Ben & Woods On Demand Podcast

9am Hour - Jesse Agler, Scottish Friar, + The Reindl Report

Ben & Woods kick off the 9am hour by chatting with Padres broadcaster Jesse Agler who we missed yesterday with the rare Tuesday off day! Then we get a voicemail from our pal Scottish Friar who is VERY upset with the attention that Welsh Friar has been getting before we wrap up the show with The Reindl Report and Paulie's top headlines of the day! Listen here!

Broadcast on:
04 Sep 2024
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"My dad works in B2B marketing. "He came by my school for career day "and said he was a big row as man. "Then he told everyone how much he loved "calculating his return on ad spend. "My friends still laughing at me to this day." - Not everyone gets B2B, but with LinkedIn, you'll be able to reach people who do. Get $100 credit on your next ad campaign. Go to to claim your credit. That's Terms and conditions apply. Linked in, the place to be, to be. From the mind of a two-foot tall talking spunk's puppet comes this year's biggest challenge. It's time for Bob's Dare to Compare. The hottest game show on TV that asks, what happens when you compare Bob's to the competition? You get style, you get quality, you get beefs and boops and dings and whoops, and thousands of dollars and savings. Everyone's winner when you dare to compare with Bob's discount furniture. Shop in store at to play now. Recovery from addiction can take many forms. And quite often, it's a team effort. For those in recovery, having support often leads to a better outcome. And for those supporting people in recovery, they celebrate every milestone. Here's to family, friends, loved ones, healthcare providers and community groups who are essential to helping people find their path to recovery. If you or someone you know is experiencing addiction, visit to learn more about the various treatment options available. - It's one of the most rare things in a baseball season. A Tuesday off day. - That's a world game, man. - Almost never happens. - Yeah, that is a work day. Even in the all-star break, you got the all-star game on the Tuesday. But the Padres had a very rare Tuesday day off yesterday. They'll continue their three game series against the Detroit Tigers tonight. And with that in mind, we didn't have Jesse on yesterday for the Incorporator, but he joins us right now. The voice of the Padres, Jesse Agler with this year at 97.3. The fan, good morning, Jesse. How was your Tuesday off? - I was very busy, actually, as you can imagine. But it was good, yeah, thank you. - All right, so we know the grind on the players' bodies from the 18 and 18. I wanna talk about the grind on the, yeah, on the announcer, on the play-by-play voice of the Padres, Jesse Agler. The grind on your physical body and mind over that stretch. - Nothing like what the players went through. You know, let's start there. I mean, the way they use their bodies very different than the way I use mine and their minds as well. But, yeah, of course, it takes a toll, especially this part of the season. You know, 18 in a row in April is very different than 18 in a row at the end of August, in the beginning of September. So, you know, I'll sound like Manny, but nobody's 100% this time of year. It's fine. We'll deal with it. Which is what it is. It's the same for everybody. And, you know what? Yesterday was well-earned for everybody. That's for sure. Not just the players and the announcers, but everybody on that staff, all the coaches. Man, I am quite certain that the average fan does not realize the way everybody in that group grinds every single day. And it's part of the deal. It's the same for everybody in baseball, but it's a lot and hats off to everybody. Now, you had to bounce around TV and radio, TV over the weekend while Don was off in Tampa. My question though is, so how much more, what, like the hair and makeup that is involved with the broadcast? I mean, is it a lot or is it a little? What do you do to get ready for TV versus radio? From that standpoint, it's very minimal. There is no like hair and makeup person or anything like that. So, I have, Ben, you'll appreciate this, is working in television. The extent of my makeup is some powder. And that goes on about two and a half minutes before we do the open. And in terms of hair, you know, I'll actually like pay attention to what I'm doing that morning. It's supposed to every other day when I don't really. And that is it. That's the entirety of the operation. And I make sure I shave. 'Cause I don't shave every day when I'm doing radio, I shave like every other day. So for TV, I make sure I shave. That is literally, that's the extent of it. It's probably also a mental preparation of having to work with mud grant that you have to do some meditation of some sort. Like, I saw a tweet the other day and said, "Man, this guy looks like he sits in his car "when he gets home." And I thought to myself, doesn't everybody sit in their car for a minute when they get in? I have to mentally prepare myself to walk into Thunderdome almost every day, Jesse. And I'm sure you do the same when you're home. I think when you work with mud on TV that night, you have to probably have a moment of like... All right, I gotta get through this. - Who saw? - Yeah, who saw? - He is the most loving and most lovable person I've ever known. He has a very large personality, and everybody is quite aware. But he's that, you know, you think about a clubhouse, right? And like the way a clubhouse is put together, he's the guy that brings the energy. He's the guy that's not gonna let you have a bad day when you really feel like you deserve a bad day or you really wanna have a bad day. You see him bouncing around, smiling, laughing, making jokes, showing videos on his phone. And you're just automatically in a better mood. And like, I gotta tell you, you gotta have people like that around. You know, we were joking the other day about it, like clubhouse chemistry applies to the broadcast booth as well. You know, those things that matter downstairs, matter upstairs as well, because just, you know, we're around each other all the time. And I'm telling you, man, he has saved our lives so many times with his positivity, with his energy, with his love. And he's a very special part. - Sweet angel, baby, is what he is. - And you know what is so underrated with chemistry. And I think we have it, Woods, and I see it with Jesse and Tony, and Jesse even in mud, even though they don't work together that often, is when you can take digs at someone else. It's so important. And you do it with both of those guys, even with mud on TV. I hear 'em, a little on, stun your breath a little bit. You get 'em sometimes. - Yeah, it's great. - But that's great. That's what chemistry is all about. Knowing that the person you're working with is gonna be okay with it. - Yep. - Right, because it's authentic to your relationship. - Yeah. - You know, I mean, basically, if you can do it off the air, you can do it on the air, right? Or vice versa, I guess. You know, I mean, it's like, that's the same kind of dig that I'm gonna take at him, you know, when we're hanging out, you know, on the bus, on the way to the ballpark. Then, you know, it's like, all right, like this is what we do, this is the nature of our relationship. And you have to be able to do it to yourself also, right? You can't take yourself too seriously. You gotta be able to turn it around and give yourself a hard time and accept it when the other guys do. There's no question. And I think, you know, from an audience standpoint, whether it's your show or what we do, you know, people, they feel that. You know, like somebody listening to me like, "Ah, these guys are truly friends. That's the way I give my friends a hard time." And bus their chops. I kinda like that they're doing it too. And look, are there times I've probably crossed the line, you know, maybe feel a little bit too comfortable or something like that? - I've never. - But like, you know, that's, that's again, that's part of being a friend and like, you know, noticing that, recognizing that, realizing that. And pulling it back a little bit the next time. But like, I don't know, the one like I heard about from a thousand people the other day was mud. Like he's like, you know, I think, you know, somebody just hit a home run and he said, "I smelled jumbo jacks." And I said to him, I said, "I think that's your shirt." - Oh, yes. - Like that's the exact kind of thing. - Yeah, that was great. I saw I heard it too. - Like that's the exact kind of thing I would have said to him, like, you know, as I said on the bus or hanging out at the hotel after a game or something like that. So, yeah, it's, we have a really good time. We've got a really good group. I feel very lucky to be a small part of it. - It's hard to get digs in on Jesse though. - Oh, you can't do it, I'd be terrified. - He's just polished, it's tough to find any avenue where you can kind of get an in road on a dig on Jesse. - Yeah, he's taking some of me. I like it. - Oh, really? - I wear an easy to take a badge of honor. - We have plenty of foibles. - Yes, that's right. - I feel like Jesse needs a foible or two. - He does, he's too perfect. Jesse Agler joins us here on Ben & Woods this morning. Now, the baseball on the field has been honestly pretty remarkable, the stretch, whatever it was, the 27 and 28, the great record, the team playing together, Jesse, from your perspective, have you let yourself get caught up in it all? Because I know I'm like this, I'm a ball of energy. That's just, I'm tamping it down on purpose. I don't want to make any bold proclamations, but I sure am pleased with what I'm seeing. - How could you not be? - I know. - You know, I mean, you have to be excited right now. You know, what that looks like for you is gonna be different, maybe then for me, maybe different for Manny, maybe different for Mike Schilt, you know, and so on and so forth, but like, you cannot be anything but encouraged and excited by the way this is going. They're one of the best teams in baseball, like period. They are, you know, what that means come next month, we'll see as we know the volatility of the postseason is off the chart. - Oh, yeah. - You know, it seems like every result is equally probable, although I know that's probably not mathematically correct. Like, that is it. They are one of the best teams in baseball. They have played like one of the best teams in baseball. They've handled their business like one of the best teams in baseball. You know, I would at this point, not discourage anyone from dreaming any dream. I wouldn't. I think it's a reasonable dream to have at this point. Again, knowing that, you know, the next two months is gonna be insane and you've no idea which way it's gonna turn. It could go a thousand different directions, but, you know, you have every right to be excited. You also have every right to emotionally protect yourself because we've been down this road before as sports fans of whatever team and whatever time. And we all, I think deep down understand how hard it is to be the last one standing. The Padres obviously have never been the last team standing. But that shouldn't, I don't think, tamper your enthusiasm and your excitement because they are clearly, if you follow this sport, you watch these games. You can tell, you can tell. They are a championship caliber team. There's no mistaking that. - That's all I've ever wanted really as a Padres fan is a team that I can look at and go, yeah, they've got everything it takes. I know, I know there are several other teams that also have everything it takes to win the World Series. And you'll need some breaks, things that go your way to actually lift that trophy. But you don't have to tie yourself in knots and go through, you know, logical stretches to go. Well, if this guy has an absolutely career month of October and these four guys add three miles an hour to their fastballs, maybe they've got a shot. No, if the Padres just play like they're capable of and have played like they've been capable of all season, they will have a legitimate chance in October. You would agree. - Absolutely. And as you said, I think as a fan, right? That's, I don't want to say all you can ask for because of course we're all asking for that big last thing. We're all asking for that parade that Peter Siler would talk about. But I do think you had it right. You don't have to twist yourself and contort your mind into saying if X, Y, and Z. It's just keep doing it. Keep plugging away. And Mike Schultz deserves an awful lot of credit for that. Sort of the way he has steered this ship and kind of gotten his mentalities, I think deep into that clubhouse and kind of allowed these guys to do everything that they've done. - Well, we have an interesting twist on the Incorporated today. Don't we, Benny? Do you want to set it up? Now, Jesse, are you familiar with the phenomenon that is Tom, AKA Welsh Fryer? You're on Twitter every now and then. You know Welsh Fryer? - Sure, yeah. - All right, Welsh Fryer's here. Say a little Jesse Agler. - So Jesse? - Hey, hey. - Yeah, there he is. In the flat. - How are things recorded? - Yeah, so right. It's amazing. - I love that accent. - It's all right. It's amazing. Giza, so good. I can do this all day. - So we've thought today, we're going to give you a very simple Incorporated word. - Yeah. - Paulie. (speaking in foreign language) - No, that's not it. (laughing) - That's it. Did you know Jesse, that's a real town. - That's a real town. - Right, in Wales. - A real town. - Did you know that? - 52 letters. - Watching, welcome to Rexxham. I feel like I picked up some of that stuff. Yeah. - Now say it live, Tom, while you're here. - All right, here we go. (speaking in foreign language) - Absolute, they're mad lads over there. - It's insane. - Jesse, we would not make you do that. Now, we're actually gonna give you the simplest Incorporated word you've ever had in the history of this game. Your Incorporated word today is baseball, except you have to say it in Welsh. Tom? - Pelvas. - Pelvas. - Pelvas. - Pelvas. - Pelvas, P-L, and then F-A-S, but the F is kind of got that V-ish sound to it, you know. - Pelvas tend to do. - Like Old English, like you look at the Constitution, you've got those Fs in there. - Yes, exactly, I know. - You know. - Well, that's where we came from, along you go, across the pond. - Exactly. - Pelvas. - Pelvas. - Pelvas. - Pelvas. - I love that, I love that. It would be my honor for Tom and all of our Welsh friends. - All three of them that are listening. - Jesse. - My parents. - His parents and his sister, brother. - Brother. - Brother, yeah. - You may see him down there. He's gonna be at batting practice, courtesy of one CEO, Eric Grouppner, today. Which Woods is just furious about, 'cause Woods had set up on Friday for him to go to batting practice, and Groupp talked just one up thick, completely. - Cut the off at the knees, Jesse. - Look, man, pecking order is a pecking order. - Yeah, it is, exactly. God, it wouldn't surprise me if they'd get him an A-B tonight, just to show me up for my good beats, but it's fine. - Now make sure you say hi to when we're down there today. - Yeah, you'll see Jesse down there. - Enjoy your double batting practice, Welsh fryer. - Jesse, have a good game. - The September is here, and we couldn't be happier. - Love it, can't wait, guys. - Jesse Ackler, voice of the pond raised. - Did you say the September is here? - The September is here. - What the hell was that mean? - I was gonna say the pennant raised, and then I just said, "Well, let's just go with September." - Ladies and gentlemen, the September is here. (laughing) - Ladies and gentlemen, the September-- - Do you remember the 21st night of the September? - It's incredible, incredible. All right, well, the September is here, the better woods are also here, the Welsh fryer is here, and the great Jesse Ackler is just great. - He liked the incorporation. - He liked the incorporation. - Pedevos. - I think there was some genuine excitement. - I thought he was saying, I thought he was being sarcastic, actually, I really did. (laughing) - I think that was genuine. - All right, all right, all right. - But with Jesse, you never quite know. - Now, our pal baseball, Nick, you went to the game with him the other day. - Yeah, I went with Nick, yeah. - Now, he's on our tier one baseball team. Are you gonna be in town Sunday? - For half of the day, we're leaving on Sunday. - You're leaving on Sunday. - Many people were asking, "Is Tom gonna take ABs for the tier one team?" - I mean, the answer. - If we say yes, then you'll probably gonna make a beat tonight for the pod team. - Yes, yay! (laughing) - Come out and swing it. - Are you inviting him to play some pelvis with you? - pelvis, it looks like they're leaving that day. It's gonna be tough, one with the one o'clock game. But baseball and Nick City did show you the best food at Petco Park. What did you have? - The very egg rolls. - Oh, okay, I've not had those. - I had not even, that's a new item this year, isn't it? - I gotta get that. - I'm gonna get that. I'll be there Friday and Saturday. Thursday and Saturday is when I will be there. I don't even know where they are. - That's a good question. What stand has the ingredients in the ballast point? - Oh, okay, the ballast point area. All right, I'll find them. I'm gonna try those. - Is that the one under the scoreboard? - I think so, yeah. - I can't remember, all right. - So, I've got our chat nose and we'll let us know before we come back. - How do you say? - Bitya. - Bitya, you know I can't roll my arse, but it's double R, so. - Bitya, I thought it was Bitya. - Bitya, bitya. - Bitya. - Bitya. - Bitya. - Bitya. Egg rolls. - Right, okay. - Fusion cuisine. - No, behind home plate, Nick says. All right, okay, here we go. All right, we will come back. We still have a Randal report to get to final, very special voicemail. - And a very special greet voicemail. - What? - Agree voice, is it her group there? - Maybe. (laughing) - Coming up after traffic here on 97-3, the fan, end of September. - My dad works in B2B marketing. He came by my school for career day and said he was a big row as man. Then he told everyone how much he loved calculating his return on ad spend. My friend's still laughing at me to this day. - Not everyone gets B2B, but with LinkedIn, you'll be able to reach people who do. Get $100 credit on your next ad campaign. Go to to claim your credit. That's Terms and conditions apply. Linkedin, the place to be, to be. - From the mind of a two-foot tall talking spunk's puppet comes this year's biggest challenge. It's time for Bob's dare to compare. The hottest game show on TV that asks, "What happens when you compare Bob's to the competition?" You get style. - Ooh. - You get quality. - Ooh. - You get beeps and boops and dings and whops and thousands of dollars and savings. Everyone's a winner when you dare to compare with Bob's discount furniture. Shop in store at to play now. - Recovery from addiction can take many forms and quite often it's a team effort. For those in recovery, having support often leads to a better outcome. And for those supporting people in recovery, they celebrate every milestone. Here's to family, friends, loved ones, healthcare providers and community groups who are essential to helping people find their path to recovery. If you or someone you know is experiencing addiction, visit to learn more about the various treatment options available. There's sports betting, and then there's Circa Las Vegas at Adults Only Sports Watching Nirvana. Now you can watch up to 19 games at the world's largest sports book on a 78 million pixel three-story mega screen. Plus it's always spectator season at America's largest pool amphitheater, Stadium Swim. Stadium Swim is open 365 days a year and features all sports on an epic 143 foot screen. Book your reservation at Circa Las, Circa Las Vegas. This is sports the way it should be. Nothing is more important than getting a good night's sleep, and when you don't get the rest you need, your whole day is thrown off. That's why it's so important to choose the right mattress. 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Hold on, bro. - All right, I have no idea who left a voicemail or why they're angry, so what's you're gonna have to explain it to me? - I actually don't. The voicemail just speaks for itself. - What does it? - Yeah, it does. - Okay. You guys remember our pal, Scottish friar? - Scottish friar, and he is-- - Not happy today. - He is hot. - All right, lads, that's haimish my callous, just your phone, and then. I've got that boner, too, to pick with you. - You lot, eh? Would you like to explain to me why this, eh? Welsh Lad is coming in studio, and what makes him so bloody special? Eh, he has the seeds to come around this state, and all of a sudden, everyone's rolling out their head carpet. - All right, Mr. Welsh friar, come on the radio. I'm Mr. Welsh friar, come through the Peco part, we'll get just a batting practice. We'll play the national anthem for you, Peco. Are you bloody serious? Have you ever been to Wales? There's nothing special then. Have you seen that language? It looks like it was generated by chat GBT. I make me a language that has no vowels. There you go. Yeah, so it doesn't exactly add up. But I've done the math, and I've connected the dots, and I'm actually quite ashamed and sad to admit this. But, eh, it's quite obvious what has happened. Lads, do you know the word peyola, eh, actually? So, you connect the dots with what's going on, and I know what happened. I know that the Welsh friar said I would, I'm coming through to the States, and here's what I'll get you to make my way, sweet and nice. I'll give you a waste of tickets. Eh, that's what happened. I know that Wood said, can I see a waste of tickets, and I'll do everything for you? Eh, that's what happened. And that's a bloody shame, 'cause it shouldn't have worked that way. I should be based on how cool you are, and how good it go if you are, who's got its invented gold. So, next time you might think about inviting your pal, the Scottish friar, not the Welsh friar. I'll leave it there. Enjoy your champagne supernova. I'll be busy listening to the poor clamors and simple minds. (laughing) He is hot. And that is not, that is not. Just when he thought everybody loved Welsh friar. He does have his haters out. Scottish friar, hey, that means you've arrived. When you have your haters, I've got dozens of them, if not more. It means that you've made it. People hate you, and they hate listen to you Welsh friar, but that's not what happened. I did procure my Oasis ticket through another friend who was not Welsh friar. He did tell me, you tried to get tickets to the show as well. Yeah, I did, I was unsuccessful. My family tried to get it unsuccessful. It was a bit rough. Well, they have just announced more dates in London for the people that didn't get tickets. Only those people will be able to get tickets for this. So they're trying to make life. I'm sure that there will be no way for people to get around that and see a second Oasis show. I mean, yeah, but I think maybe the first dibs are for those people that got maybe banged out of the queue or whatever. And I think that's a cool move. It's tough, it's tough. Like, it's the hottest ticket on the planet right now. And, yeah, it's crazy. Everyone in the UK is talking about it. You know, everyone's trying to get tickets. There's got to be hundreds of thousands of people going to them. You know, they're going all around the UK as well. So it's not like anyone's out of an area. So yeah, it's crazy. Was this their plan all along? Was there? Is this the long-con from the Gallagher 15 years? No, pretend like you hated each other and then come back together just for this giant money-making opportunity. No, but if it was their plan, it's a brilliant one to be sure because they're generational wealth now for the rest of their lives. So yeah, I have one tour. Yeah, one tour. I mean, pretty insane. But yeah, that's not what happened. I did not accept an OASIS ticket from Wells Fryer. Though I probably could have been manipulated had you worked out something in advance. Then again, Eric Ruchner would have come in, swooped in and done something even more special. Brought OASIS 2 Pego Park for a private show for Wells Fryer. Exactly. Well, I know most people are going to the game tonight to maybe get a glimpse of Tom, but some will actually be there to see you Darvish pitch in his first outing since May. I mean, his last, I think start was May 29th. And then after that, they put him on the injured list with the groin injury. And just as he was kind of starting to come back from that, that's when he went on the restricted list and was dealing with the personal family matter. So he will be back tonight, first time in, let's see. With June, July, August with three, just over three months since his last trip to the mound for the San Diego Padres. It's going to be so nice to have you Darvish back on the mound and see what he can contribute for the Padres down the stretch and hopefully in the playoffs. Because not only are the Padres, obviously trying to clinch a playoff spot, Woods, but I'd imagine Mike Shilton, Ruben Abler, trying to figure out what that playoff rotation is going to look like once they get there. There's a three game wild card series likely in the Padres future. Who's the odd man out of the four right now? What are your top starters? - Bro, I think it really depends on what happens the last time you're in season. I think you can't even, you can't prognosticate that much. That would be a fool's errand right now. If you're Mike Shilton, A.J. Preller, and you're, hey, just, you know, let's look down the road a little bit. I don't think, I think it's a waste of time. - There is a scenario though, and Craig was talking about this yesterday. - Very, very well may happen. The last week may end up being meaningless. Yeah, you know, we've got all these expectations for three against the Dodgers and three against the Diamondbacks, but you might be too far from the Dodgers, and you might already have a lead over the Diamondbacks by your time you get to that last series. So it may not be that important, and you may be able to line up your pitching for a three game series. I still think the question of who those three are going to be is fascinating. I think-- - All things equal, everyone's healthy. - Yeah, everyone's healthy, everyone's pitching well, going into the post-season. - Starfish season must grow. - No. - No king. Kings been so good in the second round this season. - If you're saying Darvish is healthy in pitching well, it's Darvish season must grow. - You go with your veterans. - Yeah, all right. - No one's had a lower ERA in the ponderous rotation. - Darvish is the question mark, but it's the second half of the season. - Yeah, for amateurs, healthy in pitching well? - Based on the-- - It's a no-brainer. - Based on those parameters, and yeah, with the innings that Michael King has thrown and will throw. - Just like he's game four of the next round. - Does he make it? - Or is he a, because he was a bullpen guy for the Yankees. Does that make him like your first guy out of the bullpen in one of those games? - Yeah, you probably right, man. It probably is Darvish season must grow. And then if you need King in one of those games, what a nasty weapon to have. And this is, again, what Flan talked about, what Bruce Bochi does so well using his fours and his fives to then become, you know, massively valuable pieces in a playoff run. That's a really good problem to have. - Maybe C's has to pitch that Sunday to finish out the regular season, 'cause you need that game. Then maybe King starts game three of the wild card if it gets to that point. And you know what? - I remember growing up, I saw Randy Johnson come out of the bullpen. - Oh, yeah. - You know what I mean? Like, you've seen with Dylan C's come out. - Kershaw. - It's always the world, right? So you got a lot of options here. - But I guess when you think about it that way, if someone is going to have to come out of the bullpen in that series, makes the most sense for it to be King. - I'd be disgusting. - Yeah, it would be really, really nasty. But I think right now it's way premature. We just don't know how it's going to play out. I mean, you could be, let's be honest, if we're going to look at one side, we need to look at the other side. You could be fighting for your life that last week of the season. You really have no idea. I mean, it's not like, it's not like the playoffs starting next week. And we're trying to, there's still a one in two game. - Let's go. - Any of those four I'm pretty comfortable with. - Absolutely. - In the playoffs. So even if you have to go right to the wire, not all four of them are going to pitch in that last series. You'll have someone who is in reserve who'll be a fresh and ready to go on that Tuesday for game one of a wild part. - Yeah, I mean, Adam's asking the question, could King pitch multiple games out of the bullpen like two innings in games one and three? I think the answer is absolutely yes. We asked Mike Schiltt, and what did he say on Friday? Probably his best appearance of the year. He's like, this is what you play for. This is why you play baseball is for this. So I don't see a lot of guys on our team. - You could be aimed by if Joe has a rough second inning, get him up. - Whatever. - What I don't think you're going to have to worry about with this team that you did last year is guys going, hey, not me. Not today, I went yesterday. You're not keeping Tanner Scott out. You're not keeping Robert Suarez out. You're not keeping Jason Adam out. You're not keeping King out. You're not keeping anything. There's not one guy on that team that wouldn't say, I'll take it, not one. And that's what's massively refreshing about this year. There's not one guy down there that's like, well, I really need to watch the mileage on my arm. Tanner Scott is going to be a free agent. He's like, pitch me every day. I'll throw every single game you need me to throw. That in and of itself changes the mentality of the baseball team, 180 degrees from last year. - Well, we'll see you, Darvish hopefully takes that first step toward being one of those guys that's going to be a critical playoff contributor for the Padres, that's 640 tonight. Sammy Levitt with your EcoWater SoCal pregame show at 540, Keener Montero starting for the Tigers, right-hander, 24-year-old 4 and 6 with a 517 ERA. Still have our Rindle Report to get to. What's came in this morning? Tipping his cap to someone that I did not expect, he would be tipping his cap too. And that story will be part of the Rindle Report if I'm not mistaken. Coming up next on San Diego's number one sports station, 97-3, the fan. (upbeat music) - Hi, this segment of Inuit Woods is brought to you by California's Department of Transportation. This is important, Woods, listen up. Eastbound Interstate 8 will close from Jackson Drive to Route 67 from 9 p.m. Friday, September 13th through 5 a.m. Monday, September 16th. Follow the detour signs on Route 125 if you are in the area and then give yourself more time to reach your destination. - I'll be in San Francisco, so sorry. - It doesn't affect me. - You're in San Francisco. - Yeah. - To go watch the pods. - Where you been? - And for Hannah's birthday. Yeah, where have you been? - I just can't keep up with all of your trips. - Hannah's birthday, going up Friday. - I know it's birthday month. - Birthday month. - Has arrived. - It's a big deal. Got the pot raised giants at Oracle, first time in Oracle on Friday night, taking the kids. - Okay, that does vaguely ring a bell now. - And then the next day we're going Alcatraz. - You haven't been talking about it that much. - No, I'm excited for it. I just, my new thing is I don't, I guess Oasis, I've been talking about, but I just try to like forget it almost. I've tried to forget it so that I don't get too worked up about it, you know? But I'm excited to go to Oracle, you know? Could be potentially a pretty big game. So, and then of course I'm elated to go to Alcatraz. I'm still obsessed with Alcatraz. - Have you ever been? - Yeah, yeah. - Remember when Hannah and I went years ago? Like we had just started the show and I came home and I was, remember I was like watching documentaries about the Anglin Brothers and doing rabbit holes on it. And now Bo's obsessed with it and Taylor's pretty commitment. So it's, we're really excited about it. - That's right, if you have to. - Oh, 100%. I'm going to show you guys how the other half, this is what happens if you make bad decisions. Keep talking back, you won't brush your teeth. This is where you could be. Al Capone, never brush his teeth, look where he ended up. Alcatraz. So I'm really excited about that. - It's kind of cool though. - Cheetah says vacation woods is at it again. I'm not going on vacation, I'm actually working and I'm leaving after the show and then I'll be back before the show. - It's just a weekend. It's just a weekend. - It just happens to be a weekend away. - Yeah, weekend away. - It's trip woods, not vacation woods. - I'm excited. - All right, Paul, he's got the Rindle Report. We'll get to that after our last check of traffic here on 97.3 The Fan. - And get things started here with our edition today's edition of the Rindle Report. - Now tune into the (beep) greatest. (upbeat music) - Welcome to the Rindle Report with Paul Rindle. - Hi Paul. - All right, two stories from the world of sports that we haven't gotten to yet. - We'll start off in Major League Baseball. - And one story that you didn't know you needed. - Are you laughing, Beotch? - It's the Rindle Report. - Hey, Paul, how you doing? - Okay, how are you? - On 97.3 The Fan. ♪ Are you ready to blast the mood ♪ ♪ I need some help, please ♪ - Yeah, that was good. ♪ Can I get a whole year ♪ ♪ I'll die ♪ - All right. - All right. - All right. - Good morning, gentlemen. - Morning. - We will start off in Major League Baseball, little post-game audio. Aussie Gian did it again, man. - He sure did. - He went off, did you see any of this? He went off on Hunter Wendell. - Wendell Stett. - Wendell Stett. - Yep. - Who ejected Grady Sizemore in the game and then NBC Sports Chicago. They have their post-game show. - It is wild. - The studio show, it's Aussie Gian, couple of guys. They're all in their couches, they're on their soft chairs. And Aussie Gian went absolutely scorched Earth on Hunter Wendell Stett. And there's really no story here. It's just great audio, and I'm all for it. Take a listen to this. - All right, so you have Hunter Wendell Stett. He's the home plate on fire. - I wish I punch you in the face. - Why? (laughing) - It's, it's... - Oh, you have a history with him? - The first guy kicked me out of the game in the big league. - He was? - We no reason. - Hunter Wendell. - Yes. - I'm sure Aussie did nothing to warrant an ejection. - Totally, totally. - Aussie is very uncomfortable. - And one plate or a basement is Dad. - Yeah. - He was a legend. - Legend. - Legend, yeah. - Then I say, you know what? You know the people in your daddy's behind. - You're not a pimple on your daddy's behind. - So Harry Wendell Stett, his father was a long time umpire, fairly well respected. Hunter is just not as good. - No. - I promise you have that. - I told him recently. - Do you know your people's your daddy's behind? You're not a pure tourist bet. Because he kicked me out running out of the field like, okay, I went out to second base and he kicked me out again like, wait a minute. Do you know who I am? - Whoa. - Don't leave. No, he said, don't leave with your daddy's name. I spent more years in the big league as you. But I think the cold make today, I never argued about calls in TV. Obviously, with the uniform, I did it almost every day. But the calls you make today, it was horrible. - Wow. - You did. May you leave baseball? - He's digging in the game. - No, he's figuring anything out. - Look at how funny he is. - Oh my God. - Look at how funny he is. He should be embarrassing with that uniform. - Oh. - Look at how fat he is. He should be embarrassed. - Oh my God. - To wear that uniform. - Oh. - Look at he's like, look at how fat he is. - Look at how fat he is. - How is he not smoked? - Necessarily the most politically correct commentator in baseball, but he's definitely unfiltered. - Wow, wow, wow. I don't know, the strike zone wasn't good when the Padres had him just a few days ago. Never seems to be good. - Holy cow. - So basically, as again, is against nepotism. - Yeah, man. - His blood he was just ranting about. - You're not a temple on your daddy's desk. Your daddy's become it. - Yeah, gotta look up out of here. - All right, we'll go a little bit out of order here. She's back. I don't know that she ever left. - She didn't leave, she's been here. - Hock to her. - Yeah. - And it's extended indefinitely. - I'm a big fan of her. And we're gonna get a lot more of her. So we've talked about her. Of course, she had the viral clip and there were a lot of people got upset at how famous she got and look. - The filler set. - She didn't do anything wrong. As far as I'm concerned, Haley Welch innocent. You wanna have a bigger conversation about how you can say one thing on a video clip and have it go viral and literally change your life. That's a bigger picture conversation. But she didn't do anything wrong. In fact, I think she's actually done some good. I saw a video of her like, she's like, "Hey, I only got 15 minutes. I'm gonna use it for good." - She does a lot for dogs, animals and things like that. That Met's first pitch was to raise money for a shelter or something. So yeah, that's good. - Well, not a lot of people take their 15 minutes and do good with it. - Yeah. - So I say good for her. And we're gonna get a little bit more of her yesterday. She had a big announcement. We'll play that for you right now about what Haley Welch, Hock to a girl, has coming down the pipeline. Y'all really thought I was done? - I'm just getting started, baby. I'm Haley Welch. A little while ago, my life took a complete left harness. Changed forever. And along the way, I realized that everybody's entitled to their own opinion. Well, now it's my time to talk. Check out my podcast every week, "Talk Toa." We're all sitting down with the coolest guests and have an actual conversation to look at. (clapping) - Talk Toa, talk Toa! - The "Talk Toa" podcast. - And you gotta give credit where credit is due. - You were very, you were very tickled by that. - It got me so good, I thought to myself, sometimes the answer is just right in front of you. What should I call my talk? Talking with Haley, no. - Oh, talk Toa! - Talk Toa. Talk Toa. Talk Toa. - Talk Toa. - Talk Toa. Brilliant. - Will she have guests? - She will, I mean, she said in the promo. - Yeah. - She said, and then she said actual conversation as opposed to catch phrases. - Or just silence. - On a podcast. - Gonna have actual conversations. Talk Toa. Now I won't listen to one single solitary second. - No, no, not even a little bit. - Oh, come on, come here's our next Tuesday. - Okay. - You can give that a listen. - No, I'm not gonna listen to it, but I support her and I'm proud of her. - I'm sure there will be plenty of clips going on. - Oh, yeah, yeah, we'll play some, but I'm not gonna listen. - I'm not actually not gonna go listen to it, I promise you. - All right, and then finally, this is just more of a little bit of a conversation starter here. We were talking, we've done this in the past, but we were talking earlier, I don't remember who's on the air off the air, about fantasy football. We had our fantasy football draft yesterday. - We did. - Everyone's feeling good about their teams, but somebody has to lose. We were talking about the worst punishments for the fantasy football loser. - This is a relatively, I think, it's a relatively new phenomenon. - I think so. - When I was growing back in the '60s and '70s, when we played fantasy football, you just paid your money and if you lost, you suffered the indignity of losing the game, right? - But there's a purpose to it. - It's to keep players from just phoning it in at the end of the season when they know they're not making the playoffs, but they're playing, you don't want, oh, I've got my big game, but the other guy's playing the last place team, he doesn't even set his lineup. He doesn't care anymore. - Isn't that cost to do in business though? Honestly, that guy paid his 100 bucks. He is entitled to run his team any way he chooses. - But it affects the outcome of a league at the end. - That's the, I mean, again, cost to do in business. I totally understand it. I'm not the guy that doesn't set his lineup. - You played them early in the year and he was still caring and he said he's lying when he beat you and then he plays the other team that you're tied with at the end of the season. He doesn't even put in a quarterback because he doesn't care. - I know, it's a bummer. - It's a bummer, certainly. - That's why you have the punishment at the end. - The punishment is... - To keep them at least setting a line, have to try to win as many games as possible. - I mean, he already lost 100, 200 bucks. - So I know we talked about the one who was like. - Yeah, we can't get that back. But you can stop yourself from the punishment by trying until the end of the season possible. - Yeah. - We talked about the one at the Waffle House. - Yeah, what was that? - You just had to stay there for like 24 straight hours at a Waffle House. There was a one at McDonald's or a fast food restaurant where like every cheeseburger you ate, like every food item had minutes deducted. So you had to be there for like 12 hours. And if you had a chicken sandwich, just take off 15 minutes or something like that. - Our beloved Welsh fryer here has one that they do over in Wales, right? You were telling me about a fantasy football punishment with the orange shirts. Tell everybody about that one. - Yeah, so there's an organization in the UK called Just Stop Oil. - Just Stop Oil. - And they wear these orange t-shirts with their logo on it and they do really harsh things to obviously campaign block roads. They pour paint onto like fields of sports events. One's is you've got to wear a Just Stop Oil t-shirt and go into airport sporting events. You get stopped by every security guard there is. You know, you know. - 'Cause now I think you're there to disrupt normal life. - If you've really, you've just lost your football league and you have to wear it to sporting events. - Yeah. - You're staring at you like waiting for you to make some sort of move. - People get kicked out of places. - For just wearing it. - For just wearing it. I've seen one where some guy went on the plane and the pilot pulled him over and said, "You've got to take it off otherwise. "I'm not flying the plane with you." - Oh my God. - It's crazy. - A whole It Just Stop Oil. It's a pretty good punishment. - So I googled some other classics and there was like a Reddit thread. I need the worst one for my life. - Yeah. - So I got a few here. The loser has to sit outside of a stadium during game day and play an instrument and they can't leave until they raise a certain amount of money. - Just like the violin case open and you're just there until people throw enough money in it. Loser has to go to open mic, comedy night, prepare a set while the rest of the league members sit in the audience and heckle the hell out of them. - That's an amazing one. Amazing. We didn't have any of these punishments in our media league. Nobody even really chatted in the chat. - Everyone just drafted and nobody really wanted to talk to each other. - Woods, if you lose, your punishment is you have to do the league in next year. (laughing) - You gotta do a photo shoot for a calendar, 12 photos, give, you can have fun with that one. - This one sounds awful. Make the loser, dress up in a suit and tie and go take the SATs. Like show up to a high school cafeteria as a 40 year old man or whatever and take the SATs. - That seems horrible. That's just a long day. - I mean, that's only three hours compared to like 12 hours in a McDonald's but somehow the 12 hours in a McDonald's seems better than three hours taking an SAT again. - You know ours. I mean, we have one that's standing. No one is man enough to take it on this show. - I know. - Right. I mean, it's the worst punishment for me and for us, I think that you could do. And it's go to a Padre's baseball game in jeans, tennis shoes, and a spandex shirt. - Oh my God. - And I mean spandex, you're under armor type shirt, not loose fit, the one you wear under your jersey to keep things tucked in and tight. We all wear 'em compression, if you will, wear that as your outer wear. And a Padre's hat and you walk around, you go get a hot dog, a beer, and you walk around and listen, here's the worst part. I see a dozen of those guys a game. - By choice. - By choice, they're like when they leave their house they're like, "Hell yeah, throw this on." Yeah, it's skin-tied, I can barely breathe, but I'm wearing this to the game. You see every fold, you see every nook, you see every cranny, and you go, "Why, man, you could throw a T-shirt on." Yeah, yeah, well they put a T-shirt on. That punishment for me is literally the way, to the fear of like, and everyone knows so you're sitting there in your tight spandex and when you sit down your belly, I mean, it's just accentuated, it's no good. - I saw one, the loser has to get their haircut by the winner. - Oh, that's a nightmare. - That's awful. - That's awful. - That's like, that's like bully. - I don't know that I feel good if I was the winner, I'm like, all right, I'll just give you a little trim here. I'm not gonna like, give you a buzz. - Prior cut. - Fryer cut. - The fryer cut. - I bet things don't realize that the round table is actually a fantasy football punishment. - It actually has. - We lost. - We lost. - We have to do an extra one. - An hour on the air, it's a single week. Commercial free, it's our fantasy football punishment. - After a four hour show, it's exactly right. - That's exactly right. - We'll be back tomorrow for the round table. - We will be. - Our fantasy football punishment continues. - Yes. - With another week of round table tomorrow, first a four hour show, talk about tonight's game. Whilst fire, thanks for coming in. Enjoy your batting practice. Annie and Elston are coming up next for Paul Reindel. Stephen Woods, I'm Ben Higgins. Have a great rest of your Wednesday from all of us here at San Diego's number one sports station, 97.3 the fans. How long everybody? - My dad works in B2B marketing. He came by my school for career day and said he was a big row as man. Then he told everyone how much he loved calculating his return on ad spend. My friends still laughing at me to this day. - Not everyone gets B2B. But with LinkedIn, you'll be able to reach people who do. Get a $100 credit on your next ad campaign. Go to to claim your credit. 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