Redemption with James Arthur Ray

#124 - Andre Pennington is challenging the conventional and rebuilding generational wealth!

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06 Sep 2024
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We very infrequently have guests—we’re very selective about who we speak with AND that being said, we have never had a guest on twice. But today is an exception.

Andre Pennington is an Inc. 5000 awarded CEO, recognized as one of the top attorneys in the world, and the principle of a relatively new adventure he’s on called Universal Wealth.

If you’ve read my latest book, GMS, Understanding and mastering the three human dilemmas I suggest, these three dilemmas are the primary cause of the incredible chaos we’re experiencing in the world right now. Well, Andre being quite a Renaissance man is not only a master in law and business, but also in the field of money.

Contact Andre here:




(upbeat music) - Welcome to our spotlight edition. And as you follow us along, you know that we very infrequently have guests. We're-- - We're feeding guests. - Well, you're-- - I know. - You're ahead of me, but what else is new? - We're very selective about who we have to speak on our podcast and what's being said. And we've never had a guest on twice, ever. But today is an exception. And there's a reason for that. And let me just briefly tell you, if you didn't see the first time that Andrei Penitim was on, he since that time has become an Inc. 5,000 awarded CEO, which is big congrats on that. That's a huge accomplishment. He's recognized as one of the top attorneys in the world. He's taken his law firm nationwide. And he's the principal of a brand new adventure that he's been called to do called universal wealth. And we're gonna make sure he tells you about that today. Now, if you've read my latest book, "God, Money, and Sex," I hope you have the subtitle, "Understanding a Master in the Three Human Dilemmas," I suggest that these three dilemmas, "God, Money, and Sex," are the primary cause of the incredible chaos we're experiencing in the world right now. Well, Andrei is quite a Renaissance man and is not only a master in law and business, but he's also a master in the field of money and how to grow your nest egg, if you will. So Andrei, let's just get started in "Young God, Money, and Sex." We speak of the major cause of money problems in today's world is that most people don't really understand money. Do you agree with that and I'd love to hear your opinion. - I absolutely agree with that. I kind of think of it as most people are financially illiterate, right? And there's all these theories behind it, but I think most people would resonate with this idea of work hard, put your money in the bank, work hard, put your money in the bank. And what I've come to find is that might be one of the worst things to do, right? There are a lot of different things that you can do to build your wealth and outside of an emergency fund, being able to pay bills for six months, that's about the limit to that concept. - Right. - And if you want to get deeper into it, it could be set up on purpose for most people to kind of engage in that activity. - Well, let's go deep, we like to go. I would be really bold and say it is set up on purpose, and so, yeah, take it away, honey. - Well, how I like to think of it is how I experienced it, right? So I was already a relatively successful solo-practishing attorney, and for the first time in my life, I had some extra money. And through all of my education, right, and I should say this, an estate planning attorney, through all of my education, I had no clue what to do with that extra money. I didn't understand the tax implications, I didn't understand the ways I could use it. And then when I first, when I talked to the first professional, they told me the things that most people are told, well, you're gonna want to set up a deferred retirement plan, deferred tax plan, and started telling me about all these things. And that's the thing we hear all the time, do a 401(k), do an IRA. Well, if you look, Ted Bennett, the co-founder of the 401(k) in 2011 told CBS News that it's a monster and it should be disbanded. - Wow. - It was never intended to hold society's retirement accounts. It was meant to be a supplemental account. And some of the viewers may remember, it never happened in my lifetime. In my lifetime, it's like a jingle set up a 401(k). And it just sounds natural and normal, right? But that wasn't what was happening before the '80s, right? Companies had safe, secure pensions. - Right. - Right. And this is the first generation that's gonna retire off of a 401(k). And I can tell you, I see these clients every single day, and it is not a pretty picture in some situations. - Wow. So that's sobering. What's the solution on that? And well, let me back up, because do you find this 401(k) to be the most prominent misunderstanding about money or are there others that are more prominent or deeper? - I think that's a tough question. I think it's one of the main ones. - Okay. - The first understanding, to me, the deepest misconception about money is that it's different than anything else in the world, right? Money's just a concept, right? It's not real, right? It's just a concept that we hold in our minds. Therefore, in my opinion, in my experience, if we shift the concept that we have about money around, we can create where more of it flows to us. - I love that, you know, in "God, Money, and Sex," the whole middle section of that book, "God, Money," is about money. And I say the very same thing, a different word, I say money is an idea. If you trace everything back, there's no exception to this. Everything back from this sweater that Bursa was wearing to the jacket I'm wearing, to its inception, it started as an idea, you know? Something always starts, your company universal, well, started as an idea. And so, if money is an idea, it's not pieces of paper. And those pieces of paper are continually becoming more and more worthless, quite frankly. I mean, we can talk about inflation, which is really not inflation, it's deflation of the dollar. It's the contracting value of the federal note reserve, with a federal note, which is, you know, we can go in so many directions here, and I know you understand this, Andre, but you look at the top of your dollar, and it isn't a U.S. dollar. And I'll just talk to the U.S. here, but anyone looking internationally, the same thing, it's a federal reserve note. It's a symbol of debt coming from the fiat currency that has been printed off by the federal reserve. So, that again, like you said, is a concept, it's an idea. We think we have to have these pieces of paper, or these Bitcoin digits, or these things in a bank account, and that's our money. That's not your money. Your real money is your consciousness. It's your ability to create, and it's, of course, implement ideas, and I'd love to hear your take on all of that as well. You got me on a roll with idea of concept. (laughing) - Well, it is. I mean, like you mentioned, universal wealth started off as an idea, right? It was an idea, and the idea was this, in my own personal journey, I learned what can happen if you shift your concept of money. If it's in my mind, if I stop calling it bad, which I think a lot of people do naturally, on some personal training, and I start thinking of it as good, right? If I stop thinking of it as, I have to work really, really, really hard for this, and I start thinking about it as, it comes easy to me, right? And if I embrace the idea of creation, you can create money, right? So when I found over the course of time is my mindset and the power at the time maybe was creating a six figure company, right? Which grew to a seven figure, not that necessarily that company, but the next endeavor grew to a seven figure, and then eight, and all you're doing is adding zeros, but for me, the most important concept that I hold true is for those of us who do believe there's a God, God is everything, right? And it's the angles of which we look at it is how we experience it. So for me, universal wealth was this concept and idea of what I believe God is. It's ever growing, ever expanding, and it's always for the good. And my idea, and I saw one of my mentors who happens to be a multi-billionaire, he was ringing the New York Stock Exchange Bell, at the closing bell. And I looked at him, and instead of being in awe, instead of being jealous, or instead of whatever emotion I could have, the concept that was in my mind is, what did he do to put himself in that position? And if I can learn to do that, and if I'm willing to do the work, I could be standing in the same position as well. And I get to choose how important that is, or not to me. But to me, those are the things around money that are the biggest misconceptions we're trained in school to sit there for a certain amount of time, to go on a break, to have a lunch, to get done, and then we get to relax. I like living in the world that I can call a number of my friends on this random Wednesday and say, hey, let's all go get on a flight and go to Switzerland. I like that version of life better, so that's the one I choose to live in. So to me, it's the mindset and the concept around money that is probably the biggest problem. But from my perspective, and I don't mean this in an arrogant way, sometimes I feel like some of the things I say, normally come off as arrogant, but I'm being honest, I don't understand why somebody goes and works 40 hours a week the entire year where they have the option of creating something that in one day can cover all of that. - Right. - I don't understand the idea of the frog and the water that's warming up, right? Just sitting there and sitting there, especially if you could look out over the top and see all these free frogs jumping around. - Right, so to me, that's the biggest problem with money is how our mental mindset interprets it for us. And then in action, that's how we go through life. I think if you change that, it changes everything. - Sure. What would you say was the turning point for you, Andre? Because I think it's important for the viewers to know that you pretty much started with nothing. You started at the bottom. - Yeah, in fact, I started over in 2017 as well. And what was the biggest turning point for me? The biggest turning point for me, at the time, I was a pretty talented trial attorney and I did federal defense work. And there was a case that the office came to watch and we were walking back after it and people were talking about the closing argument, the cross-exempt and pretty excited about how it went. And I remember thinking that I didn't care at all. I just didn't care. And I realized in that moment, it's not that I didn't care about my client. I cared about my client. But what I realized in the moment is I've been striving for something, not knowing the direction I was headed. I never chose to become a really talented trial attorney. I went to law school and I got into a stream and one thing led to the next, which led to the next and I happened to have talent with it. And I realized like, this client me come back in the door next month. Like what good have I actually put out into the world? So what I pictured was kind of like, I'm using my talents that God gave me. A funnel that goes in, instead of turning that funnel around and making it spread and go out. That's what I was feeling in that moment. I was using my talents in a very self-centered and selfish way. It felt good to say I was one of the best trial attorneys and I use that talent to affect one person that it may not make an impact. I don't want to get into the criminal justice system and all of that. But an adult that's committed lots and lots of crimes, the chance for recidivism is very high. - Very high, I think 85%, maybe 90%. - Exactly. And so what I wanted to do in that moment was number one, I didn't feel good about myself and I stopped and figured out why. Right, why? And when I discovered what I told you, I'm not using my gifts the way I'm supposed to. And from that moment forward, I decided to commit to what does God want for me in my journey and try to do only that. Now I'm a human being and I've made plenty of mistakes in that moment, but I kind of look at it as a, a plane is off course 99% of the time. And that's how I feel like I am, but it's that 1% desire to do God's will that keeps me getting to the right goals and going in the right trajectory. That was a big turning point. Getting something I thought I wanted. I thought I wanted to be the best trial attorney. I thought I wanted all the accolades that went with it. And when I got it, I was empty. - Yeah, nice. And I think a lot of people when they get their, the goals they think they want have that experience. And then you have a choice to keep going because it's easy, you're good at it. Everybody was telling me it was great, or you can discover your real path. And I think that takes courage. - Yes, lots of courage. - Lots, yes. - And then the second step, or maybe it was the third somewhere in there, was understanding the concept of money, right? Like how I look at this is skewed, right? I actually came from the place because I came from nothing thinking that people who had money were greedy and selfish, which can be true, but many times it's not. - Right. - Right? And then I started realizing I had to change those concepts for my family. I'm the one in my family that's gonna change everything. And everybody has a path to walk. And I realize for me, that's the beat of the drum that I follow. And when I say my family, I thought I was talking about nuclear family. What I've discovered is it's more than that, like we are family. - Right, yeah. - Country is a family, and we are in discord. And we need more of us who can bring unity and bring us back in alignment with the truth. That no matter what it looks like today, no matter what, it's all for our good. And if we all do our part, we will get there much quicker. - You bring up so many powerful things, Andre, and that's why we have to have you back. I'm glad you mentioned the concept of unity. I'm glad you mentioned truth and God's will because let's talk about those three things. And if I may, I want to talk about those three things. If I may though, one of the things that we observe in today's world, and I'm sure you do as well, is that money has become God for a lot of people. You know, they literally worship at the altar of money and materialism. And if you look up the word worship, it literally states what do you give the most attention to and subjugate yourself to? And so do you agree with that, do you find? And I think that's problematic because you mentioned God and I'd love to talk about an organizing principle and why that's so vitally important. But with this idea of money where we started off, do you see that a lot of people are just so hungry and so all of their attention is on more, more, more, more money. And it seems to me as I read between the lines from you and we have the experience as well, you get to the top of the ladder and you realize it's leaning against the wrong wall because you have all this money and all these things, but there's still some void inside. So if you may talk to that a little bit more, that'd be great. - Sure, I mean, to me, it's kind of back at the time I wanted to be a great trial attorney. You can replace that with money. That's ego, it's self-centered, it's self-seeking, right? Just replace that with money and I think it leads to the exact same feeling because it's not real, right? God is real and until we're in alignment with God, we're not gonna feel filled and fulfilled, right? So yes, I 100% agree with that. And the universal wealth concept, the universal wealth mindset, what that's about is us. It's about people, it's about society. It's about doing the right things in the right way that brings more good. It's not about the focus is becoming a $100 million company and then a 200 and then a billion. And now we've gotta make 10 billion. If we focus on the people and we focus on society and we focus on the education in this one core concept that we talked about. So everybody can be on the same playing field when people know better, they do better. And that then creates exponential growth, right? Those are the concepts that guide us. Just yesterday, I talked with a business partner where it seemed like we would be losing some money and it was no hesitation to do it the right way. It was very quick. Well, that's not the right thing. Let's do it the right way. And my partner, his name is Jason Beauvay. And what I found is God has brought that unity together to where like, I don't have to worry about it. If he's gonna do it the right way. I don't have to worry about it, not for a second. There's no pull. And when we have two or more people, right, together doing something for the good, I'm calling that church, I'm calling that God, right? And what we're doing is we're training those that believe in us. Number one, it's not misplaced. I know that's a tall order to say, right? I think a lot of leaders fall off the pedestal, right? Why can't fall off of something I'm not standing on, right? - You gotta work really hard to keep yourself off of it. - Exactly. - Human nature, we tend to put people on pedestals. No, no, no, no, don't do that. Nobody deserves to be on a peak or in a pit, you know? Everyone just is a human and if you put them on a pedestal, they're eventually gonna fall off. Including me and that's all of us. - That's all, and that's my point though, because I don't wanna be up there. I'm a human being like everybody else. And the only thing I'm doing, the only thing is waking up every morning and checking out what God has in store for me. I'm saying, lead me, guide me, show me the way. And I'm doing everything in my power just to do that. And all these other little pieces fall in place. Maybe everybody's journey isn't to create a law firm. It isn't to create a financial services firm or create a tax firm. Maybe it's something different. Maybe it's love the heck out of these kids that are in my care and use God's spirit and that universal love mindset in that forum. That might be the journey. Everybody's not on the same one. But I prayed a long time ago. I was very content with much, much less, I'll be how I had it. And my prayer went a little bit like this. God, thank you, I am content. And if this is all you have for me, thank you so much. But if you want more, tell me in ways that I can understand. So part of this concept is, there's a large part of me that doesn't want to do what I'm doing right now. If that makes sense. - Yeah, talk about that. - It makes total sense. Go ahead and talk about that because you know, here's the thing that's such an illusion is a lot of people in your company. And I have not heard this, but I just know human nature. Look at you and they go, oh my God. If I had Andre's life, I would just be sad. You know, he gets to get on a plane and go to Switzerland. He just said it earlier, you know. But here's what I know. You don't go to Switzerland that often, I don't think. I'm right now. So you can, but you've got bigger commitments that you're committed to that God has plugged you into. And that's bigger than going to Switzerland, even though you can do that. And so yes, please talk a little bit about those times in those days where you don't want to do. - The big part of it doesn't want to do it. - Yeah, it doesn't want to do it. - Yeah, it's a battle every single day. I mean, let me see if I'm being honest with myself. So I didn't finish, I mean, last night, I think it was probably about 11.30 before I put anything down. And it's not because I, at that time, I thought I was done. I was just like, okay, this is now way too late to send messages to people, right? But there's this drive and everything is, I'm going to hesitate when I say this. Time is a concept, right? But we had a conversation before we got on online about, yeah, things have a place and sometimes it's hard to manage it, right? And so everything's so important, everything's so important to get it done. So my point is, is this, when, if somebody wants to be like me, I would say, okay, first thing you're going to have to do is really get used to being uncomfortable all the time, right? Because at the pace that we're moving, we're venturing into new territory daily, right? Just when you think you've figured it out, you pull the curtain back and there's a bunch more to do. - Right, yeah. - Right. And the drive again, if the drive is money, that's much different. But if the drive is God, I feel almost compelled to do it. But it's kind of like, I'm going to go back to the Old Testament in the Bible, right? - You do. - Getting out of Egypt, right? God didn't pick a person that felt super confident and felt all the way equipped to do it, right? God picks someone. - And he argued against God quite a bit too. - And he argued against quite a bit. - And he had a speech impediment and, you know, on and on, yeah. - Right, I was not the candidate. I was not the first draft pick. - Oh, but you were. - But you were. - Yes, but you were. But yeah, exactly. But my point is is like, you know, I come from a place, I don't know, no business was being done. Everybody had the opposite mindset of what I talked about. Some of the things that were pretty normal in retrospect seem way abnormal, going to college, going to law school, right? The self-doubt and the messages that were trained in my mind to be on repeat, they all had to be reprogrammed. Well, now let's fast forward to today. Who am I to say that I'm creating a billion dollar company? Who am I to say that, right? That's the self, I have to hear that message and then get around it, get over it, get under it, move through it, or sit for a while and be comfortable and not moving, then to start sprinting, it's all uncomfortable. And everybody has the same messages playing 'cause we're all human. Those of us, and I will include myself in now, that it figured it out can just find the one true voice that gets us through the moment. But it's not easy. I mean, every day I have more calls coming in that I can possibly return, right? And everybody, maybe this is my own insecurity, but I feel like everyone is getting angry at me and thinking what they have in their world is so important, it has to be the most important in my world. How do I tell certain people, I don't know how to do this yet. This is stuff I'm working on. How do I tell certain people, "Hey, your issue didn't make the cut." I have more important things I've been called to do today, right? And that's kind of some of that idea of, if I'm on a pedestal, I have to be all those things, but if I can just be human and understand, I am a human, I'm a child of God, and through God, I can do amazing things, but I can't do everything by myself, right? - I think that's a really important point too, that so many people don't get, is that choosing to be great at anything means you must choose to not be great at other things. And that's, if you attempt to be everybody's everything, you end up being everybody's nothing. And so that's where, as an entrepreneur you start, that's how I ended up with a 35 person company, because I kept offloading and offloading and on. Important things, all of them important, but I couldn't do them and so you have to prioritize, which is most important for me to be doing. And that's one of the things that I think a lot of entrepreneurs don't get. I mean, when I do one on one coaching with individuals, and I'm sure you can relate to this, I say, you need to hire an assistant and they go, well, I can't afford to. And I said, you can't afford not to. - Exactly. - 'Cause if you can pay an assistant, let's say 20 bucks an hour, that's what it is in California now, which we could riff on that one too, but nonetheless, you know, and you're worth, you're worth, let's just pull a number, you know, $10,000 an hour, then you're losing money every time and not only money, but you're losing opportunity and you're not fulfilling God's plan. And so it's not, oh, I wanna be a billionaire. Okay, well, count the cost. Count the cost before you begin the journey because every prize has a price. And so I'm really grateful that you're honest enough to talk about those things because a lot of people look at you and go, oh man, he's got it, he's got it made. Yeah. - It's tough, you know, like, it's like you said, I do understand the value of time. I don't know how to say this without sounding outrageously arrogant, but if I'm spending 30 minutes with you, I know the cost of that. - Right. - Else I could be doing, but everybody's mindset is not the same. - No, right. And like, I think one of the things you were alluding to, and I know we've talked about it in the past, people spend time very, very different. When a lot of times, most times when people ask me, it's like, hey, do you have a little bit of time? No, that's not how I spend my day. Absolutely not. I do not have time ever. I make time for the things that are important, but I don't understand even the concept of asking the question, I'll be honest. What are you doing all day with your time? That you have all this time, right? Because I'm working on what God told me to do with a passion and an energy like it was due yesterday. - All the time. - So important to get it right. The ripple effect of not being ready is just as important as the ripple effect of being ready. And I do not like meeting luck, not ready. - Yeah. Yeah, that reminds me of Napoleon Hill, which I'm sure you've read the classic, "Think and Grow Rich" and it stuck with me since. I have first read it, he said, there's a difference between wishing for something and being prepared to receive it. And so we've got to, and we're kind of shifting gears here, but this is so important for the entrepreneur to going back to the idea or the concept or the mindset. You know, you've got to take action based upon where you're going versus where you are. Because like when I was first on Oprah and Larry King, my business blew up in a good way, but it also blew up in a bad way. Because we didn't have enough phone lines and people were getting busy signals and our servers crashed and our website went down and I needed to hire more people and I wasn't ready. I said I wanted these things, but I wasn't prepared for them and it was a really painful lesson to learn. And so, you know, again, it's not easy. It's not meant to be easy. Nothing great and easy cannot coexist in the same space. I'm sorry, you know, you can be at ease, you can be at center, which is our objective. And that's where God resides and yet you're not, you know, if I go to bed at night, which bursts of an eye rarely go to bed at night and feel like we're all caught up and I'm sure you don't either. If I go to bed at night and feel like I'm all caught up, I feel like I haven't given my best. You know, as much as I like getting things done, I'm sure you know this too. Every single day, there's more that I can get done. And that's, but that's what gives life the flavor and the flash and the excitement too. - Right. Well, and I think also those who haven't been on the journey don't understand completely each stage of it. Is it very painful? For me, it's very painful on those level up moments, right? Because not everyone carries the same mindset and then there becomes distance. There's less people to talk to that understand. - Yes. - There's people that view what you're doing as an attack on something they believe or how they are, right? Each time it never fails that people act strangely from my perspective and kind of all the way. - Yeah. - And fall off. Now the beauty of it is if you keep moving, better energy. - Yes. - Replaces, right? But that initial stage, I mean, think about it. You have an idea, there's no proof that it's gonna work. You tell everybody you know and all they do is say, it won't work, right? Not everyone, but I mean, that's kind of the journey, right? You move forward as this crazy person, right? That's how it feels is this crazy person. And then it starts picking up traction, it starts to feel a little bit better, right? But then all those people, like you've done something wrong. And in my mind, I kind of think like, people are so desperate to hold on to their reality, they'll make almost any story up about it. - Oh, for sure. - Right? - Yeah, absolutely. - So rather than say, hey, that's a neat new way to do things in life. I'm gonna tell a story about that person. That's the furthest thing probably from the truth. - Right, yeah. - Right? But anyway, so it's this journey and it's a mental and physically feeling difficult journey. Like there are times to move when everything in your body is like, I don't know what it is, the DNA or from the past was like, that's not safe. - It's screaming stop, screaming stop the whole way. - Right. - So anyway, this is what goes on internally. - Right, I speak pretty well, right? But I don't enjoy speaking. I don't enjoy going in front of crowds of people. I don't, it's not naturally how I'm built. But for this journey that I'm on, it's 100% required. Not only is it 100% required, it's 100% required to be very good at it, right? So I can't have any time to delve into those emotions of insecurity or afraid or none of that, right? So it's this journey of being uncomfortable all the time because you're always expanding and stretching yourself and then taking risk, right? There's risk, like we as people, something about us wants to be accepted and it's butting against the lack of acceptance all the time, right? So those are some of the things that I feel are hard. Now when I compare it against not having things to eat and not being in a safe environment, right? Now I feel like I've just broken out of Ireland for no reason, right? (laughing) So it's all about perspective at the same time I've lived in both places, right? But it is difficult. I would just say that it's difficult in the most brilliant and fulfilling way to do it this way. - Well, let me say something that, go ahead. - I said that was nicely put. - Very nicely put. Let me say something that's not popular with most but that's what I do. - That's our journey. - Let's get into it. - Yeah, I mean, nothing in this third dimensional physical world is comfortable. You know, you mentioned not having food and shelter. That's really uncomfortable. Going after moving beyond that is really uncomfortable. You know, in 2013, I was homeless and $20 million in debt. Homeless and standing in the middle of the desert in Arizona of all places, God bless you, Andre. (laughing) - That is not that much better. - Yeah, it's not as hot. - Sure, sure. - It's not as hot, but nonetheless, you know, standing in the middle of the desert, homeless and $20 million in debt and not in my 30s anymore. I was 54 and I was alone. I mean, that's very scary, but it's very uncomfortable and yet to lay down in the desert and curl up and die is uncomfortable too. To move past it is uncomfortable. To move to the next stage is that, so here's the point, life's gonna be uncomfortable. - Yeah, you know, and let go of the romanticism that's been programmed into you that when I get to six figures, everything is gonna be great. Well, no, then you'll go, it's gotta be multiple six figures, and then you'll go, it's gotta be seven figures. And there is no number because money is just an idea and as that increases, and this is what you're talking about, as those things increase, so do your problems and challenges that increase correspondingly, and they have a bigger effect. The decisions have bigger consequences. So that's, I mean, that's one of the reasons why we love you because people need to hear this and they've heard too much of the oh, you know, look at me and follow me and my life is perfect. - Yeah, I think the other important factor is that it's, I mean, it's pretty evident that your driving force is grounded in God. Now, given we know a little bit about your background, your childhood, everything points to why in the world, or how in the world did you say there is a God, and that's what I'm going with, or to even have that belief. What drove you to get out of that, to not accept that that's who you are? - Good question. - I may have said this before, I think, but I have this belief. And it's just something I choose to, for me in my life, it doesn't have to be right. It just has to point me in the right direction. I've never read it out of a book. I've never read it anywhere. But the story I chose to make up about my life was that I somehow chose it. And the reason I chose it is because I knew I had the strength to get through it. So I visually pictured myself cutting somebody in line and saying, no, no, this one's for me. That one's for you, which figuratively was the easier one. You just mentioned in life, nothing's easy in life. We all go through it in some ways, some form. But it's the story I told myself. And I learned how to rely on that inner voice because sometimes things got so scary that's all I had left, right? And I learned how to rely on it. And in the scariest of moments, you can find peace and comfort, right? So that's what I learned how to do and I learned how to follow it. And it didn't make sense to me in the moment, but it's all the peace and comfort I had. So to me, I had no choice, right? I had to go there and live there. And then I learned to follow it. And when you're a child and things are out of your control, sometimes it's just out of your control. But as you get older and your decisions have impacts, it changes. - Sure. - Right. - Would you say that's more of a taking on like a responsibility role rather than a victim role? - Absolutely. - Yeah. - Absolutely. I always felt like I could impact my life somehow, right? One of the things I learned early on when some of these epiphanies, let's call it, that came to me is you've been living like a victim. You're making excuses for your behavior. Because I experienced this, this is now what I do in life and I chose to do it differently, right? And it's changed, success is made up of a lot of things. I have this theory and I believe it to be true. 1% can make the difference between failing and succeeding. And that 1% may have nothing to do with the task at hand. It might be, did I meditate today, right? It might be, you know, did I make my bet, right? It's these little things that bulk up over time, but I think of like a professional athlete. You know, I played sports a little bit and the difference is that the higher levels is not much. Everybody's super, it's 1% that somebody's gonna go to the NBA or the NFL that they can consistently do and get out of themselves. So to go back to your thought, I learned that over the course of life and I started buying the eight ball in some ways, right? Like my mind wasn't programmed for traditional school when it became important to do. So I had to learn how to get that 1% more, that 1% more until it became a habit and then it became consistent. So I'm not sure I'm answering your question exact, exact, but that meant something in the moment. So it's on me and I always look from the future of what depends on this. The family I don't have yet depends on me changing as a human being today. - Nice. - And every day that builds on the next thing, you see my family behind me now. And turns out I was 100% right. I needed to develop my character. I needed to develop my business acumen. I needed to not be scared to become financially literate and to become tax literate and to start understanding these things. And now it's extending beyond that nuclear family. And that's what universal wealth is about. This is a time to give back. It's to help other people who wanna be on that journey get more out of themselves because it is possible. We just have to make the choice. - So great answer. - Really great answer. - That brings it in. - Great insights. And I will just say you didn't read it anywhere, but in the sacred teachings, it does say that you did choose and you did, I don't know if you buttered in line, but you might have with your, you know, just, you know, but, but you did choose it. We all chose it. And so it's a really powerful perspective to come from. Let me go back to that. The family I see myself with in the future is dependent upon who I become today. And that may not be a direct quote. But could we blow that out to a bigger level? And God knows we're in chaos in our country right now and in our world. Could we blow that out in your opinion to the country? - The country I see for myself and my family tomorrow depends upon who I become today. The world that I see for myself and tomorrow depends upon who I become today. Do you buy that? - I buy it a hundred percent. At the level that I could understand it then was the level I could understand it then. That time has passed and now there's a new level of understanding that is exactly what I'm saying. There are people that depend on me to be my best today. And if I go to bed, like you mentioned earlier, which happened some days where I had more to give and I chose not to, we don't know what's impacted by that. - That's right. - So I try and use the motivation and a little bit of the fear of what was missed to keep me moving in God's path. And that is uncomfortable. Like I said, it's a glorious uncomfortable, because especially when you've traveled long enough to be able to see the lives that are impacted in positive ways. But yes, the world needs more of us to meet our calling. We are in chaos, we are in discord, but are we really or is that just what we're seeing in a perspective? All we have to do as a people is the president chill election is upon us, right? I want better candidates. That's not knocking one or the other, I want better candidates, period. So become the better candidate. I'm not announcing any. I am not, but my point is is like then be the candidate right bro, you never know where you're gonna end up, right? Like I am not responsible for the things happening in my life right now outside of work ethic and a choice to go in the direction that God has asked me to go in. God's responsible for everything else. I don't know how to create multi-million dollar companies without following that voice. I don't, I know how to make, I know how not to do it by following my own, many voices that lead me in lots of errant directions, right? Right, and I don't, but my point is is we have to be the things we want, right? If we want better candidates, then we have to learn to converse better. We have to learn to talk about things at a higher level. We have to learn to do that. And we have to under, and figure out why we have these candidates in front of us. Out of all the billions to choose from, right? So I don't like to, I mean, I have a definite opinion on which direction we should go, right? The last few years haven't been so great, right? - Yeah, it's a very politically correct way to say it. - Yes. (laughs) - But what I will say is this, we all deserve better still. That's my opinion. - Yeah, I agree. - And we have, it's cliche, right? We hear it all the time, be the change you want to see in the world, but it's as simple as that. - But it's true. - It's true. - Andre, we've got to be respectful of your time because we know you have another appointment, but we'd be remiss if, and we could talk all day, and this is probably why we'll probably have you back again. But how do people find out more about you and universal wealth, and what you're up to, and what you're up to, getting contact with you, and see all the wonderful things you're doing to help them in their financial area, as well as in their personal relationships? - Yeah, so go to and keep your eyes on that. - Nice. - We are expanding exponentially in all kinds of things that I've been using my life to build up to this point. And we're integrating onto that platform, things that are life-changing for families. And the way we see ourselves is we are a big family for families. Family for families. - Beautiful. - - Really,, we'll make sure and put that down below where people can just click it and go there. It's been such an honor and so much fun actually talking with you and hearing your philosophies, which we certainly resonate with. And so thank you very much, God bless you. I know he does and we'll continue to. And we'll look forward to seeing the great things that you continue to do with God's help. - Well, thank you for having me on again. I do want to say this before we get off. You know how much I admire you guys. - Thank you. - I mean, you're part of the solution in the world and I love every time we get to interact. So thank you for having me on again. - Oh, it's our pleasure. It really is. Likewise. All right, God bless viewers. We'll see you next week. And you might want to watch this again because Andre drops some serious bombs that you need to hear again. All right. See you next week. (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music)