WBCA Podcasts

Observations From The Trenches

Host Larry Higginbottom urges ADOS to stop begging for affirmation and validation. He also expresses how blacks' votes are their currency and they shouldn't get nothing back for their votes, the foolishness of debating VP Harris's lineage, whiteness means something different to ADOS as opposed to other cultures that immigrate to the US, & more.

Broadcast on:
04 Sep 2024
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Host Larry Higginbottom urges ADOS to stop begging for affirmation and validation. He also expresses how blacks' votes are their currency and they shouldn't get nothing back for their votes, the foolishness of debating VP Harris's lineage, whiteness means something different to ADOS as opposed to other cultures that immigrate to the US, & more.

The following commentary does not necessarily reflect the views of the staff and management of WBCA or the Boston Neighborhood Network. If you would like to express another opinion you can address your comments to Boston Neighborhood Network, 302-5 Washington Street, Boston, Massachusetts, 02119. To arrange a time for your own commentary you can call WBCA at 617-708-3215 or email radio at I'm here Boston, again I'm your host Larry Hickenbottom, you're listening to WBCA, 102.9 FM in the program, op the basement trenches. I'm a church's baby boy speak about things I see out here and I just say here's something to consider you might agree you might not it's okay conversation here's in order because we're going the wrong way. What a day is a glorious day here at WBCA on the 2.9 FM because we're gonna start today having live calling. So again live calling. From the top of the day to real simple blackness black people stop begging for affirmation blackness stop begging for affirmation if you want to join the conversation 617-708-3211 again 617-708-3211 the topic is blackness eighties stop begging for affirmation again if you call in the rules are real simple no vocal language no racial slurs it states your your position but keep it clean the reason why I wanted though to see a topic out of you but you consider it sounds to me we didn't learn anything with President Obama was running we just had the biggest man to please step identify with eight o's fundamental black American reading the black American please identify with us as though our self-esteem is so low as though our self-worth and our self-value so low we want anybody a prominence who got any liquor melon please step identify with black please step identify with American black weight of so today I want you to put on the atmosphere stop begging for affirmation black people eight of my group reading a black American from the middle of black American where the term you want to use to describe you it's like you're begging people to affirm your existence it's like you're please people please please please please please pick us please validate us it's like saying we know about it we didn't build a country we don't bring that in a supplement of value it stands on its own merit it's all two feet and I to one I very sad when I hear members of my group I'm a begging people to affirm their blackness please they're black they're black and though by them affirming us it validates us we don't need that do you understand this the significance our people's played in this country what we have contributed so why do you feel the need to press Vice President Harris to identify that she black when she was running 2019 there was not a story no disrespect against her at all when she was running eight those women from the middle black American women arena black American women with every term you choose you won't give a no love and she still was a graduate of Harvard you know Howard University aka no love she dropped out didn't get no endorsement then get no love all of a sudden now she the second coming of Jesus Christ and you're trying to force this woman to say that she's something that she's never ever identified as and still your heart up for affirmation come on now family do you know who we are we have the reason why America is not a third-world nation if you have 347 years of free labor you can do a whole lot you can jump start the normal processes of nation development that's our wealth this country's built on and your elders in mind didn't run from the atrocities or the valve treatment that they had to endure even once they were emancipated these individuals came here they left countries that they control that they were the majority but they have gained independence from and you now want to beg and fight with people if they don't identify as black come on now so today I just want to put out the atmosphere blackness ados from the middle black American or in the black American stop begging for affirmation stop begging we're gonna share in the conversation get some thoughts on it six one seven seven oh eight three two one one again six one seven seven oh eight three two one one this he is our first day going live so again you want to be a part of the conversation and I hope you do feel free to call in six one seven seven oh eight three two one one my topic is blackness ados stop begging for affirmation stop begging because politics is a business on exchange politics is a business of exchange would you patronize in this damage man with your hard-earned dollars and not get back fixed change for your money which you picked enough any store in this deficit and spend your good hard-earned money and not get back not get back fair fair chain and says no well your vote is your currency your vote is our currency I'm a member of the baby boom I've been blessed to be here for 71 years I've been voted since age 20 for 50 years I have been like most folks right vote blue no matter who and like sheeps I did and we did but I've come into hiding awareness and my later years I come to understand and you've had Cornell and Antonio Moore co-founders of the Ados Foundation where fighting for reparation in the black agenda they're right voting is an exchange if you're not getting anything for your vote it's going to benefit your group your group then why are you so eager to go out and cash your vote and you ain't getting nothing in exchange that makes zero sense and they're dead right about that and it's sad me when I hear people are bickering over blackness if those gonna put a chicken in your pot or allow you to live what you want to live send your kids to the school of your choice or for you to be comfortable in America in this great country of ours that's not going to do anything for you fighting with blackness present Obama he's not eight o's he's not eight o's he did nothing for our group he did nothing tangible to uplift our group other than he looked good as a black man he sounded good a black man but he did nothing from policy from a political point of view that did anything to elevate and uplift the group and so now people here fighting over the VP Harry when Jeff what four years ago when she was running got no love I'm none of you we forget whites from so-called black women all of a sudden you are totally in thought with VP Harris and you're claiming her as your own in the two feet that's not your lineage her mother is a Brahman Indian one of the most colored cast country in the world her father from Jamaica this young man and not your typical Jamaican you know Ross the man he is nothing in common with most of those you're making that so you got two highly esteemed immigrants coming together they're not identified with their people and so to have these children it's clear the VP Harry was raised as a Brahman she's not raised as you know the untouchables with the few dogskin that is the equivalent of the inward he in America she was not raised like that so why people falling head over here to claim her is black when that's not her lineage it's not a lineage in America she can't trace the lineage back to the plantation rather enslaved or free she can't do that she can't change the lineage back to Jim Crow share cropping honey under you the mention she can't do that neither can I father so why are you tripping over this lady if though it's gonna firm and make your life better when there's nothing that she's often is going to uplift the collective nothing and so it's time for us to stop begging for people to embrace blackness to affirm us nobody could endure and still maintain the humanity as we have so why do you get upset with folks beat it beat it Dominican beat it Puerto Ricans or whomever are advocates why do you get upset with these people who don't want to identify as black you understand now that's binary that binary system only exists here in America that black white because most of these same people color who coming for me the Caribbean India Africa or whatever right they have something that you and I will never ever ever taste they have been because they're independent free of white domination and control with seven or eight decades so whiteness does not mean to them what it means to us there's no black white binary system in their countries in Africa right it's based on tribe what's your tribe what's your language that's not us in the Caribbean they have been independent what since the 1950 1960 from Britain you know other you know colonizing so again they're not being ruled daily by members of the white community so when they come to America they don't they don't have that white that black white paradigm they've been operating on it because they've been what independent what seven or eight decades it's just me me to make it me turn it out again you know me Nigerian whatever only when they step put on the shores in America does that binary system of black white kick in because whites have and always will be the dominant group here and to receive any kind of provisional benefit they will now pick it back off our suffer off our suffering and sacrifice to get or get that but they tell you quickly we know black me no black me no black I'm saying it's time to stop fighting people arguing with people like you begging people to suffer from you to validate you and we and and we have the reason why they're not being lynched or raped on the weekend because we got out there and fall for civil rights we got out there and civilized the spirit of whiteness we did that there are benefactors of our sacrifice but many of the educated black bully of begging people to affirm us please say you're black we please just please please please please please are you kidding me are you kidding me it needs to stop it needs to stop so again I'm your host Larry and bottom name of the show off the basement trenches but speak about things that affect my community and put out an atmosphere you might agree you might not but again you can always call in because you're going live a day is our first live program I'm anymore to come you want to share your thoughts six one seven seven seven oh eight three two one one six one seven seven oh eight three two one one a topic is blackness black people please stop begging for folks to affirm you please stop there please stop stop stop stop stop stop you want to call and show your thoughts on this topic as long as you you know keep it clean no vocal language no richness lures no no profanity you're welcome to call in six one seven seven oh eight three two one one just putting out the atmosphere it's time for us to stop begging people and plead with folks to identify with us we don't need that we don't need that there would be no America without us let's sacrifice and contribution that we have made this country so why must you beg people to identify with you I'm believable you know one of our icon James Baldwin you know submerged leader and also a rip pro pro pro live it writer I saw an interview where he said it's here and it's true then as it was it's true now afterwards then he said you don't need to try to make white folks understand racism you only do that he want to say because white folks know one thing for sure they don't want to be us because of it despicable bio treatment that we have been subjected to they don't want to be us so he like to say you don't have to try to educate me about racism they know about it because none of them would want to be us you know how strong you have to do beating dual 20 47 years of chattels slavery we had no protection from nobody how strong you got to be to endure 100 years of sharecropping Jim Crow again no protection I'm in love of nobody and still maintain your humanity create family bill and thrive despite that despite that man made impediment you know I still got to be to do those things and once it masturbate it our folks didn't run they didn't run to Canada or South of the border or leave and go in here and go on there they stayed the both of our people stayed and fought for that breath right and all these other immigrants who come in whether first second and third generation their folks ran they can call the opportunity car whatever you want to they ran from a country that they control and they owned that they're gonna show you're the folks leaving up deep enough southern border well if you're not gonna fight to clean up the mess in your country who's gonna do that you got holiday gang you know table Goodman famine all that's true but if you're not gonna fight to clean it up who's gonna do that you think white America's gonna do that go back and clean up Haiti going to clean clean up Nigeria going to clean up your maker turn it at you think they're gonna do that I think you're different our eldest ados funny me the black American everything black American whatever term you want to use our elders yours in mind they didn't run they didn't run and they face that despicable harbor treatment daily daily my father born 1930 so it's my mother on my mother's side my grandmother on rose was born 1903 my father's side let me hear them I was born in 1897 they didn't run they did not run so why if they didn't run why are you begging folks to identify with us why are you doing it why are you doing it we need folks no matter what excuse them I use my use opportunity you know safety freedom whatever what what excuse what excuse they might use how folks didn't run and they would treat it terribly that's why James Baldwin said there's no need to teach white folks about racism they already know what not one one is swap paces with him or with me with you family see immigrants that's why they quickly say me no black no no me no black me no black me no black so why they know how terrible the treatment is and when they get here they do not take them long to know who's on the bottom who's on the top who's been fighting everybody's issue but on they know fame but they're white counterpart they know as well as you know no no no me no black no no no no no me no black now take advantage of the provision that you have farted eyes well yes yes yes yes yes yes but no no no no no me not sharing no no no no no no no no mean Dominican no no no no no no no why are you begging folks to identify with you come on people we better than that we're stronger than that America is what she is because our elders yours in mind got out there and civilized that despicable horrible spirits or watch the primacy they fought that they didn't run they didn't run and yes many paid a dear price for it many was daily degraded insulted humiliated yes yes yes they didn't do it so that you and I could be here that you and I could stand and demand a new deal so I'm saying to you why do you beg folks to identify as black why do you do that we look at the country wouldn't be what it is without our influence without our presence anyway you can call in we're going live first first show going live you don't want to hear from you six one seven seven oh eight three two eleven six one seven seven oh eight thirty two eleven will call you should get thoughts the topic is blackness stop begging for affirmation stop begging the folks to firm your value that you've worked something stop it what's your thoughts you got any thoughts out there let me know as long as you call it and keep it clean no vote no profanity you're working to call it any time have a conversation but I'm saying it is time for ados fundamental black American written the black American whatever term that you identify as it's time for us to stop begging folks to firm that they're black it's insulting it is belittling the country business we have made all the other immigrants right now would never would not have gotten in here without the 1965 act of immigration read about yourself it came off the blood threading tears of the civil rights movement we have a cell we so because this was entirely a white man's country and he would not let nobody who was not from Europe in this into America simple there and you can also check on more information if you look at the 1960 census it tells you who was in America at that time because I have like put the numbers at that time America was 99.1% white and Negroes nine nine point one percent these other folks were not even existence advocate huh simple India huh these folks did not even rank a quarter of the of a of a of a percent none of them all came after they have a lifting after you beat down the lynching the assault here they come and now you begging them to identify as you because they got melanin are you kidding me come on now are you kidding me I think when you do that it's like saying that you don't value yourself you don't value yourself and I for one is the member of A those things of America to send us slavery come out we come out of the institution the reason why I say it with pride my father's father was born in 1897 you know that you that man called hell my mother mother's born in effect 1903 what I'm called hell all those folks called hell that you and I could be here and I'm a big somebody to firm my firm to be a black are you kidding me and you migrated here you left a country that you control that you would have ruled in class or you the dummy class whatever reason I'm like I want you to identify with me I are you kidding me we ought to stop it there would be no America without the contribution that the eighties community has made and it's time for you as a community stop begging people to identify as black that's why I say we need our own category and I hope I might not be around I hope Gen X Gen Z the millennial in the future that you will come with one of those terms be it eight o's be it fundamental black American bring the black American whatever a turn but distinguish us from other blacks because blackness is not flat we all are not the same our limits it's different and matter of fact the word that I want to induce in in in in in to shoot you should be de aggregate de aggregate blackness should be de aggregated whereby are they are they carabines are they from Haiti are the African are the eighties and by de aggregate by de aggregate blackness you'll be able to determine who's doing well who's not doing well but you can't do that you just say black or minority you got to break that term down you can see based on at ethnicity who's getting what who's being left out and in most cases most these groups whites have hired them because why they black in a minority not that they ate all these policies came in came came in line to help because the slavery Jim Crow because they're minorities and they're black we'll take them from you de aggregate blackness you get to see who's getting who's not getting because blackness don't tell you much but one thing I do say Gen X Gen Z the millennia you need to stop begging people to identify that's black you really don't stop that anybody who don't want to acknowledge that they part of the family leave them leave them can I'm your slurry about them you listen to WBCA 102.99 FM in WBCA 102.9 FM name my program I'll say thank you for the changes let's speak about things that I see out here it affects my group because my group legitimate revisit has been totally totally taken off the board everybody is being accommodated but you're truly because we allowed it because we allowed these policies that came to address slavery Jim Crow from an action 1964 act of civil rights voting rights those laws came into existence to benefit adults only but we've allowed everybody anybody to come under that tent whereby replacing in this place in the group that it was intended for how leaders let us down the wrong road and doing that we should have stayed on our square and make sure that those laws who they came in and get into to support us only supported us and not others but we didn't do that leaders didn't do that and so now you're an outside looking in you're an outside looking in new day now but again we need to stop begging people to affirm that they're black you don't need that we don't need that and VP Harry was you win or lose right limits why limits why she's not us and it is what it is there it is what it is and she never claimed to be proud to Biden dropping out so why do you want me somebody be somebody don't want to be we should be thinking about what policy is she gonna a fight for is gonna benefit and uplift your group that's what I'd be be fighting for not whether she's black or not because the politics all about exchange about change again again I'm your host Larry Gamartem you listen to WBCA 102.9 FM named my little program is called off to the basement trenches off the basement trenches I speak about things to see out here it affects my group but always often up why we should do some different so I'm gonna take a break I'll be right back and again we need to stop begging people to identify black I should return the revolution wasn't televised in the 60s is it gonna be televised in the 90s well you know the catchphrase what that was all about the revolution would not be told about that was about the fact that the first change that takes spaces in your mind you have to change your mind before you change the way you live in the way you move so when we said that the revolution would not be televised we were saying that like that the thing that's going to change people there's something that no one will ever be able to capture on film it'll just be something that you see in August and you realize I'm on the wrong page or I'm on the right page but I'm on the wrong note and I've got to get in sync with everyone else to understand what's happening in this country but I think that the black Americans have been the only real that hard Americans here because we the only ones who who carried the process through the process that everyone else has to sort of like skip stages we're the ones who marched we're the ones who carried the Bible we're the ones who carried the flag we're the ones who tried to go through the courts and being born American didn't didn't seem to matter because we were born American but we still had to fight for what we were looking for and we still had to go through those channels and those processes people won't give you the real talk on drugs but it's time we know the facts fentanyl is killing people it's a powerful opioid often made illegally and commonly mixed with illicit drugs it can even be pressed into counterfeit pills that resemble prescription medications just two milligrams about the size of a few grains of sand could potentially be lethal this isn't an ad to scare you but it isn't that to make you think twice get the facts go to real deal on fentanyl dot-com this message is brought to you by the ad counsel again here's that song again for the hundredth time today here's that song again it's gonna be stuck in your head here's that song again you love your kids enough to watch that TV show a budgillion times love them enough to make sure they're in the right car seat for their age and size show them you love them keep them safe visit NHTSA dot gov slash the right seat brought to you by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration and the ad counsel the impact of a meal goes well beyond feeding our bodies because when people don't have to worry about where their next meal is coming from they can truly thrive like Marta and now we'll hear from our class valedictorian who with our hard work never ceases to amaze us please welcome Marta Moreno and Alex hey Alex how did the interview go I did it I got the job I can't believe it I knew it let's meet up later to celebrate and Diego mom I got first place at the science fair with my volcano project that's amazing sweetie congratulations because when people are fed futures are nourished and everyone deserves to live a full life join the movement to end hunger at feedingamerica dot org slash act now feedingamerica org slash act now a public service announcement brought to you by Feeding America and the ad counsel the revolution wasn't televised in the 60s is it going to be televised in the 90s well you know the catchphrase what that was all about the revolution would not be told about that was about the fact that the first change that takes places in your mind you have to change your mind before you change the way you live and the way you move so when we said that the revolution would not be televised we were saying that like that the thing is going to change people it's something that no one will ever be able to capture on film it'll just be something that you see and all of a sudden you realize I'm on the wrong page or I'm on the right page but I'm on the wrong note and I've got to get in sync with everyone else to understand what's happening in this country but I think that the black Americans have been the only real that hard Americans here because we the only ones who who carried the process through the process that everyone else has to sort of like skip stages we're the ones who marched we're the ones who carried the Bible we're the ones who carried the flag we're the ones who tried to go through the courts and and and being born American didn't didn't seem to matter because we were born American but we still had to fight for what we were looking for and we still had to go through those channels and those processes I'm back bossing again army host Larry buzzing you listen to WBCA 102.9 FM again WBCA 102.9 FM name of the program ops and measurement trenches or speak about things that affecting my tribe eight oath fundamental black Americans or rereading the black Americans and just say hey we're going the wrong way we've been going the wrong way for quite some time on top of the day is I'm speaking about blackness the term black black black black black people stop begging stop begging people to affirm their blackness stop begging people to affirm that they're black you know the reason why I play that clip with brother Gilker Aaron if you're listening he tells you we the only group that didn't skip the process with the only group who has been ten toes down for four and five years a whole time here fighting whiteness we the only group went to all the channels trying to be included in this great country that we built other folks came here of the on volition no matter what excuse they might use opportunity freedom whatever they ran from the country they ran your elders in mind your elders in mind didn't run it's been 160 plus years of the master patient there's been no mass migration of idols leaving here going to places I know no no no no no no not here and your elders in mind was treated despicably horribly and it should be charged to over crime against your manatee against who gets the federal government or loudness here they didn't run they did not run despite the terrible treatment and being locked out of all opportunities now keep in mind all folks that he went America was still up and coming she fully developed now but your elders in mind was he when she was fully developed and locked out because of what race race but still they created steel they persevered steel they maintained a humanity so why are you begging people who ran from their homeland for whatever reason they might use to be you come on now I don't have nothing to come with Africans other than being of African ancestry I don't have nothing really in common with with Caribbean around all time other than being what of African ancestry I have something and coming with aid is because of lineage you can trace your elders back to the plantation sugar stoke in the mind looking at or if it's a free prison you can also trace them back there your folks like mine went through sharecropping Jim Crow legal segregation laws we had a only group with laws of written once so-called emancipated well we don't quite know what to do with them but until we figured out we're gonna make these laws that can further keep them bonded that's not the other people they did not break those shackles they didn't do that so why are you begging people to identify as black come on it's an insult to our elders who went out there and confronted that spirit of whiteness I was watching a clip where Reverend L. Sharpen asked Vice President Harris well if they bring a bill the reparation will you sign him you say of course I'll sign it out now she's pandering because why she know the Democrat Congress is not going to a bring no bill for her to sign if in fact you know that she know that because why there's no fight in her for us there's no fight in none of these folks for us so it's just pandering and again as I did in 2020 I'm voting down better because why neither one of these candidates represent what I stand for they ain't often nothing it's gonna uplift my group and you just think all universe policy universe policies everybody it's never gonna work we're too far behind we as a group are too far behind for anything called universal all Americans all people that's not going to help our group too far behind but again today is our first launching of live calling when the call-ins you want to come and say something blackness black people stop begging folks to affirm you the country would not be America without the contribution that black Americans ados fundamental black American reading black American whatever turn you want to use have made these folks a guess here they're writing off our coattail so ever forget that they came me voluntarily we arrived here in shackles and chains and we have been fighting to free us ever since 1619 that's not that that's not their claim we want to join a conversation show your thoughts six one seven seven oh eight three two one one six one seven seven oh eight three two one one will call show your thoughts I'm talking about blackness blackness stop begging black American stop begging for affirmation stop begging folks to affirm you you know stop it your elders didn't run my elders didn't run once they was emancipated they did not head south head north they didn't do that they stayed here in front of the spirit of white supremacy all the other folks have benefited from that value and effort of our community they're going to be somebody to identify as you huh you are insulting those who paid with their blood sweat and tears they was doing that for me and you for us they're descended it wasn't for each other people one for them but you're going to yourself to answer about begging folks to identify black are you kidding me and brother gills right here and saying we the only group estate will be true to the cause we the only group with all the channels trying to liberate ourself and in the process we live really it we live really everybody else we went to all the channel you said there's the most important thing being born an American being born an American didn't seem to matter think about that being born an American did not see the matter why because we came in shackles and chain we came here and shackles and chain and to justify that oppression and exploitation they had to script themselves script their psychology that them the mental mind of us being human to validate the despicable harbor treatment I suppose didn't run your elders in mind did not run and I wanted to let you know you come from a very proud people a very successful people all things considered we have not lost our humanity we're not trying to do the damn that what what was done to us we're not doing that so while using systems that might be black if you don't want to why you doing that that me that to me makes zero sense you're thinking about the contribution that we have done in civilizing this great country of ours civilizing the psyche of whiteness why you want big people who ran from their country that they control the day the majority they empower they're gonna run over here and you're gonna beg them to identify you you're kidding me but again you can join the conversation calling six one seven seven zero eight three two one one and six one seven seven zero eight three two one one okay I'm mommy host Larry bottom you listen to WBCA one or two point nine of them I'm talking a day about blackness black people stop begging folks to affirm you by identifying black we don't need that what we need I believe to see that our interest that our interest our collective interest is served by identifying what that is and voting as a block no matter who the party is I don't care who's in charge are you gonna fight to bring forth this policy is gonna uplift our group the only thing we should think about are you gonna do something for our group and if you're gonna fight champion our cause within we vote at the block to make sure that you have a chance to get in office and I believe that we should not be affiliated with no party none whatsoever it's all be about what our group needs are you gonna fight policies it's gonna uplift our group and we should stay focused on our square and the reason why we now are further behind because we have fought for everything and everybody but ourselves we'll fall for everything and everybody but ourselves this century has 76 years ago you have 76 76 years before this decision is over 76 years I just want to recommend to the Gen X Gen Z the millennium that you focus on acquiring central high income skills and you focus on the group your group I always throwing encourage you to worry about yourself and your group and the other group worry about themselves we've given them a platform how you deal with and confront my supremacy let them fight for themselves let's worry about ourselves the next 76 years in this century let's stay focused on ourselves I would not advise you putting in more time in the civil rights we've got about all you're gonna get out out of civil rights in my in my in my estimation but we have never ever realized in America economic system is based on capitalism capitalism capitalism what that mean Larry well there's many components but two important components that I'll speak on one is capital others labor but a fellow government made sure that your elders in mind would be locked out of wealth that's why it's no inheritance being passed down to you me the only saving grace is your labor your labor do you possess essential high income skills if you do in 2024 you gonna do well and the reason you're gonna do well pay attention now on people unlike when I was born in 1953 no matter what you aspire to be with your hair skill had dream white folks will not let you in there was a lid on all occupations except for the very menial menial occupation in 2024 because your elders along with my elders got out there and fought with King others there's no lid on occupation if you acquire skills you can get in and you can be compensated very very well you'll be compensated very well so again that's one hurdle that you don't have to fight anymore young people because your elders the boomers and King make sure that hurdle is not your obstacle so again if you pull if you're broken America today you hit the lottery in a way because there's no lid on occupations as they were when I was born in 1953 no matter your dreams your dreams your dream doesn't matter white folks were not letting you in period well in 2024 that's not the case all you got to do is go out and get those skills and demand to be included I'm living testimony to that so why are you begging folks who run in here who running here to share in this $25 trillion gross natural product that America produces it's why they come in here you've done the hard part you civilized civilized whiteness whereby they will allow these folks in so why are you begging folks to be too identified as black you didn't run your elders didn't run they ran then my how you cut the gun how you cut that pie they left where they left from wherever they were I'll fall thin do that they didn't do that I thank God they didn't do it that's one that's one put on the atmosphere stop begging people to identify as black or eight o's or front of middle black America or a reason back America and I hope these coming years I might not be around to see it that you young people get a term that distinguish us from black you must again deaggregate black are they Haitians how did your makings are the Africans or the adults you must be between the certain that to see who's getting who's not because folks a piggybacking off of our struggle but they're not black well leave them that's their right leave them leave them where else I come to close on this Wednesday I'll be back next Wednesday with another topic and again we had to be taking a live call in that we're taking live call in feel free to call in as long as you keep it keep it clean no vocal language no no profanity you know we are anything you know you might share with somebody but you might share with some of my beliefs you might not but it's okay too as long as I've been the atmosphere you can always compare and contrast but one thing I do no no one's coming to save us no one's coming to make it better for us no one's coming to give you a life you want or allowed you to get a lot do it allows you has a life you want for you your children only your labor will determine how will you do here if you don't possess those essential high-income skills you're not gonna do wasn't you're not gonna do well you're not going to wear a period just it's just a cut and dry it's just that simple so not looking to be grudging about it you know be me speech it wasn't anybody but my focus is on my group my group has been totally totally totally left behind but not neglect but it comes down to the left for the years but not neglect they'll deal with anybody and everybody but eighties because why we allow everybody come up on the intent that was meant for us only we allow everybody now to come in that tennis minority it was never meant for them it was never meant for them and the reason why she writes failed because it's not you're not specified who those laws was for was for and why did I specify for the Negro because of slavery in Jim Crow it is not specified who it was for and why it allowed everybody to come under that tent and now in 2024 the folks that those laws are meant to have been usurped benefit everybody but the group he was intended for and so now you find yourself a square zero try to know but as long as you're both around you and folks you can always make some happen remember in America the saving grace is capitalism but better for worse and what you have is your labor is your labor needing is the highly valued if you possess those high income skills central high-income skills you're gonna do well in 2024 for you and your family and I recommend you take as many which you as you can I encourage you them to also pursue essential high income skills to become the win-win with everybody so that close down these these final minutes again you've been listening to WBCA 102.9 102.9 FM I'm your host Larry Hagenbottom name of the program ops surface improvement trenches come to you every week 6 p.m. and we're going live and so please please please you know if you got some comments feel free to call in I'll be back next Wednesday same time remember no one's coming to save you no one's coming to make it better for you you got to save yourself go into the next one is you got to bless you and be well the preceding commentary does not necessarily reflect the views of the staff and management of WBCA or the Boston neighborhood network if you would like to express another opinion you can address your comments to Boston neighborhood network 3025 Washington Street Boston Massachusetts 0 2 1 1 9 to arrange a time for your own commentary you can call WBCA at 6 1 7 7 7 0 8 3 2 1 5 or email radio at [ Silence ]