The Unexpected Cosmology Podcast

387 | Torah Portions Week 47 | Blessing & Curse, Prophet Test, Paul's Duality, MK Leviathan Residue

Hebrew Match Dating: Ministry and Widow Fund: Website: The Unexpected Cosmology Link: Archives page: Patreon Support: Contact: Facebook:

2h 12m
Broadcast on:
31 Aug 2024
Audio Format:

Hebrew Match Dating: Ministry and Widow Fund: Website: The Unexpected Cosmology Link: Archives page: Patreon Support: Contact: Facebook:

Shabbat Shalom, everybody. It's go time. It's that time of the year, time of the week again. And of course, my name is Noel Joshua Halle. This is the unexpected cosmology. Thank you for making this tradition in your home. And first and foremost, all praises go to the father of Rua Koth. That would be the father of spirits, really the father of all worlds. And I am, all praises go to him, and of course, his son in the flesh, Yahushah Hamashiach, or Yaisus Christus, if you prefer, though I have come to know him as Yahushah. And I'm just, of course, grateful. I say this every week. I'm grateful for my very breath, you know, Yahwaha. He breathes into Adam. He creates him. He forms them out of the red earth, and he breathes the breath of life into him. And that breath has passed on generationally, all the way down to each one of us. And we are created in his image. We have consciousness of our existence. And with that consciousness, the moral responsibility to choose the ancient path, the way to be. We have the choice, the option to be in a covenant relationship with him. And I am so grateful for that. And I hope you guys are too. What a wondrous journey we are on. Now, I hope you guys will forgive me. I have so much to cover tonight. This is a big one. We are off to the races. Last week, I asked, I put it out there, I put a feeler, and I asked the community to send in a testimony, a video testimony about your walk, your relationship. It could be the tuck community. It could be something that, you know, a teaching here, or it could just be the Torah in general. And so what I want to do is, Jen Spirl, she sent this in to me. She is a member of our community, and you can come over to the tuck discord and chat where they're there. She sent this in, and I want to play this for you guys. And just put this out here. Again, put it out there that send them in to me, guys. And I want to, I would love it each week, if I have a new video that I could just play for you guys from a different member of our community. So without further ado, here she is. Let me get this whole screen up so you don't have to stare at me while she talks. Well, I'm Jen, and I wanted to share a testimony that I experienced after keeping Torah. It was the first thing I noticed was being healed of my anxiety disorder. We've been blessed so much since keeping Torah, but that is the biggest blessing I had almost immediately. So I'm going to look at my notes so I don't venture off because I will go off on the little tangent. So since I was a little girl, as far back as I can remember, I loved order, and like, you know, like on the first day of school when the teacher would show all her list of rules, and what's expected of you, and where everything goes, and the schedule for the day, like I loved that. That was like my favorite thing. I loved knowing the rules, and I liked keeping rules. And I was a very good girl. I did not like displeasing anyone in authority in my life in the church, my home, at school. So my academics weren't the best. I was just a little above average, but when it came to conduct, I was like, top 10. So I don't really remember experiencing anxiety over getting something wrong until I was in the second grade. I had challenged my teacher on evolution versus creation. And later on, several days later, I won't get into all the details of it, but of what led up to it, but the class got lined up to go out to the restroom or, you know, whatever art. And she kept to me back, and she gripped my wrist, and she shook me, and she said, "Keep your Bible out of school." And I can still see her watch. I can still see her long, skinny fingers and her pointy nails. And so I don't really remember anything after that in second grade, and I didn't tell anyone. I didn't tell my parents. I didn't tell the principal. I didn't tell any friends. I just kind of shoved it down. And I became a different child after that, and I didn't like going to school, and I woke up every morning sick to my stomach, and I didn't know why. I didn't know how to put that together. I was like seven years old, and I couldn't relate it. So I began to throw up a lot, and my parents would take me to the doctor, the ER, and I couldn't stop throwing up. There was like no stopping it once it started. I was like convulsing, and I would get very dehydrated, and they would say, "Oh, she has ulcers. She has gastroenteritis." And so I think the trauma just lodged in my gut. And I just blocked out the memory to protect me, probably to protect my body at that time. That's what happens with trauma a lot of times. But I think just the rug got pulled out from me because I had never displeased someone before. It just didn't occur to me that this teacher wouldn't be excited to hear what I had to say. And I just did not like to displease people. So in my mind, I had done something unacceptable, and it kind of scrambled my brain. And since my zealousness resulted in this persecution, I subconsciously developed some major trust issues with the most high. And so from then on, I had terrible attendance. I missed as much school as I could without having to be held back and without failing. Like I still didn't want to fail any of my classes. I wanted to have good grades. And so I went as little as I had to. Like I wouldn't raise my hand in class. I would sweat if I was called a quant. Even like getting up to sharpen a pencil would cause so much anxiety because people would be looking at me and I didn't want to mess up. So I was just anxious over every little thing and every little decision. And I would get physically often. And so in high school, I did go to some counseling and it did help to talk, but I just didn't have that trust with the most high. I just didn't fully trust his sovereignty for my life, and I didn't trust that he had me. And I didn't really fully understand that it's because I felt like he had failed me when I was little. But when I graduated high school, I didn't want any more school. I didn't want to go to school anymore, but I didn't have a choice in the matter. And so I went to college. And I realized, okay, I'm gonna do it now. And I don't have to do this. And so I did very little school. I went to class very little. I passed kind of in the first semester by the skin of my teeth. And then I just really stopped. I went for three semesters and just eventually stopped going. I thought I'm gonna work and I'm gonna do what I want. And I totally went off the deepen and rebelled against my parents, and I rebelled against my Elohim. And I went from like, squeaky clean Christian counselor, camp counselor to a drug dealer. And marijuana was everything to me. I smoked it from sun up to sundown. And my anxiety was abated as long as I was high. I was good. And my friends continued down that road and would use harder substances. But I didn't like doing that. I was happy with smoking weed. And I was kind of always natural health minded. And so I wanted to do natural things. And how I was miraculously rescued from that whole situation is a totally other thing. Long story. So I tried the pharma thing to help with anxiety a couple different times in my life. And it just made me feel worse because I was more anxious about the potential side effects of drugs than I was about my pet sin of anxiety that I had carried all my life. So cut to like, I leave that whole life behind. I go back to yah, you know, in the church. And I'm married. I have my daughter. I have another daughter Annie. And after her birth, I ended up checking myself into a mental hospital. And they diagnosed me with postpartum anxiety disorder and panic disorder. Big shock. And pills were the only answer there. And again, it wasn't what I hoped for. And I didn't like what I found there. And so I just stayed in my room. Didn't really eat. Didn't really sleep. And all I did was read the word. I just remember starting in Psalms 1 and just reading all the way through and then, you know, starting it over again. And that is what made me come back to myself in a way. And so I realized there that was a shift for me and that the word really is the best medicine that I have. And that he has gifts in nature that help enhance his healing that can benefit me, but he himself was it period. But I didn't really fully know what was expected of me. I still didn't know that. And I kind of floundered for years after that. Still as a Christian, but I had no poster board of rules in my classroom other than love your neighbor. And I definitely did that. You better believe I loved my neighbor. But I felt tossed in the waves, like scripture says, like I would I was reaching for him all of my life and for truth, but I would get sucked down in this fear of the unknown, this fear of what was in front of me. And it was scary. And I'd love to go into more detail about everything that led us to Torah in those years, but I'll I'll be more concise. So in January of 18, I determined to start again the read the Bible in a year reading plan. And I was going to complete it that year. And I did. And that when I got to Genesis six, the Nephilim, that was a huge catalyst for me and quickly following that was biblical cosmology. And finally realizing that Abba is right there, like the earth really is literally his foot still is not just a metaphorical thing. It healed that healed me. And I could take his word literally was everything to me. And so lots of things occurred then. But it was after keeping Torah for a few months, it hit me. Oh my gosh, I haven't had an anxiety attack in a while. Like it's this was, you know, I lived with it constantly all the time. And and I was so consumed with the Torah that I was like, Whoa, whoa, what what's going on in my mind? He had always had these instructions for me. And they were right there. And I finally had some concrete expectations to go by from him. And I was just too busy getting acquainted with him and like falling in love with Old Testament, like so excited to read the Old Testament that I just didn't have an anxious thought. I was just too busy with him. And keeping Torah put so many pieces together for me that I began to trust him more and more with everything. And the verse that says, Do I live to please man or Elohim summed up my entire life? I realized I realized that pleasing man and trying to keep man's shifty rules doesn't work. And I had to hold that verse so close to me, especially that first year where we were displeasing people in our lives and disappointing our loved ones because of the way of life that this new way of life that we chose. So the temptation to pick anxiousness back up or go into a panic is still something that I face. But I have learned a lot of new ways to cope with that and natural ways to ease those symptoms. But the best weapon I have is literally the word. And the one person who embodies the word Yushahumashiach, my Messiah. And really there's no end to unraveling the mysteries of his word. And that's what helped me so much is it saved my sanity. That it's not all buttoned up and explained in John 3 16. And he has more to show me. And I only find it if I'm on the narrow way. I have nothing to fear anymore about the unknown ground in front of me because it is his path. And any other way will lead to my destruction. Shalom. All right. Thank you, Jen for that. And I love how the train came in at the end. So for the rest of you out there listening, please send in your testimonies and I'll just start playing them week after week. And this is a community effort. So let's get right into this right here. The Deuteronomy or Deborah Raham week 47. And we'll be going through chapter 11 26 through 16 17. I forgive me again. I'm going to mispronounce that. But Rhea, I guess our E. E. H. And we'll be covering what that word means. Now, before I get into this, as a reminder, tickets went on sale this last Wednesday at 12 noon for the unexpected cosmology Passover retreat 2025 at late Fort Smith State Park in Arkansas. Market on your calendars March 26 through the 30th Passover meal will be Friday evening. That would be the 28th. And of course, the 29th will be the first day of unloving bread and lands on a Sabbath. Of course, I'm a seventh day Sabbath keeper. And so it's also a high Sabbath. We're going to it's just going to be a great retreat time community time coming together. We're going to have baptisms, other things like that. And if you need help getting tickets, right now it is a force ministry supporters. It's private the ticket sales, patreon, so on and so forth. Some of you are still kind of thinking about it, praying about it, and trying to work it out vacation time. If you need any help on this, please contact me. You can email me. You could get in contact on discord. And I will work with you with how many heads you have, you know, men, women, so on and so forth and fit you into the right place. Try to accommodate your needs as best as possible. And then whatever is left next, probably within the next week, I'm going to be putting it on public sales. So by next Sabbath, to our portions next week, I'm sure it'll probably be public. You can see right here, here's a map. But I have a whole information page on this on my website. So you can go check it out. And one more announcement is a Hebrew match. This is what we launched one week ago. And this is another aspect of this ministry. So for everyone out there, all the Hebrews and she brews that are seeking your, oh, dear, I think my daughter is she watches me on TV. I was telling her this morning about how her daddy's gonna be on TV. She was getting really excited. And then she sees me on TV downstairs and she comes up here crying because she wants to be pretty soon. She's gonna be my co-host. She's only two years old, but I'm thinking real soon. She's being my co-host. But getting back to Hebrew match. Yeah, for all the Hebrews and she brews out there that are looking for your help meet to walk the way and follow the followers commands with you. This is the place for you. So just as a reminder out there, I will officiate weddings. And on requests, I will give speeches at your wedding. So please invite me if you do meet on here and find your special someone. And it's free to join. Just so you know, it's free to join. It only takes a couple minutes. Go sign up. All right. Now you can see the rea, if I'm pronouncing that right, it means observe. And here we go. Observe or observe. I give to your face this day a Barakah, a blessing, and a cursing, a blessing and a curse. The Baraka, when you hear, understand and obey the commandments of Yahuwah, your alahayah, which I establish unto you today. And conditionally, the imprecation, if you do not hear and obey unto the commandment of Yahuwah, your alahayah, and turn aside out of the way, which I command you this day to walk after alahayam, aqaream, which you have not known. And maybe you need your help meet for this to help you on the way to obey the commands. I will say really quickly, when I came to the Torah, February, 2019, I was so blown away to hear about the blessing and the curse. And I was like, what? Because I was always just told that you're just a pile of vomit and you're just a filthy rags, your righteousness. You can never amount to anything. And all you can do is point to Messiah and just point to Him. And He did everything. And if you do any kind of work, any good work, now you're spitting on the cross. And when I saw this, and I was like, no, no, no, no, you choose. You choose. You make the decisions by your actions, the blessing or the curse. And it's it's not pointing a finger at a search in God. It's walking the walk. That blew my mind. And of course, this is what we'll be talking about tonight. And it shall exist if Yahuwah, your alahayah shall bring you toward the land where you go there to possess her. And you shall gift her the barakah, the blessing upon Mount Gerazim and the implication upon Mount's able. Are these not on the region beyond the Yarden River, following the way of Hashem ashes, entering in in the land of Canaan, who settled down to dwell in the dry and arid region over against the Galagal, near the oaks of Maraha? For you are the ones passing over the Yarden to go inherit the land which Yahuwah, your alahayah, gives unto you. And you shall possess her and you shall settle down to dwell in her. And you have guarded for working by labor, all the statutes and the judgments which I give into your face this day. Now, if if you need to see this in our terms of our life, like none of us, well, I shouldn't say none of us, because some people are waiting for a second exodus to happen. But generally, none of us are waiting to enter into a physical land, right? None of us are going when am I going to go into Israel? When am I going to cross the river Jordan? Like in our lives, we're waiting to enter into the heavenly kingdom, whatever your cosmology is on this. And so this applies to us. In every sense of the word, what he is saying right here, this applies to us, we are the generation, we are waiting to enter into that kingdom, eternally. These are the statutes and the judgments which you will guard to fashion upon a rot upon the earth, which Yahwahai the alahiah of your father's gave to you to possess her. All the days which you exist upon the red ground, you will destroy the places of habitation where the nations which you are dispossessing them serve their alahayam upon the exalted raised up mountains and upon the hills and beneath every green tree. And you have torn down their altars and have broken into pieces their statues and their cherub poles or ashireya you shall burn with fire. And the graven images of their alahiah you shall cut down and destroy their name from the place of habitation. You shall not fashion in this manner until Yahwahai your alahiah. Now remember the theme is observe, observe. So now he's telling you what to observe and completely remove in faithfulness. But conditionally toward the place of habitation which Yahwahah alahiah yakam shall choose from all your tribes to place his name there unto his place of habitation you shall go, treading about frequently seeking that place and you will enter there. And you shall bring there your ascending offerings and your sacrifices and your tenth parts and the gift offerings of your hand and your avowed offerings and your spontaneous offerings. And the first things of your cattle and your flocks and you have eaten there to the face of Yahwahah your alahiah you and your houses with that which Yahwah your alahiah did Barak you remember Barak is blessing which is a big word for tonight. You shall not fashion like all which we are fashion here this day every man doing what is upright in his own eyes for you have not come as far as now toward the place of rest and toward the inheritance which Yahwahah alahiah yak gives to you. When you have passed over the yard and you will settle down to dwell in the land which Yahwah your alahiah causes you to receive as an inheritance and rest be given unto you from all your enemies from a circuit round about you and you settle down to dwell in safety, confident, secure and the place of habitation which Yahwah your alahiah shall cause his name to dwell there. There at that place you shall bring him all which I command you your ascending offerings and your sacrifices your tenth parts and your gift offerings of your hand and all the most excellent select avowed offerings which you will vow unto Yahwah and you have been glad rejoicing leaping for joy to the face of Yahwah alahiah yakam you and your sons and your daughters and your servants and your Amahath that would be like made servants or maidens let me just look here handmaiden and your handmaiden and the Levites or the la-waiyam which is within your gates for there is lacking to him any portion of inheritance with you remember the Levites don't inherit any land guard for yourself but where lest you cause your ascending offerings to send in any place of habitation which you will see rather conditionally only in the place of habitation which he shall choose in one of your tribes there you shall cause to ascend your ascending offerings and there you will fashion all that I command you know I could be wrong on this but I did explain in weeks back to why I think Yahwah is so adamant about at least one of the reasons why he only wanted the sacrifices to happen in specific areas so that they could be a police really from the Levites so there's no like second or guessing like why why is there a smoke off ascending offering over there like what God is he praying to right so if you're off in the woods in some random place and doing things your own way there could be accusations but here you know you're bringing into a select place to a specific alahiah no questions asked seems pretty straightforward can't be accused of a shear of ashtrath or whatever at this point that's my theory only with all the pleasure of your nafash will you sacrifice and you have eats in flash according to the barakoth which Yahwaha your alahiah gives to you and all your gates the unclean and the clean alike may eat him like the gazelle and like the heart only you will not eat the blood you will pour him upon the earth like water you will not eat him or the blood for the purpose and intent that he Yahwaha will be well pleased with you and with your sons after you for you shall fashion the upright in the eyes of Yahwaha the ever-living reminders everyone i covered this a few months ago that if you are new to this one of the big things when people come to the Torah is all the blood i can't eat the blood but you can go to a steakhouse and you can eat that steak raw there is no blood in it i'm not saying to eat it raw because that kind of grosses me out but the bread stuff in in the meat in the hamburger and stuff like that's not blood all right it's been drained where was i he Yahwah he oh i lost my place start from the top you will not eat eat him the blood for the purpose and intent that he Yahwaha will be well pleased with you and with your sons after you for you shall fashion the upright in the eyes of Yahwaha the ever-living you do not prevail to eat within your gates from the 10th part of your corn and your new wine and your fresh oil or the firstlings of your cattle on your flock or any of your avowed offerings which you will vow or your spontaneous offerings or your gift offerings of your of your hand for conditionally to the face of Yahwaha allahiah allahiah you will eat him in the place of habitation which Yahwaha your allahiah will choose you and your son and your daughter and your servants and your amath your handmaiden and the Levite the La Waiya which is within your gates and you have rejoiced with merry voices leaping for joy to the face of Yahwaha your allahiah and all from which you send out your hand barred for yourselves to wear unless you forsake the Levites all your days upon the red ground and again that goes with my theory on this it makes pretty good sense that the Levites are setting up stations where you go and worship Yahwaha and bring your sacrifices don't forsake them because if you do there might be another priest standing off in the woods for another god and you might be going off to them listen to the Levites instructions regarding eating meat if Yahwaha your allahiah should expand your territory like that which was planned for you that's kind of interesting condition right there and you should declare I will eat flesh for you desire in your soul your nafash that you may eat flesh but if the place of habitation which Yahwaha your allahiah shall choose to place his name there be distant from you and you have slaughtered from your cattle or from your flock which Yahwaha gives to you like that which I commanded you and you have eaten within your gates in all the desire of your nafash assuredly like the gazelle in the heart in that manner you shall eat them the unclean and the pure in union he shall eat them I feel like this is a whole study in and of itself which I need to get to someday and talking about you know eating meat in the bible and if the station is too far from where you're at only make yourself strong as long as you do not eat the blood for the nafash is in the blood and you will not eat the nafash with the flesh you shall not eat him upon the earth you shall pour it out like water you shall not eat it for the purpose and intent that he will do well for you and for your sons after you for you will fashion that which is upright in the eyes of Yahwaha the ever-living only your set-up part things which exist for you and your avowed offerings you will lift up and you will have gone toward the place of habitation which Yahwaha will choose and you have fashioned your sending offerings the flesh and the blood upon the altar of Yahwaha your allahiah and the blood of your sacrifices he will pour out upon the altar of Yahwaha your allahiah and the flesh you will eat observe and you will have heard understood and obeyed all these daba rayam which I commanded you for the purpose and intent that he will do good to you and to your sons after you as far as the eye can see or perceive to the horizon and beyond until time of long duration I love that description the pamma always puts in there that you know just when you think about you know the amazing thing about the horizon no matter how high you climb it always rises to eye level so whether you're five or six feet off the ground or you get up an airplane and go you know what commercial airlines go at 30 to 35,000 feet somewhere in there just you look at the window and it just rises to eye level like it looks like we're in this big giant bowl right it just rises up and up and up and of course that no matter how high rise 120,000 feet is still going to do that um and so this idea that that to the horizon and beyond that that's her way of describing forever there's no end to this measurement you will never reach the horizon of when the Torah comes to an end there is no point on the horizon because it's beyond the horizon for you will fashion the excellent the beautiful the pleasing and the upright in the eyes of Yahwaha'i'u'llah yor alahiah when Yahwah when Yahwaha'i your alahiah shall cut off the nations where you go there as a powerful sign to possess them from before your face and you dispossess them and you settle down to dwell in their land keep watch for yourself but where lest you be caught snared into following after them after their destruction from before your face and beware lest you trample about seeking for their alahiah to declare how the nations serve them their alahiah that i may sow fashion in like manner you will not fashion in that manner unto Yahwaha'i your alahiah for every abomination which Yahwaha hates have they fashioned into their alahiah for even their sons and their daughters they have burned and fired unto their alahiah the entire matter which i have commanded you you have guarded to fashion these you will increase over him and he will not scratch off taking away from part of him this is where this is where it really hits the fan like this is one of the best chapters in the whole Torah right here this is where well it's uh you can line up anything in the whole of biblical canon to this chapter and if you want to test like is something Scripture doesn't line up with Deuteronomy 13 it's called the Deuteronomy 13 test that includes Paul does Paul line up with the Deuteronomy 13 tests let's talk about it if a prophet will arise in your midst or perhaps a dreamer and will give towards you a powerful sign or perhaps a splendid deed and the powerful sign or the splendid deed which he purposed has come to pass meaning he is a true prophet in the sense that he spoke and it happened or he performed some amazing miracle and everyone's like whoa this guy must be you know this guy must be you know he writes letters this guy must speak for god and should declare we will walk after alahayam aqaream or you could say other gods which you have not known now keep in mind Yahweh has just told you that he has a very in chapter 12 he has a very specific way of doing things and if you do things differently you're doing things according to other gods all right he has a very very specific in his judgments um in his law you know he has we're going to get to it tonight right here we're going to there's a way you eat clean uh it's amazing that this follows us like if anyone comes and tells you that you can eat animals that are not on this list that is following after other gods if anyone comes and tells you that there are these feasts you keep aside from these feasts right here now i i'm not talking about like i have no problem with mother's day or whatever if you guys you know want to do that stuff but you guys know what i'm talking about like we are no longer keeping the peace of yahab that is another god that's not this god uh you will not hear an obey toward the speech of that prophet or perhaps toward that dreamer of the dreams for yahawah your alahayah does does to test you to acquire knowledge whether present ready you will be love you will love yahawah your alahayah with all your heart and with all your nafash now i just want to point out to everyone here that i i believe paul is legit i do so if anybody is new and you're like why is this guy talking i believe paul is legit but i believe he's a test and i believe the ending of the bible those letters at the end of the bible if you read those and you're like the law is done away with i can eat my pork i can you know jesus is my sabbath rest now i don't have to keep the fourth commandment we only have nine commandments now i mean if that's how you read the bible then i tell you right now you have failed the test you have failed the exam you have failed the course you missed out that he just said right here this is the test he is going to put he says he's going to put false prophets in front of us to test us and that's one of the whole points of the anti-paul crowd is they're saying literally there isn't a false prophet at the end of our bible there to test us now again i don't think he's a false prophet i used to i can see both sides of the argument he's a test how how you read him i mean again if anyone reads him and goes uh he's saying it's okay for me to be wallace then that version of paul is a false prophet i do believe that there is a true paul a tour observant paul i keep i keep getting excited and i have to remember where i was last well let's just go from the top after yahua yahua yahua yahua yahua you will walk so he tells you right here the way you go after him like his judgments his statutes anything else is falling away from the way it is going some other path it's not you know let's not convince ourselves otherwise and fool ourselves and him you will reverently fear and him you will serve and unto him you will cling and that prophet or perhaps that dreamer of dreams he will die for the deceptus speech against yahua yahua yahua yahua who caused you to go forth from irat's uh mitt dream that would be egypt and who set you free from the house of servants in order to drive you out of the way which yahua yahua yahua yahua has commanded you to walk and you shall exterminate the evil from your midst the idea that he will die that is a command he is supposed to be killed or what we'll be talking about that a little bit about paul and how the Pharisees tried to bring about Deuteronomy 13 for his entire ministry but this is also again on earth this is in heaven everything that is physically supposed to happen is an eternal thing so he's basically saying that if you fail the Deuteronomy 13 test you could be a prophet you're still you're going to experience the eternal death because you have led people away from righteousness and of course yahua mashiach says look if you if you want to set the bar really low and you want to play Russian lit with your soul and you want to be the least in the kingdom like you have you so don't care about eternity you you just want to barely make it through then then disobey the least of the commands and not only that teach others to do that you will be loveliest that again and I call that the Russian rule it with your soul you know there's like there's one real bullet in there and you're just going click click click click and taking a chance if your brother the son of your mother or your son or perhaps your daughter or perhaps the covenant woman of your bosom or perhaps your companion which is like your own nafash this is where yahua shah says I come to you know this separate the the father from sons and the brother against brother like the whole household are divided on this and you guys know this there were those of you out there who are following the commands and and I hate to say this I mean I want to be kind of you guys know that the the struggles you're going with where people are trying to get you to disobey I mean I've had that experience in my life where my family members not my you know my wife and children but you know my extended family they will come on a Sabbath day and they'll start like they'll go out eat buying food and like no why don't you eat this you know this is so good they'll get they try so hard to get you to break it they just don't want you to keep it this is this is writing to those people so I'm getting so excited tonight but you know this is the Torah baby this is like passion anyways these uh these family members and secrets are coming to you and they say we will walk and we will serve alahayam aqaream which you or your fathers have not known interesting phrasing from among the alahaya of the people which are in a circuit roundabout you the ones in the midst toward you or perhaps from the part of the end of the earth even into the other extremity of the earth the way they do this today is that they form their own person they have their own personal jesus i think that's the depeche mode uh song from the 80s and you know they will form yay sus crease dos into their image and they will say no no no this is this is the true god you're not supposed to do that one from the old testament this is the like no that is the other god he's talking about here all right it's very it's very um clever and deceptive huh i'm just getting too excited tonight i'm sorry guys i need to calm down you will not desire after him and you will not hear and be obedient toward him you and you will not have pity in your eye toward him and you will not have compassion and you will not cover over a pardon over him for slaying you will slay him your hand shall exist upon him among the first to put him to death then the hand of all the people afterwards and shall overwhelm him with stones and shall slay him for he sought to thrust you away from yahawaha yor alahaya the one who caused you to go forth from erot's matriem from the house of the servants this right here is testimony to me why i believe the paul is legit uh if he is not legit the disciples messed up the apostles they messed up they failed this command they went their whole lives they failed this command they should have put him to death then all yasharil shall hear and show reverently fear and shall not again multiply to fashion like these evils noxious calamitous instructions in your midst if you will hear in one of your cities which yahawaha yor alahaya shall give unto you to settle down to dwell there someone saying he has gone forth men sons of belliel means wickedness let me check here just to make sure yeah worthlessness or wickedness or destruction or destroyer sons of the destroyer from your midst and he has drawn away the inhabitants of their city to declare we will walk and serve alahayam aqarayam which you have not known and you have trampled about seeking and you have investigated and you have interrogated will and behold the matter be established is true they have fashioned there this abomination in your midst smiting you will smite those who settled down to dwell in that city by the mouth of the sword devoting the destruction her and all which is in her even the beast by the mouth of the sword and all the plunder you will grasp with the hands where the midst of the open plaza and you will burn with fire the city and all the plunder every implement until yahawaha yor alahaya and she will exist a heap of ruins for time of long duration and will not be built up yet again and nothing shall cling in your hand from anything and part of the devoted things for the purpose and intent that yahawaha yor alahaya does not turn back from the burning heat of his anger that he will give unto you tender affection and she'll love you and she'll increase you like that which he solemnly sworn to your fathers for you will hear understand and be obedient into the voice of yahawaha yor alahaya to guard all his commandments which I command this day to fashion what is upright just true in the eyes of yahawaha yor alahaya I want to comment but I kind of keep going on so I'm never going to get through this more instructions concerning living set apart you are sons until yahawaha yor alahaya you will not cut into yourself and you will not render a ball place upon your eyes for the dead for you are a set apart people until yahawaha yor alahaya and upon you yahawaha is chosen to exist a sign unto him of a people his personal property from all the peoples which are upon the red ground what did we just read so when you there's generally one of the things I found with a lot of the the Torah crowd is that it tracks a lot of kind of boots on the ground kind of farming kind of people which is awesome but a lot of exoteric thinkers meaning they'll read something like this and go okay so here's my checklist as long as I don't cut into myself or render a ball place between my eyes for the dead I'm good to go that just those two things there so when I read something like this and we have to be real careful about adding or taking away from the commands but you have heard me say many many times that the Torah is intended to be a transformative document when I read the Torah I don't think okay I need to transform myself into a person living a nomadic shepherd in the wilderness of three or four thousand years ago no I that's not how I read it there is nowhere in our culture today where that I know of well actually people will get tattoos for the dead and you'll see like people like maybe a child died or a loved one and they'll put their picture on them as a tattoo I would say that's a definite no but when I read stuff like this I'm like okay how does this translate into just life in general on a morse you know if everything if the letter of the law can be shown to be a spirit if there's a spirit behind a heart issue how does that heart issue manifest into a number of different ways so just something to think about there so again like we'll read things like you know don't bind your head you know like along at your school or whatever like who does that right those were issues that yah is like okay you're going into this culture this is what they do when I don't want you to do it I would read and go okay what are things in our culture today that are like we shouldn't be doing those things you shall not eat any abominable thing no this is great because we just went through Deuteronomy 13 and he's like if anyone tells you to worship any other gods don't listen to them and he's telling you now this is I'm not gonna change I am unchanging what I'm about to tell you now this is me anybody who tells you to eat an unclean thing they are telling you to worship a different god it could be the same name obviously Jesus is only about 500 years old I always get myself in trouble when I say that but it's the truth but anyways let's just keep bringing you shall not eat any abominable thing this is the beast which you shall eat so this is what you can eat the ox one of the flocks like lambs and one of the flocks of the she goats deer and gazelle and reddish deer and row and leaping gazelle and swift gazelle and zamar what is the zamar Pamela this word only occurs once in relation to animals all other instances is rendered a singer of some type of plucked musical instrument okay well don't eat you can eat the zamar until we figure that out let's and all beasts dividing the hoof and cleaving into two hooves from ascending remuneration among beasts basically split hooves chew its cut right that's the checklist but choose its cut doesn't have a split hoof don't eat it it has a split hoof doesn't chew its cut don't eat it these you shall eat these you shall eat surely however these you shall not eat from these with the sitting rumination and from the ones dividing the hoof the camel the the hair the sephon this is a a coney I guess for though they bring up the cod yet the hoof is not divided there you go pretty simple way to check an animal they are unclean to you and the swine for though dividing it divides the hoof yet it does not ruminate it is unclean to you you shall not eat from their flesh you shall not touch upon their carcass and this you shall eat from all which are in the waters all which has to hem the fin and scales you shall eat him so you pull anything out of the water if it has fin and has scales you're good to go if it does not have a fin but has scales throw it back if it has scales but not a fin throw it back you shall you shall eat him and any which lacks to him fin and scales you shall not eat him it is unclean to you appreciate for it shark throw it back sting ray throw it back uh trout good to go any clean bird you shall eat him these are the ones which you shall not eat him from the eagle or the griffin vulture and the ossopridge and the azunuyah and the vulture and the clamorous bird and the diaja of her species okay pamma what are these species of eagle and a bird of prey like a falcon or a vulture don't eat those and all ravens after his species species and the daughter of the ostrich and the ah thu thu uh thukamas and the gold and the hawk after his species the pelican and the yanu saaf and the thunu shamath and the kuhath and the shellac and the stork and the angry bird after his species oh the angry bird it's actually in the bible the angry birds and the hupu and the bats and all wing swimmers it is unclean unto you he should not be eaten all clean wingfowl you shall eat you shall not eat any carcass until a stranger which is within your gates you may you may give and he shall eat it or perhaps you shall sell it into into a foreigner for you are a set-apart people into yahwah you're aloha you shall not cook a kid of goats in his mother's milk you shall take the tenth part of all the produce of your seed no let me just comment on this right here uh comment on this in the past um the thaumudic literature this is where you hear with kosher that you can't have cheese with meat and that's the big debate here thaumudic literature will define and say a kid of goats in his mother's milk is the cheese with the meat um honestly i i'm i'm being dead sister where i could go either way um i um of the opinion that it's literally saying not to cook a kid a baby goat in the milk of its mother that's how we're gonna find that that i feel like if you were saying you know don't mix cheese with meat you would say that um i i just want the truth right i just want whatever the truth is and when you read the air-maked hargule which i quote from repeatedly it says no cheese on meat um and that is the one thing where i'm like uh no i i'm sorry uh i i think i think it's okay to have cheese on meats i'm willing to be wrong and if i'm found to be in error i will stop eating cheese on meat i just think it's you know he would have to be more straightforward it seems to me a kid a kid a kid of goats you will take the tenth part of all the produce of your seed which comes forth of the field year by year and you have eaten to the face of yahwah you're allahayah in the standing place which he shall select for dwelling his name there the tenth part of your corn your new wine and your fresh oil and your first things of your cattle and your flocks for the purpose and intent that you may learn to reverently fear yahwah you're allahayah all the days if the way be too great on your account if you're not able to bear him up if the dwelling place which yahwah your allahayah shall choose to place his name there be too far removed from your state situation when yahwah your allahayah will block you or when he will bless you then you will give it into silver and she'll bind the silver up in your hand and he shall walk toward the dwelling place which yahwah your allahayah shall choose in him and he will give the silver for all which nafash shall desire with oxen and with wine and an intoxicating drink and in all which your nafash shall desire there you go so you uh you can have that intoxicating drink it's in the bible no matter what the baptist pastors tell you this is a strong drink too this isn't just wine to the face of yahwah your allahayah and you will rejoice you it you and rejoice and the leviates which is within your gates you will not forsake him you're rejoicing by the way with that strong drink for to him there is no portion and inheritance with you at the end of three years you shall go forth with all your tenth part of the prophets in her year and you shall rest it within your gates and the leviates shall come because he lacks to him either portion or inheritance with you and the stranger and the bereaved of father and the widow which are within your gates and they will eat for the purpose and intent that yahwah your allahayah will block you in all the fashion of your hand which you shall fashion at the end of seven years you will fashion the shamatha and this is the direction of the shamatha all debt masters shall release his hand which he does lift up with his neighbor he shall not impel his fellow or his brother because a shamatha has been called out unto yahwah this is like a you've heard of a shmitah year the ever living you may urge the foreigner and he will exist unto you however your hands shall release your brother when he will exist in end no needy oppress wretched among you for gifting he will block you in the land which yahwah your allahayah gives to you for an inheritance to possess her you will open wide your hand to him and lending you will lend him enough for his need which he lacks for himself for yahwah your allahayah did last or block you like that which he set in order unto you and you will lend unto the guoyim but you will not borrow and you will have dominion over a great many of the guoy the guoyim the non-hebrews but over you they will not have dominion so and well this will explain this here but he's he's gonna he's gonna say look if you're if you're if we're coming up on one of these you know the shmitah years and and and i see that you know that you're gonna be lending them off their debt and so you're extra harsh on them because you know that you have to obey this law coming up i'm gonna find out and i'm gonna watch and see where your heart is and this is why the Torah when we just get into the check off the box list we completely miss the point this is to be a transformative document in which we are to take care of the widows take care of the press and he's be on our hearts and going he wants us to go above and beyond if he will exist among you a needy oppressed wretched person for one of your brothers within one of your gates in your land which yahwah your allahayah shall give unto you you will not make hard your heart and you will not shut up your hand from your poor wretched oppressed brother for opening you will open your hand to him and lending you will lend him enough for his need which he lacks to him keep watch for yourself but where lest he will exist a balayal worth worthlessness plan within your heart to declare oh the seventh year is approaching the year of the shamata and your eyes be evil against your poor wretch a press brother and you do not give unto him because of course you know that you know he's about to get off of his debts here real soon and he will cry out against toward yahwah the ever living and tell you guys like when it's always when somebody cries out to him and he hears the injustice that's where the real trouble begins that's that was a problem asadam gamora he heard the cries of those that were the victims of injustice and it will exist as sin unto you giving you will give to him and not have ill will in your heart when you've given to him for upon this account this matter yahwah your allahayah will block you in all your works of labor and upon all you let loose your hand i like that that the way pamela phrases that let loose your hand just let it just you know you're holding something in there you just open it up and you give it to him for the poor wretched oppress shall not cease from the midst of the land upon the account i command you declaring opening you will open wide your hand into your brother until the afflicted unto the poor wretched oppress ones in your land if your brother be sold uh and abirah yah a Hebrew man or perhaps a Hebrew woman let's see if i can pronounce this i abirah yah and that person will serve you six years then in the seventh you shall send him forth from you freed and if you send him forth freed from you you shall not send him forth empty handed adorning you will encircle adornment upon him from your flock and from your level place and from your mind press with that which yahwah your allahayah allahayah shall give to him man i wish i had done a whole thing in commentary just on this tonight about um you know indentured servants and how they're to walk away better than when they started they you need to make this attractive for them um here in america you know like we have this horrid idea of slavery and what happened whatever happened and it clearly wasn't that so clearly was not the Torah and you have remembered for you existed a servant in the land of egypt in maturim and yahwah your allahayah redeemed you over that reason i command you in this matter today and he and should it exist if he will declare toward you i will i will not go forth from you for he loves you and your family this means that this you've taken care of this indentured servant of so well that they love you and they're like i can't do better anywhere else like i i don't want to serve anybody else i just want to serve you for the rest of my life for it is excellent pleasing beautiful for him with you and you have taken an all or boring instrument and have gifted it through his ear and through the door then he will exist into you a servant for time of long duration and additionally in this manner you will fashion for your amath it shall not seem difficult in your eyes and sitting him free from remaining with you for his worth has been double that of a hiring and serving you for six years and yahwah your allahayah shall block you and all that you you work by labor all the firstborn which are brought forth and you're heard in your flock the males he will set apart into yahwah your allahayah you shall not compel the first thing to work and you shall not share the firstborn of your flock to the face of yahwah your allahayah you shall eat them year after year in the standing place which he shall select you and your household and if you will exist a blemish in him whether lame or perhaps flying any blemish deformity you will not sacrifice him unto yahwah your allahayah you shall eat him within your gates the clean and the unclean person together like the gazelle and like the heart only his blood you shall not eat you shall pour him upon the earth like water observation of the feast you shall observe the cadash of the abayab and shall fashion the passach that be the Passover Passover lamb unto yahwah your allahayah for in the cadash of the abayab yahwah your allahayah cause you to go forth from matrim by night and you have sacrificed the passach unto yahwah of the flock and of the herd in the place of habitation which yahwah the ever living shall choose to cause his name to dwell there you shall not eat fermented bread with him seven days you shall eat matzah over him the bread of affliction for you came forth with haste from erats matrim for the purpose and intent that you may call to mind the day you came forth from matrim all the days of your life you shall not observe of you fermentation in all your territory for seven days and there shall not pass the night any portion of the flesh which you will sacrifice in arab in the day until accure you are not able to sacrifice the passach within one of your gates which yahwah your allahayah gives to you for conditionally if toward the standing place which yahwah your allahayah shall choose to cause his name to dwell there you shall sacrifice the uh passach in arab like the going of the shamash during the appointed time you came forth from matrim and you have cooked and you have eaten in the standing place which yahwah your allahayah shall he shall choose in him and you have turned your face in the daybreak and you have walked until your tense six days you shall eat on fermented bread and on the seventh day shall exist a gathering together until yahwah your allahayah you shall not fashion any malah akaha what is that word there again that's a prescribed work okay no prescribed work on the high side of it got it and again for all of you out there if you are like how do i keep the feast there's a few chapters in the bible to talk about here is one right here just read it do what it says don't really have to overthink it in my opinion just follow the directions give it go with uh with your whole heart just give yah your whole heart don't arrive empty handed you shall inscribe telling recounting for yourself seven shabah yah seven sabbas from the piercing the sickle upon the stock you begin to inscribe the number shabah shabah aha shabah ayuth and you have fashioned the feast of shabah ayuth and say yahwah your allahayah a spontaneous free will offering of your hand which you will give at the rate like yahwah your allah uh allahayah he will block you and you have been joyful to the face of yahwah your allahayah you and your son and your daughter and your servants and you and your amath and the Levites which is within your gates and the stranger and the bereaved the father and the widow which are in the midst in the standing place which yahwah your allahayah shall select for his name to dwell there and you have remembered for you existed a servant in michreem and you have guarded and you have fashioned these statutes the feast of sakot or hah sakah you shall fashion for yourself seven days upon gathering and from your level place and from your wine press and you have been joyful upon the festival you and your son and your daughter and your servant and your amath and the Levite and the stranger and the bereaved the father and the widow which is within your gates for seven days you shall keep the festival dancing going round in a circle being giddy i'm not going to comment on that tonight there it is again circle dance until yahwah your allahayah in the standing place which yahwah the ever living short shoes or yahwah your allahayah he shall block you and all your produce from all fashion by your hands and you will exist joyful you will exist joyful three strokes of the animal you will appear all your males before the face of yahwah your allahayah in the place of habitation which he will select in the feast of matah and in the feast of shaba booth and the feast of sakot and he shall not appear before the face of yahwah the ever living rashly empty-handed a man like the gift of his hand according to the barakah of yahwah your allahayah which he gives into you now i you know i'm wishing i i don't want to be a broken record through this and i'm always trying to come up with new material for you guys i do repeat some stuff but i almost wish i i repeated tonight what i was talking about last night when the fig tree generation when jim came on and we were talking about the different cathedrals and the dome of the rock and so and so forth and this idea that these cathedrals were built within 20 to 100 miles from where you would live with anywhere within the said kingdom and that i believe that these were the places where yah put his name that you know you would come here to do sacrifices and so on and so forth your worship but anyways i've been through that so many times so let's talk about observe the blessing and the curse this really got me excited researching and looking into this today and this is where we saw in the beginning of deuteronomy 11 the first word was observe observe behold or see you could Pamela put observe but you could say behold or see and the word there in modern Hebrew is r-e-e-h ria and it's the name of this Torah portion now to the ancient Hebrews there apparently and i could be wrong correct me Pamela if i'm wrong there apparently wasn't a word for obey the Hebrews understood faithfulness in two words to hear and to observe or you could say to hear and to behold so let me give you to understand how this plays out and i would i would say in its most simplest simplest terms faith and faithfulness to hear faith observe behold faithfulness all right so let's see how hearing plays out it's eight strong concordance eight zero eight five it's shama to hear there's also a shema and i picked i went through the bible looking for the different incident uh incidents when it came up and i picked three specifically within i think they're all three genesis yeah to give you different ideas of what it looks like so here it is in genesis three bearishia three it says then to adama he said this would be yahua he says because you have heated that would be listened shama the voice of your wife and have eaten from the tree which i command you saying you shall not eat cursed is the grand for your sake there it is he did not choose the blessing he chose the curse how did he choose the curse by being disobedient it wasn't the christian idea of just i'll just point to jesus and you're good no no no no that's not how you choose the blessing because adam could have done that too no he chose the curse by being disobedient so he the shama he uh he heard he heeded to listen to the voice of his wife rather than yahua second example this comes from bearish youth chapter 11 this is the tower of battle chapter go to let us go down and they're confound their language so this is the divine council up there speaking that they may not understand so that word right there is listen to it is shama that they may not shama one another speech so now they uh yahua he wants us to hear him but he doesn't want them to hear each other's speech why because they're united against him right so he doesn't want us to hear the wrong speech he wants us to hear the right speech and then here bearish youth chapter 22 this is spoken to abraham and in thy seed show all the nations of the earth be blessed because thou hast obeyed same word listen to my voice isn't that interesting how in the translations you see three different words heeded and these are all king james heeded understand obeyed and they take the same Hebrew word and just kind of contextually kind of tweak it a little bit uh to make i guess the most sense in the sentence so there's a a positive listening that's the only positive listening we have in all of this uh is abraham or abraham listened he obeyed the father so shama to hear can indicate physically hearing we see that like the tower babble or so and so forth but then it can also indicate spiritually hearing as abraham was capable of doing he uh but as it as it is the case with adam there was a physical and a spiritual component to his listening just as it was with babble so the um adam listened spiritually to the serpent you saw what i'm saying there's a physicality and a spiritual you can never separate them in my opinion there's a letter of the law of spirit law you can't separate the two there's there's the exoteric esoteric esoteric and so likewise to see or observe behold our Torah portion is not simply physically seen okay it's not just physically looking out there and seeing the land we can't do that i mean we could you know go travel to israel we can look at the news uh but we're talking about a the one that abraham looked for we're looking for a a land that we cannot physically see with our eyes so it indicates the same sort of hearing that relates to the mind's eye the third eye to see or observe behold this is where faith the things that unseen you have faith and faithfulness in the things the unseen but you see and observe and hear them that only comes a result of hearing and though and and and that is through faith believing you guys following i hope you guys are all following you cannot see the vision if you do not believe in it it could be right in front of you this is the amazing thing about the spiritual world it could be right in front of your face and it's just total darkness you don't see anything it is the faithful follow through in which one can grasp reality in its fullest sense now why am i showing you this here uh well mary maglin and the mandala she you know as i pointed out in new testament terms uh she basically taught uh you know how to enter into that hearing and seeing um through the mandala and so we see this here i i knew you guys know i have to take this back to the cathedrals i'm in love with cathedrals and these rose windows wherever the pilgrim for cicote intersese cathedrals that are near to him he goes passes right through this rose window this mandala and of course i've said this a lot but a mandala is uh that rose windows like a third eye right it's it's it's a sacred space it's inviting you into this where you can you can uh you can hear and observe spiritually and in this space it's where you know great spiritual things can be accomplished it's uh it's like the the macroverse entering the microverse and then expanding back out to the macroverse again so here's a passage from james yeah cove chapter one and he says this where for my beloved brother and let every man be swift to hear slow to speak slow to wrath so let's what happens if you're swift to hear for the wrath of man work is not the righteousness of allahayam wherefore lay apart all filthiness because apparently filthiness still exists and super fluidity of nadiness i always love that line super fluidity of nadiness don't be that and receive with meekness the engrafted word which is able to save your souls and here it is the observed part be doers of the word and not heroes only because if you're all if you're a hero only you're just physically hearing you don't have that spiritual hearing deceiving your own selves for if any be a hero of the word and not a doer he is like unto a man beholding his natural face in a glass now i've pointed out before in the Hebrew james he actually talks about the the women that would be in front of the the wilderness tabernacle and supposedly the temple as well clearly the temple in his day and they would have the washing bins there and you would you know you would clean yourself there and you would see your reflection so it's the idea that you just go and become filthy again for he beholdeth himself and go with his way and straight way for gith what manner of man he was but who so looketh into the perfect that should say torah of liberty i don't i put tall there i think i just i took law and i put a tea there tea for torah but who so look doer of the work this man shall be blessed in his deed so for those of you who may not know like what is the torah of liberty i thought the torah was a curse well the torah is either a blessing or a curse you you got to choose either one if you you can't just free yourself from it to have liberty who whoever walks the way the path of yahua he is walking in liberty all right and it is a curse to you if you are under if you are in sin in your transgression underneath the torah that is why if you walk the perfect torah of liberty you are blessed all right so the next passage you're on me six four i'm not going to read the whole thing for lack of time but you see her here shama oh yashirel yahua are allahayam is one lord or adenai or i guess yahua all right dudrami eleven thirteen here's another example is shama and it shall come to pass if ye shall shama or hearken diligently unto my commandments right so you listen and observe behold so the blessing of the curse is both physical and spiritual it is intended for the here and now as well as eternity there is a blessing and a curse in eternity which i'm about to turn to just as there is in this life and i've given examples of that and and i think we all could i think i gave a testimony tonight showed one and i hope each of you will send in your testimonies and just show us how your life has been changed by being obedient why are people so afraid of this people try to shut down the conversation all the time they don't want to hear about how our lives get better they because they don't want to have to force themselves to improve they they want to live in their doctrine of what they espouse that they're just a filthy rag and a dog returning to their vomits and they want to live that life and they don't want to hear about people improving upon it no you can choose the blessing as my wife uh mrs hally will say love your future self how do you love your future self think about eternity think about how you want to be blessed in eternity and those decisions happen now so you're not going to you're not going to get the results of it necessarily right now maybe it will happen 50 years from now when you're dead you know when you enter the next life and you you receive your rewards so this comes from none other than you hushaha mashiach and he says this when the son of man shall come in his glory and all the holy angels with them then shall he set upon the throne of his glory and before him shall be gathered all the nations and he shall separate them one from another as a shepherd divided his sheep from the goats and he shall set the sheep on his right hand but the goats on this left and here's a beautiful part then shall the king say unto them on his right hand come ye blessed there it is blessing with the curse come ye the Torah is still enacted the way of yahua come ye blessed of my father inherit the king to prepare for you from the foundation of the world and i put a note here notice how he doesn't say prepared for the devil and his angels let me read this again inherit the kingdom prepared for you not for the devil's angels why did i say that well look what he says right down here verse 41 then he shall say unto them on the left depart from me he cursed into everlasting fire prepared for the devil and his angels note it wasn't prepared for you so he prepares this fire for his for the devils and his angels but he prepares the kingdom from the foundation of the world not for the devil and his angels now where am i going with this you guys have heard me talk a lot about pre-existence and how you know we are bastard sons of Elohim sons of alahim here to reclaim our status and how this is all a test and we are here to see if we are are going to be obedience and there's all these controllers all these spiritual controllers and handlers here to tell us not to be obedient they have come up with all these doctrines to say whatever it says in the bible to you don't do that because that will displease god and it i was it was really occurring to me recently in the last couple weeks uh that this is just a hunch it is a thought i'm not saying let's say the lord this is just something the gnoll saying uh that we that we are the fallen angels uh that if we are here on this earth we are living this life we are getting our second chance that we were deceived by satin in the former existence that the third the 30 percent the 33 the fell uh that's us it really occurred to me um so it's basically like we were getting the ultimatum you can remain with satin and his angels you can be thrust into the flames or you can uh you could walk out this life and redeem yourself and show that you are worthy to enter uh eternity uh by your life choices and of course you know satin the great liberator whatever the whatever the promise was uh beforehand that caused everyone to rebel he has shown his true colors of course there's five satins that's a whole different discussion he or they have shown their true colors and the fact that they don't want us to be redeemed they don't want us uh to make it and so they're here to stop us however possible well let's keep reading that was uh Matthew oh I didn't put what chapter that was well here's Matthew chapter five and seeing the multitudes he went up into a mountain this is Yohushaha mashiach and when he was set uh his disciples came into him and he opened his mouth and taught them saying blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the king of the heaven blessed are they the mourn for they shall be comforted here's the blessing of the curse blessed are the meek for they shown here at the earth blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness where they shall be filled blessed are the merciful for they shall obtain mercy if you guys are not noticing our Messiah is teaching the Torah is any of me i mean i like i'm not even comparing right like i pale in comparison like nobody can teach like this this is this guy is opening up the Torah and he's this is how he's interpreting it amazing there's nobody else on earth who ever did this blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see alahayam blessed are the peacemakers for they shall be called the children of alahayam blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness sake for theirs of the king of the heaven this here highlighted is probably if you are in this Torah walk with me every single one of you this is your life story right here this is your biography blessed are ye when men shall revile you and persecute you and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely for what for my sake and you can even say for my name's sake rejoice and be exceeding glad for great is your reward in heaven remember love your future self you're not here for rewards now you're going you're going for the prize you're training for you know the trophy stand for so persecuted they the prophets were which were before you and again it's like the the same people that are attacking you for your walk they're the same people who they will they will say they're on the prophets i know they're the same people that would persecute the prophets if they are persecuting you for following the Torah they would have persecuted them too no ifs ands or buts they can fool themselves all they want they are not on the outside all right and then uh then we skip to the curses so now we see we see the blessings here's the curses this jumping to Matthew chapter 23 then spake you who should to the multitude into the disciples saying the scribes and the Pharisees sit in moshay seats now if you don't know what this is moshay's seat is basically what i'm doing right now okay that i am sitting for you guys in moshay's seat i'm what i am reading for you the Torah moshay wrote five books in the bible we are going through them genesis xs Exodus Leviticus numbers dude oronomy so if you sit on a Sabbath and you sit in moses's seat you open up the Torah and you read it all right so he's saying the scribes and Pharisees they read to you the Torah now here's the catch all therefore whatsoever they bid you observe there's that word observe that observe and do what so he's saying listen to the Pharisees when they sit in moses's seat and they read to you moses do everything that they say to do but do not eat after their works what or they say and do not so he's saying that this is this is his whole criticism christianity says i was raised to say that oh the reason he he criticized the Pharisees because they were too zealous they took it too seriously they were legalistic you like don't be like the Pharisees don't take it seriously don't do that because if you if you do any of those if you obeying those commands it's a work and now you're spinning on the cross you see how they it's like no no no no no no no he's saying listen to what they say and do what they tell you to do but they actually break the Torah so don't commit their works don't commit the works of the people that are breaking the Torah guys this isn't rocket science this is so obvious and how is it that we went through our whole lives and missed this it has to be a spiritual blindness um i mean let's let's okay so and then he says this right here but well unto you scribes and Pharisees now this this is going to tie in to what we read here in Matthew 5 that um those who persecute you are the same ones that persecuted the prophets for his namesake for being obedient to him for choosing the blessing they hate that you choose the blessing this goes back to wisdom of Solomon chapter 1 i read this last week they they persecute you because they don't want you to receive the reward that they're not willing to get they don't choose the blessing so they want to stop you from getting the blessing this is the spirit of his azale all right so uh right here but woe until you scribes and Pharisees and Matthew 23 is the famous the woe chapter hypocrites for ye shut up the kingdom of heaven against men for ye neither go in yourselves neither suffer ye them that are entering to go in so the whole point here is that the Pharisees are people they're trying to stop you from being obedient to yah and obeying his commands they're not interested in going into the kingdom so they are they're literally the gatekeepers they are standing there sending you to the gateway to hell down the highway that the hell they do not want you to enter the kingdom be weary these people don't let you you need if i have done my job here it is to tell you to convince you that you have the authority the spiritual authority of your own life okay you do not need to listen to the the controllers that are here the tares that are trying to keep you down it is up to you it is up to no one else it's not up to me it's not up to anyone else it's up to you to follow the way of yahwaha and not show up empty-handed all right and i would also say the more that you get attacked uh by these Pharisees these tares the christian Pharise i'll call them the christian Pharisees the the christian town mood you know you're doing something right the more you get attacked the more you're probably going on the right path they want to pull you up i went over this last week but somebody needs to see this again the Torah is yahwaha's character and you could see uh where the Torah is described they give you all over here on the right uh new testament passages while there's one Psalms there there's one Proverbs oh there's a few Psalms whatever there's a lot of New Testament of particularly in Romans and they describe the Torah as good holy just truth perfect not burdensome um people say that the Torah is burdensome that's actually not true at all um it's only burdensome if you enjoy sin let me let's be honest um some some people tell me i need to take it down a notch because it's the bible baby i mean this is this is just this is just me talking about the bible like this is this excites me i get really excited going through this it's not burdensome it's light love righteous pure spiritual what else is it unchangeable and eternal and you could see this is all yahwaha's character and of course he's unchanging we see uh what yohushah hama shiaks is he said unto them and to him i am the way the truth and the life no man comes into the Father but by me a lot of the people a lot of the uh the Torah haters have stopped using this verse because they they've learned uh what the way the truth in life is it is the way is according to Psalms 118 blessed are the undefiled in the way who walk in the Torah of yahwaha or the truth your righteousness is an everlasting righteousness and your Torah is the truth and of course the Torah is also the life we see this in deuteronomy chapter 32 for it is not a vain thing for you because it is your life the Torah and so when yohushah hama shiaks says that he is the way in the truth in the life he is saying i am the word i am i am the word that you you read and when moshay wrote of me i am that word i am the way the truth of life i am the Torah the Torah the Torah uh choose me Proverbs 6 23 says for the commandment is a lamp there's that light and the Torah is the light and reproose of instruction are the way of life and you can see the way the truth and life and they're right there it's all right there the way the life i guess it's a truth you could say the light the way in the life gospel of john chapter 8 says this i speak that which i have seen with my father and you do that which you've seen with your father so there's two fathers right father in heaven and the father of lies the answer to sit in him avraham is our father and yohushah sent to them if you were avraham shoni you would do the works of avraham um all right let's keep moving on those are great passages but all right let's talk about deuteronomy 13 and duality now i'm going to quickly say with um again with deuteronomy the 13 test for those of you who are anti-paul who still listen to me uh look i i'm not i understand i get it like if if if you feel that he needs to not be adhered to because you feel that he fails a deuteronomy 13 test uh you know he doesn't have the fruit or whatever i don't fault you for that all right um and i get it i really do i personally i used to be there and i really believe that the historical paul was Torah observant and what i'm going to be talking about right now instead of going through the deuteronomy 13 test like everyone just take the deuteronomy 13 test and line it up with any teacher anyone out there anyone who claims to be a prophet do they pass the test are they telling you to eat unclean animals are they telling you to break the sabbath are they telling you xyz just go you know the 613 the 10 command is the 613 are they telling you to break this if they are they're leading you towards another allahana it's very simple well there's a lot of duality in scripture and i want to talk about the duality of paul um so first before i get the only talk about the duality of mochay and i pointed this out in the past the duality of mochay was balim and just to read this highlighted part here this comes from the legends of the jews it says moses exorted his people to keep from sin whereas balim canceled the nations to give up their moral course of life and to become addicted to lewdness and now a lot of people say paul was balim right balim was also different from the israelite prophet and his cruelty they had such pity for the nations that misfortune among the heathens caused them suffering sorrow whereas balim was so cruel that he wanted to destroy an entire nation without any cause so but they're making a whole case here that's saying that uh just like with uh like a a checkerboard here the black and the white squares you had moses moses on one end balim was his if moses was the light balim is the polar opposite darkness right that's the duality they were perfect opposites uh confronting each other let's look at the next example oh let's finish this here it said uh gods gave them balim as a prophet who in no way was inferior to moses either in wisdom or in the gift of prophecy so isn't that interesting he had amazing but he was he was a prophet he prophesied correctly uh he gave the uh the balim star prophecy that the wise have been later followed moses and remember that's your army 13 test that a true prophet versus a false prophet is are you leading people towards righteousness that's a true prophet not whether or not you predict the weather properly anyways moses was indeed the greatest prophet among the israelites but balim was his peer among the heathens so perfect balance right there all right now let's look at the uh duality of yuhu shahamashiach yes i'm going there right now versus hoo barabbas this comes from uh i can put a chapter in verse here well this comes from uh the book of the illuminators which we have in our store some of you also notice the book of the nazarene and it says now many people believe there would be two kinds of delivers two messiahs you know what's fascinating about that quote right there is that there is now archaeological evidence coming out people finding uh documents in the uh kumaran area that actually uh the first century they actually believed that there would be two separate messiahs they were looking for two messiahs so this book here which ended up in england it is a hundred percent correct in that statement and i actually want to give a whole presentation on that i haven't got into it yet i have you know a whole stack of things they do anyway so they they were looking one of the delivers uh was uh according to them was a man named joseph baraban and had many followers i think this is barabbas i can't prove that but i think this is barabbas yuhu shah met him at a house in bethgull and said this is an awesome scene why do you declare things which stir up the people so yuhu shah is approaching barabbas to which the other replied what concerned is it of yours like he says like what what is your what is this your business i could do whatever i want right who are you that judge me and yuhu shah answered him after this manner several men several men were sitting in a boat and one began boring a hole beneath his seats seeing this his companion said what are you doing here and he answered what concern is it of yours what i do beneath my own seat and they replied surely it is our fair when what you do will swamp the boat and we will be all thrown into the water the great thing about the story it never shows barabbas's reply he was like uh uh he had no reply well and then we see barabbas is the azazel goat now you see the story here i'm not going to read this again for lack of time famous story uh ponchy spy that gets up there it's pass over and of course on the day of atonement you would have the azazel goat um you know that all asin is ascribed to azazel it it seems like that's what happened here if i'm getting this right the barabbas was the azazel goat the he was released and they even hit state that when uh the jews say then answer all the people and said his blood beyond us and our children so they have taken on the uh the sin ascribed to azazel there and in in making yuhu shahomashiyok their lamb that comes from matthew 27 all right so we see here that there is a duality of kind of polar opposites moshay baelam yuhu shah uh barabbas all right he was the other messiah contender that ended up being the azazel goat and then we see paul versus uh simon magus so i'm going to i think read most of this and this comes from ax of peter or axa kefah and um so many in the anti-paul camp again i don't want you guys think i'm coming down on you i mean i just you have your convictions i have mine um but i see often that many try to make the case that paul is literally simon magus i've seen this no a lot are going to deny this but i've literally tried to make the case that he really is simon magus and that even though they're standing in the room at the same time in the book of ax uh it really is the same person and i just i obviously don't agree with that so uh let's read what it says here this is from chapter four of ax of kefah now after a few days there was a great commotion in the midst of the church for some said that they had seen wonderful works done by a certain man whose name was simon this is simon magus and that he was at um arisha and they added further that he said he was a great power of elohim and without elohim he did nothing um so this great this great wizard this great prophet who did amazing works and he was uh he actually had a statue put up in his honor in rome we know this because justin martyr in the second century he was like uh can we remove that statue it's so embarrassing like can we please get rid of this statue so in the second century that the statue to simon magus was still there interestingly enough it has been described from history what does it say that in the history books it was there and he was a true false prophet now it going down here it says and the brethren were not a little offended among themselves seeing moreover that paul was not at rome neither timothy nor barn uh uh barn lobby that would be bartholomium no wait no that's barnabas excuse me where they had been sent out into macedonia by paul and that they were and that there was no man to come for us to speak nothing of them that had but just come uh become catchamans and as simon exalted himself yet more by the works but you did and many of them daily called paul a sorcerer whoa and others a deceiver whoa do you know what's happening right now of so great a multitude that had been established in the faith all fell away all right i have given my case as to why when you read the book of axe the uh the the narrative arch there is that the the book of axe is about testimony true testimony versus false testimony and how steven was stoned based on false testimony he gave a true testimony but the jews said that he did away with the torah and they stoned him for that that's the false testimony the the awkward part is that christianity has to go yeah he did do it with the torah where we don't like that he was stoned but according to deuteronomy 13 he should have been stoned they said the same thing about paul paul's going around saying no i am keeping the torah i am not leading people away and the jews are saying he is doing away with it right the same thing just happened here now the followers of simon maggots are all following away and they're turning it now and they're saying paul is the sorcerer he is the deceiver you see what i'm saying so now they're falling in line with the jews they're all going after this guy and i have pointed out that again everyone is free of their convictions if you feel he he breaks deuteronomy 13 uh deuteronomy 13 tests but i'm of the opinion that the the very paul that is the lawless one that is the false testimony of the jews and simon maggots all right let's keep reading we move forward uh this comes from acts of keefa and paul so quickly you know paul leaves uh barnaby's leaves timothy leaves and then simon maggots moves in and he just devastates the church of rome and they just they all turn to him they turn away from the torah they turn to simon maggots so then we see the scene paul versus simon maggots and this comes from the acts of keefa and paul and they're standing before uh emperor Nero at this time and of course Nero is going to be the one that's going to put paul to death and peter to death and when Nero said tomorrow we'll prove it to you turning to paul he said so Nero is looking at paul and he's very unimpressed and he says you paul why do you say nothing i should give the context that they're all simon maggots is there with peter and paul in front of Nero and Nero really likes simon maggots either either who taught you or whom you have for a mass or how you have taught in the cities or what things have happened through your teachings for i think that you have not any wisdom he's saying this to paul and are not able to accomplish any works of power now there's a dot dot dot there i skipped a few just for sake of time and simon maggots says this oh good emperor you take notice that these two peter and paul have conspired against me for i am the truth and they purpose evil against me and the keefa said there is no truth in you but all you say is false and Nero is not impressed by this and he says paul what do you say and paul said this is really interesting those things which you have heard from keefa believe to have been spoken by me also for we purpose the same thing for we have the same adenai yuhushaha mashiach so through this whole thing paul is keeping silent and he's just deferring to keefa he's like whatever keefa says that's the truth i agree with everything keefa is saying here and so here's the end of simon maggots right here now why did they go to Rome keefa goes to Rome to confront simon maggots because simon maggots is turning away so many people from the faith he's actually enacting deuteronomy 13 in a way he's saying i'm going to confront this false prophet i'm going to bring it into him and this is where i stated that if paul historically were anti-tora and he were leading people away from the torah then all of the apostles failed in going through with deuteronomy with the deuteronomy 13 test which stoning him because assuredly that's what the Jews were trying we have multiple accounts and acts where they are trying to stone him to death they are dragging him out and stoning him if that is confusion to you that's why because they're enacting deuteronomy 13 and meanwhile the the apostles are like you know hiding and it's like no they they should have joined them and go you're right this guy is breaking the torah we will join you we will put this guy down they never do that is testimony to me either the the apostles are breaking the torah or they are not agreeing with the Jews and going no no no you you guys are deceivers and you're lying which is what the Jews were actually doing the the Pharisees they were wicked cruel people so anyways this is the ending of simon maggots and simon said in order that you may know oh emperor Nero that these are deceivers as soon as ever I send into heaven I will send my angels to you and we'll make you come to me so simon maggots is about to fly on his broom or whatever kind of like the wicked witch of the west and Nero said do it once what you say then simon went up upon the tower in the face of all and crowned with laurels that's essentially his laurel we saw him for apollo worship he stretched forth his hands and began to fly and when Nero saw him flying he said to kefah this simon is true but you and paul are deceivers because paul and kefah did not fly of course to whom kefah said immediately shall you know that we are true disciples of mashiach but he is not mashiach as he claims but a magician and a malefactor Nero said do you still persist behold you see him going up into heaven and then kefah looking steadfastly upon paul said paul look up and see and paul having looked up full of tears and seeing simon flying said kefah why are you idle finish what you have begun for already our adenai hushaha mashiach is calling us and Nero hearing them smile a little and said these men see themselves worsted already and are gone mad kefah said now you shall you shall know that we are not mad and paul said to kefah do it once what you do so it's really interesting in this account how uh you have uh paul just constantly deferring to peter as the authority and according to these books these are two separate books i'm reading from cross referencing according to these two books uh again it's it's not the picture of paul that we are constantly told that you know he went off like a rogue asian and did his own thing and you know forget the other apostles i'm the superior paul like no he's like saying peter you're you're the man you're in charge you're the man you are the rock and so and kefah looking steadfastly against simon said i adjure you you angels of satan who are carrying him into the air to deceive the hearts of the unbelievers by the elohim that created all things and by yohushaha mashiach come on the third day he raised from the dead no longer from this hour to keep him up but to let him go and immediately being let go he fell into a place called sacra via that is holy way and was divided into four parts having perished by an evil fate then near order kefah and paul to be put in irons and the body assignment to be carefully kept for three days thinking that he would rise on the third day to whom kefah said he will no longer rise since he is truly dead being condemned to everlasting punishment and of course then kefah and paul go to their similar fates all right i'm not going to go through all this uh tonight i've been over this before we're just going to skip this i've given presentations on this if i'm in the mood again in the future i'll do it because this needs to be heard of course uh that clearly uh kefah's vision of the animals um was was not about eating unclean animals it was always about people and i will remind everybody that you're you're in the first century and that you're hearing these rumors of a vision that peter had like this isn't in writing guys like it gets put in writing and acts but it's it's like where is this actually in writing as a law this is a vision he had it is not doing away with the Torah it is not saying you can eat pig it's very clearly um it's very clearly telling you that we actually saw this uh tonight in duder on me it said you eating with clean and unclean people together it's not saying eat unclean food it's saying whether a person is clean or unclean you can eat with them that's the lesson that peter had to learn he was going by tambudic tradition not by the Torah and of course you see here in first macabees chapter one what was the abomination the cause desolation it was throwing a pig on the barbecue apparently i say this at times again apparently if there's a temple now the illuminati play their uh antichrist card and roll him out if he throws a pig on the barbecue uh there's gonna be a lot of religious people out there going well dang i guess i guess that's okay uh not a big deal really because we've done away with it so clearly you know this is the man of wallessness but you know some of the lawlessness is okay all right uh so let's skip all this for lack of time all right sea serpents clean animals are they clean animals i thought this was kind of exciting this little segment here and what i'm showing you here is an illustration from the book uh mythical monsters dragon sea serpents unicorns fact or fiction by charles gold charles gold was a very very impressive researcher in the 19th century uh we uh have published his book very i mean this guy this is pre internet right he's got to go around to different libraries and actually search out these newspaper articles very very well done research very thankful for this guy and um so this is a norwegian sea serpents here some interesting thing about sea serpents is that uh they were attracted to cold waters which seem to go against the whole reptilian kind of idea um a lot of them up in the norwegian kind of around sweden norway that area there uh it usually was in summertime so it was warmer weather but it was when the water was calm it had to be like just crystal clear type of just not wavy they don't seem to like choppy water report after report after report from all these different party members who are not related to each other also the same things uh so this one here it says that uh it describes when they see it according to this illustration here that they sketched out uh it said that it appeared it appeared to them this mammal this marine animal that came up with the help of two fins on the four part of the body nearest the head which they judge from the boiling of the water on both sides of it now that should bring some bells right there the boiling of water the sea serpents coming up and there's something hot coming out of it that's boiling the water but there is the two fins right there and um a lot of these reports and i know that this was on a lot of people's minds you know you see a sea serpent out there and you're like what you're watching some of these people would watch them for like 20 minutes and there would be way out there but they would look does it have fins does it have because they are all wondering if it's if it's uh kosher right they're all wondering they know their bible does it have fins and a lot of them said you know we look for fins we didn't see them but we do have reports where they said yes we saw the fins it has fins um and then there's this one here and those look like big ol fins to me this is the sea serpent of south coast of greenland another another very cold water creature and it said right there its body was covered with scales so scales fins now there could be some species of sea serpents out there that are unclean that maybe they have scales no fins or fins no scales but it appears that we have sea serpents that have fins and scales so that would make it a clean animal which means you could eat it which is interesting because in Psalm some before it says they'll broke the head of leviathan and pieces and gave him to be meat to the people inhabiting the wilderness you guys know i think that's a reference there to the hidden wilderness the blessed land uh that the people uh the resurrected people in the second exodus who went into the the greater realm uh on this earth a material place on this realm the greater realm uh they were given leviathan to eat and the leviathan being eaten is a sign of the millennial kingdom it's what they would call back then the the future world to come so what's interesting is that when you get to the other end of the millennial kingdom and you get into the reformation and renaissance you see all these illustrations of sea serpents and they're like just scientific they're on the earth and people are just saying they see them and i i kind of wonder if these sea serpents are they're the residue of the kingdom they went away eventually they're gone i mean i think the last one that was spotted was like off boston in like the 1970s so it was rather recently uh but it was in the 1800s when like the major reports where you had a lot of civilians going out there in these steamships and they were seeing them as soon as they introduced the engine onto these ships they all disappeared uh so i don't know if they're all dead or if they went up to migrate it to the greater part of the realm or what's going on but it's just interesting that as soon as the curtain comes up millennial kingdoms over we enter the little season they're everywhere you know what i mean by everywhere people are seeing them there's a lot of reports of them so this comes from what book is this this is the baba and batram and read you a little bit of talmudic literature tonight don't stone me to death for this or throw tomatoes at me but this is what they say when the leviathan is hungry who produces breath from his mouth and thereby boils all the waters in the depths of the sea so that's kind of interesting because they're talking there and it says as it is stated they're commenting on job job 41 he makes the deep boil like a pot and that's what we saw in that one account with the sea serpent they saw the boiling water around him it's not interesting and then it says robba says that rabbi yohenen says in the future world the future world is the millennial kingdom the holy one blessed be he will make a feast for the righteous from the flesh of the leviathan as it is stated and so we know that it has to be clean for that to happen the habareem will make a feast of him and kara means okay there's a few interesting things here they talk about well this interesting stuff i'm here but all right i don't need to read all that all right let's keep moving on all right clean unclean and anthropomorphism if you read my if you saw or read my lady and the unicorn piece which i what's the last recent paper i came out with it really excited me it was a big like 50 page report very in-depth i talk it in here about the uh Barnabas the epistle of Barnabas and how he literally goes through what we saw in dude eronomy here the same passage and he's he's saying okay you you heard moshay um say this in the Torah like you don't eat these animals and you do eat these animals but he was what's really interesting about this is that Barnabas understood that there is the letter of the law and the spirit of the law he's saying here look keep the letter of the law he is not saying in here to eat unclean animals modern translators try to skew it into that but that is not what he's saying um let me actually read the line here he said verse nine um so moshay spoke of these teachings about food in a spiritual sense but the people in accordance with the last of their flesh received them as being only only about eating he's not saying that it's not material as well it's also spiritual and so um you know you don't be you don't want to eat a weasel because they do forbidden thing i won't go through all this but it is interesting that uh these unclean animals have these kind of these human characteristics for example i'll give you like a vulture or a buzzer or a hawk or a kite it's they basically are like murderers or they're they're like thieves right and we can go through the psalms and proverbs how you don't associate you know you don't be in the company of murderers or thieves of you will end up in their lot right you want to shun these and you know they come down and they take the carcasses off the ground and that kind of stuff and um so it's just interesting to see the spiritual component and so speaking of anthropomorphism if you don't know what that is it's the idea that human characteristics are attached to animals now that's just a common now day you go see like any Pixar film or CG film or you know curious george or whatever right like they're all given human characteristics we don't even think twice about it well a paper i came out with several years ago on anthropomorphism it's very outdated now it's embarrassing i don't want to read it to you guys until i update it i basically went through and showed how anthropomorphism took off with Darwinian evolution now there's nothing wrong with it because we know that it goes back to uh Barnabas got it right and i showed you all through the lady in the unicorn um and this is we got Asop's fable but there's what's really interesting is when Darwinian evolution took off in the 1800s all of a sudden it just exploded everywhere because there was a um there was an agenda to have us revert back to our animal ways and have animals teach our children what it is like to be human which is very very different than having animals and Asop's fables that are morality lessons or like in Barnabas but think about it because we now set our children in front television and have animals teach them what it is to be human how very evolutionary just think about the um the the fallout of that of course we have John Tennell down here um fun fact i actually got to see the dodo of Oxford i used to be obsessed with dodos as a child so that was a big moment and of course you know this is one of my favorite elish i don't know if a little in riding hood is the best idea or best example of anthropomorphism but i have to admit that's one of my favorite illustrations of all time i find it's so haunting i love it like for the wolf there is just rubbing up against her in the woods um just very haunting beautiful illustration but then we see it coming up in the 1800s as well in political cartoons like an octopus right an octopus could be like a monopoly or you know government tyranny these kind of things here's the standard oil companies having their nasty tentacles and everything which shouldn't be of course i don't even know what's going on with the context in this one you see Russia and i think that's Britain and uh there's Germany the eagle and i guess China there is the uh the dragon and so on and so forth but they're you know putting animal characteristics on different governments kind of interesting and then if you pay attention to the spiritual association with the unicorn and the naturalist says this about the unicorn that it is it is in size small as a kid made the unicorn of the the millennial kingdom was the size of a goat if you need that spilled out for you not the big horses we see nowadays they were like my little pony size you know perfect for ladies to you know put them in their purse for every occasion for every outfit uh but but that it has a fierce b-cell nature and one horn on its head it is impossible for hunters to capture in the usual way though i shall tell how they do catch one by the way this book i'm reading you from is a second century uh read uh that you know some people uh a kind of wonder if actually Barnabas actually wrote this by the way it's a christian text they place a chase virgin in its path the unicorn goes to the virgin's bosom she warms the unicorn and then leads into the king's palace and this is of course a picture of yuhushama shiak i would just recommend going and checking that out of yourself all right this is what i wanted to get to last week and i am making it tonight this is so exciting i i got like seven minutes left and i'm making all right last week we looked at the manna and in the lady in the unicorn i ended it with these beautiful tapestries which i have personally seen in france it was one of the greatest moments to do a 360 in that room and just look around with these massive tapestries back then i didn't even know what the millennial kingdom research was i just you know was really big on medieval and uh the thing about these tapestries is that uh they are made by women by weavers and there's a lot of very important spiritual implications to that and you see that uh these women uh whenever the the men weren't really baying on the whole lady in the unicorn thing but the women were and they made a lot of these beautiful tapestries but in this one specifically here of course we see the line of juda and anytime we see the unicorn with the line it is for ephraim we see that all through scotland and britain the line in unicorn coming together yahuda no longer vexing ephraim and vice versa uh we see the crescent moon there uh which you know my i have a theory it's a feast this that that could be a reference to the uh the the what paul calls the the will the wilderness the hidden wilderness uh the blessed land that is the light of yuhu shahama shiok outside the circuit of the sun and the moon um and of course we see the two pillars here like freemasonry that that is that she is the tree of life you know this is the pathway right here to eternity is the way that you walk to enter the land and this scene does take place in paradise so some interesting things going on but look at what she's got her hand in there she's dipping into a a kind of a what we would call a big old uh grail type of thing um but that it look at those like little wait for things and i ask a question what is that is this communion it can't be communion because according to Roman Catholicism a girl can't give communion okay it's it's not officially communion it has to be a priest so this girl is offering this uh this goblet to her with these little communion wafers and i am suggesting very possibly that this could be the manna that we were looking for and in fact the tradition of even a lot of this you know unleavened bread that these communion wafers whatever you want to call it coming in by our controllers could be from the manna that we saw in the millennial kingdom all right well let's i started looking more into this and i don't need to go over all this research i've gone you guys all know if you've been following me about the manna how it tastes like whatever you wanted it to taste like we have multiple sources on this and also too um that comes from the trish uh christian and the jewish tradition i love it when you get both world views and also that if you were not a sinner you would not poop it would just go dissolve in your body all right so going into these octagonal shapes and if you listened to last night when i had a fig tree generation on and we were talking with jim and we were talking about the dome of the rock and other things like that uh we see these these buildings all over the world these octagonal shape these circular shapes uh they could be bandstands they could be towers they could be baptistries and of course you know my belief is that they were not actually baptistries they held some sort of maybe uh kind of engine in there that kind of worked with the magnetic field they've kind of worked with the ether and bring down energy and and so on and so forth and here's some pictures here of the actual engines that very few pictures that survive but you actually see people standing around these engines in these towers or maybe they're removing them but they're all in these pictures we know that they held something at one's hot all right so then let me see because i always forget how to pronounce this but it's called the uh reliquary and these are these odd decorative pieces that come out of the medieval era and they're very mysterious and so our controllers today they're like well you know they made these very exotic looking you know things to hold like a fingernail or something like they'll find like the finger of of uh Yaakov uh the brother of yokanon uh and they'll put it in there or you know maybe a piece of hair from Mary Magdalene or whatever it is a tooth from from St. Peter you know and they'll put it in there and you you you go worship it which is such a stupid thing to build these for and so you know it has been suggested that these were like transportable ways maybe to heat a house or energy or something there's something that they put in there that had an external power to it i had to throw these in because you know you got to throw up your street grids there the age of Pisces these were from the the middle ages as well pretty cool stuff i feel like i want one of these on my desk so if somebody wants to get to me with something i want one of these big old like hand things to put on my uh my desk for when i work okay but i came across these in a medieval tax and these really fascinating fascinating now we see these these same objects and they have what may be manna in it now you you know that these are communion bread because we're seeing the body of mashiach in it and again what is the manna from heaven right so time again they're carrying it and there is this in these in these things are this this bread substance um it's just very odd and they're all they put in these places of honor stuff like that um here's just picture after picture after or i shouldn't say picture but illustration after illustration and we even see angels surrounding it so they're telling us that there's something in these reliquary reliquaries that is very spiritual that connects with the angelic realm constant pictures of angels surrounding it with this uh this bread and you actually see remember eat my flesh right this is the bread that i give to you and you see here the body of mashiach and all of this now again this could just be official history catholic church uh you know that kind of stuff or we could be looking into some residue for something really strange going on this again my theory is we're looking at the manna that was promised to the residents of the millennial kingdom and maybe they appeared in these things maybe it was magical maybe they just there it was this was how it came down and they went and collected out of here who really knows um so there's several examples out here's a few more and you see them feeding it again i know i get it right it looks like communion now this one over here like this is totally jazzy wet but even you could tell with the baby angels this is uh this is uh renaissance era so but i threw that in anyways and this one here i love love love these two angels holding this one up and you see it in there there's a big old something in there big old it could be an orb but it looks like a priest of uh of manna that means and i'm going to be ending on this tonight what is a graven image now a couple weeks ago uh because this wasn't our passage last week about no you're going to go into the land uh no graven images right now i don't want to lead anyone down a path of a graven image and when i gave the you can't talk about the shrouded turn without somebody coming out and saying that's a graven image all right now why are they saying i'm going to tell you first of first and foremost this is not a graven image all right so just hear me up to the end here i'm going to show you what is a graven image okay this right here is not a graven image this is a graven image here we have pictures of two different popes one is frances i think that's benedict right there um and they are going to a graven image of mary the queen of heaven and this idol it could be that they are praying to the idol or they are using the idol as a representation of to remind them of who they're praying to either way it's an idol this is a graven image a graven image is something that somebody constructed with their hands for the purpose of worshipping uh an allahayam other than messiah or other than yahawaha and of course we are not to use any uh graven image to worship him now some of you are saying aha well that's the the shrouded turn well hear me out on this hear me out so here is a art piece a very famous one a mary magdalene and she is looking into the the the flame uh kind of interesting and there's also a mirror there the mirror is for divine which is just very fascinating painting i've actually not commented on this one in any of my mary magdalene writings yet but it's interesting that i show and here's somebody you know looking at a a image that is painted by man is this a graven image well if it is used for worship it is i don't believe it's used for worship i don't believe it's a graven image and in fact my point is is that uh i show artwork all the time and nobody comes up and goes oh you shouldn't show that that artwork that's a graven image well clearly we're not worshiping it right i can show you a painting and we're not going i have never seen anybody bow down and worship this not saying that they don't here is the girl with the pearl earring i've never seen that one in person uh oh down here at the bottom the Mona Lisa i have seen the Mona Lisa in person it was one of the biggest disappointments of my wife's life she brings it up all the time how disappointing it was i actually loved it i really enjoyed the experience and we also knew that when you go to the Louvre it's the biggest attraction there you can literally stand in life like four hours or something waiting to see the Mona Lisa and we knew this in advance and we went straight to it like we weren't like running like it was like a you know black friday sale but we were walking briskly and we got there in the room we were in the first ones there and already the whole room was crowded it was just like that where it's just like you're standing behind all these people's heads and it's literally like this big it's the size of a dinner plate but you could that's how small the Mona Lisa is and it's imagine the dinner plate you ate on tonight it is that big you know we think of this like this huge thing it's not it's very small anyways and you go into these museums here and you're up and it just over it's overwhelming how many paintings there you just sit there and you stare at them all some of them get this big actually I've seen paintings way bigger than this in Europe and France and stuff and they're just massive where the people are larger than you and it's just overwhelming right these are all made by the hands of men all right and I threw this one in because I love this picture I don't even know what she's looking at but she's like one of the most awesome pictures from the 1950s in a time period I wish I could live okay here's a great one arc of the covenant what is this what's going on with this we have a command to actually build these fashioned by the hands of man these two chair of them what in the world's going on here and I've seen people in the Torah community arguing that's a graven image so keep in mind when in the books of Moses right the five books of Moses if it says not to have a graven image and in the same books of Moses we have the construction of this maybe we need to kind of read maybe our understanding what a graven image is wrong just throw that out there we're not talking about books that were made thousands of years later within the context of Moses maybe we have what a graven image is wrong okay if YAH says not to have a graven image and then he he commands this to be made all right so again nobody whenever I show pictures of you hush alma shiok I don't get that what is it about the shraad to turn I'm about to get to it the shroud the shroud is a graven image argument now by definition a graven image is a man made object or piece of artwork such as a statue that is worshipped as a god or maybe even in place of and representative of the said god as we saw with the pope with mary the ark of the covenant has cherubae angels carved on top of it is that a graven image it's certainly man made artwork so why isn't the ark decried as being pagan perhaps because the images though representative of actual celestial beings were never intended to be worshipped as god or a god or a lesser god it might not stop someone from worshiping the cherub as your god they someone might go to the ark of the covenant and worship those angels but that wasn't the created intent notice how I show many depictions of messiah and nobody calls those a graven image most people don't have a problem with messiah being depicted on the basis that yahaha or the son of yah according to most he became flesh incarnate he became a physical being he took on the material features of a baby and then a boy and then a young man with pimply face young man and finally a man becoming a person a flesh and blood person like you and me so why is the shroud any different all right so here's some pictures of the shroud in calling this shroud a graven image what the person is actually doing pay attention is calling it a man made artwork without bothering to let you know that it is that is their tactic the problem is is that they are incapable proving it is a man made artwork nobody can prove it or rather it is quite impossible to show it to be a hoax which is normally what hoax blusters are very good at and nina remind you the shroud is very very very old not recent it is like according to the uh the dark age theory it's a thousand years old even though now in the last couple weeks it's been proven to be two thousand years old and unbelievable the moon landing happened what 56 years ago and that is provably a fake it is so obviously a fake we can look at all this stuff and go fake fake fake fake fake and yet this was done by medieval artist and nobody can prove this to be a fake because it was not made by man so they can't prove it so they're just like they just go to the next thing that's a graven image it's like no it's not a graven image because you can't prove it to be man made you you guys following the and by the way they may even have alternate reasons for wishing it were not legit like perhaps maybe they're a black Israelite and that's a problem since the man within is is an olive skin color a Mediterranean like a Spaniard Italian he looks like he grew up in the Mediterranean world a nice kind of oily brown skin so right there that's a problem so they don't like that so they're like yeah that's a fake rather than tell you their political alliances they'd rather go with the cookie cutter copy and paste line which they pulled off the internet then it's a graven image and so they still can navigate the evidence showing it to be a natural image by shouting the conclusion to their failed thesis that it is graven image when it is provably not man made artwork so i just want to point this out to everyone that if if someone could show that it is made by men then yes we can then say it is a graven image though even still you would have to then prove to me show me that people are actually worshiping the shroud if people I mean nobody should worship the shroud if someone is worshiping the shroud that's an issue that it could be the same thing with arc of the covenant the 10 commandments you know anything like that people can go worship those things you know like if there's like another another temple built people can go actually literally worship the temple rather than the creator you see what i'm saying so hopefully nobody is going to worship the shroud um but again uh if it is the effect of a literal resurrection that's not artwork that is just a a document to an amazing thing and i am so convinced that the man within resurrected if you were the only way to convince me that it's not messiah who shama shiaka is to convince me that it's just some other guy that resurrected from the dead like the millennial kingdom happens and there's resurrections everywhere and this guy resurrects in a shroud um he would have had to die you know three days earlier exact same death as messiah exact same time of the year not part of the world so and so forth anyways uh that was it tonight um i have more material here but i'll just get to another week i i love doing these thank you everyone for making the tradition in your home and again all praise to yah you know if i get like overexcited sometimes if i get passionate some people again like it makes them uncomfortable but it's like it's hard to read the bible the Torah where he yah is like he is so like this is how i want you to worship me and not get excited about that and and my desire again is for i i want to see you be successful i want it will bring me so much joy to see other people enter the kingdom in eternity i mean i'm just gonna be thrilled to be there i'm gonna be i'm gonna be like uh if i make it through that gate i'm gonna be on my face on the floor like like spaghetti like unable to move i'm gonna be so just worn out and exhausted and be like i can't you know it'd be like um in those scenes in in a shipwreck where someone is off at sea and they have to swim into that they're just thrilled to see a tropical island out in the middle of the ocean and they swim in and they're just they're they can barely they barely make it and they just fall down on the sand and the waves are still washing over them and it's going in their mouth but they don't care and they're just clutching the soil me like i made it i'm alive that's what i'm gonna be like in the kingdom and one of you are gonna have to come along and like hand me a beer it's gonna be like ten years later the party's going on be like okay you can get up now here here's a beer we've been enjoying ourselves over here you can come join us now like that's what it's going to be like and i'm going to be so overjoyed to look around and recognize people or to hear from somebody going like no thank you for you know your service just a little smidge that you know you gave us these seeds and we you know we were success we made into the kingdom too and i know that every single time that somebody repents and they turns a yah having rejoices the angels rejoice right that's what this is all about it's about getting us to repent and turn to yah maybe that's just a preacher in me you know anyways love you guys want to keep doing this i'll see you guys next week and i have you know plenty more material to give in the future enjoy your sabbath everyone praise yah good night [ Silence ]