Ben & Woods On Demand Podcast

Monday September 9th, 2024 - FULL SHOW

2h 55m
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09 Sep 2024
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(upbeat music) - Sorry about that. Morning everybody, Ben Woods, 97.3. The fans get our heads right on the Mondays. You can see I'm still struggling too. My body is devoid of any fluids after yesterday's long, long baseball game. Out of Deskindito High, game time temp of 106. Whoo, that was a spicy one. But yeah, I'm still, I got like dry throat, the whole thing, really been trying to hydrate, but tough, tough, and obviously a tough weekend in San Diego sports. One of those kind of turds all around. Just not a great one. Not a great one, we'll get into that. And so much more here on Ben Woods this Monday. I'm Woodsie, that's Paul Reidel. He's the executive producer, good morning. Paulie, good morning. Benjamin Higgins, your friendly neighborhood sports anchor, joins us as well, good morning Benjamin. - Hello, I'd say good morning. It's hard to feel that good on this morning. - Yeah, listen, you gotta take the good with the bad. You hate losing a series to sleepy Bob and the San Francisco Giants and a bunch of, a bunch of absolute no names at the bottom of the order. He's just taking it to you all weekend, but listen, it's baseball, it happens. We move on, we have an off day today. It's always great, thanks a lot. And so we'll have nothing to talk about tomorrow, except maybe some Monday night football. We can go headlong into that, but other than that, how was the weekend? - Well, I'm the kind of person who generally when you give me that question. I say, I was fine, you know, I try not to be someone who focuses on the negative and complaints. You are more honest, I think in your answer, if something's bugging you, or kids were out of control, you'll honestly say, oh, it was a nightmare. It was standard Monday. It was standard Monday. - Yeah. - But when I was kind of reviewing that as I was driving to work this morning, it really was just a really bad weekend. - It was a bad one. - It started on Friday afternoon when we had to take Reggie in. I took Reggie in, it was one of the saddest things I have ever done in my life. - Yeah, let's talk about it at length. - What happened? - It was, I mean, it was, it was, his dog, if you'd missed it, his dog Reggie crossed over the Rainbow Bridge. And by the way, before you tell the story, my wife said, I think that that should not be exclusive to pets. Crossing over the Rainbow Bridge, I said, that's maybe the most prolific thing you've ever said. I said, when I die, I would also like to cross over the Rainbow Bridge. Why do I feel like I'll be crossing under some other bridge that goes down with like some troll. - That feels like Escondido High yesterday. Welcome, oh no, oh God, what's down here? Jack Harlow down here rapping. - No rainbows. - No rainbows here guys, this sucks. That's Jack Harlow, and he's rapping and acting at the same time. Oh my God, forever, eternity. Hey, what's up dog? And just kill me, kill me, kill me. So the Rainbow Bridge was crossed. - It was. - It's terrible feeling. - It really was one of the saddest things ever. I mean it was the vet and staff were great. So we went in and I didn't know, I've never had a pet that has made it this long. - All your pets were taken to the farm. - When I was a kid, well, they didn't even get to the farm. I think mostly living in, the country as I did growing up, they were unfortunately-- - North County-- - The victims are wild animals. - Somebody can just put myself on this one. - Yeah, of course. - We had smaller dogs and, but this one, 15 years old, Reggie had a really good life, but was falling apart at the seams at this point, and it was time, and she acknowledged the vet who we've been going to for several years, said, oh yeah, this is definitely the time for him, and came in, and last couple of weeks, he hasn't really been eating that much, and you could just tell. But we got in, and she said, well, is he been eating? Would he like some treats? And I said, well, you can try. And she said, you know, what we do is, they can have chocolate, because dogs can't have chocolate normally, because Rick's havoc on their stomachs, but at this point, it doesn't matter. - Doesn't matter. - Brought out like real, like, chocolatey chocolate chip cookies, and a Reese's peanut butter cup, and like, salami slices, and he wolfed it down. - Oh man, that makes my heart warm, dude. - So happy, and I was like, oh, this is so great that he gets to enjoy that, and the rest of the process went pretty fast, and I was just there. - Pedding his head, and then I got out of there pretty quickly, and-- - Were you like, sobbed in my car? - Did you sobbed in there? - No, I, I, it was awful. It's, oh, they're looking at you, like, all right, relax, we do this 20 times a day, but it's, you know, it's a member of your family, dude. Member of your family, it's very, very hard. It's hard to wrap your head around, that you like, I have to go in there and hold this little paw, and while this guy, you know, goes away. But the thing about pets is, like, you know, you gave him a great, great, great life. Much better than most. So that's the thing that makes me feel always a little bit better at the end. It's tough, though. Are you getting upset right now? He's getting upset right now, yeah, see? I mean, listen, this is my fault. I shouldn't have asked you, but no, it's a tough day. It's a very, very tough day, buddy. Sorry that you had to go through that. It's never, ever, ever-- - No, it was okay, it was good. - Oh, sorry, pal. - It's all right. (sighs) - You know, moment? - Just a second. - Take a moment, thanks. It's weird seeing him get emotional because he never really gets emotional. - Yeah, it's gonna happen like once. - And now I'm emotional. And now we all cry together on Monday. (both laugh) - And then the weekend didn't get much better. - No, it really didn't. - Hot-rays, Aztecs, Chargers won. They look pretty good. That made me sad, and-- - Lost my survivor pool on week one, my fantasy team has by far the fewest points of anybody in our league. - So, it was a great, great weekend. - Well, thanks for asking. - At least your favorite football team didn't lose to Northern Illinois at home as a four touchdown favorite. Four. I looked at that line, I go, (laughs) Aztecs get to shut out 21-nothing. - They did. - That's great. - They did, they did. - Go USD. - Oh, did USD win? - They did. - Look at these guys. - Two and a half. - We're all Terarros fans this morning. - Two Terarros. - And our buddy, Chris and Charisma, our friends, is it Doherty or Doherty? Doherty, right? - And it looks like Doherty. - It does, but I've seen Doherty spell Doherty. - I thought it was when it was G8, sometimes it would be Doherty. - Yeah, I think I've seen them both, but anyway, Chris and Charisma are beloved tier ones and friends. They lost their pup unexpectedly on Saturday afternoon that begs the question, do you'd rather have the chance to say goodbye, right? Even though it's hard as hell to have to go in there and do what you did, you'd rather have the chance to say goodbye. To anything, your friend, your family member, like as much as it's awful, you don't want like a phone call be like, "Hey, wood's died." (laughs) You're like, "That sucks," but like, or like, "Hey, wood's dying, come by and, you know, "give 'em to do the show bitch or something in his ear." - Charisma texted Megan on Saturday and just said, "Oh, like, something's wrong. "We had to take 'em to the vets." And like, they just woke up and something was off, I guess, with their pup. - It's a little worse. - And you take 'em in and they, I believe they went in, it was like within 15 minutes or something. They took 'em back to go do some work and he didn't make them. - That was it? No, it's so sad. Sorry to you guys, sorry to you guys, Benny. - Just terrible, man, just, just, just terrible all around. And again, you know, the beauty about sports is oftentimes we use sports to kind of, it's weird to say, but like a good wind can really boost your mood, you know, can elevate the feelings that you have. - Ted, the Padres finished that comeback and won it. I probably would have finished the weekend and go, "All right, wasn't that bad of a weekend?" - Yeah, of course. - It was all right. You're like, "That one was for Reg, you know?" And it's weird, sports is like that. Like, you know, you've seen it all the time. Like, oh, my dad loved the Cubs for, you know, 75 years. And when they won the World Series, you know, it was special to people. They're like, "I watched every Cubs game of my dad." Sports is special like that. When it doesn't go right, though, sports is the worst part of it. It makes it, it makes it so much worse. My wife says, "Cool show, guys." And then Caitlin says, "What a happy opening." Yeah, I mean, just gonna try to be honest about what happened in our lives. I will say this, though, I had to, I spent a lot of time in the heat. - I can't believe you actually played a baseball game. - A lot of time in the middle of the day yesterday. - One o'clock. - Not just me. On my son Bo had a 1230 soccer game on Saturday. Can I say this? And people are gonna get mad at me, but I'm gonna say this for real. More fun watching his soccer game than I have ever had watching any other soccer game ever. If pro soccer looked like that, I'd probably watch it more. Does that make sense? None of these kids flopped. These kids, they beat the S out of each other. There were hand balls. There were little kids pointing at each other. That's a hand ball. It was, it was electric to watch the little kids tearing ass down the field. - They do the hand ball thing in pro soccer, too. - That's a hand ball. - Okay, they probably do that. - They do the pointing. - It was more exciting than any Premier League game I've ever seen. And I'm not just saying this 'cause it's, no, it's two to one. Well, actually, yes. So way more than you'll ever see in real soccer. So three goals. Way more than you'll see in real soccer. I had such a great time watching it and I was getting so into it, too. And it wasn't just because Bo would come out for a sub and I was getting fired up at the kids out there. It was really fun. I had a great time, but it was 100 degrees. These kids were dying out there. So they played on Saturday. Then he had, yesterday, he had an 8 a.m. to 10 a.m. practice for his select team. Then we had our practice for fall ball at 10.35 on the turf in Carl's bat. I mean, it was 110 on that turf, Betty. It was brutal. I kept him for an hour. Everybody hit once. We took some ground balls and said that's it. We're banging this thing. They're not trying to kill your kids. One kid would not get off the bench because it was so hot, wouldn't play. Didn't swing, didn't dig a grounder. He would not come off the bat. I walked over and kind of gave him a little, "Hey, come on, man, I need you out there. Let's go, buddy. Come on." You know, not doing it. Dude, please, come on. Probably the smartest one out there. He comes out and he's like, "No, I'm not doing it." No, I was like, "All right." Well, see you later and just walk away. It was excruciating. And then drive to Escondido, Paulie and I had a Tier 1 game. It was murder. I mean, it was just murder. I couldn't believe how hot it actually was, but we made it through. Got the dub, so that made me feel a little bit better. Love it and that, man, all my sports teams lost. I mean, it was a real, real crap scene in the San Diego sports world this weekend. We got a lot to talk about, that's for sure, including some more Padres news and what they're going to do with the shortstop position, perhaps for the, I don't know, foreseeable future. Things not going quite as smoothly with the comeback of Haas on Kim is, we were hoping, expecting maybe, and now the powers that be. Mike Chilt, AJ Preller, have a decision to make about what they're going to do going forward. So we will talk about all of that coming up. We'll set the menu for the show coming up next. - Chris, he says, "What about the wave match on Sunday? "Did they end up winning one?" - No, last four to one. So if you like goals, you saw a lot of them against the wave. - So Alex Morgan, they lost two. - Had a chance at a goal in her last match. Got her penalty kick to stop. - It was a penalty kick to two, right? - No goals all season, didn't get a single one. Had a chance, before she was subbed out after the 13th minute, didn't go in. - I don't want to play the... - In the big picture, it doesn't matter. - It doesn't matter. - It was a nice, it was still a great moment and a great scene, but could something have gone like right and well, like magically? No, not this weekend. - I don't want to be the, well, typical San Diego, but when these weekends happen, it's hard not to get in that space. So we're going to do our best to make you laugh, try to get out of that space. - I would like to tell you how my weekend started. - Oh, good. All right, we'll do that next. - Try to break it up a little bit, baby, 'cause this was the most depressing open I think we've had in my years. But I do want to thank everybody for all the love in the chat and everybody who tweeted me on Friday after Reggie passed. It was very much appreciated. I saw all of them and thank you very much for all of that. And we are getting started right after this. Check a traffic with Kelly Damick on San Diego's number one sports station, '97 through the fam. We've laughed, we've cried. We're only 20 minutes into the week. - We've loved. Where do we go from here? Paulie said he had an interesting start to his weekend. - Yeah, you don't remember? - I don't know, I was too self-consumed, I guess, with my own grief, apparently. - Yeah, well, that's why I waited. - I haven't heard this yet. - I wanted to wait a segment after you broke down in the first segment, it just didn't feel right. - Yeah, that actually would have been a really good time to pile on, I think. (laughing) Thursday, Friday, kind of saw the weather forecast, like we're in for a hot one this weekend. It's probably gonna suck. But it was about 10, 15 on Friday morning when I just wanted to get home, start my weekend. And as has happened, I don't know, 50 times over the years, one of you, mostly this guy. I know where you're going. - I'm just trying to get out of here. It's Friday, we just grind it all week. - There's an unwritten rule in the radio world for morning shows. It's unwritten, it's like in baseball, it's unwritten, that you don't send your show, your air talent, your morning show, production to do on a Friday. It's just as unwritten as it gets. That has never filtered into Odyssey San Diego. It's when we get the most production work to do. - How do you okay on the production? It was actually our short promo. - It was just the 15 second promo. - The one that you leave, I was gonna handle it. - But then I was tired, it was Friday. - You were on your way to the vet. - Yeah, and I was not in a great head space. - No, it was just, it's a 15 second promo. All I need is seven to eight seconds of context. - Seven seconds. - And it took then, I mean this, I got it edited down to one minute. - You're kidding. - Meaning it took about seven or eight minutes. - Seven or eight minutes. - Check check one, two, three. - It was testing, one, two, one, two, three. Three, two, one. - What was it, look at him. - Coming up Monday will wrap up a full weekend of Mike Schiltz Padres versus Bob Melvin's Giants plus week one of the NFL season in conclusion. - Yeah, it's close, I probably just left it there. - That was my best take. - That was my best take, I was so close. - Coming up Monday will wrap up a full weekend of Mike Schiltz Padres versus Bob Melvin's Giants plus wrapping up, let's just say wrap up twice. - Three, two, one. - Coming up Monday will wrap up a full, three, two, one. Coming up Monday will wrap up a full weekend of Mike Schiltz Padres versus Bob Melvin's Giants plus. We, what did you say? - Plus wrap up, plus the first full weekend of the NFL, yeah. - Coming up Monday will wrap up a full weekend of Mike Schiltz Padres versus Bob Melvin's Giants plus the first full weekend of the NFL. Coming up Monday will wrap up week one of the NFL season plus the full weekend of Mike Schiltz Padres versus Bob Melvin's Giants. (audience cheering) - I just had to reverse it, it just had to turn it around. - You were so bound and determined to get Bob Melvin's Giants and Mike Schiltz Padres, he wouldn't stop, that's the point. - I was gonna kill him. - That's the point where I just go, all right, coming up Monday, Padres Giants will break it all down for you and we'll wrap up the NFL season and I'm out the door. - But I would like to thank you, Ben, because I actually left, inspired. And I went home, and got into the beat lab. - Oh, you're in the beat lab! - And I would like to introduce everybody to the world's debut of promo woes. - All right, here we go, three, two, one. (upbeat music) (laughing) ♪ The studio with Ben ♪ - Hey, it's Ben Higgins. ♪ China, make a promo again ♪ - Coming up Monday. ♪ Starts with the countdown, some three ♪ - Three, two, one. ♪ But it's harder than it seems to be ♪ - All we're gonna be here for hours. ♪ Three, two, one, let's go ♪ - Hey, good one. ♪ But it's not on intro ♪ - Hey, it's Ben. (laughing) ♪ Stumbles on every word ♪ ♪ Wow ♪ ♪ This is just a circle ♪ ♪ Open, open, open ♪ - Hey, it's Ben. ♪ Get it right again ♪ ♪ Dang it ♪ ♪ Just 15 seconds long ♪ - Start over. ♪ But it's taking so so long ♪ - You know what, maybe I'm just gonna write this out. (laughing) - Well done, Paul. (clapping) Genius, genius. - I think the prompt was a funny parody song about a radio host named Ben who, for the life of him, cannot simply record. - Exactly. - I mean, it's such a great tool. Our friend, I was with our friend Jason Finley from Callaway, and he said, "I heard you doing those, Paulie doing those songs." And I said, "Well, I've got to do a golf ball "chrome tour presentation. "I'm gonna have 'em write a country song for me "and make it about golf balls." - And they did. - They said it was perfect. It was great. - That's fantastic. People helping people, that's what we do. You're on bed at once. Great job, Paulie. - It was fantastic, Paulie. - Now, see, now that was more than just AI though. Paulie had to go into the club and put some work into that. That was entertaining. - Fantastic work. - All right, here's the menu for the program today. Start with our Padres wrap-up. Beginning with yesterday's 7 to 6 grit squad, almost got their loss to the San Francisco Giants game. Honestly, I've seen good pitchers come out and have bad games. I've seen bad pitchers come out and have good games. I've seen mixed results from just about every pitcher ever. I don't know that I've ever seen a performance on any level like the one from Joe Musgrove yesterday. - Yeah, same. We had it on in the dugout yesterday. I went, "What just happened?" What in the world just happened? What happened? Does anybody know what in the world went down at pet park yesterday? My only theory, he went 10 up, 10 down. And then Fernando lost the ball in the sun. My only theory was that with a runner on and having to have a runner out on second base, maybe they could see into the signs or they could see something that he was tipping. - 'Cause they were on everything. - Just changed his mechanics slightly with a runner on base. But that doesn't explain after the home run, he went back to no one on base and they still continued to pound him for just seven straight batters. - What did they get, seven hits in a row? - I think it was seven in a row. - Seven in a row, seven straight hits. - After he had looked as dominant, really has any pitcher had looked all season long for 10 straight batters? - No, it stopped right, yes. I didn't understand it. I don't think Joe did really either. I don't think the Padres did. I don't think anything Mike Schult could have done about it. Can't, you don't get a reliever hot and ready after your starter goes 10 up, 10 down and looks as good as he has in years, essentially. - So ridiculous, man. And by the time, you know, it was five minutes and it was six nothing. And the game was, you thought over, the Padres didn't make it a game. We will talk about it, get all the highlights and our Padres wrap up coming up in our next deck. - Just so you know, you're not alone. Joe Musgrove said, I've never had that or seen it to me or anybody else that guy's been in a lot of baseball game. - Yeah, that was crazy yesterday. Obviously it was a big weekend in football with a full NCAA and NFL schedule. We'll talk about some of the big stories, including Tyrek Hill yesterday in the Miami Dolphins game and what happened to him before the game. Take on Woods comes your way. It's seven, 10, a chance to qualify. We had three qualifiers last week and take on Woods, a rare, you know, full week of everybody getting in toward one- - Yeah, three ties, no big deal. - Two ties in a win, two ties in a win. Don't do this at seven, 20. We'll talk about the rest of the Padres weekend and the wild card race. I don't want to say uncomfortably close, but certainly not as comfortable as you'd like it to be if you're a Padres fan. There's certainly a path to not making the playoffs here at this point for your San Diego Padres and we'll discuss that as well. Second half of the program have in-season Sammy. Sam Levitt will be with us. - Padres down to 92.4. - Uh-oh. - That's not a good radio station. - No. - 92.4. - I have no idea who they are. - Well, they're all odd. So there's no even, there is no 92.4, we're all odd, but Sam Levitt will be with us. We'll talk about Rinal Report, we'll talk about Alex Morgan's day, yesterday at Snapdragon Stadium, was not a good sports weekend as we've already established. If you're a San Diego sports fan, wasn't a lot to cheer about. - Let's talk sunglasses next too. I've seen some people in the chat wondering about Fernando and I think, you know, he's a conversation. - There's a conversation to be had. - Yeah, for sure. - So we'll get to all of that. We'll start with our Padres wrap up. It is coming up next. Thank you for joining us. It's Ben Woods on a Monday morning on San Diego's number one sports station, 97 through the fan, three, two, one. Everyone's wondering why was Fernando Tante's junior not wearing sunglasses in that game yesterday? To turn out that one run was pretty important. Well, every run was important in a one run game yesterday as the Padres lose seven to six to the San Francisco Giants, just their second series loss since the All-Star break. - That's crazy. - Which is great. - 100%. - It's gonna happen every once in a while, for sure. It's just magnified, obviously, when you're in a playoff chase and the teams around you tend to keep winning. The Diamondbacks did lose two of three to the Houston Astros. - Yep, but who we also have to play very soon and they look absolutely ridiculous. - They have been playing very well and trying to put away the Seattle Mariners who are the next opponent for the San Diego Padres tomorrow and Wednesday up in Seattle. First though, we gotta wrap up the series against the Giants we will get to yesterday's highlights and lowlights in our Padres wrap up right after this check of traffic at 97.3, the fan. ♪ It's a shame, it's a shame if they lose ♪ ♪ Oh, a shame indeed ♪ - It's a complete crap. - Oh, I did not like that. - Here are the lowlights from yesterday's game. - Are you kidding me? - Boo. - It's the Padres wrap up presented by Hummel Casino with thrilling slots and tables in all the best rewards. Hummel Casino has all the fun you're looking for. Hummel Casino, fun above all else. - We'll give it 16 minutes of salt and then we'll get back on the bump and figure it out. - It's not your fault. - Matt Chapman at the plate, first bit swinging. High fly ball, the deep left field. This one is not gonna be caught. It is a home run. Two run bombs and Matt Chapman is 23rd home run of the season and the Giants all of a sudden have a two-nothing lead in the fourth. - Oh, a swung on, driven to left field, empty. All the jerks in Profar can do is stand there and watch a gap ball lands in the second deck. Out of left field, and all of a sudden, the Giants have a five-nothing lead over the Padres here in the fourth. - Things have changed in a hurry. - Man, I'm not able to make the play. This one swung on again, well hit. Jerks in Profar going back. He looked up, this one is gone. Back to back, home runs for the Giants. They have a six-nothing lead on the fifth long ball of the season for Luis Matos, and this inning just continues to unravel for Joe Muster. One-oh offering, fly ball, left field. Pretty well hit, going back his run. Well, she's at the warning track at the wall, it's gone. Home run for Jackson Merrill, 23rd of the season, and the Padres deficit is cut to six to one. Oh, two by Jacob, swung on high fly ball, deep left field. Jerks in Profar has his head down. He's running into the wall, this one is gonna be gone. Home run for Kirk Osali, into the left center field seats. Fourth home run of the afternoon for the Giants, they have a seven-one lead. First pitch he sees way inside, it gets past the catcher, and Jackson Merrill is gonna score on the wild pitch. Padres deficit cut down, seven to two. Runners on second and third with two outs. And the Padres getting a little bit of help this inning from the Giants. One-oh offering, swung on, popped up right side on the infield. Second baseman shortstop, both calling for it, they collide, and the ball's gonna land safely on the ground. Both ones are gonna score. Jerks is gonna head to second base, and the Padres rally continues, thanks to some help by the Giants on a pop-up that should have been caught, bad communication. It falls. Three, two pitch again to Zander, swung on high drive to deep left field, going back with his Ramos, he looks up, it's gone. Two run, home run for Zander Bogart's. His ninth long ball of the season who reaches the second Jack in left field, and the Padres now trail seven. And six, right enders two, one offering. Swung on, driven down the right field line indeed. Going back for it is Yostremsky in foul territory, reaches up and makes the catch for the final outs. Jerks and gave it a ride, but Mike Yostremsky able to run it down in foul territory right next to the wall for the final out, and the Padres are gonna come up short and they're come from behind bid, lose the final game to the Giants by a score of seven to six. They dropped the series, two games to one. - Did you hear that? The last swing of the game yesterday, Jerks and pro for it. He kind of jumped when he hit it and reacted and I saw it. - That's why one more time. - Right enders two, one offering. Swung on, driven up. - There it is. - Thought he had it. - I don't know that I've ever heard Tony do that when it wasn't at least a ringing double. Usually it's a home run. When he gives that noise, and Tony knows, he's seen plenty of well-struck balls over the years, that's usually a sign. Something good, very good is about to happen for the San Diego Padres. Now I was watching, and Jerksen's reaction, I jumped out of my chair, like he did, he just do it again. Did he tie the game with two outs in the ninth? And it just kind of died, it hooked foul and died in the corner and was caught for the final out of the game. But I was, I was excited too. So I was not the only one fooled, I guess, by that. As Tony Wind Jr. gave us the little up. And it turned out not to be. The grit squad comes up short in a 7-6 loss to the San Francisco Giants. Fernando Tatiz Jr. was fooled on that hit to right field. The very high pop up, you know, it's a no touch double. I mean, he didn't get glove on it, I don't think. - Knocked his glove off actually. - Knocked his glove off. Was that it, I thought, yeah. So he was talking about after the game, he's like look, I can't really play in sunglasses at all. Like I've tried it, I've tried it with them, tried it without them. They're, they says, quote, sunglasses for me are worse than when you have the sun right on top of you 'cause it goes way darker. I've tried everything. I've played with sunglasses without. It's way better without them. Nothing you can do at that point. Sun is unbeatable. So it happened in Chicago as well. Their center fielder went back for a ball, had a beat on it the whole time and then just disappeared. You saw Jerkson profile lose one in that weird bank of lights that he's lost several in, but usually makes the catch out in left field. That was on Friday night, I believe. - That's been a net positive for the Padres because his Jerkson sometimes looks a little shaky, almost always makes the catch where his some opposing fielder. - They cannot. - Lost those balls in the bank of life. - Yeah, but the, the, the, the sun thing I actually get. I actually get it. I can't, I can't. - Or way out in right field, you can't, I, I get it. - The high sun, you know, it's just, it's one of those things, man. If you can pick it up off the bat, then you gotta use your hand or your glove and it's just. - I bet you, if he's playing shortstop, he's probably wearing sunglasses. - Yeah, yeah, potentially, potentially. - I think it's being that far away from the plate, seeing the ball off the bat. You wanna make sure you can see it as best as you possibly can. - I don't know how they catch 50% of the balls with all the people in the stands and everything else. I mean, it's just, it's maddening to think about. It's fairly easy in an empty stadium to catch one like that with the blue seats in the background. All the people, but no, he booted it, man, he booted it. And yeah, I mean, Joe Musgrove, at that point, as soon as he booted that, next pitch, home run. - That was gonna be like, what in the world? - So that was gonna be 11 up 11 down there. He retired the first 10 in order. - And that mess with you. - Six strikeouts. - That'll mess with you. - And that pitch was the first pitch of the at bat. It was dropped for the double. Nine pitches later, it was six, nothing, Johnny. - It's insane. - Crazy thing I've ever seen, man. And like Joe said, it's the craziest thing he's ever seen do, never seen that happen to anybody. It is very weird. It's happened a couple times recently, where the starting pitcher looks really, really dialed in. And it's happened to cease, it's happened to Joe now. They're very, very dialed in, pound in the zone, everything's spinning, they're putting it where they want. And then all of a sudden, it goes away. - Sees goes the other way sometimes. He looks like terrible. - Terrible, and then all of a sudden, un-inhitable the last two or three innings of his starting win. - It's tough. Where was this earlier in the game, but it sucked. What happened to Joe yesterday was as dramatic as I've ever seen going from completely locked in to just can't get an out. I mean, it was not a good pitch to match up. And that was a fastball right down the middle. It was a clear mistake. Some of them were good pitches. I mean, he had a sweeper that was right on the outside corner that somehow was hit for a home run on one of those. The singles weren't necessarily hard hit. It was some bad luck, some bad pitches, and it just all combined to let that game get away. Padre's did come back. I think one of the frustrating elements, and I don't wanna belabor Alec Jacob. He did a good job. You're gonna take two and two thirds innings, one earned run from your last guy in the bullpen who's trying to save the rest of your pen every single time, but the one run kind of hurt. - That was a big one. - Backup catcher who has not hit a home run all season long and Kurt Cassali ended up being the winning run of the game. It was seventh run that the Giants would need to hold off the late Padre's comeback, which they continue to fight. It's not just the fight. At this point, that's expected. They get results every single time too. And that's why ultimately, well, yes, I'm nervous 'cause I'm a Padre's fan and the race is very close and someone's not gonna make the playoffs out of the Padre's, the Diamondbacks, the Braves and the Mets. And all four teams probably feel like, now we deserve to make the playoffs. The way that we've played. But one of them is not going to be there. Maybe someone collapses the last three weeks. I doubt it. I bet they're all gonna play pretty well in the end. Someone's gonna win 90 games and they're gonna be home. And that's gonna be rough for that team and their fan base. But ultimately, I still don't see any glaring concerns for your San Diego Padre's. - Just the one that is probably gonna be the topic du jour today is probably the shortstop scene. I will say this bill makes a great point. He said, "Weird as starting to happen." And it started with that grand slam-off sore. So yeah, man, you're a strike away from winning a ball game to sweep a series. And nine hole hitter, six is bad out, takes a 101.9 mile an hour fastball out or half and knocks it out of the ballpark. And, oh, okay, that was a bit jarring. They came back, played great, played great in their next game on Friday night. Just spectacular win. Everything went right. And then we'll get into the other two games. We just got into yesterday's game, but the weird things are happening, where before the weird things were happening to the other teams, just a bit of a luck switch here. I think they're still playing pretty decent ball. I think they're still pitching okay. The biggest question going forward is, okay, well, our cavalry that was supposed to come, there was one man left on the cavalry and it doesn't, like, is this absurd to say, have we seen the last of Hasan Kim in a Padres uniform? - Wow, I had not gone to those lengths at this point. - The depth of my despair. - So Mike Schilt, you know, the report on Hasan Kim was that, you know, he's swinging the bat, but the throw from shortstop continues to give him trouble. He can't throw at full strength. He can't play shortstop if you can't make that throw. And he's not, well, getting worse, he's really not making any strides toward feeling better on that throw, which means at this point he has to remain on the injured list and the Padres have continued to go with Mason McCoy. We had Mason McCoy on last week. - Like a great guy. - Very, he's not an everyday major league shortstop. And the Padres now have to make a tough decision about what they're going to do going forward. If they were six or seven games up in the wildcard race, fine. - If they're the Dodgers, they're good. - Throw Mason McCoy out there, just keep working on Hasan Kim. But at this point is the game's become very critical toward making sure you make the playoffs. It becomes less and less tenable to play Mason McCoy every day. I don't think playing Tyler Wade there is an answer either. - He's on my list. - Which means you have to move one of your myriad short stops who are playing other positions back to shortstop temporarily. And the first most likely candidate is the guy who has been doing it late in games and did it yesterday as well. And that is Andrew Bogartz who showed some reluctance to of course move to second base originally. And then once again showed some reluctance once he had made all those changes and I understandably so to move to second base to then just be flipped right back to shortstop in a time of need. But if you saw his comments yesterday, you have to think he's becoming a little more amenable to it. And I'm referring to the comments he made about Donovan Salano, his teammate. When he said, really it's a shame, I'm paraphrasing here. - Does it just sucks him not playing? - Not playing, yes. It's a shame that Donovan with his bat can't get into the lineup. Well the one way Donovan Salano could get into the lineup every day would be by playing first base, having Jake Cronworth play second, Xander Bogartz is short, Luis arises designated hitter and Mason McCoy is not on the bench. Gary is on the bench or not on the team, whatever it is. That would be your best offensive lineup on a day to day basis. It has to have Xander Bogartz at shortstop if you want your best offensive lineup in there. I don't think there's any really other logical alternatives to that. - Yeah, well and now with that news, I think that changes everything for Xander Bogartz as well. Like, hey man, after moving me here, it was a big deal. I'm getting comfortable finally. Now you wanna move me back for what? What are we talking, 10 games? No, man, let's roll with McCoy, let's tread water, whatever. And now when the news comes out, that Kimmy is potentially not coming back and he's, what, a free agent after this year, Benny. It could be the last we see of him. Now, somebody made the point on Twitter. I think you tell Xander, all right, you're our shortstop in 2025 as well. Go, start now, you know what I mean? I wonder if that does anything for him. And just to say, you go now, I need you to, we're sorry, but we need to embrace it. Do we wanna win a World Series or not? Go out there and get it. We're gonna give it to you next year. Because you got Leo coming up through the system. I would just tell him, you're here until Dorese gets here. So it could be three years, could be four years, could be five. Or go to first. I don't know that you can promise that though. If you get to 2025 and we don't know who is going to be on that team, what trades might be available to AJ Preller. I mean, if they pick up extra out-fielders this offseason, like, hey, we were able to sign a terrific out-fielder, you may need to move Jackson Merrill back to shortstop at some point. And you can't necessarily promise with 100% certainty that Zander Bogart's can play shortstop next season or for the next couple of years until Leo Dallas Dorese is ready. Then you tell him, you can't even promise Dorese that shortstop will be his position in the future. And what if in two weeks Kim's feeling better? Then do you move Zander back or do you stick? Yeah, and then Kim, very well- This all tells me though, that with three weeks left of the season, I mean, they're saying he's not progressing as much as they would like and can't make a throw. That doesn't code for, he's pretty far away. But that doesn't mean that in two and a half weeks, and if you're still going to the playoffs, he's gonna be your best option to be a playoff shortstop. So are you gonna move Zander back? Then to second base when Kim comes back, if he does, in time for the postseason. Yeah, and I don't want this next year, if you can't even promise him the rest of this year. I don't want this to, this doesn't, I'm not mad at Zander Bogart's, it's not his fault. You signed him as a $280 million shortstop, you moved him off of shortstop after a year. He was visibly, I mean, again, that's what he came up playing, that's what he knows how to play, feels like he can still play there, and you moved him to second, and now you wanna move him back? Yeah, I kinda understand where he's coming from, but I'm also of the mindset that he's finally of the mindset of like, all right, whatever we need to do, just do it, you know? And again, like Zander, let's go try to win a World Series here. Now you did sign Nick Ahmed. He was like, at this point, the rental car that no one's taken good care of, and just gets, you know, passed around and trashed, and then turned back in at the end of, you know, however long that you've rented him for, but you could go with a more experienced, majorly commodity there, temporarily at shortstop, instead of Mason McCoy, I just don't know that that's gonna be much of an upgrade. I mean, he can pick it, that's for sure. The good dude's got a ridiculous glove. So can Mason McCoy. Ahmed, defensively, that has not been the issue. That's true. Ahmed has been in big games. He has played in big games, you know, Mason. But can he hit in big games? Can he hit better than Mason McCoy is your answer? I trust Mason McCoy defensively. The question is whether he can do anything at all offensively. Yeah. And he can, then he would be an upgrade over Mason McCoy. Yeah. Who's at bats have looked lost the last week. He had a good first, what, five, six games? Yeah. Since that, he is, he's looked. He's not sponsored or he's, you know. Since that, he's looked lost at the play. He didn't know double plays. Strike out, double play, strike out, double play. I mean, you know, look, I understand where everyone's coming from. And I think my general personality is one of whatever it takes to win a World Series, that's what these guys should be doing. But it's not like I don't see their point. And I, listen, is Xander Bogart's really, is he that great of a shortstop anymore? You know what I'm saying? He's better and he's better offensively. He's not of a Slano, a good first baseman. This is just where you're at with the injuries of this team. So this isn't some, oh, we're going to explode once this happened. No, I'm still nervous about that. Are you guys not? I mean, I absolutely am nervous about Slano at first and Xander at short. Couple of scintillating games yesterday in week one of the NFL. We'll get that take on what's coming up next year on the fan. My dad works in B2B marketing. He came by my school for career day and said he was a big row as man. Then he told everyone how much he loved calculating his return on ad spend. My friends still laughing me to this day. Not everyone gets B2B. But with LinkedIn, you'll be able to reach people who do. Get $100 credit on your next ad campaign. Go to to claim your credit. That's Terms and conditions apply. LinkedIn, the place to be, to be. 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Even in week one, there's a bunch of good games yesterday including a Sunday night football that went to overtime, the Rams and the Lions. Who were you pulling for in that game, was Lions? - You were pulling for Dan Campbell's. I know you did. - I love Dan Campbell and I loved, you know what? Jared Goff is a guy that's really grown on me the last few years. He kind of took that trade and everyone kind of ranked him out a little bit for getting traded to Lions and he's really been a big part of their resurgence. I like them. - Do you watch the Dan Campbell commercial? - I didn't see it but I like hiding your face. - He takes the order, he's like. - Oh, is that him? - He goes, "No, you gotta talk like this. Cover your mouth." - Why did I think, is Peyton Manning in one of those two? Or is it just Dan Campbell? - It's just Dan Campbell. - Let's be losing my mind. - I just like, when the Lions are on, I'm like, "Ooh, I wanna watch." I love a monster, Ross St. Brown. I like a bunch of their players. - How about David Montgomery in overtime? - Beast. - Absolutely they just say, "We're handing you the ball, 45 yards including the one yard game winning touchdown is the Lions pull out the Sunday night win 26-20 over the Rams. Obviously the Friday night game Eagles Packers was a pretty good one. Seiko on Barkley, great debut for Philadelphia with three touchdowns in that game. In Brazil was one of the good ones over the weekend. - Survivor pick champion right here, already after week one. I had the Eagles. - One week. - Had to sweat it out. - I know it's sour grapes but it does, I feel like Survivor pool shouldn't start until like week three. We have an idea of whether a team is good or not. - That's what losers say. That's what I said last year when I was. - I'm not bringing that to the table because I want us to. - I mean he hates to lose so much. - I tweeted that before it even started. - He hates to lose to me. - I tweeted that well before. I think the Bengals game was tied when I tweeted that but I just, it's such a guessing game. I always just go with probably the biggest home favorite of week one. - You missed it. - We did it last year, we brought it back this year. We did just an internal show. - It was like six or five of us. - Five of us. It's us three, it's our boss Adam and our boss is boss Michael. And once the picks are locked, you still can't see who everybody else picked. - Correct. - Until the games have kicked off. - Correct. - So we knew on Friday night that Woods had picked the Eagles. - Yep. - His lock was in and it lit up green but it still had question marks for all four teams. Sunday morning after kickoff, I go and look, the rest of us all picked the Bengals. - Yep. - We did not text each other about it. We did not know who each other was picking. We all picked the Bengals and I go, oh no, I saw the rider go, I didn't look good for the Bengals. Pretty much from the start. - And just remember it, next year we'll just start it, week three. - Start it too. - Yeah, fine with that. - Week two, week two. - It was a good comment. - You have at least an idea. - Of what they got. - Of what teams have got. - I mean, I actually didn't full disclosure. I had the Bengals as well until I looked and saw that Joe Burrow had no one. T Higgins was gonna be out. Marche, I was like, he's got nobody. And Joe, Joe needs to figure it out. You know, Joe wants to be one of the elite. - He wants to be one of the elite. - Against the Patriots. - It was hearing from everybody how bad the Patriots were gonna be. - Yeah, but they got that running back. - They're on the road. But yeah, I, honestly, I thought you could be bersett. - Was fine. - I'm like that bad. - Yeah. - Servicable at quarterback. - I missed the top of it. - Jorav Mayo with a win in his very first game. - I missed a ton of it. Left house at 7.30 a.m. got home at five and was at three different baseball fields. So I listened to a little bit on the radio, saw some of the highlights, watched some of the Lions game last night. I did not get the full NFL experience yesterday by any stretch. - Bill's Cardinals game was good, Buffalo rallies. Josh Allen to me has some, still has some flaws. - Sure. - But man, if you're trying to tackle him around the end zone, he's gonna find a way to get in. - I got to as a quarterback. - I'm getting heckled in the chat. People are saying how about them fighting Irish? - Listen, you notice, what did I say? You guys. - You know it before anybody else. - I said it. - You did. - I said it. - You did, you said it. - It's why I did not come in here last Monday. Go, I go. It was an impressive win and a really tough place to play. The hype is unreal about the team and it doesn't make a lot of sense. And the minute it's why I never, you know when I'll beat my chest about the Irish when they run the table and win the national championship. That's it, I won't say a word until. It's also never gonna happen in my lifetime. Never, it's happened once, I got mine, I'm good. Jordan from North Carolina was like, "Bro, why do you quit on them so early?" I go, 'cause I'm not gonna let myself get invested in this every year. I'm not, next Saturday when the game's on, I'll be like, "Oh, we'll be at Alcatraz." You think I'm gonna care about missing the Irish game now? No, I could not care less. They kill me every year. You lost to Northern Illinois, which by the way, let's make an executive decision. I wanna put their coach in due due this today. We had a couple of other ideas. I'm watching that at the end as a Notre Dame fan and I'm tearing up because that was amazing and good for them, literally good for them. I'm not a sore loser by any stretch in that with that team 'cause Ben, I'm watching the national. They're gonna be favorite in every game. Marcus Freeman, early coach of the year. These guys, they have a national championship defense. I'm going, "Do you know who you're talking about?" They just, they crushed me every year, so I don't even get mad. Yeah, there weren't as many good college games this week 'cause there were in week one. The big marquee matchup was Texas, Michigan, but the Longhorns went into the big house and they'll see outclass the Wolverines. We'll talk about growth. I watched some of that game. You know what I didn't do? I didn't say, "Ha, ha, ha, Michigan, ha, ha." And I hate Michigan. I was so happy to see that, but it was Texas. Texas is very good and I did not tweet and say word. I said, "Well, we are playing Northern Illinois "who's most definitely gonna keep it close." If we win, it's gonna be by one. So I'm just not gonna say a word and I'm glad I didn't, but it was nice to see Michigan get smoked at home. It ends their 16-game winning streak and 23-game home winning streak and first loss in the post-Jim Harbaugh era. I will also throw in one other game. Oh, I hope it's the one I want you to throw in. Probably not. I was gonna mention one of the best games was Oregon Boise State, which was Oregon one on a field goal late. It was the late game on Peacock. On Saturday night. On late late. Late late Peacock. Oregon wins at 37-34. You watch that whole game? I did not watch the whole game, I was just watching the end and I do think the Boise State, even though they lost probably now the favorite to make the 12-team playoff out of the non-power four, if they win the Mountain West and with that is maybe their only loss, that's a pretty good resume to put together. Assuming there's not gonna be any like undefeated other teams, which there may not be, that was a good loss for Boise State. They've got a really good running back. That Ashton Genti had nearly 200 more yards, has over 400 and I think 50 yards in the first two games. They're a force to be reckoned with and could be a playoff team in college football. I thought you were gonna bring up Colorado Nebraska. I didn't watch much about I saw Nebraska. I mean, I saw one of Dion's kids got hurt. Yeah. And Nebraska won fairly handily at home. And I think the Dion Sanders. I think the experiment has got to be over. It's getting close to you want to pull the plug if you're Colorado. Somebody basically said it's fine like that he's there, but he's just an agent for Travis Hunter and Shador. That's it. He's not a coach right now. And I was like, man, I mean... I mean, a good coach would have got some offensive line to protect him. I mean, he didn't do it. I watched most of that game is on mute. I know we'll talk about the broadcast at some point. Oh my God. I had that game muted. I think the pie, I don't know. I had another game on the other TV with the volume, but like Shador was under pressure every single snap for his life. And I'm like, dude, you have Travis Hunter probably gonna win a Heisman. Shador could be a Heisman candidate. Like they are so good. They're both first rounders. I'm like, get somebody to protect these guys. So after what I saw from Shador Sanders after the game, I was like, I don't want that guy. If I'm an NFL team, I'm like, I don't want that dude. I've failed two minutes left. And then first thing he says is press conference. How many times did Ryola get hit tonight? It's like, whoa, jeez, dude. Holy cow, accountability is not his jam right now. But look, he's a kid, they're gonna learn. And somebody made the point too that said the head coach, as the head coach, you shouldn't be the reason that every team wants to kill your team. Does that make sense? As the head coach, you should not be the reason that everyone plays you like they're out to kill. You know, and I said, man, that is not good. That is not good. Dion is great for bringing eyeballs to a program. He's done it. He's not a bad guy. No, he's not. But there's a lot more to being a great football coach. And in that sense, Dion's lacking. And by the way, quickly, we need a contestant for take on words. I forgot to throw out the phone numbers, but they're wide open. We're gonna play in like one minute. So call now 833-288-0973. You wanna take on Woods, qualify for a trip to Las Vegas. 833-288-0973. When you're winning, you can get away with things like, yeah, I don't wanna answer questions from this reporter in a press conference. When you're losing, it's just a bad look for Dion Sanders. And now they're piling up the bad looks after bad looks. And while they probably at Colorado went was getting no attention whatsoever and any attention is good attention. I'm sure there are some people in that administration who are now going, what exactly is he doing for us at this point? He's losing. He's bringing negative attention on us most weeks. And there doesn't seem to be much of a future for him or our program at this point. No progress is being made. If anything, it's backwards at this point. Well, when he decides to not recruit, essentially, that tells me something. 'Cause you knew you needed an offensive line. If you wanted to protect your son, you knew you needed one. You needed to be out there grinding, knocking on doors. And he was like, nah, I'm not doing it. Not doing it. Yeah, their offensive line is ridiculously bad. The word I like is porous. Poris, they're a porous offensive line. They're a sieve. They're a sieve. Sieve is another great one. I like a sieve as well. Doesn't apply to them. They need a sieve after their sieve of an offensive line. Yeah. All right, ready? Looks like we got some contestants. Let's do it. It's time for our first game of the week. Let's take on Woods. It's time for take on Woods. ♪ Take on ♪ Woods. ♪ Take on me ♪ Woods. All right, let's meet our first contestant of the week. I'm just going with line one. Caller, who's this? This is where you talk if you're on the phone right now. - Hello. - That's you? - Hello. - Yes. - Oh, okay, yeah, Mario. - Mario, congratulations. Mario, what are you up to this morning? - I'm just finishing up. I had a birthday party this weekend. - Nice. All right, your birthday or someone else's? - Mine. - All right, well, hopefully we can add to your present list by qualifying you for a trip to Las Vegas, tonight's the win or encore, fancy, and two tickets to see Awakening at the win Las Vegas, dazzling audiences with soaring aerialists, bounding acrobats, and high energy choreography to get your tickets now at Take on Woods is brought to you by Valvolin instant. Oil change only takes 15 minutes. You don't have to get out of your car for directions and discounts. Go to That's Here's how our game works. Mario, you're gonna get five questions of musical trivia. Then Woods will get the same five questions. If you beat or tie him, we'll put you into the drawing for the trip to Las Vegas. And just to give you a little advantage, we'll let you pick the category and keep Woods in the dark. So here are your choices. Little Shop of Horrors, five song titles or musical artists beginning with the word little. At the car wash, different types of cars in each song title. And now our new category is called an iffy category, five song titles that begin with the word if. So Little Shop of Horrors, at the car wash, or an iffy category, Mario. - At the car wash. - At the car wash. All right, this is another category actually submitted by Tier One Paul. He did one another a week ago. Not our Paul, but a different Paul. It's not that easy to come up with hundreds of these. So I do appreciate Paul's work on my behalf. All of today's answers are song titles that reference a type of automobile in the title. You'll have 60 seconds. If you don't know one, you can say pass. We'll come back to it if there's time left on the clock. First question is our two second song, Mario. Paul is gonna play a little music. Listen carefully, then give me the title with that kind of car and the artist to score that point. Are you ready to play? - Yeah. - All right, let's do it. 60 seconds on the clock. In the category at the car wash, Mario, your time begins when Paul plays the music. Good luck. Let's take on Woods. - No rider. - Buy or correct, which Bruce Springsteen 1984 hit shares a title with the type of car top sellers of Mary Kay Cosmetics receive as a reward for their success. - Pass me on. - Which title track from a 1965 Beach Boys album is about a 1932 Ford Hot Rod? - Pass me on. - Janice Joplin goes a cappella in which song recorded just days before her death with lyrics from a poem by Michael McClure. A classic Ford figures prominently in which 1960s hit for Wilson Pickett. Go back to which Bruce Springsteen 1984 hit shares a title with the type of car top sellers of Mary Kay Cosmetics receive as a reward for their success. Which title track from a 1965 Beach Boys album is about a 1932 Ford Hot Rod? (buzzer) Just the one, you got the two second song which is good, but the rest of them you did not get. Bruce Springsteen, Pink Cadillac. Little deuce coop from the Beach Boys. Mercedes Benz from Janice Joplin and Mustang Sally by Wilson Pickett, you got low rider by war. All right, one, hang on the line there, Mario. Woods, back in the studio. After his breathing exercises. Six seconds in, six seconds out. - That's right. - Doesn't get the category, let's reset everything. Sixty seconds back on the clock. Woods, your time begins when Paul plays the music. Good luck. Let's take on Mario. - Low rider by war. - Correct, which Bruce Springsteen 1984 hit shares a title with the type of car top sellers of Mary Kay Cosmetics received as a reward. - Pink Cadillac. - Correct, which title track from a 1965 Beach Boys album is about a 1932 Ford Hot Rod? - Little deuce coop. - Correct, Janice Joplin goes a cappella in which song recorded just days before her death with lyrics from a poem by Michael McClure. - Lord won't you buy me a Mercedes Benz? - A Mercedes Benz, correct. A classic Ford figures prominently in which 1960s hit for Wilson Pickett, classic Ford, the T-Bird. - No, good guess though. Mustangs down. - Mustangs down. - Four to one, Woods takes it this week. A victory to start a new week of taking. - What's Mario, thanks for playing. - Did Ford make the T-Bird? - Ford Thunderbird? - Yeah, I think so. - But this was mustang, Ford mustang, Sally. - All right, well done. - Thank you, thank you. - We'll see you tomorrow. We'll have another opportunity to qualify. Woods, you said you had a tease for don't do this. - Oh. - Turn things over to you. - Delusional Dodger fan, brain rot showed up this weekend. Delusional has to do with us. See this? - I did. - I did. - They've lost their minds. They've lost their ever-loving minds. Also, we have Colt McCoy, Ben, his audio. - Oh, okay. - You heard this? - No, I've been looking forward to it. - That's one way to put it. You're the one that's looking forward to Colt McCoy calling a football game. Play that for you next. Holy cow, man. - After a check of traffic here on 97.3 The Fan. - Come to this. (upbeat music) - It's time for don't do this. - What were you thinking? - Three stories from the world of sports that make us all shake our heads. - Why am I? - How many times do I have to tell you? - I'm sorry, I fudged up, guys. - You idiot, you moron. - Don't do that. - The apple sometimes does far fall from the tree. - Don't do this. - Do not tweet that. - With Ben and Woods. - I like a Nickelback song or two. - On 97.3 The Fan. - All right, Woods has taken the lead today in our don't and do do this segment, which is fine by me. - Yeah, sit here and react. - Sit and react and relax. Listen, everybody that breaks into broadcasting of any kind has clips and tapes of them where they would never want them to get out. I've got them. Ben's got them. Paulie has his from his old days back in San Diego State. Not, you were not proud of it, but you're getting your feet wet. You're learning the ropes. Now again-- - I'm not embarrassed by it. - No, no, you just, you're like, I'm good, I don't need to hear that. - Yeah, I don't want to hear it again. I'm not embarrassed, but also I'll die if I have to hear it right again. - The difference is that most of us went through those growing pains on a very small scale. - Yes, yes, that's it. - I bet a lot of people are thinking this is a Tom Brady segment. - So I didn't get to hear much of Tom Brady. - I didn't hear much of Tom Brady. - He wasn't great. - But I heard he wasn't great. - No, he was not. - But this one, I just don't understand. Now, good quarterback at University of Texas had a long NFL career. They decided to put Colton McCoy in to call the Nebraska Colorado game. I wasn't watching it initially. I was busy, and I saw people tweeting about it. Like I saw Damien Woodie tweet. Or I saw somebody tweet, "Can we get Colton McCoy a coffee?" And I saw Damien Woodie say, "I need him to get excited about calling this game." And I go, "I'm gonna go check this out." Within four seconds of watching it, I texted both of you. I go, "Oh my God, are you guys watching?" "This game." And you're like, "I'm at a bar." - Yeah, I had no audio. - I had to see it. - You had it muted. You were listening to records. Paul was listening to vinyl. - I had two games going, both muted, just listening to some music. - And I'm like, what the hell is this? - Paul, he's listening to vinyl. I'm scouting out college football. So I put it on. And I go, "Babe, get in here, get in here." He sounds just like, "Boom goes the dynamite." - I got, we got a little clip. - Okay. - Listen to this. - Okay, the clip was titled, "Cult McCoy wants you to watch something." - Yeah, watch number 24 right here. And then I want you to watch Nash Huttmaker. And here, I want you to watch number 44. Yeah, I just want you to watch number 42, with Kai Baer. Yeah, watch these linebackers. Yeah, watch 92 right here. And Kwan Barnes. I just want you to watch the push of this whole unit right here. - The whole game was like a-- - Yeah, there's a pass down and how he caught it. - Yeah. - Yes, he did. - Yeah, it was, I got, I can't listen. I always felt so bad for him. I really did. I felt bad for him because he's drowning. And if he was dumb enough-- - The man just retired like three weeks ago. And he's launched into a booth for-- - He really does, he really does sound like the boom the dynamite. Boom goes the dynamite. He sounds like identical. - Yeah, he's got that kind of the high pitched voice. But I thought, yeah man, throw him in, you know, throw him on some low level game. Let him get his feet under him, it was bad. And I hope he wasn't, I hope he was smart enough to not go to social media. 'Cause that's, when you're making, you know, you're doing a big game, I'll check this at half, see how I'm doing. I mean, you're done. - You're switching to Ball State men's tennis. - That's him. - It seems last week player on, it seems every week that you have a player. - You know, it actually makes me happy. - And boom goes the dynamite. - Because there have been some guys who have instantly been good. - Those guys drive you nuts too. - So Momo was pretty much good right away. Greg Olson, who Greg Olson, Tom Brady replaced. - Was much better than Tom Brady. I don't think, I mean, any question about it that Greg Olson debuted, and he was already well above the level Tom Brady is at now, which is a bit of a problem for Fox, that now they've clearly put a worst guy in the booth for the, you know, the guy that they had, who was doing a really nice job of it. But it's not always that easy. - I'm curious to see how Brady develops. - I didn't, I'm sure he'll get better. - I'm sure, like, I'm like, with his mind of the football knowledge that he possesses, I'm like, how could he not be good? - He will work out and he will get more comfortable. He will be decent at the job. He's personal about the reviews. And I'm like, God, it's interesting that like the goat can't talk about the sport in which he was the goat at. - They paid him a fortune. - You imagine like Michael Jordan calling an NBA game? - I don't know that I'd want to hear it. - I don't know what he's saying. - I don't think he'd be very good. - Again, you don't need everything. You don't have to be good at everything. Let the guys that are good at it be good at it. And then you were great, like, you were great at what you did. Just be great, you don't have to be great at everything you do. So I didn't hear a lot of it. I heard two seconds, I went, all right, whatever. It's his first game. - Adam, our boss in the check is a worse guy for 300 times the cost. - 300 times the cost. All right, I will do this when I was sitting at home watching the game on Saturday night, and my friend who is a Dodger fan sent me this. I guess she is a member of Dodger's Fans of San Diego, which is an Instagram account. And she sent me a screenshot and I went, oh my God. So I'm looking at this. - So it was, hey, ask me the bit. Ask me a question. - It's a little text box. - Text box. - Yeah, it's a good question. - So they asked Dodger's Fans of San Diego. Is it just me or are the morning guys from 97.3, the fan, huge Dodger haters? So the answer was yes. People throw around rent free all the time, but you never hear LA stations talking about the Padres. Dodger's live rent free in Padres' heads. They why they hate us. All right, so a couple of things here. Number one, they don't talk about the Dodgers in LA. So we will mention the Dodgers from time to time, but we also mentioned the Guardians from time to time. - Correct, yeah. Now listen, he's not wrong, we hate the Dodgers. It's fine. What did you expect? What do you expect? You want to get your team glazed, just go to MLB at MLB on Twitter. Go to ESPN, go to baseball, go to the MLB network. There's no shortage, go to Ben Verlander. There's no shortage of Dodger's love. You're not getting it here. You're not gonna get it here. I do not tip my cap to your team. - I don't, the guys on 710 ESPN LA just huge Lakers fans. - Right, they're like super weird. - Shocker. - Like are you really, you guys are really that surprised. And that's the brain rod I'm talking about. They really think everyone should bow down to them. And it's my number one beef with that fan base. You think you're a dynasty and you think everybody should kiss your ass. You're not gonna get it, you're not gonna get it on our show, that I promise you. - I mean, mostly, mostly. - Not on our show, you won't know. But you do have a special affinity for one. - Ben, you do a great job at this. - Which we're never gonna get out of it. - Ridiculous, brain rod. - All right, finally, a little doo doo doo this. And I will optically doo doo. - First of all, I was watching the Notre Dame Northern Illinois game. We talked about it earlier. - Yeah, you're a little giddy on your text. - Well, it was a fun, it was a fun upset. So at the end of the game Northern Illinois, I mean, they go into South Bend. They're up by two, what, 16, 14, late. All they need is a first down to clinch the game. And they go for it and like, the guy clearly gets it by a yard. But the official, for some reason, thinks he has seen the knee go down and spots it like a half yard behind the first down mark. It's fine. Let's go to replay, which then clearly also shows the guy gets the first down by a yard. And the replay goes, no, it's inconclusive. Notre Dame ball, they've got a miracle chance for 30 seconds to go. If Notre Dame had won that game on that call, it would have been the biggest screw job, really, for an upset pick in history, but they didn't, and Northern Illinois held on to win. And then after the game, they go down on the broadcast to interview Northern Illinois's head football coach, what's his name? - Thomas Hammett. - Thomas Hammett. - Thomas Hammett. And he is a former player. - He's played in Northern, yep. - And he has been part of this program for like years and years. And the motion that he just exudes, like he got me, right, tweeted about it. - From the beginning. - Oh, you got me? - He's teary as he walks up to the microphone. - You know, I'm so proud of our kids, the coaches, to everybody. They believe, they believe. And we can't hear a gun of gun. - You told your guys this week that you didn't need anyone to be a superhero or superhuman. They just needed to be their best. What kind of performances did you see out there? - They listened to what I said. I told them all week, we don't need luck. We just gotta be our best. And they was eight best today. And we was able to get it done. - Love it. I'd actually love it. - There's this emotion coming from-- - Okay, that's not a great question. - For you. - You don't-- - Here's the emotion. - All these guys that have been with our program through the ups and downs and continue to fight. - Hey, yeah! - You know, I'm just like getting the kids. I'm happy for the obesity to push through. You know, no matter the situation. I just took me more proud. - Thomas Hammack. - Well done. - You're a do-do this. And you were asking the question, would you want D on Sanders to be coaching your program? - No, I want Thomas Hammack to be coaching my program. - Yeah, man. - That's the kind of person I want as a coach. - Play great, play great, tip your hat. - And that's don't and do-do this for a Monday. - That was don't do this with Ben and Woods on 97.3, the fan. - All right, the playoff race is heating up in the National League. It's pretty much down to four teams, three slots. Someone is gonna be very-- - Stop saying this. - Disappointed. - I hate this, I hate this narrative. - At the end of September. - And I will explain a little bit of the math behind it all. - Oh, God. - Oh, can I just, I'm gonna just go to the bathroom. - Now it's good, good news for the Padres. I promise you. Coming up next with Ben and Woods on San Diego's number one sports station, 97.3, the fan. - My dad works in B2B marketing. He came by my school for career day and said he was a big row as man. Then he told everyone how much he loved calculating his return on ad spend. My friend's still laughing at me to this day. Not everyone gets B2B. But with LinkedIn, you'll be able to reach people who do. Get $100 credit on your next ad campaign. Go to to claim your credit. That's Terms and conditions apply. LinkedIn, the place to be, to be. - There's sports betting and then there's circa Las Vegas at adults only sports watching Nirvana. Now you can watch up to 19 games at the world's largest sports book on a 78 million pixel three-story mega screen. Plus it's always spectator season America's largest pool amphitheater, stadium swim. Stadium swim is open 365 days a year and features all sports on an epic 143 foot screen. Book your reservation at circa Las, circa Las Vegas. This is sports the way it should be. - From the mind of a two foot tall talking spokespuppet comes this year's biggest challenge. It's time for Bob's dare to compare. The hottest game show on TV that asks, "What happens when you compare Bob's to the competition?" You get style, you get quality, you get beeps and boops and dings and whoops and thousands of dollars in savings. Everyone's winner when you dare to compare with Bob's discount furniture. Shop in store at to play now. - Nice. Today's episode is sponsored by Nerd Wallet Smart Money Podcast. Ready to expand your financial game? Nerd Wallet can coach you on smart strategies like choosing investments, finding your next credit card and setting a budget that works for you. Score major points towards your summer vacation by learning expert tips or choosing a high yield savings account and how to build wealth by investing in index funds. Slide into summer with smarter decisions in 2024. Follow Nerd Wallet Smart Money Podcast on your favorite podcast app. Future you will thank you. - Recovery from addiction can take many forms and quite often it's a team effort. For those in recovery, having support often leads to a better outcome. And for those supporting people in recovery, they celebrate every milestone. Here's to family, friends, loved ones, healthcare providers and community groups who are essential to helping people find their path to recovery. If you or someone you know is experiencing addiction, visit to learn more about the various treatment options available. (upbeat music) - Just talking during the break, I had my first ever cold tub experience this weekend. (laughing) He said us video and it is spectacular. - Speck. - That was near the end of the three minutes. I thought I might get out after one. I was dying, I thought this is miserable. It's only 49, which I know is not cold when it comes to cold tubs. - It's cold. - But, I mean, you think, what's ocean temp? You know, it's 61 or like when it's in the ocean, that feels, is it that warm? - It's that warm, yeah. - Oh my God. - Around here at least. - It is. - I'm just, right now it's probably 72 degrees. - 72 degrees. - 72 right now. - Holy shit. - Holy shit. - That's beautiful. - You get in and that still feels kinda cold. - Yeah, cool. - We need to get in 49. (laughing) - But you still have to kinda ease yourself in. - Yeah, yeah. - At 72, but. (laughing) - And what's you were thinking of going and doing it as well today? - Yeah, I tried it for recovery. I've still trying to figure out whether it helped or not, but it certainly was very numb when I got out. - Yeah. - It's a nipple or level. (laughing) And there are people that get in there and they go under, they go in, which is like, it makes your brain, yeah, you do. (laughing) But I stayed for three minutes and I got out and felt pretty good actually. - Yeah, it's very relaxed down here. - You get a little clarity in your brain as well. It just makes you, you get out, you're like, all right, well, you know my wife bought me for our anniversary is coming up, which I had forgotten about on the 22nd. So I showed up because I got you one of your anniversary presents. I came early, would you like it now? I said, yes, you've probably seen them on Instagram. It attaches to both sides of your shower, okay? And it's a tray with a little million little holes in it. And it goes right up under your shower head and you fill it with ice. And you, it's like an ice shower and the water runs through the ice and it makes you freezing cold. And I go, I don't want this. - But you like to do cold tubs and stuff? I go, yeah, I like to submerge my body in a cold tub but I actually never really get my head wet. - Do you ever accidentally get into the shower before the water's heated up? - Yes, it's horrible. - I know the yesterday's thing. - On purpose, we just played baseball in 105 degree heat. I went home, just cold showering it like, to go from your body temperature being so hot and so drained and then you get in a cold shower and like shocks your system. (gasping) - Yeah, and literally it takes your breath. - So now I have to like, I have to like lug ice over to the shower. Put it in. Then turn the shower on. 'Cause I'm like, forget it, man. So anything for, she'll buy me anything so that I don't get another cold tub. She raged so hard when I was filling up the cold tub. How many times are you gonna do this? Are we gonna be broke from our water bill? I'm like, I'm supposed to be just one time. No, that was, it's already it grew mold and all kinds of stuff so I had to get rid of it. I got one of those crappy plastic ones. It didn't do anything. So I'm back to the drawing board of my cold plunging bin but I'm glad you got to experience it. It's really worthwhile. - All right, according to fan graphs, the pod rays still have, despite losing a series for just the second time since the all-star break, a 92.4% chance of making the playoffs. So why are we so concerned that things are turning south on the San Diego pod rays? We'll get to that right after this check of traffic. - Who's concerned? - I'm just gonna ask that. Who's, are people really concerned they're not gonna make the playoffs? - Everybody is concerned. Have you not seen pod rays fans on social media? - Yeah, but I mean, that's the nature of fandom I think. - Yes, but should it be? Can we not just accept? - Pod rays are gonna make the playoffs, guys. - I like your confidence. I do, and I think I share it. We'll talk about it after traffic here on 97.3 The Fam. Baseball coverage on 97.3 The Fam is presented by T-Mobile, switched to T-Mobile. You can get tons of benefits and still save on every plan versus AT&T and Verizon. Use their savings calculator to find out how at So here we stand, 17 games remaining in the regular season. Pod rays are 81 and 64. They are first place in the National League wildcard race. One half a game, whoo! Ahead of the Arizona Diamondbacks, 80 and 64. Diamondbacks avoided it getting swept by the Astros at Minnebade Park yesterday. Paven Smith. Did you see that? - Three home runs. - Three home runs, eight runs batted in. Three run homer, grand slam, solo home running. His first three at bats, I went back. That's eight RBI. Paven Smith had seven RBI from the end of May until yesterday. And he had eight in his first three at bats in this game yesterday. - What a day. - Where these guys come through, I have no idea. But the Diamondbacks actually have been struggling a little bit lately. They're four and six in their last 10. Podraiser five and five. The New York Mets finally lost. Nine game winning streak came to an end. Thank you Cincinnati. Reds beat him with two in the ninth, three to one. They are 78 and 65. They're two games behind the Padres and tied with the Braves for that third and final wild card spot. The Braves won an extra innings, two in the 11th to beat the Toronto Blue Jays, four to three and take two of three in that inter league series. So after that, the Cubs are five back. So it's pretty much down to four teams, four three spots. And I see the concern out there from Padres fans. And there certainly is an absolutely believable logical way where the Padres can miss the playoffs, even with a 92.4% chance of making it. Because if they continue to play 500 ball, which they have over the last two weeks essentially, they're five and five in their last 10 games, they will end up right around 89 to 90 wins. Now that's usually, in fact, every single year that's been enough to make the playoffs in the National League. But the way that the Braves and Mets and Diamondbacks have been playing, those teams don't need to play out of their minds to get to 90, 91 wins. If they play a few games above 500 and the Padres play 500 ball, you could end up fourth out of those four teams and miss the playoffs at the end of the year. Remember though, when there's only four teams involved and there's three playoff spots available, even if they were all tied at this moment, that would mean every team would have a 75% chance of making the playoffs. So that's the baseline here. Three of four would be if you were absolutely tied and that was it. The Padres though have an advantage. They've got a two game lead over both Mets and the Braves. And guess what? Mets and Braves still have to play each other this year. So they can't both be completely hot the rest of the season, which means that the Padres just play decent baseball, not otherworldly baseball. Just keep winning most series. You can even drop a series here or there. Should be more than enough to get into the playoffs. Plus they still have three games against the Chicago White Sox left this year, which are no guarantees, but you'd rather have those games left than not have those games left. They also have tough games left, Astros, Dodgers, Diamondbacks. So you're not expecting to win every single game the rest of the way. But the Padres remain in really good position. And that's the Catbird seat. That's why fan graphs has them where they are. They don't just sit around in a room and say, well, I don't know. I think the Padres are 92.4%. They factor in remaining schedule, strength of team, everything into that equation. And they say, play this season 100 times. The Padres should make it 92.4% of the time. The rest of the way. It's a good spot to be in. Better than the other three teams. - It's, I'm not overly concerned. And I think I said last week, I'll be really concerned when this team's three in a row, four in a row. Now they're on the verge of dropping three in a row. If they got and lose to George Kirby tomorrow night, but I just, look, you, I learned this. I think it was two years ago here on the Ben & Woods program. Remember when we said, we did on our Christmas and holiday extravaganza, we did the air your grievances. Remember that guy called in, it's like, I love you, Woodsy, but stop telling me how to fan. I'm gonna fan how I want. And I went, all right. And I filed that nugget away. And I know I can be guilty of it at times. I tried really not to. Your experience is your experience. I'm gonna tell you from my perspective. This team has earned my trust. They've done nothing to lose my trust. I have seen a remarkable effort from this team all year long. I also know the ins and outs of how a baseball season works. And while I didn't say it, it was early back in April, May and June. It was, it was early. I didn't want that message out there because that message was really pervasive the year before. And it was like, ah, we'll catch up. We'll get there. I wanted to have a sense of urgency. And I wanted the guys to, and they have. Boy, have they ever. They've had remarkable comebacks. They've taken care of business. They've beaten good teams. They've played their asses off. They've had injuries. They've overcome them. They, you know, the dog days, right? After the all-star break, Betty. They went on a monstrous run. They've earned my trust. I trust them. That's what I'm telling you. That's how I feel. Even in the games that they've lost recently. They've still fought, man. They've been right there. I mean, they had, well, a three-nothing lead in one game and they gave up a grand slam to listen to the knives. I was there. They battled back yesterday. They nearly pulled off the win. Even the one they lost on Saturday, which wasn't one of their better games. It took a weird two home run day from a number nine hitter. That kid, by the way, has got five home runs in like 19 at Vats. He's like one of their up-rises. He's not going to be batting nine for them forever, right? So he's one of their, their up-and-comers, I guess. Good player. But again, you know, the Kirk Kasali would probably hurt the worst yesterday. That was the one that shouldn't happen, but can't really fault Alec Jacob there. Guys out there grind. He's now your new long relief, man. Inexplicably, but he is. Guys have stepped up all year. Guys have earned my trust. I trust them. I believe in them. I'm going to continue to believe in them. And I also, I also believe in them for when things get to, to the postseason, when the Padres have to win a game and they're putting their best bullpen forward and their best lineup forward in every single game, I still believe they're going to be very hard to beat under those circumstances. Now, they're not going to win every single game. It's baseball, but they've put together what we said on the round table last week. A team that doesn't have any glaring weaknesses and has a lot of strengths at this point. The biggest weakness right now is the injury at shortstop and what they're going to do. We talked about that. They may address that by tomorrow in Seattle with some, some changes in a lineup. But for the most part, the pitching rotation is in a good spot. The bullpen is in a really good spot. You know, you can be concerned about the pitching rotation certainly and you can be concerned about, you know, not getting a ton of length. The weird things that have happened with Dylan Cease, you know, his start a few, a couple starts ago where he comes out and walks, walks to guys and they end up scoring and they got him off the hook, that game, you can be concerned about his start on Saturday. You can be concerned about Joe Musgrove's weird, whatever that was yesterday. Sure, I think it's okay. But there's also enough positives in there that should get you to kind of give it out. - None of the pitchers, including Cease, are showing signs of velocity dipping or all of a sudden their pitches just aren't sharp. You know, they've, yeah, they've thrown some down the middle that have been hit. That is going, that's baseball, that's going to happen. There are no obvious signs of giving ground. There's no obvious signs that they've run out of gas and there's no, there's nothing left in the tank for the end of the season. Michael King looks great. Yeah, a little concerned about you Darvish and how quickly he's going to get back. Tomorrow will be an important day, I think, for you Darvish. - He's had one start. - But he's only had one start coming back and, you know, I still have a lot of faith in where this team is going. - That's do I and I do think they will make the playoffs. I'm not overly concerned about it, like I said. I'll get concerned if they start to really hit the skids and, you know, look, the thing that probably made me the most concerned was Jackson Merrill fell on a ball off his knee. - God, I was scared. - And when he hit the deck, I went, oh God. And I absolutely, like he played one more in the center field and I was talking about it and he goes, well, he's young, he needs to start. I go, not against Logan Webb, he doesn't, who's going to be riding that two-seamer in on his hands all night, he's going to do it again the right time to give Jackson Merrill the night off, I think, was Saturday. But yeah, we will still get into that game and more as well. - All right, coming up in our eight o'clock hour, we'll talk with our friend in season. Sammy Levitt's going to be with us. We got concert tickets to give away. Don't go anywhere, more Ben & Woods coming up on San Diego's number one sports station, 97.3 to fame. - Recovery from addiction can take many forms and quite often it's a team effort. For those in recovery, having support often leads to a better outcome. And for those supporting people in recovery, they celebrate every milestone. Here's to family, friends, loved ones, healthcare providers and community groups who are essential to helping people find their path to recovery. If you or someone you know is experiencing addiction, visit to learn more about the various treatment options available. - Nice. - Today's episode is sponsored by NerdWallet Smart Money Podcast. Ready to expand your financial game? NerdWallet can coach you on smart strategies like choosing investments, finding your next credit card and setting a budget that works for you. Score major points towards your summer vacation by learning expert tips for choosing a high yield savings account and how to build wealth by investing in index funds. Slide into summer with smarter decisions in 2024. Follow NerdWallet Smart Money Podcast on your favorite podcast app. Future you will thank you. - From the mind of a two foot tall talking spokespuppet comes this year's biggest challenge. It's time for Bob's dare to compare. The hottest game show on TV that asks, "What happens when you compare Bob's to the competition?" You get style, you get quality, you get beeps and boops and dings and whomps and thousands of dollars in savings. Everyone's winner when you dare to compare with Bob's discount furniture. Shop in store at to play now. - My dad works in B2B marketing. He came by my school for career day and said he was a big row ass man. Then he told everyone how much he loved calculating his return on ad spend. My friends still laughing me to this day. - Not everyone gets B2B. But with LinkedIn, you'll be able to reach people who do. Get $100 credit on your next ad campaign. Go to to claim your credit. That's Terms and conditions apply. LinkedIn, the place to be, to be. - There's sports betting and then there's circa Las Vegas and adults only sports watching Nirvana. Now you can watch up to 19 games at the world's largest sports book on a 78 million pixel three story mega screen. Plus it's always spectator season at America's largest pool amphitheater, stadium swim. Stadium swim is open 365 days a year and features all sports on an epic 143 foot screen. Book your reservation at circa Las, circa Las Vegas. This is sports the way it should be. - All right, we're halfway home on a Monday. Ben & Woods is 97.3, the fan. Thanks so much for being here. Really appreciate you. And yeah, it's been a, you know, a bit of a doomer day, but I'm kind of used to it on Mondays. They rarely ever win on a Sunday. So this is kind of old hat for us. I'm Woodsie, that's Paul Reindel, the executive producer. Benjamin Higgins, your friendly neighborhood sports anchor joins us as well. And yeah, again, our buddy Fritz in the chat said, the more you tell me not to worry, the more I worry. I'm not telling you not to worry. I'm telling you I'm not worried. You feel free to do what you want. This is America. You can feel any way you want. Ben, there's a big, big doomer in the chat, Ben. And he gets very upset at us and me. And he wanted to blow this team up back in June. And I said the other day, I'm sure glad they didn't blow it up, you know? And we were just talking. 81 wins is exactly what I had them penciled in at. So if they lose every game for the rest of the season, I will have been dead on in my apprenticeship. - 19 game losing streak to end of the year. - No, they just lost. - Yeah, 17 more. - 17 more, yeah. The rest of the way. So, yeah, I mean, I guess feasibly it could happen. There's a while we thought anyone might sneak in in the national league. - Yeah, I don't think it will anymore. - Talked about that on the round table last week. It's not. I mean, the AL West certainly has picked up their game. And the, oh, I'm sorry, the NLS has picked up their game. And guys, the team's been playing really well. But again, you're in a good position to where you're not begging for, you know, like today, like you're not in a position where you're like, oh God, I hope the Marlins can go out and beat Paul Skeens today. You know what I mean? You're not in that position. We have to, Pittsburgh is ahead of us. No, we're not there yet. So let's just keep grinding, try to stay positive. I know it's hard, but man, such a long season. Again, they've earned my trust immensely this season. So that's just, that's my personal philosophy is they've shown me enough to know that this team has some really special qualities about it. - By the way, the teams you are cheering for today, the Blue Jays, who host the Mets tonight, the Reds, who visit the Braves, coming off their win over the Mets yesterday. And if you want to cheer for the Cubs, they're in LA to take on the Dodgers, although with a six-game lead now, - Dodgers are cruising. - Dodgers are pretty much set to win the in a West at this point, it would take, that would take an epic collapse for them, not to win the division with a six-game lead. Even with the three games the Padres have head-to-head, you're asking a lot to catch up six in 17 games. - Yeah, for sure. - Over stretch. - Sure, sure, it's probably out of reach at this point, so don't worry about that. - The D-Backs are off today, they will open a series against the Texas Rangers tomorrow, who have been decidedly mediocre in the defense of their World Series title, but are getting to Grom and Scherzer back this week, so. - Well, the other thing-- - Who knows how they'll look, but Erlander didn't exactly look great against the Diamondbacks yesterday for the Astros. - Yeah, he got, he got shelled. The other thing that gives me a little bit of hope is I think about last season, and I think about what the Texas Rangers did, and how they essentially limped into the playoffs, just limped into, and look what happens. I mean, they limped into, and there was a time, I would say if you went and pulled audio from this week's date in Benhamwood's history, there was some segment of us going, I thought Bochi had these guys ready to go, I thought there was infallible, these guys were gonna make a run. - Well, remember the pop-up-- - What happened? - Yes, before the trade deadline, and things started going south, the rest of the way for the Texas Rangers. - Yeah, I mean-- - They lost out right at the end, they were gonna win the division, they lost that, had to go to the wild card series. - Yeah, dude. - They were right for a quick two games and done in the playoffs, after everything we had seen in the regular season. - I mean, their bullpen was imploding on the daily, and it was just like, oh my God, they are going to choke this thing away, and well, I mean, we all know what happened, so if you wanna lean on past examples, there's a pretty good one. So, I just, I'm not overly concerned at all, and in fact, I'm still very hopeful. And again, you know, no moral victories, man, results-based business, I don't like to lose at all, I don't like to lose my one run, I don't like to lose my 10, I hated losing that game yesterday, hated it, but I was like, hell hell yeah, man, way to make it at least exciting. And that's what's gotten me fired up. - Friday morning, I was feeling like this team should make the playoffs, they should win their first round, quite frankly, this is a team that should probably be in the NLCF. - Yeah, man. - This is how they have been playing for most of the season, certainly in the second half. That doesn't change losing two out of three to the Giants, and just don't you? - I mean, I hated it, I hated it. - I didn't like it either, but... - I didn't like, you know, I don't like losing to an inferior team, but you get your opportunity to rectify all of that when you go to San Francisco this weekend. And I thought, you know, I thought, man, they got Logan Webb figured out early, and then you let him settle in, and he's a good pitcher, and he did what he needed to do. So it was a rough weekend, the last two games, certainly Friday night's game, I thought was really, really special. Let me tell you what, the Jinx is reversed. So I went to the game on Thursday, as you know, went down and saw the most brutal loss of the season, one strike away. We had tickets for Saturday, and Hannah goes, "What do you want to do?" And now I had been downtown. I went downtown Thursday for the game, went downtown Friday, jumped on the DSG's podcast. With them, we went bowling as a family, we had a great, great night. She goes, "You really want to come down here "for the third night in a row?" I go, "Sell them, sell the tickets." I'm a Jinx anyway, I'm not going. Well, they lost. So I think the Jinx is reversed, so I can go back to games. - Good, yeah, that's good. - So that's good, but I did sell the tickets. It was not my fault. - You know, there are only two series left at home all of the season alone. - Yep. - So I will say, and we haven't brought it up yet, but obviously the Padres know that there is a fight for the playoffs going on, and you can tell because they announced the starting pitchers for the next two days against the Seattle Mariners, and they are not remaining in their normal rotation. You Darvish will go as expected tomorrow, but instead of Martine Perez, whose turn it would be on Wednesday, they're gonna throw Michael King in that game on Wednesday. - Interesting. - Instead of giving him another day off, which would be an extra week because there's days off on Monday and Thursday, and they could wait to pitch him on Friday again, go another full week between starts, they're going to go ahead and pitch him on four days rest and throw him on Wednesday to potentially get him an extra start at the end of the season if they need it. Now, they've been very careful with Michael King. He's already over his career high and innings pitched, and they've given him some extra opportunities for rest, but he continues to throw well. He threw really, really well on Friday. Looked fantastic, and they, I think, I think to me this is a sign that the Padres are taking some of the shackles off Michael King and going, okay. - This is it, buddy. - Rest of the way now. - Let's roll. - We're gonna be rolling with you. - Yep. - Pretty much every fifth day because you've been one of our strongest pitchers, and we need you on the mound at this point. You've been strong, we trust that you can stay strong, and we're gonna be leaning on you now in September and hopefully the postseason. So they like what they have in Michael King, and it's time for Michael King to go at this point, and he will start on Wednesday in the second game of that series in Seattle, rather than wait until Friday. - Yeah, that tells me there's a bit of a sense of urgency there as well. - I agree. - So I like that being aggressive, but they continue to play the way they played all season long. And I find it really hard to get super worried and bite my nails back. - And there were some positive signs this weekend as well. Luis Arise, who had been, yeah, fine, you know, hitting 280 for a while, whatever it was. Looks like he's getting back into being that, Luis Arise, you can't get him out, sort of guy, back to back three hit games. I think he's hitting over 400 now over the last week or so, and to have that, you know, at the top of the lineup, just line drive after line drive, that's a nightmare for opposing pitchers. And I can't believe we've gone this long without saluting show, best friend for life, Manny Machado, tying Nate Colbert for the all time. Pod Ray's home run lead with his two home run game on Friday night, 162 and 163. Manny gets there a record that has stood every day of my lifetime. 1974 was when Nate Colbert hit his 163rd home run. And, you know, I was born, that was the record. It has been the record every day. Now Manny shares it and the next time he hits a home run, he will set a new Pod Ray's all time home run record. I also saw that home run, that tied the record. How did Jesse phrase it? It was also, it was the same, he had hit 163 with the... One more Pod Ray's home run that he had with the Orioles, right. He had 162 with the Orioles, and now he has more with the Pod Ray's. Yep. And he'll be remembered at the end of his career as more of a Pod Ray than an Orioles. Yeah, I think that's fair to say. Yeah, yeah. Like Dave Winfield, while he's in the Pod Ray's Hall of Fame, and in the Hall of Fame is a Pod Ray, I think most people around baseball remember him as a Yankee, not as a Pod Ray. Yeah, Manny is a Pod Ray. But Manny, I think in the long run, will be remembered as a Pod Ray who got his start in Baltimore. Correct. No one will remember him with the Dodgers, no one. I've already forgot. I did too. So congratulations to Manny Machado. So weird, he was there for, what, four months? Yeah, it's wild. And by the way, his numbers at the end of the season are once again going to look very Manny Machado-like, despite the two-month slow start to begin the year. Manny Machado is now sitting at, what, how many home runs does he have? 25, 24. Let's get the full stats for Manny Machado. This year 25, 275, 25 home runs, 90 runs batted in, 795 OPS with a two-month opening slump in which his OPS was around 600 for the first two months of the year. He's going to end up, you know, probably 280, 27, 28, 30 home runs, 100 runs batted in, all star-type numbers for Manny Machado at the end. One of the game's most consistent players. I mean, just bar none. Yet every single year, we have to go through the-- He blows bubbles. What happens in him? Like, it's a beer. Sorry, I'm sorry he blows bubbles. Sorry, he's casual. Sorry, he just doesn't let the game speed up. He didn't sprint on that ground ball the second base in April. He's just always consistent. Had an infield single yesterday, didn't he? Yeah, he knows there. He knows when he needs to run hard and when it's probably pointless. Yep. So, congratulations to-- Winning Manny Machado. Losing the battle sometimes to win the war. That's it. I agree with something I don't do. I just always fight every battle. So, I just never win the war. But I try to fight every battle very hard. It doesn't work for me. I think it's a bit of an uncomfortable conversation, but I do want to talk about the Tyree Kill situation. Just a little bit. I know it's a big story, probably everywhere else. What happened? I mean, what happened? We don't know for sure. Exactly what happened. What are we talking about until we have all the facts? But, I think, in general, you know what I want to talk about? The reaction already to the Tyree Kill situation. Because everyone's kind of jumping one side or the other. And we don't really know what happened here, but I want to talk about it. And it was the big story in the NFL yesterday. We have Sammy Levitt coming up at the bottom of the hour. So, we'll do that when we come back and talk a little bit about the Tyree Kill day and what happened yesterday in the National Football League. Lots to get to, still, don't go away. More Ben & Woods coming up after traffic here on 97-3 The Fam. But a lot of reaction to the Tyree Kill incident yesterday outside Hard Rock Stadium. Probably overreaction from everybody. Everyone has to have an opinion immediately on any situation that goes down involving a celebrity or a famous athlete. It's Ben & Woods here on 97-3 The Fam. And quickly, this segment of "Ben & Woods" is brought to you by indeed need to hire, you need indeed. Their end-to-end solution helps you attract, interview, and hire candidates all year round, schedule and conduct virtual interviews right from your indeed dashboard. Learn more by visiting You saw the video, right? Social media video of... I saw two. I saw one where he was in handcuffs laying on his belly. Belly, yeah. And then I saw one out of the ground. Then I saw one that was like through the bunch of cars and there's a couple cops standing in the way, and I couldn't really tell what was going on, but people were like, "Oh my God, look at him." The attacking Tyree Kill, and I got it. I didn't see that necessarily. I feel like it was like... - There's a knee in the back. - Can you see it? - Yeah, I'm watching it right now in our stream. - You put it in the stream, let me see. - I think the question here is, obviously, he's pulled over. Now, according to Tyree, he was extremely cooperative with the cops, hands on the wheel, was trained to do that, did not wanna do anything wrong, followed all instructions. And I think the question here is, if it was simply a traffic violation, speeding, what have you? Why was it necessary to pull him out of the vehicle, handcuff him and detain him? Now, we don't know the details of what happened. We've heard Tyree's story and what his agent Drew Rosenhouse had to say yesterday. If that is simply everything that happened, he was speeding, has a fancy fast car, people who drive fast cars tend to speed a little bit. I've noticed that does happen, and perhaps they've justifiably pulled him over. Most people, though, when they get caught for speeding, don't get pulled out of their car and handcuffed, correct? That's very rare. So why was, why did officers go to that extent of pulling him out of the car, putting him on the ground and handcuffing him? I have no, in that situation. Earthly idea. But he wouldn't say either. Really after the incident, after they played, he was let go or whatever. And then went out and played a game, and then really wouldn't talk about it. It was pretty deferential after the game. He talked and he said, "Look, I support police. "I want to be a police officer." He said, "I want to be a police officer." Yeah, and he said, "So I'd like to work together, "like to use my platform for good." So he didn't come on there and rip the police either. So I don't know. I mean, something happened, I think, to get from car to ground. Something. And I don't know what that was, and I don't know if that was right, wrong, whatever. I'm pretty, I'm not indifferent on it, but I just, I don't know enough to speak edge, you know, with any educated fashion on what exactly happened. I mean, I don't, I have no idea why, why he ended up on his, on his belly and ended up getting cuffed for a speeding ticket. I don't know how fast he was going. I do know, if you double the speed limit, you, they will take you to jail. That's, that's a true, that's what I, at least what I've heard for years. Like, if you're going 140 in a 70, you're going to jail, dude. - That's beyond just the-- - It's beyond excessive. Yeah, so I just, I'm not exactly sure, you know, what happened, so that is, but listen, you know, Tyree Kill, he's had a billion, billion run-ins since he's been in the NFL. So I, you know, maybe he was doing the right thing in this case, but I just, I didn't, I didn't see enough in there to, I mean, they let him go and he wouldn't play the football game, you know, after that. - So if, if that's the case, then did he get special treatments? - Yeah, I don't know. I don't know. - You see, that's, that's what confuses me. Either, either they should have arrested him. He was doing something like you said, you know, if he was doing something so incredibly reckless that he deserved to be arrested, then either he received special treatment by being allowed to go free and go play in a football game, you know, that most people that would not happen. If they did something that was required booking and going down to the station, but if he didn't, and they said, you know what, well, you didn't really do anything that bad, then why did they take him out and handcuff him in the first place? - I have no idea. - So one way or the other, either he, he was afforded, you know, too much, you know, he was treated too poorly by the police officers, or maybe he was treated too well by the police officers who then let him go when they should not have done so. And there's just something fishy and suspicious about this whole situation that doesn't make, doesn't add up completely at this point. - Yeah, and I'm sure. - Yeah, and I think they're reviewing, I think they're reviewing Bodycam and audio and all that, so I have no idea. - I, it was a conflicting story, though. I mean, like how to feel about it. - Of course. - Tyree Kill is not a good guy. - No, he's not. - No, but his past also doesn't mean that if he was complying and did nothing wrong, that he should have a knee in his back and get handcuffed in front of everyone. - It's a weird, like both things are true. - Right. - But I'm like-- - A weird position to be there. - Do I feel bad for him? I don't know, I guess, because we don't know what happened. If he was innocently just speeding a few, you know, 10 miles an hour over and-- - Yeah, there'd be no reason to-- - Joe Schmo just gets a ticket and they're on their way and he has to have six cops around him and getting handcuffed in front of all these fans. That's unfair and that's not right. But it's also like, it's hard for me to just automatically give Tyree Kill the victim card, I guess. - I know, it was. I mean, it's not just, it's horrific. - I don't envy the job of police officers. They are absolute heroes for what they do and what they risk every single day. But to me, what that risk is, is that you have to treat everybody-- - Yeah, you have to. - You can't treat everybody as though they are a threat. - You have to though, don't you? - No, no, no, I think that's what makes them here. If you treat everybody as though they're a threat, you're not a hero anymore. - But you gotta be on your films. - You gotta be on your films. - Yeah, you gotta be aware. But you have to give everybody the benefit of the doubt. That's what makes you a hero. That you treat everybody fairly under the law and that you are not just because of the color of someone's skin or just because they're a big guy. Paulie told the story when he got put in handcuffs just sitting behind Woodstock Pizza because the officer involved, who was a female, was very small and just felt like for my safety, I'm gonna handcuff you and put you in the back of the car. Well, to me, that's not fair treatment for everybody. If you're a police officer, what makes you a hero is that you have to follow the law and you have to treat everybody with respect equally under the law and that includes Tyree Kill being pulled over, you know, a guy maybe driving too fast but you can't really, you can't really treat anybody differently, that's what makes you, you're given a great deal of responsibility. - What's the superman line with great power? - Tom's great, Tom's great responsibility. You have the power to do things the rest of us can't do. Carry weapons, drive really fast with your sirens on to protect the public but with that power also comes an extreme responsibility not to abuse that power. - Yeah but if they do, they will be held accountable. - I think sometimes they are and I think sometimes they're not and that's the issue that I think most people worry about and I just, I found it, you know, I have never had a bad experience with a police officer. I've had tons of good ones. - But yeah, that's really easy for you to say. - Well I know but I still, this morning I'm driving to work and when there was an officer that pulled up right next to me and a police, you know, on a motorcycle and I still get nervous. Why do I get nervous when a police officer pulls up next to me? Is that just human nature? Is that? - Yes. - Okay now, imagine being a black man. - Right. - Right. - And having a cop pull up at five in the morning while you're just going to work. - Right. - Yeah. - It's a little different. - I get that. - It's a little different. - Spider-Man, not Superman. Great power comes great responsibility. - I got that right. - But anyway, I mean, I have utmost respect for those heroes that I couldn't do it. I know that I could do it. - I get nervous too when I get pulled over and I usually know why. - Oh yeah. - And I know why I get pulled over and I still get nervous. - Yes! - But you know what I don't think about it? - I don't think I'm gonna get- - The safety of my life. - I'm not gonna get dragged out of the car. - Yeah. - I know that. - 100%. - I've been pulled, somebody who said in the chat, I said, man, I've been pulled over for speeding 100 times. Never wants if I've been taken from the car, you know? So, yeah, look, more will come out about it certainly for sure. - Well anyway, Tyree Kill went on and had 130 yards and they touched down. - Yeah, sure did. - The difference in that game, by the way, that game, Jacksonville gonna kick themselves. Did you see what happened? - No, I missed that one. - 17-7. - I missed that one. - Etienne was going in for the ceiling touchdown. They were gonna go up 24-7. I think it was right around the end of the third quarter and he fumbled, knocked it out at the two. He's recovered, put it at the 20. Next play, Tyree Kill 80 yard touchdown. They're back with him three. Then they kick the field goal, tie it and kick the field goal to win it at the end. That game was one yard from being over when Etienne fumbled and they were about to go up 24-7 and that was a tough loss for the Jacksonville Jaguars and a big come from behind win that they probably don't get without Tyree Kill as an option and with that big play that he made. That was a huge one for the Miami Dolphins. - All right, coming up next, we'll tell you who we're voting for in November. Ben and Woods, 97-3 the fan. - And Sammy Lovett too. I'll vote for Sammy Lovett. (upbeat music) Next on The Fan. - America's favorite place to watch football is stadium swim located at circa resort and casino in Las Vegas. Catch all the biggest games and a viewing experience built for sports fans. 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Learn how to save on your summer vacation. Find your next credit card or loan for a big purchase and invest in your next index fund. Make smarter decisions in 2024. Follow NerdWallet's Smart Money Podcast on your favorite podcast app. - In life and recovery, every day is a little different. Embrace the good days, the not so good days and the challenges and acknowledge how you overcame them. Find the path to recovery that works for you. Learn more at - My dad works in B2B marketing. He came by my school for career day and said he was a big row as man. Then he told everyone how much he loved calculating his return on ad spend. My friends still laughing me to this day. - Not everyone gets B2B. But with LinkedIn, you'll be able to reach people who do. Get a $100 credit on your next ad campaign. Go to to claim your credit. That's Terms and conditions apply. Linked in, the place to be, to be. - Spending all that time talking about the Tyree Kill situation when we could have been and really should have been. Talking about the man walking around in a thong at Petco Park with a walker. - And what if Sammy saw it? - That's what I was gonna ask Sammy Levitt. Did you happen to catch this guy? He is in a full on, that's not Photoshop. - No, it's not AI. - I'll just ask the question. Has anybody seen this guy and Sam Levitt? - In the same room. - In the same room at the same time. - It's true. - I don't know. So, yeah, the picture that you just showed me. - Yeah. - Clearly was Petco Park. - It's clearly. - Now, it was a dated. Was it this weekend when it was hot? And it was an older gentleman. - I mean, we're assuming he's older. He's on, he has a walker. - Who was, yeah. He was walking around with a walker. - And he'd sort of tell from his body that he was older simply because he wasn't wearing any clothes other than it. - Why do you say that, Ness? He's, his body looks a lot like mine with my clothes off. And probably yours. - A little more wrinkly, I thought. - I don't see a lot of wrinkles. - He's falling, he's putting it on. - Oh, you're right, it's not that wrinkly. - It's not that wrinkly, but his hair doesn't look that gray. - Maybe he's a middle-aged gentleman. - But for whatever reason, he's a walker and he's walking around Petco Park in section 130. - Do you think-- - The Callaway, the Callaway Home Run deck. - Do you think he lost his fantasy bookball? - Maybe, that's what I thought of too. - That's what I thought of this, he's going to Petco Park with a walker wearing only a fall. - So he clearly, I would imagine, came in with other clothes on because no one's going to let him in the door like that. - What is the-- - Why not? - What is the dress code? - 'Cause you can't wear underwear? - What's the dress code? - I'm just saying, is he violated-- - Shorts and a T-shirt. - People take their shirts off at baseball games all the time and they go, don't get-- - He's covering the areas that need to be covered. - And people are wearing shorts at baseball. - I wouldn't do it. - You're not wearing bikinis, though, I could. - Right, well, like how much coverage do you need to have? - That's just a coverage. - A full speeder. - Is that enough? I mean, what is the minimum-- - No, the interest, no! - What if not enough? - What if you're wearing just like, regular like short shorts and no shirt? - They're not letting you in the door. - So he had to have had clothes on that he's removed. - So you have to have your shirt on to get into Petco Park. - Correct, you have to. - Is that a requirement? - I would-- - But you're allowed to take it off immediately upon entering the park. - I would bet $100 you have to have shirt and shoes to get in the door, shirt and shorts and shoes. - At a minimum. - Like a restaurant. - Like a restaurant. - Like a shirt. - Like a frickin' no service. - Like a frickin' service. - 7-Eleven. - No baseball game. - Right. - But you can take them all off once you get in. - Apparently, unless security seizure says buddy, you can't be walking around in a thong, you got to get the hell out of here. - That's what we should have been talking about. - Right, but then you have to go to everybody in the stands and check to make sure that they're appropriately dressed. - I think it's just a case-by-case basis, but-- - I don't know. - This guy's walking around in a, I mean, it's wedged, it's a thong. It's right there. - I don't see anything on Petco Park entry policies about-- - About their dress code? - Put it in Petco Park dress code. - That's what I did? - You did. - Hmm. - Hmm. - All right. - We'll see what Sami's experience is that, Pottery's free and post-game show host. Sam Levitt joins us after a check of traffic here on 97.3 The Fan. All right, let's go out and joined by Sam Levitt, who is our eco-water SoCal Pottery's pre-game show and post-game show host, was at the steamy Petco Park over the weekend for the series against the San Francisco Giants, and we'll be back in action tomorrow as the Pottery's hit the road to take on the Seattle Mariners. Sam Levitt, good morning. - Hey guys, good morning. I was told I wouldn't need air conditioning in Pacific Beach. - Yeah. - Apparently, that's not all the way correct. - No, no. - And Jerry, very steamy here in BB. - Yeah, I told that when I moved here too. Oh, you live by the coast, you'll be fine. I'm not, in fact, fine. Sami, and I'm sure you're not either. - By the way, I heard the conversation about what apparently was going on at Petco Park yesterday. I did not see that gentleman, so I missed it. I did see a couple of people, you know, with their shirt off, I guess, working on their tan at the ball game. But, you know, it is interesting. It's somebody who, you know, didn't grow up here, but has now lived here for, you know, two and a half years or so. I don't know. The San Diego, like, is no shirt, no shoes, no service? Does that actually exist here? Because I'll tell you, you walk around PB on a day like this, you will, you'll see a lot of, you know, people running, you know, shirts off, and shoes off, and, you know, you never know what you're gonna see. So, they like the rules are different here, maybe. - And I've got the code of conduct here. The San Diego Padres and its contracted service partners are committed to ensuring a safe, comfortable, and enjoyable ballpark experience for all guests. Team members will be proactive to ensure the following. The progress of the gamer event is not disrupted by guests' actions or by unauthorized persons accessing the playing field or restricted areas. Inappropriate or indecent clothing does not detract from the guest experience. So that's the security. Security needs to be on look at, you can't walk around in a thong, that pecko park. - I thought-- - Down subjective. - It does, and it shouldn't be. I think that is-- - He didn't look like he was trying to be disruptive. - He was waiting in line to go to the bathroom. - It just looked like he might've been really, really hot. - You have to be so hot to strip down to your thong. - On a baseball game. - On a baseball game. - True, if you're listening, sir, 833-288-0973, let's talk to you. This is not calling. All right, well, we tried, we tried. Sammy, that was a crap couple games out there at Petco Park. - Yeah, it was a weird couple of days, right? I mean, yesterday Joe is cruising. I mean, Joe looks so good, the first 10 batters. He's 10 up, 10 down, he's struck out, six through three innings and a third. And then the fly ball that gets lost in the sun, and it just totally changed. And he ends up giving up seven consecutive hits, including that sun ball to right field. So that was weird. And then you had, obviously, the number nine hitter for the Giants on Saturday, hitting two home runs and essentially bringing in all six runs, the Giants scored, of course you had, on Thursday against the Tigers, Suarez giving up the Grand Slam. Yeah, it was sort of a weird few days in the sense that you had the number nine hitter doing damage, had sort of the weird outing that Joe had yesterday. I suppose that the positive, the silver lining from, you know, I would say both games Saturday and Sunday against the Giants was this. I mean, you sort of saw the same team, right? I mean, nothing led you to believe that the Padres were in some sort of malaise because you saw them come back and get really close to winning that game yesterday. And, you know, who knows if, you know, if McCrae doesn't hit the second home run on Saturday and the piece leads off of the double in the bottom half of the ninth inning, we'd the Padres tie in win that game. So it was a weird and I think frustrating few days. And when you look at it and you consider that, you know, they won the first two games in the home stand and then only won one of, you know, the final four games in the home stand. Yeah, frustrating. And when you're playing teams that are hovering around 500 and things are as close as they are, but I did think the silver lining the last couple of days was, you know, they did show the same sort of stuff that we've seen for a while and almost came back to win. But look, when you're playing from behind as much as, you know, they seemingly are sometimes, you're not always going to be able to climb the mountain and unfortunately the last couple of days, days they weren't. - Sammy, can you tell us what you were hearing about Hassan Kim yesterday and what you think the podrays are going to do now at shortstop going forward? - Yeah, I mean, it obviously wasn't a great update on Kim yesterday and it doesn't sound like he's particularly close to returning or that, you know, the throws on, on Saturday went great as he was trying to, you know, work it out and test things out and throw across the diamond. So yeah, I mean, from what Mike Schilt said yesterday that doesn't seem like he's particularly close. Now, I know you guys talked about it earlier. I don't know the extent of, you know, how long it will be. Is it something that he's going to be back from in still a couple of weeks and there's that possibility or are we looking at something even longer than that? You know, it didn't seem like when he first went out that it would be all that long, but, you know, we're going on whatever it is now, a few weeks. And then obviously it leads us directly into the conversation about Sandra Bogart and, you know, I think yesterday, certainly when you saw Bogart's move over to shortstop in the sixth inning after they have Solano pin shit from McCoy early in the fifth, I think you start thinking that way and then you hear what Sandra has to say after the game about, you know, getting Solano in the lineup and I think you could tell maybe a bit of a more understanding, Zander Bogart's, you know, probably on two fronts that Kim's going to be out for a bit longer at least and this is not something that's going to get resolved quickly with Kim and also the fact that they are just a better lineup day to day with Solano and/or Peralta in there and there is a necessity right now to get those guys in the lineup. You know, I thought you guys made a good point earlier. If the Padres were six games up on a playoff spot, you know, maybe it's a different conversation. Maybe you can have a Mason McCoy go out there, play really good defense even if you're not getting a ton with his bat, but that's not the situation. Everybody's within two games of one another and this thing is a long way from over. The Padres got to keep winning games and getting their best line about their day in, day out and I think pretty clearly that's with Zander at shortstop and obviously he's the most logical candidate to go over there if somebody needs to play there now for an extended stretch. You know, like I said it yesterday that when he went over there in the sixth inning, you know, it was easing Bogey back into the possibility of that and you sort of heard that from Bogart's. I thought at least, you know, more of an understanding. I get it from Zander's perspective, you know, he did what they wanted him to do in sprint training, go over to second base to his credit. He's turned himself into what I think is a really good defensive second baseman. I got the trepidation of moving back there if it was going to be just a short-term solution with Kim out, but it doesn't appear to be, you know, something that is necessarily short-term. So right now, you know, even if it's not for the rest of the games in 2024, however long that is, you know, I think it certainly seems like we're starting to, to lean that way and I'm very interested to see tomorrow what the lineup looks like and if we see the shortstop because, you know, based on what happened yesterday and what was said, it would seem like that would become a pretty distinct possibility. - It's wild talking to Sammy Levitt this morning because Sammy, I think, you know, in our job, I need to have a really firm stance on it. And my firm stance is that I literally see both sides of this story, 100% see Xander's point about, no, no. You just asked me to do this. You just asked me to do this. And now you want me back? So I get that point, but I also see the other side of, hey man, we got 17 games to go. Doesn't look like Kimmy's coming back. We need you and we pay you a ton. And what I don't want to happen to Xander is him be vilified. You know, he did what they asked him to do. My question is also like, there's no guarantee, I know how much Mike Schilt values defense. I know he does. He talks about it all the time. Xander, it's short, Solano at first and Jake at second is objectively a worse defense than McCoy, Xander, and Croninworth at first. Like it's worse. - It is. - It's worse. So is this a, is there the potential for this to be a part time thing? And if you're Xander Bogart, so you're like, oh my God, am I really going to be moving over there in the sixth every game? It makes it hard to prepare. So I think they back themselves into a little bit of a corner here. - Yeah, I mean, look, obviously, a rise can also play first base too. You know, look, it would seem though, you know, to your point, like as long as Kim is out, you know, unless you value the defense, you know, more than the offense with McCoy there, it would seem like Xander would have to play over there almost every day, right? I mean, what are your other options? So look, I'm with you. I think it's very easy for people to look at it and say, "Hey, you know, you know, hey, just move. "It's for the best of the team. "Look, things are not as simple as that." And to Xander's credit, look, he did what they asked him to do. When I understood it, when it looked like him was only going to be out for maybe, let's say, the 10 days of the I.L. stint, and by the way, they had a little bit more of a cushion in the wild card race, not a ton more, but a little bit more, I think, at that time. If I go back and look at what the standings were, or at least felt like that, you know, I understood it of, hey, we can deal with McCoy at shortstop, whatever he gives you offensively is great. We think he can play there defensively. Look, I understood it at the time, but look, I think we're all starting to see it, us and Xander, and I sounded like the Padres yesterday from what Mike Schult said, that, yeah, I mean, long term here, maybe even the rest of the year, depending on the status of Ken, we'll see. It just, it seems like something that probably has to happen for your line-up, day in, day out. And look, I get it, you know, from Xander's perspective, initially, I do, I know it's easy for people to look at, and say, hey, just do whatever your team needs. These things aren't always straightforward as that. And, you know, look, I don't know how he would feel about going back and forth between short and second, but we'll see, right? I mean, I think we're gonna find out the answer, probably in the next few days, if we see Xander start, you know, playing at shortstop, you know, in a starting line-up. So we're gonna find out here pretty soon, I think. - Tammy, have a good couple of days. Enjoy the rest of the day off, and then on Mariners tomorrow, that's a 640 start, 540 ethical water so-called pre-game show tomorrow. You Darvish on the mound, and who's tomorrow for the, I wrote it down here. - Kirby. - George Kirby. - Tomorrow for the Mariners of the-- - Brian Wu against Michael King, who's moving up a spot in the rotation. It's a pitch on Wednesday in that two-game series. We will hear from you tomorrow. - All right, guys, thanks so much. - Sam, love it. - Sam, love it. Our pre- and post-game show host. You know, the one guy we haven't really mentioned in the show today, I think, briefly brought it up. But Jackson Merrill took that foul ball off the knee on Friday, and he has done so much this year. Obviously, that's one of those moments you go, oh no, how serious is this gonna be? And I'm sure it was painting him, but he came back and pinched it on Saturday, and then was back in the lineup and hit the home run yesterday. We've learned what about Jackson Merrill so far this year. He is adaptable, moved position, learned it quickly. - But he likes to try short stuff. - Confident, he is energetic. Is he for playing short stuff before? And now, you know, he is remarkably talented, great bat-to-ball skill. He has a power element to his game. He's speedy. We have now learned he is also tough. - Tough! - He's got toughness as well. I mean, he has been the whole package for the San Diego Padres this season. - Hi, this is Jackson Merrill. - Hi, Jackson. - 21 years old. - 21. - Love you. - Team leader. - Every hurdle that has been placed in his way, he's not only cleared the hurdle, room to spare. I mean, the guy is flying down his rookie season. All right, we'll come back. Paulie's got a Ryland reports. Emotional moment last night at Snapdragon Stadium. He'll have more on that when we return on San Diego's number one sports station, 97 through the van. ♪ We'll drive that shit ♪ - Got this tweet yesterday from Tier 1, Jane. Said, "I bet it really made Bob Melvin feel good, making life miserable for the organization that kicked him to the curb." For a second, none of the Bob Melvin has any reason to harbor any animosity toward the Padres organization. - You're a sweet kid, you're a real sweet kid. - I don't agree with that. - I'm a real sweet kid, sweetheart. (laughs) - I mean, obviously it was reported that he and AJ preller didn't see eye to eye, so. I mean, I'm sure he wants to win just like he wants to be the other team. - You don't think it's a little extra juice coming back to Petco Park and ain't knowing exactly where AJ Preller sits and going, oh, good. - The team that two of three from you. - Allowed him to leave to take another job that was offered to him when they didn't have to let him go. - Yeah. - He has animosity toward the Padres. Shouldn't he be appreciative of the Padres? - Then it does not work. - I think he will look back on his career one day and be happy at 2022, that was fun. We had a great time, but I don't think- - Knowing he should have gone to Josh Hader there, you know. - Knowing, that's the stick in his crawl. - But he absolutely wants to stick it to the Padres. Are you kidding me? - Yeah, every time. - But he was the manager who was given like an ugly juice to the team and then didn't get it done. - Was he allowed to run it his way? - Well, I mean, was he allowed to run it his way in 2022? - I don't know, I don't know either. But I'm just saying if there's any animosity, it probably goes the other way rather than from Melvin toward the Padres. - Well, I don't know that it's animosity, but it's more of like, yeah, I want to kick your ass this weekend. Every time, every single time I play you, I want to win at all costs. - You may think I'm S now. - Yeah, you may think I'm the horse S now, but every time I pitch against you, he was specifically asked to remain as manager by the owner of the Padres before he passed away. - Yeah, who was? - But then he got that. - Things were so bad that he had the foresight to go, this is not going to work. - Johnny goes, does Ben have any enemies? The answer is no, he doesn't know what an enemy looks like. An enemy could be punching you in the face. He'd be like, well, I mean, you did need to get some aggression out and I understand that. You did it for a rough day and I'm like, it's okay. It's okay to be pissed off. - He wasn't fired by the Padres. - No. - He was allowed to leave to take a job that he said was basically his dream job. If someone allowed me to leave somewhere that I was contractually obligated to, so I could take a job that I'd rather have, I would harbor nothing but appreciation toward that organization. - Yeah, but again, you don't know everything that was said. You never will. You don't know everything that was promised that wasn't delivered or vice versa, you know? You just don't know. I mean, you hear rumors. It just wasn't a good working situation, I think for either of those guys. And I thought they thought it best to part company. But if you don't think that he was very, very excited to take two of three against the Padres, you are a very naive kid because he was. He was one of these, one of these like into the clubhouse like, oh, of course, of course. Does that mean he's equally disappointed to be as far behind the Padres in the standings? - Yeah, 100%. - As he is at this juncture. - Yeah, and I bet you, I mean, and the thing is, he isn't he also happy for some of his old players? - Yes, for some of his players, 100%. - Yeah, he's stoked for some of his old players. - He's happy for them as well. This is, there's a lot of conflicting emotions involved in being a majorly baseball manager. - There's a lot of conflicting emotions involved in being a human being, a human being. Like, yeah, man, you wanna see if that's the thing is, I don't really, like if Paulie's the guys, I got an opportunity, I'm gonna go work for the Raiders, and I'm gonna be their VP of marketing, I would be elated for him. I'd be elated, but I would also be like, can you make sure the new guys dialed in, please, before you go? - I see him once, the director of content. - Yeah, whatever. - Whatever they be. - We gotta see Paulie's role with the Raiders, director of content. - But like, I want to watch Paulie's soar. But if Adam forced him out, I'd be pissed at Adam. - If me and Adam got, it got so bad. It was so toxic that I said, I'm out. Like, I got another opportunity. - I'm outta here. - Let me out, and you wouldn't be praising Adam for graciously allowing me to-- - Oh, Adam, you're so great, thank you so much. - If Adam tried to stand in your way, though, then yes, you'd be mad, but if Adam said, no, absolutely go and take this opportunity. - But we would do the same thing. - Yeah, of course, of course. But, I just like everything to be pleasant. - I know you do, but it's not. - Life doesn't work that way. You have to embrace mine, doesn't it? - It doesn't, it doesn't. - Try to keep that ethic around here, in pleasantness. Do you have a pleasant Rindle Report for us today, Paulie? - Make it semi-pleasant. - And get things started here with our edition today's edition of the Rindle Report. Get out, tune them to the Muff. Greatest. - Welcome to the Rindle Report with Paul Rindle. - Hi, Paul. - Right. - Two stories from the world of sports that we haven't gotten to yet. - We'll start off in major league baseball. - And one story that you didn't know you needed. - Are you laughing beyond? - It's the Rindle Report. - Hey, Paul, how you doing? - Okay, how are you? - On 97.3, the fan. - Are you ready to blast the mood? - I need some help, please. That was good. - Can I get a whole year? - Oh yeah. - All right. All right. - Still looking at the thong picture. I'm sorry. - Somebody said, he's in, it's a camo thong. So he's military Sunday. Now military Sunday. - Respect the troops by-- - Totally get it. - By plumb smuggling. - That's one way to do it. - At Petco Park. - What? - Smuggling is plums in the Petco Park. Plumb smuggling. - Is that what it's called? - That's what I call it. - Okay. I'm not doing a great job of hiding. - That's literally not. - To be fair, we only saw one side. - We only saw one side. - That's true. - Yeah. - All right. So hard to transition from-- - It is. - From plums smuggling. - Yeah. So we will give it a shot here. We had some news this morning here locally. San Diego Padres have announced that Manny Machado was named their 2024 nominee for the Roberto Clemente Award in Major League Baseball. We have an MLB network on here in the studio and every like half hour, they keep showing all of the different nominees from all the teams, all the divisions. And I go, oh, is that miss something? No, it was announced today. That's why they're talking about it. So the Roberto Clemente Award presented by Capital One, it's the recognition of a player from each team who represents, best represents, the game of baseball through extraordinary character, community involvement, philanthropy, and positive contributions both on and off the field. What a turn around for one Manny Machado, I think in his career. - Is this the first time he's been nominated? - I'm not sure. - I wouldn't be surprised if it isn't. - He's trying to look at like the history of the Padres nominees. - He's a good guy. - Yep. - It's done a lot of-- - There's a lot of things in the community. - A lot. - Padres Foundation. - Did his pod Manny Machado camp this year? It was so cool at that camp. - The Padres set in their press release. - Since his arrival in 2019, Machado has been one of the most active and involved players in the community. In 2023, he has taken his commitment to the next level as a means of carrying on the philanthropic and caring spirit of late Padres owner, Peter Siler. This included immediately jumping at the opportunity to participate in the newly created Peter Siler, they misspelled it, Peter Siler legacy projects, and specifically devoting himself to a cause that was near and dear to Peter's heart, homelessness. - Yeah, look, that's our guy. - Now I saw that Jackson Merrill was nominated for the Heart and Hustle Award. - No brainer. - Heart and Hustle, no brainer. - Oh, yeah. - He could win the whole thing. - Yeah, he could. - As could Manny win the Roberto Clemente Award. - You can go online and vote for Manny Machado. - To win, they will pick one winner out of all 30 teams. Every team nominates somebody. It will be announced. You have until September 29th to vote a small part of it. I'd imagine that there's other factors that go into it. It's not simply a popular-- - Yeah, this is the winner of the fan vote. We'll count as one vote among those cast by the Blue Ribbon Panther. - Right, it could be a tiebreaker. - Can't hurt to vote. - Nope, can't hurt to vote. - All right, emotional scene yesterday at Snapdragon Stadium. We talked about it last week. Pretty surprising announcement, I guess. We just, nobody was expecting it. When it happened, I think on Wednesday or Thursday. - Alex Morgan, hanging them up, retiring. She announced that Sunday would be her last game. I saw that it was all over the CBS Sports Network last night. - Is that what they actually-- - They showed it on CBS Sports Network, on ESPN2, on Paramount Plus, on KSI. It was the first time a women's soccer game had actually been simulcast on multiple networks at the same time. - That's awesome. - Yeah, I said it last week. I just, I'm gonna regret that it didn't go down to wave practices and cover the team a little bit more, knowing that one of the greatest ever is right here. Two miles away from where our radio station is. I never had it on the show, it's a bummer, but I did see she gave a very touching speech yesterday after the game and wanted to play a little bit for that, for you guys right here. (crowd cheering) - You push me to be my best self every day. You push me to be the best soccer player, to be the best mom, to be the best person. I could be just showing up every day supporting me, encouraging me, challenging me, criticizing me at times. I just thank you so much. I know people have come here with three days notice from Alaska, Massachusetts. Can't even say that. Colorado, Florida, honestly, all around the country and just thank you. (crowd cheering) There has been so many incredible moments in my career, but this one, this last moment I share on the field with you, I will cherish forever. So thank you from the bottom of my heart. Thank you. (crowd cheering) - Call it in for you. - Mic drop. - Massachusetts is very difficult to say. - In a Massachusetts. - Massachusetts, but if you're doing a speech. - You just played a soccer game like all those emotions. - Virginia, Alaska, Massachusetts. - I know some people are surprised 'cause everyone, they nearly sold out Snapdragon Stadium, over 26,000 fans and most of those tickets were sold in the last couple of days to see her final match. Some people are surprised that they took her out so quickly and it was really hot out there. - She's pregnant. - And yeah. - They're lucky she didn't come out for the ceremonial kickoff and then run off the pitch. - She played 13 minutes, number 13, they took her out in the 13th minute and that was fine. - I'd only wish, the only wish was that she could have scored a goal and she had a chance that a penalty kick, like nine minutes in and she hit it hard, just goalie guessed the right way and jumped and got a hand on it and stopped it. It would have been her first and only goal of the season. - Oh, it's such a bummer. - I mean, she's one of the leading scores of the league every single year and this year for some reason, just the wave are snakebit this year. I'm like, you would have never guessed that Alex Maury, and obviously she had some injuries earlier in the year, but to not score all year long, oh my goodness gracious. Wish she had gotten that one. - Me too. But, you know, tip of the cap to one of the greatest, Alex Maury. So, we'll wrap it up here. It's more surprising news yesterday, I woke up and we had the Super Bowl halftime show announcement that I know it always happens early in the season. I just wasn't expecting that yesterday, I woke up and saw that Kendrick Lamar announced that he will be performing at the Apple Music Super Bowl halftime show in February. - It's in New Orleans. - Is this announcement early? - I thought it felt a little early too. I thought it was usually within the first November or December, I thought. - Oh, I thought it was always in the first, like, three to four weeks of the season. - Maybe a little early. - I think they should not say at all. I think it should be a complete surprise. There's no way that would happen. - That would happen. - I can't keep it. - There's no way. I know, but wouldn't that be an amazing moment? Like, no one knows. - Get nobody knows. - Half-time star. - Now, ladies and gentlemen, Super Bowl 59's musical performer, and then someone comes out and everyone goes crazy. - You can just get an old flip phone and cancel any and all television and just live on a rock until, you know, February. It was interesting. You know, a lot of people were saying, why didn't Lil Wayne get the nod as he is, like, Mr. New Orleans? Now, I would say he hasn't done any, put out anything really recently in, like, the last 10 years. - That has something to do with it. - That would have something to do with it. But there is always that connection. Like, Kendrick Lamar was just part of the Half-time. She wasn't the headliner, but he was that one in LA. - My son was very excited 'cause he said, the last time he did it, he dropped a new album around it. So he's expecting new Kendrick Lamar sometime around the Super Bowl. - Probably. - You know, capitalizing on the hype. - It's usually how it goes. How does Drake feel about this? - Oh, everybody was quick to point out that in one of Drake's recent singles, he had a line, I'm paraphrasing here, but the line was, how big am I as big as the Super Bowl? - Oh, okay. - And then for Kendrick Lamar to now get the nod for the Super Bowl was interesting. - I think our buddy Matt in the chat absolutely just knocked it out of the park with his take. They announced it early to head off any Taylor Swift speculation. - Ooh. - That is actually a really brilliant take. They could definitely have it 'cause you've been inundated already and after one week of Taylor Swift and Jason. - It's before. - Travis comes. - Yeah, before. - Before. - I like that. - I'm, well, Kendrick's one of those guys that I want to like and I've tried and I've listened to it and I go, this is-- - Yeah, my son likes him a lot. - It doesn't, it's the voice. It just doesn't resonate with me. - Yeah. - He's got really good lyrics and very cutting, you know, diatribes. - He'll surprise me. - Yeah, really, really talented. When I hear him rap, it doesn't get me. Like, it doesn't get me like Tupac or he just doesn't get me. I just don't, it doesn't-- - Hey, it's fine. - I'm not getting his Tupac as a deep voice. - Yeah, maybe. - I don't like the voice like this. - I don't like it. - I don't like it. This I don't. - I don't like it. - It doesn't, I hear it and I'm like, I just giggle when I hear it. - That is what it says. - It's exactly what it sounds like. - It is. - There's no reason why. - There's no reason why. - This is better than it would. - And it's just funny 'cause-- - I can't stand it. - There's music, I'm sure there's music that you think is amazing. - Sure. - Me or Ben here that would go, this is, I don't get it. And it's just funny. Yeah, you can just hear the same song and react. - Totally. - It actually, it actually enrages me when I hear it. I get that feeling of an action. - But if it was, oh, there's an event. - Oh, well, this should not build it with that. - Yes, of course. - It's not really fair. - Of course. I like, his words are great. I've read his lyrics and stuff. And I'm like, geez, the guy's super talented. Take those and give them to somebody that sounds like Tupac. You know what I mean? Give them the Chuck D. And let's see how it sounds. I mean, it would be amazing. So, it just, the voice like this, I don't like it. - It just makes me nuts. So, I'm sorry. I know people hate me for this take. - Oh, hey, it's just a prep. - It's just a prep. My preference can't be wrong. It's my opinion. - I don't follow the beef that closely. It does feel like Drake's on a white socks ex-closing streak right now. - Yeah, he's in the chamber right now. He's gonna go country next. You can rest. He'll be his stage coach next year. - Kendrick Lamar put out an album like last year. It was okay. It was pretty good. It wasn't his best. He's doing the halftime show because of one song. And it's a diss track on Drake. It absolutely took the world by storm over the last, you know, you've heard it now. And it's like, did the rest of the world just hate Drake so much? That one successful diss track gets you headlining at the Super Bowl. - I don't know. - He's pretty talented, dude. I get it. It just doesn't. It always gets me. Sorry. People are so mad at me right now. I'm sorry. This is how I feel. This is how I feel. - Ben is an old head. - I think he meant he's woods. It's an old head. - I think we're both. - No, he just footched. - Asterisk's woods. - Yeah, I am. - That's fine. - I'm also an old head. - I like what I like, I don't like how it sounds. - You can grow up with that. - No. - I get it, man. It's the whole new gen generation. It's fine by me. - Taylor was at the US Open final with Travis and Patrick Mahomes, yes. - Yes, that's right. - Cheering on another Taylor, Taylor Fritz of San Diego, who lost to Janik's city. - He can't even San Diego sports. We haven't talked about the Aztecs yet either. - Not really. - Super, super fun. - You know what? I do have some thoughts. We can get to that. I want to talk a little bit more about the Padres before we go as well. And ultimately what the legacy of this season is going to be. Let's come up after a check of traffic here on 97.3, the fan. ♪ It's the silly game we play ♪ - It's good, buddy. Huge fan. Huge fan. - Hmm. It's not that different. - It's way different. - Way different? - It's way different. - Speaking of not that different, San Diego State Aztecs don't appear to be all that different under Sean Lewis since they were under the end of the Brady. - God, the hoke era. - And well, yeah, any new offense and new personnel are going to take some time to adjust. The Aztecs got, remember, that six-nothing lost in Nevada last year. That was the first shutout loss for the Aztecs. And I think it was 211 games. Now they've already been shut out once to start this season two games, falling 21-nothing to Oregon State on Saturday night at Snapdragon Stadium. They had a chance in that game. They were only down seven-nothing. - Oh, dude. - In the third quarter, when Danny O'Neill, the quarterback had, it was third and goal. - Read option. - And kept it and fumbled at the two, basically. And that was really the last good chance. They didn't have many chances at all, but that was the last good chance for San Diego. State to score some points in that one. That was flipping back and forth. And I just went, "Holy smokes." I had that feeling like, "Oh, they'll make some adjustments at halftime, come out and Danny O'Neill will start slinging the ball all over the field and they just couldn't get-- - I mean, he got hurt in the first quarter and they stuck with him, which I'm sure there was a reason for it. But they've got a couple of other backup quarterbacks that they said they were really high on during training camp. And I was surprised that they were so determined to stick with O'Neill, who is obviously limping, like after every single play and not try one of the other guys. Now, I don't think it was O'Neill's fault that they didn't score any points. It was mostly the penalties that have been killing the Aztecs. They have 24 penalties in just two games, had 16 in the first game, had seven in the first half of the last game. Every time Marques Cooper, who's the running back, who had such a great first week, had like a good run. Hey, 16 yards holding, 12 yards holding. I mean, they could not pick up a first down because every time a flag came out. So it's been an undisciplined, somewhat disorganized looking start in the first couple of games under Sean Lewis. - Yeah, just boring. - Sounds like Aztecs football. - Aztecs football, defense kept you in it. You know, kept you in it, certainly as they do. - Which is fine, it's just, I mean, we were looking for the change from the Rocky long Brady hoke era. And so far, I mean, kind of more of the same. And unfortunately, I don't think Oregon State is a particularly good team. They were good last year. This year, you know, with new coach and a lot of turnover, I was thinking that could be a game the Aztecs could win. - That kind of a name, kind of a name. - Yeah, it's a name, you know, not an unbeatable opponent. Now they have to go to Cal. And while I thought Cal might be a unbeatable opponent, Cal went to Auburn in one this week. So I think the line that I saw already was like 15 point favorites for Cal. And I kind of like Cal. - It feels pretty, pretty doable. Yeah. - If San Diego State can't get their offense going, that's a recipe for a second straight loss here to open the season against at least FBS opponents. - Yes. - And again, I'm not ready to pass judgment on the Sean Lewis era. - No, it's been two weeks. - Of San Diego State football. I like the idea of the fast offense, like get up, snap the ball, get a team on their heels, you know, but you have to, you have to execute. - To execute the players. - Because if you don't, then you're just are really going three and out. Really, really fast. - Your defense is like, I will kill all of you out there. We are dying right now. Please, can you complete a pass? - It's pretty incredible. - Can you get a first down? - That they held them to seven points until the fourth. - No doubt. - Based on the fact that their offense was never on the field. - 100 yards, he threw four. - 114 or something. I mean, it just, it doesn't work if you don't have the right personnel to get it done. And the discipline then, like you said, to not have so many penalties. So, yeah, man, I mean, it's more of the same. - Now, they lost their starting left tackle to injury. And that was part of the offensive line troubles. They had to move a guy over and a new starter in. And that was certainly some of the holding penalties that they suffered. But yeah, so far, yeah, a bit of an iffy start. - Yeah, mixed bag, if you will. - First Sandie, not, I wish it was more of a mixed bag. - What was it? I mean, the second half of the first game. - Half of the 45 points in the last game or something. - I think it was against an FCS opponent in the fair. - I mean, Notre Dame lost the north. - This takes a stand out. - I don't know what to tell. - Yeah, I don't know what to say. I can't say anything about anybody. - Right, right. - All right, I want to finish our show when we come back and talk a little bit about the unknown legacy of the 2024 pot race. Because that, the final chapter has yet to be written. But it will be in the next three to six weeks or so. No, the final legacy of this team. And my goodness, the range of outcomes is still pretty wide here. And I want to talk about that when we come back on San Diego's number one sports station, 97-3, the fan. Welcome back, final segment of Venom Woods. Then we'll turn things over to Annie and Elston coming up at the top of the hour. But I wanted to lay out two potential scenarios for you Woods for the remaining 17 games of the regular season for the San Diego pot race and get your take on the potential legacy of this year's team. And we'll do that right after a check of traffic here on 97-3, the fan. - All right. First scenario is gonna be pretty easy for you to analyze. Pot race go nine and eight. The remainder of the regular season, get to 90 wins, get a wild card spot, and then go on and have playoff success. Maybe all the way to the World Series or even their first ever championship. There'll be no doubt in anybody's mind that this was a massively successful season, maybe the most successful season in pot race history. A team expected to be maybe around 500, 81 wins, 83 wins, whatever, outperformed expectations, got hot in October and went all the way or at least, you know, maybe made the World Series. Clearly, that would be a great scenario. We're all signing up for that right now. Correct? - Yep. - All right, let me give you a scenario too. Pot race go nine and eight the rest of the way, finish with 90 wins. However, the Braves sneak their way to 91 wins, whereas the Diamondbacks and Mets both also finish with 90 wins. And because of tie-breakers at the end of the season, the pot race missed the playoffs at 90 and 72 at the end of the season. Now, how do we feel about that year? - Live it. - Same, same season, exact same season. - Yeah, live it, yeah, live it. Piss, furious for about to make the playoffs. - For about 48 hours. And then you kind of turn your sights to next season because what other choice do you have as a pot race fan or is it a fan of any team that doesn't get the job done? - So is that fair? That in one scenario, nine and eight, could lead to the best season in pot race history. - Like in another scenario, the exact same nine and eight could lead to lividness, do we fire anybody? - Less than two weeks ago, they had a 98% chance. You just laid out earlier, all of the math that goes into the fan grass projections, they were at a 98% chance, and you're gonna go back and look at the Angels series and the Colorado series and all that and you're gonna go stupid. We have to make the playoffs. - Got to make the playoffs, you have to. - These are expectations because you ought to beat those. - You are tied with them today. You're tied with them. - Right. - You've won more, you've won as many games. - All in many games. - They've exceeded those expectations. A lot of people didn't think this was a playoff team at the beginning of the year, but they proved that they are, that they should be in the playoffs. - Yes, they've played like it. - How do you get that? - That level, that, you know. - Pauli, the moves they made alone is a trade deadline. - Right. - The capital that they gave up, you're in. - Got to make it. - I'm just saying that other than the three games against the Diamondbacks, they can't control what the other three teams do at this point. - Right, but you can control what you do and you can't lose a series to the Giants at home and you just can't out? - But you can. - Well, you didn't. - And everyone's going to, and you can't avoid it either. - You are going to lose, probably will lose at least one more series of the Western. I mean, I hope they don't, but they've got six series left. I mean, if they win all six series, there's nothing that can stop the Padres for making the playoffs. I would have think that mathematically that would almost guarantee getting into the postseason. But more than likely, play six series, even the best teams are going to lose one of those series. - But again, man, you should be railed for going nine and eight with 17 games left to play. - Railed. - But you won't care if they make the playoffs. - No, I'll care. I'll be concerned. - I won't. That will not concern me. - Get in as long as you don't need me help from anybody else. - You don't need this guy to lose-- - This guy to lose eight and nine. - They make the playoffs. - I don't care. - But if they go 10 and seven. - I don't miss the playoffs. - I don't give a frog's fat ass. They just have to make the playoffs. That's it. They make the playoffs. I'm like, that's great. - But you can't control it all. - I mean, the only thing that they can definitely do is if they go-- - They're in the driver's seat right now. - Yeah, they're in the driver's seat. - So if they go 14 and three, I believe 15 and two would definitely automatically get them in. Likely, they don't have to do that much. But I would say-- - If they go 14 and three and the Diamondbacks go 17 and O or whatever, and they get in-- - Well, you're like, you don't have to find-- - Correct. - These are so many random hypotheticals here. - It's so hypothetical. - But they are in the driver's seat. They're in the number one position. Like go out, win your ball games, handle what you can handle. - And you shouldn't have to worry about it. - And then we'll go from there. - Right. - You should not have to worry about it. - I'm just saying that a 90 win season would be outstanding. - We would have all signed up. - No, I bet you don't make the playoffs. - At the beginning of the season, if I had told you, I can't guarantee the playoffs. - Don't we get out of here? - Can we get out of here? - Is there any way to play it? - Yes. - It's a best step. - No, I wouldn't have. - You'd make the play, yeah, we're gonna win 90 games where you're not gonna make the playoffs. - No, I'm not saying you're not gonna make the playoffs. I'm saying you may or may not make the playoffs, but 90 wins would have been absolutely instant sign up for 90 wins. - Honestly, I wouldn't have thought you were insane. - Honestly, I wouldn't have thought you were insane, but yeah, Paulie's right, things do change. They do change. - You would have thought I was insanely optimistic. - Yeah. - Throughout the course of the season, things change. And again, you know, the point of, all I'm saying is 90 wins is still not a bad outcome for the season. - I mean, I don't remember what the Padres' expectations were heading into 2022 after that awful collapse in 2021, but I do know when they went out and got one soda at the trade deadline? - I expected. - Like this team, you have to go on a run. You absolutely have to. Things change throughout the course of the long, long baseball season. - Yeah, just don't, I mean, honestly, just keep playing hard. - But it's certainly not a collapse. If they go nine, if they go... - If they don't make the playoffs, it's a collapse. - Even if they go nine and eight the rest of the way, that's a collapse. - Yes. - I wish I had the exact date, but I want to say like on September 1st, they were like 97, 98% chance. - And they're 93 today. - So that would be, you know, in a span of a month to go from 98% chance likelihood of making the playoffs to out of the playoffs. Yeah, that'd be a collapse. - Even if they did it with a winning record, the rest of the way. - Can you collapse? Can you play winning baseball? - What do you recognize your collapse at the same time? - Yeah, absolutely care. - They didn't collapse at the end of last season. - Collapsed, the whole season was a collapse. - I mean, the whole season was bad, but they didn't collapse at the end of the year. 2021 was a collapse. They were way above 500. - And then they played horribly. - How about last year when they won 17 of 18, but we're out of it. I still look at that as a massive collapse. You guys turned it on when it was too late and you didn't make the playoffs and you spent a billion dollars to get there and you didn't make it. - Oh, Lou, you beat me. - I think disappointment last year was a huge disappointment. They never collapsed. They were never in position to collapse at all. It was just a huge disappointment. - You collapsed by nine. - I just don't know how I could ever categorize this season as a major disappointment. If they don't, I mean, if they go-- - If they don't make the playoffs, if they go two and 15 the rest of the way. - Yeah, I'm gonna be really disappointed and call that a major collapse. If they go nine and eight and get to 90 wins, I'm gonna have trouble. I'm gonna be sad and disappointed, but I'm gonna have trouble going, AJ probably needs to go, Mike Shilton needs to go. I mean, they'll have done a really good job this year. - Dubj says, I don't know if I could listen to Ben and it was show if they missed the playoffs. You wouldn't hear me 'cause I'm not coming to work. I don't even know what to tell you. I don't know if I could get out of bed in the morning. It'd be awful. But no, if they don't make the playoffs, it's collapsed. Things change and expectations change with the better that you play and the more committed your team is in going out and getting some of the bullets that they got, yeah, things changed. It would be bad. It would be very bad. It would be bad. I have no doubt that it would be bad. Is it the kind of bad that has to come with consequences? - Yeah, 98% chance to make it on September 1st, you don't make it. - But part of that 98% chance is the expectation that when there's three other teams, one or two of them are probably not gonna play that one. - And they still might. - And if all three of those teams play well and that's out of your control, that's not a collapse. That's a very odd circumstance, but it's not one that you can control. - I'm not even up for chalking anything up to an odd circumstance this year. I'm not up for it. I don't have it in me. - Potter's gonna go four and one in the next five and one of those teams could go oh and five. And then it's like, next week, this time next week, we're like, "Whoa, we've been talking about?" - Yeah, what would be crazy? - Now it's just seeding. - But now you should worry about seeding. And where do you wanna play? - I mean, but I guess to answer your question, yeah. Anything-- - Short of the playoffs is failing. - Yeah, it's failing. It's a bad season. - 100%. - But that wasn't the case at the beginning of the year. - Correct. - Well, they didn't have a lot of the players they have now. - That's true. - So, yeah, it's a huge, huge play. - And they've played-- - Oh, trust me, if I knew you were gonna have the rookie of the year and, you know, huge years from Michael King-- - Oh, we're also gonna get Tanner Scott and Jason Adam. - Then back in March, yeah. If I knew all of that was coming. - Expectations have been high. - I mean, right now, I think they still have the best records since the all-star break. - They do. - And they finish nine and eight. They may finish with the best records since the all-star break. - I'm so ready to-- - And you would still call it a collapse. - Yeah. - Yeah, if they don't make the playoffs, it's a collapse. - Even if they have the best record and the second half of the season. - Correct. - That's not generally what you call a collapse. - Hey, man, it's baseball. It's not generally what you call a collapse, but if you don't make the playoffs, it's a collapse. - It's, I mean, we're splitting hairs here. Collapse, disappointment, whatever you wanna call it. - Matthews's AJ Preller should get fired regardless if what happens. Even if they win the World Series, he should still go. - Now that, I don't agree with that. - I don't think I agree with that. - I mean, you get the chip, man, it gets you a few more years, for sure. - That would be an odd thing. - Yes, we have announced that we're having our World Series Parade and AJ Preller has been fired. - You have to put me in a straight jacket if they don't make the playoffs. - Just so you know. - Yeah. - I mean, it could definitely happen. - It is. - 92 is not 100. - Why are we spinning everybody out today after two losses? - I'm not trying to spin everybody. - Everyone's like, dude, I have anxiety now. You guys are killing me. Stay positive. They're gonna be fine. They're gonna make the playoffs. - There's no reason they shouldn't. - Nope. - A good team. Fully believe that. - I do too. - I also, no, I can't control and they can't control what the Mets or the Braves or the Diamondbacks do. - They can't control what they do. - Yeah. - Chris says, I'm gonna collapse if Ben doesn't stop this. - Yeah. - George says, they won 90 and 2010 to make it 90 wins. Isn't it a successful season? - That was before they had three wild cards. - That's true. - Which is different. - Now there's been-- - I'm more than capable of creating my own anxieties. Convinced I'm helping Kay, thanks. Love you, bye. - I mean, they were back in the day where you had teams that would win 100 games and not make the playoffs. - Yeah. - Because they didn't have any wild cards at all. - Yeah, I'm not too worried about it. - I wasn't. - The Dodgers won 106 games and didn't win the division a couple of years ago. - Yeah. - They made the playoffs. - They did make the playoffs. - It's pretty clear cut for me. Like, you gotta make the playoffs. - You have to make the playoffs. - It's pretty clear cut for me that we should ball gag him for the rest of the day and maybe tomorrow. - And the worst is there's no game tonight. So now you get to sit and noodle this around for another 24, 36 hours. Tomorrow he's gonna be like, I'm pretty sold that we're not making the playoffs and here's why. - I'm not sold that they're not making the playoffs. I still believe they're gonna make the playoffs. I'm just preparing everybody for every possible eventuality. - All right, hey, also today, if you're walking outside, a safe could fall off of a building and cross your skull, it could happen. Be prepared for that. Of course, expect the worst, you know, whatever. - I mean, it's possible the potters go four and 13 and still make the playoffs because the Mets also go four and 13 the rest of the way. - I need to sage this entire student. - Lots of different, there's lots of possibilities left and the potters are in the best situation of the four remaining wild card contenders. - My blood pressure did shoot up. - For the three spots. - It did shoot up. - This. - Maybe we should like the heavy Olympics where like our vital signs are tracked during the show. Heartbeat, blood pressure, all the way through. We can, Paul could add that to our YouTube screen where it just is. - I think I can. - Monitoring it during our program. - I think I can get my heart beat, it's through. - His heart is racing, whatever Ben is saying is driving woods up a wall right now. - I think I can get mine, I'm gonna just look for it, but go ahead, keep talking more about how we won't make the playoffs. - Ben is confused by this conversation. - Yeah, I'm a little confused as well. - What's confusing about it? - I'm simply laying-- - The heart rate is 90 right now, that bad or good? - That's not great. - Yeah, it's not, and it's spiky. - You're not Michael Phelps since you're, you know, slow beat heart rate. - Yeah, I usually roll about 72 beats per minute at seven at 90 right now. - Good, dude. - 55. - Please don't do it. - 55, are you alive? Paulie, you're like a dead man. - Dead man. - World class athlete over here. Paulie was showing-- - That was earlier. - Paulie was showing me how he got dotted sets. - Oh, Paulie got dotted yesterday right now. - Yesterday in the tier one game. Kinda underneath his side, like wrist side of the rib cage. - That feels good. - If my arm-- - I mean, he was, he was showing me where it was, and like, I touched that and it hurts just touching it. Even when it's not injured, that's like a spot that is like, bad. - Kcheeks to segment where Woods has a live heart rate monitor Ben tries to get as high as he can with these competes. You just wear me out. I'm just sitting here like, and then you get to say where Woods has a live heart attack on the air. - Man, let's kill Woods. - Yeah, come up tomorrow, Woods dies on the show. Actually, we do have a, an interesting one tomorrow. - Okay. - Yeah. - An interesting interview. And I'm, I, Paulie asked me if we wanted to do it, and I said, yeah, absolutely we want to do it. So if you guys, you guys watch, it's going to be on, what, Paulie, FX? - FX, Hulu. - So we all saw the OJ Simpson dramatization, right? With Ross from Friends as Bob Kardashian, Cuba Gooding Jr. is OJ. Well, they did it again, but they did it for the Aaron Hernandez story. And I thought, all right, that story's been told. You know, there's a couple of documentaries about pretty good, they sent me an advanced screener. And I couldn't turn this thing off, dude. It's, they do so exciting to get an advanced - Oh, oh, I thought, some fans over or something, yeah. - Well, they had my name right in the middle. So I'm watching it and it says Steven Woods, been very light, but you can see it. - Like on the screen. - On the screen of Watermore. - So they know if it gets out, who makes it. - So it's really, really, really well done. And the guy that plays Aaron Hernandez, do we know what his name is? - His name is Joshua Vera. - Joshua Vera, I can't even imagine what this guy went through. He wasn't like a football player, wasn't a big football guy, but not only to have to go and play like an NFL player, but one that was as depraved and immature and confused as Aaron Hernandez was. It was phenomenally well done and I ripped through it. I mean, I was, it just was really, really brilliant. So we're gonna have him on tomorrow. - Question for him and one of the producers. - Him and one of the producers. - Now that you've seen it, were the Patriots and the NFL. - Yes. - Completely complicit. - Hungry. - Hungry. - What was going on? - What was going on? - How much did they know? - It starts with Urban Meyer. It goes to, and the guy that plays Urban Meyer, as much as you hate Urban Meyer, you'll hate the guy that plays him as much. - You'll say let him on that Fox pregame show. Does anyone like Urban Meyer? - How does that happen? - I don't know. - Dude, I'm telling you, you will watch this and go, this was phenomenal. So that I watched it, it's great. - Urban Meyer makes Nick Saban look like Mr. Charm and I'm like a hundred percent. Urban, and this is so well done. So we're gonna talk to the guy that played Aaron Hernandez in the morning. I'm very excited for this and one of the producers. - 6.15, early, early tomorrow. Well, with no game, that's perfect. All right, we'll talk to you all of them. That's it for us, Annie and Elston are coming up next for Paulie Rondo, our executive producer and imaging director and Steven Woods. I'm Ben Higgins, have a great rest of your Monday from all of us here at San Diego's number one sports station, 97.3, the fan. America's favorite place to watch football is stadium swim located at circa resort and casino in Las Vegas. Catch all the biggest games and a viewing experience built for sports fans. Chill in one of their six pools on three different levels for a perfect view of their massive screen. 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