The Father's House Audio Podcast

Why We Serve- Joseph Zwanziger

Why We Serve by Pastor Joseph Zwanziger.

Broadcast on:
08 Sep 2024
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Broadcasted live from The Father's House, Vacaville, CA.


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For more information about The Father's House, visit https://www.tfh.orgBroadcasted live from The Father's House, Vacaville, CA.


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- Welcome to the audio podcast of The Father's House. We hope and pray you are both challenged and encouraged by this time in the Word. - Come on, it's gonna be in the house of God. Come on, do you love Jesus? Come on, let's welcome all of our locations today. We love you guys, everybody outside this room, online prison church network and all of our physical locations. We love you, you guys can be seated, you're awesome. Thanks for being here, thank you, band. And man, if you're here today, we're gonna jump right into the Word. And if you have your Bible or a Bible app with you, would you turn with me to John chapter 13? We're gonna jump into John chapter 13. And last week we wrapped up our series in the book of Mark and it was incredible just to dig into the Word. And today is a very special day. And if you didn't notice at all of our locations, when you walked up, there's these tents outside everywhere with different ministry names on them. Today is a very, very special day because, you know, for years at the church, everybody that serves at any of our locations, they were called the dream team, all right? But today is a special day because we are rebranding the dream team and now the dream team is the serve team. How'd you guys come up with that name? Well, after hours of deliberations with our team, we're like, what can we call the team of people who serve at the church? And then it hit us, serve team. I know somebody's here, but what does the serve team do? They serve. Did you see the brilliance in the marketing strategy here? It's top notch people here at the Father's House. I don't know what church you think you go to, but this is high intellect here that, but we're excited about rebranding and we are the serve team. So officially everybody who serves at the church, you are on the serve team. So thank you for serving. And today is serve team Sunday. And Mahatma Gandhi said this. He said, the best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others. And so we're gonna talk about that today. John 13, are you there? If you're there, say I'm there. Come on, Napa, East Bay, Roseville, shout it out, you're there, all right. This is a passage that has been thinking about serve team Sunday and preaching to you today. This passage has been gripping my heart as I was, you know, there's a lot of different places we could go when we talk about serving in the Bible. And I went to this story and God began to open this up. And so I'm excited to preach this to you and to expound upon this today as we look at it. And so let's jump in and John chapter 13, verse one, it says, before the Passover celebration, Jesus knew that his hour had come to leave this world and return to his father. And he had loved his disciples during his ministry on earth and now he loved them to the very end. And so he got up from the table and he took off his robe and wrapped a towel around his waist and poured water into a basin. See, one thing you need to understand here is that Jews in this time, they would absolutely avoid taking off their outer garment. So there would be an outer garment and there would be an undergarment. And it's different than what we would think about today as underwear, this wasn't an inappropriate thing, it's just they wore different layers. And it was a status symbol, it was a thing of dignity. And so what Jesus was doing here is he was removing his dignity and putting on humility to serve his followers. Jesus was taking off his divinity and embracing humanity to get on the same level as his disciples. Verse five, he began to wash the disciples' feet, drying them with a towel that he had around him. And I got a pedicure once. You're like, I don't like where this is going. Years ago, I was like, what's all the hype? And Tash wanted to go get some pedicures. And I was like, well, man, I love the massage chair thing you sit in. But the whole time, I'm just thinking like, I'm sorry that you have to touch my feet right now. Grading on a curve as a man though, I've got decent feet for a man. So I'm here to give all glory to God on that. (congregation laughing) But the point is this, foot washing, like what is up with this whole foot washing thing? It says that he began to wash his disciples' feet. See, in those days, the roads weren't paved. There weren't sidewalks. These were dirt roads and they were walking around with sandals in a desert climate. Dust plus sweat plus sandals is not pleasant. And so foot washing was an actual part of their culture that when you would come to someone's house, there would be a bowl where you could wash your feet so that you're not tracking all of that into the person's house. But see, to actually wash someone's feet though, was a very humbling thing. In fact, Hebrew servants wouldn't even wash people's feet because they considered it to be that lowly of a task. And so, you know, maybe out of great affection for a master, a disciple would wash their master's feet. But what we see happening here is a master washing his disciples' feet. And so this is, I don't want you to lose the significance of this. This was a significant moment. This was a show-stopping moment where it would command the attention of the room because this was so upside down compared to what they'd been living in their culture for years and years and years. Verse six, when Jesus came to Simon Peter, Peter said to him, "Lord, are you gonna wash my feet?" Again, this humbling situation and Jesus replied, "You don't understand now what I'm doing, "but someday you will." No, Peter protested. You will never, ever wash my feet. He thought he was honoring Jesus. Jesus replied, "Unless I wash you, you won't belong to me." And Simon Peter exclaimed and washed my hands. My head as well, Lord, not just my feet. I wanna be called by your name. Verse 12, after washing their feet, he put on his robe again and sat down and asked, "Do you understand what I was doing? "You call me teacher and Lord and you're right "because that's what I am. "And since I, your Lord and teacher, have washed your feet, "you ought to wash each other's feet. "And I've given you an example to follow. "Do as I have done to you." Verse 16, "I tell you the truth." And before I get to the last statement here, this, "I tell you the truth" is the word in the Greek, which is amine. It's where we get our word, amen. And so this is a huge moment here because it means this. It's a strong affirmation of what is stated. So given a little bit of different application here, that's why when we're in church, it's okay to say amen when the preaching of the word is going forth. It is a strong affirmation of faith. It is saying, God, this, do this in my life. And so I want to free you today. And at all of our locations, during the sermon, this is not the time to be quiet and listen. This is the time to engage with the word of God. And so if you hear something today that you want for you or you believe that there's a strong affirmation of just amen, and you can say that out loud. But in the gospels, it's interesting because the only person to use amen was Jesus. And William Mounts, who's a theologian, says this by using amine to introduce his words. Jesus labels them as certain and reliable and makes them binding on himself and on his hearers. And so what Jesus is about to say in the last part of this scripture, he's putting his reputation on it. And he is expressing the importance and the weight of the command that he is about to give us. So verse 16, he said, "Truly I say to you, "amine, slaves are not greater than their master, "nor is the messenger more important than the one "who sends the message. "Now that you know these things, "God will bless you for doing them." And so today I wanna speak on the topic, why we serve, why we serve. And if you're here today and are at any of our locations and you're already serving, I pray that today you're gonna get fresh vision and fresh faith for what you do. If you're at any of our locations and you have yet to step across that line to serve in the house of God, I pray that today that you would be provoked by the spirit of God and by his heart for you to step out and do something you've never done and experience Jesus in that. And finally, if you're here and you're a guest at any one of our locations and you wouldn't call yourself a Christ follower, I would just say that today you're gonna get to see the heart of a God that loves you so much. And so I want you to experience him today and before we get into the rest of this, let's pray together and we're gonna jump in. So Father, we thank you for your heart. We thank you for your love. We thank you that God, you took off your godness and you put on humanity to go to the cross for us and to do what we could not do ourselves. And so today we sit under your word and we thank you for who you are in Jesus' name. Amen. Amen. Number one, your life is limited unless you're serving. Why do we serve? 'Cause number one, your life is limited unless you're serving. Look at verse 13. Jesus said, you call me teacher and Lord and you're right because that's what I am. And since I, your Lord and teacher have washed your feet, you ought to wash each other's feet. And I have given you an example to follow, do as I have done to you. See, Jesus doesn't want us to stop at our relationship with him being as our teacher and our Lord. But he actually wants us to go to the next level which is doing what he told us to do and following his example into serving. Isn't this a crazy thought? He doesn't want you to stop at him being teacher and Lord. Well, what I thought the whole thing was that every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that he is, okay, that's step one. But step one really ends with us, doesn't it? Because it's like me and Jesus. He's my teacher and my Lord. I'm learning things about him. He's the savior and the guiding light of my life. But God doesn't want us to stop with him just being teacher and Lord, he wants us to follow his example and to begin to not literally wash others' feet although there's times where you could do that if you feel God's leading you to do that. I know people have done outreach ministry in San Francisco and washed the feet of the homeless in San Francisco and I've washed the feet of my wife before we got married. It's just a sign of like, I'm here to serve you. People are just like, oh man, that's beautiful. If you need that today, you can take it. But see, when he's just teacher and Lord, it stops with us, but when we follow him into serving, then it becomes about the expansion of the knowledge of the glory and the goodness of God. See, if this whole Christian thing stops with him being teacher and Lord, then it's people only come to Jesus because of one-on-one encounters with Jesus. And I'm grateful that people have experienced him like that and especially in very hard to reach countries. And you heard stories of Muslims who were coming to faith because Jesus actually appeared to them and they gave their lives to him and that's amazing. But if that's how it ends, then it's just Jesus and people one-on-one and the kingdom grows by addition. But if we follow his example and move into serving, then the kingdom begins to expand exponentially. See, because as one person encounters him and serves and tells others, then that becomes two and the two become four and the four become eight and the eight become 16 and the 16 become 32. See, this isn't about just growing a big church. This is not about some kingdom expansion program. This is about lost people, your family members, your neighbors, kids in your class, coworkers, people that you meet at the store, experiencing the love of Jesus. And so our lives are limited if we stop at just teacher and Lord. Verse 15, he says, "I've given you an example to follow, "do as I have done to you." Everybody say, "do." John 15, 14, Jesus says, "You're my friends "if you do what I command you." In 1 John 2, 6 John writes, "Whoever says he abides "in him ought to walk in the same way in which he walked." In Luke 6, 46, Jesus says, "Why do you call me Lord, Lord, "and not do what I tell you?" Do we see it? He doesn't want us to stop at teacher and Lord. He wants us to follow his example. He wants us to do as has been done to us. And so we serve, we follow Jesus' example and maybe you've been saved for a little while. And one thing I know about life and following Jesus is that if you've been serving for a little while, there's that initial buzz of salvation that maybe you've experienced this God's meeting you and it's just every time you open your Bible, it's like revelatory and every time you come into church, it's God's rock in your world, but it can start to wear off. And you ask the question, is this it? I'm here to tell you today, if you're in that season and you feel the buzz is kind of wearing off your Christian walk, then maybe it's time to get out and serve. Do what Jesus can manage you to do. It's almost like he's withholding the next level because he doesn't want you just to know him as teacher and Lord and the God of your salvation. He wants to you to know him as the God who serves. And so why we serve number one, because our lives are limited unless we're serving. Number two, we serve because Jesus served us first. Oh, I love this. We serve because Jesus served us first. How many of you guys like to get served? Not papers, I'm talking about like you have to get served. Right? I love to get served. Right? I try not to be a selfish person, but man, when someone's serving me, it just feels good. It feels good to be served. Like if someone brings you food that you didn't prepare and you didn't even have to think about and it's awesome. You're like, man, this feels great. I can get used to this, right? Or maybe, you know, like it's at the holidays and you're sitting around and you're watching the game or you know, whatever you're doing at the holidays and maybe it's your spouse or your mom or grandma or relative that you actually like comes and starts rubbing your shoulders, right? You're just like, oh, what are they doing? They're removing tension. When people serve you, they're moving a burden. And so, I mean, it feels good to be served. It's actually just reaching in front of you and start rubbing the shoulders of the person and I'm just kidding, don't do that. Sir, please, sir, it's gonna end up on a Yelp review somewhere. I went to that church, got weird in East Bay on that Sunday. (congregation laughing) It feels good to be served, right? Because there's a removal of that burden and of tension. It gives ease into your life. It just feels good to be served. And if you call yourself a Christ follower today, Jesus served you. And He's still serving you. He took the burden of your shame and your brokenness. He took your sin. He paid the debt that you owed. You could do nothing about it. He erased the record that was associated with your name because of your sin and because of the things that you had done, that you knew you deserved to pay that penalty. But Jesus took off His divinity and became man. And He went to the cross and He served us all universally when He went to the cross. But He's so good that He keeps serving. He keeps putting His hand on your life and guiding your life and anointing you and giving you connections that you never deserved or came up with your own. See, Jesus serves us more than we could ever comprehend. Never forget every good and perfect gift is from Him. In John 13, 14, Jesus said, "And since I, your Lord and teacher, have washed your feet, "you ought to wash each other's feet." See, Jesus served His disciples. And what happens, He told His disciples, now go and do the same. And we follow the life of His disciples and we follow into the rest of the New Testament. We see that multitudes and multitudes of people were coming to salvation. And the gospel was spreading to different continents. Why? Because there was an example that the teacher and Lord gave to His disciples and said, now you go and do the same. And what happened? That exponential growth and the spreading of the kingdom. And because maybe of this commission, we all are sitting in the locations that we're in today because some disciples said, no, He said go and now begin to do the same thing. But it happens because they experienced Jesus serving them first. And I think about the woman at the well, and you can just write down John chapter four. If you're not familiar with this story, I'd encourage you to read it this week. But the woman at the well, see Jesus meets her in the middle of the day, in the heat of the day, and nobody would go to draw water in the middle of the day because of how hot it was. But see, this woman was living a pretty scandalous lifestyle. And Jesus revealed that she had four husbands before, and the man that she was with now was not even her husband. But he met her in that place, and he restored her dignity. And she came to salvation and had this powerful encounter with God. And what do we see happens in the story? It says she went back to the village, and she said, look at this man who told me everything I ever did. So what was the natural byproduct of this thing with Jesus? It was to go to others and tell them. And it said that many people in the village were saved. So if you think about that, if many people were saved, then it means many marriages were affected. And if many marriages were affected, it means many families were affected. And if many families were affected, that means many lineages from this point on were affected because this one woman, see, I'm here to tell you today that serving is the natural byproduct of an encounter with Jesus. It's not a begrudging thing. It's not a, I guess I'll do my religious duty now. No, no, no, it is the natural byproduct of an encounter with Jesus. And so if you're here in any of our locations and you just find it, it's hard to step out. And I just, I don't have the time or you just don't feel motivated to do it. I'm saying it's time to see Jesus again. Man, don't see religion. Don't even see me on this stage. See Jesus again who's calling you to himself because serving is the natural byproduct of an encounter with Jesus. No, I can't speak for you, but I think you can relate to this. See, I don't serve because I was just bored and had extra time on my hands because I got nothing better going on. No, I serve because I am acutely aware of the fact that Jesus first served me. See, in my teenage years and into my early 20s, I was drowning in a lifestyle of sexual perversity. And I thought, man, God will never use me. I don't even think that deserved to come to church. I don't think God wouldn't use me. He's going to use those perfect people that are down there. But you know what Jesus did? When I came, ashamed with muddy feet and sandals, He took off His outer rope. I began to wash my feet. I began to take off the shame and the humiliation. And the Bible it even says that such were some of you, but you've been washed. And you've been cleansed. And you've been justified, which means it's just as if your sin never happened. So when someone says, can you help us clean the church and get ready for Sunday? I'm like, of course. 'Cause someone's going to get their feet washed on Sunday. Someone's going to experience the Savior taking off His robe and saying, I know what you've been through. I know what you think about yourself. But I'm saying, I don't say that about you. And He's going to wash your feet. And man, this is why I serve. This is why I've given my life to it because I have the reality and the understanding that Jesus first served me. Paul said in Romans 12.1, He said, therefore I urge you brothers and sisters in view of God's mercy to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God. This is your true and proper or reasonable worship. Except half of your Bible translations, if you do a search on this, half of the translations would translate worship as service. In view of God's mercy, I urge you brothers to give your bodies as a living sacrifice, which is your reasonable act of service because it's in view of his mercies. So here's my paraphrase of that verse. Remember what Jesus has done for you because of that offer everything to God as a reasonable act of service. Because service is the natural byproduct of an encounter with Jesus. So keep his mercy in view. Don't forget, don't forget what he's done. Psalm 103 says, "Bless the Lord, O my soul, and don't forget what he's done." If you're here today and you're not a Christ follower and you're at any one of our locations you're watching on, I'm here to tell you, you came in for whatever reason somebody invited you or maybe you're just hungry for something greater than yourself. I'm here to tell you that Jesus is not just a religious figure, but he's a real man who really walked the earth and he went to the cross to serve you. And however you've walked in today, maybe you heard my story that I was just sharing. You've got your own version, but Jesus wants to serve you. He wants to serve you today and remove that shame and remove that sin and say, "If you'll give me your life, I'll give you a life that is more abundant than you would ever imagine on your own." And we're gonna do something different at the end of the service today. But if you're here and you wanna give your life to Jesus at the close of service, our pastors and teams are gonna come up to the front, teams of leaders. I just encourage you to come and tell one of them, say, "I wanna give my life to Jesus." And they're gonna pray with you and they're gonna walk you through that and introduce you to Jesus today and tell you how to start a life with him 'cause he wants to serve you. Amen? Come on. (congregation applauding) So why do we serve? Number one, our lives are limited unless we're serving. Number two, we serve because Jesus first served us and number three, blessing comes through serving. Blessing comes through serving. And here's a blessing. Secular research actually tells us that when you serve, you live longer. I'm not making this up, okay? Dan Butner, who studied communities around the globe that have the most centenarians. So people living to a hundred years and more, he identified these communities across the globe and started to study them about what are their lifestyles and how do they eat and what do they do and why are they living that long? And look at what he said, among his research, he said research shows that people who belong to a faith-based community and attend at least four times per month live four to 14 years longer than people who don't. And research shows that you'll amplify the longevity benefits of belonging to a faith community if you become active. Again, this is a secular research. This guy is not a believer. So he's telling you, join the choir, volunteer as a greeter or commit to read for the congregation. (audience cheering) So this isn't preachers telling you this. This is people outside the church that have identified that people who are involved in their faith community through serving, it's crazy how much longer they're living than others. Now, personally, I know where I'm going in eternity, so I don't really care. I mean, I'd like to make my years on the earth good. I don't necessarily care to live to a hundred, but I love this research that it's like, there is an actual effect on our health and our longevity through serving. John 13, 17, Jesus said it like this. Now that you know these things, God will bless you for doing them. Man, it's enough what Jesus did for me that I will serve him the rest of my life. And that's not just that glib or cliche expression. Like, I actually mean, I will serve Jesus. I will serve his people. I will serve in church and make a way for those that have never experienced that, to experience him because of what he's already done for me. But because he is so much better than we could ever wrap our heads around, he also says, oh, and by the way, when you do this, I'm gonna bless you even more. I'm gonna bless you even more. This is crazy, see, I would say my life has been blessed through serving. In fact, the word blessed, I don't think even is a strong enough word for how I would describe what God has done in my life through serving. See, through serving, I have met lifelong friends. And just, I wanna, this is audience participation time, all locations. If you had said that those of you that are serving, you'd say, I've met lifelong friends through serving. We just shoot your hand up in the air. But I want you to look around the room right now. If you're lonely, serious, if you're lonely, if you feel like you don't, you can't make friends or you've come into church and you're like, I just don't, I don't connect with someone. Serve, it's through serving that you are, you find yourself in a group of people that God begins to connect you supernaturally and you become lifelong friends. So if you want more friends, it's time to serve. But it doesn't stop there. I met my wife through serving the house of God. Come on, another audience participation time. How many of you have literally, how many of you have met your spouse through serving in church? Come on, raise your hand. Come on, look around, all the locations. It's been said, serve the house, find a spouse. (congregation laughing) I got, I got Bible to back it up. I don't have time to date to share it with you, but you saw the hands that went up, single people, you were on notice right now. Well, God's just not bringing that, maybe it's time to serve, serve. Guess what, jump on guest services. There's like 600 people on the guest services team across all our locations. That's a pretty good pool, single people. Now, please don't, please don't troll while you're serving. Do you understand? Serve the house of God, serve people. Let God do the work. (congregation clapping) Okay. But my life has taken shape through serving. God's continued to open doors, and it's just been a series of yes after yes, after yes, that God has led me into my calling and my career, and he just keeps leading me and keeps blessing me. And I want to share some real stories from people in our church who, and this is how they wouldn't say it. One person said serving has really impacted my life because all the amazing people I get to meet. And it brings me joy to know that I get to make a way for others like someone once did for me. Another person said, I love serving because it's a reminder that God is so much bigger than me, and that the impact serving has on others is literally eternal. That's wild, and that was their quote, that wasn't me. But I want to read you a story, someone who served in our adventure camp this summer, kids camp, this person said this, I've been coughing for the last nine months, every day throughout the day, every time I needed to speak, no medication helped. The doctor thought it was allergies, though a pattern of symptoms indicated acute bronchitis and didn't prescribe anything that helped. God put on my heart to sign up to volunteer with the kids ministry for a few days to help as a counselor at kids camp. I obeyed and signed up, and I committed to fasting from Monday until the last day of camp. On Tuesday morning, the longtime cough was gone. The camp was a blast. I shared the word of God with the kids in my group, prayed with some of the kids. I was in a happy place for three days. The cough has been gone ever since. God healed me when everything else had failed to God, be all the glory. I am grateful to have had the opportunity to serve. And so Jesus said it, I've given you an example to follow due as I have done to you. And now that you know these things, God will bless you for doing them. You know, I'm not up here asking you to be like me. I'm not asking you to be like everybody else. I'm asking you to be like Jesus. That's where the power is. That's where the supernatural is. Is when you say, "Jesus, you're my teacher and Lord, "and now I'm gonna follow your example, "and I'm gonna step across the line "and begin to serve other people." And band, you guys can join me on stage, and we're gonna get ready to close, and the application to this message is very, very simple. Any ideas? Serve. You guys are smart. You should be on our marketing team. (congregation laughing) The application is that, it's serve. And we've created the end of this service. We've created the services today at all of our locations to give a little bit of margin so that you don't feel like you need to run out to your car. But we want you to sign up today and join the interest list to join one of the many ministries that we have here at the church. And there's many ways to serve, right? Like you can serve at the church, but we're to live a lifestyle of serving. And I'm boasting in the Lord, not in myself, but just as I've been following Him, here's what I noticed. I hold doors open for people everywhere across town. And some people say thank you, and some people don't, and they would say thank you, and I would say, "Man, I'm here to serve." And I'm like, "What am I saying right now?" This person, well, it's 'cause it's a lifestyle, right? I've been at stores sometimes, and someone looks lost, and I'm like, "Can I help you with something?" And I'm like, "Man, my customer service "is better than this store's customer service." (congregation clapping) Right? It's 'cause we're supposed to live lifestyles of serving. And we can serve anywhere, but the primary place that we should be serving as believers is in the house of God. Drill a well, it's somewhere in the world, so that people can drink water, that's a good thing. But if all they get is water, they are sustained for one more day. But when we serve in the house of God, we are helping people to get planted and discipled, and we are feeding their soul, we're feeding their spirit for eternity. As they encountered Jesus, because someone made it a little easier for them to park their car, and somebody made it a little easier for them to check their kids into kids' ministry, and someone made it a little easier to find a seat, and somebody else made it a little easier to engage in worship, because the sound was good, and the guitars were in tune, and so the primary place we should serve is the house of God, why? Because it is his vehicle for redemption of a lost and broken world. Everybody here, everybody on our locations, you know somebody who has lost, and doesn't know the hope of Jesus, and the joy that there is in Jesus, and the purpose that can be found in Jesus, they need someone to tell them, they need someone to serve them. This is not about growing the name of the Father's house, this is about exalting the name of the Father, so that all people can be drawn to Him, and experience this life that we have all experienced. And so we're gonna bring this graphic up right here. There's the different areas that you can serve that are represented outside at every location, where you can literally today, but what we're gonna do is that when we dismiss is you're gonna go out to the tents, and you can ask questions, talk to the ministry leaders, and you can scan a QR code that's on a sign right there at that tent, and you can join the interest list for that ministry, and the form is gonna look like this, if you guys can bring that one up. So you can do this, this is gonna bring you, you're gonna give us just a little bit of information, select the ministry that you wanna get on the interest list for, and begin to serve, and then our ministry leaders are gonna be in touch with you immediately on your next steps and how to join the serve team. If lines are long, and maybe you got a rush today, you can also go to the TFH app, and that same form is right at the top. You click on serve team, and you can pick those ministries, and we're gonna help you get started of following Jesus' example, and begin to serve. (audience applauds) So if we could do this at all locations, all of the other locations are with me, still stand to your feet if you would, we're gonna get ready to dismiss and allow you to go out and sign those interest lists and talk to the leaders. But before we do, I just wanna pray over us today, over all locations, 'cause this isn't about recruiting, this is about discipling. And we just wanna be more like Jesus, amen? So let me pray for you, Father, we thank you for your heart for us, we thank you that we serve because you first served us, and so now I pray that every person that God has felt like they've hit the wall in their walk with you. I pray that right now you begin to just give them your grace and your empowering to step out beyond the norm and begin to live for bigger and bigger things. God, I thank you that your word says that the world of the stingy or the tight gets smaller and smaller, but the world of the generous gets larger and larger. And so God, I thank you that there is new life coming for every person who enters into this amazing thing called serving, and I pray that they would run right into you in the name of Jesus. And everybody said, amen, campuses, you have a great time here in this room, if you have kids in kids ministry where please asking that you would go pick up your kids first and then meet us at the tents, pastors and prayer teams, if you would come this way, if you need prayer, you can come up. Otherwise, please go out, talk to the people at the tents, let's sign up to serve. Thank you guys for being here today. - For more information on our church, log on to our website at or check out the TFH app. (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music)