The Duran Podcast

Trusting Macron is a mistake

Trusting Macron is a mistake

Broadcast on:
01 Sep 2024
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All right, Alexander, let's talk about what is happening in France calls to impeach macaron Not going to happen. It looks like macaron has double crossed melashomp and the alliance that he set up with the nf And if p right the Yeah, they had to try to get the nf p Um, yeah, it looks like he's he's double crossed them the olympics are over but macaron doesn't want to approve Their choice for prime minister. We talked about this in a video We recorded maybe three weeks ago when we talked about lucy got yes Yeah, yes, that's yeah and uh And then we have a whole dura thing on top of all of this this intrigue that's happening in in france with macaron's administration and is his uh his alliance with the nfp and appointing a prime minister at the end of the day the french government is Is in trouble the parliament the french government looks like we're We're possibly heading to to some sort of a standstill and maybe even Um elections again in in a year's time That's there's a lot of talk about macaron having to call elections again But the what are your what are your thoughts about what i think things are playing out exactly in the way that we said that they would what what macaron Is saying is look i'm happy to Form a government based on the election results It's just that i want the election results changed. I don't want the left for me the government I don't say they don't want marina pence party for me or playing any role in the government at all I want my party Which came third in terms of the popular vote but which still because of all of the arrangements that were done with the Left during the election because there was that deal done what my party to be the center of the uk of elation and I want all these left wing people who Aligned themselves with melon shong to leave melon shong and to unite with my party so that we can have Exactly the same kind of government that we had before That's exactly what he's saying abi he's now coming out with that quite openly We said that in our previous program about france that that was his objective And he's now come out and he's making it absolutely clear and he's making it obvious And he's saying that he's not going to accept lucy castets despite the fact that as we discussed previously, she's a classical establishment insider A hardly different from him in any important respect. Anyway, he says he won't accept him because for the moment She still wants to head a government in which melon shong would play a leading role And that for him is unacceptable So for the moment the french left the other than melon shong himself are going through the motions because I think This is all that it is. They go through the motions of saying. Oh, no. No. No. We can't accept this. This is absolutely outrageous The president is violating the constitution or at least the principles of the constitution He's acting contrary to democracy We will never concede a situation where instead of the left forming the government Macron forms the government by cobbling together the coalition that he wants We insist that he must accept lucy castets. We insist that he must accept melon shong as an integral part of the government And um if he continues to take the line that he's taking we're going to try to impeach him as he rightly said That's not going to happen and we are also Into have protests across france and we are going to um Perhaps even talk about some kind of general strike eventually though that's not going to happen either so um they're rattling around in in the box because To be absolutely clear the point will come and mac cranks counting on this and I think he is right when um Within the left Which is an uneasy coalition of various groups people are going to some of the sort of more establishment people on the left Are going to say to themselves. Well, look ultimately We're closer to mac cron and he's party that we are to melon shong melon shong is five brand radical he's got all sorts of ideas about Ukraine which We're not really keen on because we're ultimately also part of the neoliberal global establishment uh you know, we have to Pretend for a while that we're going to stand with melon shong because after all that's what we told to our voters But I think sooner or later they will come out and say well, we don't agree We think the president has behaved appallingly, but we have a high responsibility to france we can't leave france without a government and um Though it breaks our hearts to do this and that we're deeply unhappy that it has to be done nonetheless Very grudgingly very unhappily. We're going to do what the president says and go into coalition with his party and um in return uh We will we managed to persuade the president to make this huge concession which changes everything and makes it possible He's going to accept lucy castets as well as prime minister. I think that's where it's going This is my own view. I think uh, as I said, you can you have all of this Performative displays that we're seeing in the french parliament the left Talking you know the outrage they're furious. They won't say except what macrom is doing They're banging the table. They're saying, you know, we must be the people who form the government Um, but I think ultimately that is all that but that is what they're going to do Because um, you said that uh, they've been double crossed and of course macrom has double crossed them But of course most of them many of them Were willing accomplices to this double cross that you exactly what was happening and they knew exactly What was going to happen when the election was over? um, and I think that in the end, um They're okay. What's what with what's going to come? I mean, I I mean, I know that all this sounds incredibly cynical but show me how Cynicism about the situation that we've seen in france is unjustified and as you rightly say in the meantime Uh, macrom is taking steps to in show to people what are powerful and uh Frightening, uh, figure he is, you know, Jupiter on high Hurley, he's thunderbolts. He has duroff arrested um at low boucher airport. He has a case concocted at lightning speed against um, duroff a man who at one time he was praising he gave him french citizenship He suggested the telegram base itself in france. He spoke about duroff as this great hero Um, as we see trusting macrom on things like that thinking that you have a good relationship with him is the stupidest mistake you can make Yeah, do it off trusted macron melashon Trusted macron. Maybe you don't want to say trusted, but he aligned with macron. I mean, he's the big loser in all of this Is he not? Yeah, I mean because when when his alliance when his coalition partners go with macron I mean melashon ends up being the the big loser in all of this, but You know, he also decided that it's better to to trust macron than to allow the pen to to win. Yes, so Yes, I mean he he has been the useful idiot in french politics. I think this is the thing to say about this because in my opinion melon shop would have been in a very strong position had um events been allowed to take their course if the There hadn't been This deal done between the left and macron during the french parliamentary elections Lopez party would have emerged with the majority probably They would probably have formed a government with the support of the republican The party would have had many problems the government would have had many many problems At that point, but macron himself would have been discredited And who would have been leading the opposition to that government and able to parade that he was you know The great defender of france and the republican tradition Against the sinister force on the extreme right well melashon I mean that is what an intelligent and shrewd political leader would have done, but he did he didn't want to do that he couldn't stomach the idea of lepan Forming a government. This is you know, absolutely horrifying thought for him. So of course he listened to the siren voices entered into this arrangement agreed to enter into this arrangement with macron of all people And as you rightly say he's now going to be completely isolated and marginalized And macron will come out on top Does this help macron or does it help does this help macron's party macron's ideology the globalists In 2027, I believe is when we're going to have the elections. Does this help them or will this hurt them in the end? Well, if we're talking about if we were talking always about Intional politics electoral politics the way you and I once remember them being conducted it should hurt them I mean, it means that lepan and her party are now the only opposition in france The left is very soon get to be completely discredited Even melashon who you know has been marginalized people will be saying well, you know, he's He's led us in completely the wrong direction He he set out to oppose both lepan and macron and we've ended up with macron as a result. So I mean Logically Because things are not going to get better economically or politically in france over the next uh two years this auto setup lepan for victory in the 2027 presidential elections And that is what she thinks But let's go back to the question of what has happened with doeroth the arrest on doeroth And of course, this is not an event that's happened in isolation. We see all sorts of Actions being taken to control information flows Lots of talk about what the russians are supposedly doing in the information space which is being used to You know control the information space even further we see how law enforcement has been used um Who's to say that by 2027 All of those things won't have been taken very very very much further and You know the word will go out in advance of the elections that democracies in peril Action has to be taken to protect democracy from the danger of the extreme right All kinds of steps are taken there for to harass repent and her party eventually a massive Campaign in the media is launched against it to justify whatever those steps are And it proves impossible for lepan and her party in the end To mount a coherent election campaign I mean, you know I think we have to say this Because this seems to me the direction of travel across the west now um electoral politics as we used to know them are breaking down and given The kind of government that we are likely to see formed in france before very long I suspect that process will be taken much further before long Yeah, two years is a is a long way off a long time and the luck had happened Uh for lepan or against lepan Yeah, I mean just to just to give you an example of the kind of atmosphere I was read now. This is of course in person, but you know it repressed it reflects the mood across I think certainly europe and much of the west There's a well-known journalist and commentator here called john campner who historically has conceived you know has been identified with the left Uh, he used to run um, um a magazine or website or whatever it was called index on censorship But he's now become if you like a disinfor something of a disinformation warrior. He's risked he's made a ferocious attack in the guardian on sahavagan act who is the leader of the left party in germany, you know the the party that Presents itself as being on the left, but he refers to her as being on the far right now that that is I mean, he does this quite consciously. He knows exactly what he's doing. This isn't a slip um if you read his article of the guardian carefully and I think that We're going to have a situation where everybody is represented as being far right part of some Sinister force that must be fought at any cost Um doesn't matter any any mechanism of the law of law enforcement must be used to protect us from this threat and um in two years In france they can do an awful lot Yeah Yeah, absolutely, um far She's anything but far right. I know Anyway, I know But usually she opposes the war you she opposes support for ukraine She's got things to say about immigration, which are not The kind of things that people in the neoliberal center want to hear She's got those kind of views and that of course must mean that she is Aligned with the flow, right? Yeah, all right. We will end the video there the We are on Odyssey rumble bitch shoot telegram And we are also on rap fin and go to the durand shop pick up some Merch you will find a link in the description box down below. 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