WBCA Podcasts

Observations From The Trenches

Host Larry Higginbottom shares his opinions on what it means to be black, and in particular an American Descendent of Slavery (ADOS). He also discusses his thoughts on the upcoming election and the need to vote for candidates based on what they offer, not who they are.

Broadcast on:
28 Aug 2024
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Host Larry Higginbottom shares his opinions on what it means to be black, and in particular an American Descendent of Slavery (ADOS). He also discusses his thoughts on the upcoming election and the need to vote for candidates based on what they offer, not who they are.

The following commentary does not necessarily reflect the views of the staff and management of WBCA or the Boston Neighborhood Network. If you would like to express another opinion, you can address your comments to Boston Neighborhood Network, 302-5 Washington Street, Boston, Massachusetts, 02119. To arrange a time for your own commentary, you can call WBCA at 617-708-3215 or email Well, I'm back, Boston. I'm your host Larry Higginbottom. We name it a program offered based on the trenches. I'm the trenches, baby. You listen to WBCA, 102.9 FM, again, WBCA, 102.9 FM in Boston, and again, the thing about a program is offered based on the trenches. We speak about things that I see affecting my community, and I mainly focus on, hey, the stuff. It stands for American sense of slavery. We come out of the institution. If we were the enslaved, we are the sense of the enslaved. I make no bones about it. I didn't know I'm ashamed about that. I thank God that they had the necessity to endure, to survive the present year that you are not here. Because my group has been totally, totally rendered a bottom cast. All leading indicators show that we are a bottom cast, in any category that measures quality of life with dead lands. So I focused on my group, meaning to harm no group, not being the business, it's saying as an American, what was fought for civil rights, voting rights, all those laws came about because it was a redress for slavery and Jim Crow. That's right. And it seemed in the last seven years that the group that these laws came into existence for, to address this despicable treatment allowed by government has benefited anything and everybody but us. And now in 2024, my group, eight of five themselves, removed off the table. Now all these other groups are benefiting and they're using the same language that King used when it was race based, when everything was racial, using the same language to justify giving these benefits to all these here strangers. For example, they just want a better quality of life, they're hard working, they're family. All those adjectives King used and described as why a white American needed to change his heart when he came to dealing with the Negroes, to no avail. Because from the 1968 riots, the group has made very, very little progress despite these laws being on the book. And the reason being because they had been undermined, right, and tried and usurped from the very beginning because anything that might remotely benefit, it has always been met with pushback, always met with contempt and disdain because of the intrinsic hate of blackness is any of the cause of your whiteness, it's just there, it is what it is. So I want to talk about something that's really tripping me. Everybody now got stuck on this term, blackness, who's black, is she black? Are you kidding me? Blackness came into vote doing a black power move, doing a black conscious movement, black power. It was referring only to American-born blacks or ADOs. It was not referring to those who were Caribbean, African, Afro-Latino, because they weren't even in the country. The vast majority of these folks were nowhere in the country, they came after 1965 act of immigration, which came into existence because of the civil rights, because of us. And now the young people are being caught up into this black paradigm. Young people, blackness don't speak the policies, blackness don't speak the laws and resources because you're black don't mean nothing, it's about lineage. Whether lineage like pregnant Obama is not ours, that is fact. She is not ADOs, she is not fundamental black, she is not a regular black American, that's not her, that's not she is, that's not to diminish her, that's not who she is. But everybody comes to this country, now they got any bill, they got any ounce of melanin, they all want to run under the black cover, under the black tint. But we get nothing. And I hope young people that you truly understand that politics is a business of exchange. And if you're not getting nothing for your currency, your vote, why are you voting? Seriously. Seriously. I really mean that. I'm a member of the Baby Boomers. I just turned 71. I've been voting for 51 years. The five decades, my group has always been coerced into voting for Democrats. These 98% they're going to put you back in Seattle, heard that, we got to save our democracy, heard that, you know, our freedom, heard that our constitution, you know, heard every imaginable fear attack that you can think of has been heard at my group, ADOs, why you got to vote. Our democracy depends on you. Our freedom depends on you, our way of life. And I sit there and say, am I not the same movie, when is those terms ever been the collective of ADOs? In my 50 years, when, I've always heard these great speeches, passionate speeches, inspirational speeches. No policies, these feel good speeches does not translate into tangible concrete policies that will aid, aid and help your group. And so now we have, we're stuck on blackness, blackness. And TikTok and Facebook is lit up with blackness, it was really, really so daunting and really problematic to me, is that boomers, my group, we know, we should know better. We should know the politics really is about exchange. What are you getting? We've heard all the great speeches in the last five decades. All the other inspirational speeches we've heard, great speeches. We are one. We are all American. We are all together. But nothing never seemed to trickle down an uplift ADOs. But great speeches, great speeches. And so to the young people who I speak to, Gen X Gen Z and Millennial, please take a lesson from us booming. Don't fall for the okey dokey. And these next three months, your only task is to act both Trump and VP Harry. What are your plans for ADOs? Not for America, not for everybody, not for y'all all this together. What are your plans for the group who's now a permanent, permanent undercast? And I've stated because it's here, I thank God I've lived a coming to hide in the awareness. Would any of you go to any establishment and patronize it, spend your good, hard earned currency and not give back fair exchange or fair value for your money? Would you do that with anybody in their right mind, go to any establishment, spend your hard earned currency and not get back fair exchange for your money? And this is totally not. No, you wouldn't do that. Well, ADOs, fundamental black American, a regional black American, whatever term you want to use, that's why I say we need to create our own category to distinguish and dissolve this blackness, one of all, your vote is your currency. And for the last five decades, ADOs, my community, those boomers have been giving away our currency for nothing, for chump chain, for crumb, for symbolism. We are the only group for some ungodly reason, come up with all these metaphors, symbolism, somebody dies for you, somebody cries for you, this and that, all that nonsense, never having the courage to say, this is what my community needs, who will come to the table and work to deliver those goods, who? I don't care if you're racist, that's your problem, that's your problem. We want tangible, we want specific goods and exchange for our currency, our vote. Ever since we went on to see a vote your own interest nonsense, our vote has been totally, totally neutralized, because we don't vote as a black. On Norarina, the city, state of federal, we don't vote as a black, what's in the best interest of a group, the group, King gave his life, but what's in the best interest of the group? Not for a few tokenism, well, you know, you got some folks of color in this cabinet, you got the most diverse cabinet ever, that don't mean squat. Black faces and hot places have done nothing but what has having black faces and hot places done for ADOs? Colin Powell, nice guy didn't do nothing, okay, Condi Rice, nice lady, this is smart, nothing, pregnant Obama, nice guy, nothing, Eric Holder, nothing, he was a G, he was a transgender, nothing. Miss P.S., she hates it, she look good, she sound good, nothing. So young people don't get caught up and see him, nonsense is about a diverse cabinet, it means nothing, it benefits who, the person who's blessed to have that position, why, they have been paid very well, and now they can join a think tank, write a book and still do well, it does nothing to uplift the collective group of ADOs, nothing. And now they got y'all stuck in fighting over blackness, are you kidding me? Are you kidding me? So we have a conversation today, I'm your host Larry Higginbottom, he listened to WBCA 102.9 F.M., named my little hourly chat, it's called Op Syrupism Intrances, Op Syrupism Intrances. We'll speak about things that I see out here affecting my group, disparaging no group against no group. I'm not against your makers, I'm not against anybody, I'm not against anybody. My focus is on my group because why I was a legitimate grievous has been totally taken off the board, totally moved off the board, everybody benefit, everybody benefit better. So now they got for fighting over blackness, it's a black, she went to HBUC, what's your D? Daddy's your making, mama from India, whoopi whoopi do, whoopi whoopi do, so what, so what, we didn't learn enough from eight years from pregnant Obama, we didn't learn anything from that fiasco, everybody got some other deal, but ADOs who voted for him like what, 90%? We didn't learn anything? Come on now, young people, the best blessing that you have is that you can critique what King group did, what the boom and what the boom is did or are doing and don't do those things. Don't do those things, when it comes to politics, politics is a business. You think folks are giving these folks millions of dollars because of abortion, reproductive rights, don't get a hula, don't get a hula, don't get a hula by that crap, they have an agenda and policies are going to make their life better, it's going to benefit them. Come on now, everybody understands that voting is an exchange, but what, the ADOs community, all we are sold and given year in and year symbolism and guilt tripping and fear mongering, they're going to put you back in chains, you ain't black, somebody died for you, all that nonsense and they died so the weak of the man better, better condition, not just having, well I can't have my vote, I didn't ask for nothing, ain't nothing changing, but I voted, it's ridiculous and I'm saying to the young people, Gen X, Gen Z, don't follow our lead, please do not follow, I don't care if you vote for Trump, if you feel and believe that man going to deliver some attention, but you vote for him, first of all, you know, $50,000 telling you, so what, so what, it's the white man's country, I don't say that facetiously or mean spiritually, it is what it is, proud to the 1968 rise in this term called multiculturalism, white folk would tell it to your face, the white man's country, they would tell it to your face and boomers know it, boomers know that, but after the rise of '68, oh wait a minute, you cannot have capitalism, but decisions on fire, we don't treat these people bad, so let's do something like affirmative action, take the sign down, we're gonna stop calling the English to their face, let a few of them in, job to never have, they can move to our community, we're gonna make laws, you know, it's gonna you know, ease up in and live in a hotel, fair housing, all that nonsense, this is the white man's country, he owns and control all the wealth, he's the institution that we operate in, he's the his bylaws, his regs that we, that we adhere to, and he got all the guns, he owns all the guns, so that being said, it amazes me, when he's educated black boulet, try to push this nonsense, that you should vote for Harris, because of Trump, I don't give a hoot to Trump or racist, let me also define racism, young people, racism is a group endeavor, one white person is not a racist, he can be a bigot, he can be bias or prejudice, but he by himself cannot prevent you from getting jobs, loans, housing, health care, et cetera, black american got hurt because why the entire race had been indoctrinated to be racist, the term race ism, so Trump by himself is not a racist, he can be biased, he can do this, but one man by himself cannot prevent you and I from accessing the institutions of America, racism is no group sport, so calling Trump a racist means nothing, every day you around folks who are openly racist, you have to deal with, the question is, can I gain access to resources to make my life better, so I don't care, Trump, what are your plans for Adolf, what policies do you have for Adolf, you said black job, they're taking a black job, you're right about that, these black, you should have these black low paying job, and the so-called educated black boulet act like he or she don't know what that means, come on now, in my father's time, he's born into 30, he said labor was a black job, a labor in the construction he was a black job, he's the only job you could get is a black person in the construction field, and he's educated black boulet act like also now, that term is foreign to them, that term is racist, that's how many of our folks survive, those low paying black jobs before this massive wave of illegal aliens took over the country, come on now, educated black boulets, y'all killed me, when the worst thing I think they ever did to my group, Adolf, in last 50 years, is allow somebody to get PhDs, law degrees, why common system and wisdom leave the room, young people, talk me in there, Gen X, Gen Z, and millennial, laws might change behavior, laws might change some condition, but laws never change the heart and mind and whiteness, laws don't change the heart, laws don't change one true conviction, anti-blackness has been thoroughly ingrained and embedded in the psyche of whiteness, I was born in 1953, in 1953, my group was locked out of every occupational imaginable except for menial employment, because King was inspired by a guy to come out to pull a pit and do something and your elders and minds joined in with him, alright, now in 2024 you can get into any occupation that you so desire, if you have those skills you can get in there, they might not like you but they got to let you in, that wasn't the case in the 1983, so it was 71 years, think about it, in 1953 whiteness had other contempt for our physical present and our money, I said again in 1953 when I was born, the spirit of whiteness had total contempt for our physical present and our money, they didn't want to be bothered without physical present nor our money, and because God inspired King to get out there and do something about it, in 2024 tolerance will tolerate your physical space, tolerate you in our space, and tolerate your money too, but you don't own nothing, well who did that, your elders did that, your people did that, your grandparents did it, your grandparents got an idea, the kingdom fought that, and just said me a year, and now you're telling me, right, that if you don't vote for VP Harris, something wrong with you, I'm telling you, if you vote for either one of them, without a agenda for either your foolish, your foolish, you are joining the club of the boomers for the last five decades, I just given them what you're carrying and getting nothing, if you do that you're getting nothing, and I say it's time for you to learn from what the boomers did, what King did and still cared, you not can critique what we've done, you can do better, you can say no, no, no, we're not going that way anymore, we're not following that strategy anymore, because why it doesn't produce anything tangible, business as usual is over, it's over, so yes, I'm on the vote locally, but I will never ever vote for anybody who's not got anything tangible on the table, it's going to be a different number of eight of them, and if they're all, all they say, when they start singing, I'm the everybody, all American, right, that, that, that, you know, universal stuff, universal, you ain't getting nothing, young people, your group, Ados is too far behind, laws that your elbows come out there and bled and died for, benefited everybody but us, and now you, we have been totally taken off the board, now it's all said, illegal alien, they're getting all they love, all they use, and they use the same language that King used, right, to see why racism was despicable in the same language, same language, but now it applies to illegal aliens, come on now, something wrong with this here, and they got y'all all up and on over blackness, are you kidding me, it's the most ridiculous thing to spend our time on debating if she's black, if she's one of us, what they do, I can kill us, what's your policy thoughts, it should be the only criteria, what are you going to do, you ain't did much as DP, you said when you was running back and what, 2019, whatever, right, you said, I'm not doing anything for black American only, case closed, you don't say, you don't show this there, say we pray no, Obama, Obama said, well, I'm just not a person of black, I'm a person of everybody, we're in the funny, everybody got somebody else, they're always high behind there, I'm everybody, none said, we're everybody gets some, but what, eight o's, no, we ain't going for that no more, no we ain't going no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, if you feel about identifying us, you won't get elected, we're so big then, because why, we use, just struggling, we use to hardship, we use to making the best out of the best situation, a bad situation, we use to that, but if we ain't getting nothing heck with it, because the saving grace in America from what I can see, from what I can see, is that the economic system is still founded in capitalism, but better for worse, remember what you think about it, but better for worse capitalism, there's two important components in that system, among many, one this capital of this labor, the federal government made sure that our elders would be locked out of anything called wealth, because when America was up and coming, and we was here, we were here, because of racial laws, laws, we were locked out of participating in the growth of this country, to the only, only saving grace you have in 2024 young people, and I'm living for that, it's your labor, if you understand the system about capitalism, and if you possess essential high income skills, you gonna do well, hey, no matter who's in city hall, no matter who's in the government's office, or in DC, your quality of life will not suffer, your quality of life will not suffer not one eye order. So think about this here, the blessing that you're giving young people, and this is the blessing that you're giving. When I was born in '53, when you were smart, intelligent, you had a dream, no dream, white folks would not let you in, period, because they got out there, the awful guy that got in the fault, the spirit of whiteness, in 2020's fault, you can get in, you can get in, you can get in, you can get in any field, your heart, desire, and do well for yourself. So this is one hurdle, it's already been knocked down for you, and like when I was born in '53, I could have never been an owner of a methamp clinic, or viewed as a licensed clinician doing psychotherapy, huh, please, but because your elders in mind got out there and took on whiteness, that barrier has been removed for you, so it's not your offspring anymore, but you can do more than just entertain a white folks to get out of the hood. So what am I saying? At the end of the day, your quality of life is going to come down to your skillset, no matter who's in office, it's going to come down to your skillset, your skillset, and those black jobs that Trump was speaking about, they're real, now it's been real, but these black educated boulees also come up dumb to play dumb in a young man, and I tell you why, because they are benefiting, they are comfortable, they are comfortable, they now have become the gatekeepers for whiteness, they're the gatekeepers. And so voting for Democrats, like voting for Republicans, if you're not getting any change for your currency with your vote, it's useless, voting is the business, it's high time young people, Gen Z's emm, emm, you start to see it for what it is, what is my group, not what America's getting, now with all people getting, what is my group, Adolf's getting, it's relevant to us, period, you think about it right, young people, one of the biggest fights going is one size fits all, it's the one policy, a policy is right, it's going to aid, benefit all people, it's garbage, pure garbage, the name is just the fiddity, that's the fiddity, who is this for and why, when you start talking about, you know, universal policies, everybody, they ain't talking about nothing, they ain't talking about a blame thing, don't fall off when they don't get dope, like the boomers did, it's just good feel, good, ready for it. I'm looking at the some of the Democratic convention video on TikTok and others, it was it was like what I call a good pep rally, a great pep rally, nothing in there spoke about benefiting you, nothing, nothing, nothing, they didn't promise nothing, they ain't going to give you nothing, so why do you give a hoot if front win, I know I don't, I know I don't, 2025, I don't care about that, we survive, 20, 47 years of the worst treatment man has done the man called chattel slavery, still here, we survive a hundred years after slavery, right, Jim Crow, when he is the lynching, right, apartheid, still here, we have survived everything that's like a whiteness has thrown at us, look what we've done with no help, so imagine if we're treated as legitimate Americans, all the personal benefits whiteness where we'd be, let's think about it, so I say don't be brown beaten into surrendering your vote for nothing as the boomers have, respect them, but remember now, remember now nothing from nothing still leaves nothing, and we've got nothing, the last 50 plus years of voting 90% are better for Democrats, and I say as a oppressed group in this country, we should have loyalty to no party, none, our whole thing should be on exchange, what are we going, here's what we need, here's what we need, here's what we need, not what you're telling them, tell them, here's what we need, are you going to fight to bring me here to life, yes or no, yes or no, period, period, it's why I am, period, anyway, you listen to WBCA 102.9, 102.9 FM, in WBCA 102.9 FM, I'm your host Larry Higambada, name I'll let our chat is called ops of vacant churches, ops sir, vacant churches, ops sir, vacant from trenches, or speak about things out here in the trenches, my observation is not in our favor, and voting without a demand is insane. I'll be back in a minute, don't go nowhere, and we're going to attend talking politics, but politics is the business, what are you getting, I'll be back. 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