll ignore it because there are stages of grief when people are exposed to the truth in the same way that I'm going through the duties of grief because my grandfather just died except I've been through this once or twice and so for me I know what I'm going through the stages of grief I know how to handle it to an extent because I've dealt with lost my entire life so I know how to deal with it a little bit better but when it comes to the truth when it comes to your world view people don't want to give it up they don't want to say you know what you know Austin I see what you're saying with a marriage not really benefiting me as a man but you know if only I do X Y or Z I can make it work or if only I find the right woman I can make it work people will give me these excuses in real life oh yeah we'll give it to me on the internet we give them it's probably to you and in your rear game your life as well and my friends I'm not gonna sit here and tell you oh just listen to me everything will work out hey if I work it out for me thus far let me tell you but number two I don't expect people to want to walk off the plantation that's been built for them by the politicians and by the billionaire class they want to sit there they want it soak in the lies they want to soak in the propaganda that's pushed on them and you might ask yourself why why is it that I guys like me on the side of the internet we say that guys finish last we say that you shouldn't invest in women we say you shouldn't mean long-term relationships you don't know why we say these things we don't say them because they're easy we don't say them because they make us feel good we say it because it must be done if you want to walk off the plantation you know and days gone by there was actual slavery in this country in America there was now there isn't that the finding line between who was a slave and who was a free man there used to be a very clear distinction on who was a slave and who was a free man now I am not here to tell you that slavery should come back because it already is here oh yeah you're not walking around and change you're walking around with debt they don't have physical chains on you and you're not calling people massa you're have debt over your heads and you're calling people boss oh I'm sorry that I offend you with that direct comparison I don't give a damn because unless you could sit there and call me a liar you missed the point the point of the matter is it's easy to see things when people put it in front of perspective you might find the style of speech abrasive you might find it offensive you might say Austin I cannot stand how you say things because it triggers me good good because guess what that's how I woke up if they got woke up by people sitting me down saying now Austin I'm gonna say here and I want to tell you about the different unfortunate realities of the world that I'm going to say it in a nice calm soothing voice that's very likely to put you asleep of course they don't a lot of people are not but they're not put up on game what they do is they go through life with the faulty manual given to them by the corporate overlords and then they try it time and time again until they realize wait a minute something's not working and then they're told it's their fault oh you're not doing it right you're not hitting it right you're not doing it the way it's supposed to be done and they'll buy that initially because they can't accept the fact that they've been lied to they can't accept the fact that they've been deceived so instead they'll say hey must be me I'm the calm denominator it must be me when they're only half right it's their belief system if that belief system changed if it adapted I think it was a Patrick O'Neill I think it was Patrick O'Neill I think that's the guy who said that men are 5,000 years behind peace leave shot at the coach Greg Adams he said that men were 5,000 years behind peace leave let me tell you something men are behind the curve on when it comes to relationship dynamics not because we're inherently stupid but because a lot of men that we want to believe in romance that women love us for who we are and not what we provide we want to believe these things because they make us feel good and makes us feel valuable instead of saying you know what I could find myself a maid I could find myself a cook I could find myself a personal assistant I could find myself a sugar baby I can get all of these things with money to save me time they'll say no I'll get a wife and I'll try to convince her to do all these things pay her more money to do less and have to nag her how to convince her bribe her give her allowance all these things while paying her car paying her insurance paying for her half the mortgage doing all these things why usually in the name of because it's still quote-unquote right thing to do tell me I'm lying hey gentlemen if you think I'm lying or I'm out of pocket or I'm out of line go in the comments tell me I'm out of line tell me that I'm out out here lying to you because the unsubscribe button the block button the report button it's right there you think I'm lying to you you can go ahead choose the problem too many men they just don't like the style and how it's said and then they choose to ignore it instead of saying you know what he has validity in what he's saying his points make sense I just one might have said it differently but what he is saying holds weight what he's saying is true what he's saying rings with me it's sticking around in my head not can't get it out I don't want to believe it I don't want to think it's true but it is my friends easy right there that is the sign of personal growth because you're understanding that it just because I don't like something or do like something should have nothing to do with whether you believe it or don't believe it now I'm not going to sit here and pretend like I am not also someone actively attempting to overcome this reality but what I will tell you is there is a there are levels to this there are different grades to this because once you start to accept the unfortunate realities of the world you live in you will start to view the world differently you will see and operate your life in a different way that is unrecognizable to the average normie who goes around like an NPC not an AI AI is too smart for doing that I thought in an NPC like you'd find in a video game like Elden Ring Sky Rim uh Batman you name it that's the kind of stuff we're talking about these and these people who they don't think for themselves they don't want to have a brain because they're gonna have somebody broadcasting their views and they don't want to think for themselves because that requires work that requires saying wait a minute I could actually be wrong here I'm gonna have to deal with conflict oh god flipped all hell no guys this is why I say nice guys finish last this is why I say that husbands are getting hustled out here and the reason is because you are not being told there are alternatives in your father and grandfather's generation this was commonplace for you to be married whether you are a stepdad uh a biological father you were expected to be a father to have a wife you were expected to do these things today you don't have to you are free but people want to go back to those old days they want to bring the old days back not having any knowledge of history as to what that entails what they have to sacrifice and what comes along in the fine print they want women to be traditional not realizing that it's not as glorified it's not as good as i think it is number one and number two it means that they have to be traditional as well do you be shocked by the level of bullshit i hear on the internet with people saying oh yeah you gotta get yourself a ride or die wanted a billion chick but then you can go cheat on her and have other hoes on the side and i'm like why here is this why kind of advice is this this is the stupidest shit i've ever heard in my life so after that you find the so-called magical unicorn that doesn't even exist but we'll say hypothetically you find it and then you're supposed to then cheat on her with other chicks uh no uh no no sorry no man that's not traditional that's not how that works look the reason i'm saying that my husband are being awful is because i wish that marriage was different i frankly i do but guess what it's not it's not does that mean it's impossible to have a good marriage no it's not impossible but it's not going to be free that's for damn sure and number two it's going to require everything and you're paying more to get less now if you're already married make that work because you're already stuck in a you're stuck well stuck sounds bad you're in a relationship make it work as much as you can but if you are not married and you're listening to the show you do not have to get married the days of that are long gone like i said you can get a maid you can get a cook you can get a personal assistant you can get a sugar baby you can do all these things and they will gladly go over and help you instead of having to deal with attitude deal with bs deal with her looking you know not putting as much effort as she might go in the girls' nights out you don't have to deal with that shit don't have to but people will still volunteer for because that's what the normies are doing and they want to fit in fitting in is stupid you want to be like the every you want to be like mr average eddy but then make boogoo bucks you want to be like warm buffet yeah sorry man no i ain't gonna happen that's not how it works you have to make sacrifices to get where you want to go you don't just show up at the finish line you got to run the race and you got to be one to make sacrifices hopefully it's coming through okay by the way because i'm on the road i have no idea how this sounds as i'm talking but my friends with this is a subject matter that a lot of men who have been divorced they'll tell you but the men who are actively in a marriage whether it's succeeding or failing they won't tell you how hard it is they won't tell you how difficult it is how much they've given and how little they've gotten in return they won't tell you that why because it doesn't go with the program it doesn't fit with the narrative that people push about marriage that it's all good you get this happily ever after more or less like you see at the end of every Disney movie and the answer is no you don't but it's still sold that way because people want you to believe in the fantasy and they want to keep this imaginary image of marriage working and it doesn't work not for a lot of people the divorce rate has never been higher and a lot of people are unhappy with the system and a lot of the men they don't say a damn thing because they don't want to be ostracized they don't want to lose their job they don't want people to think less of them so they won't say it so i'll say it for them and a lot of other guys on the side of the internet will tell you the same thing not because we're bitter or hurt but because we are not blind we see it for what it is a fraud my friends let me know how you've been hustling your marriage or maybe you want to flip the script and tell me how it's worked for you and what sacrifices you've made to make it work i'm open for that conversation but don't sit up here and tell me that it's all rainbows and unicorns and pots of gold at the end of it don't tell me that because we all know that's rubbish you got to be out here and put in a lot of work a lot of compromise and even then you're not guaranteed a return we need to tell accurate stories here not just ones that fit with my narrative the narrative or anyone else's we need to have a dialogue on this from multiple different viewpoints my friends let me know how this is how marriage has impacted you whether it's your marriage your parents marriage your grandparents marriage your friends marriage let me know i'd love to hear about it and you might save a guy's life who was thinking about getting married and he decides you know what it's not a good deal as i was told it was i'm going to reevaluate my options if i could save his life and you could be a part of that my friends you take care of yourself i'm getting close to my job sites so i got a role well i start doing this more frequently every day like i used to because this is important to me and i know it's important to some of you as well you really love the show my friends you take care of yourself i'm out of here peace