Built For The Game with Rob Cressy

Bringing The Vivid Vision Of Your Future To Life

One of the most powerful skills you can create for yourself is the ability to live in your dreams and create the future you see. In this episode of Built For The Game, Rob Cressy shares lessons learned from Year 1 of his 3 Year Vivid Vision journey. The goal in this is to help you create clarity of vision for yourself, so you can bring it to life and make it happen.-Ways I can Help:* Create Your 3 Year Vivid Vision: * Transform Your Business Through ...

Broadcast on:
04 Sep 2024
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One of the most powerful skills you can create for yourself is the ability to live in your dreams and create the future you see. In this episode of Built For The Game, Rob Cressy shares lessons learned from Year 1 of his 3 Year Vivid Vision journey. The goal in this is to help you create clarity of vision for yourself, so you can bring it to life and make it happen.
Ways I can Help:
* Create Your 3 Year Vivid Vision:
* Transform Your Business Through AI & Self Development - Join Unlimited:
* Let's explore possibilities over a Virtual Coffee -

Let's Connect:
Rob Cressy - Instagram:
@rob_cressy - LinkedIn: /cressy/

One of the most powerful skills you can create for yourself is the ability to live in your dreams and create the future that you see. One year ago I published my 2026 vivid vision, a document that very clearly articulates in paints the vision of my future. And what I wanted to do was give an update on what I learned one year into the three-year journey so that it can help you on your journey of creating whatever it is that you would love in your life. What's good? I'm Rob Kressy and I thought it was very important to share this perspective on my vivid vision journey because this has been an absolute game changer for me. The ability for each of us to create clarity of vision and consistency and intention around it allows us to live into who we are in the future right now. And I want to share sort of some of the perspectives or things that I've done that have its routines the ways that I've leveraged my vivid vision and you can too. And for context if this is something that you're interested in creating your own vivid vision you can go to Rob You can both see the one that I've created, the process that I've created, and if you're looking to someone to be a champion for you on that journey I can even guide you on that. So what I'm gonna do first here is I'm gonna share my screen and show the vivid vision and what it is is it's a snapshot of the most important areas of our life and we look three years out into the future in for this and for me I've got a wife and a two and a half year old son. I'm also an entrepreneur and a coach and a creator and I believe in holistic success meaning filling up all of the buckets of our life. So everything that you see or here is going to be representative of that. So my first tip for you in thinking about clarity of vision and creating your own vivid vision is to think about first what is most important for you? So I start my vivid vision with a snapshot and then I talk about my wife. Why? Because she's the most important person in my life and I sat there and I was like all right what is the next three years of this relationship look like? Who can I be? How can I show up every single day to be that person who is the best? And one of the things that I really enjoyed and loved about creating my vivid vision is the imagery of it. The ability to use pictures to create the emotion and the feelings in me. Next thing I have is my son and with this man I get so much joy on this because seeing him lights me up and one of the things that I really do and I know is that I am a mirror for my son. So if I am someone who every single day is reading and speaking and feeling into my vivid vision then I'm also a representation of that for him. So it's a great reminder there that I'm jumping into my well-being here because it is very important to me to be someone who looks good, feels good, is confident because that's part of a lifestyle. That's why I always say there's a mindset a lifestyle and a way of being and I would encourage you to even notice the specific language that I'm using in painting my vivid vision because it's very intentional because one of the things that you learn in doing this experience is the power of a language because if you're gonna be reading something a thousand plus times man you want to be very intentional about what those words are in the document. So even look in this page right here with my well-being. It says every day I wake up is the best best version of myself loving where I am in this moment in life. I'm the happiest person on earth shining my light on everyone. Man just reading that out loud brings so much joy and positive energy inside of myself. So my encouragement for you huh what would be that sentence those two sentences that you read and it lights you up. This is what painting the future for yourself looks like. Up next I've got exploration and play and even the way that I phrased exploration and play is by design because I wanted something that spoke to the way that I think about creating my life. I'm someone that believes in newness and going on adventures and that life can be played like a game. So instead of just putting this under a very generic bucket of like recreational activities like no man the exploration and play area of my life. And even just setting that intention of being someone that explores and plays man so many good things and one of the things that gets created in me every time I read this page is it says if it's humanly possible I know I can do it and this is a picture from when I was down at the one hotel in Miami down at the gym they have there and I was like man this constant reminder drip drip drip and that's one of the powerful things about creating a vivid vision is the power of awareness the power of intention and then the power of consistency. So how in the world do I leverage these things on a daily basis? Well if something is important enough you will always find time to make it happen aka reading your vivid vision. Well for me when is there always time? Well I put this first thing in the morning so for the last year every single day the first thing that I've done in the morning when I wake up is I read my vivid vision right before I do my 30 minutes of reading on the Kindle. And the reason for this is because I am all in on this concept that what does it really take to be someone to bring your dreams to life to be someone who does things that nobody else in the world does and we're not doing this because we're trying to be different but these dreams and goals and these visions that you have in your mind these possibilities if you can dream what you can achieve it if you're about that life and you say okay I believe that much but now let me get into the process of things how in the world do I bring this to life? Very simply when I looked to myself I was like one word commitment I am committing to creating myself as the person who is living my vivid vision right this second so therefore if the very first thing that I do every single day when I wake up in the morning is I read my vivid vision what do you think that is going to create in me who am I going to be what is the story that I am going to tell myself every single day well if nothing else I'm living the vision of what's possible where I'm going and what I'm creating myself into because this is where once again drip drip drip drip so often I talk about and coach around effortless effort what are those things that you can do or create in your life those habits and those routines and those mindsets that become so easy that it actually almost doesn't even feel like you're doing anything and this is how I feel with year one of creating this vivid vision because it's a part of who I am every single day do you feel this emotional connection because this to me is the levels of this game we can all create vision but I can go ahead and give you this document and if this is something you want to see the full thing for yourself go to so up here after this we have entrepreneurial harmony and man this just lights me up so much and this isn't just about my business this is about all areas of me as an entrepreneur and the harmony that weaves and flows through this and even the image that I created here it's something that was all around the creation of my dreams each image is a specific representation of every single thing that I see in the future and even my very first language every day I'm living and creating my dream you take nothing else from this imagine this once a day for the next three years you just speak to yourself every day I'm living and creating my dream what impact do you think that will have on you in my perspective you know what impact it does on the days in which I don't feel like I'm a hundred percent I read that and it's a reminder that's like hey yo dog you're living your dream today you have the ability to create it this is you and this is your power on other days when man I'm vibing and I'm flowing I read that every day I'm living and creating my dream I'm like yeah I am let's go baby boom do you see how you can bring this emotion to life in your vivid vision up next I didn't want to just put money for me abundance and prosperity because this fills all of the buckets of that in the very first thing I am rich in all areas of my life man once again this embodied state of being because one of the biggest things that I learned in just creating my vivid vision was the ability to see that I am this and have this now not that this is a future state and I think this is the mastery level concept of all of this here that if you see that you have the ability to create this vision for yourself then who do we get to be to be the people that create this in our life well why wait until the future why not be that person right now in one of the things that I was very intentional about was rereading uh the great book um by Benjamin Hardy and Dan Sullivan be your future self now so when I'm living in vision consistency every single day I was like you know what there's levels to this I want to keep living in this world so I re-remided myself be your future self now be your future self now because this is how we create those quantum leaps in our life and of course once again imagery on this dreams really do come true so often on the journey of creating what you want in your life it's going to be a series of obstacles adversity and challenges some you see some you don't see some you create for yourself some that come out of nowhere and having that little reminder drip drip drip dreams really do come true and then of course I've got this quote um from biggie that I saw when I was in Brooklyn spread love it's a Brooklyn way man just gets me shining vibing sharing things like this right now and then the last thing right here how I feel just think about this imagine designing what you feel like for the next three years the best version of yourself the way that you wake up every single day the things that you're doing every day how are you feeling during this like wow this feels like a lot well guess what if you want to be the best in the world and create things that nobody else does that you dream of there is going to be a good amount of intention and things that we're going to do to make this thing happen because none of this is hard it's all love it's flow with everything that you want so often we actually have to stop ourselves from stopping ourselves and that's the beauty of this vivid vision document it is clear as day who I am where I'm going what I've created what my relationships my health my confidence how I feel my business everything all of that is laid out right there because with that now we can go ahead and create it so a few little nuggets that I'm going to share that I picked up along the way so as I mentioned I read it first thing in the morning it takes me about eight minutes to read my vivid vision and then I would say that about 50 percent of the time before I go to bed at night I will read at least one of the other pages in that why because I do believe in the ability of the last things that you read or consume before you go to bed your mind is going to work on it so I'm like well crap if I'm all in on this vivid vision why not take an extra minute and 30 seconds and reread this thing again and I very much believe in this power of consistency because I've seen it manifest in so many different areas of my life and my encouragement for you and all of this as you're listening or watching to this right now is to ask yourself how clear are you on your dreams and your goals where you're going to be and what you're going to create and how you're going to feel three years from now because guess what one year ago I was not the person who had this vivid vision I've always been a big dreamer or thinker create everything I want in my life but guess what there's levels to the game and there's more power accessible for me and so often I would hear about long-term goal setting and I was like okay I know that to be true I believe it to be true but I'm not living it I wanted to be one of those people in creating a vivid vision is the thing that unlocked it for me not only just for these three years but this is going to be something that's a tool in my tool belt for the rest of my life and with this I'm trying to think of there's anything else that I can share oh here's a really good one that I love and this is all around the power of micro ones over zeros so I believe don't quote me on this the number was three years is 1,078 days something close to that so how in the world do you stay connected to your vivid vision when you're three years away or two years away well for me simple countdown what I would do on my 10x planer every single day and today is there's 727 days remaining in my vivid vision is right down how many days are left because here's the thing that happens 1,078 eventually becomes 999 becomes 900 becomes 800 becomes holy smokes this has been one year and once you create that what you hit that one year mark you sit there and you audit yourself and you're like all right what are the things that I've created in my life what are the things that maybe I haven't put as much intention or action towards boom a ability to resharpen your focus and get things dialed back in so for me I will have a one-day countdown every single day for three years to re-remind me in the power of presence in this day and in the last part about this is actually living things from your vivid vision and this is just the gift of all gifts for yourself and here's a simple one when I talk about my son and my vivid vision some of the things that we talk about is teaching him how to swim and go into the beach and we live in Sarasota Florida so every single time we go down to see us in Key Beach I sit there and I'll be in the ocean and I'll just be sitting there smiling and I'll say to myself I'm living my vivid vision right now so now we are claiming the things actually happening so not only is this a projection into the future and yes we can live into being this person but you will now start being the person who does so many of those things in your vivid vision so you can highlight it or check it off but a very simple awareness practice man I am living my vivid vision right now that creates such a power and zeal inside of myself knowing that I am that dude I'm the one who makes these things come to life and this enthusiasm is contagious so now every single bucket you go and do something like boom creating that for my vivid vision now you've got that greater connection to who you are and what you're doing so photo is important for me to share this one year in because it's gonna be a three-year journey I will do another one of these two years in and then I will do another one when I've completed my 2026 vivid vision and I will share the photos the videos the experiences all the things that have come to life and once again if you're someone who is interested in painting the very vivid vision of your future for yourself I encourage you hit me up rob at is my email or go to and I've got here we go right there put that on the screen we'd love to be a positive asset for you on this journey it is something that will absolutely change your life brings a dead mind sending tons of good vibes your way hope you have yourself amazing rest of the day (upbeat music)