Billy & Lisa in the Morning

A Pats Prediction Has Been Made, We'll Open It Monday!

We're halfway through the show now! Movie Mark chatted Beetle Juice Beetle Juice, Ryan the mentalist did some magic, and Alex is bringing back the Lisa files! Listen to Billy & Lisa Weekdays From 6-10AM on Kiss 108 on the iHeartRadio app!

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06 Sep 2024
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what do you know that was Sabrina carpenter and it's time for the Sabrina secret sound. So here we go. Lisa explained it first. We haven't had a winner. So we still have the same sound. You need to guess the sound, but it's the sound is based on a Sabrina carpenter lyric in one of the songs that we play on kiss one away one of her hits. So that's how it works. Okay. Now listen, very carefully. Here is the secret sound. And we're going to play it for you one more time. The secret sound. Okay. We want a winner on a Friday. And remember, like Lisa said, right? It's a two part answer. So you hear the sound. Okay, that sounds like blank. Then you take that and look at the lyrics to her biggest song songs that we play. There's only about four or five of them. And try to match them up. Okay. So what we need is color 25 at 61793 11108 producer Riley is standing by in the command center. But right now we've got Mark the movie nerd. I gotta tell you, Mark, the movie nerd, your intro gets bigger every time we have you on. I love it. I love it. By the way, that secret sounds tough. Yeah. Well, okay. Mark's playing. Well, we'll see how tough it is. So Mark, I know Beetlejuice hits theaters this weekend. We had a talk backer on the show this morning that gave it a rave review. Have you seen it? I have seen it. I loved it. I think the best way to describe it is it's a Tim Burton fever green. Wow. It's crazy. It's really fun. You know, it's weird. Mark, I don't think I ever saw the original Beetlejuice. And I know this horrifies Justin because he's a freak with Beetlejuice. No, no, Mark, he wouldn't. He wouldn't do when they started filming Beetlejuice Beetlejuice. I gave the story to Billy. I was so excited. And he said, you want me to talk about Beetlejuice? Hey, Mark, is it better than the original? I, you know what? I think it says good. I love the original. I saw it showcase in 1988. It's 36 years ago, but you know, that was new. It was fresh, but this movie is fresh too. It's got some crazy things. And I think there's, I don't want to give away anything, but there's a wedding scene at the end and the way they use music. It's just, it's worth the price of Ignition alone. It brings back the sort of older movie, you know, the practical effect. There's not a lot of CGI. It's real Tim Burton. It's the way we always knew Tim Burton back in the day. I love it. I don't want to go see it again, actually. Well, it's great to see Michael Keaton back to Winona riders in a Jenna or Tega is in it. And by the way, so it's going to be a big movie. Last night's reviews were 12 million and they're projecting anywhere north of 100 million for the opening. It may break a record. If it can get up to 124, 124 million, it'll break the record of the it which opened in 2017. Wow. So I pushed September. So fingers crossed on that. But it's a great movie. People have to get out there and see it. Yeah, they say it could break 120 million. Now the Joker is coming down the line. I think it's early October. What's your read on the new Joker movie? Yeah, yes. That's a premiered at Venice this week. And it's getting, you know, it's getting a mixed reaction from the critics like the first one did all those years ago. But the word is, you know, Lady Gaga's amazing. People want to see more of her in the movie. But it's a musical. And you know, it's all a adieu, you know, which is, do you guys know what that references, you know, in terms of the title? No, not at all. It's a joint psychosis. So the character of, you know, Lady Gaga's character and Joker have this sort of joint psychosis. And when they go into the psychosis, it's a musical. So there's all these musical numbers in the movie. So that, I mean, that sounds interesting. I haven't seen it yet. But let's see in a couple weeks. But I think I think it's going to be a big movie. And that's definitely a big movie for early October. Marc, I heard a rumor that the new gladiator movie and Wicked are going to open on the same day. Is that true? Kind of a barbenheimer thing? Yeah, yeah, yeah. So here's the thing. We are asking you guys and we're going to, we're going to make this easy. But we want people to see both movies on the same day, just like barbenheimer. So we're going to call it Wicked Glad. And we're going to make it easy for people to see both movies on the same day. But we want this to come out of Boston. That's why we're calling it Wicked Glad. Wicked Glad. Yeah. And both movies on the same day, we're going to make it easy. We're going to do all kinds of fun stuff, cosplay. We can dress as both movies, like, you know, from the top, maybe it's wicked and below is gladiator. We're going to do some fun stuff around it. But we need you guys to get the word out. Well, we're getting the word out right now. It's November 22nd. Wicked Globe. November. When is it 22nd? It's November 22nd. It's both movies opening on the same day. Glad he's supposed to be fantastic. Warden is as good as the first one. Yeah. And wicked, everyone wants to see that. So seeing both is going to be the key. Yeah. Now, Mark, I don't know. I don't know if you've heard this, but, you know, Ariana Grande, of course, is in Wicked. And Justin, don't you have a clip of something she did this week at, like, a cappella? Well, you know her song one last time from 2014. Yeah. She released an acapella version of that song. This is amazing. From 10 years ago, it just showcases Ariana's voice. God, what a voice. What a voice. Mark, thank you so much. Go see Beetlejuice. We want to do more than 120 million. Let's go to Brianna. Brianna, you are caller 25. Brianna, take a couple of deep breaths. Okay. Okay. Okay. Brianna, what is the Sabrina Secret Sound? Is it a blender? Sorry. No, it is not a blender. So we don't get a winner this morning. I wanted a Friday one. Sorry, Brianna. It was a good guess, though. It was a good guess. At least it wasn't at least it wasn't a chainsaw. Yeah, or a car door. It's a special machine. Yeah. Well, good try. Very good try. Yeah. 310 this afternoon, the secret sound rolls on, the Vibros and Gianna will have the same sound. So you have some time to, I don't know, study up, get ready, study the lyrics, just try to guess the sound at 310. We have weird stories coming up in a couple of minutes. But it is new music Friday. We had a tease of this earlier and Bill's entertainment report brand new Halsey. This song is inspired by our favorite decade, the 90s. It's called ego brand new Halsey on new music Friday, right here on Kiss 108. Kiss 108. Seems a little weird to me. Oh my God. It's time for weird stories. I'm pretty creepy with a Billy and Lisa in the morning. Okay. So this first story is shocking and weird all at the same time because a British woman found out that her pet cat Ted had died while she was on vacation in Turkey. So she came back. She had the cat cremated. She had a cat funeral. And then a few days later, her cat Ted strolled back into the house through the cat flap. So it's been a rollercoaster motions on holiday and we're told that our cats passed away. And four days later, we find out these actually alive and walk through the cat flap. Yeah. So her cat did not die. It was actually a cat in her backyard that looked like her pet cat Ted. So Ted's not dead. Ted's not dead. So they cremated the wrong cat. Oh boy. Isn't that so weird? Yeah. That's really messed up. Right. Oh my. So did they kill Ted? No, they didn't kill Ted. No, Ted's alive. Ah, the Hallmark channel posted an ad for their upcoming movie called holiday touchdown. A chief's love story. No, it does not start Taylor or Travis, but it does feature Travis's mom Donna. Oh, well, Hallmark's really getting into this whole thing too. Well, you know, Billy would be watching Saturday, November 30 now for the first time ever Hallmark and the Kansas City Chiefs. Whoa, leave it. Oh, on the field. How about those? Holiday touchdown. A chief's love story. All new. Saturday, November 30 part of countdown to Christmas only on Hallmark Channel. Only on Hallmark Channel. Everybody has taken advantage of this Taylor Travis thing. Amazing. Once it gets to Hallmark. I think it's about ready to jump. No, no, you're not a Hallmark guy. You're a lifetime guy, right? Uh, I'm not even a lifetime guy. No, no, no, I was for a long time the lifetime movie channel. But no, I haven't watched in a long time. I think I put it behind me and I've never watched the Hallmark channel just to be clear. But Winnie, what have you got? I'm gonna book a flight to Colorado because there's a man called the miracle man who is leaving money around Boulder and Denver and shares clues on social media to encourage people to get outside and have some fun. I really didn't want to do it one day and my mom told me you need to learn how to take joy in other people's happiness. So for me, it's not only fun to get people out and about, but I'm in a position where I can help people. How much money are we talking about? I think it's it doesn't say, but I think it's like in the thousands, right? He's given away a lot of money. Yeah. People are going crazy out there. You know, trying to find this money, find the clues. It's really cool. He's given his money away. Yeah, you know, bringing people out, bringing them together. Really cool. Well, Lisa had a crazy animal story. I have one too. So seven years ago in St. Louis, six cows, young cows escaped the slaughterhouse. You know, we have these stories all the time. Yeah. Well, these six cows escaped and were rescued. And now they're alive still at an animal sanctuary. And they give hugs to visitors. So they're living out their days, giving hugs to visitors. They escaped death, the cows. I was kind of stressed out from the day, and I went in for kind of a hug, and she wrapped her neck around me and held me. This is Chico. He's the leader. So he crashed through three fences and led everyone else to freedom. They have found a way to forgive and trust, and now they want to pay it forward to help others. They're going to graze and meditate and live the life that all animals should live. That was the voice of Ellie, who rescued the cows, and she is their caretaker. That is so cool. That's a good story. Yeah, I know. I always feel bad when I see those stories, the bulls, the cows that are on the loose. You know that I grew up two blocks from a slaughterhouse. Oh, that makes fun. Did you hear the screams like in the silence of the lambs? It was it was pretty weird. Was there a smell? Yeah, if you got very close, we used to climb the roof. And look in. What did you have? Of course it was me and Doki, my buddy, my childhood buddy Doki. Did you see them actually get killed? Well, you'd see them, but I don't want to talk about anything we saw. But you would have nightmares. You would have nightmares, but it's always been a part of the poor little lambs. What did you see, Larry? What did you see? Lamb. They were screaming. Hey, the NFL season kicked off last night. Chiefs in the Ravens and the guy who almost got a touchdown with seconds left was not only from Cambridge, but may very well have been at our turkey toss. We've got that and more in entertainment next. Now back to Billy and Lisa in the morning. One kiss, 108. Ah, you want to get a talk back in quick, Justin quick quick quick quick quick quick quick quick. Hi guys, it's Paula in Boston. This is a little bit off the Halloween topic, but I saw Lisa's Instagram about her son being a senior and how sad it is. And it's really sad. Lisa, just don't go looking at the old baby pitches. Don't go looking at the old mommy cards from kindergarten. It's really heartbreaking. I don't know what it is. It's just sad to see them grow up. Yeah, I saw that video, Lisa, and you getting emotional. I thought to myself, that's my future, I think. Oh, yeah. That was a great video. I did go down that rabbit hole of looking at the old pictures yesterday, so I think that's what started it. Max Donovan. Yeah. Hey, what's up? It's Max Donovan. You're listening to Billy and Lisa in the morning on Kiss one. Wait, you sure are. Now the entertainment update with the Billy pasta. Don't you have an event this weekend, please? I do. I want to invite everyone down to assembly road tomorrow. We're going to be standing in front of JP licks from 12 to 2. I'll be there with national grid. Come find out how you can save money with a home energy assessment. We're going to have a bunch of people there that can help you stop by, you know, get yourself an ice cream and I'll be there from 12 to 2. Never hurts to have a nice cream. I totally agree. You know what I mean? Just have a nice cream. Tonight on ABC, if you've been following the Karen read trial, you'll want to watch 2020 tonight. They've got a two hour 2020 all about the Karen read trial. We've got a clip here. My eyes are peeled and I said he's right there. I jumped out the passenger side and I fell into the street. His eyes were shot and he had spots of blood in different areas on his face and he was still not stiff, but still. It was cold. I felt cold, but I didn't feel dangerously cold and it was just an odd feeling to know that I'm okay. I'm not dying, but he's here with me and he's dying and I can't warm him up. She dropped a little left ball in there. First of all, for my girl that I do swear, she is like talks like a sailor. A little potty now. That's coming from you. I know. I swear. I have no problems for him, but like I feel like I do at the appropriate times a little bit of a potty buff. But anyway, nine o'clock tonight, 2020 on the ABC. So the Kansas City Chiefs looking for the repeat this season, three Super Bowl wins in a row getting off to a good start last night. They beat the Ravens 2720 came down to the final two minutes. Lamar Jackson taking the Ravens down fields and all they came so close. The runners told it out about the game is over. Yeah, you can come as close as you want, but the game is still over. But the guy who caught the pass in the end zone and just barely stepped out of the end zone was Isaiah likely, who by the way, was from Cambridge, went to my high school, Cambridge, and Latin, senior year, transferred to Everett, which a lot of football players do. And he may have, we're still looking to track it down. He may have been at our turkey toss. He may have been. I'm looking now. I haven't found the list yet. You know what? You never know. It's highly likely. Well, they usually send their best players. Well, I'm sure he was at least in the crowd. It's likely that he was. Oh, that was. Oh, that was so funny. I was on that one. You know, Billy, that's so funny that only legends come out of Cambridge, Ridge, Latin. Well, you know, I don't want to make a big deal about it. Oh, and Lenny Clark, right? Lenny Clark. Oh, how about Patrick Ewing? Oh, how about Ben Affleck? Oh, oh, really? Oh, really? How you doing, Randolph? Okay, I went to North Quincy High School. Even more. All right. I'm going to win the legend. Cambridge Ridge and Latin was so good. He transferred out to Everett. Yeah, exactly. They do it for the foot. Okay. Oh, man. So Taylor Swift in the Kelsey suite at the game, sitting next to Kelsey's father, the broadcasters picked it up. Up in the booth, Taylor Swift making an appearance right there. I believe that is Travis Kelsey's father directly to the left of Taylor Swift. It is and they're having a fun conversation. We were just having a conversation about Derek Henry and the offseason signing that it was. Yeah, you know, it's funny. We talked about the promo video for the NFL. I think we ran a clip or something yesterday and it really is funny to watch how much Taylor Swift is in the promo for the NFL. It's like the whole season was about Taylor Swift. Well, before you know it, she'll be doing that waiting all day till Sunday night song. Oh, yeah. Is that Carrie Underwood? It is. But it used to be Faith Hill. So I feel like they should pass the story. She would be perfect. She would carry on. If Taylor agreed to it, Carrie would lose her spot real quick. Travis is going to be on CBS Sunday morning this weekend and he's after how he feels about being Taylor's arm candy. The life I chose, I guess. I have a phone with it. It comes with the territory of, you know, wanting to do fun activities like this and signing up for cool sponsorships like this and endorsements. Yeah, he's talking about the gladiator thing he's doing with Megan the stallion. He was in his gladiator suit on the set when he was doing the interview for CBS Sunday morning. That's going to air Sunday morning, of course. Eagles in the Packers will play in Brazil tonight. That'll be on peacock. Patriots kick off the season Sunday in Cincinnati with the Bengals. That'll be a one o'clock kickoff at Tom Brady yesterday welcoming Bill Belichick to Instagram. All right, guys, party's over bills here. It was a good run, but we got to shut it down. Welcome coach and a reminder Brady will make his debut on the Fox box Sunday for the Cowboys Browns game. That's going to be a 425 kick off again. We talked about this earlier with the movie nerd, the Beetlejuice movie hits theaters this weekend expected to do huge numbers, maybe like 120 million, possibly a new record. So says the movie nerd earlier this morning. I'm just saying. And in a few minutes, right after nine o'clock, we're going to have a real life mentalist right here in studio because he says he can predict the exact score of the Patriots game Sunday. And we're going to put him to the test. He's going to write in it, write it down, put it in an envelope and then come back on Monday and open the envelope. Here's the thing. He reached out to us and said, I want to come in, you know, to promote himself and showcase his abilities. What if he's wrong? Oh, this is hilarious. Then he's going to look dumb, right? Putting himself out there. He's either very confident or very foolish. Yeah. And he's going to put himself in a chair right across from us in the studio in just a few minutes. It's a new music Friday. We don't have a lot, but we do have the new halls. Do you have a clip, Justin? So, you know, we premiered this, uh, earlier this hour, right after eight o'clock. And the response has been swift. I'm not typically a big hockey fan, except for the movie thing, too. If you're a parent, you understand. But this is incredible. This song is a millennial to read. This is, this is really good. And she's definitely playing into a really niche demographic that we all want right now. So thank you, Halsey. That was nice of her sister to reach out. Billy, she's right, though. Am I wrong? I think it sounds a little average. It's very average. It's very average. Yeah, it definitely does. Wow. Um, Halsey, that's a great song. And, um, I think a lot of us can resonate with it. It sounds like a lot of science of depression. Putting on a big smile just to get through the day. And of course she went through a serious health battle. Oh, my God. Halsey in the last couple of years. So this album is her coming out of that and, uh, you know, sharing it all with the world. Yeah, about 50 cent. I don't know why he says he's been celibate for months now. He went on Colbert and talked about it right. 50 cent. Are you celibate? Listen, when you calm down, you can focus. All right. It's been good. I've been good to me. Okay. But what's the money for your celibates? You know, there's a couple of motivating factors in our evolutionary biology and they don't include celibacy. It's when things start getting complicated. Things start getting confusing because people come up for different reasons. And then if you like go on a date, but you have no interest in anything, you can kind of, I can see you now. I said, girl, you fine, but you ain't got nothing going on. So does he stop performing the song? Take that off the playlist for now. Lisa, you started watching the perfect couple lesson. Oh, it's so good. I want to know who owns that house in Chatham because that's where they filmed it to look like Nantucket. I watched the first two episodes. It's a must see. Okay. And this weekend, all weekend long, there is a big feast in my hometown of East Cambridge. It's the annual feast of Saint Cosmo and Demion. And I know you say to yourself, wow, we just did all the North end fees, but they didn't have the lineup. They have in Cambridge this weekend. For instance, Brenda K star going to be there. Now, Mariah Carey was Brenda K stars backup singer and then did that song 10 times better. I'm not crazy. I agree with that. And she also hooked up with Tommy Matolo, who ran the record label. And then there was no more Brenda K. But the thing about Mariah is that she was so talented. She didn't even need Tommy. I feel like to. Well, it wasn't very early in her career. Yeah, he launched her. Also, when the lineup in East Cambridge this weekend, snap. Oh, yeah. Also in the lineup, the cover girls. This is like a real life flashback to Bill in 1985 rain nightlife. Yeah, because the cover girls did rain when I hosted there several times. Snap may have been there too. I'm not sure. But you know who else is doing these cameras this weekend? Tell my Houston. My mother-in-law know about this this feast. This is like right up her alley. She's still going to want tickets. Jessica, get me tickets to Cosmo Valley. Give me some tickets. And you have to understand this feast every single year is right in the neighborhood where we grew up. Like it was on the our houses were right in the middle of the feast. So anyway, it's Friday tonight, tomorrow and Sunday, East Cambridge, the corners of Porter Street and Warren streets. Okay, they'll have food vendors and everything, but a good lineup on the stage too. And we are brought to you by Winnie. Oh my gosh, we are going on here. I thought it was your report not sponsored anymore. No, it is. Oh, what do you know? Oh, who's the sponsor? I gave it to you. No, that's a negative. See, the thing is that the state pay. They do. Yeah, that's a lot of money. So we have to fund a lot of money. Costa, I definitely gave it to you. That would be typically. Yeah. All right. Now, when you say Costa, I gave it to you. I gave it to you. I gave it to you in the sixth across. Yeah. We're brought to you by Ocean Edge Resort and Golf Club experience. The quintessential Cape Cod summer at Ocean Edge Resort and Golf Club named Best Hotel Cape Cod by Boston magazine, villas, hotel rooms like you wouldn't believe. They've got patios to this private beach swimming pools and indoor pool to award-winning golf pickleball for restaurants, one with a roof deck. And they've got live music all the time, a beautiful spa and one of Cape Cod's best beach bars right there in the sand. Go to Ocean Edge dot com and there you go. Hi, this is Mariah Carey. If you buy my records, I'll sleep with you. From the Planet Fitness Kiss 108 Studios, we're back with Billy and Lisa in the morning on Kiss 108. Okay. Welcome back, everybody. It's a big Friday show, the Billy and Lisa morning show. We have a special guest in a studio. His name is Ryan Lally. And Ryan, to be honest with the listeners, we did not reach out to you. You reached out to us. Correct. And you told us you're a mentalist. By the way, what's a mentalist versus a medium versus something else? What's the difference? Yeah. So when I say that I do mentalism, it has nothing to do with psychic powers. Okay. So that's what you see in the movies. When you think about a medium, that's probably the idea that comes to mind some sort of supernatural psychic power. That's nothing about what I do. What I do is pattern recognition. It's knowing that if I put certain people in a certain position and give them a certain script, nine times out of 10, they're going to react in roughly the same way. Now, there is that one out of 10 that kind of throws me off. And so that's where the theatrics come in. That's where the improvisation comes in, just knowing that I have plans B, C, and D. Yeah. In my back pocket. And if anybody's going to throw you off, I'll caution you. It would be winning. It would be potentially. But it says right in your notes, you have to be seen to be believed. That's correct. Meaning what exactly? Well, meaning that if you were to tell somebody that you saw a mind reader, okay, and that they read your mind, some of their reactions might be, oh, you were in on it with him, right? You just pull in my leg or oh, he had like a camera in his glass. Yeah. And it's like, no, no, like, I wish I had a camera in my glasses. I wish I had that type of technology. It makes it so much easier. So that's not what I mean. It's when you actually see it, when you're actually experiencing it, having your mind read there in person, you can tell there's no cameras anywhere. There's no, like, you're obviously not going to be in on it. And it just gives you a totally different perspective on human nature. Okay. In studio with us is Ryan Lally describes himself as a magician and a mentalist. So you do magic tricks before we get the main reason you're here this morning. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. So magic and mentalism, they're very closely connected because they both produce an air of mystery, right? So but do you do the kind of magic where you could just suddenly get a bouquet of flowers, pops out of your sleeve or something? Or you can like cut a woman in half. Oh, can you do that? I can definitely cut a woman in half. I haven't figured out how to put her back together though. So you can have Winnie as an assistant and feel free to leave one half here and take the other with you. And you do parties, right? That's a big party. Oh, yes. So this is my full time gig. And so I do a lot of corporate events and private parties in a little magic trick you can put together for us right now. Absolutely. I think we're on video. Are we? I am. I'm recording it. Yeah. Okay. Perfect. Oh, wonderful. We're going to post this all over the world. So don't embarrass us. Okay. I appreciate it. Yeah. So let's start off with something real quick because I want to do something. This is something that actually your listeners at home can follow along with because because of this is minding. I said it's pattern recognition. I have to put you all through a bit of a test first. All right. Okay. So I want you all and the folks at home to think about a number between a two-digit number between one and 50. Okay. Now I want you to make sure that both of those digits are odd and both are different. Okay. Okay. Did any of you think of either 35 or 37? I did 37. 37. I thought of 35. Billie. Billie. Okay. That's cool. When you didn't think about it. No, I didn't. Okay. Well, she could care less. Yeah. We'll do one more. I did. Three out of four. Three out of four ain't bad. Why did Billie. Yeah. You already know our minds. That's so great. Yeah. Oh, Justin did too. All right. Well, we'll do one more. Okay. One more. So think about now another two-digit number. This time between 50 and 100 in which both digits are even and both are different. Okay. Okay. 15, 100, both are even, both are different. Did any of you think of either 68 or 84? 68. I want 68. You were 68. Yeah. And when he was two. But Billie, so Billie, you kind of got you got you got both numbers each time. Yes, I did. Okay. Perfect. That lets me. Can I get a prize? No, that lets me know that you are the one that's going to help me out with this one. Okay. Yeah, he's easy. So, okay. Billy, take grab the die for me. Okay. There you go. Check out the die. Now, Billy, I'm going to swivel my chair away. So I'm looking away from you. Okay. When I do that, what I want you to do is to think about a number on the die. Okay. Okay. One out of six. You're going to place the die on table. Did you not think I knew it was one out of six? I don't know. Some people, when I give this to some people, okay, like, hey, this is like one of those D and D. I'm like, I'm like, I don't know why I need to say this. Okay. I've got the die in my hand. Okay. So you're going to think about a number. You're going to place the die on the table with your number facing up. So Lisa and Winnie can get a clear look at it as well. You're not going to. So I can look at the die. Oh, please do. Yeah. Okay. I want you to know what the number is. And then you're going to cover it up like so with your hand. Okay. So I can't see it. It waits until I turn around. It looks a little bit better that way. I don't know. Showing it to Lisa. Showing it to Winnie. Okay. We see it. All right. You got it? Yes. We're good to go ahead and it's covered up. Yes. It's covered up. Perfect. I'm going to turn around right now. It's all covered up. So when I say this is pattern recognition, I do this. I do this quite a bit. Okay. Now Billy, I do want to kind of be very fair because we are on camera. I was looking when you put your hand over it. I was looking. You didn't quite wait until I swivel it away. So let's do it again. I'm going to swivel away this time. Okay. So I can pick a new number. Yeah. Just for the sake of it. I'm shuffling the dye. Well, I don't have an honest mentalist. Okay. Okay. Showing Winnie and Lisa. Winnie. Look at it. Okay. Okay. Girls got it. Okay. We got it. Good to go? Yeah. Perfect. Do you have a mirror in your glasses or something? Oh, I wish I did. This would make this so much easier. Okay. So because you actually chose a couple different numbers, here's what we're going to do. Billy, think about the number you you have right now, okay? - Yeah. - I'm gonna name six different numbers. You are gonna say no after every number, okay? - Yeah. - Meaning Billy, when we get to your number, and when you say no, I'm gonna see how good of a liar Billy actually is. - Oh, okay. - So Billy, what are you gonna say after every number? - No. - Exactly, and when we get to your number, you are still gonna say? - No. - Perfect. Ready, one. - No. - Two. - No. - Three. - No. - Four. - No. - Five. - No. - Six. - No. - He's looking for hesitation. - And you know what, Justin? There was hesitation. Billy, on number five, you chose number five, didn't you? - Yes, yes. - Oh my God. And I was pissed at myself that I hesitated first for a second. - You're a terrible liar. - Yeah, not really. - Oh my God. Okay, that's good, okay. - And actually, if it's number five, I'm gonna go out on a limb here, okay? 'Cause I asked you to choose a number before. - Yeah. Were you going back and forth between one and four? Was it one of those that equal five together? - No, I was pretty certain of the number I was gonna get. - It was number four, right? - Beforehand. - It was. - Yeah. - It was, yeah. - How did you know that? - That was just based on the fact that you went for number five. We don't just go for, I had a feeling you wouldn't just go for a totally random new number. It would be somewhat based on the number you had before. I didn't know if you were going back before between one and four, but number four, that made sense that you went for number five then. - Can I ask you something right between you and nobody's listening besides the million people that are, but mega millions is tonight. - Mm-hmm. - Can you help me out? Can you help my guy out? - It's over 700 million. - Yeah, and I'm buying everybody an island when I get the money, so I mean everybody here. - I would love to help you out with that, Billy. I actually had my eye on that exact same island. (laughing) - Okay, so let's get to why you're here. - All right. - You called us. - Yup. - And you said, I can predict the precise score of the Patriots Bengals game this Sunday, right? - Absolutely. - In fact, you've already not only predicted it, but you've written it down and it's in a sealed envelope, and you're gonna hand it to us, right? - This is for you, Billy. - Okay, this is what you say will be the score of the game, Pat's Bengals Sunday in Cincinnati. - Yup. - And you're gonna come back here Monday morning and we're gonna open the envelope. We're gonna see how close we get. - Same time, same time Monday morning, 9/10. - Yeah. - We're gonna open it. - And so that envelope, that is gonna be here in the studio in your possession, like in the studio this entire week and like it's out of my hand. - Yeah. - I'm not gonna touch it until I'm not gonna touch it on Monday. - Yeah, we gotta put it in a safe place. - No, we'll open it. - We'll open it. - You leave it with Justin too. I mean, in a separate room over there as well. - You can give it to me, I'll hide it, okay. - I'm a little nervous, all right. You seem very confident, but-- - Justin, imagine how I feel. - I know, because you know, obviously people can go to your website, you get booked at parties and these big events across the whole country, but if you're wrong, that's gonna hurt your business. - Well, not gonna be wrong. - You can't be wrong. - Well, let's just stop us then from opening it today and placing a bet tomorrow. - Well, 'cause we're all friends here. - Okay. - Okay. - So you're not gonna tell us what it is today. - Well, I mean, Winnie, I am a show man. I do have to build some type of-- - Oh, it's expensive. - That's fine, that's fine. - And seal the way. - That's fine. - I don't wanna see it, it's just fine. - If he wants to come back on Monday, then we'll see you Monday. - It's part of his act. - Yeah, okay, Scott, Ryan, this is a deal. We have a date, Monday morning at 9.10, you're gonna come in and we will unseal the envelope and see if in fact you were right. - Love it. - And then if you were right, that means we'll all collaborate on next week's Mega Millions. - There we go. - Just sounds like a deal, Billy. - Ryan Lally, by the way, you can check him out,, that's L-A-L-L-Y., good to see you. - We'll see you Monday. - See you Monday. - All right, we'll wrap up the show next. Here's Hoseair, too sweet on Kiss 108, happy Friday. - Kiss 108, it's the morning wrap-up on Billy and Lisa in the morning. - Well, we went zero for two on the Sabrina's secret sound on this Friday, two guesses, two wrong answers. Michaela, she was way off. - Is it a chainsaw in taste? - No. - Okay. - Okay, Michaela, you need to do your homework because we've already had that guess, right? - We had the exact guess. - We had the exact guess. - Yeah, Brianna did a little bit better at 8.10, a different guess, but still wrong. - Is it a blender? (buzzer buzzes) - Sorry, I know it is not a blender. - 3.10 this afternoon, the Vibros and Gianna will play the sound again. You'll have a chance to guess the sound and the song that inspired the sound from Sabrina Carpenter. - Now, me, Tom, I'm the idiot thinking they said, "Is it a chainsaw in a case?" No, she meant chainsaw in taste. - In the taste, yeah. - I'm the more on that. - Oh, you probably didn't see the video. - But we don't play taste, you wouldn't know that. - Yeah, yeah, well, we just started, that's gonna actually gonna be a big hit. - Yeah, great song. - It's a great song. - It's a good song, but yeah, there's outrage again. - Okay, I am not even in the least interested in seeing Sabrina Carpenter and concert. However, I am just as irritated for those that want to win when we hear the same guesses of people who call in, like they are not paying attention. Like, stop wasting people's time. Oh my God, annoying. - Yeah, I do want to make a reference that you can go to the Kiss contest page and then it tells you every guess that was made for the sound. - Yeah, we can't lay it out any clearer. You go, you know, see what the other sounds were. You listen to Sabrina's top songs. What are her top songs that we play on Kiss? What nonsense, Espresso? Please, please, please feather. I mean, that's pretty much it. Study the lyrics and then 310 you can play again with the V bros. Top we had was how early is too early for decorations, Halloween, Christmas. Obviously the Halloween decorations are starting, even in August, crazy. - Hey, if somebody wants to put up their Halloween decorations now, I say let 'em. I mean, I see people at Christmas lights all year round and nobody says anything. So why does this bother anybody? Just, yeah, do what you gotta do, be happy. That's my thoughts, but the other side of it is, like Lisa said, if you live next to somebody that has a lot of cars pulling up lights or things that make sounds. - Exactly. - You know what I mean? - I have to say, I think just do what you like to do. - Yeah. - Enjoy your life. - Yeah, exactly. Life's too short to care about what month you start hanging up your decorations. - No, there you go. We also had the Mark the Movie Nerd on from Showcase Cinemas. He's our movie guy. Big weekend at the box office, the new Beetlejuice movie, Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice is in theaters, expected to do huge numbers. Mark has seen the movie, and he's saying, it's just as good as the original. - I think it's as good. I love the original, I saw it's Showcase in 1988. It's 36 years ago, but, you know, that was new. It was fresh, but this movie's fresh too. - Yeah, looking forward to it. - By the way, I think we need to get Mark a new phone. - He sounded-- - It's a little muffled. - Yeah, you sounded like he was a lot of-- - Well, doesn't he travel around the whole world? - He does, he's always-- - He's always, you know. - He's a big, he has a big job for Showcase. - Yeah, maybe for Christmas, we'll get him a new phone. - Anyway, Beetlejuice in theaters this weekend. - Beetlejuice, a showdown. - There you go. The Billie and Lisa Show podcast will be up at 10.30 this morning, you can get that podcast on the iHeartRadio app. And if you listen to the Billie and Lisa Show, you might hear that we've always played these sounds that sound like this. - Ella! - That is Billie Cost's son, Alex, impersonating a Billie's ex-wife. And that was put to bed. He doesn't do that anymore, but-- - Hadn't for years. - There may be a change. - I think he could be back. - Yeah, we'll talk about it next, I guess. - What's up, Boston? It's Serena Carpenter, and you're waking up with Billie and Lisa in the morning on Kiss 108. - Hey guys, so welcome back to the Big Friday Show, the Billie and Lisa Morning Show. So years ago, my middle son, Alex, a living down there in sunny Florida, decided one day, and I still don't know why, but he woke up one day, Lisa, and decided to dress up as his mom, and impersonate his mom. - He did. - And those became the Lisa files on social media. Justin, you have a couple of clips, examples? - I do. - Yeah. - Don't buy a bee! (laughing) - There's so many good ones. - Look at these low lights. - And we played-- - And it was like the gift that just kept giving out. - And we played them on the show. - Oh yeah. - I understand. - Well, because we discovered them accidentally. We didn't know they existed, and then we stumbled upon them, and it was like a gold mine. - Yeah, and over the years, they became really popular with the, you know, the Morning Show audience, and well, we have a feeling the Lisa files with my son might be back because he posted something on social yesterday, and now he's on the phone. Alex, you there? - What's up, guys? - Alex! (laughing) - So Alex, here's the deal. We've been asking you for several years should you bring back the Lisa files and you always get weird, and you say no, and then all of a sudden we all saw it on Instagram yesterday. - So look, I don't want to make any promises. I think you guys might be jumping the gun a little bit. I don't know if they're coming back or not, remains to be seen, but I did post something the other day, just as a little bit of a teaser. - Was that from Halloween or something? - It was. It was a couple of years ago, Halloween. We went to the Grand for the Halloween party, and at least they had to come out to play. (laughing) - Well, I've got to tell you, you had your mom's dance steps down. (laughing) - You have a lot of them watching them for a long time. - Alex, Halloween has come out. - Being an event. - Halloween's coming up. I still do have several wigs and some women's clothing in the closet. - He is your sleep. - He has to leave the files, possibly not. And so we'll see what happens. - Well, we're thinking you relaunch the Lisa files on Halloween, and then you come back to the Billy and Lisa morning show with an occasional, you know, Lisa file for us. - Look, if it's what the people want, it's what the people want. - No, no, no, it's not even Alex. I'm not gonna, I didn't, I follow you on Instagram. I didn't see it. A ton of listeners sent it to me. - Me too. (laughing) - Well, look, I'm jumping a little bit on the content creation bandwagon. So the Lisa files may make them apparent to you. - There we go, yeah. But, you know, feel free to follow along and see what happens. - What is your hesitation, Alex? What's the hesitation? - There's no hesitation. It's just, it's just time. You know, I don't know. Sometimes you have to mix it up a little bit. We did quite a few Lisa files. - I don't know. We need more. There's so much material about like making fun of your dad. And I need that audio. - There's demand. - Yeah. - All right, we'll work on it. We'll try to put some stuff out there for everybody. - Do you happen to have anything prepared for this morning? - I don't have anything prepared. You guys always do that. I'm not a machine that can just whip out one-liners of Lisa on demand. - Well, hold on. We may have some dollars here. - Don't worry. We got you covered. - Billy, that's not a advantage. (all laughing) - That's my son, Alex. I love you, buddy. Say hello to Tony. And by the way, she's a built-in producer for you and videographer, so I think it's a natural. Okay, we got to take a break and we'll come back and we'll say goodbye, but we'll say hello to the mighty one. No, my girl, Tiff. We'll be back to think about it. - What's up, Boston? It's Sabrina Carpenter. And you're waking up with Billy and Lisa in the morning on Kiss 108. - Thanks for hanging out with us on this Friday morning. Again, the Sabrina's secret sound back at 310 this afternoon with the V bros and Gianna. Let's hope we get a winner this afternoon. Lisa, you have an appearance tomorrow? - Yeah, Assembly Row 12 to 2 with National Grid will be right in front of JP Lix. We're doing home energy assessment signups. Come by, say hello. The street team will also be there. We'll have a lot of fun prizes to give away. So I'd love to see you. Love to meet you. - I want to give a shout out to the nurses and the staff at Winchester Hospital. My wife, Michelle, had a surgery there yesterday. She says they took really, really good care of her. They were very, very nice. You might want to hit the movie theaters this week and see Beetlejuice expected to take in more than 120 million, maybe a new record. But you know what? I think the weather will be decent this weekend. So certainly enjoy whatever it is you're going to do. We'll be back Monday morning at 7 10. We'll have the Sabrina secret sound. But that's it, right, Justin? - I mean, that's it. Listen, 310, yeah. They'll have the secret sound, the V bros and Gianna. If someone doesn't get it, it's going to be a weekend of outrage. So if they guess, I guess it's already been said, you know? So all right. - Winnie, have a great weekend. Producer Riley, have a great weekend. Lisa Justin up next everybody it's your girl Tiff right now.